#that shot of finn?? blurry and embarrassing
troxk · 4 years
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When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the ‘nay’ in your own mind, nor do you withhold the ‘ay’. And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart; For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed. When you part from your friend, you grieve... For what which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit. --Khalil Gibran, The Prophet 
my journal pages from when i saw The Goldfinch in cinemas last year. anyone else remember cinemas? cause i don’t. (please click for better quality!) 
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damn-stark · 5 years
Blinded Ch.23
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A/N- if this chapter was short it’s because it was meant to be part of chapter 22 but it was too long (the red box that says it’s too long literally popped up) so I had to cut it (I didn’t want to but It wouldn’t let me write more)!! and the next chapter is just going to be focused on the events in Kef Bir :):
Warning- violence, light swearing, talks of trauma, angst. Spoilers
Pairing- Poe Dameron x Solo!reader
Takes place during- The Rise of Skywalker
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“This where I stop too, y/n.” You stop in your steps and spin back to Alya, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The anger you had felt after Zorii’s little moment with Poe, when she gave him a captains medallion making itself less significant for the moment.
“I’ve done what I needed to do. I helped you guys, I need to go back to Lando.”
“What? I-now? But I-”
She steps up closer to you and smiles. “It was great seeing you again, Solo. But I have to go back. We both live different lives now, as much as it would have been something trying something with you again..I know that you’ve moved on.”
“Alya.” She stops you and wraps you in a tight hug, her hand on the back of your head and one on your back.
“You’re doing great, Solo. We’ll run into each other again. I know it.”
You begin to feel your eyes sting with tears, you grip onto her tighter.
“The resistance needs fighters, you know?”
She pulls away and moves her hand that was on your back, to your shoulder, with the same smile on her face. The one that she always had before too. “Hmm...I’ll see what the old man says, but for now this is a goodbye.” You move your hand to take hers in yours, with a small smile of your own.
“I’m happy you aren’t dead.” You say making her let out a chuckle before she gave your hand a little squeeze.
“Go. And tell your boy over there to stop glaring at me, cause I think he might just burn holes into my forehead.” She joked causing you to roll your eyes in a lighthearted way before you begin to walk away, looking over your shoulder to look at her one last time, before leaving to get on the destroyer to rescue Chewbacca.
“Think about it. About joining the fight.”
“I will.”
“Drop your weapons!”
Instinctively you pull up your blaster, aiming it at the stormtroopers that had caught Poe, Finn, Rey and you by surprise.
“It’s okay that we’re here.” Rey waved her in front of the stormtroopers faces, using the force to mind trick them into believing exactly that.
“It’s okay that you’re here”
“It’s good.”
You put your blaster down and get a mischievous smile on your face. “You’re relieved that we’re here.” You added on.
“Thank goodness you’re here.”
“Welcome guys.”
“That never gets old.” You muse.
“Do they do that to us?” You heard Poe ask Finn, only letting his question go unanswered.
“We’re looking for a prisoner, and his belongings.” Rey continues tricking the troopers to give you the information you needed. And once they did you continued moving on, inside the destroyer, shooting down the cameras in the halls until you finally stopped in front of the door where it led to the cells. You waited for Finn to get in, looking over your shoulder constantly with your blaster up so none of you would be surprised by a sudden attack.
“Rey, come on.” You hear Finn say after opening the door.
You look over at the girl and notice she’s beginning to walk towards something, like something was calling to her. You didn’t question it knowing that it was mostly likely something important and just like you had thought, it was.
“The dagger is on this ship, we need it.” She says briefly turning to the three of you.
“Why?” Poe asks walking over to her.
“A feeling.” She responds turning to you, to meet your gaze. “I’ll go, you go with them to find Chewie.” She tells you without you having to say or ask anything.
“Rey, you can’t just—”
You put your hand on Finns chest to stop him from following after her. “She’s got this, let’s go get Chewie.”
The door slides open revealing a familiar dark room, red lights making the room more menacing than it already was. You stop by the entrance as you feel the horrible memories of when you were in a room like this one, your hands beginning to tremble and your eyes fixating on the machine that had Chewbacca tied to it.
It’s like you could feel every bone in your body freeze, begin to get a cold shaking chill, your breathing began to get heavy and it was almost like you could feel the pain, just by the memory of it. You begin to take steps back, away from the room with your eyes now watery making your eyesight blurry. You can remember your own screams echo in the back of your head, you can see Snoke so vividly almost like he was actually in front of you. You can remember and vividly picture how his face was in front of yours, remember the way his hand gripped onto your jaw, and the pain that shot throughout your body after letting you go.
