#that was definitely worth the wait lol he’s so fucking hot i cant stand it
domesticateddog · 2 years
nsfw tmi annoying sexual oversharing r/ihavesex tags etc etc…
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itsakpopalypse · 4 years
Jung  Yunho/U-Know (TVXQ)  Astrology- How he loves
A gift to a lovely friend (think late birthday gift) @zev-parrish​, i give you, your man. 
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 As all astrology is meant to be fun, i will disclaim here that i cant find a birthtime, (as with most of these charts) so keep in mind not all of it will be right. this is for fun, please don’t at me lol
So, his chart is split pretty evenly between Aquarius and Sagittarius. 
both are “active” but he does have some Capricorn and Taurus to even this out some, and with a North node in Taurus he is the type to only practice deep and meaningful relationships, whether romantic of platonic
His Aquarius is Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. 
His Sagittarius is Mars, Saturn and Uranus.
His moon and Neptune is in Capricorn., taurus (rising) and North Node
So now to decode those placements and why they matter
All the Aquarius says to me that he is forward thinking, kind of out of the box but actually a lot more intellectual than he seems at first
probably a bit out of the box thinker, kind of “So I have this CRAZY idea” and it’s JUSt crazy enough to work
Aquarians put the greater good above self, so he likely has a strong moral code that he sticks to and will speak up if people violate the rights of others,
Aquarius in Mercury tells me he is a very enthusiastic speaker, a hand talker and quite charming,
his energy radiates out and draws people in
between the sag and aquarius it’s likely he doesn’t force anyone to listen or follow, he just exists, and people are drawn in by this strong sense of self he carries. 
his spirit is likely an oasis for people
like you just know that you can be yourself because he is so nonjudgmental and thoughtful 
Aquarius Venus means he’s big on boundaries, he respects everyone, their right to their own time, and prefers things to fall into place.
in relationships, he is not the type to force time together, or demand a lot, but if time is given he will treasure that, understanding how important someone’s choice to spend their time with him would be
Mars in Sagittarius says that he is PASSIONATE and DRIVEN
if he has a goal, he will figure out how to get to that, 
with the combination of that mars and cap moon, he probably refuses to lose when it comes to competition, 
lowkey has a bit of self doubt, the Capricorn moon indicates he isn’t always sure he’s worth praise or that he can do things,
but he also wont give up, especially if he feels like other people need him to keep going. 
gains strength from those around him, 
when he gains focus on something, just stand back and watch him go, because he will succeed. 
His sagittarius Uranus suggests he will challenge authority if he thinks it impedes the forward momentum of others
a champion of the underdogs, ready to stand up for those with less strength, even if he wouldn’t do it for himself. 
The combinations of Aquarius and Sagittarius he has makes me think he is just this pure ball of passion, 
so much to do , so much to learn, such strong opinions. 
He isn’t necessarily stubborn, at least not if he respects you, but he will hold very strong morals that he sees as non negotiable.
he prefers deep friendships that make him think,
someone who challenges his thinking and keeps him sharp
he would want someone he can have deep conversations with or at the drop of a hat decide on a random adventure 
think “It’s two am and there’s a meteor shower, come outside  I have blankets and a place to watch from.” 
he’d already be outside with hot drinks and a treat, and a huge, unfathomably charming smile.  
In a relationship, this translates to the most easygoing slide into love
you’d just be the closest friends, never realizing that you were more until one day he turns to say some horrible joke and you have this oh shit moment
oh you’re in love
and he is too, and he already KNOWS you are, 
but seeing the revelation on your face would please him beyond words. 
 kind of like he was waiting for you to figure it out. 
he’d just slide an arm around you and kiss your forehead. 
seems the type to be affectionate in the most sugary sweet ways?
almost innocently 
brushing the hair from your face or tracing the tip of your nose with his finger
giggles and secretive smiles, the type to be so INNATELY PROUD that you are his,
i dont think he would be egotistical, or think much about his own looks or that of others
he is looking for a soul connection and yearns for that deep earth shattering closeness that doesn’t even need words
the type build over time and attention
probably pays close attention to your smallest concerns and wishes, 
secretly plans to make them all happen for you
would be so loyal and unshakably single minded in a relationship
it would be impossible to turn his head once his heart made a choice
people often think Aquarians fear  commitment but that’s not true, they just don’t want to commit until the strength of a bond is undeniable.
he wants to feel so understood by another that he knows that they are on his side no matter what. 
wow that’s soooooo
probably very into traditional cute relationship things. loves to savor the sweetness of new love. 
hand holding would probably make him  feel so ?? loved??
that would turn to longer embraces 
something tells me he’s the kiss the back of the hand type
that’s just a haunch. 
just so connected and  loyal, a wholesome lover.
