#that updo in THAT color may be my new obsession
drageverywhere · 3 months
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I see your fancy banquet tropes (which are delightful) and raise you one Masquerade. The flirting, the mystery, the longing "what if I never find them again?"
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x ReaderWord Count: 1,622Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock a/n: Oh helloooo catnip time!
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Jaskier had taken great care with his attire. He always did, but this time he’d put extra thought. The masquerade ball hosted by Marquis Delacroix was the premiere social event of the season. It was also the first event Geralt had agreed to go to as a friend, a part of what Jaskier was calling his Apology Tour, started when they reunited after the mountain and the witcher had been appropriately apologetic. Jaskier had helped Geralt pick out an outfit, shades of deep burgundy and gold which suited him well though he’d never admit it. The mask he would wear (though those yellow eyes would stand out anywhere) was a matching burgundy shade and Jaskier relented and agreed he could bring a dagger but only the prettiest one and it had to stay sheathed.
“I thought this was a masquerade, not a funeral,” Geralt said when Jaskier entered the room.
“It’s an artistic choice,” Jaskier replied, voice haughty but unsurprised by his friend’s remark, “I wear a wide array of colors in my wardrobe. It only stood to reason that for a masquerade I wear all black.”
Though monochromatic as he described, Jaskier’s outfit was not without its ornamentation. There was still attention to detailing and the cut of the suit was expertly tailored to emphasize his slight yet muscular frame. His mask was also black though gilded with an intricate filigree detailing around the edges. The contrast of the mask made his pale blue eyes nearly glow, as otherworldly as his companion’s. Once both had their masks secured they set off for the masquerade.
You had been eager to attend the masquerade but as you entered the grand hall you felt a thrill of apprehension course through you. Your gown was nowhere near as grand as some of the ones you saw around you. You’d opted for a simpler choice, a white ballgown with sheer gold rose detailing that accented the dress from the neckline which swept from the top of your right shoulder down under your left arm at an angle, wrapping around together about halfway down your back. The mask you wore was the same gold shade and helped obscure your identity. You’d arrived alone which had raised some murmurs but otherwise you were able to drift through the party without much interruption. You had no goals for the night beyond witnessing the beauty of the spectacle you’d heard stories about for years and to enjoy yourself.
The ballroom was illuminated with hundreds of candles glowing from chandeliers and sconces and the long banquet table that ran nearly the entire length of the dancefloor. Masked couples twirled and danced to the music that played. Everyone wore brilliant shades of all colors of the rainbow from soft pastels to deep jewel tones to bright, bold patterns. Everyone but one other, a man you spotted through a crush of brilliant hues, dressed all in black. He caught your eyes on him from the other side of the dancefloor and gave you a little bow. You laughed and curtseyed, nearly obscured by a flounce of skirts as the dancing ladies were lifted in tandem and twirled through the air. When they were set back on the ground, the man was gone. Before your heart could sink too low you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun to find the man in black standing before you.
Was he wearing black? You suddenly couldn’t tell, your focus falling on the softest, prettiest blue eyes you’d ever seen. You knew you would think of this stranger for the rest of your life whenever you saw a perfect summer’s sky or the wide expanse of the ocean.
“My lady,” he said in greeting, taking your hand and resting a delicate kiss on its back, eyes following yours as he did.
“My lord,” you said, curtseying, your hand still held in his after he had pulled back from the kiss.
“Is this your first masque?” he asked.
“I must confess it. Is it so obvious?” you asked, a little embarrassed.
“Oh no, I just feel certain I would have remembered seeing you,” he said. You laughed as he shot you a charming smile and you caught yourself biting your lip, a nervous habit you had tried to quit but never fully banished. You saw his eyes slip to your mouth as you let the lip slide past your teeth, praying you hadn’t mussed the red lipstick you can carefully applied for the evening.
“It seems we are the only two who did not quite meet the expected attire,” you said, gesturing to the vivid colors surrounding you.
“Or are we simply the only ones who showed imagination,” he replied.
“It’s not often you hear black and white being touted as greatly imaginative,” you laughed.
“And yet here we are,” he said, eyes twinkling as they met yours.
“Is this your first time attending?” you asked, trying to think of what to say to keep this stranger by your side instead of losing him to the chaos of the party.
“I’ve gone in the past but it’s been some time since then. I see I chose the right year to come,” he said.
“If you keep flirting like that you’ll make me regret not choosing red to better hide my blushing,” you laughed.
“That would be a travesty as you look perfect the way you are. Would you care to dance?” he asked. You nodded and he took your hand, leading you onto the dancefloor where you wound through the couples with ease, spotting each other and finding your way back through the intricate steps. You usually tried to make eye contact with the partners you were passed by as you wove through the line, but you only had eyes for the mysterious man in black who also kept his eyes on you. You were a shimmer of white and gold and he followed you around like a moth to the flame. The next dance was slower, and he pulled you into his arms, your skirt billowing around you as he twirled you out and then brought you back in close. You caught his eyes traveling to your mouth and when he pulled you in for the final spin as the music wound down, your face a breath away from his, you thought you felt his grip on your back tighten, gently pulling you those mere inches it would take to bring your lips together.
“May I cut in?” a voice asks and you both startle, turning to the intruder. Your dance partner’s beautiful features curl into a disgusted snarl.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asks. The man, decked out in a cacophony of shades as though he’d been unable to choose one or two, smirked from beneath his equally ornate mask. His goatee and mustache were visible and the green eyes shone with a wickedness that was less charming than predatory.
“Dancing, can’t speak for what you were doing though. But I was speaking to the lady, may I have this dance?” he asked, turning his attention back to you. You nodded, unsure what else to say, and before you could turn back to your dance partner he slunk back through the crowd. You moved to go after him but your new partner pulled you back into form for the next dance.
“Valdo Marx,” the man said by way of introduction.
“Y/N,” you answered absently, scanning the crowd for a glimpse of black.
“You dance divinely, I’m glad I could provide a more suitable partner for you,” Valdo said.
“Ah yes pleasure to meet you,” you said, hardly listening to him. He followed your searching eyes but misread their intent.
“Worry not, Y/N, that oaf will stay away now that I’m here,” he boasted, thrusting you out in a spin that was so forceful you worried he may dislocate your arm, a stark contrast to the graceful movements of the man before.
“Do you know that man?” you asked, realizing there was still hope to learn of his identity.
“Unfortunately yes. He has an odd obsession with me. He imagines a sort of rivalry between us, as though we are equals in the bardic tradition,” Valdo sniffed derisively.
“So he’s a bard,” you said, snatching at any scrap of information you could glean.
“Yes, and he goes by a ridiculous name instead of his own which just shows you how much he relies on theatrics instead of pure talent,” the man continued to grouse. You began to wonder if he even realized you were still there.
“Oh indeed?” you asked, “What ridiculous name does he go by?”
“Jaskier,” Valdo spat, “Jaskier de Lettenhove.”
You tucked the name away like a morsel to be savored later and focused on slipping away from Valdo as soon as possible. It wasn’t as hard as you’d feared, he was easily distractible and soon you were hurrying around the crowd, asking people here and there if they’d seen a man in black.
“The one with the yellow eyed man?” someone had asked. You nodded though you didn’t know who that would be, “He just left.”
You sprinted through the hall, hair falling out of its updo and pouring down your shoulders as you ran. The attendants threw the door open just in time for you to run out and watch as a horse with a large man with shoulder-length silver hair and a man clad all in black rode away. You watched him fade in the distance, chest heaving from the exertion of trying to chase him down, but you did not despair.
“Jaskier de Lettenhove,” you repeated, the name sweet on your lips, “We will meet again.”
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upstrandingartistry · 4 years
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Hello everyone!  
I feel it is about time I introduce myself. While some of you know me, many of you are new to my page, and I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you. 
My name is Rivajeta, and if you know me well, you know that I don’t like nicknames. So don’t try to pin one on me (@upstradingartistry profile aside). It’s been a struggle for me to teach people how to pronounce my name (Ri-va-yeta) my whole life. Thanks, mom!  It is such a rare name – even in my country. I immigrated to the USA in 1996 after civil war broke out in former Yugoslavia (born in Macedonia to be exact) and have been here ever since. I have two beautiful FURRY children, the most amazing mama, and I am married to the love of my life. I am also so very proud of my two brothers and sister. Needless to say that my family is the most important thing in the world.  
