that-foul-legacy-lover · 3 years ago
S i n c e the requests are open and you asked us to send in asks,,,
What about an afab! (Or gn, both work <3) reader that is tall yk- like nearly as tall as tartaglia regularly is. Like the reader is just looking out from the window and watching how the couples scoop each other up and twirl each other around and the reader scoffs bc ew-
Even though they actually want that to happen to em and just to be carried around for fun, but they just never have been because they are pretty tall???????
And mothman is like
"oh so they want me to pick em up huh-"
Bdkdnsldnsk feel free to ignore this im so messy today
y'see i'm the opposite of this because i'm short af BUT i can relate with having insecurities so i tried my best (and might've taken a few liberties but shshshhhh it's fiiiinneeee) You're Tall HCs: Warnings for intrusive thoughts and being picked up ~ * ~ -There were ups and downs to being tall -For starters you could see over almost everyone’s heads and never had to jump to reach anything on the highest shelf -But you also had to duck for shorter doorways and slouch to look less intimidating -Oh and you’ll very rarely have someone to lean on -Literally -You sigh as you gaze out the window, watching someone twirl their significant other around in a cheerful whirl -You scoff, like you always did at such blatant PDA -Disgusting, you hoped that type of thing never happened to you -Yeah keep telling yourself that buddy -To be honest, you knew that deep down you wanted someone to do the same for you- to pick you up and spin you around like you’re the only thing they ever want to see again -But due to your tall stature no one really COULD pick you up so easily -You quickly became known as the friend OTHER people could lean on -Of course you did occasionally try to open up a little, but no one paid attention -So eventually, you stopped trying -You didn’t really mind taking care of other people but man it was tiring to never be the one held JUST because of your height -You shook yourself out of your thoughts and decided that was enough window-watching for one day -As you make your way back to your desk a certain mothy monster couldn’t help but notice your gloomy mood -He was always fretting over how you felt which had led to him sometimes overreacting a bit in the past -But right now he was ABSOLUTELY sure you were sad- your furrowed brows and frown were quite prominent- yes, he was certain you needed cheering up or comfort! He’d decide on the way -So he did what he did best and snuck over to you, gently giving one of your arms a small poke -When you looked up at him he tilted his head and let out a curious, concerned chirp -You put on a happy face and wave your hand to say it’s nothing, but Childe is quite persistent -Finally you admit (some of) your nagging thoughts- as best you can anyways, words seem to be escaping you -Childe listens, a plan formulating in his mind. You want to be held? But no one can because you’re too tall? Well… -You’ve barely finished spilling years of intrusive thoughts when Childe SCOOPS you up into the air!! -You gasp in surprise and quickly grab onto him to keep your balance -And when you look at him he looks extremely proud of himself and maybe a little smug -Oh right. No matter how tall you might be, Childe’s ALWAYS gonna be taller -While you contemplate the turning of the tables, he purrs in success and adjusts his grip -Soon you’re sitting comfortably in his arms and when he’s sure you’re secure he spins you around joyfully -The speed makes you dizzy in a wonderful way and you laugh as Childe chitters his own version of a laugh with you -Eventually he stops and tilts his head again, this time as a question -And you respond with the biggest hug you can give him while his wings flutter with happiness -Knowing that someone can lift you both in strength and mood has taken a weight off your shoulders -Needless to say the “lift-and-twirl” method has become a favorite of Childe’s when he greets your returns
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