#that'd be funny if i get anon hate because of this
kairiscorner · 9 months
thinking of building a snowman with gojo and him blushing and all because he’s so full of love and he want to give it to reader ☃️❤️‍🔥
was just thinking of romantic gojo nowadays 😍
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ holiday headcanons event !!
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day 5.4: building a snowman with gojo ☃️
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🍰 genre: fluff !! ✒️ word count: 683 💭 summary: building a snowman with gojo☃️ 📣 thanks for requesting anon! if you'd like to request any other prompt for any other character, please refer to my holiday headcanons event and send me an ask!
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gojo, ever the little shit that he was, laughed aloud when the head of the snowman you two were working on fell on your head after you skidded off the slippery ground and fell on your butt. he captured numerous photos of you, filming him laughing aloud as you scooped bits of snow off your face, your eyebrows furrowed at him. "aww... is shorty angry?" he asked you in a mocking tone as you threw a snow ball at him.
every snow ball you threw at gojo never hit him, his damned limitless technique was a pain in your neck for this very reason. he stuck his tongue out at you playfully, from underneath his dark shades, he pulled on his lower eyelid, taunting you. you huffed and tried to roll up another head for the snowman you two were working on in defeat.
gojo hated it whenever you'd go silent when he teases you, he misses the fiery side of you that'd snap back at him and give him a taste of his own bullshit. he decided to tone things down a bit and help you, such a little thing like you in his eyes wouldn't be able to do this all alone, right?
"hey," he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours, smiling like a doofus. his cyan blue eyes gazing at you from underneath his sunglasses, they didn't carry an ounce of apology or guilt, they did carry in them, however, a load of admiration. "lemme help you rebuild frosty over here, he's ours," he insists as he helps you roll up a sizeable head for the snowman.
after the head was of a decent size, he helped you carry it up on its body and stabilize it. you still weren't forgiving him, though, so you gave him the silent treatment. gojo noticed this and yawned loudly, grabbing your attention, even for a split second. "geez, you're boring like this..." he muttered, picking up the small pebbles and the carrot nose that was on the snowman's old head.
he placed the pebbles where its eyes should be, and with such force, he thrusted the carrot right in between its eyes, chuckling. "it looks funny like this, right?" he asked you with a childish grin, pointing at it and looking at you with expectant eyes. though, you weren't looking at him, you were busy playing with the snow next to the snowman, ticking gojo off a bit.
he slowly placed a hand on your shoulder, shaking you a little, trying to get your attention once more. "hey... hey, you can't seriously still be mad at me for earlier, are ya?" he asked you, looking a bit incredulous at you. yet again, you said nothing, making gojo sigh dramatically; he only ever did this for you, nobody else—he clasped his hands together while kneeling before you, and with a grand bow, he exclaimed, "oh, my dear, please forgive me! i am but a bumbling fool! forgive me for my stupidity, even though it was the funniest thing to ever happen today, please, be merciful on me, my sweet!"
your response was nothing like he imagined, but wholly welcomed; you responded with... a successful hit to his face with a snowball. gojo's sunglasses were now coated in some snow, which he smirked at, seeing you smile slightly before turning away from him. he chuckled as he took his sunglasses off, wiping the bits of snow from his face. "oh, we're gonna start playing like that now, huh?" he asked you in a challenging voice, picking up some snow and shaping it into a crude sphere, chucking it at you, making you giggle.
you fired back and threw a snowball of your own at him again, while gojo did the same, not backing down and throwing snowballs at you in retaliation. you could never be mad at gojo for that long, not with him being your snow child's father, of course you could never be mad; but you could always give him a taste of his own bullshit to make it even with him.
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tearsofcalamity · 4 months
wriofucker's fine by me lol unless u have another nickname that'd be both as accurate & funny!
i wasn't too clear earlier; i think our mandatory education goes up to 9th grade, and then it's like a minimum of 4(ish) years for a uni degree. so it's not all that different lol
nahh im telling you i had one macroeconomics class once and it fried my fuckin brain. only reason i could stand it was because the professor was too right-brained for his own good (he'd start his lectures with a song he liked. i wrote a bunch of barely-relevant shit abt environmental pollution on the exam—he was super passionate abt it—and he just let me pass<3 loved that guy). ik i said it before but good luck on ur studies!! im sure you'll absolutely kill it out there. and, thank sm! i actually finished the short story assignment last night but im too scared to submit it jdhdj
im so glad you've got more kaveh brewing omg he's so<33 bit of a shame you're not into kavetham (they make me bite & scream) but that's just fine; more kaveh/reader for the world! except the world is me and nobody else<3 can u imagine teasing kaveh in public, maybe he's even all nice & plugged up, and you're warning him not to let a single person figure out what's going on bc he's for your eyes only<3 but it's so difficult and you're relentless and it feels so, so good... he doesn't even care about people finding out anymore, but he wants to be a good boy for you... phew. lord have mercy
HAHA WRIOFUCKER IT IS THEN!! happy to have a named anon :D
ohhhh I see I see! okay yeah so it's pretty similar just a few differences! I think the only reason I'm surviving my business/econ work is cause I've got a math-wired brain lmfao. I've got autism ("high functioning" but I don't really like that term for it, I think the more acceptable one is "low support needs") and I got the "math autism" as my friends put it so that's probably a bigger part of it. I like making spreadsheets and working out equations HAHA, also thank you for the well wishes I actually just found out I passed calc 2 with an 82% so I'm very happy about that!! I'm glad to hear you got your short story done as well, sounds like you're moving through it all good <3!!
HONESTLY I don't hate the ships (like either kavetham or haikaveh I think they're different? like some shippers put the top's name first or something?? I'm not 100% sure) like I TOTALLY see the chemistry don't get me wrong, I think it's mainly just that I get so sad seeing like nearly 0 kaveh content without alhaitham included. I love both of them but kaveh's got such a unique and deep story too, yet people often just kinda treat him like an accessory to alhaitham likely cause he's 4 star and haitham is 5 star so it turns me off of the ships a bit </3 still though that's so true MORE KAVEH/READER!!!!
oh don't even get me started on teasing kaveh in public there's so many ways you could do it and each one would make him squirm more than the last... shove a nice little vibrator deep inside of him, remote controlled of course, and enjoy watching his knees practically buckle every time you up the intensity. ooh, maybe he's giving a one-time academic seminar for some kshahrewar students and you just stand in the corner, grinning at him all the while while he shakes and tries his best to keep his voice level, praying his face isn't as red as it feels...