I have been in the hair industry for eleven years now and opened @salonmarce four years ago. It’s one of the most rewarding yet challenging things I have ever done. Hair has been my passion from a young age, and yet a little-known fact is that I worked in the corporate world for years before I decided to embark on this journey, but that’s a story for another time.  
I enjoy all things hair and enjoy challenging myself. While you may see a lot of color and updo creations on my page, I specialize in dry cutting. Unless you have sat in my chair with very short or curly hair, I have likely used the dry-cutting technique. I believe continuous learning is essential if you want to progress and thrive on a professional level. My staff and I regularly travel nationally and internationally to seek out the best educational experiences available, and many times all expenses paid. 
To my clients - I am so humbled to have gained your trust, and I thank you for being the canvas that has given me the creative freedom to express myself. A big shoutout to all of you who support, encourage, inspire, and cheer me on as I continue to share my passion and love for hair.  
Lastly, when I’m not working, I love traveling and exploring the world. I’m so obsessed with art and wish I could paint, but let’s say it isn’t a natural gift unless canvas is hair. As long as there is some music playing, my heart is dancing. I’m also a pretty avid reader of books, especially while curled up with one of my kooks.  Final fun fact -- I love cooking but hate following the rules, so baking is pretty hit or miss.  
There you have it! Now, tell me a fun fact about you. 
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 5 years
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart- 4
So it’s been a hot minute since I last updated. I tried to not be all over the place. I’m not going to be following some of the movies and kind of doing my own thing.
As always- thank you for likes, reblogs, comments, shares, etc. please let me know if you would like to be added to my Marvel tag list. I write for Supernatural as well. I also do TVD/The Originals, Arrow & The Flash.
Requests are always open!
Tag list: @shreddedparchment @fanfictionjunkie1112
Nothing Breaks Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
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Nora Stark was haunted, of that Steve was sure. He’d been staying in the tower for a month and every night he could hear her crying out or tossing and turning. Most nights she woke herself up before Steve had to come in and wake her up. Tonight was the worst he’d witnessed. She had tears on her cheeks, clenching the sheets with her hands.
“No! Please!” She cried out. Steve was certain he felt his heart crack. He never wanted to hear anguish like that from anyone. But from Nora? It was too much to take. He sat down on the edge of her bed next to her. The crutches she had been using had been replaced with a cane to help steady her. The rapidly healing wound would soon be a distant memory. A few more cries had Steve lightly shaking her.
“Nora, wake up.” He said quietly. It took a few tries until she woke violently. She shot up and Steve wrapped his arms around her sweaty body. “Shhh. It was only a dream.” She cried a little and the. He slowly felt her breathing return to normal and she slowly pulled away. He could tell she was embarrassed.
“I’m sorry.” She avoided his gaze.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” She nodded. “I’m sorry for just barging in.”
“Don’t be stupid Steve.” Nora had a slight smile on her face.
“You don’t have to tell me, but what were you dreaming about?” You sighed.
“When Tony went missing and we thought he was dead. And then everything with Obie. Colson’s death must have drudged it up. That’s about when we met. I had seen him before with Uncle Nick, but I didn’t really get to know him.”
“That must have been terrifying. Tony’s disappearance.”
“It was probably the worst moment in my life. It was harder than my dad. I knew he was dead. I saw his body. But with Tony...I knew he was alive. I knew it in my soul. Rhodey thought the same and didn’t stop looking. Obie had planned the whole thing so he made me feel like I was crazy. That kind of betrayal...it sticks with me.” Steve unconsciously tucked a piece of hair behind Nora’s ear.
“You’re kind of amazing.” He looked up at her and saw the heat radiating from her face. “To go through that...”
“It’s why I’m so protective of my Uncle and why I was so pissed at you. When he found out that our enemies had his weapons. Seeing what he saw, it changed him. He’s a good man. One of the best I know. He just doesn’t want anyone else to know. So he plays a character.”
“I’m sorry I said what I said. Loki’s staff may have pushed it along but I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“Steve stop apologizing. It’s okay. You’ve made up for it.” Nora placed her hand over Steve’s. That’s what the 3 weeks had entailed. Longing looks, shy flirting and touching each other in some way any chance they got.
“I should let you get back to sleep.”
“Or you could stay and I could make you watch another Harry Potter movie. I won’t be able to fall back asleep after that.” Steve smiled, handed Nora her remote and got comfortable next to her. He was dreading her telling him she didn’t need his help anymore. He hadn’t felt this at ease since he came out of the ice. He felt like he finally fit somewhere.———————————————————————
“Hello Nora.” Nora found herself standing in what appeared to be a dark room with a single light above her.
“Loki.” The God of Mischief grinned at her. “How are you doing this? How are you in my head.“
“You’ll soon understand. We’ll get there. I promise. I need to show you another memory. One that isn’t yours.”
“This is insane. I’m insane. That’s what this is.”
“I assure you Nora this is very real. And you are very sane. Come.” Nora threw her arms up as if to say “what the hell” and linked her arm through Loki’s so he could lead her. They finally came to a stop in front of what seemed like a floor to ceiling window. It was like someone was starting a movie. In front of her was her father and Nick Fury.
“Grant- this obsession will kill you.”
“I have to protect Nora. This is how I can do it.”
Nora looked at the board behind her father. There was some sort of formula.
“My father was close Nick. He may have even gotten it but died before anyone knew. I’m almost there. If I can figure out this formula, it will change everything. I can change everything. I promised her mother I would save her.”
Loki watched as Nora stared at her father longingly. She had her fingers pressed to the glass.
“What was he working on?”
“Go to the beach house. Search it. You’ll find his work there.” Nora turned and shot daggers at Loki.
“Why can’t you just tell me?! Why are you doing this to me? This is torture! Seeing him like this. He was obsessed, I can tell. What was he trying to save me from? How does my mother fit into this?.”
“Nora- you must put it together yourself. I can only lead you in the right direction. Go there. Find your answers.”
Loki was gone again.
Nora’s eyes shot open. She glanced to the side and Steve was asleep next to her, snoring lightly. They must have fallen asleep shortly after the movie started, the menu screen of whatever Harry Potter movie they had been watching was still on the screen. She never fell back to sleep after reliving Tony’s disappearance. What was it about this man that put her at ease?
Loki was screwing with her. She was sure of it. The sun was barely peeking out from the clouds. Soon it would be morning. She was exhausted, but there was no way she was going back to sleep.
She slowly pulled herself up in hopes of not waking Steve. She looked down at her leg after she peeled her blankets back and looked at it. “Nora- anyone else would have needed their leg amputated. Your rehabilitation should take you months, not weeks. That infection....the damage to the tissue. I can’t explain it. I wish I could” Bruce’s words echoed in her head.
She was missing a huge puzzle piece. There was a reason why she was healing the way she did. There was a reason why Loki could reach out to her. She had to find it. Maybe he wasn’t screwing with her. She had felt a connection with Thor, an unexplained one. Perhaps she had one with Loki too, but why?
She tip toed out of the room and into her office and sat down at her work space. She looked over the plans and tech she had been working on before Loki happened.
“Jarvis?” Nora whispered.
“Good morning Ms. Stark. You should be resting.” She smiled, it was hard to believe sometimes that it was an AI and not a real person.
“I know, but I’m awake. I need you to dig up as much information on my mother as you can. I mean really dig.”
“We’ve looked before.”
“I know. But we missed something. Let's look again.
“I’ll get on it right away.”
“Jarvis-“ Nora paused. “Don’t tell my Uncle. Something is going on. I don’t think he would keep anything from me. And if he doesn’t know, there’s a reason my Father didn’t tell him. I know he’s the boss, but just for now.”
“You can count on my discretion.”
“Thank you Jarvis.” When he didn’t respond you got to work on getting your software you had been developing uploaded to the Stark Servers. ———————————————————————
Steve stood in a tuxedo feeling as out of place as ever. Tony was putting on a fundraiser to help repair New York. He insisted that all of “The Avengers” be in attendance. He apparently also had an announcement.
Steve found himself looking for Nora. He had woken up in her bed alone that morning to find her in the kitchen, moving without the help of the cane. He didn’t mention it. He knew it was eating at her, the miraculous recovery. He was disappointed because he knew she could manage on her own. He wasn’t looking forward to being back in his apartment alone.
