#that’s a lie I’m not but anywya
dangerdragoncat · 10 months
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Psst. Hey you.
You should totally give this not soporific laced candy to Dr Glass before 3:45PM.
What do you mean it’s coincidentally right before my psychological evaluation your totally hallucinating wdym.
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chasebird · 3 months
forgot my password 😞 my ass is NEVER logging out of here brah
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my clown ass yesterday was literally like self harm relapse yeah nbd it literally doesn’t matter who cares and summer’s almost over anyways it’s fine. then i got asked to go to the pool this weekend 🥸🥸🥸🥸
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annabannnananana · 2 months
coming to annoy you know that we’re besties. You’re gonna see me in your inbox lmao. Okay get to know you questions :] what are your top 5 favorite songs/albums of all time. Favorite ice cream flavor
Favorite type of dinosaur (very important question)
Also I sadly don’t know fnaf lmao. I know absolutely nothing. That’s a lie I know basic stuff cause my friend rambled to me about it for a couple hours. But that was like 2 years ago so. I know the basic plot? I think? Never been a bigggg video games person I fear 😔 I have not good hand eye coordination.
fav songs!! (in no particular order)
hug me - pharrell williams, i like the way you kiss me - artemas, dynasties and dystopia - arcane soundtrack, where the watermelon rots - madelynne whitt, chk chk boom - stray kids
fav ice cream flavor is cookies and cream/oreo or whatever you call it, it’s top tier i will always love it, don’t fight me I’m right.
fav dinosaur,, definitely brachiosaurus hands down i love the funky long necked (not so) little guys :]
oh you don’t know fnaf that well….? oh. ha. hahahahah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(also same my hand eye coordination is shit that’s why it took me almost 2 years to beat the first 2 fnaf games 😻😻😻)
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charlizekkelly · 1 year
Your advice is the best and always the most solid, also I gotta confess: I'm writng a very gay western.
I ain't got SHIT done....(a lie I've a decent amount done now but eveything else is a dead end😞🎉)
Anywyas!!! Thank you so much again for the advice!!!! Just like a life savor! Your pretty sweet! (Like the candy get it?)
aw, thank you! i try to share what i know to anyone who is willing to listen so i appreciate this <3
a gay western…the amount of moots i have on IG that would EAT that up (myself included) is phenomenal. I’d love to read it whenever you deem it ready for the world to see :)
also…I’ll confess that I’m answering my asks AND writing a filthy smut scene with one of my not-so-straight vamps who simp for their girl😏❤️‍🔥
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mycomori · 1 year
was just wandering through the woods w my blade in one pocket and mh phone in the other mh mom called to tell me about morocco and i takes for a whoek until she asked hwo i was and i guess i didn’t have the energy left to lie convincingly and ended up just telling her i left my job and that i was working so hard but it wasn’t enough and jsut apologized for failing and then of course cause i let slip to her i had to tell my dad cause she begged me to cause she couldn’t lei to him and if he found out she knew he would be mad and all that’s shit so since i was dissociating anywyas i jskt cried and called him and told him and he wasn’t mad at me so that’s soemthing i guess. but he’s also heir again and i’m just. everything is too fucjing much right now. and i’m trying not to make the same mistakes by hiding ahit from then like i usually do. but my instinct to protect all my failings from them is still there. there’s jjsts i much going on inside of me but nothing in the surface i feel it brunito fully and i am too tired s
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leviiackrman · 3 years
1000% about to be on my Margot high again
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sweetroulette · 6 years
just got remeasured and im a whooping 158.5 cm
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Bruno Figure Mini-Review
That’s “review,” as in mostly incoherent rambling. Image-heavy post!
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First of all: shaped like a friend.
Let’s go~
His hair is maybe a bit wonky (not as wonky-looking as the McDonalds toy, though). However, I appreciate this detail:
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His uneven cuffs! Right pant leg is rolled up a little higher. It’s one of my favorite little things about Bruno’s character design. ‘Cuz he’s got other stuff to do, rats to feed - ain’t no time to worry about his pants. Also, they did a good job with his nose.
