#that's how we roll in the shitamachi
todayintokyo · 6 years
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Eastern Tokyo automobiles and tumble dryer ;)
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luna-rainbow · 5 years
Recommended jdramas last decade
Given that the ratings list isn't exactly diverse and lots of interesting dramas didn't make the top cut, I thought I'd come up with a recommendation list. I remember back in the 2000s J-dramas were all the rage but now there seems to be much less interest in them outside of Japan, but that doesn't necessarily mean the quality is less! My preferred genres are more on the tense and action-packed side, and I rarely watched rom-coms or slice of life dramas until more recently. Nevertheless there are some very topical ones that are worth mentioning. Police procedurals 1) BOSS 1 & 2: another one of my perennial favourites. Set at the pace of American procedurals, equipped with snappy humour and quirky characters, it is the perfect amalgamation of funny, touching and gripping. 2) Strawberry Night: the original series with the gorgeous Takeuchi Ryoko and Nishijima Hidetoshi is leagues above the remake. It's much darker than BOSS but perhaps more resonant because of it. 3) Kinkyuu Torishirabeshitsu seasons 1-3: similar to BOSS, this cast consists of veteran supporting actors who play off well against each other. The cases range from satisfying to acutely dissatisfying, just as in real life. 4) Keiji 7-nin: similar to KinTori, the cast consists of some solid veteran actors, and the cases range from triumphant to depressing. There are some interesteing back stories to the characters, but it's not as well developed as you might hope. 5) Zettai Reido season 3: I tried to go back and rewatch the first 2 seasons, but it's a completely different story. Consisting of mostly a young green cast, somehow the actors have fit the roles so well that it doesn't irk. The cases mostly end on a note of despair and helplessness, as the system rolls over and quashes anyone in its way. 6) CRISIS: for the longest time I confused this with BG as the set-up of the characters are quite similar. It's very well-made, but again the characters function in a morally grey territory and is an interesting digression from the usual straight procedural. Crime solvers 1) 99.9 seasons 1 & 2: quirky and humorous, but also full of heart, and with Kagawa playing the straight foil to MatsuJun's insolent lawyer, it is almost perfect except for the lack of insipration in its cases. 2) Unnatural: I still consider this to have one of the best developed back-stories and characterisations of any crime-solver or police procedural. The script is by Noki Akiko, and it has a sensitivity to it that is not often seen in this cerebral genre. 3) Galileo seasons 1 & 2: released back in the day when Fukuyama Masaharu was still hugely popular, this was long enough ago that I don't actually remember what I liked about it, except that I do like and recommend it. 4) Kagi no kakatta heya: out of Arashi, I've never thought of Ohno as the best actor but when the role fits him, it fits like a glove. Based on a manga, it has the occasional unrealistic plot holes that comes with this genre, but overall it's well-produced, funny and the 3 main characters play off each other to hilarious effect. Medical dramas 1) Code Blue 1 & 2 - Hayashi Koji has a remarkable grasp on the mentality of young doctors. The first two seasons of Code Blue are on my perennial recommend list 2) Black Pean - I hesitated about whether to put this down, but there's actually very few medical dramas I recommend even though I watch a lot of them. I did enjoy Black Pean for its production quality and the dedication of the actors, but the script is an absolute let-down. 3) DOCTORS seasons 1-3 - this subversive drama straddles medical and comedy, and Sawamura's character slowly turned from a straight, obliviously helpful do-gooder, to an outright calculating manipulator but with the best of intentions. It is a fascinating premise for a main character and I'd recommend it purely for that. Rom-coms 1) Nigeru wa haji daga yaku ni tatsu - I really shouldn't put something I couldn't keep watching as the top, but apart from the fact I couldn't stand the 2 main actors, the story was an interesting philosophical exploration of what a live-in relationship means in practical terms. 2) Hotaru no Hikari 2 - again this was so long ago I couldn't remember much of it, except it was nice and sweet, although I think the first season was better contained. 3) Watashi ga ren'ai dekinai riyuu - I'm not quite sure this qualifies as rom-com as the characters didn't all get their happily ever after (which is actually quite rare in Japanese dramas). The story revolves around three women, each progressive yet conformative in their own ways, and how they dealt with the social expectations of courtship. A nice watch and probably a realistic window into how romance works in Japan. Underdog victories 1) Doctor X series 1-6 - Look, as much as I HATE this series as a medical drama wannabe, it is the defining story for the underdog against a conservative hierachical paternalistic world. It is full of impossible triumphs, no bad outcome ever happens and the main character never loses. 2) Shitamachi Rocket 1 & 2 - arguably the series that started the Ikeido Jun craze, it turned something boring and nerdy (rocket and machine engineering) into gripping rollercoaster drama. Well-acted and well-scripted, it made you cheer for the characters even as your real boring self acknowledge how ludicrous their victories are. 3) Grand Maison Tokyo - this is a story of redemption through the shared love of food, brought together by a team of great actors who clearly had great fondness of each other. There are some silly moments, but a lot of it was touching, sweet and highly rewarding, just like a beautiful meal. 4) No Side Game - I tossed up putting Riku-Ou in as well, but in the end I thought No Side Game was slightly better. Both based around sports (marathon and rugby, respectively), it's full of hot-blooded idealism about loyalty, teamwork and dedication, a shounen manga fairytale for adults. Slice of life 1) Gibo to musume no Blues - I'm really not a "slice of life" person, but this drama exceeded all expectations. It starts off odd and a little slow, but each episode will make you laugh and then cry a little about what it means to be family, all the silly moments, the frustrating moments and the tender moments that we share. 2) Ie-uru onna (season 1) - I'm not too sure this quite fits in "slice of life" or comedy, because the main character really is rather odd, but the first season had some beautifully reflective stories, again about what it means to be family and what home means to the different people in society. I don't know what happened in the 2nd season, but it's definitely lost that evocative touch. 3) Jimi ni sugoi! - maybe because the publishing industry interests me, but I thought this was a very cute series with some good inside tips about publishing, but also can be drawn to reflect on how people should view their vocation. Almost a rom-com, not quite a comedy, but a really nice light-hearted series with Ishihara Satomi at her most radiant. 4) Watashi, teiji de kaerimasu - this was a surprisingly sweet take on difficult problems that aren't necessarily unique to the Japanese workplace - the clash of generational values, the internal sense of inadequacies and the people who are deterimentally unable to say no. The main character, rather than being the focus of growth as often happens in these dramas, turn out to be the mediator as she uses her previous painful experiences of burnout to guide others through their own struggles. Suspense 1) 3-nen A-gumi: while prone to hyperbole and melodrama, this was a very nice fable of adulthood and the idea that once you are an adult, you must take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions, told through the microcosm that is Class 3A. Highly recommended. 2) BG: slick and well-produced, as many of KimuTaku's dramas are, it had action and suspense in good measures but unfortunately wasn't quite carried by the plot. Each individual case was interesting enough, but the main plot was rather convoluted and disappointing. 3) Ouroboros: almost similar to Toma's earlier Maou, it was cerebral, suspenseful and full of a sense of inevitable tragedy. The ending was more than it could chew, but it gave a good effort. 4) Kazoku Game: one of those rare dramas that really suited Sakurai Sho, where he was the intelligent and highly sociopathic and slightly psychotic home tutor for a highly dysfunctional family. A fascinating watch. Comedy I have to say this is a genre I struggle with. I'd happily watch slapstick and screaming in an anime, but live action is just awks. There's been some popular ones that I haven't watched but have heard good things about: - Tami-Ou: the sleazy prime minister accidentally swaps body with his extremely introverted son, and they both have to try and continue the facade. - Kyou kara ore wa: high school kids pretending they're better than they're really are, we've all been through that. This is not an exhaustive list by any means. There's a lot of well-reviewed dramas that I hadn't been able to catch, especially in the first half of the decade. There's a bunch of highly popular dramas that I hadn't been able to continue, but clearly they've got their appeal to the Japanese audience. I think in general Japanese dramas do human drama very well, especially the various relationships we have in our lives and how they interact. It's not great at doing the K-drama fairytale romance. I hope the list helps people try out some new things, or you could check out the top ratings list for other safe bets.
