#that's one way to introduce your daughter to your soulmate
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Logan doesn't have to say anything to Laura. She's intelligent enough to realise that she's going to have two dads to love and protect her from now on. The smile on her face says everything about how she feels about her new family.
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lqveharrington · 5 months
If Only | L.M.
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summary: You and Lucifer were bond through the soulmate system, but how could you be soulmates when he had Lilith?
pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x fallen seraphim!reader
includes: kinda soulmate au? fluff, angst, mentions of death, lucifer feeling like a bad parent (that’s pretty much it, let me know if i missed any!)
a/n: i wrote this at night the other day. toward the very end i was very proud of what i wrote 😭🙏 time for my requests i’ve gotten !!!
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Ever since Lilith left Lucifer seven years ago, he never expected to meet another who made his heart soar. He fell into a deep state of depression and only started to get out more when Charlie invited him to stay at the hotel after the latest extermination. He got his own royal suite and joined in on Charlie’s lessons, but it still wasn’t enough to keep up with his daughter’s upbeat attitude every day.
It wasn’t enough to help pull him out of his depression until you came along to the hotel.
The moment you stepped into the hotel and greeted Charlie with the same enthusiasm made him smile. It was just another plus that you were a fallen angel, more so a fallen seraphim. And he swore that when you first met his gaze for that split second your eyes glowed pink as he felt his eyes do the same. He thought that would never happen again, but here he stood with an adoring face while you spoke to his daughter like you’ve known her since she was a child.
Soon enough, you and Lucifer were introduced to one another properly, the pink glow in both your eyes returning.
“It’s nice to meet the head man himself.” You grin as he kisses the back of your hand. “And such a gentleman as well.”
“What can I say? I’m quite the ladies' man.” He winked as he saw you burn bright.
As months passed since your first official interaction, you and Lucifer grew closer, bonding on your similar and different experiences. Whether you bonded over one of Charlie’s redemption activities or relaxed in his suite, you both found contentment in each other, letting each other enjoy the company.
“You know, I’m not going to relax when you keep tugging my book away.” You grab his wrist as he reaches for the book for the nth time in thirty minutes. “I’m going to leave your room.”
“Please don’t.” He tugged you closer to his side, head resting on your shoulder. “I don’t want to move from this spot again.”
You tilt your head toward him, eyes glowing a faint pink. “Then let me read.” You let a small smile slip through when he grumbled an incoherent sentence.
Lucifer’s eyes softened when you returned to read your book, watching your eyes scan the words in front of you. His mind and heart racing a million miles per hour whenever you were around. He couldn’t decide what was right. Was his heart telling him to move on? Or was it just aching to be affectionate with another?
The signs were pointing in different ways, but surely the answer was right in front of him. He just had to understand what it was before the magic between you two would fully disappear.
“Staring is highly distracting, Luce.” Your eyes flit up to meet him again. “I can’t focus.”
“You must really like me then.” He gave you a cocky grin
You roll your eyes, shutting the book. “You’ve ruined the book for me. I’m never going to finish that book now.”
“That book wasn’t good anyways.” He brought the comforter up and over the both of you. He locked his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his front. You felt yourself loosen up by his touch, letting out a small breath of exhaustion. “I’m spent after all the bonding activities today, beautiful. I think we can skip our kitchen run tonight and just go to bed.”
“Were you really waiting for me to finish reading so we could sleep?” You murmur as you feel him nod. You let out a small laugh, “Wow, I would have never stooped so low.”
Lucifer shushed you, “I’m sleeping, good night.”
A soft smile takes over your burning face, turning in his arms to face him. “Good night, Luce.”
He didn’t say anything else but quietly played with your hair, listening to your steady breathing as sleep consumed you. Lucifer always made sure you fell asleep first, wanting you to get a good night's sleep before he did. Yet, he didn’t exactly know when you both went from friends to whatever this was, but he wasn’t complaining if he got to see you sleep in his arms every once in a while.
And it wasn’t like Lucifer was the only one to notice your unusual relationship with one another. You noticed it as well. From the soft touches to the sleepovers at his suite, you knew it was more than just a simple friendship. But what could you do when he still wore his wedding ring?
“What’s happening?” You lay your legs across Lucifer’s lap, taking a glance at the news channel cast upon his suite’s television.
Lucifer rubbed your calf, golden ring a cold contrast to his warm fingers. “They’re interviewing Charlie for her hotel. They know how the extermination happened this year, so I’m hoping the questions are more targeted toward how her hotel will work than how it was fighting angels.”
You frown at the feel of his ring, even more so when he mentions the death of angels. “What happened the last time they interviewed her?”
He scoffed, “They were so rude to her. I mean, I understand we’re in Hell, but she’s their fucking princess. They only brought down her ideas, not asking enough about how she intends to accomplish redemption. I wish I could have done something back then, you know? Show them why I’m the King of Hell.”
You reach across to link a hand with his, giving him a small smile when he meets your glowing pink eyes that match his pair. “Luce, you’re a wonderful parent. I know you want to protect your daughter, but it’s in the past. She knows you love her and look at you two now! You’re supporting her dreams and whatever lies in store for them.”
“Thank you…” He felt the golden ring become heavy on his finger, an uncomfortable weight that was never there appearing. “You’re not half bad of a parent yourself.”
“What?” You let out a confused laugh, thumbing his hand. “I’m not anyone’s parent.”
“Yeah, but—“ He gestured toward the television where they switched the camera toward Charlie before switching to a quick commercial break. “—You've been more of a mother to Charlie than her biological mother in one year. The second you stepped into this hotel, she lit up around you.” His downturned smile grew bigger when you tilted your head. “Charlie may be a very trusting person, but she knows when someone is going to support her with anything she accomplishes. You were one of those people.”
You feel yourself warm at the small confrontation, “I’m sure she thinks of me as any other resident at the hotel, Luce. Don’t boost my ego, you have enough for the both of us.”
“Hey now.” He squeezed your leg. “I’m being nice, and you’re just hurling insults at my face.”
“Me? Never.”
He continued to rub a small pattern, thoughts running back and forth before turning back to you. “I’m serious though. She really loves you… Almost as much as I do.”
Your eyes widened, meeting his eyes that were now glowing a much brighter pink than usual. “You… I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I admire you a lot, beautiful.” He confessed, confidence boosting his voice. “Ever since I laid my eyes on you, and not just because of your looks. You handled Charlie better than I did in the last seven years, and I couldn’t ask for a better person to let her be herself when I’m not around.”
Your eyes glowed brighter at his words, squeezing his hand. “Lucifer, I admire you as much as you love Charlie, but it’s a matter of soulmates versus those of the past.” You gesture toward his ring, pursing your lips at the sight. “Are you sure you’re truly ready to move on? From the entire time I’ve known you, you’ve never taken that ring off.”
“I’m sure.” He let his hand holding yours drift up to cradle your cheek, snapping his finger to get rid of the ring and away in his back drawer. “She’s left me for almost a whole decade, I think I have the permission to move on.”
You melt into his hand, pressing a soft kiss to his palm. “If it’s what you really want, Luce.”
“It is.” He left a small kiss at your temple. “Because I know you’ll still be with me when all of Hell falls apart and all my magic is gone.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You lean back on the couch, letting your head rest on his shoulder. “Will you officially be mine, Lucifer Morningstar?”
“Always, beautiful.” He kept your hands linked as he pressed a promise kiss to your ring finger. “Always.”
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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thewriterwithnoplan · 8 months
Summary: Humans once had four legs, four arms, two heads, and two hearts. For humanity's hubris, Zeus struck them in two. You and Luke Castellan are determined to find your way back to each other, but before that can happen, there are things the two of you need to do.
[Part 2 to The Hero's Soulmate]
Soulmate AU: You meet the future version of your soulmate.
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Word Count: 7378
Warnings: Canon typical warnings, swearing, I use the spelling 'mom' because the series is American but I - and I cannot stress this enough - am not American, she a long one.
A/N: I've loved reading your comments, thank you so much for all the support in part one. I hope you enjoy, because we all deserve a little Luke Castellan every now and then!
Amphitrite had been gifted a premonition and the world was all the worse for it. The dream had come from Apollo or perhaps the Oneiroi or whatever great heart pumped blood and Gods and monsters out into the world.
It did not matter to the Goddess from whom the vision came, for in this dream Amphitrite had watched her husband fall in love and sire a child to a mortal paramour. A precious boy that Poseidon might even one day love, with a taste for the colour blue and a heroism that would grow to rival his namesake. And for the Queen of the Seas, that simply would not do.
It would not be the child’s nor his mortal mother’s fault – she was not Hera after all – and so she would have to punish her husband for the blame would be his. But how was one to punish a King among Gods before his crime even came to be? Why to beat him at his own game, of course.
So, Amphitrite set out to sire her own demigod with the mortal man her husband would hate most. A devout catholic.
Amphitrite stayed with her mortal lover and their half-blood daughter until the girl was all but five.  Far longer than the greater Gods were wont to spend with their offspring. But what a precious babe she had bourn and what a traitorous husband she had back home.
But fate and prophecies and soulmates were such funny things. Inciting chaos. Inviting paradox. Introducing dangers untold.
It took Amphitrite all those years – though seemingly short in her immortality – to realise her fatal error. She had been the one to leave Poseidon. She had been the one to sire a child. She had been the one to drive her husband to the surface and his mortal. And so, the blame was hers to shoulder.
Amphitrite decided that she would be a self-fulfilling prophecy no longer. It was time to venture back below the surface.
In a last fit of guilt, she bestowed her first and final act of mercy unto her mortal lover. She told him everything.
When finally, she had gone back to the sea to reconcile with her husband, the catholic man took his turn to bestow his first and final act of mercy unto his young demigod child.
Against all the teachings of his faith. He abandoned his young daughter at Half-Blood Hill. And let the devil-spawn keep her life.
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The Spirit of the Hudson River never did learn to like you. You with your greedy hands, snatching debris from its murky waters. You and your strange sea creature friends who would not dare brave such pollution were it not for your presence. Your pile of war spoils tossed aside like children’s toys. Your strange little bubble of air on the sandy floor of the river, where you stowed your treasures and slept bracketed by water. Were it not for the pollution that slopped against the edge of the river as if it were trying to escape you, the Hudson River Spirit might have chased you and your sea friends and your collection of trinkets out of his waters. But as it were, you made a strangely amicable tenant for a demigod. So, as long as you paid your dues the spirit let you keep your little underwater oasis.
For your first years living there, you made your way in New York City by selling lost things dredged from your river home. Bikes and old weaponry and tarnished jewellery and buckets of coins from across the world. You were careful and you coveted your few precious belongings, but with the rivers bounty, you rarely went hungry.
By the time you were fourteen, you found you could venture further into the city without as many questions. You had met an odd assortment of people whilst selling the lost and unloved things of the river; all who knew someone, who knew someone, who needed another set of hands and so you offered yours. You babysat and cleaned, worked in delis and sandwich shops, helped old women with their groceries and young families mend their clothes. A retired teacher gifted you packets of schoolwork and with little else to fill your hours under the river you took to learning. Your numbers came easier than letters and reading always gave you a hard time but the activities she gave you each time you tended to her balcony garden gave you something to do when the sounds of the city kept you up at night.
All the while you followed Percy Jackson from the recesses of the Hudson. Shuffling your little bubble and its blessedly dry treasures up and then back down the river as he was bounced listlessly from school to school. Watching over him as the mythosphere tried desperately to barge into his little mortal life. Feral harpies that tried to snatch him into the air, great snakes that tried to sneak through air vents and all manner of underworld-born sea creatures that sought to pull him below. You had wrestled and dismembered and slayed them all. Adding their feathers and scales and great weapons to your dragons-hoard.
You were sixteen when you finally knocked on Sally Jackson’s door to introduce yourself. You had spent weeks working yourself up to it, planning your outfit and then fussing over each piece. All your clothes had been gifts and were often a size too big or printed with some generic tagline like Spread peace not hate!; or made entirely from yarn that the old woman whose meals you prepped at the start of each week had gifted you after she had taught you how to crochet; or like the dress you wore now, were sown together from thrifted fabric scraps and embellished with pretty shells and baroque pearls. You had planned the time you would arrive down to the minute so that her oppressive husband would be out, but the hour would not be so late as to make an unexpected visit threatening. You had planned to keep Percy safe while you were away from him by entrusting your friends Clarence the Crab and Emily the Squid to supervise him for the evening.
What you had not planned for was the possibility that Sally Jackson would be the most lovely woman you had ever met. You had been struck dumb by it the moment she opened her door and greeted you with a kind smile. Couldn’t your mother have chosen a mortal as gentle as she to be your parent? Alas, the Gods had never done a thing for you.
“Can I help you, lovely?”
You tried not to burst into tears as you asked, “Mrs. Jackson?”
“Are you alright?” She opened the door wider, leant out and scanned the corridor behind you. “Is there something you need?”
“No ma’am. I’m here about your son, Percy. His father sent me.” A good ambiguous statement that would pique her curiosity but let on nothing about the Gods. Allowing you to spin your tale – that you were Percy’s long-lost step-sister, come to reconnect. 
“Poseidon?” Alas, the Gods had truly never done a thing for you. “Is something wrong? Is Percy, okay?”
“He’s fine Mrs. Jackson, I’ve been keeping him safe.” 
She scanned the hall behind you once more, “You best come in.”
Over a cup of tea, you told Sally Jackson everything.
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You liked your home under the river. For lack of a better term, it allowed you to remain liquid. You could follow Percy wherever trouble took him. You could stay up until the city grew quiet for that brief moment before dawn. You could train with the Hudson River Spirit, even if he only entertained you because he enjoyed winning.
You liked your bed made out of stacked wood pallets and a mountain of blankets. You liked your wooden chest of draws stuffed full of trinkets and weapons and the precious few items you owned. You liked this place that you had carved out with your own two hands.
But you also liked your home in the Jackson household. Where there was always music playing. Where it was always warm and dry. Where there would always be some blue-ified food in the oven or blue candy in the mason jars by the sink.
It became your job in the summers to babysit Percy, to keep him away from Gabe and from danger while entertaining his endless need for motion. You took him to art galleries (which he hated) and aquariums (which he loved), to craft fairs (which he tolerated because he liked the things you made) and swimming pools (which he only liked when he won your swimming races).
“What even is a soulmate?” Percy had asked you one day at the park.
“The person with the other half of your soul,” You scrunched your nose up, “Or well, that's what people say.”
“You’re saying I’ve been walking around with half a soul?”
“I didn’t say I believed them,” You rattled your water bottle in front of his face until he took it. “Stay hydrated.”
He frowned at you, “You don’t believe in soulmates?”
“Of course I do, but it's a little more complicated than that, kid.” You took the water bottle back and played with the cap for a moment while you thought. “Think of it like this. You can have two different puzzles that are cut the same way, right? So all the pieces from one will fit with all the pieces from the other. But that doesn’t mean they belong together, the picture doesn’t come out quite right because even though the pieces fit, they don’t necessarily belong to the same puzzle. Maybe that’s what it was like for your mom, like she couldn’t find the pieces that made up her picture and so she went with the ones that fit at the time.”
“You don’t think my mom and dad were soulmates?”
“I never met your father.”
“But he’s your dad too.”
“He’s my mom’s husband. Maybe my mom and dad are soulmates.” Percy didn’t seem to like that answer.  “Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe your mom and my mom each have pieces that fit into your dad's puzzle but neither match his picture, or both. Maybe his picture is a year with your mom and a lifetime with mine and having you. Maybe he needs to collect all those little pieces at the right time when they’re the right shape or he’ll end up with a completely different picture at the end.”
“I kind of understand.” But he gave you a look that said he probably didn’t. “What picture are you making?”
You hid your smile behind the lip of your water bottle, “My soulmates about yay-high, pretty as a magazine cover with dimples and all. I’m collecting my puzzle pieces with you and your mom and this city so that I’ll have half of his picture.”
“If you know who he is, why don’t you just go find him now?”
“Still looking for some pieces, I guess.” You kicked a rock with the toe of your boot. “Souls are fragile. If you go rushing in and trying to jam the pieces in when they’re not shaped right just yet you could damage them.”
“What happens if you do that?”
“It’s probably harder to find each other in the next life. You’ll chip pieces away and your souls won’t fit right.” You shoved your hands into the pockets of your cardigan and pulled out a sandwich, you gave Percy the bigger half.
“Who taught you all this?”
“My mom used to tell me and well, I've thought about it a lot.” You tugged Percy by the back of his shirt so he didn't go stomping through a puddle, he glared. “But anyway, some people think it’s just fate. That you find your soulmate no matter what and it’s a perfect fit either way.”
“It would be easier that way.”
“Sometimes that’s just not how the story goes, kid.”
Percy thought that was the most important thing anyone had ever taught him, but he figured some of the other stuff you taught him came in handy too. You taught him the tricks you learned to work around your dyslexia. You taught him to skip stones and to not throw rocks at seagulls. You taught him to flip off the Empire State Building but only when his mom wasn’t around. You taught him to knit and do a cartwheel and make a good cup of tea to take his mother in the morning. You taught him to chew with his mouth shut and to sword fight with wrapping paper rolls. You taught him to braid hair and throw a punch and say all the swears in Ancient Greek.
And then one day, a Satyr came for Percy Jackson, and there was nothing left for you to teach. 
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You wrote Sally a brief letter of warning, picked your way through seven years’ worth of belongings and collapsed your life into a backpack. You said goodbye to Clarence and Emily with a brief promise to visit, pushed a final wave of pollution from the waters and thanked the Hudson River Spirit for his hospitality. He gifted you sixteen perfect round pearls and insisted that he never wanted to see you again. You spent the bus ride to Long Island threading them into a necklace made of fishing wire, tying off each pearl with your teeth. 
It was a tentative tradition between demigod soulmates to exchange gifts upon their first meeting. So few and far between were the possessions of a half-blood that even the smallest bauble would likely mean the world. The practice had died out some over the centuries as the Gods received fewer offerings from mortals and turned to their children for sacrifices. Gift-giving to your soulmate as a demigod became all but synonymous with spitting at the feet of the divine and loudly proclaiming you would make offerings to your soulmate instead. A pearl necklace would be an excellent final addition to the collection of small gifts you had assembled over the years. Let the Gods weep at your feet and beg for scraps if they needed them so much, you would ignore them just as they had ignored you. 
You arrived at Camp far sooner than you might have liked, a few hours past mid-day when hopefully the rest of your ilk would be occupied with meaneal chores and activities. You considered waiting at the crest of the hill for someone to notice you only to find a pine tree planted firmly at its peak where you might have stood. Instead, you make the alarmingly easy trek down to the Big House.
“Chiron!” He had always been your favourite of the two men, currently sat on the porch drinking juice and playing cards. 
“Yes, my girl?” He barely spared you a glance as he shuffled his cards between his weathered hands. He stilled for a moment and then tossed his head back in the way a horse might toss its mane. “My dear!” 
You raised a hand, halfway between a salute and a wave, “Nice to know I haven’t been totally forgotten.”
“Au contraire.” Mr. D stuck his nose up at you. “Which one are you again?” 
