#that second one kills me it looks like he's on wheels 😂
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"You have only just returned. I’m sorry you must depart again."
#star trek discovery#saru#t'rina#dsc#trekedit#st disco#discovery spoilers#disco 05x09#lagrange point#my stuff#gifset#boy was really gonna just saunter out of there like nbd#that second one kills me it looks like he's on wheels 😂
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Girl, I feel like every one of those injury dialogue prompts has already been written by you 😂 but I’ll throw #23 at you!
“You dumbass. Don’t do that. Ever again.”
I picture Street doing something idiotically heroic and Chris is maaad when she shows up to pick him up from the hospital. Obviously all out of love, but he will probably always be the Street she met five years prior.
Hello love!!
In one way or another, probably 🤣 BUT I’m nothing if not a h/c lover. This was a lot of fun, so thank you! (Will be posted on ao3/ffn later tn!)
prompt from @promptsbytaurie “injury” prompts!
also features Tan & Street friendship! minor description of a car accident, and hospitalization. set post S5, but before street goes to Long Beach full time. & mentions of Chris’s mom 🌝
feel free to send any other you’d like my way! 🩵
Patrol day.
Never an easy day, but considering their usual level of disaster, Street normally doesn’t mind a few hours of pulling cats out of trees and building community connections. He’s paired with Tan, and left sulking in the passenger seat after losing the coin toss.
“Just try not to lose your radio this time around.” Street smirks, earning a smack on the arm.
“It was six years ago. But hey! Maybe you can teach me something you picked up during all your extra patrol time.”
“Oh,” he plays wounded, “below the belt.”
“Whatever, Man,” Tan smiles back and turns over the engine. “West Side, here we come.”
They’re almost to their first neighborhood, the sun shining and the streets blessedly quiet, when a blue sedan runs a stop sign and cuts them off. Sharing a look, Tan hits the lights and sirens, but it does nothing to stop the driver or their swerving.
“There’s too much traffic to cut them off here. We can grab ‘em at the next light.” Street says. Tan agrees, spending up to keep track of the vehicle as Street takes down all the info he can see about the car.
But the vehicle swerves right instead of stopping.
“Fuck,” Tan murmurs.
“Fuck!” Street’s eyes widen and then darken at the playground at the end of the street.
Children and their caretakers laughing and playing. Too many bright colors to count and endless strollers and benches filled with people in imminent danger with nowhere to go. His blood boils, eyes darting away from the mulch and plastic just long enough to see a college kid getting off his motorcycle.
“Stop the car!” He shouts, and he’d wince if it were any other situation. Tan slams on the brakes without question as Street jumps out before the wheels even stop turning.
“Hey!” He waves at the college kid, not bothering to flash his badge. “LAPD; I need your bike.”
It’s not a question. He’s already jamming the helmet on his head and snatching the keys despite the protest.
The bike revs to life right away. Smoke blows from the exhaust and Street makes light work darting onto the sidewalk to catch up to the car. White knuckling the clutch, he demands the wheels turn faster. He can barely hear it over the engine, but a quick glance shows him parents and babysitters starting to look towards the road, concerned, and he breaks left before he can think anything better.
He thinks he also hears Tan screaming his name, but pain overtakes him too soon to make heads or tails of it.
Cells explode as the car rams into the motorcycle and sends him flying. They die as his body slides against the road like a ragdoll before coming to a lifeless halt. But the car doesn’t hit him a second time, and in the haze of agony and tears he hears doors slam and boots on the ground and something like jangling metal. It’s enough to make the fire burning him up worth it.
“Street!” A voice calls, followed by a hand on his shoulder. Gently, they lift the visor of the helmet to see cloudy eyes and wide pupils, but a self-satisfied smirk that Tan wants nothing more than to knock off his face.
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been killed. Jesus, can you even move? Do not try to!”
“Tan,” he coughs harshly, the slight jolt of his body pushing more gravel into his raw back. It’s the first time he’s taken notice of how there’s nothing between his skin and the blacktop, and how he can’t move his shoulder at all lest an excruciating wave white-out his vision. Still, he tries. “Tan, he would’ve killed them. ‘M gonna—gonna be fine.”
