#that she’s being fed info like that & doesn’t want to hear anything that challenges it that gets me
lesbianlenas · 2 years
ok literally. having a conservative family was already frustrating now having a degree in poli sci & like. actually knowing abt politics makes it 1000x more frustrating i will explain smth SO easily abt why like. a conservative talking point is bad and they will b like i don’t believe u bc i don’t like that what u said goes against what i think. and i will b like but i can literally prove it and they’re like i don’t care.
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Starshine               Ch. 54    Jimmy Page         Fan Fiction
Clare and Jill continued their wonderful chat and shared their experiences together, over a pot of soothing tea and snacks. Jill was awestruck over 
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hearing the details of Andrew’s birth. And also of the details of his first 12 days on the planet. Clare, as well, was in a tizzy of surprise and disbelief at Jill’s descriptions of their ghostly encounters.
Clare was absolutely horrified at the news of Jimmy’s close call of near drowning. She was shaking her head in anguish, that he truly could have died if he’d not ascended to the lake’s surface. “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.” Clare exclaimed with disappointment, out into the air. “Do you really need to scare the living HELL out of us all ? A life jacket could’ve prevented the whole ordeal !!” she continued in anger, “ And Jill, I’m sorry, but you need to be on top of these things for him also, my dear. You’re his significant other. Therefore, you need to know these details about his lack of certain abilities and keep him safe. For example, what if he said he needed to get someplace quickly and attempted to drive himself ? Would you stand there and let him ? No !!  He’s not always the sharpest tool in the shed  !  He takes chances. Dumb ones. Yes, he belongs to you, but guess what ? He also belongs to the world !!  He’s loved by millions, and I’m not exaggerating. But, like most men, he is careless and negligent with his precious life. Well then, you’re going to have to keep a second set of eyes on him. Ya know, like a little kid. Save him from his own negligence.“ 
Jill : Oh, Clare. You are so right !  I’m the dumbass here, too. I should’ve been alert to this the entire time. I vaguely remember him mentioning once, many months ago, that he is not a swimmer. I should have stored that info in the very front row of my files. In my head. Instead, he could’ve died, without me watching over him. Thank you for the heads up my friend. You taught me an important lesson today. I didn’t know he needed a mom. 
Clare : NOT just him !!  They ALL do !  What do you think the definition of “wife” is ? Here’s a clue : It starts with M. and it ends with “om”.
The two of them laughed so hard at that, they were spitting out tea in their hysterics. Clare mentioned, Jill, you look a little pink. Are you feeling ok ?
Jill : Yeah, I’m ok. Not bursting with health and glory but, ok.  
The truth was, that she felt much too warm and a bit uncomfortable, but no big deal. However, she thought to herself, no way am I gonna risk holding the baby, if Clare invites me to.
A moment later, a few little cries were heard, coming from the living room.  
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Clare : Oh it’s my sweet little Baboo !! I’ll be right there babe !!
She exited and came back in, holding the tiny wiggling bundle. She said he needed to eat, and she unbuttoned her top and began breast feeding him. Oh my goodness, it was so beautiful. How he hung on and sucked with his most adorable teeny mouth !  As he did, John Henry could be heard, climbing the stairs from the downstairs studio. As he entered the room, he said, 
” Jilly ! So good to see you ! “
He opened his arms to her. Jill stepped into them and John hugged and kissed her with a lightened grip, acknowledging his strength. Immediately, a little short screech came from Jill. A little scream.  He immediately let go and shouted, “Jill ! Are you ok ?!” She held her side and a couple tears ran down her face.
John : What is it darling ? Are you hurt ?
Jill : Well, it’s my wound site. On my side, from the accident. It started aching me yesterday, and it felt tender. But, I didn’t see anything there so I ignored it.
John : Let me see, baby. Come here.
He brought her to the living room, where she sat, then leaned sideways. He lifted up her top and took a hard look. Clare followed close behind, holding Andrew.
John : Oh, Jill. It looks quite red and there’s liquid leaking out from the scarred area. The wound looks raised and puffy. You need the Dr., my love. I’m calling Jimmy to come get you. 
Jill : Ok. (looking very unhappy.)
Andrew had been fed and burped. Clare put him down into his bassinette and now sat with Jill, holding her hand.
In a few minutes, Roland had Jimmy there. (They only lived a couple miles away.) Jim rushed right in and was at Jill’s side in a flash. Clare had placed a clean damp towel onto the injured area and Jill was holding it in place. Jimmy took a look and said, “Ok, angel. It needs attention. Let’s go.”
Jim had already informed Jill’s Dr. that they’d be there in a few minutes. Jimmy lifted Jill up so gently, kissing her temple. He carried her to the car and thanked John and Clare before exiting.  They both looked so worried as they watched them drive away. They stood there, out on the lawn holding little Andrew, with concerned faces.
In the back seat, Jimmy was so worried. Holding Jill’s hand, kissing it. A few tears dripped from Jill’s eyes, due to pain. Jimmy had her resting against himself. He was petting her hair back and kissing her at the edge of her hairline, saying, “Jill, you feel very warm.”