“The little one that went missing some seven years ago,” Chiron stood as you climbed the stairs onto the porch. “How are you, my dear? Where have you been?”
“Shouldn’t you be at Yancy Academy?”
Mr. D’s eyes turned sharp in the way that had once made your friends whisper that some days, he was more maniac than man , “And how do you know about that little girl?”
“Percy Jackson is at Yancy,” You smiled at him, all teeth, “How did you think he survived long enough for your baby satyr to find him?” 
“You have been protecting young demi-gods?” Chiron asked wearily. 
“Percy Jackson is a full-time job, I’m afraid,” You tugged at the strap of your backpack, praying you could keep control of the conversation. You had a lot of time under the river to think and this was one of many things you had spent countless hours mulling over. Weighing and considering what story you would tell them – to tell the truth of both your parentage and put Percy in harm's way or to lie and balance your life on its sharp edge. “I found him in Manhattan, he was like a magnet for mythological activity. By the time I’d had enough of rebelling and wanted to come back to camp, I was protecting him from attacks every other week. He wouldn’t have lasted a month. I came back as soon as I could.” 
No matter how many times you played it out in your head, the lies won every time. 
“Kids.” Mr. D threw back the last of his juice.
“Perhaps you should settle back into the Hermes Cabin, dear.” Chiron smiled down at you, the corners of his eyes pinched, “You’ve given myself and Mr. D much to talk about. We’ll settle the issue of your paperwork tomorrow.”
“Of course.” You rustled through your bag, digging up a palm sized statuette that you set onto the table. “Before I forget, I brought you a gift Mr. D.”
“A toy,” He snatched it up. “Oh joy.”
“It’s you, as the mortals’ see you. It’s from the gift shop at the Met.”
“How kind of you, my dear.” Chiron softened, and you watched as even Mr. D’s temper seemed to ease, his hands gentle around the gift as he admired it. 
An unseeing piece of plastic for the God who served as no more than a silent observer over the affairs of the camp. Let him choke on his ego, you thought as you left the pair to their discussion. 
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Cabin 11 was blessedly empty when you entered, but your old bunk was not. A pile of clothes was thrown haphazardly across the bedspread. You snatched a sleeping bag and a lumpy pillow from the storage closet and threw them down with your bag. If you could not have the bunk that had been yours at twelve, you would claim the corner that had been yours at five. As you shook out the sleeping bag and pulled out your belongings, you tried not to think of your bed of blankets under the river or Sally Jackson’s couch. 
Instead you turned your mind to the Big House and the conversation that was no doubt happening within. 
You had constructed a perfect image, if you did say so yourself. Grown in ways Mr. D could not have predicted but Chiron would insist he had foreseen. Still a rebellious young woman in the mortal sense, with your scuffed leather boots and ripped jeans. But the parts that had screamed ‘insubordination’ to the Gods were neatly tucked away. Your twin knives strapped to your forearms under the billowing sleeves of your crocheted top, your vicious tongue caged behind a sweet grin, your once sharp stare softened at the edges.
Once you had fashioned yourself so that the Gods could not paint you as a hero, now you fashioned yourself so that they might forget you were an enemy. 
Let Chiron think you were a misunderstood wayward girl scout come home from her self-imposed quest. Let Mr. D think you were a stupid girl who had seen the world beyond the Gods’ protection and finally accepted that you needed them. Let them all think wrong. You had left to protect your brother and returned for one reason only. 
“You’re here.” 
You turned, and there he was, “Luke Castellan.” 
He opened his mouth and then closed it, limbs jerking slightly as if he wasn’t sure whether to move toward you or stay put. He was almost certain you could hear the way his pulse was racing, his heartbeat clanging wildly in his chest as he searched desperately for a suave reply, but everything else seemed lack lustre when you said his name like that.
Your face twisted into something like anger and for a moment he thought he’d messed it all up before your lips curled and you practically spat, “I do like your scar.”
And then he was laughing at you, wild and bewildered and not the least bit contained. Before long you were laughing too, neither of you quite sure what was funny, just so wholly relieved as your chests were flooded with wonder and warmth.
It felt like fireworks and popping candy. Just as he had promised all those years ago. You resisted the urge to throw up on his Converse. 
You might have been crying and he might been too but you weren’t exactly sure because one moment you were both laughing at nothing and the next he was on the floor with you. He held you like he had never held a single thing in his life, like he was lost at sea and you were the only solid thing for miles. He tucked your head under his chin and sucked in great forced breaths that you could feel beneath your cheek. Because he was warm and there and real. And that meant the last seven years, the better part of your life, hadn’t been for nothing. 
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 You and Luke make your way to dinner side by side. You had spent the afternoon rambling about your lives, about your meetings with your future selves, about your home under the river, about his responsibilities as a camp counsellor and yours as your brother’s keeper. He told you about Annabeth and Thalia and the rest of his siblings, you told him about your parents and Sally Jackson and your sea friends. You gave him his necklace which he lets you fix in place at the base of his throat – you do not spend a moment too long running your hand up the back of his neck and through his curls. 
He had been almost bashful when he gifted you a watch that matched his, inlaid with twin fragments of mother of pearl taken from the same shell – kind of like your soul had been, he had said. You swear you’ve never owned anything as precious. You let him strap it to your wrist as he tells you about spending a summer diving for it in the lake. And then softly, tentatively, he tells you about his quest.
Luke could have cried from the way you were looking at him alone, so very gently, like you could cradle him with your gaze alone. At a loss for words, you simply whispered, “I am so proud of you.”
His grip is iron-clad and you tell your next story with your face pressed into the side of his neck, pretending you can’t feel him shaking softly. 
When you make your way to dinner you’re both glowing with the soft exhaustion of emotion. You all but lean against one another as you collect your goblets and fill your plates.
The other campers steer clear of you, content to leave Luke to chauffeuring the new kid around. You count yourself lucky, it was only a matter of time until one of the older campers recognised you.
You were almost to the end of the Hermes table – that perfect spot at the end where you might just have a chance of holding a private conversation after dinner – when Chiron interrupted you. 
“Mr. Castellan, I see you’ve acquainted yourself with our newly returned camper.”
“That’s my job, sir.” You tried not to stare at the crooked smile he flashed the centaur. 
“Perhaps you ought to show her how to make an offering,” Chiron says pointedly, “She’s been away for a long time, and it’s your responsibility to treat her as you would any other incoming Camper.”
Luke turned to you, his boyish grin still charming but the mirth leaking out of his eyes, “Of course. Do you remember how it’s done?” 
“I do. Just not a lot of food to be spared in the mortal world.” 
You squinted, the corners of your mouth pulled up in what Chiron would likely mistake for sheepishness. But Luke could see it in your eyes. How your anger had made you pointy in all the places someone your age ought to be soft. He wondered how all the jagged edges of you would feel against all the jagged edges of him. He thought maybe if the two of you were careful, you could make something smooth as sea glass and twice as pretty, together.
You dump a clump of mashed potatoes into the fire with an unconcerned flick of your fork. Luke lops part of his own meal on top of yours, you glare enviously at the reasonable portion he had left on his plate. You hoped the food would burn at the bottom of the braiser. 
“Sorry, sir.” You mocked Luke. He stuck his tongue at you once Chiron had turned his back. 
You hurried to snag the seat at the end of his table, sliding into place across from each other. You flounder for a moment, wondering whether to draw your legs as far under your seat as they will go or bask in the gentle brush of his knee against his leg. You settle for the latter and try not to evaporate under his gaze, as he stares at you even as you start eating.
Luke realised he’d spent too long staring when you all but groaned, “Don’t tell me I have to sacrifice my dinner to you too.” 
He flashed you a grin, then tried to say as nonchalantly as possible,“Is that why you left? So you could enjoy a proper meal every once and a while?”
You stared at him for a long while, “You, future you, told me to leave, to find my brother.”
“Why would I do that? If you had stayed at Camp–”
“That’s almost exactly what I said to you.” You pushed your food around as you stared at a point just beyond his head, he thought for a moment that he could see the neurons firing behind your eyes, like a hundred tiny zaps of lightning, “But I’ve had plenty of time to think about it. And I think you were right to send me away.”
“I don’t think I’ll be hearing that very often.” He dodged the pea you fling at him with a grin. 
“I think maybe if I don’t leave, I won’t become this me or do the things I’ve done and maybe that’s important for us or our future or some past you rewrote by telling me to leave.”
“Seems overly complicated.” 
“I think it’s supposed to be complicated,” You couldn’t help but admire the quiet skill with which he wielded his cutlery, “If it were easy, we would find each other in every universe.”
He paused, knife aloft, “You don’t want to find each other in every universe?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want.” You speared a leaf of spinach onto your fork to hide your scowl behind as you said, “The Gods have made it this way to keep us separated.”
“We’re together now.” 
“Which means they lost.”
Luke watched you for a drawn out heartbeat, then leaned over to transfer the perfect squares of meat he’d been cutting onto your plate. 
You took a long moment to chew before you said, “So, your plan to send me after Percy worked.”
“I thought it was your plan.”
“I forgot to ask you whose plan it was.”
“I say it’s your plan.” He took a long pull from his goblet that left his lips tinted red. 
“It doesn’t matter what you think.” You passed him a napkin before he could ask, “It’s what you will think.”
“Sure, Precious.” He smothers a laugh into the napkin at the way you scrunch your nose at him, “You know, because you're so protective of your food. Like Gollum with the ring.”
“That’s the stupidest explanation for a pet name I’ve ever heard.” But you’re damn near head down on the table as you laughed. “I definitely got the smarter half of our soul.”
“Then it was definitely your plan.”
You’ve still got a hand pressed to your face to conceal your smile when you say, “What about when I meet you? Any words of wisdom?”
“Try not to fall for me. I can tell you’re pretty charmed but it’s really not appropriate. I’m seventeen, and you’re what? Twenty-four?” 
You launched your bread roll at him. You’re twice as incensed when he catches it whilst looking directly at you, “Asshole.”
“Smartass. See, two can play that game.”
Luke can’t help but think you’re just as pretty sneering as you are smiling, like no expression no matter how ugly could detract from your beauty. Maybe you’re like him, he scarcely dared to hope. Maybe you’re something better, another part of him whispered. The way you talk about the Gods and turn your nose up at them, and play their game only when it suits you. 
You weren’t vengeful in the way he was. You weren’t the spitting vicious thing the Camp had liked to pretend you were when you weren’t around to prove otherwise. You were worse and better and everything he needed. You were a storm on the horizon, a snake coiled tight. You were better than just angry. You were disillusioned. Not a product of juvenile resentment but true wrath born of awareness. Not the wild foaming-at-the-mouth kind that he had imagined when he had first heard your name. But the dark carefully contained kind he had seen in the face you would grow into.
This, Luke thought, you were the start of everything.
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It’s some weeks later when you stick your hands through the grating of the bunk above Luke as leverage to lean over him and croon, “Up and at ‘em, Pretty Boy.”
He pushed his face out of his pillow, curls sticking up at odd angles as he looked at you half-asleep, “What?”
“Remember? Training?”
“No,” He scrubbed sleep from his eyes, “What did you call me?”
“I don’t think that was it.” He propped his head up on a fist as he smiled at you sleepily. 
It was so disgustingly cute that you had to turn your back when you said, “Just meet me there.” 
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Luke’s freshly showered and holding an apple core when he deigns to join you in the forest. He tossed the apple at you and you caught it without thinking. You fake gag at him as you throw it further into the forest. 
You wiped your hands against his shoulder as you say, “I’m not sure if an apple core counts but that was dangerously close to an Ancient Greek proposal, Castellan.”
“I got hungry.” He shrugged. You squared off across the clearing, stretching as you warmed yourselves up for the ensuing sparring match. 
“You’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Is this you rejecting me?” He landed an open hand on his chest and staggered backward. “You wound me, Precious!”
“Was that you proposing? Because I’m,” You wiped your hand again for good measure, scrunching your nose up, “Disgusted.”
“You would be honoured if I had just proposed to you.” 
“You should be nicer to me.”
“And go easy on you just because you’re my soulmate? Unlikely.”
“Because, asshole, I’m the one who got you out of chores this morning, or have you forgotten already. You seemed rather grateful for your little sleep-in.”
He unsheathed his sword and twirled it round in his hand, “You’re a bad influence.” 
“Like you weren’t ready to worship the ground I walk on when I told Chiron you needed to get my training up to speed.” 
“Do you want me to tell you, you’re brilliant?” He pointed his sword toward you with that grin that made you want to hold him down just so you could admire it longer. “You’re brilliant.”
“You’re stalling.” You pull your knives out, one from your boot, the other from your belt. You miss your old clothes with their pretty sleeves and their personality, your camp shirt seems a poor trade in comparison. 
“Stalling? Me?” Luke scoffed. “Never!”
“Don’t you have a counsellor meeting at half-past?”
“I do, so please don’t feel bad when you lose. I only have half an hour to wrap this up. You understand.”
“Who’s fault is that Mr. Just-five-more-minutes?”
He gasped in mock offence and lunged forward, his sword swinging at you in a great arch. You leapt back, out of his range, then ducked low and rushed toward him. Luke was quick, in a viciously smooth move he swept his sword at you again. You brought your knives together, bracing as the impact ricocheted up your arms. Admittedly, you were at a great disadvantage given that you were reluctant to throw a knife at Luke’s head – even though he’d demonstrated an impressive ability to swipe your wayward throws out of the air – and that he had an additional several feet of reach on you.
Luke feigned to the right, you lashed out at his left side and narrowly avoided his sword as it came down at you. He whistled slowly as both of you backed up to circle each other for a moment. 
“You’ve got moves, I’ll give you that.” 
And so the dance went on. Luke struck, you parried or slipped out of his blade's path with a flourish. You struck, Luke swung his sword and slipped around your blows. Finally, you found the chink in his precious armour. He fell back to his right foot when he deflected a blow. You jerked forward. You jabbed the knife clutched in your left hand toward him as you moved in with the right. Just as you hooked a foot around the back of his leg, Luke’s sword made contact with your left shoulder slicing through sleeve and skin. Luke fell backward with a sharp hiss, his sword flying to the side.
In the end you had laid him out flat in twenty minutes. Luke Castellan had spent the last seven years fighting to win. You had spent them fighting to survive. You supposed it didn’t hurt that the greatest swordsman to enter Camp Half-Blood in nearly three centuries was reluctant to let anything sharp or pointed anywhere near you. You secretly thought he might have been going easy on you for being his soulmate after all. You collapsed on the forest floor beside him, your chest heaving to draw in oxygen. 
“I’m sorry about your shirt,” Luke huffed. 
“Orange isn’t really my colour.”
He turned to you with a wink, “Oh but it is.” 
You wave your hand through the air.
“I’ve gotten very good at putting broken things back together over the years.” He tried not to look at the line of stitching that ran from the ankle of your jeans to the rips at your knee. You tried not to look at his cheek. Instead you reached out and trailed your hands across his necklace where the pearls sat snuggly at the base of his throat. 
“You’re wonderful.” He brushed his knuckles down your shoulder and they came away red. “Even covered in blood you’re the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen.” 
You groaned, “Sweetness, you can’t just say–”
“You call me Sweetness when you visit me.” He whispered it like it was his greatest secret. You traced up his throat to his cheek and pressed your thumb into his dimpled cheek. “You’re still being wonderful. I can’t think when you’re–”
“Okay, Smartass.” He sighed up at the sky, then pulled the both of you to your feet, “Enough lounging, we need to get that cut checked.” 
You let him dust the dirt from you and resheath your knives, one in your boot, the other in your belt. Silently revelling in the gentle way he tugs you this way and that. You were well on your way to the infirmary, shoulders bumping and fingers just barely brushing, before he spoke again.
“Where does it come from? The nickname.”
He looked away from you and squinted off into the distance, as if you were suddenly too bright to look at, “Yeah.”
“My mom used to tell me this story about meeting her soulmate. She probably meant Poseidon, but at the time I thought it was about my dad,” The back of Luke’s hand bumped into yours again, his fingers catching yours, his gaze resolutely ahead but you were definitely holding hands. “She said it felt like swallowing lightning and gorging yourself on popping candy. Like sweetness.”
“You like popping candy?”
“It’s my favourite.” You gave him a queer look as if to say, it’s not yours, you utter heathen?
Luke laughed at you all the way to the Apollo Cabin as he listed all the reasons it was the sub-par candy option. Nonetheless, when you emerge from the infirmary, he unloads a fistful of little packets he’d pinched from the candy bowl when the Apollo kids’ hadn’t been looking.
“Who has sub-par candy options now, Sweetness?” You teased, your mouth crackling merrily.
“Keep calling me that and you can have all the terrible candy you want.”
“Try some,” You shoved a packet toward him, because if he kept saying silly things like that and looking at you the way he was you were liable to do or say something equally as stupid. “You’ve got half my soul, maybe it’s our favourite.”
“I don’t think they had popping candy when we had one soul,” He flicks the packet held between your fingers. “And aren’t you the one who says we’re puzzle pieces not halves?”
“You have been listening to me!”
“Hard not to.”
“Asshole.” You flashed your teeth at him.
“Smartass.” He said, but the bite wasn’t there. He was watching you again, in that way he did sometimes before he said something stupid that made you want to throw yourself in the lake or run back to Manhattan or do something equally as stupid, like kiss him. “You–”
You twisted your hand in the front of his shirt and jerked him toward you, the little sachet crinkling in your fist. For a heartbeat, you were both silent, an inch away and staring as if you could will the other to be the one to press forward. But then he closed his eyes and Luke Castellan was kissing you. Like lightning and popping candy. With all the elegance of two lovestruck teenage fools and all the heat of two people who knew they had all the time in the world but still couldn’t bear to waste a second of it. His hand held you by the chin and then splayed lightly across your cheek and tucked hair softly behind your ear. You were only just reaching for the mess of curls at the back of his head when someone wolf whistles.
“My favourite.” Luke grinned, licked his lips and then turned. Hands stuffed in his pockets and a big stupid grin stretched across his face, as he shouted at you, “Stay out of trouble.”
You flip off the Aphrodite kid who’d whistled at you, and hurried back to the Apollo Cabin. You and Luke Castellan were going to need a lot more popping candy. 
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You’re in the lake, encased in an air bubble, sprawled out side by side with your backs against the sand, when Luke tells you what he’s done. That mere weeks before your arrival he had done the unthinkable. He had robbed the King of the Gods blind and betrayed half the Pantheon in doing so. You weren't sure whether to laugh or cry.
You had simply laid there, silently, for what had felt like aeons to Luke but maybe that had only been because he had to keep reminding himself not to hold his breath. He wasn’t drowning. You weren’t going to turn him in. He hadn’t just blown his whole plan and his life with his soulmate in one fell swoop. He just had to keep breathing and wait for you to say something. He thinks that maybe your mother had passed on some divine knack for diplomacy as Queen of the Sea with the way you seem to turn the issue of his betrayal over and over in your head. 
After a while, you reach your arm toward the bubble and the sky. For a brief, terrifying moment, Luke thinks you’re going to pull the lake down on him. When you don’t Luke spends another infinite second wondering whether he would just let you do it. 
