#that tumblr's trying to get new users or that the current users are going feral on twitter
nanlanmoarchived · 2 years
if you’re having a bad day, read through the comments of tumblr users trying to scare off the twitter users 
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Op of this blocked me but i thought it was important
So I left out their part of the post but copied everything under it
quote, “
Just saying: Tumblr loses several million of dollars per month. It has been losing millions of dollars per month for ... years. We are not even close of changing that and make this site profitable yet.
And if that doesn't change, you may not believe it, but tumblr will close. Back in 2019, if Automattic hasn't bought it, I'm pretty convinced Verizon would have closed before the end of the year. This time, once Automattic says "we can't keep losing millions per month on this"... I don't think there will be anyone else willing to buy this hellsite, even for a single dollar.
Personally, I would prefer Tumblr to be paid by its own users and not being reliant on advertising. I work here, I could have almost everything for free, but I pay my own blazed posts and crab gifts because of this. But we are FAR from getting enough income from people subscribing, blazing or buying gifts. FAR.
And we are not talking about Facebook-like greed here, "Tumblr wants to squeeze us to make even more money!!!". We are talking about Automattic keeping Tumblr alive for three years already, losing millions and even if doing it costs a significant percentage of the income of the company. And no company would let something like that happens forever.
So if you like tumblr, if you enjoy this boiling cauldron of feral goblins, boicot advertisement if you want, but then toss a coin to your tumblr each month.
GIF by imagine-all-the-things
And it's ok if you can't, but then please, let people, or companies, blaze their posts in peace. If they bother you so much, just install an ad blocker.
But if you are actively trying to make advertisers to flee Tumblr, or bullying people who blaze posts, you are actively working towards the closing of this site. So why don't you just move your shit to TikTok or wherever and stop trying to ruin this place for the rest of us?
Oh I have looked through the notes and holy f-ck, how does some people even function in the outside world?
There are several variations of "we have to keep this site unprofitable!!". And holy shit. Christ on a stake.   Forgive my French, but me cago en la puta hostia como se puede ser tan corto.
Repeat with me:
Because if it's unprofitable,
you don't get to keep it for long.
Full stop.
Do you know why Tumblr has stayed around for so long while being unprofitable??
So each one of those companies tried to make it profitable for two, three years and failed. And at that point, they just sold it to someone else to try.
The last time, Verizon sold it to Automattic for the business equivalent of a jar of peanut butter and a half-full cola bottle. Because they were going to close it anyway, so better to get that than nothing. And you know why Automattic could get it for cheap? Because. No. One. Else. Offered. Anything. Verizon announced very publicly they were trying to sell it and they got one (1) offer. Because purchasing Tumblr means you are purchasing a thing that puts you several million in debt PER MONTH.
So can you picture, can you imagine, what it will happen if the current owners decide that they can't keep having this thing that costs them so much money per month to maintain?? It has been owned by Automattic for three years already, longer than what it was owned by Yahoo or Verizon. Can you imagine what it would happen if they decide to stop losing money on this thing??
No, there won't be any new owner.
And no, there won't be any fucking tumblr anymore.
I see your point. The problem is we've seen every single social media site turn into an algorithmic hellscape once they started having major advertisers like this. How can we be confident Tumblr won't do the same? How can we be confident that Tumblr won't get dollar signs in their eyes with these brands escaping Twitter, and start changing the site to accommodate them? We've heard promises before from other social media platforms that things will get 'better' once the money comes in, and we've been betrayed by algorithms and absolutely heinous business practices.
Because the presence of big brands or not is not the symptom of being an algorithmic hellscape or not. Data collection is.
Big brands were advertising on the internet way before the hyper focused ads and data mining became The Way of paying for internet services.