Jim : You’re going to be ok, my love. Dr. Logan is going to take care of you. Please don’t worry. I’ll stay right next to you.
Once in the exam room, in walked the Dr. He checked the wound immediately. The towel was now soaked with red tinged fluid, which had leaked from the wound. 
Dr. L. : Jill, what you have here is an infection. Did you notice you have a fever ? It’s 103.8.  It’s from the infection. Your body is trying to smoke the bugs out, the bacteria, that is.  We’re going to need to drain this wound first, then give you an injection. Then oral antibiotics, at least 10 days worth. Along with pain meds. 
He instructed his assistant to get him sterile drainage tubing and a deep bowl, called an emesis pan. He threaded the tube into the wound opening and gross liquid drained out from it, into the pan. He had tried to put anesthetic onto the site, but it did very little to help and Jill was in a lot of pain. Logan was working at her left, Jim sat at her right. Tears of pain were running down the sides of her face with Jimmy there, holding her hand tightly with his head down. He had a small clean cloth, and used it to wipe away the tears dripping down her face. He couldn’t stand to see her in that much pain, in addition to just plain seeing her cry. He was in awful distress himself, viewing her like this. 
In a few minutes, they were finished. Logan dried then placed antibiotic cream to the area, used butterfly closures and bandaged it up. And handed Jimmy a few prescriptions for Jill. Then he injected her shoulder with a strong antibiotic. Next, he began asking questions.
Logan : So, my friend Jill. I’m not saying that this is definitely the cause of this issue. But, it could be. Have you been taking it extra easy ? What have you been up to ?
Jill : Well,  I had been doing that, taking it completely easy… up till this week.   I had started feeling great again.  So, Jim and I went for a stay at a castle up north this week.
Logan : And ? What kind of activities did you do there ? Just resting ?
Jill : Uhhmmm, rowboating on a lake. Swimming. Hiking. A little running, (then under her breath, “away from a ghost.”)
Jim : (very softly) - Uhm, a lot of sex.
That was barely audible, he had said it so low and quietly.
Logan : What was that last thing ? Did you say, a lot of sex ? 
Jill and Jim answered together, very softly but in stereo, “ Yes.”
Logan looked down, acting disappointed in them, shaking his head a little. 
Logan : My friends, … were you not told to keep things easy and gentle, stress free to the body ? I mean please - I know you were feeling much better. But, come on now. When you just begin to feel better, you do not go out and act as though a life threatening accident never happened !!  Did you think it was time for Jill to start training for the Olympics ? Even people who have never had a serious injury, don’t exert themselves to that extent. So guys, please. Please. She needs rest. Even if she felt fine, it doesn’t mean she can go and act out American Ninja Warriors.  Do you want Jill to heal ? Or die from a raging infection ? Septicemia. That’s an infection that has infiltrated her bloodstream ? It can be fatal. In fact - I could hospitalize her right now for this issue. But let’s hold off, and see you tomorrow, Jill. First thing, 8 am. If she’s not improved, then back into the hospital. And I realize you’re in love. And you love sex. But - gentle. Ease up. Jimmy,… I know she’s gorgeous. I see that. And she’s probably addictive, and you love her. And you really love loving her, who wouldn’t ?   I see that clearly. But please, man. Just keep it at kissing. Keep your hands and everything else of yours, off of this woman. Do you understand me ? 
Jim : For how long ? 
Logan : (while looking at his assistant, with his eyes crossed, pretend style,) “Do you hear this guy ? He’s asking for how long !!! . ( Back to looking at Jimmy again,) :  For a few weeks, ok ? Till this infection resolves and the skin’s fully healed. And even then, Jim, GENTLE.  Be gentle. You may hurt her. If this recurs, we may be looking at a serious problem. Please !  Control yourself. Now off ya go. Listen to my orders, people.
They both nodded, saying yes, they understood. And Jimmy carried her out to the car. They both felt like idiots. Once in the car again, Roland was driving homeward,
Jim : Angel. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, challenging you to go out on that trip, when you clearly weren’t ready yet. I fucked up. I didn’t realize you still needed more rest. You had acted so well and healthy again.  And I’m so sorry if I pressured you into having sex with me, and so much. I’m sorry.
Jill : You didn’t pressure me a bit. I wanted you. Your crime here, is being irresistible.  It’s not your fault at all. And I loved having sex with you. I should have known better, especially at the castle, to not go full throttle action again, as soon as I felt better. I’m the jerk here, not you.  
He leaned over and held her gently against himself, kissing her face and her lips. Petting her head.
Jim :  I would do anything I could do to keep you safe. Jill, I love you so much, and I wasn’t careful enough with you. You‘re in a fragile state   It was way too early for an outing like that. I should’ve had you call your Dr. first, and explained what we were planning to do. And asked him if it was too soon. I should have thought of that. Can’t believe how slow I am, when it comes to common sense. I’m really sorry.. 
