#that’s how powerful spacedolls is
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jencattv · 9 months ago
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they are kiss kiss in love
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forgottendolly · 2 years ago
Things I loved in Station Theatre’s RTC because I can’t stop thinking about it and I don’t think I ever will😔😔 (in no particular order whatsoever😇🙏)
- Virgil the rat chewing the power cable and his little ears and head just bobbed 😭😭
- The whole pre jawbreaker monologue (yes, I cried… sobbed more accurately)
- Mischa blowing a party blower at Jane and her getting scared x2
- Constance’s cotton Candy earrings 😞💗 I need them for myself!!!!!
- Ocean and Constance doing their little “improv” skit was done so perfectly I laughed so hard 💀
- Jane running and hugging Ocean during her “i love you guys” speech and just not letting her go LIKE FULL ON HOLDING ONTO HER AND DRAGGING ALONG AS OCEAN BACKED AWAY
- Ricky and Jane ARE REAL
- Ricky coming out in all black with his head down at the start and half doing the choreo
- Noel laughing when Karnak tells Ocean that the person who wins will be decided by a unanimous vote
- Jane saying “for me? 🥺” when Constance offers her the hello Kitty cupcake
- Her proceeding to squish said cupcake in her hand and try to eat the paper decoration on top leading to the others having to stop her
- Mischa offering Jane a sip of vodka and she drinks like half the bottle 💀💀
- Jane making her doll dance
- Ricky teaching Jane how to ballroom dance after TNBS
- Janes headless pose at the start and end of the show
- Janes little neck ribbon
- “Do you want to know what I find really super hurts?” DEATH STARE
- Mischa throwing money into the audience (yes I kept one sorry not sorry)
- Jane picking up two of the pieces of money and handing them to people in the audience
- someone getting picked up and spun around more than once??? YES. You heard me, more than once. I almost got knocked out by Janes shoe and honestly would have thanked her
- Monique ate the whole time
- Seriously OBSESSED with Noel’s Lament
- Spacedolls I repeat SPACEDOLLS
- Janes little bottom eyelashes
- Oceans cute little hair bow I LOVER HERR
- Mischa flipping everyone and everything off every 3 seconds
- Jane trying to bring Ricky with her to the other side
- Jane giving Ricky her doll before she leaves to the other side
- The group going over to hug Mischa after Talia, including Constance Jane and ofc Noel
- Ricky ASL 💗💗💗💗
- Clip on earrings (ifykyk)
- Penny lamb life compilation (I was in tears) AND THEN WITH THE BEAUTIFUL ITS NOT A GAME VOCALS?!! HEART SHATTERED!
- Having to hold back Jane from biting ocean after the “and she’s a freaky monster” line
- Noel saying hello to Jane and Jane moving her little dolls arm say hi back
- The ropes they used to make Jane look like a marionette doll during TBOJD
- Constance bring the puppet master during TBOJD
- The headless doll being on the side of the wall and the kid sitting next to me pointing it out cause my blind ass didn’t see it at first
- Talia skirts 💗💗
- The way Jane goes limp after her introduction song
- FORNICATION… UNDER CONSENT OF THE KINGGGG!!!! *holding long ass sword above her head*
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years ago
how did ocean and noel become "be gay fight crime"? how did constance and mischa become "be gay do crime"? let me tell you!!!
ocean and noel were first. they realised they could use their powers for good!!! so one day, they went to a random spot in the city, ocean stopped time and let noel grow some Trees.