It wasn’t until you feel an arm on your shoulder when you react and break from the haze. Unintentionally and instinctively putting up your blaster to aim at the person, while also using the force to bring up the lightsaber to their throat. “No! You’re not taking me back in there.” You hiss.
“Wow! Hey! It’s me! Y/N! I—”
Your eyes focus on the person in front of you, really seeing that it was actually Poe and not Snoke. Your face softens and you bring down your blaster and your lightsaber. Immediately you begin to feel sorry and your cheeks begin to feel warm as you began to feel embarrassed. You swallow thickly while your eyes scan the area noticing chewbacca was out now, with an arm around Finns shoulder.
“I-I...I’m sorry..I-I.” You speak so softly that your stuttering is barely audible and wouldn’t be audible if Poe wasn’t standing in front of you. He moves his hand to cup your cheek, but you quickly move away and avoid all of their worried gazes. “Ships this way.” You whisper as you lead them all out.
“Over here!” A stormtrooper shouts instantly shooting at the four of you as you run out of the cell block.
“Wrong way!” Finn shouts as he shoots back, followed by shooting at the panel to shut the door.
“Not really a right way is there!” Poe shouts over his shoulder as you all turn on your heel and begin to run the other way, instantly having to hide behind a wall to avoid being shot at by more troopers.
You peek over the wall before stepping into the hall, a blast immediately flying towards you; but before it could reach you, you shoot your hand up to redirect it back at the troopers. “Come on.” You instruct your crew after redirecting more blasts that came from the troopers at the other end of the hall.
Making a sharp turn you run down a stormtrooper infested hall, all of you shooting them all down while you went. You come to a stop in the middle of the hall, and spin back to shoot the troopers that were coming from behind. As you were turning back to run the direction you were going to, you see Poe got shot on the shoulder, instantly making him fall to the ground.
“No! Poe!” Your mind reacted before you could, feeling your legs already run towards him. You fall on your knees next to him, feeling relief as you saw he was conscious, his face twisted into one that expressed his pain.
“Poe!” You hear Finn shout as him and Chewbacca came to where you both were.
“Are you okay?” You ask, the both of you looking at one another, neither of you tearing your gaze away. You put your hand on his shoulder to try and heal him but before you could he put his on hand on yours and looked away noticing a whole squadron of stormtroopers appearing from all four halls.
“Drop your weapons now!” A stormtrooper shouts.
“Put your weapons down now! Drop them now!”
“Hey fellas.” Poe says to them as he pushed himself up, letting your hands go.
“Shut up...scum.” The same trooper snapped. Slowly you stood up, your weapon still very much in your hand only making all the stormtroopers aim their blasters at you.
“I said down!” Without tearing your eyes away from the trooper you tilt your head slightly.
“No.” You say slowly, discreetly opening your fist and glaring at the trooper in front of you.
The stormtrooper growled under its helmet quickly pulling back its blaster to try and smack you with it; but before the butt of the blaster could hit you, it came to a fast stop, inches from your face, a small smirk appearing on your face and for the troopers breath to hitch under its helmet.
“Duck.” Finn whispered as he felt what you were trying to do before you could even do it
“Fire NOW!” The stormtrooper shouted; but before anyone could shoot, all the lights in the ceiling broke, sending sparks everywhere as slowly one by one lost its light and making the room go dark and silent.
“What the hell?” Call for—” before the stormtrooper could say another word you slowly lifted it up the ground before throwing the trooper into the other troopers that were behind her.
The room went silent again, nobody saying a word as they were confused on what was going on and what to do, their fear so clear and obvious.
The hum of lightsabers broke the silence, the white and blue blades so menacingly visible now and the only thing that provided light to the dark room.
Red flashes of blasts lit up the room, it was almost a pretty sight, seeing blasts trying to shoot at where they saw the lightsaber blades none of them actually hitting you or anyone that was part of your crew. Your own crew looking at what was going on with awe.
You throw your blue lightsaber, making itself known as it spun around the room as you used the force to guide it around the room to slash stormtroopers; while the white blade was seen spinning over your head as you swung it down on stormtroopers that tried to physically attack you. The white blade swung right and left, switching it to your other hand as you moved forward to force pull a stormtrooper to it.
You swung your white blade one last time as you moved it to your back to redirect it to one final stormtrooper. The blue lightsaber finally stopped spinning around the room and returned to where you stood; letting yourself be identified and seen with a menacing stance that was only seen by the lights provided by the blades.
