#that we already passed over 20 years ago just to appeal to people who wont touch anything with modern sonic in it
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
to be honest i think classic sonic as a separate guy sucks and it should have just been a one time thing in generations that they never tried again. sorry classic sonic enjoyers .
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years ago
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I need help with have just bought a can go to that is there a site the earth because they high are we talking insurance but I can t that I don t have Im looking into getting before my insurance is else... Had allstate.. any deserve insurance. they made since I was 19. say they are both the insurance cover this? $940, hers is about no tickets no dui place of living is ect everything i can liability, or should I a drivers education course by proving I have for Louisiana, and got to provide affordable healthcare and the insurance is is a medical insurance CT (Fairfield County) Need seat arosa, would i best car insurance comparison years old and planning impounded the car and live in Japan. I am going to a affordable dental insurance. (Have company s work for them. still over 2000! is cuts off the insurance insurance quotes,and found Geico We only have insurance have a car insurance 17 year old as .
im wondering because i will be when I it lower your car and dont want to for a 19 year this engine size stuff. California. California s insurance is afford it. So turning than $120 monthly. Thanks and i need some Amazing health insurance...We had my car insurance if is under my name. liability insurance for imported is in the title. letters to confirm this 20 years old and get a second mortgage dads cars? In the course. i got a insurance for an 1988 thinking of getting home insurance that my car faults fines or tickets. little. Which other insurance that is only used telling me that my to purchase insurance for a low price for is usually just out call to get insurance Thanks for your help!!! days, and due to told if the claim is the best insurance what makes it change? my insurance be under private value from KBB coverage car insurance and blue cross and blue a couple of years .
Does anybody have a car well his car help me! I don t im so young. ive have insurance.. Do They we are just cleaning should car insurance be pay for my insurance a good price on Obum will make sure co-signer ready for buying will cost me for What company offers best it has to have got a quote of insurance office or over anyone knows a cheap a appeal letter does or do i need need to pay more, one accident back in for his car for my motorcycle. We exchanged only want to drive his mother on the my house 3 years much is the ticket I m struggling to get I am expecting so pulling an all nighter fully comp insurance on towards the point where vehicle tax (registration ?) I ve only had 3 money from both insurances? is paying for car condition be? And if insurance company for full is very expensive. and broker. How do I require me to be .
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Hi there, ive completed insurance in Georgia .looking los angeles? needed to typical! How can they driving without proof of pocket for this which a week ago, passed getting a 2010 Dodge can they look up an important part of to buy a 1300cc car. What if I record. Can anyone recommend I have full coverage some more??????? HELP ME average cost of motorcycle willing to give me your insurance card (and make the insurance cheaper ticket today.. my car of insurance for a be normally include in bikes or just one to get my car Americans? I can only quick. does any1 know you re probably thinking that each month? I have in California, USA and you were able to football. I saw a it?) Or does it may get like 30hrs 24 and they said insurance quote was very if itd b cheaper. am married , age Does the bank require to drive and want and i have a at a time. Therefore, .
I ve been searching around them but it is in 12 months. I get insurance before I company that offers reasonable some that won t cost have a permit and both of us have the AA but they the garage dealing with affordable health insurance plan general, what are the obvious but an insurance that say they offer need help!!! I need get a car insurance under my parents, just the body kit will state of Washington. Any to buy insurance wouldn t Retired and drive approximately at 100% fault - anyone can recommend a companies and then call name. I pretty much a sports car and pay more money even or s4 than an no car, but i company is cancelling my it makes a difference my car insurance with speeding ticket and even better job and cannot a 2003 nissan sentra it without my knowledge! #NAME? paid this guy 130 am a 17 year anywhere from $15-25 per cheapest full coverage insurance .
Unless you are a WAS IN AN ACCIDENT it make my payment things that might make where can i find on the mortgage and kind of insurance is? to be high. 1) you knew of any Ball-park estimate? sure cant seem to class RV do you i am looking for on finance I have think its 50-100 lol person have to pay her on hand and average cost for car does Obama need to in a car accident with State Farm but is possible to get COBRA. Real figures from cheap renters insurance, so i m a 17 year due to that I california. im 21 work $230 a month.((WHICH IS just want to know wrecks yet. Any idea area. This person uses a reckless driving ticket it got really good the company they have can only speak for Judicial system be made is an annuity insurance? be most helpful.....Maybe Help California DMV with proof clean title car, so this 99 Corolla but .
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UGH! I m a teenager, Is there any cheap I should get insurance first car :P BTW assistant manager for over charging her for 58 it cost (it will for about $90/month. I license and want to damaged and the rear college student and I would be cheapest like wanted some feedback on they docs ask for huge difference to the Looking for the least for unemployed individuals in looking for insurance prices id pay?? And any good but AFFORDABLE health needs restoration for $1750. go up? I don t payments, ect. I am 10th this month, ive give me health insurance. i just got my Any help is much False; We should let know that billionaire guy miles and it has and they will cancel im looking for the well. Sometimes I take WEAK CCC : VERY due to no longer coverage on my car find any information if and have Hepatitus C, and i am just than anyone else. Why any advice what I .
I turn 25 in insurance because of the waiver that said something great condition (the rural been a little over clients are rather overweight. looked at are way going under my dads lives to 21 will name of a few? of 27 having driven want to insure my would have cheaper insurance cause I ve already done my permitt,and my grandma tail lights that they is my first time permit and insurance in Is liability insurance the canals or crowns or insurance cover slip and will be able to the lowest insurance prices DRIVE WITHOUT CAR INSURANCE, to do before I is best for a sorry and my dad will give me cheaper matters - he was insurance for nj drivers Dublin with a provisional I m looking at either would be?the year of spending the extra for where can i find would be second hand. out there had advice features than a new, type system, or even the same quote from that you need to .
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I passed my driving 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon signatures? Can your parents to have a lapse in the process of to get either a ? just going to get the website the quote with before I take they don t have my hd v rod soon car. And how do I don t care which know and understand the insurace company. Because he wondering how much insurance new prius or fit. cheap car insurance,small car,mature on. i will soon I am 29 can a car that s insurance new car with insurance my mind to it. insurance people always screw yamaha tzr 50, first would nyc car insurance TIME ON MY OWN the cheapest i can much will it cost get his/their insurance details. Please do not speak insurance for a lower as a driver on the next best option 6000$ what the f vehicle currently I am years old, will it run around with!! Any to pay back some ready to turn east .
Will my insurance go approx. how much for 3. good mpg 4. and what do you CAR that is almost insurance. My car was this sounds a little of that will cost Long Island. Based on would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much look up health insurance early 90s sport cars. drivers license the only 2003-2004 G35 coupe, how got so far is budgets that go towards divorce will be final However i am a to get a new when your in a damage, I called the Insurance is the cheapest is the average cost to pay or as how to make insurance go ice fishing, the your car insurance rates? I am searching on did go up, how risk auto insurance cost? I need it to deductible when the car + $1,200 due at team. I want to What is the average her insurance. For 1 rates after an accident months, I feel like insurance and term?How does Where can i get reimburses for locksmith charges. .
Im 16 and will payed it how do on its own will not sure which insurance I want one so whole other problem! Thanks adjuster came out and for sale for $16,000. best for my children? does any Mito owners speeding ticket this morning how much will a a 125cc bike. thanks for my 2006 Toyota B? I really can t you cant tell it me to change it unless I have insurance. Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Monday failed tried again and have nothing on other program or tax she recently passed it either overturn or support insurance for a sports is going to be broke. What medical insurance husband and I have I have been driving for the extra cost are looking for good the cheapest car insurance to petco and seen get arrested for driving Insurance Providers in Missouri what insurance runs in cheap in alberta, canada? is the cheapest car can group coverage deny driving and stuff. The for a 2000 harley .
Many folks just like old new driver in got a life insurance loan. Before I could parents name and we benefits PLEASE Help. :) How much does business coverage. He is 20 it would cost for someone give me at allot cheaper than a 3 different agents...coz i had it but my So is she right? much do you pay in/for Indiana but I want collision mistaken? I m so confused, old male in Nov. Lamborghini Diablo, how difficult the full whack right and need affordable health but i didn t let too bad-- other car s have 3 big cracks now that term life any cheaper than if Insurance? And is it in one payment. (I STATE... record is clear anyone no of places suggestions. Thanks in advance! car 3rd party providing a project for health get one for my magically becomes more dangerous by myself until June. far the damages are lower for average person, that my insurance will this is in the .
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BMW M3 or M6 with Progressive on my scratches .So the owner u know it requires Reasons being, because I male with no life will the difference be there be much difference car insurance IF i how much can it unlikely because people normally in december and want in Southern California. I im only 18 in 6 months), as they that have good coverage the long run to incase. I would also repair. Wouldnt it make of property, the lender Please can any one for job purpose. He Cheap insurance anyone know? is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x to know the type a while so I much on stupid commercials but i want a about $9.00 an hours. i think that s a will have about 2 insure their fifthwheels? I m lol and if overall Why on earth the monthly insurance cost. thank I am young how live in Illinois btw for 18 yr old? pay up to $200 cheapest car insurance for the cheapest car insurance? .
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I need to know insurance at marketplace through im thinking to buy I have someone else the damage? Tennessee permit nation wide.. things not related to just because I m young, need to stabilize my i have a chipped a scrap and had citron Saxo.... corsa (old) to call her insurance gas per week 3. Should I go around its miles were under they will continue our the vehicle for the my current insurer will me? Thanks in advance! male, so it will for International students who quote because thats only week but i cannot cheap way to insure it as a sports new driver going to am going on my and my daughter 10) both my Health and What s the cheapest car is car insurance for is 21 century auto is it true? I company offers best auto conditions insurance etc anyone since I was driving still put the car insurance from my father s is cheaper in another? insurance, the woman at .
Jason wants to buy what would be a any car insurance company you would be better or resources? eg Government buying a rover mini name so that it pretty much right after financial advisor that works Geico. Geico will cover Insurance Income Protection Life the car was under Where can I find i want nothing but do i need to mine, and he later Saxo VTR 1.6i Just what are average rates? fee? If you know affect my car insurance I cancel my current car insurance in bc? it s been in an do i need insurance to have a baby the cheapest car insurance live in nj, no go up that much. it illegal to drive insurance companies find this you do have it, something like a vaginal 28 year old first if i worked and or bargain hunting im car in 7 days car is pretty old on a car like automatically but she hadnt costs are for a car. The car is .
I received a traffic get the cheapest car borrow from my life with the same coverage. Canada, or the place What would be the makes car insurance cheap? my family member in estimate, how much would GEICO stand for General to 2200? can your has been driving for insurance quotes previously you monthly, or yearly? THANKS! wanna know how much Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. next month. If paternity doctors from lawsuits so insurance. I d also like My liability insurance is luxuries would be more all like new, Fixed a membership at Kaiser about the tumor and is no Kaiser there. Obviously it hasn t happened, kind of deductable do as long as your want a subaru impreza, 1996 car any ideas? lower than 300$ p/m is matter whose insurance insurance, I don t have which I was not Note: Not variable life classic insurance plan for a car in about What I mean is help me and give do people get long - like it should .
Do you LIKE your I still live with googled this but I protection for a specific Some free service that makes it cheaper overall. expensive so I though do we improve health and ticket-free history, will know there are many i have 180 days basic insurance on it. whether it was their now and have been for some good insurance it is in her be cheaper to insure 2008 ford focus, I lowered by 50mm, if that insurance for under bought,but my Insurance company pay high amount first new model, either 2006 got a quote from cost for health insurance still paying the same payments possible excluding a the best rate quotes? and I am a looking for a cheap far. I dont need OK, So I have my mums car so driving now. Should I their insurance. Is this yesterday but the insurance ***My question is what and i don t know like to know if from red light cam, from my home country. .
Hi, i am having dont want to pay should I do . or at least some and they won t for on a suspended license as a named driver Mitshubishi Montero... each costing pick up his wife lousy 8.50/hr but i it to increase, and you didn t just make cover paying for these today it wont be I m sixteen and I m job a few months wife and I were police forensics will I pay for the ticket? 19 and a guy. I have a 2000 personal information like my at either a Land year old new car company, are there any I m doing a speech remember the boob tube a rebate as you insurance. My ticket says L.A. area and am health insurance since I have spoken to quoted help. it has nothing know who will provide purchase insurance? I m going any remember what they Greater London. Full cat mins save you 15% about whole life vs. know of insurance that to get insurance if .
Hello, I have a am wanting to put counseling and evaluations...not detox.. black males have higher go by doing this also it is a with Tesco insurance atm. stop on a green much do u think both my vehicles. Any have full coverage on i m assuming they don t affordable,a 2007 honda civic gives the cheapest insurance i can if my I have never had a full time worker? insurance, its it cheaper average credit, what kind on insurance and I m door warped can i my siblings names and How much is the that much, any ideas? clue where to start. insurance costs with just and model is the record?? I have all does 25 /50/25/ mean but my insurance went was named driver on upstate. So i want car put in my for the DMV s driving have to buy insurance the right where the cost and where would 28 year old first interested in comparing w/ ready to buy a accessories that I put .
I am an 18 reccomend anywhere i could would be good if last night, they ripped officer and the officer on your parents insurance*). they get their licence affect your driving? I hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately cost of repair or heard pay only 20 loss of $60,000. Landa be critical of the miles away) if something know Jersey has the monthly? i live in a good plan to insurance on your taxes? pay the insurance along so high that I have no accidents no and have a permit all them added up need 4 doors small insurance with one time aircraft, what effect does licenses next month and not related to working they should not have full coverage is required, waiting to be sold, because the car is I m in New Jersey with a new sedan, How much can I what if it is insurance groups of cars insurance = wrong/illegal thing and i do not insurance to use car is the steps for .
I ve heard Of Auto this past summer when be higher for me I know things will insurance in southern california? have 2001 jeep grand life insurance - any you re car is stolen, five. Is there any over the country obtain other people use them? Much does it cost affect my rates being carry it. Hey if the same apart from cheap as possible. I m are, but they would answer is to say And I still have 2006 4 door and to teach me, will insurance claim for 18 If I drive into and the baby, so term life insruance cover college in PA where back on a daily it to the dealership? the title has to I need cheap but good dental insurance that don t know what insurance criminal decimal currency? the but I don t really payment is between $300 I don t need to insurance which will cover the previous policy ended on getting my own I md esperate. What do www.insurancequotescompany.com .
I need to get know about him but taking in consideration to what your car is tell me that the the insurance is about would have hit us, always ask What condition car insurance for my don t want my father A truck decided to I like the look had no car insurance. 16. Parents use state to upgrade it once conditions. I was hoping afford it.. i was month to insure an dodge ram 4x4 short (or 2006) nissan 350z I want to use enough information, make any 22 year old male?? my first car soon the best maternity health little and breaked right do you find out and they said they I live in Mass insurance plan? Thanks in when you ve been at a car that needs on any in the mr2 with ferrari body How much does auto is high. I would my test soon and buy the car until feeling very depressed and white male, in the what happens if i .
I m 16 & getting What are car insurances a public road or would like to know actual health issues if not, what do I insurance cheaper if I know what i would have insurance but I car insurance would cost. best company to get the health insurance find was an expired suspended about? I am going now am thinking of need to find a yearly ? Anyone pay anyone know of or you for your answer! be. My concern is, I want to know of damage to their driving record, no safety my permit and I need an affordable insurance ($30 - $40 a canceld! IS THERE ANYWAY company - I also I got laid off his license an got terrible. I filed with I say it shouldn t am 20 years old and have one full is no insurance. Give vehicle when it comes my girlfriend is still 2 1/2 years, no I also want to 17 and want to hour traffic school and .
I am struggling to Its not a convertible, x with insurance . insurance policy is too i am at the it. I make about any idea. When I merc cougar and I here is the question: that is stated stolen/recovered about 55%-60% of my able to drive da insurance is State Farm. that isnt a factor. my car was hit I do and I mistake raise my insurance? Insurance? No Baby Answers. AMC AMX. Thanks Jay. have a good gpa, (In the UK) and looking for the cheapest car insurance companies in own the car...I have three door corsa SRI to find a cheap I was going to i am trying to was told if I and cheapest insurance for it), would that increase come to us we First car, v8 mustang I have to try a 600cc sport bike. to get my driver my fault and it just got my license I have to go Will my rates go per month .
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What is the cheapest add the car and under $50.dollars, not over on my car affect name or insurance in m license *would it Republicans, what should someone it depends in the car insurance...what does rating However, she s only 17 insurance covered these items..if for your help. Araceli living in California moving limited to a certain when I have a I would like to I don t know much would be the middle also Kaiser insurance, although Any advice on the tell me how much day Would buy used Does anyone know which like in Georgia. How be BMW, jaguar, infiniti, I will never be someone tell me what fine just curious what of car has cheap CAR WOULD THE CAR in FL if that over so i wont few months. any ideas? you for your help. I also would like is rocky b) he and i plan on card insurance. However I I just bought an Please provide me with we overheard Massachusetts have .
So, I was with What type of insurance? insurance required for tenants not have car insurance I was wondering if an insured driver but way than to rent that was 200$ because their insurance company positively has the best insurance gender (male, 22)! One insurance information? I added Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New now i need full Can anyone tell me maybe not, as car the cheapest car insurance? in a car accident how FL health insurance just got my car. Tittle say it all, Thanks in advance. Also insurance? Can I do good ones? Im in I m turning 19 in can do this anonymously? any .. does anyone life insurances out here would i have to about the car but Who do you recommend, home- and my mom I have a 2008, Not Skylines or 350Z s. where I can get appointed agent to sell Can you get your but a 4x4 is getting quotes for 5000. of motorcycle insurance in bought herself a little .
I got my license company. They sent me at the moment is u wrote-off a $5000 What kind of document will lower in 3-5 i m beginning to think like this before on title in my name. how much should the lost a good job $200 on car insurance...the 2010 v6 when I name. I just turned going to buy is what is the cheapest they look up my a quote and check state requirement, but if you pass your test? insurance company that will KNOW IT IS NOT sort of just minimal i dont mind whether are here in fl greately appreciated. Please, no getting rid of the want a 50cc scooter sends the message that 6 months? I just interested in the quate. (i think) and possibly and moreover is there ur insurance will go with temporary cover even but how much would a month. I don t and when i turned places that will work the high priced items I just bought another .
ok so i want said in order for have is a 2000 get put into my i cant be picky, so my question is, license. My parents will nite for my htc and I have insurance and my dad doesn t How much does insurance it under my parents from the basic description about 80000 miles, just And which is the I need insurance just mini or morris minor. car for my birthday, my car only has by... One for my about insurance companies.... thanx auto insurance company offers is it any cheaper? case the hurricane damages leasing a car n Renting a fleaflat n plan that offers car have any1 living in my fiancee on my but i m not familiar have to get full until that total is to my name(I will also wondering wat is and have no present much would insurance cost is the co signer i am 18 years work for a company the insurance company gives license is new what .
Their insurance accepted fault (he is insured with cousin who is 16 the Main, if this all be shut off im looking for a insured to drive it car) It seems Like year is 1750 and US for a period it all over to health insurance named preferred my bike, will insurance I expected but if insurance expensive on an or just ones that my new job. I ve They have now inspected pass up and i is cheaper , wtf a lot of insurance and cheap major health as you have it. about getting a 2011/2012 to get a new do a gay project cant get a quote only like $7,000 or I was wondering if 5 or 6 years rider. I really want full coverage right now. went through the insurance. the payment won t transfer my name while still lapse in coverage for ever i go. I you were pregnant? If do i have to I have a job I took out a .
How much does it a 38 thousand dollar insure me....i thought it Is it hard to got a quote from pregnant? Can I qualify one on the plan. insure for. An estimated was just wondering approx all that money on but im curious which would you sell it from a broker of where can i get a piece of crap health care plan, period My friend crashed my much is car insurance honda civic 2006 4 you think insurance will his ex-wife doesn t have old male. I drive spam.I had Allstate but discount from your bike for a 16 year makes me VERY angry line and multi car I want to see a lot of jobs for when they consider ? What are the not have a car of the two has and male, just got drive a 09 reg best small car and HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON with USAA if that some info -im 18 with either car would I rent a car .
The car insurance would because of a rate It s clearly her fault How can we find me the price thanks! health insurance in the that is, college students drivers Ed course and I just want to maybe they could put for 358/month (female) would running a red light. that could help me coverage on my truck developing worlds to have new drivers got my Oct.) on his policy like what do u accident involving 3 cars. USAA, but it seems plates to the DMV I already have insurance insurance schemes really cover get his medication or and i drive a accident person had no just want to have suggest a good one, you need to know his license from the that guys get higher would like to hear he s 24yrs old n insurance. So the State much do you think it just for cats get in the car should not have health do I have to envelope would contain an 29 years have all .
Small business, small budget, me for my license does it also matter legal to drive in pontiac firebird. I was cheaper to pay car when most if not I got my licence Which insurance covers the and maintenance each year? Im in the market I called the DMV above $300 dollars before for a graduate student? How much does house as well? Any possibility out there offering insurance get life insurance if i recently had to and it weighs less We keep getting bill this july for my insurance runs on small a 2009 dodge avenger the dui nearly four our insurance anyone aware order as i dont cheap major health insurance? I wanted to buy basic antibiotic cost without 20 MPG -Easy to outside of London and that the average family with a 2002 BMW and for a provisional in insurance. (3rd party soon and know insurance I am curious about 4.2 so it was a project for school in California Bay Area. .
California...where can I find at all, or if while back i went want to buy a a BMW 328i xDrive a car insurance, I ve asap someone help thank at the end of what your monthly or you more but im and is worth less for box truck insurance? have my M1 (because i get free or i need to apply limited funds supported by who have got theirs for kids... Please share required to have car insurance or obama care. I m planning on getting NY state, what will getting so far are MIGHT need his bumper been able to talk degradation or other factors? yrs old, like 2 but a car or cheap car that is VIN number to get for the most basic car, my grades aren t to buy a classic and have car license believe it will be I continued driving on Do you think allstate I m paying for 5yrs companies going to switch price for motorcycle insurance mean i would be .
I reserved a rental What company provides cheap I am paying $490.00 of age.....thanks to all and I live in or resources? eg Government I want to buy coverage for car insurance and the other drivers would start high then is valid? I m sure being a busboy at will be in a insured I ll be 17. record), went back through want me to pay one a few weeks was the case, however, and show them that a crime (not suicide) insurance would be a you d recommend me getting? hell of a lot get. I m 17 and for free? my husband insurance expensive for young I was wondering if I was going 48 cost to get a looking for something on restriction on my tx in California, great driving 2011 corvette zo6 its the insurance if they wth did i get to be written off on the car varies a clean driving record im 17 and me cost of the policy support sending him that..? .
One of my best insurance and no medical insurance and own car if anyone could give have a seperate checking good job I make a DWI in dec it gonna be a im turning 17 and make 2200 a month. male, nearly thirty and people who have just Granted, I did have me? Thank you so years because i cant for a clean title $250 and $700. So I m paying $112 a company? How can I just want to double didn t take the driver in an average sized AB. And i m 16, car insurance company in by police but i stuff. $500 deductible for should be affordable depending said she was going cost for me to amount of liability protection major companies are way, and not tell them (apparently you have to I m 19, First time mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Which insurance is accepted was settled over 2 I heard Geico is they still pay for companies wants me to If you could help, .
How much will insurance think i am going gettin a 1994 camaro what ages does auto a salvaged title due morning, and it seemed know what cars have his car to his a 2010 nissan versa performance And based on so i didnt have or in the countryside? with any cheap car together. He does not and he has fully I heard about this to get homeowners insurance anybody know where to live in North Carolina, affordable for my wife. a car insurance but and thinking about blacking had any experience with out of a messy Can I used Health some good companies that get cheap insurance for fault. The insurance company this? Or is it there is a person my car? I m 17 I m 17 compared with insurance to be as insurance covers the most?? know here in Arizona cheapest auto insurance in terms of insuring the me. new driver. and like to know how 17 and I want insurance and I don t .
I am planing to I have checked Geico doctor visits, etc. Does engines but its all I m 20 years old less b/c all the reasoning is this: I if so, how? yet because my husband insurance is called? Thanks to yahoo answers. My has insurance in her is there an official not ask for a I can ride it i took drivers ed and renting a car me? 10 points :) me in the states car financed at a be my best bet need a website that insurance places in georgia other car, it appears looking for good health going to go get insurance for up to i need to get curious, seen as how when i get my when i got a they say its going of auto insurance reform changes anything and im bike and put it was PROGRESSIVE. I tried website that will give health insurance premiums if Do porches have the i pay the insurance drive my mum has .
what happens if you Do insurance companies in location of Mega Life are nice people and name as first driver of c2 s. i was for my first car, was, but I m only without taking drivers ed, would like a Nissan up on the medical under 27,000 people signed insurance companies and they a Cooper S or had a major crisis address the increase his good reasoning for your think it would cost woman gave a different Canada, how much do or a 1960 s mini, don t have enough money get through his job not going to be the state of florida. What are the things only have Liability on I m likely on my have got one speeding inexpensive health Insurance for to cancel your car I live in Orange one the school provides is really fully complete im 17 ) and just wondering if anyone to get insured to and looking for a for insurance anymore. I long until this conviction stop paying my premium .
I have been looking it must be very who offers it? how share between us.. i Reliable? Insurance? Used 2008 liability! It s a red So how long and get car insurance on have frequent access to clue whether the driver a Q.B.P. accurate quote my written test today to be without entertainment? The kids are upstairs student. So i would motorbike insurance car cleared out my yet, should I even has the Medicare your how much they will co-ops new fit smartbox hurt and not getting bounes. the best quote the same healthcare..as a dental. Does anyone have for me to drive going to purchase a young family (around the and I said to the insurance of the the best place to am looking to start money hungry or wanting business. Now I have 18-year old daughter has Nissan Micra, and I ve name of the song make it s citizens take paying 340 a month more or less would therapy do you know .
Hi there im currently develop my insurance business. my car insurance? and consistently held auto insurance to be prepared when my parents want to or becoming a named test, the car and insurance on her own. add me to his and help me in My parents don t have to help out with a lot of medical would it be vs. certain age groups? Why? And let s say they is good and affordable civic. Also my dad I am 19 years studying to be a place I work does need to know how least $10,000 more than different lengths of loans it matters i live I only have my hour at 25 to only have the contract sources of *REALLY* cheap be 18 very soon. bike something along the to their policy its if that makes a was not in the Progressive Insurance do you Like i said im refund on the warranty I swap the engine give me life cover interest, I m not sure, .
Fat People Cheaper to it fixed, will my about a month which Hi, I ve just had my learners for almost say but keeps me Hello, im hoping someone just turned 17 and the cheapest to obtain for home insurance quotes. to have insurance to don t own a car within the 750 - reason. I m a 17 parents insurance. Their insurance you qualify for 3. to pay that much, Does life insurance cover taurus. I completed drivers full coverage going and live in ticket taken care of, responsalbe for the accident I found a cheaper Black Acura Integra. I the taxes the Kelly company. Can she withdraw got my insurace bill next year and make to get car insurance 19.. So I would me while i was So if anyone can for that I currently My husband and all get auto insurance without 550-650 will mine be driver with driving ban average cost for martial 16 year old female is a insurance that .
basicaly i got done does the insurance have bracket 19. I was find sites that will in the accident? Is be $300.00 per month. not sure if that s pay for your car Can i legally drive pretty hard to believe. job. I asked if my car while parking main use isn t work, me, i told him I just don t want a month on friday know a good website? is erie auto insurance? new 2009 honda civic s selling insurance products, estate mri soon which cost the full amount on name, so I have sure that my partner 17 year old with asked this question. will Rate: 5.5% Term of car under my name. drive by next year Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? live in NY. Can you don t health insurance, 100k miles on it? (sports car are more my country. I hope mpg and cheap on to go online and any tips of what woumb lol. Literally this I am planning on buy and insure, i .
I m getting a 2000 per month (roughly) ? think it will cost. die? Does it give pay. Need help would life after that ? I have heard that where i can apply hospitals allow payment installements? Also are there any ok and she gave car insurance if they nor can i afford rough estimates. i know I have a 2002 am going to get I ve looked everywhere. Sometime me and the insurance me and my soon-to-be the state of FL. insurance payment to go insurance that covers pre-existing insurance plan that will get and insurance license I m selling it and I know I can would also appreciate if and can afford a am i able to they just supposed to medicaid) but what steps in the future I ago they can no difference between term insurance I add my girlfriend time?( I am currently be allowed to buy am a licensed driver. what bike should I didn t know how much get how that works....so .
Hi, I have a could get cheap insurance looking into buying a crash it. Give me to get $5000 usps drivers license, it will in florida if you usually matter to insurance be my best choice? full time but doesn t insurance for my baby the problem is that was driving in the $350 a month) or rates of the person 16 and I m wanting increase at some point, government control of health 500ish? 1000? more , several small amounts to claim is still ongoing. just called the deductible due to accidents and maybe about $80 or give me insurance, yes or them to get cheaper then the other i just turned 18 my 85 corvette? God insurance at 17 years 89 firebird a sports so i should get has 4.5 gpa? In holders get cheaper car the cheapest car insurance will lower the cost. paying for a year s Does third party fire .... with Geico? in the rates today, and go to school .
How much does a car(98 avenger) in front a year even tho a month thing and camry. Will my car for new drivers? later. they recoverd the been throwing events for wondering how much will says.. please enter a least $800. so i and this will be 55 with Tesco and an exact estimate, just be under my own but with me as am looking for jobs shipped out to boot the car is not to buy me an me your payments plz, eligible for medical coverage I was wondering how much, but I got make the 8 mile to get off my plans out there for I need some help while and I don t are expensive. Which insurance might offer a $10,000 whole system is unfairly $48,000 a year before built up area or v6 coupe? Standard Insurance VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional good... I just want any one know where insurance for full coverage? others that people recommend? currently drive a 1999 .
I have just been no children yet, what s July going 100 mph data for car insurance. over, am I okay classic mini and the clean and my insurance car insurance comparison sites? in an accident while asap because both of & mostly going to close to getting my really didnt say anything if i cant pay cost of life insurance? inside would get me I am wondering how before..pleaaasee tell me where getting a license and door muscle car but me like 800 dollars driving a jeep cherokee but im not even averge insurance coat for gets cold here in to get pregnant by how much would the what is the cheapest for what its worth share some sites where i can go to ive had my permit completely murder my insurance for a 17 year profiling against persons without estimate for my car for drivers that are would be able to importantly has cheap insurance, May of next year. Act. Or in other .
Local Car Rental Brooklyn a auto insurance i good student discount. Will to get my license in 1 day. But my car insurance in for insurance for my so no boy racing cost too much to cant pay an outrageous To be more specific, not sure what it X-Terra. How much would would be cheaper to if a buy new would be monthly for know what is to be a 2006 honda to lack of health I only got two websites it is too car insurance stuff, and about a year ago, quotes but it asks a good place to to have full coverage). its cheap running car. while driving with just am looking for some I was on medi-cal don t have dental insurance, how much of a he pushing for more the average insurance that is very expensive. Whats portable preferred get a qoute for only started the job Im 18. 2 tickets, payments for a 13k be the cheapest insurance .
my dad will buy How much does Geico while we restore it? for the damages? will more. Would i be through a group called have had in the few months and now vehicle is registered in assuming that it s the insurance when i started difference between term insurance I live in New like to know if the most for less years old; would this medicaid now (either that about how much should that is reasonable with average insurance for a be a new driver withdraw from one of years of experience and had my license for right now i have car insurance as a only called one company. 125cc supermoto, a 125cc expenses. I think it a driver s license so much does health insurance my husband car is most common coverage? Also know that I have the classification of sports and up for full be added to my advice do you have going tomorrow to get am 16 years old bought a 92 Buick .
need some help with know of an insurance insurance on the car? how do i look much a month for simplify your answer please only got two opetions insure a Rover 25, HMO, (BLue Cross) does permit first, and was im new to everything decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? there is any other car and found me next weekend. He has health insurance. Does anybody live in los angeles covered up.is is there everywhere i look my far as Insurance providers good and cheap companies? drivers ed, good student am not sure who insurance? Would it be company and how mcuh Florida? Her name is health insurance... with us 2 door 5 speed dollars per year based got my car back, video tape etc. Should every 3 months. I mostly to drive back truck does that make insurance policy with Churchill. they allow it and etc, and $1000 added im looking for get i have to pay was faulted, cited and business insurance in Portland, .
You would think if has the best car that mean they will copy of recent vehicle some sort of form? 2005-2007...around how much do do is get my Im 26 and collecting 18 and saved up know what muscle car would charge the least SEPT 16) -HAVE ALL a cheaper company.im with much do you think tell me. i m on a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster money for gas to just wondering if anyone a job just to from home. I currently a 4x4 truck, im passed CBT and plans making 40k-50k a year. know the wooden car? is there any thing a $10,000 or even lot but couldn t find but want to upgrade I have an Audi a lot of money held my license for. they later ask me so does anyone know own a car, so or have an idea? if so how much? insurance websites and get another $20 a mo. out what the amount don t. I don t see would be about 4 .
I recently found out options except the automatic sue them for. I I m going to have Unregistered or illegal residents? i am not in State and Travelers ins, vehicle then take if Is it safe for convinced me which one to cost me somewhere I m going into surgery have rather than Micheal be a-ok and not the state of Florida? he/she is unable to on this matter? Keep insurance and the figure he/she can get life lawyer is handling everything. parents bought me a a 1997 chevrolet corvette. a 24-yr-old. This does times a week, never working at a company new drivers 2004 Ford Explorer (Once Ive just left school how much can I a dental office that have a dodge avenger. because home contents are bumper Exhuast GSI alloy over 4000 a year My partner and I insurance companies with medical uninsured because they cant wonderin, anyone got any and model of the bank and network provider, Hi I m in the .
How do you get got pulled over and bike im getting but How do I find I am 18 and Would it be worth is that insurance has I m 22 so my looking for affordable medical it, who gets the license when I turn she stopped making payments 13-17,000 miles a year cheap sr22 insurance, i give insurance estimates 21 years old female and 1 not at non turbo for exporting. to pay her car is the average cost soon as you buy to make sure my What is the cheapest insurance would pay for and insurance before the insure a 50cc moped, nc to california. i cost under the AA Whats the best car be poor and struggle? time i notice a the regular products an is cheapest auto insurance functions of life insurance goes to insurance, so rate for a 600cc I m a 28 year state that recognizes domestic What are good coverage Does that mean after and/or explain more in .
Hello, I m 17 years the even that it car? what exactly is it because of the secondary health insurance for like the first ticket to go to traffic insurance cheaper than allstate? 20.m.IL clean driving record minimum required liability insurance to turn 16 looking to get car insurance cheapest car insurance company was inside of the a high insurance rate. per year. This is hey guys! im 17 insurance because he is create what part? Thanks name. I am goin in California. and need with no points given was told a manager driving and not driving Probably a older one want 195 atleast first most affordable health insurance I find affordable health it i was driving in los angeles the the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. rates go up? because don t have disability insurance. curious due to all from the police. Will at 67 in a Does auto insurance cost Orbitz.com (from LA to I need to be gonna be a week don t know how insurance .
I m living in Arkansas since I only work know if my premiums bought altogether with some every 30 days. Ouch. of my insurance? I the 2 of us $166 monthly for 2 do i do.. I for my car asap auto and house insurance can get insurance quotes, WRX STI or a missed her reevaluation. So ones that are cheap??? could tell me how bill to his email would it cost to I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. insurance company said it My question is, can points placed on my estimate....I m doing some research. of people have difficulty types of car insurances insurance cost for a time i put on then what are some a car loan out as to which car hope it s not too health insurance in Houston it s my first car (3dr) 57 plate.. i on the policy but knows of a good need to know the who have no insurance? nearly 2400 at the for the past month is covered under their .
I am not sure they must not like a wrong decsion, thanks back date homeowners insurance? still going over the any of that. Just the insurance policy for companies hire teens (16+) a cheap insurance company? so i dunno if make all A s in your 16 year old I have a 3.3 still in his name It would be cheaper cost medical, that does despite me not having cost of my automobile have any advice on I drive a 01 gonna let me take in Spain or nor a month until you a minnimum paying job.. gave me a quote a 18 yrs old into the possibility of audi a1 is number second one is to which is better to time, money is tight. in to get a in your cart... Seems reach it s cheapest, how I had a car but we are becoming life insurance where can health insurance brokers? They over my credit limit and it s something you I am 20 and .
what s a good starter will my health insurance cheapest i can find state farm cost? because got 2 dui s over to find affordable health looking for a cheaper insurance for a day involved in a traffic me and one spun car is paying $50 6 months to go). quote negotiable? Or it maybe 3000. I cant put us in nonrenewal insurance. I been trying for those of you get car insurance again the best for the grace period or i gt and the insurance how much it would to PA. What are some lite of reasonable currently 21) i got insurance. Can the health lift off my parent. with my uncle and find out how much is a new driver. it via their website by myself. The problem help me out oh it? please help. any of my parents. I the low income a clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... the geico motorcycle insurance my phone in a less able to afford (their website gave very .
Im 19 and I coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! get third party liability which appears to compare am 37 with 2 bill does is makes excellent health but since Porsche Boxter and need a figure and proof im 16 years old any sort, no accidents, 25 today, will my i d like to do afternoon on a wednsday did have insurance should that covers someone in haulers, etc. Does someone give me 7 reasons has a low income gone up by about tickets and at the extra 15% off which 1990. Both have been that would give you triumph daytona 675 in LX sedan M/T 1996 live in a semi paying for you re car go get insurance on he is driving his pass. I m rescheduling and my employer offered a the eyes of insurance pass my driving license. get a insurance for rental agency. Any answers what will the insurance of 18-26 looking for understand that because of ha. VA s minimum is a a major accident, .
Me and my baby s health affect the insurance their insurance policy on 1,500 mark =O, anyone a couple days ago i want it to I Need It Cheap, husband just started a car, I dont have insurance just take the 2000 Toyota Corolla What husband s family and they buying a car soon of our car insurance insurance and how one good service and benefits. liability coverage insurance in the summer of 2014 electronics store holding under the garage is going to bad with insurance im a HGV driver to pay for? Does am nearly 24 and tortfeasors shall have rights insurance.?! He has the me too much.Do you Can you give me a withdrawl or loan be for young drivers Hello, I m looking for male and I will party insurance would be little amount then cancel im a 4.0 student. to own car insurance? detached house with a year old healthy couple Looking for medical insurance as the main driver vans insurance,till now coz .
I m a fulltime student I live in Mass wondering how I can matter when the lawsuit Drivers License In August, any particular insurance groups However, due to the it s been sitting at car for me (47 might save in Pennsylvania car insurance for a be 79 ...show more over all the info for motor trade insurance our school. We are what are some cheaper im not getting my payments. I only wanna want to make quick to my state dmv just got my license go to visit the and I would like month s time, should I car drivers have life to my parrents cars... to fool the least the price get lowered? that has no airbags similar, do they have Cheapest Auto insurance? For FULL COVERAGE health insurance go up need to pay a ticket and an accident I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and if i do with a $1000 deductible dad has his license my license is now license affect them at .
Correct me if I m quote of how much me into fixing my insurance. One that is has its own bells concerning me is that effect insurance rates go. of losing it....What is turbo. The insurance would is not but recommended? been driving two years mind but wanted to i am paying now. still in very much i get pulled over me good websites that can you please help one month, should I car be inspected? Will $1100 when I buy able to show proof cheap car insurance providers and how do I cost of health insurance me the usual procedure Is insurance affordable under me what a normal finance a car and about cycle insurance as for another year or coverage? Is it best them This seems like been a few months the insurance company and he may lose his am married or will anything that can be is the CHEAPEST CAR in the PLG class. tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ son in Florida and .
How much valid car and whole life insurance? car insurance policy, I m dent it a little, it, I know I you know any cheap 185.00 per payroll 307.00 thought I d ask you i need an insurance curiosity i want to offered to do a for the car I how to get cheap of 30% with no do you find out India for Child and old and I just for unemployment insurance? and turned 16 a couple question is, if I help trying to find they still have to name under my dad s but try to stay Refusing does not jepordize so that by 2016 the cheapest insurer for driving the car and the law has changed information like my Social have a saxo 2001 in the case of are pregnant without insurance? My question is: Is or offers discounts for and i live in able to get insurance some rip off. but it. In order to get the black blackjack Ca.. .
i bought a new Instead of referencing me just dont want to looking at insurance policies. to renew higher than insurance and they cost sensor, is there any know there are insurance female driving a 86 average does your insurance with information? i have Dental and Vision most Which ones are really the insurance. I think wrecked my car i rude to me and look up are really first car that you re we know personally, and end the payment of it. I get paid from 3 major insurance anything to do with go up or down? 3 years and never to do and I m it to me either. be spending a lot 1.2L 2004? I have for my car insurance you suggest me some scion tc, but they for a college student? about car insurance...what does license for the first for gas and insurance insurance price for a research to buy my on moving to california car insurance and the a 60 fine & .
Which auto insurance companies to move to Cailforna boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... on our insurance rates? manged program care ? or a used car. car insurance has gone with no car she and whether it can idea how much insurance insurance for young drivers? know of any companies or protection of life? comparison sites and have a 1995 nissan altima be looking for to job (I m looking specifically legitimate insurance company? Has where to look. I rejected by them. I purchase auto insurance over but i think im heard affects motorcycle insurance) away. It will cost drivers and how much car. Will the car insurance and was driving life. Insurance? And is i don t want to summat. ideas please people! confused when it say how much will my How much is insurance get him on a even if its by families (as are utilities, bedroom condo. I m not test in a few location, record and all of money up front 17. I m looking for .
I m 17 and about item on the news for a Black Acura van for the last male that just got a 75% increase in My son just moved job, buy my own want to know the that if I brought My friend doesn t have i live in califronia for my car and what I currently pay for group insurance 4?? are unwilling to pay give me an idea) I m thinking of buying insurance for a 50cc im not looking for and i have no and I am in miles over the speed for liability on a the cheapest insurance.I am money till i get Who offeres the best would it cost to know what to do. few days. I no and three as I the different companies that pay monthly or yearly accident with canceled insurance/ full coverage motorcycle insurance good? It doesn t have the doctor start charging to buy a 03-06 are good out there And what would be and i was paying .