Jill : And Jim, I should have remembered that when on water, you need a life jacket. That’s how badly I fucked up. You could’ve died then. No more sorrys. Now we know we have to be more alert, regarding each others safety. We need to take better care of each other. This stuff is serious. It’s not piddly. It could be life or death.
Jim : Yeah. I know now. I can’t lose you. I have to snap to attention, or I’m going to lose the most valuable person in my life.                                                       And angel, here,  take your antibiotic that Logan gave me. It’s a sample so that you can have it right away. So it can begin working this moment. He said, to take it now, even though you had the shot. That was a different type of antibiotic.
He also handed her a cup of water he had in his hand, from the fountain in the office.
Jim :  And Roland, can you please get us to the pharmacy near home, to drop off Jill’s prescriptions ?
Next Ch. 55 :  https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/188450420841/starshine-ch55-jimmy-page
Chapter Index for “Starshine” is located at bottom section of Ch.1 ,  click here :
Link to “In The Light” - original fan fic -https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/173286165501/in-the-light-jimmy-page-fan-fiction
JimJam Mistresses :      @tremble-and-shake @ledoftherings @gimmeeshelter @adonna1964 @justanotherzosofangirl @starchild0985 @girlofthemoon75 @bonscottintheimpala @12909168 @jjullz @cherryfloyd @tenementcrazylittlefruitcake @save-me-from-the-gallows-pole @soy-laprincessa @marauderofworlds @ultrabitchystudentperfectionus @satanspizzadeliveryguy @misspenylane @zi-zidane @catherine0627 @pagingpage-the-original @amythesticon @strangerspassinginthestreet @ thezeppelinbeatles @pour-some-sugar-on-mee @carryfire18 @j-james-thlk @70shoney @strange-broo @page-daddy @nadianad1337 @yerawizardjimmeh @jimmyypagey @magnetacuddles84 @rock6880 @ledxzeppelin @kinkyspice @thelandofnevermore @my-golden-lion @itsblackbetty @luvejimmy @palenickelsaladparty @jennmarieetn @honeydewgroupie @how-many-more-times-blog @loveinher-eyess @rocknrollababes-blog @princesssofpeace @frauweide @dontyouhearmecallingyou @zozjaa @miniaturewinnerwonderland @http-jinx @chennington @venicebeachx @wanna-be-groupie @where-the-hot-springs-blow @basementmermaid @crying-over-rock-legends @cherrrywitch @scarletrossetti @sixpackonthefrontseat @miamorjimmypage @jimmypageismylife @pennylane1968 @jlmmypage
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callchans-blog · 5 years
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eeep ! hi hello hi, i’m liv ( she/her ) and at twenty-one i’m currently dividing my time between the gmt and gmt+1 timezones ( bc why stay in one time zone when you can stay in two idk ). i cannot begin to tell you how excited i am to finally be here, i was drowning in deadlines around the first round of acceptances but was quasi-ecstatic to find bronson’s skeleton open now that i’ve got some time on my hands !! i’m still working on a full bio and the small print, but here you can find some stats and below the cut you’ll find some info about my little lion man ! 
— bronson laki callahan is finishing up his last year in the hamptons with hopes of graduating and attending yale university to study ethics politics & economics. four years in at bridgehampton and he’s known as the olympian, which makes perfect sense considering how staunch, captivating, stoic, and competitive he is. that title landed him the senior class superlative of most likely to win the hunger games. when you hear sicko mode - travis scott coming from a car this summer, it’ll most likely be them. speaking of summer, once school ends i hear his plans are to sail the mediterranean and go island hopping with friends. i can’t help but to be reminded of long evenings and bright mornings, the blow of a referee’s whistle, leaning against a door frame and freshly laundered cotton. 
grew up... with a silver spoon that fed him well. bronson was born to howard and katherine callahan, whose marriage united two old money dynasties. the callahan’s are real estate royalty and katherine is a member of the hearst family, wealthy long before they struck media gold in the publishing industry. his parents showered him with love and attention, if ever he asked why they never had more kids they’d tell him it was because they’d struck gold with their first – him. 
living… in a modern and boastful mansion close to the ocean, for the curious it looks something along the lines of this ! the callahan’s also own a penthouse in the city, a ski lodge by the norwegian fjords and summer chateau in the mediterranean – to name a few. worth mentioning is that his parents are not currently living together, it seems whenever one comes back to bridgehampton the other finds a reason to leave. it’s been like this now since the summer before junior year, the same summer katherine discovered howard was having an affair. in true aristocratic fashion, they dealt with the issue by decidedly not dealing with it at all. welp.
education… is not a necessity, but rather and accessory to someone like bronson. still, he’s expected to maintain his good grades all through high school and carry on the family’s legacy at yale university. he’s chosen to major in ethics politics & economics; it’s something he’s genuinely interested in though unsure whether he’ll ever be able to pursue bc if he doesn’t inherit the real estate business, who will ?