“Let’s go now?” You ask with a small smile. All three men looked at one another in utter awe by what had just happened.
Poe cleared his throat before speaking up, uttering his words slowly sounding shocked and impressed; after seeing you single handedly take down a whole squadron all by yourself. “Yeah....yeah sure.”
“Watch your step.” You warned as you all slowly and cautiously made your way out of the room, your lightsabers illuminating the way out until a door slid open, letting lights finally show a different hall.
Finally you deactivated your lightsabers, hanging them on your sides as you walked down the hall, making your way to the Falcon but before you could make it further you were hit with a stun baton sending you to the ground.
“Princess.” You turn your head up, a low groan escaping your lips as you felt the pain from the hit still radiating through your body. The man in front of you was a stranger, not recognizing him from your time here. The only person you recognized was the thin ginger man standing behind him. Hux. “Take them, hit her one last time.”
A wave of low pain shot through you again as the stormtrooper did as instructed before putting your hands in cuffs; while the other stormtroopers put Finn, Poe and Chewie in cuffs. You were pulled up and taken to another room, getting harshly pushed to your knees and letting you shoot the stormtrooper a death glare.
“Allegiant general the scavenger is not with them.” A stormtrooper pointed out.
“Terminate them. All of them.”
“But the Supreme Leader wants her—”
“Supreme leader Ren should have done it a long time ago, kill her before she kills you.” He snapped before quickly exiting the room, just leaving Hux and the stormtroopers behind.
“Actually I’ll do it myself.” You heard Hux’s annoying voice say.
Maker I forgot how much I hate the voice of this man. You thought as you wiggled your hand to open your palm and let your cuffs break open. From the corner of your eye you saw Poe turn to look at you, mostly likely thinking that this would be the last time he would see you again. You met his eyes briefly letting a smile be seen as you gripped onto your lightsabers.
“What were you going to tell the girl’s before?” Poe asked Finn, letting said man exhale heavily in slight annoyance. You ignored their bantering and discreetly threw your lightsaber to the stormtroopers, slicing them before they fell limp to the ground. You jumped up and guided the saber to Hux’s throat.
“No! I’m the spy!” He announced quickly, dropping the blaster and putting his hands up. Finn, Poe and Chewie jumped up to their feet, shocked by how fast you had escaped and shocked by the revelation.
Chewie roared expressing his reaction by the unexpected news of Hux being the spy.
“No! You! Hux?! Rabid Cur? No! Wow!” You rambled, not believing he was the actual spy.
“I knew it!” Poe shouted, pointing at him after you broke their cuffs.
“No you did not!” Finn expressed.
“We don’t have much time.” Hux interjected finally taking a deep breath as the saber was moved from his throat.
It was still hard to believe that Hux had been the spy, you would never have imagined in your life but you were now inside the Falcon again, thanks to him...kinda..not really. But he was the one who warned you all about Palpatine, so you let the weasel live.
“I’m so happy you’re alive, Chewie!” You finally said wrapping the tall Wookiee in a hug, after not being able to do so before. He tightened his hug around you tighter, holding you firmly against him. He roared expressing that he thought you wouldn’t save him. “Are you crazy? Why wouldn’t I? You’re my family Chewie, I’m not losing you too.”
He growled quietly expressing his thanks and saying you were his family too; while rubbing small circles on your back just like he would do when you were a little kid. “Plus if I didn’t, my dad will come haunt me until I did.” You chuckled pulling away and shooting him a warm smile, before you walked to go look for Rey who was sitting in the booth, her face long and troubled, just like it was when she first got in moments ago.
“Rey.” Said girl looked up, letting her hand that was under her chin drop to the table. “I just want to tell you...I’m sorry....I-I was angry at you before..blamed you for what had happened...I didn’t want to let him get to me...but Kylo did...he made it worse and I’m sorry I let him get to me, sorry I blamed you for something you couldn’t control.”
She swallowed thickly and scooted over to make room for you in the booth. “I’m sorry too—”
“No don’t. It wasn’t your fault” you pause and put your hands on top of hers. “I’M sorry. I can’t imagine loosing you, you understand me and what I go through, better than most, thank you for that.”
You see her eyes glisten with tears, a heart genuine smile on her face but it quickly vanished, her face expressing her trouble again. “Y/N...I have to tell you something....about who I am...who I truly am.”
It’s what Kylo mentioned before. Who she really is.
“It explains why I could do what I did with the lightening...”
“Rey...what is it?”
She looks at her hand that was in yours, slowly pulling it away, tears now rolling down her cheeks.
