#that was a subtle dig an acknowledgement that no one person can be perfect LOL
patrice-bergerons · 2 years
fire emoji about SPREADSHEETS
Miss Lemonistas you don't know what you have done 😂 So here, have 3.5 wholeass opinions about spreadsheets-
Merging cells (especially across two or more columns) is a capital sin that should be punishable by death. It messes up formulas, it makes it very difficult to select the data properly, it breaks the fabric of the spreadsheet itself and it is so wholly unneccessary, when you can instead select the cells you were going to merge, right click > format cells > alignment (tab) > select "Center Across Selection" under the Horizontal menu to make the content look centered without merging them like a caveman 😤
The other issue I run into the most often with junior employees is that sometimes they will just hardcode their values into exhibits which makes me go, GIRL did these numbers spring wholly formed from your mother's womb? where are they coming from?? you gotta display them calculations and vlookup (or index/match) your data from a source tab so whoever opens your file can see what you've done without having to read your mind!!
Lastly - and this one is niche - when I started on the job, I was raised to always use index/match to lookup data but actually vlookup is perfectly serviceable and easier as long as your lookup id is on the leftmost column of the source tab. There is no need to make life unneccessarily difficult lol
And then: it takes a real chaos merchant to use Georgia in a spreadsheet. We have one school in the firm which does this and every time I have to interact with their spreadsheets with the numbers drunkenly stumbling all over the place I lose a year of my life.
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okayoonoh · 5 years
clumsy joy
“This clumsy little joy that giggles oh so brightly in his arms makes everything that pains him worth it.”
- PAIRING: johnny seo x reader - GENRE: cute, tooth rotting, family fluff - RATING: E for everyone - WORD COUNT: 3,284 - WARNINGS: other than the possible heart attacks of imagining johnny seo as a dad? no warnings whatsoever
a/n : i wanted to take a quick break from writing the descriptions of the kids because i’ve been writing so many descriptions, i need to take a sec to keep things original lol 
also! here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! i hope you guys like this little scenario :)
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Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Johnny thanks the staff that helped him get all the way upstairs with all of his stuff.
He just finished a tour with his group, equally rewarding, equally hectic. Don’t get him wrong, Johnny loves his group: his fans, his music, his members, but sometimes, the hectic life of an idol is too much for him. Sometimes, NCT’S Johnny just wants to be Johnny Seo: husband and father of three beautiful children. 
He takes out his keys, a smile on his face. He’s excited; after 3 months of only seeing you, his lovely wife, and his adorable little children through a screen, he’s excited to finally see them in person.
He steps inside, completely ready to hear the natural noisiness of his family, but a beat of silence rushes over him instead. He checks his phone, 2:30 PM. 
Oh, Noah and Leo are still at school.
Only a couple lights throughout the house were lit, the gentle buzz of the A/C hums in the background. He walks towards the living room, about to call out your name to see if you’re home. He stops right before he does though, glad he stopped when he did. His heart flutters at the sight he sees in the messy living room: you asleep on the couch with your daughter sleeping on your chest. Her fist is clenched near her mouth, drool leaking out of her mouth onto your shirt. Her long lashes rest against her cheeks, her nose, which resembles your own, sings a sweet whistle displaying the life within her lungs, her chubby cheeks squished up against your chest, moving up in down in a calm pattern. Your hand rested on her back, reassuring your daughter that you were there. 
Everything about this moment in time is perfect in Johnny’s eyes.
He takes out his phone from his back pocket, snapping a quick picture of his two girls. He leans over, kisses your temple, kisses his daughter’s head, then heads off to your room to unpack. Of course he wanted nothing more than to spend quality time with his two girls, but he also knew that waking the two of you mid-nap is basically a death sentence. 
Besides, he has two boys who’ll be home in less than an hour. Johnny waited for 3 months to see his family, he doesn’t mind waiting another hour.
“Mom! I’m home! Kaleb is here, too!”
You jolt awake to the sound of your oldest son, Noah, opening the door. You feel the little sleepy Luna on your chest begin to stir, but you shush her and lull her back to sleep. You yawn as you gently move her to the little tent sitting on the side of the living room that Johnny set up for the kids, pulling her favorite blanket over her as she remains asleep.
You walk over to your son and his best friend, greeting the both of them. “Hey you two! How was school?”
Noah and Kaleb both give you a hug, “It was fine. We played soccer today and they put Kaleb and I on separate teams.”
“I won, Auntie!” Kaleb beams with pride, a wide smile on his face. You smooth over his long hair, smiling down at the happy kid.
“Good job, Kaleb! I’m sure your dad is going to be very proud of you!” Kaleb giggles at your praise while Noah rolls his eyes on the side.
“You totally cheated though!” Noah crosses his arms. 
“Are we seriously still on this?”
“Yes! Last time I checked, when the ball goes out of the line, it’s out.”
“It didn’t even go out of the line though!”
You chuckle under your breath with how far this little argument is escalating. Kaleb and Noah’s dynamic is just like their fathers, even down to the smallest details. 
You lower your voice to a whisper, acknowledging the sleeping toddler in the side of the living room. “Alright alright, you boys can settle it on another game of soccer later, but right now, you have to be very quiet. Luna is still asleep, okay?”
Noah and Kaleb nod at your request, immediately lowering their volume as they still argue about who truly won. Both boys decide to let bygones be bygones, knowing that their science project is way more important than this argument. 
“Kaleb and I need to finish up our science project. Is it okay if we move to the kitchen after we prepare everything?” Noah asks. 
You nod, “Just as long as you guys clean up when you’re done. I’ll go ahead and make you guys some snacks for now.”
Noah then whispers to you, “Okay! Thanks, momma. Oh, by the way, is appa home? I thought I saw his shoes…”
“I’m not sure, is appa home?” a voice whispers from behind you.
Noah, Kaleb, and you all turn around to the source of that voice. Johnny stands behind you, a wide grin on his face. Your heart jumps as you return that smile, hugging the tall man. Noah then runs, hugging his father. You are a little confused: last time you talked with your husband, he said that his flight won’t land until late at night. The fact that he’s standing in front of you is genuinely a serendipitous surprise.
“I thought you weren’t coming home until--”
“--My flight left earlier than expected. I got here like an hour ago.” He replies, his wide smile still plastered on his face.
“An hour ago?” You gape, “I’ve been home since then… I’m so sorry, how did I not notice you?”
“You and Luna were both out. Don’t worry about it; it was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
You all break away from the hug, then Johnny squats down to his son's height. Noah smiles at his dad as Johnny holds his face in his hands, giving him a big kiss on the top of his head. 
“You’ve grown so much, Noah!”
Noah giggles at his dad, wrapping his arms around his neck, giving him another hug.
Kaleb then walks over, greeting the tall man, “Hello Uncle!”
Johnny gives him a hug as well, “Hey Kaleb! How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well,” he replies, “My dad is having a little bit of a hard time with Shawn and Aria, but with mom’s help, he’s just fine.”
“I bet. Do you like being an older brother?”
Kaleb doesn’t miss a beat, “I like being able to tell Shawn what to do. Aria is still too little and she doesn’t understand me. But Shawn listens.”
You and Johnny laugh at his response. Kaleb is definitely Ten’s son. The two boys then excuse themselves and head over to Noah’s room.
