#that would be insane behavior. she's gonna strike when she has the chance and if that means playing a little dirty to do it
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bold what applies , italicize sometimes .repost , don't reblog .
fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: @generalzelgius (thank you sm! <3) tagging: @incandescentia, @nezumivc103221, @wintryrevaerie, @solivcgant, @mannequinentity, @inseparableduo + you reading this! c:
#━━ Ⅻ ⊰ dash commentary / ♡ ❜#I feel like i should clarify that GENERALLY ryu only fights demons/supernatural beings that are harming others#so she's not gonna sit there and let her opponent get through their whole magical girl transformation just so they can fuck her up#that would be insane behavior. she's gonna strike when she has the chance and if that means playing a little dirty to do it#then she will because she's not trying to die#that being said she would never try to harm someone that isn't being harmful to others#so sparring and the rare one off occasions where she does get into fights she doesn't necessarily want to harm someone in#she would fight more honorably and defensively#OK MWAAH
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Back to square one
A week had passed since the failed confession fiasco. Still, Dawud never came back to the apartment, except briefly that morning to gather his stuff in a suitcase. When he wasn’t at work, he wandered around the city, seeking shelters in various ways. He blocked absolutely everyone in his new life in San Myshuno, he did not want to see them, he could not handle it. Pretty much all of them or close are occults in one way or another, and he just out of nowhere went on this insane rant against them. Even if he was just pissed off and didn’t meant any of it, it’s pretty damn hard to apologize about that when he pretty much just said the same hateful rhetorics his occult roommates have heard against their kind all the time ever since they were little. If he were them he would not want an apology, they’d be dead to him. Hell, no need to pretend he’s an occult, if Daniele had called him a dirty Arab or a terrorist or something, he wouldn’t be friend with him anymore.
It kept on running through his head, that one question: why did he say that? He knows he didn’t meant it, he was just pissed and wanted to strike Daniele where it hurt, but why did he went there? Is this what he always believed deep down? He likes to believe he was raised to be a pretty open-minded guy, but you know, nobody is perfect. It felt a bit like as after spending years feeling numb, now all of his emotions were too intense for his own good.
So now, he was doing just like what he did the last time he fucked up massively, when he failed an assigment so hard he told himself “fuck it, I’m dropping out”. Cause not only was he avoiding the people he loved, he was now leaving everything, his new job, his new friends, his new life, everything, to live with Audrey and be a depressed mess. And in both case, it was kind of an impulse, an impulse for a complete rerouting of his life, but an impulse. Uh, he never really saw himself as the impulsive kind, but maybe he is deep down. Anyway, he still had to prevent Audrey he’s coming, so he was on the phone with her to tell her...the new. She took well the idea of him coming back, not so much the reason however.
Dawud: Assuming my flight won’t get delayed I should be there by around uh...Wait I’m taking the time zone into account let me do the math...Damn ok I should be here by...maximum 3 PM. Audrey: Ok but at that time I might be at work so I’ll leave the door unlocked for you. And speaking of time zone it’s like 6 AM in Strangerville so I’m going back to sleep before my alarm clock rings. See you later. Ralf: Dawud???
Dawud turned around and saw the tall man kinda run-walk towards him, before unexpectedly hugging him. Ralf was also one of the many people he blocked, luckily he didn’t came across him while at work that week, but you know, it was only a matter of time before he’d see him at the airport.
Ralf: Daniele told me what happened, he’s worried sick about you. All of us were. Dawud: Why should he worry me, I hurt him deeply. It’s not logical, he should hate me. I would hate me if I were him. Ralf: Well, he’s still your friend. You might have messed up, but it seems like he’s still willing to give you a second chance if you explain yourself a little bit and apologize.
Well, that was reassuring. Still, he wasn’t backing out of his decision. First of all the plane ticket was already bought, second of all he has quit his job and he doesn’t have the patience to get a new one in San Myshuno, third of all Audrey is gonna be real disappointed if he tells her he’s actually not going back to live with her. And he’s been disappointing enough people as of late. So, he sat down with Ralf on a bench, the same bench they had their first conversation months and months prior.
Dawud: I really don’t know why I said that. It feels like I’ve been possessed but you know, saying “oh I wasn’t acting like myself” is such a bullshit excuse for shitty behavior. I am me, everything I do is myself, unless I’m acting. If I’m actively lying then that means myself is a liar. Ralf: Every time I talk to you Dawud, it seems like you’re just now finding out at 23 that human beings can be messy and complicated, and you’re absolutely floored by this fact. Dawud: And all of that because I got rejected, that’s so stupid! I mean, in my defense, I never got rejected before, but still, I feel like at my age I should be handling it better than that. Most teenagers probably handle it better than that. Ralf: I mean, I did even more moronic and life ruining things just for some spellcaster’s bussy. Dawud: I...I...Please never say that word in front of me ever again??? Especially when we’re having a serious conversation. Ralf: Moronic?
Ralf started rambling that Dawud shouldn’t leave, the airlines he works at, Wind-enbair, doesn’t fly to the western United States. In fact, San Myshuno is pretty much the only destination out of Europe that they offer with the exception of some North African resort towns. That is pretty much only because San Myshuno is the world capital and has several European communities there, along with like every continents, but Wind-enbair is a German airlines. Dawud didn’t care. He’s wants to act as if the whole of 2019 never happened.