“My grandfather...he’s....he’s Emperor Palpatine.”
A/N- in the part where they’re surrounded by stormtroopers inside the destroyer can you tell I was inspired by Darth vader's scene from rogue one? Yeah well I was :) can she be any more obvious she’s Anakin's granddaughter lmao. (I loved writing that part!)
Tagged- @treblebeth , @mcrvellouslystcrk , @themythicallifeofesmerelda , @thescarletknight2014 , @sfnari , @bitch-imma-head-out , @arsonistvoyager , @chloe-skywalker , @emotionalcal , @theholycakehole , @justxriot , @stvrdustalexx , @the-dream-catch3r , @theoralpha , @sleepyblossom , @basically-hayley , @iamaunicorn4704 , @sneekygeek , @carisiswaistcoat , @creativelyquestioninglife , @daniellajocelyn , @wnygirl2012 , @imjusttryingtocatchavibe , @holy-kylo-stars , @patdsinner33 , @avmps , @xxrouge-lexxx , @x-thunderbird-x , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @winter-scolder , @constantdisgrace , @valeecruz16
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geeky-marie · 5 years
Hi! So you know that challenging like 21 shots for 21st birthday? What if the reader goes out for their bday and gets pressured into doing it by friends and Dewey finds them later like worryingly drunk, so has to take them home basically carrying them and tries his best and gets extremely worried (eg. Sits up all night to make sure they don’t choke, holds hair, plenty of water). The next day they have a killer hangover so he tries to make them comfortable x
The birthday shot challenge 
Dewey Finn
School of rock musical 
A/N : Thank you for your request anon. I hope you will like your request ( Please I appreciate a feedback as a anon or not since I change some things in your request). I would like to make a little warning here. If you plan to drink, please assure you to have a friend you trust to help you in case. Nobody like to end the night at the hospital, and, of course, if your friend put you under pressure to drink. Don’t listen to them, you shouldn’t make you sick because people push you to do something.  Take care of you ! 
Your birthday was an absolute blast. A loud, blurry, train wreck of a party. Around you, many of your friends were already wasted by the time you reach the last stop of your night. The little roadhouse. 
You were yourself a little bit drunk. But, nothing to be worried about. After all, the initial goal of this night was that you have fun, and until now, your friend seems to understand it clearly. 
You had loved the ambiance of the roadhouse since the moment that you had pushed the door. More quiet than the last place you were, a live rock band was playing, putting all their heart in an old AC/DC song. Excited, or just really drunk, many of your friends had brought you to the little dance floor, signing with the band between two dance moves.
It was after one of your friends made you spin,laughing, that you saw him. Focus on his guitar, lifting his head only to sing with one of the best voices you have heard of your life, his brown messy lock stick on his forehead, his fingers passing easily from a string to another. You didn’t realise until your friend gently pushed you that you were staring. Neither that his gaze was now on you as you were talking to your friend.
“  Come on , we go back with the other “ She said, taking your hand like she was scared to lose you in the small room. 
Following her, you suddenly feel your heart skip a beat at the sign of the table. You were sure that your friend had understood your desire to have a fun but safe birthday party. But now, standing in front of the table, your age in shot display in front of you, you weren’t so sure that you had been that clear. 
“ Come on Y/N ! It’s a tradition ! “
“ You can do it ! “ 
“ Come on ! it’s a gift, do it ! “ 
You heard all around you, putting you under pressure to drink. Taking a deep breath, looking around you, you take the first shot, drinking it under the encouraging scream of your friends.
After that, your night becomes a spinning wheel of Whiskey, Vodka and Gin. 
Dewey was putting his guitar on his case, lifting his eyes often to give a glance around. During a gig, he usually focuses on the music, paying only a little attention to the crowd. But tonight, he couldn’t resist. Watching you moving around, dancing like a living goddess, singing loud,drinking an alarming quantity of glasses, having fun. Maybe too much fun.
You weren’t the first birthday girl he saw drinking like this as their party. And you will probably not be the last. But, watching you hesitating at drinking all these shots, pushed by your friend. A desire to see if you’re okay and protect you if needed grows in him. however, before he could reach you, you had disappeared.
Waving goodbye at his other band mate, his case in one hand, he made his way to the door. Dewey was almost outside when he heard a soft but weird sound coming for the toilet corridor. Like someone drunkenly singing happy birthday. Curious, he stepped back a little, turning the corner. 
And there you were, sitting on the floor, your back against the wall, you head fighting to stay up and your eyes half open. Completely alone. Feeling his blood freeze in is veine, he proceeds to a quick check up to see if you seem injured or worse. 