If tumblr starts asking you to fill a profile with your personal info, ask you to connect your contacts, etc, that's the symptom of a turn towards an algorithmic advertising business model. But Tumblr could have done that at any point in the last 10 years and become a money-making machine like the other major social networks. And it didn't happen, for a reason: neither the current management nor the past one wanted to do that and they always have been trying to make Tumblr the platform that manages to succeed while respecting its user's privacy.
You know, I personally don't care about Marvel, but I have gotten blazed posts by Tor books and I was delighted. And if you think about it, marvel blazing its posts is EXACTLY what we want to happen all over the internet. Being realistic, we are not going to make this site to be 100% user funded for a long while, so ads are inevitable. That being the case, what's a better option than the brands sending their ads to everyone, without any segmentation, paying for N impressions and that's it. That was how internet ads were before Google and Facebook became the big brother and started selling our info to advertisers so they could convince your uncle to embrace fascism.
And if Tumblr manages to get to profitability with a mix of "old school ads" and users paying for stuff, we will be demonstrating that there is another way to make a social platform sustainable without it being a facade for a user-data mining gig. But if we boycott every single other way to make money here, not only we would kill Tumblr, but we will also make it the case study proving that privacy invasion and data selling is the one and only way to make money with any social network.
I already wrote about this in another post, but let me do a quick explanation of what's going on here. Before Automattic/tumblr, I used to work in an ad network, so I learned quite a bit about online advertising and how it works.
Why do I get ads that seem to be tailored to me on Tumblr if Tumblr doesn't sell my data 101
So. Most of the ads you see on Tumblr are not really something a company contacts Tumblr directly to put in here. There's is this thing that's called "ad exchanges" that is where a big chunk of internet advertising comes from. Basically, when you have an app, or a site, and want to put advertising on it, you reach a deal with one, or usually several, of those ad exchanges to 'sell' your ad space through them.
Basically, they are like ebay, but for ad space and only used by computers. When you are browsing tumblr and the app decides that is time to show you an ad, what it does is pinging one of these ad exchanges telling it "hey, I have space for an ad of these characteristics (size, format, etc)". Then the ad exchange put the space 'on sale', all the potential advertisers bid for it, and the one with the higher bid sends the ad you are going to be shown. All this bidding happens in milliseconds, so there are a lot of folks like me who work on making computers smart enough to win those bids over other competing advertisers, etc.
The thing is that when you are one of the services that are bidding for that ad space, you get some data from the ad exchange so you can tell if you want to bid or not. The most basic info, the one you get from apps that don't really share personal info, is just things like the ip address, the advertising id from your phone, maybe your general geographic area (mostly, your country), the languages your browser or your phone accepts. Then, if the app is doing some spying on you, you may get some extra data: Your gender, your age, all kinds of "profile" info advertisers can use to decide if they want to bid for that ad space or not.
Now, the advertisers are continuously getting this info and there's really no way to tell them what to do with it. And they are smart enough to not just let it waste. Every time they get one of those ad opportunities, they store the data, even if they don't win the bid. And then… they can do things with that data.
Imagine you use, for example, an app that's mining your data and selling it to advertisers through an ad exchange. The advertiser gets the opportunity to show you an ad, and whether they bid or not, they store the data they get. Your ip, your ids, the profiling data the app is sending to them, everything.
Now, you close the crappy spying app and decide to spend some time browsing this hellsite. Tumblr also wants to show you an ad, so it sends the request to the ad exchange with the minimum information possible: your ip, your phone unique id, your language. The advertiser gets pinged to be told about this chance to show you an ad, but they can't profile you, so it's not particularly interesting. Unless… oh yeah, they have a record from 10 minutes ago that matches your ip! And in that record, they have that you are in Calatayud, Spain, that you are a woman between 25 and 30 years, and that you like dogs. So … yeah, they decide to bid for the tumblr ad, and send you an ad based on the information about you they have recorded. Bam. You get an ad about a pet shop next to your street and you go "WTF, tumblr is selling my data!". Fair, but not really what happened.