You head off towards the kitchen, making the snacks you promised as Johnny crawls into the tent his sleepy daughter rests in. She starts to get a little fussy in her sleep, Johnny shushes her gently and smooths over her growing hair. He then finds a pacifier resting on the table right outside of the tent, putting it inside of her mouth. She falls asleep peacefully again. Johnny could watch his daughter for hours and he would, but then again, he is a bit peckish and his loving wife is in the kitchen. He stands up and with long strides he easily reaches you while you work, chopping away on some carrots.
He digs his head into your shoulder, placing a heavy kiss on your cheek. “I’ve missed you.” 
You gently place the knife down and smooth your hands over his arms, relaxing into his embrace. “I’ve missed you, too.”
“Europe was fun, but almost everything I saw reminded me of you and the kids… speaking of, where’s Leo? I thought he was coming home with Noah?”
You turn around in his arms, looping your arms around his neck, “Leo went on a playdate with Jaeseok and Jaehun. I was going to go and pick him up later, but since you’re home now, do you want to?”
“That’s no problem.” He smiles. “I see that Leo has taken up acting now?”
“He spent one afternoon with the twins and they watched their Uncle Renjun in his drama once and now they want to dedicate their lives to it. I’ve been looking into some auditions for some commercials for him and he seems pretty excited for all of it.” You look up as you list all ideas you’ve been thinking of to help out your second son. Johnny gives you a smile filled with pride.
“Really?” he exclaims, “That’s so exciting!”
You nod, now digging your head in his chest. You missed this, feeling safe and secure in the arms of your husband. He presses a long kiss the top of your head, taking in a deep breath. 
“What time does he need to be picked up?” He says, breaking the silence.
“Around 5:30. He’ll definitely be excited to see his dad.” you squeeze him one last time then he lets go, you go back to finish snacks you promised for your boys. 
Johnny’s ears perk at the sound of Noah and Kaleb leaving Noah’s room, arguing again about Kaleb’s win as they head to the table, laying out all of their equipment to work on their science project together. He takes a step back to look at this one point in his life. He’s happy.
“Dad… dad, wake up, this is the best part!”
Johnny takes in a quick breath, feeling a tiny but mighty shake on his left arm. He wakes up from his 2-minute micro nap, attempting to take in what he’s missed. Leo sits on his left, Luna gnawing on a cracker to his right, Noah and Kaleb sit at the dining table working diligently together and you’re in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Leo watches the screen with intensity, seemingly trying to take in every subtle detail in the acting on screen. Luna watches too, but she definitely takes more interest in her cracker than the handsome man on the screen.
Johnny rests his hand on his son’s head, “Do you want to be an actor when you grown up?”
Leo looks up at his dad, his big eyes full of excitement. “Yes! Jaeseok and Jaehun want to join me too! They said that we'll be the best in the world! That’s why I want to study up, I don’t want to miss anything the professionals say!”
“Well, the best way to learn acting is to watch it,” Johnny smiles, “I also need to study up to improve my acting too, I’ll study with you!”
Leo returns his father’s smile with one almost identical to Johnny’s own, excited to have his father’s support in this. 
Luna looks at her big brother and her father, chewing the last bits of her cracker. She then huffs, she wants to be on the ground so she can work on her newfound ability of crawling and standing up on her own. She cooes and raises her arms, which catches Johnny’s attention. He then picks up his little one, placing her on his lap. She huffs again; this isn’t what she meant. She wants down, not up. Luna attempts to wiggle out of his grasp, frustrated that she can’t vocalize what she wants. 
“Oh, you want down?” Johnny asks his youngest. Yes, appa. She wants down. He then helps her to the ground, keeping an eye on her to make sure this is what she really wanted.
Her fussing ceased as she crawled around on the padded floor, heading straight towards the tent to grab her favorite toy. Johnny and Leo both bring their attention back to the drama, letting Luna play on her own for a little bit. 
Luna enjoys each and every single one of her toys, from her brother’s old trucks and dinosaurs to her very own plushies. She decides to occupy herself with her current favorite toy: her red soft chewing circle. Almost all of her teeth have grown in, but her insatiable hunger constantly needs her to at least chew on something. She grabbed the toy and crawled her way back in front of the TV, now gnawing on the red circle rather than her cracker. This will have to do for now.
She looks up at the people trapped behind the screen. She can’t really understand what they are saying and she doesn’t understand why they are not dancing in colorful costumes. As quickly as she gained interest in this drama, she lost it. Luna decides that now is as best time as ever to practice her newfound skills.
She drops her toy. It’s now or never. She leans forward until her palms hit the ground, she huffs again, putting all of her might in this motion.
She adjusts, planting her sock clad feet on the padded surface and takes a final mighty push up, taking her stand. It’s a little wobbly, but she did it, she’s up on two legs. She stands for a mere beat more, but then the strength of her legs can no longer hold her up as she falls on her diaper covered bum. She giggles, enjoying her small accomplishment.
No one notices Luna do her thing; Johnny and Leo focus the drama, Kaleb and Noah work on their project, you working hard to make sure the house doesn’t burn down. Luna doesn’t mind, she knows that everyone in this house already witnessed her do this before. It’s the next stage that she wants her family to acknowledge.
She’s happy, but not satisfied. She knows she can do more. Luna wants to take her skill a step further. She readies herself, preparing everything so she can successfully stand up.
Step one: standing. Complete.
She balances with determination; she can’t fall. It takes too much energy to fall and reset, she must keep pushing with elegance and poise. 
She then moves her right foot, stomping in the motion she watches everyone in her life move with. Okay, that wasn’t so bad. She does it again, but she slips, her balance gone.
This fall was louder than the previous, catching the attention of her father.
“Oh no, Luna,” Johnny coos, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry dad. Luna likes to stand up on her own and fall on her butt. It’s her new favorite game.” Leo informs his father, his eyes never leaving the screen. Johnny nods, then turns his attention back to the drama.
She’s fine. She’s okay. Sympathy is not what Luna needs right now. What she needs right now is a break, so she can gather up her strength and go again.
Okay. It’s go time. This is the one. Luna will take her first steps tonight.
She repeats the process and stands mighty and tall, this time easier than the other times. She stomps her right foot; easy peasy. She presses her weight on her right, balancing herself out.
“Hey, I’m gonna grab my water, I left it in your room,” Kaleb says, standing from his seat. Noah nods, too invested in coloring the water droplets for their water cycle project.
Kaleb begins walking towards Noah’s room, passing by the living room where Leo and Johnny watch their drama. The TV grabs his attention first, but a small, wobbly thing moves in his peripherals, causing him to look towards the foreign thing in his vision. He sees Luna on the ground, wobbling back and forth, but on two legs?
He looks at Johnny and Leo on the couch, trying to see if they notice this two but both of their attention is on the screen, captivated by the actor’s performance. 
Is this Luna taking her first steps? Surely Noah would have told Kaleb about this milestone, but Kaleb can’t recall Noah even mentioning anything like this. He watches Luna again, seeing her lean too far to the left. He rushes over to her, catching her before she falls. He squats behind the toddler, his hands hovering on her sides just in case she loses her balance again.
“Uh… Uncle Johnny…” Kaleb starts, uncertain with this entire situation. Luna still marches on, or at least, tries to. “I think Luna is taking her first steps.”