or play around with him in the tavern, sit right next to him and brush your hand along his inner thigh while he squirms, not sure whether he wants to move closer or further way from you... this one's easier to hide since his flushed cheeks could easily be attributed to a bit too much to drink, but once he's grabbing at your wrist to push your hand into his bulge at last, he knows by your stare that he's messed up. I mean, he hadn't kept his promise to be good, had he? guess you'll just have to rail him over his workbench back at home when he least expects it! (totally ignore his needs/pretend he's not acting super horny when you get back at first, though, he'll be so good for you when you finally do bend him over)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Thinking about Lucifer knowing Spanish, and I love the idea that he picked it up on his own (HELP, IMAGINE HE LEARNED IT SUPER FAST BEFORE THE EXCHANGE STARTED ONCE HE SAW MY FILE, THAT'D ALSO BE FUNNY). But if Lucifer ever scolded me in Spanish, I'd fr burst into tears and turn into the biggest goody two shoes 💀 (for at least a few days). Like I already hate being lectured, but something about it being in Spanish just 😭 it feels sooo much worse (maybe because there's so much emotion in the language? Dialect? Very big disappointed mom vibes.)
also IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME CONFESSING, THAT'S FOR SURE. Or if I did, it'd be in the most round about way or by accident (catch me pulling a Mammon like in that car ride drabble.). I am saying it in EVERY WHICH WAY except saying 'ily' outright.
It wasn't my day for dinner but you came home sad, and suddenly I'm cooking and it's your favorite dish? Psh, don't mean nothing, I was craving it too. I found a super shiny coin and gifted it to you? I have plentyyy (don't think about the fact I keep shiny coins from the current year in my bag for good luck, and it's the first one I've found all year). I'm spending my last pieces of grimm to buy us a treat to share bc we passed our exam? Well, it'd be wrong if I only got myself one... (true story, spent my last $10 on chipotle kids meals for me and my friend/coworker so we could eat because we were both broke and had two days left to payday)
Mammon will need to grab me by the shoulders and shake me because I would not believe he's into me. I'd come up with an excuse for any evidence that he is into me 💀 He could be like "GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS THAT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!" and I'd be like "you wot? you're joking right?"
like I said, I'm denying it to hell and back because it's scary af !! I've only been in love 2.5 times, and the first time I was brushing off my feelings and making excuses. And then one day I had the "Oh. Oh... Aw, fuck." moment and became a mess around them. I've always been wary of romance (my only relationship ended up toxic, and I became more wary lol)
But the same thing happened with Mammon becoming my fave 😭 I was thinking about other characters (along with Mammon) like Levi, Beel, and Dia. But then everything about Mammon made me fall a little more without realizing, even while I was trying to deny it. I'd get asked my fave character, and I couldn't choose, but Mammon was always an option. And one day I had the "Aw, shit" moment. He won me over with his dumbass ways, heart of gold, and terrible bandaging skills.
anyway I am excited for the new lessons !! my cards are powered UP ! also I got a sketch and lineart update on one of my comms and 😭🫶 literally wanted to jump around at work because it's so perfect and cute (it's me and Mammon cuddling in bed AND RHEY PUT HIM IN A TANK TOP SND YOU CSN SEE HIS MUSCLRS AKDKD)
- ✨ anon
Disappointed mom vibes lolol. I think that would suit Lucifer really well, actually. He has those vibes anyway, make him lecture in Spanish and it's just even better~
Er. Well. I like when strict characters start scolding people, so perhaps my opinion is invalid in this case. I just find it very funny and it makes me want to tease them so bad.
Anyway, here's my opinion on romance: yes, it's scary af. But it's worth the risk.
Any time you enter into a relationship with someone, especially if there are intense feelings involved, you're taking a risk. No matter what, even in friendship and other such types of relationships. The way to get close to someone is to be vulnerable with them. And there's always the chance that the person you're being vulnerable with will take that as an opportunity to hurt you. But not everybody will. And you'll miss out on the people who won't if you just... don't even try, you know what I mean?
Ehhhh sorry to get all deep on you like that, but I've seen this kinda thing plenty of times in my life. I'm that person everybody tells all their relationship woes to and then I give them advice that they never take. And then it always turns out that I was right all along lol.
I also kinda think it's okay to fall in love with someone but never act on it. Sometimes it feels like I fall in love with everyone I meet. But sometimes you legit fall in love with someone who just... isn't the right one for you. And you know it, so there's no point in trying to pursue anything. And the feelings fade as that person moves on with their life and it just becomes a fond memory.
For what it's worth, I don't think Mammon would ever give up on you. He's not as dumb as everyone makes him out to be. He's actually quite emotionally intelligent. As soon as he finally figured out his own feelings and was able to accept them, he would clock onto yours. And if someone straight up told him (such as one of his brothers), I think he'd keep reaching out to you, keep trying for you, keep doing his best to make it so you're comfortable enough with him to be honest about how you feel~
Anyway, this is just me being a hopeless romantic lol!
Welcome to the Writing Essays About Fictional Characters You Love Club! lol honestly I get so embarrassed about how much I have to say sometimes...
I'm also excited about new lessons! And your commission sounds amazing already!
Sending the good vibes right back to you! May we all find $10 on the ground!!
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scenetocause · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
i got tagged by @verycoolwearsleather and now i have to pretend i have a writing process haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
it says 52 but there's actually a lot more due to orphaning/anon-ing things.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
345,519 but again i'm not sure how much tha's counting
3. What fandoms do you write for?
gross f1 twinks
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
just telling it like it is (lando/maxv)
pretty sure this is just cus it's the oldest fic i have since the account reboot because it absolutely does not merit being anywhere near the top 10 lol it's just a 5+1 about other mando being obvious (it's anon'd cus i got bored of a load of my fics and didn't want them as part of the emptyhalf canon anymore)
every colour illuminates (george/lando)
for something i started writing offhand cus some of my friends were saying there should be more trans men in f1 fic, this one sure grew legs. i'm still insanely moved by the comments it gets and the way it seemed to resonate with people. i'm not sure i can really convey how dumb i actually am in a way that'd make people believe me but i really did just write this on vibes and it's one of the things i can say i'm genuinely glad i did. idk, it's just queer porn really but maybe we need more of that.