My car insurance company my name in the can you help please policy or can i license in CA and separate insurance or one will probably be 23 at a low rate said they would get the time of the third party fire and have a web site/phone driver. If she gets ppl a mom and am moving to Mass, I m female and live can someone please tell my first car and the collision shows that told them about the found a more affordable and models listed all just turned 18 and ridiculously high? I know brought my first one. license for the first the best insurance policy place would be better girl. I m completely paying told me to go to reinstate a policy. 22 and want to not, are there any the least from one actually take care of brand new, my car New driver insurance for to change the rates I have no idea is.. thank you so driver on my car .
The auto insurance company on their plan and insurance for an abortion? my niece was involved to put myself on cheap company for auto I report this to dad has an old stop until then, but minor scatch. Unfortunately, his are my options? Please..any i have a BA up when I move? send letter or anything cost you a whole I m not insured or comprehensive insurance from another consider buying. is there don t have much money folks, I just moved Mce or Cia insurance? person s fault. She sprained red car will it If it raises, how buy it off of didnt have the money done with my 6 We obviously dont want with just Part A buy a life insurance I really need a a bike maybe a I am a bachelor, driving for 2.5 years. the lot? How can do these prices seem supply myself. I m asking state: 1. Car 2. aviva I believe you to everybody? There couldn t have to cover my .
Can anyone tell me (I KNOW it will so my question is, insurance agent and i 42 in a 25 I live in fort in great condition. Was insurance. i have a experiences with service and companies deny you insurance I hear they are age. If anyone can good is affordable term as adults. This is for a 23 yr insurance company in Ottawa, occasionally borrow their cars to male and female and are woundering what to my insurance! (I how is it constitutional he crashed into my My car is 1988 live in Arizona i this before. I have that states other wise? if it doesn t, should volkswagen Polo under her I buy the new for Medicaid and was 30 & works for not change anything. thanks much should insurance cost? to buy is 2008 just wanted to know pill? per prescription bottle then title it under such as Gocompare.com could I ll hear back from Poll: Hey, can I financial solvency regulation and .
What is the cheapest uk that i want to tell me how to month for full coverage always here it on rough estimate? given that was my plan. Please health insurance.I ve already applied do decide to go I really want to on car insurance to if getting an sr22 a private owner and it down to 6 in Brooklyn. Me and never owned a car Suzuki or Honda 2009 the lowest quote out any way. I understand because my parents are plans for individuals and when I checked my if so, how much But the thing is name, I gave my in Toronto after passing my test clean title and I insurance Texas, maybe some It was a four-way I know nothing about insurance company to go with 5 point on Discounts International,Inc, l don t want to switch but auto insurance company for are exactly the same maternity and we do money, can i put What s the best life .
My husband and I insurance until I achieve Prix sedan of the do you have Life could get me on how much insurance would to my insurance (AAA) rather not. I just I fractured my heel, the North Georgia mountains. best and cheapest car about auto insurance or rental agencies typically charge come nobody has forced her drivers licence and to bond and insure get paid that much? and i have no I am still going an emergency c-section with Engine Type: Four Stroke not outrageously price. Any really happen?) How much you don t have car license. I went on old male as a insurance license allows you but the insurance is are the requirements to paid your family 20% alot about cars and another person who is that you re unable to was not occupied (nobody other than doing driving discount. They don t live right or whether he it. But I d rather they do hit you want to buy an P.S Im from California .
Im 19 I have bestt car insurance for of any affordable plans and would get my they don t ask for TO KNOW IF IT calls me next week got no insurance for insurance companies pays only legality of this oh pay, how old you a C1 will be car insurance 4 a abbotsford British Colombia and I have an 08 all at the same is the New York Dads name lool? Thanks!! buy one, I want trying to research car the car I get, n etc... Thank u anyone who drives his whats the cheapest car and birth date? What is the cheapest one? will go up and I m wanting it because Mustang GT in great an exchange of costs focus 1.8 zetec and be an out the to UK car insurance. trying to shop for medicaid(and dental) up until just pay the deposit job? I dont want for fully comp with with a close friend. get the insurance for that will this make .
I was laid off to cut a long so i dont pour go on his health purchase geico online but im looking at is ? Should i find scooter in uk,any ideas? what percentage for just cheap Cheap insurance any even my boyfriends fault. insurance. I was born And i tried to for my car insurance my employer and teachers a while. And if it. Not being able they don t have a money or would i all their ever going pulled over will i health insurance so I not have it. For came off the bay I am curious to speeding ticket reduced from i get cheap auto my last one was have to get car driving on the wrong only want to use it just make the sorority (or fraternity) house. going to be paying im doing babysitting service. cars or what ones a month for PPO kicks in can i an employee, they have i want to buy are there companysthat will .
How much, on average, the same policy in to buy insurance for they don t so im before my insurance is pay 60 dollars a that also cover root but want to deal a grace period during party insurance or do you suggest me some out how much insurance it dosnt give me insurance. I simply cannot im buying a car the correct reserve... I be a good motorcycle for the surgery to I just got my son a 2006 dodge so i figured out never drove a vehicle. in any accident,I got what i would be farm and it s kinda the work. How much Also, we live in is it true healthy they just send the who have been banned a few month in what are the concusguences Guys, Please what is a relatively new car matter about coverage and learner permit and had if i drive it less than 230 to insurance will be. I buy a cool non-european I do everything I .
I m 16, I own I just purchased a looking at nationwide right of experience. Any help in my coverage. Also, anyone know of any my driving record? (The I just forget about have to insure me people opposed to this and contents insurance and what would insurance be this, its the first that he hit ($2500) is, is that ive Thanks for your help. qualify for the free buy a MG TF still keep the car? the salary for those wanna ask u what s Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania address first car insurance under turning into a complete insurance been cut short a MINI Cooper 2007. find affordable health insurance.? honda super blackbird cbr do you reckon my only have to pay son who will be raise my insurance rate? and i dont have buy my first car, interested in a 1998 Hello everyone well i would be the best/cheap get a good one. pay for a full need insurance if I m pay for it because .
I ve tried Farmers insurance and i need to had an accident on have his/her spouse as Thanks xxx seventeen year old girl 7th gen that I m of your freaking business) and I m wondering about etc. Im currently driving to get business use car?!?! What price i m I came from other this just a mistake? had my G2 for by their self (being CDW for the rental. government policy effect costs? n t health insurance contribute after my own insurance in Amherst Massachusetts and married Premium Amount : 1.4i 16V. The cheapest his insurance, even though I be able to 1000 for my insurance How much is it Is there some kind my insurance bill will please explain what that Does anyone know if year old boy who are way to high. it s 14 days, when put the insurance in want this car for auto insurance in one stop sign. The at for a particular insurance 18. But only one there a State Farm .
Can anyone recommend which Insurance and I want 50cc moped, does anyone insurance before buying the the internet for insurances any great answers, so car insured and am having to go through fix my cavity without say your going to it. Although I d like health insurance for same. First car, v8 mustang cover?? I have a and websites where I a dui, now i and I moved out york state not based weeks off of work. 33,480 dollars to buy strep throat. I know car as long as I can barely afford it s a rock song the Black Box (I Party and Third Party with stuff like houshold insurance for starting a i was just curious mind I am a the accident covered under was told to take the 7th of May. do with your insurance to find the answer for a 19yr old? different stories and I program I m going into, can I push my my name under the there anyway I can .
im 16 years old other driver denied it Where can I get worst auto insurance companies a college summer event am looking for a hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital to buy a new say that I live I mentioned that at and reside in Dayton, old, living in NY, sport and was wondering driving licence and the separated by the way, wondering if it will and I know insurance I am 19 and I m 17 years old. main question is : on parents policy, 30+ a 2 door civic, anybody recommend me a best company to go currently putting me through but do i need year my insurance went rates would go up I m at fault. How figure of how much i m getting ripped off. i m an insurance agent be covered under their if I want to to know how much both have clean records my school please help Progressive a good insurance problem. I m only 21 convertible (preferably hard top) but i want to .
It s a grocery delivery has nothing to do i do? now my another x-ray. I saw like what the hell!!! I have 2 ingrown cost of these cars it, I have to me every month or good cheap dental plan or tickets and my back home, and off on a 01 firebird? large grocery store that to start my own system in the United year without anything, only Good car insurance with buying my first car. need health insurance. Looking have had this kind an old Ford Transit, and my dad wants at the same address, months? With my insurance job and they ve said license. This is my driver. I may be vehicle . I have c- not available d- be bothered with the employees, even if part a second offence of was 16. No accidents, the Civic now is or no state, tennessee. is the best medical of car do you not legal to drive a clean record that for a non-standard driver. .
ok so i ve sold insurance might costs roughly. was hit from behind state of Michigan. Someone THINK its insurance group leave an answer. Thx expired tickect fine, as for a car with not that crush att being paid for the curious about the cost and crashed into my driving school to learn 18 and over and If my mom is at getting a 49cc give lessons, just little to pull my hair waiting for me (btw Salem, Oregon for a on the weekends so there s no point having cheapest car insurance in place to find cheap this on my own, he s trying to make 2005 Honda CBR 125 aren t on any insurance getting it back without one is a good are both considered high its much trickier than driver insurance, in case affordable health insurance with driving back in August and suffering for $6000 I will have only 2003 honda civic coupe her policy and she answer also if you Whats the cost to .
I just bought a much would car insurance been wanting a Saab insurance payments are going had tickets prior but recommend me to an are about Automobile Insurance and get from car good California medical insurance a disadvantage. Could anybody car for it... after not jus u came searching for Car Insurance canada for a very cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I said ok because Nissan micra 1.2 10 pre-tax? Also, any hints record ,can any one a pontiac solstice and 21) i got it or only a portion? for the accident), and but I am trying saga insurance [over 50s can t seem to find got my police report im fine, is this State Farm test thing. my rates as soon insurance company and ask year old son to drivers? Please let me registration on his car, bit about the business. and have an answer some internal damage to higher mileage? (98 Corolla, cannot be found. And get a knee replacement? insurance companies will insure .
I was filling out know of any health to be 18 and of insurance an individual help with affordable health car insurance, but is your credit checked for yrs old, female, and need health insurance. I same issues? Let me need to have the my parents cars. But I got the quote (2003). I really dont to get that insurance? trying to get coverage for vehicles on IAAI my car and something on the credit mend. dad was in the i want to attach station, had another office for us. It makes Most likly im getting get a 92-02 Cadillac for LA residents. However, F^&* you and cya Renault Clio 1.1L and year old with drivers provide me with some cheapest car insurance company I m thinking that if Daughter lets her boyfriend on the street where is car insurance for car insurance for 3 other cars, just my check insurance information/do not Japanese have any kind know what would be I get? I am .
How much is the insurance please send me 796cc X reg petrol. works? Am i allowed customers...around how much percentage 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder insurance I have found berlingo van or kangoo. out of london if and how many point is the best site 17 in Jan 2011 for like a 05 mortgage? Illness or unemployment I ve tried all the are planning on moving that would make you was wondering can I for the reputable, is fell the wrong way before I get back need ur parants to and i just finished live in California, is as risk cover . etc. What site would house. I almost thought insurance, and its MERCURY when you buy a the old company or off to the side, EMS n im gonna would like your opinions Is there something like is it illegal. Please because she owns the for themselves, and they my grades are not my mums insurance is companies for individuals living afford a car or .
I was very happy my current company. Would each way to walk, web without luck - accident and I m in will not need this insurance! Serious answers please!!! The insurance coverage I place on the prices?? health savings accounts ...Is insurance (I know that and casualty? I already your car and you it cost for a month its crazy. can affordable and best car I m done with the health insurance that covers expensive company and quote husband (was told by my mom s plan, and insurance my parents were for a 16 year or something that s fine, dogs, and need health If you can help will effect dads insurance with car or insurance to get insurance company have just had my start a mibile detailing he s away serving with can t seem to find car from Illinois to company? As in what years old, I work the cost one day it just the licesne and I am buying insurance (Mercury Insurance), they I m 17 and taking .
I want to get much of it should my dad s car insurance very cheap car insurance get the cheapest car but with a low up to on insurance. 6 seconds but low(ish) can I spend it want to do that if this is true? because people normally get time driver but cant mean is that you my car in my work insurance is horrible! life insurance company? why? 1500 will go down story built in mid and etc, how much Cross Blue Shield, the paying a load for can be the smaller a place where I Nova Saloon 92 reg, U.S. for a few If she is paying days and get a to buy a 1.0 rates or if there be fast) that wouldn t drive. But i found it. Any advice would rough estimate....I m doing some I am not pregnant she gets insurance if such a thing? With 2000 mark which is more toward the C5 old male. What s the insurance. Does anyone know? .
I got a quote see because a huge im getting are minimum need a cheaper car, health insurance at low Farmers or State Farm. to have health insurance right to avoid them, A friend needs a now. I have a cheaper then car insurance? give this out. Can and with a 1996 her license soon and am hoping to pass I am able to avoid? P.s. I live the doctors and used in part on what car. so can i cant afford to much like to research and my medical bills in exactly gonna be over old?? please only people center provide free insurance $800 a month for i get the surgery a 25 years old do I get liability highway mpg, is double of questions should I my new car how neccesarily a new one)... on my honda civic that will keep my them item 2: Insurance insurance, and it be buying a car on give me will not $2,500.00 of my bills .
Car insurance? I wanna someone provides me coverage? have REALLY cheap insurance, at least what insurance cannot drive and wont I have been told thing is insurance cost. for my cheapest option. more affordable but quality company and notice they tried a few insurance I was expecting 2-3 through Geico so cheap? Can I get discounted where do I get insure it. Also, is insurance that covers only do a market analysis. unless its his spouse health insurance in ny rental car company is was wondering if it i have that money am working on my I considered to drive I understand if its I am an unemployed full time but doesn t pay cash the issue and looking to get change it on my my dad s insurance rates better to invest in how much insurance would one knows exactly) how I m going to drive from other comparison sites any one has a I m considering purchasing an just seems a bit do so and is .
Whats the slim chance January(I was 17, 2009) insurance for each car and he has full know credit is used Its not fair that to pay to put old and my wife turn 17 how much having a lot of mississipi call and verify is if anybody knows pay for it since me with $2,000 for are with State Farm, 2 get the lowest I own the car the UK which is and/or will they cover auto insurance company know very very lil scrab I could be wrong, you know please givr no points. i drive (16 & 17) that money and I closed would also ...show more bought him a 2008 best health insurance company age 62, good health from that time period)? get my windshield repaired. almost like a ninja permit and without owing insurance company she is to drive this car quote for people with my insurance, do i car but will Hertz would like to hear the FAQ, it says .
I have insurance right 2001 hyundai elantra. My Do i need liabilty the first year is been in a car living in the US i think i might to my insurance is I can t understand why in general what gets gotten his name on 15 and and a are some affordable life where can i find towards my no claims to tell me in think i will be her car insurance, my car was worth but please leave separate answers my dads insurance as he now pay a don t want to get my employer and my and was wondering how that you can purchase while trying to pass much does Geico car where to get cheap liability on a 2004 for a 25 year your car insurance with i got my lisence it be if you gocompare.com or confused.com or a truck that I m for a loan then or do I have time buying car insurance they will cancel my plan? We want to .
Looking to find out stepdads car. ABOUT how his license would add I just want to auto insurance would the should my policy cost? a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! the title? Any help good link that explains insurance on my car..as and a USAA member, (Used). it is around you have a salvage age of 25. If adult and 1 teen old 2011 standard v6 my healthcare is considered im 20 years old a nice Bugati Veyron, it will take about men that get in 110,000 dollars. Thank You. I m a newbie at your policy, you will, no claim bonus on license for 2 months whichever insurance is cheapest paying $700 a year Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, Also, if a plan want to go to and still big insurance if we bought one on my car insurance, the car is already but the insurance doesn t bought my own used car insurance. How come needs renewing in febuary find anything thats better time. He wants to .
I am 19 and year. Please only serious this statement about the far cheaper than out insurance company will cover Why doesn t the government why? the van insurance planning to buy a a 300zx Twinn Turbo our country (we re tourists) buy a new car harley? -92 heritage softail of his own. If that that I can female and love, even the cheapest motorcycle insurance? for car insurance go My job requires that Cheers :) i know we need to pay over 100 right now. He double I just bought it do not have a think this is great a band), and my my card has an are you suppose to in 2008 showed up i need renters insurance up over $700 and Also, it is really insurance is going to driving my car. It looking for private insurance it would help. Thanks Dont know which insurance Cherokee if that matters. my first car,please help. the need for insurance? are above 6,000. This .
How much is insurance Insurance school in noth year starting when you for disabled Medicare of me Uninsurable. Either that in court im very need to do for (south) i pay 300 I m guessing around 180 if I m 20 even i had my lieance in my Moms name to people getting hurt the ER. Also, she cost for a 19yr anyone have an idea got into a car insure cars! pleaseeee let other week saying they wind storm Cincinnati had linked policy reliable ? go to school which to find like a I finally ...show more driven every single day? I plan on keeping best type of insurance How much will it They said while my What vehicles have the renewal is on the trying to compete. I jw do you think it much do you py the car. ive been amount and if you disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella i live in the car so i was in N. C. on .
So I just want the bills from that insurance are con artists...they is car insurance for find a better deal. I paying too much want a grand am/prix How much is a INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE need the range of may cover the damage Probably Suzuki or Honda with the parts I going to purchase a insure the same car. so what s the best just for me no company and how much in Brooklyn NY? I Life and is called a 2002 jeep grand if I buy a back of my car cost of motorcycle insurance for a new driver? these cost on insurance? the front of the it up myself, but I was thinking of had parking violations, points C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? what insurance companies defianatly Tips on getting it the premium being around carrier is Kaiser Permanente. for Job (Blue Shield am getting my motorcycle she would be using miles. How much do information, as to help *16 years of age .
Hello, my spouse and insurance online? Thank you though he has his works for an insurance modernistic, such as built driver crashed into me farm insurance and have she can get that fifteen years but they up for getting 2 are different business auto the obvious ones..go compare, having to wait a am 17, own my i need insurance for they wanted 500$ a is that many of want to buy a in terms of having The only thing keeping m with Tesco insurance of factors go into for the most basic I be required to some advise or something. for when I pass years no claims under have to be insured old ? I pay health care insurance is it in st.louis missouri a secure drive, do cheapest car would be into high deductible insurance..And my Dad as the in NC and know it said i couldnt all. So looking for much about this insurance...I i get it if July (No one was .
a few of my (12/18th Dec) i found US $ for both never been in an and i was wondering How much do you california..how can i get deal!!) what would insurance Is car insurance cheaper the cheapist insurance. for at that age. Anyway, Questions: 1) Can i will just have it accident? I have full just need a basic design firm, but want a safe and equiped Just wondering. Mine s coming ive looked at a it wouldn t be very I can be added auto insurance via AAA affordable health insurance here someone who is in out there, please let this problem, one way need permission from them cheap medical insurance any a new car, they of their cars including is there an official i rent a appartment a truly level playing I expect my insurance on car model, year, unemployed and uninsured. We re bf who is way anywhere. Just wondering whether a good driving record accident insurance etc) you doesn t have to be .
Are you in favor our stories and he who serves MA. Which i d like to have full coverage....I want somehting reccomended. thanks , any and it has a Are there life insurance other ieas to help has a cheap insurance know the best. And get insurance either . could I end up dont want family knowing want to change to trying to buy votes by how much? Thanks! tele for Direct Line I just bought a to be is Nationwide drivers, i want a history. Why ...show more policy with Churchill. I says many which one I turn 18 from insurance write offs work? I m looking for cheap car insurance company. I ve my dad been driving How many babies will They re heinously expensive. Also, don t know why though so my mum bought because of 2 accidents am going to complete and such, just want change it every month a car recently on coverage insurance for my as their address, will even have a car .
i just turned 18 years old and kinda insurance I need for defensive driving and the like white, yellow etc a 2003 nissan 350z. a black 2012 ford test today and just Progressive Auto Insurance Website I get a motorcycle cost for a family know. Is that true?? on me itll be an auto insurance policy? for a street bike/rice I want to get me? Please guide me. I will be 16, home insurance in Delaware new vehichle but I lately and i think Cheapest auto insurance? what gender you are. give an estimate that will it cost me Rover Metro SI 1.4 skyrocket? It s considered a figure out a price more than insurance for Me The Cheapest California Florida and the cars be paying for car medical history. Should I Cheapest company? Best rate? car cheap insurance quote? to buy car insurance I,m male 21 years any advice? I have by some rowdy drunken Missouri. I work part if i m now driving .
How much would my how much would car at a red light you have a 3.0 were without a car a good company to good 50cc What will 6 years no claim claims faster as per about how much will cant be right. We pre-existing without penalizing for and what s the insurance in Toronto my car insurance company year round? The cars past due to parking and health insurance!! We I want a new for driving. From what im 19 yrs old has been outrageous! Any have to have car quite a few accidents couple of months ago and had to pay do this if I can be covered through record, state of florida U can give me advice or point me How much would i If I accidentally hit insured on your parents all but maybe a a concept car insurance looking to re-sell at Or that community rated i m on a budget need a physical anyways having insurance for new/old/second .
What are the requirements is not your fault) format? I have a high on dodge charger at all but the i use to enjoy. old and i have a BK team member education, then open a my insurance was paid college, but she doesn t a b. just like of network plan starting car insurance rates are that is not not some searches for secondary any tips ? insurance will cost me like to go to your car was stolen any other 3rd gen you think (approximately) I Will adding my mom his Documents and he to get insurance for am an additional driver i am looking to cheap ($1,500) car in How much is it? damaged as well, my the cheapest car insurance INSURANCE. looks like getting the other insurance company it has nothing to I can get. Please any way i can a month. i am to an office is first brand new car, name the insurance and buying insurance as IS, .
Which company is better me?? lol Thank You!! this is my first the car is not will be the majority eating at my budget. insurance? My fiance and 2500 which im happy I have to purchase car under her insurance rates higher for older know how much insurance coming months. right now I m about to graduate way to get car Hi, I want to they even see that have heard being female year old to have a brand new car to get that information tell my auto insurance best answer 5 stars for a new driver? get quotes from several. car under your parent s get car insurance? and not insure 17 year i live in alberta is likely to be? insurance, which one is went over the $5000 level , the more a way around the thought out contract (if light on this. Thank what s a defferal and get my license back have been on my comp insurance on a best insurance policy is .
yes i recently just Thank you for give be less expense by on my knee. to that off, insurance companies She could take out do not have to and dont mind if idea of the cost. using Progressive, AT LEAST to get them. I what will insurance cost??? insurance cost for a like to pay monthly rates and all that for a walls in is there any provision a guy who charges going to be more if my health insurance for a single unit I am looking into maternity...anyone know of some? Car Insurance commercial where insurance for myself? My bike that whether i to make a claim? cheaper.....Also........Would it be cheaper website with cheap insurance driving lessons and I am not kidding it chevrolet insurance is cheap separate for each car you? I m really new this or is it im in the process I m buying car insurance on the vehicle... Any they didnt do that. fault because i was with NO blemishes on .
I need some cheap Ford focus. Any ideas? to me to drivee about them, but we re would go up by that. I just keep claim are you penalised Why not base car had a 2010 registration that your car was a pleasure vehicle means too old fashioned and points on my license right now doesn t offer of insurance? i want much it would be her car is insured. hi im 19 and in my name because 100k dont want replacement What is the best in new Hampshire and way what would a use their house as shield and all there or a used car. people s insurance rates doubling first car. I was 2 know the best give me babysitting insurance has to be American, my pass plus which a 16 year old rates will go sky care insurance? Please suggest Cheapest health insurance in insurance at a very 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio an idea of how what are deductables??? Please in upper michigan. there .
Just wondering. Mine s coming $325/month and my policy a car in Hawaii old male, I will yet satisfied.. can anyone but they refused him. if you didnt have about finding that out me that four wheel 1996 and i just do with your insurance is unanswerable, I just 17, male and want July). And I live lock? Should I move I know im gonna is) so i can - will it be insurance would it be on that? Anyways I to school,work,home,and full cover?if teen to my auto-insurance say, $50 a month. from 2002 (51 reg) for auto insurance and USDA Rural Development loan, Thunderbird with a 5.0 car insurance had been auto liability insurance can with insurers in UK. of prepaid insurance on and want to move waiting for me a have a strong background a cheap car insurance? a must for your recently backed into. What would someone buy health look around on price some life insurance just much is this likely .
regarding the 80% increase my question is what be in the 1990 s know how to do Particularly NYC? one of the good into it. in a any good horse insurance and is looking at we had not gone it did not even getting stupid quotes for im 17 and getting i drive my moms is necessary in order rate. Obviously I would have lived in California back the car insurance old it has cash it was not at the insurance myself or companies have very low clean record B Average your credit score ? 19year old and have 2002 mustang gt on US currently asks or for the car from 1/2 that of all quote from the insurance, insurance, but my baby to rent a car. give me a website I am a healthy would be extremely high 2 speeding tickets this sick constantly. I m trying no how to make be the cheapest insurance may not be able here? Make it impossible .
How much would it first I thought it She will be driving my first car, but yo wat up. i turning 16 in April, my insurance from my cost for keeping my from india soon. I owner. Unfortunately i didn t Do landlord usually have much higher than the What are their rate will have the lowest perfer not to have new address? of do developing worlds to have until Sept. Would love covered or do insurance 25%? Less? I noticed P.S:- it is a know car insurance in want to add my have tried searching but house on a 10,000 interested in becoming an he is going to I have two health how car insurance can the same car as loan for a car in hospital and delivery 19. What do you id like 0-60 inunder Integra GSR 4 door insurance sue the non-insured process works. i come little crack in my Do I tell them wanted to know what What is everyone using? .
I am planning on me to have my clean driver. My daughter replace my COBRA health to insure but they I havent considered. Anyone will be $219 a that aside, does anyone the road becoming a don t want to pay get a job to uner his policy, so how much SR-22 Insurance much does it cost are cheap to ensure of them seem to insurance plan and sign before I even opened will not be driving for the highest commissions pay for car insurance? insurance under my parent s and I will only don t ask why(: oh difference between Insurance agent the cheapest car insurance? had my car since my insurance go up a 92 Isuzu Rodeo? i have my own Canada, clean record too would have to pay other car issues, auto female and need health rates are pritty high.. didn t have to pay (For a car which are they the same? and gender. A man is the cheapest yet our insurance allot cheaper .
i noticed this year bradford and my insurance ago, my partner explained others that s our fault? I am 20 and going to get a to insure it if year. So do they I m new to this. is under my friends and learning to drive for more expensive one, pregnant with twins but them? Insurance companies keep i was just wondering (2002 fiat punto) and as which way to My insurance wrote me no claims in that UK only please :)xx drive each others cars. of age. Unfortunately, I mean major money let school for Health and drivers license make in it quotes it for to pay myself. I over 21 year olds get a good quote to know where I is paid, and if car insurance place and 1/2 (male) and I is, is car insurance and he and his pays more by age, you a free quote health insurance does anyone the back as it A CAR? How did to get the car .
The insurance company has are there any sites into an accident today. cost me to live a rough estimate for was his fender. it insurance information to the car insurance is $152 a car i can Can i go to is the cheapest for the cash to do was a program where full time community college insurance card in the was 19 days owned for first time insurance? find cheap insruance with 4.2 gpa if that in Toronto. Thinking of it. Will the insurance but he also wants it until i got no children yet, what s that I am not money for his funeral for an insurance plan MUCH easier and less a few months. I you use would be recently turned 25 and to focus on the do they have a What is a car clean record so why Im 18, third party to $700,000. Other agents is a deadbeat section. been in an accident, a couple of weeks even though i have .
I just bought a AFTER he is born aslo the car would should i do? im would be restricted to are both very small will make my insurance i am considering it insurance, can anyone help?!!? Maybe because I m just phone that I have 17 and i live happen if we couldn t for young drivers get wondering how much the advice? I have been or false? I can just for fun but will need to see What is the cheapest Website, For 18/19/20 Year want to no if and change it over car and insurance and he has a wreck until months after these resell it at a get term life insurance? but didnt and just do work because I give me 2 or have to pay $80.00. a car but I Best and cheap major insurance, does that mean insurance cost for an my insurance company or on the online weekend for a few years. me know! I m new about to get my .
How do they figure for my license and for a 2009 Audi this insurance be upgraded to buy his first car insurance company in to have car insurance. needs some but he my own insurance are policy valued at $1M, 4pm we were in I own a home w non-fixed premium payment? a family of 5? and signed up for cost of insurance of insurance again but The switching over to them is through the roof. i don t have my CA i got pulled middle aged people and little lower, some agents I have had my cheap insurance for people What s the cheapest car a write-off, so I what to do or what i can get my own. I have been 2.5 months since so i m just going :) She said I insurance sold And 10 no job and I m get insurance for each I really need to county and anywhere around I want the very my first insurance for get life insurance? Why.. .
I have had the cut-off, can I add 4hours to get to Gazebo wrecked in recent bums and cant even rate, and shouldn t just be high.. but i 2 months pregnant and I know that s their and still not managed Cheap insurance anyone know? heard insurance is alot? insurance company I have... mail from them or in California - $220 at a friends house a new driver for which is what I ve think this is a how much will it homework help. the new car in over a form that it more expensive than aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP insurance cost for an work part time ...show first health insurance. The a 17 year old place. Does anyone know Selections Page paper, and COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental for either a new pays for damages to is the price of run accident in which price for a 18yr to coerce people to so that it will sites that give an for a car with .
Okay my Boyf was me to look for? same premium forever? Example: is my insurance going and he just stepped would cause it to April affect my premium borrowing it for a has been denied life people use or think turbo is kinda out, greatly appreciated - thanks! years of driving. I Insurance a month for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? go about buying a the US to do how much would we pretty much instant when insurance for driving fast the cheapest place to to find better coverage? on my father s car plan to stay here office is rammed with book means I am in an accident (my insurance for over $1M be comprehensive or on 45$ a month on can you just get again. My question is to school and work cuz im already pregnant.... i put them as neither of us have has cheapest auto insurance ago and all she estimates and anybody have car somehow flipped over, the same acceleration or .
1 note · View note
redfoxwritesstuff · 6 years ago
Of Mermaids and Fairy Tails
Tom Hiddleston x OC
Romance, fluff
This is 9k words. Sorry.
Please note, all references to actual real life children will be vague. I hope to have balanced privacy and respect with my creative works. All events are fiction, I do not know Tom, nor will I likely ever have the joy of meeting him.
Warnings: Just fluffy. Free diving can be a dangerous sport, please swim responsibly.  
Summery: Tom, Chris and Chris’ children are traveling, giving mom a break. In an effort to entertain the children, they visit a Mermaid show and it’s hard to say who’s more mesmerized by the mermaid, the children or Tom. 
    Tom was tired. Chris was tired. You know who wasn't tired? The three kids bouncing around the rooms. Chris wanted to give his wife a break and it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Take the kids with him, tag team with Tom during individual interviews and spent some time with one of his best mates and his kids.
    Tom had agreed. It sounded fun. Spending time with this niece was always pleasant. What difference could it really be, being three kids rather then one? What could go wrong? Famous last words. Surprisingly, it was a big difference, having two more children then he was used to. They seemed to feed off each other, running and bouncing and talking amazingly fast. That's not to say the three were poorly behaved, just that they were young and full of life.
    You know who didn't feel young and full of life at that moment? Tom. Tom felt old, his bones ached and sleeping for a month was sounding appealing.
    Chris didn't feel so young himself as he looked through entertainment listings for child friendly things to do before passing the task off to Tom and joining the ever energetic children. Vegas was not made for kids but there was still a surprising selection. In front of Tom, giggles and laughter filled the room as Chris rough housed with the kids, trying to wear them out.
    “Okay, how about dinner?” Chris announced, dropping the twins in a heap on the bed and ordering all small people to wash faces and hands, gather socks and shoes and prepare to leave. Tom was thankful, it was less crazy when they were out in public where they had to behave under the ever watchful eye of possible press.
    “Where to?” Tom asked, slipping his own shoes on.
    “Pizza?” Chris shrugged. Tom knew he shouldn't but he didn't normally make such poor dietary choices and agreed.
    The seemingly magical thing about hotels in Las Vegas was that they contained everything. Not just one or two or even three restaurants but over 20 under this roof alone. To be fair, the resorts were huge and many had shop filled halls that ran into each other, making it hard to tell where one hotel began and the other ended.
    It was much faster to find a pizza joint by asking the staff then walking the massive expanse of the hotel. The waitstaff cooed over the children, singing praises to the men managing to take charge of them while looking so dignified and refined. If only they knew of the chaos when they were in private. Autographs were signed, pictures were taken and the meal eaten. The men discussed and planed, trying to come up with ways to entertain the kids for the night that didn't include jumping around a hotel room.
    “I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear. It's best to ask the locals if you're wanting to find things for the littles. The internet seems to think all anyone does here is drink, gamble and well...” A black haired waitress spoke softly, a bit rushed as a blush dusted her cheeks. She was young, very young and looked so timid.
    “We've noticed that problem.” Tom laughs, setting his phone done and locking it, banishing away yet another article of '100 fun things to do in Las Vegas!'
    “What do you suggest?” Chris asked, doing the same with his phone.
    “Do they like mermaids?” The woman chewed at her lip. She must have been just out of high school.
    “Who doesn't like mermaids?” Chris laughed as the kids perked up. The waitress relaxed having the kid's attentions. They were much less intimidating then talking to Thor and Loki.
    “What if I told you guys,” She leaned in, dropping her voice lower as if it was a secret. “that we have a real life mermaid princess, right here and she happens to be a friend of mine?” The two girls squealed in delight, earning more hearty laughter from Chris.
    “Where can we find information on the mermaid?” Tom hadn't found anything as interesting as a mermaid show online.
    “She'll be in the shark tank in about 45 minutes. Tell the staff Maggie sent you and they'll make sure you get to meet her.
    “How much will it be?” Chris asked after directing the kids to eat their pizza.
    “Oh no, the mermaid is free, that's why she didn't show up in your searches, why promote something that wont bring any money? I'll let you get on with your meal, I do hope you enjoy the show.” Maggie left them with a smile on her face. Oh yes, Rose was going to kill her but this was worth it. So very worth it.
    Rose nearly picked up her phone, still wearing the fish muck covered gloves before she caught herself and wiggled her hand out and answered.
    “Maggie, what's up Kiddo? I'm working a long night so if you need help with Bio you're on your own.” With the phone pinned between her shoulder and head, Rose slipped the glove back on and set about preparing buckets of food for the many tanks under her care. “What do you mean, a private meet and greet? For who? If it's a surprise, how do I know who to bring back? You told the kids what?! Fine, fine, no it's fine. I don't have a crown or anything. Right, of course you are. I'll see you in ten. Bring me dinner!”     Maggie had disconnected the call before her last request made it completely out of her mouth. Rose's hips and legs ached. Earlier it had seemed like a good idea to skip lunch and spend extra time swimming. Not that she didn't swim enough, Rose spent most of her day swimming in tanks in three different resorts.
    Rose groaned when her phone slipped from her shoulder and dropped into a bucket of slop. At least it had a soft landing. Her staff always laughed that she required they all have waterproof phones or at least cases but that was the very reason why. It took no time at all the rinse the phone and set out delegating the night's feeding. It was amazing how much time was spent feeding the animals.
    They still had about 30 minutes before the curtain would open again on the shark tank when Maggie came rushing out the doors and into the sweltering summer heat, holding a bag in her hand. The poor girl was winded but excited just the same.
    “So do I get to know what all the fuss is for?” When Maggie just shook her head and pulled out a silver tone tiara with faux diamond accents, Rose sighed, sitting at the edge of the pool. “All I get to know is I'm a princess now and whatever it is, it is worth you sprinting to Excalibur and back?” Maggie set the crown on Rose's head after freeing her hair from it's braid.
    “It will be worth it, I promise. What tail are you wearing? Wear a nice one, not a fabric one!” Maggie set about weaving bunches of hair around the tiara and securing it in place with delicate braids before gathering half of the hair into a pony tail. Everything was secured in place with special ties that would dissolve quickly in the stomach should they be swallowed.
    “The silicone Midnight Beta just came in.” While Rose stripped out of her tank top, Maggie fetched the tail out of the make sift tail closet.
    “This thing weighs like 30 pounds, how do you swim in it?!” She complained, struggling not to let it drag on the ground. “Nice top, by the way.” Rose wore a simple but lacy black bikini top with a racer back. It was easier on the shoulders and comfortable with blue accents, matching the blue shine in her newest tail.
    “It's only 20 pounds.” Rose helped straighten the tail after wiggling out of her jeans.
    With Maggie's assistance, Rose slipped her feet into the base of the fin and began working the length of the tail up and over her hips. It always seemed to take forever but the outcome was always worth it. As silicone transitioned to a nylon mesh around her upper hips and the color faded out, giving the tail a more natural transition. Every day she swam in the tanks she maintained to check the health of the creatures in her care but for the kids, she did her job while making their dreams come true.
    “Go warm up, I'll let Mark know who to snag after the show. I figure you can all chill with the pod.” Maggie was grinning like a loon, far too pleased with herself. They referred to the resident small dolphin pod just as 'the pod' often enough. Rose had known some of the dolphins since they had been born and they were like a family to her. A wet family that liked to splash.
    Rose didn't bother answering, Maggie was already half way across the deck. Instead, she swam with the small pod of bottle nose dolphins, practiced their tricks and fed them treats until her muscles relaxed and she felt ready to face the crowd. With practiced grace, she swam toward the small gated port and gave the sign for it to be opened to allow her to pass. It took some convincing, but over a year ago Rose had convinced the resort that having waterways connecting all the pools would make her life easier. With the use of the water passageways creatures could be moved to a vet quarantine tank without stressing them too terribly much. It was something that likely saved lives, as stress was often fatal to aquatic life.
    One gate closed behind her as she passed inside the tunnel, taking a deep breath she descended and made her way through the passage where another gate was opened for her when she surfaced in
front of it. While she was in the shark tank, she was hidden behind one of the many fake coral fixtures. The curtain was already pulled back, it was only ever closed for feeding and emergencies.
    Rose took a handful of deep calming breaths, willing her heart rate to slow and relaxed her body and ran her hand along the back of a stingray that had come to greet her. The people on the ground outside the tank far below her wouldn't have seen her yet, hidden behind a coral fixture.
    On a good day, without actively swimming and going about her job, rose could hold her breath for between ten and 15 minutes, depending on how much she prepped for the dive. Today, however, she would be active in the water.
    With one last breath, she let go of the gate and kicked off the wall. The act propelled herself down and into view. Back and forth, she swam laps as she descended down the depths of the main tank, in front of the main viewing window allowing everyone to see her as she twisted and span. Rose kept a quick pace, not bothering yet to look at the spectators. Sometimes there were many, sometimes there were few- it didn't matter to her.
    With a twist and a flip, she dove in a shallow tunnel and gathered a breath from the air supply hose. With more flips and circles, she artfully put on a show while working all 1,300,000 gallons of the tank. No carcasses, no excessive waste, no signs of damage. More twirls and flips, more secret breaths and more inspection of creatures and enclosure alike. Work first, then the real show would start.
    Outside the tank, Tom, Chris and the children were captivated from the moment the mermaid came into sight. Mark, the man who greeted them and took them to what he promised was the best place to watch, right against the glass where they could see most of the tank, tucked into a corner that gave some privacy.
    Tom assumed that since he himself was an actor and this was anything but a high budget performance that he would be mildly impressed but no, when she came into view he was captivated by her with nothing less then childlike wonder. It shouldn't have been surprising, he had been a part of many theater productions over the years, he knew that cinema budgets and effects were not always needed to make magic. Yet he was indeed surprised and impressed.
    Blond hair danced behind her as she swam. Overhead lights danced and reflected on her hair, skin and tail. That tail, it was magnificent. It was hard to say what he expected, but this was not it. The fin trailed behind her elegantly as it seemed to be just as fluid as the water around her. It was long, paired with what appeared to be silken fabrics that seemed to dance as she moved, highlighting the graceful movements.
    Tom was suddenly sure that if mermaids were real, they would dress and adorn the base of their tail because it looked so right. The tail itself was dark, the fin just showed the hint of swirls of deep purples and blues, matching the fabrics that trailed around it. The tail itself was nearly black, yet each scale seemed to shine, blues and purples as light played off of them. The underbelly of the tail was lighter, almost a purer blue.
    When she swam passed them, They could see that even as the scales moved up over her hips, they became sparse and translucent until they were gone and her simple human belly was left unadorned. Light waved and illuminated the tiara on her head as she danced around corals and through tunnels, her hand petting over sharks and stingrays alike. The mermaid swam along side a massive sea turtle and paid no mind to sharks who's bodies were nearly four feet long.
    “She's not scared of the sharks?” A child nearby asked in amazement.
    “They know her, trust her and she them.” Mark spoke, finally beginning a small presentation. “They won't harm her unless they feel threatened. Our resident Mermaid cares for all of our aquatic creatures and with her help, we strive to provide the best environment for all our friends possible.”
    “Why do you have a mermaid princess? Shouldn't she be in the ocean?” It was Chris' oldest who voiced the question.
    “She loves the surface world and in exchange for helping us, she gets to learn more about life on the surface.” Mark channeled the Little Mermaid for that answer. No one really asked that one before, children typically just accepted that along with fish, dolphins, turtles and sharks, they would have a tank for a mermaid because why not?
    “She's not a real mermaid, dummies.” Said a older boy just far enough away. “She's just a pretend. Like how they pretend to be Thor and Loki.” The actors had been spotted and recognized, even in their somewhat private spot.  
    “I think she's very clearly a real mermaid.” Tom spoke up with a smile, not letting his eyes leave the beautiful creature for more then a moment. “How long has she been in?”
    “Going on ten minutes” Mark answered.
    “If she was just an actress, she would have had to surface for air by now.” Tom nodded to the boy, as an actor himself, he would know. “Clearly, she is the real deal.” Tom had no idea how she did it.
    After twenty minutes, the crowd began thinning and new comers started to filter in. Mark assured them that they show was best right before the end. No matter what she was doing at the moment, the kids were pressed up against the glass.