Dawud: But I swear I don’t actually hate occults. Like, I’ve been living with them for months and even before, Audrey is 1/4 fairy on her mother’s side...I don’t even know what point I’m trying to make anymore. Ralf: Hell, I could be an occult. You don’t know me...I mean, I am not. But I could be... Dawud: A-Are you??? Ralf: Nah. You saw me touch water and I didn’t turn half-fish, I do not have blue skin and fangs like a vampire, I wish I had powers like a spellcaster or a fairy, and werewolves cannot be pilot. Dawud: Wait really? Werewolves can’t? Ralf: Yeah, that sucks for them. I know a guy who accidentally got turned into one, ruined his career and then pretty much his entire life. Awful...Anyway, on brighter news, I heard Akva had her baby. She’s pretty cute. Dawud: I didn’t know you were in contact with my ex-roommates to be honest like first Daniele and now her? Ralf: Well, I don’t really reach out to them, it’s always the other way around, and just them. I never met your other roommates. But like, speaking of Akva, I hope she’s ok. I remember when I had my first son, he too was an accident but he quickly became the best part of my life. He’d be around your age nowadays...I miss him. Dawud: What why? Why do you... Ralf: I need to go!
The older man stood up and started walking away, almost running from his younger friend. To be honest, Ralf was switching from topic to topic in hope of making Dawud change his mind about going back to Strangerville. But now, he had said too much, way way too much. In fact he’s been saying too much this entire conversation, but that was the straw that broke the camel back!
Cause to also be honest, there are many things about him that Dawud do not know, and he does not want him to find out about it. Maybe it’s better this way that Dawud doesn’t want to see him ever again actually...
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#ts4#sims 4#the sims 4#simblr#ts4 simblr#ts4 storytelling#occult roommates#dawud sahan#ralf montag#OcRo s1
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i will put a cat update under the cut, also safe to say (and see) i’ve been a bit absent. i don’t mean to be but mental health and stuff is eh. pet sickness triggers under the cut again. taking my boy to the vet again tomorrow so i gotta sleeps now but hopefully i’ll be around some tomorrow after that. <3
blood test results came back today.
it’s not fip. it’s not what the vet basically dropped on our heads as incurable and untreatable and most likely the case. first thing is, my other cat isn’t endangered, which is a great relief.
now the bad news, taigi still is very sick. his pancreas values are bad and so are his kidneys. it was via phone today so we don’t know details, but it’s bad. vet isn’t sure where the fluid in his stomach’s coming from now, but it could be the heart or ..something. he’s truly at a loss for now. but what we do know is that the fluid needs to be gone, so that’s the first thing we do tomorrow (today tbh) morning, puncture his furry lil belly to let the fluid out and also see what it is, whether there’s blood (pls no) etc. bc of the fluid, the xray couldn’t get through to taigi’s liver and other organs which means he can’t see those yet, so likely after fluid gone, another xray will tell us more. he said it could also be tumors in the kidneys making them fail, but it’s also likely the pancreas being on strike caused the kidneys to fail, so first thing we also do starting tomorrow is antibiotics. my other cat had pancreatitis and was called dead and antibiotics saved her despite all the vets saying it’s unlikely she’ll make it. (some even said she won’t make it through the week, it’s been years now.)
then he’ll get anti-fluid meds to stop water/fluid from collecting in his belly, hopefully he’ll find the cause and then we’ll try and strengthen the kidneys with infusions twice a week if there’s no tumors, which i hope there aren’t and don’t think there are. i know he’s old and old cats often have them but given that the pancreas is v bad, it kinda fits together? tumors would be like.. extra. pancreas would have no reason to be a douche if kidneys failed bc of tumors i think. but we will see.
what annoys me the most is that all the signs for kidney troubles are everyday-taigi things. we do the big blood test thing every year and his kidneys (unless vets missed it?) have always been fine and he’s been drinking tons for half his life and peed a lot half his life and he also has an appetite for all kinds of yummy things and demands food etc. all i’ve read was saying how kidney failure in pets makes them stop eating and so they get thin etc. and people are looking for stuff to help with appetite. he’s got none of those issues. so we couldn’t see. the fluid yes, but it’s been only a few weeks and we’ve waited to see if it went away or not. he’s old so we can’t keep running to the vet him with and stress him out. it just bugs me so hard that there was nothing strange to witness, no change .. he’s even started licking himself again recently. not v much but some. i just wish he’d shown us in some form.. like.. anything at all that something is up. he literally hasn’t changed behavior or so at all in years so ack.
anyway, thing is... it’s still grim af and i’m crying my eyes out just thinking about all the maybe’s, but like.. we have a fighting chance now, y’know? we knew he was sick when vet said fluid is a bad sign and fip we would’ve been unable to do anything, we would’ve just been forced to watch, but this? we can fight it. antibiotics, byebye fluid meds, kidney-friendly food, infusions twice a week etc. taigi is a fighter, he always has been and all his other values in the blood test are insanely good. he doesn’t pee without wanting to and he doesn’t seem to be in pain, so i think if tumors are a no and we can find out where the fluid comes from (vet said it miiiiight be the heart) he can have some more time?
