#that's my opinion on the trailer
astorkes · 15 days
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she might've dyed it black but the pink is still showing💘
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kerrste · 2 months
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I can’t beleive they just walked around like this for the whole movie
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steakcreature · 12 days
My main problem with minecraft trailer:
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I mean seriously, who tf thought this would be a good idea??
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xinyuehui · 4 months
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If I told you that you could travel back in time through photos, would you like to take the chance?
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eriexplosion · 8 months
Listen though, listen. They had the chance to Confirm Tech's Death by flashing to some kind of Proof in the trailer when Rex talks about losing brothers. They had that chance. Instead we get, i think, one of our first uses of flashback in any capacity to see Tech falling again. You know, the thing they KNOW was considered ambiguous. That bitch is alive.
Now let's just hope he's not this guy.
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lonichedgehog · 6 months
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Cassidy looks alright, but I think something like this would have worked better on him ngl
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intolerable-sushi · 14 days
The minecraft movie should have resembled a mystery/horror movie. Allow me to explain
Minecraft has deep lore about multiple ancient civilizations, failed experiments, and dark magic. There is a zone that contains just a raging dragon. There are so many mods that are just horror centered mods. The creatures themselves are horrifying when you put some thought into it. Phantoms that haunt you if you don't sleep enough, exploding creature, zombies, it's perfectly set up to be a movie filled with both beauty and horror. It doesn't even have to be fully horror, think the secret of nimh. I also think it would have been nice to see it animated in a 2d format. These are just my thoughts and opinions at the moment, maybe it'll be a great movie that hits all the right notes. Ultimately I feel like it doesn't lean in the material as it could have.
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thenamesblurrito · 5 months
Ngl, I don't like how the new movie is changing the backstory. I wanted miner Megatron, I wanted him writing his manifesto, becoming a gladiator, starting a revolution. No atlmodes takes out the whole funtionist society, are at least Megatron's big chunk in it. Also, Bee being the same age as them is a very weird take. I've always seen Bee as being 20 and Megs and OP being in their 50s.
Changing the backstory?? My dude there IS no one backstory in transformers. Megatron hasn’t always been a miner/gladiator/revolutionary leader against functionism. This is a brand new continuity, not IDW or Aligned. For gods sake have we forgotten the LITERAL EVIL BRAINWORMS he had in G1???
I super love new and weird takes on old stuff, in case you’ve forgotten the premise of this blog. I have some qualms maybe but overall I’m excited for this. Also you seem really quick to dismiss the lore and worldbuilding potential of not everyone having tcogs. Limiting tcog use so that “lowly worker bots” don’t have any, and apparently many don’t even have NAMES, sounds like it could absolutely be a dystopic regime, just with a different manner of oppression than functionism.
Basically: tf fans stop expecting new continuities to be exactly like old canons challenge (failed)
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miyku · 3 months
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glitchedgirly · 16 hours
I don’t think that the minecraft jumanji ripoff would actually have even been the worst plot (still definitely not the best choice) IF it had been done genuinely. IF (and it’s a big if) it was genuine then I could see being highly effective.
Waking up and being trapped in a strange new environment where you have to discover the rules Does fit with Minecraft. Learning to adapt to a foreign environment and love the world around you Does fit with Minecraft. The level of solitude that happens when you are the only person trapped in a foreign land Does fit with Minecraft. Even having new players and people come into the world after you’ve become accustomed to it Does fit with Minecraft (the joy of multiple players and showing off your builds). All of these are relatively jumanji-esque plot beats
But what Doesn’t fit with Minecraft is the bathos, the lack of sincerity. The trailer (and the movie most likely) lacks the level of sincerity to properly make the trope function. It plays everything as a joke or a bit when it could have easily just played it seriously and had a better movie (plotwise, the design choices are a whole nother level) This isn’t unique to the Minecraft movie and has been happening in movies and tv shows for a while but this movie seems so ungenuine in its writing that it especially demonstrates this issue
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littlemissgeek8 · 21 days
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I started replaying Inquisition in preparation for Veilguard, and fell head-first into loving Varric. I'd always liked him, but I'm more salty than ever that Mary Kirby refused to let him be romancable. Give me my sweet hairy dwarf please!