Actually, the first thing I noticed as I was taking him out of the packaging was how soft his ruana felt.
It’s a soft plastic/vinyl, fairly malleable. Hmmm. Not the hard plastic I was expecting for a figurine I thought was going to be kinda “basic” (in a good way):
Sure enough. There’s more!
Cue me going, “Wait. Wait. Wait.” ...as I realized what a soft plastic ruana might potentially mean and turned the figure around:
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ANYWYA (typo that I am keeping), you can take Bruno’s ruana off.
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Like so:
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...which, I'm not gonna to lie, felt a bit awkward to do. A very likely unpopular opinion: generally speaking, clothed Bruno > unclothed Bruno.
The separable piece is a +1 in the interactivity department, though 👍🏼
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He can sit!
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And cover his eyes in a gesture that I’m sure says, “pls don’t” as I (again, self-consciously) take this photo for Shape purposes. NOT that I’m throwing this figure into the belly saga debate. Because I’m NOT. But, for what it’s worth, definitely not a bean. -1000 points.
Also... not even a long-torsoed, short-legged bean (his proportions in the film are Like That).
Hourglasses, out of 5 (it’s the end of the review and I literally just decided I’d use hourglasses for this): ⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳ because I’m a soft grader, easily satisfied, and have zero regrets buying this. 5 hourglasses despite the lack of pancita and grey hairs.
In conclusion: Recommended.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
I think I like you - part 1
pairing: george weasley x reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,107 
A/N: I tried writing smut and ended up writing a full ass story out of it... anywyas, if you can get through this part - which is still great and gives a bit of background to the actual smutty section of it - part 2 will be the actual smut I was trying to write. 
“Hey, guys! How are you today?” You ask, watching as your three friends come off the quidditch pitch after practice.
You and Lila had hit it off first year and became real close real fast. You would not hesitate to call her your best friend at all. Through her, you had met the Weasley twins - Fred and George.
While you were friendly with both, you and Fred hit it off and became pretty great friends. You and George, however? You’re not really sure what his problem was, but from the beginning you felt that he didn’t really care for you.
You wished he would open up a bit and you two could be friends, but it’s been three years and it hasn’t happened yet. You were hoping eventually, but you weren’t going to hold your breath.
“I’m great! Going to be extremely sore tomorrow because these jerks kept hitting me with bludgers, but other than that I’m great.” Lila smiled.
“That’s good” You chuckle, walking beside her as all four of you make your way up the grounds to the castle.
“How about you Fred?”
“Never better, y/n.” He smiles, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
“Oh Merlin. You are so sweaty.” You say in disgust, frowning.
“Gives me that natural glow.” He jokes and you chuckle, shaking your head at him.
“More like a natural girl repellent. I seriously hope you’re heading to the shower when you get inside.” You chuckle, teasingly pinching your nose.
“Yeah? You want to join me?” He asks, wiggling his brows and winking at Lila causing you and her to break out laughing.
“Oh you wish, Weasley.”
He smiles and winks at you, pulling out that charm that so many love about him and his brother.
“When will you two get a room?” George grumbles from beside Fred.
“Oi, you only wish you could get a girl to drool over you like this, Georgie.” Fred teases.
“Excuse me, who’s drooling over who?” You ask, cocking your brow at the older twin.
“How are you, George?” You ask, looking over at the younger (and in your opinion cuter) twin.
“‘M fine. You?” He asks.
“I’m pretty good. Thank you for asking. I’m sure these two wouldn’t have.” You pout, looking between Fred and Lila.
“I was getting there.” Lila defends which you harrumph at.
“Sure you were.” You chuckle, finally making it up to your guys’ common room.
“You do know I love you though, right?” You ask Lila who chuckles and confirms.
You sigh as you watch the twins, specifically George, from across the grounds. It was a nice warmer day in the middle of October so many of the students were taking advantage and spending the afternoon outside.
“What’re you sighing at?” Lila asks as she sits down next to you as you sit by the lake.
