#that was Sweetie!Jinmay
rararazaquato · 2 years
“Louse-riddled lemur,” Nova supplied.
“Well, I don’t know if I’m allowed to reclaim that one,” Sparx said with a flick of his tail.
please tell me you aren’t implying slur discourse exists in the simian world 😭
honestly it was more of a throwaway line that i thought was funny but yknow what? slur discourse does exist in the simian world now.
except the sapient monkey/ape community is so small that the only person who actually cares is sokko, who owns a discourse blog on apeblr. sparx thinks its funny though.
this is now all completely canon according to the rararazaquato Super Robot Monkey Team Fanfiction Cinematic Universe (RRRASRMTFFCU)
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tauriatalksmonkeys · 6 years
👦 for Charlie! (Maybe when she is first adopted by Chiro?)
Send 👦 tomeet my muse as a child!
I decided to combinethis with another ask prompt meme that I reblogged, which had a list of 30situations one could find my muse in. I got number 26, which was “cosplaying.”And, well, that was just too adorable notto do.
So have some cute bby Charlie~
Charlie bounced on the tips of her toes. “Didja bring it, didjabring it, didja bring it?”
“Charlie,” Chiro-dad scolded, a smile on his face and alaugh in his words. “Let her come through the door first.”
 Aunt Jinmay laughed,a clear, vibrant sound that made Charlie’s own grin widened. Charlie steppedback enough to let  Aunt Jinmay fullyinto the apartment, the door whooshing shut behind her. She pulled her backpackoff of her shoulders. “Yes, sweetie, I brought it.”
Charlie whooped, and Chiro-dad laughed.
“Do I get to know what the surprise is now?” he saidteasingly, hip pressed to the back of the couch.
“In a minute,”  AuntJinmay said, voice warm. “Come on, Char, let’s go put it on.”
Charlie raced back to her room, stopping at the door towatch  Aunt Jinmay follow. She pouted, bouncingimpatiently for the entire half a minute it took  Aunt Jinmay to walk the hall. Charlie dartedinto the room.  Aunt Jinmay put thebackpack on the bed, and retrieved a clear plastic bag from inside.
Charlie reached her hands out, wiggling her fingersimpatiently.
 Aunt Jinmay laughed,and let her have it.
Charlie ripped it open and unfolded the outfit inside. Shelet out a loud gasp. “It’s perfect!”
 Aunt Jinmay laughed. “Let’sput it on, okay?”
Charlie did so with gusto, nearly tripping and falling overin her haste to get it on. Eventually, she managed it, and struck a pose infront of her mirror—to  Aunt Jinmay’sdelight.
“Okay okay okay,” Charlie said. “Now you gotta go announce me.”
“Announce you?”
Aunt Jinmay covered her mouth, but her eyes smiled for her,and they left the room. Charlie stayed in front of her door, while Aunt Jinmaywent to the end of the hall.
Aunt Jinmay cupped her hands around her mouth, and in aslightly deeper voice, she said, “Now introducing… Charlie!”
Charlie barreled down the hall, skidding to a stop in frontof Chiro-dad. She lifted her chin, throwing her hands on her hips and spreadingher feet wide. She had her eyes closed for full effect, but after a moment, shepeeked one open to see Chiro-dad’s face.
As she’d hoped, he was beaming.
Because there she stood, wearing a costume of him.
“Looks ready to fight Formless, doesn’t she?” Aunt Jinmaysaid, her voice softer now.
“Absolutely,” Chiro-dad said.
Charlie opened her eyes all the way now. “I told you I wasgonna be just like you when I grew up!”
“Oh, grown up now, are we?”
“Duh! I’m gonna be your sidekick, and we’re gonna kick somuch butt, and make all the Formless afraid to even come outta their houses!”
“Those are some pretty big goals, Char.”
“Nah.” Charlie shook her head, hair flying. “It’ll be easy,for you an’ me.”
Aunt Jinmay grinned. “I think it’s picture time!”
Chiro-dad rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, and Charlie giggledat him. “Pictures!” she crowed.
“How do you want us?” Chiro-dad asked with a mock-sigh.
Aunt Jinmay hummed. “One with you in your regular clothes,and her in the costume… and then one with both of you in costume. Charlie canpick the poses.”
Chiro-dad grinned. “Alrighty, Char, do your thing.”
“Let’s match first!” Charlie said. “Put me on your shoulders.”
Chiro-dad raised an eyebrow, and Charlie frowned at him fora minute, before she remembered.
“Put me on your shoulders, please,” she amended.
With a flash of green light, Chiro-dad entered hyper mode.He went to Charlie, and lifted her over his head, balancing her on hisshoulders. Aunt Jinmay held up her camera.
“Say, Heroes!”
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Top 10 Female Characters!
Tagged by the awesome @nightwonder7 to do this. So let’s get started! 10 cool gals from 10 fandoms!
1. Red Blood Cell  AE-3803
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The newest cause I just started watching Hataraku Saibou/Cells at Work but so far quickly becoming a favorite. She’s a bit ditzy but she’s a brand new blood cell learning about the body she lives in and figuring out where she’s supposed to go. She’s really funny.