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ansatsu-database · 7 years
E-28 Horibe Itona - Character Profile
With just a simple new talent, I was amazed at how much better Itona's character became so soon after joining Class E for real. His tech-y skills are ever interesting to watch. It took a lot longer than I would've liked, but here it is, the last Student Profile. I shall post an "afterwords" of sorts later.
Sorry to say this, but I don't think I saved a copy of Itona's profile before the Assassination Classroom board on Baidu got totalled, so no link this time.
Furthermore, this time it's a direct Japanese -> English translation by me, but nonetheless, while I have endeavoured to keep things as accurate as possible, not everything may be successfully conveyed across
E-28 Horibe Itona (堀部 糸成) – discarding his tentacles, a comrade acquired
“I’ll kill you in the end … Korosensei"
A boy who was sent in by a certain organisation for the assassination. He was transplanted with the same tentacle cells as Korosensei, but failed to assassinate him. Under the Class E students’ cooperation, he discarded his tentacles and began to attend class.
When he first transferred schools, he was observed to have an abnormal fixation on things like “power” and “victory”. With the power of the tentacles, he was an even match for Korosensei.
When he was young, he treated his father’s electronic parts factory like a playground, and as a result his electronics skills are masterfully second nature to him.
Code Name: Not for CoroCoro (コロコロ上がり/ korokoro agari), Yoshida’s idea
He mostly does it (machinery stuff) as a hobby, but Itona takes it to a whole new level. One time, he looked at the Mini 4WD he was working on, and the custom slimming is way too good, and its specs are way too high.
(TN: Mini 4WD here mainly refers to plastic model race cars that are 1/32 (1:32) scaled and AA battery powered without remote control. Asian kids of my generation feel nostalgic for this stuff)
Explanation on Itona's nickname: it is so long that it deserves its own spoiler tags
So, Itona’s code name, “korokoro agari”, is by far the hardest one to figure out, as every source and translation that I tried examining, across 3 languages, all had their own interpretation. But after looking at Yoshida’s Mini 4WD explanation again, I think I’ve finally figured out what Matsui went for.
First, コロコロ (korokoro) should be a reference to CoroCoro Comic, a Japanese monthly manga magazine published by Shogakukan, primarily targeting elementary school aged boys, younger than the readers of shōnen manga. It comes from the expression "korokoro" that can refer to things that are small, round and rolls around lightly, or that are plump and cute.
It has a sister magazine called CoroCoro Aniki (roughly CoroCoro Big Brother), published quarterly that target 30 to 40 years-old that are the readers of CoroCoro Comic magazine (nostalgia I suppose). As such, many series on this magazine were either spin-offs or sequels to the series serialised on CoroCoro Comic. Two Mini 4WD-focused manga were serialised here too.
Next, 上がり (agari) has so many meanings. Among the ones I believe could prove relevant, they include “rise/increase/ascent”; the “end/stop/completion” of something; the “after” state of something; denoting that something is of an “ex-/former” status.
Since it’s supposed to be something mean, my 2 candidates for his code name were the following:
“Ex-CoroCoro”, as in “no longer small and cute”; and
“CoroCoro After (Story)”, as in like “the stuff that comes after/goes beyond CoroCoro”, following the theme of “CoroCoro Aniki”, and in reference to his Mini 4WD going way beyond and his Ero nature.)
But giving it a bit more thought, I decided on the latter, but with a better tweak: “Not for CoroCoro”.
So there you have it. Hope I’ve got it right for real this time.
Birthday: March 31st
Height: 160cm
Weight: 53kg
Blood Type: AB
Favourite Subject: Science
Worst Subject: Social Studies
Interests and special skills: Electronics
Past Club: Electronics Club
Treasured Item(s): the soldering iron used by his father
Favourite Food: Paitan (White Soup) Ramen
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
Election Headline (from the 1st Popularity Poll): Shitamachi Rocket
(TN: Shitamachi Rocket was a novel by Ikeido Jun, now adapted into a drama. It’s about a man who gives up his career as a space scientist to succeed his father's manufacturing factory. Though the company is confronted with troubles, he strives with his workers to overcome them and pursue his dream of developing rockets. Apparently rather underdog-versus-giant themed, this reference rather fits Itona’s situation)
From Korosensei, Announcement of Results from the Periodic Exams (Main 5 subjects) (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)
While Korosensei can't judge his academic skills as a whole since he hasn't partaken any exams, he finds that his fundamentals are good. If he attends his Slippy-Sloppy Intensive Study Sessions, he should make good progress.
1st Trimester Mid-Terms: NA
1st Trimester End-of-Terms: NA
2nd Trimester Mid-Terms: NA
Karasuma’s Assassination Aptitude (graded on a scale of 6)
Due to the application of body enhancements, his physical abilities are exceedingly high. But because he had relied on fighting techniques that centered around his tentacles, his assassination skills are lowered. If he made full use of his manufacturing skills, he'll be suited to backend support.
- During the climax of the Bo-taoshi match at the Athletic Festival, his tag-team high jump with Isogai wowed even the Board Chairman. If he can learn to make the most of this astounding physical abilities of his, it should translate into considerable warpower. - With his natural manufacturing skills, he can create all kinds of radio-controlled models. Useful for reconnaissance.