Everyone’s attention is now on Kaleb and Luna, Kaleb steadying Luna again as she starts to lose balance, this time, to the right side. Her arms grab onto his hands as she steadies herself, determination fills her features. She is sure as heck not giving up, but she’s glad she has assistance now.
Johnny audibly gasps and rushes over to Luna and Kaleb, stepping a little further from Luna, expanding his arms.
“Babe! Come here! Luna’s walking!” He exclaims to you, excitement prevalent in his voice. “Come here Luna, walk towards appa!”
Luna giggles. Yes! Of course! This is the exact determination she needs! Her arms spread wide as she waddles towards the outstretched arms of her father. 
As realization hits, you quickly turn off the stove and run towards the living room, Noah trailing behind you. Leo and Noah stand to the sides of Luna, both helping Kaleb steady her. You kneel beside Johnny, clapping and cheering on your daughter.
“You can do it, Luna! Go to appa!” you cheer. Luna giggles again, stumbling to the side. Leo catches her and helps her steady herself.
“Don’t worry, Luna! We’ll catch you if you fall! Keep going, you can make it to appa!” Leo says to his baby sister. She grunts in agreement. This has to be the one. She knows that she’ll get there eventually. But, Luna lives in the fast lane. What she’s doing right now is far too slow for her. And frankly, Luna knows that she will waste all her energy if she continues it at this pace. She knows there’s only one thing left that she can do.
With all of her remaining strength, she sets out to do what she sees her brothers do every single day. She suddenly moves her feet in a faster motion, using every last ounce of her strength to land in the comforting arms of her father. The boys are caught off guard, being left behind by the determined toddler. They quickly catch up to her, their hands ready, again, to catch her if she falls.
She clumsily runs (more like stumbles) towards her dad and right before she falls, her father reaches over and scoops her up, standing up and tossing her in the air.
“You did it Luna! You took your first steps!!” he cheers, tossing and catching her. You and the boys clap and cheer on the side, all so happy to witness this milestone.
Cheers are yelled from everyone in the house, everyone so proud of the youngest member in this household. Everyone is jumping with joy, all eyes on Luna. She giggles. Luna knows that soon, she’ll be running alongside her brothers, now able to keep up with them. Johnny brings her down and gives her head a million kisses. His heart is so full with happiness and joy.
Moments like these are what Johnny lives for, what makes him work harder with every new comeback and performance, because he knows that at the end, he’ll come home to this, his true happiness. This clumsy little joy that giggles oh so brightly in his arms makes everything that pains him worth it. Every late night, sore muscle, lost voice, everything. 
His life may be loud and busy but he is sure as heck he wouldn’t trade it for anything. This clumsy joy that everyone in his life gives him is really what he pushes for.
He’s happy, he’s satisfied, and he can’t wait to see what comes next.
johnny would really be one of the sweetest dads :,)
i wanted to take a little break with the descriptions and have a scenario out there!
now since i have more kids described and stuff, i will start to write more scenarios! the second i have a complete group, i’ll write a scenario with that completed generation :)
oh and i’ll also make a list with all of the kids with their bdays (i honestly just chose random dates lol) and which generation they belong in as well as a chart with who their best friends are! 
last thing! requests are open! you can request anything and everything under the sun; it doesn’t have to be related to nct with their families (but i’m totally down to write more scenarios about this) and i’m don’t mind tagging people if you want to stay updated every time i add to this growing series!
i hope you guys liked it! let me know what you thought or if you wanna just come by and chat, i’d love to make new friends!
- amy <3
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bisluthq · 4 years
I mean, again, she said exactly that through Aaron: it’s not what the song is about but it’s great to see those interpretations. She didn’t do a single interview for folklore, she was silent for months, she only appeared when she needed to receive an award/promote something. If she didn’t intervene in the Ginny situation (which was WAYYYYY more widespread than the doxxing one, although not worse) she wasn’t doing to intervene in the betty one.
Her fans are always attacking people, being racist, being homophobic and bullying other fans/artists, and she never says anything. Wanting her to speak out for the betty doxxing is wishful thinking. I personally think she should intervene more often, but she didn’t get to be this successful and to have this many fans by policing them and criticizing them or calling them out when they’re being homophobic/racist/disrespectful.
And about the art... we cannot have it both ways hahah. We cannot accuse her of baiting and then ask her to recognize a sapphic interpretation of a song or to make it somehow “official” through Taylor Nation
Either she’s straight and she learnt from her YNTCD/ME! “mistake”, or she’s bi and, again, she learnt that she needs to be more subtle if she wants to hint at the fact that she’s queer without coming out (e.g. not talk about official sapphic interpretations, but still have some sapphic lyrics).
I think it’s the opposite if she’s straight she should’ve acknowledged it.
Like that’s allyship.
It’s not baiting.
The ambiguity - and her lack of interest in addressing it - is what’s problematic to me.
She could say “lol oopsie my straight ass boyfriend and my own straight ass accidentally wrote a lesbian anthem lmao that’s not what we meant but as allies to the queer community we dig that that’s what they heard! James is a 17 year old boy in our minds but if someone pictures a girl that’s awesome - music is so universal! #Swiftwyn4GayBetty” - obvi being facetious but you get my drift.
Instead she gave ammo to the homophobes.
And yeah I know she’s never gonna fetch her stans but that’s very frustrating. She’s not perfect and I don’t expect her to be but I wish she’d try a bit harder with regards to sorting out her fandom.
Something like what Harry did with his TPWK shtick.
I know she won’t but yes I can wish lol.
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rosesformark · 5 years
allure - mark lee : [02]
genre: angst, fluff, college au, fratboy!mark
pairing: mark lee x reader
word count: 5.7k
synopsis: attention and affection, the things he thrived off and wanted most in the world. but would it be at the expense of the one he loves most?
A/N: hi guys! part 2 of allure is finally up hehe :) it was honestly really fun writing when oc and mark met but i didn’t expect for it to end up so long LOL it’s the part in italics which is basically a flashback,, i was going to start the party scene here but i wanted to break up the parts so it’ll be in part 3. hope you guys enjoy the story so far because it’ll get angsty in the later parts :) and i just realized that my fic photo isn’t black haired mark but o well LOL might change later,,, 
also, quick question! are any of you guys going to neocity? :0
*special thank you to @nctmrkl99 and @whatmarklee for the lov and support hehe, you guys ultimately gave me the motivation to post this!! uwu*
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MAR. 27, 2019
[2:31 PM]
“I don’t know, I kinda just find it interesting that you guys talk in the first place? You were really close to each other and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought–”
“Soo. Cut it out, we’re just acquaintances.”
You didn’t even bother looking up at Kyungsoo’s accusing eyes as you focused on scribbling the notes from the lecture. He realized that you weren’t going to give him the answer he was looking for and slumped in his seat. It took him exactly four seconds for him to spring back up and made it a point to come closer to your calm figure next to him.
“I heard there’s a party going on at his frat today–”
“There’s a party practically everyday, Soo.”
He narrowed his eyes at your interruption and continued to speak, ignoring your retort, “Are you planning on going?”
You let out a sigh and finally looked up at his eager eyes, settling your aching hand from taking notes down and turning slightly in your seat towards him. You didn’t know why he was being so curious all of the sudden, especially parties. Parties and Kyungsoo don’t mix. You knew he was trying to provoke a reaction out of you and weren’t letting up.