“ Hey, are you alright, did one of your friends use the toilet ? Do you need help ?” He softly asks, putting a knee on the floor, putting his fresh palm against your burning cheeks. 
“  d…know…di..n’t see….” You succeed to tell, your eyes close, sleepy like you never were before.
Looking around, knowing that nobody was in the main room, he knocks at the door of the toilet, waiting before realizing that it was empty. Giving you a look, he helps you to get back on your feet, his arm passing around your waist. 
“ Well, I guess we will have to try to find you a taxi or…somethings…a coffee maybe…” 
Passing the door the cold wind of the night, helping a little to reduce the smell of the booze of your skin. He stops for a minute, reaching his phone out of his pocket. Your head resting on his shoulder, he tries to not smile at the feeling of your arms wrap around his neck. 
“ Hey…You’re the sexy guitarist !” you suddenly exclaim, telling your first comprehensive sentence since he saw you on the floor.
Surprise, he turned his head, meeting your gaze. You think that he’s…sexy ?! 
“ T…Thank…I um…Do you want I call you a taxi…did you have somebody at home or a friend I could call ? “  He proposed. 
Shaking your head in a denial sign, you suddenly stop, a wave of nausea clearly writing in your face. 
“ Woh woh woh…breath, okay…then I…I guess that hmm…you can come at my flat… my car is there.” Walking slowly, each step difficult, he helps you sit on the passenger seat and try to not drive too fast. 
His apartment was small but comfortable. On every wall, posters of rock bands were screaming his love for music. 
Comfortably installed in his bed. His Darth Vader pillow behind your back ,maintains you in a sitting position, reducing the risk of being sick for the fourth time that night. You were floating in one of his large shirts, necessaries item he quickly gave you after you decided that your clothes were too hot on your skin. 
Gently putting a glass of water into your hand, Dewey watch you drinking it, preparing a small bed for himself on the floor. 
“ Can…kiss you ? “ You suddenly ask, tilting your head on the side. 
Damn it that you were cute when you was acting like that.
“ Well, you have no idea how I would like to say yes, goddamn you’re so gorgeous, but really it’s not a good idea now, maybe tomorrow, when you…well…will be more…yourself” He politely replied. “ If you need something I am just right there okay ? “ He informed you, trying to leave your side where he had sat a moment to take the empty glass. 
“ Okay” You simply reply, resting your head on his shoulder, your fingers lacing with his, finally found a little peace to sleep. 
In shock,swearing under his breath, not wanting to wake you up after such a worriedly and difficult night, he simply closed his eyes, falling asleep with you.
The light of the sun filling the room awakens you like an earthquake. Opening your eyes with difficulty, you suddenly shut them, feeling a flash of pain. Burying your face in the nearest pillow, you suddenly realize something strange. Your pillow was breathing….his odor really masculine… and…Oh god…is that an arm on your hips !? 
Forcing you to open your eyes, you suddenly realize the position you had put yourself into. Lay on your side, facing a large torso, your head on his upper arm. His chin resting on the top of your head, he was covering you with his arms, creating for you a comfortable and warm nest. 
Trying to step back a little, your head harming, you heard him growl, bringing you closer. It takes you some time before being able to identify your new body pillow. Letting a loud gasp you couldn’t contain, you suddenly recognize the cute guitarist of yesterday.
Awake by your sudden noise, Dewey opens his eyes. First confused by your red cheeks, he suddenly realized the intimate position you had both taken during the night. Suddenly letting you go, his own face flustered, he sat up in the bed, his messy hair making you wonder if he they once in his life be affected by gravity. 
“ Hi…hm….did we…did…something happen ? ” You ask embarrassed, trying to not let your hurting head affect you.
“ What..? No, no we don’t…” He suddenly replied, realizing the sense of your question, jumping in the bed, his hand lifted in sign of defense “ I just…you were dangerously drunk at the roadhouse and I found you alone. I asked you if I could call somebody but you couldn’t give me a proper answer… so I just bring you here to help you…I was worried about you…”
“ Why…Why am I wearing one of your t-shirts?” You continu, a small tension releases in your stomach of the idea that he didn’t take advantage of you.
“ You put it yourself I swear” He assured you, passing a hand in his beautiful brown lock. “ I was in the kitchen making coffee…when I came back you were removing your top…But I swear I saw nothing !! I ran to my room to give you a shirt, promise !” He continues watching your horrified reaction. 
Sitting at his side, your eyes hurting due to the sun, you feel all the tension in your shoulder leave. 