(TN: I find the emphasis on his body enhancements odd, given that in Chapter 104 (which is included in Roll Book Time's canon, so to speak), Korosensei cautioned Itona that his body enhancements from Shiro are dissipating, which will result in his body returning to the levels of an ordinary middle school student)
Strategy/Planning: 2
Commanding/Leadership: 1
Execution (Ability to carry out plans): 5
Technique (Traps, weapons, preparations, etc): 6
Scouting/Intelligence Gathering: 5
Politics/Negotiations: 1
B*tch-sensei’s Fashion Check (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)
I wonder, before he made a return to Class E, did he coordinate his own fashion? Somehow his vibe now feels considerably different. Before he had put in a bit more planning, but now it feels like his dress sense has worsened, what with his casual style of his unbuttoned uniform over his high neck shirt.
With Tentacles
When he was under Shiro, he was always wearing a fluffy fur scarf, even during the hot summer. Maybe he actually has advanced tastes?
Without Tentacles
After losing his tentacles, the way he's always equiped with a bandana feels a bit out of place. His dress sense is also more casual than before.
Character Relationships
- Terasaka (addressed as Terasaka) -
Dissing Terasaka has already become something like Itona's way of greeting him when starting conversations. But because of such greetings, harsh words became soft. At any rate, he's his most trusted friend.
- Muramatsu Takuya (addressed as Muramatsu) -
After one slurp of the ramen from Muramatsu's shop Shouraiken, he gave it some brutal and severe criticism, but after that he unexpectedly approves of it. There are plenty of times when one just wants to eat some good old-fashioned Showa-era ramen without being super fussy about the latest craze.
- Yoshida Taisei (addressed as Yoshida) -
Their specialties are different, but since they both like machines, they hit it off right away. The events at Wakaba Park was the first showcase of their collaboration.
- Okajima Taiga (addressed as Okajima) -
He is someone who speaks of the will that's needed to be a man. Under the same banner, these two that are bound by a vow of sworn brotherhood exchange intelligence and clash their respective principles against one another on a daily basis.
(TN: not sure if I managed to encapsulate everything, but from the words alone this part is supposed to sound this dramatic, I kid you not. Even though we all know what they are really talking about with one another)
- Kataoka Megu (addressed as Kataoka) -
Together with Okajima, he persisted in his share of daily Ero activities, yet it is rare for Kataoka to scold him. Perhaps it's a bonus of playing the little brother character. In place of that, she scolds Okajima more than usual.
- Okuda Manami (addressed as Okuda) -
The way that Itona bluntly spews venom as easily as he breathes has Okuda scared from the bottom of her heart. Sudden eye contact alone will send her trembling like a small animal.
- Takebayashi Koutarou (addressed as Takebayashi) -
Whenever he goes to Akihabara to stock up on electronic parts he'll often run into Takebayashi, but because the categories of shops they enter are completely different, they'll just nod and pass by each other.
- Irina Jelavic (addressed as B*tch-sensei) -
While he likes big chests, Irina is outside of his tastes. To be exact, Itona treats the 20 years old Irina like something that's gone past the "best before" date.
Matsui-sensei’s Exclusive Behind the Scenes Data
Itona sleeps in a small storehouse that was among the few of his father's assets that avoided foreclosure. Housing an extensive collection of electronic parts, every day he spends time there earning pocket money through tasks like mobile phone repairs, while also continuing to endeavour with work that goes towards the assassination.
When Itona’s electronics work and the power of Ero unite, the bonds between the Class E boys became stronger.
Likes big chests, to the point that on his first day of transfer, he brought a gravia magazine and was absorbed in reading it. He is openly, silently, unspeakably perverted.
He’s silently lewd, and his potential perverseness rivals Okajima. In the past, he’s good with anything that comes with a big chest, but lately he likes chest that’re a bit more low-key.
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your-mr-sf · 7 years
*This is the last bit that I got of my story so far. For anyone that wants to read it, including Ryogho Narita and Mamoru Hosoda.
They nodded.
“Yeah, what of it? What’s that got to do with anything?” the mother asked.
“It’s got everything to do with a lot of this mess. That ‘thing’ along with more of those things are called ‘avatars.’”
“Avatars?” they asked.
“Yeah, like people’s online accounts.” Naruto said, before asking. “Ring any bells?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard about all of that on the news, remember?!” the first boy said. “The avatars inside ZOLLARS were being stolen and controlled by some A.I. called ‘Kill Machine!’”
“A.I.?” the mother and second boy both said.
“What’s an A.I.?” the girl asked.
“A.I., you know. Like artificial intelligence; a program that can think, talk and learn like we can; a digital being that lives inside a virtual world like inside a computer or something somewhere.” Naruto said. “Ever seen stuff like that in movies or television before?”
They were thinking for a moment.
“Oh, yeah!” the first boy said snapping his fingers. “A.I. movies like Tron and WarGames!”
“Yeah, and that one with Will Smith in it!” the second boy said. “But what was it called again? Uh . . . I think it was called—”
“I, Robot!” the girl said.
“Wait, which one had Jeff Bridges in it as Kevin Flynn?” the second boy asked.
“Tron,” the first boy answered.
“Oh, that’s right! I forgot about that,” the second boy said.
“And the one who plays in WarGames is Matthew Broderick,” the first boy said.
“Yeah, movies like those. You know what, never mind how many A.I. movies you know of!” Naruto said being driven nuts and back to focusing on his task. “My point is, you all need to get out of here now, before more of Kill Machine’s goons come after you and absorbs you too. Go now!”
“Alright, thank you!” the mother said before her and the kids ran off in a hurry.
Man, these people can be so annoying. Naruto thought to himself, before shaking his head and thinking. Never mind that, I need to find Haruto and the others.
Naruto went off back to searching for Haruto and them, for anyone in need of help, and for anymore avatars to fight and kill.
Naruto kept searching, until he finally found Haruto. He saw that Haruto was fighting off four avatars. Naruto was running over to help him, until a spider avatar landed in front of him. But Naruto easily brought his own right foot down upon its head with a powerful blow that immediately killed and disintegrated it in an instant.
“Haruto! It’s me Naruto! I’m over here!” Naruto said calling out to Haruto and waving at him, before two avatars came at him. “Ah!”
Five minutes earlier. On Haruto’s side.
Haruto was roaming around looking for anyone to help or any avatars to kill.
He spotted a spider avatar and immediately hid from it, until it finally left out of sight.
Haruto was then continuing roaming around the streets, until he was surrounded he was surrounded by four avatars.
“Ah great, more of you guys again,” Haruto said.
They snickered.
“Oh please, you guys are nothing.” Haruto said smiling as he got in a fighting stance position.
They snickered again, before attacking him. But he immediately jumped in the air above their heads to dodge them and their attacks. The four avatars ended up slamming into one another. Haruto then got back on the ground to kick some serious avatar butt.
Haruto kicked the avatar (in front of him)’s feet to put the avatar off balance and it worked, then the other three avatars tried to attack him, but Haruto kicked the avatar on his right on the left side of its face, then he grabbed the avatar (behind him)’s arm after just trying to attack Haruto from behind. Then Haruto threw the third avatar on the ground after grabbing its arm. And then finally, Haruto kicked the last avatar on his left on the right side of its face.