Tan nods, frantically searching for anything he can do to ease some of Street’s pain but coming up short apart from yelling at the crowd to stay clear for the oncoming ambulance. He can already hear the sirens, and he debates if the paramedics will be able to revive Street if he kills him first. Street’s raspy voice brings him back, fingers curling for something to hold onto, so Tan fills the gaps with his own hand.
“P—promise me some—something,” Street groans in pain, struggling out a high-pitched breath as Tan promises.
“Don’t t—tell Chris.”
With that, the ambulance arrives, as do Hondo and Luca, and Tan wonders if the doctors at the hospital will be able to save him from whatever Chris might do if someone doesn’t call her. —————————————————————-
She storms into the hospital waiting room like a hurricane and beelines for the group of men she could strangle, she’s so angry. Her heart hasn’t stopped racing since Tan called her. Told her they were already at the hospital and they had been for an hour. That Street was in an accident.
“What do you mean an accident?” She demanded through grit teeth, throwing her backpack into her truck and turning the key. That’s as far as she got before her world stopped.
“He commandeered a motorcycle to stop a drunk driver.”
Air shot from her lungs as every cell seized, no function flowing through her. Tan kept talking, her brain luckily able to catch “conscious” and “alive” and “Shaw Memorial,” but her hands ended the call without another word as tears flooded her eyes and panic struck her like a timpani drum.
The memories came before she could stop them.
“Christina Alonso? I’m Officer Andrews. I need you to come with me.”
“All dead.”
“Drunk, probably.”
“Who the hell knows; they’re probably scraping up the highway hamburger now. I feel worse for that guy.”
“We’re so sorry for your loss.”
The world comes into focus again the second she hears Luca’s voice, but she doesn’t care to hear whatever he has to say, cutting him off.
“What the hell happened? When did they last update you—where is Street?”
And, well, there goes any semblance of remaining calm. The team looks amongst themselves against her sharp eyes. In the end, Tan speaks.
“He stopped a drunk driver. The last we heard is that they needed to get a CT to assess for internal bleeding, and they started to give him painkillers the second they got his medical history and knew it was safe. I’m sorry, Chris.”
Part of her wants to bite back that he should be sorry. That six years ago, they all made an unspoken pact to keep Street safe, and she always kept up her end of the deal. But then reality rushes back to her, and she falls heavy into an uncomfortable gray chair as everything except for terror drains from her body.
Slow tears roll down her cheeks of their own volition. Someone sits on either side of her offering reassurances and soft, soothing hands on her back. None of it matters. They fade away as her mind replays every second of her and Street knowing each other from the moment they met to kissing goodbye that morning.
“I can’t lose him.” She whispers, raw. Deacon pulls her in, she only knows from the cool metal of his cross necklace pressing lightly into her forehead, but it’s a comforting sensation.
“You won’t,” he promises with a kiss to her head. “You won’t.”
They offer to get her snacks and water as the clock ticks by, but she stays like a statue against Deacon’s shoulder until a new voice glides over all the other chatter in the cavernous room and her head.
“For Jim Street?”
Chris shoots up like a rocket, abandoning her backpack and the group she left it with. She rubs her arms and feels the knot in her stomach tighten to an unbearable pressure.
“Yeah—yes.” She chokes out. “How is he?”
The doctor smiles, but she won’t, can’t let herself believe anything until she sees him with her own eyes.
Still, the relief hits immediately when she hears it.
“Office Street will be okay.”
Her eyes widen, and the doctor continues, beginning to walk in the direction of his room.
“His left shoulder was dislocated, but we set it. He also has severe road rash on his back and left arm, and bruising on his ribs. All things considered, he’s extremely lucky. Whatever kind of helmet he was wearing protected his head extremely well. We’re going to keep him for a day or two to monitor pain and make sure no infection develops in the skin. A few weeks of rest and a few of rehab, and he should be back to one hundred percent.”
“Great,” Chris says, coughing at her dry throat. “That’s great news. Can I see him?”
“Of course. He should be awake, although he may be groggy. Visiting hours end at nine.”
The doctor leaves her with a smile, and Chris turns to see the team a few steps behind her but obviously giving her privacy to go in first. She doesn’t wait another second.
Street is sitting in a hospital bed, propped up against pillows. His gown is folded down to his waist, chest and arms exposed and covered in thick white bandages. There’s a plastic bag in the corner with what remains of his uniform, and a low, constant beeping from his heart monitor. A small tube under his nose helps get him oxygen; she sees how each deep breath makes him wince.