18+ below, we gettin 
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yikes, big YIKES
alright so HERE’S THE THING
Aquarians are very altruistic and compassionate in life.....
and very passionate and adventurous in bed...
Sagittarius are LIKEWISE very  up for anything
I don’t actually see him as particularly *dominant* or submissive
He just seems like a very sensual and high passion lover
what? Is? gentle?
this man is going to play with sensation and pressures in different ways
very giving, and very proud of what he can do
remember driven, competitive and caring?
that translates to varied and sometimes risky encounters
maybe public play?
“Let’s see how fast you fall apart for me before someone comes.”
and you’ll come before anyone else does, he will be sure of it,
Oh, you’re too loud?
the type to stick his finger in your mouth while he fucks you against a wall, maintaining eye contact with a smirk and a raised brow. 
 that’s.. oof
remember how his mercury is also Aquarius? and I said that means a good communicator?
that translates here too. 
praise kink probably goes both ways,
loves the sensuality of your words whispered into his skin just as much as he likes to do the same to you
to be honest Venusian Aquarius is the least jealous and most likely to be down for polyamory or just .. including someone else in play
he doesn’t feel insecure in these situations, as i stated if he is in a relationship he craves emotional intimacy and connection, so he already knows his worth and someone else being there sexually wouldn’t faze him
Sagittarius mars means he really likes to feel as much the center of your desire as you are his,
talk pretty to him and he will make you forget every name except his
the type to leave a trail of bites and kisses across your skin, blossoms of purple and blue that he takes pride in
not in a possessive way, in an intimate way that shows how you trust each other
also down to destroy your pelvis, 
probably likes to try new positions, 
almost definitely likes you on top where he can talk you through your movements and splay your hands on his chest, one controlling hand around your throat with just enough pressure to keep you from collapsing against him
just enough to  make you grind into him with desperation,
wanting to see you fall apart for him in the most beautiful way
alternates between deep gazes into your eyes as you call his name , intimate and so filled with love that he wants to immortalize the moment
....and the most rushed, passion induced “i have to have you now” fucks
dirty raw and emotional , he likely doesn’t have flings.
even the fastest most rushed encounter is so filled with what he carries in  his heart that you never doubt his devotion. 
Aftercare is probably giving you something to clean up with while he tucks you against his body and breathes in your scent, 
content to make you happy, content to feel you close
seems like a round two after a nap kinda guy, so I hope you have stamina 
just a really intimate lover that wants to feel you inside his heart while he’s inside you. 
a two hearts beat as one, sort of lover. 
I hope you liked it dear !!!
requests are currently closed while I catch up, but you can ask me if I have  a certain Idol on the list and I will let you know!
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i-beg-your-parsons · 6 years
[Shreya] wasn’t in last week’s chapter, so have a fic (#1)
Relationship: Shreya Mistry/F!MC (Celestine Leblanc)
Count: 1775 words
So I’ve decided that I’m going to make this a series where I update this whenever a character (in this case, Shreya) is swept under the rug (so am I updating this every week, multiple times then? Who knows! 🙃). It’ll be good practice for me to get back into writing. But maybe not every week exactly, I’m starting my undergraduate thesis lol.
Apologies if they’re OOC, especially Aster? (She’s good friends with Shreya in this fic!!) I haven’t tried writing them much and it’s been a while since I did a fic lmao. Hope you peeps like!! Let me know if you want to be tagged for subsequent ones.
This uses the following prompts:
“My cat is more sassy than you’ll ever be.”
“Watch out! I can’t slow down! Move! Move! Move!”
“Am I good at skateboarding? Pfffft! Of course I am!”
Tags: @jellymonster, @deeohno, @coolios-beanios, @h-doodles
“Watch out! I can’t slow down!” 