they did this for a couple of months, but then the council started complaining which made them stop, not wanting to get caught and punished (ocean encouraged this since she has guilt and punishment issues)
they feel really useless for a bit, until they walk by this destroyed bank wall in the city and they realise "oh my gosh ocean there are villains in the city." "we can do something about it!!!!! :D oh wait is it legal" "we'd literally be protecting the city how could it not be"
at the next attack, ocean monitors where it happens, it's weirdly a lot of banks in the city (i was in the city today, there are so many banks) and try to figure out a pattern of timing (there's not one)
next time she hears of it she stops time and gets noel to go to the city with her
they have to walk like 5kms to find where it's going down (and like the length of how long she can stop time is limited and depends on her health and amount of sleep) so they take a breather but then they have to Fight
noel carries the team there, he traps some of the robbers with plants, he suffocates one with flowers (dw he doesn't kill anyone yet) and that lead to the robbers being imprisoned
they got a lot of praise and they were very happy about this
so it meant that they started sorta being the city protectors, they communicate about Hero Stuff on flip phones and there's a line that people can use to call them in major emergencies
constance and mischa corruption arc (i can make them worse >:D)
okay so they weren't the bank robbers, let me be clear. they don't know them, they're completely unrelated, i just needed a way for ocean and noel to bring it together
but constance and mischa did think hey???
they work in customer service they've seen some shit
constance really just fucking snaps one day and good for her so sure, part of it is sadism
i'm still working on their motivation tbh, so if you've got any recs, lmk please!!!
the current consideration is that mischa's retained his anger from canon about "thank you for killing my mother and indirectly killing me". perhaps constance's father was killed bc, idk if y'all know this, but the us doesn't have great healthcare. maybe something or other endangers a cousin she's really close to and she lets out some anger through fighting?? or the two of them directly target the workplaces of billionaires??? i really don't know too well yet, sorry!!
so then, naturally, ocean and noel rise up against them
and it's not like they don't fully get where they're coming from, but they can't admit that publicly!!!
as a result, they create a fighting schedule. no, they don't want to know each other's identities, but they agree to fight on wednesday evenings and friday mornings.
the vibe between them in the first chapter will sorta be inspired by batman and joker in the lego batman movie!!!
spacedolls are watching and they are entertained
penny started a reddit supporting constance and mischa *blindly*
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years ago
since my rtc superhero au post reached 100 notes this morning (and bc @luckynature wanted more and her aus inspire me!!), here's more detail of my rtc superhero au that i plan on writing One Day!! i'm going to be scheduling some posts over the course of me being asleep :)
as i mentioned in the tags of the first post, spacedolls is chaotic witnesses and a pre-established relationship, blackrose is friends to enemies to lovers, and nischa is enemies and lovers
here they're uni-college age, it starts in september-ish (yes around the time of the cyclone accident how could you tell), and all of them are 19 (second year if they're in uni)
so the age hcs in here are constance being the oldest and mischa being the youngest bc... Vibes
i have no idea where this is going to be set bc canon is canada, but most superhero stuff is in the us, but i live in australia and i can only talk to Experiences there (esp since most media is high school focussed not college/uni focussed)
noel and ocean went to the same school since they were 12 (i have no idea if it's middle or high school it depends on the country) and when they walked into university they immediately saw each other and went "oh. it's this bitch again."
noel has had his powers of spontaneous plant creation and plant control since he was five (think perfuma from she-ra, perhaps poison ivy but idk dc that well??). he grew a rose out of his hand for mothers' day and she went "OH OKAY. GREAT. THANKS SWEETIE. NEVER SHOW ANYONE EVER."
a couple of times he'd accidentally grow plants and panic before exploding them into spores. when he was 13 he accidentally grew cactus spikes all over his body. ocean saw him. she brought it up to him in private the next day and noel said "please don't tell anyone. i don't know the consequences and i don't want to." and she respected him, but partially out of fear, which he was thankful for.
ocean can stop time (and like she doesn't age in this time, she can drag other people out of how time has stopped and like have conversations with them while time has stopped, even if they don't have powers or know of ocean's etc.).
ocean realised she had powers in a maths exam in year 11/junior year, she accidentally stopped time and (when time continued) noel could Tell. she wanted to ask for a re-do so the exam was fair, but noel told her that he also has powers and you just... don't tell people about it, plus he really didn't want to do the exam
through the rest of high school they would check up on each other every so-often, but they weren't close.