All the four avatar were down on the ground and Haruto managed to put them all there all by himself.
The four avatars struggled to get back up on their feet, especially after taking such serious blows to the head and all of that.
But Haruto was ready for them/anything.
One of the avatars in front of him tried attacking him with its fists, but Haruto easily dodged it pretty fast. Then he immediately began to fight back by punching and kicking the avatar that fell down real easy. Then the next one came at him on his right, but Haruto easily grabbed its arm and threw it on the ground. The third avatar was sort of coming at him, but Haruto jumped at it punch it on the left side of its face with his right fist sending it down to the ground. And when the last avatar was coming at him from behind, Haruto jumped at it and kicked it in the face that sent that ugly thing flying back down to the ground, rolling, and crashing into a building causing it leave open a hole.
Haruto was just getting started, until he heard a familiar voice and turned to it.
“Haruto! It’s me, Naruto! I’m over here!” Naruto said calling out to Haruto and waving at him, before two avatars came at him. “Ah!”
One of the two avatars that attacked Naruto was the spider avatar, the same one that Haruto saw earlier.
And the other one was a boxing bot avatar.
But Naruto took them down easily, after they scared him after popping out of nowhere.
They immediately derezed out of existence.
After Naruto finished off those two easily, he ran to Naruto’s aid into defeating and destroying the four avatars facing them.
Haruto and Naruto were back to fight the four avatars.
Two of them came at Haruto and the other two came at Naruto.
“Ready?” Naruto asked.
“Ready.” Haruto said.
“Then go!”
Haruto and Naruto yelled out in a battle cry as they came out at the avatars they were facing as well.
And just like that, Haruto and Naruto prevailed. They defeated their enemies in the blink of eye. The four avatars were immediately derezed in no time flat. They were smiling after winning that battle, but the war isn’t over just yet.
“Alright, now that we got that over with.” Naruto said.
“Yeah.” Haruto said.
“Let’s find the others.”
Back in ZOLLARS. Tron landscape.
Sora, Happy, Celty, and their army was getting through Kill Machine’s army of stolen people and avatars now.
The giant Anon was doing its best to fight Kill Machine without accidently hitting Sora and his army.
“Jarvis, help me make the three giant Anons I talked about earlier!” Kenta said typing as fast as he could to create them.
“Certainly, sir.” Jarvis said. “Creative downloading is ready to complete.”
Kenta pressed the enter key after he said. “Got’cha.”
Then all of a sudden, three more Anons showed up and got big. The same exact size as the one that grew to be Kill Machine’s size. The three were on different sides of Kill Machine. One was on the right, one on the left, one from behind, while the one Anon that was there before the three Anons was in front of Kill Machine.
There were now a total of 4 giant Anons from Tron Evolution ready to fight the big fight.
Everyone was amazed at this great sight, or event is what some would call it.
Everyone immediately got out of the way and watched as the four Anons were fighting the monstrous Kill Machine.
And since Kill Machine was slow in that gigantic monstrous form, that gave the fast giant Anons the advantage.
The Anons kept punching at Kill Machine’s front, left, right, and back, until it would weaken.
Once the front, right, left, and back sides of Kill Machine were weakening, the Anons drew out their disc and started slashing out rapidly at Kill Machine’s weaken sides.
Once the avatars that formed Kill Machine’s chest and back were destroyed, the core was exposed but the force field was shown to be guarding/protecting it.
The landscape changed back to the ZOLLAR landscape.
The Anons disintegrated after that, because they were no longer needed.
“The path is clear! The core is exposed!” Sora shouted. “Attack!!”
“Aye!!” Happy shouted as well.
Everyone charged as they shouted and yelled.
Kill Machine did a little roar as they came at him.
At the police station in Ikebukuro.
The prisoners were still yelling and shouting to be let out of their cells, while the avatars attacked the city.
The officers there were yelling for the prisoners to stop, even had some backup to guard to place in case any prisoners managed to get out and leave their cell.
But that one prisoner, Joshua (Nami Naka’s ex-husband), was still sitting in his cell patiently watching the news.
Most of the avatars (not many) have managed to make it to places like Shinjuku and Shibuya so far, even Shitamachi.
Then the unexpected happened, a great explosion was shot somewhere in the station and shook the whole place down that it even blew off everyone’s cell doors for everyone that was a prisoner to escape.
All the officers even tried to get back up after that big explosion that could have blown and blasted the place out in smithereens, but it didn’t.
The prisoners in the police station ran out of their cells and charged at the police officers in a loud battle cry (except for Joshua of course).
The prisoners managed to beat up the police officers and steal most of their weapons, even fought or shot the officers with them.
When more cops showed up to stop the escapees, the prisoners immediately fought back and managed to shoot a few cops, even killed a few by shooting them in either the head or the chest.
The police force and the criminals were fighting and shooting at each other in the building. A few got wounded in gunshot. The prisoners managed to run out of the station and escaped off into the streets of insuring chaos.
A few of the prisoners stayed to beat up the officers still alive and kicking.
One of the few prisoners who stayed to take care of the cops was—Horada. He was an old member of both the Blue Squares and the Yellow Scarves. He was sure enjoying himself with his cellmates. They were all beating and kicking the cops to death till they die.
One of the officers that was being abused and beaten up by the prisoners and criminals was—Maju Kuzuhara (Shinju in the light novels).
She is the niece of Kinnosuke Kuzuhara, the cop that chases Celty around the city of Ikebukuro a lot on a few occasions. Apparently, everyone in the Kuzuhara Family is a part of the police force (expect for one, I think). One of Kinnosuke’s sons (his youngest one) was one of Mikado’s classmates, but Ryōgo Narita never gave him a name and we don’t know what he looks like either. Anyway, Shinju (Maju in the anime) made two appearances in two episodes of Durarara!!x2 Ten.
But in which case, she was one of the cops getting beat up by the few criminals (former prisoners), who stayed behind to beat up the police officers left in the police station.
Anyway, Horada and his goons seemed to have noticed her being beat up by three of his cellmates.
“Hey! Oi! Stop!” Horada yelled at those three kicking at her.
When they paid him no attention, he ordered his four goons to stop them.
“Grrr! Boys, get them!” he ordered his goons.
His four boys ran up to those three and knocked them out easily with only one blow to the back of the head with metal pipes and police sticks that left those three attackers unconscious.
“Quick! Grab her!” Horada ordered.
The four men grabbed her by one side each. One man held down her right arm, one held down her left arm, one held down her right leg, and the other held down her left leg. She was struggling to break free, but failed to do so.
“Now spread her legs out a bit!” Horada ordered the men.
The two holding down her legs spread them out a bit.
