#that’s not even a mention the one time cops shot & killed our puppy right outside the window me & my siblings were at
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Just randomly remembered that one time a cps worker or whatever claimed that a principal at one of the many schools I’ve been to described me and my younger sister as “two of the most unhappy kids I’ve ever seen.” We were just vibing bro
And also that one time a principal lied to us, said they would help us, if our mom just took us up to the school and talked about it but when we did they tricked us and cops were there to arrest my mother all because she was worried about my father showing up at our school and trying to kidnap her kids again and not willing to take that risk all because the school refused to help and only cared because we were missing too much school
#houndshowlings#cw kidnapping#kidnapping mention#cps#child protective services#cw cps#tw cps#tw cops#tw cop mention#cw cops#cw cop mention#that’s not even a mention the one time cops shot & killed our puppy right outside the window me & my siblings were at#cw shooting#cw animal death#tw animal death#tw shooting#cw vent#tw vent#ig?#just one of those moments when you realize just how fucked up shit was#and needed to say it out into the void#tw school mention#tw school trauma#cw school trauma#cw school mention
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[ Lady Luck ]
Au: twoface!baekhyun | Pairing: character x reader | Warning: language, death, gore/body horror, mentions of smut and sexual references | Rating: 16+ | Word Count: 1.6k
This is: Visage 1 | Visage Two

“Can you promise me something?”
He felt you squeeze his arm that was intertwined with yours and you glanced at him. Both of you were done up for the election fundraiser, Baekhyun wearing a bespoke black suit, his butterscotch hair smoothed to the side; you wearing a long teal number and elegant jewelry. “What’s that?”
“That you’ll stay by my side?” There was a slight tremor to his voice as he spoke, feeling totally out of his element in a room full of chattering socialites. It was amazing to see the great Baekhyun Hahm, the man who has confronted mob bosses and criminals galore without so much as a stutter be reverted to a trembling puppy at having to rub shoulders with Gotham’s elite trust fund babies.
You blew air from your lips surveying the room, sharks in suits circling the premise, eyeing you two like you were the minnows. “In every other scenario, yes, but right now I’m afraid you’re on your own, future Mr. District Attorney. Go network, and play nice!” You gave him a pointed look, kissing his cheek before you went off to go mingle, leaving him to curse under his breath.
His outsider status didn’t long when a hand clapped his shoulder, Baekhyun looking up to see Jaehyun with two champagne glasses. The man was every bit as suave as he always was, black locks slicked back and clad in a designer suit. It probably cost more than the attorney’s car.
“Hahm, enjoying the party?” The billionaire asked. Baekhyun thanked him, sipping from the flute, hoping for a little liquid courage as he fidgeted with his tie.
“You didn’t tell me there was going to be so many people.” There had to have been one-hundred people packed into the space, waiters bustling to and from the kitchens as stuffed shirts talked politics, their mistresses hanging off their arms. Everyone was another check waiting to be cashed in for the DA’s election campaign. While such a mercenary outlook was unbecoming of him, he had to come to terms with the fact that he would have to suck up to a few of Gotham’s elites if he wanted the ‘Our Hope in Hahm’ posters hanging from the bannisters to be something more than just frivolous decoration.
“Oh please, this is just a few business associates. By the time we’re done, we’re gonna have every man, woman, and child in Gotham wearing a ‘Hahm for DA’ button,” Jaehyun emphasized with a charming smile. Baekhyun had to give it to him, he was certainly a charmer, the statement causing his stress to slowly ebb away.
“While we’re on the topic Jaehyun, I wanted to say thank you for opening up your home to host the fundraiser, your support for my campaign means a lot to me.” Having Gotham’s favorite son backing him was a great advantage, his policies to end crime mostly came at the expense of the wealthy’s pockets. That’s why he was surprised when Jaehyun approached him offering to publicly pledge his support, and offering a copious amount of funds and connections to get him into office.
The billionaire passively shrugged. “I do it because I believe in you Hahm. You’re trying to do good for this city and I haven’t seen someone try to do that since my parents. You’re not afraid to fight for what you believe in, even if it makes you the target of a certain deranged clown. They don’t call you Apollo for nothing, you’re the face of justice and order being restored to Gotham’s streets. Our own White Knight.”
Baekhyun took in his words, catching sight of his love in the process. She was speaking to Jaehyun’s ward, Martin or Mark, something like that. Both were situated near the hors-d'oeuvre table, the preteen bouncing on the balls of his feet, talking her ears off but she was hanging onto every word, totally engrossed as he explained acrobatic stunts and technique.