He tosses the thought aside and focuses on the coin weaving between your knuckles. Like magic, it appears and disappears around the bends of your fingers but it wasn't real magic, just you fidgeting. He pressed his lips together and tried not to think about you at the bottom of the Hudson River, flipping your coin and turning over the issue of your soulmate and your brother and the camp you’d left behind. What is it you had said? You’d had plenty of time to think about those things. 
Maybe that's what you need now – time. He’s about to offer it to you, offer to swim his way back to shore so you can think, even if he'd probably drown on the way. He’d give you all the time in the world if he had it. 
But then you finally speak, the golden drachma rolling between your fingers, “If you hurt my brother, soulmate or not, I will kill you.”
“I am your soulmate.” He insisted as the implication made his skin itch.
“You are.” Your smile was so gentle it almost felt sad. “So you understand that my love for him comes before my hatred of the Gods. If you have put him in danger wit–”
“We get married.” He blurted. “We have a future. I woke you, when you visited me. That must mean I win.”
“It means, if that’s the path we’re even on, if those people are even the versions of us that we become… maybe you don’t hurt Percy.”
“I won’t.” He swore and you weren’t sure how to ignore the half of your soul that lies so sweetly. “I wouldn’t.”
“Maybe.” You swallowed like you’d been chewing glass your whole life, and someone had finally offered you something substantial to sink your teeth into. “Maybe if we leave now, there’s a world in which I don’t have to pick between my blood and my soul.”
Luke was quiet for a long moment, “We could recruit him. You said it yourself, he’ll be more powerful than any of us.”
“He’s twelve.”
“He’s the son of Poseidon.”
“He’s twelve.”
“You were twelve when you left to protect him.”
“And look how that turned out,” Your grin was brittle, but he swore you were still the loveliest creature he’d ever laid eyes on. “I’m sat here planning to betray everything I was raised to follow.”
“You’re going to follow me?”
Your eyes traced the shape of his jaw, his nose, his scar. You looked pained, “I fear I would follow you into much worse, Luke Castellan.”
“I’m trying to lead you to something better.” He reached for your hand, took the drachma from your fingers, and pressed a slow, soft kiss to your palm. He smiled and there were dimples in his cheeks and tears in his eyes as he whispered, “We can try for better.”
“Leave Percy.” You pressed your fingers to his cheek, “Let him come to camp, let him join us when he’s ready.”
“You’re sure he’ll join us?”
“He will, I know it. We just need to let him see the Gods’ apathy for himself.” And you sighed. Luke wondered how many lifetimes your souls had seen, how many times you had searched for each other, how many times you had been torn apart. You sound ancient when you say, “You and I have seen more than enough.”
He turned his head and whispered in the scarce distance between you, “What do you propose?” 
“We leave. As soon as anyone catches on, we take anyone who agrees with us and flee.” You brought his hand to your mouth and pressed your lips to his knuckles firmly, “We can plot your revenge and plan my new world on the way.”
Luke feels ancient when he promises, “Okay, on the way then.”
But he swears, as you lean forward and kiss him, that no matter how many times you do it this lifetime or in all the lifetimes until this story – of you and Luke Castellan – became ancient, it would still never stop feeling like the first time.
Like lightning and popping candy.
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elliesstrapon · 11 months
Swan princess
!Asshole Ellie Williams x Princess Reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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✧˚ · . Summary: Your parents had you to be wedded by the time you each turned 20, they had you meet every summer until then, but you just couldn't stand her.
✧˚ · . Warnings: Ellie is a douch bag, rough sex, enemies to lovers, slow burn, erranged marriage, drinking, swearing, oral, over stimulation, eventual genuine wedding, Soulmates, Ellie hates you up until your both adults, major flashback, readers bipolar but i feel like this was me projecting, sorry 😭, NOT proofread.
I need all you to know this is pretty fucking long, feel free to take your time or skip <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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Your first summer out of the castle when you'd turned 5. Your father held onto your hand reassuringly, pointing out at all the wonderful things you had yet to experience. His words you so vividly remembered along the lines of, "one day, this will all be yours to take care of" so sadly, the frown on his face one of the worst parts from those core memories. The rays of light hit your pearl pink dress, the sparkles shifting as you rode on the horse through what now had been the forest. "Papa, where are we going?" Your head turned back up to look at him, a cheerful smile upon your lips, your teeth crooked and white. "We, my dear daughter, are going to meet the one you shall marry one day." His eyes focused on the muddy path way, as you held onto your perfect dress so tightly in fear of it getting ruined by nature's mishaps. The memory had stopped, where what begun was the hatred between you and Ellie Williams.
For you remembered the look on her face when she'd met you. Your father pushed you towards the tall man with the girl behind him, urging you to say hello. The man'd done the same, an overjoyed toothy grin flashing on his face. "Who might this lovely young lady be?" Your dad inquired, just as happy as the man infront of you, "young princess Ellie, no doubt " He urged you again. You furrowed your brows at him angrily, taking the slightest step forward to the taller little girl who stood infront of you. "I'm Y/n" You gritted through your teeth, biting your bottom lip upsettingly, curtseying at everyone disposal. "It's a pleasure to meet you." You finished, a fake smile plastered on your face, pleading eyes for your father to take you back home. Ellie eyed you disgustingly, uninterested rolling her eyes back, the taller man pushing her forward closer. "Go on" he said angrily. "Joel!" She yelped. "Ellie." He eyed her. She scoffed, her attitude already unbearable. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.. Princess Y/n.... Ellie" she said poorly, introducing herself, her pinky finger digging in her ear, eyeing at it like it was all she had left to do. She turned back before the man flipped her around, roughly shoving her closer, his patience limited now. She sighed, going back to grab your hand, gently, something you hadn't expected from her insignificantly terrible mannerisms, her finger tips soft, she kissed the back of your hand, your heart had fluttered, from what you remembered, only for a slight second before she pulled away, sticking her tongue out and wiping her mouth, "Ugh, gross!" She cried. You rolled your eyes, the moment of whatever romance that'd be destined to start, passing like the speed of light.
The two of you stood there, your father's smiling at the "perfect match." all you could think about was how unpleasant she was, how she wouldn't understand you, how you absolutely despised her existence. The summer growing to be what you thought was the worst of your life span, the constant bickering and her heavy insults. You ran through the halls of her castle. Joel and your father having not understood nor notice the two of you constantly at eachothers throats. Your dress getting caught in the doors, and tripping over your slippers when she'd attacked you. "You're such a goody-two shoes!" She argued, your cheeks burning red from the running. "Shut it, Ellie" you spit at her. Your dress torn at the hem and your pink slippers stained with shoe marks on them from tripping over your feet. The rest of the summer lasted the exact same, every little thing she said annoying you, and every action you took, she wanted to intervene.
Soon enough more winters and summers went by before you were 12, hiding at the top of the tower, in your room dreading this summer. "Y/n! We can't keep Princess Ellie waiting any longer!" Your father called from the carriage at the bottom of the castle. "Ugh, please, she's barley even a princess!" You shouted angrily, eyeing him from the window, your hair tied into a braid and your nightgown hadn't changed. "I haven't even washed my hair nor changed"you gestured to your hair and clothes. "Gives you all the more reason to hurry" you heard the grin in his voice, causing you to smile the slightest. You redid your braid, finishing it off with a blue ribbon at the end, and quickly slipping on one of you're too many owned dresses. You pranced through the long historic hallways, waving small goodbyes to the servants who'd helped around the castle, leaving out the door to the garden. "Are you ready to leave?" Your father asked. "Yes" you sighed sadly, having to see Ellie again making you feel as if the world were ending. "I don't get why you dislike her so much, she's really such a lovely young lady." He frowned, entering the carriage with you. "Sure, if lovelys the word you wanna use." You groaned, "half the time the only thing she's doing is jumping at me every chance she gets to make my life horrible." Your dad smiled at you, saying you were over doing it. The ride to the neighboring kingdom was joyful, the sound of your laughter echoing through the windows. Once you'd arrived, you'd seen Ellie once more, no better than the previous summers, still as horrid as you remembered. "Hello, princess" she rolled her eyes, whispering into the ear of another girl beside her, it so clearly about you. "Princess Ellie." You gritted. "And who's this?" Your father smiled, Ellie's attitude being replaced with the innocent act she'd always put up to make you seem as if the bad guy. "This, is the friend I made last winter" she grinned. "Dina" she introduced her. You nervously waved at her, not earning much in return but a dirty look from Ellie, you clutched your dress, suddenly feeling very self conscious. "Well, what're we waitin' for? Les go!" Joel said with his thick accent, following him back to the all too familiar grand castle, lifting your dress as you walked over the muddy ground. You followed Ellie around the rest of the day, the two girls continuesly looking back at you as you acted like a dog, scolded if you sat out in the permanent room you had here during the summer. The sun reflected your shadows ever so often, "does she have to follow us around?" Dina turned around suddenly, weirdly annoyed with your presence, her red dress swaying with her hips as she turned. Ellie looked back, her ill-fitted dress steady as her shoes stepped on the hems. Tearing it like colored paper. "I wish she didn't, it's a shame I have to marry her" she said angrily, grabbing Dina's hand, pulling her along to show her the tree house that was supposedly in the field behind the castle, whispering about it as if you couldn't hear them.
You followed them to the tree house, far behind, you almost didn't wanna go into the tree house, till you saw it, it hadn't been there last summer. You ran softly on the grass, attempting to catch up to the girls, finally getting to the ladder, it began to float up, realizing the girl with a dark haired messy ponytail was pulling it up. She darted her eyes at you. "Snowflakes aren't allowed up in this treehouse" she said distinctively. "Oh, fuck you!" You yelled. Giving them the finger you walked off annoyed. "What's her problem?" Dina raised her brow at Ellie, "Dunno, she's like short tempered or whatever" Ellie chuckled, watching you storm off.
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When you turned 17, you had your first royal ball, "Ellie!" You called, walking to her room at the very end of the hallway on the very last floor of the castle, you turned the door knob, opening the door aggressively to see her in her loose dress as it'd always been, practicing her archery on an ill drawing of you from when you were 10. "Oh, real mature" you said angrily. "Yeah whatever." She stuck her tongue out at you, you walked towards the target of you, your blue and fancy ruffley dress following closely behind you as your heels clicked hollowly against the old floors of the castle. Your hair effortlessly soft. You ripped it off the wall. "Hey!! What the hell's your problem?!" She spat. "You're a fucking child is my problem." You rolled your eyes tearing it. "What do you even want?" She got up angrily. "The ball" you muttered. "That's tonight?" She gasped. "Yes, everyone knew that" you fixed the straps of her dress unconciously, her breath hitched, suddenly flinching your hand away "get out, I'll fix it myself, I wasn't even gonna wear this" she muttered. "Jeez fine, the one time I try being nice and all you ever do is be a total douche." You outed the room, flattening the lacey blue ruffles of your dress, adjusting your gold heart shaped locket and your finished hair. You walked down the hall once more, waiting for your fiance to open her eyes and act like the princess she really was whether she liked it or not. You found yourself at the entrance of the castle, a strongly built woman guarding the gate. "Strong arms, huh?" You smirked up at her, her face flushing, "Princess." She averted her eyes, meanwhile Ellie watching from afar with Dina. "God she's always flirting with those damned guards" she huffed, the giggling of you and the guard filling the room. "Why care so much? What, you like her?" Dina said, brushing the lose strands of hair from her face. "God no" she said annoyed, fixing her new suit. "Sure seems like it" Dina scoffed. "She can flirt with who she wants" Dina defended you. "Whatever" you turned to see the girls eyeing you warily for you had no clue as to why. You brushed your hand off the guards arm, kissing her cheek. "Guys let's go, we'll be late." You waved your arm at them, calling them over as they obeyed. "Alright Papa! We can go" you shouted to the topless carriage outside. "Perfect, darling!" He smiled, patiently waiting, you carefully lifted your dress running to the cart. Leaving Ellie behind. "You like her" Dina teased. "Oh fuck off, I've hated that ‘ Little Ms. Perfect ’ since I was 5, thats not about to change now just because she went from some annoying ugly duckling to a fucking goddess...or.. whatever." Dina chuckled, "like a swan?" She pressed. "Yeah whatever you wanna call it." She walked to the cart quickly behind you now to catch up, smiling at your father. "Took you long enough" you said. "Shut up" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "We're already to leave!" Your dad called to the people in front, controlling the horses.
You drove up to your palace, the towns people, hundreds, of them cheerfully smiling, waving, throwing flowers from their own gardens, you couldn't help but flash a toothy smile, waving back and holding the hands of the little children being held upon shoulders of their parents, a few sending weird stares at you as Ellie stuck up her two fingers behind your head, mocking you, making some of the kids laugh. "Hey!" You turned, arms over your chest, "will you quit it?! God your frustrating" you sighed, melting back into the leather seats of the carriage.
Soon you'd pulled up at the gates of your castle, the horses in the stable causing a racket, and the ball gowns visible from the windows you'd seen from outside. The dim lights romantic, Ellie exited the carriage after your father, Joel waiting for Ellie to turn and help you down, she ran her hands through her hair annoyedly, grabbing your hand gently helping you down. Your heart fluttering the same the day you'd met when she kissed your hand, despite the hatred you had towards her, your locket glistened under the moon light, and the pins in your hair reflecting the moon itself. "Thank you, but I could've done it myself" you pushed her hand away. Walking alone to the entrance, walking in as the guards at the door opened it for you, you winked at them, the beads of sweat rolling down their heads. "Such a beautiful young women she's becoming" Joel smiled, Ellie turning her head from your direction, the poof of your dress following the move of your hips. "Indeed she is" your dad agreed.
As you entered the ball room, royal families you'd thought close to you came to greet you, compliments being thrown from every direction, the colours of the gowns bright and warming. "So... you and Ellie, huh?" A girl in green said. "Not as charming as everyone thinks" you rolled your eyes. "She's absolutely horrid." Your hands rested in your hips, suddenly warm breath tickling your neck. "Horrid my ass," she came from behind you, aggressively whispering in your ear her complaints. "Attitude problems I tell ya' " she pushed you aside gently. "You would think someone as pretty as her has a pretty personality too, but wasn't raised right... clearly " she sheepishly smiled at you. Your hands fisting the fabric of your dress in the palm of your hand as the girls gawked at her disrespect towards you, throwing shame at your name. "Fuck you" you mouthed to her, walking away annoyed.
You found yourself flirting with the princesses of every country, each one of them better than the last much like the last glass of wine you drank unsupervised. The shawl on your shoulders slipping off, the freckles and goosebumps appearing so clearly. "Look.. I'd give anything to sleep with you, but aren't you betrothed to her excellency, Ellie?" The girl respectfully asked concerned. "Who cares, everyone knows it won't work out." You grabbed her slim waist, suddenly your father tapping your shoulder. "The slow dance, dear." He grabbed your available hand, you measly let go of the girls pink dress, a look of dismay on her face. You internally yelling inside your head at the thought of marrying this woman. Your dad helped you your way to Ellie, her tall muscular build in the center of the room, standing there dreading your hands on her body. "Now don't make a scene, be professional" your dad warned, placing your hand upon Ellies shoulder, taking the empty wine glass from you, "fine... god" you looked up at Ellie, her gaze away from yours as her hands slid down to your waist, holding you firmly. Your hands only placed hesitantly on her padded shoulders.
"Sorry" she apologized, moving her hands gesturing she didn't mean to be weird. "Ellie Williams, THE Ellie Williams apologizing" you teased, her look still distant "would you look at me? No one'll believe your poor excuse of whatever the hell this is" you complained, your hand cupping her cheek, pulling her face to look at you as the band played a soft spoken song. "This is shit" she whispered. "Yeah, well they're all watching, so shut up and pretend you love me for the next annoyingly long 3 minutes of our dumb lives" you said, moving your feet slowly with hers in sync. She looked into your eyes, you realizing just how vivid her green eyes were, suddenly just noticing all the small details of her face, like the mole under her eye, or the scar on her eyebrow, even how uneven her side part was, you almost laughed in her face.
You upside down smiled, cheekily looking away, "what now" she asked, her brows furrowing. "Nothing, nothing" you waved your hand dismissively. "Yeah whatever" softly laughing along with you, not helping herself. For a short period her hands on your hips sent butterflies surging through your stomach, her breath upon your forehead giving you goose bumps as you twirled and spun around the room, your dress swinging satisfyingly as you forgot the crowd of people around you. "You know, your presence currently is... slightly more tolerable than usual." You whispered, "That so true, now?" She widened her eyes, spinning you into a dip on the slow and steady beat of the song. "Surprisingly." You giggled, admiring the equivalent of stars splattered across her scab cut face from training, your heart increasing every so slightly. You almost felt yourself falling for her like a fool. "If you weren't such a massive whore and flirt to every girl you met I might've actually been in love with you by n—"
"Excuse me?" You interrupted her. Angrily, stepping on her foot. "Ow— what the fuck?" She yelped. "'No what the fuck'd you just call me?" You let go of her immediately. The gaze of people returning to just you. "Well I'm not wrong." She admitted honestly. "Oh yeah— as if you don't do the same, Ellie!" You cried, pushing her away, almost tripping over your dress. "Why do you always do this?! What's your fucking issue? Can you not act like a decent human being for once?" You rolled your eyes, crossing your hands over your chest as she stared at you almost fearfully. "The only reason you're fucking dance with me is because if you didn't we'd both get shit for it! To think I almost fell for that shitty act of yours." Your eyes started to swell up with tears glistening in the light threatening to spill. "No fucking shit! Why'd I like you if you're always being like this?"
You scoffed, "Fuck you, Ellie." You pulled your laced shawl back up your shoulders, holding it firmly as you ran to your room.
That night you watched Ellie shamefully leave in her fathers carriage, Dina beside her worriedly holding her hand in attempt to relax her, a frown on your face as you'd waved goodbye, you entered inside, your father calmly rubbing your back. "I want to break off the engagement." You said sternly. "But—"
"No!" You bursted, the tears rolling down your cheek onto your already tear stained ball gown. "I don't care about out legacy— we'll get someone else to take over, I refuse to wed her. Do you not understand the severity of what she said to me, father?!" You cupped your mouth, muffling the sobs, your breaths quick and weak.
"At least just give it another year, my love, please consider" your father frowned, the wrinkles on his face increasing by the years. "Love has it's ups and downs, this is bound to happen through your marriage" he tried to reason. "Not when you refuse to do what it takes to fix it." You wiped your nose. Your cheeks red and your eyes puffy. "I'll give it another summer" you reckoned, "but one more slip up of hers and I'm done for." You darted your eyes, your tone serious.
"Very well, my dear" he hugged you, whispering a low "I love you"
"I love you too" you hugged him back, holding back the frustration tears.
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You wanted to lose your mind atleast a hundred and fifty times before meeting Ellie again. The dreaded summer you'd not been waiting for, not by a long shot. Your father repeatedly thanked you, the carriage dropping you at the front gate of the castle with your dad. Joel standing smiling at you, Ellie up in the castle possibly spying on your every move, and if she was, you wouldn't have been surprised. "I'm really, really sorry for the way things endin' " he apologized, hugging you closely. "Don't worry Joel, it was a misunderstanding.. You know.. like Papa says.." you chuckled, the stupidity of last year's events getting to your head. You stepped foot inside the castle, barley missing anything about it but the guards. "Ellies up inner' room if you wanna go.. y'know" he pointed to the grand staircase. Your father gave you the look, where you didn't have to go, but if you didn't, the disappointment would be unbearable.