Nora, a Stark through and through, was making her entrance. He was stunned when he saw her. Nora’s hair, normally wild with curl had been painstakingly straightened and sculpted into a beautiful updo. She was clad in a spaghetti strapped black tulle dress that was covered in red flowers. Her makeup was simple and she was gorgeous.
“Wipe your drool Captain.” He turned to see Natasha shooting him a knowing smirk. Her red bobbed hair was curled and she wore an emerald green strapless dress.
“Shut up.”
“Tony will murder you, you realize that right?” Steve pursed his lips and looked down at Natasha.
“I’m not afraid of Tony.”
“You should be. When it comes to that girl. Well, woman, he’ll laser your heart out if you hurt her.” Natasha elbowed him. “She could do a lot worse than Captain America. You better go get her before some other guy steals her away.” Steve gave one more glance at Natasha and noted her teasing eyes and made his way across the room.
Nora hated these parties. She hated most rich people. The snobbery, the entitlement. She put on her best smile because it was her job to get them to write their big checks. Nora had a knack of charming almost whatever she wanted out of Tony Stark’s rich associates. Neither she or Tony would call them friends.
“Kid- you look beautiful.” Nora turned to see her Uncle beaming at her. She smiled and hugged him. “I feel like I haven’t seen you and you live under my roof.”
“I’ve been hibernating.”
“With our favorite Captain.” Tony quipped. He smirked as the color in Nora’s cheeks deepened.
“Steve has been helping me.” Tony rolled his eyes dramatically.
“When have you ever let anyone help you? It’s okay to have a crush on him. Both of our father’s did.” It was Nora's turn for a dramatic eyeroll.
“Oh shut up.” Nora shoved his shoulder.
“So when are you going to let me in on this project you’re working on. I saw you fiddling in my servers at 5am.”
“Good to know both of us don’t sleep. I’m almost ready.“
“Can I get a hint?”
“Nope” Nora popped the P and grinned at him.
“I hate how you’re so much like me sometimes.” Tony grabbed a glass of champagne from a tray and handed it to Nora. “Look, a walking fossil.” Tony grinned as Steve approached. Steve, ever unimpressed by Tony’s sense of humor, ignored him and smiled at Nora.
“Hi Nora.”
“Captain.” Nora greeted him with a smile in return. Tony rolled his eyes again.
“Make yourselves useful and get some checks.” Tony quickly made his exit. He knew what was happening between the two of them. He wasn’t sure how it made him feel. He wanted Nora to be happy, so of course she’d have eyes for Steve Rogers. Tony had to admit that with Steve she’d be well taken care of, he could protect her almost as well as Tony could and he would never disrespect her. He was literally the perfect man. He had to let go of the resentment he carried. It wasn’t Steve’s fault that Howard had idolized him.
“Ms. Stark!” Nora turned and internally grimaced. Alexander Pierce. She put on her best smile and turned to him.
“Secretary Pierce. Wonderful to see you.”
“I’m glad to see you up and about. I had heard you sustained quite the injury. You know, proper S.H.E.I.L.D. training could help.” He turned to Steve. “I’ve been trying to get Nora into the organization since she was old enough. It’s her birth right after all.” Nora hated how condescending she was.
“Stark Industries is also my birth right. I belong with my Uncle. I’m so glad you could make it. Enjoy your evening.” Nora quickly walked away before the man could say another word. She didn’t have it in her to continue false pretenses.
“Nora!” She felt Steve grab her arm and turned her back toward him. “You okay?”
“Yeah. He’s just a prick. It was his council that ordered the bomb that almost got Tony killed. I need a drink and then I really have to work on some donors, I’ll meet up with you later?” Steve nodded. “Use that gentlemanly charm on some of the ladies. The quicker we get donations the quicker we can get the hell out of her.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Steve still bad his hand on her arm. “You look beautiful.” He stared down into her light green eyes. Nora felt herself blushing again.
“You clean pretty nicely too Captain.” He let go of her arm and watched her vanish into the crowd.———————————————————————
Nora’s feet hurt. And she was sick of fluffing up obnoxious men. She had gotten quite a few hefty donations. She was done. She discretely grabbed a bottle of champagne and snuck out to one of the secluded balconies. As soon as the door shut she popped the bottle and took a long drink out of it.
Her Uncle had unveiled plans to rebuild Stark Tower and create The Avengers Tower. It would include his labs, training facilities and residences for any acting Avenger. Nora liked the idea. She could see him with Pepper and Rhodey through the glass, genuinely laughing. It made her happy to see him carefree for once
Her thoughts wandered to the image of her father and Nick Fury. She thought about confronting him but she knew he wouldn’t tell her anything. She knew Tony didn’t know anything about it. He wouldn’t keep that from her. They had one rule, they didn’t keep secrets. It was okay to take some time to fess up, but they were both always honest.
She heard the door open and stifled a groan but was pleasantly surprised to see Steve.
“Had enough?” He laughed when he saw the bottle in her hand.
“Ugh...yes. These people are obnoxious. But we need their money. I saw you talking to some of your peers.” Steve’s forehead scrunched in confusion. “The old ladies. They took a shine to you.”
“You and your Uncle think you’re so funny.”
“We’re hilarious.” They stood in a comfortable silence and listened to the music float out of the ballroom. Steve looked over to Nora.
“Dance with me.” Nora raised her eyebrows.
“Out here?”
“Do you really want to go back in there?” Nora considered his point. He took a few steps forward and put his hand out. She pursed her lips, set the bottle down and placed her hand in his and he pulled her to him. He had a placed firmly on the small of her back holding her close. Her free arm wrapped around his shoulder and they swayed to the music. Nora had made him want to dance with someone again. He made her feel secure, safe. His hand on the small of her back felt like it was always meant to be there. She hated herself for feeling like this so soon. But being with Steve Rogers, it felt right.
“I’ve really enjoyed spending so much time with you” Steve said after a few moments of silence.
“Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?
“Well, you’re quite literally back on your feet. I figured you don’t need me.”
“Well as my Uncle pointed out to me earlier, I’ve never needed anyone, not really. I like spending time with you too. And the tower will be done soon, you can have your own place to stay here, permanently.” Steve contemplated that.
“You think Tony would want me here full time? I feel like he doesn’t really like me” Nora scoffed.
“That Captain, is complicated. Howard felt responsible for finding you. He was obsessed. He also admired the hell out of you. He and my uncle didn’t have any easy relationship. And I feel he used some of your traits to, I don’t know, make Tony feel like he was less than. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with that. But I saw the plans. He has a whole star spangled design plan for you. Steve, you’re the leader. You’re a natural leader. You have to be here.”
“Maybe you can get him to tone down the red, white and blue?”
“I make no guarantees.” Nora slowly pulled away when she realized she’d been standing there in his arms after the music stopped. She needed to figure out how to control her face. Every thing Steve Rogers did made her blush. She caught Nick Fury out of the corner of her eye. She quickly made an impulsive decision.
“Listen, I’m starving. The food here sucks. Can you run down and grab some food from that pizza place I like and meet me in my living room? I need to talk to someone quick.”
“Su...Sure. I’ll be back in a half an hour.” Steve was surprised by the sudden change but headed off the balcony and quickly to the elevator, eager to spend some more alone time with her.
Once Steve was gone, Nora approached Fury. While she was almost certain she wouldn’t get anything out of him, she had to try.
“I need to talk to you.” Nora said quietly.
“Sounds important.”
“It is.” He gave her a nod and she followed him to a balcony on the other side of the room. Once they were outside he turned and looked at her expectantly.
“What was my father working on before he died?”
“I’m not sure. Your father had a few open projects.”
“What was he working on that wasn’t assigned to him. He was worried. He was trying to protect me. I need to know how. And why.” Nick didn’t flinch. Nora wasn’t surprised. No one had a better poker face than Nick Fury.
“Where is this coming from?”
“Just answer the question.”
“It’s classified.”
“Bull shit. My father being obsessed with something or someone threatening me and having a secret project that would keep me safe is classified?”
“Who told you that?” There was no way Nora was telling him Loki was visiting her in her dreams and showing her memories.
“That’s not important. I need you to tell me.”
“You need to let this go.” Nora stared him down. He might not tell her but it at least confirmed it was real.
“I can’t. I need to know the truth.” Nick grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.
“You have to leave this one alone. Please. I promised your father I would keep you safe.” Nora yanked her arm away.