interests… playing football in drizzle and girls that can whistle... ok no, i’m not gonna attempt to reinvent the favourite things song ! bronson has always played sports with heart, he gives his all at all times. football in fall, rugby in spring and soccer with friends in summer. he’s good at it, too. « his name will be known » people will say, as though both a promise and a dare. what’s more, he is a fan of sailing like his father and the two of them have made quite the memories together at sea. last summer, they sailed around the samoan islands together which was the first time bronson really heard of his samoan heritage.
relationship status… single, though he’s still not quite used to the idea.
challenge… conceal, don’t feel, don’t let it show; it’s hard to deal with emotional torment when you’ve never been taught how to. bronson’s whole world came crashing down along with the downfall of his parents marriage, though he’s yet to fully deal with it all – instead he keeps it all bottled up inside, not realising it’s only causing the anger and anxiety to grow with time. bronson’s main challenge at the moment isn’t figuring out who to ask to prom or what dormatory to choose at yale, it’s dealing with his feelings. as for all of us, his inner demons will catch up to him eventually.
personality… charming, laidback, funny, and friendly – it has always been in bronson’s nature to try and please everyone, especially in his family. he’s loyal and committed, though not without fault. his parents inescapable divorce has brought out his stoic side, he knows his parents want to keep it a private affair though he might be taking it a bit far by barely even speaking of it to his closest friends. his competitive side shows both on and off the field, after all he yearns to be the best at all he does.
random trivia:
while he’s always been incredibly athletic; the summer between sophomore and junior year is not only when his parents marriage began falling apart, but also when he discovered the gym ! it was the perfect escape and he found himself spending hours lifting weights, needless to say he came back junior year transformed.
he’s got a scar above his nose, between his eyebrows from being stepped on by cleats during a game of rugby. yikes.
style wise, his wardrobe is very casual and laid back. while he does mainly own designer brands, he opts for the basic tees and hoodies, rather than the shirts and sweaters.
he loves anything and everything peanut butter !
january was spent in aspen, he managed to convince the dean that he was there for training purposes too so that he could get out of school. gotta love a boy who tries so hard to avoid his issues at home, that he skips school to go skiing idek ?
he owns a lil puppy that he can often be spotted walking around the park/lighthouse area – more details to come as soon as i’ve decided on a breed hehe.
as far as wanted connections go... i want them all *sharpay voice* so def give this post a lil like and / or hmu !!
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puppybaby15 · 7 years
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Majutsu ref + bio
Note- This is a completely outside of the Sonic universe, in this universe none of the canon characters exist neither do the Chaos Emeralds. In this universe there are mobians but it's more on the mirror of human life with more magic intertwined.
Name: Majutsu (ma-JU-stuu) Jade Bernwebb
Species: Black wolf
State of origin: Bagloins (think of a Place deep in the midwest southern area in the USA) Age: 26 Occupation: Private readings and magic sessions at home, Antique store for the main income.
Info about sexuality/relationship status: With developed trust issues from her past, it's almost impossible to have a relationship (be it female or male) without her anxiety or any other emotional issues getting in the way. She has been in several relationships (male and female), but they were more focused on sex or to short to be considered a relationship (i.e 3-4 months).
Height: 5'2 (i found matching weight, height, and built in normal mobian heights was very challenging) Weight: 169lbs Likes: Alone time, magic, reading, sweets, affection/being affectionate, horror movies, body modifications, video games, cute and sparkly things, gore (but only behind a screen or on paper), make-up, dark humor and colors. Dislikes: Needles (that's why she doesn't have tattoos, unlike piercings where the needle is in and gone in a second), confrontation, being in crowded areas, being in intimate relationships, having to talk to someone new, talking to or about family and childhood, being social. Facts: Majutsu's wolf instincts constantly make her want to be more social and sometimes enjoys social situations, but she still loves being alone. She does have some basic mental issues (that I have because of a simular past with emotional/mental abuse) like anxiety, social phobia, and depression. She can get easily annoyed and can't control her emotions like her mother. Personality: She can be lazy and is very introverted. She is very insecure and anxious when with a new person, always watching what she says no matter how much her head screams. Timid and paranoid in crowded areas, checking around to see if there was a family member. After she gets to know someone well she could be very outgoing and relaxed, cracking dark jokes even. (im not sure if i shouId add a weakness secion since they are kinda sprinkIed throughout this bio)