i’m aware even if all goes well, it’ll probs just be like half a year to a year (he’s 18 after all and the kidneys are bad, that’s a fact apparently) but like.. that’s ok. i just refuse to let a bouncy, snuggly, purry, demanding (af) and active lil man go before his time. if he no longer wants to, then that’s cool, but until then we gonna fight.
anyway, pls bear with me. he is my first baby, my first love. i’m just really afraid, worried, upset and in a constant state of panic. i didn’t have as many panic attacks in weeks than i’ve had since tuesday alone.
thanks for all the nice messages, they mean the world to me <3
#out of collars ( ooc )#pet sickness tw#cat sickness tw#it's long.. i ramble#i'm afraid so i talk a lot to convince myself of things lol#wish me luck in trying to sleep#i.. haven't been >_>
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Velvet Lace part 9
The stillness seeped into her bones. The occasional page turn chirping from the quiet that seemed eternal until broken. Screaming so loud it made ears ring. An old smell pleasantly raining in the air. Diana leaped into the leather throne she had claimed the second day in the shop.
Quinn had pulled her from her backpack carrier within seconds of Josh stepping through the portal from the real world to this one of fantasy and mystery, romance and horror. She would argue that the people in these tomes were more real than often given credit. To escape the dull gray of this world and enter another that was closer than it seemed. Close enough to just be a finger tip's distance away. The older man had brought down a towel from the store room, preparing for her arrival. Bunching it up into the chair and tucking her in. Her own dais from which to watch the strangers pass by. Some reaching out to brush the fur on her side before continuing on.
The tinkling sounds from above the door announce the newest entrant, but not a new customer. The woman in her peach dress that the wind bites starvingly at has been in most days at least once that Diana had noticed. But this wasn't all the shadow had noted in her black book about the woman. No, she watched the way the woman's gaze lingered on Josh when she swayed passed, skirts dancing in time to her hips. The woman wasn't shy, but certainly not the type to usually make the 1st move, no matter how much the idea scrolled across her face. She would just quietly flirt and behold the man who had yet to notice her attention. Men, the cat thought. Anyone could see that her insignificant search requests were only the ruse her heart wished would communicate to his own. Anyone except Josh Wells apparently.
She would need to be going on her way soon she supposed. But perhaps, she mused, she could leave his life a bit happier than she'd found it. Maybe someone to comfort him in his time of need when she would make her escape in the night, venturing into the world of one of the adventures penned in a book she surrounds herself with each day. Yes, he has been kind to her. Kinder than any other has been to a stray on the streets. She would try to do him this favor.
The creeping black smoke rolled across the floor to where her temporary master kneeled to pull a jacketless book from a box. The ripened peach tucked around the corner, being summoned like a beacon. The predator laying in wait for her chance to strike. The woman's fair skin, glowing from the sun raining through the windows steps around the end cap bringing her knee to face with Josh. Startled, he stands. Fishing for the words to ask if she needs help. The quiet chatter awkward as they both stumble through sentences that would make a sinner's ears bleed with how polite they are.
Now. This is the chance, Diana hoped she would be strong enough, but only her actions would tell. Strolling up, she rubs her cheeks to the man's pant leg. Lulling into a false sense of safety. The black cat lunges, throwing all her weight to the backs of his legs. He fumbles the book gripped in his hand as he tries to right himself. His hands going to the woman's arms, pushing his body close to hers. Steadying himself, he makes a quick retreat. The interaction reddening both parties' cheeks, murmuring apologies. A gentle, not wholly disappointed, smile pings her lips, while her eyes cast down to the floor. "Ummm... If you're all right, I'm gonna head to the back to grab more books," Josh practically whispers before racing off.
How can he not see the heady flush that took over the woman's face at the contact? A cherry blossom blooming into spring. The cat shakes her head before heading back to the warm leather arm chair, scheming ways to get him closer to the pleasant fruit he might enjoy a bite from if he just plucked it from the tree.
A screeching shatters the reverie, a peaceful one for once, jolting Diana awake. The warm blankets and solid length beside her skittering across the bed away. Her golden eyes opening, scanning for dangers she cannot perceive.
"What? Why are you screaming?" She asks in a stranger's voice that hasn't been her own in many moons.
"Stranger in my bed. Stranger in my bed," his tone edging on hysteria. "Naked stranger in my bed. Pretty, naked stranger in my bed."
"Shit," she says full of emotion.
"Shit? That's all you can say? Shit? Who the fuck are you? And why are you in my bed? And where are your clothes?"
At his final question, she finally peers down, confirming his words. Her lush body, a distant memory now firmly cemented in her face. "Shit," she says emphatically, scrambling to tug the sheet from the bed around her body. Twinning snakes coiled tightly, holding butterfly wings around her.
"Yes! You said that already, but who the fuck are you? And how'd you get in my house?"
"Shit, this is awkward. I haven't done this since I was a wee kitten," shame steeping her voice in dread. "I'm Diana. Your cat."
