#that was like 8 huge vials in 2 days what the fuck. they vampired me so much bro
paranoiias · 2 years
it always amazes me how much blood the hospital can take without me passing out dkgdhj
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable  ( Jungkook x Oc ) Chapter 9
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3   Chapter 4 Chapter 5   Chapter 6  Chapter 7
Chapter 8 
Chapter 9
“Fuck yeah....” Jungkook’s grip on my thighs tightened, tugging me closer as he slid into me, deeper and i spluttered a bit, spitting water all over him. 
“This is a bad idea. “ i choked, blinking the water out of my eyes as the shower overhead kept pouring a whole deluge on top of us and Jungkook frowned, glancing at me in annoyance. 
“I’m going to  gag you the next time we have sex.” He grunted, pressing me into the tiled wall of the bathroom and I winced when he pulled out fully and rammed back in, clearly pissed. 
I pouted.
“I’m not good with water. “ I whined, eyes still closed because the water, Christ. It dripped into my eyes and all over my body and i couldn’t even enjoy being fucked right now because I was mortally afraid that Jungkook’s hands were going to slip, he was going to drop me on my butt and i was going to break my tailbone.
Jungkook groaned, more frustration than pleasure and gripped my ass harder, holding me up at a better angle and fucking right back into me, slide made easier both from his cum from earlier and the water. 
“Sera, sweetheart...if you could just shut up for a couple of mutes, I’ll be done. And then i swear I will never try to seduce you in the shower again. Ever.” He begged. 
 “  Why can’t you wait till i finish showering? We literally had sex ten minutes ago, why are you so thirsty? ” I glared at him. Or tried to . But I couldn’t .
Because water. 
‘Okay that’s it,” He pulled out, and I hated that sudden emptiness and this was probably going to be a problem, me being used to having him inside me all the time.
He grabbed the back of my knees, prompting me to get down. But my muscles were still a bit too weary he was dripping wet so I slid down a little, panicking. 
 I gripped his shoulders hard, and he laughed, shaking his head at the look on my face. 
“ I won’t drop you, little one. Stop looking petrified.” He chuckled, before carefully unwrapping my thighs from around his waist and lowering me to the floor. 
“You alright?” He brushed the wet hair off my face and I nodded.
“Can we at least kiss in the shower?” 
I laughed. 
“You can kiss me anywhere you want.” i reached out to press my lips against his and pulled back to smile at him, tilting my head as he ran his fingers down my neck, fingers fluttering against my pulse gently. 
“And can I drink from you?” He asked softly and i froze.
The words made me pause. 
“Jungkook...” I whispered, staring at my feet.
 I couldn’t believe he wanted to. 
He knew my secret. Knew that nothing good would come from feeding from me. That my blood in his veins would do nothing but take away his will, and the scent and taste of it all was just a facade. 
That everything about me was a lie. The innocence, the beauty , the delicate build...all a distraction from what I truly was : a dangerous, manipulative being. Someone capable of doing a lot of damage. 
“Please. When I start courting you, I want to be able to feed from you,  angel... It’s how we vampires build our bond. ...”He said gently. 
I laughed without really feeling it. 
“I would never say no to you. You know that....but... you... you know .” I couldn’t finish. 
“What do I know?” He asked gently, running his thumb across my lip. 
“ you know what my blood does to vampires. You know that I can use it against you.”
“But I also know that you  won’t.”  He said simply and I looked up at him.
“I trust you. “ He said simply.  i swallowed.
“Besides, most women would be glad that their husbands are terrified of them.” He chuckled. 
I knew he was joking but I still felt tears sting. 
I couldn’t bear the thought of Jungkook being afraid of me. 
“I won’t ever do it you know. “ I choked out. “ Take away your consent... I’ve never done it on anyone who didn’t deserve it...even with those boys in college , I was just scared that they would attack me again... That they would bite me again and i was bleeding out and I felt so cold...and i was so scared so I just did the first thing I could think of... I never meant to hurt them... I was just so scared and...” I sobbed out and his arms came around me , pulling me into a hug and I felt the tears spill over, soaking his chest as i clung to him.
“Baby...no...please don’t cry...it’s alright.. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have joked about that...I’m sorry Sera....”
“I’m not a monster. “ I whispered. “ Please don’t be scared of me Gukkie... I’d never hurt you or Joowon.... I’m not a monster.. I don’t want to be. I just.. I just wanted to be normal. It’s not my fault I’m the way i am.... ” 
Jungkook pulled back to cup my face between his hands, I bit my lips, another sob building up when I saw how wet his lashes were. 