“I just want to do what’s right for her—“ he caught himself, clearing his throat, “ everyone.” Jaehyun looked to where Baekhyun’s attention was diverted and chuckled. He saw the admiration he had for his ‘Lady Luck’ as the media portrayed her.
“I’m going to ask her to marry me after the debate,” he admitted to the playboy, stars in his eyes.
Jaehyun laughed and grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him to the center of the foyer. “She will definitely say yes if that’s all that you’re worried about. This deserves a toast.” Jaehyun set his champagne flute on a passing waiter’s saucer and clapped his hands, gathering everyone’s attention. “Hey, let’s hear it for Baekhyun Hahm, the new face of Gotham City!”
“The Joker is laying down clues for his next attack, we have no time to waste. Look, he’s already killed Judge Merillo, and the calling card found on the body had my girlfriend’s name on it. We need to act now before somebody else pays the price for our inaction. ” The whole city was on the fritz when city politicians and public figures started dropping dead. Crawling up from Gotham’s underbelly, the newest Clown Prince of Crime was shaking up the established control over the city. More recently, he publicly broadcasted the previous Commissioner being stabbed, prompting Moon as his Lieutenant to be sworn in.
“Yes I’m aware. Which is why I’m telling you, Hahm, that we will do whatever we can to make sure that nothing will happen to either of you,” he reassured, nursing a cup of coffee. In the reflected lights of the city Moon looked older, the stress and strain he was under making him appear older, eye bags darker. Even Baekhyun was run ragged, hair slightly askew and his dress shirt rumpled under all the stress and running himself thin trying to protect his lover.
“What, you and your corrupt cops? Your reassurance means nothing to me, Moon. I know you have spies on the force, so I need you to promise me that you’ll handle this. Personally. Or else I will.”
“Is that a threat?” The Commissioner gruffed.
“It’s not a threat, this is my promise.” It was resolute, not to be trifled with. “ You need to be there when I need you most, Moon. That includes you,” he addressed the Bat, who was waiting in the shadows of the building’s scaffolding.
“I need to make sure that everyone close to me is safe until I’m elected. After that, I will bring this city the justice it deserves and put the clown away myself. And that starts with me cleaning up the police force.” The district attorney left it at that, throwing open the door to the police precinct and exiting, both man and bat watching him go.
“Do you think he can do it?” Moon inquired. The Dark Knight came out from the darkness and appeared behind him, steps silent.
His deep timber rang in the night, words hanging heavy in the air before disappearing in puffs of fog. “He has to. He’s what this city needs. If I can be what criminals run from, he can be what the helpless reach for. A ray of light and hope for people to cling to. A symbol. Gotham’s Apollo.”
“Hahm, you’re on in fifteen seconds,” a technician cued, Baekhyun nodded half-mindedly, too focused on the ways your lips were moving as you fussed over his hair.
“Baek I don’t see what you’re worrying about, the public loves you, you’re gonna do amazing,” she rattled on, and he cut her off with a peck on the lips. He stepped back chuckling as he straightened his tie, as she was stuck in a daze.
“Ten seconds, Mr. Hahm.”
He grasped her hands in his. “Well, wish me luck.”
“I thought you made your own luck,” she coyly retorted.
“I did. I used it to decide if I should go to Gotham University, and whether I should run for the DA position. But my favorite was when I flipped it to see whether I should approach the pretty girl hunched over her textbooks in the library,” he flirted, referencing the day the hot-shot law major showed up in front of her during a study session, a smirk and a coffee in his hand.
His gaze turned tender. ”But now I don’t need to. Not when I have you.” He soothed his palm over hers, the coin clasped between. He walked backwards toward the curtain adjusting his suit jacket, “I bet on heads for all of them by the way,” he called, sending you one last wink before Gotham’s Apollo took the stage.
The weight of his most prized possession was comforting in her hand, flipping the disc over she saw the Greek goddess, Nemesis, her weighing scales poised and balanced. Both sides depicted heads.
“Ma’am? This way please,” her escort directed. His eyes were shifting from left to right, cold sweat on his forehead like he was nervous but she didn’t pay any attention to it. Probably his first day.
She didn’t make it five feet before she was knocked out cold.
The debate was getting heated, Baekhyun’s impassioned speech about police reform underway, as a broadcast assistant skittered on the stage, placing a single flower on the podium.