You went up the steps to the last floor, out of breath your 2 inch heels making you wobble, you found yourself hesitating at the door, unable to turn the knob before you heard the sound of suckling, heavy breaths, and deep sighs, you almost felt you were about to throw up. The anger boiling inside you, you could've just left, slept it out, or argued with her, tiring her out instead. You aggressively pushed open the door, nearly breaking your nails, the sight of a woman on top of Ellie, her nightgown barley even worn on her body anymore and the soft fingers of Ellie's you'd felt one too many times on your body for your comfort on the girls hips. "This just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it?!" You exclaimed angrily. "Fuck." Ellie sighed, her eyes wide as the woman got off top of her, adjusting her lingerie before rushing out clumsily. "What the fuck do you want?" She got up, sitting straight, all left of her, her loose strapped bra. "What do I want?" You mimicked her, suddenly stomping towards a pair of clothes, throwing at her almost bare chest, you grabbed her as she finished clothing, gripping her forearm tightly, you dragged her downstairs, the sound of your loose dress waving in the air and your breaths heavy, you stopped at 2 of the 3 dining rooms until you found your father. "I'm out!" You complained. "I refuse to marry her, I'm done." Your tiara crooked off the top of your head, Ellie gave you a dirty look. Pushing you off of her. "But —" you continued. "I'm not going to marry someone who doesn't love me" you hallored. Throwing her an angry and disapproved look. "I want to leave, and I never want to see her face again unless it's news of whoever she's betrothed to next cause they're in for a rude awakening." You insulted. Not a word escaping her lips, but a few gasps from Joel. His heart along with your father's crumbling to the ground like a shattered plate. "I'm sorry Papa, but I can't." You sighed. "I'd like a carriage to bring us home as early as possible, we have important decisions to make, I'd rather be in the comfort of our castle rather than a scums." You walked to your room. Packing the things you'd left during the winters for the summer, all of it coming to an end. It almost made you upset, you were overjoyed, yet angry, at how you almost fell for her, if she hadn't said what she did that day at the ball, you would've sworn you'd forgotten the rotten history of your past.
The next morning you left, concluding the last time you had seen Princess, Ellie Williams, your ex fiance.
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You hadn't seen Ellie in two years, and if you were being honest, your life had become healthier. It was like it'd always been but without the stress of Ellie constantly making your life a living hell, you'd been in a few relationships, none of them lasting and neither one of them being ‘the one’, you picked up on your hobbies, helped your father around the town, rebuilding the castle and re-doing your room, and at the very best making friends of your own.
"Princess" the guards entered the dining room as you read a book, munching on freshly picked strawberries from the garden out back. "Yes?" You smiled, turning your head to look at her. "One of your friends are here, requesting to see you" the guard said. "Oh thank you, tell her I'll be there in a second" you stood up, patting your pink dress of the strawberry seeds, closing your book. "Very well, your excellency" the gaurd rushed away, leaving you adjusting you hair before walking through the halls rapidly to see your bestfriend.
"y/n!" She shouted, waving at you, her pale dress falling beneath her ankles and her cardigan slipping off her shoulders. "Elisa!" Your lips growing into a grin, "I didn't know you were coming!" You ran towards her, engulfing her in a well needed hug, "you didn't get my letter?" She giggled. "Goodness, no." Your arms fell from her waist, playing with her hair. "What a surprise!" You squealed. "No! The surprise is what I have to tell you!" She grabbed your wrists, her smile wide. "I just had to tell you in person!" She said. "Must be important, huh?" You said, pulling her inside the castle, your dresses meshing against eachother. "What is it?" You asked, taking her out to the garden. "Well.." she began, you took your seats at the small table centered with a bouquet of lilies. "The neighboring kingdom.." she began, your heart skipping the beat at the sound of it. "Y'know.. King Joel, princess Ellie.." you scoffed. "Some princess" you rolled your eyes. "No, but, listen!" Elisa waved her hands, "they're hosting a ball, every royal, andd towns people invited she exclaimed excitingly, her, herself just a wealthy towns person. "Oh, goodness," you paused, "in what honor?" You asked curiously, "Princess Ellie hasn't found someone to marry yet, Kind Joel's saying there hasn't been one perfect match since.." she trailed off. "Not surprised." You tucked your hair behind your ear. "What's it to do with me, though?"
"wanna come as my plus one? Just for fun! Of course" she asked overjoyed. "Elisa.. I don't know.. you know how things ended—" you said, resting your head on your hand. "Please! We'll stay away from her at all costs." She begged you. You pondered over the decision, looking for reasons you should and shouldn't be going before deciding it might've been fun. "Fine!" You said warmly, "but if anything goes wrong.."
"I know!" She smiled. "Alright," you agreed "it's tomorrow night, you might want to get ready" she said, getting up quickly. "Now I've got to go get prepped. I'll see you tomorrow?" She pushed in her chair. "Sure will, need me to see you out?" You asked. "Nope, all good, I've been here so many times I know the hallway like the back of my hand...... Sort of" she waved you off as a guard took her away. You stared into the distance, watching the geese and doves fly profusely over the sunset, suddenly feeling like going for a late night walk in the woods outside the town.
You found your way around the castle to your father, asking him for a dress fitting early tomorrow. Afterwards going onto put a long warm coat, white fluff fulfilments along the rim of the sleeves and hoodie, a moon stone as the button that clipped at the top. The coat itself a heavenly blue. You'd left the castle, quietly walking through the town, street lights flickering and the youngest little children running around in packs as their parents watched over them, curstying after you.
You watched the constellations ever so brightly in the sky, everyone of them dusted across the midnight blue, the sparkles of them vividly reminding you of Ellie's freckles, you subconsciously counted them the summers you met her. It made you sick. Moreso the thought of having to see her again rather than counting the freckles new every year. In some ways, you felt crushed by how you so easily could've moved on from the one you were ‘destined’ to marry, break it off, and still not have found love. It was like a curse, thinking of how in every universe, you hated her guts.
You're gaze softened at the lake you'd come to just through the forest , 2 swans tangled in eachothers embrace, their feathers white as snow, a heart lazily untangling as they swam side by side, neither one of them moving further apart than 3 inches from eachother. You sighed. Looking at the locket you'd owned since 15, it heart shaped, a swan engraved on it. "Oh how I love swans" you whispered. You made your way up to the castle a little more than an hour later, the moon fully above, it reflecting off of windows you stepped by.
Once you woke up in the morning, you'd gotten your dress fitting done, choosing a baby blue ball gown, the sleeves falling elegantly off the shoulders, lace and jewels falling across the corset of the dress, pearl necklaces to go with the locket you held so dearly, and glittery high heels. You'd gotten your hair done not far long after, your white and silky house coat sliding against your hair softly, the maid had put your hair in a half up-half down look, strands of hair still lazy left out, framing the shape of your face precisely the way you had liked it, she finished it off with a jeweled tiara matching your gown.
The day'd passed the sunset almost upon you, as you looked into the vanity in your room, your heart beating fast as you slipped on your gown, you maid behind you tightening your corset, tieing elegant bows, you adjusted your sleeves, "Miss, are you alright?" The maid asked, concern in her voice as she massaged your shoulders, watching as your gaze became saddened and saddened the more time went on. "Oh, no I'm fine.. Please, tell the guards to tell Elisa that I'll be down as soon as possible when she gets here." The maid left the room, you put on cherry red lipstick, focusing so quickly on making it perfect, you watched your lips move around blending it out to be softer. "I can't believe I'm doing this" you groaned, slipping on your heels gently, walking out to see Elisa in a bright pink dress, a boa slinking off her shoulders the radiant white fluff falling across her chest, diamonds hanging from her neck and ears. Her hair in a clean bun. "You ready to go?" She said, grabbing your arm as you walked up to her. "You look beautiful" you smiled. Dismissing the question. "Thank you" she blushed. "I was hoping I'd meet someone there tonight, it means a lot you think that" "no of course, I get it" you rubbed her arm with your thumb, circling in the same spot. You hoping you'd meet someone as well.
The carriage drove you through the dark night passing the same lake with the partnered swans, from the night before. "You looking to settle down?" you asked, hands resting on your lap. "I think so, I wanna have children so bad, and I need their future parent to treat them just as well as I would" she stared at her hands "all I really want is a family" the cold coming from her mouth. "I'm betting you'll meet someone amazing" you assured her. The trees swayed in the winds, your hair blowing along with the rhythm of it all, strolling through the ghost town that you'd remembered so full when your enemy wasn't foolishly inviting every person to exist to this horrid ball. You found yourselves at the gate. The castle lit and decorated with bright and gorgeous lanterns. You both thanked the guards.
You shivered walking to the big doors that's been open. Guards greeting every new person to have walked in. "They'll be here all night" you whispered to Elisa. "Sure will" she said, sorry for them.
You walked in the ball room, Elisa disappearing from your arm as soon as you did. "Typical" you sighed. Walking measly around the room, your gown brushing against the others. Feeling small in the crowd. You stood at the food table, eating the crab cakes like your last dinner, stuffing in two at a time before catching a glimpse of a tall build, her hair short, the same hairstyle as you, and her suit dark, a blue rose in her pocket. Talking to a few of the females, the freckles and eyebrow scar unmistakable. You're breath hitched, gulping down the remaining crab cakes, you felt faint, she looked so mature, her smile bright, yet her eyes hiding a subtle hint of pain you'd only notice if you'd known someone for years, regardless how much you hated them. Tucking the loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes suddenly widening before you realized she'd seen you. "Shit" you muttered, she waved off the women excusing herself to walk towards you.
She stopped a few inches from you, averting her eyes from yours as she bowed, a gasp escaping your coated red lips. "Princess" her voice cracked. "Yes— uh, Princess... Ellie" you curtseyed. "You look... Beautiful" she breathed. Gently grabbing your hand to kiss it softly. "Thank you— Did you happen to hit your head or something" you pulled your hand away quickly away from her lips. "You're acting... Strange" you let out a breath you had no clue you'd been holding in for so long. "How so?" She raised a brow. "You're not acting like you hate my guts." You said. "Who said I didn't?" She crossed her arms. "What? So that's changed now cause I'm, ‘beautiful’?" You spat. " 'That such a bad reason?" She scrunched her nose subconsciously, wiping it with her hand. "Get your head out of the gutter Ellie." You stomped away, "fuck" she whispered.
You still unable to wrap your head around when she'd become so.. odd? You flew around the ball room, every 30 minutes seeing her eye you from across the room. As if some kind of snack, you began to feel creeped out, her whispers to an oh so grown up Dina always beginning after she saw your face. Soon you found her asking you to dance. "Ellie, if you're only going to like me because of my looks.. I don't want you to like me at all" you sighed, taking a step back. "Especially considering our history, I mean what is this? 15 years of constant torture and insults being thrown at me for it to just suddenly change? I can't do it Ellie, I really just can't" you said, turning around for a split second, before she hooked her slender hand around your forearm, the slow dance beginning as she pulled you into her, her hand firmly on your waist and the other holding your other hand just above your shoulders. You sighed, "Ellie —" annoyed. "What else?" You said, she held you close, deja vu hitting you like a carriage door, while she span you around the room, the crowd almost not there, you gazed deeply into her eyes. "What else?" She raised a brow confused. "Is beauty all that matter to you?" You asked, pained. "What? No—" she choked on her words. "That's not—"
"Then what else?" You grip on her hand tightening significantly. "I don't know— I mean—" she bit her bottom lip. "No Ellie— save it." You stopped her. "You don't get to do that" you darted your eyes at her, the hatred building up with every step you took, you began to feel frustrated. "Do what?!" She raised her voice ever so slightly, no one heard over the band. "You don't get to like me because I'm fucking attractive now to you. That's just not fair." Before you could react, she grabbed your arm painfully, pulling you of the crowd of people, she dragged you down the hall, unable to free from her grip, you tripped over your gown. "Ellie what the hell!!" You cried, playing with her hand to get you off just before you'd got thrown into the tea room you'd remembered not to fondly, she locked the doors. "Ellie open that goddam door—"
"Would you just listen to me?!" She yelled, you quickly walked up to her, stumbling over your heels as you grabbed the collar of her suit, the blue rose falling from it. "You don't get to have me listen to you! Ellie, I hate you! And you threw this ball so you could find a wife, I am not going to play that roll again, just becau—"
She threw you onto the couch, your big dress wrinkling against it as she pinned you down, her arms caging your head from escape like an animal. You let a gasp escape your mouth. Your heels falling off of your feet in the uncomfortable position. "It's not because of your fucking looks! Y/n!" She confessed. Her one arm falling to her side. "It's the fucking history" her lips trembled. "We spent our whole lives together knowing one day all thats around us would be ours to rule, together." she said. "You know my worst fears, goddamn it, and you threw it away just like that." Your breath hitched. "And I know everything there is to know about you, whether I hate you or not." Her arms at your hips now, subconsciously caging you in again. "Those two years I didn't see you, I thought I missed messing with your fuckin' head and flaring your anger up like I was those 15 years, but I really just missed seeing the one person I spent every summer with up until I turned 18" you felt offended, her back handed compliments confusing you. You sat up warily, watching her gaze turn to guilt as you propped your elbow up against the head of the couch. "What the fuck" you breathed. Her face just inches apart from yours that you could feel her heavy breaths up against your lips. "Ellie—" you groaned. "So what are you saying? You're in love with me? After all that?" You scoffed in disbelief. "Yes!" She cried. Your heart pounded at your chest, the warmth between you suddenly growing hotter. You couldn't understand anything, grasp the situation at hand before you reached your hand up to her cheek, cupping it softly before connecting your lips that were inches apart just a few mere seconds ago. You roughly bit down on her lip, the sexual tension flying off the walls. "What're you doing?" She muffled a moan into the kiss, surprised as she gripped your hips. "Fuck you" you whispered, shoving your tongue in her mouth exploring every inch of her as she delicately whined, her embrace tightening. You lazily pushed her down, hovering above her, "all that shit just for this" you breathed, hooking your lips onto her soft freckled skin, leaving a wet trail across her neck, while you undid her button up, the sounds of her heavy breaths and sighs filling up the room, you sucked at her skin. "Fuck" she whined. Messily gripping a handful of your hair as the sticky path of saliva continued down her collar bone, stationd between her breasts. You abruptly stopped, struggling to undo the bows of your corset. Ellie looked up to you with pleading eyes, "lemme—" she heaved, flipping you over, your clothed ass up on her crotch while you held your hair to your shoulder, her fingers unintertwining the ribbons. You sat on your knees, she trailed kisses down the back of your neck, each and every one rougher than the last, your dress slipping off by the second before she threw it to the ground leaving you with only your panties left. "Shit" she whispered as you turned over, pulling her in desperatly, tugging at her lips between your front teeth. "You're so beautiful" she admittedly whispered between breaks. "Thank you" you, you smirked against her lips. You sat on her lap, sucking at her tongue, her hands roaming your body entirely, she played with your boobs, all the thoughts leaving your mind as you threw your head back. "Fuck, Ellie" you moaned. Her wet kisses filling the room with sinful noises.
Her tongue flicked at your hard bud, it only standing more as she sucked at it, toying with the other one while she still squeezed your plush hips.
"I need you" her lips meeting your stomach, butterflies in your lower abdomen began to scour, the heat between your legs only growing stronger as she praised you, worshipping your body like a goddess. "Why are you like this" your jaw dropped, her hands suddenly palming you through your panties, already soaking, moans escaping from your red stained lips, that matched the pair all over Ellie's neck and jaw.
"Lay down" she demanded, squeezing your ass cheek. You immediately layed yourself beside her, her head stationed between your legs as she looked up at you hungrily, a face you'd never seen her make at you before, she kissed the inside of your thighs, biting at them like dessert as her fingers gently rubbed at your throbbing pussy, your panties still unmoving, "mmh~" you muffled, the hickys between your legs butterfly shaped, she continued to rub at your sweet spot, playing with the tangles in your hair as she kissed you softly. Your heart collapsed in on itself, the gentleness something youd never experienced before. "You're being so... So sweet" you heaved into the kiss, staining her lips in lipstick as she rubbed faster. "You deserve it" she smirked against the kiss, leaving more around the rest of your face. The ball room music faintly heard from outside, your mouth formed an ‘O’ as she lowered her head again. Your conversations severly uncoordinated, responding to questions with only moans and whines. She slipped off your panties, only lowering them as far as your knees, "I'm gonna make you never want to leave this room" she kissed your hickey covered thigh again, before nuzzling your clit with her tongue, you flinched at the contact, an overwhelming pleasure washing over you as your legs shaked, leaving her holding your hips down. You felt your walls tighten, she swirled her tongue, every muscle causing you to tense up, her tongue only deepening. "Oh god—" you reclined back, her teeth softly nipping your pussy. "Feel good, princess?" She said. Rubbing your inner thigh reassuringly as she suckled "fuck, yes, Ellie" you whined. The pressure in your stomach building up, "I'm so... Fuck—!!" She slid against your walls, you cupped her hair, thrusting your hips into her tongue, desperately wanting to release the knot. Your wet folds quivering. "Please, Ellie—" you begged, vibrating underneath her touch. She fingered your clit, eating you out both at once. "Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie!!" You cried you repeated her name like a god. Giving into your pleasurous desires, the creamy white substance leaking down your thigh "shit!" You cried, all she did praising you through your orgasm, just for her fingers to not lift off once. Still her slender fingers pounding inside of you quickly, the slaps of skin filling the room like paddy-cake.
She sat you on her lap again, grinding your hips over her hand, having you ride her as she moved your waist herself, you too weak, for your second orgasm to wash over you, the couch damp in your liquids. "You're doing so good" she whispered, your fingers digging into her skin like daggers. Your heavy breaths drawn over the music. You came again. Your head falling into her shoulder, she tucked the strands of messy hair off your face, tears staining your Rosey cheeks, and her clothes stained in your cum.
"Oh god.."
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I got so lazy towards the end out of fear people would get impatient!! Especially since I promised to post yesterday!! Either way, I will edit eventually if people want me too! I'll be posting part to in the next few days! <33
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
Heart of the Dreaming
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Soulmate AU
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Ten - Our two hearts
You stand beside Dream while he fixes up some more lf his realm. He had mended quite a lot of it over the last few days, and the residents were starting to return. You had been introduced to many of them by Lucienne.
Dream had chosen this as a good place to start teaching you about the power he has given you.
He was creating more dreams and nightmares, but it was a slow process. It took a lot of concentration from him to do this. He explained everything to you as he worked, but it was still a lot to take in all at once.
He could see at one point that you were growing weary and came to stand in front of you. "Hold out your hand."
You look at him and then hold out your hand. He takes your hand gently in his, cupping it in his palm. His skin is pale against yours. He looks at you with a small smile. You feel something soft in the palm of your hand and look to see something beginning to take shape. A stem. Long and green, full of life. A bud began to take form. Pale pink petals began to bloom. He lets go of your hand as you look at the flower in your hand.