then when they re-met in college/uni they go "okay clearly we need to stick with each other" so they join the choir (eyyyy) and agree to hang out for lunch twice a week (at first, but over the course of their first year they start hanging out more and more, taking a latin elective in their second semester bc i am a classical latin noel and ocean truther)
let's go to our "be gay do crime" friends
idk if constance or mischa are in college bc i want to clarify that's not the only life pathway, but it enables them to interact more so idkkkkkk
the two of them met when mischa came to [wherever this is set] from ukraine, he went to the cafe where constance worked and since she was so friendly, she invited him to stay until the end of her shift so she could so him around.
since she was the first person he met and the two get on like a house on fire, mischa sticks around at her cafe and they chat when traffic is slow + after her shift
but boyboss needs to get a job (perhaps this is the equivalent of the blackwood cafe, perhaps constance's been working there for 3 years) so constance hires him and mischa is like *weirdly* good at being a barista/waiter???
all this is backstory for when they're like 18, all this is happening right in the year before the fic is taking place, that's why it's relevant!!! i haven't decided yet on if she's just taking a gap year or what other intentions she may have but yeah!!
sO one night they're closing up and Vibing, and mischa cuts his hand on a piece of glass, constance asks if he's fine and he's like yeah but internally he's like no so constance says "i can tell you're injured, do you need a bandage or a free pastry?". mischa replies "hey bestie what the fuck are you some mind reader" then she's like "oh yeah!! sorry i really try not to, but when i get too tired i can't block other people's thoughts". "wait do you never use it on customers" "...it does depend on if they're a bitch"
once they finish up and go out, mischa goes "oh! i have powers too! check this out :)" then he lifts up the rubbish and fucking yeets it into a bin that they can barely see in the daytime. and he's really proud of it too!!! sweet man 10/10 golden retriver
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years ago
The Ships (mainly spacedolls)
blackrose and nischa will meet in the fic, so again, not Yet
but i do know how spacedolls meet!!! penny lamb is new in town and wants to just do anything fucking possible, so they find this random writing group. there, she meets savannah potts, who's an incredible sci-fi writer and has a really crowded desktop with a bunch of writing docs. penny asks savannah if she has any smut, because she's a menace and wants to see how someone responds to that request because, let's be real here, it's a weird thing to ask someone you've just met. savannah, however, takes it in stride and emails her their dirtiest cat-fucking shit and penny loses her m i n d.
i need to highlight the extent to which penny is impulsive and savannah is horny. BIG. BIG EXTENT. so penny reads this overnight and the two email back and forth over the course of the week, penny tries her hand at writing smut (she's bad at it). savannah judges her (in a "friendly" flirty way). the next group session they meet up, penny asks for her number, and savannah asks her out an hour later. they go out 3 days later, but they talk online constantly on their phones and on email. they just know they're into each other. it's almost instinctual; their first date they stay up till 6am talking and, since they met in january until the start of our story in september/october, they're still as passionate and stay up just as late as when they started dating. and, spoilers, they always will be. they're horny bitches.
to be clear, by “talking” i mean communicating, savannah retains her canon disabilities (both from outset and once they get powers)
spacedolls powers will be discovered in the fic so i'm not writing them yet!!
the powers from outset summary is as follows:
noel: plant creation and control
ocean: stopping time
constance: mind reading
mischa: super strength
but i am very keen to write these two bitches as well as show y'all what i have in store for blackrose and nischa!!!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years ago
oh cool!!! i'd love to hear about your rtc powers au too!!!!
posts i've made about mine are:
how the "heroes" and "villains" met and their powers and stuff
hero and villain origin stories
noel's costumes (by @justexistinghere122 !!!)
rtc superhero au
mischa and constance are "be gay do crime", noel and ocean are "be gay fight crime", spacedolls is "be gay encourage crime"
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