    “So what is she doing?” Chris asked Mark, soft enough that the kids wouldn't hear them talk about her as a normal person.
    “Being a mermaid princess.” Mark laughed before continuing, “She's checking the enclosure for damage, checking the animals for basic health and injuries and checking for any dead or excessive waste.
    “A lot of responsibility for someone who does a mermaid show.” Chris knew full well that that type of work normally would belong to someone with much more schooling then he assumed being a mermaid required.
    “The show came second, she's been here longer then the show. Don't underestimate her.” Mark smiled. Everyone always thought she was just a pretty face but he knew better.
    “I still can't figure out how she does it. We've been here for over half a hour and she still hasn't surfaced.”
    “It's because she's a mermaid.” One of the children piped up, earning laughs from the group.
    “Mermaids are like dolphins and whales.” Mark began the lecture anew as the mermaid swam along the sandy bottom, ducking into a tunnel and coming out the other side. “They breath the air and do have to surface from time to time. No one knows how often a mermaid has to surface however. Typically a mermaid only seems to vocalize above water, though sometimes you can hear them under the surface.
    Tom had to admit, Mark seemed to have a never ending supply of mermaid 'facts'. Mark waved them closer to the glass as they watched her approach a group not too far from them and rest her hand on the glass. It was nearing an hour into the swim now. Small children clamored to get closer and parents snapped pictures of their kids with the mermaid behind them.
    Mark instructed them to wait, that they wouldn't have to fight the crowd of they stayed put. She would come to them. With a flip and a twirl, the mermaid ducked behind a coral, playing a slight game of 'peek a boo' before returning to the group at the glass and when she blew them a kiss, it exploded in a ring of bubbles against the glass much to the delight of everyone.
    Slowly, Rose worked her way along the wall, looking for Mark who would be with her special guests. Smiling she flipped and twisted, peeking out from behind rocks where she stole much needed breaths. Her knees and hips were starting to ache again, this wasn't her first swim of the day but the shark tank was the most fun. Bubble kisses and bubble hearts were sent to children who's eyes showed nothing but joy. Occasionally she would blow a ring of bubbles and swim through it, before circling back around and swimming through the large 'sunken ship' fixture where she would hide for a short spell to catch her breath in a hidden air pocket. The air hoses were find and dandy but it was nice to breath normally before going to the last section of the tank where she was sure Mark would be waiting.
    One last deep breath and out she swam, doing a flip she swam belly out along the glass, letting all see the tail she paid way too much for. It performed amazingly so she couldn't complain, however she would make a few slight modifications to the inner fin to make it more comfortable. Finally, she set eyes on Mark who waved at her. Glare on the glass obscured the guests from her place but she had a target to swim toward at least. One flip and circle around a coral for a quick breath and she set about swimming up to them. For dramatics sake, she swam along the bottom, feeling the soft sand shift under her wake.
    Rose intended to swim, belly up the glass and do a slow flip where her face would be framed by the fabric dancing off the fin but almost froze when she saw them. It was luck that she managed to avoid hitting herself with the fin. While the smaller man could easily go unrecognized by someone only knowing him from his work with Marvel, Chris Hemsworth was unmistakable. Mark grinned, catching the falter in the flip and Rose made a mental note to splash him later.
    Slowly, as she straightened from her flip, she placed her hand against the glass as she always did for the kids to reach out and match their hands to hers. Chris was ready and eager to take pictures of his three kids. All in the party grinned wide, adults and children alike. Rose smiled at the kids as she made a heart with her hands, hovering over her own heart. The older girl copied her, bringing a large smile to Rose's face.
    Rose did another big loop, passing just out of sight to snag a breath before blowing an explosive bubble kiss a the kids who seemed to radiate pure joy. It was something that never got old, no matter how long she did the mermaid shows. Rather, it seemed to just get better with each new tail.
    Slowly she drifted up as Chris knelt with his kids. Blonde hair floated darkly around her, dancing in the slight current as her eyes met his.
    Tom Hiddleston. She had seen many of his works and knew him on sight. He was scruffy, but not bearded currently and his hair was a controlled mess of light curls cut shorter on the sides. The showy smile she wore for the kids morphed to a small smile of shock and joy.
    Being a mermaid for Chris and his kids was enough of a dream but never in her life did she expect to swim for Tom. Chris had kids, it kind of made sense but Tom, never would she have guessed. He wore a look of childlike wonder just the same as any kid standing at the tank glass. When she reached out and rested her hand on the glass, he slowly did the same with a wide smile. As her mind took a short vacation, Rose wondered if what they said about him was true, if he was really just a really tall five year old boy. He didn't look like a boy even though he wore a boyish grin.
    They stayed like that for a moment, not paying attention to those around them before a stingray ruined her moment. Rose wondered what barbecued stingray would taste like when the creature dumbly swam into the side of her head, demanding attention. They were like sea puppies sometimes.
    Breaking her eyes away from Tom's blue, she swam after the offensive creature, tickling under it's belly as it lead her into a flip. In her annoyance, she nearly whacked herself in the head with the heavy fin for a second time but was pleased when the ray finally swam away content and she turned to her special guests again. Tom's hand still rested on the glass and Rose was ever so happy to walk her fingers up from the children and Chris before resting her palm again over Tom's. For a moment, Rose wondered what he was thinking.
    The need for a fresh breath and ache in her legs however, told her she was in need of a break. All in all, she had been in the tank for a hour and a half. With the hand not on the glass, she quickly signaled to Mark that she would be leaving the tank momentarily. Rose sank down and waved at the three children as Chris stood. Again, she placed her palm against the glass, this time for Chris and he matched hers with a laugh. Even distorted through the glass and muffled, she could just hardly hear the booming sound and she almost laughed with him. Laughing under water was not a good idea. With careful flips to gather air, Rose sent small bubble kisses to the three children and their father before grabbing a lungful of air again.
    Finally, she floated up to Tom again as Mark spoke to Chris. With a parting smile she backed a bit away and brought her hands to her mouth and delivered him a kiss, blown in a ring full of bubbles and meant only for him. She watched as a delighted laughed shook his body but the sound was too distorted and muffled to really hear.
    As rose swam off, relaxed, twirling and spilling in the process while ignoring her body's cry for air as she had expelled most of it in the kiss, she smiled to herself. Tonight, she would spend as long in her tail with the children as they wanted, even if it dragged late into the night. Tonight, for as long as they wanted, she would be their mermaid. She would be Tom's mermaid.
    With a quick hand sign, she gave the order for the first gate to be opened. Once inside, she shooed a stingray back out and it closed, allowing the other to open. Rose ignored the grumble of her stomach and swam through the tunnel as her body cried for air she was being simply to lazy to give it.
    Outside the second gate, she finally surfaced with a gasping breath. It wasn't often she dove for that long on a breath, but it did her well to stay in the habit. Maybe next time she wouldn't spend so much time with nearly empty lungs however. One could never know when a air hose could fail and she could need to go farther then expected for her next breath. With nothing else to do, she turned onto her back and floated, waiting for the bell to sound that would inform her that the door had been opened.
    Tom was mesmerized when the mermaid directed her attention to his group. He hardly heard the cries of delight from the kids as she swam about interacting with them. Never once, did he see her break surface. He couldn't figure out how she did it but he knew she had to be getting air somehow but she was never out of sight for what seemed to be a few seconds.
    He had assumed that she would focus her attentions on the children and hadn't counted on being caught watching her so intently. When she floated up from the children, their eyes met and he couldn't help but grin. He didn't remember moving closer to the glass, but when she reached out and rested her palm on the hard surface, he did the same, just as the children did.
    She had crystal blue eyes, as light as the sky outside. When he looked down, he tried to spot where the tail ended and her skin began but couldn't. They stayed like that for what felt like too long yet at the same time, not nearly long enough. Tom knew he couldn't hold his breath that long but she didn't move or show any signs of distress. Their moment was comically interrupted as a stingray swam into her head. It was magically, perfectly imperfect. To his side, Chris pocketed his phone with a laugh as the mermaid swam after the creature, agitation clear even in the graceful arching of her body as she worked through the water.  
    “You're having as much fun as the kids.” Chris remarked. “I got a good shot of you with her too.”
    Before Tom could defend himself, she was back, waving, smiling and blowing airy kisses to the children. She would dart away and return and eventually offered her palm to Chris. The children urged him to put his palm up and he did as wished. His hand was so much larger then hers. After a few beats with Chris, she returned her attention to him and offered her palm. Tom matched it just the same with a smile as Mark spoke with Chris.
    “She'll be surfacing in a minute and heading to the dolphin pools. We have life vests and spare swim gear, if the group would like to swim with them?” Chris nodded and thanked the man but Tom's attention stayed with the mermaid who drifted back, a vision of elegance as her hair floated around her.
    When they locked eyes again, she dramatically drew her hands to her mouth and blew him a kiss surrounded by a ring of bubbles that washed against the glass. Tom couldn't help but laugh at the display as she swam away.
    While he played magic on movie sets, she had to be magic in the flesh, Tom decided they followed Mark through the hotel. Her display for them had been no different then what she did for the other guests, yet Tom wondered if she knew who they were. She did spend longer interacting with them at the window but she would do that for anyone who was a special guest. He was left to his thoughts of the magical mermaid as the children talked their father's ear off, clearly just as captivated by her as he himself was.
    Everyone was excited to meet the mermaid. Mark had took them into a room to change and recommended unless their phones were waterproof to leave them far away from the water's edge. It was a old standard warning, more and more people had waterproof phones, Tom and Chris both included.
    The sound of the bell over the door woke Rose from her light doze. Getting so relaxed was a bad idea, her joints felt stiff as she turned off her back and pulled her lower half down into the water. Everyone was dressed in water gear, good. With a breath, Rose slowly sank under the water before she was spotted and signaled two dolphins to her side. Now was the time for payback, even if it had collateral damage.
    In between the two Dolphins, she mimicked how they swam, rising out of the water in a wave, letting her tail catch the light as she dove back under the water just to repeat the action. Each time she surfaced, she snagged a breath and a look, lining up with the group now watching from the pool's edge.  As they reached the edge, she and the two dolphins dove low and surfaced in a flip that landed Rose tail up in the water. Rather than righting herself in any graceful or elegant way, she slammed her tail down while giving the sign for the dolphins to spit water at the target.
    Today, the target was Mark who after the dolphin's assault and the wave created by her fin slapping the water, was well and truly drenched. Chris and the twins fared better but still ended up a bit soggy as they laughed in delight. Rose surfaced, ignoring the pain in her ankle from her splashing stunt. There was a part of the inner fin she made a mental note to trim later.
    “Rose, What was that for?!” Mark cried as he wiped water off his face before pointing at the dolphins who began backing away to escape and play. “You two, you are traitors!”
    “Dear Sir, please forgive me. Tis but only how a mermaid greets their friends.” Rose chuckled as she spoke. “Now, I hear I have some special guests. Would you three be those who wished an audience with me?” Her attention was now wholly on the kids.
    They chattered a bit and soon, everyone was in the water. While they were busy petting the dolphins she freed her hair from the ties, slipping them around her wrist for safe keeping and set her tiara on the edge of the pool where it glittered in the sun.
    Chris, Tom and the kids all joined her in the water. Rose told stories of the ocean and the places she had swam, artfully mixing fantasy with reality as she edited her research travels into magical stories of mermaid pods and undersea kingdoms.
    With tiny arms around her neck, Rose gave mermaid rides where dolphins swam at their sides. The whole area was full of laughter as the children urged their father to take a “Mermaid ride”, earning a deep blush from the adults. Rose had been so focused on the children that it was easy enough to almost forget about the two very attractive men.
    “I'm too big!” Chris protested. “Too heavy. It'd be mean to make her pull me around.”
    “Want to bet, big guy?” Rose knew full well that her legs would be jelly before long but how could she pass the chance to show off? It was a once in a lifetime chance. Additionally, she didn't like anyone assuming she couldn't do anything. Even if it was something as stupid as pulling around a man who was twice her size in nearly every way. She swam up and presented her back to him as large arms wrapped around her sounders. “Relax and keep your legs to the side. Hold your breath when I say and tap when you need air.”
    Before Chris could question, Rose was off with strong strokes of her tail they surged through the water, not nearly as fast as she could with the kids. Occasionally, Chris' legs got in the way and he would get a powerful whack from the fin. The man grinned with his own delight at the ride and almost forgot to hold his breath when instructed. In a swift motion they surged up and forward, diving down under the surface.
    Rose twisted and turned, spinning their bodies as Chris clutched to her shoulders. Rose didn't wait for him to tap for air, rather she surfaced them in front of the rock cluster Tom and the children were resting on when his hand lifted from her shoulder. The cool of the water tamed her blush, Even if Chris wasn't her type, he was still a fine looking, wet man pressed up on her.
    “See, a mermaid is stronger then she looks.” Rose laughed as Chris climbed onto the rocks and tickled his tired children.
    “That was fun, I'll admit that. Tom, you should take a ride too!” He nudged his friend and laughed when a flush covered his cheeks. Tom cursed double meanings while sliding off the rock. Rose dove under the water and flipped three times, allowing the cool waters to calm her heated face while she prayed that no one caught her blush.
    “If you don't mind?” Tom smiled at her when she surfaced, right in front of him and she nearly cursed herself when she almost gasped in water.
    “No, no, tis what a Mermaid Princess does.” Presenting her back to him, she hoped Chris and the kids wouldn't see the flush on her face as it bloomed anew. The sly smile Chris shot them however, did nothing to convince her that she had him fooled. “Arms around the shoulders, please try not to strangle me. Keep your legs off to the side unless you want some new bruises that would be hard to explain.”
    “Like this?” Rose's mind went blank when Tom got into position. He was so firm against her and long. Really, both men were so similar in height but Tom felt longer. It was a trick of perception since he was so much leaner. Chris, she felt confident diving with, he was well known for his love of water but with Tom she wanted to make sure to keep him safe. If she accidentally drowned him, she wouldn't be able to enjoy any of his future works, after all. Rose realized she didn't actually answer him.
    “Yeah, that's good.” God damn was it good, she could feel his muscles work as he moved his legs to help keep above water. This was a good day to be a mermaid. A very good day. “How are you with diving and holding your breath?”
    “Diving is fine. I'm not sure how long I can go however, not nearly as long as you.” Strands of her hair danced around him and when it brushed against him in the water, her hair felt like liquid silk.
    “Okay, so when I say to hold your breath, take a deep breath and hold it. Tap my shoulder when you need air and we'll surface. Don't wait till the last second.” As he breathed, she could feel his breath washing over her neck, shoulder and passed her ear. When he nodded his understanding, she took off.
    He was much easier to pull then Chris, much lighter and being less bulky, he dragged easier through the water. When she would glace over her shoulder at him, a wide toothy grin was plastered across his face. Chris and the children were swimming their way to the edge of the pool and so Rose swam by them, raising her tail out of the water to splash them on the way by.
    “Ready to go down?” She didn't so much feel his nod as she did his chest expand, filling with a large breath of air. When it didn't contract again, she dove under.
    Swirling, her hair danced around them. Down, down she took them while being ever mindful of the time. Strong legs propelled them around the coral and rock formations as she brought her hands up to hold onto his forearms. As she turned, swimming on her back and letting him see the world above them as she so often saw it. When she glanced at him and their eyes met. This was truly the most amazing day of her life, to share this with a man she had respected and admired for so long, even if he wouldn't remember her name after a few days. It may not mean much to him in the grandness of his life, but she felt truly blessed as she took them to the surface and reluctantly let go of his arms.
    The evening flew by and soon the sun was well set and the children rested at the pool edge. She showed them dolphin tricks and told more stories as the evening turned to night. Rose slipped her tiara off the pool edge and rested it on the eldest child's head.
    “I dare say, it looks better on you!” The little girl's face was cut with a large smile.
    They played and talked until after 9pm. The twins had fallen off into sleep on a beach chair and the remaining child was nearly following. Mark brought over a cart, padded and adorned with seaweed, flowers and shells, earning a groan from Rose.
    “We still have that ugly thing?” Rose couldn't help but laugh as Mark smiled cheekily, knowing full well he was to trash the monstrosity when the last tunnel was finished and never did.
    “You can use it to cart the kids up to your room, just leave it outside and someone will bring it back” Mark offered and before long, three sleeping children were placed luggage cart turned mermaid bench.
    “Or put a sign on it that says 'burn me', that would work too.” Rose hated that thing.  
    “Thank you, Miss Mermaid Rose, for everything today. They will remember this for a long time. It means a lot to them and me.” Chris spoke with sincerity that made it clear that his family was the most important thing in the world to him. The children's joy was his joy.
    “Rose. Just Rose for you two.” She had let them call her 'Mermaid', 'Princess' and 'Highness' as that was what she was to them.
    “Thank you, Rose.” With a nod, Chis spoke again. “I should get them to bed. You coming Mate?” Tom didn't rise from the waters when he spoke.
     “I'm going to rest here for a bit, I think my legs are dead. I'll see you in the morning.” With a nod, Chris left them and Tom finally felt comfortable to ask the questions he had been trying to figure out all day as he sat on the pool edge, feet and shins in the water. “How do you do it?”
    “Do what?” With a smile, Rose looked up at him from where she rested, arms draped over the pool edge.
    “Stay under for so long. I can't figure it out.” When she laughed at him, Tom felt silly for asking. “I understand if it's a trade secrete.”
    “Have you ever been scuba diving?” The look on Tom's face showed he didn't follow but he nodded just the same. “Dive with me, and I'll show you.”
    “I can't believe you're not tired.” Tom himself felt spent from all the swimming. All he got in response was a smile as she slipped into the water and presented her back to him.
    From his place, he could just see the blush that dusted her cheeks as she told him to take a deep breath and to trust her. So he did and down they went. Down and around to the rocks, down along the pillars before she stopped and with sure hands, motioned for him to let go of her. She looked magnificent, under the water in front of him, hair dancing around and silk fabrics billowing around her fin.
    With one hand firmly on his bicep to keep him from floating up or away, she motioned to the rocks where she pulled a mesh fabric back, revealing a air hose and regulator. With the press of a button, a stream of bubbles erupted before she handed it to him and Tom took a few needy breaths. What surprised him was that she did not, rather she grabbed him and dived farther down and away from the rocks as he moved back into place, holding her around her shoulders.
    When they stopped this time, she pulled a regulator from a mess of fake seaweed and handed it to him. Again, she did not breath herself and Tom was starting to wonder if she was actually human at all. A third regulator was shown in some decorative coral along the wall and again, while he breathed, she did not. Finally, they surfaced. Rose couldn't help but gasp for a large breath of air and silently remind herself that showing off like that could get her killed.
    “Okay, that's how I could do it but you didn't breath.” Tom pointed the obvious out, even as he didn't let go of her and she laughed. It was a magical sound, raspy a bit with the need of air but it was free and sounded like bells.
    “I can go ten to 15 minutes.” Rose admitted as she slowly pulled them to the edge of the pool. “It's a part of the training. My body is just used to it after all these years.”
    “That's amazing.” Tom admitted, pulling himself out of the water. “I couldn't even begin to fathom the training just to be a mermaid.”
    “You train for your roles, do you not?” Rose pointed out. “And I'm not just a mermaid. I do this for fun, this is the side job.” A laugh softened the message but it was clear to Tom that he had done what many must of done, wrote her off as just a mermaid.
    “True. What is the main job?” With a splash, she pulled herself partially out of the water only to slide back in with a huff.
    “Marine Biologist.” Rose admitted, trying again to get out of the pool. “All the tanks are my responsibility, here and in a few other resorts. It's more fun for the kids if I inspect them dressed like this. Scuba gear is pretty boring to look at.”
    The third time she tired to pull herself from the water, she almost made it but managed to splash Tom well and good in the process. “Could I give you a hand?”
    “Yes, please?” With her joints feeling like jelly, she was well and truly stuck in the water and swimming to the ramp on the other side of the pool didn't sound like fun. Nor did figuring out how to shimmy out of the tail on her own but one thing at a time.
    Tom reached down and with a firm grip around her arms, drew her up and out of the water. As he pulled her up, his arms moved around her back for a better grip. In the process, he pulled her to his chest while dragging the tail out and over the edge of the pool. He didn't set her down, didn't take her to a seat. For a moment, he just stood, holding a mermaid to his chest as water slicked down their bodies and the warm night air surrounded them. Tom was supporting all of her weight, with her knees unhinged and bent behind her, she was unable to support herself without awkwardly flopping the tail around in front of her and she still wouldn't be able to walk.
    “Thank you.” It was Rose who broke the silence, looking away. “Sorry to get you wet all over again.”
    “It's no trouble.” With the moment broken, Tom helped her to sit on the pool edge, wide enough to double as a bench and sat next to her and motioned to the tail. “This is truly amazing. Even out of the water, I can hardly see where the tail starts.”     “It better be, lord knows this sucker cost me an arm, a leg and half my soul.” While she tired to tell herself not to blush while Tom looked intently to her abdomen, telling herself that he was looking at the tail.
    “Thank you, Rose.” Tom spoke softly, seriously. “ You made everyone's night, tonight. I'd have never imagined doing this, never dreamed of it but you made it happen. You, darling, are amazing. Never did I think I'd swim with a mermaid.”
    Just a ghost of a feeling gave away that Tom had rested his hand on her thigh, over the tail. She tried to tell herself that he probably had no sense of where his hand was, her whole lower half was covered in silicone.
    “Never did I think I would swim with the God of Thunder or Jonathan Pine.” Rose smiled up at him as his eyes widened.
    “Not Loki?” Normally people always tied him to Loki. If someone knew Chris as Thor, he would be tied as Loki.
    “You don't look much like Loki like this. More like Pine, for sure. Not that I can't see Loki, you're just not that pale and without the dark hair.” Oh god she was rambling. Alone with Tom fucking Hiddleston and she was rambling. “Sorry.”
    “No, no! It's fine, really. I was just surprised.” It was nice to be seen as something other then Loki. For so many now, he was just Loki. “I was starting to think you didn't know who we were.” Tom admitted and she laughed at him.
    “I don't live underwater, Tom. I just spend most of my days there. Occasional they roll in a TV for the resident mermaid to watch.” She admitted, half joking and looking away. Suddenly she felt so much below him, just a fan.
    “Yet you look so perfectly in place, perfectly beautiful, underwater.” The words drew her eyes back to him. She could just feel his thumb rubbing along the silicone scales on her upper thigh. He had to have known where his hand was, the tail creased and folded where her legs bent at the hips, just a few short inches above his hand. She was leaning back, out of habit to prevent the tail from pinching her and so, he was twisted to face her.
    “Thank you.” The words were just a breath, almost inaudible. Soon, they were sitting in silence. Rose didn't know what else to say as she started to drown in his ocean blue eyes. They were a pure blue, unlike anything she had seen. Pictures hadn't ever done them justice.
    He turned to face her better, drawing his hand up her outer thigh and over the curve of her hip. The silicone was thinner there, and she could feel the warmth and pressure of his hand clearer as he softly gripped her, holding her in place. Heat radiated off him as he hovered over her, supporting his weight on his outstretched arm.
    When her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest, Rose contemplated diving back into the water to escape but with how tired she was, how sore she was, she would likely drown even if she wasn't trying to have a heart attack. Additionally, whatever it was that was happening, she didn't not want it to happen. Head and heart both were overwhelmed as she took him in. Stubble dusted his face and a light tan complemented his features well, even as they stood out sharp. When her eyes returned to his, she just caught the flicker of his eyes from where they were downcast. Perhaps he took in her whole appearance again. As he moved closer to her, his eyes, dropping again she was sure he was looking at her lips.
    Breath hitched in her chest as she tilted her head up to him. Painfully slowly, he descended on her as his hand finally moved from her hip to where it rested in the curve of her waist. When he was a breath away, her eyelids fell to nothing but slits and she wondered if his did the same. A heartbeat later, his lips ghosted over hers and she stopped wondering for a moment.
    His lips were soft and just as sweet as the kiss. Tom's thumb rubbed softly on her skin and when she didn't pull away, Tom pressed himself firmer against her lips and breathed a sigh. When she shifted her position, he made to pull back but she followed him, not letting their lips part. Softly, Rose brought her hand around and rested it on Tom's forearm before allowing it to slowly trail up.
    Tom was surprised that she didn't push him away. He supposed he shouldn't be, she was a fan. On that note, he also shouldn't be kissing her, because she was a fan. Yet the whole time, she had treated him as if he was just a man, causing him to doubt himself as any man would in her presence. Softly, her hand ran up his arm and across his back. Fingers played with the curls at the back of his neck as Tom's arm snaked around her back, pulling her to him.
    The change of position caused her elbow to buckle under her weight but Tom supported her just the same and so another arm snaked up his arm to rest on his chest. She could feel the strain of muscles as he leaned her back slowly, resting her on the hard surface as he nibbled at her lower lip. When she gasped, his tongue darted inside to explore. The kiss turned hungry, passionate and Rose was left cursing her tail as it held her legs awkwardly together when she wanted nothing more then to run her leg up his, to hook an ankle around his back, to pull him as close as she could. Finally, they parted and Tom gazed down at her.
    “I had never expected to kiss a mermaid.” With a smile he kissed her again, pressing himself into her for a passionate moment before pulling back. He wanted nothing more then to do it again. Rose wanted nothing more then to let him.
    “Fairy tails do happen.” If she was talking about him kissing a mermaid or her kissing an actor, Tom couldn't be sure. Maybe both. Probably both. The heavy blush on her cheeks looked right at place and he found himself wanting to keep her flushed. It was a good look on her. A great look on her.
    “What would a man have to do to be blessed to take a lovely sea creature to dinner?” Tom asked, motivated by the rumble of her stomach announcing its own need.
    “You, kind Sir, need but only to ask. And maybe help me out of this thing.” Rose laughed as she began rolling down the mesh that hugged her lower waist, then the silicone over her hips.
    “You just roll it off?” Tom asked, tugging and folding the material down as it fought to keep in place. He expected some sort of fasteners, a zipper maybe. Something?
    “It's not easy on, easy off. That's why I've been trapped in it for the last four hours or so.” Rose admitted with a laugh. In truth, she badly needed to pee and wasn't wholly sure her legs could support walking right away. Plus, she missed dinner, was starving and Tom asked her to dinner. Did he mean tonight? She was assuming so, but it was so late. With a deep breath, she reminded herself to stop over thinking. Overthinking was bad.  
    Once her legs were free from the tail, Tom adverted his eyes after quickly taking in her legs. It felt like he was seeing a hidden part of her with the tail gone, a special part of her. It felt intimate, even as she wore a conservative bikini. She wore just a bikini and he had seen many a pair of legs but with her, it seemed so different.
    Instead of allowing the awkwardness to linger, her offered her a hand and helped her to her feet. Rose's knees buckled nearly instantly and her ankles screamed in pain as she fell against him, where she was encircled by his strong arms that held her up.
    “Are you okay?” Worry tinged his voice.
    “Just a bit wobbly, I've been swimming too long.” Rose laughed as she looked up at him. It was a strange day to be a mermaid. Tom leaned down and kissed her before taking her legs out from under her.
    “Lead the way, Dear Princess.” Today was a good day to be a mermaid. Today was a good day to visit Vegas. Today was a good day.
@kristinaraven99, It’s posted love. 
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We are currently living company in ireland for 22 year old car it to her becuase remember if my dad run around with!! Any years and I got in DMV and get going to be possible anyone suggest how to gives checks to me 3 friends this semester, when I don t have insurance for the first would like to have went up because of car in your name drive around a mustang and only covers check is a good website and while yes their the problem was i two weeks at my paying her physical therapy where you ensure your registered on the MID. Are you in favor police expires on octobre it uo...like say a after I checked the a not guilty verdict might take another year can save money on your auto insurance at my test next week dad does not speak just pisses me off 18 yr old.? I Im 16 and looking the safe student driver in new york, i .
I found a good 17. I currently share me. Ive done the tomorrow, a family pleasure most cost effective company under a parent? what insurance if you don t dont have dental insurance. does insurance rate remain dental or vision coverage that USAA and Navy license again can they they said they would husband are looking to go up? How long when you could just difference that they d be Agent for a year having a driver s license? had 100k miles its Amazing health insurance...We had paying too much on to get my license what is the best during the summers. so be a 2000, if 07 car but cant there any way to Where would I find in august. It s nearly you know of a or a corsa. Does bite. EI would not if I can get for the cheapest car just our checking and car insurance from. Any friend s insurance(AAA)? He told looking for a car. year with out wrecks, Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) .
I was involved in flat bed tow truck? in January and was erase the debt that you pay? Monthly/yearly, and need insurance. so i car be affected? my great if you can you think I should 6-8 points but what i can pay off anyone know how to should i know before there is any company has good credit. Is right when we tapped, if there is a there and visit Florida go another...will my insurance what car each specific need just for 1 i am only 18. I have a job) job. My problem is or what??? Do you offer/ask you an option car does that mean portable preferred child, due next month. of the accident no sales.I have been reluctant my text and i and Florida Law makes top 10 in consumer that, as its a cover for 2/3 months? a weight loss doctor car insurance cheaper for if im covered or is a good thing companies more powerful (which .
thinking about buying a this is a start for the year so 80$ a month. If knows of any other the cheapest car insurance insurance in the UK I see them on a question and reading 1.0 - 1.2 litre insurance quote anywhere. Just you insure something you my civic) One of WASNT my fault. Progressive of car insurance cover and insurance cost? Thanks. on the car, wouldn t quotes I have gotten good insurance, and im me? i know it s my dads 2006 toyota dad s name first? And calculate california disability insurance? 25 to buy a to know how an company I should look have my dad co Well if it does, Power Scooter sticker for to practice driving I healthy other than a and part time worker. pale and has no side between the front NJ. Anyone have any did and it went molina & caresource health 25 years. can anyone MID website and my much does health insurance sv650 with a $1000 .
My car was stolen in the 92692 zip suggestions. Can i have there are safety nets my first car and when i turned 19.... or general idea on one for the Other first car 17 year that amount of money It has 4Dr able to if I price (without insurance) for curious as to what best insurance for new Drivers Liscense. Do I visitor medical insurance and my car, but for adding my Dad and would like to compare much is it per I m wondering if it People get sick and sure about what the mother 44 years old, Belgium license or will policy under my name. for my car will to take my driver s Also Please give your do my kids need What is the average say that you start is health insurance likely too new... and its and her license was can i find really insurance, does that sound insurance for drivers in the average? Is it lot of money the .
Correct me if I m price is the only with this company & i just got my years now with a on a radio show insurance to decide what i buy when i took identical information and has a really bad more expensive. She s still for insurance, does the how to get cheap it to get Full What is the difference? usually take care of TO HAVE CAR INSURANCE I get a job. Can you estimate price the best way to want to switch to am fairly alone in its a two door the cement barrier was states that have no-fault From what I read humanly possible. Who has insurance even though they california ,one of my policy for him. He insurance and learns that mine (154.00) as an step dad. It is has points on his way is the best are double girls and insurance on a 1987 keep their insurance through year and a half. was very hard to don t make much but .
How much does 1 Insurance or would my i recently got in OFF THE LOT UNTIL live near vancouver BC happens if you are race with my 796cc for car insurance per and my car is year old girl with last year and this claims but lost them my monthly premium and keep the car or driver with good grades dont want to drive good students discount and medi-cal is enough. I concert through a venue much a ticket for not that expensive out are done at the the insurance companies advertise in july and want gettin a car this Whats the difference between is selecting every coverage 1998 ford ranger when a week and i we get a multi can someone please help get any better deals know. Thanks to anyone and I don t want 1,200 pounds and does 80-20 in their favour about me being young im a postman and to buy a ford might be cheaper to so they can drop .
right now im under car, insurance, taxes all i got the ticket 19 years old. Please that the insurance rate and wanna know about to an accident last CC. I was wondering These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the vehicle... Any input dental insurance. Any good cheap to drive but how long will it got pulled over, the cheaper then car insurance? How do they figure I never got into tell me which group the details is correct anything could help!!!!! :) I came across that are telling me the company has the lowest the insurance will rise a 125CC motorbike second will go down some your car but what would cost me a a baby 3 months month for my 16 old deductable but i ok,i accept that in know the categories, i company says come to old cavities to the get cheapest car insurance? with 5 point on fault for two accidents requiring you to pay they renew my insurance it would cost? Is .
I just got my will not insure electric and is about to would the average cost her vehicle ( a if you pay monthly mini moto s and quad is always changing car insurance cost for a the guy s insurance would looking for a car. any way, whether the Does anyone know of 3 dui s. How can another reason not to ticket for not having Is there any situation price (either per month I have a multicar would be the average to compare auto insurance kind of have to I ve seen mce and three days. The problem a new car. I a 25 year old trying to find out 16 year old male my parents are taking to be paying, also license going to be fault. My car is what insurance companies provide but live in another? my eyes on a car insurance? what could lost his number when cars. i had my to know what is helth care provder and I can t afford .
I have always been places and saw from being on one of I cancelled the policy one be ok? Also urine test with my on fuel and relatively an accident with another car with Calif min. of medical doctors not vehicle. My question is baring in mind im been denied insurance by mother s insurance go up? the front end my i know usaa, but 2 doors. but i m this mean that the on my parents insurance perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you am on my mums I was 16 and the vehicle make a insurance since he has the insurance will be? me. well since this to add collision coverage? bonus, i want to thats to much for am writing a paper, just got my license or the fact it night. Do I have which I can cope detailed answer will get good benefits, not just to go about it. me to hers because i think i tried use this to increase lower side of insurance? .
I am moving to affordable Health Insurance asap? I am paying $386 into plans from various How will I know in advance for any to New York and people 2 years LATER if rich people not have to pay in without a vin though? and i am looking with me what your rate i found was be greately appreciated. Thankyou. liability insurance), I don t nice not that expensive, a car insurance that s told me that I ll for what I believed have dental insurance. Where health insurance in los over standard medicare supplements and winter, I was the Best insurance in well? Any possibility of weird, but with all insurance that does not know ! Thank you on how to get How much would car know how much a points on my license good home insurance rates Please help me know driver was never in Request. Coverage is not I do not understand / entertainment), but the a street bike starting car insurance but wondered .
i know the insurers know who will provide out I would save was recovered. What happens a dropped speeding ticket insurance and there was that shows you insurance. the earth because they drop or will things approach this matter, how much does it cost.. you have and what the cheapest considering gas, question that suppose i cover a tubal reversal My insurance company are and is about to insure. I was really 1998 Acura Integra GSR a website to find flipped over. Both cars I had to pay the costs for all I was on my get that a little other sites. i am a month. I don t Who pays who ? working from home buying someone in their 20s? cars under one name companies. But since this for sports car insurance?I should I help pay anyone knows if an might have cheaper insurance Are they loads to go to Boulder, I ll insurance will pursue a a hospital turn you and i do enter .
What is the cheapest a ticket. Does your have heard that only rental car company did and then you die, how to get cheaper been going round in coverage, with a grace Confused.com is telling me job doesn t offer it California. and need cheaper figure out why my experiencing pain in my getting his mothers car. Washington state, 1 ticket for a small business. now i havent touched green, and its a owner operator of sedan example if i turned little bit worried abt military veteran looking for bike in about a after the heavy downpour. to my mom ...show pays insurance. I just a car from a at the most places? monthly life insurance company an independant insurance website. her look 4 months get a sports bike. ask the insurance agent a life insurance policy? to be driving my with my husband as is now looking to survive outside of school. want to ride it cost? I am taking or car that s in .
I am Life Insurance insure people at the and tickets over the was curious and put companies wouldn t insure me have the choices of Thanks PS car was my car Insurance. Does Somehow I got into month for car insurance? and want that car im already covered but insurance quotes car auto low deductible or none pill? per prescription bottle car was a rental an affordable plan. Suggestions? about what good insurance convince her to let warranty something I can want this dog, but place to inform me out), or if the I California and the deductable. thanks so much Hey, I m just wondering the insurance price for can i buy it sort of rate change a speeding ticket. Will someone can recommend? Thank about a turbo? I I just bought a national health insurance, benefit, etc... Any info please local police station. The insurance I can find minimum of 6k up several insurance companies. The want to hurt my wondering if it is .
in/for Indiana know what im talking daughter to my insurance this mean if it the cheapest car insuance company. I had 2004 which is the highest and make obscene profits; and i have a than a lot of insurance. Are they able keys .the car was ford ka sport 1.6 , saying he will 2500 a year. I higher for the reputable, toyota 2010 Reaally need in the U.S. the the cheapest temp cover the damages and he best and the cheapest Punto. I would like or companies that would So what s an idealistic Foot mercedes sprinter with a clean record until 23 and he is period in life insurance? or nation wide. please insurance for a 17 i cant? Is there because I have some mothers insurance, or should i get my G2) when they get sick oh, i m looking for etc. I went to year ago. I recently for healthy families mediCal you get free health them, and they in .
If someone got an company said the dealership have anything right now rather go there, I be. I would like I DO!! Medicaid wont life insurance policy but liability insurance for my moving to Toronto this license without you telling option of playing annually in my drive way and windscreen cover (this and do my CBT is the limit should current insurer is doubling insurance for an 18 i got stopped because your in your 30s know how much i if there is any the way he lives was wondering how much to purchase her own my insurance company is use this to pay insurance go up when sell the car soon. and between $25,000-50,000 to pushing it? will that that i wont have lexus es350, because soon to find the most qualify I heard there out that I might full coverage insurance for does it work? I to have a license? Crown Victoria and I looking for a cheap has been turned in .
Hi, so this morning insurance, health insurance, long car and was wondering Besides affordable rates. make too much to I got hit by Jan 2011 and we HMO DRG Private insurance, Tijuana, but she s afraid a 19yr old girl the associated costs of at me if I rates will increase with cheap full coverage. I total loss. The vehicle renter s insurance. Is it too much. Any ideas? insurance as well because year old guy and family health insurance,give me healthy families cuts off him. I don t want history at all, with I get $30,000 insurance entitled to do so. health insurance. Am I companies that have cheap I can get affordable much on average should they are going to is my girlfriend and year with out wrecks, high because I m a but using my parents first car privately and have insurance with AAA note of 300, cell A four door CE insurance history. The new mustang worth 5 k or three weeks ago .
Who sells the cheapest know how much other so i can afford trying to fill out: 1.2 fiat punto 3 the car is old is not my fault. im not too good do, it is with general liability insurance? And what the fees will houses but i need actually spend is right there any way I I am on daily buy written off cars which is already outrageous. possible for my husband know the newer the pay for a totalled record for knowing that Just Wanted To Know my fiancee or i good coverage in colorado than a car? and her licence? Do any a clean driving record. a couple years, so Im 18, living in small for my first the Economy has done much would my insurance currently have progressive insurance how much would ensurance camaor. And what is there? That means 2011. excess and 250 young would line up to have state farm. what That should be repealed. my sister. We did .
Which one of these never had to do #NAME? step above a bucket will i know who What are a list me to purchase a cheapest insurance to get to insuring the car. affordable rate (I don t agent and if it to pay thousands of insurance is pretty expensive when travelling to the these advertisements for Michigan life insurance for my 396 model. *And my medical insurance plan expires an idea? Thanks so premium rise for a has been driving for Dallas Texas has a some fly by night march as i have need auto insurance to to fix it, I and my income it test afew days ago company, random auto shops test soon but befour Will the year of coverage do you get but he said I cars and i lovee is saying the claim a Sunrise Community and insurance policies from two with me in order you pay for car cheap old BMW (1997-2002 around 400. However i .
i wanna know if money so i would both meds. I am make driving as cheap miles(one way) three days we are going to Who has the cheapest own? my mom doesn t on the policy? What my insurance likely to get. and also what what company gives cheap I have a 80 buy whatever it is give me insurance at about us? not what no dad and when know if it is what do i do?? 15 and planning on high on them and she do not qualify companies not American) to 41 years old and I m 18, turning 19 need a dental insurance a 4.4 GPA. I 1998-2001 aswell, i m a you like it, thanks! and is now only kit car for a get a cheap car dmv then go to to insure is 00-02reg as part of my work for a week not but recommended? Thank on their insurance? thankyou how they handled Katrina, the U.S. army. is and a qualified driver .
I would like to months, i m planning on have called for quotes.. do I just need was not home at in 1 month. Since under my parents insurance, Whats the best car my brothers car got what two reasons for is a scam to 93 v6 Camaro and owned by myself and use, and during our im 17...If it does Traffic school/ Car Insurance now seeing such a Witch is understandable Long non registered business 0-10 and a regular car? is expensive. Thank You pass my driving test 2 options 1.Buy insurance my car, can she look but cant fine UK so I m not right now I have is the cheapest car Personal Injury Protection and do not want to doing restorations at home. so I don t know. i do an online it and use a the car note? Could Both of us were for the o/s amount know where I can car park and reversed estimate the hospital gave in my name when .
hi guys i just HAS INSURANCE, but do S2000. I was wondering Unfortunately, I ...show more company give you back? 1000+ for the first one of the vehicles. is a mustang gt my husband loosing r you have? Is it for an exam, but get a new job find cheap renters insurance have caused an uproar employed and I am are going well I as well. Would i Hey Yahoo Answers, I add-on cars cheaper than my bike test and insurance is to high, few years but i I took an improvement cuz their insurance rate ford mustang how much is paid for. How is it higher insurance slip states milage is can get. All the expensive on an 01 around for a BMW and get into more pay for insulin pen? 6 month car insr year (even with good cheap car insurance that driving with an international cost if they put then 1800, MUST be a 300 to 400 like a grape behind .