Shreya is startled by a panicked voice, almost dropping her hand mirror on the sidewalk. She whirls toward the direction of the sound. What the - 
“Lady, please move, move, move!!” A blur of blue, red, and brown was hurtling towards her before her brain could really process anything. They make a sharp turn, just barely brushing her skirt, so thankfully she avoided being pummelled into the wall. Her three-inch heels, however, threw her off balance, making her stumble into a large potted shrub situated outside the facade of Maison D’Yew. 
Wonderful. How fucking elegant.
“Oh my stars, are you hurt?” A feminine voice calls out to her, presumably partially responsible for what had just transpired. Shreya inwardly huffs to rein in her annoyance. It would be extremely unsightly for a Mistry to throw a tantrum. At times like these, she was thankful for those dry etiquette lessons her parents made her take when she was seven. 
“I-It’s quite alright! I didn’t get hurt; just much too close and personal with this plant,” Shreya assures worried girl in her haughty ‘humble’ voice. 
(Well, something had to channel her anger. The thick branch digging into her back was not helping keep her head cool.)
She could feel the girl’s slender hands firmly grip her arms and try to pull her up. It was gentle and slow, but jagged twigs were poking her everywhere, “Ow, ow, ow!”
The sounds of her distress halt the girl from pulling her, but she still kept her grip. Her voice sounded more apologetic, if it was even possible, “I am so, so sorry! I told Zeph it was stupid to try riding the broom like a skateboard, but he didn’t really care because he said it would look cool.”
Everything was so fast and panicked and ridiculous that Shreya couldn’t help the wild giggles that bubbled up her throat as she nodded, “I can definitely vouch for the fact that it was stupid.”
Shreya could hear the girl grin, “Nice to know someone sides with me.”
A comfortable lull settles over them before the girl clears her throat. “Maybe I could try magicking you out?”
She seemed capable enough, so Shreya finds that she doesn’t mind. 
“OK, go for it.”
Flashes of green and brown lights from the Wood magick circle peek through the gaps between the leaves obscuring Shreya’s vision. Slowly, the twigs and leaves retract, revealing the face of her saviour as she leaned closer to pull her up by the shoulders.
And fuck: She was exactly Shreya’s type.
The blonde had her eyebrows furrowed in panicked worry as she gently picked off leaves that had gotten into Shreya’s hair and clothes. “Again, I am so sorry. I’ll be sure to give Zeph hell for dragging you into this.”
Shreya could feel the warmth creeping up into her cheeks and the tips of her ears. Her touch was so soothing. “It’s no problem. Is he going to be okay?”
The girl’s face scrunches up at the concern for Zeph. “Yes, probably… I think.” She opens one pale blue eye to find that Shreya was still looking at her, waiting for… what exactly? 
A furious blush colours the girl’s pale cheeks.
“I… should probably go make sure he’s okay. Have a good day, miss!” The blonde turns at the direction Zeph went off and starts at a sprint. It was only then that Shreya sprung into action, hurriedly calling out to the blonde before she left, “M-my name’s Shreya! What’s your name?!”
The blonde doesn’t look back at her, but she yells, “Celestine! See you around!”
“So that’s why Aoi was so grumpy when we stepped out,” Aster chuckles as she sipped her sencha tea. They’d been friends for a while, as Shreya was a regular at Maison D’Yew, despite having people who could easily run the errands for her at Mistry manor. Whether it was just a Shreya thing, or an excuse to visit Aster, the wood nymph didn’t mind. 
It was always nice to see one of her only friends.
“For what it’s worth, I apologised to Aoi the shrub before I went inside the shop,” Shreya offers. “And besides, it wasn’t all that terrible.” Her face warms at the memory of the girl — Celestine, she reminds herself — and the concern she showed for her. Shreya absently stares at the steam coming off her drink, remembering the blonde’s delicate blue eyes which were, fittingly enough, the colour of a strontium sulphate mineral, celestine. 
Her parents must be familiar with Attuneless science. I should ask her next time.
Silence descends over the two girls as Shreya spaced out and Aster observed her. She blows at her tea again, before taking a sip. “So when are you going to see her again?”
Shreya almost spills her hot drink and shoots Aster an incredulous look. The green-skinned girl pauses with a blank look of her own and blinks, before giggling as she realises her friend’s thought process.