Backstory:     Born into a very conservative trailer park pack she was the youngest out of 10 siblings. In this trailer park lived Majutsu's extended family on her fathers side, "a pack sticks together" was their moto but it was far from true. Everyone there mind their own buisness in their trailer and not cared for anyone else. Her mother and father were already struggling with the first 2 kids they have, but with them being against contraceptives they had 8 more children. Stress stricken her parents and that effected how they parented and the fact that there were to many mouths to feed made it worse. Majutsu's parents had a way of thinking of "ok I fed, bathed, and clothed this child that's all I need to do to raise them" which simply wasn't true. (sorry I gave a bit of backstory to the backstory)   Every morning Majutsu and her siblings would wake up to their mom's blood curdling screech, as protocol the children did their best to stay out of her way as she went to go find her brush, take her shower, make her coffee, and smoke her cigarette. This trauma made all of the children very light sleepers. Please note that these are children with sensitive hearing, and the oldest being 12 at the time, so it would take a toll on them. Their parents thought nothing of it because they treated the children as if they were adults and could comprehend the situation well. Since there was rarely any discipline between sibling and sibling many fights broke out and many didn't stop until a child was bleeding, something was broken, or it kept their parents up at night. Since Majutsu was the youngest she was picked on the most out of the bunch, usually getting yelled at for the smallest things just for laughs. She wasn't the only one they did this to but to her young mind it effected her the worst, causing her to blaim herself for the smallest of things and making her paranoid of if she did or said something wrong. With all of the violence happening inside the trailer CPS was called to the home a couple of times from concerned teachers, but those were dismissed by my fathers excuse of "oh kids will be kids, they rough house a lot," and since the parents weren't physically abusing the children there technically wasn't anything wrong. It didn't stop them from getting the Bernwebb family a social worker, since they did live in a small trailer with a big family and her parents were working at minimum wage. When Majutsu was 11 there was a celebratory barbecue for her sister's graduation, her mother and her uncle sat beside eachother on a bench talking about things adults talk about, Majutsu walked to them and sat between them. Her father glanced at them causing him to do a double take, something seemed very wrong as they sat together. Majutsu had many of her uncles facial features and even his eye color. Her father tried to brush it off saying that this happened, some kids end up looking like their aunt/uncle or their grandparent more then their actual parents. This still racked at his mind and he started to confront her mother about it, causing arguments to emerge. As if it were normal, whenever the children did something, anything, wrong they would get humiliated in front of the rest of the family and get called horrid names from their mother. Or when the female child didn't dress exactly how their mother wanted she's call them ugly, criticize their weight, and accuse them of being homosexual. At this time that's when siblings started to betray one another, telling secrets and embarrassing their brother or sister to get props from their parents, most were on Majutsu and her older brother who's the second youngest. By the time Majustu was 12 she started to develop an eating disorder, when she was sad, which became often, she'd eat until her stomach hurt making her gain weight. Since puberty was starting for her, her hormones kept the weight on. This made her develop body dismorphia and wanted to wear clothing that made her look thin, like dark colors. With her life as a, for a lack of a better word, repeative hell she decided to go try and find something to distract her. One of her close friends from school gave her a book as a late birthday gift "it's a novel about a princess who uses magic to save the universe." Maj was sceptical but she found her holy grail, she grew an intence interest in magic and would try to find out as much as she could. It took her the courage at 15 to steal a book of basic magic from a thrift store, she read and she learned. Practicing the spells outside during the night to make sure no one saw, most attempts ended up in explosions and burnt fur.  With the explosions she could easily hide under her families trailer before anyone could see. Even with the failed attempts, it made her happy, she could finally do something her family couldn't do and it was special to her. Unfortunately for her, she got to cocky at the age of 17 and her uncle caught her practicing. With her parents closed minded beliefs they threw the book away and screamed at her, it didn't stung as badly as it did when she was 5-13, but it still hurt. She feel back into her depression and stayed in her room all day. By now she would be the only one sleeping in it, all her other siblings have graduated and left as fast as they could. She didn't blaim them one bit. She finally moved out  at 18 it was a huge weight lifted off her shoulders and she could breathe. The problem was, whenever she looked in the mirror all she saw was her mom, her dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, and she cried. She slid down the bathroom drawer and cried, all she knew was them and she hated it. It took a few days to adjust to the roomy loneliness, it was way better than being crammed into a small room with 6 other girls. She saved up her money and started to buy magic books again and went back to perfecting her skills, meeting some other magic addicted mobians on the way. For her 20th birthday her friends took her to an alternative store. She quickly found out what body modifications were and she fell in love at first sight, but she hated the feeling of the needles going inside her ear.  She picked out some fur dye and smiled at it "don't have to be a part of the pack anymore" she whispered to herself. After a few hours she finally got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, she finally saw herself as beautiful. She couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. She was happy.