"Ok, so you're a very pretty, insane, naked girl in my bed. Fantastic. I'm gonna go ahead and call the police now."
"No, no, no! Josh, stop! Don't do that!"
"How do you know my name?"
"I told you. I'm Diana. Your cat," her tone hinting the answer should be obvious. Listen, if I wasn't Diana how would I have gotten in? Or know you work at the book store? Or know that the cat's name, my name, is Diana?"
"Bc obviously you're stalking me." His fingers ppised to dial the emergency number.
"Josh I'm not stalking you. Just stop for a second. Let me explain!" She takes a step towards him, tripping in the sheet. His retreat hasty to keep the space between them. "Josh please," she pleads. "5 minutes. Just give me 5 minutes to explain and convince you. And if after that you still don't believe me than call the police and have me hauled away."
"Oh, so I need your permission to call the police?"
"No of course not, but please, I'm begging you. Just 5 minutes." The sincerity in her golden eyes that he shakes the familiarity off at the sight of, warms him only mildly. But it's still just enough the thaw his fingers from their rigor mortis around the phone.
"5 minutes. That's it. Starting now. Go!"
"I really am your cat," she says holding up a hand, waving off his denials. "I'm a shapeshifter. This is what I really look like, but I can become a cat too. In fact, I've been a cat for a very long time now. And last night was the 1st time I've lost control of a shift since I was a kid. I'm sorry, you were never meant to find out, especially not like this. I was just supposed to slip out one night and you never see me again."
A confused stricken look envelopes his features. "Say I believe you, you were just going to leave?"
The embarrassed shame she already felt being drowned and twisted into the shame that now ate anyway at her belly. Eating her, consuming her from the inside out. Chasing heat up into a face that felt it might burst from the blood packing in. She doesn't answer him. Her bright eyes avoiding a meeting in the middle with his own.
"Right." He sucks his teeth and nods. "So you're a cat, huh? Fine. Show me."
Her eyes snap up to his finally. "Show you?"
"Yes. Show me. Turn back into my cat. Prove that you are what you claim to be. Seeing is believing and frankly I'm not sure I'll believe it until then."
Running throught the scenarios in her head, she nods to the carpet. "All right. I'll show you." She looks to him, searching his face. Preparing heraelf to run when things go badly. She knew she needed to leave soon, she just didn't expect it to be like this. Taking a step back to the middle of the room, she drops the sheet. His gaze too startled by the bones crunching and reforming to think on her brazen behavior.
And the shouting began again. He hadn't thought she really could change, the midnight fur running from her curly hair across the curves and planes of her body. A tail creeping from her skin, swishing and slashing the air. Compacting down to the feline he had shared his bed with for almost a week. The only thing remaining of the gorgeous woman in the equally remarkable cat were those amber eyes that glowed in any light. The blood slamming down into his feet making him sway and catch himself on the dresser.
His furry companion shifting her weight on her feet before growing and becoming again. "You really are a cat," his eyes wide, showing whites like a horse reading to bolt.
"I am," her voice barely a whisper, but he still hears it in the gelatinous silence filling the room. Her nakedness not seeming to concern her, he bends to snatch up the sheet handing it back to her. She nods her thanks before cacooning herself back in it.
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@imyourplusone replied to your post:
This is a great summation. Without a doubt Agnes was conceived after the gratuitous boat sex of 2.22 but I’m unclear regarding Red’s confusion. If he and Lizzy were on the run, isolated and bam! made a baby followed by enough time passing that he sees the signs of her pregnancy then why would he doubt his paternity. Who else would he suspect considering he was with Liz everyday?
The timeline established by the episodes in S3A gets obliterated by the pregnancy reveal (*) but generally speaking, in this period (starting w/ 304) Liz and Tom are in contact. Red doesn’t seem to (want to) know specifics but he knows Liz and her pathological inability to stay away from him. After Aram blurts out that Tom’s back, Red asks Liz not to reach out. She promises she won’t but they both know she is lying. bc she is. She reaches out to him behind Red’s back 3 seconds later.
They are also staying close to the PO team during most of these episodes (304-307), and Cooper keeps meeting w/ Tom, so Tom is around somewhere as well. So Liz wouldn’t have to be away for too long if they decided to hook up for a quickie (or Tom could come to her and knowing him, the deed would take like a minute or 2, tops) - Red should be aware of this, too. And these eps show that Red isn’t necessarily around her 24/7. In 304, they get separated when the Djinn grabs Liz. In 305, Red goes to meet Ressler while Liz stays in the theater. In 307, he is away interrogating and torturing for what feels like a day. There could have been other instances that we weren’t shown where - for whatever reason - he had to leave Liz alone for a while, which created an opportunity to sneak off. We know she didn’t bc they clearly establish that the first time Tom and Liz see each other since 222 is ep 307 (by making Tom remark that he barely recognized her due to her new look, so he hadn’t seen her since she went on the run) and Liz is captured the next day. But again, Red doesn’t know this for sure (imo).