“Nothing.” You say, looking away from the two redheads, one of which you may have been adoring.
Lila looks over in the direction you just looked away from and smiles, nodding to herself as she realizes.
“You were watching the twins, huh?”
“No,” you scoff. “Just trying to figure out what all the commotion was about.” You lie. There really hadn’t been anything that would have drawn your attention over there except for the laughter of the twins you could hear from all the way over here.
“Oh yeah. It’s totally not like you were fawning over George or anything...” Lila trails off, smirking to herself when you whip your head around towards her.
“What?” You chuckle. “Why would I be fawning over George? He barely even talks to me.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Don’t tell me that you don’t watch him every time you think you have a chance of not getting caught. I’ve seen you, y/n.”
“Maybe I had zoned off?” You suggest. “I’ve never once watched George for the hell of it. Again, we’re barely friends so why would I waste my time fawning over him?”
“Yeah-huh. Sure, y/n. You can deny it all you want, but I know otherwise.”
“What else would you know?” You ask incredulously. What could she possibly think she knows? There’s nothing there to know.
“You like George.” She states point blank.
You gape at her, completely in awe on how she could have ever reached that conclusion.
You start laughing just as the two boys make their way over to you two and join you on the grass.
“What’s so funny?” Fred asks, looking between the two of you.
“Someone likes Georgie.” Lila states as you continue laughing.
“Who likes George?” Fred asks at the same time as George asks, “That’s funny?”
“Y/n does.”
“No, I don’t!” You laugh. “Honestly, how in the bloody hell do you figure that?!” You ask, blushing a bit, but more so still aghast at her conclusion.
“You keep denying it, y/n, but I’ve seen how you watch him when you think no one is paying attention. Especially during quidditch, bloody hell girl do you drool.”
You hear Fred laugh and you glance over at him, still in awe of how this has come to be the conversation. You see George smile slightly and you roll your eyes, throwing your head back.
“Oh my god, I don’t do that! Any of it! I don’t know what you think you’ve seen but its obviously not right.” You groan.
“How about how you’re always trying to talk to him or be close to him?” Lila asks, seeming to begin an interrogation.
“I’m trying to be friendly?” You answer, sarcasm dripping in your tone. “I would like to be friends eventually, but it’s hard when we’ve barely ever talked.”
You notice George frown slightly, but you’re too focused on being interrogated you don’t think much of it.
“How about how happy and smiley you get  around him at times?”
“At times? Really, Lila? I was probably just in a good mood that day. That literally proves nothing.”
She frowns, trying to think of another reason but comes up short. She huffs and crosses her arms.
“Whatever, I still think you’re lying. Not just to us, but to yourself too.” She says, laying back on the ground.
“And I think you’re delusional.”
You both go silent for a few minutes in which no one says anything nor looks at each other. Well, Fred and George look between the two of you, not quite sure what to make of the conversation.
After a few moments, Fred speaks up.
“Well that was a fun conversation. How about we talk about homework now? I really have a lot of questions on it,” he chuckles.
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limbosava · 2 years
white fox infinity issue 1 live reaction/thoughts and spoilers !!
WANNA SEE HOW HARD I CAN CRY PSHHWHWHSHHHHHHH okay but ooooh my lord she looks too good with blood on her face.
Luna waking her up 🥺🥺 and then this loser being an ass to someone who cares about her 🙄🙄 cause of course she is. Mega loser (affectionate)
Ami wearing the sword shard around her neck. Sobs. Btw is this what Ji Shuangshuang meant when she said the sword knows where Lin Lie’s allies are? Because it is taking him to a few people. In this shard fashion.
Edit: it wasn’t ji Shuangshuang who told him that, but dr strange
She is so fine with dark hair too like oh my god it’s not fair she looks good in everything 😩
Sobs… lin lie u better get your ass back here asap. Ur driving ur family crazy 😭😭 I wanna throttle u so bad rn what did you mean you have no one to call?
Ami still having nightmares every night but this time it’s about Lin Lie .