You gave him a look as you held eye contact with him, seeing just how curious he was being. A couple seconds passed between you two as the professor’s rambling voice reminded you of the notes you had to take. You turned back towards your paper and sighed, “Even if I planned on going, it wouldn’t be for him.”
“So you are going.”
Kyungsoo’s voice turned more accusatory if that was even possible. It made the guilt from not telling him of your relationship with Mark arise again but you quickly swallowed it down, ignoring the ball in your throat.
“Yes, Soo, I am going. I’m a sophomore in college, why can’t I go to frat parties? They’re fun”
“You never bothered going to parties before.”
“I did, you just never saw me going to one.”
It was true, even before meeting Mark, you went to frat parties with your other friends. You knew that Kyungsoo more often than not preferred to stay in to study so you never bothered asking him to go to one.
You didn’t realize that your tone slowly became more exasperated as Kyungsoo let out a heavy sigh, glare turning into a subtle pout. When you say subtle, you mean subtle. Kyungsoo was known for a lot of things, but adorable was not it, excluding towards you, his best friend.
“Y/N, I’m not trying to interrogate you, okay? It’s just that, you know that I don’t like Mark and I don’t want you to get hurt. Friendship or not”
Oh, there goes the guilt coming up again.
You slowly looked up to his eyes again, this time they were softer and you could see the protectiveness in them. You didn’t understand why he didn’t like Mark so much, whenever you tried bringing it up he would always change the subject. Assuming that it’s a sensitive topic, you never pressured him but your curiosity never faded. You felt the twinge of guilt hit your heart as the reminder that you’re lying to your best friend flashes through your mind right next to his pout.
You treaded lightly with your next words, “Soo… Underneath his little act, Mark’s a nice guy. Why not give him a chance?”
A shadow passed through his face as he chose to stay silent and wordlessly turned towards the front, successfully ending the conversation. Your shoulders sagged a little at his lack of response. In a perfect world, your best friend would approve and get along with the guy you liked. Sadly, that was not the case for you and your mood turned almost sour as the silence dragged on and enveloped the both of you.
No words were exchanged during the rest of the lecture and the slight tenseness was smothering you. You ached to break the tension but one look at Soo’s blank face made you turn back towards your notes until the lecture was finally over and both of you started packing up.
You smiled a little seeing how Kyungsoo still decided to wait for you even though he was peeved. He patiently waited at the corner of your desk as you packed up the last of your pens and highlighters, then hoisted your backpack onto your shoulder.
Loud chattering broke your focus from Soo as your eyes drifted towards the noise. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Mark boisterously walk into the lecture hall, gaining the attention of others who immediately greeted the most popular boy on campus.
No matter where he went Mark always had the attention on him, mostly in a positive way. He outshined others with his personality, academics, and charm and that ultimately had boosted his confidence and how he interacted with others. He was like a star, drawing in others with merely just his presence and successfully capturing their attention.
Just like how he did with you.
Your eyes lingered on him as he strided up to his group, waiting for all of them to head out and grab lunch. You couldn’t take your eyes off on the way he shone, the way he grinned and talked with multiple people with ease. It was fascinating seeing him in his social zone.
Kyungsoo’s impatient, but gentle, shove broke you out of your trance and you wordlessly started walking down the stairs and towards the door. Your cheeks burned at the fact that Soo clearly caught you staring at Mark but you couldn’t help but take another glance.
There was a familiar tug at your heart as you saw a smirking Mark swing an arm around a girl’s shoulder, you recognized her as Jisoo, one of the girls in his designated group. The action could’ve been seen as friendly but the way Jisoo blushed and leaned her head on his shoulder proved otherwise.
It was a friendly gesture, you told yourself.
Just a friendly gesture.
Even as your eyes started looking a little more sad, you continued walking at the same pace, not wanting to draw attention and cause traffic. However, your efforts were futile as the guy walking in front of you suddenly stopped walking to greet Mark, making you smack in the middle of his back. For a second, your textbook dug harshly into his back making him yelp unnecessarily loud out of pain.
His whole body indicated heavy annoyance as he was prepared to turn around and snap at you for not paying attention (Even though it was his fault for stopping out of nowhere). Before he noticed you though, Mark clapped him on the shoulder and greeted him loudly, shifting the boy’s attention from the pain to the man of the hour (or year).
You didn’t get a chance to see Mark as Kyungsoo swiftly maneuvered you around their interaction and towards your escape from the wild beast. You internally thanked Kyungsoo for thinking ahead of you but you longed to look at the boy that you were infatuated with. Kyungsoo showed no signs of stopping so right before walking out, you peered over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of him. You blushed yet again as you caught Mark already looking at you and smiling softly in your direction. Upon noticing your attention, his smile turned into a grin as he dropped his left eye into a wink then turned back to his friends. Just from that little acknowledgment, your body heated up in happiness and you smiled softly to yourself. Not being able to interact him in public made the small gestures mean even more to you. You knew it was borderline dangerous but Mark made feeling things so easy that you found yourself not caring that you were digging your own hole deeper and deeper.
He made falling in love too easy.
“...party with you.”
Kyungsoo’s voice startled you from your train of thought as you looked up at him as both of you made your way to the campus dining hall.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
Kyungsoo’s eyes turned towards you and for the first time in a while, you couldn’t read his expression. It was like a mix between comprehension and worry, making you feel uneased underneath his gaze.
“I said, I’m going to the party with you.”
Surprise was shown on your face as you opened your mouth to question him, though he beat you to your own question.
“As you said, I’m a sophomore, why can’t I enjoy my college life while I can and go to a frat party to have fun?”
You narrowed your eyes at his retort and reference to your previous words. It felt sketchy, Kyungsoo wanting to go to a party, it made the uneasiness settle even deeper. He continued staring straight ahead as your skepticalness was showing so long as he was deliberately avoiding eye contact.
After a couple of seconds, it didn’t make you feel any better when he followed up with, “Besides, I’m your best friend, we should be partying together, don’t you think so?”
NOV. 15, 2018
[11:07 PM]
As you entered the bass filled house, the smell of alcohol mixed with pineapple flavoured vape immediately hit your nose. Your group of friends surrounding you erupted in cheers at the lively atmosphere and bee-lined for the dance floor, pulling along your laughing figure as a familiar song came on and your body danced to the beat.
You were in the middle of the dance floor as beams of light kept hitting everyone at different angles. Everyone besides you were either swaying side to side or getting it down with their partners. At first you were a bit stiff and nervous, seeing as this was your (along with your friends) first frat party, you wanted to watch yourself. But naturally, your body started moving along to the music and it made you feel less tense and anxious, not even five minutes passed before your skin started prickling with sweat and your heart was beating with adrenaline. You grinned at your friends having the time of their lives and motioned to them that you were going to the kitchen for a drink, expecting them to follow along.
Halfway towards the kitchen, you turned back and realized that your friends were in fact not following you and you were by yourself. Your body stiffened with nervousness and your confidence dwindled a bit as the area around suddenly became so much smaller. Pushing your nervousness aside, you continued your trek in getting a drink because you were at the point of dehydration where you could feel yourself passing out any minute.