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Episode 7 “a clusterf*ck of paranoia”- Daisy
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(a little bit later)
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first off rest in peace karen i thought you were supposed to be good since you play so much but.. i suppose the mighty power of the chicken wing is not a force in tumblr survivor. anywho, so we switched like everyone expected but for some reason everyone thought it was a fun idea to freak out and be like "omg is it merge???" "WHATS GOING ON" "I DONT UNDERSTAND" ctfu yall literally knew damn well what was happening. its final 14 like it aint rocket science. as for my tribe, ive said it before and i will say it again - I HATE PURPLE!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! it is just not flattering against my skin tone and that is literally my number one concern at the moment. that might insult those who play this game like its life or death but to me... this is a very big aspect of my luck in the game. every time (literally not even joking) i get some ugly ass color, im fucked thats just the way it is and the weird blue that luca insists is cyan - get a crayon set pls - was working just fine for me! i was slayyyyinngggg without doing anything meaningful which is all that matters to me since its really fun watching people go crazy while i just sit here eating my nuggets in the break room. current thoughts of my tribemates and fellow one worlders: johnny - king of making final 2's and being in a frat. a dumbass who spilled his entire game once we swapped and got ratted out the second he did. stupid stupid stupid! i need him as a number tho so i cant be hasty with my opinions tho so like a 6/10 dana - has a paper to write. thats all i got right now 4/10 l.a. - A LITERAL FUCKING GODDESSSSSSS! all of the rookies should be bowing at her feet for trying so hard to make them safe cause if i was her... they would get a stern talking to and no help at all (plus she can clearly count which is more than i can do). 100000000/10 luca - literally victor next (i dont actually think he is victor but this dude is seriously wack like i just do not understand why he had the need to call me a grandma when im not even that old? like where is the residential hag when i need her zzzz. also he said he likes skype emojis and then used the cactus emoji which victor also uses so clearly something fucked up is happening!!!!!!!!) 1-ish/10 mitchell - fake hoe next (tho i do love the flattery so i guess they are right in saying it gets you everywhere cause ya got a ticket right on the bottom - word of the wise btwwww, next time you play pls stop taking advice from ya eggs cause they clearly do not help just ask karen in prejury hehe) 1-ish/10 ryan - king of all things survivor. how has he not won a ts season.... 10/10 allie - is from florida so either an icon like me or is like cole tbd. as luca said, can "air hump" really well??? not really useful info but thats all i got so next??? aro - im the 1. next. daisy - i hate the smell of flowers :| next jacob - legend was tagged in some nice pictures on facebook recently so he can stay. matt - lmao next willow - our friend willow teas? what comes after 6.gif. next. i really do not like talking to people and sadly i must. tho i just finished this one kdrama and it was like 50 episodes and the dad died literally in the last half hour of the entire show.... im crying i really am HE WAS A GOOD FUCKING PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the world is so cruel and so harsh to the loving but so kind to the evil where did we go wrong :'( PPPPPPPS : [4/18/17, 11:29:35 PM] nancy.sweitzer: shut up trump supporter [4/18/17, 11:29:42 PM] nancy.sweitzer: i have receipts of you supporting trump BB i need some food to watch this with so lets have reward hm?
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I'm both so happy and scared about this swap. BLESS ULAWA BEING GONE. THAT WAS THE WORST TRIBE. IT DOESN'T DESERVE TO EXIST. But yeah, a few people came to me and were like you carried that tribe and are amazing, and as nice as that is, YOU DON'T WANNA HEAR IT ON SURVIVOR. Cause now I have a huge target on my back for being a "challenge icon". I do not trust Daisy or Aro at all either so I'm worried they will gun for me, but they are both on the other tribe so that's a plus... Maybe, this one world thing doesn't help me there. Now I have to catch up with Jacob, and the rest of the alliance and see where we all stand. I'm trying to set something up with Johnny as well cause we sort of clicked at the start and I need people.
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im too sick to carry on. i cant even see the light im too far gone
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Hi MTV welcome to my own private corner of Hell. Seriously I guess my burning desire for some action really warranted this swap that put me in a terrible ass position. I love the One World beach because I can wave to literally every single person I was working with as they wear their Makira buffs with pride and I am stuck with all Rookies and Zak! The only people I know are Zak and Jacob, and Zak threw Daisy's name out and Jacob says he trusts Daisy so I can't even wrangle all my loose allies to form a little alliance. I'm just going to use my social game to earn favor with people like Willow and Allie so that I can maybe survive juuuuuust long enough to make it to the merge and reconnect with my homies. I'm sort of praying for a miracle, but I'm also going to do whatever I can to survive, and if that means throwing Jacob or Zak under the bus then so be it. I am scrambling like eggs in the morning. Hopefully I can convince people to target Aro for his wishy washy nature and because I have planted the seed that he has an idol, and honestly maybe he does, so I smell a blindside coming up, but if they're not willing to budge then I could be a dead boy walken.
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Dana mom doesnt approve of the act of sending nudes but like I don't spread em like seeds in a pumpkin patch (like this swap is doing w my alliance tbqh) or anything not everyone gets to see the goods
(a little bit later)
All right binches here's the tea! Daisy has an idol, and is trying to get people to think aro has the idol bc he made up a lie about a fake idol that he doesn't have, which saved his ass a few rounds back, and Jacob and Allie are saying Aro is sketchy. NOW thats not what I like hearing because Aro is my husband and all, so automatically my Worry Senses are tingling as they usually are it would seem. What I'm tryna do is scrape together a me/willow/aro/Matt majority (since allie apparently doesn't trust aro so I can't trust her) but I suck at approaching people so it sucks that dana and Mitchell aren't on my tribe to help me :( but get for being the least experienced vet in tumblr left in this game I think I'm in a moderately decent position
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Well Day 2 of NuNuTemoana is quite interesting, I'm starting to create scenarios that will hopefully put me in a good situation. A) NuNuMakira will throw the challenge and vote out Luca or LA and B) I create an alliance with Willow and Allie and we become the swing votes between Jacob/Daisy and Zak/Aro and if Daisy or Aro have idols they're shooting their bullets at each other and I've got a bulletproof vest. Fingers crossed.