And there are several reaction shots and pointed moments featuring Red getting riled up whenever the topic of Tom comes up. He knows Tom’s close-ish, he knows Liz is more than capable of going behind his back to get to him (S2 is a testament to this), and when she tells him Tom wants to meet in 307, it doesn’t come as a big surprise to Red, he doesn’t even try to talk her out of it anymore. He just throws her a “that’s not a good idea”, then leaves to tend to some business alone. He just ditches her right there and then.
So I really just went with Red’s and Liz’s behavior here, re: uncertainty. He’s jealous but does nothing to prevent Liz from seeing Tom, he doesn’t track her movements (and he’s not always w/ her), so - as far as he knows - they could have hooked up while she was on the run, and that’s a seed of doubt that’s plenty enough, imo. And it only grows right after Liz gets exonerated and immediately goes back to Tom.
We have a gap - a couple of days - btw Liz’s exoneration (310) and her return to work (311) which she likely spends with Tom, and Red likely knows this bc when she shows up at his safe house for a meet in 311, Mr. Kaplan warns her that Red’s in a bad mood - and he really is. 311 is S3A jealousy: continued. He’s distant and testy (the complete opposite of how he behaved at the end of 310). He’s worried that Tom’s pulling Liz away again and that she seems so willing to go w/ him, which can easily nurture that seed of doubt about paternity: if it’s Tom’s, if there’s no doubt about it in her mind -- and there isn’t seem to be any he can pick up on (and he would) -- then a) they did hook up and b) Liz will be even less willing to stay w/ him now. Mr. Kaplan assures him that he’s not gonna lose her no matter what happens, but now we all know where Mr. Kaplan really stood on this issue (so Tom’s continued presence was playing into her hand).
Liz seems sure about paternity and no matter how good an observer you are, you cannot exactly date time of conception based on pregnancy symptoms alone (you can be weeks off, easy), so Red really has no grounds to question her unless he wants to add insult to injury here and he is smarter than that.
If they slept together, they used protection which reduces the chances of conception. Red just strikes me as the kind of person who would insist on it (Tom doesn’t), but no protection is 100% effective, esp in scripted shows, so a small chance is always there and enough to feed a bit of doubt.
if the morning after Red reacted as pleasantly as he reacted to her saving him, i.e. w/ a massive wave of self-loathing and a tortured “we can never do this again” or as he reacted to her “I love you” (=silence and pretending it never happened) or a combination of the two, then he can’t even really blame her for gravitating back towards someone who is vocal about wanting her and more than willing to “do it again” while Red is stuck in this impossible, never-ending battle that grinds up any hope of raising a child regardless of whose it is.
So in 311 he just suffers semi-guardedly as usual, and despite the whole “the world’s elite crime lords are about to vote on my execution for betraying them”, it’s clear what bothers him the most:
and this tense behavior seamlessly carries over into 312 and culminates in that “I assume Tom is the father.” Red can’t even look her in the eye after that as he is trying to process it. While he may have some doubts (no protection is 100%, her symptoms emerged “within range” of their coupling) but Liz is undoubtedly back on her Tom bullshit, so Red has no other choice but to assume she hooked up w/ Tom not too long after their time together.
He keeps telling her how much she reminds him of her mother and we could see that Katarina was in the same position when she got pregnant - stuck between two men under insane pressure and (understandably) choosing to go w/ the one who had at least a chance at offering her baby a sense of normalcy and relative safety. In the present, that’s not our Red, no matter how much he wants to be a dad to that baby.
(*) eps 301-310 actually take place over ~ 10 days (continuity links them up nicely), so I don’t think they wrote those w/ any pregnancy in mind. But something changed in 311 and from 311 onward a timeline was established retroactively (stretching these 10 days on the run into 3 months, giving us lots of narrative blank space) that completely excludes Tom as the father. There had to be some major revision happening in the background but to what end, I am not sure. Red fits in w/ this revised timeline. Tom doesn’t fit in w/ any version and I have tried them all.
#long post#tbl spec#i truly am just wildly speculating here but i hope i could get my point across#im def turning into that last gif now i can feel it#but thank you for indulging me :D#i am just writing fic at this point
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Savior Part 1
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: I really don’t know where to start on this one- swearing, drinking, crime, violence, you-know-who and his merry band of misfits, insinuations of forced marriage, etc.
The reader is trying to help Hermione get prepared for the journey her, Ron and Harry are going to take. In order to do so, she starts a little trouble. Little does she know, the ripple effect on this one lasts for a while.
Part 2
You were trying to breath normally, being chained against the wall in a cold damp basement. One of your eyes was swollen shut and you tasted blood. The door opened and voices were talking, getting closer.
--- 3 weeks ago---
“Hermione, I can’t believe you’re going alone on a trip with those two.” You giggled, trying to lighten the mood.
“Y/N it’s not going to be fun.” She answered, shaking her head. She stopped walking next to you, “Are you sure you don’t mind helping us?”
You grinned, “Of course not! I love stirring up trouble, and they won’t even notice for a while.”
“I don’t know when it’s going to happen but I know there’s going to be trouble.” She bit her lip.
Your voice lowered, “That’s why you’re preparing a bag?”
She nodded her response.
You cracked your knuckles, “Alright, wish me luck. You’ll have a couple of minutes but you better hurry.”
