#that sexy whispery and low voice is what i imagined!!
apparently-artless · 16 days
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Gokurakugai Volume 4 PV by JUMP SQ - Saotome Tao [CV: Kobayashi Yuu]
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 5 years
Today would be Marilyn’s 93rd Birthday, she has been in my life for almost a decade and I still find it so surreal to think that in theory, she should still be here. Sadly, we all know that is not the case and the reality is that Marilyn left the world over fifty five years ago. It’s sometimes hard to comprehend that Marilyn wasn’t just a Hollywood Star but a human being, just like you and me. However, today is not for dwelling, it is a very important day to millions of fans and myself, as the worlds Brightest Star is ultimately still shining half a century later!
Marilyn photographed by Ed Cronenweth in 1948.
To celebrate Marilyn’s big day, I usually spend it in the best way I know possible, having a Movie Marathon watching my favourite Actress. Unfortunately, so many people see Marilyn as just another silly Blonde Bombshell who didn’t have much talent and was basically playing herself on the screen. However, I can’t emphasize enough that the sweet, lovable, pretty face was so much more than what people perceive. As someone who has watched her films a countless number of times, I actually appreciate her comedic performances over her dramatic ones. This is because people tend to view dramas with more acclaim and respect and the Award Shows further prove this, when in fact comedies should not be overlooked.
In the wise words of Vivien Leigh – an Actress who yes, was more respected critically than Marilyn, but, ultimately was more appreciated more for her looks too,
“Comedy is much more difficult than tragedy – and a much better training, I think. It’s much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh.”
Marilyn photographed on Tobey Beach by Andre de Dienes on July 23rd 1949.
Marilyn was incredibly dedicated to her craft and spent numerous hours educating herself on the Performing Arts and trying to be the best she could possibly be. When you learn about Marilyn you realize how much she suffered mentally and the strength she must have found to deliver such beautiful performances. It hurts to think that she didn’t always feel like the bubbly Blonde Bombshell so many know and love her for, as no one more than Marilyn deserved to be appreciated and loved. She was such a perfectionist and would spend hours analyzing and being critical of her acting abilities and performance in each film.
“We not only want to be good, we have to be. You know, when they talk about nervousness, my teacher, Lee Strasberg, when I said to him, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’m a little nervous,” he said, “When you’re not, give up, because nervousness indicates sensitivity.” Also, a struggle with shyness is in every actor more than anyone can imagine. There is a censor inside us that says to what degree do we let go, like a child playing. I guess people think we just go out there, and you know, that’s all we do. Just do it. But it’s a real struggle. I’m one of the world’s most self-conscious people. I really have to struggle.”
– Marilyn to Journalist Richard Meryman for LIFE Magazine, published on August 17th 1962.
Marilyn attending a Court Hearing on June 26th 1952.
Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to choose five of Marilyn’s films in which she believed she gave the best performances or received great critical acclaim, to recommend for others to watch. If there is any day that Marilyn should be celebrated (personally, I believe it’s all day every day) than it is on her Birthday.
Whilst looking through reviews of Marilyn’s films that were published during their original releases, it’s shocking to me to read the downright prejudice, sexism and ignorance surrounding her as an Actress. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, in my belief Marilyn was the greatest Actress of all time as it seems that even then, 99% of people believed she was just playing herself. Therefore, in believing their own ignorance, critics could continue their lack of acclaim and respect for ultimately, an extremely talented woman.
Marilyn photographed by Milton Greene in June 1955.
• The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and The Seven Year Itch (1955)
Person to Person television appearance interview on April 8th 1955.
“Marilyn, what’s the best part you ever had in a movie?” – Edward R. Murrow
“Well one of the best parts I’ve ever had was, in The Asphalt Jungle, John Huston’s Picture and then, The Seven Year Itch, Billy Wilder’s Picture.”  – Marilyn
“You think that’s going to be a big one too, don’t you? The Seven Year Itch.” – Edward R. Murrow
“I think it will be a very good Picture and I would like to continue making this type of Picture.” – Marilyn
Dallas Morning News Review by Harold Hefferman published on June 18th 1950.
“Virtually unbilled and unidentified in a current movie, Asphalt Jungle, Marilyn’s breathtaking appearance immediately piques fandom’s curiosity and imagination. Not since the brief introduction of another tempestuous blond, Shelley Winters, three years ago in A Double Life, has a newcomer stirred up so much interest.” 
Marilyn photographed by Earl Leaf at a Press Party held for Bus Stop on March 3rd 1956.
• Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
LIFE Magazine Interview with Journalist Richard Meryman published on August 17th 1962.
“I remember when I got the part in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Jane Russell – she was the brunette in it and I was the blonde. She got $200,000 for it, and I got my $500 a week, but that to me was, you know, considerable. She, by the way, was quite wonderful to me. The only thing was I couldn’t get a dressing room. Finally, I really got to this kind of level and I said, “Look, after all, I am the blonde, and it is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!” Because still they always kept saying, “Remember, you’re not a star.” I said, “Well, whatever I am, I am the blonde!” – Marilyn
The Los Angeles Times Review by Edwin Schallert on August 1st 1953.
“Miss Monroe sparkles much of the time just as the diamonds do. Her work is insidiously intriguing in this picture, and at the same time almost childlike in its utter lack of guile. Her portrayal demonstrates that much may be maneuvered in her instance in the future to humorous advantage. She discloses a surprising light comedy touch.”
Time Magazine Review on July 27th 1953.
“As Lorelei Lee, who believes that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, Marilyn Monroe does the best job of her short career to date. [She] sings remarkably well, dances, or rather undulates all over, flutters the heaviest eyelids in show business and breathlessly delivers such lines of dialogue as, “Coupons – that’s almost like money,” as if she were in the throes of a grand passion.”
