uselessgaywhovian · 1 year
i should really know better than to go in the facebook comment sections by now, but i genuinely cannot look away from the train wreck. folks wanna hate Seyka so hard. one guy was going off about how Seyka was "selfish, distrusting, foolish and always ends up getting the player in more trouble for her selfish desires."
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strxngemxgick · 2 years
@supremestrangeness asked: First Impression: Ooo a prime!Stephen to harass! We’ll see how long they put up with me…
Current Impression: God, their writing is so good and I live for these deep dives into his psyche and lord just let him rest I love V so much warrrggg my brother I’m sorry to constantly be cruel to you but it gives me life no one hates Stephen more than Stephen here we GOOOOO.
Meme /// No Longer Accepting
Do it. Bully him.
Bili! You are such an inspiration! I’m so glad that I mustered the courage to follow and talk with you, because seeing these two dinguses interact makes me so giddy. You’ve sparked a love for Strange comics, satisfy a love for eldritch monstrosities with a heart, and bring life to a character I only wish I could. I immediately feel in love with your disaster, and your feral!Strange in particular will always hold a special place in my heart. 
Thank you for becoming one of those integral pieces to my Stephen’s growth. 
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
"What's Up You Guys It's Me, Bdenbrough!" - Quarry Vlog ft. MY FRIENDS
Summary: Bill films a short video with Stan, Eddie and Richie at the quarry.
Chap 1 + AO3 + My Masterlist
Taglist: @fuckboykaspbrak @thesquidliesthuman @starboystan @rachi0964 @ahoybyeler  @beepbeep-losers @bigbilliamdenbro @jalenrose1122 @sleepygaybrough @itandstrangerthingsfanfic @boopboopbichie @peachywyatt @aizeninlefox @sockwantstodie @chaotictozier 
Bill looks down at himself in the camera viewfinder, chewing his lip anxiously before he even turns it on. He clicks the on button, toying with the straps of his swimsuit top.
"Hey g-guys! It's m-me, bdenbrough," he says with a small smile, pushing his ponytailed hair off his shoulder to hang down his back instead. "Today I'm d-doing a vl-vl-vlog!" He announces, still looking a little uncomfortable filming this intro.
"You're g-going to m-meet my friends, we're gonna sw-swim at the quarry today," he explains, picking up the camera to hold it up in line with his face.
"S-sorry for not u-uploading for s-so long, m-my parents d-don't know ab-bout m-my channel and they're o-out today. They're t-taking Georgie t-to the dentist, he's s-such a l-little booger," Bill chuckles, smirking playfully for the camera.
He starts walking down the stairs, huffing right into the camera unprofessionally. He reaches the bottom slipping on his pink flip flops that his mom had purchased for him at the local Payless shoe store.
He smiles to the camera. "N-now for the walk t-to the quarry," he smiles, turning the camera clumsily away from his face to the view ahead of him, planning hopefully to put some music over this part.
He films past town, nearly tripping over his slightly too big sandals. His mom is all about buying them big so they'll fit for longer, though they never seem to last to the point of fitting just right before he goes through another sudden growth spurt.
He pays specific attention to filming the trees and the squirrels and sometimes zooming in far onto towns people's faces if he thought their expression was silly. He finds that filming makes everything more interesting because now he's thinking about entertaining more than just himself, which by default makes him notice more things that could be entertaining.
He finally arrives at the quarry, his frizzy curls hopefully still held back in the loose ponytail he'd rushed out before he'd left the house. He walks up, being the only one there so far. Richie probably being distracted by random small animals, Stan likely paying close attention to the cracks in the sidewalk, and Eddie's mom probably being her awful self and venting to him all the reasons he shouldn't hang out with this group of kids.
Bill settles himself on the end of the cliff's edge, filming the sparkle the sun leaves on the water. He even slips off his flip flops and sets them on the dirt ground behind himself, kicking his feet on camera, showing the audience his chipped toenail polish that he's really tried to remove but failed miserably.