She was still struggling to break free, even after she figured out what Horada was going to do to her.
He was going to rape her.
“Oh, I am so going to enjoy this,” he said before sucking his nose after having a nose bleed.
She had fearless eyes ready to kill the man if he so much as touched her.
He had an evil smile on his face, but before he even had the chance to even begin raping her. A man shouted at him.
“Hey, you!”
“Yeah, what?!” Horada said before being punched in the face and kicked between the chest and the stomach.
The person who just beated Horada a couple of feet in the room in front of everyone was Joshua Naka.
“N-Naka?!” a prisoner said.
“Why you?! Get ‘em!” Horada ordered as he had a bloody nose. “Get em’! Get em’!”
One of his four guys actually came charging at him with a metal pipe to bash his skull in with it.
But Joshua Naka immediately dodged the assault and did a quick spin, kick attack that sent the dude flying and landed on top of Horada.
“Hey! Get off me!” Horada yelled angrily as pushed the dude off of him. “What ya’ll standing there for?! Get em’, now!”
The last three guys holding Maju Kuzuhara down and the rest of the other prisoners that stayed to beat up cops came charging at him like wild animals screaming in battle cries. With weapons at hand. They carried wooden sticks, cop sticks, fire extinguisher, knives, metal pipes, crowbars and one guy had an axe.
But no matter what the prisoners did, their attacks were meaningless. Joshua just kept dodging them, attacking them, and knocking them down every time they came at him.
The cops that were starting to get on up and help Joshua out.
Horada saw an angry Maju coming at.
“Hey! No! Wait!” he said panicking.
She punched him straight in the face.
Horada had a broken nose and his was bleeding more.
After he was punched in the face, he fell down, covering his nose, and screaming and welling in pain.
Then Maju Kuzuhara order her fellow officers to attack the prisoners and substance them, except for Joshua Naka.
The officers started beating up prisoners with sticks, fought them, tasered them, and shot at them to give them a couple of flesh wounds.
Horada was really scared and panicked now. “Come on, let’s get out of here!”
He said that to a few guys, before he ran out the door screaming.
Less of the prisoners did the same thing.
Maju Kuzuhara and Joshua Naka seemed to have noticed.
“Hey, get back here right now!” Maju ordered, but of course, they did not listen.
“Horada!” Joshua Naka shouted as he ran pass Maju and out the door to chase down Horada.
“Why you—Joshua!” Maju said about to follow him.
“Miss Kuzuhara,” an officer called out to her.
“Huh? What?!” she asked.
“We need your help sustaining these prisoners,” he said. “We can’t do it on our own.”
Maju Kuzuhara looked back at the doorway and growled underneath her breath. “I’ll get you two later.”
She said that, before helping her fellow officers with the leftover prisoners in the prison break.
As for Joshua Naka, he was chasing after Horada and his goons outside in Ikebukuro, under all its chaos it was going through.
All of Ikebukuro, even almost all of Tokyo, even parts of Japan, was being attacked by all these copied avatars and possessed people.
The Japanese and American military, and the police were trying their best to fight off these things, but with no such luck.
Because the avatars were very powerful and strong and they were gaining the upper hand in this fight.
Anyway, Joshua was still following Horada and his gang of goons, until some avatars got in his way.
“Hey, whoa! What the—,” he said. “What are you guys?”
They didn’t answer, they just snickered ready to attack him.
“Well, whatever you guys are. One things for sure, you guys are the cause for all this mess,” he said putting up his fist and ready for a fight.
They snickered and fought Joshua.
Horada and the gang ran and hid as avatars flew by and chased after people and attacked them.
After the coast was clear from those fake avatars roaming around the city, Horada and his men broken into a store across the street. They were stealing all kinds of stuff. For example, they stole: guns, metal bats, TVs, and live ammunitions.
“Oh yeah, jackpot!” Horada said looking at his gun happily.
“Huh?” he said as a green-like van (Togusa’s van) stopped a couple of feet in front of him.
Kadota and his gang were still driving around, until Kadota spotted a familiar face.
Yup, you guess it. Horada.
“Hey Saburo! Stop the van!” Kadota said.
“Huh? Why?” Togusa asked.
“What is it, Dotachin?” Erika asked. “Is something, wrong?”
“It’s Horada and his goons,” he said.
“What?!!” both Erika and Walker said.
“Are you serious?!” Walker asked.
Then Saburo Togusa stopped his van a couple of feet away in front of Horada, after they spotted Horada and his men.
“Your right, it is Horada.” Saburo said. “But how can that be? Shouldn’t he be in jail still?”
“He and his gang must have broken out, during all the chaos going around Ikebukuro.” Kadota said. “But we’re going to send him back to that hellhole, right after we kick his ass and all of their asses.”
“Yeah,” Togusa said agreement.
“Alright, you guys. Let’s go outside and show and teach these bozos a lesson, or two.” Kadota said getting out of the car.
“Right!” the three of his friends said.
They all got out of the van.
When Horada and his men saw who they were, he and his men were surprised, shocked, scared, and a little angry.
“Ka-Kadota!” Horada said freaked out.
Kadota and them charged in to attack with their awesomely cool weapons that Kenta helped create for them to have.
“No! Stay back!” Horada said panicking and about to pull the trigger on them.
But Kadota shot the rifle out of Horada’s hands, then Kadota threw his own weapons down on the ground to punch Horada in the face, and he did.
Kadota managed to hand six punches on Horada, before Horada fell down on the ground unconscious.
Horada’s men were about to fight back and fire their guns, until Walker pulled out his flame throwing (heat ray) gun.
“Hey, which one of you men want to get burned first?” Walker asked. “Ah, the heck with it. I’ll just burn you all for fun!”
Then men panicked as Walker’s flame gun started to shoot some flames.
Some of Horada’s men got burned, or had their shirts or jacket hoodies on fire, or had their guns burned out of their hand.
Togusa used his laser sword to slice and cut their guns of different kinds in half. After Horada’s thugs had no guns on them anymore, Togusa threw his sword on the ground and started beating up Horada’s goons. Even Kadota and Erika joined in on the fun, though Erika was having a lot more fun than Kadota and Togusa was. She enjoying herself when she kept shocking Horada’s gang with her metal electric shock gauntlets, whether by slapping them or punching with it, whether in the face, the back, the shoulders, or the stomach.
When they couldn’t take much more of Kadota and his gang, they fled in fear of them, although a few of them were still unconscious.
“Alright, you guys.” Kadota said. “Let’s drop Horada back off to the police station, then get back on track of getting the hell out of here.”
“Got it,” the three of them said.
“Hey, what do we do about these guys and those guys that took off, Dotachin?” Erika asked.
“Just leave them. It’s Horada we want, and will you please stop calling me Dotachin.” Kadota said before getting in the car.
Back at the police station. Maju Kuzuhara was existing the building with a co-worker of hers.