Marilyn photographed by Sam Shaw in the Summer of 1957.
• Bus Stop (1956)
Speaking to reporters upon her arrival back in Hollywood to film Bus Stop, on February 25th 1956.
“Marilyn, are you happy to come back and do this Picture, are you pleased with the Bus- Picture Bus Stop?” – Reporter
“Oh yes, very much, I’m looking forward to working with Josh Logan, doing the Picture and it’s good to be back.” – Marilyn
“Was he in your selection as a Director?” – Reporter
“Twentieth Century Fox selected him and I have Director Approval and they asked if I would approve of him and definitely.” – Marilyn
“So you’re very happy, you think you’re going to make a very good Picture?” – Reporter
“I hope we do make a good picture, yes.” – Marilyn
The New York Times Review by Bosley Crowther published on September 1st 1956.
“HOLD onto your chairs, everybody, and get set for a rattling surprise. Marilyn Monroe has finally proved herself an actress in “Bus Stop.” She and the picture are swell!”
Marilyn in Let’s Make Love in 1960.
• Some Like It Hot (1959)
Variety Film Review published on February 24th 1959.
“To coin a phrase, Marilyn has never looked better. Her performance as “Sugar,” the fuzzy blonde who likes saxophone players “and men with glasses” has a deliciously naive quality. She’s a comedienne with that combination of sex appeal and timing that just can’t be beat.”
The New York Times Review by A. H. Weiler published on March 30th 1959.
“As the hand’s somewhat simple singer-ukulele player, Miss Monroe, whose figure simply cannot be overlooked, contributes more assets than the obvious ones to this madcap romp. As a pushover for gin and the tonic effect of saxophone players, she sings a couple of whispery old numbers (“Running Wild” and “I Wanna Be Loved by You”) and also proves to be the epitome of a dumb blonde and a talented comedienne.”
Marilyn photographed by Bert Stern in June 1962.
I hope however you choose to spend this day, you take a moment to think about Marilyn and in her own words, hold a good thought for her as if anyone deserved that, it was she.
“I Love Marilyn” by Sidney Skolsky published in Modern Screen Magazine in October 1953.
“Before the picture flashed on the screen, Marilyn whispered to me in that low, sexy voice that is natural with her: “Hold a good thought for me.” She always says that when embarking on an venture. She feels much better when you tell her you will.”
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Happy 93rd Birthday Marilyn! Today would be Marilyn's 93rd Birthday, she has been in my life for almost a decade and I still find it so surreal to think that in theory, she should still be here.
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janavoadalov · 6 years
Warming Up A Long Loner Heart, Ophidian Or Human
Janavo X Reader, Hurt/Comfort and fluff. A little bit of angst peppered in here and there. SFW, save for some tasteful make-out descriptions.
It is...long. Like, almost 4000 words. So, bloop, under a Read More.
It has been a few weeks since that mysterious encounter with that supposed “troll” you have found in the woods at a Halloween night. Not that you don’t believe his words, but...perhaps one of those candies you had ended up buzzing up your senses a bit, because you know...holidays and sketchy substances. Perhaps something you drank that night? Eh. That part of your mind insists on denying that the encounter ever happened. 
However that little piece of paper with his phone number that you oh-so-dearly kept on your drawer acts as a counterpoint. Fuck! You just remembered. Ever since that night, you never even tried to contact him. Not only because of laziness, but also that impending fear of your phone not being able to call that number. Not to mention that you’re not just talking with your regular run-off-the-mill human- but a literal alien. And a sexy one at that. Regardless, it every once in a while fills your heart with a sharp pang of guilt and neediness every time you imagine those big reptilian eyes of his gazing into yours, tongue flicking out his lips to sense every emotion of yours simply by your scent.
It gets to a point in which those thoughts are what forces you out of your bed and makes you walk up to your drawer and snatch out the paper slip with Jana...Janavo’s number in it. Was it Janavo? or Javano? Who cares, he’ll say it when he greets you. Or so you hope. Sitting down at your bed’s edge, you hesitantly hold up your phone and type in the number sequences and dial up. 
Fuck, is it really going to take that long? Will you have to literally go all the way back to the woods to yell his name at that...cave-den of his? Where does that guy even live in to begin with? You sigh and wait some more for him to answer, your foot tapping at the bedroom floor nervously. Tap, tap, tap...
When you, all of a sudden, notice the beeping stop. A deep, husky voice attends you, the closeness of his mouth to the microphone making the audio sound whispery. You shiver and feel butterflies in your stomach, body weakening and your voice trembles.
“Hello? Janavo here. Who is calling?”
Oh, okay, it’s not Javano then. You cough and try your best to answer him without stuttering. That would not be a good way to have your first formal interaction with that cutie, huh?
“Uh...hello, Mr. Janavo! I’m that little human you, uhm, met that Halloween night. You gave me your, uh, number, remember?”
Your heart was pounding loudly in your chest. Holy fuck. You’re talking to that big handsome alien guy you met. With your hardest efforts, you attempt to stop yourself from audibly breathing heavily in both anxiety and excitement.
Recognizing your voice, his tone becomes lighter and softer, and his speech becomes mixed with a happy, high-pitched trill from his chest. That was one of the cutest sounds you’ve ever heard, the audible representation of a smile. It makes you giggle a bit and your heart feels like it just melted.
“Awwww. Hello there, little one. I have been waiting for you to call for so long...sorry about my sudden disappearance that night...was scared someone had seen me.”