She nodded and you walked off. You walked up to none other than Draco Malfoy, knowing Snape would be watching closely.
“Hey there, buddy boy.” You grinned.
He looked up and his friends looked annoyed, Crabbe asking, “What do you want?”
“Aw, no greeting?” You pouted and noticed Snape slowly stepping closer, trying to read what was happening. “I’m just here to chat- unless you prefer something a little more… dramatic.” Your eyebrow twitched in a teasing manner but the insinuation flew right over Crabbe and Goyle’s heads. You rolled your eyes, sighing, “This is what you have to deal with on a daily basis?”
He nodded, actually a little amused.
Snape moved further away and you knew Hermione hadn’t had enough time yet- you started to panic slightly.
“I’m actually really sorry about this.” You hissed slightly, “Truly.” You raised your hand and slapped him, his expression blank for a moment as he realized what just happened.
Not a moment later Snape was in between you and him, pulling you apart and you tried to struggle for a second.
“Oh, you’re stronger than you look, Snapey.”
He glared, dragging you towards Minerva’s office.
“Your student is out of control.” Snape spat as he threw you in a seat before relaying the event that just took place.
“Ms. Y/L/N, what caused you to act in such an appalling manner?” She askes, looking over her glasses.
You shrugged, not really giving an answer.
“Points will be deducted from Gryfinndor and you will have detention for at least a month- if such lude behavior happens again I will be forced to suspend or further. Do I make this clear?”
You nodded, “Yes ma’am.”
“Go on.” She sighed, nodding towards the doorway.
You heard Snape as you walked out, “That seems like a relaxed punishment.”
“Well the boy does have a snicker that makes you want to raise a hand to him.”
You giggled as you continued down the hall, towards the house dorm. You found Hermione and whispered, “Did you get everything you need?”
She nodded, fiddlin with her thumbs. “How much trouble did you get in?”
You shrugged, “Nothing too bad. It’ll be worth it if you-know-who is stopped, right?”
She nodded, looking more sure. “Thanks.”
“No problem. Although I do kind of feel bad for Draco- lad didn’t understand what hit him.” You giggled a little as you got ready for bed.
--- 2 weeks ago---
You had seen Hermione, Ron and Harry off as they got ready for Rons brothers wedding a couple of days ago. You hoped Hermione would have fun, seeing as she seemed to be super nervous lately.
You had seen Draco once or twice since that incident but he had avoided you at all costs. You did feel a bit like a bully but it distracted Snape long enough for Hermione to collect the supplies she needed- it was worth it, right?
You tried to push the incident out of your head.
---last week---
Death Eaters were roaming around the school, Snape becoming headmaster. It was all too much for you to grasp. Then one afternoon, a blonde man was seen talking to Snape in a corridor- and you swear they were looking towards you.
You felt a shiver work up your back as you tried to ignore them. You had to find a way to ignore them. You had to find a way to get out of this place. Hogwarts was no longer safe.
You helped a couple of the students with safe places and phrases to use as a safety or warning between them in the halls since there were rules for interactions.
Packing up a bag one night, you slipped out as quietly as possible. You made it out towards the outer grounds when something came up behind you and it got dark.
--- Present---
You were dragged up a set of stairs and dropped onto the floor- you tried to contain yourself but your face fell towards the floor.
There was a man there- the blonde one from Hogwarts. He was standing over you for a minute, pouting.
“Bring him in.” He spoke after a moment, dull.
A shuffling, a door opening, and then more voices coming in.
You heard a gasp and then, “Lucius, what is this?” From a female.
“Quiet.” He ordered, walking over to pick you off the floor. “Is this that little mudblood that dare strike you?”
Your good eye met Draco and confusion passed both of your faces, with a female standing next to him.
“Answer me.” He hissed.
“Y-Yes, father.” He answered, quietly.
He janked your hair and pulled you towards Draco. “We will destroy anyone in our path- start with her.” He dropped you at his feet.
You looked up at him, “Things seem to escalate quickly around here, huh?” You wheezed out before getting kicked.
“Father, stop.” Draco spoke up.
“You’re right, she’s yours.” He snickered.
“I want her to be brought to my room.” Draco spoke after a minute.
There was silence for a minute before someone came over to drag you to his room.
You were pretty sure you blacked out along the way- you woke up later in a bed.
Draco leaned over you and you flinched back.
“I-” He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his face, “I don’t understand what’s happening.” He looked over at you, worry on his face, “Are you going to be alright?”
You tried to laugh and stopped immediately, a pain rushing through your side. “I’m gonna be honest, I’m actually not sure yet. What are you planning on doing?” You wanted to joke, to laugh, to be strong- but you didn’t know what was going to happen.
He slid down next to the bed, “My father has always been… eccentric. This is a whole new level- I’ll get you out of this somehow.” He turned and looked at you, “I promise.”
“Your father doesn’t seem to like me very much.” You teased.
“Malfoys are supposed to look and be strong all of the time, I think he assumes you made me show weakness.”
“I-” You started to argue, “Look, are you going to get me out of here?”