He hears some talking behind him, turning quickly, stopping the camera and putting it on the ground quickly so he could explain to what seems to be Eddie and Stan what his goal is today. "H-hey guys!" He says, pushing himself to his feet to greet them.
"Nice swimsuit," Eddie teases, poking Bill's bare but fully freckled shoulder. He knows Bill isn't very feminine for what he considers a girl, them still only being around ten years old. He's always surprised to see Bill in the forced pink that he only wears when it's his only option.
Bill sticks out his tongue in response, "I'm t-taking some video t-today for my YouTube ch-channel, is th-that okay?" He asks, not wanting to post something without their permission, though he plans to edit it to show them best.
"Yeah, as long as my mother can't see it," Eddie chuckles, taking his shirt off carefully, slipping off his own sandals to be ready for the water.
"Where's the trashmouth? It's too quiet," Stan chuckles softly to himself, his sense of humor too mature for most of his friends to understand. He's a lot like his mother, quiet and sophisticated, and he makes the same jokes.
"He's probably trying to ch-chase a squirrel," Eddie giggles, covering his mouth with a cupped hand that only amplifies and muffles the sound of his childish laughter.
Stan joins in laughing, nudging Eddie with his shoulder, "God, you're an ass," he says in a hushed voice, looking around them in the irrational fear that somehow an adult could hear them.
Just then, as if he could sense he was being talked about, the unruly blonde boy pops up into the clearing, "Ya miss me?" He calls to the group, patting Eddie's bare shoulder just a little too hard in his excitement.
"Speak of t-the devil," Bill laughs to himself, pushing Richie slightly away from Eddie for his shorter friend's own good.
"Asshole!" Eddie shrieks, pushing Richie himself, having always been firey and good at defending himself despite the fact that Richie never means harm, he's just a bit too much sometimes.
Bill walks over to grab his camera quickly, hoisting it up onto his shoulder to point at his three best friends. "S-say hi to th-the camera y-you dinguses," he giggles.
Richie immediately brightens, throwing his hands up in excitement, "Who's this video for?" He asks loudly, already making faces and trying to look handsome for the camera.
"Y-youtube," Bill tells him with a sure nod, "To m-make us famous," he jokes, turning the camera to Stan and Eddie next. "Th-these are Stan and E-Eddie, they're my other fr-friends," he tells, the smile evident in his voice.
Richie grins, "Roight my fine friends," he says, patting Stan and Eddie's backs, tearing off his shirt and shoes and immediately making a mad dash for the cliff, gesturing to Bill to film him jumping down to the water below. He doesn't look as cool as he wants to, flailing and screaming loud enough for the camera to pick up.
Everyone on the ground still starts giggling madly as soon as they hear him clumsily belly flop onto the surface of the water with a low groan. They walk up carefully to look over the edge at him, Bill letting the camera view the scene as well.
"Y'g-good, Richie?" Bill calls, creasing his eyebrows when it takes a few moments for Richie to pop back up from the water.
Richie dramatically shoots up from the water with a teasing grin, "Haha! Got you!" He shouts, feeling entirely like he's the most hilarious dude of Earth for scaring them.
"Asshole!" Eddie yells, cupping his hands over his mouth to amplify his sound
"Bitch boy!" Bill yells, a usual insult of his, which is what the girls at school often calls the boys and he's eventually picked up on.
Stan is quiet, still working through the original worry, working through it as if he's in a state of grief about it, he really does care about his friends more than he lets on.
Eddie looks to his right, "You good, Stanny?" He asks softly, putting his hand on Stan's shoulder which makes him jump a little before taking a deep breath.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he says with a sweet smile back to him, patting his shoulder in return, "Ready to jump?" He asks Eddie, his own type of playful smirk taking over his face.
Bill nods to them, stepping back with the camera upon his shoulder to get the scene on camera, smiling to them when he's ready, getting them jumping right off the cliff holding hands, it's quite aesthetic if Bill would say so himself.
Next, Bill shuts off the camera and sets it down, running his own to jump down and meet the others, feeling the water engulf him, the water filling his ears, making a face to himself as he pops back up.