Entering the kitchen, you scrunch your nose in disgust at the sight of at least three couples heavily making out. One pair was going at it in front of the fridge, where you assume the drinks would be. You were about to tap on the guy’s shoulder when his partner suddenly flipped them around and aggressively attacked his neck. Your eyes widened in slight shock and that’s when you decided to pivot on your heel and out into the hallway again.
Maybe there was a water cooler somewhere else, you thought. You’d go through hell and back before interrupting a couple on the verge of practically doing the nasties right then and there in the kitchen.
The dim lighting in the house was obscuring your vision as you made your way around the house. You didn’t notice a sudden hand reaching out and tugging your wrist into a separate room. You yelped in surprise as the door slammed shut and whipped around in defense mode, heart going a hundred miles per hour.
Your eyes met with one of your friends that you came to the party with, body relaxing just a tiny bit as you gave Eun-ji a questioning gaze. You noticed her eyes were a bit hazy as she was leaning more than she should on a boy standing next to her.
“Y/N! We were about to play a game and I saw you walking by! C’mon, we need one more girl playing.” Eun-ji didn’t give you a chance to reply as she dragged you towards the circle of people in the middle, plopping you down on the couch right next to her. You grabbed both her shoulders before she could pull away and looked into her eyes in worry. Her face was extremely flushed as she playfully pushed away your hands despite your protests.
Your eyes darted to the boy she was leaning on before and saw him passing a blunt to her lips. She graciously took in a breath and giggled at your worried expression.
“Y/N I’m fine! Loosen up a little, here! By the way, this is Johnny.”
She passed you a red solo cup and you winced at the amount of vodka sloshing around in it. You’ve drank before but with your friend clearly intoxicated, you didn’t want to risk being out of it too in case something happened.
You also just felt extremely uncomfortable in this setting and it was putting off your mood to party.
Eun-ji kept on giggling as her attention focused on the boy you supposed was Johnny as he smirked at her attention and started whispering in her ear, with her shamelessly responding to his flirtatious actions and feeling around his chest.
You took a moment to finally scan your surroundings, the bass from the living room was slightly muffled from the closed door and there was a machine in the corner that caused beams of lights to bounce off the walls that mimicked the ones in the living room. There were, you estimated, 15 people scattered in the room, with an equal ratio of girls to guys.
That was when you recognized one by one that the guys in the room were in fact the group of boys hosting said party you were in. You didn’t know them too well but from what you’ve heard, they never failed to throw the biggest parties and have quite the experience with girls, especially Mark, the guy who ran the whole frat. You thought you’ve never seen any of them before but a couple faces you recognized, Donghyuck and maybe, what was it, Jeno? Most of them were paired up with another girl and were flirting up a storm, except for one black haired boy that stood up and started gathering everyone’s attention.
You did a double-take as even in the poor lighting you could tell the guy was extremely attractive. He was clad in a black, floral button up with multiple necklaces hung around his neck, hair parted slightly to the side and swept in with a comma look.You could tell he was the most sobered up one out of everyone as his eyes darted around with clear intent and no haziness detected.
Well, maybe a little but you were sure it was from the adrenaline.
He was looking around the room and when his eyes landed on you, you took a sharp breath in. His eyes were intensely looking into yours and even from far-away, you saw that they were glittering and pulling you into their abyss. They were brown, very dark brown, and almost intrusive-like when he eyed you curiously. It was like the whole room stopped and it was just you two there, endlessly staring into each other’s orbs.
You could tell he was equally as affected as you were when he blinked out of his trance and shook his head a bit to gather his thoughts. He followed up with a smirk that made your heart skip a beat and proceeded to turn to the others. You looked around and saw that none of them noticed your little moment and was rather focused on their partner of the night. Attention was immediately drawn to him naturally as he held an air of confidence and poise, the other girls were swooning over him before he even talked and you wondered just who was this guy that held so much power.
“Okay, let’s all gather in a circle and we’ll start”
His voice was husky and you shivered in your spot, heart beating faster and faster when he walked up to the spot next to you and sat down near your feet on the floor. You could only see his hair from your angle and you had to refrain from running your hands through it as it softly bounced up and down when he settled into his spot.
Your attention shifted to a boy across the room who was chugging a half empty bottle down his throat. Everyone around him was cheering as he finished the bottle within seconds and placed it in the middle of the circle. His eyes were wild with intoxication as he grabbed his own solo cup from a table nearby.
“Hey guys, I’m Yuta and before everyone starts making out, let’s all take a shot!”
Bottle? Circle? Making out?
Everyone cheered and raised their cups up and that was when your mind put everything together and realized you stumbled yourself into a game of 7 minutes in heaven. You whipped your head to Eun-ji who pulled you into the game in the first place and saw her happily taking her shot instead, not noticing your glare.
“And I mean, everyone.” Yuta’s voice caught your attention as he made eye contact with you and winked before knocking back his own cup, everyone clearly taking more than one shot.
You looked around nervously as the others were finishing up with their cups and Yuta started going around with a bottle to refill them back up. It’s just a little shot, you thought. Your hands started getting more and more clammy the closer Yuta got to you. Along the chain of refilling cups, Johnny didn’t finish his shot in time which made Yuta pour more than what was in there before, cheering loudly as Johnny was encouraged to chug more and more.
You kept staring at the liquid in the cup, contemplating why you were here in the first place. You felt anxious, pressured, and all things bad. You should’ve known you had to drink at some point and you dreaded the burning feeling you would feel in your throat–
You blinked for one second and realized that you were no longer clenching your cup, feeling someone swiftly snatch it out of your hands.Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion as you looked to your left and saw that the black haired boy next to you grabbed your nearly full cup and shoved his empty one into your hands. He knocked your cup back with ease and experience, not wincing at all at the bitter taste and swiped a lime from a nearby table to suck on just in time for Yuta to come by and refill your cup.
“Took you long enough, princess. Here’s for round two” Yuta winked at you yet again and took the liberty of refiling the cup in your hands back up to the top, repeating the action to the boy next to you.
Yuta moved onto the next person in line as it took you a moment to comprehend what was just happened. The boy next to you just drank for you. He wordlessly took your cup and drank for you when he didn’t even know you. A smile tugged at your lips as your heart warmed at such a genuine action that you couldn’t help but glance at him again.
His eyes were already on yours when you turned and it made your heart skip a beat again. (Damn Y/N, get it together!) Maybe it was the dimmed lights or you were second-hand high but your mind couldn’t help but bring its walls down one by one the longer you stared at him. He was leaning back against the adjacent couch and rested his head in the palm of his hand, lazily drinking the sight of you in and grinning. You were about to ask for his name when Donghyuck(?) interrupted you by going in the middle and explaining the rules of the game.
“Okay, ladies and gents, here’s how it's going down. We’re gonna spin the bottle twice and whoever it lands on gets to have their lucky time in the room out that door.” He stopped and pointed to one of the doors that you assumed lead to another bedroom. He turned back towards the group with a grin, “A twist though! After the bottle is done being spun, the one who got picked first gets to choose whether or not they want to have their 7 minutes in heaven or not. If yes then you have to go in! No excuses, or else whoever refuses has to finish this entire bottle.” Donghyuck smirked and held up the bottle that was used to refill all the cups and you saw that there was well over half left in it.