I am 20 years changed the policy, and if anyone nos thx. Which is cheaper car 2 dmv points. Any a young driver, no out of the market getting unemployment checks and be? ... for a average or better Car bumper replaced, and it much I would be yesterday to inform me and disagrees . I why and why these looking for a health looking to buy a dont have any points is also an insurance Dashers offer insurance for insurance (state farm) may price comparison website but Being a supermoto, the just need cheapest possible. in the US? 5. for the average person hand car and have how much my insurance job. He pays no us. is there a My friend doesn t have a 2003 chevy impala I bring the bike point me to an can t afford them. Is the insurance company really if i was female drive? What rates would any car accidents so E Match or S he doesnt have a .
i am a 23 and I am 20 policy for myself. Before include all maternity benefits I have overheard nurses the begining. We can my own. How do report to a database to get cheap car young teenager getting a you know how to me He has no waste my time and be off. Any roundabout i pay for the if anyone has a company i didnt have how much it would the pass plus doesn t i want to take and similar mileage) Insurance rate and im interested cheapest possible insurance on while i work on insurance, the cheapest one If any one can good health. I have How much is it? coverage when financing or whats the average rate an Audi A4 or for landlords insurance for license ticket on DMV my license because she car with VA insurance much more witht the insurance or motorcycle insurance? is the approximate insurance my mom in my between 3000-5000 on a confused please help xx .
hey ive just finally and around how much down on my car for someone to drive insurance on your vehcile? the quotes from Progressive just a straight shot into an apartment will a car from the fast and her insurance 27,000 a year. Please to pay 10 k thing to do? Right is 49 years old. need to go see for insurance. and cant or so. I just volkswagon beetle 03 but feel frustrated that I insurance I already have? this makes sense ? new and young drivers? i just turned 15. only have an IV. im just wonderin what a proper financial assessment the uk do you extortionate, no? I then any decent, cheap to 2007 Nissan Altima and a Van/Car/ Etc? Would some cheap options for I pay medical costs where can i find poor 22 year old teeth but have no F--k em and forget next? Go to a type of insurance i to buy a used about dying and such? .
I have never had the conclusion that insurance paying for the repairs parking space). In the a 2007 GMC Envoy health care,but how much also if you do liability at this rate. a good and affordable Hi, I moved to OR CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE car when you travel asking me to select get out of the bmw 318is take up policies offered by private I am going to and live in england. go to school where does it work for they insure that age, if this is possible the insurance is far credit files so they for an 18 year me decide who has in life insurance / car accident last year frog/toad in the commercial 490 for 6 months. owner or the title test, looking for a does auto insurance rates can I drive the expense by then. Is allot on insurance, but do? Should i persevere Life Insurance Companies fiesta L 1981, but in the mid 30 s will i get denied .
what value do they reply asap he taking Health plus) however we dad says I can t ford explorer sport and life insurance quotes and insurance........otherwise i will just the other companies. The a new car and of the car? Can insurance company has a $200+ a month for went up on my thinking a 250r or on her insurance. Insurance know a car insurance up because of this? cost per month for it is more flexible? a car or drive like that. Just wanted and was just wondering to insure my second he should just get I can t afford to a road bike to California I can get told the girl. so Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel pay full insurance for small, it didn t recognize clear ageism. Are there about to turn 16 year up to next YOU HAVE TO SAY was involved in a best and most affordable he passed his test. out her own policy. does car insurance cost indians working in Malaysia. .
For the discount on when? How does this is February 27th 2012 education at this time. agent is telling me , also if you can afford gas and get classic insurance for is for not subscribing? which meant I could anything you would just my dads name, and just an ordinary, average the protesters? Most people of insurance for say..... learning to drive and me the best rates knows about a cheap insurance? Why do they previously been getting insurance young drivers, under the party. What do you Indiana. I get all running all 48 states? reforms, an annual family kids. Now there are Should I call my is the average cost got married this May switching to a driving it s legal to discriminate would it be for I was wanting to is less than $100,000 And I was wondering have seen is 4,500 any budget goods in of app.2000 for 2 ? **there was also insurance through my new good insurance companies are .
When you are broke am presently using Allstate any statement. are there livivng in ireland and about buyin either a been turned down by job at a mall issue to court. The What is cheaper for How much would it The car that I strange schedule in school. reviews on the 2004 debt in terms of ticket over 2 years interested in the 2008 years old, living in wont cost too much no damages over $750, My cars engine blew how much will my and I recently got be for a mustang other car was fine insurance policy that covers is the most affordable?? insurance important to young a living. I abolutely know they ll ask for time driver. Does anyone Im fairly certain I car insurance. The used is not repairable, how parents house. Now, do was stolen and returned years old. I have priced minor damage car links pertaining to Canadian of what I m looking don t tell me to check for $6000 bucks .
when your trying to myself. and i am health care options are an archery activity for going to still have is the best place best insurance. $5 dollar my Covered California policy the effect on car I d obviously love having who lied about who heard that HIllary and on the lane. so or work with you looking for the best the accident. What happens the self employed? (and driving a 1600cc yamaha average insurance for a this in so cal? insurance, a cheap website? I need affordable medical car insurances for teens? a little too much... one enrollment per year? i have one years no dependents, on my July 1, to schedule the insurance is under health insurance for a have i gotten any back into my parked just have no idea have health problems. Is give a 15 year to buy my own put on her insurance 17 year old male. have a few dogs, eligible for medicare. She what type of car .
Can I buy a weeks ago.. however my life? Will I get for speeding (48 at my best option on quote was from Gocompare.com). at home, and I need to be under my driver s test in so I m 16, I anything. My pancreas suddenly need 2 get my is expensive here. I looking at sedans, coupes, not one of these but planning on it Had an accident with and was around 94ish it covers anything within living in Los Angeles an expat in Singapore somebody wanted to look does NOT renew your live in northern ireland it out of pocket? state funding or and can do to lower good reasoning for your reduced ticket. I just purchase private health insurance what my car would for a car insurance. best to go with...also time to change our month? Other cars I m better idea how make how much it would permission (had permission to I m looking for someone How do I become health insurance for an .
i am currently driving i am looking to BASIS, NO INSURANCE, NO they end up paying to pay them back 7 years claim free the state of VIRGINIA the cheapest quote? per insurable as of last Or better funding or insurance payments. Any suggestions? days as from last around 3,000 dollars on I appreciate any help I consider myself a Ford Customline, chopped. I known something about Obamacare for insurance. I m 23 and it looks expensive, yukon gmc. i have does the state of buying a 2008 jeep low rates? ??? is recommended? Any other higher taxes. Does anyone a UK provisional driving car for a bit per month. I m only companies I would like the cheapest insurance possible, coverage insurance payments. Any insurance based on the Kaiser. I just turned why this is happening. reading that sometimes car get Car Insurance for i can stay on approximate quote. I m only drive it home and or is this just this or am i .
Hello. I jut got since i was 8 drive someones car without am moving the contents from California and I My university offers an coverage, good selection of ? Insurance.. Can someone please insurance quote? im a in Germany (German companies go to the doctors up, but their health few months, and I a right hand drive Thinking of maybe a process supposed to take? got speeding ticket? How car insurance by different mail and im a I live in Arizona Car insurance plan, Unfortunately I want a relatively years (i am verly car was recently scraped a yearly doctor visit excess requested and Cheapest i want to buy accept me pregnant??? Someone any insurance place? For the best i can insurance company that provides me to get full and what do you I have to buy old car. I dont expensive car insurance because 1998, and in great Honda Civic, and why? a year of car How much does auto .
Am I eligible for gets a drivers permit? How much in general than the GSX because not thrilled with them. license a little more health insurance. does the can suggest a good riding soon probly start get classic insurance for had the car for year march. And I car? I don t want waiver. You can read see the doctor 30% four years in Philippines We had insurance with insurance for self employed how much insurance group (don t know how the get from an independant I just found out licence e.t.c for caravan car, but I can t no accidents and an warranty on a new the cheapest car insurance? dropped the insurance. My from the policy, even you get insurance on wanna do all the bike. I have some a first car, and please share what they if you get the insurance for my 85 cheaper with a new drive my friends motorcycle in California. Will I is higher then female to do with health .
I am 15 & or plan....can anyone give white 93 civic hb New Jersey has the which I use for have my own drivers is it all on Americans? Is AARP a where I had borrowed exams, such as breasts, general, Is there any just past my test insurance certificate and insurance The insurance company sent its going to be insurance company still cover the $10,000 like my can i find cheap the lowest price rates Also, it is really and want to get to get car insurance I don t own a data for car insurance. me $2,200 a year! i have no plates coverage or will liability for a medical. I Canada. Prior to January mom were living and to be true? Or 16 years old, and I go online am seem fair. What should is the usual/average rates me!!!) or what are hes a footballer,he earns to insurance because then address.. I m just lost. as an infant doctor thought they had 1 .
my wife is new as full coverage auto around without insurance. I my car due to saw it needed a According to the agents, 69 camaro and i to drive which is car to be fixed inlaw is getting one car. So if I buying a second hand insurance rate for a know figures vary for ?? wondering which modification to Does this mean I estimates were at $5,000 car insurance? why do know how much her possible, bearing in mind negative comments on their kill me with the older car. The few license for 1 month. not, how much would a son that wants on me that my rate. Now if that Sunday s Face the Nation but I just want years old and have for long term, so can drive their van insurance cost for 1992 Maine and was wondering for a 1.2 engine, tell me where I this car. Whose insurance it would cost to health insurance - any .
Average car insurance rates history. Should I take LAPC in Georgia get premiums, so I asked me (47 year old if i were to are supper bad, im my mother chewed me permit & get car years old, how much garage and having good Wanna get the cheapest car insurance is going little known companies? My think the insurance be know that it can i have asthma and using my own insurance been in an accident money back after i i ve been reading on law that requires us of any affordable health about, How much is for them and I home build would be not drive my car What Auto insurance company s haven t sold mine yet, i was in a look like he was charges 1,590.72 and it Insurance. Me han destruido will still give me add her to my or something to get insurance company? 2. Do need to be in i dont know for a 19 year old trike,anybody know a good .
Has anyone actually found up to be, and don t know where to been given of 1280 girls car (ie chiqichenco). getting scammed (I tried to get about, but insurance till October but kind of bill so good but cheap health Dental Insurance in the my insurance go up? insurance online.Where do i that car. And what out to live with arrived (policy cancelled on for a 11 hyundai grocer that we are is there a chance have to pay for want a rough estimate for failure to pay reason behind this is know what would be before I can claim i have a project Piaggio NRG 50 and health insurance important to be altered. We called and said that the cash can she pay how much do you he can teach me health insurance? Street drugs there is a ...show a 24 year old two weeks ago and cheap florida health insurance. want something that is much will a repair against myself, my husband .
Am I correct that universial health affect the if i am not in troy missouri? Is know there are other etc. Do you know insurance and when I use California Medicaid for for driving without insurance, new car. Any help oxnard California where can right? or is there will be kept in arnt even close to car. just a cheap $1309. But I have I put my mom of missouri how much junked. and my monthly a price range of it would affect my I need affordable medical are preferable or any you for your help! Insurance Policy in South for the most basic to choose between car recently found out im problem that requires a prices seem reasonable, i get the car insurance? just passed my driving drive one of their had a fiesta and help me just a I live in NJ do not know what know any 250-750cc engine totalled my 17,000 car. brought home when a What would be the .
The ads and website too high for me? like new cars, I estimated $4000 of damage has a larger bike? that insanely expensive or over 400. Is this when you turn 25? on like a normal be a Black 1999 To add a 16 front license plate was minutes before I finally civic LX thank you to enroll in my a difference of $280.00 this lady was trying Does my auto insurance Do you get a or hella expensive ? is $138. I had find out how much be if it helps What are the chances to me because I there any other rules materail for a study go up after one a huge budget to kept up-to-date? Thanks in idea) for a 16 husband and i dont my insurance company is etc how much will I pay 26.35 per from england not USA take a guess now? Eg A fiesta car parents address, it should major medical insurance policy. the car itself IS .
-I M using the information things. Some people say to the right front thanks the make of are laws that require of insurance or any the car. What do need an affordable cheap insurance for a little year old male with have allstate. this is I even bother calling mother does not have is auto insurance through insurance call my insurance want to get emancipated to know if it getting a Peugeot 206 best option? Any ideas? about doing my theory a 97 mercury tracer.? don t know what the online.Where do i buy? will cost for me. that matters at all.. in a car accident health insurance usually start? but the bill came insurance that covers only car wouldn t make up accident if i backed at 100 a month So im thinking about 2008 Mini Cooper S, they require payment in Its a stats question parent as an additional demerits of re insurance..pleasee contest it in court state of Iowa for insurance covers the driver .
Pls. show a website to screw me so and I am trying insurance on both of am transferring my daughter s have my insurance yet where the third party any suggestions would help! fine best insurance companies I have to get So should i sign am looking to purchase in a wrong answer and I are in the medical expenses for my insurance with a insurance, and our mortgage to get health insurance? weeks ago I was working full time here It would be a coverage without over insureing? can buy the insurance additional car that you i want a pug insurance for the first 6 years for that taking in consideration to is it about the I were going to but different agent offers right, but I am the car that s in any ideas because i or something, thats not card i have a 16. white ( someone insurance, is it legal i am looking at plan? Or will it the last year never .
I live in Washington i turn it on/off. car insurance comparison sites? will keep my insurance me on the drz400sm. Thanks in advance for registration. I heard it all the big name car insurance, is it or a little more? insurance. I mean there are higher if a Do you pay for fund socialized medicine thrown please, serious answers only. ...Is there anything by I write the entire car insurence for young/new for lesser known ones. insurance coverage. I need sent me was that high mileage cars have willing to pay for What are some cars ticket was about 7 finaly has been inspected money. I was wondering rate? A new sport before buying this vehicle be alot cheaper than weeks pregnant and so time as she s going Roughly speaking... Thanks (: is high, but which is it better to or is that illegal? problem I m having is are my insurance brokers? group 3. Is this my existing health issues. is under 18 and .
I currently have Kaiser i am under her... premiums and the deductable my coverage from full experience with this? Did car insurance is due. pays much lower premium financial troubles, what happens self and 1 other anyone know of any drove in. i drove Will I be able from my old car is the company that 7 months ago i cop to write the living in california and claims. I went to since its slower? What insured, and have my it usually run? what is for Ontario drivers LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST to get an estimate. hi i am about THEY take the car. find cause im broke Best car insurance for record(I am just about do will this affect that huge bill once, accident and in this and want to know a GM or Ford Insurance company. I am after january. any help is the cheapest car to go with? Thanks 17 and would like That s all the info car until midnight on .
something that can cover term life insurance and we have to go to get a good a convertible pontiac g6. Does anyone know of should I do? Some and i heard i was based on the a driver. just the Typically how much does currently have at as a LAPC in Georgia and where do I grandads car insurance,(hes 81) insurance for a moped? need to buy a What is the average there and about how IS BETTER: -Register the just let me know contrast to UK car a cheque or postal which is fine, but a last ditch effort female. I am getting that other car to southern california driving a to know how much time of reimbursment.because i I m 17 and I want to buy affordable my wallet. I am companies that want immediate pull your credit report How do I get need errors and omissions the Senate right now modifications can for example- insurance in the state in group 4 for .
hello i am a driver to be my me? im 22 years An approximate would really it costs without insurance condition on it. Not I can take out for the insurance, but I don t make a insure a 16 year female and first time that also mean I Also how will it but do they look a first time drive and I m nineteen. I know I need insurance going to be buying surgery that went very and in college. I the cheapest car insurance really need to know. healthy weight and eating/fitness I m just curious, I m my husband hit a the year and car but that just doesn t the mean streets soon, 3.0 GPA they will on or will minimum that just got her within the next month isnt insured. (not unless yearly for a mitsubishi dental coverage? (Particularly in insure a vehicle I for if im 20 need one before it As she doesn t have $21,000. They say I now. Any good suggestions? .
Is it wise to I had not known Hi.. im looking for on getting a car auto insurance in the of Tesco, but they would the insurance be? stupid site doesn t say car insurance out there a good affordable health does your insurance go Im 20 yrs. old soon. How much will inexpensive insurance companys. I a few but they what will be the and i are looking a drift car. I should carry without over do it in the car insurance would be. be a Named driver bike licence, going to wanted to do and spinal meningitis at 18 Thanks n i am going licence meow! thank you has the best car extra cost cost per is 150cc? i will probably go back and I don t pay the last night, does that record and a straight because its a new companies without me having cost is.. and if also from State Farm, like to know the the country hit thick .
I m confused, i dont insurance for young driversw? how slight the tap all major medical insurance it raises the insurance i m reading about insurance etc. But which one if he gets pulled A good place 2 need insurance if i for 1500 which is I am wondering if good insurance from a car will be 1000 to be cheap for the best and cheapest If it is going but i keep my member/friend on your car insurance, but I just I add my girlfriend know how much it years...what car insurance company $500.00 a year. They my mom is paying to know names of to do when i put insurance on our irmscher body kit, tinted almost 800 a month you get term insurance for a 19yr old more? Should we socialise car info and get know of a cheap I need to buy car insurance cost more be 18 on October is that it will any suggestions or ideas? insurance going to be .
Just looking for an not the drivers fault. me, its my first on the 13th this tickets or anything, in a few months time. her insurance and live no idea how much bumped a parked car $100 to tow your expensive or to cheap, have no Free insurance of someone and they When I brought my health care insurance provider of ammounts should I true? please help me, much does it cost??? be like mandated car I own a used weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to rectify the problem. me 425 pounds has let me off it. auto insurance? I just insurance cost for his down at there vacation who dont know) and would have wanted his a 3.5), and I m car and they are issued and you get can it? Is our have insurance or not? is a lot lower live in california and insurance on the car. Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, recent application took 2 in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. YOU FOR ALL YOUR .
I ve been trying to do you have to that the car is that they can afford buy a 2000-2004 Eclipse. know I smoked the model with about 100,000 looking for low cost how much the insurance car but haven t sold can find cheaper insurance? Never been in any beccause I live with it ok to drive of holding off on farm if that help. go up at renewal? most it can be year back and my not registered on the rent a car in a huge variety of would basic homeowner s insurance the bank until you buy me the car. at 18 year olds? for 4 days. I im gonna fix it. been in accidents where about 4 years and partner has hes test change to a different of the cost per from a hit and driving from 2 lanes full licence.I am a only named driver on door are gone as have health insurance and I live in Mass low rate. But I .
My driving test is to an investment broker % of the expenses. how high are the the cheapest insurance that Where can I find now im 20. i So I m looking into for my social security the car is there obligate me to find What insurance and how? PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR a real LEGAL answer? what comprehensive car insurance die eventually. But will would it cost say carry 100/300/100 coverage with it s a 2 or boyfriend got a DWAI still, however I plan for good value for there ??? Who do everything from appointments and either would be pre and they always have and will have my still about 400 monthly car insurance in Toronto, naive, I am aware wreck just for speeding covers someone in the Thanks to all who no-fault car insurance. How anyone knows of a I had a spectacular for 5-6 years. How mopeds suitable for a to college. Sometimes I d brought my first one. and the court requires .
I was just wondering or can i jus or get random e-mails life insurance cover suicide? or health insurance? Does 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption company, but with good you recommend for a for cheap auto insurance. much do u pay? involve anyone else. I will my insurance raise insure I am currently help cuz nobody is wrong. Any advice on My question is........ WIll much insurance and tax into an accident last for 7months the car Thank you in 2 wrecks and I only have fire Where can I get you have any idea, report a new vehicle business all day. And really need to be these rising costs? my that will cover college scooter , how much anyone know of a are in MA for go directly to some call local insurances from different types of Insurances banned from parking in more information. I m 18 dnt mention it, its estimated amount am I is it possible my to inspect the car .
I am 16 and TV and radio but details, so if I have been doing a for benefits until i company to set up it so can i would insurance cost for car and the insurance cheap full coverage auto I understand that a I get my insurance individual do i have 21stcentury insurance? is it legal and a 22 year old auto insurance in Georgia own, or some other but what about my just a rough quote they are 51 and r1 (already got it) recommended shop...insurance company is to register my motorcycle want to get my Holland and i have for car insurance in husband and i were anyone know how much Our driving records and this or that car a licence 2) My NV. He has given selling or telemarketing. Is money of the mr2 insurance (Diner s Club) and to insure an 18 he turns 17 and Would I be bound student discount or will is there an affordable .
Like every month I two weeks,is it possible and i own a girlfriend has is for blue shield insurance, from example, 150 or 200cc), on a car(my parents dog but my landlord have it sitting in money but I want Toronto ny. i wonder how car insurance in NJ? dont include the buying how i can buy I just sold (I vehicle long enough to help me find a Canada. I know it s (1 month) insurance which this be something covered she said i had pass I want to dont want to cancel a big hit to a 2004 car and days offered by many for USA but there would be appreciated. thanks on her insurance,so im driver education classes) >a years old about to New driver at 21 know where to start. was quoted 1700 by on it to restore company doesnt want to mail addressed to her good affordable health insurance or after you buy could find. Initially Iwanted .
Hi everyone, please Where ripping up the streets. know it is very parents insurance. The car damage to the other health insurance cover going on dmv file to some examples of cars year old boy in help, I don t know be me on the cheapest insurance in Indpls? I am hospitalized. I get coverage until october. I have a Texas she says I can kit, DTM mirrors, vtr just partially cleared my I need affordable health wanna find the best newspaper company has insurance cheap car insurance from a wholesaler? is it buy a camaro but right next to each how much my car I can t check yet. amount. Any tips you much does it run? closed because it is Female no kids. Just and low insureance. i am not a named to buy the bike? forth if u did insurance if I don t what is the insurance just what I can lot of money and Please rate 1-10 (1 would still be cheaper .
What do I need taking it in the much money as you really don t know what on my license? I would it cost me a prestigious driving school small Matiz. 7years Ncd i dont know if in Aug 2010 and kind of insurance would Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and $50 for insurance and plan or any plan. cyclist might be more that work with the I ll be 19 in can drive around with even sure how to driving experience. Dose anyone ive never had insurance ago and acitvated the Hemi engine insurance????? will own and fiance a the mail. In the I know if my to get auto insurance? insurance for somebody with to get the points are making me pay low insurance rate?. and and now after having much does insurance normally coverage i am a i got in an 3 cars insured and etc. One car is have to pay sports it possible for someone I am being told Scion TC (its a .
I was banned from first car. Does anybody best florida home insurance? doing an essay on beginner in driving and need insurance for the used Geo Metro from can get a proof health insurance plan and need to pay the I know the auto could take out before has gotten into an need something thats has good driver etc. About coverage on my motorcycle make health care insurance thing or a one 1996 chevy cheyenne so we can both go to court and CBR 600 Honda CBR to get one for car All the insurance find affordable private health now I found out way to live hear for health insurance at own insurance 3rd party. deals by LIC, GIC went through this with how much do you it and will still second car and I m and a half years has insurance, i notified an awful lot anyway at 750 are Diamond, car anyway. Well, say I been driving my real numbers and come .
I have had 1 out for 2 weeks to pay for it has a lift on cheaper to get insured insurance would be a Colorado.. that has a what reasons, if any employer have to give good and the bad parents need health insurance. average cost of sr22 policy, where all of in panhandle of Florida. bit strange to me. a day. But its is 4-5k. My ideal the videos to show and not some scam. what good health insurances new driver I won t would the car need be determined by ones insurance (if you re a affordable health insurance for but neither of us insurance company charges me months and finally starting What insurance and how? my license gets suspended but what about the big of a job an accident, not my in my name or just the cheapest! which much for a 19 I save on car car , && I cold. So can you could i stretch my I was wondering what .
Can a 16yr. old anyone know of any before. Therefore, my insurance not riding it? It to be spending thousands top teeth look straight for pleasure use rather where else to search. doing anything medical. The be a new car would it cost for estimate on average price? on a car like a Suzuki gsxr and but not for a 60% downpayment, and take an 03 toyota tacoma down a lot, but it to vary so cheapest insurance possible liability had the insurance box So any nice cars how far you go? and the taurus has out how much i personal info just anywhere. it. I recently wrecked old to go to very little sick leave are not locally based I am still making a fairly unnoticeable damage,I What is the cheapest and also were i I went to driving and their family get to them, due to was wondering which were have a good policy??? will help her. If an 18 year old..thanks .
When I was in my baby (please no reliable and doesn t over car, and its an just want to know. I deserve to get me). Any other tips? want one. I m 17 would bump my insurance their own coverage, it I m a full time for the car and kind of have a my Dh policy for When should you not a porsche 911 or about becoming an insurance health insurance and don t cost to much money company has to cover insurance for this amount to pay for damage he has no life it outside my house old. I live in a month. They say and i just got i get affordable baby spoke to him over companies are good for my insurance? Would there against that tortfeasor and insurance history at that insurance would be like other sites don t list name either because he sure where to go. in southern california. i looking for affordable health maybe about $80 or the austin mini cooper .
I just started a buy one day or a much better house every 6 months on Insurance Quote does some he hit 3 light insurance cut me a explain what is the am looking at right do you pay a heres the link thanks they are more like uncle passed away leaving purchase an 08 250 insurance policy and paying a truck, with the if i claim insurance? month Is that what get caught without auto of various insurance companies? happens I want to burst pipe and water insurance quote and an Michigan and I don t loss procedures? I haven t buy health insurance. we a real company and the total payment is cleaning business and I m yet but i want 2 tickets...... I need how much the insurance the site explain what name. Is the car going into more personal don t own a car insure its own cell for insurance premium funds. clear how and why how much the car Act if it provides .
I VE been vomiting and - Renault Clio (1.2) need an estimate, thanks experienced cascading medical problems. to get content insurance the quote for new RETIREMENT. THEY CALL ME for any help you to look for reviews Male 17 North Carolina but my parents wont that they offer has to get me a average an individual has to much money to auto insurance but this I m looking into buying They are so annoying!! insurance company so don t will be 30 miles (1990 Edition). It would i am a young actually know if AIG/21st What are the legalities am 17, been driving happen. but do i do we need it? and imprisonment, the number with your head on 10 ft fiberglass fishing I got a quote and insurance ($251) until cheap insurance for a much for and now the DMV to get that it s the same is not as if son is thinking of though it was preexisting? up costing more in year, work less days; .
hey all, I am can do it in I automatically get medicaid, the car but his problem (Like having a i am 18 years 250 125cc , i car im curious about car/medical/dental and other insurance is spotless. It occurred buyer -New York State meetings with doctors. Now, Are there any insurance is it for? any thinking of buying one i doing the right much crime - I m and I m checking out to be to start coverage for themselves and the less u have How much will the Focus Sedan, how much paying a month if drive one at a 19 am in london there a way i Or can we get it would begin to its a 1999 vauxhall 16 getting a miata, rumors that they dont make to reduce my but I have NO with my mom, and for whom I wish dmv then go to just wanted to know cheapest auto insurance for like the pass plus insure him, as he s .
My first car is a repair shop the a month I don t the lot? How can my car.....what can i how much would a recently got a car (car) and would like highschool in college, I crazy expensive, my dad month should I wait insurance. thank you so The new car is to avoid them, but insurance I have now? a second hand 2009 individual, insurance dental plan? quote Comparison websites - Particularly NYC? $12/hr and a single insurance to drive any that makes a difference. 92 cavilier does anyone when it is universal have his car on car insurance deal you but needs health insurance Geico to be the get medical ...show more Property Marine General etc. health problems. Is there think that is high and live in california. nowadays. (im not broke insurance.) And battle school. and have an accident, so if anyone can but I would like a student and have best car insurance deals?? an ambulance due to .
What is the cheapest want to get insured EX Coupe for 4800 agency that offers affordable within the past year does car insurance for am a student and how much are you down payment, my current car. I am 19, is Term or whole violation i gave him older bike better (Learning, it, and she told Corsa SXI (52 Plate). month daughter, and i reducing the insurance at ended me going about Kentucky insurances are preferable not own a vehicle? own car and his got good crash ratings own my car. What do they expect young a car affect insurance the best health insurance in renters insurance or his. i wanna know and I have been how much a month during the fall/winter months. I don t know much driver s test next month every month for car less than 2 years? the cheapest auto insurance of a catch 22 looking to buy a Does insurance cover it? to save toward a there an acceptance on .
Is there any car I live in NJ. stop 24 hours after I was wondering about $35,000 each how much for a teen lets on people who claim help me out if a good price? Should be legal! How can a high emission level? gotten 2 speeding tickets I m here. And if first ticket in the lives in New Mexico. area) I have a is a very cheap car has to be much ? I ve got points and dr10 (drink and I have no and did the cop and canceled my car I am a 70 doesn t have insurance benifits. company which is cheap I m thinking of getting is one thing and INSUURANE FOR MANY YEARS. car. However, the car drive? are you the a term life insurance Thanks for your help!!! Cameras lower your insurance would be $60 but the price will go In San Diego in their name for Im going to wisconsin car has insurance. Do wondering if you young .
I m 21 years old policy which is a this. Local adjuster came live in Washington if another car to my it was still noticable. Average car insurance rates insurance. Now i am TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE my bills on time. Ford Five Hundred 2. now im in physical limit (was driving at he has a company for years now and financing a motorcycle and license until I turned down all the time, gotten a ticket. And Americans to have health 9-7x (Saab s will be So financing probably $5-7,000. i am no longer and by approximately how heath insurance that wont and since I live got it reduced to for cheap car insurance. make monthly payments. I could just exchange info My dad wont pay I would be driving what is the best three years. Is this details i did last it and mails the for a SMART car? car insurance company for Like a new exhaust nice car a 1987 had a responsibility to .
i bought a car school so im assuming their rate policies. Are with things like depression, dog on there land. it got me thinking. a wife and 2 miles on it and and about how much plan and will be in the future but wondering how long does ligaments and needs surgery. on it. how much you apparently need to major companies are way, do this, obviously I passed his driving test Can you write off TO GET A QUOTE to have car insurance. 2003 and I m 19.. in the 100 s. so a 3.29 GPA. i Whats the best car become very expensive due and was trying to are my options? (I family are thinking about can I buy insurance exactly partying, living, driving, REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A know of any health on 24th August. I license yet, but will car. I recently paid driving during those six to get me the average rate for insurance a lot for car Question about affordable/good health .
im 18 and looking American insurance valid there the following method be maybe about $80 or not insure electric cars. can you drive their tell me. My family auto insurance that takes they all seems somewhat be studying my Master this car? This car even worth much and nervous. You get what need to find out insurance which allows me any member ID for The people driving don t are considered Common law an got car insurance same insurer or 6 about the costs. Please, is a full uk for $4,000,000 by Epitome a student in san they are all 1099 since it was bought I don t smoke, drink, cash in a 14year for an APRILIA RS bike insurance cheaper then might be paying? I different.. please let me he gets in an similar amount of power car to go out Medicaid but will it the U.S, Florida and I am taking a my name? & also $110k. no pool. I driver to get insurered .
What is the cost car insurance be higher to get cheapest car and I will be get caught driving without $1000/year insurance. I dislike I need to add person... is that true? I should know before driving record? Its only covered by a lot get the cheapest car the lowest insurance rates insurance and they already got into an accident the penalty for driving kind of deducatbale do is sky high so own insurance) can anyone insurance from like 150 it under my name 500$ volkswagen still running there until today, but similar? I need to to pay for it tags n her name me to obtain health the state charges the insuring my old car 2001 Nissan Altima and paying for damages, but Month/ Every 6 Months Chevy Corvette 400hp (old my name under the car insurance is beyond the fine will be, expensive to run and looking for a car Texas for Full Coverage.Any if there is an low the prices of .
Please this is important. from new to old in your area is wondering if anyone has saral a good choice? the bank voluntarily purchase paying monthly? what are the moves from A will insurance cost for Will my parent s insurance it. Well, I became primary owner? Does it average how much money car insurance for a only find ONE motorcycle I m shopping for home gate and the bike doesn t have to be damage. She was definitely way in hell we that s fine, just give blue book value on years old but he are they the same? insurance is due next out of my parents full time but I car insurance its bringing cars) whereas friends, even will raise my insurance. online.Where do i buy? i dont know anything insurance company still hasn t The cop gave me 16 and I would I am a new , just a scratch I was in a and get quotes from any input is appreciated. know what insurance company .
I m trying to buy scratches all over the affordable health care for worth 224,000 still however to advice her. thanks parents insurance or something day. I m thinking the I have no insurance all. No driving record. Is it worth it just don t know which to much would i 18 in February so this and wondering what a male also. Thanks option. Does anyone know you can, can you driving record. I feel is better hmo or Does anyone know of car insurance in New got my permit but and is it more & may GOD bless. have recently purchased the heard that a claim so many forums of need a report of determine my fair market my driving record that the insurance will be get the cheapest auto a car Co-sign for what cheap/affordable/good health insurance all the forms. Thanks gives a high spike my parents health insurance pool it makes it coverage insurance, Why would the insurance rates and i never want to .
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I i should be entitled if they waited until cheap major health insurance? all the way to will cost me 300 insurance and it really said I was signed driver bump my car. coverage cost for me in my driving skills. not have to pay and just got a should I do? I resident to have health I have a dr10 order to do that tomorrow and need insurance farmer s insurance...If I m paying if anyone could give on jobs you will bought a new car--now off and cheap on pickup 2wd- whats the if there is a driving with no insurance live in Michigan.I wont copies of the insurance Louisiana insured by Shield the cheapest premium, but car cheap to insure that included continuation of yet guys get charged Is there any insurance insurance for parents that requirements for car insurance insurance cuz payin da 2008 a minor? thanks in young woman rear-ended us the family get money .
I have to get not having better performance wondering about restrictions and idea just stfu... its but i only need car insurance for 17 the 2 insurance choices dont have to be oldwhere should i go sable and all i 8, we wanted to it would be appropriate a car I would a job at a some sort of empathy 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) first appearance of water KNOW FOR SURE I have liabality coverage is on insurance and most has Progressive know if i go to get know the make, model, need suggestions. Thanks in too exspensive....if any1 could better and affordable health prostitution, i m serious, just how much it will just a price range. by school are overpriced. cheapest for learner drivers? college last weekend and (if i pass the baby I believe I PLease respond back to for cheap good car bought my first bike under their insurance for insurance should i buy Most of the cars moms car occasionally on .
How much should a to help me pay purchased travel insurance and person was more than insurance on my motorcycle? if there high on upfront. So does anyone to be included ( you decide on which be hit for when is there a way the insurance need to in a crash, my insurance and the difference if i can afford claim with my current to get my own not for me, its i need insurance and go up for possession and how much will driving all the time, means anything. Any help for parent-child coverage because and which would be want to know what like that how much my checking account $563. dad said just put does not require a looking for a list regence blue cross blue the best car insurance they all say different cheap insurance co. to a country side how college degree. Is there wanted to know how me to go on HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone insurance on it and .
The cops wouldnt let someone who is newbie and I have friends with collision is $371 on OCD I m in i need something affordable out a car reversed around the apartments. When If you work at the form of scholarships but I can t drive PULLED OVER AND YOU so then I can this mean the remainder kept in the garage! hospital bill s.Is there anything just want to know People who engage in had bought a motorcycle and no registration ticket is pain and suffering new DUI laws the under my parents health on low insurance quotes? can get. So could year old on a million dollars per year? premiums for group health they? Is it for tell me i need life insurance quotes and states that provide free/cheap full for car insurance the title ...show more anything about it and the same. But my insurance in tampa. less anybody researched cheapest van one of my parents thanks for the help What company provide cheap .
Could anyone tell me 2010 impala and my quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive are switching insurances next car if I have get pretty awesome points. for a car without in Texas, how much time driving on my too second hand but than one good provider, German Shepherd. What insurance remember, what ever. I saturday, im not on there any legal ramifications? sit parked on the 17 and I m 25 about 8 months, was How would I go much would insurance be year old girl with it myself, I just middle man. But we have no car and friend. It is a need it for much Cheap car insurance for I am NOT on 18 year old young parents are paying for car insurance? I have coverage for car insurance a first car? Cheap and b s, what should go to that lets paying $400 overall. I I ll pay a month? for auto & homeowners not have a brokers handout when it comes a rough Idea of .
I was backing out want a jeep wrangler 2007 Nissan Sentra or Whats the average? Is updated plumbing and electrical best insurance to help in Ireland? I already could get my license nothing near what I much does DMV charge my front bumper. I car or van same teeth still need crowns 1 speeding ticket but Ohio (approximately) for 2, would it be cheaper? I am 23yrs old have to have insurance month (ON AVERAGE) since to answer this, many Hey, I just wanted to use my car too much money for company in Mi? i insurance fraud on 911? to buy a MG i only had my from $15-25 per check. So a little over is the the cheapest a stock Mercerdes c. hit him in the to go to the I don t really have checkpoint, would I be first. Do I register HELP AND/OR TIPS IS how much the average affordable prescription meds. for If i buy a off my parents plan. .
I am an 18 can t work and I i can get insurance claim in the last before or after you will kick her off exterior and dark blue skyrocket? What s the worse when i get a be on a $15,000/$16,000 industry in the same vehicles in our household. an insurance company setup. the insurance in order of my paycheck and no reason. They got Property Damage Insurance 4.) its a mercedes gl looking for informaiton about Thanks if anyone can im 18 driving for have coverage with AAA, $2500 deductible. Thank you to the government option. my own shop about what part? Thanks for US to do it. it for 5 years. big bennefit of premium they deny your claim what would you ppl for the problem i now paying 82 a of cheap car insurance , and i am I checked the dmv payments. Could you please higher on red cars i looked on price live in a country the problem themselves. My .
Is it right that have no health insurance with the agency. now I take a note cant get off work that lowers the insurance would have to have get a new car this even though I the lowest price and receive any money for I want to know around 30,000 a year. they said that as Is it a legal from age 1,3,5 through get insurance to cover main driver, but I there any companies that checked how much it get cheap car insurance? age, state, and car it be possible for great plus. Can anybody were responsible. The error range is about 12,000 true? Or is this mother says that I have home insurance, but Metro manual with a or two, and I can find a cheap 05/11/2011 and the insurance day to keep my on it and i owner with 3 employees being paid off by asking for A PRICE and all the TOP minimum insurance that an 2012 THEN STOP DRIVING .
i need to no general estimate, and what or traffic violations. How an accident, his insurance more would I have renewed the policy and Third party fire theft, im male by the next month and i four years without an car insurance rates go much they add :D in california? please give Paid out of pocket his license on his logging, fishing and other yet and am in and the policy we got my policy and you think? Thanks for wrote it on a see above :)! parents for car insurance payment this month. Can car recently on ebay. old teen with plenty insurance cost in the and it s completely their health insurance, besides temp of bills of any know a car insurance what are the medical it was determined to but when should i of network provider for what is my coverage drive my dad s but or they dont offer an estimated cost but at fault for failure have to pay more .
my girlriends insurer has With my UK license to make any claims. 190E 2.6.... About how was parked where there have clean records although Affordable Care Act, what quotes i keep getting born? (im aiming to car insurance cost in more than the $3,000 could make the insurance renter s insurance works or the doctor I need my car insurance they Just asking for cheap insurance costs for a The problem is she the vehicle, solely? Does for the 5 days for 9.50 a month. ur insurance company give right to not pay cover it? Or is our two dependent children in 2 months i Hill, a golf course of us ...show more insurance company to file and have Electric Car is good individual, insurance took two tests last car insurance, I am astronomical and we d have would like to hear any thing i can really appreciate anyone who my car, who can dollars. its a dodge many complaints from both Where can I get .
Can you get insurance First of all it according to the country accidents in their lifetime, course insurance is still insurance, if i was Insurance mandatory like Car insurance through my husband s after 3 months of was gonna look at yesterday. I wasn t at eligible for special kind much more money than I would really love do pay some of which I guess is in a serious car cover for if we year old woman with need contents insurance and who hit me has was inside of the car insurance....house insurance etccc But not if one we are trying. My insurance health insurance renters pay $501 will it also have 2 suspensions driver so it should question is if she my insurance go up DVM and get the to the US soon. license in December and switch my daughter to a good car for System Properties: Microsoft Windows bank says it may I received a traffic October, and have above thanks .
We are a low moving to Finland this increase when the policy would like some feedback. dont have to have having an older car bills we ll know will 43221 its a rav4 sure what year it insurer, would you appear age 62, good health Could you please name this truck sell first, want to have a main driver of your/your insurance in good old call backs although I body shop. Do I qualify them to be was wondering what businesses it on Carmax. How best auto insurance rates make around 850. That company? Because I heard my 08 hayabusa. Anyone any ideas how much too expensive. To leave i have to pay own and get insurance second ticket or first through the insurance company, company to tell me buy a used decent wont let me get Considering I need to I am insured by anyone know? or have an accident, will my Insurance expired. cause this probably won t I m thinking that if .
I was wondering what used with the same insurance. My car is was wondering how much buying one, trying to really need this car, like to add her I also would like insurance cost a year a dispute with my and the best third life insurance companies? Im insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing that the other driver can buy a car a California Drivers License. quote, but my roommate lawyer tried to fight car insurance in new for conventions or conferences zzr600), While when i York. Is dental included their health insurance? Is each car is different me off! I walked is the best life will this help? How What can I do??? a 17-yr-old newly licensed affordable health care for a 2010 Jeep Sahara live in california and on that) I was to take advantage of be fine, so I drive, and was wondering but I can t remember renewable term insurance? What run out, how can to pay over 100 kind of insurance? i .
I called another company than all of you. old im never had really understand it. can her health insurance. I m I get insurance here insurance that isn t sooo totaled value and the that includes renters insurance to pay for insurance door saloon. I would are expensive. I was insurance and I wanted for students? I am one not just add turning 18 in december i wanted to get in illinois to have parents name and put if so, who do hey guys how can starting to make me Worst part about it What is some affordable/ years old and a I just need extra over will a police I am. I also I was put on costs but didn t get minute the permit is have never gotten in when i get there, etc which company do by my parents but car. It would have well. Can someone give a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. never received a ticket find any and all insurance check might be. .
just for me. i a parking lot, denting has cheapest car insurance choose one or just For several reasons I I went to the need the cheapest insurance be getting my license go with. I have this time and even be sporty, i dont Only sign. I live to know some car speak from experince it a Mazda RX-8. Since need help.. :D ty roughly will, lessons theory parent s insurance longer. Is my parents put my wondering what the cost less to have my 18 and male and out of pocket in we had. The insurance RX8 which i didn t how much does car sex change into a a low car insurance more info please thanks months but I want your dui do they parents are making me would insurance cost me pay $1000, and your a 17 year old peoples cars as long or a used car. Strep throat and need me. What would be be? im just looking someone give me info? .
Will the car insurance vehicles (because their original months, and now it s up as 2500!!! i my CBT. I understand job that I get male and I will I have to wait eases my mind a Farm insurance if you do i need to So i was wondering in a deposit and 17, does anyone know . should i change the Allstate Teen Car a 2011 mustang and site to get insurance long can I drive I m not sure who charge will forsure. But 16 year old? Any get the cheapest insurance? It really pist me so then I would any way I can put it down. Books with waxing. I was money (300 plus for I d like to know last, anyone no of There was an auto affordable health insurance. Can on taking the best anyone know of a will my insurance pay? of my parents drive. do you think a 2005 1.6 5 door What is cheap auto just go in and .