No! He doesn’t need to apologize for anything! He just did what you too would do it you were an 8-foot tall alien. Out of nowhere, you feel little droplets of guilt bead into your consciousness. Perhaps you shouldn’t have gotten upset at him leaving you like that. Fuck. You’re feeling shitty now.
“I-I understand! No need to say sorry for it! You just did what was needed” 
He senses the sadness in your voice and his voice softens even more. Perhaps you ended up making him feel worried about you..
“Are you okay, little one? You don’t sound so jolly. Do you need any help, or advice? Or just, you know, someone to distract yourself from it?”
You gulp. The last thing you would expect from an alien is for one of them to be so compassionate, like Janavo was at that exact moment. It makes your face flush a bit, and you can’t help but stutter.
“Y-yeah...I’ve been feeling, uh, very...um, lonely. It has been a few weeks since my parents have last visited me...they’re often so occupied with their businesses and errands, and no one else in here can come and give me company...so I could say that adulthood has been really harsh on me for the last few years...”
You truly have been noticing a sharp decline on your mental and social stability ever since you were deemed an adult by your family. Having to live in your own house, pay your own taxes, with the previous support of your parents slowly becoming lost in the fog of the past, makes you feel responsible and independent, but also lonely, as you have no partner to come and spend time with you, nor a group of friends to go on trips or dates with, as your personality is quite...eccentric, to say the least. It’s not everyone who just has a bunch of edgy paraphernalia on their closet and wears them to celebrate the spooky season.
Thinking about this, and remembering your recent meet-up with Janavo in the woods, leads your mind to a realization, that he is most likely what was missing from your life. That missing puzzle piece in your psyche. A loving, understanding individual who is more than eager to help you out and give you the attention you need. 
A concerned “hello?” snaps you out of your musings about your life and you, startled, apologize from the silence. The feelings overwhelm you and you sense yourself starting to break into tears. Some self-control would really come in handy right now. But bam, you lost it. Now you’re just a sobbing mess on the phone with a guy who you met once and you think of as a perfect boyfriend for your insecure ass. Shame washes over you, but you can’t do anything at the moment. You swear you could hear a sad little whine from Janavo as he listens to your emotional breakdown, unsure on how to help you.
“Little one...Shhh...Shhhh...It will all be okay. Wipe those tears. Take a deep breath. Would you like to have me come over? I am not sure on how to comfort you too well over a cellphone.”
He talks to you in a low, extremely worried tone. Almost as if you were going to make him cry too. Your thoughts manage to calm down a tad by hearing his voice and the idea of having Janavo come and see you in person both delights you and scares you, having in question the absolutely trainwreck of a mental state that you are in as of now. However your feelings speak louder than your logic and you wail a little “yes...please...” over the phone for him. 
He gently shoos away your stress and asks you for your address, soon hanging up afterwards. Shouldn’t take too long for him to come. He lives near your neighbourhood, after all, at some sort of shelter at the local woods. Maybe if he manages to go through the outskirts of this town, he can go pretty much unnoticed, even better knowing how it’s evening. People are already going inside their homes and all. Your feelings start to re-stabilize themselves until you hear loud thundering from the outside. That sound is like the doors of hell opening.
Fucking. Shit. It’s going to rain.
The thought of being stuck inside your house, crying yourself to sleep as the sound of rain acts as the soundtrack for your sadness comes off as way worse and suffocating when you are actually feeling that at the moment and not simply some mental image you come across while listening to screamo albums. The first raindrops hit the roof and you get worried for your lov-ahem, friend. Does he even have an umbrella? Isn’t he going to get, like, sopping wet? What about a cold? Is his body built to endure that? So many questions come to mind. 
Barely a few seconds after your hurricane of thoughts, the rain becomes heavier and heavier. from a peaceful shower to a vicious hiss of water and wind hitting your ceiling. Your windows are open and the curtains dance around from the storm. Forcing your body to get up, you soon close them, avoiding anyone from peeking at you and also your belongings from being drenched. It feels like this weather is only going to get worse. Throwing yourself at your bed, you grab your blankets and wrap yourself up in them while letting out a loud sob. Oh, how you needed him to arrive, so quick...you could feel yourself being dragged down by your anxiety again. And it’s not something you want to deal with alone.
The thundering outside nearly deafens you and makes the lights in your house flicker. He still isn’t there. Pulling up your blinds a bit, you can tell that not a lot of people are outside. The streetlights are on, but do little to properly illuminate the surroundings. At that moment, even a flashlight could do better. Creating those little observations and comments in your brain help diverge your consciousness from the dread and highly unlikely scenarios in your brain.
Minute after minute passes, and every second without hearing the doorbell ring burns away at your patience like a hot rod through your forehead. You tremble underneath the sheets, slowly letting go of the tiny remains of self-control you have left. Tears leak out of your eyes and leave dark stains on your pillow. 
Almost an hour after Janavo announced his departure, and no signals of his presence. You’re sleepy and your eyes are swollen and sore. Holding onto a nearby cushion, you bury your head into it, moaning out in a forlorn, raspy voice. 
At that point, you were ready to just snap into an unconscious state. Too much mental strain to be dealt with for such a young person like you. But, all out of a sudden, the sound you hear reverbs through your ears like a heavenly chime. 
It’s him! He finally arrived...after that whole ride. You scream his name out loud. Agitation spreads through your whole body and thrusts you out of your bed. Unlocking the door, you see the figure you were longing for so much.
There stood, Janavo Adalov, holding above his head an enormous trash can lid, drops of rain falling in top of it and rolling off into the ground. Where did he even get that from? You don’t even bother thinking about answers. His body seems mostly dry, apart from his tail, boots and a little bit of his pants. Worry is visible on his eyes, glancing at you with wide pupils. His hair, from what you can see, is messy, while his head is mostly covered by his hood.