(i) just wanna get a little bit closer (mando)
you know i don't even think this is close to my best mando fic (personal choice is no plans of staying on) so there's no accounting for taste and you absolutely should practice death of the author or whatever. anyway, it's mando cohabitation era boundary breakdown stuff where they fuck and then go on a date about it.
shoreline i see when i'm off course (loscar, mando)
people rly are thirsty for a/b/o huh. how'd this little fic get into the top five so quickly?
the usual, upside down (alex/george/lando)
literally THEE most head empty omegaverse threesome fic in history y'all are horny as fuck. it literally only got written bc george did some dumb insta post where he called lando and alex his mates and also then was walking around looking horny af in the black fireproofs and mask when he stood in for lewis. there is NO nutritional content here even by the fast food standards of emptyhalf fic.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i uh. i should. i would like to but my brain is quite severely broken. i do read them all and i bookmark a lot in open tabs to come back to and reply to because they mean a lot but then i have 6000 tabs open and no executive function.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
we don't do that here. i guess maybe if you dig into the far distant past then it was probably i'm not just a fuck up, i'm the fuck up you love which is 18k words of jev not really getting over daniel that ends on a sort of optimistically blasted-open note.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of them are happy but probably actually pick me up, no headlights where george and max end up with their weird little family worked out and the kids are doing well, y'know
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no i don't think enough people read them to beef me lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hahahaha oh yea. i like to think i write something along the lines of realistic queer sex, with the way that means it's mostly kind of funny and sometimes awakward and isn't elegant or arch or even particularly romantic except that you're getting to do it with the person you do it with. writing lando and oscar being straight with each other, even if it's in a cringe fail way, made me realise i really do not write straight people and i feel a bit like one of those painfully hetero actors who does a gay kissing scene and talks about how they had to get themselves in the mindset by watching the l word or whatever haha. what do straight people do? who are they?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i was gonna say no but then i remembered i wrote logan and oscar going ghosthunting and being kinda pass-agg horny about it because. idk? logan gave me ryan bergara vibes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i think someone reposted some of mine awhile ago and it got dealt with before i really knew anything about it idk
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't know tbh. someone made a podfic of one of my fics a way back.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah i used to do that quite a lot but now. i am a lone wolf. (too perverse for other people's minds)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
jenson/lewis but society has never been ready for this
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i don't. i don't wanna let doubt enter into it but my daniel goes to fe fic is up against a number of the dark souls boss level demons in my own brain 😔
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh. i uh. i can write on my phone? i have a relaxed attitude to whether what i write is any good at all? i don't actually think i really have any.
people quite often say i have a lot of emotional intelligence in my fics which is very funny to me because i am a deeply unemotionally intelligent person so idk how that's happened really.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
look we could be here all day.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i guess it has never bothered me so long as the reader could be reasonably expected to work out the meaning from the context.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
cardcaptor sakura (i was 14)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hmmm. in terms of thinking it's like, good or whatever it's probably don't say no or you'll have to go, the fucked up valtteri/george mutual seat envy/horror of being compared to lewis hamilton thing. or really, it's an old spy au fic called ten seconds before sunrise that i deleted ages ago so: sorry about that.
but favourite is probably some dumb mando shit or i have extreme recency bias so maybe logan and oscar go ghosthunting or whatever. oh wait, no, it's genders maxy the how-to-find-your-identity-post-racing-in-your-pussy treatise that was born of crack but ended up. no, it's still crack. anyway, classic emptyhalf shit tbh.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
i know they're "toxic exes" in your stuff but dio just got pen with the first visit in your headcanons, would he try again once he learns ody is home? would your ody be mad if he did?
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Dear anon, I know this is just the wording, and I have no ill will towards you, but in this house, know that "Dio just getting Pen" is a privilege and way better than Dio getting to see Odysseus again.
(Sorry, I know I'm being silly but I've seen way too much stuff pushing Penelope to the side and I'm moody rn tbh. Don't take this to heart)
I kind of plan for this visit to be a bit of a "I hope to find refuge here. Let's visit other kingdoms where my comrades were." or just him trying to use the ties he had in the war. A little bit of seeing Odysseus again but not so much.
That outta the way, I don't think he'd try again. He's busy with founding his new cities and stuff. (Though I do think it'd be funny if he kind of has to tell Aeneas to shut up sometimes about hating Odysseus. "Yeah, he's a bitch and he sucks but he's no monster, idiot.")
If they were to see each other again, I don't think Odysseus would be "mad" per se. I think he'd give him a "hey, guess who lived, bitch?" and smugly show his family. OdyPen have a daughter after he returns so he would lift her up to show her off, Diomedes would probably be like "Good for you!", and then Odysseus would turn daughter around before flipping off Diomedes one last time lightheartedly and then that'd be it.
And I wanna give a heads-up, the "toxic exes" is mentioned and played for spoof in my writing but it's not gonna be in it incredibly often. As it's already basically a crack idea as it doesn't make sense with the Epigoni and all the wars he had. (this "romance" they had happened during a break in the war. That's why it's so short as well.)
I'm just not really a fan of them in general. The reason why I have them as toxic exes at all in the first place is because I kind of felt pressured by the fandom to have them interact in that way when I just genuinely do not see them like that so I put my own twist to it.
They kind of become comrades/friends and Odysseus isn't as mean to him in the later years of the Trojan War but not enough to really search each other out again.
There are plenty of other talented creators on tumblr and AO3 who explore their dynamic more!
@fangirlofallthefanthings @cygniavenue and @/mydnyteraven are a few I know! And there's many more! :D You should check them out!
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andromeda-systemm · 1 year
We're a system. I know before this was mainly a raph blog, but we dont really, have other places to talk about our pluralness. So, its here! Raph's tags will still be there, because he is one of the most common fronters, but the rest of us are here too!!
#raph vents ‼️- raph venting lmao
#raph talks ‼️ - raph talking about random shit
#raph asks ‼️ - raph responding to asks
#system vents ⭐️ - anyone venting
#system talks ⭐️ - anyone talking bout random shit
#system asks ⭐️ - anyone responding to asks
click keep reading to see our boundaries :)
general boundaries:
tcesters dni, i hate that shit so much. dont ever imply anything weird about me and/or my brothers. proship also dni
dont make comments about how i was a jerk to my brothers when i was younger. I was a jerk, i know, but im getting better
dont be nsfw. sure, you can say im hot or something idrc, but keep in mind im gay and aroace spec- nor want a relationship. i dont know any of yall, ur some randos online
dont make assumptions about any of the relationships with any of my friends. If u ship me with casey or april or literally anyone existant- then shut up.
think of me and my brothers as an au- i am not exactly like my source, so dont roleplay as my brothers and try to interact please. BUT i like interacting with other versions, like the rise version. i like yall, youre funny.
in general, this goes for ALL OF US.