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Oh my god Ami hugging Yeji and calling her home. I’m 🥺🥺 My HEART. Yeji letting Ami know she’s not alone.. and there’s a whole supernatural community out there… <3 wowza
ALSO 😧😧 the way this is so similar to what which and I have been saying about ami… absolutely bonkers. Being silly and goofy and saying haha ami would be corrupted if a supernatural community the gov didn’t care about was getting killed off. AND LOOK WHATS HAPPENING??:??;!!
anywyas besides that i really like this panel
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flowertaeyongg · 5 years
nct 2018 reaction to looking after you after having a long day
Request: hELLLOOOOOOOOOOOO hI HOw IS YOU DOINGG:--))) Can I request a NCT 2018 reaction to you being suuuuuuuuper tired from a long day and you're just really exhausted and they see it and want to help by for example washing off your make up for you, prepare a bath for you, massage you, brush your hair etc. like some fLUFFY shit they'd do :))) ♡
A/N: this is vv cute thanks for requesting also sorry guys for disappearing for like a year lol really gotta update my blog anyways if any of yall are still here and active pls come say hi !!
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Taeil is a cutie he’d want to do something sweet like spend the entire evening just with you and talking to you. He’d set up a cute movie night and would sit and talk to you about how your day was and cute stuff like that you know.
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Johnny would sit opposite you and look at you like ^^^^ gif he’d ask you about your day and would immediately make some hot chocolate and run a warm bath for you. He’s that kinda romantic boy according to nct.
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Taeyong would notice immediately and would run to give you the biggest hug. He’d treat you so well cook you dinner and spend the evening cuddling you. He’d offer massages while you lie down and would kiss you every now and then he really is the sweetest.
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Yuta would want you to feel comfortable as soon as you’d come home. He’s make sure you’ve eaten and make you something warm to drink tea hot chocolate whatever you feel while you both sit and chat about your day.
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Kun would see how exhausted you were as soon as you entered he’d immediately grab your bag or whatever you were holding and would let you get unready and ready for bed while he makes you dinner for the both of you to enjoy together.
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Doyoung would want to make sure you could just sit and relax with him that evening he would start a warm bath and would lay your pyjamas to wear on your bed. He’d wait for you to finish and would offer to comb your hair for you.
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Ten would insist on having a lazy evening. He’d throw you one of his sweaters to wear and would set up the sofa area ready for the both of you to just lay and admire each others cute features he’s so cute:((
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Once you finished washing up you’d see jaehyun sitting at the dining table with dinner for the both of you. You’d both enjoy dinner together we all know he’s a good cook so yum. You’d both wrap up your evening as you usually would cuddling up in bed.
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Cutie winwin would ask you about your day and would make sure you rested that evening. He’d do anything that had to be done instead of making you worry about it like washing up after dinner and he’d make sure that you both rested while laying in bed giving you a cute kiss on your cheek.
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An entier evening full of cuddles and kisses jungwoo will literally not let go of you. He’d wrap you all warm in a blanket and hold you like that while you both binge watch a netflix series. cute:( He’d be super super cute just to see you smile after your long tiring day.
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Lucas would cheer you up straight away giving you a big hug as soon as you entered. He’d talk to you about everything your day his day what he ate with mark for lunch. You’d smile bc he really is your lil giant sunshine boy that keeps you happy. You’d forget about your day tbh he’s all the energy you need.
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Mark would be so worried seeing you absolutely worn out. He’d tell you to go get unready and while your doing that he’d run to go get some some of you fav drinks whether that]s boba or tea or milkshakes cute. You’d both enjoy your drinks and would spend the evening just chilling you know cute lil hand holding and stuff.
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Renjun would be vv cute and would offer to attempt to make dinner for you both he’d do cute little things for you like holding your hand while you both sat and watched movies together. He’d be a v cute clingy boy. You’d both have a cute cuddling sesh making you feel perfectly better and all warm and cute after.