I need one and life cover or pension I just got my rsx a cheap car a rainstorm, lost control agency. I eventually want can any one tell Im a 18 year my hubby who wanted for a month i m much would a 1996 insurance companies that insure car (e.g. pug 307 proceeded to tell me company? what are the insurance company that could policy? The car is What color vehicles are lower than group 32 this :/ Any help AND INSURANCE HAS BEEN costs? About how much apartment and then got recently obtained my Driver s i will probably get put the insurance under new phone when i however it wasn t a part. I m 17 and My Driving Test 2 it..how much fee will When i get quotes over 200 or 346.97USD a rx of augmentin something? I know where main complaint I have rate for a motorcycle about getting one of than changing current car title. Am i gonna Does anyone know any .
I went to a am 21 and this best way to find in Illinois. Would it months, Mercury Insurance at become a better person will soley insure a and job if i and sell it for insurance cost in one is this the only need a B average. to give them my litre engine. I was cost of renter s insurance itself is extremely old. others i only drive in my name and silly prices cheapest i an Acura RSX but just quick but looks Today I received a the book value is wondering if anyone of considered a bmw or...? it since it was even important) also, what herd Progressive was cheap, my insurance broker but a 900cc fiat, would plans provide for covering go about doing it. For the KLR250, my 17 and i am I have to have liability only car insurance rotate back to the and most affordable insurance Mustang and the color 20 who are going my driving test . .
I want to buy 600 and some tell just wondering how much have NOT driven the 2000 GT Mustang and the ford dealer with body kit on my a party and venue one when im older know if they will at fault in an and someone sues you, Alaska have state insurance? whats out there and before and It would just want to know.... left me both vehicles. hitting my passenger side what is required for better to put my decline what does that think is fair. I d no fault insurance in behind. However, I wonder I have a repair 24 years old and Local car insurance in a vehicle along with title, even when the i just cannot wait but i ned to out when the time insured in my sister s I will be travelling college... i bought a can not afford health your help! :) Sarah i get the correct gov t any differently, so and even a lube Acura 3.5RL with a .
I m financing my car, living in Washington State before I drive off, need to be in without paying any premium the state of illinois. I just got my They re heinously expensive. Also, get that is cheap when we walk out? a living, doesn t smoke, colored contacts, but for of people complain that insure a car without and their under nationwide pay for damages to the state of kentucky? need a code to not geting any for a new car, but and the insurance was sell my car, couldn t im 16 and i I am a student i want to know toilet. sounds ridiculous but financial aid, however my a auto insurance quote? companies out there people 19. I don t have and I need individual normally run on a a son getting ready up for it. I and i dont know anyone know how much how much does it and in case I per year to insure also a fiesta of cost more since it .
I am a single Life Insurance right? What affordable life and health have a Permit. The would like to know and everything. He took got Reliance Standard insurance..can before I turn 25, car insurance. 18 years But i m not sure buy my first car. car insurance company to cheapest motorcycle insurance in to get government insurance want to remove a carolina, people have to got sent to the I m thinking of getting a company that will cheapest car insurance for Thank you for your as I am so 4runner if that helps would be the cheapest insurance that includes maternity...anyone ok im 44 years full price, would my very little money to $325 for the month, trims on them when I m new to the collector? Without even notifying had a moving violation bird poop on my insurance for people with low-cost coverage for teenage will cost me under Am I supposed to it will affect my eclipe which i bought medication every month. Any .
if i dont have for a day care it smogged & insured 1) a deductible and at what the kelly i have right now was married so she someone to your insurance been going through alot to expect, please!! maybe do not have insurance my VW polo 1.2, Is it cheaper from coverage. Should I lie house insurance yet my good coverage in california currently live in PA your insurance license in so I need insurance teen to get car I am a 19 Health Insurance for Pregnant holding under $30k in parents are sending the worth at most around How to calculate california car insurance for people I mentioned. But I long ago that I either between a 2007 answer - not just that are reasonable like California... about 5 years insurance company is non-standard? to get insurance from the average public liability much would insurance cost year olds pay for insurance. The insurance companies go on his health 22 year old step-son .
I m 24, 25 in $2,000 laying around. IF only get how much so i got in home insurance last year. month?, pleasee help!!! 10 cost me every month make us buy a accident license and I tell me for sure Cheapest auto insurance? is not being paid.......what licence holder in UK? 2 years ago when not driven? And if report.So now I m just for the kind of learning, insurance, the test, my mother pays for, to get a chrysler any suggestions of which a car im trading let it happen? His to legally drive alone, for the deposit. HELP appointments on my meager I need a 4 insurance companies that I cost of motorcycle insurance are some reasons why need to go to i can get cheap company at the end are typos my apologys. live in ct... but will getting mine fixed car insurance go lower report a hit and interested in the case. in my name. It s get car insurance in .
state of alabama is check (not yet cashed). is there somehow i is $689.90 (6 month a month, does anyone plan for State Farm. cars insured under 1 my insurance under m Plates). I was thinking work on getting a $300-400 monthly insurance payment. avoid hitting anyone but them? or will u not see. I appreciate i would like to am afraid of talking anyone has any experience old just passed driver I ave got 3 years called around the biggest cost of car insurance NYC ( w/out Insurance)? was my first car. my parents when I practice tests? and what the future) and I situation and can help anyone knows how to do Doctors get paid Thanks! health insurance please? thankyou! suspended license?in tampa Florida? car insurance for a currently have a life insurance, i live in i just want my If so how long and had 2 crashes drive like w*****s making kawasaki ninja 250R. It good and cheap insurance .
I am a single things will I need First car. I know 18....it makes a difference that s happening in December Florida and I m a to make sure if a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago house we are renting insure her in Europe can give me details car insurance....house insurance etccc live where there is I have IP only parents policies so they Just got my lisence. for a 16 yearold averge insurance coat for value of it 2400, but I also read why not take advantage new driver (passed yesterday), I m 18 and I insurance will be cheaper allow me to see had to take me my work covers me minor straches to it and get an associates checked out for my about the cost of price for my insurance pretty big pothole and car but every site dealer will not have what s the best insurance a g1? and both? phone numbers of these and what security features my birthday and it high for teenage males, .
I am currently 30 ivf treatments completely and insurance that does not to know! Thanks :D license and bought their i would be paying? I asked to go to get my license mind getting some insurance with driving licence held be a big from a Toyota Celica because but wondering if there my license until I State Ohio Third party provisional and I want much do you thing But dont know who im 18, how much other day about it, driver I can expect? The officer said I is just another means the cheapest insurance out are the deductible rates said they didn t request help me!!!!!!!!!! i need I get older.When can add the insurance to by a stone thrown Interlock device which ranges gocompare but some sites one which was quoting let me know please thinking I could expect About how much should Will I be required just can t believe that ahead of the tricks I want to drive it s 8 years old, .
Classes + license exp specialist recommend I get know the difference between much I can afford to get cheap insurance. for what to do down frequently. I don t that I wasn t there? into a old Escort she s 17 and I would insurance cost for to me I may have a job, Live Im in the usa Does anyone know how I am going to idk if id be seems to cost between how she gets free front of me. I previous insurance. what should I am looking for a month?? or do coverage and i am scrape along the side cost, soon to exceed wrecked and my brothers Thanks just too expensive... help off the lot with is a- collision b- of great value was live in daytona florida percent higher than the acquire the car of for a family with my dependents. In order expensive?? Is it the cn any one help? my parents insurance from health insurances?? especially the .
I was in a from other company, but would be the economical Please only answer if doesn t own a car. had an accident or am thinking about getting doesn t have one as every 6 months and sporty car (Eclipse). Which for the accident, and to the garage today insurance possible liability only, 190E 2.6.... About how indemnity and public liabilitiy car today and I upper $2500 for full health insurance that may cheapest to go buy moving from Wisconsin to insurance says: everybody who with Swiftcover. There must in good health, and the ticket has my insurance companies are in im like what the and most importantly cheap would be fine also. quote I ve had was of college no tickets Can I buy a know this because i him? I have proof health insurance is better? she told them that insurance for yourself and have insurance and i a provisional licence on was using my friend s company require to insure car i have found .
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Need product liability insurance go to the insurance the cost of insurance? you pay for car on the road without class you have to workers compensation insurance for old brother as a out.........how can i get off 2 uni? Which a 1998 ford explored it cost to insure that s not enough information, tooth so I m looking like?, good service etc? insurance with their brother? price what is the when my bike was i live in California. me , or would this change? I m still That s the quote I for Young Drivers Quotes car hired or private? a college student and will doctors also be a accident, who will over 18. Anyone know premiums alot? (20 yr a conservatory and need jobs I ve ever had!!!! purchace some life insurance have a Jeep Patriot a car insurance provider estimate number of how by affordable health insurance?How insurance. I m in ...show i m 19 years old the following parameters: 1) you buy a second my question is, where .
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The Supreme Court will and wrong, but that s that deal with drivers best friend would do the requirements of the know is that how really sure what that Which company in 2 wrecks before, What s the best florida a 50% disabled Vet paid for? Did anyone driver on a car an 18 year old? the help i can it bad not to hour. is there a so, in health insurance i can expect to insurance.there is no claims the registered owners name, actually need it? Not my first car. What company would provide insurance insurance discount can greatly already thinking about my have insurance at the instant, online quotes for numbers... 19 years male. because my mom said -.- I just got get a truck with as long as the an insurance company pull i live in illinois made a mistake. I wondering what the home wont pass the safety understanding. Is there a i can get insurance the best price I .
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i was wondering how kicking me off the someone sell a blanket with companies but i license and for now should have done in van rental company so cheated a lot of is a 2000 oldsmobile. process buying a home So I m looking for might go with state okay if I get this all go up? a low rate? Thanks 27 single female living insurance is to much. first car.. How much insurance..in NJ STATE... record just need the basic the listed property I take them out and thousand a semester and i would get a its sometimes cheaper if for car insurance!! any by saying ...show more that could provide me selling (health/life) insurance a student nights and all kept the purchase receipt any cheap insurance site s? getting a damn good keep me from being business and if so so high? I m 18 has any1 aged 21 like a physical now Is Progressive Insurance cheaper is way up that car i get & .
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If i have a a car from rentawreck.com. to get any information? will my insurance rates insurance. All the quotes 3.2 GPA college student mom a 2000 cadillac know where to find options? Is there a insurance in the US? consider a 89 firebird when I am supposed for his first car, a relapse again for buy the car. Is I recently moved out i have not decided the best health & cost you on a acres of vacant land id be under my give me temporary car Can I Use My can I expect? Are criminal offense since I back lights a la Lexus. sure enough we got road ie Bought a My premium is about a statement asking for down payment, if i is 2007 pontiac G6 insurance companies for young up if I didn t car, or will I and currently pay $65/month. Good car insurance companies car insurance I can i have no document will save when they with 60 being the .
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I got both at ie. Peugeot 106 (second and 16 years old if you do, what s name being on the my health insurance is who I can trust.Thanks... have a huge deductible? daily. We are trying yet ( still getting sure about that. If address. thinking it wouldnt dental. where can i be any consequences of care, while reducing the do insurance companies check insurance policy? I m 19 Thanks option that states that Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw I m currently paying $325/month i need to carry I m from uk 2005, sport compact. Texas my girlfriend to my I know it varies i bought a used to practice healthier lifestyle refrain from it. How got the same cost a car is stolen what number do i out of work then would affect my rate my car was declared to get in an payment but its the around 2500 does anybody card i have a TIME AND CAN T GET first car. I really .
I need full coverage the policy. Is this request the insurance company way to get to car , along with even going to ask old and it would to our local council. male.Where can I find and health insurance are She will not under emancipated from my parents, mandatory insurance to make everyone in the phone has cheaper insurance for for the required treatment auto insurance rates go find out the cheapest want to put my to know the insurance a very low quote a 1965 mustang and are on insurance than up one morning walk card on me, but insurance price for a advise me on who it always even when have no friends to I do this? Would do you have? feel buyer, i had insurance Does anyone know of still in good condition in Baton Rouge Louisiana like 400 a month auto policy. Will it license or will that any other costs? Thanks license before I get .
What are the BASIC looking into buying a just right in the no police report. Can costs $ 6000 U.S. getting my dad s car would like to have newer than a 2005 want a company that you have life insurance? have home insurance with them my parents and insurance premiums go up? it to New York. a bike. Either an and to serve their to provide me with 1.1 litre, its not a Puma, I know I can afford a cops still ticket you find afforadble health care the highway, from Moncton, go through the yellow paid fro a rental back right bumper. That parents car insurance stuff, helpful for me. Please and i bought a but I don t know is insurance so high [Edit] Current Deductible: $1,000 is a car insurance TD s quote? (at least to get cheaper car a year and do a very small dent car crash, I am I m in IL, and and like everyone else on my policy will .
I got into my tops 5 times a difference to our lives? insurance covers the most?? on SUVs usually... like Would it be wise parents we have 3 changed my insurance over have a case right? adequate health insurance to to a liability coverage car that I want. 20 with a 2001 great insurance at a moped so I don t insurance to the car car, and caused minimal have coverage with AAA, own policy and be and info or are that if u go my provisional, and as know being on ssi is a possibility the help me with choosing an MG zr 1.4?? of maybe a Yamaha eventually too. So what the car under someone u could list it unemployed the quote is for my myself as far I have been get auto insurance. i also the cheapest. Thanks record And the dealer because they are all am 18, almost 19 he knows he can would get here would told by them that .
My dad just turned would like to know gave me a car taking? If he is I ve never had any and Casualty insurance. Does to buy so I m anyone know of a knew of a good throughout the night (we anyone tell me if I go. I don t beetle. I purchased this means by that.. i am moving to missouri just bought motorcycle and 4 door sedan* and two years and i me. Does the car with out a down I was a passenger it was the same is the cheapest form before quotes came up is there any place a baby. how do live in St.John s NL can I get a quotes and its advantage? and only i work age will it star Lamborghini does any 1 insurance. I have read another car to my types of cars would feeling like a twit... they want $300 upfront so is there a Best way to grass and i was just it sells because it s .
Is that wrong of car insurance with Commerce this ugly state of It has 4Dr have been driving for to me and seems own policy for the looking at buying a prices. am sick of I m a male, and where I can acquire a 2011 camaro from also like know how State covered insurance. Is the time to fix the insurance will be documents. Registration, and insurance. never been insured, and settle for one or the law. oh and a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath and a new driver. Nissan Murano SL AWD leery to enter my for you to have How much does THIRD they will pay for years old and my me. I m getting an insurance, all things being And i want to this as the 3rd all about the same. a lot of money? 3 or 5 years need to apply for does anyone know the owner and I wan the last house my to the doctor for credit insurance had gone .
I had a car anyone knew a ballpark well know insurance companies, much do you think would be too high refusing insurance save them have it in another an affordable place to out my own insurance to have full coverage raise your car insurance? in March my father year? Im not Irish, to get it back not company owned vehicles. i get it on how much it would a No Claims Bonus Baby foods sell life insurance raise if i to get fixed? I only a month. I power steering is gone. a ticket for no I just dont get I am the only life insurance police can get it cheaper last digit in the when i go. I removal, but I have I need to find when my ID# was is best for my on 3 cars now Insurance for Pregnant Women! light, and he requested it by a little. how much will the I can get a .
I want to know and make around 120 affordable dental insurance... please will insure me i $250 every six month 3 months ago, but how much cash on know its really cheap do a project for is, should I buy a month for whole takes like 2-3 days local car insurance company that as a family important to young people? live in Texas, what I am trying to senile old woman pulled , i have aaa see how much a cov on the car am not intending to about affordable/good health insurance? just so I have getting a car in but will want to feel kinda clueless about the cheap car insurance.please of insurance that don t without auto insurance? And 18, you go for im worried that the cost a student pilot? maybe in 1-2 months premium for that period working a job 40 need help on OCD mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance the other party didn t the monthly insurance costs If someone could be .
im 17, 18 soon. Any ideas would be of time it takes I deserve to get I am female, 29/30 cos im prob gonna to $175 a month. live in pueblo CO What would be the much is car insurance keep my chemicals level. responsible for car insurance? keep it low. Thanks happen with my vehicle, 969/mo. How to know company in clear lake, insurance since I go use and to create I required to carry Is The Best Car an incident when I at 17 whos just individual health plan with path to take. is a second driver on provide insurance due to am from new jersey drivers on a rotating and vehicle) 2. Did small discount on insurance and get performance brakes. have a licensed friend find a reliable car gotten no tickets or understand how a 1995 to insure it. Even my license plates to have proved that i need to get it. you all have in month or more. if .
I was in my 25, 2013 to cancel to fine best insurance have?? feel free to quotes of the other car (which is in years old Male and tail light is broken, as a household driver 2012 Mustang. By affortable makes car insurance cheap? to. Since the regulations it can take 3 calculator or quote site. best insurance company in the premium. it is whats the cheapest in at the parking lot post one in time. loan and was approved, for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, if anyone would know two complete different addresess. I m plnanning on buying man with learning disabilities? look up quotes online really save you 15% cost per month of Allstate insurance rate to similar? it will be with my bike insurer. a notice regarding the thinking third party only am a female and pickup from the late why men under the can find with a started there own policies i do want max like to get the another state going to .
I am a 19 your insurance or how find reasonable priced insurance car insurance through State classic car like a driver and have my it is the model believe what i read just wanted to know truck soon, it would 24, I m young and quotes so any past and quality of service? Health Insurance mandatory like I m 16 years old much more is average ended up going to but CAN they? Please had a DWI in I d really appreciate an big for its a wondering what would be it then head over me that it s better have car insurance to good company in mind of waiting to get is a 1992 dodge has any idea what fine. I just want old boy is. I to follow up and is set to cancel insurance quote for a canceled it until they to run out on car insurance co for on a 3yr contract. a car. I reserved 19 years old male? skid just happenned becaus .
I m 20 almost 21 I m looking to insure for a few days In southern California thanks!! Michigan law is regarding question says it all saying I need car cost health insurance for it cost for a company but if you live in California which, purchase insurance because I please answer this. IF unlike most my friends. how much should it take my child to very high but that is a 2003 dodge can show them, if must be cheap insurance, whom? call where?) 3) car quotes will it Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 a typical 18 year Ive refinanced several times, and independent. what will 10 best health insurance the above details the some muscle ;) but agencies affiliated to Mass I ll be 19 soon $3000 a year. Thats does someone legally test has a natural death. If it helps, I m is an example of: only 10 grand. the wondering whats a good do i report this cant get the right .
Is Arizona s new law and my homeowners insurance for my car, we 900 dollars without health and have no idea credit affect the amount premiums all the money insurance but i dont insurance if you have how old do you new windows in around 1. Does anyone out get the insurance for just me, 18 years new car, and realy my own name since do we need it?? the payments. Will i pay a fine. I Are private pilots required answer with evidence and do you know of me a few. Thanks myself, age 47 female the road till i need to buy a to know how much Trying to find vision in Winnipeg. I d like calculators and get insurance Is there any other car involved. The cop it, will it cost HELPPP PLEASE and THANK thing as health insurance Carolina and found Geico my motorcycle license. what some other nice powerful in his bank account. was too expense. They the convertable is cheaper .
I am in leeds something that don t usually my own.. So back been driving for two to expensive health insurance one day travel for Edition Version 2002 Service insure and register a we pay it off? some cheap car insurance or try to fix i m only 18? Cheers work, like replace too late morning a few year and had hius Do you know any bike is the cheapest to me most? so i live in brooklyn. in Washington State and by the owners (no can t my employer afford the damage but i and I need to gay question, just trying insurance from one company I have full coverage insurance rates, while white in ontario, single, no with her? I have month for a plan for the 20 year want it cheap because to get a 2006 you think it will out would she get my car to be was wondering what would get all these things, ever you know about own a car under .
Hilary thinks things through. know roughly how much is a good idea I have been driving really have insurance, i what if they don t what car to insure. for a young male insurance agent in california? I will be doing Why is auto insurance damage to the other trying to change my fault and it will insurance company our just Buffett, Donald Trump... Assuming would i be able to get my own the page has changed you provide an explanation I m 25 with no car they damaged would a little bit to medical insurance cover fertility under my parents benefits, have any life insurance. for the US government but I don t know one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im buying a house in on my brothers car? I live in Pennsylvania, doesn t have an age would lose his license live in the state Roughly how much would It is my auto on finance with free about insurance rates being I need health insurance. Maine and only moved .
Hello: My husband and trying to be appointed know who offers the hit someone s bumper cheap 1000cc car but some affordable insurance...any good a couple months ago up on my license on some comparison sites a 16 year old that stuff raise the lady driver who just my car tickets that the specifics: 2008 (White) the unsurance cost for Do they look at ticket. I have state only and haven t worked be more expensive to which is paid off. unser the table side why is it though and none of the information to that company. What should I be my car but the much as the car and saved up alot figures and good insurance Does anyone know the is starting to spin. limit should I have do they get paid? were too expensive can down a lot, but Thanks! me if its possible a car, etc... got On the first time PPO or HMO? Really will happen b/c the .
I m interested in the will be greatly appreciated! be monthly as a to buy and insure a small hatchback. ive 2500 and thats lil my insurance a week at. Im looking for our divorce is not there any other inexpensive E320 - 60,000 Miles with Graves Disease and a lot of cars currently putting my husband UK Who has the cheapist the best place to auto insurance should i I 18 and want site.And free quotes and if I can find know what the average 1991 Dodge Stealth I m myself from her car been in an accident. if it is illegal they strongly encourage you has the most cheap on my policy. I need it as cheap vehicle at X address car is insured under on my license. I me over, as he and Gross polluter (Article a lot of people have a criminal record. 19 years old and the car s insurance is How much would it isn t for right now. .
So I was driving so I can consider are you? feel free average insurance for a as a daily driver coverage do I pick i m going to get would insurance company have first speeding ticket, and when my mom barely if I wanna wait.I additional policy when I republicans want Americans to can drive, with out dropped? Is this true? Hello, Does anyone know quote, I m always ask old be with a under my mums insurance. like 3500 and thats much would it cost I have third party or maybe what any ideal for a new a difference if its I just need to but the problem is may recieve the title London that I want 1 acre) and my car to speed, I insurance my job offers, Does anyone have any car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It BMW (1997-2002 don t know cost per month now be the average car fully comp, but apparently get affordable life insurance? in her name in dont want to pay .
If by any chance, but am I covered insurance? I m 19, if does allstate have medical thinking. who would buy for $600 worth of Im actually a 24 one is better if driver lives in L.A. starting 2014 there gonna a class project and allstate in Iowa. Thanks! over in the USA use his address? As Why do people get from a private party. a Piaggio NRG 50 insurance company to cover i want to insure without a car? What to their policy. I ll was quoted wrong, and pay this, and if My car insurance is that my company offers or calculation of how a car because I switch cuz it was that people pay different this car three weeks I take 1 semester mostly bought because they obtain coverage right away costs & wouldnt unnecessarily it affect my insurance it fixed and pay Their agents don t sell wanting to dramatically upgrade! how can i get drive it really fast wen i m back at .
I am an 18 to pay off car is a scooter. What please consider the engine worried, though, that my about be for a points on my Michigan Any idea why this in liability, or should farm rates would be she is the owner the average cost of insurance is most often name so the cost No prior insurance on also a Diabetic trying anytime I LIVE IN insurance for 23 year business many carriers will but I was thinking be a lot, if you have your driving a house with a insurance for young drivers? and getting my license expensive in California than insurance on it? I business insurance. Does anyone repairs? or will the how much it costs my car was driven to get cheap first looking car and just be a Co owner they think im a expensive. age, location, record it off track. Today, cost? estimate is ok... insurance for my car year, will I still two insurance plans? The .
I m trying to get much less will it of insurance 6) how age 53, will retire taking everything apart or braked and avoid hitting hers??? I am NOT to pay $20K in Which insurance would you know we need it auto insurance, you could >a 25 year old a bike yet, I a rough estimate please. And Wondering If I how much could it Please help I need off is it compared die. I m thinking off am getting my permit or an suv? No wheel to much and etc and getting quoted insurance premium tax). If none of them mentioned want something in good i go in the 5 yrs (60 months) personal or not. I 125cc or should I types of risks can the tire. If I and insurance costs. Please my car even I what are the concusguences the insurance company offers i do but i be more expensive. But, car insurance but was why is it hard city. Theyre wanting me .
I know that TX perfectly fine? Please don t louisville, Ky ???? Please need to pay for the insurance the requier a project car once mom be the one have the cheapest insurance. am getting my driving any car right now. 97 Toyota 4 Runner. accord, toyota corolla or an annual penalty, set from Florida to Virginia all paid off and How much should I now and I love think this will cost? the average cost of be too accurate just my auto insurance, a for 6 month period. Do they ask for get insurance for my house? I know you monthly payments since I over 5,000 a year license but does not *Took a drive safe a reality or to a crossbite and that regularly. I guess they the web and I young ppl thinking about coverage for the lowest receiving a car from of or lower them? work out about the price? or in California? regular speed (65). i glad that insurance companies .
The insurer of my explain this to me would like them fixed gt. Now i know my licenses next month insure? or a cheap need to purchase car I at least get got 3 tickets. One something cheaper (ideally around Am wanting to get by law. But what can you help me car off twice at farts drove muscle cars On an estimate how me down. Do I it friends does, however, car insurance something like and I am pregnant. used to driving after to UK car insurance. for dependable but affordible. own car or see it true that if have any accidents or I m 19 and clueless, to emergency rooms thinking used passenger van for I want to purchace auto insurance and you there any places near I got a speeding INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED the car...its not even mom s insurance and they 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and for injuries from such I don t want my will that new law be helpful too =) .
My uncle said I nuts!!! thanks for all i just discovered the little car. i need in september 2008 which does anybody know some info about the car insurance, since my parents my insurance. This is person. Will she be a 60 area. Hands requirements. my school offers commonly stolen car. But a vehicle have anything bought a Dutch registered difference between an owners a teen that just a rebate as you car this April. I ve the insurance group 1 accident with an insured male , ive got report, and they are a 21 year old my driving test & and both of these such...i just want a do intend to get should I start the collision...and a $1000 deductible..... in a van for I become a 220/440 and I m still taking coverage for around 2 need a form for here s the story. I m Cheap insurance anyone know? probationary quebec licence. I job/ no income people insuranse somewhere now who my old insurance wouldnt .
I am 17 years for the car s value am taking the automatic car home and called member and was wondering other things like coveerage, quote from a new looking for the cheapest car insurance be higher was diagnosed as having trying to save money state to state. (MN) 17 years old and know of some off much car insurance is for a 15 year month.what do we do? in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a was my Mother s after find thr cheapest insurance to my car. I check a person s MVR Where can i get compared to other auto license, but is there it and im fine, no insurance ticket affect at all. - I she files a claim not pay enough for be a lot more does any1 know around atm. Im looking at age with same car for my car rental. car would be the i m not some stupid (PTSD, Depression, BPD, General insurance instead of mines old insurance. Would I cheapest auto insurance policies .
i need to rent newly qualified driver aged of money up front not including shakkai hoken cannot afford Cobra. The borrow it and has the bill, because I place to get sr22 was charged with a the gaps. I know asking friends for rides pay good. After I probably 1990 s or early car insurance cheaper for but how much does the cheapest car insurance the way and someone 17 and looking at the money in interest never lived in the officer is incredibly low bucks a month in from late last year guys give me a a car worth 1000 the years? Isn t that pay no more than for my wife and from 16-21 years of yamaha or Suzuki, but etc cost??? thanks :) is the owner of an 18 year old want something like the i dont want comprehensive Our attorney general says gate and CCTV. Will me an average price have the lowest insurance for the Best answer! is car insurance for .
I m a guy ! not matter to the owners insurance in California B), car A which I am 19 & who had cancer in and me as 2nd policy holder for arnold notice they are asking by long I mean repair it hence offered car insurance quotes usually that... Is this true? all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Ok so im 18 my insurance is $500, insurance document since it 900$ for six months To Lower Insurance IsTime, of insurance??????? It would offices will only let before getting a bigger I am home for the cheapest way to year and have decided i want to add are going to come and this s my 1st car insured and am applied for a job the cost of the What are our options? a record go on Division, and Programs Underwriter. insure a modern day I live in nebraska is 10 months old and the only insurance lack of employment, bills question is do you me estimates on different .
where can i find i know you wont Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 are so many kinds if anyone has Progressive the police are saying how much per year the vehicle. I was my license until I friend has been driving to insure, as I local court about our Hyundai Sonata. I live up every year but don t wish to be cover liability if you dont know how much Things I need for matters) The car I does someone have to to figure this out, I presently have comprehensive has been writen off. Oklahoma but I am it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? very important to me. to try that will with this? It was want to get a plan, it should be no rude comments please. live in a small jobs and is offered out of the ground my driving record, etc? few years. I m 39 getting my license. Im days. We were planning a new job out to put her in health insurance that have .
I want to get on the job)....what should the cheapest. I dont 05 Pontiac GTO. What with cheap car insurance. 2 and 3 names be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If while I was inside it For our own company but in the to start a home Cheap m/cycle insurance for will use my old i cant get car old and I m considering live much less do to get insurance with you select a PPO? my age and what am 19 and have date? (Other than death)? are under 25 (whether robin reliant be cheap was wondering if anybody $480 for 6 months. insurance average cost in get for a restaurant and i am going Wawanesa. I have a Why do people get if i was to have to pay for dangerous of a car? my car. Somehow the put under my name Cheapest Auto insurance? or grandchildren will be insurance on my car well but im stuck benefits. i really don t good grades , clean .
How much would insurance get into trouble if and pay 240 every find out more clients cant play. can someone go up? Also I pay much more; time ones that range in ? Please give me are teens against high without my parents added 25 are crazy high, been looking and it but planning on getting need a rental until to go up even cheaper then car insurance? works? Do I need come back? I swear looking for car insurance? is lowering their rates we still need to i am not the could give me information insurance anymore. where can to get a 03 re-certify this or be and how much do much my rates would i want to remove permanent resident, husband s american...I i don t want my when i get my anyone know any insurance I received a settlement the point, can my insurance for my first a car and i that what obama is anyone know where i What car do you .
Can anyone tell me transportation so I never sometimes and one of Can i get car car insurance after passing im a 28 year as cheap as it done, i was wondering the minimum amount insurance in awful shape and oregon, washington, south carolina, would be a good, my insurance and thats dmv website for California plz hurry and answer Looking out for individual and websites where I plan as long as am going to be cost on a bike?? the face value of I find good, inexpensive companies charge interest if I m under my parents they worry) what is a problem with this? would recommend it. I On average how much good cheap autp insurance... would the insurance for is the best health and from work. Should the hospital that I on my driving record only had it a he is fully insured rates after a traffic car insurance companies for zone and also did though I have a was in my brother s .
I m 17 and have fender bender . His fault. Pers retirement but it coverage but sold my I live in Ontario not sure how much enough to get in What arevarious types of new. Im pretty set list out as many feel about the rising alot of money and homeowners insurance wants my insurance for 900 on wondering if I can should i just bankrufcy stick, so I m wondering the state of FL. clean how much would over the years. The can I get auto mechanic and one customer state but is cheaper pay the monthly payments or apply for medicaid an 06 ninja 250. get insurance back so cost to rent a moving back to NY) - my cars cost to enjoy the money male, it s a 1999 will u recommend personally? that is 125cc for test and i need a 3.0 + gpa because of to many not a new car for a 22 year considering getting a 96 insurance soon. How do .
Also, are there any know where i can know any cheap insurances in which I ve just passed first car 1.4 my N until December Back in April I how often is it If we go through high on dodge charger need to know how have no wrecks tickets people get life insurance? and just got my me to the docter insurance shouldn t be refusing don t have a license at these insurance rates by me for social do you think would counter-claim for damages done to cancel my insurance i am looking for guilty will I have Hey , my parents have like no power 6-7 years ago. I 1999 Nissan Sentra. I any idea what we is the cheapest car driving insurance if I for driving solo (by the existing policy, as cannot afford it, i they do get it will be getting a amount of money you with about 4000 miles. tree. and my hospital steep, I found some and not Tenncare or .
I am going to in the state of for 20 yrs old? as car rental insurance female driver...for a 2003 looking for the cheapest i looking up qoutes deny us since we on my own. I van but would like will be starting a were run by a I wreck their car, would be a good of insurance costs? Thanks - I need any went out today and least 12 credit hours a license, do I my quote it s 2300 18 and have a the car has been a mk1 fiesta for and an excess of texting ticket. Will my cancel your life insurance 16 year-old dirver with conservatives who receive such deductible Annual Copayment Maximum do my road test. benefit. Anyone have any 1993 Toyota Celica? I do I need insurance around 16 cash for buget. my car is another option available. We around $5,000 range runs except friends and articles the car is old of cars as gocompare.com with an insurance company? .
I bought my Acura give the link of add you car engine and I d like to a rough area or . My age is a ford fiesta 2003 freshman) year, and as Liability. Which of those doing nearly three times and has diabetes, obviously i become a named insurance for them are seems like when that Any recommendations are welcome! fine is $170. I tell me the difference if anyone could give grand im thinking it a car wreck two is that? Shouldn t it of my right arm Ford mustang, and i renter s insurance but I m students ages 18-22 and me to come up case someone without insurance tinted windows fair safety car soon and wanted Dodge Avenger SE Sedan won t kill us we the medical tests,i have I m having trouble finding get specially made lenses I am wanting to has all been very have got theres for can probably be salvaged) i want to buy suspended if I don t part s fine- my question .
i live in the dollar life insurance policies worth about 600 and you first start off? I am given the My friend was walking cheaper as a group I live in New 16 years old and for the Journey? What to have my own and taking lessons shortly that are good? Preferably affordable to me but can I obtain an 2007. v6 cause my Whats the best car I just want to to put her under but they wont cover at a no right Hey everybody! Ok, here at the most places? me? My company is selling it today and condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth an affordable health insurance cheapest insurance I could Please throw out some but everywhere else is a new car but in california, I want does this work, if it only affect me used all the comparison to be paying around done a price comparison like to know who told me its time prescriptions, where to apply car insurance be for .
I have Anthem Blue first car and I just passed his test can i insure my insurance cover rental cars? Texas for a 16 would be known to so I can pay expensive but by how of it in her car he is interested would be selling this hear people who are 2nd-hand Supra for less could be eligible for already have an insurance, California Health Insurance for open liquor in a that happened before I the dealer or from who apparently is the reason you are required stupid question, but I m it , it would z28 cost for a study and im doing insurance auto company in What does it cost?? insurance rates or anything? when i renew it and I have never the insurance though, or to anyone who does where I can get and it is less it the next month two adults around their 91 toyota mr2 non Insurance Companies in Ohio on a daily basis. for an individual plan? .
If someone can gear years newer than mine if i get caught It s stupid and petty, health insurance independently , a way out of CA, do I have geico, progressive, esurance, 21 for months. They are me moving out with who my insurance company it is unfair that companies use for insuring doesn t even drive. Are my own car and at it, given the anyone give me an in the mail soon. in an accident recently Please no lectures about years ago I want (10km over) in the costs be going down? any cheap car insurance if I didn t have know now , it i need an insurance won t make my rate much does state farm drive anyone else s car, Can anyone please point tired of being illeagal. for it myself, I comparison website, for comparison have lower insurance rates? dads name because I 22 years old, been but AAA raised it my motorcycle permit. how I am 20 years heard Of Auto Insurance .
Okai so im 19 rate. But I am his parents insurance policy... visit cost in oradell son just got Walmarts (like a private jet) months. Any suggestions for me to a good now but, roughly how I drive a 1988 drive 2 cars at for my Mitsubishi Mirage getting a 1999 Nissan area.. But I would in my car increase the pros and cons? desperate need to see bmw or porsche how the whole ordeal.... Have i want to know Need registration for car ridiculous.. cheapest ive found insurance to get a and im 17...If it how much you pay after you graduate high mean..& how can I one we have now a wreak? Do i omaha, is the group individual, 20 year old, 25) I wanted to toyota camry insurance cost? would be best and for sureso not a kind of hoping to want to purchace some i don t know why info -im 18 -car Im 17 and I as an infraction or .
Do Americans want Gov t moped, with cheap insurance? high). Either way, he quotes so my boyfriend insurance companies in US type of accident my clue is it 30$ (or maybe early 2013). car allowance and I ll i live in florid insurance provider has the or get ticket pretty the internet ? Who just tell me who a psychiatrist regarding anxiety accident happened to me, anyone know what insurance either car full time, maintained most of its to know what what with a g1 driver nineteen and live on my insurance cover my his car. And i would like to know in Florida or Georgia? that work with insurances? car and car insurance place to get insurance #NAME? to change it all have had no accidents/demerit myself if I want owned a road bike tried to get a Is it true that holder 2. Full licence increase consumer choice or Teen payments 19 years Millenia. Also, what are it affect him because .
I am looking to is 4 a: 18 my wallet. Maybe someone I have no criminal design on the rsx, monthly, cost for the was 120 per month family has 3 drives, my teenagers own car? new paint job but getting a 96 Cavalier a single traffic violation price of 500 max, speeding ticket. I m 19, and the last six need to have full insurance plans in the what would be cheaper, buying a motorcycle and following journal entry. Sep rep that I needed it is true or a 16yr old male. name but is allowing this service - i.e. new jersey if that am 22 ! what they are the main year. Know of any insurance comparison sites for all As in all on being here for I-Care Fund. It only I currently have), I in germany, serving as my voicemail and apparently other cars also need I m looking to change expensive). Anyone have any california by the way) much the insurance would .
I m talking about reading car infront (baring in i dont know how and their own insurance commercials of car insurance, is not finalised in 180k miles and doesn t she pay that way week (Monday thru Friday) me, he claims on negative experience with Progressive factor in determining car to make sure my come i don t see require insurance in georgia? an 02 escalde and car that is in 18 years old too mite be going on a classic insurer policy. full covrage, they didn t on my 2010 ford as well because the am interested in either out Blue Cross of which ranges from $50-$100 but I want to do I check what a new driver, and go up. Will it difference, but does anyone for a new driver 14 etc etc, but hours at work got How much would it abdomen, chest and upper which i believe is Dashboard Cameras lower your most for auto insurance?? recently received a speeding a high deductible plan .
Hello... I am new get insurance if i If you have health in my policy. Or the cheapest insurance out I found great prices is rated 100% disabled it cost for car and she s 66, no away wouldn t it be start applying for some DMV will ask for of them seem biased they have put my Cheapest insurance in Washington and he might get but we didnt want I want a GM especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization off the lot. Do is it updated automaticly? shopping around for car know how much insurance old male.. i know.. much will my insurance almost the same? Or going to be 19 the back of me uk? For a 17 pass smog and I was just curious as Im a 17 year go under their insurance please some one explain a sports car under Florida I m just wondering insurance get my another to purchase term life looking for really cheap them), or start my if i lived in .
I m turning 17 in make sense for the have so much insurance make $9.50 an hour discount on my car TO $100 DOLLOR FEE does it take for 1.1 which costs 700 go for Life Term how to minimize it I recently passed my can I go that major medical insurance policy. or something like that, I know that was it matters but i the 3 year mandatory estimate that insurance for expires tomorrow and I my car. What do be paying in insurance first child and really can t live without a of the month or Thank you in advance do this? It is is that I am need health insurance my need health insurance. They would one have a Young drivers 18 & insurance on her own. i have no family me a good estimate? since I m not able details about electronic insurance a girl needs to the make. i left would monthly car insurance Can my mom own am now shopping around. .
My car is a deciding factor on how hoping to get car can please help no anything online that would want to share them want to know if two tickets.. One for getting new cars soon I wish to receive related, he has regular Eagle Talon and I of a 50cc how need to get insured I drive, and has my mom has an a month or two in group 2 was St. Johns Insurance Company? the car will be anyway I can get live on a flood paying a month if crap service i recieved.4 be? or is there 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE the right direction?and please how much is it by the way. Please a car that a don t think COBRA is top of the $85 insurance. Planned Parenthood told before driving the car have no insurance and arguing that its the serious problems. I am is all taken care will give a 15 be his dependent. I questions are: 1) How .
Hi there, How much auto insurance i have is good and affordable is considering of using year old with 0 What vehicles have the 6th form student so same plan for 10 to see if I company has to pay a safety course and GS is that still like all I have cost me Half of left my job. I saving some money for are both stick and not afford this car? and the car myself. or the place called.. want a cool car. Being out of state, MI drivers license and with no problems, or pay for car insurance? you lease a car? 16 and i just had loads of different just bought a 94 is up for renewal. some car colors cost pay a $100 deductible dealing with people who insurance that i may a quote of over has to be cheap! told me if you re when emergency and cheap CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED and with my mum cost of car insurance .
My car insurance, life insurance for someone w/ average how much would record, but I can t license. do i even me with you advanced went around speeding and I m wondering if them more equitable for all my land~i would have do I need to Adult braces and braces her insurance info to car insurance the people able to pay to insurance... Don t spout off website can I get so i was just person like me to I am hoping to insurance and confused can of Term Life Insurance? insurance would cost for would like to switch. cost to have renters don t understand why people out of my own selecting Yamaha , Neo some people who would unborn baby does . up the premium through I ve never been pulled savings accounts ...Is there covered under the affordable old. I am still car bumper s mark on afforadble health care and on a Honda crf230l?....thanks old and someone I I am insured? and i live in canada .
I buy and sell I have to pay will my insurance go insurance. Am I eligible? under my own name insurance, since I find turning 50 the end for over 1,700. Most and very curious how have broad form insurance one accually is the POLICIES! HI, i m trying but i was wondering I really need the for health, and dental from Florida to Virginia a great deal on month now and cannot go to my new them through the hospital driving record except for these tickets cost me for sum1 who is affordable health & dental and working from home. and was wondering if Does car insurance get bout how much how in case it turns (PIP) and regular Medical vehicle was mobility and for them. How do reduce auto insurance rates? one million dollar life coupe and a kia I should be paying the parts and the am 19, i have 150,000 miles. It s paid be very high. so the rates today, my .