“Boy, am I glad we got all of that done and over with or what,” the policeman said.
“Yeah, well don’t think it’s over just yet. Cause we’ve still got some escapees to look for.” Maju said. “Like Horada and this Joshua guy and all.”
Then a van was speeding by and she say Horada’s head popping out of the opened door to the speeding van. Horada was tied up and his mouth was covered up. Once the speeding van got close enough, Horada was throwed and pushed out of the car and landed on top of Maju and the other officer as the van passed by. The van was leaving in a hurry before anyone could see their faces, license plate number, and the anime face on the van.
The officers got up.
“Horada!” Maju said angrily.
“Hey, let me go!” Horada said.
“Oh yeah, and why should we do that when we were just about to welcome you home?” she said. “Get em out of here!”
“Let’s go you,” the policeman said.
Maju and her fellow officer were pulling and dragging Horada back inside the police station to his cell.
Kadota and his gang were driving fast to get on out of Ikebukuro and somewhere safe, thanks to the GPS directions given by Jarvis.
Kadota and them were passing a little bit right by West Ikebukuro Park, until they saw a man fighting off avatars all on his own.
This man . . . was Joshua Naka himself.
“Togusa, stop the van.” Kadota said.
“What? Why?” Togusa asked as he slowed the car down.
“That man, he can’t take on all of those avatars by himself.” Kadota said. “He needs help.”
“Got it.” Togusa said with a smile.
Togusa turned the van around and parked the van in the grounds of West Ikebukuro Park.
Kadota and them got out of the van with their weapons ready.
“Hey!” Kadota shouted at all of the avatars.
All the avatars turned around with Kill Machine’s evil smile on their faces.
“Why don’t ya’ll come here and pick on someone your own size!” Kadota said.
The avatars were now ignoring Joshua and facing Kadota and his group.
“Here they come, get ready,” he told his friends as he was getting ready for another fight.
“Right!” Erika said.
“On it!” Walker said.
“You can count on us!” Togusa said.
The avatars were snickering before charging in for the attack.
“Now!” Kadota said as he and his friends charged in with their weapons.
Kadota punched his plasma guns into the avatars’ faces, chests, or stomachs; and he killed and blew a few of them up in one single blow whenever one came at him. Togusa was slicing and dicing them in half like a swordsman, each in just one go. Walker was setting them on fire, while Erika finished them a lot more by incinerating them in flames. Even Erika was punching them with her metal electric shock gauntlets that fried them in an instant.
When a few of them were left and distracted by Kadota and his gang, Joshua took his chance and fought off the avatars but none of them were derezzed by him, until his fist and kicks were strong enough to break through them.
Sooner or later, Kadota and them were able to kill all the avatars around them.
None of them . . . was left.
“Well, that’s the last of them.” Kadota said. “Come on, you guys. Let’s go. Oh, yeah. By the way, you’re welcome for saving your life.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Joshua said surprised. “Hey, wait! Where are you guys headed off to? I need to get somewhere.”
“Well, good luck with that, pal.” Kadota said. “We’re off to Ueda in Nagano.”
“That’s where I’m going as well,” Joshua said. “Please, just take me with you.”
“Dude, we didn’t come to pick you up and drop you off somewhere in Ueda.” Kadota said. “We came here, because we saw you in danger and we decided to save your life. Now give me one good reason why I should even bring you with us? Because as far as I know, we don’t even know you.”
“I know that, but I really need to get there to see if my ex is still alive.” Joshua said. “Please, I promise I won’t get in the way. Just please, let me go with you to see my girl, to Ueda, to fight those things! Please, just let me join you!”
[Note: Joshua did not have a sad look and was not crying, but was calm and determined to go with Kadota and his group].
“Kadota,” Togusa said, “can we talk to you?”
“Yeah,” Kadota said to Togusa.
“Give me just a sec, okay?” Kadota said to Joshua, before going over to Togusa and them.
“Are you sure we should bring this guy?” Togusa asked.
“Yeah, we don’t exactly know him.” Erika said. “How can we be sure we can even trust him?” Walker asked.
“His words and character are trust worthy enough and I say he’s coming, after what I heard from him just now.” Kadota said. “Those were eyes with determination to go with us no matter what.”
Kadota turned to Joshua and said. “Alright, you can join us. So, what’s your name, friend?”
“My name’s Joshua. Joshua Naka,” he said. “What’s yours?”
“Kadota.” Kadota answered. “And these are my friends Togusa, Walker and Erika.”
“Nice to meet you all.” Joshua said.
They walked to the van.
“Hop in.” Kadota said to Josh (short for Joshua).
Joshua sat in the back, while Erika and Walker sat in the middle, and with Kadota and Togusa sitting in the front.
Togusa then started the van and drived back on the rode speeding very fast.
Next stop, Ueda, Nagano Prefecture.
Somewhere in Ueda. Isamu, the cops and the firemen were still driving their vehicles straight on, ready for an attack against the A.I. and its army of avatars.
“Hey, we got those things behind us!” a fire fighter from the front seat said, after seeing avatars from the mirror.
Another fire fighter picked up a radio to tell all of the other firemen and police officers about the situation as well.
“Everyone, we’ve got those things on our tail!” the fire fighter said on the radio.
“Yeah, we see them,” a cop said through the radio.
There were a couple of avatars flying after them and there were a few of chasing after them, and like all the others avatars . . . a couple of them had the evil smiling faces of Kill Machine.
The cops and fire men in the passenger’s seats got out a gun of sorts to fire at the avatars flying or running after them. A few avatars in the air or the ground were immediately derezzed, but the rest just simply and easily dodged the bullets. Even the two firemen on fire truck #1 were shooting from the sides (right and left) and a fire man inside the back of fire truck #1 was shooting at the avatars with a machine gun, which had major effect on the avatars and was taking them out easy. This was indeed a battle for survival against the avatars and their leader the A.I.
The fire man on the roof of fire truck #2 was spraying them with a water holes real hard and shooting at them with some type of machine gun. The two fire men in the back of fire truck #2 were also shooting at the avatars as best as they could. Isamu was the one in the back of fire truck #1 shooting with the machine guns. Some of the cops in the passenger’s seats started opening the roof to the cop cars up and started shooting at the avatars from there.
The troublesome part was that they had to reload their guns and when they couldn’t reload them anymore, they grabbed a new gun and started firing at the avatars again.
The avatars chasing after them by ground were dodging all of the two fire men’s (from fire truck #2 in the back) bullets, but a few of the avatars were shot and derezzed immediately. But two avatars managed to jump on board and attack the two firemen. The first avatar slashed the guy on the right (left side the avatar’s view point), while the second avatar slashed the other guy on the left (right side in the second avatar’s view point). The two firemen turned into yellow balls of light, then disappeared into ZOLLARS to be absorbed by the real Kill Machine.