So I spent two days drawing my Cadash with Varric because I ship them a lot, referenced heavily from a picture of Bruce Lancaster and Yvonne De Carlo (with liberties taken with Cadash's hands. :3)
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sweetredbeans · 24 days
Just gonna randomly ramble some things here about the Sonic Movies okay cool. (PS. This is absolutely not meant to be mean if you didn't like the trailer: you are 100% allowed to dislike it. This is just me rambling my own thoughts ^v^)
I'm already immediately tired of people absolutely BLASTING the movies for choices that they don't like without actually thinking about why those choices might have been made.
Tom being a cop. Okay. What other Earth profession follows the stereotypical "hero" role (the role that Sonic fills in his games) any better? So, a profession where you are saving people from "bad guys" by beating them up. Because that is what Sonic does in Sonic 1. Follows Robotnik around and beats him up and rescues the people (flickies) he was being mean to. They clearly wanted to parallel that idea and yeah, Sonic doesn't like cops and that makes sense given who he is, but I can also look at the movie and go "Oh, they wanted that parallel for a reason and that's why they made that decision" not just because they want to engage in copaganda.
Why is Amy not here yet. Money. Plain and simple, guys. Amy doesn't sell as well as Shadow. Period. Sorry. And nobody knows if they'll get another movie after this. They might, yeah, but 3 movies in a franchise like this is already a lot, and 4 is REALLY a lot. Yes, it is being more common now for something to have 700 sequels, but it is VERY not guaranteed, and if they wanted to get more hype and make more money, then Shadow coming first makes WAY more sense. And trying to shoe-horn her into this movie would absolutely be a disservice to her personality and backstory, as well as Shadow's--they wouldn't be able to properly develop either of them in one 2.5 hour long movie.
Sonic is working for GUN so he must be pro-military. I reblogged a much better-worded post about this earlier, but I am HIGHLY inclined to believe that GUN is USING Sonic to get to Shadow by playing off something adjacent to "He's gonna destroy the world oh noooooo". Let's be real here: GUN would NEVER let Sonic go get Robotnik again, they blackbooked him HARD for a reason. So I am highly inclined to believe that while Sonic may START working for GUN because they ask for his help, they are not going to stay amicable for the whole movie (especially given the fact that we see soldiers around Maria's dead body and somebody is going to tell Sonic about that) But clearly they aren't going to give something like that away in the first 2 minute trailer guys.
Gerald is here. I don't have a great answer for this one aside from the fact that they needed someone to play Eggman's role from SA2, and Eggman himself isn't set up to do it. Theoretically, SOMEONE had to bust Shadow out of GUN prison, and having Gerald be a hologram or robot or something set up to take revenge on GUN later would make a lot of sense. It's also possible that he was also frozen or stasis-ified and got let out once GUN figured out Project Shadow still existed and then took his revenge idk we'll just have to see won't we?
This is just a random last point but...if you go back and watch the first trailers for either of the other Sonic movies, they are VERY different from what we actually saw and LOADS of stuff is either massively changed or majorly taken out of context so...that could be good or bad.
In conclusion: we'll just have to wait and see, but these are my thoughts and predictions woo!
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fins0up · 7 days
(Small disclaimer: I don't blame any of the underpaid and overworked writers & animators. They deserved better than this slop, I'm sure of it.
like the general public, I too despise the trailer. Let me just start with the trailer itself.
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1.) Love how you can tell where the fucking green screen is. /sarc. Also the line "This guy is such a toolbag" they give her feels not only millennial, but fucking stupid jesus christ. You could've made a block joke there like. "...This guy is such a blockhead." "Yeah everything's made of blocks here." Or something AT LEAST TRYYY GUYYYSSS...
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2.) The artstyle I know everyone talks about it but the FUCKING ARTSTYLE OH MY GOOODDDD IM DYING why has literally no one talked about the wolf though LIKE???
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why is the wolf's body literally discord shaped. Why is Built like That. What the fact did they do to you??? Like, I just... I hate the combination of the realism and the blocks like??? JUST MAKE IT FULLY BLOVKY???? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIIIISSSSS GOD it's so fucking uncanny I hate it. I hate it so.