The best example of this is when you travel internationally. Let's say you are in Germany, and your phone is full of german-language ads. But you turn it off and take a plane to Portugal. When you land, you turn your phone on again, and, for a while, you are still getting german ads all over. Why? Because the advertisers stored your phone id back when you still were in Germany, so if they are sending you an ad in an app that's not really sharing much about you, they are just checking you up in their databases. And it will take a while for them to get enough information about you for telling that you are now in Portugal and adjust the ads they serve to you.
How is this even legal?!?!? well, if you are in the US … mostly everything is legal there. If you are in the UE, they are technically not storing any personal information about you (because IPs or phone ids aren't considered personal info), so there is no link to your name anywhere, they are ok to store all that data about you (if you ask me, that's A HELL of a technicality). Everywhere else, I really don't know the legal framework to talk about it.
So… yeah. That's it. That's the thing. That's how an advertiser can profile you even on tumblr, even if tumblr doesn't tell them much about you to them.
One correction: IP address is protected personal information under GDPR.
But yeah, tl;dr
tumblr costs millions to operate and is not profitable
3rd parties WILL harvest your data wherever you go, whether it's legal or not (something something Cambridge Analytica)
use Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection, Ghostery, some Ad Block, VPN, whatever
enabled Do Not Track in your browser and phone
reset your phone's Advertiser ID every couple of weeks anyway
also remember that an INSANE amount of information you share (and even which don't share!) on facebook, youtube, instagram, google, tiktok, etc all get scraped, processed, and sold to third parties
even if you never say "I like cats" on facebook, but interact with a lot of cat photos, facebook WILL KNOW THAT YOU LIKE CATS, and WILL SELL THIS INFORMATION. Tumblr doesn't - but if your blog is public, anyone can scrape it and derive this information themselves.
by default FACEBOOK FOLLOWS YOU on every site that has the cursed Like button, fb comment section, or similar widgets! Disqus, Spotify, YouTube, Twitch, all similar embedded widgets harvest your data as well!
you joke that "your FBI agent this or that" but NSA genuinely has tons of information and a psychological profile on every single one of you, whether it's obtained legally or (most often) not. They know if you're a climate activist. They know if you joke about blowing up . You Are On A List.
"Over 26,000 individuals were at one point catalogued on an FBI list of persons to be rounded up in the event of a "national emergency". [source]" <- this was in 1976, long before Internet, what do you think they have now?
do not blame Tumblr for trying to survive financially
pay for ad-free tumblr, $40 a year is very likely less money than facebook+insta+tiktok+youtube+reddit makes off of you every year
this is not a hellsite, this is a hellworld, and Tumblr (the company; not your blog as such) is somehow the smallest privacy concern that you can possibly have (today)
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nikxierocks · 2 years
Hello pisslings. I’m back from the dead after a measly 20 posts!!! (Impressive, I know)
I return with good news!!! I’m no longer a Genshin fan. However, I return with equally bad news!!! I’m still a mha fan!!!
But that’s alright. I’ve had a few awakenings in the time I’ve been gone. Mainly, some gender awakenings and such. But here’s a proper intro before we get into that.
Basic Info
Personal Stuff
My name is Nic!! Though I also go by Kikki. Feel free to call me either!!
In terms of like. Adjectives??? I guess??? I generally prefer masculine (like I hate being called a girl but being called a guy is v nice) but also like calling me cute or pretty is cool if you wanna do that for some reason idk.
I’m a Leo ♌️ my birthday is August 13th
No you don’t get to know my age fuck off /lh
I am actually diagnosed with depression and anxiety as well as mixed-moderate ADHD
I am NOT diagnosed with maladaptive daydreaming but how the fuck can I misdiagnose myself with that like it’s so specific I’m like 90% I have it or I’m just absolutely feral no in between.
There is also a good chance I’m autistic but like that definitely isn’t diagnosed so I’m. Currently holding out on it. I have my suspicions though.