“Baby look at me...” He smiled, a watery smile , “ I would never think that. I have never for a second considered you as a threat to me or my son.... you’re...”He shook his head, “ Darling, You’re not normal. You’re perfect.” 
“Now you’re just mocking me.” I muttered, looking away. But he made a noise of protest. 
“I’m not joking. You are easily the most generous  person I’ve ever met, Sera... You give so freely of yourself to everyone, whether they are deserving of it or not... You play with the babies , you take Joo Won out on walks and play ball with him, you do things for me even when I push you away and....God,  do you not know how amazing and kind and generous you are???!! “ He kissed me on the lips, hard , before pulling back. 
I stared at him, laughing a little but he wasn’t done.
“ I’ve never seen anyone as selfless as you. . Just the fact that you’ve given me the privilege to be here, hold you like this, tells me how kind and forgiving you are... You gave a bastard like me a chance, even though I did nothing but hurt you, over and over again.... You’re beautiful , So beautiful, my angel..In fact I was going to wait at least till we were out of the shower, but to hell with it.”
I blinked , surprised , when he grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist before rushing out . I grabbed my own robe, surprised, tying it together before following him out to the bedroom. 
He was fumbling in his closet and I felt my heart drop when I saw the small red box. He opened it easily pulling out a glittering necklace with a pendant and a small vial hanging off it. 
“Is that....?” I couldn’t even say it. 
“My birthstone.  It’s a sapphire. “ He smiled. “ And this vial has my blood. You put this on and anyone who comes near you will know that you’re being courted. By me. “ 
“You ... really? You mean this? You really want this?” I asked , nervous and jittery. 
He hesitated, coming closer and gently pulling my hand up . 
Jungkook placed the necklace on my hand, gently curling my fingers closed.
“Whether you put it on, or not. it’s yours. There’s no one else in this world, I would ever want to give this to.” He smiled softly. 
“How dare you!” I bawled. “ I can’t even take a picture because we’re dressed like this!!” 
He laughed. 
“So, i hope that’s a yes?” 
“Yes, you infuriatingly beautiful, beautifully infuriating bastard....! Put it on me!” 
Still laughing , he plucked the necklace off my hand and moved behind me. I smiled as he locked it in place behind my neck, pressing a small kiss to my skin. 
“Thank you. For giving me the privilege to love you.” He breathed against my skin, wrapping me in a warm hug and i closed my eyes. 
“I love you, Jeon Jungkook. You’re never getting rid of me now.” I grinned so wide my cheeks hurt. 
“So...I was thinking... .” I began carefully glancing at Jungkook  who stood leaning against the bed post, fiddling with his phone while I ran a brush through my hair  before tying it up into a messy ponytail. He was already  dressed in jeans and a muscle t and I was ogling his nipples through the mirror. Last night, he’d finally let me bite them. 
“Yes, princess?” He smiled indulgently, looking up and running his eyes up and down my body as usual. I loved that. Being with Jungkook had taught me a lot of things about myself. Things I never knew I could enjoy. 
Like dressing up and being looked at . I’d spent a long time hiding in the shadows, wary of who I was, of letting someone see me for what I was. Feeling beautiful was a distant dream because I just didn’t want to be someone dangerous. Didn’t want anyone to look at me and see a monster. 
But standing here, in the comfort of my own room, dressed in a strapless yellow blouse and a flowy white skirt, with his eyes on me, I felt absolutely beautiful. I fixed the necklace around my neck so it shone bright . 
“ its Saturday. Not a lot of kids at the day care center so I don’t have to be there at all... Would the five hundred year old vampire be willing to spend a day indulging the twenty one year old human’s love for cotton candy and tandem bike rides by the river?” 
Jungkook laughed. 
“That’s something Joo Won would come up with. Are the two of you trying to play me again?”
Thwarted, I gave him a pout.
“It’s a beautiful day Jungkook!! Jo o Won loves the river... i took him there with Somi when you you were holed up with my father for two weeks and he had such a good time!! “
“You know...if you’re going to be the parental figure in his life, you need to learn to better resist his puppy dog eyes.” Jungkook said drily. “ Besides, I was hoping it could just be the two of us today. Celebrate  our courtship? “
I frowned. 
“I’m not leaving Joo Won alone... He’ll be bored.” I said firmly.
“Alright...how about you ask him yourself and let him decide?” He suggested with a smile. 