“And that is precisely why I can’t leave it alone. If there is something or someone out there that is coming for me. I need to know. I need to prepare. I can protect myself. And if by some chance I can’t, we’ll, I live with Iron Man. I think I’m good. She stormed off the balcony. Nick stood for a moment with his head in his hand. He had to weigh the risks. Grant didn’t want her to know, but he also knew there was the chance she would find out. Better that he be the one to tell her. He pulled out his phon
“Agent Hill- I need you to get the package from
Grant Stark I have locked up. I’m going to need it delivered.” Nick Fury wasn’t scared very often, but he was terrified he would be putting another Stark in the ground.—————————————————————————
Steve opened Nora’s door carrying in pizza and some wings to find her pacing in her living room.
She was still wearing her dress that was dragging behind her because she had ripped off her heels and thrown them on the floor. She had one hand on her hip and was nervously chewing on her thumb. She was trying to work something out.
“Nora?” She snapped her head up like she was surprised to see him. “What’s wrong?”
“How do you feel about a road trip?”
“A road trip?” This was not the Nora Stark he had come to know. She was disheveled, frantic almost.
“Yeah. My dad had a beach house in Cape Cod. I haven’t been there in a really long time. It’s my favorite place. He always worked a lot. He always left me with Tony for work. But- for two weeks every summer, around The 4th of July we went there. Sometimes Tony would come. I miss it. It hit me tonight that I haven’t been there. I’m really missing him.” Steve set the food on the counter and slowly walked over to her. He put his hands on her upper arms to get her attention.
“Nora. What happened in the 35 minutes from
me leaving the party and getting back here.” She had a panicked look in her eyes.
“Nothing happened. I just really want to go. I wanted you to come along.
“Nora...if you don’t want to tell me. That’s okay. But I can clearly tell something is wrong.” She looked up at him, her green eyes clouded with conflict.
“I can’t. Not yet. I just really need to go there. I need to find something.” She couldn’t tell him she was seeing Loki. It was irrational and probably trauma related. Maybe Loki was her way of her subconscious bringing things up.
“Will you tell me eventually?”
“Yes- I just...I need to figure some things out first.”
“Okay. We can go tomorrow.”
“I want to leave tonight.”
“Hey- look at me. It’s late. You’re tired. We can leave first thing in the morning.” She sighed in defeat.
“First thing?”
“First thing. Go get changed and we’ll eat. You need some sleep.” Nora nodded and headed down the hall to her room to change. She paused and slowly turned and walked back to Steve. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. It took him a moment to get over his shock before he placed his arms around her waist and hugged her back. She trusted him enough to take him along, even if she wasn’t ready to tell him why. He assumed she didn’t trust easily. Not after the betrayal Tony has faced, so not being completely shut out was enough for him. He just had to trust that she would trust him enough to eventually confide in him. ———————————————————————-
Was 5am too early to wake up Steve? She had fallen asleep for maybe an hour or two and was wide awake. She packed a bag for herself and packed some things for Steve. When she realized he wasn’t equipped with beach wear she dispatched Charles to get her what he needed. She had no idea where he managed to get them at 3am. She knew the Stark name held some weight and some poor girl working for some major department store was woken up in the middle of the night. She rarely used her privileges for selfish reasons and she hated doing things that came across as spoiled. Charles was excited that she actually needed him. He had slipped in and out while she was in the shower. She texted him a thank you and made sure he got a bonus in his paycheck. She’d track down whoever helped him when she got back and express her gratitude.
She was sitting at the counter drinking coffee as her mind was running through the places her father could have hid things in that house. She looked up when she heard foot steps. Steve Rogers fresh out of bed was a sight. If she wasn’t so focused on family secrets she might not be able to hold herself back. His bed head and sleepy eyes were about the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.
“Did you sleep at all?” He threw his hands up when he saw her and the bags by the door. She tried to hide her guilt.
“A little.” Steve had one hand on his hip and the bridge of his nose pinched. She kind of likes making him exasperated. “I mean you did say first thing.”
“I thought first thing meant like 9am. After you rested and cleared your head.” She hopped off the stool and grabbed a cup of coffee and poured some for Steve and handed it to him. “Don’t even try batting your eyes at me.” She grinned and handed him the coffee.
“I’m a Stark. We only need like 2 hours of sleep a day. It’s in my DNA or something. C’mon Captain. I’m up, I’m caffeinated, I got us both packed. Wheels hitting pavement in an hour.”
“I’m not even going to ask how you got things together for me. I don’t even own that suitcase.”
She turned him back toward where he came. “Fine. But I’m driving.”
“Deal. Move your ass.”
They were on the highway at 7am with the address to the Beach House plugged in to her Navigation.
“I hope you know that I don’t let just anyone drive my baby.” Steve was worried. She had tucked the frantic and emotional Nora back inside, but he could still see the chaos running behind her eyes.
“Well I did drive army vehicles in WWII.”
“And then spent 70 years frozen in ice. I’m just saying you break my car and I’ll break you.” He laughed and looked over at her. “Eyes on the road.”
“I’m pretty sure you could afford a new one if you can afford to get me a bunch of new clothes in the middle of the night.”
“Touché Captain.” Her phone started going off and she looked down to see her Uncle’s name flashing at her. She didn’t even have a chance to say hello before he started talking.
“Where the hell are you?”
“Well good morning to you too.”
“Don’t start. I’m standing in your apartment and you’re not here at 6am, your Jeep is gone and you sent Chuck on a middle of the night adventure.”
“Am I 12? I’m going to the beach house.” Tony was silent for a moment.
“What happened with Fury last night? Rhodey saw you having a heated argument and then you stormed off. You didn’t even say goodbye and now you’re leaving town without telling me?”
“Nothing happened. He just thinks I’m pushing myself too hard. I disagree.” She clenched her jaw at the lie, making herself feel better by promising to come clean when she knew the truth. “I was going to call you later. I thought you would still be a sleep.”
“Sleep is for babies. I only need like 2 hours.” Nora smiled. She sometimes forgot how alike she and Tony were. “Is he with you?”
“Seriously?!” She could see the annoyance on his face in her head. “Put the phone on speaker.” As soon as Tony could hear the difference in reception he started. “Rogers- you take care of my baby. Do you hear me?”
“Oh my God! You’re acting like we’re driving into a war zone! We’re going to Cape Cod...to the beach!”
“You got it Tony.” Nora gave Steve an incredulous look.
“DON’T ENCOURAGE HIM!” Steve grinned at her.
“I’ll see you when you get back.” And then Tony ended the call. Steve looked over at Nora who’s face was dripping with irritation.
“You know- I was trained to fight, to defend myself. Nick and Rhodey made sure I could take care of myself. I’m an impeccable shot. And he acts like I’m this helpless damsel.”
“Nor...” Steve let the nick name hang in the air and when she didn’t protest he continued. “I don’t think that has anything to do with it. He lost his parents, his brother. He’s seen some crazy things and then everything that happened with New York. You running into the line of fire. I think he’s just scared he’ll lose you too. So he holds on a little tighter and wants to make sure you’re protected.” She let out the air of defeat.
“I know...it’s just slightly infuriating. My whole life everyone, including him, made sure I was equal to, if not better. I’m not scared because between what I can do behind a screen and what I’ve been taught...I don’t need to be. I just hate being treated like I’m helpless.”
“He knows your not helpless.”
“It’s weird hearing you defend him.” Steve laughed.
“We all make assumptions about people and usually are proven wrong.” Nora turned to look out the window as the world zoomed by. Steve felt his skin tingle when she placed her hand next to his and linked her pinky with his. ——————————————————————-
Steve was surprised at how normal the beach house seemed. It was a a small raised cottage on the beach. It had 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The living room and kitchen were an open space. It did, however have an extensive deck that wrapped around the house with an impressive outdoor fireplace that led to what seemed to be a beach shared by the residents on the strip.
“You expected something huge huh?”
“I guess so. This place is great.”
“If Tony had picked it out it would have been ridiculous. My parents bought this place before they had me. My mother was more practical. She also like her privacy so didn’t want to draw attention to herself with flashy things.” Her voice trailed off as she seemed to contemplate that. “Do you want to run down to that grocery store on our way in and stock us up?” She handed him a credit card.
“I can pay for food.”