"You made that."
"What?" You look at him.
"I helped, but you made it." He smiles softly. "I didn't even tell you what to make, you did that all yourself. In fact, you have given me an idea."
"Um... what kind of idea?" You ask, looking up at him.
"I want to give you a gift."
You stare at him, hoping he will elaborate, but he doesn't. He just gives you a little grin and then returns back to his work on the dreams and nightmares.
You look at the flower in your hand and bring it to your nose. It smells heavenly. You smile.
You walk through the palace with Matthew as your guide. Lucienne had called Dream to speak with him privately about something. He told you he would join you again later, so Matthew brought you back to the palace.
You were still holding your flower, admiring it. They way it smelled, the way it looked, the way it felt. You had made this very special little flower.
"Uh, your room is this way." Matthew caws.
You look up and see that you had stopped paying attention and were now veering away from your location.
"Oh, sorry."
You turn around and follow Matthew down the correct hall. You return to your room. Matthew perches on the end of your bed and watches you put your flower in a vase next to your bed.
"You made that?"
"Yes." You smile. "Isn't it pretty?"
You take a seat on your bed and turn to Matthew. He looks up at you with those big black eyes of his.
"Is he a good man?" You ask.
"Who? Dream? To be honest, I haven't known him that long. You should ask Lucienne, though. She's known him a long time." He cocks his head from side to side every so often. "But I think so, yeah."
You smile softly.
"So, are you two married?" He asks.
"What? No! I've known literally days." You look shocked by his question. "Haven't you been following us around all that time?"
"Well, yeah, but... you two seem kind of close."
"Do we?"
"Well, I've seen the way he's been looking at you recently." Matthew tells you that so causally.
"Oh? How does he look at me?"
Matthew is about to tell you, but someone comes into your room unannounced. You look up to find what looks like a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head. He turns and sees you and then stares at you.
"Oh, uh, I wasn't aware you were in here, lady."
"Merv!" Matthew caws.
"Oh, right, um. Mervyn, at your service."
"Hello," you greet him.
"He's kind of the handyman around here. Which brings the question, what are you doing in here?" Matthew looks up at Merv.
"Uh, well, you see, his highness is working on something, and asked me to come see what kind of things you like. I just didn't think you were in here. Thought I'd coke snoop through your stuff and get some ideas..."
You chuckle softly and look at him. "You came to snoop?"
"That's considered rude. Why not just ask me?"
"Uh... I don't know."
You laugh and stand up. "What do you want to know?"
The next fifteen minutes were spent in a game of 20 questions. Mervyn asked you about your favourite colours, favourite animals, favourite flowers, favourite music, favourite foods, what you liked to wear, what you liked to do.
You told him everything.
He was doing this because Dream had asked him to. You were certain if he wasn't so busy with whatever it is Lucienne needed him for, he would have come to ask you all this himself. It made you feel warm inside.
Once Merv had all the answers he needed, he left. You chuckled as he went.
"You'll get used to him." Matthew said to you.
"I'm sure."
"So, you are staying?"
"I am." You smiled. "The Dreaming is my home now."
Dream sat on his throne with a thoughtful expression on his face. In his lap was a big red book with your name on it. It contained your life history. Lucienne had brought it to him and stated he should read it.
He saw your childhood on these pages. He saw everything Rodrick Burgess did to you. More the lack of what he did for you. His only daughter cast aside. It infuriated Dream how poorly you were treated by that family. Now you were safe within his realm.
Also in the book was the moment you both met. He looks down at the scar as he reads that part. His soulmate. There was hope in his heart that you would see him differently in the future.
He certainly saw you in a different light.
Dream hoped his gift would be the first step to winning you over. He had concluded business with Lucienne ages ago and then gone to start on your gift. However, he was curious to read what was in your book, so here he was.
As he nears the part where he took you away, he heard footsteps entering the grand throne room. He lifted his eyes from the page he was on and found you walking over to him.
His heart skipped a beat.
Dream closed the book and put it down carefully to the side. He stood and made his way down the steps to meet you halfway. He was pleased to see you.
"Hello," he greeted you softly.
"Hello." You smiled. "Have you been busy?"
There was a slight eagerness to him. You could see it in his eyes and his smile as he stood there in front of you. He almost, almost, childlike.
"What's up with you?" You ask softly.
"Why should anything be up with me?" He asks, smiling.
"Because you're smiling. You don't exactly do that." You pointed out.
You roll your eyes. "Just tell me."
"Come with me." He starts to walk away. You follow him, trying to keep up with his lkng strides. Wherever he was taking you, he was determined to get there quickly.
He led you out of the palace round the back. You had gone past your room, and down a hall, you were certain hadn't been there before. He took you through a door that led outside into a courtyard. Around the courtyard were empty flowers beds. In the centre was a fountain. Opposite the door, you came out of was an arch covered in flowers that led to more flowerbeds.
You look around you. "What's this?"
"Your garden."
You snap your head towards him and state at him in confusion. "My garden?"
He looks at you in amusement. "Yes."
"What do you mean my garden?"
"Exactly that. I've made you a garden," he says proudly.
"When did you have time to do this?" You knew it took a while for him to build his residents in the Dreaming, so a whole garden would have taken hours, you're certain.
"I can create places quite easily. A garden was simple enough. Once Lucienne left my side, I began this for you."
"You have gifted me a garden?"
You take another look around and smile softly. No one has ever given you something so wonderful before.
"Where are the flowers?" You ask softly.
"Ah, well, that's your job," he states.
"My job?"
Dream guides you over to the closest flowerbed and looks down at the rich soil below. He gestures to it with one hand as he raises his eyes to look at you. "You grew one flower with a little bit of help, so I figured gifting you a garden to practise in would help you."
You look at him on awe. "You did this for me?"
"Of course."
"You didn't have to," you say softly.
"I wanted to."
You feel your heart skip. A warmth settles in your chest. He did this for you. He made this gift for you.
"Thank you."
He smiles at you. His blue eyes seem to brighten. He's certainly handsome. You smile.
"I'll practise. I promise. No more gifts, though. You've given me enough."
He chuckles deeply. "No promises."
You can't help but chuckle, too.
Dream leaves you in your garden to tend to other matters for a while. You're kind of glad because you had a lot to think about. You had him to think about.
Suddenly, everything felt like it was in a new light, and you needed to know what it meant.
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@dreamingblueberries - @the-shadow-of-aurora - @novavida - @blackgirlmagicforever
@permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 - @hopshusushi - @sloppyzengarden - @thecraziestcrayon -
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yandere-fics · 1 month
Selene with a darling who she knocked up during a one night stand without realizing who darling is, darling spends the next years being a single mom, and now years later Selene runs into their daughter. c:
♡ You Had A One Night Stand With Selene ♡
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Selene had had her fair share of one night stands, she'd even had a few girlfriends, never one that she wanted to keep around long term as she had wanted with you, too bad when she woke up you weren't there anymore forcing her to have to try to move on and get you out of her mind but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried or how many people she slept with after you she just couldn't get over you and so a trip to the city, the place you had said you were from, was in order. Sure it had been a few years but she was sure you'd still remember her how could you forget how mindblowingly she had fucked you after all, there was no way you'd just be able to forget the night you shared, even though you weren't her soulmate, she just needed to do it with you one more time to put you out of her mind, one more time and hopefully she'd be over it. When she got there however she'd been shocked to see a child who looked exactly like her, something that was impossible unless you had actually been her soulmate and she just couldn't tell due to the curse, too bad when she got there you thought of her as a sleazebag and wanted nothing to do with her.
"Dove, it isn't right to keep me from our daughter." She had forced her way into your apartment again while your daughter was at school, she really wanted to be a part of your life and meet her child but she also didn't want to terrify them so she was forced to beg you to introduce her so she could have a good first impression, you were far too stubborn though, it was getting on her nerves. "She needs an actual werewolf in her life to show her how to do stuff."
"Go away Selene, we're doing just fine without you. She hasn't even shown signs of being one, maybe your genes are just too weak." She was at least happy to get a response that wasn't 'screw you' or 'go fuck yourself' or some variation of that but the response only agitated her more, anyone could see you weren't perfectly fine without her, sure your apartment was decent but why the fuck would you live here when you could live in her actually nice home with plenty of space for your child or any ones you'd have together in the future. "You weren't there for the first years so it's not like you have some claim anyways, Selene."
"Fine, if the first years are what matters then I'll fuck another one into you and just be there for that one, maybe then you'll accept me into your life." You froze looking at her and wondering if she was actually serious. There was no way she would actually force herself on you while your daughter was at school right? "Dove, I'm being completely serious here, I'm going to put another one in you, you don't have a choice and when our first daughter returns from school today you WILL introduce her to me."
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ahsxual · 9 months
Hi! Your writing is wonderful, and I wanted to wish you the best of luck on your exams in advance 🥰 could you imagine the stoic Sang-woo proposing to his girlfriend? Idk the idea of him being in a relationship and coming to terms with his emotions fascinates me. Thanks!
Sweet Proposal
Pairing: Cho Sang-woo x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,2k
A/N: Awww thank you, dear anon! I truly appreciate your kind words, it means the world to me 🥺💓 I have to say that I agree with you and I absolutely loved your idea for this request! I hope you enjoy my writing and I wish you the best <33 I wrote this request a long time ago and never posted it idk why, but here goes (my apologies🥺)
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You and Sang-woo have been dating a few years now: you met him through his mother, the woman who you visited everytime you passed by her store and who you always bought something fresh to eat. Her products were of great quality, besides the fact that she was the kindest woman you have ever met in your entire life. She treated you like her own daughter/son, and since you lived by yourself in south korea, you really appreciated having someone who you could count on. Whenever you had a bad day, you would tell her and she would help you by giving you the best advices from her life experience, so your relationship was pretty close. Until one day, her son visited her, and that's when you met the love of your life.
"Good morning, miss Cho!" you greeted your second mother as you liked to call her, only for her to turn to you with the biggest smile and bright eyes on her face, as always. However, this time she had company.
"Oh, my sweet Y/N! Come here sweetie, please let me introduce you my wonderful son, Cho Sang-woo!" she seemed so excited, in contrast to her son who seemed pretty serious and uncomfortable with the all situation.
"Hey." he simply said with a low, yet neutral tone, making you realize that he was quite the opposite from his mother: she shined even in the darkest days, while he somehow brings darkness wherever he goes to. But the fact that he had such a hard personality to deal with and understand, instead of pushing you away, only made you even more curious about that mysterious man. Besides the fact that he is incredibly handsome, but that's another story.
"Hey there! I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you." you put your hand in front of him so you wouldn't be just standing there looking awkwardly at each other. He looked at it for a second, before taking it and shaking it gently, like he was afraid to break your way smaller hand.
"I'm so happy you finally met my son! I'm sure you two will get along just perfectly!" her joy was contagious, yet her own son didn't seem to let his mother's charm get him. You heard her talking about her amazing son so many times, saying how he was a kind man, and extremely intelligent and responsible. Yet, here he is, looking like his life was a complete chaos.
"Yeah, I'm sure we will." you answered shyly, only for him to look at you with a surprised expression. You simply smiled at him, making him blush slightly at your cuteness.
Now you are in the bed with your soulmate by your side, watching him sleep peacefully: who would have known you two would get here? Together?? You didn't know the right answer for that as well, but the truth is that life can really surprise you.
You were Sang-woo’s first love: the only person who stood with him no matter how many problems he had, both professionally and psychologically. You would never give up on him, and that's what made him realize you were the love of his life, the soulmate he was unconsciously looking for so desperately. No one would ever guessed, but one of Sang-woo’s main goals in his life is creating a family who loved and supported him until the end, to feel the happiness and comfort of waking up every day next to his significant other. However, before meeting you, his problem was that he never had the patience or motivation to find love or to continue to please his possible partner until they fell for him. No, he wanted to focus on his professional career first, the rest just being mere details. What made him fall for you, was your dedication to be with him and build a promising life by his side, supporting him and helping him whenever he needed: you were also the first and only person who he told about his fears, insecurities and feelings about certain topics, but only after a few, long months of building trust and courage. And you did the same: you considered him your best friend, because he always helped you with the most racional advices, which were the best in your opinion.
After a few minutes of analyzing lovingly every feature that you knew so well of your loved one, you noticed him moving slightly and groaning from waking up from his precious sleep.
"Good morning, tough guy." you joked, only to receive a confused expression from him just before he rolled his reddish eyes and laugh at the nickname.
"Good morning, babe." his voice was so deep that it made you have inappropriate thoughts, however you knew he was too tired for it right now. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I actually did. As for you, I think I don't even have to ask." you laughed at his still sleepy state, before putting your legs over him and hug his long torso. He pulled you closer, closing the space that separated your hungry lips before kissing you slowly, yet with the perfect amount of passion and love.
"Yeah, I really needed to rest my mind and body from yesterday." you shyly laughed at him before hitting his arm when he reminded you from your passionate love session from the night before.
"You silly!" the moment you called him that, he rolled you over so he could be on top.
"Call me that again and see what happens." he warned you with a serious face, yet you knew him better. He was obviously messing with you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't like his demanding behavior.
"Can you join me in the shower, babe? Please?" you decided to change the subject, giving him the pleading look that you knew he couldn't resist.
"Yeah, sure." he smiled before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Just wait for me, I'll be right back."
"Ok, I'll wait for you." you gave him a last peck on his lips, before making your way to the bathroom, unconscious of what was coming for you.
That day your boyfriend invited you to dinner at a fancy restaurant, so you thought it would be a simple date like the many you've had before. But this time, he had promising plans for you and your future together, something you weren't expecting to happen so soon. It was already 7:30 pm, so he called you to hurry so you could be on time at the restaurant.
"I'm coming!" you warned your handsome boyfriend, before you appeared in front of him dressing your favorite date outfit that he bought you a few days ago.
"You look gorgeous, sweetheart." his eyes were full of love, admiration and pride for you, making your heart melt with happiness. You felt so loved at that moment... you still couldn't believe you were dating that man.
"Thank you, love. Let's go." you thanked him, before leaving your house and walk to get into his expensive black car.
You and Sang-woo arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier, so you took your time to sit at your reserved table. The restaurant was outstanding: everyone was dressed nicely and the environment was peaceful and romantic; it was an expensive and well known restaurant from your city, which made you feel important. You also felt really happy to know that your boyfriend took you on a date at a very welcoming and beautiful place: it meant that he really loved you and makes a real effort to build up your relationship by changing your routine from time to time, which was healthy for both of you.
A few hours passed and you talked about everything and anything: your plans for your future together, funny stories that happened in your childhood that you didn't know about, how work was going and who are the people you like or dislike... it was a really nice, yet nostalgic and interesting conversation. After that, he insisted to pay your dinner. You felt bad, so he promised next time you could pay, which you knew he was lying.
When you left the restaurant, hand in hand, he told you that his plans for that night weren't done yet.
"I need you to do something for me, honey." your future husband said as soon as you entered the car. You looked at him suspiciously, waiting for whatever was coming. "Close your eyes." he simply said.
"What? Why would you-"
"Just trust me, ok? It's not like I'll kidnap you or something." he made sure to use his sarcasm to relax you a little bit, indirectly telling you that he wasn't going to do anything bad.
"I wouldn't mind if you did so." your sassy comment made him laugh quietly, before you closed your eyes and heard his car running.
Minutes passed and you were starting to get bored with having your eyes closed for so long. At least his strong grip on your inner thigh kept you entertained during the car trip. Suddenly, you felt the car stop slowly, and that's when you realized you had finally arrived at your destination. You were about to open your eyes, when you felt a smack on your thigh.
"Ah! I didn't say you could open your eyes already, did I?" his demanding tone made you internally scream and blush hard, but you needed to remain calm to not lead things to another way, since you didn't want to ruin the plans he made for you.
He helped you getting out of the car, before putting his hand on your waist to guide you to the place where he would make the big proposal.
"Open your eyes, love." he whispered into your ear. The moment you opened your eyes, tears instantly made their way to your warm cheeks: you could watch and admire each star on the sky, shining in your direction; it was full moon night, which made you think that Sang-woo chose this specific night for that reason; in front of you, you could also see and hear the calm and relaxing dark-blue sea moving at a slow and therapeutical pace. It was the most romantic moment you ever had and even imagined. You were too focus on the ocean and the brilliant stars above you, that you didn't even notice what was written on the sand: "Will you marry me, Y/N?" was written in huge and well marked letters. This made your heart beat at an incredibly fast pace and your vision to go blurry due to the emotional warm tears that wanted to escape from your eyes.
"Baby, what's all of thi-" when you turned around in hope that the man of your life would explain what was happening at that moment, even tho you knew already, you saw him kneeling instead, looking at you nervously with a small black box on his hands which contained a shining ring inside.
"L/n Y/n, I know I'm not the best lover sometimes due to my emotionless personality, however you liberate a more loving, caring and passionate side of me that I never knew I could have until I met you. I never thought I could be so in love with someone... and to be honest, I didn't even know what was love before I kissed you for the first time. I'm sorry for all the times I made you upset, but I promise I'll be a better person for you. So... will you marry me, my love?" you never saw your boyfriend being so open with his feelings, not even towards you, so you knew this was extremely hard for him and that all what he was saying was the pure truth. Also for the first time you noticed Sang-woo cry in front of you, even though he remained with a neutral facial expression.
Deep inside, you knew he feels a lot, he just used this "mask" to hide his vulnerability and pretend he is emotionless. But with you, he doesn't feel the need to pretend to be strong all the time. And that's when he realized it was you who he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with.
You couldn't help but cry in front of him, his action caughting you by surprise, in a good sense.
"Of course my love, of course I will marry you!! There is nothing I desire more than to have you as my husband." he smiled until his cheeks started to get sore: this moment was unique and special for both of you. You always made him forget any pain he might feel. He quickly stood up and picked up into his arms, spinning you over and over again until you both felt almost dizzy.
That night was unforgettable for both of you, and now that you had a wedding ring on your finger, you couldn't think about anything else than stepping onto the altar and marry the man of your dreams.
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lovelybeesthings · 10 months
The one that got away 1
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Word count: 2.k
Warnings: idk?
Chapter 2
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(I’m sorry this like a time skip before the games)
“It’s me or Lucy are you willing to give your life away for her!” I said you wanted the plinth prize but it seems it’s a love show of Snow and Lucy grey” I say with a smile scoffing as I hold back tears “Your over reacting Y/N! I’m just trying to win you know my current situation you sound mad!” He spits back.
He doesn’t look back at me and bites his tongue and with that I know he’s made up his mind “her or me! Her or me please..” I say looking at him watery eyes rosy cheeks I swallow the pain in my throat “I wish you the best of luck and for her” I speak in a calm voice wiping my tears as I walk away my heels clicking to ground
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As I watch my tribute reaper gather the body’s one by one in the center of the arena my eyes begin to water his act of defiance takes a full on me and when he rips the capitols banner down to cover the body’s he looks into the cameras shouting I can’t control the tears in my eyes and walk away from the televisions and see Tigris’s at the exit smiling watching the tv.