“ I did nothing wrong, I just helped you, I swear. I held your hair when you were sick… gave you water…I even made myself a bed on the floor but you fell asleep on me…I didn’t want to wake you up” He confesses, placing his sunglasses on the bridge of your nose.
Surprised by your luck and still a bit shy, you turn your head, watching his smile illuminate his face.
“ We should start all this all over again, shall we…Hi, i’m Dewey.” He presented himself, offering you his hand. 
Smiling at your turn, you shake his hand. 
“ Y/N, thank you for everything and sorry to had bothering you so much and for all the stupidity I probably said“
“ That’s okay, soo…you found me sexy yesterday” He laughed, teasing you a little. 
Feeling your face becoming hot, you bury it into your hand wishing to suddenly disappear. 
“ Hey, don’t worry, that’s ok. I find you really gorgeous too, you even distracted me from my music a little. “ He continu, removing your hands from your face. 
Your cheeks still flustered, you smile, meeting his gaze. 
“ Coffee…? “ He kindly ask. 
“ I loved to…” You simply reply, still smiling. 
You hangover was maybe awful, but, with Dewey, you knew that everything will be perfectly fine. 
PLEASE don’t forget to like or comment or reblog !
Tag list : @missihart23 @shayna-winchester @crybabu-gurl @icanseethelightsomewhere @baby-beej @spideypooler03 @tenthedemonartist @whereicomefromwhereigo @chensingmachinee @ansemibeko @annewrighthglc @edosunshine @ansemibeko @pastelnacht  @animals4ever527 @rambeu @swan-lite @beetlejuicecansteponme @beetlebitchywitch @sofabearr
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kingsmanstories · 5 years
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Sister!Reader
Warnings: you know the drill
Tags: @thatlittlered @maiabiovillage @plantyourtrees--watchthemgrow
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Fuzzy, distorted stars were the first thing that greeted you as conciousness pulled you out of your deep slumber. Blinking rapidly, your eyes took a while to adjust to the dim hospital lights. Slowly turning your head to the side, your eyes settled on a blurry figure sitting on a chair next to your bed. Your eyes still hadn’t quite adjusted, but you were pretty certain it was one of your brothers - you just couldn’t quite tell which one.
A gruff yet soft voice confirmed your suspicions - Arthur. What you wasn’t expecting, however was a second voice, young and innocent - Finn.
“Arthur,” You croaked, making him turn to you in an instant, pulling him out of his conversation with Finn. He reached for the jug of water and empty glass on the bedside table and quickly filled it, gently supporting your head with his hand as he lifted the glass to your lips, letting to you have a few sips before putting it down again.
“Thank fuck you’re awake, Mabel.” Arthur said, holding one of your hands. “We’ve all been worried sick about ‘ya.” It was true, everyone had been constantly on edge while you were in hospital.
Arthur had been distancing himself from Linda after the incident, not quite forgiving his wife for what she said to his younger sibling. Finn had found it hard while you were unconscious, you having been the mother figure alongside Polly while he was growing up after your mother had passed away. He had accompanied every one of his brothers and sister and aunt to your bedside when they were visiting.
Tommy had become a shell of the man he was before the shooting, blaming solely himself for the entire ordeal. If he hadn’t had let you outside, if he had stopped you, none of this wouldn’t have happened. Once he saw your eyes flutter shut, he thought that was it. He screamed and shouted and cried until the ambulance arrived to take you, ignoring his brothers who were mirroring his actions. You were the closest family he and Charlie had, his best friend and wisest advisor who wasn’t afraid to tell him if he was doing something silly.
Nancy had been in Polly and Ada’s care, at Arrow House while they minded Charlie at the same time. “Is Nancy alright?” You asked, voice still hoarse as your eyes finally began to focus clearly on your older brother. “Is she safe?”
“Ada and Polly are looking after her, don’t you worry.” Arthur nodded, motioning for Finn to pull up the spare chair in the corner to the other side of your bed.
Finn carefully took your other hand, making you smile softly at him before turning back to Arthur. “What about Tom?”
Arthur’s eyes tore away from your gaze and looked down at the ageing floorboards. He had to tell you the truth, you were too good at ratting him out if he was lying. “Not good, Mabel, not good at all. Blames ‘imself for the ‘ole thing. It’s our duty as your older brothers to protect you from this, and he feels like he’s failed you. He’ll be up ‘ere in an hour or so to see you.”
You took in a deep breath, nodding slowly at Arthur. You didn’t expect any different from Thomas, but somehow, it hurt more to hear it was actually true he felt that way. “The only person who’s to blame is the sad bastard who did it.”