“For the last time, I can’t read your mind unless you’re a plant. I just know what you look like when you’re excited about something.”
Shreya grips her mug a little tighter, in an attempt to fight down her worsening blush. Aster continues to observe her reactions over her cup of tea. “Or someone, in this case.”
“… She was really cute, okay?”
Aster can’t fight off the grin on her face. Checkmate.
She reaches out a woody hand to pry off Shreya’s own from her grip on the hot cocoa and pats her friend’s manicured nails. They were painted a deep crimson today. “You should ask her out.”
Shreya sighs, “But what if she’s not into girls? I don’t want her to be uncomfortable.”
Aster tilts her head slightly and blinks. It wasn’t like the heiress to resign herself to the possibility that the girl she was interested in identified as heterosexual. “But what if she is? And more importantly,” Aster leans into her friend’s personal space to whisper in her ear. 
“What if she’s into you?”
Shreya jerks back from her friend, clamping a hand over her ear. She shivers like she was just put under a shower of ice cold water. She narrows her eyes are the wood nymph as she tries to calm her breathing. “Why are you being so cheeky today, Ass?”
Aster simply shrugs with a pleasant smile. “One of us has to bring the cheek to move the conversation along. It’s obviously not going to be you, what with this smitten state you’re in.”
Shreya rolls her eyes, “Spare me; my cat’s sassier than you.”
Aster blinks, “You don’t have a cat.”
Shreya throws up her hands in exasperation, “That’s the point!”
The two continue to lock gazes in a contest of wills: Shreya with a piercing glare, and Aster with an amused sparkle. The competition was intense, as if the winner would have their argument proven right.
“Zeph, slow down! You might bump into someone again!”
Shreya’s attention immediately strays to the voice. Could it be…?
“No can do, Leblanc! Those croissants might get sold out!” A voice, presumably Zeph, answers as the front door of the café is slammed open by said male. “Hannah, my bro! Two croissants on the double!”
The short-haired blonde at the register rolls her eyes before shaking her head. “Alright, Denim. But sit your ass down, okay?”
Zeph flamboyantly stands at attention, before giving a dramatic salute. “Roger that, Pixie cut!”
“You’re being way too dramatic,” Celestine steps into the shop, putting her hair up in a ponytail, presumably to cool herself off from running after Zeph. Her hair tie is held between her lips, giving Shreya the perfect excuse to look at them.
Celestine seems to notice the stares directed at her, as her gaze connects with Shreya’s. Her eyes light up in recognition, and her hand immediately comes up to wave at the Fire-Att. 
“Why hello, Shreya! Fancy seeing you again,” Celestine walks over to their table, then rocks back and forth on her heels as she stands.
Shreya brings up a had to wave back, feeling the clamminess that had suddenly developed. “Hi, Celestine. I’m usually here every Saturday with my friend Aster here.” She gestures to Aster, who was absolutely buzzing with excitement. The flowers in her hair were blooming.
“As she said, my name is Aster and it’s so wonderful to meet you, Celestine. Shreya was just telling me about the incident this morning with my Hydrangea macrophylla, Aoi.” The wood nymph managed to get up from her seat and move towards Celestine within that sentence to grasp and shake the girl’s pale hand with her pliant fingers. “He’s thankful for your wood magick because it fixed the branches Shreya broke when she fell into him.”
Celestine draws a blank look, before looking over to Shreya for help. The heiress simply nods, but what does that even mean? She decides that it’s better to play along. “Well, he’s very welcome. I didn’t get the chance to tell him that his flowers were a very beautiful shade of blue.”
“Honestly, Aster, how many times do I have to apologise?” Shreya complains from her seat on the table.
Aster grins at Celestine’s response while pointedly ignoring Shreya, “I’ll be sure he gets the message.” She stares meaningfully into the confused blonde’s eyes, bringing up a hand to hover over the other girl’s cheek. Celestine can feel the coolness of her skin, a plant-like material that felt much like the stem of a flower. Her eyes suddenly darken into a tar-black, seeping into the veins of her translucent skin, “It’s not often that you find humans — Attuned, especially — who care as much for plants.”