They all look at each other with matching grins, nearly all splashing each other all at once, erupting into childish giggles, their favorite time of summer when they can all act like kids.
They spend hours and hours going crazy in the water. They dunk each other under, not doing it to Bill though because they've been told by their parents that they shouldn't, which gives Bill free game to jump them under the water all he wants without retaliation.
They get out of the water fully sunburnt, everyone but Eddie whose mother insisted in lathering him with the strong sunscreen she could find.
They rub at their backs, cringing at the soreness and the heat, Bill walks right up to the family camera that he uses to film, making sure his hands are dry. He aims it in front of his face, "Hi again! Th-the video was sh-short but taking a camera i-in the water means trouble," he says with a shy smile, looking back at the others, "g-guys! S-say bye to the s-subscribers with m-me!" He shouts, gesturing for them to come closer.
They all gather around, they always listen to Bill, he's always been a bit of a leader, simply for how demanding he can be. The all wave, attempting to all shout 'Bye!' at once but it ends as a layered chorus of chaos.
"See y-you next time," Bill says, going to shut the camera quickly, holding it close to himself for the walk home, slipping on his shoes again before saying real goodbyes to the group.
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
can i just... people creating gif sets and saying that steve is the brother that max deserved?
yeh okie dokie fine. i have feelings. imma bare my teeth a lil bit...
do these ‘antis’ realize that minimizing, cleansing, erasing, and/or flat out denying the trauma in others (including max’s own trauma).... perpetuates the growth and existence of further traumatization, victimization, and violence?
whitewashing the fandom so you can feel cozy because you cannot fathom that some of us out here take comfort and solace in seeing a show that nods to darker and grayer corners of life that are beyond perfect.
ways of life and upbringings that for years we may have assumed may have just been our own personal hell to endure. and to see you crusading about to try and blot it out because only problematic people get abused, or whatever other screwed up lines of thinking you have....
yes this is a fandom. yes this is a fictional scenario. but i’ve seen it on other posts floating around. we all read this. your words have reach. your words have consequence....
as much as some dummies think it doesn’t if its online.
imagine reading this and having just lost a sibling. or a parent. seeing those words. ‘he’s the brother she deserved’. the way a person can instantly internalize that.
it’s not much of a reach at times as you think. you might as well have walked right up to them right after the funeral, or maybe a week after at school and say ‘oh i heard your brother od’ed....? well. you deserved better anyways.’ ‘they died in car crash? they were a real asshole to you though. you deserved better...’
the absolute fuck people? you got any humanity left?
think for even a second about what people go through. think about someone other than your selfish self.
when billy died max was probably immensely conflicted. he died trying to save the entirety of hawkins, probably the world by extension. he said ‘i’m sorry’ right to her face with his dying breath. were you asleep on that part???
so not even six months later when she’s living in a trailer park, neil has left, and she’s deflecting in the counselor’s office and lucas is asking her why she’s acting so distant? -bro. you try to hold your shit together with that much upheaval. 
i honestly don’t know how max doesn’t fall apart some times. because some one she didn’t like. probably convinced herself she did hate at times died to protect her. he did something HUGELY brotherly. highly conflicting. neil and susan at each other’s throats before he leaves. plus however neil processes (or doesn’t with billy’s death).
so.... to just blanket statement all of this... and i mean i could just keep writing more truly... but i won’t bore you.
did max deserve a better brother? yeah sure. that’s not the point. don’t boil it down to such a callous and narrow-minded, one size fits all solvable solution. how sick can you be.
saying max deserved a better brother may shift the role of primary abuser (and your sense of guilt) onto billy, but it does not fix max’s situation. viewing the situation like this denies that max was ever a part of the abuse cycle in her family. it waters down the dimensionality that she has as a character. she may have needed more from her brother. but she still needs a present parent, adult role models, she needs loads more support from her friends in her support network. she’s isolated. 
don’t pop off with crap like this you dinguses. jesus.