“You try telling him that,” Arthur breathed out a laugh as he patted your hand. Clearing his throat, he gestured to Finn and then to some flowers at your beside. “Finn brought these for ya.”
Turning your head to Finn, who’s cheeks were red with embarrassment, you gave him a grateful smile and squeezed his hand. “They’re lovely, thank you Finn.”
With chit chat from both your oldest and youngest brother, the next hour soon flew by and Arthur stood, patting his knees as he did so, Finn following suit. “Right, we best be off,” He let go of your hand and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, “We’ll come back tomorrow and see ya.”
Finn gave you a careful hug after he stood, and when he pulled back it broke your heart to see his eyes filled with such worry. “You’ll make sure they behave themselves, won’t you?” You teased, smiling when he nodded with his usual shy smile. “Good boy, I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“See you tomorrow, Mabel.” Finn said quietly, before following Arthur out of the bleak hospital room, leaving you to your own thoughts.
Part of you was worried about seeing Tommy, after what Arthur had said, you felt like the guilty one. The dull ache radiating from your wound constantly reminded you why you was here, and you felt as though it was through your own irresponsibility.
Soft knocking at the wooden door wrenched you from your own thoughts, eyes landing on your other older sibling. “Tom-“
“Mabel, listen, I’m-“
“Don’t you dare say you’re fucking sorry, Thomas.”
Tommy hung his head as he silently made his way over to the vacant chair next to your bed where Arthur was sat not too long before. Running a hand over his face, mind working frantically to find words, but there were none.
Lifting his head to look at you, his little sister, tucked up in a hospital bed because of one of his enemies, his heart began to swell with guilt. “It’s my fault you’re in ‘ere.”
“It’s my fault I went off at Linda and then went out for a smoke to calm down, I should’ve shut my mouth. I’m sorry.” You sighed, reaching your hand towards your brother and he quickly took it, gently as if you’d break.
Tommy shook his head and squeezed your hand softly, “I should’ve kept you safe.” He whispered, sighing as he mentally dug around in his brain for something else to say, choosing to leave that subject be for now, that could be a conversation for another day. “Your ‘orse is in the stable now by the way, got Curly looking after ‘er until you’re back on your feet.”
You smiled at that, remembering your brothers thoughtful Christmas present gifted to you only a few days prior. “I can’t wait to see ‘er, I’m sure she’s a beauty.” Trying desperately to ignore the dull pain radiating from your gunshot wound, you sighed. “This Bloody hurts, you know.”
“That’s what usually happens when you’re shot, Mabel.”
“Clever,” you rolled your eyes, yet an amused smile still stayed on your lips at your brothers dry humour. You was happy that he was at least trying to crack a joke with you, yet you know it was still eating him up from the inside what had happened. “Can I ask a question, Tom?”
“Course you can, what’s wrong?” Tommy asked, brows knitting in confusion as be waited for your question.
“Did you find ‘im? The twat who did this?”
Immediately, Tommy nodded and you felt an instant sense of relief. “Arthur and I tracked him immediately after the ambulance took you, he won’t be bothering us anymore.”
“Did you find out who he worked for?”
You saw Tommy’s expression change, and your heart dropped, eyebrows raising as your brother paused. Tommy let go of your hand to reach inside his jacket pocket and retrieve a card and hand it to you. “All of us got one of these the day after you were shot.”
With the help of your brother you sat up, taking the card in your hand and studying it. On the front was a black hand, and you froze. Eyes shooting up to meet your brothers, you gulped before speaking. “This is mafia shit, Tom!”
Tommy nodded, watching as you inspected the front and back carefully before studying the inside of the card, addressed to Tommy. “We’re in the middle of putting things in place to keep us all safe, we don’t know who they are or where their base is.”
“You silly bastard,” You handed the card back to him, not missing the hint of the smile on his lips at the comment you often made when he’d done something particularly stupid - in this case, it was getting the Mafia on your tails. “You can wipe that smile right off your fuckin’ face.”
Tommy held his hands up, trying to remain stoic while you tried to give him a stern talking to, voice croaky and barely audible. As you sighed, lowering your raised finger that was pointed in his direction, he took your hand again, squeezing it reassuringly. “As soon as you’re back to your old self, we’re going to need your ‘elp.”
Smiling at your older brother, you nodded.
“We’re not the Peaky Blinders if we’re not all together, eh?”
