#that was a nasty shock for him there
faunandfloraas · 6 months
well the day started pretty fun, like sure the outfits were boring and the styling was lackluster but it was fun- i was excited for them. Now however hearing how the press was speaking to them I'm officially just pissed and disappointed.
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beeben · 8 months
Everything i hear about h bomber guy makes me hate him
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altschmerzes · 10 months
Ok that ask you answered in your other blog got me suddenly wondering: has baby Jamie like… been to the doctors much at all? Ik that Ted and Roy take him to get help when he’s all beat up but like. Has that happened to him before? Or does he just think of injuries as something you kinda live with?
hello thank you for asking i love to talk about this project :) and as for the question, it really depends!! he's been to the doctor for more serious injuries - with the usual sort of excuses to go along with them - and there was a while there where he was in and out of doctors and physical therapists offices quite a bit because of a serious sports injury that is a secret tool that will help us later. a lot of things he just ignores and deals with himself, though. things don't often get bad enough he needs to see a doctor about them, and if it isn't necessary then he's not going. especially if he's just sick he just. toughs it out.
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sockgate · 2 days
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catts-world · 1 year
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lupismaris · 9 months
Didn't get to smoke before work this morning (also not at all confident I took my meds) and while I'm managing the immense stress of the day (hello three new projects) rather well I'm reminded that the ritual of a spliff and a cup of coffee does in fact help keep my teeth dull and my temper subdued
#asked my fellow hiring committee members one of whom is my supervisor if i was really the only person who liked one candidate#and was blatantly honest that I think the issue at hand is the ego/insecurities of the man who oversees this role/department#and we have to toe the line of choosing someone good for the job and who wont be bullied by him/clash with him 24/7#and id been shocked that i was the only one who saw potential in one or two candidates and ultimately i think it's due#to the fact im less willing to let the supervisors insecurities/ego play a role in this. and i said as much#and the response was a laugh and 'well shit everyone duck for cover he might hear us james is getting nasty '#and I'm not really im just tired of pretending like that isnt the core of the issue here. his ego has been wounded for the whole o last yeat#*year and now he's continuously making it everyone else's problem and whomever gets this role with be the Andy to his Miranda#except he has so little to offer in terms of real guidance i feel. hes going to bully and boast and be petty to whomever gets chosen#but any attempt to say that to leadership will get waved away ultimately because he's leadership and he's fought to get his own admin#so rather than get someone with a diverse and varied skill set who can match him in work and intensity#we'll end up with some kid who probably cant set boundaries and will get steamrolled completely#so yeah im irritated by the whole process. and my lack of meds today is making it hard to play nice about it
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omoghouls · 4 months
Also no, Ben cannot take off his collar- the Enclave (*cough* modus) has made sure of that
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cinnabargirl · 6 months
Just found out yesterday that the guy in my uni class that liked to be characterized as a big huggable bear golden retriever bf type was accused of raping a drunken girl from our degree at a camping trip (idk which year) and his feminist polyamorous mom friend gf has done nothing but defend him ever since how is ur week going so far
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holycorrupt · 1 year
Can't wait to show off Sam's character more though because he's just... ugh so good
If you boil down some of his characterization you can basicly view him as a man who is basicly a cop who realizes being a cop is bastard work and thus uses his position of power instead to betray the 'system' and actually do some good for those without power :^)
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izayoichan · 2 years
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River: Could it really be?
He looked at the hologram avatars, had he not known better he would say one of them was asleep on his sofa right now. Could it be that the case of the missing lead singer was a whole different mystery? He leant back as much as he could without moving, taking a picture with his phone, sending it to Morgyn, to let him know what the development was. Saying it was still sleeping, but that it had broken out of the familiar form overnight. As he waited for a reply he noticed movement from one of the wings, which of course knocked over the cup that had been standing on the table, and with a loud crashing sound, the peace of the morning was broken.
River: Wow, calm down!
The crash had the dragon standing up, large wings hitting things, and again, he could see the fear on what he now saw as a young man’s face, one that looked exactly like the superstar's holographic avatar. It blinked and looked at River, backing away slightly, which of course led to their wings hitting things.