Oh and endos dni please! Our views vary on endos, but to keep yall safe from any alters getting pissy, dont interact :)!
ask boundaries:
ill tell you if an ask was too much for me, or was really annoying. im blunt.
if you want, you can nominate yourself as __ anon. that'd be super fun
dont be super weird. u shouldnt be asking if i have a body count, or telling me that you'd **** **** ****** *** *** or something LMAO
dont act like im roleplaying, or pretending to be raphael, i am raph. some of this is fictional situations, but its me pretending im back home for comfort reasons, alr?
this goes for all of us
Raph, he/they, 💥
Dove, they/them, 🕊️
Host, he/him, 🌱
Donatello, he/they, 👾
Aphrodite, any/all, 💋
Monty, he/they/it?, 🐊
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blorbologist · 1 year
How do you think things would’ve played out with Percahlia if, for whatever reasons, they weren’t able to have kids together? I know they’re both family ppl, but I also know that Percy holds lineage in high regard. Personally I don’t think they would let that’d prevent them from being together; they love each other too much and I think they would hate to let the other go due to something like that (esp. since adoption and/or Wish are options) but I wanted to see what you think on the matter. :)
Hi anon! Sorry this is so tardy, I've been very busy the last few days.
I agree? I don't really have much to say on the matter: their relationship isn't built around the idea of building a family (it's not like they had dating profiles '23 / M / Bi / seeking to rebuild my family dynasty '), it's around their mutual trust and respect for eachother. Having kids is never to my knowledge brought up on stream until The Chapter Closes.
Percy does put a lot of himself into trying to rebuild Whitestone, but
a) Cass is also there, and could potentially have heirs of her own (though so far given the material we have to work with it seems like she's still without children as of Tal'Dorei Reborn, which is... starting to get a bit late. but, yknow, magic).
b) Percy explicitly brings up other branches of de Rolos, though how distant they are (do they predate the migration to Tal'Dorei? Are they still near to Whitestone?) and how complicated that'd be is up for debate. But they could take on a distant cousin as an heir.
c) It actually doesn't matter in the end, because Whitestone is lead by the Chamber, now. It's not a tiny little monarchy anymore - as much prestige and power as the living de Rolos hold, Percy specifically set up this system to give more power to the populace and decentralize it from the ruling family.
d) Yeah, adoption is a thing! There's bound to be a fuckton of orphans running around post-Briarwoods, post-Conclave and post-Vecna in areas affected by the respective messes. Tary finds Lawrence in Port Damali, so he could feasibly go 'hey besties there's some REALLY sad orphans here, do you want me to pick one up for you on the way home?' (I think Fjord would be too old to still be there timeline-wise, but that'd be a funny AU lmao.)
Hm. An AU where Vex and Percy adopt the aasimar boys (Kyor and Hunin) and make them the heirs could potentially be fun? And/or one examining half-elven biology and making half-elves incapable of having bio kids with humans, potentially due to chromosomal incompatibility, as is often the case for hybrids (though Keyleth is the product of a half-elven x half-elven union, so maybe they could only have kids with other half-elves? IDK could be fun to poke at).
But! Yeah. The answer is stupidly obvious and I just wanted to point out all the other options available because I can't help but ramble.
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dismantling-casteism · 11 months
(violet, this is the closest colour i could find because i hate html)
sometimes i just like. give people free food if they're struggling and stuff. like. sometimes there's a person who can't find enough change for their purchase at troll walmart and they just find a fat fucking wad of cash in their pocket.
i dunno part of me just thinks it's absolutely HILARIOUS watching them go nuts over it.
but like. in a nice way.
i acknowledge my privilege, and this is motivated entirely by me trying to help people not have to "almost" have enough money to eat this week
but at the same time it's like. how do their faces get that much colour in them in less than a minute. how do they do it it's fascinating
Anon I'm not even gonna lie to you this is so sweet. You're doing something great. And the fact you seem to do it for people who are struggling regardless of blood type shows that you're a good person. Getting a laugh out of it is just troll nature, and it goes to show to enjoy what you're doing and not just feeling obligated! [But yeah honestly I'm no biohazardologist or medicull professional but if someone could contribute if there's a reason why metal and midbloods tend to blush harder than highbloods in the replies that'd be very funny]
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tuiyla · 2 years
Can I ask how you feel about platonic Samtana? Both in the context of the show and fanon. I think the golden retriever and black cat energy is soooo fun, especially when it’s chaotic best friends rather than lovers.
Sure thing, Anon.
So Samtana used to be one of my favourite Santana broships, probably the favourite at one point tbh. I've since then started having conflicted feelings about Sam and that's the main reason I'm of two minds on Samtana, too. I guess I just... don't Love Sam when really thinking about his character in the context of the whole show. Rewatching season 2 I remembered that oh yeah he's actually pretty cool there and a ch I could get behind but I think the flip-flopping with who he actually was is overall to the detriment, well if not his whole character then certainly my perception of him. By no means do I hate him but I find a lot of the things most of the fandom considers endearing and charming pretty annoying. Put another way, I'd like to view him as a golden retriever, I'm just not sure that's my actual reading of him as presented in canon. That's not to say he can't be that to you or anyone else, mind.
I had that whole disclaimer about Sam himself because it informs how I feel about the Samtana friendship. I'd like to love them and you know, I believe there's a version, more like a headcanon version that I do love. Just as I can make any Santana friendship work in my head because I have a primal need for it. Sad thing is, I'd like to think they had an actual bro thing going on in season 3 and the sweet scene in 3x08 is exactly how I want their dynamic to be. But then season 4 happened and Bram happened and, you know. And to be clear, even in the context of the Samtana friendship I don't think Bram is inherently and wholly the problem itself, I think it's the execution. And how obnoxious Sam was about the whole thing, and how Samtana have virtually no interaction past that season 4 finale therefore not giving me anything to base a later friendship revival on. So I suppose that's the show side of things. I'd love to touch more on the main beats they get in canon, particularly season 2, but I feel like that'd be a different convo we absolutely can have another day.
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But. I like to believe in Glee friendship and I especially love Santana broships. The show can pry them from my dead cold hands. So in terms of fanon, I still am for a Samtana friendship. The golden retriever/black cat energy feels apt lol, in a way. In my headcanon, Samtana's main point of connection is what we see in that one 3x08 scene, that Sam sees Santana's insults for what they are. I just, love the idea of Sam laughing it off and seeing through her, seeing that she really did miss him so much. Santana is in desperate need of people who see through her bullshit and Sam, for the most part, seems so impervious to Santana's silly insults. And that's a really fun dynamic for me where Santana wouldn't ever admit it but she grows fond of Sam's quirks and the things she calls lame about him, and despite the harsh front she puts up Sam still likes hanging with her because oh, Santana, she's just being funny. Look at their library scene in Comeback, they could have been such a hilarious duo where Santana tries her best to really offend Sam but half the time he doesn't even get what the burn is supposed to be.