“I dragged you here. Stop.” He knew it wasn’t an argument he was going to win. He was quickly learning what battles to pick.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“I just haven’t been here in a while. I just need a moment.” Steve nodded.
“I’ll be back in a bit.” He studied her face for a moment and then headed out. As soon as he was gone, she approached the bedroom door she hadn’t been able to open since he died. She stood in the open doorway for a moment and noticed a package on the bed. She pulled the note attached to it off and opened it.
I’m sure you’ll find other things here. Things he didn’t want you to know. But this package. This is what you were asking for. He asked me not to tell you, but said if you ever came looking to give you this. Hunting would put you in more danger. Please be careful.
Nora set the note aside. She peeled the brown paper off of the package and opened the box and was greeted with another letter.
Hi Nora-
If you’re reading this, then I’m gone. Which seems so dramatic to write and completely ridiculous. However, it’s the truth. There are many things you don’t know. I didn’t ever want you to know. If Nick gave you this, then you put some pieces together and the Stubborn Stark gene has you investigating.
Your mother was special. That’s all I will tell you. She came to New York to hide and we found each other. There are things in this world that are beyond what we have ever believed. Some day...evil beyond your wildest imagination. This...this might be able to protect you. My father was working on it before he died. I picked up where he left off.
You cannot share this with your Uncle. It would put a target on him. I know my brother, he won’t be able to keep it to himself. Which is probably the right thing. As much as he pretends, he always wants to do the right thing. He needs to be safe to be there for you. You need to keep this to yourself unless you come to the day that you need to use it. Please stop digging.
I love you. I am so sorry that I am not there with you. But I know my brother has taken care of you better than I ever could. I can only imagine the woman you have come to be. I know, whatever path you have chosen, I would be proud. But please- don’t take my path.
Your Father
Nora choked back a sob as tears poured down her face. Her hands trembled as she pulled out a hard cover journal and started reading her father’s research, experiments and eventual success. She didn’t even hear Steve come back or hear him calling her name until he was in the doorway of her father’s room.
“Nora?! What’s wrong?!” She looked up at him with a tear stained face and handed him her father’s letter. She waited for him to finish reading it.
Her father was right. No one could know about this, Tony couldn’t know about this. But she had to tell Steve because she was panicking.
“Nora...what was he working on?” Steve wasn’t sure he even wanted to know. She cleared her throat and wiped her face.
“Howard was trying to replicate the super soldier serum before he died. If he figured it out...he didn’t write it down. When my father found his research...he continued it. Steve...he figured it out. He replicated the serum. He knew it worked because he tried it on himself. And then he died. I think he was killed for it.”
“He wrote down what happened to him?”
“He wrote down everything. His other failed experiments he tested on rats. His thoughts. What happened when he realized that he had succeeded. And he wrote down the formula.”
“I have the directions to remake the serum that turned you into Captain America right here in my lap.”
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emperorren · 6 years
Nah, we shouldn't employ antis' mentality of "writer A hates writer B's story" just because something doesn't sound positive. Whatever happens in IX is part of LF's long term plans. If Rey reverts back to ger old style then it was always LF's intention for TLJ to be her cautionary tale. We may not like it but everyone is working together on this story. Let's not assume this trilogy is being written like a CW show. There is a reason why antis sound ridiculous when they say stuff like this.
Dear anon, while I agree the story has been decided long ago and JJ isn’t retconning anything (even if that would mean bad news for us) I’ll answer with two other asks I just got:
Considering we don’t have photographs or video of this person’s account (from reddit) of Rey’s hair and apparel, I implore all to wait until something visual is leaked, or official releases. Until then, I’m focused on Disney/LF’s presentation of Rey from Women of the Galaxy on the front cover of the book (TLJ + Jen’s ethereal touch). Artist Jen Bartel said that LF was very clear with what they wanted, there are a number of pieces with creative freedom, with the front cover: specific guidance.
I think the hair and costume discourse should be saved for when we actually see what Rey looks like on the posters. We have around six more months to go. The guy who reportedly saw her new hair and costume said he was watching these filming clips on a poorly lit phone screen on a bright sunny day in the middle of a desert and he couldn’t see everything too clearly.
which I completely agree with, and I’m sorry if I contributed to the overall anxiety with my own tendency to overanalyze stuff.
“If Rey reverts back to her old style then it was always LF’s intention for TLJ to be her cautionary tale”
That’s… just as much of a reach as it would be screaming “endgame reylo confirmed!” if Rey was wearing a darker color + a brand new outfit. I mean, it’s just a costume, and those things need to be seen in context to be analyzed correctly. And, to be honest, Rey’s costume never changed THAT much even in TLJ, aside from the colors and her hairstyle. In fact, she starts the movie wearing a jacket and new trousers, which is definitely a change in style although still not a radical makeover, but then she reverts halfway through the movie to an outfit similar to the TFA one (undertunic + straps of fabric crossed on her chest, just grey instead of off-white), and that happens AFTER she touches Kylo’s hand.
So I would avoid obsessing over it either way. Rey’s look is kind of iconic at this point (so is Kylo’s), and I never expected them to deviate radically from her original costume. (and to be completely honest I like her TFA costume better than her TLJ one, which has too many layers and makes her look stockier than she is. And the TLJ hair is pretty nondescript, just an average half ponytail, while the buns are definitely more unique-looking)
Also, something to consider (and I swear this is the last thing I’ll add to this wank): if the cute buns were Rey’s childhood, and the loose hairstyle was Rey’s adolescence (rebellion + challenges + burgeoning sexuality), it makes sense that for the last act, adulthood, Rey adopts a new updo, maybe still reminiscent of her buns but more mature-looking, symbolically reconciling her fractured selves into her full-fledged adult identity. 
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 20+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/nina-dobrevs-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Natural texture instead of against it. She has a triangle face and close-set eyes that are nicely highlighted by this â€do. His high wide forehead is layered and well camouflaged by thick Eaves swept to the side. Short haircuts are notoriously difficult to fashion in the latest fashion glamour. A short haircut determines how your hair frames your face. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Even short haircuts give your hair a healthier and thinner look. Well here we can read additional details of Nina dobrev's beautiful burst of short hair bio then there's only one thing about doing that showcases more collars and Capri explains than we'd like to talk about through this page. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Nina Dobrev is undergoing a hair transformation for the past year or so, or in January 2020 - 2021 she cut her length by a demanding amount and apparently hasn't looked back since. The first cut has finally been shorter and shorter since she got a stylish bob with her blunt outbursts for the film Lucky Day in September. But now it seems he may be looking to grow his length back a bit. Nina Dobrev's Short Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, She just had a visit with stylist Chris McMillan and he gave her a gorgeous haircut that not only looks great now but will also help her bob grow out smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. Nina Dobrev's Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He was kind enough to talk to Allure about this particular cut and why he chose it for Dobrev and said the cut was perfect for all hair textures. I always start with face framing, then the long layers are created by just basically holding the hair and cutting the corners. He also spoke with Allure about Dobrev's recent transformation. was actually a work in progress, she said. Nina Dobrev's Haircuts Instead of rocking it to let the bang grow, I softened her blunt bangs and softened her bob to create a new look of lovemaking . Nina Dobrev knows good hair. We've seen rock super short bobsles sky high topknots and even a fluffy bump that could rival Kate Middleton, and it clearly has a number of hairdressers we'd like to speed-dial. In fact, after going through the archives, we can say that Dobrev didn't hesitate to try. Nina Dobrev's Short Hair And while this has largely never changed her colour she is providing us with a heavy dose of hair when it comes to styling. The deep side parts of chic red carpet buns were blingy metallic braids and blunt wavy fringes. So if you're in need of inspiration we're happy to say you've come to the right place. We don't cry as we try to understand how. Nina Dobrev's Hair Janelle Monae got this glow from a drugstore bronzer and wipe away tears during Viola Davis's speech. You're crying. You may have missed Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev and the coolly edgy new haircut she debuted at the after-party 2020 Oscars Vanity Fair. Just before the ceremony began, a salon owner and stylist at. Photos Of Nina Dobrev's Haircut Are Making Instagram Swoon Nine Zero for every cool celebrity Riawna Capri posted a shot of him with dobrev prepping a front haircut with a sheet mask. and