I soon heard of the victory of Snow and Lucy grey I was happy for her win but I decided to not speak to Coriolanus and soon made my way home resting my head in my pink silk sheets as I change into a much compterable formal look negreo I knew it days began to fly then weeks I soon got heard of how Coriolanus was sent away to one of the distracts which hurt to here he really did anything for Lucy..
I put up my mask for every social event every gathering the perfect daughter of a well named man in the capitol but when I was home I locked myself in my room taking care of myself my mind slipping to the memories of Coriolanus white blond curls causing me to form sweat small smiles.
I was soon going on dates my mother and father had made for me I obliged some guys were sweet but stuck up or handsome and cocky I soon to think my soulmate had left and I’d have to be alone until one.. Devesh Sebastian the son of a politician he was different form the rest brownish locks that looked beautiful in the sun his eyes a light brown and sometimes gold if you looked at them in a right amount time his hair was long but a small pointy tail in the back leaving a few strand hair in the front, he dress himself nice white buttons up with a black tie black vest black coat and ideal man.
We soon got together and I brought up my heath curling hair with a bow light pink heels a white ish pinkish dress that’s beautiful land a white fur coat for an event a apply pinkish red lipstick and lip gloss (the ideal outfit it is in the bottom)
As I enter with Devesh my hand on his arm smiling giggling to his jokes and kiss him on the cheek and we part ways as I say hello to my parents and family friends and introduce myself to people I wonder what’s this event for I walk over to my mother “what’s this event for mother?” She soon reply’s in simple words “oh just this man reentering the capitol I think” she says as I nod and walk over to the drinks and grab two glasses of champagne and hear footsteps behind me.
“Oh sorry my dress is a big I’ll get out your way!” I say with a sweet smile “No need” a masculine voice responds that sounds familiar and I soon turn to face…Coriolanus snow but now his appearance is different his hair is cut shorter and styled some way back white colar red vest red coat red and red pants black shoes he’s cleaned himself so well “oh my Coriolanus! It’s so nice to see you once again!” I say with a sweet tone my voice like honey as I place down the glasses and hug him and grab the champagne glasses again.
“Y/n you look so beautiful this evening I thought I’d not see you until 20 years” he chuckles he mite look different but the way he is still feels the same “how’s it been I heard that you were sent to distract 12 to see Lucy?” I say as I’m confused on what happened “things changed different view points but I was able to come back to study under Dr. Volumnia” he speaks in a bold tone with a small smirk.
“Oh well I’m sorry to hear the part about Lucy but happy that it worked out in the end for you I have to go though bye! Croyo” I say as I walk away with the drinks in my hand to Devesh as he watches we walk away he clenches his fist as he sees me with another man thinking to him self who is that man is that her boyfriend did she not wait for me?
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This is the dress ^. This is the fur coat ^
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i-smoke-chapstick · 5 months
Okay I think I’ve finally come up with a plot for that jervis story I was telling you about. This is pretty long- I’m sorry 😭
Basically could follow the same plots as the ‘come on Eileen’ story with an age gap but obv themed for Jervis’s character. For the sake of everything, since this could be already dark-ish, instead of Alice being his sister, she’s his coworker. Very similar story tied with the btas version. Anyways continuing that, let’s say reader is Jim and Barbara’s kid all the way from episode 1 when they were still in there couple era (I miss it 😔). Jim had custody over reader when Barbara was sent to Arkham but once she’s out and running the sirens club, her and Jim come to an agreement for the sake of the reader to co-parent. Reader is about 10-13 during that time and then jumping to like season 3 with jervis being introduced, reader is around 17-19 (I’m not sure if this is the realistic time jump but whatever). During the first episode with how Barbara introduces tabby to jervis, imagine that same scenario but with reader also present. Jervis realizes how much reader reminds him of the book version of Alice with their curiosity, ambition, etc. I’d like to imagine Barbara finds it cute in a way similar with that one fix you did when jervis was leaving stuff for the reader while tabby is like “Stay away from the baby 😡”.
Now when Alice gets killed, we know jervis makes him go through all these games of killing and stuff and then he has to choose the one he loves. Instead of Val, it’s reader. As much as Jervis doesn’t want to hurt his current crush, he tries to be nicer about it and shoots them where the bullet won’t damage them as bad?? Idk where else I’m goin with this lol. I’ll let you come up with whatever else you wanna do. Be creative if you’d like.
I’d say basically it follows the plot of season 3 but without Alice and reader is present.
Thank you Cupid 🙏🖤
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Everything's always the same in Gotham. Hard to imagine things changing.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) Readers got trauma. Reader's also a cynic and dissociating. She fell first, he fell harder. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Jervis being an obsessive freak, per usual. Jervis and reader are soulmates, not just in his head but in real life! More about reader is revealed as the story goes on. I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx
Special thanks to @adalwolfgang for giving me the idea for this fic <3 really really excited to make this multichapter !!
♫ “Echoes of your name inside my mind / Halo, hiding my obsession.” Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
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You feel like your ten again, staring into space, watching the passerby's from inside a Gala. You're mother used to take you there, when you're dad wasn't available.
You sometimes miss it, even though you used to complain. You hated just sitting there, hours on end, seeing rich people dance; like there weren't people being murdered on the street two blocks down. Maybe you took after your father in that aspect. It was a curse.
Your mom used to do your hair. You remember the way she finger-twirled your curls, gasping as she looked in the mirror. Eyes wide, she always said the same thing.
"Look at you, you're gorgeous!" You'd laugh and hit her on the shoulder, young and innocent. Sometimes, you'd make a mess of her lipsticks and bronzer. You'd try on her dresses which were far too tall for your young stature.
The sound of yelling rips you away from your thoughts.
This place isn't a gala. It's a club. And you didn't get ready with your mom, you got ready in the morning, waking up alone in your dads house.
You watch the two men argue from across the bar. You're cradling a drink; unsure what to do with it. Selina had stole it for you, somehow. You didn't ask questions anymore. You'd known her since you were eleven and she was eight. You didn't really like to drink. She knew that. You don't know where she ran off too.
Mindlessly stirring your glass in your palm, you can't help but squint under the bright blue lights. This place...it's not your first choice of where you'd like to be right now. Never is.
You hear a feminine voice calling you to the front of the club, and you can already guess who it is. You haven't seen her in a little over a week, not that it matters.
You decide to down your drink anyway. Who cares.
Pushing your way through the crowds of Gothamites, you notice the stage light up. Your mother and Tabitha stand in grand dresses. Tabitha's resting, one arm on the bar, looking effectively bored out of her mind. Your mother, on the contrary, looks utterly pleased. You fight the urge to snort.
There's a man on the stage. Long hair, cat-like smile. Your eyes follow the contours of his cheek bones. He's spouting something about waking up from an animal-identity. You're frankly lost, staring into his dark eyes. They look pitch black.
Sounds of clapping arise from the back. You simply suck your teeth. Someone new comes into the club everyday with a different act. This guy certainly wasn't any different.
"A magician? Really?" Tabitha asks, interrupting your thoughts. She sounds displeased and confounded, unsure what to make of Barbara's smile.
"Hypnotist." Your mom answers, correcting her. Ah, so thats what he is. You think. Couldn't hypnotize himself to have a better act? You almost make yourself laugh. Barbara mistakes it for agreeance.
"See! I like him! Y/N likes him!" Barbara chimes, smile lighting up to be a bit more genuine at your laugh. "Like mother like daughter. Plus, the place is packed. Be happy." She waves her drink around. Tabitha still looks peeved.
You want to correct her, but the words 'like mother like daughter' make bile rise in your throat. You don't speak.
"Just a taste, ladies and gentlemen." The man purrs, pulling your attention to him. That dark stare of his never once leaves the crowd. "But now...let us venture into something more arcane."
His eyes drift to you in the crowd, and it feels like a jolt of electricity. You wonder if he feels it too. He must have, since he cocks his head, pausing in his words for a little too long. His brows furrow, until the crowd begins to murmur. It's awfully intense.
You tear your gaze away to look at your mom, wondering if she was who he was looking at instead. It would certainly make more sense, given they must've been around the same age. But as soon as your gaze leaves his, the man clears his throat, and goes right back to speaking.
"The hell was that?" Tabitha whispers to me, and my mind goes blank.
"...No clue."
We watch the rest of the act, intrigued. He makes a man stand on the back of a chair, which definitely does not obey the laws of physics whatsoever. I can see why some people might find this amusing.
Your mom does bring up a good question though.
"So you could get him to do anything you wanted?" She asks, abet too excitedly. You want to roll your eyes. When you were younger, she would've made fun of this guy with you.
The man looks between the two of us, and you squint your eyes.
"Did you have something in mind, Ms. Kean?" He asks, and her gaze darkens. You feel a little sick.
As the act finishes, the man takes one too many bows, but the crowd eats it up. That blinding blue light still bounces off his face. Something about it is...unsettling. You notice it more as he stalks towards the three of you.
"Very impressive, Mr. Tetch." Your mom compliments. Mr. Tetch, huh. Well, you finally have a name for the man. "You have quite the gift. But you didn't answer my question. Can you make people do anything you tell them to do?" She speaks, slowly. Mr. Tetch looks flattered at the praise.
He clicks his tongue. "Only things they secretly wish to do," he remarks, eyes falling on me once more. "It's surprising what people will wish for," His eye contact remains on you, voice getting quieter. "Secretly. Deep down." He repeats.
Your mother makes a sound akin to a pleased hum. Tabitha looks between the man and you, and she looks less than amused.
"True," Tabitha speaks, pushing you to the side a bit. You watch as his gaze leaves yours, and snaps up to her. There's a ghost of a scowl on both of their faces that suddenly makes you confused. "You must be a very popular man."
She takes a swig out of her drink as she says the words, a bit sarcastically. Mr. Tetch, or whatever his name is, doesn't falter in his resolve. He instead offers a polite chuckle.
"Oh, I wish. Parties like this help pave my way, so, thank you."
"And you're new to Gotham?" Your mom asks.
"Yes...just arrived from up north."
"You have a place to stay?" Tabitha asks, head cocked. You begin to feel a bit embarrassed, heat rising in your clothes. They're asking the guy way too many questions. And he's a new comer. Poor man probably doesn't know a thing.
Before the man can answer, you butt in.
"Let the man breathe." You huff, and all three of them look at you in unison. Eyes-narrowed on you, the man blinks. Barbara looks at you, surprised, and Tabitha glares daggers.
Silence surrounds the four of you, and you shiver uncomfortably.
"Just saying." You mumble. Barbara raises an eyebrow.
"You'll have to excuse her. This is my daughter, Y/N."
Jervis's face lights up in realization.
"Ah, I see." He remarks, taking your hand. Tabitha instinctively steps close, watching the way he takes it. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/N."
"Thank you," You say, softly, looking into his eyes. It really does feel like time stops. You can understand why people are hypnotized by him.
Tabitha finally steps in between you two, as Barbara watches the interaction with vague intrigue. He drops your hand with some reluctance. You don't blame him.
"I think you should get going." Tabitha says, firm. The man simply nods.
"Very well. Enjoy your night." He speaks. "Ms. Kean, Ms. Y/N." He bids one last nod of goodbye, before turning on his heel.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 11: Be Mine
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Chapter warnings: Smut
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“This is your house?” Pom asks incredulously.
Dan Heng’s family home reminds you of something straight from the movies. A modern, three-story home with a large open balcony on the third floor. Large glass windows are on every floor; if they aren't tinted, you and Pom will have seen a black-ringed chandelier hanging in the spacious living room.
Dan Heng isn’t surprised at you and Pom’s reaction to his family home. While Dan Heng told you and Pom that the disease seemed to target people from wealthy families, he didn't mention that one of the victims had been his mother. He doesn't want to point fingers, especially when there are still missing pieces.
“Damn,” Pom continues. “You’re rich rich!”
It hasn’t always been like that though.
When Pom walks ahead, you glance at Dan Heng. “Is there a reason why you suddenly invited us to dinner?”
To impress you. To show you it’s not just Pom who can cook. As much as Dan Heng wants to make light of the situation, he does have a motive.
“My father invited Stelle and her father.”
You remember the bits and pieces of the conversation you’d overheard at the restaurant. Could this dinner be an excuse to talk about a potential marriage between Dan Heng and Stelle? The thought should excite you, yet you feel anxious and uncomfortable.
“He said he doesn’t have any motives,” Dan Heng continues. "But… I do have my doubts.”
You place a hand on your hip and wag a finger at him. “So, you’re using us to get out of being potentially betrothed.”
You swear you see him smirk, but it’s gone as quickly as it came. “That’s one way of looking at it.” His soft smile makes the butterflies come alive. “It’s also a way for me to introduce you to my father.”
It could’ve been a friendly statement, but the way he’s looking at you says otherwise. It’s something you’ve come to realize about Dan Heng’s borderline flirty advances. The serious look in his eyes has no room for doubt or jokes. For a moment, you entertain the possibility that he wants you. Likes you. Loves you. But you quickly shake the thought away.
“I don’t know how he’d take the news that his son is hanging out with a god.”
“He doesn’t have to know everything… yet.”
You almost chuckle. “I never thought you would have a rebellious side.”
“I have many more.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat when you see his gaze darkens. You hold his stare until Pom’s voice snaps you out of it.
You and Dan Heng look away from each other, and he quietly clears his throat. But then he looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Let’s go.”
You and Pom are the first to enter. Dan Heng is the last and closes the door behind him.
“I hope you don’t mind extra guests,” Dan Heng says to Stelle.
“Not at all. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
The interior of Dan Heng's house is just as extravagant as the outside. Clean, and bright, but what catches your eye is the white, gray, black, and beige colour scheme that's similar to Dan Heng's apartment.
When you enter the living room, you see two men sitting on adjacent couches. One of them strongly resembles Dan Heng, which you assume is his father. He looks just as tall as his son, but his gaze is sharp, almost as if he's judging you. His features still look quite refined for his age.
“Your friends?”
You turn to the other man, who you assume is Stelle's father. Does he know about his son's condition? Or is he also out of the loop like his daughter?
After Dan Heng introduces you and Pom, his father gestures for you and Pom to sit. As you and Pom sit on an empty couch, Dan Heng speaks up. “Has Agnes started cooking?“
“Of course.”
“I’ll go help her.”
His father looks at Dan Heng as if he’s grown a second head. “But… you don’t know how to cook.”
A soft laugh accidentally escapes you, and you quickly put a hand over your mouth, hoping to mask it with a quiet cough. But Dan Heng quickly catches on.
“Wait, wait,” Pom says, turning to Dan Heng. “Does this mean Gepard does all the cooking?”
“I think they get takeout more frequently than other people,” Stelle says.
"I've been learning," Dan Heng says. It’s the first time a slight desperation breaks through his usual calm voice.
His father waves Dan Heng off toward the kitchen. “Well, be careful not to burn the house down.”
“I won’t,” Dan Heng deadpans.
You watch Dan Heng walk away, not knowing that Dan Heng wants to cook something… anything for you. It’s not until you hear his father say your name that you turn away.
“How did you meet my son?”
Pom laughs softly. “Oh, well, if you want the full story, we stalked—”
You elbow Pom in the side and say, “At school. He’s my senior.”
"It's funny, actually," Stelle pops in. "Pom was part of my security team at my last fan meet."
“Interesting… and may I ask what your parents do?”
You and Pom glance at each other, but it’s Pom who says, “We… don’t know them.”
You hope you kept your poker face because you’re sweating buckets on the inside. Pom told the truth, but anything after that will become a web of lies, and you hope you and Pom can keep up.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Dan Heng’s father says, looking apologetic.
“Does this mean you grew up together?” Stelle’s father asks.
“That’s right,” you say. It’s not really a lie.
“This is my first time hearing about this,” Stelle says, visibly surprised.
Pom laughs awkwardly. “Ah, yes, well… you never asked.”
"It's been a while since my son brought home some new friends," Dan Heng's father says, crossing one leg over the other as it looks like he’s studying you and Pom. "He's usually too busy studying."
“Well, what can we say?” Pom says, hoping to lighten up the situation. “Cupid and I are special.”
You mentally facepalm as Pom forces a little smile. “It’s her nickname.”
“That’s an interesting nickname."
“You never shared the story of why people call you that,” Stelle adds. “I’m curious myself.”
A sudden short scream from the kitchen makes heads turn. You quickly stood and rush to the kitchen before everyone else. When you get there, you see a puff of smoke, a rolling pot lid on the stove, and Dan Heng holding his hand and looking as if in pain.
“What happened?” you ask, quickly walking over.
The surprise on his face is brief, and he quickly looks at the burn on his finger. “It’s nothing, I—”
You take his hand, and Dan Heng almost forgets about the pain. Then, without letting go, you open the tap and put his finger under the cold running water. You’re looking at his burn, but Dan Heng is looking at you.
“Oh, my!” The gasp makes you turn. “What happened?”
An older woman walks up, but before you can move away from him, he gently puts his other hand around your shoulder. “Everything’s fine, Agnes,” he says.
“He burned himself,” you say to the woman. “Do you have a gauze?”
“Yes! I’ll get them right away!”
Once the woman leaves, you suddenly hear Dan Heng’s low voice beside your ear. “How long are you going to keep holding my hand?”
Startled, you turn around, your lips almost brushing against his cheek. His eyes are on you, and you swallow, not knowing that he takes note of the slight bob of your throat and how you’re darting your eyes before finally focusing on him.
“Are you sure they’re just friends?”
You nor Dan Heng hear the question from Stelle’s father. The men along with Pom and Stelle are standing by the kitchen doorway, watching you and Dan Heng.
"They've, uh, gotten pretty close," Pom says, glancing at Dan Heng's father out of the corner of his eye. The man doesn't look amused, but Pom isn't certain. His poker face is as strong as his son's. There's no telling what's exactly on his mind.
“Dan Heng,” Stelle says, entering the kitchen.
You and Dan Heng move away from each other. That’s when you see everyone else at the kitchen doorway.
“Oh, excuse me!”
Pom and Stelle’s father steps aside for Agnes, the household maid, to bring what you’d asked for. Agnes puts them on the kitchen counter and says something, but it falls on deaf ears as you suddenly feel nervous. Perhaps it’s because of the intimidating way Dan Heng’s father is looking at the two of you as if you got caught doing something you aren’t supposed to be doing.
“Should I help with the gauze?” Stelle asks.
You awkwardly step back and let Stelle handle Dan Heng’s wound. Yet, when you look at him, his eyes also meet yours.
“There. All finished,” Stelle says, looking up at him. However, Dan Heng isn’t looking at her, and she looks over her shoulder and sees you’re helping Agnes clean up the kitchen. “Dan Heng?”
He looks down. “Thanks, Stelle.” Then, he pulls his hand away.
“Well, dinner is ready, everybody!” Agnes says cheerily.
At the dinner table, you and Dan Heng are sitting across from each other. Stelle, who looks at all the dishes on the table, smiles and asks, “Which dish is yours, Dan Heng?”
“Or did it not make it to the table?” you tease.
“I helped with all of them,” Dan Heng says, but you know he’s attempting to save some face.
Pom smiles. “Maybe I could give you some lessons!”
“Are we getting Teacher Pom?” Stelle asks.
“Ooh, Teacher Pom! I like the sound of that.” Pom grabs some food for his plate.