“Oh, my doll. I apologize so much from leaving you suffering like this. I wish I could have gotten here sooner...”
He drops the soaked lid to the side, wags his tail to get rid of the excessive water, and you gently call him into your home, watching him have to literally duck to get past the door thanks to his large size. As you both get into the living room, he kneels down and opens up his arms invitingly. Without a second thought, you wrap your own around his neck, and you feel him close his around your body, locking you both in a warm embrace. Quiet little sniffles come from you, and Janavo attempts to be reassuring by giving your back a couple light taps. Your head and hands were buried on the fabric of his hoodie, the soft texture soothing your senses. At this point you wish this moment would never end, being exactly what you’ve been desiring for years.
The two of you stay interlocked like that until you loosen your grip on him, letting him free. You wipe your face and nose with your sweater sleeve, and Janavo stands up and follows you as you guide him to your room. Some colorful decorations here and there seem to entice him, as he keeps his focus on them for quite a long time. 
You throw yourself on the sheets and watch your visitor sit on the edge of your bed before laying back and turning his face towards you. His eyes still have that telltale expression of concern, but less visibly now than before. His mouth is curled up into a smile at the sight of you so close to him and his sharp snaggle tooth is visible prodding underneath his top lip. Who knew such a big guy could be so adorable. 
Getting closer to him, you lay your head on his chest. Janavo starts to purr loudly when he notices, and places one of his hands on your hair, gently playing around with the locks. His sharp nails every once in a while scrape your scalp, making you shiver. You really needed this. A sigh comes from you and you reach out to hold his other hand.
“It will all be okay, sweetheart. I’ll stay here for as long as you want, or need.”
His eyes are closed, probably that prowl he went on for you was just as exhausting for him as it was for you as you waited for his arrival. You wouldn’t mind having him sleep with you, despite how big he was. Having him live with you, preferably forever, wouldn’t be something you’d mind either, if it wasn’t in reality your deepest wish...
Excusing yourself for a moment, you get off the bed, switching off the lights to add more to that precious moment. When you return, he had removed his boots and curled up into your bed, almost falling asleep. Poor guy. Throwing yourself by his side, his arms stretch out and grab you, bringing you close to his chest again. Oh, that purr! You could listen to it forever. 
“I’m pretty new here...as you may know, I’m not from this land. I’ve left my home planet, Alternia, when I was around 9 sweeps or so. Much younger than I am now. I’ve been sent to fight to dominate other lands in space with brutality. But I just could not do that ordeal. After one or two sweeps...I hijacked a ship and fled to any planet I could stumble upon. That planet was Earth. My ship fell on water and I had to swim my way to the shore. That’s how, over time, I found my home. This huge congregation of woods...where no one can find me. I’ve seen people strolling around that part of town, trying to find my den, thinking I was some sort of cryptid. For years, like you, I’ve felt alone and excluded from all forms of human interaction. I was seen as abominable. Eldritch. Until that night...I felt understood. “
So...he is just like you? A socially isolated hermit with no friends who just wants someone to love and care for? Your heart feels heavy, after he has told you his story his purring stops and his breathing becomes heavier. His irises glow a dim cyan as he turns you around to stare at your face. Small beads of cerulean start forming on his eye and he lets go of you to pull his hood over his eyes. It’s his turn to let those nasty feelings out, you see.
“I’m so sorry if I’m burdening you, little one...You just felt so right to me...Someone that knew how it felt to be left in the dust...to be different...”
Of course not! He’s not burdening you at all. Instead, it feels like the complete opposite. You were the one who kept whimpering for help out of nowhere in the middle of a phone call. But you just couldn’t help it. Neither could he. You try to calm his feelings by giving his horns a light caress. Seems like the less...awkward way to help him out. His hold on the hood loosens, and he makes a sound of relief, lifting his head slightly. Underneath his thick bangs of hair, you could spot his face flushed cobalt, and his blue tears dribbling from his eyes. Under your touch, he seems to relax completely. Does he really trust you that much in such a short period of time?
“Look, Janavo, I could literally not stop thinking about you ever since we met. You are what’s missing from my life. Do you want to help me become one, dear? Come stay with me for as long as time allows?”
His hands pull away the hair from his eyes and he gazes at you with big, melancholic pupils, still watery from his brief crying session. Sobbing quietly, his mouth slowly bares his teeth as he grins. He just looks so cute that way. Like an enormous puppy...or kitten. Kind of a mixture of the two. 
A pair of hands come and pull you down, aligning your faces together. They settle on your waist, a gentle cyan glow making the atmosphere romantic and placid together with the still-roaring storm outside. You lay your palm on his chest. There come the purrs again. 
“I’d be honoured to do so, doll...with all of my pleasure.”
Your heart explodes and you rub your forehead with Janavo’s. He sticks his tongue out goofily, as if trying to lick your face. You massage his ears a bit, which twitch at the heat from your hand. Those piercings of his seem pretty heavy. His eyes blink slowly as they gaze endearingly at you. A chuckle comes from his mouth, and his warm breath reminds you of how close your lips are to his.
Suddenly...you feel the urge to kiss him. Right when you had that idea flash through your mind, Jan’s hands go up your body to grip your shoulders, and gently pushes his head forwards to press his lips against yours. His lips are soft and warm, and the added texture of his stubble and mustache ends up tickling you a bit, but nothing that disturbs you at a large degree. You can feel him turn his head around a bit to deepen the kiss, purring loudly in your mouth. His sharp fangs poke at the edges of your mouth and nearly draw blood. 