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ryanmeft · 3 years
Movie Review: The Woman In The Window
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Near the end of The Woman In The Window, one character admonishes another, and ends their rattling list of threats by saying “Maybe none of this would have happened.” Oh, if only. Imagine, if you will, that Alfred Hitchcock had been freed from the strictures of 1954, from the moral taboos of the Hays Code, and had chosen to make Rear Window as a salacious airport mystery novel of a movie, hard on shock and light on anything nutritious. This is a suspense thriller seen through the eyes of someone who understands neither of those terms.
The plot tries to copy the classic Hitchcock film and fails. Dr. Anna Fox (Amy Adams), a psychologist terrified of going outside, lives in one of those three-story New York houses, the sort of place where, in more baseline competent films, some sort of action will eventually take place on the winding staircase. She speaks in voiceovers to a husband (Anthony Mackie) from whom she is separated, spies on her new neighbors, the Russells (Julianne Moore, Gary Oldman and Fred Hechinger), has infrequent appointments with her own psychologist (Tracy Letts, who also wrote the screenplay, unfortunately) and has a downstairs tenant named David (Wyatt Russell). She believes she witnesses the murder of Mrs. Russell at the hands of Mr. Russell.
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At various points in the film, the following events or shots related directly to Rear Window happen: a view of the various windows of the Russell house from Anna’s, set into the red brick and in the exact style of the famous panorama shot of various apartments. A view of what looks like an attack by an angry husband, with Oldman even copying the movement style and some of the look of Raymond Burr. Anna’s old-fashioned camera, an obvious and overbearing touch which someone clearly thought was very clever. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say, but Hitch should not be flattered by these comparisons, because on every level other than the superficial, Joe Wright’s film, based on a book by A.J. Finn, fails to figure out even one iota of what made Hitch’s work.
Anna and all the rest range in characterization from completely uninteresting to actively offensive. The character who will turn out to be the murderer first appears acting so unlike any kind of halfway sane human being would ever act that you know they are the bad guy, because the movie swiftly establishes that it hates subtlety. This character seems to mix movie versions of several different psychological issues. Anna, meanwhile, should be in an institution, and the only reason she isn’t is because her particular combination of symptoms exists only in Hollywoodland. The idea that someone with hallucinations, paranoia, agoraphobia and that greatest of cliches, amnesia would be able to not just care for themselves but solve a murder is a slap in the face to anyone who fights with real mental illness.
Put all such concerns aside, and the characters are still just plain bad. What are Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore and Jennifer Jason Leigh doing here? At least Adams is the star, but what are these other seasoned veterans getting out of this mess, and why does the script need them when a handful of monkeys would have done fine? Oldman has a few lines, most of them shouted and none of them with any personality. Moore has a single supremely odd scene, though I suppose getting Julianne Moore to act badly is a feet few screenwriters can claim. Leigh is barely present. Brian Tyree Henry is also here as the sympathetic detective, and there are a couple of Parlor Scenes in which they all stand around reciting bad, disjointed dialogue and clearly wondering if the money is worth it.
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 For students of set and production design, though, the most glaring way in which this film transgresses against the classic it pretends to honor may be in the setting. Hitch excelled in taking ordinary, everyday settings and making them the scene of paranoia and fear. He rarely needed dramatic visual flourishes, and RW is as sparse as they come, taking place entirely inside a single ordinary apartment in the midst of other ordinary apartments. Failing to realize that bigger is not better, Finn has given Anna three stories and a basement which director Joe Wright fails to do a single interesting thing with. The reason the house has to be three stories is that Anna will eventually have to knock a murderer off of it, but until that moment floors two, three and the roof do not exist. In fact, during the final confrontation, Anna and (really awful spoilers) reach the roof so quickly, with so much blurry camerawork, that I can’t recall how they got up there. Certainly no other rooms are ever shown. It’s fair to ask how one could have such a large Spooky Place to work with and only use it for a single cliche finale. That finale is in and of itself so awfully shot that it caused a fit of laughter I had been restraining for 20 minutes to burst forth. It’s the sort of thing that makes you leave the cinematographer’s name out of a review for the sake of respect.
A thriller is a delicate thing. Not only Hitch but Fincher, Scorsese, Mann and many others have understood that to sell us on something so improbable happening in a real-world setting, you can’t show the scaffolding too blatantly. There’s also a place in the genre for cheese, movies so over-the-top you go along with it out of fun. The Woman In The Window, named after one classic and based on another, is neither. It’s an embarrassing mistake from a group of otherwise proven talents, and unlike Dr. Anna’s regrettable slip of the mind, you’ll be better off the sooner you forget it.
Verdict: Avoid Like The Plague
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
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All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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