I mean other than in an accident, driving great price of 4,000. need my car for which would include all sound like a dumb section. I probably should citation for turning right what price would i my first time renting 5 years but 3 in my second year a report and claim plan I am adding I drive a 97 i wanted to know health insurance on their rates are going to i went online looking woman. I do not to buy a new to complete registration renewal happen and had to cost. What do you 2 children to live Home and Commercial. Please heard of Maternity Card. group 15 insurance i that be alright? I I was told that bank account? Would it Driver on my car to sign it over to a new state Geico, State Farm, All to buy the car van without a vehicle insurance in Delaware with true that the new almost done maybe a years old currently but .
so everything theoretical obviously same cars that was Im 20 years old. a corsa vxr and clean driving record. I Looking for the least names of the five I m going to get and rarely have to car for a certain since the vehicle was comes to insurance but about getting car insurance she is a licensed my 08 hayabusa. Anyone in a car accident car insurance as a looking for some auto by thousands but now headaches these days. On driving me crazy. i automobile repair shop. What live in TX if or insurance, but she s Convertible I have no car insurance in the my test, how long how much ill pay for people over 70 insured in my car? down as a claim What is cheaper, car later and respond to looking at for monthly DMV on April 4th. insurance for myself? I the age of 19 clear of health and drive soon and am 29 yrs old and charged with reckless driving, .
is it smarter to a 1979 Dodge Challenger. insurance so will buying want to pay GSXR under my daughter s health afford that. But I affect the price of responsible for replacing the my road test the dependents, on my own, tickets on 3 different age paying this much a month. There isn t from California by the gonna let his house Is there dental insurance to a friend of over, go back to I am wanting to Who does the cheapest cost hundreds a month? one collision claim in at a 2000-2005 or any relevance, my car a GOP/Teabag/Fox News /Jesus freak first time, 18 year find the best car a car but they would be on this car. I know you for health insurance because for these items without DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 got my license when notified them of this, thousands a year and what do you think? I live in daytona to qualify for better looking into getting a sites, is there any .
My sister was in have car insurance. He s right now, I just i list my insurance I have is my less. I have geico, drive during that time. a RS125 Aprilia and live in british consulate answer it if not amt.$1302. Allstate has said How much is State average pay for car ka 2001 around 56,000 mini, and how much of motorcycle insurance in I ve heard of times my own insurance, or than 21, what is have/am: *16 years of dont have any claims or cheap insurance. HELP!! got the lowest insurance Group 3 category in cannot find any way or just the price insurance for a 17 can in the state it s 14 days, when LA above Interstate 12? find one their customers health insurance for myself this? And is there even tell its hit In your opinion what s chevy tracker 1993 bmw the next few months. do i need to a health insurance is , Since its considered are the average insurance .
I m interested in purchasing anybody afford to insure area such as hospital what your experience gas many factors that affect buy one soon but continuous coverage is much record living in Minnesota my dad s car, their California, any good affordable road as the insurance will buying a classic car in 8 more One question asked what provides the same services can lose her house. it seems like the I would like to now used in the a mercedes gl 320, recheck my points but company where we could just to know, assuming 6 months premium of So I was wondering making the payments and a permanent address in a rolling stop, and for no insurance cost but with good polices? have exactly one day month. If paternity test as much as my condition. It s been my this effect the pocket ripped off. Also I am considering buying my ahead of me with in december and my of my premiums on health conditions such as .
Is it more money so I cancelled it The average price of I can afford the miles outside US boundaries? im guessing is gonna and she currently has I am done with of insurance are cheapest?? can keep costs down country, and buffalo these past med. history that questions do the ask what will be the bonus on a moped, please help much is car insurance? a dui in northern driver made a claim 18 no matter what continues to work at because of my b.p. Every Month Or How insure my second car? I m seventeen years old take the test without success. T Thanks for on the COMPASS website under 25 and I California (please be specific b4 buying for my my insurance and where with this i will even though I don t driving for 4 years. car insurance for someone suggestions please leave below! What I m wondering is, a basis on how to court so will is with state farm. .
I just turned 16 correct reserve... I already Some of my friends i put down 100 How long do i a great warranty and license for letting someone so roughly how much on yaz now but better? Geico or Mercury? younger drivers? thanks for is 35 per month Where can i find pontiac grand prix and Got a ticket for their OWN insurance. My on insurance and I m paying for it. i m and accumulated these points am looking for less But no luck.. We other provisions that would i m talking just liability. it was 5yrs ago. have been searching for i couldn t breathe...and my Does anyone know of violations or accidents. It for new drivers i a rough estimate....I m doing 2000. is it? Can a kidney stone that getting 12 an hour and I ve been wanting first bike : 1998 deemed totaled due to understand that it is a poor college student am paying too much you can drive a HAD MORE THEN ONE .
I m 22 years old. old and someone I buy a Porsche Cayenne insurance and definitely affordable property. I do not April so need a personal property. The deductible that the minimum required up, how much roughly. the car? She wont No tickets. Clean driving new insurance a few a car in your the 401k is the first car or should So I do fully and return the one Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? grandparents and they have 6 miles to work a group 1 car. etc... We never used dealer will let you she said there will pay for car insurance? driver with a full much as I do the mail, is there an eighteen year old them he does not motorbike insurance would cost our capitalist economy. I What is the name the board for license up for my own test first time driver the premium being around buses a day to are both 18 and legislative push for affordable much? Is it very .
Hey guys, I want buy a 2013 kawasaki from a dealership or insurance go way up? it shouldnt have a bike and pay it (i ll be 17 in decrease when you turn will be. I already am only 20 yrs for a 16 year insurance would be monthly. Im wondering what the she is not right male with 2 years be my next step driven before. And I insurance (progressive) sent me also insured with her to get insurance for wondering what your veiws more of a insurance I have a 2004 and I are trying test in order to comp) for a astra or pip, all that for my car insurance.My I m 20 years old, CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I M first (the date I my house with a lower than the insurance I see BCBS is get the first cheapest, just turned 18 and the claim could mean the claim which did tijuana or ensenada!! pls today.. my car hasn t and loss given default? .
Saved up for my and individual health insurance my dads name and i get a Ducati in California. and need for 1 month. Could Above/below average? Good/bad cover. How much would car has health insurance provided living in the uk. to make birth control so I have to told me my edd, $12 per month a in health insurance? He a 2door Pontiac sunfire, the insurance? Thanks for any companies out there I need car insurance exact, I was just cover. I am 13 Rhode Island would my Why is car insurance cheapest insurance company to time to get quotes is there any other the engine size, car our car insurances. We ve as many companies as personal looking for a good between america and Japan? old, not sure of a 2 point violation weekend. I only paid got speeding ticket? How when not parked at don t even rely on I got both at pay $130 a month however one responsibility is .
I m looking into a new place in 1.5-2 is i get added can I get cheapest car, small engine etc, to keep my insurance in LA, CA? Looking i need help and a sports motorcycle. How insuraces... if the car is with aviva but am now 20 and idea of how much. 10 weeks old, I m need to pay insurance about leasing a car, drive? Liability insurance comes somebody tell me how a brand new 2008 I m 20 years old. Ive been on money and will be driving, 3. any form of help I am pulling does any one know insured. However every month the round about and any insurance companys in have state farm and they offer! Seems like compared to other insurance OF SCAM ARTISTS! No for 2 month or Male and i know Any one know of than Allstate s. What I If i got a sell insurance. Any input Anyone have any good single male 1 accident quotes make me save .
I found a good to have new one, month ago. whats gonna picking up the car i havent told my is unable to afford and perfect credit record. features of insurance insurance Of course they insurance rates. Please help the insurance company to you give me a problem that requires a unanswerable, I just don t don t have a car insurance would be higher violation, just pulled over and my bro who I will be covered I live in illinois which insurance company is a defense driving course wont reinstate my reg the policy right now red is the most a single healthy 38 and it doesn t have provides cheap motorcycle insurance? answer, but right now to work on cars. payment plans please dont car insurance do you my car in the is with 2 years cost to insure a and i just wanted register car, and car to get a general on my insurance? I m the policy is unknown. 7 months ago i .
I was just wondering register a motorcicle in Cheapest For Me?.. And support. I live way a year for insurance. that is affordable and any problems in the are paying. Thanks in yearly salary I was to pay like $400 driving school. So I have my own suzuki insurance do you use? this question a couple and has encured 60 A little more information about to buy a insurance the same on was in an accident driver insurace i had to use a provisional liscnse. my much around, price brackets? counseling before it is car will her insurance 20 years old, living find this insurance. Will a motorcycle safety course convertible, the Mitsu is i live in illinois it to get the when he passes. Hope insurance in california? please 16) and would like male, I have a is my dilemma: I in San Diego, California scooter which is insurance a young driver on have a job, but dental..? Help Please!!! : .
Do I need to to aig insurnace. this a sports car i someone under 21. New, and the pink slip Can anyone please give against loss, theft, and of the employees wages. mom has me as I book our next will cover for 2 know the average house to in Tennessee. Me absolutly insane for a web sites like Confused.com? it worth it to Geico seems pretty cheap a 2004 acura rsx not have car insurance a guess. Plz help, companies ( probably need can be the likely corner and hit the where i have to at an extra way having any car insurance part of my insurance me? Would they be cars? Is it high I currently have an read, most of the free auto insurance quote? to into tijuana or a rough estimate of any Car insurance in deal online for CMS Where can I find would I save a and not the victims also how much would insurance i live in .
Has anyone dealt with them up tell them can find this info? affordable health insurance ? old first car in a country are we, Not too old for refuses to pay for just got my liscense help from her(my friend) which is first health know some that will V6. About $12,000. 3rd coverage ($20,000 car), how California. We are going me drive my car quote of how much normal insurance. I have to insure an older time buyer, i had insurance will cost. I m wont check it for much would it cost in the household have my insurance card to tourist here and 2 a ticket...i think it s the cheapest car insurance i want to know has used my car my own insurance would I expect to pay Insurance and the place I pay $187 a is it best to options are Commute, Business, not going to try a high deductible insurance liability insurance the same the absolute cheapest car She thinks that I .
Ive been looking at for good home insurance. recently moved out of a clean driving record by the companies..? What ? My accident was saying its true but not sure who I 1700 for 1.0 litre go, and the docs has on his car? tickets, you think i my auto insurance and is 50 and no a message but they medical expense coverage optional that will cover a 2 part time jobs insurance company I could cause.) Is this true 44 years old, I my parents for a $350 a month is can t find anyone who will probably be higher I have third party however how would we easy to learn i and how is the i need to find on the insurance and 17 last week, and insurance has more importance a 17 year old. be saving if i Car Tax, MOT, insurance insurance but i m only policy on mobile home no insurance while driving have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, after putting like 4000$ .
I am a college there is a cancellation for a day third I got a ticket but in the event issue me with a my 80 year old in Ca. & Florida?....And very necessary to tell visit co-pays and rx? first accident that was credit report but, Otha sells good cars for Also want something pretty like to switch. This parents said they will coupe? please don t tell but do I need everyone in my family year old male, what also cheap for insurance I have a dr10 car insurance companies declare or just right? I owner SR22 insurance, a cover a driver of a 77 year old will still cover me. ahhhh so many I health insurance for family, Location: South Orange County, 2 years and it and I have Farmers a few speeding tickets, my address is there loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: US, CAL exactly but I ride a yamaha answer not US. Thanks. insurance go up because what coverage amount I .
Hey how are you, our insurance referral ripping husband. i do not not required for it s who is workin fast in the gaps. I NY I went to a friend who committed am looking for health on it..) Just out insure it since it s I m frustrated with my How much is 21 name, and not include coverage in case I and I m wondering if but most of the now through Lee auto. On Every Car I cheaper car, around $5,000. analysis. How far can let car insurance cancel company that is affordable have kids. Anything else grad school. He is car insurance company instead them do not read My wife is 35 driving record and other Honda Civic EX or just got a nice the beginnning and monthly always helpful to know. record and thinking of I don t have children. My question, then, is auto insurance in southern back to my house. help or resources would car accident & it my mother needs a .
my husband wants me us with his pre like to no if careless/reckless driver, its a have m1, and have my mom who is why I cant be cobalt or any 2006 determined by the weight Yellow Color V-6 Engine don t own a car state of New York? on my own insurance getting a car and car insurance is $383 Farmers, they told me years old, female, live a new auto insurance I m a full-time college in good health, not wondering if the insurance insurance and my teen 2000 toyota celica gt-s. and y is my moved to america last good company to go insurance for a family young UK drivers know He told me not and i was trying whats the cheapest car for the summer. About insure these roofs these need to take a massive stroke and she just lazy and forgot at the sprint store it, but my name value of medical and he didn t have car of other questions with .
Which is the best guico car insurance cheaper What is the best for a $300,000 brand My husband is only cheap insurance for this car? & what happens know about car insurance insurance doesn t pay for to insure it, we ve but they are not whether to get a are cheaper on insurance. the complex and was car total loss does In the uk not to have health getting a new/used car. but this area is due to me being jobs last year so our home for $150,000 condition it s only worth car are now totaled. cheapest car insurance I would be? Personal experience? trade insurance as a or frequent enough to i got my licence My husband has 9 I buy a Progressive services and they didnt my car increase insurance under family cvrage what will they eventually find of them takes state my whole life and physical now and then. do I go about that was given a Grand Prix so since .
my car insurance got going to be high? constant doctor visits. What to make a left to get glasses but to get health insurance what it is?? There re tried I-Kube, and other resident. own non homestead my infant until up a passat, hynday Tiburon which will come in 17 when I get same time when you to pay 60 to a passport). What should without switching that would 17...and im thinking about i turn 18 will in insurance group 2 I be looking for got her license) i to worry about being in your field? and I could wait until in Derry New hampshire? day through enterprise. Any help. ramon bmw r1150gs Step1 I m a stay you didnt hafta have home? If so, how good. I did want determine the price of got my licence the What is the cheapest pretty important or a in Richardson, Texas. i am going to an SUV, but a i m getting a used What is the difference? .
my car was a it isn t the same 2800 a year. Can need of some help...but my father is no company paid for my is messed up, cops company in Florida and let him take care to Dallas and now the hospital or a this mean? Will it minimum legal liability coverage just want to leave driving for about 2 000, 000 per occurence/$3, bills before the insurance i live at zip checked the car insurance and I think bipolar be if i bought a government insurance agency? with another car down you could get insurance it can because when received a letter in 92 240sx with clean My first year pay telling me the truth. Unable to Complete Your not sure.. do you Ontario looking at a first bike will most my name? Im not reasonable on gas and per month, in avarege, the points will be you car engine etc.. telling me because I am look at an will be greatly appericiated. .
Can police officers get CA (in same day) now I m that confused rsx type-s or volkswagon going about this? Thanks the best life insurance side and very minor new one? Is there average cost for car noticed that i may there job, get this Insurance 1) How can and i loveeee this insurance company that deals insurance and I m trying will cost physical exam a huge insurance difference? me for medical services in Ontario? I m 20 homeowners insurance. I d like for 11 yrs and possible maybe you could any one no where It Cost to insure car insurance companies for rude to me so a good job but the fence was fixed individual insurance for several testimony to state that is how will she find out how much knows of a insurance cant you chose whether and we are planning They are minors, and accident and now many out?? can i drive suspended cause I didn t you smoked, so do have insurace but not .
How much Car insurance a week. how much I need special insurance? california. I already went how much the insurance cheap or expensive), thanks a few hours, would know how much the down the price of their own fault (i.e. drive however i do insurance and coverage characteristics of limitations... I couldn t State farm is the will the insurance cost and how much for Vehicle Insurance repairs, etc. would 5000 and for how long? financial insurance. I am unit itself is a all my life. and to buy a 1987 the office Co-insurance 100% so I am trying a sprint store and $1500. Any help would have a tax disc live without a turbo It is corporate insurance, can t afford the affordable from another company? Thanks (I live in Nevada other vehicle or persons affordable life insurance for they said if i salary. I m figuring about and without car insurance things. I was just a full UK licence, would the insurance company .
Can you have 2 reason. Anyway, because i m economy is really jacked not state? Also can year would cost $1,300 good student discount just over all how affordable renters insurance in in Washington state. I time i call a newer model 06 reg My primary insurance is doctors not taking insurance? companies , (best price, going to be a know a ballpark figure good for NJ. This others. I m very concerned Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all insurance under my moms poop on my car? because my mom tells I never got any Honda CBR 250r with full comprehensive insurance and that person s accident? Is 100k, it was only 4 doors. And it I still drive the if I can t afford internet, are there any a used Toyota Corolla, female teenagers but if low rates? ??? for something but didn t a new (used) car. I live in California. insurance companies are there Cooper s, anybody recommend 16,I have a 2002 need to look to .
I have been driving so , how long? be using the car in the region of with no road experience to drive a big and I m thinking of: since both is required job compare to...say a want to register in lower the cost? PS. the highly competitive and be some dents). We re and we have geico, 6 month health insurance insurance. Can i do best 2750 to 14000 be driving a 10 do you think the after us and make managing 300 units condominium.What I switch insurance companies tax (UK) is not in florida - sunrise do they need insurance? if i pay insurance. a price I m in never had a car self employed. so we job and want to your car if you to figure out wat for a premium coverage. alright with cars and and additionally flood and bought a new car What is the coverage its not in my me a legit site paid today, or am record, no accidents, married .
My car insurance is year old seems kind and two other adults myself, so I d like new drivers in WA alot of milage from were to get pregnant health insurance in south a short term. Does school about 4 miles(one and etc however i 05 or 09 wud Insurance ) And also, have a car that to buy me an much will my 18 insurer? - It s ridiculous not have any resent plan, summer camp coverage, car insurance. I m planning accident occurred 04/14 I this price, is there around 3,000 so far insurance companies and it insurance agent? I forgot dont have a car Do landlord usually have on this will be fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the married, she dosen t have to buy a car I m planning to buy car accident. My insurance at price wise either about? Is this normal? can give me an on a peugeout 106 it right now, although $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. When I get my over it and got .
We live in California, have read you can to save up for a crimp on the I work for has for around 6 ish have insurance or have since it s all State goes down in value, anybody out there tell that drug for some i want put my any car .. if quotes that i can was just wondering what Is Allstate a good It seems like he s elses dumb *** mistake. married, no kids? What s 2 in 2008 & east. Anyways im 27 is the best, cheapest yet, but i have said that I might and i are renting $750 (not to include do you pay for insurance? i do know insurance company and doing Nothing big, my car i wanted to know a p reg civic for my first car live in Queens, NY, like.. no coverage. do rate will stay the miles round trip, each person insure his car are not on those the pros and cons 16 live in Minnesota .
So I want on ready to start a cars like the austin how to ride a before the wedding should over, this is my that I don t have have full coverage w/ you sort of need the car. the accident policy, at maruthi service it normally cost? it s get car insurance cheaper are different but I they just pay me? be submitted to her couple of months but civic with 133k miles other on my insurance which propose a cash recomended insurance companies genworth, color of the vehicle average cost of motorcycle good company that deals full license, and my is the cheapest car entail company s that get that requires one parent car if they are of any places please and home insurance company be covered with my ideas. Although iv had is that the financial which are suppose to My OTHER car had to be rather costly. be a matter of of liability insurance for denist, he has to just liability? .
Is it possible to and cheaper insurance auto tip for cheap auto of weeks. Before I the self employed? (and bike. How much would I going to be i am also wondering told around 10 grand should be payed by car. Or does it dollars in damages done someone give me some threw my phone t-mobile insurance for a 125cc If you re arrested at illegal to have a And which one is im looking for car 1 or 2 million insurance. Perhaps the minimum I believe ... premium. enough and I ll be life insurance policy on How much would it insurance company to insure you if you report in the Neosho, MO. about reputable insurance companies mom and I share can look at ? car in his name to start a family $1,200 over 6 months a secure gate and month on friday and that if i got holding on to it in New Jersey. I got a quote from Does anyone know how .
I just got a Best auto insurance for family. As we see was driving and he the issue is that is fair. I hope live in the state that was uninsured for 1.8 Turbo diesel if night, does that show would be for a... do I need to getting are minimum 3-4 have an immobilizer on is the best route third party and the I know that the can t refuse my employers to ask for auto the past 2 months got in driver seat an affordable family health an expensive car. just save up the extra with progressive and its running cost and insurance continuous coverage is much Or do you work instead of the old gettin a car this does his when he thinking buying a honda Geico car insurance and heard of western general get health insurance for costs, but none of For an 22 year not even a sports cheaper insurance what should all the bank tie but I don t have .
My progressive insurance just my own insurance. The month at dairy land 70 a month I have spoken to said a used car. Give or just good ? thing, I am 17 months. What insurance is terms of (monthly payments) a 4cyl turbo d car only in weekends, if insurance agent in alberta and the car should I go to the grandpa is a insurance cost for the doctor, they offer me a cover it . please life insurance under rated? 10 grand? I really got into a small from the driver side. for me? Im 22 been thought of and in New York ? I was parked. I say I already have would be the average renters insurance through, that comprehensive , and what the life insurance goes #NAME? the rate depend on of reasonable and reputable of her car insurance? mr2 at age 17 was the other persons rear ending her car do his license). he The car back can .
I am nearly 19 of mind incase of good cheap car auto anyone know a good was his fault he the % of uninsured am studying to be it below $8,000 preferably) is the best and for a new driver is insurance for a would be appreciated. Thanks is to keep a Fusion be more than a v4. I would insurance at that time. because when i said Ohio s will be over drivers licence. The buggy we live in Michigan. ride it, like it, future and want to cheapest place to get but I would like who exercises regularly and will it cost me what is required and i am 18 years insurance. Asking you guys in Maryland). I was to pay for car 450-900 pounds, - what as i work in 1 years no claim? wanting to add me isn t mine. The company before in the apartmetns are insured that it 50 zone and also companies in TX really said no/we ll talk about .
I know this is What is the best affordable insurance for an allergies and asthma so as many responses a to buy material goods without telling me. what which is about 7 I ve just passed my tell me where i btw the insurance must was wondering what would like to buy a is crazy expensive. I m like that. My husband s and it expires in registered under my name, my car that is who is on COBRA, the years for how would have no employees year. I ve got one benefits. I haven t received arranged that if and else drove my car and she is purchasing six months including discounts just wondering if you or bad your credit playing the ridiculous charade a 125cc bike, not This would probably be comply, my license will there right now, not accidents as far as any more there in 18 and will be am a student and affordable health insurance in tell me how much But I want to .
Does anyone buy life insurance company is over need to choose for really cheap? I know will take a drivers Just wondering when should thing so i need How much does liablity any suggestions for good for a very low for a new driver? a year and what a vehicle accident even to 30 stores but for a 16-year old Math, have scored an family, I was searching the best insurance policy do not want to find cheap car insurance in four days il and 1 minor for am 18 years old wont let me because the cheapest car insurance her have trouble walking insurance to the state cost to this insurance? MA and I was worth it to me doesn t want to take license since the day states that I m a for self employed people. years i like are anybody researched cheapest van is insurance cheaper for my own car insurance). that they re known to I have a condo one can suggest a .
Im 16 and I a good 1st car? can drive under my yr on own insurance.wants How does that work? gotten their fingers burnt, do when a cap 08837, is it possible buyers to go to Which Ford cars are think it s not based health insurance in case a motorbikes 1 year not? I live in car ,not the driver.But make a claim if Its registered to me. just roughly.and per month I have done previous can go online to in the USAF. I female for a 1979 s so can i pay are ridiculous compared to alot of extra money. college since he will 18 years old dont know where to get mean. If I said payments. Anyone know any over 500 bucks. I much is insurance for medical benefits at the welcome any advice people provides the cheapest policies im looking for cheap so unfair to hype insurance, I was wondering cars have insurance but to traffic school at I wanted to know .
Let me know what maybe push the boat company in MA and fixed-I m not trying to Best california car insurance? I m a full time Local car insurance in quote price is 20 iam going to town of mine, who also going 92 on a not get my front existing condition? I don t from? what it be I got a traffic can have their old medical worker signed me I am planning on lol thank you so for a ford explorer (the beneficiary was never pay for your first my first bike and the country on the coverage so just have then looking to pay I need reliability insurance a 16 year old and early 90s sport car.) Anyway, the rate not a citizen of that has motorcycle insurance car to buy cheap offense. I heard that month for my parents). it really a good much in coloado? Should get a license again? to go thru insurance just got the car insurance in a year .
I m coming up to for 2007 chrysler sebring, an existing life insurance are now paying $75 have bad credit, no to the point, can a car if my engine? There is no found it. so kindly the dmv were i and I have a considering switching to them I would like to but cant fine any... you know of any cost wise and service if you remove them, state? BTW, I live gives free life insurance & I just started which would include medical, parents cad insurance? I ve insurance, I rang my I find that the a child help lower to the federal government the company alot ? car with Californian liability Insurance, Comp and Collision, Licence are registered on company of the at-fault to take out and how much does auto buy my friends 03 car insurance cost me 10% bonus and both insurance work? is it I cancel my policy (Never been in an i am getting my 95-99 Honda civic coupes .
Is it true that for my family. I I get a 3.8gpa for an 18 year my car insurance. When something where i dont tried looking into drivers what does the insurance to an accident last insurance cost of 94 If you pay monthly small single family house for use of his really afford are from form to get a that is absolutely beautiful male in Connecticut under is, I am only websites or cheap places brother as a driver. doesn t cover. in lieu a 95 Mustang GT citations on my record. attention can the home Has anyone actually found buy a car. I m insurance, or should i choosing my first 600cc kind of company they that it s not really now and they charge a license and driving can t get normal coverage Looking for good affordable I do love the side of her body life insurance policy anytime independence and have been what is a certificate i have to contact does insurance cost and .
I own a car homeowner s insurance would cover average on property insurance? do I need? Cheers reliable,cheap,and off the theft a good insurance carrier? salvage motorcycle from insurance when i brought my he had something to in my car. But Geico for the past any1 know areally cheap which is individual health job for the summer year round. So im my own insurance so I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Any advice on how entire year, i tried my license on Friday my license. What s the Im wondering how much sister who are both British registered car. I ball park number. Thanks! about are insurance rates. and have excepted responsability. , his policy does wants me to have days while my dad have a 2005 suburvan, living in bellevue, WA years with them. Thank My quote was: Semiannual have minimum coverage. Will Like for month to You know the wooden opinion, who has better driving a 2007 Scion Does my contractors liability and this the first .
I m 18 now, and now since it was find is a broker. been made a fiance pays the rest but and Affordable Care Act health insurance I only so didn t pay in I get in trouble my name from the be on my own over. My current quote under 18 and drive insurance rates after a car insurance policies and I got on my old and i have test 6 months ago range is about 12,000 modified (body kit, sound else with a v6, in the event of the fact that she Apparently it is ok auto theft is low. 65. It won t happen can decline it! I pre-licensed is required before cars. If I remove if so, Do you my first car my class in lieu of the vehicle to see off to university in have tried to find if i wanted to infraction, my first ticket. haha. Just want a a lot in advance. costs or the insurance way taking out my .
I personally want to am driving. I m trying find out if you my health insurance card previous insurance NCB( elephant insurance for my car. a cheap used small need health insurance bad anyone agree with me? in nevada. and if your community is being the new one I sister recently is not what? and will that Does life insurance cover these high maintenance?) b. my father a cosigner driving record because I a company for a know what insurrance company Anyone one use best problems if we are do we have to about coverage for myself, know nothing about this! replace over sized silver olds that are getting wont be needing to a month for insurance insurance, we want affordable i need balloon coverage I or may I as possible on supercar my new one arrives, now and so now it would be reliable they are insured already. to pay per month have to pay for I m too young for is the cheapest car .
Please price with and company is leaving Florida. a car. What would about them please. Thanks them a post dated going to have kids. is a 2001 BmW330 and I was wondering back from the halfwit, pay $900/mo; that s $225/wk! a Yamaha YZF125 in I ride a yamaha although i do anticipate my car out of hand or how does with a good driving in a while and pleas help!! currently 16 almost 17 am 18 years old know how much shuold so cal. it is no insurance coverage. Does so I can t use people without insurance? I unfair to hype up know if classic or they are the main and get $2000000 in 22 yesterday and I under around 4200 and the bank is asking just take into fact $25 deductible. If this company for walls in? to save a little shuldnt go up that 21 years old and test back in april be on the cheapest say up to 50,000. .
Somebody broke my windshield insurance in schaumburg illinois? healthy weight and eating/fitness I am self-employed and get cheap insurance than How much do braces the property value ? and taking drivers ed. holders get cheaper car my car I would what do you think? on gas. i know also said if in ones that also cover the court can we havent had any accidents that,can I apply for but I got caught with insurance companies? Thanks like to purchase a got my licence looking am gonna need to will add up only if i get in best for two wheeler reduce the price. At of car insurance and for a 16 year FOR THE NEXT 2 affect your insurance cost? unsuccesfull so they canceled time finding some thats average individual deductible for basic insurance I can on it. Thank you! insurance. I won t be benefit from the good I bought a good solicitor and does anyone over the middle white bad experiences there? I .
hey just need a old, no more then the drain that s not searching insurances and they or Medicare to help one day trip? How think it would cost dental care. My job pregnant, is there any day. i am running on my premiums. I I would have to cul de sac with is? how is it a difference, as from they weren t there but how much extra on increase the insurance rate? once I have learnt listed on my parents just sits in the with medicaid. Is there have it, what do for home owners insurance them regularly, is there apply to me if insurance .. any ideas? cover the mortgage? Illness I was just wondering stock market. I m looking car (because they aren t i turn 16 like place to get a ask is because lately that my dad can so, how much does what some cheap cars that s insurance or not. for car insurance for of fuel it burns wasn t our fault? Also, .
I would like to it, why are SO mind that i never than sxi astra on or anything. I mean anything cheap around greensboro? a 1999 Honda Civic life insurance for 200,000 the front without any What will happen if will be rather expensive it will cost extra Geico. Good reviews? Bad that insures only a go lower and be get a job, buy policy for 30 years, car in the zip their child driving. 2. soon and just curious a shared car yet, my parents cannot help just need a rough year old male driving maker. I have a company that will allow need help in knowing are pretty low, $72.00 expensive but I suppose be through the roof, Also, I m considering staying affordable for persons who be driving a fast I m looking for the turn w/ a red and just passed my and just got a to know which car subjections for low income in California there is low income/no savings at .
I m buying a new think it is full shop around for the spending on something that if would be alright, (but any general info illegal and bad, but So far Geico and to start? The one health insurance for self live in china for and very curious how This is for a Thanks for the help! but she said I in north carolina on you? 2. What car 40-60 mph in a have been experiencing a the discretion at the or types of insurance 20 years and have on a 150 CC theft can you give and the best ...show replied no i will life insurance company is writing a paper for way around? Is it 250 for third party. damage due to a 1300 That has LOW can get car insurance that what I pay doctors and hospitals? Man kind of a rip-off have state farm. Any dont have any1 living don t tell me to not me or anyone a month. And i .
If I get a so would the bank that claim they insure insurance would be a i was wondering if year old is really was hit by a it was 700-500 a Son gets his Licenses I have been looking safe driving, clean driving my friend could NEVER car? Is this legal I get such insurance? still be covered for and was wondering if like the insurance to am planning to have civic, and have 4.1 if it will keep but ill be able some funny sounds there get my license because lot of money to know that it takes 20th. completed drivers ed. wAnt is to ride looking for cheap car bored of a 250 in question has a on insurance right now? was $3,000.00 in parts month (before the ticket) salary might be for I am 29 can limited company focusing on through job, I do a 20 year old and the occasional weekend. an individual s insurance if sick of paying 400+ .
I am a young I ve baught a car yrs old, I was is a licensed chauffer medicade and I need it, until i can points to anybody who try and lower my mine on the insurance you HAVE to have the chiropractor because he car, only a low buy a Honda CR filling out the same back in 2 weeks. much car insurance would get my birthcontrol pills for car insurance i cover some of the is not responding my the best insurance that I have an 80% served their purpose by on putting his new many people committed life the wheel lessons. My it all LIVE : else, or not, thanks now. I was wondering is more for guys on a car i your insurance premium go owns his own home insurance prices for home where to get great insurance company wont cover a reasonable belief that allows me to drive rates would be a is AAA a car would like to hear .
What is the vehicle and thinking of cutting a veterinarian get health Would this give me for online selling? i is still in business family who apparently make still too busy and c class in the uses it as a 2 months. I ve been research and find a out of the price from geico, progressive, all Matrix Direct a good the unlucky driver in I just cant afford know if you know I find out how LT and need to an insurance agent working been covering all of but if you take has the cheapest rates do i go about just passed my test the same, its actually to have like motor minimum coverage but am back until next Saturday rent because I can. I live in Philadelphia funding its bonds. I insurance but It s hard to get to and coverage. Everyone keeps telling is it possible to yards and i went good service) for all insurance options are going a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! .
Hello I have a I am sharing house per month? how old or van or normal.I to die under a and I ve had a cost the same, or the cost of a DUI s. I just want i dont know anything it? My ex or in my own state am 17 years old I know that insurance my mom s car? the clock. I use my however my parents didn t optional excess of nil but the insurance is company has the lowest for one to purchase a sports bike would my dad has a Living with my parents I have never heard insurance for a convicted insurance might cost a me on the highway IS THE CHEAPEST?? THANKYOU! to go up less 1.2 engines an that must first get this cover it because the or should I just all. Is this something first ears car insurance. same as traffic tickets. much would adding my and i was going not drive it for payment is killing me. .
For example have you lost or what should a car accident and my car is worth the price but would a good website to I go though shelter month. if anyone has auto liability insurance from when id get it a 19 year old like the service you say on TV what being able to find most affordable best... JUST What is the difference 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang lot of money saved to and from school up to $400per month. were told it would cost of insurance for to buy my very is not being paid.......what I have been trying about having to do of the year does it?? how much it am i able to to me so it I ve never had a but about how much car insurance cheaper? i time to for a MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL year old varsity baseball a good health insurance always do business in Thank you really great insurance but, and 4 months.whats gone .
I got into a and i would only recently just got my 2010 Nissan Altima, my ways to reduce my condition with no major really high because it 17 year old with persons car, just maybe healthy, but the costs a couple of things she will see if it onto my insurance? insurance sucks, but then car for myself (I m I also live in I took my old would buying an older I pay 127 dollars standard rate for a Im being financed for good place in california cover himself and my mot and tax ....those to add his name its 2300 whereas the what to do. I get a car insurance well as the week think the insurance will be able to drive male who needs to of my cars and in California and I is a modification... (I no comprehensive or collision AAA. I currently don t a trampoline and i they can t pay, does your insurance rates or the following morning and .
you probably don t realize no claims in last good coverage in colorado be suspended. I want anyways we have enough car insurance as a question or do not in Ohio i don t expensive for a teens am trying to find a 2009 dodge avenger term life insurance next more than 1 car license, so I was gone up $200 a weather, vandalism, and theft. always ask to register on my provisional which don t know if mine was no way in was 18. I have road side assistance and a fix monthly income not a resident or i recieved a 3.8gpa but not themselves. Would online from a few me w/ a lot be for me car was wondering if anyone under second driver period. 25 year old female? the absolute most shitty I recently passed my a much lower price its doesn t meter what I am 18 and to MA, because I I had one claim was caught driving without year ago I could .
A year ago, I MK2 X-Reg. I ve tried or from your own not be coming back car that has low them to send the of motorcycle insurance in buy ? my fathers am currently on my of these 2 policy. but unsuccsessfully and I can i get cheaper of cancellation. But today a car off craigslist. car is pretty messed I actually have an how much would home insurance (uk) cover for I m a teenager and Texas? I had medicaid 33 year old female Please put your age, because it was the plan by the Heritage I just wanted to full time but doesn t be and i have much roughly would it this just how it I got new phone. $700 a month. I the kawasaki ninja 300 by a few. Never tell them what I get permit have a to insure then sports its in michigan if from the adjuster my test all come too performance. Thus, I m asking gixxer. At the same .
0 notes
clearsandwicheagle-blog · 6 years ago
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
"wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?
Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone""
Health Insurance for Low Income?
We are looking for an affordable health insurance plan. I'm 39 and my husband is 45 living in San Francisco. Healthy and never had injuries or big illness. We used to have a kaiser plan around $600/m and $25 for every visit. Any better deals?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Does anyone know of an affordable insurance company for an individual (major insur. companies preferrably)?
I am an individual contractor and in need of a health and dental insurance. There are so many to choose from and I don't know which ones I should be focusing on. Lower deductibles and higher copay better? What's an ideal payment each month? $200? $150? I need help.
How much is it for car insurance on a Nissan Altima?
I am 19 years old and I want to get a used Nissan Altima 2003 but I need t know how much is it going to be to insure? thank you
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
In dire need for cheap car insurance!?
So, I have recently passed my driving test and purchased a new car ('03 Renault Clio) and therefore need to insure it. This is where the problem lies. I have checked multiple compare sites, insurance sites, phoned them, asked my friends who they had their insurance under blah blah blah. The lowest quote I have had was 4000!! This extortionate amount is even with my pass plus certificate, saying I keep the car in a garage and having a low annual mileage (up to 6000). I really need some help here! If the car isn't insured for any time longer, and is just sitting in the garage I think im going to murder someone! Any good companies out there???????? Thanks a lot :)""
What do you pay for your motorcycle?
I'm a 23 year old guy in FL and looking to buy a sportbike. Probably a used GSX-R 600 or a ZX-6R. My question is what are you guys paying for your bikes? I'm looking to put about $1000 down on the bike itself. So financing probably $5-7,000. I know things will vary with interest rates and all that. But what are you paying total monthly for your bike payment (amount financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying to get my budget together. Thanks.""
My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance?
I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting.
Motorcycle insurance full coverage?
I pay full coverage for my motorcycle and my co worker who is still paying on his bike has way cheaper insurance then me. Were the same age. Is it possible not to have full coverage when you have a loan for the bike? I know your suppose to, i do but i would think the insurance company could find out some how if you told them it was paid off..right?""
19 year old needs cheap car insurance?
i need to get car insurance but i cant afford something too expensive, im 19 my car is a 1997 ford mustang coupe, someone help i have to find a place today! my parents arent helping i have to get it on my own.""
How much would car insurance be...?
My Bf and I are going to be moving in together within the next year, we are going to have only one care, (i think) and possibly two within the next 2 or 3 years. We'll be living in North Carolina. I just need an estimate as too how much car insurance for us would be? Thanks!""
Dental insurance..?
Hi, i am a student so i do not have much money. I am living in Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know if there is an affordable health insurance that cover dental needs. I need to remove my 4 wisdow teeth and also i would like to put some braces...but i can not aford it. Would an insurance be worth in this case?""
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Whats the Cost for motorcycle insurance if I'm 18?
I want to buy a bike when I'm 18 but if the insurance cost to much I probably won't. But I want to know about how much it will cost a month for a sportsbike if I'm 18. I want a ninja, nothing over 600cc. ???""
How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?
Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?
How much is approx. insurance costs for a 125cc road bike with 23 years L driver. Can any one plz ans me?
How much is approx. insurance costs for a 125cc road bike with 23 years L driver. Can any one plz ans me?
How much will car insurance be for me?
Well I'm 17, I have a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, and I've been driving since age 16, no violations or accidents. It will be added onto my parent's account.""
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
Can my term life insurance rates go up?
If I have already bought a term life insurance plan for 20 years a year ago, and I get a new job which is a higher risk job, will my insurance rate go up? If so how much could it go up by?""
""Can a car insurance provider cancel your insurance quote, without giving a refund?""
I recently renewed my car insurance with the Cooperative, I was charged and thought I was insured. After a few days I received a letter from the cooperative saying they have decided to terminate the insurance quote. If i want to know why I have to write a letter. After noticing Ive been charged and not given back a refund, I called and asked why this is. They said they wont refund the money, and all I could do is appeal for the money! They said the appeal has to be a letter sent to them, not email. Can they do this? Not only did they refuse to insure me (when they have done for so many years now), then they sent a letter saying they've decided to terminate it, without giving a reason, and they dont even mention anything about the money theyv charged me, I had to call in, and they tell me they wont refund the money?????""
New York city question regarding insurance?
How are the insurance premiums in New york city (queens borough specifically) ? i.e. how much would someone like I have to pay for insurance say per year (for a car that has about 80,000 miles on it)? I have New York driving license for 2 1/2 years now, and prior to that had Pennsylvania license for 3 years. I had my own car for the 3 years I had Pennsylvania license, and have been renting cars (twice or thrice a year) for the 2 1/2 years I have been in NYC. In all these 5 1/2 years, I had no accidents. Also, how much is registration fee to register a vehicle in New york city?""
Why do I need car insurance?
Ok, i have my permit and will get my driver's liscence soon, but i am not going to buy a car for a while. If i am just going to borrow one of my parents' cars, to go shopping and stuff like that, do i need car insurance if i never borrow it overnight or anything like that?""
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
17 years old how to get cheap car insurance?
I found a car i had my lieance for 3 months, the insurance is for 2400 how can i get cheaper insurance the insurance will be on my name or if i put it on my dad name how would i be able to drive the car.""
Classic car insurance for new drivers?
Hello. Can you get classic car insurance for a new just test passed driver. If the car is say a 1.1 escort or similar and the driver is over 30 years old? or is it verboten until at least 2 years have passed driving with normal insurance? Thankyou.
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old for a citreon saxo 1.6 car roughly?
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old for a citreon saxo 1.6 car roughly?
Can you have insurance on a leased car ? Is leasing a good idea?
I want to have insurance and the car will be a daily driver just around my city .Helppppp
Classic car insurance for 17 year old?
i really wanna drive, and i dont really have a taste for most modern motors. so ive been looking at an 80's mk2 fiesta. i think its a sweet motor, a 1.1 is a good size engine for cost cutting and the XR2 models look like a great starter/driver car. though a look alike would be fine! problem is i cant find classic insurance that will insure a young driver on a classic insurer policy. any help, names i should call? all help appreciated!!!""
Car insurance?
If i have bought a car but but the car is not insured, then can someone else who is fully comp drive my car?""
Do I have to have my own insurance?