Chopsticks in hand, you and Dan Heng reach for the same dish. You're expecting him to grab some food for himself first, but he uses his chopsticks to put the food on your plate.
“I wouldn’t mind,” he says.
“Since when were you interested in cooking, Dan Heng?” his father asks.
Since he found out that Pom cooks for you, but Dan Heng says, “I’m going to have to learn eventually.”
Stelle grabs some food for herself. “So, what’s the real reason Dan Heng and I are here?” You never expect Stelle to ask such a blunt question. “Something’s up, right?”
Stelle’s father takes out his phone, gives it a few taps, and shows it to his daughter. “Looks like you you didn’t see this.”
When Stelle leans forward to take a look, Dan Heng’s father says, “You should also take a look, Dan Heng.”
And that’s when Stelle and Dan Heng see a tabloid article of a “rumoured couple” with the said couple being themselves. There are pictures of them together from the festival, including one of Stelle grabbing onto Dan Heng’s arm when they came out of the medieval castle.
“It’s everywhere on the Internet. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it.”
Dan Heng frowns. “It’s not true."
“I told you I was going to the festival with friends,” Stelle adds. She looks at you and Pom. "They were there! It… wasn’t a date.”
“Don’t tell me you called us here just to confirm some groundless rumours,” Dan Heng says flatly.
“No,” Stelle’s father says calmly. “I want to ask you to continue it.”
You and Pom almost join Stelle and Dan Heng’s simultaneous response.
“What are you saying?” Stelle asks.
"In a few days, the media will release an article… about The Withering." You and Pom almost drop your chopsticks. "Apparently, there's been another victim."
Looks like Caelus fed his father the same lies he fed his friends. What Dan Heng doesn’t understand is how the media got wind of this information. Caelus requested privacy. No one but a select few are supposed to know. 
“What does that have to do with this?” Stelle asks.
“From what we know, there’s been no progress on finding a cure. Experts are speaking about the incompetence of the industry… and the government.”
You’re starting to see where Stelle’s father is going with this. If they can’t stop free speech, the government can attempt to divert people’s attention elsewhere, hoping the general public will forget about it.
“Does the media know the victim?” you ask reluctantly.
“No,” Stelle’s father answers. “Their name won’t be mentioned, but that’s not what’s important.”
Will he still be saying that if he knows it’s his son?
“I don’t know much about this disease myself," Stelle's father continues. "But it’s very rare. Is it not? Regardless, we don't want to frighten the public.”
Dan Heng looks at his father. If Dan Heng didn’t know what he knew, he would’ve said something. Isn’t his father curious? Is he not curious about the disease that claimed his mother’s life? Wouldn’t he want the government to do more? 
“We’re not asking you to date,” Stelle’s father says. “Just continue the rumours for the interest of the public for a few months until this article blows over.”
You and Pom glance at each other. This feels so… surreal.
“Dan Heng.” Everyone turns to his father. “It’s just a small favour. It’s not like we’re asking you to marry each other.”
You look at Dan Heng; it doesn’t look like he’s going to change his mind. And, frankly… you don’t want him to, but you refuse to acknowledge the quiet voice that’s also been screaming at you that you are, in fact, attracted to Dan Heng. However, you think back to your assignment. What’s going to happen if you don’t complete it? Well, it’s not like you’re abandoning it. You’re just… prolonging it until you find out about your past.
Yeah, that’s it.
“Did you forget about the time he helped us? He got us out of a rough situation."
Dan Heng didn’t forget. There was a time when the world nearly fell into chaos over another mysterious disease. Except, this one was much more contagious, and left the hospitality and tourism industry in shambles. His father had just opened new hotels a year before and had yet to see a return on the investment. The pandemic had pulled them into a deeper rock bottom.
It was Stelle’s father who helped keep them afloat when things got really rough. While Dan Heng wasn’t aware of everything that was going on, he knew of their involvement in helping his father. Once things were looking up again, his father returned all the money Stelle’s father gave him during tough times.
“Think about it, Dan Heng,” Stelle’s father says.
Dan Heng doesn’t need to think about it. He doesn’t want to do it, but he knows better than to cause a public scene, especially in front of you.
The silence that settles drags on until Stelle begins to talk about her movie that's going to be released soon, which lightens up the mood.
Soon, Dan Heng heads to the kitchen to grab a drink. As soon as he closes the door of the fridge, he sees his father at the doorway out of the corner of his eye.
“Is there a reason why you’re so against this favour?”
It's a complete joke, Dan Heng wants to say. But, instead, he says, "I doubt the public has that much interest in Stelle's love life." He opens the bottle. "People will forget about it after a week."
“Are you sure it’s not because of your friend?” Then, his father says your name. Dan Heng stops and puts his hands on the counter. “I saw how she was treating your burn. You didn’t seem to mind.”
Are you dating? The unvoiced question lingers in the air.
Dan Heng doesn’t want to answer that question. So, instead, he asks, "Why would I mind?" He puts the drink back and walks away with his drink. 
After dinner, Stelle and her father are the first to leave. Dan Heng is walking you and Pom to the station when Pom asks, “Are you… going to do it, Dan Heng?”
But there’s something that’s bothering him.
“Do you think it’s Jing Yuan who leaked this to the media?” you ask. 
Looks like you two are on the same page.
“Caelus wanted to keep this a secret,” Dan Heng says. “He requested this to remain private.”
“Is it likely he had a change of heart?” Pom asks.
“If he did, he never told me or showed any signs, and I’d assume he would tell those closest to him first. It’s difficult to say whether Jing Yuan is behind this or not, but I don’t see how he’d benefit. Unless…”
“There’s something we don’t know about yet,” you finish quietly.
Once you reach the station, Pom sighs. “So much for getting pampered.”
You gently nudge him. “It was a good dinner.”
“It was! But I was hoping for a relaxing evening without all the talk about the you-know-what.”
You can’t argue with that. Your lives are revolving around this god-forsaken disease, and you don’t like it at all.
“Well, before I become a third wheel again, I’ll let you two say your fare-thee-wells. Toodles!”
Pom walks off, leaving you and Dan Heng alone, though both of you have a slightly amused smile.
“There’s never a dull moment with Pom around, it seems.”
You laugh. “Never.”
Then, Dan Heng slightly looks away as he says, “There’s… a favour I’d like to ask.”
This is a surprise. “I’m listening.”
Dan Heng doesn't know whether his father will stop grilling him about his relationship with you. But why waste an opportunity?
“It’s true Stelle’s father helped us financially when things were rough,” Dan Heng says. “My father repaid him all the money when our situation improved. So… I don’t want to help him with this favour.” You nod in understanding. "But I don't know if my father will keep pestering me on this or not. I want him off my back if I'm being blunt. So…" Dan Heng walks toward you until he's at arm's length. Then, he looks you straight in the eyes and asks, "Can I say you're my girlfriend?"
You madly opened drawers, looked under your covers, and dug around every nook and cranny of your room. Your heart sank into the pit of your stomach the longer your search continued. It was gone. The notebook you used to keep in touch with Young was officially gone.
“Looking for something, Love?”
You spun around at the slightly threatening-sounding voice. Jing Yuan stood at the door. His eyes were full of disappointment yet were still as sharp as a wolf.
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you answered cautiously.
Jing Yuan reached into his hanfu and pulled out the notebook. “Is this what you’re looking for?”
Your face went pale. How did Jing Yuan know about it? You had deliberately kept the notebook a secret, but it wasn’t because you and Young were exchanging secret messages no one should know about. The notebook was imbued with magic, its functionality something that surpassed how much humans knew about magic. 
"Who gave this to you?"
“Give it back.” You walked toward him and reached for it, but he swiftly raised it higher. You didn't bother jumping for it. “That belongs to me, Jing Yuan.”
“Why are you being so secretive?” He grabbed your wrist and forced you to the wall. “What are you doing behind my back, hm?”
You couldn’t tell him about Young. Unlike you, Jing Yuan despised creatures like Young, as his parents were supposedly murdered by them many years ago. 
"I'm not doing anything behind your back!"
Jing Yuan scoffed. "Do you take me for a fool? I know what this notebook does." He tightened the grip on your wrist, and you winced in pain. "I know you've been talking to Young."
The colour drained from your face. How did he come to that conclusion? Young had told you that no one could use the notebook but you.
“Let me go, Jing Yuan,” you said bitterly.
He slammed a hand beside your head, and you instantly stiffened. “How long has he been doing it?”
“What are you talking about?” 
Jing Yuan smiled wryly. “How long has he been fucking you so you’ll become his pathetic human spy?”
Your face flared with anger. “You are disgusting."
You would’ve spat in his face if his lips suddenly claimed yours as if to prove a point. Your mind was screaming as you did everything in your power to reject his advances. This wasn’t the Jing Yuan you knew. This wasn’t the man you loved. Or… thought to have loved.
Jing Yuan eventually released you. Your clothes were in disarray, and you were clearly shaken, but you still mustered the courage to glare at him.
“Get out,” you seethed.
Jing Yuan tossed the notebook to your feet. “The maids found it while cleaning your room. If you’re going to cheat, at least try to hide it.”
You picked up the notebook just as Jing Yuan slammed the door.
Your marriage was over before it even began, but that was the least of your worries.
At first, you didn't understand why Jing Yuan didn't broadcast to the world that you were "secretly seeing" Young. But the psychological toll it was taking on you made you realize why. He enjoyed having you wrapped around his finger. He would threaten to expose your secret to your parents, everyone in the palace, and the public if you didn't do what you were told. To Jing Yuan, you were still going to be his wife. He'd dote on you, but it was all an act. If you broke off the marriage, everyone would question you. Not him. 
You were the King's daughter, but in an era where men were considered more important than women, no one paid much attention to you. You were an accessory who received little praise for doing something right, but god forbid you did something "wrong."
At first, you tried to contact Young through the notebook, but when Young didn't reply for days, you knew Jing Yuan did something to it.  As days went by, you felt more and more alone. Even your brother, who you thought you could confide in, had reprimanded you.
“I told you it was dangerous to keep in touch with him,” he said. “It’s your fault you got yourself into this mess.”
“Are you saying what Jing Yuan did was right?” you fired back. “I know he’s been seeing other women.”
It was just the other night you caught him drinking with a woman wearing a hanfu that barely covered her large breasts. His eyes had met yours, but you shut the door so fast that you didn't see his smirk. You'd thought to catch him in the act, but he was always one step ahead. He did something to the women he slept with and concealed it using magic. But it was magic you knew about as Young had told you about it before. In other words, Jing Yuan knew more than he should.
“That was after he found out you were having an affair with Young.”
“I was not!” You exhaled sharply. "J ing Yuan's dangerous. He—"
"That's enough, Sister." Your brother sighed, and your heart sank even further. "Your heart was never in the right place. You knew about the dangers, yet you were risking your life for what? Young? Think about it. You’re in love with him.”
You had been ignoring the small voice in your mind that you were in love with Young. Perhaps the more you denied it, the feeling would go away. You and Young could never happen. But hearing it said out loud was like you were hit with a ton of bricks. You had nowhere to run. You had to accept the truth, but you didn't want to think about this now.
He shook his head in disappointment. “I pity you, Sister.”
Then, he closed the door to your room, leaving you alone.
Unbeknownst to you, you stir in your sleep as the tears began to fall. You’re clutching your blanket tightly as another piece of your past comes back to you.
You had just finished bathing and returned to your room when you saw a white dove perched on one of the wooden frames. When you got closer, there was a note attached to its foot. You thought it would fly away, but it allowed you to untie the parchment.
May I come in?
You recognized the handwriting and the magic. When you quietly said, "Yes"," you sensed a comforting presence behind you. You heard Young say your name, and you turned, almost crying when he took you in his arms.
“I missed you.”
“I couldn’t get in touch with you,” you said quietly, taking comfort in hearing his heartbeat. “The notebook… Jing Yuan…”
"He did something to it, didn't he?" Young said bitterly. 
You pulled away. “How did you know?"
"He threatened me."
Young told you about how Jing Yuan used the notebook to figure out who he was. Young had his suspicions that it wasn't you, but that couldn't be possible... unless someone had the knowledge and the magic to break the seal.
"He knows more than he lets on," Young continued.
“What did he want from you?”
You and Young were sitting next to each other on the bed.
It turned out Jing Yuan was threatening your life in exchange for information on dark magic.
“I’ll kill her,” Jing Yuan had said to Young.
“You’re supposed to love her,” Young said, glaring at the general.
"Love her?" Jing Yuan scoffed. "Don't make me laugh." Young clenched his fists. This was the man you were supposed to marry? "Not when she's in love with another man." Young's heart had almost skipped a beat. You? In love with another man? Could it be...? Jing Yuan glared at Young. "Do we have a deal?"
Jing Yuan? And dark magic? That was not a good combination. You clenched your fists, but Young put his hand over yours, and you naturally held his hand.
“You gave him what he wanted?” you asked quietly.
“He wasn’t sane. I could never risk losing you.”
You looked him in the eyes. “But—”
Young put a hand on your cheek and leaned in until his soft lips touched yours. Your eyes widened. It was just for a moment, but it ignited something within you.
“I love you,” Young said quietly. “...I love you with all my heart.”
You blinked once and the tears began to fall. Then, you quickly pulled him close and kissed him full on the mouth. His tongue slid into your mouth like a sword into its sheath. His hand finds its way around your head, gently pulling you closer until he was intimately kissing you with all that he had. He'd dreamt of this moment, but you tasted so much better than he could've ever imagined. The want. The love. The desire. It was conveyed in this  one kiss that opened the skies and broke the heavens.
Your hands landed on his hard chest while Young's slowly slid down your thin robe. Coupled with how his tongue danced with yours, by God, you needed more. One of your hands slipped into his hanfu, feeling his taut muscles, and your kiss broke for a second for you to hear a quiet, low moan from his delicious mouth. 
By the time you pulled away, your face was flushed and your pupils were dilating. Your desire for this man had been cut from its rusting chains, and you wanted him to—
“...Love me,” you said before you could stop yourself. You felt a little embarrassed, but Young's gaze only darkened with desire. You swallowed thickly. “...Please.”
You could feel his breath on your lips. He said your name in a low voice that almost made you shiver. In one swoop, Young had you on your back. His lips grazed your neck, and you heard him whisper, "Then, I won't hold back."
Young’s lips found yours again as his hands undid your robe. His fiery kisses continue again and again as the pad of his thumb massaged a nipple with a circular motion until it was hard and round as a delicate pearl. Young lowered his head and took one into his mouth, his tongue slow and measured as he worked to satisfy his carnal appetite for you. Yet, the more he tried, the more his desire grew.
Your breathy moans spurred him on, and the animalistic desire to pleasure you soared to new heights. One of his hands slid lower, feeling the curves of your body he'd never thought he would touch. Your legs parted even more when you felt his hand dipping lower to your core. Sliding the fabric of your undergarments aside, he slowly slid two fingers inside. He raised his head, watching how your expressions change as he moved his fingers in a come-hither motion that worked to stimulate your G-spot and clit at the same time.
Your hips moved to the motion of his fingers as you reached for his heightened desire that was throbbing beneath his hanfu. Young’s fingers slid out at your short cry. He was on his knees, and as you watched him undress, the sight of his naked chest did nothing to calm the vertigo he had subjected you to when he kissed you. Your face flushed at the sight of his heavy sex that made your imagination ran wild.
His hands were on either side of your head; you curled your legs around him. When he slowly slid into you, you heard him curse, something you’ve never heard before in the many years you’ve known him. It was strangely erotic.
Your bodies began moving together. His steady but deep thrusts against the roll of your hips. Your arms were on his back, legs tightly around him, as Young began moving faster… stronger… until you could barely contain the moans and gasps he so easily elicited. But you weren't the only one. His breathing became erratic; he muttered another vulgarity, and he almost growled your name in pleasure beside your ear. 
Your head was rolled back, eyes on the ceiling as you basked in the newfound pleasure. Suddenly, Young tilted your head down, and you felt his soft lips against yours, kissing you with a fiery intensity that got stronger with every thrust until…
You came simultaneously with a satisfied moan.
As both of you came down from the high, Young kissed your forehead and smiled at you. Then you heard him whisper, “I should’ve told you much sooner.” You put a hand on his cheek as he said, more loudly this time, “I should’ve asked you to be mine.”
Your eyes open, and you're staring at the ceiling of your bedroom. Your heart is beating rapidly, your breathing is uneven, and your face is flushed. You're clutching your blanket as you sit up, tears sliding down your cheeks.
You and Young had made love, but that would be the first and the last time. You bury your head in your hands as you knew that would be the last moment of bliss you'd share before everything crumbled.
Chapter 12
End Notes:
I was supposed to post this yesterday, but this chapter just kept going and going... and I didn't know where to stop LOL. By the time it was done, it was late, so I left editing until today. This is the longest chapter out of all my stories, but it's my favourite out of this story so far.
I feel kinda bad for making Jing Yuan the bad guy... 😭😭 I love him, honestly, which is why I have a separate story idea for him after this one. The guy is too sexy and lovable. But yeah, enjoy evil Jing Yuan for now LOL
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @lxry-chxn @tanspostsblog @nqctre @theprinceofkhaos @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit @kplatzman @sunsethw4
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 5
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Soulmate Match: Theme: Soulmates / Monster/Fantasy AU
You know on sight. Friends also know when they meet you if you're a match for one of their friends.
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: We see a little of Bucky's perspective.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of past historic abuse and blood.
Bucky Barnes was born with dragon's blood running through his veins. His mother and father both from the purest dragon stock that still survived.
His American father had met his American - Russian mother whilst serving in the military, and they had known the moment they set eyes on each other that they were a match. Days of the Cold War surrounded them and Bucky's father, George, was concerned as to how his family would react bringing home a wife and mate that was part Russian but once his family and friends had met Winnie, and discovered that she was also from a strong dragon bloodline, hers even with a smidge of Russian royalty, there was nothing to worry about. George and Winnie had let this acceptance of themselves set the tone for how they accepted their children's presentations and that of their soulmates.
Nearly two weeks ago when Bucky had rushed into their home, his phone in his hand saying he'd found his soulmate, there had been a flurry of excitement. His nieces had squealed when they'd heard him mention you were a fairy.
"How are you gonna play this son?"
"Natalia will arrange something to introduce us, hopefully in the next couple of days."
"Don't come on too strong." His sister Becca had interrupted.
"Nobody asked you Becca." He grunted.
"I'm just saying....."
"NOBODY ASKED YOU!!!" He replied, raising his voice.
"This is exactly what I mean."
Bucky went towards her only to be stopped by Winnie's hand softly going to his chest.
"Sit down Yasha."
Bucky sat down with a huff and Becca pulled a face at him and stuck out her tongue.
"Rebecca Barnes-Smith may I remind you that you are not a child and you don't actually live here anymore, go home and make dinner for that very patient husband of yours." Winnie said, not even needing to turn to know her daughter was trying to provoke her eldest child.
"Now, as much as it pains me to say this, your sister does have a point." Winnie said, watching as Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Look son" George started "your mother and I know how much you want this. How much you want to get settled, be bonded, start a family, move upstate and all of that, but"
"But what?"