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Jeno would spend the evening chatting with you he’d sit there arm wrapped around you rubbing small circles on your back making you feel all fuzzy you know. You’d end up slowly falling asleep while still in jenos arms he’d notice and would give a cute lil smile ^^
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Sunshine boy would cheer you up immediately. A cute evening spent talking laughing and with cute lil kisses here and there he’d want you to feel better and it would definitely work he is a fullsun after all.
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Jaemin baby like jungwoo will literally not leave your side. An entire evening full of cuddles kisses hand holding cute lil smiles and butterflies in your stomach. You’d both have a v cute evening together just cuddling and admiring each other:(
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Chenle would want to cheer you up immediately he’d put on your fav movie and would get some comfy clothes for the both of you. You’d both cuddle while watching the movie but will prob end up falling asleep before it finishes.
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Jisung babyy he’d want to cheer you up and would talk about how yours and his own day went. He’d hold your hand to make you feel better while you both spent the rest of the evening just resting and chatting with cute lil giggles here and there.
A/N: again this was v cute hope you like it also sorry if it’s a bit repetitive lol 18 guys it gets a bit difficult lmao 21 now oop lol anywyas my requests are still open although i do hav a lil bit of a queue i’m trying to get on top of them !! 
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hyunjin420 · 6 years
[12:34 am]
quaintness lays across the room, only sounds being heard are the whizzing of the fan in the corner of the room, and fast typing. not much is expected to be heard at such an hour during a weekday, and you like it this way. the paper you're working on is due in a few hours and you're not sure if you could bear any type of distraction in this moment, so to say that the ping resonating throughout sent your hands flying away from the keyboard in shock would be an understatement. with an annoyed scowl across your features and a heaved sigh you snatch the phone from the top of the books you placed it on earlier, throwing a glance at the screen.
what the...
fewwix: ijs t ydropped my fuckign pizza i'm SO pissed of f.
your expression shifts from ticked off to amused as your fingers start tapping across the screen.
felix, are you... mayhaps drunk?
placing your phone in your lap, you return to typing away on the stupid paper. however, not a full minute passes by before a series of pings come.
fewwix: i'm not Drunk I jutsd had a
fewwix: fruit salad
fewwix: fermented grape salad yeah
fewwix: focus on the important part ok PLZ
you can't help but laugh at your poor boyfriend's misery, already imagining how cute he looks with his pout and slightly furrowed eyebrows... and the drunken flush across his cheeks making his freckles stand out even more... god. you'd really rather give him cheek kisses instead of writing this paper.
come over, we can order a new one and maybe cuddle your sadness away <3
not a beat passes before felix sends his answer.
fewwix: sanic has NOTHIGN on me wait fo rme plz
maybe you'll just have to lie to your teacher about the internet going out, making you unable to send it at the proper time. unfortunate events happen sometimes, right?
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asexualjedi · 2 years
That t shirt took forever bc it was a stretch fabric. But it wasn’t stretchy enough. So I had to rework the collar a few times to figure out how to make it work and blujjhhhhhhh Anywyas I have first book club tonight and I want to. Clean up my room (i.e. literally just put away my laundry how have I avoided this so long) but I’m gonna lie down for a bit lol.
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Namjoon scenario to fighting with you and breaking up.
So I’m in a mood to write angst stuff, I guess this is my break from studying cause honestly I can’t study anymore, like my brain is shrivelled up and eating itself, anyways that’s enough of me ranting, hope you enjoy~~
I’ll write one for every member, cause I can’t leave any of them out, buttttttt, they’ll all be uploaded on different days.
ANYWYAS enjoy (I’ll really go now lool)
(Credits to gif owner, and disclaimer, it’s a fluff ending soooooooooo, Yeah)
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Rapmon was so overwhelmed with producing new music for bangtans new comeback, no matter how good everyone said it was, he wanted it to be perfect, knowing full well that he’ll be away from you, it had been 7 days, not a single call or a single message, you started to wonder if he even remembered you.
The door turned open at 2 in the morning, namjoon trying so hard to stay quiet,
“Well isn’t it nice that my boyfriend suddenly decides to show up”
You didn’t really know why you spat that out, only that you should’ve hugged him, or kissed him or really anything other than starting a fight.