Odd. The daisy was a fake, plastic with a hollow center. He picked it up in his left hand and studied it, finding a card wrapped around the stem. He heard a small pneumatic hiss release from out of the center and he tilted his head in confusion. Unfolding the playing card, the district attorney paled.
‘All work and no play makes Hahm a dull boy.’
A gunshot went off, the sound reverberating through the crowd of reporters and attendees who scattered searching for shelter. Baekhyun looked up, just as acid sprayed from the fake flower onto his face. He collapsed to the ground, writhing as his skin was eaten off of his face, flesh bubbling and burning.
“Mr. Hahm! Can you hear me Mr. Ha—”
“Christ, look at his face—”
“—he’s not coming back from that.”
“It’s the Bat!”
“Poor son of a bitc—“
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What Just Happened?!?: Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers (S02E05)
So many things happened. So many things are happening. So many feelings were felt and so much screaming at the TV was done.
New Character(s)
Ewan (@unrealfehr): Volunteer firefighter by day and cult leader by night. Likes big shiny axes, red cloaks, bird masks, and working out.
Juan Carlo (@The_Real_ShaunJ): Re-introduction of the mysterious mechanic/watcher(?). Still uselessly helping and provides more questions than answers. Has a teleporter!Truck? because he drove in with it and disappeared with it.
The Order: A cult of volunteer firefighters whose motto is ‘Praesidium et Conservatio’. Under the (sometimes) guidance of Juan Carlo, they help protect the Ghost River Triangle.
Monster(s) of the Week
Miksun, or The Goo™: Have apparently infected a crap ton of people that The Order had to hunt down and kill. Put down by Peacemaker, but is it fully gone?
Final Thoughts (No Spoiler)
Game changer indeed.
Although The Goo™/Mikshun was the focus of the episode, so many little things happened that may ripple out and have huge repercussions in the future. It was such an intense episode and, as of now, I have watched it three times. Back to back. I am emotionally drained.
Honestly, before watching this show I take one or two or three shots of Fireball and after the show I chain-smoke like Doc Holliday and hug myself to contain all the feels.
Jump into the rabbit hole for some spoiler-filled rants, theories, and fun!

10 Things That Happened/I Learned
1. Ewan and The Order - ‘Praesidium et Conservatio’: We find out that the Purgatory Volunteer Fire Department (or VFD, which makes me giggle because Lemony Snicket) has an impressive battle axe collection, hunts down Goo-infected citizens, and likes nachos as an after-beheading snack. Based on Ewan and The Plate™, it seems that The Order used to have a relationship with the Earp heir. Now in possession of The Plate™ and open to partnering with Wynonna, we will probably see more of Ewan (or FitBit, as Melanie likes to call him). How The Order and The Squad™ will butt heads will be very interesting and I’m ready for The Squad™ to have help because IDK if people remember/realize, but The Ghost River Triangle is a huge freakin’ area.
2. Nicole, the kicked puppy. The first-half of this season have completely REKT the Officer. Goononna was especially in top-shelf form with the emotional beatdown. I expect Nicole and Wynonna to clash because Nicole is clearly the (mostly) by-the-book rookie and Wynonna is the free-spirit protocol-lel-what-protocol Black Badge Deputy. Perhaps Nicole never understood how or why Wynonna got to be in the super secret government agency and was maybe a bit jealous, but damn! Goononna definitely knew her weakness and insecurities and hit where it hurts the most. I’m excited to see how they move on from this and how they form a relationship outside of Waverly. (I’ve read somewhere that Nicole was constantly being mean and a bit of a bitch to Wynonna; I honestly will have to rewatch, but I don’t remember Nicole being an outright massive bitch to her.)
3. IN MEMORIAM: AGENT JEANIE LUCADO.Goocado, or goo-infected!Lucado: Head exploded. Tentatively dead because regeneration is a thing and where the hell did her body go?!?
4. Doc Holliday has a new car. It is red and has a cassette player and I wonder if he constantly avoids eye contact with Nicole while at the station because she knows he doesn’t have a driver’s license and definitely has an unpaid speeding ticket.
5. Purgatory Fair 1952. The plate is important enough that it was hunted down, wanted by BBD, and people were killed for it. It was definitely important to The Order. Not only does it bare their seal, but it might be connected to the broken seal because Ewan was talking about it to JC and it seems they are also responsible for maintaining it.