then this morning he followed up with a photo of chop. These long brunette locks were pulled back dressed in waves and curls and pinned to her head to create this casual updo. Nina Dobrev: Her Best Ever Hair Looks The roots are teased at the crown for control and height, making it the perfect look to balance a rounded face. The product needs to shine and be kept. Although it seems as if Dobrev has lost only three or so inches the difference is large and even more so once you factor in the long layers and deep side part. He seems much more frustrated with Bob, who has the point. Your entire appearance depends on how you shape your feathers. Nina Dobrev hair 2020 - 2021 It's only a matter of time before you take off or cut your feathers. He can't remember how old he was when he worked there, and although we used the company's signature low jeans side by side in dimly lit perfume-heavy space, the noughties glory days of ribbed tank tops and ripped denim skirts. When Dobrev calls me in Los Angeles on a packed press day for her new film lucky Day She pauses and she breathes Nina dobrev before reminding her of our shared humble beginnings: a new cub actress named. Nina Dobrev Gets Shag Haircut to Grow Out Bob Maverick is the sports obsessive owner and adding a total Coachella Pro to the list. The former Vampire Diaries star made an appearance at the Reebok Classics crib in La Quinta California. to complement the athletic brand's three-day experience, it celebrates the effects of classic leather sneakers on fashion style and fitness. Nina Dobrev hair extensions It was a bit of both for actress Nina Dobrev. No star did not end up with a Hollywood. He's not leaving the industry either. In contrast Nina officially said goodbye to much of the heap of Vampire Diaries of her life when the show ended this year and plunged into her new career as a movie star in the new movie. The Return of Xander Cage. Why Nina Dobrev Cut Her Hair Into a Short Bob Naturally he was called for a pass. Celebrity hairdresser Riawna Capri made the cutlets to ditch inches in favour of a cute fluffy bob in Nina's trusty hand. Learn to scoop it all in the star's own words along with some little-known tips for shorter hair styling. View yourself with Nina dobrev hairstyles. It provides you with tips on how to style your hair by letting you know which facial shape matches your hair texture and hair density as well. Nina Dobrev hair color Do you remember the layers? Do they remember that it was a practical necessity. Nina Dobrev looks just as good as she did since she cut her long brown mane into long flowing layers. She didn't just sashay into any old salon though: her locks were snipped by none other than Celeb hairdresser Riawna Capri who becomes co-owner of one of West Hollywood's hottest salons Nine Zero One. Nina Dobrev hair products Sit back, relax and prepare to embark on a journey down memory lane. Here are our favorite hairstyles that Nina Dobrev wore. My mind always goes towards super short dos when I think of a haircut. I'm not really sure why though I don't even think I can pull off short hair. I have waist-length waves and never get stiff haircuts. Nina Dobrev Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors His strong cheekbones are also enhanced by this short cut. This hairstyle would not have dried sleek and straight for a different look the gorgeous blow would flatter the face shape even more if she had extra styling time and wanted a new variation of it. Nina is flaunting a gorgeous dark brunette hair color here with subtle highlights along the top layers. She looks gorgeous with warm light skin and dark eyes. Nina Dobrev brown hair The texture of the cut is highlighted by its rich color and finishes with a bright and healthy look. Regular color renewals are needed with this shade to protect against fading. On the last day of the weekend long journey dobrev of the big music festival on a Sunday shared his own personal tips and anecdotes on how to survive an event like coachella. Nina Dobrev natural hair The best thing about music festivals is that you can be a little more relaxed and cuddly, says the actress, who has been attending the Indio-based festival for nine years. All the walking dancing and hot weather she experienced about 100 degree heat last weekend when dobrev insisted on a lot of sunscreen and hydration from Coachella on the next side. “Close."He manages to say with laughter that we are babies. Nina Dobrev hairstyle Nina Dobrev has changed her hair several times in the past year. It all started in January 2020 when the Vampire Diaries actress cut a significant amount of length. She's finally got a stylish bob with blunt outbursts in September for the movie Lucky Day since she went shorter and shorter. But now it seems she may be looking to grow her hair back out a bit. Dobrev visited stylist Chris McMillan and gave him a gorgeous haircut with a bang. Nina Dobrev haircut It not only looks great now but also works to help its Bob grow smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. This is a perfect example of how a little snip can go a long way. Nina Dobrev's first “real truth” job was a Hollister at the Eaton Center in downtown Toronto. Nina Dobrev hair stylist Remember when they walked into the store and they made everyone say the same thing? When Nina Dobrev cut her signature long hair earlier this year, we found that cutting our fingers marked the beginning of more hair transformation from the star. Throughout her beauty evolution Nina has maintained things quite consistently as far as hair is concerned but no longer is. After trying both lob and Bob. Nina Dobrev haircut name He replaces it again with a cut we haven't seen him try before. The celebrity hairdresser and co-owner of a Salon at Nine Zero in Riawna Capri calls Nob Nina bob we can all be very lucky to have a hairstyle named after her. # Nob is made up of seemingly stylish angled lines burst and short hair and we will have one too please. Nina Dobrev new haircut Thin layers of waves were cut off from the back and sides of this espresso Mane to balance the body while exiting and fringing eyes smoothed down and sideways to the frame. This short easy style is best suited for those with naturally wavy hair and is perfect for framing a long face. Regular ornaments help prevent split ends and the product is needed to tame fly hair. Nina Dobrev looks gorgeous in a short bob with a twist here. Nina Dobrev curly hair This cut is ideal for ladies like her who want to work with their. Behind harsh haircuts is often a story that inspires change. Maybe we needed a new job and a new start. Maybe there's a breakup sweet new to make this new single life match. But thanks to photos of Nina Dobrev's haircut, I realised you don't have to make a dramatic change to make a big profit. Even a girl who got bored with her long hair but was also afraid to cut it, like Dobrev, could reap the benefits of tons of layers. Nina Dobrev blonde hair The 29-year-old actress has turned to celebrity stylist Chris McMillan for a brief renovation of her already 'do. Before his new layers, dobrev was rocking a blunt bob that hit chin length. Although she had short hair she chose to keep most of her length around this time before I loved a girl who wasn't afraid to go for it. So McMillan had to work by giving him a haircut he didn't make shorter. If you haven't had layers before, let me introduce you to the magic of varying hair lengths. Nina Dobrev hair care Not only do layers give you the illusion of short hair, which is great when you want a trendy new cut, but it doesn't require a great deal of commitment, because you can mostly keep most of your length. It's also the easiest way to create a texture of life-saving bounciness and tons of volume for girls with thin hair. I also learned from Chris McMillan's Instagram post that layers are perfect for this strange phase of growth. Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, originally known as Nina Dobrev, is a popular Canadian actress.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
The Top 7 Best Goth Girls In Anime
Popular culture loves its female archetypes, but there's one lady character trope that has withstood the test of time and proven itself to be a mainstay in films and television. Which one are we talking about? Of course, we're talking about the goth girl character trope!
    Not just relegated to horror flicks and stereotypical teen movies, the Hollywood goth girl has cemented her place in pop culture, turning up in everything from comedies to procedural dramas. Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club! Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice! Christina Ricci in ... well, everything! And if there is anything anime fans love it's their Best Boys and Best Girls. You see where we're going with this. In honor of World Goth Day, let us celebrate a very special (and specific) type of anime character: the Best Goth Girl! But which anime goth girls are the best? Read on!
    Honorable Mention: Toga - My Hero Academia
Starting off our list with an honorable mention, Toga may not look the part of a goth girl with her preppy sailor outfit and sandy blonde hair. Her knee-high socks don't exactly help, either. But make no mistake, Toga is a goth girl through-and-through. She's dark. Mysterious. A bit of a loner. And completely obsessed with blood.
    7) Hotaru Tomoe - Sailor Moon
  The non-Sailor Soldier identity of Sailor Saturn, Hotaru Tomoe is a dramatic goth girl with a terrible internal struggle. No matter how you look at Hotaru, she fits well into the goth aesthetic. From her status as the Sailor Soldier of Death and Rebirth, to the Crystal version's psychic abilities and secret dark side, Hotaru has "goth" written all over her. And thanks to her choker, knee-high boots, and purple themed clothing, so does Sailor Saturn herself!
    6) Arachne - Soul Eater
Snake and spider sister witches! Arachne is a classic, sophisticated goth with her long, black dress reminiscent of Morticia Addams, her elegant updo, and her spider-based magic. This sister really goes all in, surrounding herself with spiderwebs and actual spiders every chance she gets. And she's so dang classy she sips her blood out of a wine glass! Even in the middle of battle, Arachne never fails to look the part of the enchanting (literally and figuratively) sorceress she is.