He looks up at the sound of her footsteps. When he sees her, he smiles.
Smiles. All dimples and stars in his eyes. All the anger that left her before comes back with a vengeance. She has the wherewithal to keep her voice down, but it’s no less intense.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” She bites, ripping a chair across the floor to sit right next to the bed, her knees hitting the plastic edge.
“Tan didn’t keep his promise,” he mumbles. Confusion flickers across her face, but she’s not stopping the train now. Not until he tells her what was possibly worth leaving her for.
“Do you have any idea—you could have been killed! There is absolutely no reason to do something so, so fucking stupid.”
The tears come again, washing over her too fast and too heavy to stop. They thicken her voice and she takes his right hand in a vice grip, clamoring to feel the life in his veins.
“What happened to rule number one, huh? Never being in a hurry to die?! I thought we were past the impulsive recklessness. Did you even consider—“
“It was kids, Chris.” Street interrupts her, but he squeezes her hand back with every ounce of strength he can muster. “We had to move fast, and that was the only option I saw. I’m sorry I scared you. I love you.”
There it is. The endearing, self-sacrificial, infuriating Jim Street that she fell in love with. It’s funny, layers and layers below how utterly terrifying it is, how easily he calms her down. Puts everything into a perspective that makes her believe he really will be okay, even if it takes time. That his recklessness was only ever for the greater good. Her gaze drops to her knees in shame and exhaustion and every other too-strong emotion that’s coursing through her.
It makes her hate even more that she isn’t there to protect him anymore.
“You dumbass.” She whispers. One last failing attempt to get the last word. “Don’t do that. Ever again.”
He pulses her hand to bring her back to him. He’s still smiling.
“Okay,” he whispers back, even though they know, if he felt it necessary, he would. He will. He adds for good measure, “It’s Tan’s turn anyway.”
“Okay,” Chris accepts. Her body starts to relax enough to give him a small smile, and she carefully leans over him to brush a hand through his hair and kiss him. It pains her not to hug him, but she refuses to let him push himself. Sitting back in the chair, his hand still in both of hers, she kisses his bruised knuckles. Her lips are soft against his skin, breath warm when she speaks.
“Are you okay? Is—is there anything you need? Anything I can get you?”
“Just you.”
“Yeah, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“Mm, I’m good with that.”
They fall into a silence that only gives Chris’s mind the opportunity to run wild with all the horrific what-ifs that have been playing since she answered the phone. Taking notice of her thousand yard stare and the increasing tremor in her hand, he says her name, wincing when she starts.
“Are you okay?” He asks softly, giving her a look he knows she can’t lie to. Her head shake answers before her mouth, the words hard to find.
“No. I was so scared. When Tan called me…” Sighing, she looks him up and down and gives into him. “This all reminded me of my mom. We can talk about it later, when you’re feeling better. But I will be, now that I know you will be.”
“We will be.” He swears, and she believes him.
Brown eyes lock onto green until everything that needs to be understood has been, and then steals another kiss. He smiles and she sees the exhaustion mounting in his eyes. Swallowing, she sets his hand back on the bed and traces a tender hand down his good arm.
“I know you need rest. Let me get the team so they can see you’re alright. I’m staying until they kick me out.”
Nodding, Street yawns, heart fluttering when he watches her walk. Right before she opens it, she turns back to him, a questioning look on her face.
“What did you make Tan promise?”
He gets that bemused smirk she never likes, usually because it means antics, but his stomach flips at the reaction he knows he’s going to incur. He gets it out in one go.
“Not to call you.”
It fills her with an entirely new rage, and she can’t help but roll her eyes.
“Unbelievable.” She mutters, opening the door for the team to enter and resuming her position in the chair, taking his hand. “We’re talking about that, too, the second you’re better.”
“Looking forward to it.” He smirks, words starting to slur as the team piles in. “Talking. Not talking. Two weeks with you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she placates, but gets a soft smile of her own. “Me, too.”
#stris#swat cbs#chris alonso#jim street#cbs swat#swat#s.w.a.t cbs#my writing#chris x street#s.w.a.t#Street x Chris#Víctor Tan#deacon kay#anon ask#Ty love!