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beowulfs-booty-call · 7 years
Hey so,
Canonically healers should be pretty darn tight / ripped because when you think about it, healing is a workout in itself the way it constantly repairs and "sews" itself back when healing wounds like the process of muscle growth.
Rendering the healed wounds slightly "stronger" in order to resuscitate when rezzing someone from death.
If that's to follow, that means healers who also have to heal themselves in this case means that they too are subjected very much to this new, possible supercharged body mass that inherently isn't "natural" anymore.
There's not much lactic acid produced to stop you from getting those gains, much less, already having them when you constantly heal them anyway of the fatigue of the natural human body with the magical.
So, that said: Stop drawing thin broad chested healers and get on that ripped healer crusade ya dinguses.
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Ed. Note: Aisling put together this handy guide for goin’ green in Memphis for St. Patrick’s Day 2019, which is on Sunday, March 17. It’s time for the annual wearing of the green in Memphis, where the Irish diaspora have played a rich role in the city’s history and growth. You’ll find a list of prominent Irish Memphians in history if you scroll a bit farther. Here’s a list of ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2019 in the 901. Sláinte, y’all. Magevny House Tour, March 15, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Free admission, family friendly This small, white clapboard cottage, built in the 1830s, is one of Memphis’ oldest remaining residences. It was home to Irish immigrant, Eugene Magevney, a teacher and entrepreneur who helped found St. Peter’s Catholic Church Downtown and establish the city’s public school system. The tour takes about 20 minutes. If you’re unable to make the pre-St. Patrick’s Day tour, Magevny house will offer tours each Friday from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. from March 8 through April 12. 2019 St. Patrick’s Day Ride, March 16, 8:00 a.m. check-in, 9:00 a.m. ride. $10-$40 Cyclists can meet at Central Church to join the Memphis Hightailers for their first club ride of 2019. Routes will be marked. St. Paddy’s Day Party with Karaoke, The Casual Pint on Highland Row, March 16, 9:00 a.m. – midnight. 21+ Karaoke, food specials, festive photo booth, 28 craft beers on tap and $1 off drafts if you wear green. Beale Street Silky O’Sullivan’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, March 16 at noon. Free admission, all ages Wear your green and bring the fam to historic Beale Street to enjoy live music, cars, dancers, floats and more at the 46th Annual Silky O’Sullivan Beale Street St. Patrick’s Day. Highlander Pub St. Patrick’s Day Party, March 16, 3:00 – 11:00 p.m., 21+ Music, food, drink specials, giveaways, prizes and competitions at this Collierville pub. St. Paddy’s Day Singalong at Ghost River Brewing, March 16, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Free, 21 + Gather your friends, grab some pints, and sing along with classic drinking songs from the Emerald Isle. Hosted by PubSing, whose folks will lead you through their songbook. Admission is free, but reservations are required. St. Paddy’s Day Dessert Tasting at Primas Bakery & Boutique, March 16, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., $12, all ages Hey sweet-toothed foodies — each ticket includes a flight of four special St. Paddy’s Day pastries. The Brass Door St. Paddy’s Day Festivities, March 17, TBA Downtown’s Irish hub traditionally hosts a day jam-packed with festivities, some family friendly. Stay tuned for details. Celtic Crossing St. Patrick’s Day Festivities, March 17, Times and Price TBA Celtic Crossing Irish Pub and Restaurant, the heartbeat of Irish culture in Midtown, hosts an annual all-day blowout featuring live music on the patio and in the party tent, specials on Irish fare, and Guinness flowing all day. Family friendly by day, but kids must clear out by evening. Folks begin piling into the pub once the Cooper-Young parade ends. Check their website for the full schedule of events. TJ Mulligan’s St. Patrick’s Day Festivities, three locations, all day Annual celebrations at all three Memphis-area Mulligan’s locations feature Irish food and drink specials, music and other festivities. Check their website for details. Cooper-Young St. Patrick’s Day Parade, March 17, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., Free, family friendly This St. Patrick’s Day parade in the heart of Midtown features floats, bands, cars, leprechauns, pipers and more. The third annual parade, organized by the Memphis Irish Society and Celtic Crossing, kicks off at York, next to Memphis Made Brewery, and travels down Cooper Street to Walker. This year’s parade will honor public servants of Irish heritage, including police, firefighters, clergy, teachers and medical professionals. Murphy’s 42nd annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, March 17, 1:00 p.m. to midnight. No cover. 