5) Medusa - Soul Eater
  The snake to Arachne's spider, Medusa's look is much more unconventional than what we might expect from the typical goth girl. With her flowy jumpsuit and bare feet she certainly puts a new spin on the genre. But she's quite possibly one of the darkest and most heartless villains in all of anime thanks to her utterly cruel and emotionless treatment of her own son (perfect little baby Crona must be protected at all costs). And that black and green arrow nail polish is peak goth game!
    4) Kurumi Tokisaki - Date A Live
Even without her black and crimson gothic lolita gown, Kurumi Tokisaki exudes her dark and creepy attitude. For this Best Goth Girl, it's all about who she is on the inside: The goth with a heart of gold. She is a twisted (and prolific) murderer... who only hurts the bad guys who hurt other people.
    3) Misa Amane - Death Note
Sure, Misa Amane may come across as perky and bubbly. She's all about silly crushes and becoming a pop idol. But she certainly dresses the part with her black babydoll dresses, chokers, crosses, and stocking and garter sets. Not only does Misa Misa look the part, she has a true dark heart, pledging her love and loyalty to the one and only Kira and helping to create his ideal world with the power of her deadly notebook.
    2) Sunako Kirishiki - Shiki
Little tiny vampire baby with a super Victorian look who lives in a creepy castle on a hill. That's pretty freaking goth, if you ask me! Sunako Kirishiki outfits herself in super throwback dresses that are all frilly and ruffled. Black and white and purple are the heavy thematic colors. And details like high collars and rows of buttons down the front of her ensembles add to the dark vibe. But what really takes Sunako's gothic look over the top are her large, circular, soulless black eyes. That and the fact that she survives by draining humans of their blood and leads an entire vampire army, of course.
    1) Cossette - Le Portrait de Petit Cossette
  Cossette is a dead girl who wears Victorian style dresses with ruffles, lace, and ribbons. She was murdered by an artist, causing her soul to become trapped inside a portrait for centuries. That is, until the reincarnated soul of said artist fell in love with her portrait, contacted her through a midnight ritual, and pledged to release her spirit by putting himself through mental and physical torture. It really doesn't get much more gothic than that!
  From the Lolita to Victorian and whatever you would call Medusa's totally original style, goth girls in anime have a lot of range, both aesthetically and in terms of their unique personalities. They're a blood red ray of light in the great, big, dark room that is life.
  Is your Best Goth Girl on the list? Did we miss one of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!
Carolyn also writes for Bunny Ears and Cracked. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/sarah-paulsons-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, These highlighted locks are slid from side to side. And fastened onto the nape to create this elegant updo. Perfect for any special occasion. This could be the official hairstyle. As an actress, it's not helpful to do something like that. Ladies misunderstand jokes. This notion that no one sits for an individual. Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Thinks they are a bad individual. You are an incredibly beautiful individual and having that hairstyle is not the same experience. So friends can't take all of you. If Marcia is ready to take him at that moment. This is enjoyable and Sarah asks Ellen if it is really fun. Todd helped me do most of the work. In response, however, Clark did not. Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, finally blow out the perfect American style is crucial to this look. Spring and summer are just around the bend and certainly warming Statesboro. One of her favourite ways to get extra heat from a woman's neck is to cut her hair short. You may be thinking, but how short. Your answer is here. Sarah Paulson's Short Haircuts Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Anything under a lob counts as a short hairstyle with a long bob. She cut rough at the ends to at least give the brunette a textured look at the edges in this casual bob and then rocked a perfect blow to achieve a smooth style with a low clamour feel. It's a hairstyle. Sarah Paulson's Hairstyles Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Bobby pins are often found around. The edges of a large hairstyle that holds all the tucking and needling. Sarah Paulson's glossy bobby pinned hairdo not only. Benefits them greatly, it also shows they're perfect for a stylish facial touch. This mid-length hairstyle is the. Sarah Paulson's Haircuts Sarah Paulson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Perfect style for those looking for a low-fuss hairstyle to compliment a round of blunt right edges. Only a small. They add volume to the crown. Braid. They keep the ropes in place. Sarah Paulson's Short Hair They work tirelessly, like loyal workers in each hair styling kit, and maintain that they are part of each. But there are hardly any Bobby pins front and center of the spotlight. Sarah Paulson's latest appearance aims to change that. 2020-2021 is a big year for him as he ranks a series of most anticipated films, including Ocean's 8. Sarah and the rest of the leading ladies have been promoting the film before its June release and on one such occasion it caught our eye in its eye. Sarah Paulson's Hair In a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter's natural brunette Paulson explains how early in her career she gave her hair a real housewife makeover to take on big roles. I wasn't asked to play the leading lady without having to be blonde who says. I love blondes but I don't care to be considered a romantic lady opposite a very sexy man in la to say I have to have long blonde hair that looks like Real Housewives. Sarah Paulson Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors It's doing something to your brain. You go, God, I mean, if I had changed in some way, the way I was born isn't that attractive.'It's a funny message to extend to one person. And this is the other thing. I did. I wore the extensions I wore in blondes. It's here in 2020-2021 that wraps it up. If you've seen all seasons of American Horror Story luck, Sarah Paulson might be obsessed. Times Sarah Paulson Was A Short-Hair Idol But you don't have to be a fan of the horror series to know that this actress has some serious red carpet skills. Always in a sort of gown for the rocking complexion of one we just imagine Paulson carved a spot of our beauty-loving hearts. But lately the star has been mesmerising us with her locks. Her blonde bob is already something to behold but the different ways she was able to style really impressed us. Paulson is making a strong case to be the new hair idol. Click here to see what we mean. Sarah Paulson Bob View yourself with Sarah Paulson hairstyles. We also provide easy how to style hair by reporting tips on which facial shape can match hair texture and hair density. Sarah Paulson is still in People v. O. J. Simpson's Marcia Clark looks to have this famously controversial short curly brown hair. Best sarah paulson hair images Tall light wavy golden blonde. This short sassy 'do is perfect to complete. Hey there's no judgment here the Bills won't pay themselves and you've got to get in somehow. And Paulson made the Housewives proud. We were 100 percent sure Lisa Vanderpump would approve. Yet Paulson's revelation really wasn't that we already knew these things were true in Hollywood. She fully appreciates why Marcia Clark has enjoyed her transformation. I found it really liberating. Sarah Paulson I'm a 41-year-old woman wearing Chia Pet thing broccoli looking into my head. It was difficult but liberating. It really was. This is great for casual hairstyle. What's even more liberating is the American Horror Story star's current cookie-cutter non-blonde playing up her very Trending dark roots in an edgy short crop.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 40+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/lucy-hales-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, with credit to Ess for the updated view. Hale himself has a sense of humour about his hair. he shared a photo of the new chops attached to Instagram story Daria with her best friend Jane Lane. The comparison is true, as Hale said. The star's luscious brown locks were chopped off in her sleep when. Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, aka Aria Montgomery refused to dye her hair pink during a recent flashback to pretty Little Liars. While this should have been one of a's elaborate punishments, the results were a spectacular jaw-length bob that we've seriously considered copying ever since. Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Though in real life Hale is happily changing his appearance by gradually cutting his hair shorter and shorter since the end of last year. If you're nervous about trying a shorter style, it's hairstylist. Lucy Hale's Short Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Kristin Ess, who is also responsible for Lauren Conrad's stylish product, who says this can help prepare you mentally. She tells InStyle it's good to feel shorter lengths before going for a full jaw length chop. Lucy Hale's Hairstyles He said. 