I hesitated , suspicious. 
i followed Jungkook downstairs to the huge foyer and  then past the guards to the dining room for breakfast. 
To my surprise, Joo Won sat at the table with my father, both of them dressed in identical outfits. White t shirts, white pants and shoes , digging into toast and eggs. 
“Sera !! Sera!! Grandpa Hwang is taking me fishing!!!” Joo Won seemed to be vibrating out of his skin in excitement and i glanced at Jungkook in shock.
“you planned this.” I protested.
He shrugged.
“It was actually I who suggested it. i intend to get  to know my grandson better.” My father said with a bright smile and I felt the tears sting again as he looked at me, eyes warm and happy. 
“Oh, dad...” I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. 
“You’re glowing my dearest. And what do I smell?” He pulled back, eyes landing on the necklace. “ Ah. Finally plucked up the courage, have you my boy?” 
He gave Jungkook a wink and a grin. 
Jungkook bowed respectfully, smiling. 
“Excellent. Once all this distressing stuff with Tae Kwan is over, we will celebrate your betrothal in a grand manner. For now, let me take my handsome fishing partner and get out of your hair, with the promise to bring you a delicious catch for dinner tonight. Perhaps together? As a family?” My father smiled wide, eyes trained on Jungkook and he went red.
“Yes, sir.”
My father harrumphed.
“That’s not what you’re supposed to be calling me...”
I laughed as Jungkook went redder.
“Sorry.. I.. yes father. We will join you for dinner. “ He smiled a genuine smile and my father beamed at him. 
“Excellent....now sit down and let’s eat.” 
We sat next to my father and I remembered the first time my father had invited Jungkook to sit for breakfast with us. 
“Honey, would you like a drink?” i teased, fluttering my fingers against my neck and Jungkook flushed. My father guffawed heartily, highly amused. 
“Ahh yes... that was the morning i realized my daughter was a complete fool for you, Jungkook ah. “ He chuckled. 
“She told me about herself, father.” Jungkook said softly and my father looked surprised. He gave me a smile .
“It is good be honest with each other. I’m glad she did.” He said softly. “You may be overwhelmed by it, Jungkook ah. We have never seen anything like her. I haven’t encouraged her to pursue it because I’m not sure how it would affect her. Her blood is magic....but she herself isn’t. I don’t want her abilities robbing her of her life, especially because we don’t know the true extent of them.” 
I bit my lips.
‘I won’t use them .” I said softly . 
“You shouldn’t. They take a toll on your mind and I don’t ever want to see you in that condition again.” My father said firmly. 
Jungkook gave me a curious glance but I shook my head. 
“Please don’t worry about me father . I have Jungkook now. He’s going to keep me safe. Even though you no longer have to pay him for it.” I laughed. 
My father chuckled. 
We finished breakfast, with Jungkook and my father talking about business while Joo Won told me all the fishes he could name and how their feeding habit varied. He had a great love for books and his birthday was coming up in a few weeks. I had already bulk ordered a bunch of his favorite authors for him. 
When we were finally done, we walked out to the driveway where two cars stood, one to take me and Jungkook out for the day and a golf cart for my father to drive Joo Won down to the lake. 
“We’ll be home for dinner then.” Jungkook gave my father a hug and my father looked positively ecstatic at the gesture. I knew he had always loved him deeply and as Jungkook moved away to tie Joo Won’s shoe laces, I could help but snuggle up to his side. 
“you knew.” I said gently.
My father hummed, ruffling my hair affectionately. 
“Knew what , my dearest?” 
“That I would fall in love with him. You knew and that’s why you brought her here. You love him deeply and you wanted him by your side. To keep him and Joo Won safe.” 
My father smiled.
“you are perceptive. Yes... I have always regarded Jungkook as my son. i wanted him here where I could protect him. And that’s why i brought him here. And i hoped that you would both grow fond of each other....  But it wasn’t because i knew you would fall in love with him.” 
“Yes. It was because I knew  he  would fall in love with  you.” 
I turned to look up at him and he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. 
“ I told you dearest. i will never settle for anything but your complete happiness. And I think that is with Jungkook.” His eyes shifted away and I followed his gaze to where Jungkook was kneeling in front of his son, nuzzling his hair and hugging him tight. 
“They are your family now and I am at peace.” He said softly. 
Jungkook and Joo Won straightened and moved towards us, identical grins on their faces.
“He’s all ready .” Jungkook said softly. 