People put their kins here right??? I feel like I’ll get called a poser or some shit and people will be like “you don’t really kin these characters1!!1!” But fuck it here’s my top kins
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Sunny (Omori)
Isaac (The Binding of Isaac)
Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Mipha (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Stuff I do
I draw sometimes!!! It’s a struggle but I try really hard. Maybe I’ll open an art blog sometime.
I also have been trying to write. Which is really hard cause I’m just— not good at going back and rereading my writing. I have very few fics posted but my user is NikxieRocks on Ao3 if you’re curious.
I play video games. If you wanna be my friend on Switch, WiiU, or Switch, feel free to dm me. I have no cool gaming friends </3
Silly Gender Things
Ah yes. The real reason I came back to Tumblr. I realized there was a thriving community of xenogender users and I wouldn’t get hatecrimed like I would on Tiktok. So anyways here’s my gay things. Please be respectful ^^
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Boyfluid is like genderfluid but you never fluctuate to the female side. In other words, my gender fluctuates between masculine and nonbinary identities. I’m so glad I found this out, it’s so fucking reassuring. Anyways onto my xenos!!!
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The delicious flavor of this xeno is feeling connected to dogs or identifying with or as one in some way. For me personally, it just makes me feel comfy and happy and very Yes so it’s probably a good thing!!! I do in fact identify with puppers it’s real.
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This might be a bit. Repetitive. But I just. Love this flag so much. I’m so stupid and this identity makes me giddy and I found it less than an hour ago so we’re rolling with it until I find more xenogenders to wrap around me like a protective armor to shield my mental illness. Anyways, this gender is basically boyfluid but more specific— it’s the fluctuating between the male gender and doggender which fits me pretty well. Anyways that’s it for now.
My Pronouns
Pretty simple! I prefer he/pup/they (in that order). I really really really don’t like she/her so please don’t call me that!! And I prefer pup when I’m feeling more nonbinary, he/him when I’m feeling more masc. (I’m not sure how I feel as I’m writing this but that’s cause it’s literally midnight where I am). Pffffff what else. Omg right fandoms ok.
Things I will be Posting About (Fandoms)
It’s. Chronic. I am HAUNTED by this series. Horikoshi has me in a death grip and Dabi is taking FULL ADVANTAGE OF IT. I love mha so much I’m never shutting up about it in general but I’ll talk extra long about the villains (specifically Dabi), todofam, and sometimes Bakugou. I’m an edgy bitch what can I say.
I don’t care if the actual vocaloid fandom is dead I’m currently riding its corpse into the sunset because I literally have no one to talk to about how good vocaloid music is. IT SLAPS SO HARD EVERYONE SHOUKD BE LISTENING TO IT AAAA ok yeah that’s all stan IA.
This can either go one of two ways:
Scarlet and Violet are good games and I won’t shut up about the series and how much fun I’m having and how good the competitive scene is
Scarlet and Violet are ASS and I won’t shut up about how disappointed I am in game freak
Regardless I’m probably gonna talk about how good White 2 is how much I used to have a crush on Gladion.
Ok now that I got that out of my system— as a Sploosh main who’s been playing since Splatoon 1, and actually prefers Splatoon 1, I will be reliving my glory days as I try to get A rank in Splat Zones. God help me.
Anime Figures
I am aware this isn’t a fandom but I need to talk about Hatsune Miku figures or my wallet will be empty.
Maybe Undertale or Fnaf or other Cringe topics
Idk man I watched matpat as a kid. My first EVER fandom was Undertale. I am clearly mentally ill. There will be some dumb and concerning shit. I am cringe, but I am free. So is life.
Should be pretty standard but yk here we go
Basic DNIs. I’m literally a black queer like get off my page if you’re racist and homophobic
Genshin fans who like… REALLY like Kusanali and are ignorant about the whole Sumeru thing… gtfo…
Anyone who thinks blackwashing is real like touch grass
DID/OSDD fakeclaimers I hope you rot in hell
Proshippers. No explanation needed.