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I'm gonna model the rest of my game after Cirie bc boy does she have me fucked up seven ways to Sunday right-about-now o'clock Also I'm not gonna be home again after tomorrow until May except for one day in between so this whole new tribe/quickly approaching merge thing is gonna get really sad for me when I randomly just disappear forever :)
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The past few days have been a whirlwind. From uncovering that dirty business with Matt to this One World swap, I find myself in a tribe in which I'm not sure if I can stay safe. It hurts that I can't compete in this next immunity too. I trust Johnny/LA, but as far as the rest? Question marks all over. I like Mitchell a lot, still haven't talked with Dana much, I have no clue about Ryan/Lexi but Johnny says Lexi is tight with him. So I'm really not sure what happens if we lose an immunity here, and winning challenges might be my only shot to stay in the game. So what happens next? No clue.
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MMMMHMHMHMHMHMHM YES!!! Willow finally spilled the tea which confirmed our suspicions on Karen :))) now alls I need is Lexi to get the fuck out and I can be satisfied by outlasting all the snakes
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So I've officially worked my way into an alliance with Allie and Willow, hopefully they're not playing me and we can actually work towards getting out Daisy or Aro. Now Mitchell wants me to get Daisy out so we can rope in Aro and Zak at the merge but I also have somewhat of a relationship with Jacob from nuTemoana and he seems to have a relationship with Daisy so I am hopefully safely in the middle of this tribe and will be deciding this vote, but there's also a large chance I'm gonna get squashed smack dab in the middle. I mean ideally we win immunity and the other tribe can get out LA or Luca which would be great. I need these rookie numbers thinned like the mints so that I have options if I'm in the merge. I have my Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Alliance which is Ryan, Mitchell, and Dana, I have nuTemoana which is Johnny, Jacob, Lex, and Ryan, and I have a possible alliance with Allie, Willow, and Mitchell. Preferably I wanna work with Mitchell because I trust him the most so far. But of course none of these numbers I'm running in my head matter if I can't make it until the merge which is crazy to me.
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i wasnt successful in covering up my misery. i dont even know why i said i could do it since the only thing on that entire menu (all of the drink choices included) i actually do enjoy is the oreos so who knows what i was thinking. im going to get voted out i really am
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tag yourself. im luca saying he cant compete cause they use blue solo cups instead of red solo cups in his country. isaac is la's roommate not letting her use her waterbottle. andrew is ryan only having glass in his house. pippa is matt actually doing this. stefan is willow beating the crap out of me. IM GOING HOME
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Well I couldn't get it done today and that's a little disheartening, I definitely feel like I could be in danger and when you have the chance to save yourself and don't do it it sucks. I guess now my focus is on playing this game for like the first time this season honestly, a lot of things are at stake in this tribal, there's idols there's alliances there's tribe swaps, there's beef in this game, and I feel like hopefully I can shift the attention towards Daisy vs. Aro, but there's also a lurking nuMakira alliance that might form and getting an Ulawa out wouldn't do anything in the long run but I need to play to make it so that I'm safe until tomorrow or else there won't even be a long run. I wanted to be in a position where I could run a marathon but instead I'm like running a relay race tribal to tribal. If I get rid of Daisy Jacob may lose trust in me and join a Makira alliance, but also maybe I'll just join the Makira alliance myself? I mean I told myself I would do what it takes to win, my obligations are to myself at this point, not Temoana not Makira, not Vets, but MESELF. Well who knows at this point what's gonna happen, hopefully my plan works.