He frowned, “We might have to wait a bit for you to heal-” He looked towards the hall, “I’ll make something up, okay?”
A moment later, the door flew open and Lucius walked in with that woman next to him. “What are you doing?”
“Father, wait one moment.” Draco spoke, standing.
Lucius took a couple of long strides across the room towards you and sneered.
You shut your eyes and a moment later, “Move.”
You peaked out and saw that Draco was standing in between you and his father. “Father, stop.”
“If you don’t move, I swear I’ll-”
“I want to…” There was an audible gulp, “Keep her.”
“She isn’t a pet.” Lucius hissed back.
“Make her mine.” Draco finished. Him, his father, the lady and yourself all looked astonished.
“You don’t mean-” The female spoke.
“You are not able to marry a- mudblood.” His father almost looked nauseous.
“I thought she was mine. I choose what I can and cannot do with her.”
His father and the woman exchanged a look and then they looked over towards you.
“Draco, dear, you haven’t really had a good chance to-” The woman started.
“Mother- I know what I want.” He answered back. “You wanted me to take control. I am.” He pushed them both out of the room, locking the door and turning back to you.
“And here I thought your parents were a little looney.”
He strode over to the bed, “I only said it to buy us some time- so you can heal and we can get you out of here.” He leaned over you again, “I know this isn’t a great time to say it but, I need you to trust me. He may be insane but I know how my father operates.”
You paused, gulping, “I guess I really don’t have a choice.” You tried to flash him a smile, “White isn’t really my color, though.” It coaxed a weak laugh from him. “So what’s the plan?”
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The Big Picture (first draft)
I have so many fake ass friends, with shallow personalities, jealousy and hatred issues, that have employment in positions of authority, and secret relationships, an ability to lie like the Dickens, that I’m just gonna throw them all in a hat as to which of them are behind the campaign of persecution of John Driver….
Disengagement and acting like an idiot was effective. It brought to light that I was being forced to leave Lisa a d Kepler street, isolating myself and her, without a fight from her, and I’m supposed to fight for her love, rather than leave her for the sake of her happiness.
Lisa has become fully responsible and forced to change the Dynamics of the relationship, again.
Sequentially perfect in the timing of behavior science of human drama.
The cops don’t like her. She agrees.
Jim Kelly is an illegally elected official of a secret society that cyber bolo bit coins on the Global Gaming Arena, a million a minute, making Cherry Marines look decent, compared to the decision to Obliterate John Driver, and, Traffic pink little Natalie to lust more hungry euro trash with Wolf of hunger and probably a raging erection for slave sex .
Lisa’s mother is CARP UM TRAIDT.(LATIN is used for Secret societies)
Earl trains with Ken’s step son who is a FEDERAL PILOT. Ken is the Fire Chief, and Earl was reinstated at Camp Pendleton, because Steve told me his Mother was sucking the Commander off. Momma Loucks walked Earl in by the hand and performed some magic. Jim Kelly told me EARL is the SOURCE.
LISA is SACKETT, and SHACKETT is on DUNAWAYS mailbox in Santa Monica, aka Ocean Park.
DUNAWAYS went full insanity and flipped a compartmental personality disorder, or, Military Grade brain was, formerly MK-Ultra, which was amazing to encounter, and Lisa a WITCHCRAFT drop out from Carrol Park and 4th Street in Long Beach, and unlike the freelancers fighting for security contracts, obtained a college degree, and is an employee of San Bernardino County Public Health. Supposedly lost employment at the end of probation in her last job with Spectra, and began our association Love doing and bj tutorial tour while on disability. Dismissed her husband, she said from the relationship, then, was savy enough to navigate cyber Date tour protocol into a blueprint… mimicing John Driver.
At least one prior fish experienced a jail sentence and fbi hacking, his perceptions, with a forced disappearence to Texas, and a cast of cavalier BUSHMEN candidates with car camping and parking lot residences, coffee date encounters, and one dinner with a glazing opposite… SHAWN SIMMONS, PRIVATE SECTOR SECURITY.
She claims they did not have sex and it was only dinner. I’m pretty sure of the hasy details that he showed up a second time, and perhaps her kids where present. Game changer, because before DUNAWAYS lost her shit on an insane verbal attack on me, over a façade of jealousy and rage at my decision to really like Lisa over her, and her divulging the DATE SCAM plan, she mentioned that she had spoken to her former boyfriend, “Shawn.”
I was surprised at the fact she so blatently disrupted my life with this fact that was never discussed as we’re several scheduled and perfectly sequential communicative conflicts between her and I. In retrospect, DUNAWAYS is an evil Good Amazon Lab specimen, spawned from a scheming criminal Vietnamese mother, that got empregnated by a drunken Popeye on a destroyer with an awkward social disease, and a history of rubbing his pee pee on his yellow minor offsprings.