2. Princess Serenity / Sailor Moon 
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Nostalgia’s coming into play here (and with more on the list to come I assure ya) I loved Sailor Moon when I was a kid, I really looked up to Serena and her friends as characters and their stories stuck with me for years. The transformations, the way they always stuck together. Serena was always my favorite scout though. Moon Prism Power!!!!
3. Honey Lemon!
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This gal! Honey Lemon is such a sweet girl, she’s a bit naive about the rougher parts of town but she’s always got her heart in the right place. She has her down moments but she’s always up for a pep talk or worrying about her friends. (Especially Hiro.) She’s just a big sweetie and I love her. 
4. Misty Waterflower!
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I grew up with Pokemon. It’s still one of my main fandoms as an adult still, I even play the game competitively. It’s something that’s always been there and I’ve always loved it. Misty was the first Pokegirl I got to know and one of my favorites. (Not my favorite, favorite (sorry Mist you’ll always be the nostalgic one though) She was always dedicated to her water Pokemon and her bond with Gyarados is amazing. Even if she was a brat she out grew it.
5. Kari Kamiya/ Hikari Yagami
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Honestly I loved all the gals from Digimon from Sora all the way to Yoshino in Savers/Data Squad. There’s not a Digimon Girl I don’t like to some extent but I’ll give it to Kari. Her arc in season one is my FAVORITE of that season. Especially her bond with Gatomon and how committed her brother is to her. I love this gal and she gets some good growth in season 2. Also Angewomon is awesome. 
Feels like there’s a lot of anime here... I watched a lot of anime as a kid okay?
6. Kim Possible! 
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I watched a lot of anime growing up. But I also had gals like Kim to watch too. She was one of those characters you just couldn’t dislike. She had her moments where she was in the wrong and owned up to it. She was always helpful sometimes to her detriment... And the popular girls only had one who disliked her cause of jealousy. KP’s biggest issues was defeating her villain gallery before school or before lunch was up. Overall just a cool character, Kim was great. (and the Kim Possible soundtrack is waaaay too catchy for it’s own good.)
7. Nova (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go)
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Jinmay should probably be here instead of Nova, but Jinny only had about three episodes of real character development. Nova... Ho boy Nova. This show was cheesy as heck but Nova was so much fun. Antauri was my favorite but Nova was second. She had a lot of things going for her, from actually having legit fears (being seen as weak, she actually had anxiety in the cold due to abuse her former leader dealt out (basically locked her in a cold room until she was about to freeze to death and then she got royally pissed off) she’s got some fire power to her too and she is definitely the team mom. Seriously, you touched a hair on Chiro’s head and you were dead. Her weapon? GIANT FISTS. Yeah I’m still salty about the way the show went in the final season but in those first few seasons? Pretty fun stuff. And I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for this one.
8. Carmen Cortez
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I swear I probably drove my mom crazy trying to find a shirt just like that one in the kids section when I was little. Carmen is unapologetically kick butt. Even though she was a brat sometimes with how she and Juni fought... She was a kid. She also wasn’t phased at the obstacle course she and Juni had to do every morning before school, even expertly jumping a THOUSAND FEET and not being phased. She was the big sis and she did her job well at keeping Juni safe and also fighting with him. They were equals. Spy Kids overall was just a great movie series for me as a kid and I still like it as an adult (Except Spy Kids 3. We don’t talk about it) 
Plus I still use that phrase up there every now and then. It’s funny.
9. Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi
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I’m cheating, I know. But these two are so intertwined you can’t separate them. Best friends to the very end, Homura did everything in her power to protect Madoka and Madoka realized in the end Homura WAS her best friend. Still watched out for her and refused to let her become corrupted in despair. I can’t talk more about these two amazing girls without spoiling the entirety of Puella Magi Madoka Magica (if you haven’t watched it, do it. Even if “Mahou Shoujo” anime isn’t normally your thing. You will not regret it) sooo yeah.
10. Naomi Kimishima
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NAOMI!!!!! I am a huge Trauma Center fan so it wouldn’t be right to end this list without one of my favorite ladies from this medical series. (Honorable mention to second favorite TC gal Tomoe) It’s been awhile since I played the games but Naomi was always a favorite of mine. She reminded me of Temperance Brennan from Bones, a show I was really obsessed with at the time too. But she was also her own character. Her interactions with Gabe, her relationship with Little Guy/Agent Navel (I STILL SHIP IT DARN IT) and especially how things effected her. One of the most heart wrenching scenes for me was (And major spoiler seriously) was when she was saying it was her fault that Alyssa got hurt and Little Guy was holding her back from the blast zone. And then in the end... She chose to raise Alyssa as her own. That child became her little girl and she clearly loves her dearly. Even if Chloe that darn cat keeps getting her into trouble. (And Naomi was one of the first characters I ever created a next gen for, my character Lucas was created after I played the game for the first time back in 2010) 
Soooo yeah.  10 11 gals. All cool characters.XD Thanks for tagging me, was fun. 
I will not tag anyone this time. Do it if ya wanna.
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monkeymindscream · 4 years
Well, In that case, the main protag of season 1 is voiced by Ashley Johnson (Jinmay)
Aww, sweetie!
Noted, thank you!
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ask-coinflip-jinmay · 8 years
The 45th icon/gif in your folder is your muse’s response to getting trick-or-treaters at their door.
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