“Wow, Y/N what’s up with the passive aggressiveness, calm down.”
“Calm down? You haven’t called nor texted me for the past 7 days, a full week, I thought you died and no one decided to let me know”
“I was busy, it wasn’t like I was playing around, I can’t help it”
“So when your busy your phone disappears for a whole week? Namjoon you could’ve texted me, just one word, a single letter anything to say you still cared”
You didn’t know why you continued, you just knew that you needed to get your thoughts out, or this relationship wouldn’t go anywhere, emphasis on the knew.
“Y/N I wouldn’t have started to date you if I knew you needed this much attention from me, Jesus, let me breath”
You started to question yourself, ‘were you a burden to him’ ‘were you asking for that much?’
You looked around your apartment, at all the memories you shared with him, but at this moment not a single one could make you feel happy.
“I don’t need your attention” you breathed coldly, dating you for long enough meant that he read you like a book, you were at this very moment, cold.
“Y/N, I didn’t me...”
“No, that’s exactly what you meant, I don’t need your attention to live, you know the 7 days without you, felt like hell, but now I realise the only hell would be me staying here with you”
Namjoon hearing the tone in your voice that he’d never heard before, scared of losing you, the one person he loved and cared for so much.
“Y/N I think the both of us are tired, let’s go sleep, let’s stop fighting, I’m sorry”
You looked down, knowing how many countless fights between the two of you ended just like this one, him apologising but not sounding sincere more like trying to get you to shut up.
“I get it namjoon, I make you feel tired, I’m the burden in your life, I’m sorry, I’ll leave” you spoke there were no tears involved while you spoke,
“No that’s not what I meant, god damn it, stop twisting this”
“Namjoon, let’s stop” your words fell and stabbed his heart
“What? Come on Y/N you can’t be serious, please tell me your not serious, I’m sorry I really am, please”
The more he said sorry, the more you just wanted to leave, and never return.
“No namjoon, I think this is where we part, I think this is the end of our story”
“Stop it, just please stop” he reached out to hug you, to feel your heartbeat against his, you stepped backwards, shaking your head from side to side,
“Please, let me go, well both be able to breath again” namjoon Just stared, he followed your every step, the way you grabbed a bag from the wardrobe and shoved your things in, your clothes, your make up everything, he held onto your arms like a tiny lost puppy, as you turned to the door he clung onto any feeling that you had left of him, “please, don’t leave me here”
You shoved him off, turning to see his wet eyes, “good bye namjoon” with that you walked out, leaving him devastated on the floor, every inch of his heart hurting, nothing making sense to him anymore.
He kept calling, he kept trying, he would do anything to get a hold of you, he was a mess, he couldn’t produce music, suga would take over, and you were still nowhere in site, he would find anything that represented you, anything would do, anything that smelt like you, the hoodie that you once wore, with a strong scent left, the only thing he’d carry around with him everywhere.
He would leave a bunch of voice mails just explaining his day,
“Hey Y/N I’m sorry babe” or
“Y/N I walked past your favourite coffee shop today, I thought I saw you, where are you, I miss you so much” or sometimes a simple.
“I love you”
3 months later~
You would open every single one of them, listening to them, honestly saying you didn’t miss him would be a lie, you were locked away at your best friends house, you were visibly thinner, you weren’t trying to get thinner, it just happened.
Your best friend helping you rebuild the wall, she set you up on dates, but each time you came back, you locked yourself up and cried, you were not strong, but you didn’t want to break anymore, but today, was the day you met your new date, he requested to meet at the coffee shop that you and namjoon first met, as usual, you received namjoon’s good morning texts and voicemails, you got up, and dressed, you were glowing on the outside, so the darkening inside would stay hidden, hidden away so you don’t feel anymore pain.
You arrived at the date, ten minutes early, seeing familiar faces, and then seeing your date, “Hey are you dan?”