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I won’t even pretend that I have any level of chill about this fic, it’s my absolute favorite! High strung, keyed up adrenaline Bradley is such a mood! And she’s such a little brat when he calls her, and it absolutely SENDS ME EVERY TIME!
But boy, do those tables turn! 😂 It’s funny, it’s smutty, it’s absolute perfection!
Please enjoy my rapid descent into UNHINGED ALL CAPS below:
The dial tone had only been droning on for - he glanced at his phone - thirteen seconds, but fuck - everything seemed like an age when he was rocking what felt like the worst semi of his life. — PLSSSS THIS HORNY PILOT IS DYING AFTER 13 SECONDS AND ITS SENDING ME
“- I kinda need you - like need you? I did this run at work just now and it got me a little keyed up? And fuck - I haven’t felt like this since flight school and I ran through all my soapy titty pics in my office, but nothing’s working and I can’t shake the adrenaline or whatever the -” — I’d let this man get me fired any day of the week, got a presentation? Sorry y’all I need the afternoon off. And the soapy titty pic ��🏻 I love how he loves them 😂
He slipped one hand off the steering wheel to adjust himself. “- I need to fuck you - like now.”— 🥵😮💨🥵🤯😵💫☠️
Bradley briefly thought the call had dropped until he heard you humming Afternoon Delight. — PLSSSS SHES SO FUCKING FUNNY AN ICON
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and I want you on your desk waiting for me.” And then he hung up before you could say anything in response. — SIR YES SIR
And he didn’t necessarily think it was the best first impression to be sporting a semi when he met some of your coworkers for the first time. —or hear me out, it definitely would be a great impression if you know what I meannnn
You’ll have to check in with Margie at the front desk once you get upstairs - I told her you were…coming —- I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER she’s such a little brat
Even if he was only in the building to have a quickie with his fiancée. — HE WAS SMART ENOUGH TO LOCK IT DOWN. But also, where do I sign up?
“You must be Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw?” Bradley nodded. “She said the commander part was important.” Fucking brat— I love love love how she never says it 😂 she will make sure everyone else gets it right, but she’s got to keep him on his toes
he saw your name prominently affixed to the wall with your job title underneath it. He groaned. His fucking smart girl. — Bradley LOVES smart girls! He likes them brainy and mouthy 👀
“Jesus, that was fast - did you fly the -”— babe he would have fucking landed on top of the building if he could
“You do that for me?” You nodded. “I need you so much, you have no idea, sweetheart. Nothing worked, I tried everything, but nothing -”— 🥵😮💨 but also he’s so preciously flustered here! He’s a big, bad naval aviator who can’t keep it in his pants when he’s worked up and he just needs his girl!
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re soaking.” You whined and buried your face in his neck, placing butterfly kisses there. “You get this wet talking about supply chain management?” — as if you don’t know the power of the flight suit sir, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING
“Almost wish there were more people in the office today.” — AHHHHHHH!!! The exhibitionist kink lite
“Then they’d hear all your pretty little gasps and moans and cries from down the hall, wondering how they’d look you in the eye next time you gave a presentation or bent over to pick something up, knowing they heard you getting fucked against your desk all afternoon like a dirty little slut, cause we both know you can't keep quiet.”— YOUVE KILLED ME IM DEADDDDDD 🥵
“Don’t want everyone to hear how much of a needy little thing you are? How you had to call me to come up here to take care of you?”“But - but you called - me…”“Hmmm, but they don’t know that.”— THIS COCKY LIL SLUT. The audacity of this man. (But also 🤭)
How dare you get Hangman’s rank right when you always fucked up Bradley’s? — SHE IS MY BEST BABE
(And the all caps have been activated)
“Need you - need my Bradley.”— 💖
You arched your back at his words, always loving whenever he called you smart. But you both also loved whenever he rendered you stupid. - whenever he fucked you stupid.— AHHHHHHHHHHH SMART GIRL DUMB KINK FRIES MY BRAIN
“Then I guess they’ll miss it…”— FULL EXHIBITIONIST LORDDDDTTTTTT
His lips trailed up and down your neck until he found your pulse point and sucked. You whined. There’d be a mark there later, but it had all weekend to disappear. Or not.— JUST ME SCREAMINGGGG
“What about ‘em? ‘M just a pilot, what do I know?”— PLSSSSSS HES SO COCKY I CANNOT GODDDDDD HE IS MY FAVORITE
Bradley loved simultaneous orgasms - knowing he had taken care of you as well as you had taken care of him? There was nothing hotter.— IM DYING
You finally came with a cry that was definitely heard in reception. “You fill me so good, dadd - oh, Bradley.”— MARGIE PAUSEd HER SOAP OPERAS FOR THIS I JUST KNOW IT! THE ALMSOT DADDY SLIP UP! IM DEAD
You always needed to be close to him after sex and he was always there to take care of you. Whether it was telling you how good of a job you had done or petting your hair and cleaning you up - Bradley always wanted to take care of you. You were his girl, just like he was your Bradley.— THEY ARE SO IN LOVE I CANNOT
skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight
Summary: in which lieutenant commander bradshaw has a little too much adrenaline pumping through his veins after a test flight at work and needs to ask his girl for a favor...