Your hands that were previously holding his ears move to hold his jaw, in an attempt to let yourself take some control of the situation. Janavo lets out a breathy moan and manages to slip his tongue into your mouth, and pulls your body closer to his, to the point where you could feel his chest rumble through his hoodie. His tongue is bifid and has a pair of beads on its surface, which you feel clink against your teeth every once in a while as he explores the intricacies of your mouth. It’s his first kiss with a human being, after all. And he was already so damn good at it. At least through your eyes, since you’ve never kissed anyone before. Despite how large and powerful he was, he was strangely gentle.
Ecstasy overtook your senses as he moaned again, eyes closing and darkening the scene, arms wrapping around your torso and running up and down the fabric of your sweater. You decided to join in with your tongue, and you manage to slide yours inside his own mouth. This makes his purrs evolve into trills as your tongues run along each other and cause drool to leak from the corner of his mouth. You’re loving this so much. 
After what seemed like almost two hours of heaven, Janavo pulls away and licks his lips from the mess made by you two fooling around. Aw, was it just over like that? Your hands let go of his face as you make a little sad sound. In an attempt to satisfy you some more, he places his mouth on your neck and sinks his fangs into your skin slightly. It comes off as unexpected to you, and you gasp. But it feels so good. You don’t want it to end too soon. He suckles at your neck noisily, making you pant. A decent amount of time of that treatment ends in him pulling away and admiring the nice mark he left, and you would make every effort possible to show it off to people. 
The whole lovey-dovey stuff you two engaged in was undoubtedly tiring. You just feel like sleeping at the moment. And, from what you can tell from your friend-turned-lover’s body language, so is he. You sit on your bed and watch him stretch his back and arms while yawning. Holy fuck, those teeth. You really want them sunken into your flesh again any time soon. 
The rain outside has calmed down, from a merciless storm to a rather placid drizzle. Pulling up your sheets, you prepare yourself to finally rest after this whole ride. Not before you lift them and allow Janavo to slither underneath and knead the mattress below him. Sluggishly, he got comfy on his spot of the bed and reached his neck out to give your forehead a soft, sweet kiss.
“I think it’s safe to say this now, but...I love you, Jan.”
His tail curls behind you, and he reaches out to pull you into a tight embrace. You bury your face on the crook of his neck, and hear him purr again. It’s obvious how happy he is to be with you, with how much he loves having physical contact and making the whole live-in decision in just one night. Clearly you two are going to be incredibly happy together.
“I love you too, doll, all I have to do is move my stuff tomorrow morning from the forest den to here and we will be all set.”
Your brain still is so boggled while trying to process all of the events this afternoon. That huge monstrous guy you met in the woods once, who you first thought would maul you to pieces? And who turned out to be a huge softie in a tough shell? He’s going to live with you now. And what a better way to celebrate than with having him sleep with you for the first night? And the next one, and the next one, and the next one...creating so many good memories and feelings.
“Sweet dreams, little one.”
It doesn’t take too long for the both of you to drift off into a peaceful night’s sleep, to the calm sounds of each other’s breathing and the soft rain outside.
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impeccablebackside · 3 years
Very similar to the previous ask, but what do the queens sound like?
I have a bit of a hard time trying to explain what I imagine, because I am not familiar with how to term types / qualities of voices. I honestly always think they would sound like the actors who portray them, so I hope that is not too weird. I also typically think they would look like certain actors who play them as well. I know that seems very on-the-nose and obvious, because of course they would, but you know.
Anyway, I will put my opinion of what each queen sounds like, and the actress whose voice matches in my mind, so let me speak:
Victoria has a sweet and quiet, feminine voice. Youthful and crystalline, but lacking conviction. She sounds like the Vic from the illegal Korean production from 1999 (who is super freaking pretty) or Alexandra Sinitsina.
Rumple has a higher pitched voice, sort of squeaky. Vibrant and full of mischief. She sounds like Jo Gibb, Laura Bishop, and Jasmin Colangelo all mixed together.
Tanto has a whispery, but higher voice. Full of spirit and wisdom, but younger. She sounds like Emily Tate or Helen Gulston.
Cass has a darker, low register. Breathy and mysterious, but silky. She sounds like Rebecca Parker, Anneke Dacres, and Mette Towley.
Demeter has a slightly raw, melodic voice. Textured and harmonious, full of emotion. She sounds like Aeva May Brewer or Emmanuelle N'Zuzi.
Bomba has a rich, fiery voice. Alluring, but not overly sexy. She sounds like Rosemarie Ford or (that accent I am 95% sure is fake) Christine Cornish Smith.
Jenny has a distinguished, excited tone to her voice. One with pride and warmth. She sounds like a halfway between Susie McKenna and Ellie Nunan.
Jelly has the duality of strength and softness in her voice. Mature and matron-like, one she grew into at a younger age than it would sound. She sounds like Clare Rickard.
0 notes
arcticficialbanana · 7 years
Is this really happening
Title: Is this really happening, am I dreaming?
Pairing: Reader x Gen x Jared
Word Count: 3,980
Warnings: Fingering, Oral Sex (M to F / F to F / F to M), Masturbation, Female sex
A/N: This is my first story writing, an idea of ending up in the same room with Jared and his wife Genevieve. You are having trouble calming down so Jared gently rubs your back. Imagine that if you were at all uncomfortable they would stop immediately and wouldn’t pressure you. But you are very comfortable, despite your confusion. Enjoy the fantasy!
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 I’m trying to remember how it started but my head was so hazy and spinning I could hardly realize what is going on right now.