After the two avatars were on board, a flying avatar flowed in and crashed through the end of the back of the fire truck with its head popped out and freaking the driver and two passenger firemen out, even the firemen on fire truck #2 was freaked out.
The firemen in the middle of the front seat turned around, opened the window, and started shooting at the avatar, before the avatar punched through the wall completely.
The avatar walked closely to the middle seated firemen, who was panicking while shooting at the avatar, but the bullets had no effect on him.
The firemen on the roof of the truck was about to shoot at the avatar below him, but he was stopped when he was attacked by a flying avatar just to be absorbed by Kill Machine as well.
The middle seated fire men was stabbed by the avatar absorbed by Kill Machine, after he screamed for his life.
“Ah! Kill that thing!” the driver of fire truck #2 yelled in fear.
“I’m trying!” the firemen passenger shouted, as he was shooting at the big metal armored avatar that no longer had the evil smile of Kill Machine, but was still controlled by the A.I.
Then all of a sudden an avatar ripped open the passenger’s door, before pulling him out of the fire truck, and throwing him over to another avatar to be slashed at, before being absorbed by Kill Machine.
“Huh?! Ah!” the passenger’s last words before he was thrown to the avatar, then he screamed before he was slashed and absorbed.
“No, Ryan!” the fireman driver said.
Another avatar was going to tear off the driver of fire truck #2’s door open, but was stopped and shot at (derezzed) by cop car #2’s cop in the passenger’s seat.
But another avatar came at the cop and attacked the cop, the driver was attacked by an avatar on his side as well. Both men absorbed, after being cut. The cop car flipped sideways, then a flying avatar broke through it, and it blew up. The avatars were taking advantage of the firemen and police officers’ victory and making it their own.
After that cop car #2 was blown up, an avatar ripped open the driver of fire truck #2’s door open and stabbed the man, so he could turn to an orb of light, disappearing, and being absorbed by Kill Machine.
Then the two avatars and the big avatar that got on fire truck #2, got off of it just so a flying avatar with a plasma gun could shoot it down and have it blown up.
Just three cop cars (#1, 3 and 4) and one fire truck was left facing them and the A.I. (if the A.I. was even there fighting Isamu and them).
Through cop car #3 was driving out of control, after fire truck #2 was blown up. The car crashed into a house/store, flipped over, and blew up. But not before an avatar shot the two cops inside from the driver’s window. The cops were absorbed by Kill Machine back in ZOLLARS, after being shot by that avatar. Now it was just down to two cop cars and one fire truck (cop car 4 and 1).
Cop car #4 was attacked next. An avatar stabbed the passenger in the chest just for the cop to glow and disappear just like any other victims that get easily absorbed by Kill Machine through his real avatars and his fake avatars. After the avatar stabbed the cop, it was shot down and derezzed by a fireman. Next, an archer avatar shot an arrow at the cop driving cop car 4, then the same archer avatar shot down cop car 4 and it blew up. Finally, there was just one cop car and one fire truck left to take on the avatars remaining that was both chasing and flying after them.
The cop of the passenger was shooting from the open top roof of the car and was trying to take out the archer avatar, but it just wouldn’t stop dodging. The archer took out the passenger cop, then shot an arrow through the back window and it hit the driver cop in the back through the back of his seat. Now him and his fellow cop were gone and absorbed by Kill Machine like everyone else that’s a victim. Then an avatar with a bazooka-like shot down the empty cop car.
The fire truck drove into its remains and it was still on fire, so the fireman driving was trying to shake it off, and when it did come off, the fireman driver was continuing to speed away from the avatars flying after them and chasing after them.
Somewhere in Ikebukuro. On Kadota’s side.
Togusa was speeding things up, while getting close to finally getting out of the city.
“Jarvis, you here?” Kadota asked.
“Certainly, sir.” Jarvis said through the GPS system.
“We need you and Kenta to pull up the programed bridge, so we can ride above this traffic coming up, in order to get out of here in no time.” Kenta said. “Also make sure to upgrade our van, in order for it drive faster, like Kenta said he would.”
“Yes, sir.” Jarvis said. “Creating the bridge . . . now.”
“Here it comes.” Kadota said.
“Yeah, I see it.” Togusa said, as he was getting close to traffic, while speeding up.
Once they got closer to the vehicles in traffic, the programed bridged popped up out of nowhere, and now they were driving fast above traffic’s heads.
In fact, the van was driving really fast now to get to Ueda way faster now.
Somewhere in Ueda, Nagano Prefecture. On Isamu’s side.
Isamu and the firemen in the fire truck were driving away from the avatars behind them. The avatars that were flying and chasing after them are far behind them now, like way far behind. Because the fire truck was going really fast.
But unknown to the firemen, their tires were about to go bad.
The tires went ka-boom, then the fire truck landed on its right, and was sliding down the road, until they made it to the center of somewhere.
Isamu and the remaining five firemen got out of the fire truck real fast in no time flat, with as much weapons as they could carry and could use.
They ran to the center to whatever part of Ueda, they were all in.
Until the avatars showed up. There was about 40 of them, the ones that flew in after them descended to the ground with the ground avatars. Isamu and them thought they were doomed, until a certain brother of his with a group of people showed up to the rescue. That’s right, you all guessed it. It was Hiroki and his few group of people, all with weapons in hand.
The people attacked the avatars, after charging at them and yelling in battle cries.
The firemen joined the fight.
Everyone managed to derez a few of them, but the avatars also managed to stab or slash a few of the people.
“Hey Isamu, missed me?!” Hiroki asked with a smile.
“Hiroki! Thank God, you’re here!” Isamu said happy to see his brother.
“Hey, what do you say we kick some avatar and A.I. butt?” Hiroki said.
“Yeah,” Isamu said.
“Let’s do it!” they both said at the same.
The two brothers screamed in battle cry as they charged and attacked and killed the avatars with their weapons.
The avatars were starting to gain the upper hand, until a hospital bus came in and slammed into a few avatars that pushed them all straight into a wall or building, including a big 8 feet tall metal giant avatar.
After that happened, the bus was kicked by an avatar and the bus landed on its right side.
The driver revealed to be Takeo Jinnouchi himself came out of the driver’s window and started shooting at avatars, derezing them with his laser gun.
“Takeo!” the two brothers (Isamu and Hiroki) said.
“Hey guys!” Takeo waved at them.
He jumped off the bus and ran to them, then they hugged.
“How did you find us here?” Isamu asked.
“I didn’t, I just saw these avatars attacking the people. So I decided to help,” he said.
“Where did you get that hospital bus?” Hiroki asked him.
“A group of avatars were attacking it, so I saved the people inside by using this laser gun from an avatar to kill all of those things.” Takeo said. “The bus was full of people and patients. There were kids, nurses, young people, mid-age folks and elders inside, before I evacuated them.”
“Where are they now?” Isamu asked.