OR office sex - just office sex, in your fancy, glass office - and bradley in his flight suit
Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader 3.6k
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, explicit sexual content (p in v, vaginal fingering, public sex(ish) they fuck against a glass window, and as always with these two slight dom/sub and praise and rank kink elements). this entire fic is an hr nightmare
gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight, gonna grab some afternoon delight
“Pick up, pick up, pick up. Come on, sweetheart, pick up.”
Bradley drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and tapped his left foot on the truck-bed as he sat in some mid-afternoon San Diego traffic. The dial tone had only been droning on for - he glanced at his phone - thirteen seconds, but fuck - everything seemed like an age when he was rocking what felt like the worst semi of his life.
Because how the fuck did this still happen to him? Wasn’t getting keyed up on adrenaline something that they beat out of cadets in flight school? Bradley sure as hell thought it was -
Your voice suddenly filled the car. “- Hey, bubs.”
“Hey - err hi." Bradley cleared his throat. "Are you uhh - you busy?”
“I just finished my meetings for the day - what’s wrong?” you asked without any further preamble.
Fuck, he didn’t want you to be worried. You two normally texted during the day, sure. But a call was a little out of the ordinary. “N-nothing uhh like that. Can I swing by your office? Just kinda need -”
“- You’re scaring me -”
Bradley groaned. “- I kinda need you - like need you? I did this run at work just now and it got me a little keyed up? And fuck - I haven’t felt like this since flight school and I ran through all my soapy titty pics in my office, but nothing’s working and I can’t shake the adrenaline or whatever the -”
“- Fuck.” He could picture you moving around on your desk chair, that skirt you had on this morning riding up your thighs as you subtly rubbed them together, your legs bare but topped off with a pair of heels. “Bradley -”
God it was a miracle he was able to stay in the passing lane. He slipped one hand off the steering wheel to adjust himself. “- I need to fuck you - like now.”
It was quiet on your side of the line and Bradley briefly thought the call had dropped until he heard you humming Afternoon Delight.
He scoffed. “Very funny…”
“My motto’s always been when it’s right it’s right. Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night…”
On his end of the line, Bradley groaned. It was a mix of exasperation and longing. He could picture you perfectly, sitting in your office, spinning around on your desk chair with a coy smile on your face. It was a fantasy of his that he had long wanted to play out.
And now was his chance.
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and I want you on your desk waiting for me.” And then he hung up before you could say anything in response.
Sure enough, Bradley pulled up to your office some ten minutes later - if he had pushed the speed limit a little too much on the last stretch of I-5 to Del Mar then he was just lucky he hadn’t been pulled over. After having dropped you off for work a couple times when your car had been in the shop or you had forgotten something, Bradley knew where to park, but he hadn’t exactly been inside your office before. And he didn’t necessarily think it was the best first impression to be sporting a semi when he met some of your coworkers for the first time.
So, he quickly glanced around his car, desperate for something to carry to hide his problem until he found a folder of paperwork in the back seat. That could work - he’d say he needed you to sign something and that it had to be notarized by the end of the day - hence the late afternoon drive out to Del Mar.
As he approached the front doors, his phone buzzed. You’ll have to check in with Margie at the front desk once you get upstairs - I told her you were…coming
Bradley rolled his eyes. Funny girl. He nodded towards the security guard at the main entrance and was thankful he was wearing his flight suit - it simultaneously created more and fewer questions, but it did give him some legitimacy.