 I remember that I was laying down half asleep and I felt his hand quietly rubbing my back. I remember his hand moving down to the small of my back and it tickled since his pinky trailed the edge of my shirt. His light touch made me shudder from my spine down to my toes, but I was still sleepy so I didn’t really move.
 I felt my shirt tug a bit as his hand reached up my back between my shoulder blades. It felt really nice, like a warm feather trailing my skin. Without the constraints of a bra I feel his constant light pressure comforting me in circles and figure eights.
 I inhale sharply as I am brought back to the present with a flutter of shocks around my clitoris. Fingertips dig into my hips and I feel a tinge of pain that adds to my adrenaline. The blood rush goes straight to the heat of my groin as tongue pushes against my plump clit.
 My eyes are shut so tightly I am afraid of dispelling the illusion. It had to be, this must have been an illusion right now. The possible chance that this was in my head or a dream was too scary to let go of the moment.
 I can’t tell if his hand is on my lower back or my ass because my head is so light. Euphoria runs through me and I can’t tell which way I am flipped anymore. I am pretty sure his hand is definitely rubbing my ass now. I feel myself getting wet as the rubbing becomes less gentle and more aggressive.
 Fingers run from the top of my butt and along the curve down to the hot groin underneath almost up to my belly. At least that’s what it felt like. Laying face down I was shocked how turned around I had gotten. I couldn’t tell up from down, but his arm was pressing into my back as he reached all the way around my hips, that was certain. I couldn’t tell when it got there but his hand was inside my pants, now sliding over my bare skin.
 It felt so good to be touched both gently and firmly, in such sensitive areas of my body. 
Tingles torture me as two fingers trace from my pubic hair slowly down and around to the end of my labia. It’s confusing because I feel like it’s so innocent. He was just rubbing my back, and yet now his fingers are nearly inside of me..right? They are, aren’t they? I’m not imagining this?
My lips are pushed apart slightly as the fingers go deeper between them. I suck in breath and begin to think I’m not dreaming. I can feel the fingers rub together, assessing my slick wetness. Then, carefully, sincerely, the hand cups one side of my ass cheek and the fingers push into my pussy. My head starts hurting, although I don’t know if it’s from anticipation or lack of oxygen to my brain. I realize I’ve been holding my breath and I exhale hard. My stomach pushes against the bed as I arch my back into the appendages.
The fingers curl inside of me, rubbing my inner wall and hitting sensitive areas that make me moan. It’s been a long time since somebody’s fingered me, especially since adults usually go straight for the intercourse. I feel a numbing sensation inside as fingertips press into the soft bumps of me over and over again. I rock my hips back and forth and imagine penetration of a different kind.
I feel someone next to me adjust their position in the bed. The hand retracts a little bit and a thumb enters me as the forefinger and the longer middle finger rub against my clitoris. I feel a quick pump of blood like a heartbeat in my vagina. My chest starts to glimmer with sensations as well.
The fingers pinch everything in between them and I jerk a little. Too much sensation jolts me in my lower stomach and the fingers keep their pressure. The thumb slides alongside the bottom of my entrance. Not in and out in the middle but slips out and pushes into my pubic bone, then proceeds along one trail inside of me, as though trying to reach the other side of my clitoris. The thumb and two fingers start moving in conjunction with one another, like a tiny beak surrounding my clit from both sides. My lower stomach starts to coil and my legs stir beneath me.
Suddenly someone jumps over my legs and another hand slaps my ass. I am surprised but the slap rings through me like an alarm bell. My face feels hot, and my vagina feels hot, and my whole body feels hot, and I’m still not positive this is really happening.
Another shock wave races through my body as fingertips trace from my stomach up to my breasts, around my nipples, and under the round sensitive part of my tit - all as the tongue continues to circle, wave, and wiggle around my clit.
“Nnnhh” a whispery voice whimpers somewhere on the other side of the room.
I finally open my eyes, convinced there is no danger of this going away, and I see Genevieve Padalecki on the couch across from the bed. She is staring directly at me and I breath heavily raising my chest and arching my back as tingles run through me seemingly out of nowhere. Her dark eyes are framed by her arching eyebrows and fluttering lashes. She rolls her head back and bites her lip as I follow the trail of her arm. Her hand is under her skirt and covering her vagina, although I see no evidence of underwear. Another shimmer runs through me.
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I see her retract her hand back into her mouth and she looks at Jared between my thighs. She sucks on her finger a little then sticks her tongue out around it to slick it with saliva. I see her pussy shining in the dim light, glistening with fluids and perfectly curved and colored with various skin tones. Right in the center is a dark red - obviously very concentrated with blood flow currently.
I look down and see thick, round shoulders hugging my legs, and light brown hair between my thighs. That is about all I see as Jared’s face is aimed directly downward, a technique I’ve never encountered to date. I’m not exactly sure what he is doing, but I pray he won’t stop soon because I am a body of shockwaves and electricity right now. His palms keep running themselves up and down my sides, a waist that I haven’t found very sexy until this moment. The way his hands ran in outward C shapes made me feel both tiny and womanly, only one of which I’ve ever felt before.
I check back in with Gen and she is using her other hand to pull down her shirt and expose her beautiful little titties. She runs her long, thin finger around her areola and pinches her nipple between her forefinger and thumb. She makes eye contact with me, her head tilted to the side, looking up at me from a downturned face, making her eyes even darker than before. She moans as she runs circles around her nipple with one hand, and penetrates herself with her other.
Seeing such a glorious sight - a beautiful, sexy woman getting off on her husband going down on me, perfect tits and moist vagina in full view of me - it pushed me over the edge and I screamed as a wave of pleasure crashed down on me from above. It soaked me from my head, down my stomach and through to my toes. I vibrated as the pleasure rushed through me and Jared kept his head with my hips as they jerked up and jerked left, and he held my hips with both hands to keep a hold on his place.
