#that was also the time we got attacked by gelatinous slimes!! fun.
crystalkitty1220 · 2 years
You sound suspiciously like you dont know
What? Pfffft. Of course I do. Just basic d&d stuff that I definitely know by now.
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crystalkitty1220 · 2 years
I'm assuming you've done a dungeon or so
In my main campaign I'm like a total of level 8?
The only really recent thing we've done is fight a dinosaur in one adventure and medusa and her brother with like 16 orcs in another
Also I'm free to listen to rambling I would love to hear what crazy shit you've done in your guys' campaign
I have done one practice fight where the dm put us up against a skeleton minotaur and every single attack we used ended up going through the minotaur's ribs. And then we created our current characters and did a dungeon where shenanigans and character bonding occurred (there's plans to do more at some point but every time we've all been together there's always been somebody who was too tired to play).
I genuinely have no clue how the level system works so I have no point of reference for that lol
Holy shit medusa has a brother??? Is that like an actual mythology thing or just a D&D thing?
Probably the best stories to tell about our campaign is how the characters have interacted with eachother. I'll mainly talk about my own character and the DM's character because I doubt he would mind.
My character is a halfling rogue and she's a little chaos gremlin and I love her. Pretty much everything about her is pieced together from my favorite characters, everything from her name to her moveset. She does stuff with illusions and she's extremely cocky and she's probably more of a liability to the team than an asset. She's small enough that she can literally fit inside a minor illusion of a box or a rock. She has a bucket list with everything from "meet a fae" to "aquire a poncho for every occasion" on it. Also she always wears over-the-top stuff like extremely bright outfits and excessive jewelry (one time she picked up an earring from off the ground and started wearing it, and was warned that she'd probably get an ear infection from it, but she didn't listen even when her ear started to hurt, and then it turned out that the earring was a mimic and now she secretly keeps it in a tiny box and feeds it scraps, but her ear is torn now). She's the type of person to use Disguise Self for absolutely no productive reason, and then have to explain herself to the rest of the group. I love her.
The DM's character is a dragonborn paladin(?) who is usually the level-headed one of the group, unless he starts talking about his god, and then he just won't shut up about how his god is the best god. The DM really likes to twist the rules in his character's favor, and we just kinda go with it because it's fun and means we can focus on having a good time. Also he has a pet dinosaur for some reason but literally the only thing it's done so far was carry me on it's back so we could all escape a dungeon.
I don't really remember the dungeon that well, but I remember that it started with my character trying to pickpocket the other two in a bar, we all got asked to rescue an npc's thing from some orcs or goblins or something, my character almost died to a rug (twice), we carefully navigated around some gelatinous slimes (not before I attempted to take some shiny things that were in a slime), we found out that the orcs/goblins/something had been killed by some tunneling creatures, we kidnapped one of the baby tunneling creatures because everyone thought it was cute, and then we all had to escape from the rest of them. I'm pretty sure when we returned to the npc, we were like "here's your mystical artifact back" and he went "what the heck is that" and we were like "your thingy" and the npc just looked at it and went "no, no, i lost my brush, not that" and we were all confused, and the npc had to explain the importance of this brush. And I don't remember if any of us had grabbed it earlier, but we sure as hell didn't go back for it. Literally the only reason anyone on our team does anything is for amusement, for money, or because "it's what my wonderful, glorious god would want."
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