Birth control of choice is an abortion, with empty emotional justification, and adoption . Why does everyone adopt black children and pretend it’s absolutely not a problem for the child’s emotional and mental state. I’ve seen cats like dogs, and mice loved by a cat, even a boy raised by apes, but that was Tarzan. Or, the IUD. It’s maintenance free. She gets pregnant every month, well, up into the 24 month mark, when Lisa slipped that she would be going to Jerome by herself, assuming I would be mailed by October 2017. Oh, then tried to go to Jerome without me, just taking her two boys. I convinced her to take me, the kids lost their cool on the ride home, after three days with their grandma, while Lisa and I spent one of the two, romantically. I shunned her over her decision to not allow me to house arrest at her home. The following weekend we spent in San Diego Hyatt, and I sent her to the Orgasm, with a oral pleasuring that Dunaway would honey hole happily receive daily. She had a Health food honey nectar virgin trap, I licked it like a cat and milk, and saved that for Lisa until he 36 month when a hail Mary was needed in case I am completely wrong about her honesty with me.
The people project is a date scam ultra upgrade now orchestrated by Shawn Simmons, who is introduced to these actresses/ prostitutes for prosecution, by POF or TINDER, and others I’m sure. They are pricey, or unknowingly evaluated by Simmons, given instructions in a secret conversation to never be divulged due to the moral TERPITUDE it requires, and pay and awards are discussed in a solo introduction orientation, disguised as a coffee date. Then they are fed CUBER CPDEE HAND PICKEE TARGETS, and given the illusion of choice of the individuals with a physical attraction to. Love is the emotion that is being exploited to inflict irreparable damage, by FIXing the location of the Target, for the prowl to prosecute easily with SPY HOUSES, in essence, creating a watering hole that can be predicted to be visited often by the Target for sexual intercourse with the PERP.
The encounters. Each PERP PROSTITUTE has a method of operation with tells that are so INVISIBLE, that intuition is told to reason and rationalize them in lieu of the prize. A deep dick and Big Lebowski LSD trip of an orgasmsic relationship, where it’s seemingly that his mind is in aychronisity or being read, and his pleasure and happiness is ALL that matters. Or they were surveillance observed analyzed and summarized by a military grade and advanced technological method prior to ever meeting.
Dunaway attempted to provide a plutonic friendship. She fell to the GHOSTING and the FEAR /LOSS method of negotiate ING, giving support to my cash award, phase or goal achievement paid by gift card to avoid any paper trail and connection to the organizer, and bigger society of Pigs with money bags, literally, cash money BAGS, and asses to match the mass.
Jacobi and I encountered each other, I believed by chance, but realize in retrospect that he is a manipulator like GONZALES, and is able to fake it through appearing to be positive energy when he is not. He contacted me for training. Was not interested in the price, that was just not even a knowledged, as if he assumed he would tag along to training at Ken’s. Ken was not present. Jason the rocket scientist, and Earl, Hero, and the Fed pilot, we’re there to train. Jacobi was a balloon with his stories and an inept training partner. Is was off energy from the beginning when he revealed he was on poison. He said it was Aderol. He said a lot of shit that was untrue. Matt seagal told me he took his LAFD oral interview board, wired to a polygraph, seated in front of seven officials, and passed it by first guzzling a gallon of vodka in the parking lot just prior, and lying about every single answer he provided. Finished by BOASTING that he received 110%. The extra 10% was for military service as a NAVY SEAL. When my actual BLACK BELT came up missing from Jacobi’s truck, a dousche chill atruck me that EARL had given me that belt.
Consequently, I became the neighbor that never left. And when Jacobi brought home the euro whore elf with seven flavors/odors of nitrates and cum on her breath, I became a third wheel, so, I hit up Ritchie and got online with Plenty of Fish. I perfected the blueprinting of the CYBER Date in the apartment in Seal Beach. Jacobi’s negative comments really revealed he was a wolf, and I began ripping him off of essential single pieces of equipment like his power cable for his Mac book pro. Jacobi is in a lot deeper than he appears and has access to a network of punk actors. Hence the Korey Greenburg attack on the UBER, the following day I surprised Jacobi behind the bar at Clancy's.
Bradley resided in close proximity to Garcia in 1997.
Garcia dropped the hammer and attained a felony and a strike against me by perjury .
Probation only requires a phone call on Nov 6. 2018. The election day and the Honduran caravan dilemma.
Rough Shadow and Global Gaming Arenas continue with a meeting with Jim Kelly. That ends with a ,” Who’dda thunk?” As Kelly is loaded into the ambulance.
Earl is the Source.
And an elite level of military grade interrogation and Art of Negotiation with vodka is experienced and defeated as it was studied, learned and immediately applied to a personal quiver of tactics. The CI, Obie said he had never seen anything like that in his life. How did you do that, he asked. That arena experience exposed to me the sophistication of the enthusiastic punk actors, their weaknesses individually, and that it is a very large machine that is operatinghogh power, fully loaded, well oiled, and without discretion, or any moral ethics besides jot stepping over the thin blue line. Which is horse shit, because an officer of the courts is going way beyond his duty tp service when it’s a BLACK OP, or Malicious investigation, when, the ONLY outcome is a criminal conspiracy of perjury. No civilian citizen can defeat Police academy trained tactics, or special warfare by the us Navy seal team special ops for high value targets, F3ea.(look it up)
COPS.gov and the innovative community based policing strategies are a violation of HUMAN RIGHTS, of the designated Target of observation and pursuit... Continued

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