Related to this but on an entirely headcanon level, I like to think of Santana as a secret dork. Well, not so secret if we're honest, but also a bit of a closeted nerd. And unlike the flannel closet this ain't one she's coming out of, but she does eventually bond with Sam over nerdiness when opinions just sort of start to spill out of her, revealing that she knows more about Sam's topics than she cared to admit. These conversations about favourite superheroes and such are always framed with Santana being in opposition to Sam because she only cares to discuss nerd culture when she vehemently disagrees with his takes. Sam doesn't mind because in these rare instances when she reveals she does know and care about nerd stuff, "lame" stuff, Santana shows such a genuine, unfiltered part of herself. And Sam just thinks that's neat. In public, she ruthlessly makes fun of him for impressions and Navi speak and all that but in private she will fight him on Captain America Civil War. A bit like this cute fanart that @randomcanbian had commissioned.
So... platonic Samtana, you say? Canon kind of soured it for me, as is the way with Glee, but I still believe and despite it all I evidently still hold it close to my heart. If only in my own headcanon, but still. I'm not sure how the brotana ships rank for me rn but I guess I'm always gonna hold a soft spot for Samtana even when I'm not sure how to feel about Sam. I think that damn "I missed you too, Santana" scene sealed it for me.
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askmstau · 1 year
Grian and Jimmy!
Can you maybe tell us some stuff about avians? It can range from you talking about your guys culture to ranting about common mistakes that people make about you guys! Really just anythung you two wanna share!
~Mezalea Anon!!
"Hm, okay so, generally theres two types of avian. Ones with pointed ears, and ones with wing ears. It depends on the potency of your bird genes, basically. If your human sides significantly stronger, your instincts are like- lessened. You also have the pointed ears, and you're pretty in control. As a wingfolk- which is what we call avians with winged ears because otherwise it sounds stupid - your instincts are heightened because of the more potent bird genes. This is both a good and bad thing, since you also get some of the allergies from the bird you are, but also you get heightened senses- mainly sight. Also, we tend to have one hell of a bird brain- which is really funny to watch until you get dragged in by your own." "Whoooo boy, okay. I'm just going to talk about avian centric communities, because that's where like- culture and actual avian habits are most potent. There isn't a lot of those anymore, which is a shame. Anyway, something people don't really know is that- clothing matters. Well- it both does and doesn't- avians aren't too discriminatory in the sense that we either hate everyone, or are cool with everyone. Anyway, your sense of style usually reflects on what kind of bird you are- it's not like a written on paper thing, it's just... subconscious. Usually, if you have really bright wings with a bunch of color, it's normal to wear monotone things, or even monochrome. If you have a pretty uniform feather color, you tend to wear flashy things- either stuff that'd catch you off guard or really bright colors. Avians who tend to only live in avian communities or are specific species, shirts are usually just a suggestion in the summer. Like- in populated, diverse places, obviously you need decency, right? But in avian communities, everyone can relate to needing your feathers to breathe, and that comfort, so it's basically fine. This, by proxy makes body jewlery really popular- since shiny things look pretty, and also the flashy thing I said previously. As for specific culture? That's usually hybrid or family dependent. Even if it's just bird hybrids, the diversity is mental."
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Hi! I just dropped to say thank you on the comment you left on that fic writer complaining about having "old people" reading their fics. I'm 35 and it's already difficult to be an active fan within kpop because everyone thinks you're old, and now to tell me I could be Felix's mother (not even close) so I shouldn't read smut about him it's just so... Invalidating. He's an adult, he's in his 20's, I've seen people date with bigger age gaps (usually the man being older), and reading is just a fantasy??? It's a lot, for someone to tell me who and what I can and can't like? Awful. Sorry I end up venting, but I really wanted you to know I appreciate the comment because you really explained the point there perfectly.
I hope you had a great start of the year ❤️
Hello and happy new year! I first want to say thank you this message whoever you are anon. It encourages me to know that others feel the same as me. I'm sure even as anon, it wasn't easy to send this message especially when the fic writer is active on here (although blocked by me). And you're welcome. I was so bothered by it that I couldn't let it go without saying something. Ageism has never been an issue in fanfiction when I was growing up and I sure as hell am not going to let it happen now.
I'm gonna put a read more after this and dive into your message that I hope you see. 💜
I've been discussing this issue with fellow fanfic writers and readers and we're all on the same page thinking this situation is silly. One, although it is real person fiction, the Felix in the story is a character. He is not the exact embodiment of Felix of SKZ. The reaction of said fic writer gives the impression that they believe the Felix in their story is a perfect and exact replica of him. Which is impossible considering none of us know h personally or that intimately.
Two, he is 22 fucking (pardon) years old. He is a legal adult. I type up marriages at my work and I've seen people with 30+ age gaps get married. And shockingly, married couples often have sex. It might be odd for most of us, but it's not wrong.
Three (this topic really gets me ranting), if there is an issue with Felix being sexualized by an older reader (who really isn't that old), there should be an issue with him being sexualized in the first place. He can see anything written about him. It's on a public forum. The funny thing about public forums is anyone can read anything. Minors, adults, anyone.
Four, will the fic writer take down their fics once they hit 35+? The Felix in their story is his current age of 22, yes? So, that would make them too old to read that fic if they plan to live by that rule. Also, when they get older, will they decide to read smut between people their age? Or is it not sexier to read about younger adults getting in on when you still remember what that part of life was like? Being that it's fiction, it's not creepy or perverted to read it. Even in real person fiction because it's as you said: fantasy.
I want you to know that it is valid for you to feel that way about someone saying a certain age can't read smut about a 22 year old despite it being fiction and fantasy. Most people our age can define the line between reality and fiction. We know that Felix in a smut fic (or any fic) is not Felix irl.
To the reader who was condemned for reading that Felix smut, I'm sorry if the situation has made you feel shunned from a hobby you've probably held for a long time as a way to escape. Fanfiction has always been an open community since even before I started reading it and there's been an unfortunate shift that is killing off readership and I hate that it's happening. I'm sure you understand that the Felix in fics is a character and not the real person (boy that'd be pretty awkward 😅). It's not your fault that a writer can't see that it's just fantasy that you were enjoying. If you haven't blocked them, I would encourage it. They don't want you to read their stuff anyway so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
To all older readers/writers 35+, know that my blog is a safe space for you. You can share your rants and sadness and any other emotions you have about this strange trend in fanfiction. Reading smut about real people who are younger than you is not wrong. They are merely characters who share some characteristics and a name.
Sorry I turned your message into a ranting platform, but I've been so bothered by this issue because it shouldn't even be an issue. If you haven't blocked the fic writer, I encourage that you do because you're right in that age range of people they don't want reading their stuff. They won't miss your readership. I honestly blocked them as soon as they responded to me because it wasn't worth the battle and they clearly don't want my readership either. The beauty of Tumblr is how easy it is to block blogs to eliminate toxicity. ☺️ Thank you again for the message and I hope you find future fics with writers who don't mind older readers reading their smut. 💜 And you also have a safe place here on my blog.