“Excellent. Come then young master Jeon...let’s go see what treasures the water fairy will bring us today....” My father took Joo Won’s hand and Joo Won’s eyes went wide. Giving me one last kiss on my cheek, my father led him away. 
“The water fairy?”
“Why yes, haven’t you heard of her? come... I’ll tell you all about it.” 
I watched the pair of them walk up to the golf cart on the driveway. 
I turned back to Jungkook smiling and holding my hand out.
“Looks like You get to have me all to yourself today, Jungk-”
The gunshot rang out behind me, right as my fingers brushed Jungkook’s. 
Terror as I’d never known flooded my veins as i froze, eyes trained on Jungkook who was already moving. My fingers shook, breath ripped right out of my lung, blood turning to ice in my veins as I turned around. 
The first thing that caught my eye was the commotion across the lawn, guards subduing a man into the ground, a shot gun lying by his side. 
And as my eyes finally saw the golf cart, I saw my father, slumped over the wheel, soaked in scarlet. 
The scream that got torn out of me was feral.
 My throat in agony as I raced to the vehicle. Joo won was on the floor, between my fathers legs and I realized that he had pushed the child down, covering him with his body right before the gunshot had rang out. 
Jungkook pulled his son into his arms but I could only crawl over to my father, gripping his face as he gurgled, blood flowing out of him in a torrent. 
“Daddy!” i whimpered... “ Oh God..no... Please...” I pressed my wrist to his mouth, but he was too weak to move, the shot gun bullet at such close quarters having left too much damage to his body. i saw the carnage, the blood and the mess and I sobbed in disbelief. 
“We need to get him to the clinic...!!” Jungkook’s arms came around me , pulling me away as men crowded my father, lifting him off the seat and onto a stretcher.  
“Se....ra...” My father’s broken voice made my knees buckle and I shoved Jungkook away, rushing to his side as they wheeled him to the nearest car.
“Daddy..I’m here... I’m right here... I’m going to fix this....we’re going to fix this...you’re going to be okay... Hang on... “ i begged and he chuckled weakly another spurt of blood dribbling down his lips.
“Wanted...to walk you...down ...”He closed his eyes, “the aisle...” 
‘I sobbed out in agony, the pain so heavy and all consuming that i felt like i was being torn to shreds on the inside. 
“You are...You are going to daddy...You’re the only one who can...the only one I have... Oh please God...no...” 
“I love you...”Take care of her, Jungkook-ah...”  He said firmly, eyes blazing red as he stared over me and i realized that Jungkook had followed me, was holding me up as he watched my father die. I saw him reach out and grip my father’s hand squeezing tight. 
“They’ll be fine father. All of them. Rest easy...” Jungkook whispered and I felt my heart crack clean in two. 
 I saw my father’s  eyes grow dimmer and felt hope leave my body leaving ice cold grief in its place. . No.. No...
“Dad...” I stopped crying, shock taking over me as i instinctively realized what was happening. 
He was dying. 
My father was dying. 
His hands went up, touching my face gently. 
“My favorite... “ He smiled weakly  and  I watched the light leave his eye forever. He slumped, softly, his hands falling away and I sagged. Jungkook caught me to his body. 
“I’m so sorry angel.” i could feel the damp of his tears as he cried into my neck. 
 I felt the cold in my heart as the bond between my father an I  pulsed and burned , really bright for one split second before fading abruptly, leaving icy cold behind. 
Screams rang out from all around me, from the windows over head and from across the estate. Somewhere I heard my sister’s roar of rage .
 Somi’s screams followed by Jimin’s sobs. 
Everyone had felt it.
Everyone in the clan had felt the death of the Hwang clan’s leader, shot dead on his own lawn by some traitor who had managed to break his way in 
Author’s Note : I’m so sorry. 
feedback is loved. 
Taglist : 
@ladyartemesia        @veronawrites   @alpaca1612     @bonyg    @unseejuice21  @sppvjj     @ggukkieland     @tae-by-tae      @blr1004      @yoongichild    @stussyjeon  @jellybearo  @sumzysworld   @carolsummerlove@bunniechoon  @unicornbabylover @preciouschimine    @baekhyunatthehaunted-house @craztextae   @nikkiordonez12
@jiminiscricket​  @yeotan07​
@chimchimmy95bts  @jinscharms​
@danietoww04   @ jungoodeewani29  
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superwholockotuka · 7 years
OC Vampire Hunting
I’m back at it again with our ocs @d3dfish
1. Pick six of your original characters to become vampire hunters! 1. Daniella 2. Genki 3. Tobi 4. DeDe 5. Griffin(6. Phoenix 2. Interesting choices… Tell me, who’s excited about being selected for this mission? Who wishes they hadn’t been chosen?