“You must be Y/N then hey, you look gorgeous” you hadn’t heard that word in a while, you both exchanged a formal handshake, when namjoon came up to you that day in the coffee shop, he just simply smiled, you sat down with your coffee, and you started to talk.
Saying that you didn’t enjoy talking to him for 4 hours would be a lie, you didn’t know time flew that fast, that was until the sound of the door opening made your attention drain towards the door, what you didn’t expect to see was a namjoon, fully covered from head to toe, you thought ‘that clothing choice makes it more obvious pabo’ you continued talking to dan, knowing that it didn’t matter anymore, he didn’t care.
As soon as namjoon walked in, he knew that voice so well, he looked over and saw you, at that very moment he wanted to run to you and hug you, and whisper his pleas for you to never leave him, but when he looked closer you were with some other guy, the feeling or more like the mere thought of you already moving on, made his heart ache, he decided to sit by a table right next to you, maybe just watch you, the smile on your face only making him grow more jealous, you never smiled like that, maybe he did trap you.
You looked over at him, he looked so tired, so hurt, maybe he cared, you thought.
“Hey Y/N, I have to go, I’ll be sure to call you later, do you want me to drop you off?”
“No I’m going to stay here for a bit, maybe work on getting through my pile of emails”
“Sure, so I’ll be seeing you soon?”
You smiled as a response and he left, you felt the familiar feeling of loneliness wash over you again, you sat there, listening to music, not paying much attention to anyone, you walked out knowing that namjoon would follow you.
“Y/N? Can we talk?”
“We’ve got nothing to talk about, I thought we finished?”
“Yeah that’s what you thought, I think different, I didn’t say yes”
“Well I don’t have anything else to say”
He grabbed you and pulled you back to your house,
“Namjoon let go, my arms hurt, where are we going, NAMJOON?!!??”
You knew where he was taking you, he was taking you back home, you missed his touch, you missed his voice, “NAMJOON”
“Y/N please stop screaming, we’re going home that’s all we’re doing”
“Namjoon, that’s not my house, my house is where I live no...”
“No, don’t say it, please don’t say it, please, I don’t want to, I can’t, they say the home is where the heart is, my heart is always with you”
“Namjoon.... your heart isn’t here”
“No, stop it, please, I love you, why doesn’t that solve it now, it was fine months ago, and now it can’t be done, and now this isn’t enough?” You looked into his eyes, he looked so desperate, like if you broke free, he’ll forever be just that much miserable, so you hugged him back, just maybe you could stay like that forever.
So the rest is up to your imagination, hope you enjoyed, and the others will soon be out, I’m Just prewriting a bunch because I’ll be gone for exams, and I didn’t want to leave anyone dry and hanging.
Request away and bye~~~
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mycomori · 5 years
also jjst wnana mention or really vent a bit even tho i’ve gotten to talk about it with mb and jack but c steals shit ive known that she took multiple things from me but recently we found out she took a green apophylite quartz clusters i thought i lost and she has it in her duckling room and SHOWED it to mb like i have literal proof i remember when i “lost” it last year i was really disappointed because it wa down to my favorite pieces and jack told me to try to get it back but honestly i was mad and upset for a while and conflicted abiutbif this needs to be my final stand against her to end it but honestly the best way i can do this for me and to just elt it lie. maybe that’s just my lack of desire for confrontation talking but i don’t think so i think it’s more jjst not worth the effort. she can keep it. i miss it but i have others. and when she eventually comes to me a few months from now when i move and cut her off bitching about how i’m a shit friend or whatever then i’ll jsut be like look bro, i could say A LOT about you and about what you did to me but you’re not worth my fucking energy i know you steal shit from your friends and i know you took my gem. but it’s not worth it to ask for it back. you can fucking keep it. maybe next time you see it you’ll actually take a second to look at yourself and how you treat other people. i know you have problems but it’s no excuse for how you treat people, how you treated me. so i’m done, i really do hope you actually examine yourself and your actions and try to change, because you’re not a bad person, but i know you most likely will not. anywyas fuck you!
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