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fuckyeahnightmares · 3 years
Halloween Kills (An Hour of my God Damn Life)
Anyway, I paid 4.99 for peacock (with ads!) so I could review this movie. Give me notes.
I went in with the notion that this movie would be mid. I liked the first movie and I really like the director so I thought I’d try to clear my head of expectations and let the movie speak for itself.
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What is this movie?
How scary is it?
It’s not. I feel like everyone has seen Michael Myers do his thing enough to the point there’s no way the image of him popping out can be scary.
At some point someone says, “There’s something in our house, and I don’t think it’s kids,” which would be scary in a different movie, if it created some suspense as to what exactly is in the house and let our imagination run wild, if we didn’t know the fate of these characters. But in this movie, it’s Michael Myers. If the people in the house simply leave, then they are safe. But if they decide to stay for whatever reason, they’ll die. It’s as simple as that.
Jump scares?
Uh, kind of? Maybe? Maybe Michael pops up sometimes, but it doesn’t really do much.
Is there blood and gore?
It’s the only thing this movie has going for it besides Dylan Arnold’s hair and Judy Greer.
On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being Al-- actually, Halloween Kills is the new 10), how dumb were the characters?
Imagine watching a bunch of people walking into a woodchipper and then thinking to yourself, “Well, I’m built different,” and proceeding to walk into said woodchipper, naked. That’s a decision every single character not named Michael Myers makes in this movie.
Does the story make logical sense if you think about it too long?
Can’t you just enjoy it as a dumb fun slasher flick?
If it fucking LET ME.
The thing about this franchise is, the 2018 Halloween was actually good. It was a lean, mean slasher movie that didn’t reinvent the wheel but had some interesting things going on in its head with Laurie’s PTSD and that fracturing her relationship with her family.
This movie also tries to have deeper themes. It forgets those along the way. It feels as if it’ll have something to say about making sure the next generation doesn’t experience the same trauma, then a man who has Michael Myers PTSD takes his son on a Michael Myers-hunting stroll about town. There is also a weird mob mentality storyline that says nothing and adds nothing but 15 minutes of brain-killing runtime.
There are a gazillion characters in this, and this movie lets you latch onto exactly zero. Jamie Lee Curtis hangs out in a hospital gown for 15 minutes before cashing her check. The camera lingers meaningfully while introducing or re-introducing various characters who you think will provide some narrative cohesion and emotional weight to the story. Then they don’t. They probably get up and run naked into the woodchipper and call it a day. One character gets like a 15 minute flashback sequence then has probably 5 minutes of present day screen time. Anthony Michael Hall says one emotionally complex sentence and then is directed to act like an angry Elmer Fudd for all his other scenes.
And then the drama. It wants you to feel awful about some kills, and then it makes some kills kind of funny. Having someone goofily assist Michael Myers in their own murder in one scene and then having someone grieving over their loved one’s corpse in another is some tonal whiplash more brutal than any of the executions.
It feels as if this movie was made in spurts. As if they had to pause production because of Covid multiple times, but every time they resumed production, they had completely forgotten what they were going for last time they were all together. I wish I could forget the same way. 2/10
I liked the intro thing with the burning pumpkins.
Spoiler-y thoughts below
I guess Big John and Little John were kind of fun.
I would have decked that skull kid who took all the candy. Crushed him.
“Since Laurie is in the hospital, I wonder if the main characters in this movie are gonna be the doctor and nurse... nevermind.”
I thought that dude who played Joe Collie in Midnight Mass, the dude who Michael let live as a kid, was going to have some meaningful encounter with the killer. Nope. Dude gets fucking stuffed.
Dude’s son also gets destroyed.
That was Theo from You. Damn. But this franchise could take some cues from You on how to balance the fucking tone in a murderfest.
They seem to bring back characters from the dead all willy-nilly, and it looked like Michael was just stabbing Judy Greer’s arms. She was blocking like she was playing RE, so I kinda doubt she’s dead.
Michael Myers is immortal. Sure.
I would have crushed him. Just built different.
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We all know damn well if there was a character that didn't like Adrien and had valid reasons not to the narrative would go out of its way to make it Marinette's responsibility to change that person's opinion so by the end they like Adrien and ended up becoming a supporter of the love square.
at this point i wouldn't even care if this hypothetical character hated Adrien for totally batshit reasons like. idk. "wears too much white" or "being sad isn't a personality trait shut tf up" or "is mildly annoying and exists in the same space". like i'm not fussy, give me someone frothing at the mouth tryna team up with HM because Adrien was breathing too loud.
but you're absolutely right, anon, and i hate it. no one's allowed to hate Adrien. Adrien's the writers' special weshul uwu snowflake baby boi catboy. if someone in-canon hated Adrien they'd probably be stepped on by Gigantitan and Adrien would laugh and Marinette would be like, 'that was kind of mean but because it was Adrien i am legally forced to think that was cute and funny'.
but yeah like, Chloe can't pull her head out of her ass because that'd make Marinette's life too easy. but if someone tried to get Adrien expelled or even mildly embarrassed it'd be Marinette's duty to lay down her life trying to stop Adrien from being even moderately bullied. smh.
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distort-opia · 2 years
Don't you ever think of batjokes break-up fic? Because... I do.
Like established relationship batjokes and then break-up fic...
I mean, there's so much they-getting-together fic but where's my breakup/established fic?
I mean can you point to me some of your headcannons about this?
Oh man. This ask made me realize I haven't really considered the scenario of a broken up Batjokes. Mostly because I feel that, if they get together in a sincere, as-close-to-healthy-as-they-are-capable-of way... that'd be the one to stick.
However, if they got together in many of the terribly-unhealthy-go-to-therapy-oh-my-god ways, I can definitely see a break-up happening. And it wouldn't be pretty. In the rehabilitation scenario, for example -- if Joker tried his best but ended up failing in reforming, and then Bruce left him just as Joker feared (as indicated by the flashlight joke in TKJ I will never stop crying about), he would not just go back to being Joker and leave Bruce alone. He'd take it as the surest possible sign there isn't any hope for him, and that all that's left is destruction. So I feel Joker would tear everything apart and use all of his resources, this time. Not hold back at all, murder all of Gotham if he had to, until Bruce had no choice but to kill him. "You turned off the flashlight on me halfway across, might as well push me off the roof for good."
I keep thinking of Joker breaking things off in a rehabilitation scenario, but it's tough to imagine it. In this context, Joker giving Bruce power over him is a prerequisite, so then Bruce would just keep taking and Joker would find himself giving and giving, just so he can keep him. (Can you tell I am not a fan of the rehabilitation scenario. I just don't think it could work in any... healthy sort of way.)