"But you're a dragon and we tend to be possessive of our things. Fairies are different to us. You come on too strong and she'll flit off, and I know how meddlesome sprites are. Don't let Natalia get too involved."
Bucky didn't listen and two days later he was walking into Natasha's Brownstone after you'd point blank refused to meet him or Steve.
Steve had taken your refusal a little too well for Bucky's liking, saying they should take this slow and let you come to them. Damn griffin, what did he know anyway? In Bucky's eyes, he'd given up way to easily as he'd left to go on an art finding trip for Tony and Pepper. But this also left Bucky almost unsupervised in his pursuit of you.
And it wasn't going well. You weren't talking to him or Nat. Steve on the other hand received a very short message that said you were fine and asking him to tell Bucky to back off.
Bucky hated being wrong and had a continued in his chasing but it wasn't working and he'd tried plenty. Gifts, that you sent back. Messages, that you ignored.
But today something was off and Bucky was going to come to your apartment, not just watch you from the rooftop across the street, whether you liked it or not.
Steve had tried to talk him out of it, even going as far to ask Tony to talk to you instead. You'd briefly worked as an office temp for Stark Industries and Tony and Pepper had grown to know and like you whilst you covered for Pepper's assistant whilst she took an extended honeymoon. They'd also sensed you'd be a match for their friends but decided to not play with the fates and let things take their course. Unlike a certain Natasha Romanoff.
Bucky had contemplated waiting for Tony to speak to you but before he'd even had a proper chance to, he felt a need to get to you. That something was wrong.
As he ran up the stairs of you apartment, the smell of blood wafted up his nose and his dragon knew immediately that it was yours, and Stark was with you.
What the fuck was going on? He slowly opened the door, leaning in to see you curled up on the floor with Tony. The latter making eye contact and signalling for him to wait.
“That the asshole family had something to do with your lacking of wings and pointy ears.”
Fuck. Bucky hadn't even noticed. So caught up in his pursuit of you, in his possessiveness to have you, he'd not even noticed your hair always covering your ears and that none of the photos he'd seen of you, hundreds across your social media hadn't shown your wings.
“They won’t want me Tony. They won’t want me when they know.”
Bucky was torn between comforting you and flying off to confront your family. It'd probably only take one call to Romanoff to find them. Right now though, his dragon made the decision, he wanted to hold you, to clean the cuts on your legs and feet. The possessiveness wanted you out of Tony's lap.
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wintersxani · 1 year
Can I request a soulmate! au one, where Emily is the reader's soulmate and the reader is a single parent to a small girl (maybe abt 4)
And the rest of the team is the reader's platonic soulmates but she didn't know cause she thought she doesn't have soulmate she just think that they are protective by nature
The reader's completely oblivious abt the whole thing
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | Emily Prentiss x fem soulmate!reader
Warning(s): nothing :)
Word count: 729
Characters: Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Jack Hotchner, Henry LaMontagne
Summary: After thinking you're the exception to finding a soulmate, you meet yours, Emily Prentiss, after a mix-up. Shortly after, you find your platonic soulmates.
A/N: I actually didn't know about soulmate au's until this request, so I had to do a little bit of research to learn about it! Hope this short but sweet fic satisfies your request and as always, thank you sm for sending one! <3
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For years the world had been so dull. You knew everyone was destined for a soulmate, but it felt as if you were the exception. You couldn't help but be jealous of those couples who were destined to be together, living so blissfully joyful. There had been someone you had thought had been the one for you, but he faded off, leaving you to raise your now four-year-old daughter alone.
Though the world was dull, and days tended to be lonely, your daughter Adalyne was the light of your life. Raising her was hard on your own, but by now you were used to it. You were unsure anyone would ever come into your life now that you were a single mother, but you didn't let that deter you from trying to get out there and find your person.
Since you were a little girl, you'd dream of a dark-haired woman. She glowed so brightly and had this essence about her that felt... right. Like the missing piece to the puzzle. When you'd wake, you could never remember her face, just her hair, and her vivid aura. You never understood this reoccurring dream until Emily Prentiss stood in front of you at a coffee shop, holding your coffee cup.
It had been a mistake, seeing as she hadn't checked if her cup was the one on the left or the right. After apologizing for the mishap, you watched as she talked to your daughter in a way that made you smile so large. She had a motherly energy herself, but something in your gut verified that she wasn't. As she introduced herself, the two of you shook hands, and that's when you knew.
It had been like the world exploded with light, colors intensifying on every surface around; the realization that the woman in front of you was your soulmate was overwhelming, leaving you short of breath as your hands remained clasped together. Both your guys' eyes were wide as your lips laid agape, and the woman from your dream now had a face- that woman was in front of you. "It's you-" You breathed, trying to catch your breath as every emotion intensified. "You're my soulmate." A smile spread across both of your faces as the love sparking between you only grew, as had the light in the world. Adalyne had loved her in an instant, knowing herself that the two of you were tethered together by fate.
The two of you were married not to long after, having a beautiful ceremony. Then was when she introduced you to her team, and they had immediately taken to you. Penelope had smothered you with hugs and love, being the first to welcome you to their found family. David had been next, offering to pay for yours and Emily's honeymoon. He would become a father figure to both of you, providing a grand-father figure to Adalyne. Jennifer and Spencer came like a package, as had Derek and Aaron following. Jack, Henry, and Adalyne would have playdates all the time, usually at Rossi's home where all of you could sit back and relax after they'd come back from a case.
Quality time had been something all of you really favored, more specifically together. In your previous years, you weren't much of a people-person, needing a break after socializing with a couple people. You valued distance over anything. Now, you didn't know how you had gone through life without the 7 of them in it. Every waking moment they were free, you were with them. Whether it be one-on-ones or the whole group, being with all of them made you feel complete. Your safety and comfortability were always at the top of their lists. You thought it was just protective nature, seeing as the work they do every day was no easy task, nor was it safe. Being involved with an FBI agent automatically put you at risk, but that hadn't stopped Emily and her team from keeping you safe.
Emily loved seeing you so happy around her teammates, and it didn't take long for her to realize that they were your platonic soulmates. Having six was extremely rare, let alone one. You had been oblivious to their nature, never questioning how you'd know what they were thinking or feeling more than half the time. You just knew that they were what you were missing, and now, you were complete.
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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edsforehead · 1 year
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Some of my fav fics for Eddie Munson for July 🔥smut 🗡angst ☁️fluff 🕷️dark
SERIES Stop the world and melt with you(inter-dimensional soulmates, twilight zone au) by @bettyfrommars Summary: One second, you're crying in your car in 2023, and the next, you're trapped in a town that feels stuck in the 80's, and a guy named Eddie comes to your rescue. Lots of things are explored in this fic including time travel, parallel lives, interdimensional travel, sci-fi, fantasy, soulmates, etc. Lots of 80's nostalgia, and other ST characters will be introduced along the way. This fic is for those who want something a lil different---definitely not for everyone. Eddie's wish by @harrywavycurly Summary: On a Friday the 13th in October Eddie Munson made a wish, he just wanted someone who understands him. Little did he know that someone would be you, and you’d appear in his bedroom a few weeks later. Now Eddie still has tons of questions and he’s not even sure if he wants to keep you but that’s what the trial run is for, he has a week to figure out if you’re the someone he wants around all the time or if he wants to exchange you for someone else. This is a series all about how Eddie has to deal with getting exactly what he wished for. Not Wholly Evil (pirate!Eddie x Governers daughter!reader) by @uglypastels Summary: 'Do not worry; we shall release you straight back into your father's arms– for a reasonable price, that is,' he looked around at his men, who all once again erupted in a jolly sea of laughter, matching his much softer depiction of humour. 'But for now….' He dramatically removed his hat as his unbrushed locks grazed the floor. When he rose back up, his grin had spread to the widest corners of his mouth, and his dark eyes were filled with menacing mischief, freezing your core at the thought of what he could possibly be holding back in his mind. 'Welcome aboard the Hellfire.' 
ONE SHOTS Hooked ☁️🗡 by @hellfire--cult Summary: After your Grandmother's passing, you were left with her immense wealth and her big mansion, yet your loneliness didn't let you enjoy this new life, but before you could even begin living in it, you were snatched away, into the second star to the right, by a Captain who has a hook as a right hand. Safe with you ☁️ by @munsons-maiden Summary: Based on this request: could i request maybe eddie brings reader to a deal but wants her to stay in the van so she’s safe but the people he’s dealing to see her because she walked out to tell eddie something and it doesn’t go so well. and after the situation eddie and her argue but eddie’s upset and just what’s to protect her 🥺 but ofc it ends well
BLURBS The bigger, the better(loving on Eddie's huge fivehead) ☁️ by @queenimmadolla Wolfman!Eddie 🔥 by @bettyfrommars
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phanfictioncatalogue · 4 months
FTM!Phil (2) Masterlist
part one
Adoration - binaryhowell
Summary: Soulmate!au (the name on the wrist kind, except they’ve known each other since Phil was 18)  where it’s Dan’s 18th birthday and he’s with Phil, and he’s scared to tell Phil that it’s not his name on his wrist. Phil has a secret of his own.
dysphoric days (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: It's one of those days.
don't say goodbye tonight (and leave forever) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan howell's just trying to finish his master's thesis but a plant and a very cute boy get in the way.
Exist (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Phil is a trans man and thinking about transition and about his relationship with Dan.
gay straight alliance. (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan joins their college's gsa and unexpectedly falls in love with their president.
i’ll return as soon as possible (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan joins a soulmate match website because he’s impatient and tired
keep your feet on the ground (when your head's in the clouds) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan meets Phil at a party, except he doesn't really know that it's Phil.
morning light - switchdnp
Summary: 778 words of soft, drabbly, trans!phil smut
my heavy set of cares evaporates all around you (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: phil tries to propose to dan, but it flops.
no one's perfect, but we make our way out (ao3) - manchestereye (orphan_account)
Summary: a custody case introduces phil to dan howell, a family lawyer that gets close to him and his daughter.
Passing Stranger (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Part of him longs to be out there, under the hot Florida sun, in the refreshing water, swimming laps, letting his muscles stretch out. Who's he kidding? He just wants to be that boy in the pool, strong and effortless and carefree.
One of those days (ao3) - Nickerdoodle
Summary: When Phil gets put through some painful gender dysphoria, will he be able to cope alone?
Or will Dan have to rescue him?
Or the one where Dan is an awesome boyfriend and helps Phil out through his darkest moments.
Secret Identity - fireworkphan
Summary: Angsty trans!Phil
sickeningly sweet like honey (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: a year after dan and phil get together
Skirting Around the Subject -- a Phil Lester Gender Struggle (ao3) - TrashFan
Summary: It started as an accident, a series of small disasters that landed Phil standing in a train station in a skirt. From there, things seemed to spiral out of control. A google search here, a shopping trip there, and suddenly Phil is left not knowing who he is and what he wants for himself.
something wrong in the village (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: Fiona Lester has a secret. Dan Howell thinks they hate each other.
Dan meets an online friend and comes to realize something important about himself while juggling changing relationships with his parents, friends, and Fiona.
Training (ao3) - Aveysauce
Summary: Dan and Phil are beginning Dan's training as Phil's sub/little
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rose-riot-johnson · 6 months
Have you heard of “Carmela Carmine” the weapons dealer from the Amazon series “Hazbin Hotel” I have a cute idea about what if Mr. Compress was dating Carmela Carmine? And one day after that whole “Overhaul incident” and the LOV had to regroup Compress called her after the incident, and what all happened an hour later after they regroup, Carmela sent out her daughters Clara and Odette showed up With the amputated arm for Compress (and cue the rest of the LOV meeting his girlfriend’s daughters😅) and the girls explained that Carmela and them were worried and that they want to help take down overhaul For all the shit he’s done.😅
Your request sounds fun to try writing😃👍While I have written a fanfic about Mr Compress being the staring character, writing about Carmilla (and her daughters) definitely makes the request really interesting💡😃Considering that I really wanted to go through with writing atleast something that is a crossover fanfic, while having history of writing plenty of My Hero Academia fanfics, and wanting to write a fanfic pertianing any of the characters from Hazbin Hotel and/or Helluva Boss this request is definitely going to shake things up with me writing fanficsin a good way😃👍I'm really excited to try writing this fanfic out to see how this turns out😁👍
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💐🟢A Misunderstanding Without Any Problems, Except Overhaul 🟢💐(Mr Compress, Real Name, Atsuhiro Sako (My Hero Academia) x Carmilla Carmine (Featuring her daughters, Clara and Odette) (Hazbin Hotel)
Genres: Ship drabble that features one of the character's and crossover fanfic (Warning ⚠️: Language)
When Mr Compress and Carmilla Carmine fist met they were childhood friends, however they started dating months before the he joined Tomura Shigaraki. Ofcourse both Mr Compress and Carmilla Carmine are very aware of eachother's occupation and stuff (up to reader's imagination, if Mr Compress knew if Carmilla had daughters at the time). While Mr Compress' relationship with Carmilla isn't perfect, they're so compatible (and have so much chemistry) it's really obvious that they're meant for eachother, as if they're eachother's soulmates.
One day Mr Compress had to call Carmilla about what everything that happened with the Overhaul situation the (day or night) before he called her. He even told her the League Of Villains had to regroup from everything that happened, especially what Overhaul did to him. After the call she was livid... She was not happy for what Overhaul did to the League Of Villains, she was very aggravated to hear Mr Compress told her what Overhaul did to him.
There are things that meant alot to her, including her daughters, Zestial, and her boyfriend Mr Compress, and she felt anywho whos messes with anyone or anything precious to her, including the her daughters, Zestial, and Mr Compress, she will make these culprits pay. So, considering that Overhaul fucked with Mr Compress and the League Villains (considering that Mr Compress is part of the League Of Villains), there's going to be hell to pay in Overhaul's case, so she decided to send her daughters Clara and Odette to make Overhaul pay for fucking with to her boyfriend Mr Compress and (the rest of the members of) the League Of Villains.
After the League Of Villains (including Mr Compress) defeated Overhaul in another incident involving interfering with the police taking him to a prison, Mr Compress went shopping for some tea and as he was just about to call Carmilla that the "(Overhaul) pest issue" was tooken cared of, both of her daughters asking him about killing Overhaul for fucking with him (and League Of Villains). He asked who they are, before they answered that they're her daughters Clara and Odette, which (up to the reader's imagination if Mr Compress was aware of Carmilla had daughters prior to him meeting them), then he introduces himself as Atsuhiro Sako, then telling them that they can call him Mr Compress. He took her daughters to the hideout where the other members of League Of Villains are in.
Mr Compress then introduce his girlfriend's daughters to the rest of the League Of Villains, then her daughters, Clara and Odette explained that they and their mother Carmilla are worried about the League Of Villains (her boyfriend Mr Compress included) and how they want to make Overhaul pay for all of the hell he put Mr Compress and the rest of the members of The League Of Villains through. So, all of the members of the League Of Villains had to explain that they have tooken cared of the problem on every member of the League Of Villains, including Mr Compress explained everything and every word on how they have took down Overhaul and how they made Overhaul's life hell.
Months afterwards, Mr Compress had married Carmilla, meaning they are husband and wife, while her daughters Clara and Odette become Mr Compress' step daughters. So, not only Carmilla and her daughters become the part of the of the League Of Villains (who Mr Compress low key considers family), Mr Compress has also become part of a family of four: Mr Compress, Carmilla, and her daughters (Clara and Odette). So, as Carmilla and her daughters became new members of the League Of Villains and Mr Compress becoming part of Carmilla's family, the rest of the members League of Villains, Mr Compress, his wife Carmilla, and her daughters (Clara and Odette), became one big happy family.
🟢💐The End💐🟢
Okay my Tumblr Peeps I hope you enjoyed this crossover fanfic😃👍As for you @supernatural-hunter1 I hope I have written the Mr Compress x Carmilla fanfic well💐🟢😁👍I hope it was alright if I tag you😅Anyways, I did start writing ship drabbles with the bullited list, since writing a Naruto Shippuden ship drabble pertaining a particular ship, which was why I have written this ship like that. I did have fun writing this crossover fanfic and I hope you had fun reading the fanfic, as well😁👍
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tau1tvec · 8 months
hello! i was wondering if you could briefly introduce your main oc's and how they are all connected. most seem to know each other in your posts but i'm confused on the relationships... thank you in advance <3
Feeling like I might’ve already posted an ask like this, but my blog is an unorganized mess, and I’ve got zero self-control when it comes to throwing new sims in the mix or doing au’s, so here goes nothing.
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Yan is with Marco, about 95% of the time. They’ve had two children together, Dantes and Magdalena. Yan was with Emerik at one point, but they eventually break it off when she realizes he isn’t willing to “fit” in her life ( he’s a stubborn ol’ dog stuck in his ways ), but eventually Emerik is introduced to Aya, through his friend Macey, who Emerik has also casually fucked ( bc what hole hasn’t he stuck it in ). Aya starts off dating Emerik’s cousin tho, Wen, first, but their relationship is hella toxic, and eventually he knocks up some other girl, but Aya keeps hanging around Emerik’s house even when Wen moves out to give this dad thing a go, and her and Emerik eventually start becoming an official thing. They end up having two kids, Pacha and Josiah.
Now Emerik and Marco are also cousins, and like all his cousins Emerik hates him too ( likely bc he stole Yan from up under his nose ). Marco is the son of Catherine and Demitri, and Demitri can’t keep in his pants, so Marco’s got several half siblings, the one he’s closest to is his little sister, but he’s also spent time with Aex, although their relationship is a bit complicated, mostly bc his girlfriend/wife Corin ends up having an affair with Marco at one point. Eventually Aex realizes Corin’s just got issues with monogamy, and so she more or less gives him “permission” to “see other people”, and even though it isn’t his thing, he gives it a try. Eventually he ends up meeting Isa, and as expected, things get complicated, bc he catches feelings, even though Isa is also involved with another guy, Mars, who’s essentially her “celestial soulmate” ( so like they’re together, but not, maybe in a different lifetime or whatever ??? ) and only bc Mars is kinda also obsessed with Yan, who’s a reincarnation of his first love.
We’ve come full circle!
Now onto the less nonsensical of my cinematic universes…
Neysa and Oba are siblings, both are spellcasters, and so are their parents. Spellcasters are encouraged to keep the peace between the other occults, esp Vampires and Werewolves, but Neysa and Oba are eventually thrown into a whirlwind when the peace is broken, and the Vampires attempt to take over… basically everything 😅. Ulla is the daughter of a master vampire, and together with her siblings, Cavett included, they try to do their father’s bidding, but find themselves conflicted, esp when Neysa and her brother come into the picture. Oba ends up injured at some point, at death’s door rlly, and Ulla begs her father to change him, in an attempt to save him and avoid conflict with the Spellcasters. Oba turns, but might’ve caused a bit of an issue with the greater supernatural world being two supes at once, so Cavett and Neysa team up to try to find a cure, and also hopefully stop his father’s Vampire/Zombie like curse from spreading through humans who are changing without the blood of a Master Vampire, and against their will.
I’m sorry if none of this makes any sense, but it’s an accumulation of years of my wild ideas and the ridiculous things that happen in my sims games, so it probably makes a lot more sense in my head. 😆
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