Sensing the newcomer’s shock and exponentially growing discomfort, Shreya interrupts. “Hey, uhm, Celestine, would you guys like to sit with us?”
And just as suddenly, Aster is back from her Branching, “That’s a wonderful idea!” She moves to pull out the chair next to Shreya (and if it ends up skewed a little too close to her friend’s seat, well, Aster doesn’t know anything about that).
“I’ll go ahead and assist your friend there are the counter. It seems like he’s having a bit of trouble,” Aster points to where Zeph is gesturing wildly in a conversation with Hannah (aka Pixie cut), who was managing the counter. “Don’t eat her up while I’m gone,” she grins at Shreya, who blushed at the insinuation, but kept her cool this time. 
She fires back with a grin of her own.
“I make no promises.”
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jo5huaray · 6 years
can i express how i feel today?
why is that everytime someone wants something good in their life.....there has to be something or someone to ruin it? yin and yang? good and bad? without one, you can have the other? makes sense. has too. and if it doesnt, does that make you blind to reality? you living in your own reality where things are make believe? dreamland? how could someone live there knowing that isnt the reality that we live in? would that consume you mentally? and if it didn't, would you actually be living your life? yolo? i mean you would have to actually dream it and make it reality but you necessarily couldnt because you would dwell to much on that reality of yours and get lost in the idea of actually making it. so i guess in terms, you have to know when to leave your box, and expand without losing the fire. hmmm.....you think some people actually think, "my life is actually amazing" when in reality its not. i mean that could be their reality or idea of what life being good is.....just because its different from your idea of a good life doesnt make it any less dumb or not "good" enough. but where im going with this is, can people actually go through life things about what they can be doing instead of what they are actually doing? i mean you have to get to a certain point where you see someone actually try to progress and be like "hey you are doing it!!" or "fucking told you so" and find humor in someone elses bad luck.....but im a strong believer that people go through life not trying to succeed and love to stay in their shell and cry wolf when no one has time for them or can make time. its like are we suppose to wait for you to decide when its time to change. katt williams said it ffucking right when he said it," cant be fucking with people doing the same shit every year" "them people are the unhealthy people that will drag you down" " if you gotta succeed alone then so be it, at least you arent being held back by those who call you their friends"
guess you can say im not in the best mood atm, pretty down, wouldnt say depressed. my kids are happy. and healthy. shit to healthy i think. i do miss them. rather be with them at this very moment instead of this place or surrounding. but things and people are stopping me from that currently. im the type of person who cant get anger constantly.....i have 3 modes. anger and im attacking. anger and i cry because it did it to myself. or happy and burying what i have bury to no get emotional. you dont know how many people have told me you do this to yourself joshua.....like a fucking record thats skipping. and i finally realize the reason i keep making immature mistakes. i cant hate....truly hate someone if they were to mess with my babies. and my dog. and my computer lol. but truly hate someone who done me wrong? i mean my dad use to beat the shit out of me. my mom as well.....mostly females who loved the idea of being with me or wanted to be with me. i cant truly hate none of them....so i guess you can say i relaspe until i figure a soultion inbetween hating them and being their slave. relaspe like a user and my drug is female......well the idea of being in love like they would see me. my idea of being in love and being able to love someone excites me. but it cant be just anyone....definitely cant be anyone. and i tend to jump from one to another because that fizz isnt there anymore. the cheating. the lying......i have yet to have someone constantly keep my entertained like i would think they would want too. i mean the concept of,"if you dont do it someone else will" and most people nowadays settle for it keep the hope alive. that idea of being loved and loving alive.....but why? should the couple understand that concept because how more real can it get? i mean if you dont buy flowers for her someone else will. if you dont make him dinner someone else will. if you dont tell her you love her like people need air and show her, someone definitely will come along and tell her and that and actually mean it. if you dont fucking him or keep him satifisted, you know damn well someone will be waiting for that text saying, "hey wyd" and you dont believe that....its ok eventually you will have to figure it out or be stuck in a constant loop for immature relationship or immature adults who act like big ol babies