Your mouth dried at the thought of drinking the rest of it. The chances of you getting picked was low, right? And even then, as long as you were picked first, then it didn’t matter because you would choose no.
Your eyes caught the attention from another boy across the circle. He was staring at you but it wasn’t like the gaze that the boy next to you had, it was sleazy as his eyes raked up and down your figure in an extremely unsettling way. He licked his lips and sent an unflattering wink across the room that had you looking down in embarrassment and discomfort.
“Let’s start!” Donghyuck spun the bottle and the game had officially begun. One by one, people were being chosen by the bottle and so far no one has said no. The first half hour consisted of couples coming out the room together with flustered faces as the sexual tension grew stronger by the minute. Everyone was excited when the bottle landed on them as you assumed it was because everyone in the circle was actually really attractive.
You, on the other hand was just not feeling it. You wanted to have a good time with your friends, not participate in some dumb kissing game that was only an exchange of germs everywhere.
The bottle was spun again as it slowly landed on a girl that you recognized to be a classmate, Jisoo. She was extremely pretty and smiled at everyone as she leaned forward to spin the bottle again, eyes lingering solely on the boy next to you.
You admit that your heart sunk a bit when it actually landed on the boy who has been on your mind for the past hour or so. Jisoo squealed delightfully as she wasted no time in standing up and holding a hand out for him to reach for.
Your heart sunk yet again when you saw him smirk and reach for her fingers. She shamelessly giggled at him as she dragged him towards the room that has been hastily occupied by couple after couple. The last thing you saw before the door closed was Jisoo flinging herself at the boy and attaching her mouth against his. He didn’t hesitate in reciprocating as the door slammed shut and everyone was whooping from outside.
You can’t say that you weren’t disappointed. Hell, you didn’t even know the guy but you thought that there was something spoken between the eye contacts both of you exchanged. Maybe it was just in your mind though, maybe he did that with all the girls he comes across with just to pull them in. You should’ve known better than to actually expect something from a frat boy at a frat party. You couldn’t help it though when your mind kept reeling back to his warm, beautiful, captivating eyes.
7 minutes felt the longest when finally the door opened up and the cheers were heard again as the couple stepped out. The boy’s hair was clearly ruffled and messed with as Jisoo looked even more flustered than ever. Both of them had slightly bruised lips as Jisoo giggled and reached for his hand to hold. It surprised the both of you when he simply ignored her and bee-lined to his spot next to you again, smirking at everyone except for her as she wordlessly took her seat, eyes glancing almost desperately at the boy for eye contact.
You didn’t know what to think, from your angle, you saw many hickies dotting around his jawline so you thought he had enjoyed it. Why did he ignore her like that? A bit of an asshole move if you asked yourself.
Almost as if he could hear you, he turned his heads towards you and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s an asshole move?”
You gasped quietly and brought your hands up to your mouth, realizing that you were voicing the last bit of your thoughts out loud. You stammered out a “nothing” before facing forward and ignoring his prying eyes on the side of your face.
“Okay! Last one before we end this game and go back out to party!” Donghyuck exclaimed. “Mark, would you do the honors?”
The black haired boy reached forward and spun the bottle and your eyes widened. Mark? Head of frat boy Mark? Player Mark? The one that Soo hates Mark? The boy who you were completely infatuated with for the past hour?
Your confused state almost made you miss the fact that the bottle landed on him again and people started cheering for him. He laughed before spinning the bottle again and you shivered at the sound of his deep, breathy laugh.
You were staring at the blue and purple spots on his neck when another round of cheering caused you to look up. You blinked as everyone was staring at you with wide smiles and choruses of “Okay Mark, get it!” echoed around the room. Your eyes darted to the bottle and indeed, it has landed on you.
“No– I, uh, I don’t–” You frantically gestured no with your hands as you felt someone grab them while you were flailing about. Your head whipped to Mark as he pulled up off the couch and lead you inside the room. Your mind was reeling with what was happening and all of the sudden the door closed and you were standing between Mark’s legs as he sat on the bed.
No, you guys weren’t kissing. He was simply staring at you while resting his hands on your hips. Your hands were fidgeting around, not knowing where to place them when Mark grabbed both of them to rest around his neck, then settled back on his spot on your hips again.
In this moment, it felt right. He felt like a missing puzzle piece to your body, fitting in the right places but not in an unsettling way. It was comfortable and his gaze on you made your body burn hot as you subconsciously fiddled with the hair at the nape of his neck.
He was holding your eyes captive again. Why did he have such a strong effect on you?
“We don’t have to do anything, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
Your ears perked up at his deep yet soft words. It was quiet between the two of you, the music in the background barely being heard.
“Then why did you bring me in here? You could’ve said no if you knew I wasn’t going to do anything.”
He stared at you as you spoke, not answering your question but just staring. You thought he was offended so you began pulling away but his grip on your hips tightened and pulled you closer.
“As cheesy as it sounds. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to just stare at you.”
Your cheeks heated up as you shyly looked down. Your thoughts were racing at his statement. So he felt the same way as you? Why was he being so awfully sweet? He didn’t like that you looked away so he used one of his hands to lift your chin up, effectively capturing your gaze again.
“There’s just something about you. If it were up to me, I could just stare at you all day.”
You stared at his lips as he spoke, his tone sounded so sincere, so genuine that you couldn’t help the smile that graced your face as his eyes lighted up at the sight of your beautiful smile, it was breathtaking to him.
He was being so sweet, so unlike his actions towards Jisoo just minutes before. Which reminded you as you darted your eyes towards his neck and saw the hickies littering his skin. You gently brushed your fingers against the marks as you felt goosebumps arise after your touch.
“Very unexpected for the Mark Lee to say, wouldn’t you think so?”
“So you’ve heard about me?” His ears perked up at your question, eyebrows also raising in question. “I hope all good things.”
“Hmm, it depends on how you look at it.” You playfully responded as his lips turned up into a knowing grin. He knew of reputation and clearly wasn’t ashamed of it, in fact it almost seemed as if he embraced it. “Which makes me wonder if you’re just all talk or do you actually mean the things you say.”
His eyes lingered on you as you spoke, like he’s mesmerized by your voice. “Believe me love, when I say that I can’t stop looking at you even if I tried to. I wouldn’t even mind a kiss or two.”
His grin was wide as he said those words and it made you question his intentions again. You guessed your face contorted with disgust as he let out a hearty laugh at your expression.
“I’m just kidding baby, don’t take it so seriously.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t, seeing as you’re excellent with the ladies.”
“But you feel different.”
His words took you by surprise as he said them seriously without hesitation. Your heart stuttered at his next words, “I feel so many things when I look at you. It’s like I’m floating high above the ground but at the same time, I’m grounded.” He whispered the words into existence as he tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “I don’t even know you and you make me feel this way. Crazy, right?”
Crazy enough that you felt the exact same way with him. Though, you didn’t voice this out loud. You stared at his glinting eyes, his eyes that showed no signs of joking and just pure adoration. From the bruised lips to the high cheekbones that showed when he smiled, he was breathtaking in every way possible and you couldn’t look away. His black hair melded into the darkness as you finally reached up to run your fingers through it. He sighed in content as his whole being relaxed in your arms and the moment was so peaceful, you would give anything to not break it.