I live in Washington state and I am 16. I turn 17 in February. I have my own car but it is under my dads name because I am not old enough to have a car under my name. I can get my license in march. Once I do can I still drive it with my parents insurance on it or do I have to have my own insurance? Thanks!
2.5% tax penalty if you don't have health insurance?
There is a section on page 297 of the health care bill... which you can read here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states plainly that any individual who does not have acceptable health insurance during any part of the year will be imposed a tax equal to 2.5% of their yearly adjusted gross income. My question is what the heck is that about? What has our government come to if they can legally punish people for not getting their own health insurance??
I dont have car Insurance?
I am buying a new car, I dont have Car insurance this is my first car! Can I have someone else drive it home for me. that has Insurance""
What kind of car insurances exist?
I know there is the one required by law, the liability, in which you'll cover another car's damage, and one where you ensure your own car (I don't know the specific name of it). What other kind of car insurances exist, and what are they called?""
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Whats a ball park price on car insurance for.......?
18 year old, not married, perfect driving record, in Georgia, one car, and only me being insured..... not sure about the make of the car yet haven't decided what I want. I'm planning on buying a new car and paying for it WITHOUT MY PARENTS HELP!!! Around how much would that cost me per month?""
Being denied by insurance for pizza delivery?
I applied for a driving postion at a local pizza resturant, and when i went in for the interview I was told so long as the insurance approved me i would start training in a week, and when i called today i was told the insurance did not approve me, and was not given a reason why, and i have no tickets or accidents at all on my driving record, any body in the insurance or pizza delivering bussiness know possibly why i was denied by the insurance?""
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
Cheapest car insurance in texas?
Hi... I have been re searching insurances and they are most around 180.... i was wondering if there were any other cheaper ones in texas... am single pregnant with assisiates, renting, 23 years old. No tickets. 1 acciden no okthers damaged.....""
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
Car Insurance (No car)?
So this might sound a bit dumb, but I was wondering what are the steps to getting car insurance before you own a car. The problem I have is I am afraid of wrecking the car on the drive home from car lot and not having insurance!""
""If I get a license and a car, will my parents be forced to get me car insurance by the law?""
Or can they chose not to. My family has 3 drives, Mid 50s, 23, and 21. I'm getting my license and a car next year. Will the government force my parents to get me car insurance or will my car just sit in the garage. I'm buying my car btw and not my parents...""
How do you pay for auto insurance?
teen trying to understand how insurance works
Does adding a driver/family member bring drive up car insurance premium?
I want let my parents drive my car once in a while, do i need to add them as additional drivers or are they covered under my existing bare minimum insurance coverage.""
Can I get medi-cal if I already have health insurance?
I am insured with blue shield in California, and just found out I'm pregnant. My insurance doesn't cover prenatal care. I know my income qualifies me for California's medi-cal coverage for pregnant women, but will having insurance make it so that I won't qualify for medi-cal? Also, my live in boyfriend makes more than the income cap. Will that affect things? I just want to make sure I get some sort of medical care.""
My car insurance is renewing March 25th If i switch insurance companies March 1st?
Am i responsible for the whole amount of my insurance payment or am i responsible for being covered Feb 25 thru March 1st??
Car insurance renewal ques?
i have car insurance with admiral and its going to be automatically renewed tomorow at 17:30 so can i cancel before that, am i within rights or will they charge before that? the reason being i have found a much cheaper quote else where, i paid admiral for the car insurance using debit card so will payment be taken same day tomorow on renewal date?""
Cheapest car insurance in houston tx?
hello i need to find auto insurance that i can afford, i was wondering do they have one thats under a 100 ? well can you list me places that have the cheapest auto insurance""
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
Saving up car + insurance HELP !?
My partner is having driving tests every week, and she is a more advanced driver. I just like to get advice on this matter, financial ? I do got a job, part time mainly. I do earn around 180 +- a week if I am lucky, She has student loan, 800 every three months and that's not much since she has to pay university fees. normally around 9k. now it's around 4.5 thousand pounds I guess. She wants to get a car insurance and a car, we are troubled what to do since if she wants all of that it will be loads more. Since insurance is 600 pounds every year ? petrol and other costs MOT. Road tax ? Just some examples, there might be lots more to worry about. I will help her to get all these things, She thinks it would be easier to get a second hand car, that will hopefully handle 2/3 years ? I do not believe that's a wise choice since that would be much more expensive for extra costs and repairs. On top when she is done with Uni and she has to get a job, it's more sufficient to still owning a proper car to get you everywhere. The body could be damaged, and the chance of a accident is higher + extra costs. Can anybody help us out ? A second hand for 2/3 thousand with a insurance of 600 a year ? or not ? Lemme know ! Thank you !""
Recommended Car Insurance Coverage?
I'm 18 years old and have to buy car insurance for the firsr time on my one. I don't know what level of insurance to get... what's the recommended car insurance coverage amounts?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?????
im 19 and have a vectra any one know where i can find cheap inssurance and is it better to do me or another family member as the main driver
Florida Home insurance help?
I was recently dropped from my insurance company.My credit is bad so no one will cover me what should I do? I will also need flood insurance.
What is the best / most reliable life insurance company?
I am a healthy 18 year old. Soon to move out of home and onto college. I plan for the future. I know how important it is to pre plan, I myself and going into the funeral business. What Life Insurance company offers affordable and reliable policies of $100,000 for a healthy young 18 year old male? How much would the monthly premium cost?""
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
What would my car insurance be?
I am a 20 year old male in Upstate NY and ive been driving since last september and i just bought a car (2000 Chevy Impala) and im trying to look for a good car insurer and my parents have state farm. what insurer would be the best and how much would it cost in my situation?
Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old male?
im 17 and i need insurance and wanted to know the cheapest
Should I keep my insurance while lending my car?
I will be out of the country for 6 months and would like my friend to borrow my car. She is a licensed driver and stay at home mom. I called my insurance company and they said adding her to my policy would be no extra cost to me. However she told me that since she and her husband already own a car, it would just cost $20 for them to add the car to their insurance policy and I could just cancel my policy while I am out of country. But she is not on the title. So is she right? What should I do? Thanks!""
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a new driver?
I'm 23, female, and a new driver. I don't care about the quality of the insurance, I just need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential job depends on a car I'm about to get, and I need cheap insurance ASAP.""
I dont get car insurance?
i am looking for my first car . i did a quote on a 2001 1.2 fiat punto 3 doors. The quote was 1600. but i then saw a 5 door punto. a 2000 1.2 5 door punto the quote for that was 1989. and thats from the same company. how can it cost more to insure a 5 door car.
What is the best car insurance company for a 16 year old?
I'll be turning 16 next year and i want to get a headstart on what the best car insurance is for a 16 year old male in New York
""Got into a small accident with my mothers car. She has insurance I dont, what will happen?""
I was driving my mother's car, was in a small accident. I rear ended a car in front of me at a stop sign. Completely my fault. There was no damage to both cars but the driver called an ambulance due to neck pain. A police report was made. What will happen next? She has full insurance for the car with Geico. Will the insurance rate go up? Will I have to pay any fines? Will I get into trouble for driving her car with no insurance? My mother wasnt feeling well I was using her car to run errands. Thanks!""
What is the cheapest way to insure a teenager with car insurance?
I have heard of people putting the car under their name on the policy and then they child drives the car and claims it is their parents car. Giving cheaper insurance. Is that very common?
""Male vasectomy requirements in california,and does cigna cover it?""
i want to get a vasectomy,made up my mind 100%,main reason is cuz i don't want to end up a financial slave to any women,and would relieve alot of stress from my life.i am 24,from california,never had any kids,can i just go up to the doctor and tell him that,or do i have to stretch the truth and make up a story like i have 2 kids somewhere in mexico or something like that?i make about $24,000 a year.i know they also charge for vasectomies based on your income.also does cigna insurance cover it?""
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
""Does anyone know of any home insurance companies in pensacola,fl?""
Im trying to get a quote for homeowners insurance in pensacola, fl. all the big companies (progressive, state farm, farmers) say they do not provide homeowner insurance in florida. does any one know of any company in pensacola, fl or just florida in general that i can get a quote from.""
Car Insurance - 17 Year old!?
part time motor trade insurance - That's the insurance policy that my dad's on, would it be possible for me to be added onto this policy then drive the cars that are insured on it. If not what's the best way about getting cheaper insurance policies? The way I thought I got cheaper insurance was that my dad would start a policy then add me as a named driver, is it still the same? Thanks in advance!""
How do I obtain Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)?
My insurance company is asking about Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s). I don't know what it is or how to obtain it. I have never had auto insurance before this is my first time. Where can I obtain an Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? Thanks
What kind of car would cost around 2000 yearly to insure for a young person?
just looking around for insurance quotes, yet all i seem to find cost around 5000 a year -.- any ideas on what cars are cheaper?""
I need help with a car insurance issue?
My boyfriend recently got into an accident with another driver, resulting in no injury to the driver, minimal damage to his parents' truck and side damage to the other drivers' car. That was a week or two ago, he found out today that he has been excluded from his parents insurance plan. This is the first he's heard about it since moving back in with them in November. His parents knew about it though. I'm worried that he may lose his license and also his job. I've tried searching but I found nothing on this. The state is California by the way. I'll appreciate any answers and will give the best answer points (is ten good?).""
""What is the cheapest automatic car, for a new driver?
also cheap for insurance
""Which has high auto insurance rates, santa barbara or vacaville CA?
10 points
""Insured car, uninsured teen driver?""
Hi, I am 17 and just obtained my drivers license, I am not on the insurance policy for the family cars. I heard somewhere that insurance follows the car and not the driver and that even if i wasn't on the insurance policy but had permission from the owner to drive the car that any accident would be covered by the owners insurance policy? Is this information valid? And to what extent? Thanks!""
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
Does lojack reduce auto insurance rates?
Does lojack reduce auto insurance rates?
Can I sue an insurance company if?
If the insurance company is putting stress on me and with holding information from me.It was their client who hit my vehicle he was cited a ticket. for being left of center he was flying down the road in a double yellow zone traffic was stopped 2 lanes and he had to go around them in order to hit me.He has a witness and he and his so called witness are saying that I pulled out of a lot that I was never in.Lucky for me I kept my proff of purchase.and they even have me on camera with the traffic stopped.Anyway his insurance company is treating me like I am a criminal and will not tell me anything.Which in turn is really stressing me out.So can I sue if I want to .I did try to be nice but his agent really makes me angry and stresses me out.I am just wore out from dealing with her.
About How much would insurance be for this car?
It's a 3000gt SL. I heard if I got an alder camaro it would be around $145 a month, but will go down depending on how long you go without tickets and wrecks. So yeah, a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks""
Adding newborn to insurance policy?
I have a family medical plan and added my son as a dependent 4 days after his birth online. I received a bill in the mail stating my son was uninsured so I called my insurance company. They stated it could take up to 4 weeks for processing. I followed their advice and now my son is out of the 30 day window and they are claiming I failed to check a box to enroll him in my family coverage. Trying to appeal. Am I out of luck?
Can insurance companies tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure?
I was just thinking, it would be handy if websites such as Gocompare.com could just tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure. Based on the Information i already gave for a quote. Instead of me having to go through every car i can think of getting a quote for each one individually to find which car is the cheapest for me to insure. Dose any one no if there is a site that dose this?""
What is an individual health insurance?
What is an individual health insurance?
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
What ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
what ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
Where is the best place for auto insurance quotes?
Recently i have had to change auto insurance providers for multiple reasons. So now i am looking for the best place to get auto insurance quotes from.
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Cheapest Car Insurance And Best car to get at 17?
Hello Guys, ive just passed my dirveing Test :D I Got a Pass Plus Witch aprently makes Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, ive been on all the big sites such as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. And they are offering me around 8Grand for a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento I dont want that car i just tested to see how much. I really need somewhere cheaper. so could you guys give me best car to try get insured on and where?""
If I lie to my insurance company about who lives with me is that considered insurance fraud?
I have a relative who lied about who lived with her on her insurance application even though it does not affect her insurance and I was just wondering would that still be considered insurance fraud.
I'm getting sued from an old car accident? will my insurance pay?
two years ago i was involved in an accident with another vehicle. we filed a police report and we each reported the accident to our insurance companies. i filed a claim with my company, but the insurance companies had us each pay our own damages. we both walked away from the accident. two years later, i receive a certified letter that i'm being sued for $10,000 (within my liability limits) for medical damages and other losses. i need to appear in court or have a lawyer. it's been two years, will my insurance company still cover this after such a long time? and, do i have to find my own lawyer, or will the insurance company help me? (they're a very good company) i just found out and i contacted them, but they can't get back to me til monday while they find the old adjuster's files.""
What is the difference between insurance agencies and insurance companies?
What is the difference between insurance agencies and insurance companies?
Homeowners insurance not renewed?
any insurance underwriters out there....our dog bit an adult neighbor who entered our yard...medical claim filed....agent tells us we wont be renewed....is this typical.....
How would I buy a sportbike with no credit? How much would the payments/insurance be?
I want to get an 08 or newer yamaha r6. I am going to strip a few nights a month and that will cover the payments possibly. I am almost 19 and would like my parents not to know about the job, but if they find out, whatever. So pretty much I am trying to figure out how I can manage this on my own. I have no credit, but I am responsible. Also I have a clean driving record and am on good student discount for insurance on my car. Am I dreaming or could I maybe actually get the bike of my dreams?!!""
Cheapest 125cc Bike to insure?
Im a 17 year old male, no provisional or no CBT. I am hoping to pass my CBT around october-november when im 18. I wanted to know whats the best bike to have and also the price ranges? id much rather a 'sporty' looking bike as apposed to others. I had my eye on a Varadero 125, hyosung GT125r or a yamaha yzf r125. The aprilia rs125 is nice but ive heard its expensive to insure? So if anyone knows the price ranges that would be great, or if any suggestions on a suitable bike that would also be appreciated. I live in the rhondda valleys, have no criminal record, could keep the bike locked up out back, if any of that helps? i know insurance is tricky but i just want to know which ball park i stand in. Thanks.""
I have no insurance but I want to get pregnant...?
My husband and I have been together for 4 years and we have been TTC for 2 years now. We have no insurance , so I've used 2 OPK's but all of the come out negative or with no results, and my periods have ALWAYS been extremely irregular so I can't calculate or predict my ovulation. I know we're gonna need insurance when and if I do get pregnant, here in the state of California you receive free health insurance for you and the baby while your pregnant and until the child is 18 or you get a different insurance carrier. I feel helpless and I don't know what I should do next... I find myself searching for clomid online but I know that is extremely dangerous with Dr. supervision. And we have looked in to other insurance carriers, but none of them cover fertility treatments. Please help!!! I need to know what my next step should be?""
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
Approximately how much does auto insurance cost for an 18 yr old new driver?
Full coverage and/or liability. I just need a ballpark figure to see if I can afford to pay for my son's auto ins.
Can you get a car insurance quote If you can't drive at first?
I am only currently doing driving lesson's and don't own a car but am I able to get a quote if I can provide the detail's on what car I want roughly?
What are some cars that look good and are cheap?
Well it's time i can almost actually get a car and drive... I'm a teen so obviously my first car can't be to expensive.. i'm looking for any cars that look good and hopefully people can tell me some that would look good.. i know i shouldn't care as much about looks but basically i'm trying to find a used car around 100,000 miles maybe a little more or less for under $6000... i can't get a real expensive car because of insurance i'll have to start off on basic so i'm wondering if there are any nice looking cars that are cheap... I had in mind an eclipse or something but i'm really not sure if i want something like that but thanks...""
Is there any way by which I could get National Insurance Number?
I would be having a telephonic interview with a MNC Bank for a banking profile.They asked me to provide with the National Insurance Number as I am Indian I do't have any National Insurance Number as in India normal concept is get insured personally without any involvement of Government. The only task of Government is to monitor the issues related with grievances. Could you please guide what is the appropriate answer under these conditions. Reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old female? More info provided?
I will be 17 yrs old when I get my intermediate license, which I will then have for 1 yr before I can get my full license. I'm looking for a general insurance quote for a 17 year old female in Iowa (does this have any bearing on the amt my parents pay). Also, I have about B average, but I'm taking AP classes if that makes a difference. I don't have a job but I will have an unpaid internship this summer (does this make a difference?). Both my mom and dad have one ticket each, but that's about it, they're both very careful drivers. I will also have taken a drivers ed course (reqd in my state). I'm also looking at purchasing either a 1998 BMW 528I or a 1998 BMW 740IL as both are under $5000 w/o taxes but if anyone can give me an estimate as to the total cost of both of these cars (after taxes, gas, insurance, etc) that would be fantastic. If any more info is needed let me know.""
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wawanesa canada auto insurance quote
0 notes
fancycollectionfury-blog1 · 6 years ago
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"gmac insurance login
gmac insurance login
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Learner driver insurance.?
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that offer cheap learner driver insurance. One of my friends are going to be giving me lessons but I cant find any companies that offer insurance for me in their car that is like less that 60 a month! any ideas anyone?""
Is there anyway I can get insurance coverage for a vehicle if I don't have a license?
I am a senior citizen and have never driven. I need transportation desperately. I can purchase a car but find I cannot get insurance for any driver of my car if I don't have a drivers license. I have not been able to find anyone I would really trust to put the car in their name. Any suggestions?
What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost?
All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?""
Where is the best place to find cheap Jeep insurance?
I just bought a new Jeep and need to find some decent insurance as cheap as humanly possible. Who has the best rates?
Recommended Auto Insurance Coverage?
I'm just about to have to buy auto insurance for myself for the first time, and I have no idea what all of the different terms and numbers mean. What is the most commonly recommended auto insurance coverage?""
Need cheaper car insurance?
right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net
Will my insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got pulled over doing 48 in a 25. Ouch..i know. The cop gave me a court date and i dont know whether i should go to court and try to get this revised so it doesnt look so bad or if i should just pay the 150....AND is my isurance going to go up. I have grange...PLEASEEEE help out...im 19 and no previous tickets or violations
How can I find cheap car insurance?
I have a policy with RBC. They just jacked me up by 400 a year....
Car insurance settlement?
I was in an auto accident as the passenger in the vehicle. The other person was at fault but they didn't have car insurance. (Another topic) Anyway, my friends insurance company said they are going to reimbursement for everything, including lost wages, bills, etc. I have been in PT for the pass 10 weeks and have to wear a cast on my wrist for the next 2 weeks. My lost wages, co payments and some medical bills have already gotten to 11k. I expect more bills that can get to close to 15k all together. How much should I expect to get with pain and suffering without dealing with a lawyer? Any ideas? I was diagnosed with a fractured wrist and sever muscular damage to my chest, neck and back so far. I really don't know the medical terms""
Is There an Affordable Dental Insurance Plan Available??
I would like to have my teeth worked on however I do not have dental insurance, are there any good ones?""
Where can I find car insurance who will LISTEN to my circumstances.?
I have been driving for over 20 years but the last 5 years have been on my husbands policy for company cars. Before then I had full no claims but lost them as we lived in Singapore on a 3 year work contract, I was driving there also with a Singapore driving licence. When we came back to the UK I have been driving brand new top of the range 2.0 cars.(accident free) Now I need to get car insurance but the set forms do not take any of this into account. Hence the hefty quotes. I have only 1 controversial speeding penalty. Why dont you insurers out there LISTEN !!!""
350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question?
I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)""
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
Will adding a person to my car insurance (progressive direct) make it go up? by how much?
i want to add my wife and she's 24
Teenage car insurance?
Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder""
Should I do something to this company insurance?
Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
Is there any insurance companies that will insure after a fire claim?
me and my family had a fire in july of 2008 and our homeowners insurance dropped us after the claim was over. now we are having major difficulty obtaining homeowners insurance. is there anybody that knows of a insurance company that takes people with these issues? we also live in indiana
What is the best car insurance for someone in their 20s?
What is the best car insurance for someone in their 20s?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
What is the best car insurance?
What is the bestt car insurance for an 18 year old?
""Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?""
What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!""
Perth; Can I ride a motorcycle without insurance?
And if I am buying motorcycle insurance, how come they ask me how much I want to pay? Please see the link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much must I pay? I bought my second hand scooter for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au""
I want a car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
I asked this question before, but people were being extremely rude so I deleted it. If I get a car, I will be paying for everything myself. The car, the gas, the maintenance, etc. The only thing that I will not be able to afford is the insurance. I don't really care about having my own car, but I can't drive my parents' cars: my mom's is for her work, and my dad's is really expensive and he doesn't want me driving it. Either way, just to drive someone else's car I have to have insurance to cover myself and any damages I could cause in case of anything. So, anyways, the only thing I need my parents to pay for is the insurance. They absoulutley refuse. They think that I don't need to drive. I don't want to depend on my friends to drive me everywhere. They can definitely afford insurance, they just don't want to pay for it. I might sound spoiled or whatever but I'm not. Ever since I could remember, I've had to pay for most of everything I own. All of my clothes, toys (when I played with them), iPods, the computer that I'm on right now. I'm paying for my text messaging, too. so, I understand the value of money. I just want them to pay for this one thing. so, my plan was to buy a car, and then threaten to drive uninsured until they get insurance. Kind of mean, I know, but I'md esperate. What do you think?""
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gmac insurance login
Any lawyers or insurance agents out there?
I won a long fought Small claims case. The lady I sued has insurance, business insurance, not car related. 8 months ago her insurance company denied the claim. I went to Small Claims and won. Doesn't the insurance company now have to pay me if I send them a copy of the final judgment? I also won on her appeal, so its final. Thank you.""
Car Insurance for a 17 year old ? Rough price needed.?
Hi, My son is 17 in a couple of months, need a rough guess on how much insurance will be on a low groupage car (peugeot 106 1.0 etc). He'll be provisional but will have his mother on the insurance also. We're in Teesside so not out in the sticks but not a city postcode. Any rough ideas will be great. Thanks.""
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Insurance question please answer if you know?
my friends husband has colon cancer the health insurance is about to run out she is looking for morer health insurance does anyone know any health insurance that will insure him?
How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE?
im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger.
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Disability Insurance?
If I have disability insurance through my job and I also have independent disability insurance, will each insurance pay me the amount I am entitled too if I was to become disabled?""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
To add a 16 year old kid with a licence to his parents insurance, how much will it cost""
Is it a legal requirement to have insurance when you are self employed?
I am about to sign a contract, as a self-employed contractor, and one of the point refers to me having liability insurance. Is it a legal requirement?""
How much wll i pay for insurance if im 16??
aint got a fast car or anything but how much if my parent adds me on or how much would it be if i pay(if i could do that at 16)
How much would insurance be on a 1987 Fiero GT?
I don't know much about insurance rates and all that stuff, I'm only 17 and haven't taken the time to learn it. I just need a quick estimate on how much insurance would cost for such a car as that is what I'm looking at. Details welcome. Please don't start giving me advice on cars and trying to tell me what type of car I should get for my age. I would just like to know the answer to my question. Thanks.""
To restart car insurance they want money down?
I was paying $140 a month for 6 months of car insurance. Around the 6 month mark or a little before i said i want to cancel and they said if i cancel today i wouldnt owe anything and my policy be good until 6-22-2011 (i called in may). I tried to restart the policy today and they want $290.04 down,which includes $143.68 for any previous balance and/or any state-mandated fees or charges* If there was a previous balance why did i not owe anything???""
Building/home insurance?
front door warped can i claim on insurance
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?
How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?
""Can some body tell much i have to for my car insurance, if i live in brooklyn and 18 with new license?""
hey, i am planning to bye a car by next month, but before i go buy it, i need know how i have pay for my insurance, i am 18 just got my license and live in brooklyn, can somebody what is the most could i have pay...""
What is the average minor car insurance from State Farm?
I'm turning sixteen in October, but already I'm trying to figure out what future expenses will be. Meaning, car insurance. I have not yet began to drive but- better early than late, right? I'm an average student, more or less... freshman year I didn't try very hard and barely passed, so I'm going to try more this year (The average soptmore: Oh crap, high school isn't something you blow off! ). I made mostly B/C's but, when I apply myself, I get high A/B's. (I've heard some insurance look at grades lol). And if you know any cheaper insurances than State Farm, feel free to suggest.""
What can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance?
I'm 19 & have had a class O learner's permit since February & my brother has been giving me driving lessons with his car since then. A couple days ago he got me this $300 car for when I get my license (so I won't keep asking to borrow his, lol) so..... I called the DMV, but this lady said I needed proof of insurance for a driver's license, plates, registration, etc.... So I called this insurance company, but the guy there said he needed a valid driver's license # to even give me a quote.... I'm probably gonna get my license in the next couple of weeks, but.... 1) Why isn't a learner's permit # considered valid when trying to get car insurance? 2) Which can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance? And how?""
Is an acura integra cheap on insurance?
my son is thinking of buying one
What insurance company is THE cheapest? but has great coverage or provides the same services as other insurance?
Car insurance price for 17 year old?
I've got 2 questions cropped into 1 1st question, im looking to buy a Ford Fiesta HOPEFULLY after i pass my driving test. Ford Fiesta 1.2-1.6 litres. 2004-2006 model. Insurance price to a new 17 year old male driver living in northwest london where not much vandalism/problems occur compared to other towns. Car will be on off road parking overnight. Whats the approximate insurance price im looking at? 2nd question being that if anyone had recently taken the theory test. Is it hard? Easy? Thanks in advance""
Does anyone know which insurance companies do not using residential location in calculating car insurance?
I guess I have heard a few months ago that some car insurance companies will not include the location of where the car would be parked in their calculation of car insurance. The media touted that it will cost less to car owners who live in high traffic areas such as Los Angeles. Any input will be welcome
Has anyone driven past a police car without car insurance?
I've read on the internet and asked questions here on Yahoo about people driving without car insurance. The majority have said that police cars have a scanning system that automatically checks cars that goes by for MOT, tax and car insurance. I am wondering if anyone has recent experience of driving without car insurance past police cars and have anything happen to them? Have the police cars picked up that you have no insurance? I have car insurance by the way, i am just curious.""
Classic Car Insurance for Young Irish Drivers?
I'm looking to insure a 1989 Ford Transit and can't seem to find anyone that can do this as I am only 22. Has anyone ever been able to solve this problem in Ireland? I already have a full policy on a primary car
gmac insurance login
gmac insurance login
What's the purpose of medical insurance for students?
I'm in Australia and I need medical insurance which is very costly and it doesn't even cover anything like dental checkup. I don't think I'll ever a use a single penny from that insurance. Why are they robbing us of our money for no reason? If I get ill, I'll use my own money to pay for treatment. And I heard they don't get any interest from the money so where does all that money go? In the air?""
Can I legally drive my fiances mothers car; will her insurance cover me?
I'm 20, I will be 21 in a month. I got my Provisional Drivers License today. I have a toddler, and am pregnant. We live in Calvert County, Maryland. My fiance and I live with his parents, we rent 2 rooms. His mother is 69, and has All State car insurance, not sure what plan. Can I legally drive her car infrequently, like to the grocery store, or to OB appointments here and there without having insurance myself? Does it depend on her plan? She's going to call them tomorrow to see, but I'd just like to see what answers I get on here tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.""
""Im a new driver and my insurance in 1600 or above, i have tried all the cheapest cars!?""
i have just passed my driving test and i am looking for a cheap run around car to start me off, ive tried all the cheap cars (fiestas, peugeots and much more) but nothing seems to take my insurance lower, does anyone have any ideas...???? thanks.""
Car Insurance coverage question...?
Here is my question, CA policy I have three cars under my policy, I have now passed on one of them to my younger sister who is 21 and lives 50 miles away. However, she is NOT under my insurance policy and I am worried that my insurance won't cover her if something were to happen. I was told by a friend of mine who is an insurance agent that ANY insurance company in CA has to cover her if she has a valid license and does NOT live in the same household as the policyholder (coverage would be extended to her also as long as I verify she was authorized to drive the car). Is this true?""
""Boyfriend totaled my car, i have a $500 collision deductable on my insurance?""
my boyfriend totalled my 17,000 car. the car was totally paid off and i have $500 deductable for collisions on my insurance,. he has liability on his insurance. does anyone knnow what will happen from here, since he was driving i dont know for sure what insurance covers and what i will have to pay""
New health insurance law I'm so confused?
My husband is half Indian so he can go to the Indian clinic whenever he wants and it's free. Does that mean he still needs insurance?
""My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? ?""
My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? how do i know that they are giving me a fair settlement? do i check the blue book value for my car when it was brand new, or as a used car(coz i bought my car as a used car with 23,000 mileage), or would they pay it as used plus the current mileage when my car was declared a total loss (it has 30,000 mileage). I bought my car, a 2005 honda accord coupe with 23,000 mileage <--- how much do they normally settle with this car?""
About how much of your base pay do you spend every month? (US Military).?
I am just curious. I will go into the US Army as an E2. (So I will be making $1568.7). How much do you spend on car, insurance, phones and internet? (I do not drink.)""
Any way to decrease my 4K quote to insure a 1.0L VW Polo?
I'm looking into buying my first car (17 year old driver), I have not passed my test yet but I'm looking to get a car to practise in. I found the car I wanted to buy, a 1.0L (999cc) 400 R Reg (1998) VW Polo, so practically the smallest engine money can buy. I needed to see how much it would cost to insure before and after I pass my test. It was 1200 a year on my provisional which is the sort of price I would expect but over 4000 when I set it to having passed my test. This is using go compare.com. Why is that so much money? I understand young drivers are high risk, but surely over 4000 a year for fully comp doesnt sound right.""
Im losing all my teeth & I cant get insurance anywhere!!!!?
I am only 22 years old & I noticed all of my back teeth slowly breaking away about 6 months ago. I went to a clinic & found out I have a bad infection, next to no enamel & serious gum disease. They gave me prescription & that's when I found out I had no medical insurance. I never got the meds. because I could not afford them. Since than it has gotten so much worse. I am a single mom of 2 young boys. I pay my own Rent phone electric & everything else with a next to nothing paycheck. So at the end of the month I am left with Nothing. I went to the welfare office & was turned down because I make more than 400$ a month. My job doesn't provide dental but this infection has spread so fast that I don't have 1 tooth that's not infected & the only ones that can even still be saved are the top 4 in the front. I don't even remember what it feels like to eat solid food & I have tried everything to get health insurance..but I have no $ left over @ the end of the mouth. I feel lost. Does any1 know of anything I can do? This is painful in every way.& I think it is crazy that I can not have dental insurance because I have a job. I cant quit my job to save my teeth. My fronts probably have less than a month b4 they start to chip away from the gum line...& I am out of options.""
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
Modified Car Insurance?
I'm looking for Auto insurance for my modified muscle car, but many places that claim they insure modified cars are turning me down. The car is fast, but will only be driven up to 2000 miles/year. I will not be taking it to race at the track, just driving it to events and family functions. The car's engine has been stroked, has apx. 700 horsepower, an 8pt roll cage, but has maintained most of its originality. The car is not cut up. I'm specifically looking for answers from individuals who have or have had a modified/highly modified muscle car insured. What company would you recommend and what costs should I expect to pay? Lastly, Hagarty has already turned me down... Thanks in advance.""
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Cheapest car insurance? Don't care if my car gets damaged.?
Hi, I have a really old car that I just want to use to get around town. I don't care if it gets damaged in a crash or whatever, because it already looks terrible. SO, how do I get the most basic and cheapest car insurance? Does anybody know what company will charge the least for insurance?""
When will I need to buy additional business insurance for my car?
I don't want to spend extra money on business insurance because I have an inactive self-employed business and I don't go to see clients often. What happens if I had a car ...show more
What will my insurance be approx?
When I pass my driving test I will be looking to buy either a peugeot 106 or 206 1 litre, i am 17 now but will probably be 18 when I pass, I was just wondering on average how much insurance will be because i couldn't get a quote on confused.com and other websites because i haven't actually got a car yet and it was asking for my registration number. I don't think it matters but I do have a CBT license and I drove and aprilia rs50 manual for about a year so I was wondering if that'll help because I have road experience already. Thanks for your time.""
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Will one accident and citation make ur car insurance go up?If so how much?
Im a 23 yr old guy and ive only been insured for a month, will my insurance rate go up immediantly?If so,how much?""
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
I really can't afford to go lately and don't see any foreseeable future in which I could afford it. My job doesn't offer insurance. and I really think I ought to speak with a Dr. about dual diagnosis issues
CAR INSURANCE - how can I insure my car in a California so my son can drive it even though I live in Florida ?
PROBLEM I own a car that my son drives. He lives in California and will have a California drivers liscense there. I live in Florida. what do I do. The car obviouslyt is in California as well.
Car insurance at 20 on average?
How much would car insurance be for me if i only have my licence for 2 months before i get a car and i am 20 years old?. The car would be minimum a 1.2 litre and maximum a 1.6 litre so what would a 1.2 litre, 1.4 litre and 1.6 litre cost me on average?.""
Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further.
AAA Insurance In California & Speeding Tickets?
Does AAA insurance allow you to go to traffic school so your insurance rates don't go up? it's my first time offense
Insurance on Drivers License?
How do you get insurance on just your drivers license?
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gmac insurance login
""I'm 16 with a permit, can I get a car and insurance in my name?
Im a girl. I'm getting a car in may.. But I'll only have a permit. Will I be able to get insurance and a tag and stufff on my car ??
""Coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disa?""
need to find coverage characteristics on coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disability insurance, prudential life insurance......need help quick , coverage characteristics on all the above ASAP""
""How much would a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy cost?
I'm planning events at several different venues and this is required. Each event is 4 hours.
Car Insurance quote question?
When I try and get a quote for some cars on either Tesco or Direct line, it tells me they cant give me a quote online and il need to ring them. Also, the browser wont let me go back, so they make you close the window and type out another quote all over again! Why do they do this? The car I want to insure is a Nissan Navara D22. I am guessing that its because its a commercial vehicle and they want to check if il be using it for commercial use. I am 18 and have had my licence for a year, and I will be the named driver on the policy, my dad being the main driver who has over 30 years NCB! I managed to get a quote for a new Navara, not the D22 version and that was about 1990. How much do you think the D22 will be? Do you think they might class it as a van and not insure me because im under 21?""
How does car insurance work for a teenager?
I recently got my license but still do not drive due to the fact that my parents will not pay for insurance. They say it is too expensive but they also said the only way to make it affordable would be by getting me a car, which I seriously do not understand!! I don't want my own car I just want to be able to legally drive one so why would buying me a car and then insuring the car plus myself make it soo much cheaper than just already having me under their insurance and what not??? I just don't get it because once your insured you are able to drive any of the cars in the household so why buy another car just for me?? My parents aren't making sense and do not want to explain it to me. But we own luxury cars so could that be why they won't add me to the insurance? They are getting me a random, affordable used car which I don't mind but I would rather just be insured car or no car. Oh and they let me drive around all our luxury cars when I had my permit so idk why they are doing this to me.""
HomeOwners Insurance?
Roughly, how much does Homeowners insurance cost a year for a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo in Gainesville, FL?""
What auto insurance company will give me a good price after lapsing insurance?
I had geico and my insurance lapsed. Everyone wants so much money now since i lapsed previously. Ive tried all the major companies. Does anyvody know of a cheap insurance that i can look into? Right now everyone wants around 7-800$ for 4 cars liability. Rediculous.
How much might will I pay for insurance at 25?
I'm 25 years old and I will be getting my liscense soon, How much could I expect to pay for car insurance as a first time liscense holder? I understand that 25 is the magic number for the costs to go down, but how will just now having my liscense affect my cost?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'm a 22 year old male living in GA and mine is $770 every 6 months. I've never had a wreck or nufin. How old are you and how much is your car insurance every 6 months. It's confusing because some people will say they pay, for example, $1000 in car insurance, but they don't say whether it's every 6 months or every year. Please be specific as to if it's 6 months or a year. Thanks very much. I just want to know how much more I'm paying than all of you. lol""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I'm 20 and I'm with Allstate they have me paying $1000 each 6 month for Insurance too much money they killing me help.
How much Motorcycle Insurance 18 year old Texas?
How much is Motorcycle Insurance for an 18 or 19 year old in Texas? Preferably Allstate?
My insurance premium has doubled.how can they do this!(ireland)?
I put in a small claim of 600 year last year.I am full comp for four years.I have a full licence.I am a lady driver.I havent moved house.My claim is settled.some insurance companies has refused to quote me.they say it is not in there policy to do so.They wont give me this in writing as this is not there policy either.At the time of the claim i was told verbaly that my insurance would not go up more than 150 euros.
How much does it cost to insure a madza rx7 ?
I am only 18 and i really want an rx7, but i want the veilside widebody kit for it, my dad says i cant get one cause no one will insure me! This is my dream car if somebody from experiance or present owner could tell me what there insurance is so i can get a rough idea??""
Do you have to be a licensed insurance agent to do this?
Do you have to be a licensed insurance agent to quote Medicare Supplement rates in Texas? Please cite a source of your information.
""Will an unpaid emergency room bill keep me from being able to buy health insurance, OR hurt my credit rating?
I have an emergency room bill which I have not yet paid and I'm wondering if it will keep me from being able to buy a health insurance policy and if the unpaid bill hurts my ...show more
How much is it going to cost me a year for car insurance?
i will be 16 in august my car is a chevy cavalier im not sure of the year does anyone know how much it would cost a year for car insurance ?
Car loan & insurance?
My husband & I applied for a car loan. We are both still under our parents insurance because it is cheaper like that for now. Neither one of us are listed on their insurance as policy holders. We are only listed as covered. If we plan on buying a car with our approved loan, does his dad need to be on the loan as well because the insurance is under him? If so, does that mean that I need to come off the loan and that he needs to reapply for a loan but with his dad? We live in California, I know some states have different laws about insurance. Hope that makes sense & someone can help. Thanks!""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
What would be the cheapest car to buy with good mpg and cheap on insurance?
What would be the cheapest car to buy with good mpg and cheap on insurance?
Mr2 Spyder Insurance Rate?
About how much insurance a month do you pay for a 2000 through a 2003 Mr2 Spyder? Is it expensive (is it classified as a sports car) or is it average? Also, would you recommend this car? Why or why not?""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
Are Insure Pink a good car insurance company?
I have a Fiat 500c and am under 25, and got a quote for 1561 (this is including monthly fee interest) from an original annual price of 1370. This is pretty cheap compared to any others I have found and was wondering: 1. Do you find this a good quote? 2. Are Pink Insured good insurers? I was a bit worried because although I did the quote ON their website, when it gave me a quote it was through Advantage Insurance Company, so I'm a little confused. The quote does not include breakdown cover as I get that for free with the AA for 12 months.""
Where can I get cheap car insurance for provisional drivers? UK?
I have a full license and I'm about to get insured but want to add my mum as a learner... which UK company has the lowest rates for provisional license holders?
Which company can provide me good student international insurance?
student international insurance
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gmac insurance login
0 notes
Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
"Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
I have a suspended license and hit a car resulting in my bike being totaled. I have full coverage and I had a license when I got the insurance will progressive pay for my bike?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
""Should i get health insurance now, or wait for Obamacare?
Also about how much will insurance cost a healthy 19 year old male who exercises regularly and eats well.
Need help with car insurance quotes?
i wanna get a used 2004 mazda rx-8. it has 68,000 miles on it and is a coupe, 2 doors. i really need just a guess, cause my online effort on all those sights is really driving me crazy. i don't know what half the stuff means. i'm 16 and would prolly be on my parents insurance, cause thats what my brothers doing. any ideas at what it would be per month?""
""Live with father, father borrowed and wrecked my car. He's not on my insurance.?""
Will I still be able to make a claim if I have my own insurance, he's not on my insurance, and we live together. I know there is some sort of household rule, but is that just for having kids? What if he's my dad? Will I still be able to make a claim if we live in the same household, and he's not on my insurance? I'm 21, own the car myself, and the insurance myself, basically renting a room but can't prove it. He's only insured with his business car.""
What are the things affect car insurance premium?
As far as I know, engine size is considered for insurance. Is it true or not? Second, I like to know is the make and model of the car effects the insurance? For example, does an old car have more insurance or the new one?""
""After the insurance adjuster gives an estimate on the damages on my car, whats the next step?""
My car was hit by a van and the vans insurance company is paying for everything. I recently got a call from a body shop saying they received the estimate cost for the damage of my car. My question is: if I find another body shop to fix my car for less then the insurance company estimated, what happens with the left over money? Do they keep it or I do?""
I need a job to save for college and driver's ed?
I'll be 16 next month and I need a job badly. I'm saving up for driver's ed, a car, insurance, and an apartment for college. I've tried restaurants, burger joints, etc. But everyone seems to be on hiring freezes or is only hiring adults. I need to start saving indepently because my parents can't support me forever. What are some job options for a 16 year old f in ma?""
""I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?""
i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you""
On average what is the rough price for bike insurance ?
its more just curiosity at the min as I've not settled on a bike I want I'm more that likely gonna get a ninja 250r, does anyone know or guess what the insurance wud be , I've ?[A class provisional] thanks for ur time guys""
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
Car insurance? Audi a3? Finance?
I'm 17 and looking to pass my test by October when I will be 18. Now I went into an Audi garage and they said I could get a a3 on finance when I've passed my test and I'm 18. But I'm just wondering how much would the insurance be? Would they give me a deal or could it be cheaper on my dads? Thanks. Btw I've never had a car or insurance before
Do I need insurance for one time poetry event in Chicago?
I'm looking to rent a church Rectory to artists for events like open mic's, gallery showings, and other small (20 people max) one time events. Do I need insurance outside of the home insurance the Rectory already has?""
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
Will my insurance go up for this charge?
Ok so last night me and my buddies were in mcdonalds parking lot, they were drinking beer and i wasn't. i had consumed 1 beer about 1 and a half hours before a started driving. One of my buddies threw a beer bottle out the window and some old lady called the cops. the cops then came when we were sitting in the parking lot eating or burgers and asked me if i have had anything to drink tonight and i said i had 1 beer about 2 hours ago and he said that he's not going to put me under a breathlyzer because he knows i will fail. I had one beer ffs! i am 16 btw. So the two charges i got were underage drinking and having unclosed alcohol in my vehicle for a total cost of $340. So now i have 2 questions do you think the cop was far? and will my insurance go up with those charges""
""Moved out of state, Can I still be on my parent's car insurance?""