21+ Blessing of the Kegs and music by Big Betsy, Earl the Pearl, and more. Please note this is an adults-only event. The Emerald Isle at Elmwood, March 17, 2:00 p.m. –  3:15 p.m., $20, 18+ Enjoy delicious Irish-themed treats and adult beverages for those with ID, followed by a 45-minute presentation focused on the lives of the Irish and Scots who rest at historic Elmwood Cemetery. Advance registration is required. St. Pawdy’s Day Party at The Casual Pint on Highland Row, March 17, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Dress up your doggos and partake in some interspecies “St Pawdy’s Day” fun on the patio. Prizes for best dressed dog and $1 off pints for humans wearing green. Rocking St. Paddy’s Day with MusicBoXx at Hadley’s On Whitten, March 17, 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. 21+, no cover Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with live music, food and beverages. Railgarten St. Paddy’s Day Throw-Down, March 17, 7:00  – 11:00 p.m. Green Jello-shots and Irish spirits, pub crawling without ever leaving the property, and music by Drivin N Cryin. St. Patrick’s Day at the P & H Cafe, March 17, 8:00 p.m. $7 cover. 21 + Live music by Jonathan and VOLK. Bring your dancing shoes and wear something green. The event description specifically states “No Dinguses,” so please leave your dingus friends at home. Fun facts about the Irish in Memphis: – In the Mid-1800s, teacher Eugene Magevny, an Irish immigrant from County Fermanagh, helped establish Memphis’ public school system, as well as the city’s first Catholic church — St. Peter’s on Adams Avenue. His house is open to the public for tours. – Mary Harris Jones, better known as Mother Jones, immigrated from County Cork. She lost her husband and four children in the Yellow Fever Epidemic in Memphis’ Pinch District, which was a heavily Irish neighborhood at the time. Mother Jones went on to become one of the most prominent labor and community organizers in American history. -Sarah Hardin Murphy Leath immigrated from Belfast, Ireland and married James Leath. Later in life, she donated nine acres of land that became a home for widows and orphans, and left an additional 20 acres in her will. That organization evolved into the nonprofit you know today as Porter-Leath. – Modern Irish Memphians DJ Naylor, Seamus Loftus, and Patrick and Deni Reilly run some pubs and restaurants you probably know and love  — Celtic Crossing, Majestic Grille, and The Brass Door. – Memphis Gaelic Athletic Association offers co-ed opportunities to all Memphians interested in playing the traditional Irish sports of hurling and Gaelic football. –Memphis Irish Society is a group for Irish diaspora and enthusiasts of Irish culture, which offers social and learning opportunities around traditional music, Irish (Gaelic) language and more. It’s open to anyone — Irish or not — with an interest in the Land of Saints and Scholars. – When she’s not tending to her medical patients, Dr. Mary McGinty, whose family hails from Achill Island in County Mayo, teaches traditional Irish step dancing to local children of all backgrounds at her Inis Acla School of Irish Dance in Cordova. -You can catch live traditional Irish music at Celtic Crossing twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesdays. The traditional Irish seisún coincides with two-for-one fish ‘n chips night.   Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh! About The Contributor Aisling Maki is a freelance writer, editor, and public and media relations specialist with awards from The Associated Press, Society of Professional Journalists and Public Relations Society of America, as well as several awards for fiction writing. Her work has appeared in publications in more than 20 countries. You can usually find her cheering on the Grizzlies, doing outdoorsy things, or traveling with her daughter, Brídín. They live in Cooper-Young with a dog, a guinea pig and a pair of pet mice. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://bit.ly/1B5z3Pc
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