i honestly feel like crying my eyes out. or leaving and crying in my truck....what good will that do me? probably make my eyes look like shit and hurt, thus not worth it. even though i know its not worth it, i still feel the sense of sadness growing inside of me. like a sickness you werent prepared for. no medicine can help you and only you can help yourself. but yeah that brings it back to me not being able to truly hate someone. what will hating them get me? make me feel better? temporary? sure maybe but would it be worth it to bring someone down with my lashing of constant bombardement of hateful words and degrading comments? yeah definitely bring their asses to the reality they may not be seeing or what they caused me to do. reaction to their action? not the best choice thats why i choose not to be a hateful person. even though i know some would say go for it. use it to make yourself beat this sickness they call sadness........they been telling me that since day 1 and you think i choose to do it yet? lol i just cant. the cheaters, liars, the "its you and not me", the "i love you but not in love with you" yeah i cant. idk hate me cause i cant stand up and do it. i just dont feel the need to do it. and thats the main reason i slip....relaspe back to the idea of actually being loved by these so called girls.....i cant call you women because you havent shown me enough to actually be a woman. but im not innocent bystander. ive done it all and im not proud it either but i can dwell on it as i do it because why sit here and love someone who isnt texting you or talking to you or attempting to be with you and expect you to sit here waiting with you bent over like you ready about to get fucked? lol literally majority of people want you to wait on them if you are their friend or if you love them....like what shit you smoking.....waiting on hand and foot yet you give me a pinky of time and attention? thats not being mean nor hateful in my opinion. thats just common sense....shit i would expect that if i wasnt fucking or loving a girl i was interested in. thats why i never text first... if im important or whatever ( with certain exceptions of course! lol hey grey areas) then you would make time for me....best believe if you text me or call me, and i find you highly attractive or actually like you, you wont just get one text or two....maybe like a series of questions or a poem lol lol or something to bring you closer mentally and physcially lol but thats just it. you cant race to win and stop racing......keep it pushin! never stop. yeah its alot of work but wtf you think we are here for? to obtain this lifes best by simply hopefully for it to happen? yeah some are fortunated the others but then mostly 99% of people arent that fortunate that others....the bottom, down in the slumps where you either sit there and regret it your entire life you never actually bust the ass to obtain your "reality".
the idea of being love by those who i know cant love me truly like i want to be love consumes me entirely where i forget about the life im living in itself. the life i picture for myself ( and yes my kids as well for those of you who acutally thought i wouldnt picture a life without my bootoo, hot ness, and Jilee) that life i picture does come with someone who actually loves me like ive always preached. i always swapped between one or the other because of negatives or defaults that may have had....or push them away on purpose so i wouldnt have to be the bad guy, and in reality, my reality, i wanted them to be like the previous one. or the next one so jumping from one to another, hoping they would take from the last to be better than the last is only a fragment of my imagnation playing tricks on me. lying to myself to make my reality seem livable with in reality, its not. thus the cycle begins and repeats....jump to this one....oh you wanna be loved forever and be happy.....but cant keep me focused on us. then the next one, oh you always had bad boyfriends and just want someone to understand you, but yet you dont take the time to actually understand who i am or what we actually have to be a couple.....these days people say, "50/50" and yet i laugh my ass off cause these ignorant fools dont understand that it has to be 100/100. hell you can even say 150/150 if you want. if you are those type of highly expectation folks......why would anyone want 50% of what someone has to offer? tell me how that math even makes fucking sense.....tell me how someone is suppose to stay in a relationship or be with someone who they give more than the other? cant do that math because its impossible. actually not impossible, possible just fucking retarded lmao. whoever decides that is only harming themselves and the other person. so lets do that math now 50/50....breaks even with 50 cross the board. so she gets 50 and you get 50. not the full 100...so would would anyone want that?.....meaning you both get nothing in the end with that analogy. 100/50? left with 50.....and ill let you be the guess on whose left with the 50%.....cause if you guessed the person only giving half...you seriously need to go back to 3rd grade and learn the basic fundenmentals of math lmao....ok 100/100? you get her all and she gets your all....that works. definitely can see that working. would have to second guess your love or hers. probably would have time to even think about whats wrong or what could go wrong because you would be in the reality you just fucking made? and the funny part, she would be right there with you!!! lmao making sense now? the 150/150 is for those selected few who are over acheivers and know how to actually give 150% of who they are. think about it.....how could someone give 150% of themselves to another? and no not tissue or blood you fucks.
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