Sadly enough, a round of knocks interrupted your moment as Donghyuck’s impatient voice shouted through the door, “Hey! Your 7 minutes passed like 5 minutes ago, quit your nasties and come out so we can all have a final shot!”
You pouted at the moment broken as you unwillingly pulled away from Mark as he stood up from his spot. His eyes looked a little hazed out of nowhere and he seemed discontent to move away.
Nevertheless, he gave you a smile and said, “I’ll drink your shot if you’d like.”
You chuckled, “No thanks, I’ll just leave before he can give me one.”
“Like that’ll work.” He playfully rolled his eyes as you smiled at his teasing tone. “I didn’t even get a thank you.”
Maybe it was because the moment was too perfect that you didn’t want to break the chemistry both of you had, or maybe it was the fact that he was being so unlike all the rumors you heard of him. You knew for a fact that it wasn’t the alcohol talking since you didn’t drink at all but you really weren’t sure what compelled you to reach up on your tiptoes and press a soft kiss to his lips.
He froze at your action as his whole body stiffened at the unexpected contact. It wasn’t a crazy or intrusive kiss but it had the effect of seeing stars and fireworks behind your eyes. It was a small, slight peck compared to the aggressive one Jisoo had delivered before that you chuckled a bit at his confusion of such an innocent kiss. You pulled away with a smile to catch him still closing his eyes and you internally cooed at such an adorable sight.
“Thank you, Mark” You whispered as you saw a visible shiver run through his body at the sound of your voice. You wholeheartedly smiled before turning towards the door.
You were about twist open the knob before he tugged you back by the wrist and frantically spoke out, breathlessly, “Wait, I didn’t even get your name?”
You looked back and he seemed so adorable and flustered in the moment that you couldn’t believe that this man was the head of his frat. His walls were down as his eyes displayed a sort of desperateness to it and you knew this feeling was unfamiliar to him.
“Maybe I’ll tell you the next time we talk.” You smiled after your response and just as you saw the protests coming out of his mouth, you slipped out of the door and away from the prying questions from the others. You felt Jisoo’s eyes lingering on you as you walked towards the door. Ignoring the other’s protests from walking out on them, you exited and went back into the bass filled living room.
Throughout the whole night and even before the both of you fell asleep, a smile was set on both yours and Mark’s face as you longed to see one another again, to shamelessly fall in each other’s abyss without a care in the world.
111 notes · View notes
msbeccieboo · 6 years
Arrow 7x14 brain dump
I loved this episode!!  I think I hadn’t really hyped it up too much in my mind so that undoubtedly helped, and sure, there was a lot of superfluous shit, but I feel like I just have to come to terms with that now, and overall it delivered on some areas I’d hoped it to, and also in lots that I hadn’t expected it to!  As always, succinctness is not my speciality, and I think this one is at an all-time record length (*titters*), so get comfortable…
SHE TOLD HIMMMMM!!!!  I think that was just my minimum requirement for the episode, which is probably why I ended up loving it; we got lots more than that!!  Olicity didn’t get as much air time as I would have liked for the episode immediately following the Olicity Baby Reveal, but I think the episode delivered quality, where quantity was definitely lacking.
I loved the parallel of Felicity’s nightmare with Oliver’s from 7x01 respectively.  In the first half of the episode we could see that she still was doubting herself and her ability to keep the baby safe, which although wasn’t stated explicitly, was clear to me at least, and I am so glad we saw that and not just immediate baby-bliss.  This lead into poor Oliver trying and failing to get in touch with William 😭 by filling up his answering machine (to which we later find FF William discovering an answer machine-style cassette…subtle as ever there arrow writers).
The next time we saw Olicity was in an OTA scene (at long last), which I will delve into later, but special mention to Oliver’s little Felicity Smile™ when she cracks her OTA joke 😍.
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Continued under the cut
The most wonderful Olicity scene for me wasn’t the big reveal, but the sofa scene.  I loved this so so much.  For the first time, Oliver really acknowledged Felicity’s pain from when he was in prison, and acknowledged that he hadn’t acknowledged it haha.  This in and of itself made me tear up…Oliver the GROWTH 😭😭  
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But then he continued!!  He told Felicity that he thought there was a better way than killing Diaz, but that he had no right to make that call for her.  He would back any move of hers and have her back “no.matter.what” *ugly crying*. 
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Furthermore, he wants her to make her choice so she can get closure on Diaz, allowing Olicity to move forward!!!
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This recognition and support are what Felicity has needed from Oliver for months!!  He has likely only just been able to come to these realisations himself recently, after dealing with his own crap, and losing William etc, but he came to them on his own, before knowing about the baby and knowing he would have to ‘do better’.  He knows there has been a distance between him and Felicity and he will do his part to allow her to help herself so they can come back together, and it is glorious!!!
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This scene could have only been improved by some hand holding or other canoodling, but I am more than happy with the scene as we got it!!
Then at last we come to the big reveal.  I must say I think they could have and should have given more time and attention to this scene; I can only hope that they didn’t because of all the fluffy parent-to-be-ness that we are about to see unfold over the coming episodes???  Let a girl dream for now at least!  Stephen and Emily, as usual, killed it with what they had to work with.  From Oliver’s gentle acknowledgement of Felicity’s go-to comfort food, mint chip, to Felicity’s explanation of why she didn’t need to kill Diaz; she needed her family to live in the light and their children to know that they would do anything for them….wait, what??? *cue Oliver’s gorgeous confused puppy face* Your children, because…
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Felicity’s beautiful smile when she told him, and Oliver’s sappy happy face when he realised….YAAAAAASSSS!!!!  My heart exploded!!  Then, *end scene* 😡.  But you know what, at this moment in time I’m still so floaty-happy for them that I can live with this!
Flash Forwards
Oh my wow I love the Clayton-Smoak-Queen siblings!!!  You can clearly see Oliver and Felicity in both of them; but Will is still obviously a mini-Felicity, whereas Mia is SO MUCH OLIVER, which is so bittersweet, given that she seems to have been raised by Felicity alone (WHYYYY?!?! *sobs*). 
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Mia, it seems, has a somewhat typical love/hate relationship with her Mother, which I’m sure lots of us can identify with.  On one hand she clearly resents Felicity’s paranoia, her insistence on ‘bonding’ with things such as the Rubik’s cube and tech, which she doesn’t seem to have an interest in, but then her love for her shines through with her insistence of going after her alone (hello mini Oliver) and the line “my Mom is the only person I care about” 😭😭😭  
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Then our gorgeous grown up Will 😍 is all Felicity in his belief in Oliver as a hero and his techy geekdom, but HELLO OLIVER in the way he instantly loves and sticks up for his sister (even with them arguing, he just softened, and even turned on Dinah when she questioned Mia) and talks about family, despite how he has come to feel abandoned by Olicity.  That last line in his scene with Mia where he says “Well did it work?” could have been spoken by Stephen himself; his expression, his intonation…perfect Oliver impression Ben, well done, A+!  They work so well together on screen; I loved their back-and-forth in their scenes.  I can’t wait to see them interacting more, especially, I hope, in the all FF episode.  I think they will be a force to be reckoned with!