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3.) Love the whitewashed Steve /sarc. Fr though, are we surprised? I hate that Jack Black of all people is playing him like guys that was a joke people was making. Are y'all able to understand jokes? Or understand what a pos Jack Black is? Jesus fuck gamers he's not only ableist (supports Autism Speaks) but a zionist as well. But besides that Steve feels like. Hold on.
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Look at Steve. If he actually existed in the real world, I have a feeling he would be muscular (because he mines, builds, + farms like all day), and probably somewhere around his 20's-30's. You're telling me that Jack Black, an actor + musician who's in his 50's. Like, this isn't to say that Steve wouldn't have some tummy fat at all, he probably would! But like... Jack Black just doesn't... feel like Steve at all. Jack Black is like the exact opposite.
There's just like this... massive, icky vibe about the entire trailer that makes me hate it. I think it's a mixture of the live action "isekai" shit with the like... blocky textures that makes everything uncanny and gross to look at. And it feels like rather than taking the concept and saying "Hey, since the experience is so varied, let's take multiple characters and storylines and take proper care of each to tell a different story of the same game" (like Fallout the Show) they're just like, "Eh... I mean... I'm sure the Isekai trope will work again."
Not only that, but like over all it feels like rather than looking and seeing this game and being able to "laugh with" Minecraft fans (side note: I wouldn't mind Minecraft being comedic, admittedly, a block world is a fucking ridiculous concept. But, I'd still say keep the same sentiment that the game has which is, "You can build your own version of the world from the ground up, you are the master of your destiny") they're looking at it like that one mom from that AITA post and saying, "This is ridiculous and childish. Why do you like this? It's stupid. It's just some game about blocks."
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that fans can't be picky about videogame movies/tv shows at all. Because I enjoyed the Mario movie, despite some fans hatred of it. I can't ignore the fact that videogame movies tend to be 50/50 on how fans will react to them. But still, really? This is what you guys have to show after 10 years? This is what we get? It feels like a punch in the gut, dude. I hate so much. I can't stop thinking about it.
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redtoondevils · 11 days
So...Minecraft movie. Trailer. I wasn't aware that they were making a Minecraft movie. I've known about the Story mode version, but I didn't play it. I did once, but I didn't have the patience for it. I only played the original game.
The live action film is...Odd. The visuals, how it appears the graphics I will say, is the only good part. The sheep, are designed to look weird. I get why they try to keep them, as original as possible. But, the design, choice, the skin. It still does not look cute.
If there is a way to model them, to look cute. I suppose, it'll have to be digitalized like the Mario texture. Like cartoonish, but still keep their fluff. I think, it'll look better.
I remember, watching a movie, that had Adam Sandler in it, where it had the classic video game models in the real human world, looking like their original design. I remember it being a fun movie, and it worked.
The humans, in the Minecraft world. Where it looks realistic, looks strange. The character choice of their clothing...It's random. To me. They've had movies, where the humans turn into the characters, but sharpen it up, for the film. And it is shown to work well.
Jack Black, and his role as Steve. This is a big one, in my opinion. He suits better as a voice actor for any character, that he fits the role in. Ok, I have to be honest on this one. How I picture Steve.
The main character, in Minecraft. I think, Steve should be given a different actor. Jack Black is an amazing actor, and person. I think his role as Steve, does not quite fit. He'd have a boisterous personality.
Yet, for Steve, he is more muscular, athletic, and bold. Jack black doesn't match that aesthetic. He isn't as young, as he was.
And I think, a younger person should take on Steves role. Whoever it will be. Jack Black's role as Bowser, fit's, and it was fantastic. For Steve, it's not.
I think, that the film, looks rushed. If they were to make this successful. They have to Improve it. They have to Improve the mechanics, and make it accurate.
Some of the character models, such as the Creeper, still looks like a rag doll to me. They need to be solid, and mixed up, or something. They've got to be that more unsettling.
The Pigmen looks okay, but they have to be serious. And they have to be Intelligent. I think, the Movie do have to be worked on longer.
Those are my takes, about the movie so far.
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insomaniacat · 4 months
hoyoverse was crazy when they teased the entire cast of the annihilation gang only for the purple haired girl that looks uncannily familiar somehow across the multiverse to show up and kill them all offscreen
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syrupbitee · 3 months
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poorly edited wangnan screenshot beacuse what tf are those colors they gave him
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