6. “I will shoot anybody for you”. Not only is Nicole whipped, but this line just cements the notion of the Officer being loyal to Waverly despite her position as a police officer. It might be nothing, or it could be the overarching struggle Nicole will face throughout the season and beyond. Being a good cop matters to her, and being involved with Waverly could mean ignoring things for The Squad, covering things up, and breaking protocol and maybe the law. And, I think we know how she feels about covering things up. I’m excited for this ride because this could be such a wonderful character development storyline and gives their relationship depth and substance many shows ignore. Because Nicole will never ask Waverly to be someone other than herself, but Nicole might have to change and compromise her morals for the woman she’s totally not-in-love with.
7. Hot Uniform for Officer Haught. Is Nicole being Lexa-levels of extra with her new uniform? Gone are the khakis and barely-buttoned long sleeves and the has-anyone-seen-me-this-season stetson. Enter the Black Widow-inspired, Alex Danvers-might-steal-this long-sleeved form-fitting zip-up top and is-this-gay-enough vest and no-really-is-this-too-gay boots and the I-am-a-gay baseball cap. I love it. I do. It would be equally horrifying and funny if the entire Purgatory Sheriff Department changed uniforms because Officer I’m-Too-Haught-For-This hates khakis, but I hope the department also forked over the cash for the super expensive extra-lightweight concealed body armor to wear under that tight-fitting top. Because Officer Haught did not ask for the most gay, hot, are-we-sure-this-is-not-a-sexy-cop-costume uniform just to be a bullet magnet.
8. MISSING: BLACK BADGE HQ. Honestly, I’m confused about the actual organization of the...well, organization. It is introduced as a joint task force between the US and Canada, even the badge shows both flags. Like, cool. But is Moody (AKA Orphan Black’s Art Bell), the Head of Black Badge or is he only in charge of the Purgatory/Ghost River Triangle branch or whichever branch is overseeing Purgatory? When Dolls, Lucado, or Jeremy mention HQ, do they mean the place where Dolls was broken out from? Because that means BBD HQ is near the Ghost River Triangle. So when Jeremy says Black Badge is gone, does that mean just the HQ/where Dolls was being held? Are there more BBD sites like in the comic books? Where are the other agents?
9. Waverly and her ‘dark corners’. Is Waverly an Earp? It’s the question that can be easily answered if only the Earp Sisters didn’t have major communication issues. In all honesty, all it takes is one over-due conversation and a saliva swab, then one DNA test later we get our answer. But, no. Waverly will probably never ask Wynonna “so, our mom was pregnant with me, right?” and Nicole probably won’t overstep and compare the Earp Sisters’ DNA behind Waverly’s back. I just want this issue to be resolved before Waverly crumbles under the pressure of meeting Wynonna’s expectations of what being an Earp entails. Because this season shows us that Wynonna does give being an Earp so much meaning and expects Waverly to act accordingly and this might cause issues between them and it might be hard to remember, but they just found steady footing with each other. If Wynonna keeps expecting certain things out of Waverly all in the name of being an Earp while Waverly is struggling with the idea if she even is an Earp, we might have the Earp Sis angst-fest we don’t really want but we might just actually love because it means they come out of it (hopefully) stronger together.
10. Baby Earp, the game changer. There’s a divide in the fandom: Pro-baby storyline and what-the-fuck-no!-pregnancy-storylines-ruin-everything. No matter what camp you reside in, you must admit and eventually realize that this baby-bump of a game changer is going to be the catalyst for several major character development.
Wynonna: No longer can she numb herself and drown her issues in whiskey. Even though she says her job is to protect her baby sister, we have to remember that she’s been MIA for three year prior and have been mostly absent from Waverly’s life. Yes, she was placed in a mental institution when she was 14 and has been in juvie at least once, but she also willingly spent time away from her sister and ran with the Banditos, a gang that was mentioned in season 1 and explored in the comics. Wynonna joined a gang which could have placed Waverly in danger. With a baby, Wynonna has to be responsible for another life and now has to actually think about the possible consequences of her actions.
Doc: The chance of Doc being the father is really high. Let’s assume that he did get his best friend’s great-great-I-actually-forgot-how-many-great-grand daughter pregnant. Because he’s been established as somewhat traditional, in the loosest sense of the word, he will want to meet the duties and obligation of being a father. That means he can’t really just take off anytime he wants. It means being open and having an honest line of communication with Wynonna, which can be hard for him and his Slytherin ways. While he does let Wynonna be Wynonna, I think that will change when he learns he’s a father. Also, he might start actively searching for a way to reverse the Stone Witch’s curse on him. Meaning, he might have to dig out Constance from the salt flats and OMG is she still out there or did someone dig her out?