“I took them to a hospital that wasn’t swarming with those things.” Takeo said. “Hoping they’ll be safe there.”
Hiroki putted a hand on his shoulder and said. “I’m sure they will be.”
Takeo nodded.
“So how did you guys get here?” Takeo asked.
“I was already here, before you guys came along. Hiroki?” Isamu said.
“I came here after fighting off a couple of avatars with the people I saved from a building that was breaking down earlier.” Hiroki said. “After we finished off the avatars and loss a few of our own, we ran until I saw Isamu and his fire truck, and that’s when we all came to help.”
“And now—” Takeo said.
“—here we all are.” Isamu said.
“Now, let’s go kick some avatar tin cans!” Hiroki said.
“Yeah!” both Isamu and Takeo shouted in agreement.
They charged and continued their battle with avatars.
But when two big avatars came at them to slash at them with their blades, that’s when Haruto and Naruto stepped in and saved them by kicking the two avatars in the face.
“So glad we could join the show.” Naruto said.
“Haruto! Naruto!” the three brothers said. “You’re here!”
“How did you find us?” Takeo asked them.
“It wasn’t easy.” Haruto said. “After we found each other, while fighting off a few avatars. We were searching from the roof tops on higher ground. We saw an explosion and followed it all the way here. When we saw that you guys were here, we came to help.”
“Well, we’re glad you’re here.” Takeo said. “Because we could really use your help.”
“You can count on us!” Naruto said. “Because both Naruto Koiso and Haruto Ikezawa of the Jinnouchi Clan is here! Now, let’s go!”
“YEAH!!!!” Haruto and three brother shouted in agreement as they charged into battle.
Back in ZOLLARS. ZOLLARS landscape.
Sora, Happy, Celty and their army managed to break through the force field protecting the core.
Now they were attacking the core itself, while was taking a long time. Kill Machine was getting ready to smash the army with his bare hands, but again. Kill Machine is slow.
“Quick, Sora!” Happy said warning Sora.
“Come on!” Sora said, before slashing at the core repeatedly and wildly.
Most of Sora’s army was leaving to avoid getting smashed.
In empty traffic somewhere in Ueda.
Daisuke was still trying to get away from the avatars that were chasing him, but they were catching up pretty fast.
“Damn!” Daisuke said.
The avatars were able to stop Daisuke’s (Shoji’s) car in its tracks, when they caught up on the sides of the car and punched it on the left side and then the other. Then the two avatars spun the car around.
“Ahh! Ah!” Daisuke said scared and panicking.
Once he got control of the car again, he found himself with an avatar in front of the road. He tried to stop the car, but it did not work for he ran into the avatar and crashed into a group of cars. Good thing the airbag saved him, even though it hurt him a bit.
After the airbag deflated fully, the avatars came on top of the hood and trunk of the car and ripped the top of the car off.
Daisuke was really scared of these four avatars.
Somewhere in Ueda. On the programed bridge. Kadota and his group.
“Dotachin!” Erika said.
“Stop calling me that.” Kadota said a little bit annoyed.
“Look!” Erika said.
“We’ve got a problem,” Walker said, “and some company!”
Kadota looked and saw from the front though the back window that they were being chased by three avatars that were far behind . . . for now.
“Oh, crap!” Kadota said. “Saburo, step on it! We’re being tailed!”
“On it!” Togusa said, stepping on it and going as fast as he can.
Somewhere in the center of Ueda. On Haruto and his group’s side.
The avatars were winning.
Many of Hiroki’s people were easily being absorbed by Kill Machine, after getting slashed, stabbed, kicked or punched by his avatar army.
Now . . . it was just down to Isamu, Hiroki, Takeo, Haruto and Naruto. The four of them were on top of the bus and completely outnumbered.
The avatars were not in a rush, they waited patiently.
Back in ZOLLARS. ZOLLARS landscape.
Sora, Happy, Celty and their army were still trying to destroy the core.
“Sora! Hurry!” Happy said, as Kill Machine’s hands were getting closer.
Sore was shouting and screaming in frustration as he was trying real hard to destroy the core.
Many people all over the world was counting on them.
Daisuke was almost getting close to being slashed and absorbed.
Kadota and his gang, along with Joshua had a gang of three avatars chasing their tails and catching up pretty fast.
Haruto, Naruto, Isamu, Hiroki and Takeo were coming close to becoming Kill Machine’s next absorbed victims.
And another thing everyone should know, all of Kill Machine’s copied avatars were almost all over Japan. In fact, an army of them was flying toward Ryo’s baseball tournament.
People were running away screaming and making their way to the baseball stadium.
How long will it be before everyone inside the baseball stadium notices this happening?
Sora’s army was leaving Sora, Happy and Celty behind to destroy the core themselves as Kill Machine’s hands were descending closer onto them!
“SORA!!” Happy said crying terror.
Sora screamed in frustration and slashed wildly, until the core finally cracked into a ka-billion pieces, then it went boom. It was destroyed.
Kill Machine screamed and never squashed Sora and them.
“Sir,” Jarvis said to Kenta.
“Uh . . . yeah?!” Kenta asked.
“Teleport Haruto and them back here immediately.” Jarvis said. “They’re in danger.”
“You got it!” Kenta said before typing a few keys, and then ‘enter.’
Haruto and them were being Star Trek teleported away and appeared back into the living room. Freaking everyone in the room out.
Notice: The fake avatars were destroyed after Isamu, Hiroki, Takeo, Haruto and Naruto got teleported out of there. Pretty much every avatar across some parts of Japan were destroyed (derezzed or erased from existence), after the core was destroyed. Even the fake monstrous Kill Machine in the real world was destroyed.
Before the four avatars are about to attack a screaming terrified Daisuke, they are derezzed. Daisuke is confused, but is glad he is not dead, absorbed by Kill Machine, or worse.
He signed/exhaled in relief.
He continued driving his way out of the city of Ueda.
The avatars that chased after Kyohei and his gang were destroyed as well.
“Kyohei, their gone!” Walker said. “They just disappeared!”
“Good,” Kadota said, “then we can drive like normal on this road. Right, Saburo?”
“Right,” Togusa said.
Even the avatars that were coming over to Ryo’s baseball stadium were destroyed before anyone inside the stadium could even notice them.
After the fake avatars, people and Kill Machine were destroyed in the real world, there was only the monstrous Kill Machine (the real one) in ZOLLARS to deal with.
Closing in on the Jinnouchi Mansion. On the programed bridge. Kadota and his gang.
“Dotachin! We’re here!” Erika said.
“Yeah, I know, and will you please stop calling me that.” Kyohei said.
“This is it!” Joshua said.
“What is?” Kadota asked.
“This is the place I been needing to go to.” Joshua said.
“Wait, this house is the same house you’ve been needing to get to?” Kadota asked.
“Yeah.” Joshua said.
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