“Switch with me.” Gen commands of Jared. He quickly embraces her and kisses her with severity, then lays down on the couch. He was shirtless and covered in a glisten of sweat, catching up on his breath. He began to rub over his erection through his pajama pants.
Genevieve strides over like a panther, predatory eyes staring at me. She puts her arms on the edge of the bed and assesses me up close. For some reason I become very embarrassed. Now that I am not being overwhelmed with sexual sensations I am very aware of my nudity. Now that I see Genevieve up close with her smooth, flawless skin and perfectly toned body, I feel self conscious about my blemishes and body hair and general bumpiness. Even with these feelings I don’t dare move because her gaze turns me to stone.
She slinks on to the bed and twists and turns her hips and legs behind herself as she crawls toward me, “Don’t do that,” she says in a low, sultry voice.
“You are beautiful. You are sexy. You are strong. You arouse me.” she states while running her hand along my toes, up the arch of my foot, my heel, my ankle, up my calf, circles my knee, and spreads her fingers across my thighs with wide open palms. I catch a whiff of her perfume or shampoo or general pheromones and I relax under her touch.
She braces herself on my thighs and leans towards me. I close my eyes and tense up again worried she will see my imperfections even closer and change her mind about me.
I can feel her pause and I hold my breath. She places her curvy lips to my cheek and breaths a couple of seconds there. She brushes her lips from my jawline to the nape of my neck. I realize I bent my head down because my body is following wherever her mouth goes. She reaches a hand up to my shoulder and she nibbles at my collarbone. She places a kiss here, a lick there, and I feel her all over my body as my head starts whirling again. Her hair falls around my stomach and tickles me, with little featherlike brushes up and down as she moves. My stomach clenches, and releases as she lifts her head up to my face. She puts her hands on either side of my neck and holds them there for a second.
My eyes flutter open and she is boring deep into my eyes. She pierces through me like a knife of confidence and I feel beautiful and sexy and strong. I exhale slowly, deeply, and all of the tension in my body releases bit by bit. She continues to look into me and leans toward my face to brush her pouty lips against mine. She teases my mouth with hers and I part my lips a bit. She strokes the tip of her tongue against my mouth. She licks the edge of my teeth. She slides her tongue in as I grow more and more intoxicated by her.
I feel myself start slipping away and I move my lips against hers. I move my tongue past her lips and I taste her mouth. I feel our mouths tumbling against one another and she tastes sweet, like fresh water when you are thirsty. Suddenly I feel very thirsty.
I wrap my arms around her back and feel her in every place that I was jealous of before. I run my hands along her shoulders, her back, the nape of her neck, her waist, the crack of her butt. I feel her smooth and warm skin, soft in my hands. As I’m touching her she’s leading my hands around her body. At some point I realize she has her hands on top of mine, making me feel my own body as well. I don’t realize when we’ve switched bodies, but suddenly I feel incredible. I feel what she tells me she sees. I shudder and she pulls away from my kiss.
She lays a hand on my sternum and she pushes me back gently. I keep my eyes on her as I lean back awaiting her next demand.
She moves just under my breasts, kissing the soft tissue beneath. She sucks lightly and trails to my side, giving light pecks to the side of my ribcage. She gets down to my fleshy hip and bites into it with a little bit of force. I am startled by the pain but get excited as it subsides. She digs her nails into thighs as she kisses around my pelvic area. I naturally spread my legs and pray she won’t tease me too long. I can feel my senses tingling and I am sure I will explode if she doesn’t put her warm mouth on my vagina soon.
She keeps her eyes looking up at me, watching my face, studying my reactions. She puts her mouth just over my clitoris and I try to squirm toward her but she digs her nails deeper into my thighs. I retreat from the sting, but her eyes are now smirking. She breaths some hot breath on my vagina and I throb hot blood there. I clench my entire body waiting for her and she sticks her tongue out, just so that I can see.
I twist my face in agony and she reaches it out further, seemingly millimeters from touching me.
She plunges her entire mouth directly over my clit and begins massaging it with force. The anticipation killed me and now I am hyper sensitive and she is throwing me over the edge. I can feel my stomach welling up with feeling when suddenly she stops. She kisses my clit and moves down to my vaginal opening to thrust her tongue in and out with meaning. She isn’t going jackhammer speed as all of the men in my life have tried, and she isn’t going painstakingly slow. She is purposefully sliding in and out, feeling the inside with her tongue, and making sure I feel every movement without missing a motion.
Taking her slender fingers she circles my clit, teasing the sensation. All the while she is using long, wide strokes of her tongue just underneath. She tilts her fingers into my vagina and sucks gently at my clit, compelling more blood flow to the nerve bundled center. She curls her fingers in a come hither motion and strokes the top of my inner wall, closing in on the cluster of nerves on the other side of my clitoris. She repetitively stimulates the spot once she sees my reactive spasms. She moves her mouth just above my clit, where the area is slightly less sensitive, and starts pressing hard with her tongue. She sucks forcefully and I begin to feel like I may have to go to the bathroom. I know that feeling.. I think this might be one of my rare combination climaxes, and Gen is making all of the right moves.
I hear grunts across the room and suddenly remember Jared. I roll my head towards him and see him lazily stroking himself. Leaning on the side, enjoying every angle he can of the view. He’s swept back his hair and has his pants pulled down just below his ballsack. He is slowly pulling up and down his shaft because I can tell his dick is ready to release at any moment. I would love to have him pipe inside of me, but I can’t tell if this is some sort of boundary they have set for themselves, or Gen is just being selfish. Or maybe Jared enjoys watching his gorgeous wife command over another woman.