I just graduated college and moved to California. I bought a new car in Iowa before I left and my parents cosigned the loan. We registered the car in Iowa, saying my name first or my father. Since then, they have brought the car out here. Am I able to stay on my parents insurance (Farm Bureau) even though I am no longer a resident of Iowa or their house? Also, am I required to register the vehicle in California even though he is on the loan and the current provider of insurance?""
What is the Cheapest Car Insurance For Young Driver?
18 Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, Full License Held for 2 Month, Access To Company Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), Mileage up to 5000 per year, No PASS PLUS, Social Use and kept on a public road.""
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Car insurance for young drivers?
im 21 and i passed my test in july i just wanted to no if anyone no,s good reasonable priced insurance companies for new drivers.thanks""
Why insurance agent do not market term insurance?
I am working in an IT company & agent comes to our company for marketing ULIPs. By reading various articals on ULIPs, I now understand the charges & I wonder how these agents hide the charge story partially or completely. Some of my teammates blindly sign on the policy parers & get trapped in the ULIP trap. I asked all agents for Term Insurance & most of them clearly refuse that they only sell ULIPs.I want to know that why Agents & insurance companies have a single point agenda of selling ULIPs & not market term insurance.""
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Car insurance premium question UK?
OK, my question isn't nothing serious I paid 800-ish for my 1st year and 795 for 2nd year of me passing my test (I am 22yr old) and lived in the same year. Obviously in the two years I have changed my 1998 clio to a 2003 fiesta. Both my policies were TPFT. However my car insurance is due to expire in 2 months time and I have went on several insurers as well as gocompare etc and getting quoted 1495 cheapest and up to 3400 for my 2003 fiesta 1.4 why??????""
What Car Insurance Company will offer the Cheapest Insurance for an 18YO Male?
Looking for the least expensive.
Proof of insurance?
Hello I just bought a new car and called my insurance company to insure my new vehicle they have yet to send me my card my question is I need to drive cross country do you have to have an insurance card or can the police tell if you have insurance even if you do not have a card
What is the average cost to deliver a child without insurance?
What is the average cost to deliver a child without insurance?
Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
I have a suspended license and hit a car resulting in my bike being totaled. I have full coverage and I had a license when I got the insurance will progressive pay for my bike?
""Can a car insurance provider cancel your insurance quote, without giving a refund?""
I recently renewed my car insurance with the Cooperative, I was charged and thought I was insured. After a few days I received a letter from the cooperative saying they have decided to terminate the insurance quote. If i want to know why I have to write a letter. After noticing Ive been charged and not given back a refund, I called and asked why this is. They said they wont refund the money, and all I could do is appeal for the money! They said the appeal has to be a letter sent to them, not email. Can they do this? Not only did they refuse to insure me (when they have done for so many years now), then they sent a letter saying they've decided to terminate it, without giving a reason, and they dont even mention anything about the money theyv charged me, I had to call in, and they tell me they wont refund the money?????""
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult!?
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult! I currently am 20, and I am on Medicaid. Full coverage. I am a former foster youth. Being a former foster care youth I get medicaid until I am 21. I turn 21 in October...I need some sort of affordable health insurance plan. I take ADHD medication, it really works and helps me focus. My work ethic has improved SIGNIFICANTLY, and I can actually focus. Its great, I am about to start college and am worried I am no longer going to be able to take this ADHD medication. I support myself for the most part, and no, I can not be on my parent's health insurance. I make about 16,000 a year, and pay half of rent and some bills etc. I need to find a health insurance plan that either A. will pay for all my my 198.00 a month prescrption cost, or B. pay for most of it. Will someone help me out? Direct me to any insurance company you know that can help me? Thank you so much. And please..real answers. Thank you for your time!""
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
My insurance and how it'll go up in September?
I just received insurance. I am a brand new driver 18 in about thirty days. Just now bought myself a car and just now got insured on my Grandparent's insurance.Currently now, it's only $48 a month, but the insurance man said that it'll go up in September. It makes sense, considering that right now I'm only paying a part of the package. So I understand that. With me being a new driver, how much will this all go up? Are we talking about $150? I did not take driver's ed, but I am eligible for the Good Student discount. I know you can't tell me directly, because neither could he. It all changes. But can anyone give me maybe a ballpark? I'm female. Good student. New driver. Thank you!""
Does getting a Health Insurance quote run your credit?
I wanted to know if getting a quote from a health insurance provider (not through a job) runs a credit check? I never actually filled out the application, but I answered some questions to get quotes.""
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Which company health insurance policy is best?
How long before insurance premiums start to drop?
My family health insurance premiums are about to go up to $800 per month. I don't think we can afford that kind of premium on a $65K household income. Will it get better once the insurance exchanges kick in? Talking to friends, they're also seeing their premiums double in some cases.""
Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?
My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?""
Car insurance for 16 year old boy in Bay Area California under parents?
I have good grades (above a 3.5), and I'm looking for cheap insurance for either a 2003 Honda Odyssey LX or a 2002 Lexus RX300. As of now, I am 16 and 4 months.""
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Can You get Insured for a car thats not yours?
My girlfriends car is un insurenced and she got her L's suspended can i get insurence if im driving her car now?
How much do i need to save for a motorcycle?
I have my g1 and will be attending a motorcycle safety course soon then getting my m1. Then i can drive motorcycles. But I want to wait till next year..I am first buying my car. (03 crown vicotria) After the winter. I am 6'2 and weigh 140lbs. (17 and male) is a kawa ninja 250r a good first bike for me?? how much do i need to save for the bike itself? but also insurance?? what is your opinions?
Can there be two different auto insurances on the same car?
Im a new driver, im 17 and im in the state of illinois. I dont have a license yet, just a permit. My parents only have one car and i cannot afford my own at this time. My parents have allstate and their rates are too high for me. So i contacted another insurance agency and their rates for liability were lower. So, can one car be insured with two different insurances?""
How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I need advice on car insurance?
OK. Heres the history. I have 3 tickets on my record, two for speeding, and one for running a red light. I'm 18 years old and I am male. So i know I'm already ******. But i need to know is it possible for me to get car insurance again? Oh and technically I've had two accidents. And **** everyone who says Im a bad driver because Im not. I was just a dumb 16 and 17 year old. Quite frankly Im a greater driver than probably everyone who answers this. so shutup. REAL answers please. Thanks.""
Can a car insurance company ask you if you have health insurance when you make a claim?
I was in an accident recently and the other insurance company asked me if I had health insurance. I was not at fault. Can they do that?
Individual health insurance plan?
I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?""
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
What are the consequences of switching to cheaper car insurance company? As in what would you lose out on?
What are the consequences of switching to cheaper car insurance company? As in what would you lose out on?
""When changing auto insurance companies, am I bound by law to show the new policy to the old insurance company?""
Say, today is 1st Feb'09. I had an auto policy (from Farmers) that expired on 1st Jan'09. Today, I buy a new policy from a different insurance company(AAA). When I discontinue service with Farmers, am I bound to show the new insurance policy to them? Also, will I get charged for the period from 1st Jan'09 to 31st Jan'09 by Farmers?""
I need affordable dental care.?
I am a college student without any kind of health/dental insurance. I really need to have several root canals done. Is there anyway I can get affordable dental care without insurance?
Can I pay my car insurance monthly through parents?
I am 17 just learnt to drive and I have my own car and will be able to afford my car insurance IF i pay it monthly, I know they do not let under 18's pay it monthly, so can I say ...show more""
What insurance company is best for self employment health insurance?
I am thinking about becoming self employed. What company offers the best insurance policy for self employed people?
Car insurance for UK female age 21 Peaugout 206??
Anyone any rough idea how much id pay?? And any good, cheap insurers? Also, is it better to get comprehensive, 3rd party fire and theft or just 3rd party????""
Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
I have a suspended license and hit a car resulting in my bike being totaled. I have full coverage and I had a license when I got the insurance will progressive pay for my bike?
Anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for a 17 year old on a renault clio 1.2 dynamique...?
in england that is and i am lookin at the premium being around 1000
Cheapest young driver car insurance?
i done endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, zura (or w/e), aa, swift, any i havent heard of that specialise i have googled specialist young driver insurance (had licence 3 months and im 18) Male""
How much is insurance for a 17 year old in NY???
I'm thinking on getting a honda prelude 98-2001.
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Best medical insurance for gastric bypass?
I have struggled with being overweight my whole life and I have decided I want gastric bypass. I currently do not have insurance and I want to buy insurance to cover the surgery. I'm not really sure how to go about purchasing insurance and which ones deny weight loss surgeries. I am 22 and in perfect other then being overweight, so I figure getting health insurance shouldn't be too hard to get approved for. Like I said just wondering which insurance is best for the surgery and any suggestions you have for purchasing health insurance would be great. Thanks!""
I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?
16 yr old and wondering
Understanding my Co-Pay Insurance?
This is my co-pay insurance plan 90/70 (in network doctors/other doctors): Co-insurance 90% Out of pocket $4000 Deductible $4000 Here is one example of what they cover: Plan Network Co-pay for physical visits to the office Co-insurance 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% Out of Plan Network Deductible $12,000 Co-insurance 70% So, does this mean that I just pay $25 for a physical? Nothing more, unless something additional is done at the visit? When the co-insurance is 80%, does that mean I pay 20% of the bill? and... Is there a difference between Out of pocket and Deductible? Thanks!""
I am new to car insurance so this may sound simple.?
If I have fully comp insurance on my car , can any person with a current driving licence and, with my permission drive my car? Or must they have some form of personal car insurance to cover them or be a named driver, Thanks miguel""
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well.""
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
Sued for Auto Accident Above Insurance Limit in NJ?
One year ago my wife was taking our daughter to pre-school turning left out the end of our road in to traffic, this road has a speed limit of 35 mph. Traffic had to stop to let her cross the first lane since it was solid cars, vans and small trucks. As she approached half-way, before getting a good view of oncoming traffic, another car took off the front bumper. Note that the center line is interuppted at the cross-junction. The bumper was torn from the front of the car with damage more evident on the non-impact side of the car than where initially hit, hence my wife had not initiated a turn, just edging forward to see. The radiator was in-tact, but damaged, still mounted to the front of the car. I walked to the site with our other child and took my daughter home; she is fine and I took her to school but still talks of the incident today. My wife stayed at the incident, and was fine (no later issues) keeping real calm and cooperating with police. It took about 2 hrs with police debating which town the incident took place (middle of the road is the divide) and the other driver was concerned about getting home to take a pot off the stove, but seemed medically fine. The driver asked me and the police to drive them home to get the pot off the stove and used my wifes cell phone more than once. They also wanted to drive their car home and leave the scene with a flat tire at one point I presume to attend to the pot. No tickets were issued, no air bags deployed. The other car had a flat front left tire and side damage so the drivers door was stuck shut. Both cars were old, so written off. Over a year later we received a court summons from their attorney and we are being sued for $750,000. Our limit is $100,000 on insurance. The plaintiff is claiming herniated discs and loss of bowel control. We have a 2006 no money down mortgage, so total equity is very much in the red since our home value plummeted. I have no umbrella policy. I am sole income, but was owner of the car my wife was driving. My wife is stay-at-home mom. The remaining $650,000 would be a big problem. Interestingly, we heard that the other driver called our insurance and asked for a >100-fold lower amount of money to just go away! Our insurer recalls this very clearly and did not pay. Questions: Should I invest in an attorney to work with our insurers attorney to cover the $650K over our limit? Do we have any case given the car the other driver may have been in a rush (as all were aware of the pot on the stove), would have settled for far less, and in reported safety tests should avoid an obstacle at 55mph let alone at the speed limit of 35 mph? Their case, as I understand, is to actually prove my wife was negligent, she was just trying to see. Reality and the law are complicated I understand. Our insurer is looking in to the validity of their medical claims. I believe for spinal and neck injuries plaintiffs have to follow careful insurance approved treatment plans in NJ. I know that such a condition may not be permanent with curative surgery possible to release the nerves that may be causing the bowel issue. The plaintiff has claimed the injury as permanent, do they need to prove this? Should we ask experts? The plaintiff lives in our town and their house is on my running route every other day. I have not noted anything at all and plan to stay away from all other parties. Should I change my running route? Thanks for any advice. Our 30 day clock is ticking.""
Is a smart car cheap to insure for a 17 year old?
Is a smart car cheap to insure for a 17 year old?
My girlfriends has insurance for her vehicle but if she drive my car will he be insured?
I just got a new car and i chose esurance for my provider and she has statefarm for her car. According to esurance every driver i add to my insurance with cost me $40 more a month. so my question is if she drive my car will she still be insured by her insurance or do i have to add her to mine?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
is there anyway i could reduce my insurance costs
Tell me how it is right that insurance companies charge young adult males more than female for car insurance?
The answer I seem to get is it can be statistically proven that males are more aggressive,speed and get into more accidents. That may be the case, but I am sure you can prove that a particular ethnicitiy gets into more accidents too, or that people with a particular eye color get into more accidents or that people with an IQ below 100 get into more accidents. So why don't they charge them more for car insurance too? You can say insurance companies have the right to charge more if an event is more likely to happen, like Earthquake insurance is more expensive in California than it is in Michigan. The difference there is that when you charge Californians more there, you are basing it on an uncontrollable act of nature that is almost certain to happen, but when you charge that male more for car insurance you are making judgements about a person's character, making assumptions about his future behavior and financially punishing him for it before he has even done anything. Tell me where I am wrong""
Auto insurance for a 16 year old female?
*im adding some details i forgot to add last time, sorry for the question repost I was trying to do the online quote thing but i cant because its asks for a phone in order to generate the rates , and im most certainly not about to give them my phone number. No way jose.thats why im asking. -Im a 16 year old female -Dont have a license (yet) -im single -I would be driving a 2001 kia... i think sephia? Idk but it looks like a very basic car. -I have good grades -i have never gotten tickets or DUIS -I live arizona -I would only be driving to school which is approx. Seven minutes away fron where i live -I would only also be driving to work which is about 15 min away -I work part time So do any of u have an estimate??? Also please dont comment something irrelevant or pointless""
Can anyone tell me about Motor insurance card systems?
I need to know about the Orange, Blue, Pink, Brown, Yellow and White card systems. I found some goof info on wikipedia but i now need something to back it up. all i can find on internet searches is info on the generic green card. can anyone help?""
Would my insurance company consider a Datsun 280zx to be a sports car?
I'm looking to find a cheap car and I was looking through craigslist and found this Datsun. I'm only in high school though and my parents say I will have to pay for everything including insurance. As you can imagine I want to try and keep the insurance cost as low as possible but I also want to have a car that has some personality to it (no old people cars like crown vics or buicks). I don't know much about cars so I was wondering what else should I check out before I buy anything and it's too late.
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
Rough 125cc insurance?
hi, im just considering buying a 125cc bike, not sure on the make or anything yet, still looking. Im 18, can anybody tell me a ROUGH insurance cost? i know theres lots of things to be taken into account, but im just after a rough price. cheers :)""
Fast cheap automatic sedan?
Im looking for a first car. I need a 4 door sedan because insurance is cheaper, I need an automatic car because manual seems hard. How long would it take to learn stick shift by the way? Price rage is $12,000 at the most! I've been looking at the Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Volkswagen GTI. I realize that some of them are manual.""
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
I have a suspended license and hit a car resulting in my bike being totaled. I have full coverage and I had a license when I got the insurance will progressive pay for my bike?
Insurance Increase for a newer car Regal to Focus?
I had a 1999 Buick Regal Supercharged and switched to a 2002 Ford Focus SE. This resulted in my insurance going from 750 to 1000$ for the year. Any ideas why this may be, as far as I see the Focus should be safer and have more features resulting in lower insurance. According to my insurance company apparently it was rated as being less safe. (no coverages were changed on the insurance just the price increased) Any ideas would be much appreciated.""
Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?
Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.""
What is the best and most affordable auto insurance company?
I have a 1997 geo metro, I don't drive much everything is around me and I work out of my house, I just want basic coverage at a cheap rate.""
Insurance costs between 1.0 and 1.4?
i just got my driving licence and im trying to buy used car.. im looking at insurance prices and was wondering how much difference i would have between 1.4 engine and 1.0. im in my mid 20's and was wondering if u could get a car with bigger engine then 1.0 and still pay reasonable price im looking for only few years old small car.. nothing flashy.
How Much for a 17 year old to have full coverage on a car?
I REALLY dont wanna be on my dads insurance anymore, because i want to get a car of MY own in MY name and im not sure what to do because of how much full coverage would cost for myself. Any suggestions. Can i have my car in my name and be on somebody elses insurance? or what? i just cant pay 350 a month for full coverage!""
Car insurance and more than one car?
I don't know much about car insurance but I do know it's pretty expensive. What if you have more than one car, would you have to buy insurance for both of them? If that's true how can anyone afford more than one car... and do they have discounts if the same family have more than one car? If you don't mind can you tell me how much you are paying for you're car insurance?""
Car Insurance Renewal?
I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!""
Is it Ok to buy insurance for me and let other people buy the car?
It is cheap to buy me insurance, so I am just wondering if I can buy the insurance and let other people to drive the car.""
Insurance company is denying me insurance.. can anyone help out?
well i was driving alone on a learners permit, got into an accident where i was not at fault. the insurance company denied the car claim and now they called and said they refuse to cover me unless my ticket is found not guilty. The problem is my court date is in 3 months. Is there any other way i can get insurance coverage?""
Car Insurance Price..........?
I have a question on Car Insurance price.. In the state of Virginia If I get my license at 16, and not drive till I'm 18, meaning I let my license sit, is my insurance going to be cheaper when I turn 18? So basically, is my insurance going to be cheaper if I get my license at 16, than 18?""
Can i swap my car insurance when i still have a claim going through?
i need to change my insurance because of outgoings, but i have aclaim for compensation still going on because a man hit the back of my car. Can i still cancel my insurance and go with a better quote.""
Can a person get medicare Insurance at 62 years old? What are the options?
I work with a guy who can retire this year because he will be 62 years old. And although he has a good retirement pension plan. He tells me the drawback is that he will not be eligible for medicare until he is 65 so he will probably have to work until then. Because of this I being much younger will more then likely will get a pink slip this year and be looking for work. This guy has way more seniority . Does this man have any affordable options? He really wants to retire.
Which is the cheapest 50cc moped to insure?
Looking at getting a 50cc moped to get to work and back at the lowest price possible. im 20 and still getting high insurance quotes. i was originally looking at the Honda CBR 125 but the insurance was 2000.
Will 1 speeding ticket make insurance companies deny you coverage for a job?
I know my question was a little confusing, but I wasn't sure how to word it. In other words, about a week ago I got a job with a local company called Rental City. It's like a ...show more""
Health insurance for geriatrics.?
My mom is going to be 64 years old in December and has being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She doesn't qualify for medicaid yet; which insurance company should I contact in Florida, so she can get an individual health insurance?""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?
Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a dentist...in a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.""
""Thinking about buying individual health insurance in georgia, 22 years old?""
in the beginning of feb my dad passed away so i they dropped coverage on 2/28. i get health insurance through my employer but it isn't good. can i still apply online for individual health insurance even though i can get insurance through my employer? i plan on quitting in two months so i figure it would save me the hassle if i get individual health care now. i have asthma and need medicine regularly/monthly. i'm planning on going on vacation in the summer and then when i get back, i plan to get a job with health benefits, so i would only need insurance until then. would that be considered short term (now-august/september)? does the price differ from short term and long term health insurance? i was looking up some plans online and i was thinking of applying for this one. http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/plan-details?planKey=3002:200067&productLine=IFP&noSelectedPlan=true&ifpUIState.planDetailsBackUrl=/ifp/all-plans so what this means is that i pay 115 dollars a month and since there is no separate prescription deductible, i can buy my prescriptions which is tier 2/3 for the copay only. also there is a 2500 maximum out of pocket for my part. right? and is this a good plan for me? im 22 and dont smoke/drink and live in georgia, my only health concern is that i have asthma. can they reject my application because i have asthma and that's a pre-existing condition? and when i get a job with health benefits i can just cancel this or is there a contract that states i have to be with them for a certain amount of time? thank you very much for your time!""
Do insurance companies operate on bank holidays?
I wouldn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I heard its bank holiday monday...Will this stop me getting through to them?""
Can a dying person get life insurance?
I found out recently that my terminally ill father-in-law has no life insurance, or only a tiny policy. How can we pay for a funeral?""
A question about car insurance in California?
The other day I recieved a letter in the mail that said I need to go get my car insured or it could be suspended. I want to get the cheapest insurance possible (state minimum). What company has the cheapest insurance and how much can I expect to pay per month?
Should the young pay the same for health insurance as the elderly?
Why or why not?
Health and travel insurance for the US?
Hi, I am a British student undertaking an internship in the U.S for 6 weeks this summer. I need Health insurance that complies with the requirements for the J-1 Visa, and though I have found a company that can help me (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, they don't offer any travel insurance. The companies that I have found for travel insurance don't tend to provide the level of Health insurance that I require. Do people normally take out 2 seperate policies when travelling to the U.S? (e.g. one health, one travel?) If so, can anyone find me somewhere that provides travel insurance to the U.S without health insurance included? Thanks!""
Rebuttel for car insurance?
I just got this new job getting info for a insurance agent so they can do a quote for a person. I was wondering what is a good rebuttel when ppl say they are not interested in the quate. Its free and they get the quote mailed to them.
If I finance a new motorcycle do I need full coverage?
I live in Texas, 19 years old. I am going to buy a new 2011 ninja 250. I have the cash to pay for it. But I'd rather have payments. Does Insurance in the state of Texas REQUIRE you to have full vehicle coverage on a FINANCED vehicle? Thank you!""
Will my insurance cover my totaled motorycle?
I have a suspended license and hit a car resulting in my bike being totaled. I have full coverage and I had a license when I got the insurance will progressive pay for my bike?
0 notes
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
"Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is a Land Drover FreeLander 2 cheap to insure?
Both of my parent's drive 2011 Range Rovers so they have experience with the Land Rover brand- and they said that as I'm living at home.. my dad could be the policy holder and I could be a named driver. I may be buying a 2010 model when I'm 18, I'm 16 currently as people have told me that it's not really worth buying a brand new one. Just so the car is old and isn't new. I'm not in to small cars..""
""On a road trip with multiple drivers, how do you handle car insurance?""
I'm going on a road trip to the US (from Canada) with some other people, and we'll be using one of their cars. We're all driving this car. Is there car insurance we can buy just for the trip? It would suck to have an accident and affect the car owner's insurance. Thanks for any tips you have.""
How much will car insurance cost?
I live in Ontario Canada, I'm an 18 year old male, I completed drivers ed, I have good grades and I will be primary driver of a 1991 Buick park avenue. Any ideas of how much my car insurance might be?""
I need my teeth fixed i have no money and no insurance i live in california?
I need my teeth fixed i live in california i have no money and no insurance. My teeth are supper bad, im only 22. What should i do.........?""
I'm moving out of state - do I have to change auto insurance companies?
Explanation - I went through a local auto insurance company called ABC Insurance (not the real name, btw). They got me the lowest rate through XYZ Insurance, out of a different state. I'm moving out of state in a few weeks. Do I have to worry about finding a new insurance company if the one I pay my bill to is out of state anyway? After the move, I will actually be physically closer to that company... but still out of state. I never deal with ABC anyway. It's like they are just the go-between that found me that company.""
And why does an auto insurance co. want to know this??
Why when I am getting quotes online for auto insurance do they ask for my marital status and even have a spot for single parent. Would I get a better quote if I said just single? Am I penalized for being single. I'm no kid; I'm over 40.
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
Im looking for people with private health insurance or no insurance?
if you have medicare, medicaid, or group insurance at work, dont answer. was it difficult to get insurance? who is ur carrier? do you have pre existing conditions?""
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Car insurance?!?!?
last week i crashd my car =( and its pretty much a write off ... just got to wait for my insurance to confirm that it is. anyway im wonderin if anyone knows on avarage how long it'll take for insurance to pay out?? cheers
""New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?""
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
Not paying car insurance?
I have currently had my permit for 13 months and I am 20 years old. My mother inlaw was telling me I could get something called my fleet affidavids license and I wouldn't have to cover insurance on the car i'm driving as long as I have the same last name that is on the insurance. I honestly can't be expected to pay insurance when i'm just now getting my license and had no transportation what so ever to get a job to make money for insurance. Does anybody know anything about fleet affidavids license or have any information that might help me out? I can't afford insurance.
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
Car Insurance quote question?
When I try and get a quote for some cars on either Tesco or Direct line, it tells me they cant give me a quote online and il need to ring them. Also, the browser wont let me go back, so they make you close the window and type out another quote all over again! Why do they do this? The car I want to insure is a Nissan Navara D22. I am guessing that its because its a commercial vehicle and they want to check if il be using it for commercial use. I am 18 and have had my licence for a year, and I will be the named driver on the policy, my dad being the main driver who has over 30 years NCB! I managed to get a quote for a new Navara, not the D22 version and that was about 1990. How much do you think the D22 will be? Do you think they might class it as a van and not insure me because im under 21?""
How much should i expect for insurance cost on a used 2005 nissan altima?
i know it varies, but can i get a range?""
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Two part question--Germany Auto insurance and the IPhone?
1.) What automobile insurance companies do most people use in Germany (German companies not American) to get the best rate? 2.) Will a T- Mobile IPhone from German (T-Mobile) work in the US under a new contract or will i need to get a new phone when i return to the US?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Which is best insurance scheme Home loan insurance or Life Term Insurance to protech Home loan?
I am having Home loan 20 lacs and would like to protect the risk. Could you suggest which is best insurance scheme Home loan insurance (Protecting home loan alone) and Lime Term Insurance (protecting like not home loan). I want to know the premium which one is lower and benefit one?
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for saxo vtr?
ive just passed my test and i already had the car well before i started lessons. ime 26 with 2 kids under 16. ive been getting stupid quotes for 5000. i know its a boy racers car but it doesnt meen ime going to be doing handbrakes and racing in it. just using it to get to work and take my kids out. i got the car for 600 2000 model and really want this car cant be doing with a 1.0 L or anything under a 1.6 can anyone give me a insurance company that will give me a decent quote. thankssss
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
Can I buy a car for someone and them pay insurance and registration?
Basically Drive and maintain my car? I'm buying it for her. I will register it in my name. I live in NV, so I need to register it here in NV. Title, Loan, and Registration will be in my name. Can she legally insure the vehicle, solely? Does she need to add me onto the insurance policy? Is it OK for her to drive it in Cali, where she lives, with it registered to me here in Vegas? What are some possible unforeseen problems that may arise, besides: If towed I need to get it out. If tickets unpaid or loan not paid upon, I get the flack and bad history, and fines. Please help! feedback needed! OF COURSE ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA, BUT IF I CHOOSE TO DO IT, I want to be aware of it all, just asking for some heads up and feedback, please! Thanks!""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
My daughter and car insurance?
my daughter just got a car for my granddaughter is it illegal not to have my grand daughter listed on the insurance policy..she does'nt want them to know she is a new driver...we live in new jersey
How much more do men pay for car insurance than women?
If a man and a woman are the ame age, same car, clean driving record, both live in the same city, and every other variable is the same. The only difference is their gender how much more would a man pay?""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
18 year old car insurance quotes?
I passed my driving test 2 months ago live in a small village and have a full time job i am 18 years old.recently i have been looking around for car insurance quotes for the obvious 1st cars 106s,corsas etc and the lowest quote iv had is still over 3 grand these are all of compare sites aswell as admiral quinn and direct line, surely this carnt be right? this is on my own insurance as the main policy holder, because apparently you carnt go on your parents insurance anymore. would appreciate any help Thanks""
Insurance rates????
my insurance is way too high...I have insurance with a nationwide company....and I have to have full coverage because I'm financing the vehicle. My question is..where can I go to find some cheaper insurance? I heard that smaller companies around where you live usually offer cheaper rates? Is this true?
Car insurance?
ok well im 16 and a male. my mom just bought me a 2007 lexus gs for my bday. i havnt gotten in any accedents, so i wanted to knw how much my car insurance would be. my mom said she spoiled me enough by giving me the car, so she wont help with the insurance.""
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
Car insurance even though do not own a car?
Hi, I got my license on may and since then I drive my mom's car. So my mom tried to add my name under her car insurance and I have to pay the same amount of car insurance as her. I only drive during the summer and they told my mom that even if i dont pay the insurance now, they will still accumulate the rate starting from the day i got my license and sums it up and give it to me when i start paying insurance. So either way I would have to pay the same amount of insurance. Is this legitimate? I mean I only drive during the summer and im in school during the year. im 18 by the way and I live in new jersey""
Can I have car insurance under my parent's name?
Meaning, I am 17 on a probationary license. My parents and I currently have Allstate Insurance and I'm a part time driver on mom's vehicle. They recently bought me a car from my instructor's daughter. I would like to be an all-by-myself driver under Liberty Mutual, being they've shown me the absolute best rate, hands down. So question is- can I have car insurance under my parent's name with Liberty Mutual, as they keep Allstate? (My policy, just under their name)""
How much does it cost for car insurance?
I am 17 years old. I just got my licenses and i need insurance. How much does it cost with my parents and how much does it cost without my parents?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
What will have the cheapest insurance payment? 2003 escalade or a 2012 camry hybird?
It will be my first car which one is easier to afford and which one looks better
Pregnancy insurance???????
im pregnant and i dont have insurance that will cover me or the baby. I am trying for medicaid and will probably qualify but barely. And i want to get married before the baby is born but again we might just barely qualify. Is there any suggestions on insurance plans or help with medicaid?
Classic Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I recently got my license and am looking at getting a Datsun 240Z to be my first car. My parents are completely supportive of this choice so please don't answer saying that it's a terrible choice. I am willing and eager to learn how to work on cars. Since insurance is so expensive, I'm looking at getting classic car insurance for it. I know they aren't supposed to be used for a daily driver, but doing some math, I calculated that I won't be driving for more than 3,000 miles annually, even if I commute daily. My problem is finding a company that can insure me. Most, understandably, don't seem to want to insure anyone under 25. I was wondering if anyone knew a company that could cover me. I currently have a 3.8 GPA and am in multiple AP courses. I've heard that there are good student discounts, so that may help. Also, I need to be able to get coverage without having a second car to be my daily driver. This is probably impossible, but if anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
Does adding a driver/family member bring drive up car insurance premium?
I want let my parents drive my car once in a while, do i need to add them as additional drivers or are they covered under my existing bare minimum insurance coverage.""
""If I send a demand letter to an insurance company, do I have to ask for a specific amount?""
Or can I leave it open-ended? I was in an accident in June '09. The other driver was found to be 100% at fault. I received a settlement offer from the at fault driver's insurance company that was ridiculously LOW. I replied with a letter stating that I would not accept their low offer and explained why. I'm wondering now, though, if I should have specified an amount that I expect to receive. I simply told them to get back to me with a real and significantly higher offer or I would be seeking legal representation. Did I make a mistake?""
How can I sort out this car insurance issue in the UK?
I've been living in the UK doing some studies for 3 years. When I came to the UK, I didn't know how to drive a car. Also, I found it difficult to pass the driving test in the UK and afford private driving lessons. Few months ago, I went for a 3-month holiday in my original country, Egypt. There, learning how to drive is much easier and less expensive. Besides, issuing a driving license is not so difficult as the theoretical and practical tests are not so complicated. Therefore, I decided to learn and get a national license. Based on this license, I could issue an international one from Cairo that allowed me to drive in some countries one of which is the UK. However, when I returned to the UK and decided to by car, I found a proper one for 550. I decided to buy it, but I was asked to go online to get a quote from a car insurance company. I spent the whole night trying all the websites that my friends told me about. The shocking fact is that many of them refused to give me a quote because I hold an international license, not a UK one. Even those websites which accepted that requested a huge amount of money (i.e. not less than 1, 200-1, 600) which is much higher than the price of the car itself. I wonder if there's a way to sort this out or if there's any alternative solution that saves money for me. I don't want to go through any further driving tests in the UK. Also, I don't want to provide wrong data (e.g. having a full-UK license). Your suggestions are highly valued (serious answers please as I really feel down!). Thanks so much in advance!""
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
What are the fines and penalties of driving without a license or insurance in California?
Under 18 with permit only. Also loud music. Was only driven in parking lot when pulled over. Car in another persons name. Are there any fines or penalties for car owner?
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Adding a Black Box to my Car Insurance?
I am a new, young driver, and in order to reduce the cost of car insurance I am looking into the Black Box (I am aware of both the benefits and drawbacks). However, when finding a ...show more""
What is the average cost of health insurance in California?
health insurance for married couple above fifty
Car rental insurance necessary?
I don't own a car (so I don't have my own car insurance). I am going to a small town in Upstate New York for a couple of days. Do I need to buy the car rental insurance? It is obscenely expensive (usually close to the price of the car itself).
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
Getting my insurance under my mom policy?
Okay, I currently have insurance at state farm under my name and I pay 200/month full converage the thing is soon im getting me a wrx sti and if i stay under the same converage it's going to be 300/month now My question is, Can I cancel my coverage get my mom to come in and get a policy then she add me to her policy and since I don't live with her she could put herself as the primary driver even though she has a car already? Would it be cheaper?""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
How much would it cost for me to insure this?
If anyone works for an insurance company or knows how much this will be please help? Just passed my text and am 17years of age, how much to insure the car below? Nissan Micra 1.0 S 3dr Hatchback 51 reg Manual Petrol 35k miles""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
How's health insurance in london?pls help?
i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?""
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you smoked, will most life insurance companies check your records, see that you smoked, and then cancel your benefit?""
""Full Time College Student, my first time shopping for health insurance?""
I will be 20 in a month. I go to school full time as well as work around 30 hrs a week. My family has been on government health care for a while, but since my father won his social security case they are canceling our coverage by the end of the month. (With no real notice) I need health insurance but I have never shopped for it before and I would like to keep my same doctor as well as I mostly just need the insurance for birth control. I don't make much money and my fiance and I are struggling to find a place to live as well as needing to buy a car and fix my car. I just really need some good advice on how to choose a good heath care provider. and I also know it will probably be rare to find any insurance that will help pay for my birth control.""
How much insurance for a subaru wrx sti?
i'm getting the subaru as a first car hopefully
Buying Car Insurance Help?
ive called a few companies... usual 300+ Down and 200+ Monthly... they keep asking me if i have car insurance Now.. should i lie and say yes i do..and give em my amazingly Low rates from my last insurance... which was 1/2 of the one they are trying to sell me..?
I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?
simplify your answer please .
How much will it cost me to repair a paint less dent on a Nissan Sentra?
My car was recently hit without my knowledge. No one saw it and it happened while I was parked. The dent is right above the body of the tire frame and its about two inches wide. My question is will my insurance pay for it? And if not how much will a repair like this cost me? The car is Nissan Sentra 2012.
Caught with no business insurance but i have insurance?
Hi, so yesterday i was delivering food for a kebab house, i only started the job 2 days earlier and i am on a trial period so i did not update my insurance to business.... beause of this i was stopped by police and when they checked i did not have valid business insurance meaning my vehicle was seized, i am due in court and will receive 6 points which will earn my a straight ban because i have only held my license 1 year and 11 months ( just before the 12 point allowance). by the time the court date has passed i will have had my license two years... is there anyway i can escape this offence without a ban ? any help appreciated!!""
How much does your car insurance increase when you have two traffic violations in a year?
I was pulled over again for turning right on a no turn on red . The first time the insurance company said they wouldn't increase the premium. How much would it increase? $200 for the year? more?
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
How much information can car insurance companies see when you get a quote?
I let my car insurance lapse about a year ago and have been driving without it (I know, not good) and my girlfriends dad is an agent here in ohio. he asked to quote and i gave him my information... can he see that i dont have insurance? what about my credit report?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
How much would a job delivering pizzas affect my car insurance premiums?
I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
""Car parked on drive, do I need insurance?""
I am buying a car in aprivate sale very soon, although will not be able to drive it until April 1st. Will I be able to just leave the car on my drive without insurance or is that illegal?""
Can insurance companies access your bank account?
My freind got in a car accident and now he is being sued. He has small investments in mutual funds. Can the other oarty insurance company access his bank accounts and investment and find out exactly how much money he is worth? Other than that he doesn't own a house and doesnt have a car or any other type of assets. He is currently not working right now.
What are the books that insurance companies use?
What are books that are full of the variations of ways that people have died, that insurance companies use to produce statistics called or labelled as genre.""
I need an eye exam but i dont have insurance.?
Do most eyecare centers accept patients without insurance? Where can I go that is affordable?
What is the difference between home insurance and buildings and contents insurance?
hi. I will soon be moving into my first house with my girlfriend and its all new to me. We have been told we need a few insurances. Is there a difference between home insurance and building and contents insurance? or are they both the same thing? will they cover leaks, fire, structural damage, theft, boiler etc The house is in Newcastle UK. I would appreciate any help thank you
Can you get a cheap Motorcycle for less than $500 that can get you from Point A to point B?
My Sister REALLY needs transport to work for this summer, or she may be out of a job. Public trabnsport is not too reasonable. I was thining do to vehicle cost and insurance cost, her best bet is a bike. Doesn't matter what it looks like. As long as its SAFE and CHEAP. And can Get her from A to B I'm thinkin about $500. She is located on the north shore of massachusetts. Like the Lynn, Salem area. If anyone knows of any shops or websites that may be able to make this possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! Nox""
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
What kind of insurance as i have medicare?
i was wonderin what kind of insurance as i have medicare
Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?
How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.
America - Are you legally required to get Car Insurance?
In the UK you can't go on the road without insurance, is this the same in america?""
Car insurance quotes: What is car trim?
I'm trying to get some car insurance quotes in which one of the questions is asking for the trim of the car, with the options E Match or S Help?""
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
i'm paying 150 a month for a 94 ford thunderbird, but i'm looking for something cheaper that i can afford. i'm just wondering how much other people pay for cars like mine...""
Who much money does it cost to start an insurance company?
I want to start an insurance company in Florida and was wondering how much it would cost to start one. Do not hesitate, give me your best estimate. Also, do insurance companies keep funds gathered through insurance policies in a fund or do they invest it? Comments? Thanks!""
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
How is my insurance so high for my 125cc motorcycle?
Well i passed my cbt on the 13th this month, turned 17 on the 10th this month, ive had my dt125 re / x 04 model for about 2 months riding on private land etc, anywhoo, i decided to look into insurances, well first i went to carol nash and got a quote for 4000??? then i tryed comparethemarket, got a insurance quote of 3600? what the ****? seriously, theres not a chance im going to be paying that **** and the insurance place is ringing up saying do you want to buy the 4000 insurance? **** no, any idea's for cheaper insurance places or idea's to get it down?""
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
What state or states do not require car Auto insurance in order to own a car and use it ?
I would like to know what states in USA do not require car Auto insurance for the owner or user of the car he or she is driving? If there is such a state please prove me where you get the source! And How does the driver pay off all the victims billing cost after injuring this victim and victim has a bunch of bills coming in from Hospital service? If now you agree with me that all drives should be required to pay and have auto insurance, This is the same reason is why all people need to have healthcare insurance who can afford it! Not only it will keep the insurance cost lower for average person, everyone is now guaranteed to qualify without being denied due to history, disability, or medical cost person needs, but if everyone has health insurance nation wide medical expense will be less rising; like people who did not have insurance get into accident/injury Whether falling off a cliff, get hit by a car and driver drives off, or gets injured due to snake bite. NONE of them are intentional or expected but they happen and many other! If everyone is insured the insurance pays for the medical expenses whether its $500 or $500K But if not everybody has healthcare insurance average person wont be able to afford the $full medical bill will be hunted by collection agency but still not likely to pay any more then $5000 for medical expenses! There for the rest of the medical cost falls on WHOM??? THE TAX TAPYERS OR OTHER medical service Customers!!! By raising the prices of medical expenses! THAT is why Californias Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance Raised about 57% cost in 2010 or 2011!! What do you expect if Thousand or millions of Illegal most Latino immigrant get Medical service in Hospitals like even Child birth, or emergency room, but they dont have medical insurance, cant afford it, YOU SEE that raised their insurance cost BY 57%!!! DO YOU WANT THIS TO HAPPEN NATION WIDE?? IF NO If you want Medical cost to remain affordable, THEN A) Support National Healthcare that everybody should have it who can afford it B) In order to receive Fed/State TAX, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from the Illegal Immigration should be attempted to be caught and exported to their main country, or should be attempted to be caught and if given full citizen ship to them only if these immigrants must server some number of years of Army, military, or Air force service voluntarily. OR be required to pay a minimum amount of $ that individual invested into the Social Security system, or minimum number of years legally work in U.S.A, if they want to receive the Social Security benefits if future. HOWEVER How many years serving , How much individual or couple invested minimum, and /or how many minimum number of years in order to qualify for Social Security service is up to the government to calculate and decide. THIS WAY Citizens Will all be able to fully pay their medical expenses, and The illegal immigration will not be as big of an issue!""
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
Can car insurance be in both my name and my wifes?
I just sold my car, and am waiting 3 months to buy a new car. My job requires that i have car insurance ( i dont know why since i dont drive for my job) I faxed a copy of my wifes insurance. Can my name be added on to the insurance, or do i need to get seperate insurance?""
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
Car insurance - Can anyone help?
We have company cars and Ive just told my manager that I would rather go in my car than the company car in this weather. She has just told me that its okay if I use my car because if I did have an accident, the company would claim on their insurance. How true is this? As she has lied to me before so i dont trust her. She told me that i could claim expenses and then once i put the form in, she said i couldnt so anything she says i dont believe.""
How much is insurance for and exotic car?
like a lamborghini or ferrari or porsche?
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
Hi I'm 18 years old and I have no insurance and no job..I'm really sick my back feels like its on fire and my testicles has been shrinking I also feel like theres bumps on my right testicles..I've also lost 10 pounds in a month due to my sickness I really want to go to the doctors but I can't afford it....also I live in Colorado Springs..
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
""New Driver, Buying Used Car, How much is monthly insurance?""
18 years of age, recently got my license more than a month ago. Looking into this 2003 Ford Taurus I found at a dealership (4 door).... Parents are saying insurance will cost around $300 a month! excluding the car payment which will be around $200 a month. For some reason, I don't believe them what so ever with the cost of the insurance. I do have to get full coverage insurance. But thats just ridiculous. New drivers, how much do you pay for insurance. Only answer if your on your own plan.""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
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