Idk who’d be most excited, but def not Griffin and Phoenix. They are vampires and now they are hunting from their own kind XP 3. Sorry, no take-backs! Time for everyone to receive their weaponry! [1] and [2] gets pistols filled with silver bullets, [3] and [4] get variously sized wooden stakes and vials of holy water, and [5] and [6] get blowtorches. How does [4] feel about all this?
DeDe calls bullshit. She wants a blowtorch. Phoenix and Griffin call bullshit. Wooden stakes are useless just as are plain silver bullets. You need enchanted silver stakes and bullets. 4. Alright, [2]. Ready to go kill some vampires?
The question is, can Genki eat the vampires? I mean they technically are undead humans so can she eat them once she kills them? 5. Knock ‘em dead, kids! Your first location lies at the London Eye ferris wheel. [1] and [5] have been selected to team up. How do they react to being told this news?
As long as Griffin stays out of Daniella’s way they’re good. Although Griffin is slightly uncomfortable because vampires don’t like fire creatures and Daniella is part fire creature. 6. Time to clear out some vampires! [1] and [5] invade the ferris wheel, and are soon approached by their target. Our heroes fight bravely, but it’s becoming obvious this vampire knows how to fight. The battle ends up on top of one of the ferris wheels capsules, and it’s looking good for [1] and [5]. Finally [1] has the vampire in their sights for the final blow! But alas, while [5] is rejoicing, they slip and fall off the edge! Quick, [1]! You only have time to shoot or save! What’s your decision?
Hero? Daniella? snorts Daniella would let Griffin fall. He’ll be fine. He’s a vampire. A simply little fall wouldn’t hurt him. 7. Regardless, it seems your vampire foe has escaped while you were debating, [1]… [1] saves [5], and the two head back to headquarters, defeated. How do they attempt to explain this failure to their boss?
Daniella points at Griffin and says, “He’s a clumsy dumb ass.” 8. Unfortunately, their boss does not seem so sympathetic… Both are now in danger of losing their jobs, or worse - their lives! Unsatisfactory work results in becoming live bait… How are you feeling, [5]?
Griffin is calm and composed because that’s how he was raised. 9. Alright, Day Two of vampire hunting! A team of [2] and [4] is now being dispatched. Are they likely to work well together, or to bicker?
DeDe and Genki don’t really know each other very well but they’d work pretty well together I believe. 10. Ah, the Natural History Museum is our next location! [2] and [4] arrive on the scene, but all is eerily quiet, and the place seems desolate… [2]? What do you recommend your team should do?
Search for the fucking target. 11. OH HOLY CRAP VAMPIRE LOOK OUT [4]!!!
Quick defensive stance 12. Oh, wait. Never mind. It’s just a figurine. [2] apologizes for the scare, there, [4].
I can kinda see this happening honestly. 13. While the two of them are calming down, our true villain appears! He throws [2] out of the way and pins [4]. Quick, [4]! Do you use the stake or the holy water?
NEITHER FUCKING WORK ON THE FUCKING VAMPIRES!!!!! 14. Success! The vampire falls aside, defeated. [4] rises as our champion - but alas! The victory is short-lived… [2] is badly injured. You don’t have much time, [2]. Any last words?
Doesn’t Genki have super fast regenerative properties? This is bullshit. 15. [4] returns to headquarters alone. How does [3] react to the news?
Tobi wasn’t that close to Genki, but still be kinda sad I guess? She’d tell DeDe that she tried her best. BUT GENKI WOULDN’T FUCKING DIE THAT EASILY SO THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT! 16. Tragic… But there is no time for mourning. Another vampire has been sighted at London’s own Big Ben. Hop to it, [3] and [6]. Are either of you feeling nervous after having a comrade die?
Phoenix maybe, but she was raised to show no fear. Tobi would probably feel more motivated to kill it then. 17. Their bravery is admirable, and the two hurry off to the clock tower. High, high in the rafters, they meet their foe…in the form of a bat! How do they try to catch/change it to a simpler target?
Bat form bullshit. Phoenix has a fucking blow torch. Light that shit on fire. 18. Whatever they try, it miraculously works! The vampire turns back to a human - er, at least looking that way - and the battle ensues. Unfortunately, [6] is not very handy with their blowtorch, and [3] ends up getting burned instead. [3]’s reaction?