My abdomen starts to tremble and I know I won’t be able to take any more of Genevieve’s taunting if I want to stay conscious. Sensing my limits she pulls her fingers out of me and strokes my clit with her fingertips as she licks over the area with her tongue. The combination of pressure and wet warming sensation are too much for me to handle and my body convulses before I even feel the wave of orgasm. After a couple of seconds of spasms I feel it fall over me. It was deceptively rising up and towering over me like a mountain, the sensation was building and building in the moments that my body couldn’t take any more and while it was spasming the climax was growing over me..then it came crashing down and radiating out from my center outwards all at once. I trembled and arched and gasped in and out with deep harsh breaths. I could feel every part of my body releasing.
Then one last quiver and I lay wasted on the bed.
Four fingertips trace over me and I shiver in discomfort of the ultra-sensitive sensation. I look up and see Jared and Gen are on top of me, Jared probably having climaxed sometime during my own bliss therefore I must have not had the ability to pay attention.
“You’re never this insatiable” Jared breaths as she pushes her mouth over his cock. I’m not sure if he was still hard, or regained consciousness that quickly, but up close I could tell he was no less aroused than she seemed.
“Here” she lifts herself off of him and points at his glistening cock while looking at me. I start to shift but she quickly conducts my body and Jared’s into a position of her own liking.
Genevieve’s legs are now interlocked with mine, my still pulsating clitoris threatening to kiss with her very own clit between my thighs. Angled and twisted, she has me facing my head toward Jared, who is leaning with his throbbing cock next to my face.
“Alright, you don’t stop until he tells you to. And you don’t touch her unless I tell you to.” We silently nod our agreements and Gen waits for me to begin.
I look up at Jared and see his seductive eyes peering down at me.
I place my lips on his tip and he sucks in a quick breath. I open my mouth a little wider and take his head into my mouth, getting used to his girth and shape. The skin is soft and hot and I have an urge to bite it, but I graze a little with my teeth instead. He groans sexually and I stick my tongue out of my mouth along his shaft. I bob down and the tip of his cock hits my tonsils which make me gag a bit of spit up.
“Yes.” he grunts. He places his palm on the back of my head and grasps some of my hair in his hand.
“Uh-uh” Genevieve shakes her finger reminding him he is not to touch me. I am secretly thankful because I hate when men put their hands on my head while I give them a blowjob. Let me go at my pace, don’t try to force my head the way you want it - I’m already giving you gift!
Although in this case the gift was all from Jared. His cock was so appetizing it’s hard for me to describe to myself. It wasn’t a chore to roll my tongue around his head and wrap it as much around his shaft as I could. It wasn’t repulsive to choke when I shoved his cock as deep as I could into my throat. His precum was sweet and I inhaled as I went down so that I could get as much of him in as I could.
Just then I felt Gen’s vagina press against mine. I was unfamiliar with this practice, but her pussy was warm, wet, and I imagined what it would feel like if I had a dick I could penetrate her with.
She swayed back and forth, giving my clitoris another rubbing, feeling much like her mouth, but covering more surface. She reached from underneath me and tried to slide a finger into my vagina as she was rocking her clitoris on mine, but she lost her balance and lay back instead. I realized I stopped at Jared’s head when he uncomfortably cleared his throat, so I went back to bobbing on him. As I used the suction of the roof of my mouth to gain slight tremors from Jared, so did Gen maneuver herself over my sensitive areas to stop me in my tracks. It seemed a competition between them, who could captivate my attention more. For me it was a game of who would cum first, or who would cum last. Either way it seemed like we were all winning here.
My jaw locked up a bit so I threw my head back for air while using the copious amounts of saliva that was flowing at the base of Jared’s cock to massage him with my hand. Gen rolled her hips up and down, shimmied her stomach side to side, all to get her just the right position to finish her off. She was pinching her nipples, cupping her breasts, and wiggling her butt in a way that had both Jared and I going.
I sucked back down on Jared’s cock and used the assistance of my hand to keep pressure and movement, while using my mouth for lubrication and suction. Soon enough I could feel Jared’s testicles receding upward, a sure sign that semen is soon to follow. The thrill made me rock toward Gen more forcefully and she seemed to reciprocate. Jared’s breath became shallow and I saw him furrow his brows. I placed my other hand underneath his balls, warming them and cupping them. Using all of my strength to hold myself up in this contorted position, but it won’t be long now, I know. I can hold out, I just need to take one more deep breath and stick him all the way back down my throat. I hold my breath and breath him in and feel my lips press down to his base and there he goes - he loses it. Gripping at the headboard, at the bedsheets, and scratching at the wall. My mouth fills up and I don’t know how much room I have left and finally he collapses. I wait a second to make sure I won’t get any surprise splatters to the face and I gather up everything in my mouth and swallow. Thick, warm, and tasteless as far as I could tell. But then Genevieve greedily reaches out to my face and presses her mouth to mine. She searches for any remnants or traces left of her husband in me. She holds my cheeks and then stops kissing me, but keeps holding the sides of my face. I am confused until she begins screaming and yelping. Her body convulses and and she reaches at my mouth and bites my lip, hard.
I wrap my arms around her and keep a steady pressure on her own body with my vagina. I feel the heat well up again and for the last time that night I overflow with a wave of pleasure.
We all lay collapsed on top of one another. Arms and legs and body parts all over the bed. I thank whatever spirits brought me here. I sigh relief and say a silent prayer of thanks that these were the people who happened to room with me in this last minute excursion. I don’t need to share my story, and I don’t expect to ever see them again, but I will always have this memory to keep to myself.
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