'it's a serious commitment. There's a strange scene when you grow up a bob and if you master that first, I think you might have a Bob. Pretty Little Liars actress Lucy Hale is one of our ultimate hair heroes over the years the American actress has experimented with things like long medium and short hair as well as hair studs hair tattoos and fringes. Lucy Hale's Haircuts Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Most recently Lucy sported shoulder length hair but yesterday took to instagram to debut her new super short hair cut. See his large Mane exposed below. Lucy Hale's Short Hair Lucy Hale's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The jump from lob to bob with her final haircut. The 29-year-old actress recently shared a photo of her new short style from celebrity hairdresser Kristin Ess on instagram. Short hair has been seen for some time but this cut is a bit more dramatic than her usual. Lucy Hale's Hair Shoulder length style. While he is no stranger to super short bob, he wore a similar length last year, a minute has passed since we saw this style. Her hair now hits towards her chin with a blunt length all around her. From Tousled braids to romantic updos. Best Lucy Hale Haircut images Anything is possible when you have length on your side. Lucy's long bob is characterized by blunt ends. If you're considering wearing the look this season, we strongly recommend watching it for a guaranteed fashion-forward finish. Lucy Hale's Hair Just Keeps Getting Shorter Shorter length helps create more volume and movement, and the star's locks look healthier and brighter than ever. Lucy may spend far less time than she did before wondering if she was a major factor in her decision-making. Lucy Hale Truly Doesn't Care That You Don't Like Her Short Hair We think beautiful Lucy's locks look gorgeous no matter the length, but we're absolutely obsessed with her new cut, which is a clear winner for us. I agree with you. Let us know by voting for your favorite view above. It's Lucy Hale's birthday. Lucy Hale Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors The Pretty Little Liars star turns 28 today and the star gives us serious off-screen inspiration in her ever-changing but always effortless lob form as she lives for OMG moments on the hit TV show. She's headed from blonde to brunette red. Lucy Hale natural hair color And again the actress likes to change her. Playing Aria Montgomery on Freeform's hit show, the actress is supposed to keep her locks dark, but she likes to experiment with different cuts colors textures and styles when she's off. Pretty little liars aria haircut From Mini buns to wavy hair to braided updos to straight locks, we always crush the latest style. Sometimes I miss my long hair, she says. When I cut my hair I definitely feel like I'm on my own but I miss knitting and putting it in a full ponytail because now. Lucy Hale hair products I can't fit all my hair into a ponytail. He said he hasn't grown up yet. Rather he finds it incredibly empowering. It can motivate a lot of people to cut their hair. Just get ready for a new month a breakup or a change that changes your style. Lucy Hale medium length hair Is an easy and common way to start fresh. And Lucy Hale is the best example. The actress has kept her hair safe collarbone length for some time so far although Pretty Little Liars has turned her colour on many occasions since wrapping up hale. She just revealed her latest chops in a post on Instagram and it's shorter than we've ever seen. Lucy Hale Short Hair 2020 - 2021 But now Hale is returning to his roots thanks to a new role he landed, still a mystery, so he hasn't been able to say what it is yet . Kristin ESS Hale's longtime stylist and colorist said her new look for an upcoming episode called the role basically her old hair color. Best Lucy Hale Bob images Lucy has cool and dazzling green Yesil eyes, which look good in spring and autumn colours. The reddish brown hue of her hair flattens her skin tone and intensifies her eye colour while revealing the natural rosiness on her cheeks. Best Lucy Hale Hairstyles One of all Lucy Hale's enviable features is her ability to be a total beauty chameleon, the actress and singer we admire most, who looks almost as good in black lipstick as poppy red lip and bronze eyeshadow. and an eyeliner. But one thing we'll never get over the obsession is his dark wavy new bob. Lucy Hale hair 2020 - 2021 So we just asked her to share all her short hair secrets for this month's column. Keep swiping to read Lucy Hale's lob secrets, from her favourite products to style tips. Editor's note. this column was first published in 2020 - 2021, and many of the products. Lucy Hale with short hair Referenced are a testament to both their brilliance and that Lucy is in better taste at a different point in her career and life than what is now being discussed here. The article has been edited for clarity. Hello, byrdie readers. I'm excited to talk about everything. Lucy Hale haircut short In lob's corner this month. Lucy Hale cut her hair into a beautiful lob in 2020, and since then it's been shorter and shorter until it settles perfectly over the shoulder style, no wonder her pictures have splashed across so many hairstyles. Lucy Hale rose gold hair On Inspo Pinterest boards. When Lauren Conrad first chopped her long hair this fall she didn't go straight up to chin length. women feel more like women who will have shorter hair. women don't understand. Lucy Hale has now been rocking a shoulder length. Lucy Hale short hairstyle Bob for several seasons and the style has become one of the most popular haircuts for the summer. The only downside is that it makes simple styles like a ponytail almost impossible. But Hale and professional hairdresser Kristin Ess are proving that even the shortest bobs can be pulled back into a fancy fluff. women say you cut your hair. Lucy Hale short haircut And you're like No I've never cut my hair in my life it's a big deal.’ I feel like women understand and know that the star of new CW show Katy Keene's Lucy Hale has a talent list, she is an actress and singer and known for her excellent fashion choices. Lucy Hale hair color However, despite all her abilities, there is something constantly spoken about by her short hair. The marsupial, about eight inches from its brown locks, has been years in the making, Hale said. Since then the Pretty Little Liars alum has just gone shorter and darker with her hair. The haircut inspired fans and other celebrities to cut their hair in a similar way. Lucy Hale straight hair But despite all the praise the actress has received, there are people who prefer her hair longer and often tell Hale that preference. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done, Hale said about his original snap decision to cut his hair too long. Lucy Hale medium hair And while the actress has no plans to grow her hair again she is still constantly told by women that she prefers her long locks to the longer of her short hair. I can't tell you how much time women spend.you have to take your hair off again. Lucy Hale curly hair As I Hale long hair revealed in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan. Thankfully the Katy Keene star gives the perfect response to the women who dared comment on her trademark short hair. I'm not cutting my hair for you. I cut my hair for myself and I feel great in. Lucy Hale new hair This way the 30-year-old shared. Switching your hair color as Lucy Hale has been none lately and for good reason. actress told Cosmopolitan.com taking a role with or out of color during a Facebook Live Pretty Little Liars Aria haircut in the past she couldn't really play. Lucy Hale's hair Half the pin up flat make it sweet and beautiful. And it's nice to know that you're not the only one addicted to your straightener in. The early 2020. the ends of these brown locks are jagged cut to sit on. The jawline, giving a fine movement up to the mid-length ends. Lucy Hale curls This casual hairstyle is perfect for those who want to manage a low-fuss look with regular trimmings every 4 to 6 weeks. Only a small amount of product is required for brightness and texture. Lucy Hale went for a short and sweet hairstyle here. Lucy Hale long hair The jaw-length bob has a closed center piece and thin kinky waves along some added tissue. Hair is what connects a woman's entire appearance and emphasizes the beauty of her face. Taking this into account it is vital that you style your hair in a. Lucy Hale blonde Sophisticated way that makes your overall effect eye appealing. Lucy Hale includes styles designed for short hair. Lucy has a square heart-shaped face, so short blunt. Styles are not usually recommended as they can create a box appearance. Lucy Hale hair short This helps to create a more balanced look for fighting Lucyâ waves and angled cuts. The side part is also a good choice for him, as squares and heart shapes should avoid the center parts in most cases. The mastermind behind every look is celebrity hairdresser Kristin Ess, who is also the lady behind Jenna Jewan Tatum's gorgeous waves. There are people who are happy with scissors, and then there are celebrities. Lucy Hale ombre hair To prove my point, Lucy Hale's new haircut is even shorter than the old one but the fellow actress seems to have zero regrets about her recent chops, and possibly even shorter. Saturday July 21 Instagram the 29-year-old happily shared a recent jaw photo of her 'do grazing' on Instagram created by none other than hairdresser Kristin Ess who has worked with other stars such as Lauren Conrad.looks similar. Lucy Hale pink hair This week Lucy Hale is making a triumphant return to TV screens as Katy Keene's titular character in the forthcoming Riverdale spinoff. And while she is fully prepared to embrace Katy's dress-heavy wardrobe on display she is also opening up about her own personal style. In a new cover interview with. Lucy Hale red hair Cosmopolitan Lucy got more specific about how her style and her persona have changed since her Pretty Little Liars days and how much the fact that cutting her hair has changed her life. Lucy has always tried hairstyles; she has been sporting short hair for several years and even went blonde at one point but saying goodbye to her eight inches of hair. Lucy Hale ombre Was a big change for her in the best way possible. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done, mag's now stylish tousled chin-length bob. I can't tell you how much time women spend.you have to take your hair off again. Lucy Hale bob hair Enough to say that the constant chameleon always debuted a brand new chin length bob that gave the actor Pretty Little Liars a lot of new hair to try out hair color down to the follicular Lucy Hale and passing on Instagram this year and surprised fans. Hale is constantly changing things thanks in part to his longtime stylist Kristin Ess.
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