River: You need to tuck your wings in, so they don’t hit things. -he wondered if it knew how too, something told him that this was no ordinary rogue dragon.- and you need to calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.
The man looked at him, tilting his head slightly, then they looked at their wings with a sort of desperation in their eyes, as if not really knowing what to do with themselves.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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vaugarde · 1 year
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
Matthew Saracen is one of the most real boy characters ever created.
#both the sweet cute sides and the real life ugly sides too#people love to romanticize him because they want the cinnamon roll types from lesser tv shows#but that discredits Zach Gilford’s incredibly nuanced performance#and the show’s instinct for truth#he is SO. real.#they all are but Matt is someone who could and does exist in the real world#he loves his grandma!!!!!!! he loves Coach!!!!!! Boy has a solid grain of loyalty and common sense!!!!!!!#he also likes Julie which displays his shocking bad taste and sometimes he has a nasty little attitude towards Coach#he takes on more responsibilities than any 16 year old kid should ever have to#he’s still selfish a lot of the time and incapable of seeing the big picture#he’s sometimes so whiny#he’s not that smart but he will on occasion have hilarious moments of insight or wit#sometimes he’ll bully the wrong person sometimes the right one#he is a) a wonderfully truthful character b) not who fandom or anyone thinks he is#because he’s TOO real boy and we’re actually used to seeing only extraordinary boys#or boys who are total fantasies#Steve harrington he is not (Steve is actually extraordinary though he too is real boy)#Matt is someone who was just bumming his way through the hallways of life (a phrased I coined to my students the other day)#and then circumstances call him to greater things and he does his best to respond (most of the time)#and it changes him (but not in all ways)#honestly I love to see it! the truth of it all!#matt saracen#friday night lights
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
every time my mother says/defends something homophobic i add 10% more gay sex in my story. equivalent exchange 👍
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trashogram · 2 years
In all seriousness, I will never truly understand anyone fangirling- which I’m using in a gender neutral way just fyi - over Art The Clown, but that doesn’t mean I won’t defend those who do. Nor will it stop my curiosity over how big David Howard Thornton’s dick is bc apparently that’s a thing in this fandom as I’ve just discovered.
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a-sleepy-ginger · 28 days
Met some classmates
Cat lay on me for so long my feet went numb
Sweet potato chips
Ender toast (tiger bread)
Saw a real cute rook walking about
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domesticated-whores · 2 months
lord give me the strength to put up with a cishet man that's seemingly not been in a serious relationship for at least 5 years--
#i really do love him#and literally all of this is silly little bullshit that i dont actually care about#(because money and circumstance and societal allowance of things of both genders)#((both as in societies perception that doesnt hole room for nuance and nonbinary/nonconforming genders))#but im so use to my queer left-leaning circles that it is SHOCKING to be intimately getting to know a more traditional cishet man#he said he doesnt know how to grocery shop bc hes a man so when he was at the store he just got drinks basically#dude goes to the store once maybe every few months????#and just “doesnt know” how to grocery shop????????#BABE tell me what you like to eat and ill do it AND cook for you#BABE you dont know how to grocery shop not bc your a man but bc you get all of your food from work or the gas station#its a SKILL that you havent built!!!#which is fine and understandable#he doesnt drive and we dont have stores nearby and financially food is a bitch#so there isnt that experience to build that skill up#but baby it is NOT your cock that prevents you from learning that skill i PROMISE lol#and that other thing today that i already talked about#still in shock over that one#and just his room in general!!!#i live in a mess so i cant talk#and his conditions arent gross or nasty#its like empty bottles and cans and clutter#things that wouldnt take long to fix but it just accumulates#and we cuddle on his bed that also holds all of his clothes and vapes and shit like that#and i have depression like fucking hell so i get it but to get like that simply because you dont see a problem with it??#and get new pillows and a new mattress!!!!#i know its an “if it aint broke” kinda thing and its a cost that isnt comfortable to afford working fast food#but!! invest!! in!! it!!!#whores lovesick musings
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