People who harass fans of problematic media. Like no stop you’re literally just as bad if not worse than them by harassing someone. Just leave them alone smh
People who shit on mha just to shit on mha like please get a hobby
Genuine man haters like I’m literally masc leaning that shit makes me uncomfy as hell
ENDEAVOR STANS AND ENDHAWKS SHIPPERS (I know this is fandom specific but AAAUHH)
mlm fetishizers
People who try to force their religion on others (I’m secular. I really don’t care if you’re religious but don’t talk about it with me. Chill out.)
Other Stuff and Outro
My Triggers/Boundaries
My dms are open if you just wanna talk about fandom stuff or writing or art or something but DO. NOT. COME IN MY DMS TO VENT. Unless you’re a very good friend. That is a great way to get yourself blocked.
Don’t send me gore (is that even allowed on Tumblr?) and don’t ever genuinely try to like fuck in dms or somethin??? (I was on Amino idk if this happens on other social media platforms)
And don’t rp with me cause I just don’t roleplay with strangers anymore.
Ok I think that’s it. Probably. Maybe. Idk man it’s really late I’m tired af I’ll probably tag in the morning. Anyways live laugh Shoto!!!! See y’all later ♡
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steeleholtingon · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 6,475 times in 2021
58 posts created (1%)
6417 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 110.6 posts.
I added 550 tags in 2021
#daniel sousa - 113 posts
#daisy johnson - 90 posts
#timequake - 61 posts
#steeleholtingon - 60 posts
#dousy - 50 posts
#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. - 49 posts
#stay - 49 posts
#blue shirt of chivalry - 41 posts
#agents of shield - 22 posts
#bucky barnes - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i dare anyone cooped up in a house with small feral creatures who scream and bang om random things not to get a little batshit after a while
My Top Posts in 2021
Pretty sure Darcy married the duck because he was the only character left that Darcyland hadn't paired Darcy up with yet.
47 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 17:20:59 GMT
Raise your hand
if you have a fanfic WIP bookmarked or subscribed to for over ten years. Just in case.
Tumblr media
52 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 17:31:54 GMT
Tiny Headcanons: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
On microwave ovens: Daisy explained to Daniel on the Zephyr how to heat water for tea using the microwave in the galley -- which led to Fitzsimmons countering that no microwave could properly heat a cuppa and there were diagrams on Daniel’s tablet indicating hot and cold spots and the impact each had on the flavor of the tea itself. Daisy warmed up a cup of milk in the microwave, added cocoa, and passed it to Daniel to sip while he listened to the debate.
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 02:16:40 GMT
Get to Know Me
thanks @hecckyeah
Last song: Sam Steele ... Fire on Fire
Last movie: Crazy Rich Asians
Currently reading: Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse fanfic #huntingbird
Currently watching: TFATWS
Currently craving: good milk chocolate dipped in crunchy peanut butter
No pressure tag: anyone who’s game
68 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 03:48:30 GMT
Trolls are at it again
Just an FYI that the purity police are at it again ... they like to hunt me down on my OT3 fics and they always make a very specific kind of complaint about the female lead.
It's pretty clear they don't actually read the story, they just go to the end and try to pretend they did. (This last one was laughable.)
I made a mistake of leaving one of my fics open to Anon comments and that's been corrected. The purity police hunted me down on another fic to complain about a story that had been locked to Anon comments.
Reminder: Do not engage these people. Delete the comments from your story and your inbox. Requiring commenters to be registered users prevents Anon comments. Do that from the "Edit" button and scroll all the way to the bottom. Click the radio button for "only registered users can comment."
I'm experienced enough and cranky enough to not let this crap get to me. For a new writer, this kind of stuff can be devastating. So here's SHO telling you to delete the hell out of this stuff, block hate, and you do you. Whatever you do, keep writing.
68 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 21:01:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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