The bro-sis Rubik’s cube solving champions discover the mini answering phone cassette, which Mia can’t even comprehend; “can you hack it?” lol (makes me feel suuuper old).  This has surely got to at least contain some of Olicity’s attempts to contact William, to let him know he wasn’t abandoned, and at most, another of Felicity’s clues.  I just can’t wrap my head around the blatant plot-hole that is Olicity not ever managing to get in touch with William, even with the crazy tech skills on both ends of the dynamic??  I call bullshit!  I need to know what’s going on guysssss!!!  
Elsewhere, Connor supposedly didn’t know about Mia’s heritage (so no baby OTA growing up together *sad face*), except he secretly did cos his adopted father Dig asked him to watch over her!  So Connor isn’t JJ??  Where is JJ?? ISTG Larry if you erased another baby Diggle I will travel through time and kill you myself!!  Connor and Mia are clearly super close (shipping them already), and the hurt on Mia’s face when she found out Connor had lied to her the whole time broke my heart!!  I also need a scene with Roy and Mia soon; did anyone else notice how as soon as Mia revealed her parentage, he dropped his bow from pointing on her…YAAAAASS UNCLE ROY!!!  But why does no one but Dig know about Mia’s existence????  Did Olicity go into hiding??  Is this why they never managed to contact William again? Whaaaat???  Je suis confuse!!!
Bonus: Future OTA, or FTA, if you will, is totally going to be a thing I’m sure of it!  The actors seem so much fun and are always interacting on social media/live tweeting etc.  It is so nice to have cast so actively participating in promotion this year.  It’s at a point now where I would definitely give a next generation series a watch, and I can’t wait for the all flash forward episode now, even though the whole future set-up seems harrowingly disparate from what we would like to imagine.  I need to know more damnit!!
OTA has finally (just about) reunited!!!!  It’s only been 6437280462308 years guys!!  Dig finally realises he’s been keeping the Diaz secret from Olicity for too long, so he offers them up the truth, in a “SPONTANEOUS OTA MOMENT”.  Honestly, Felicity’s sass in this scene and all the Dig scenes to be fair is just a beautiful thing to see.  Felicity rightfully tells John that this is the second time he has prioritised his ARGUS work over his friends’ safety and he looks rightfully ashamed of himself. Oliver naturally doesn’t agree with using Diaz, but has suddenly become official OTA reconciliator, and trusts Dig to get shit done, eventually offering his help with Felicity’s blessing and assistance.  
With OTA officially back in the field and like 57 things going on, Felicity takes her chance on taking out Diaz, confronting him with a gun again, and finally telling him that she is in fact stronger than him, and hence doesn’t need to kill him…Dig is ultimately left to decide between helping Oliver capture Dante, or Felicity stop Diaz and praise the salmon ladder he chooses to help Felicity!!
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I loved Felicity realising her own strength, and maintaining her ‘light’, seeing and knowing that her teammate finally had her back!!  Dig tells her that although Dante was the mission objective, Diaz (and by that he meant Felicity) was his priority!!  My Delicity heart!!!!!  Dig has one last ace up his sleeve, later telling Olicity that he realised how letting Diaz go last time had hurt Felciity, and that the most important thing should be to just protect his OTA family!!!  And just like that, OTA RISES FROM THE ASHES!!!
Bonus:  OMG I just realised that the Brothers and Sisters theme of the episode relates to OTA as well!! 😭😍😭😍😭😍
When did I become a BS stan??  Who even am I?  What do I believe in? 😱 🤷‍♀️🤯
I love Felicity’s relationship with BS.  I want to be friends with both of them.  I want to drink wine with BS whilst Felicity grumbles about drinking de-caff coffee. I think I need more sleep. Forgive me fandom friends for I have sinned 🙈😂😂
I see people saying that their friendship doesn’t make sense, and no, if you look directly from S6 to now, it doesn’t.  But if you watch S7 episode-by-episode you can totally believe that they got to the place they are in now.  They’ve grown from reluctant allies, to gaining a mutual respect, to growing to like one another.  And the shade is still totally there on both parts from Felicity’s “fake lawyer” (CLASSIC LINE), to BS calling Felicity out on her chocolate consumption haha.
So BS knew about the baby before Oliver did.  I am not majorly angry with this because…she just guessed!!  Felicity didn’t tell her.  Felicity was mortified that she’d put it all together and begged her to not tell anyone. Our girl was just coming to terms with it herself, and working out how to tell Oliver, which she is perfectly entitled to do.  
The scene where BS brings Felicity food and gives her a pep talk was totes adorbs 😍 Do I wish it was the type of conversation Felicity had had with Oliver instead?  Sure, and I’m sure we will in the future, and we got different Olicity goodies in this episode in its place.  
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
BS is all over Felicity being preggers…I’m wondering if maybe she lost a baby or lost someone with a baby on E2??  She just seems to be all about looking after Felicity, and the baby, to almost an excessive point, with random pregnancy knowledge thrown in there too 🤔
Side-note: I am all about Felicity eating ALL OF THE FOOD in this episode hahaha!  “I ate that much choc before I was pregnant” LOOOOOL!!  She continues to be the cutest.
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Oh Oliver.  I feel for him so much with Emiko.  He just wants to get to know her, and make up for lost time and poor choices by Robert.  He misses Thea.  He is blinded by his love for his new sister.  This is why whenever they try to tell us ‘Oliver doesn’t trust people’ I’m like HUH?!  I see Oliver as probably the most naturally trusting person on the show, only his experiences have proven him wrong so often.  He has to believe in others, so he can believe in himself after everything he has been through/done.  He gives almost everyone the benefit of the doubt, especially family, even when it’s blatantly obvious that they don’t deserve it.  Oliver has such a big heart, and loves his family so deeply and at times, blindly. And here, with Emiko, that is what he is doing (when he should have been at home celebrating baby-making with some more practice baby-making 😉).  I don’t like Emiko…oh she’s working with the Big Bad, shocker!  I thought that she would turn out dead or a villain, given as she isn’t part of the ‘mark of 4’ gang in the future.  I’m not convinced she’s full-on evil though, not yet at least.  But the concept of her being a baddie kind of makes sense as to why they’ve made her so unlikeable.  That said, I really enjoyed the ‘sibling rivalry’ scenes they shared. Oliver in her personal space “do you have to stand right there?”, Oliver critiquing her arrows, “don’t touch my things!” 😂😂 I do think they spent too much time on them in this episode (even though it was called Brothers and Sisters, I know).  I just can’t be bothered to get too involved with her storyline, for the minute at least, as I think it will be temporary.  
This is my let-down of the episode, (and every episode) but you can’t win them all!  Suicide squad blah, Diaz blah, Virgil (isn’t he a Thunderbird??) blah, Dante (Highlander!)….kinda blah!  The shame is, I think Dante could’ve been a far better villain if they’d made me know/care about him earlier in the season?  Maybe they can rescue him?  I mean, Prometheus didn’t really come into his own until the last few episodes, so I guess there’s hope???
But Diggle quit-yaaaay!! Bye bye ugly security guard outfit!!
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Burn bay burn!!  Bye bitch!!  I’m pretty sure this is the episode that the actor tweeted his goodbyes after?  What a sorry exit if so *evil laugh*.  There’s a fair bit of speculation over who killed him, but unless it was Felicity sneaking in in the dead of night to do so, I struggle to care 🤷‍♀️
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Massive thank you to the gif makers; you have made this long-ass post more colourful 😘
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