Dolls: As much as I would love for DocWynDolls to be one happy polyamorous family raising Baby Earp, there is a good chance that Dolls might feel the need to take a step back and let Wynonna straighten out her priorities. He will be there for her, absolutely, but he might emotionally distance himself and choose to focus his attentions on BBD and figure out how The Squad will continue without a government agency backing them and how to proceed without the power of a badge and probably start figuring out what exactly he is.
Waverly: Protective acting-like-the-big-sister Waverly will be adorable and fluffy and amazing to watch. Waverly questioning her role and childhood and how she was treated will be heartbreaking and will make me leak from my eyes. I think Waverly will be worried about her place in Wynonna’s life now that there will be a baby. Waverly is so used to being pushed to the side that she probably won’t talk about her concerns and will just keep supporting and helping Wynonna. On the other hand, a baby Earp can just be the prompting for Wynonna to start reminiscing and talking about a Baby Waverly and the biological origins of Waverly will finally be settled.
Nicole: A part of me hopes she won’t get shut out and Waverly will start incorporating Nicole into her life and that Nicole will help Waverly with pregnant!Wynonna, but I can see her being shut out. Again. I can see Nicole figuring it out for herself (like always) and subtlety helping Wynonna by giving her food and giving her coffee, it’s caffeine-free of course, but Wynonna won’t know that. I really hope Nicole gets to be involved in some capacity because it will be just one more thing that would strengthen her relationship not only with Waverly, but with Wynonna as well.
Overall, I am happy this show is still true to itself. Some people have said that the show doesn’t treat its villains as actually villains and it all ends up being anti-climactic. To those people, I say to you, this show is not the episodic procedural of monster-of-the-week and one big bad a season kind of show. This is about the people that have to deal with those monsters and demons. This show is about their relationships with each other. It’s about how they grow as people and how they deal with their issues and personal demons. Sure, demons are killed. But unlike other shows, our heroine still questions her humanity and still have issues with the fact that she is destined to kill, whether they are demons or creatures or humans-turned-demons.
It is often overlooked and no one talks about it enough, but I think we need to remember that even though these revenants and demons are all trying to kill her, Wynonna Earp still tells them to “make your peace” and sure she sends them to hell, but she tries to make sure they get some semblance of peace in the afterlife.
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Jon Huertas
Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by JSquared Photography
Grooming by Joanna Pensinger
Wardrobe by Shane Cisneros
Most actors or actresses who have a sex tape out, cringe, try to run away, and definitely try to keep it under wraps… Not this guy! Jon Huertas’ screamin’ about his sex tape from the rooftops! It’s probably because Sex Tape is the name of his new album. That’s right! He’s not just an actor, he’s a music artist as well. Though this is not a new concept in the entertainment industry, Jon definitely puts a hot twist on it, embracing human sexuality with a mix of R&B, rock, and dance beats. There’s nothing like a juicy, sexy track or two to set the mood for some spicy fun. Even so, let’s not forget about the man’s exceptional acting chops. He’s also quite the philanthropist, producer, and dancer, with a dry yet flavorful sense of humor that will definitely keep you on your toes. So, let's take a little look inside the career of Jon Huertas and see if you can handle his infamous Sex Tape!
So, your resume as an actor is endless. Tell me about the first acting gig you ever landed.
Well the first gig was in second grade on stage in my Catholic School...but I think you mean TV or film so I'll tell ya about the first gig I got in Los Angeles when I moved here. I booked a Movie Of the Week for ABC that shot in San Diego. I had been trying to figure out how to get in the door and had gotten ripped off by a scam company...$3000!!! So, I called the agent I had back in the south where I had moved from and they were able to get me an audition for this film. Turns out one of the Exec Producers or Directors of Castle is that director's son, Rob Bowman. So, it seems everything has come full circle. I also got my first L.A. agent out of the deal, so all in all it was the best job I could ever had had that early in my career.
I’d say so. How do you feel you’ve grown as a professional actor since then?
I'm wider...
Ha. Oh yea? Okay, tell me about your role on the mini-series Generation Kill. I understand you filmed for months over in Africa. What was that experience like?
In Generation Kill, I played ‘Espera’...a wonderful character based on a real guy, not unlike myself, and I had a blast! It's not often you go on a job which requires you to move to a different country every three months and meet some of the best friends I have in my life. Also, working with David Simon is no joke! He is one of the best writers in modern television and to be able to say his words and tell his interpretation of a story was amazing. Also, being a veteran and being able to tell a true story about real veterans and what they experienced was an honor to say the least. I felt I had a huge responsibility to uphold the integrity of the story and being handed that responsibility shows that some people in Hollywood trust in me as an actor.