Umm… Phoenix fucking set that mother fucker on fire already. It’d be dead and thus this is bullshit. 19. [3], no time for reactions! We have a vampire to deal with! Oh - whoops. Speaking of which, [6] has been tackled and pinned. The vampire looks awful hungry, [6]… Shout whatever brave words you have left to [3].
Phoenix is a vampire herself??? A noble vampire at that so she gives no fucks. 20. The vampire sinks its teeth into [6]’s neck. Well, [3]? Do you try to save your teammate or do you retreat?
21. If you’ve tried to save them, [6] insists you leave. [3] retreats either way. How does [3] break the news to [1], [4], and [5]?
“Don’t worry. She’s already a vampire. She’ll be fine.” 22. Alright, the boss has had enough of this silly ‘dying’ business. Time for everyone to go out and fight together! How pumped are you, [1]?!
Daniella is tired of this bullshit and wants to go home. 23. Your new team arrives at St. Paul’s Cathedral. They travel as carefully through the building as they can, but are easily discovered by their vampire foe. The vampire attacks [3]! Oh, but wait… [3] seems to notice something awfully familiar about this vampire. Yes, it’s the very one who killed [6]! [3]’s reaction?
PHOENIX ISN'T FUCKING DEAD!!!! Tobi probably wonder why Phoenix didn’t kill it once she had the chance becAUSE PHOENIX DIDN’T FUCKING DIE JUST LIKE GENKI DIDN’T FUCKING DIE! 24. [1] fires off a shot or two, scaring the vampire back into the shadows. Not that it does much good, though. It turns out there are two vampires here! [5] is assigned to think up a plan; how do they do?
Griffin tells Daniella to use her fire powers and lit that shit up. 25. As the fighting continues, an ominous figure suddenly appears and grabs [3]! They pull them into the shadows, and though [3] tries to fight back, it is useless. But wait, [3]! There’s nothing to fear, as the vampire turns out to be… [6]! [6] explains they lived through the vampire attack and became one themselves. [6] then proclaims they’ve always been madly in love with [3] since the day they met, and proceeds to kiss them. [3]’s response?
PHOENIX WAS ALREADY A MOTHER FUCKING VAMPIRE GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! AND WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE GRAB TOBI AND NOT GRIFFIN HER TWIN BROTHER???? Also, Phoenix is straight so that love confession is bullshit. 26. [6] then asks [3] to become a vampire and live the rest of their immortal lives together. [3]…?
This is all bullshit 27. It is then [5] comes crashing in! [5] vanquishes the vampire threat of [6], then jumps away, bringing [3] with them. Back into the fray they go! The remaining vampire throws a rather huge, heavy display at [1]. Does someone push them out of the way and take the blow themselves, or is [1] left to it?
Why would Griffin kill his own twin sister? Sure they fight and bicker but what pair of siblings don’t? Genki would because Genki didn’t die and Genki and Daniella are bffs(Daniella won’t say it tho) 28. Whoever was hit is now dead. Your remaining three characters must face the vampire, and it’s not looking good. However, it seems the vampire is willing to make a deal! Since you killed off his partner, [6], he wants another human to make a new vampire companion/servant/what have you. Who volunteers?
Umm Phoenix wasn’t killed because why would Griffin kill her? But I guess Griffin would volunteer his gay ass for it. He’s already a vampire. Where is the harm? [Pick a number between 1 and 500.] 8 - [If the number was between 1 and 250, proceed to Question 29. If the number was between 251 and 500, proceed to Question 30.] 29. The volunteer is taken to stay at the vampire’s side for eternity. The remainder of the team flees not only the location, but London entirely. The city has been lost. Finish by writing a monologue of our volunteer’s thoughts. (Continue to Question 31 once you are finished.)
THIS WAS ALL COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!!! 30. The volunteer steps forward to join the vampire. However, at the last moment, they are able to shoot/stab/ignite their foe! The vampire dies, and the day is saved! [6], too, is saved, and what do you know - [2] just happens to be there, too. Happiness for all! That’s awful lucky. Continue to the next question. 31. Oh. Wait a moment. It is at this time that [3] wakes up. Yes, it was all a dream! And of course it was. There’s no such thing as vampires, silly. Final thoughts, [3]?
There are vampires tho? Griffin and Phoenix are vampires? They later turn DeDe into one so…???
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