I also do see them getting into a purely physical relationship, with Bruce managing to compartmentalize this sort of enemies-with-benefits thing and avoiding his feelings entirely. Though... thing is, if this happened, I don't think Bruce could keep it up. He's quite used to people who love him listening to him, and I very much mean he's used to commanding them. Having a sexual relationship with Joker, but Joker acting as if it changed nothing and just murdering people callously and blowing up buildings like usual, would eventually drive Bruce crazy. If leveraging the sex against Joker wouldn't work -- and it wouldn't, because Joker's ultimate goal is Batman's attention which he's getting either way -- Bruce would break it off. He'd be too repressed to realize a physical relationship mattered less to Joker than Bruce openly needing him. And then Bruce would get very violent during patrols, miss Joker horribly and hate himself for it. The whole shebang. Actually I'm really liking this, it'd be so angsty and at the same time so funny if Batman and Joker were bitter exes who used to fuck oh so long ago and are still hung up on it 10 years later.
...Then there's Joker breaking things off while in a genuine relationship. Which I do see happening and it'd be very interesting. Either because he'd feel as if Bruce was eating away at his identity too much and demanding too many parts of him, or because the depth of his own feelings once in a relationship would terrify him and feel like a cage. But in this scenario, I rather think Bruce wouldn't just sit there and let him prance off :)) He'd knock some sense into him eventually.
Oof, somehow this got long! I do hope you enjoyed these headcanons, anon. Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the delayed answer!
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Forgotten Letter - Sirius Black x daughter reader
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Thanks for the request, anon! Hope you like it ;)
request: I would like to request a Post-Askaban Sirius X Reader, where the Reader is his daughter and firstly meets him at Grimauldplace. She is about Purceys Age and grew up with her mother. She knows that Sirius is her biological father and that he left her mom because their short relationship meant nothing to him. Hence the reason why she completely hates him. Sirius did not know about her as he was not bothered to know what Jolie (mother) wanted from him. That's why he never opened her letter, in which he could have known that he is a dad.
warnings: mentions of self-hate, family issues (obviously)
word count: 945
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Sirius' PoV
“What are you doing here?”, an unfamiliar woman inquired.
Her voice was dripping with disgust.
What had I done? Especially if I did not even remember her.
She appeared to be a member of the Order as she was standing right in front of me at Grimmauld Place.
“Oh, sorry! I forgot that you don't even know what I look like. I'm (f/n) (l/n). Sounding familiar?”, she questioned.
“(l/n) … wait! Are you part of Jolie's family?”, I assumed.
Jolie and I had been in a relationship a long time ago, but it had not lasted long. So I knew basically nothing about her family.
“Do you seriously think that playing dumb would help you in any way?”, she wondered.
“What are you even talking about?”, I shot back.
“I'm your daughter”, she declared.
The world seemed to freeze for a moment as my mind refused to process her words.
“What?”, I stammered confused and completely overwhelmed.
“Wait. Didn't you read the letter?”, she inquired.
“The letter? Which letter? … OH!” Suddenly realization hit me.
Jolie had sent me a letter shortly after our break up.
I had let our relationship behind me. So I had not even opened the letter, but had tossed it away without wasting a thought about it.
Now I was feeling like an idiot.
“The letter told you that mom was pregnant with me. But she was right. She hadn't meant anything to you and you just dropped her like some used toy. I can't believe you're supposed to be my father.”
Her words moved through me like poison, leaving burning pain behind literally everywhere.
What should I do with this whole situation? I had just started truly recovering from Azkaban.
“You know what? Actually it doesn't matter. I don't need you anyway”, she proposed and left the room.
Shit! I screwed up.
“Woah! That was … something”, Tonks startled me.
“How long have you been standing there?”, I questioned.
“The whole time. You know … I've never seen (f/n) like this. Usually she's a funny person to be around”, she enlightened me.
“Great! That means she only hates me”, I noted frustrated.
“What did you expect? From what I've just heard she grew up with the knowledge that you didn't care about her and her mom at all”, she pointed out.
“Tonks, can't you please talk to her? It seems like you two are getting along and I don't even know how to approach her”, I begged her.
“I can persuade her to hear you out, but you have to do the talking yourself”, she offered.
“That'd be a great help”, I proposed.
“Fine then”, she agreed with a sigh and followed (f/n) upstairs.
I sat down on the couch figuring out what to say.
Luckily no one else was at Grimmauld Place right now. So we would not get interrupted.
Although … maybe I wanted to get interrupted. Obviously I had a talent to screw everything up with my words.
After a while (f/n) joined me in the living room, her arms crossed in front of her chest. And all of a sudden it was like Jolie was standing in front of me.
“(f/n), I'm sorry I didn't open the letter. If I had known that Jolie was pregnant I would have never left her like that. I would have at least supported her”, I claimed.
I could see the pain in her eyes making my heart twitch.
“Every time I asked who my father was she ranted about you, told me how much pain you had caused her. And from time to time she noted how I reminded her of you. Have you any clue how that felt. I was so … ashamed of myself. I reminded my mom, the most important person in my life, of the one person who had hurt her the most. And I hated myself for it. I'm sure she hated me for it as well sometimes, although she gave her best to raise me well”, she stated.
Her voice was absolutely calm now. The tone of her voice did not give away how much pain her words were actually revealing. How much had she endured to get to this point?
I had no idea how her life had been. She was a total stranger to me.
“You don't come after me. Mostly you resemble Jolie”, I let her know.
As she did not react to my words I continued: “You have her deep (e/c) eyes. And the way you're moving is like seeing her in front of me.”
“To me you're the criminal who left me before I was even born. I always wanted to prove that I'm better than you. That's also why I joined the Order. What are you doing here?”, she changed the topic.
“I was innocent. I didn't commit the crime I was placed in Azkaban for”, I recalled.
“Do you think that changes anything? I spent my life being afraid of your genetics. I was scared of every little mistake. That it would lead me to become like you”, she confessed.
“You didn't deserve that and I'm sorry for that. But I can't change the past. You'll have to decide yourself what to do next. I can't leave the Order. I have nowhere to go. But you do. You don't have to prove anything anymore. You're already way better than I'll probably ever be. So if you want that you can go and never see me again.”