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MATT STFU CALLING ME OUT IN THE MAIN CHAT YOU MOTHERFUCKER! Literally your ass would not be in this game right now if I didn't win the challenge where we counted in our confessional. The plan was in play, you were going to be gone, we had the numbers, and now you're on a tribe where it's minority veterans, so hopefully Allie and Willow aren't idiots, and they just take out Matt because he's kind of an arrogant prick, but I'm sure that something sketchy is going to happen, and they're going to take out a rookie, probably Aro or Daisy since apparently they're being sketchy motherfuckers. Grrrrrrrr Matt needs to stfu. I still have quotes of him talking about LA, so I might use that to my advantage, but we'll see how this goes for now. I'm not ready for merge and these unpredictable motherfuckers in Allie and Willow.... I have no idea where either of their heads are at. As for my tribe right now, I'm 99% sure that Lex, Ryan and I are in the driver's seat on this tribe, with Luca, LA, Mitchell and Dana all wanting to work with us. I wouldn't mind losing to get rid of Dana, because I really really really want her out, simply because I haven't spoken to her as much, and I'd prefer to have good relationships with everyone once we get to merge, and I don't want anyone to think about taking me out of this game because I don't have a good enough relationship with them, so we'll see for now. Ryan hinted this morning that he'd prefer Mitchell to go home over Dana, but I want Dana to go home, and I wanna keep my brolationship with Mitchell for as long as I can. This is just fuel for fire I can use against Ryan if I have to, to get Mitchell to trust me, since according to Ryan, Mitchell is obsessed with me.. I also won the challenge for my tribe single handedly because I'm the king of this game, and no one is on my level strategically, socially or physically if we're being honest. I just need to NOT be known as that big threat once I get to merge. Time to just pit people against each other and throw shit and sound dumb like I always  do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Fuck this is so nerve wracking. I hate that I'm at tribal again. And I've recently been really anxious about the fact that L.A. knows I have an idol, and just now I found out that a lot of people know that I have it. Which means L.A. has been telling people. Which also means that I'm kind of screwed. I want to get out Aro because I know how tricky he is and how terrible he is in challenges, but he has the idol and if he plays it I could very well be going home. Plus I'm realizing that I don't really have any solidified alliances with a lot of these people so I could easily be targeted, especially since they think I have an idol. Honestly part of me just wants to play it tonight and get rid of it and get it off my back. Or give it to someone. But if I give it to someone, then other people will still think I have it and I'll still be a target. I could try to split the votes, but that seems kind of aggressive and I don't want to make myself a target if I'm not one already. Ugh, fuck. I wish I had someone to talk this over with.
(a little bit later)
Whew I know I just submitted but I have so many thoughts right now. Aro seems to think things are gonna go along tribe lines and it's gonna be me and him as swing votes. Willow brought up Aro's name to me. I'm nervous that Willow maybe brought up his name to make me feel more secure about it, and maybe I'm the target. Maybe Aro is right and things are gonna go along past tribe lines but I don't really want to work with him. Maybe I could try to split the votes between me and Aro and I'll play my idol and get rid of it. That would be dumb though, right? I hate that we have so little time and that like, no one is online right now. It's so hard to plan. Jacob told me he cast his vote for Aro because he only had a couple minutes before he had to leave and he wouldn't be gone. So theres gonna be at least one vote for him. Unless everyone is lying to me. Fuck I'm so paranoid right now, but I don't know how to figure out if its just paranoia or if there's actually something there. Also I'm trying to seem invested in planning out the vote with Aro so that he doesn't think I'm targeting him, but he could also quote me to others and make them think I'm targeting them. So now it seems like I have Willow, Matt, Jacob, and Allie all voting for Aro with me. Aro wants to target a vet and apparently he's close with Zakriah which means we may want to divert Zakriah too so that he doesn't leak to Aro and have him play an idol. But now I'm worried by suggesting that we divert Zakriah I'm playing too aggressively. Ugh. Aro said he's gonna talk to the rookies and see who they would rather vote for, I told them I'm trying to divert him so that they're not confused or surprised that he says I wanna vote for a vet when I already targeted him. This is a lot to deal with, and we don't have a lot of time. Tbh this confessional is a clusterfuck of paranoia.
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Okay so I'm out with friends and don't have time to write a real confessional but I don't wanna get a strike. So if I get home in time I'll write a real confessional yeah
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I think for the first time in Survivor history one of my plans is actually working, it seems that Daisy is totally sold that Aro is going and voting me and it's awesome if she ends up getting blindsided as intended. Jacob is getting two votes because he sucks and I want him to know he should be worried, he threw my name out, and he's untrustworthy, even after like I pretended like i was interested in his crush that he talks about at least once a day, it's almost more satisfying knowing that I can flip and get him out if I really wanted to. In fact I have my choice to vote Daisy, Aro, or Jacob, and if I'm not getting played that wold mean I've spun this terrible swap into a great spot for myself, and I love it. See what happens when I get a chance to really play?
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I am so screeeeewed. So basically everyone except Daisy and Jacob wants to vote for Daisy but I am about 90% sure this is bs and I am getting set up for a big blindside. Well, it wont really be a blindside now but rip me
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Okay so I only really have 13 mins to type out a fuck ton of information. This vote is crazy, so much has happened and we only had a few hours to strategize for this tribal. Anyway originally me and Allie were thinking about voting Daisy bc she told LA she has an idol, but then LA sent screenshots of Aro's idol. So I was panicking for a moment bc I thought it was real, but I talked to people, and he was probably really desperate, so i think were sticking to voting out Aro. I'm just typing out the short version of what actually happened, bc I don't have a lot of time, but basically me and Allie are the swing votes and I hope everything goes as planned.
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As we near tribal Im starting to get the teeniest glimmer of hope. Willow, Allie and Matt seems to be pretty interested in working with me. If it goes according to plan its going to be 3 votes Daisy, 2 votes Jacob and 2 votes me. However Im still about 80% sure that Im going to get blindsided tonight so fingers crossed
0 notes