#that's nice honey
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suchasurfriend · 10 days ago
"i need to see my therapist" <- tad homophobic homosexual
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fair-itself · 6 months ago
There's a lot I could say about The Subtance as an unflinching, gruesome close-up portrait of systemic misogyny, internalized sexism, self-hatred, and the brutality of fame, but more importantly, you know what I bet? I bet there is exactly one customer of The Subtance who is doing everything right. Week one, makes a living as a fitness influencer; week two, enjoys a lavish retirement funded by her other self's earnings. Week one, jogging, yoga, filming tiktoks, enjoying the vitality of youth; week two, Alaskan cruises, mahjong with the girls, enjoying unlimited free time and liberation from the crushing weight of the societal expectation to care what other people think of you. Keeps her other self on a nice air mattress with a quilt and always cooks a big recovery breakfast to be waiting for her when she switches. Walks out of that creepy alley every week whistling. Has no idea potential complications even exist. Every other user is living a psychedelic horror show of trauma, goop, and rage, and she's just at Barnes and Noble picking up the latest selection for book club. I know I'm alone in this, but I would happily watch that sequel.
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leal-hound · 8 months ago
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one day ill write that fanfic
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edorazzi · 9 months ago
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Page 18 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix brutally debunks whatever Adrien heard from Bri about their 'fairytale relationship' (she was trying to be nice! 🥲), and outlines how their Miraculous' powers of Fortune worked! 🪄🏰
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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canisalbus · 1 month ago
not to over think it, but thematically I think Were-Vasco would be his most societally unacceptable but authentic self. So maybe he is successful in aiding Machete but is more violent in doing so
He just becomes an anarchist.
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aengelren · 1 year ago
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tell him you know a place then drop him off at a therapist
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lunewolf13 · 3 months ago
I have it stuck in my head that if Bruce got Damian when he was still a baby and Dami was not trained in secrecy, this would happen.
Four year old Damian: My dad is Batman!
The group of preschoolers who were playing with him: Woww!!
And later, several of them excitedly tells their parents: His dad's BATMAN! So cool!
The parents: Batman, huh? That's very cool. And Damian tells Bruce he told everyone at school that he's Batman, and Bruce is paranoid they'll tell their parents, and the parents will expose his identity.
And then Alfred reminds him that no one's going to believe a four year old boy. Not when that boy is comparing his father to a hero.
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latenightsundayblues · 2 years ago
I imagine their banter and bickering in the process of killing someone would deal greater psychological damage than the torturing itself
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ghostbkg · 8 days ago
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🍋⭐honey lemon soda ep. 06
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cuubism · 3 months ago
I've grown quite fond of him myself 🥺 @five-and-dimes and I discussed him at length and created more lore for him. It was determined that Dream's earnest whimsy probably got him bullied a lot when he was younger. Not since he met Hob though.... it's probably a coincidence 🤷‍♀️ surely everyone just realized the error of their ways and decided to grow up and be kinder! Dream knew it would happen some day :)
Dream is still reeling as he reaches the cafe where he's meant to get afternoon coffee with Hob. He feels a bit shaky, but happy. Joyful. In disbelief.
When Cori had cornered him after class, Dream had been sure he was going to shove him up against a wall, or throw his books on the ground, or any of the other number of things he seemed to get satisfaction out of doing. He'd clutched his books tight, bracing himself.
Instead, Cori had, with halting, uncomfortable words, apologized to him. Actually apologized! Dream had been wary at first, sure it was just another way to hurt his feelings--he's been called gullible many times and he knows there's truth to it--but Cori hadn't taken it back, or suddenly turned on him again like he had every other time Dream had tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. He seemed genuine.
It was what Dream had always wanted, what he had always hoped for, so decided to take it and just pray that Cori wouldn't change his mind again in the future. Or trip him as he walked away.
He didn't, though. And as Dream left to walk to his next class, he couldn't help but feel victorious. He knew he would get through to him eventually! He'd always known that eventually people would grow out of their juvenile pranks and learn to treat others better. And finally it was starting to happen.
None of the other usual suspects bothered him that day, either. Nobody tried to trip him, or snickered when he said something overly sentimental in class. It was like overnight the world had woken up and decided to better itself. It was magical.
So he's still shaking a bit when he sits down across from Hob, who's already gotten him his mocha latte. When he doesn't say anything at first, just takes several long sips of his drink, Hob nudges his leg under the table.
"Everything alright?"
"Cori," Dream says, "apologized to me."
He must have milk foam on his lip, for Hob reaches across the table to wipe it away with his thumb, lingering on the corner of Dream's mouth. "Did he?"