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kittytheartist · 2 years
anon is soooooooo fucking sorry for the late addition! i thought that i send this but realized that i didn't oh god
but i'm glad to know that u liked the crime seeking wonderlandian duo!! after all, tiara needs to interact more with one of her brothers' bfs that will kill for her!!
anyways!! – anon is thinking of how mitsuba is trying to stop tiara from meeting her brothers, and vice versa, is because he's afraid that once both parties found out, tiara and kou will hate and leave him (and teru's sword is aiming at his neck) and then failing in the process since it's difficult with said brothers appearing from left and right, and now being in the same place at the same time in the still-forgot-dinner-name that the duo are going to (rather, attempt and might fail) to steal from and god do we hope that shijima finds tiara adorable enough to spare her!!
but can i imagine mitsukou?? ofc i can imagine mitsukou!! though i am awful at talking or thinking some ideas for their dynamics since i'm not 5x-obsessed with them like with terukane, anon could still imagine the angst so here is some mitsukou angst!!
mitsuba feels loooooots of guilt as he gets to know and spend more time with kou, even "helping" him in finding his lost sister through misdirecting him and messing with traces and evidences that tiara was in that area in the first place. But after sometime, when he realized that he had fallen for the chesire cat, mitsuha started to plan in telling the minamoto siblings about the truth because he believes this is for the best: he practiced; he prepared himself when tiara and kou, the two people that he thinks he wouldn't mind to be with for a bit longer, leaves and hates his entire being; he reminds himself that working alone is better; and then he set the date.
however, mitsuba forgot about tsukasa to add to his preparations, the one he shouldn't have involved with in the first place – and soooo, tsukasa interferes with mitsuba's planned confession: he mocks, twisting mitsuba's words but still spoke of the truth and straight to the point. mitsuba panics sooo bad that he screams, of how it was all true and what's so bad about it, and how he wished that he never revealed to them about the truth just in front of a sobbing tiara and a shocked and furious kou
and u can probs guess on what had happened : D
now back to the terukaneaoi!! – again, anon is glad to know that i got aoi on the point!! i'v got a feeling that the more i made some good characterization on aoi, the more i had a feeling that i kin her😭😭
but i had to send another ask of terukane because i had a feeling that this is suuuch a long ask!!
again, thank u for letting me talk with u about this wonderland au of urs!!
Anon you're back! I was thinking about my wonderland au JUST YESTERDAY
and here you areeee hii I was wondering where you ran off too....
anyways the MitsuKou angst you sent today? wow
honestly I could angst fest this entire au, and that'd be so funny to see ppls faces when I tell them the HUGE dark turn everything takes, because wonderland can have some REALLY dark turns and adaptations, and I would love to feed you some angst >:)
and yes you're doing a great job on analyzing Aoi, also being an Aoi kin is rough, I mean, I'm a Teru kin....and Akane kin... anyways ehehe
at this point Mitsuba has been hiding and stealing with Tiara for a while, he has no idea how to tell or even show Kou and Teru that their long lost sister has always been with him, but he thinks if they do find out, they'd reset him for ever keeping her from them and take her away, his only friend in wonderland, he couldn't steal with her, couldn't rhyme, couldn't bicker, and he'd lose his only crush, he likes Kou, he doesn't want to lose him, he may not know Kou that much but he means a lot more day by day, Tsukasa the Hare(imposter rabbit lmao) offers him a chance, and tells him to come to a tea party, it's much better and you can get away from everything, one day Mitsuba went to a tea party and accidentally stood Tiara up, she was very upset, and most of the time sat on a tree kicking her legs lonely, Mitsuba didn't even enjoy the company at the mad tea party, but he felt included, like he could fit in, but when he saw Tiara after he felt horrible and didn't even realize he had hurt her feelings. when Kou openly talks about his sister, and says he'll find and rescue her, and his brother will be proud of him, and maybe one day he'll get to play as a white knight in the chess board. and he searchs blindly, Mitsuba can see this and he knows where Tiara is, but if they met, what would happen to him?
one day telling Tsukasa about his irrational fears of this, Tsukasa can't help but agree, and give him pointers on why this has messed everything up, as wonderlandians do, he'll decide it all makes sense, and that Mitsuba has ruined their family for what it used to be, but that's fine, bc Tsukasa doesn't care he just wants another cup of tea. Mitsuba feels horrible after this, and one day, when Mitsuba stumbled across the Cheshire cat, he was talking with him, but suddenly Tiara runs out from the bushes and excitedly tugs at his sleeve to tell him something about a wonderlandian they could rob, only to notice who he was talking to, quickly hiding behind Mitsuba, she wonders who that is, Kou is completely speechless, and after Kou angrily stating and asking questions, Mitsuba bursts into tears and tells him everything was a ruse and that was his sister, Tiara was so heartbroken, she had thought she never had a family, and only remembered a silhouette, so gentle, bright teeth, so sharp, and a mother's voice, she had never imagined that THE Cheshire cat of wonderland, whom she had never seen, was her brother, she could see the shining teeth and his funny tail, it was a sense of familiarity.
there's some details I left out that I liked in your rant but sksjdhdjdnd I just woke up and am not going over everything...
idk Anon ig this is how I'd imagined it more, because Tsukasa doesn't really interfere with Mitsuba in cannon? he only came in to change his rumor and only said how he saw and took his words, he's an evil supernatural that's why he'd ever take them as such when wish granting, I can't see the Hare interfering that much, probably just talking down to Mitsuba without noticing when he's drinking his tea. but tbh both written angst variations are good, and the Teru and Tiara reunion?? WOULD BE SO CUTE AND HEARTWARMING
but yeah, Teru would have it out for Mitsuba, after he gets his sister safe in his lap he is so quick to cut the mfs head off, and is so confused when Tiara tells him no and talks about all the fun they had and that she wants to go on more playdates (heists) with him, and Mitsuba is so emotional the next time he sees Tiara bc he missed her so much, but suddenly he's not protecting her it's her scary knight brother ....but it took a lot of convincing from Tiara to see Mitsuba jsjsjsj
the LAST thing Teru wanted was Tiara near him again, and even humbly asked the white queen for permission to publicly execute him, the white queen asking for a reason and eventually giving permission (why tf does she care??) but Tiara burst into tears when Kou confronted Teru about it in front of her, suddenly the protective and caring brother is being begged by his siblings not to harm a hair on this detestable thing, he's naturally weak to them so he gives in, with a warning of course, and watches them VERY closely, but he still has a duty to attend too....(and fighting Akane cough cough)
Kou still loves Mitsuba but he doesn't know what to do or think about what he did, but in the end they make up and Tiara and Mitsuba get to go on playdates, and when they're unmonitored they rob ppl, Kou and Teru still don't know their little sister one of two of the wonderlandian theifs
so when is my TeruKane rant? I love my boys dynamic so much—
anyways the possibility for angst in this au can go on for miles tbh, but I'll shut up now
ok tysm for the ask Anon! this is always so fun ehehe and your ranting is so amazing to read, and I'm glad you enjoy this au sm!! and would love to hear more♡♡
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