That must be great when you can actually relate to a role through personal experience. So, since you have so many roles under your belt, has auditioning and getting parts become easier at all?
Auditioning has always been easy...doesn't mean I always get the job, but an audition is opportunity to perform, to show someone what you can do. You may not be the perfect fit for the role, but if you do what you know you can do, you're most likely gonna make a fan out of somebody and one day that fan may hire ya!
So what do you keep in mind when you have your eye on a role?
Do I get to hit or shoot anybody? Kidding! Now, I look at the subject matter, what kind of character I'm to play, and if I can bring something special and unique to the role..."put my stank on it" in other words.
I got ya. Have you ever had to really fight for a role you wanted?
I have...but I didn't get it.
Okay, how about you give me the skinny on Castle? Tell me how your role as Javier fits into the show.
Javier is the muscle who is also the caring and funny sweetheart! He just wants to be the best cop he can be, protect his friends, and serve up justice...and he likes sexy medical examiners!
Ha. Don’t we all… Do you think that acting for TV is really your niche or do you prefer movie roles?
I think both types of medium go hand-in-hand. At this point an actor can't limit themselves, so I will always want to do both.
I know you also dabble in writing, directing, and producing. Let’s talk a little about some of the projects you’ve done in those departments.
I've produced a couple of features...one, not the best, the other, pretty good, and I just want to keep getting better as a producer and director. The short I directed is premiering at the Hollyshorts Film Festival and I also have a short I executive-produced called After School Special,which was written by Neil LaBute and stars Wes Bentley and Sarah Paulson.
Any plans for further directing and producing roles?
I'm looking at an amazing documentary to produce...can't talk much about it, and I have a feature that I'm writing that I want to direct next year in Louisiana. We'll see if I can get them off the ground.
So, let’s see. Your most recent film projects are Lone, Miss Dial, and Stash House. Let’s talk about Lone first.
Lone is the short I directed. Come to the Hollyshorts festival if you wanna know more. I gotta keep it under wraps.
I got ya, Mr. Secretive. Then let’s move on to Miss Dial and Stash House. The first is a comedy and the other is more of a dramatic thriller. Which kind of role are you generally more drawn to?
I'm drawn to comedy, but dark comedy or dry comedy. I do love portraying the villain though...you can have so much freedom sometimes. It's amazing what you discover about yourself and your own inner-crazy!
Uh oh. Ha. Ha. All right… a more serious topic. Puppies Behind Bars. I’m not very familiar with that charity. Would you mind educating me a little?
Yes...go to PuppiesBehindBars.com. Alright, I tell ya a little, but you gotta hit the website.
Okay, PBB is a charity that provides service dogs for wounded veterans as well as training dogs as Bomb Detection Canines; only we train them behind bars and in Prison. The inmates that train these dogs are now some of the best dog trainers in the world. I haven't seen dogs as smart as ours anywhere else.
All Right. It’s time for the question of the hour. Tell me about Sex Is The Word. It’s such a hot song.
Glad you like it! I wanted to do something that was close to my heart and SEX is. It always has been...it's the one experience where you need no outside stimulation to have an amazing euphoric feeling. All you need is yourself or better yet a partner! I think it's high time we celebrate it and not hide from it, or feel guilty about doing it or talking about it. So, I sing about it...a lot of artists do actually. It's the first song I did when I got back in the studio and I'm gonna have an entire album dedicated to celebrating sex. It's called “Sex Tape.”
So, with a name like Sex Tape, does your whole album have this kind of sexy vibe?
Of course...but it's got dance tracks, house, hip hop, R& B, and even some rock flavor...the next album will have a different theme.
Ideally, what would you want fans to be doing when they’re listening to your album?
It contains only three letters...and the word ends with "x."
Hmm… ends with “x”… I’m stumped.
Well, I also want people to dance...then get to the next thing, which I already mentioned.
So has music always been a constant in your life? When did you decide to move in that direction career-wise?
Music's always been a part of my life...but acting, singing, and dancing go hand-in-hand --- I did musical theatre and you have to do all three, so I don't know anything else. I've been singing and recording since I started acting, but sometimes one vine grows faster than the other.
I hear ya. Is it hard to manage a music career amidst your acting gigs?
I can only imagine… So, what’s next on the music front?
Another single is going to drop and maybe even a remix...I'm trying to be organic with what I do musically in terms of releasing stuff.
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