Dream nods. "It- it did not seem to be a joke. Hob, I think he actually learned."
Hob smiles sweetly. "That's great, honey."
"Nobody tripped me today," Dream muses. "Or made fun of what I said in class. I cannot believe it. I knew that eventually people would grow up and learn how to treat others kindly, but it's startling to see it happen in real time."
"They must have learned from your example," Hob says. He takes Dream's hand on the table and starts playing idly with his fingers. Hob is very touchy-feely with him, always holding his hand, or playing with his fingers like they're a fidget toy, or petting his hair while they're lying in bed together. Dream found it strange at first. He was used to others he had attempted to date wanting to rough him up a little. When he questioned it, they would say, with a laugh, you're just too sheltered. Dream didn't think he was, particularly, he just didn't understand wanting to push someone around. At least not without finding out if they even liked it.
When Dream mentioned it, Hob had said, with a grimace, that Dream's kindness could be misinterpreted as innocence, and it made people want to 'corrupt him.' Dream didn't get it, but there were a lot of things he 'didn't get', at least according to other people. In any case, Hob didn't do that, because he knew Dream didn't like it, so Dream is content now. And he has Hob to at least attempt to interpret other people's odd behavior for him.
"I hope it sticks," he says, worriedly. "I would hate for Cori and the others to backslide now that they're finally making progress."
"Oh, don't worry," Hob says, bringing Dream's hand to his lips and kissing his knuckles. He looks at Dream over their joined hands, gaze absolutely sure, a look that never fails to make Dream shiver pleasantly when it's directed at him. "I think it'll stick."
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23fallencomets · 2 months ago
nervous baby cheetah!logan being paired up with overly excited golden retriever!alex and the two become so incredibly close that honey badger! oscar starts having thoughts
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thewertsearch · 8 months ago
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Oh, it's just Tinkerbull writing MEOW.
Unlike Rose's lavender cipher, Tavros isn't authoring this sequence in his signature color. Instead, his code is Doc Scratch white - a bad omen, if I ever saw one.
AA: an incomplete fragment consisting of four symbols AA: comprising the first word of a binary refrain
A binary refrain, implying the existence of a TOCK Player. Does each code constitute half of MEOW, or has Doc Scratch's genome been spliced with something else entirely?
AA: a pair of sounds emerging from the belly of a fabled tyrants menace
That would be the crocodile from Peter Pupa Pan.
Come to think of it, The story of Hook's crocodile draws some possibly-unintentional parallels to Homestuck's current arc. In the movie, it constantly circled Hook like a buzzard, the ominous ticking in its belly serving as a constant reminder that he was living on borrowed time.
AA: but you authored only one sound of the pair AA: i would write the other
Breath and Time, T1ck and T0ck.
What have you got cooking, Team Charge?
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AA: completing the phrase of legend AA: the persisting sounds said to accompany the ultimate demise of the tyrant less an arm and an eye
These legendary injuries again. Just like in the original story, it seems that Pupa’s Hook also dies to the ticking of a clock.
In the context of the comic, this might actually be a prophecy about the death one of our Hook cosplayers – namely, Slick, Jack and Vriska. Perhaps the real reason these injuries are so common is to ensure we can't tell who this prophecy's actually about. Tyrant currently suits Jack best, but a lot can happen in four thousand pages.
AA: but even these eight characters AA: the scrawlings of charge AA: were still but half the code
Charge provides half the code, and Scourge undoubtedly provides the other. The nascent Doc Scratch is composed of four sequences, supplied by the progenitors of this group's bloodiest conflict.
It seems this code was implanted in three Prospit dreamers, and only one Derse dreamer. Sgurb's mechanics are almost universally balanced by moon, so I find this a little odd.
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Immediately after the cueball incident, Vriska subconsciously authors break.
What does Terezi get, then? R3P41R?
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‘BR8K H34DS.’
Team Scourge is the story of a rigged coin, and a broken 8-ball.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years ago
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diversity win your spam emails are queer
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honeysteaa · 4 months ago
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Showing off my newest (and smallest) tattoo 🥰🩷
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chalkrub · 1 year ago
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i'm once again sharing a birthday with jesus - but even more importantly i'm sharing a birthday with my darling MIDGE!! happy birthday beautiful creature i can't believe you've been around for two years now
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mcytegg · 3 months ago
derap meeting pili and barking at him bc, and i quote, "its a territorial response" is so damn funny. like esp after finding out that pili is known for being a freak like derap is. what is it abt pangi that has freaks obsessing over him 😭😭😭
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