Even if he was only in the building to have a quickie with his fiancée.
The elevator ride to the top floor passed quickly and before Bradley knew it, he was approaching the frosted glass doors to your company’s office. He made sure the folder he grabbed out of the car was still covering his crotch area as he walked up to Margie at the front desk.
“You must be Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw?” Bradley nodded. “She said the commander part was important.”
Fucking brat.
“And you’re Margie?” The older woman simpered and Bradley wouldn’t have minded chatting her up for the next few minutes - if only because he knew it would piss you off - but he really really needed you. He flashed his license, confirming his identity, and Margie printed him off a visitor’s pass. “Just got to drop these forms off for my girl to sign, could you point me in the direction of her office?”
Margie wheeled around her desk, clearly intent on showing him the way herself, but Bradley practically jumped back once she got closer. “I can go myself, just need to be uhh - pointed in the general direction?”
“Oh - of course, just down the hall, take a right, and she’s the fourth door on the left. Pretty sure she’s the only one on her team in the office today. It’s normally pretty quiet on Fridays.”
Thank fucking god. With a final nod towards Margie, Bradley headed down the hallway. The offices were all relatively dark the further he got into the bowels of the building. From your chatting about it, Bradley knew your fourth floor office consisted of floor to ceiling glass windows that looked out onto the street in the back right corner of the building - as opposed to the CAVA and Shake Shack in the front. He took a right and then counted one, two, three, four doors on the left until he saw your name prominently affixed to the wall with your job title underneath it. He groaned.
His fucking smart girl.
He knocked on the door and barely waited for your soft come in before pushing the frosted glass door open. And there you were, perched on the edge of your glass desk, just like he had requested. Your plaid, grey skirt was sitting sinfully high on your thighs and your black, heeled Mary Janes made your legs appear even longer than normal. You looked like every one of his fantasies come to life.
“Jesus, that was fast - did you fly the -”
Bradley crossed the room in two strides, before he pulled you against him. God, you felt as good as he had imagined - better even. You gasped against his lips and twined your arms around his neck, appearing as desperate for him as he was for you.
He pulled your black silk blouse out of the waistband of your skirt and grabbed your right leg to hike around his waist. His hand - that wasn’t cupping your breast through your bra - slid up your thigh and towards that sweet spot between your legs. And fuck him - you weren’t wearing any underwear. He groaned your name.
“You do that for me?” You nodded. “I need you so much, you have no idea, sweetheart. Nothing worked, I tried everything, but nothing -”
“- Bra-Bradley,” you said between sighs as he peppered you with kisses, “the door - lock the door…”
Loathe as he was to do it, he quickly pulled away from you to lock the door. When he turned around, you had sat back on the edge of your desk, legs spread open invitingly.
“God, look at you…”
You glanced down at his crotch. “And look at you, poor thing,” you said with only the slightest hint of condescension. The folder he had brought into your office was gone - he didn’t really know where, probably somewhere on the floor - so the evidence of his desire, of his need for you was obvious. “Come here.”
Bradley didn’t need to be told twice. You fiddled with the zipper on his flight suit and slowly dragged it down his body until it rested on his hips, where just the hint of his black boxer briefs was visible.
You snuck your hands underneath his black t-shirt. He sucked in a breath as the cool metal of your engagement ring glided across his abs and he gripped your thighs tightly in response. Your hands slid lower and started palming his cock over his flight suit. The satisfaction was instantaneous and he sighed. Why did your hands always feel so much better than his own?
“God, Bradley - you’re so wrecked, bubs…” You slipped your hand between the flap on his boxer briefs, pulling his cock out, and he bucked it into your hand. “You want me to suck you off?”
He shook his head tightly. “No, wanna be inside you. S’only thing that’ll help.”
With shaky fingers, Bradley started unbuttoning your black silk blouse, eventually discarding it on your desk. He moaned once he saw your pert breasts peeking out from the cups of your black lace bra. It was one of his favorites and he knew it had a matching pair of underwear that was probably neatly folded away in your tote bag.
“So gorgeous, needed this…” he babbled, mouthing at your breasts over the black lace.
Because there was nothing like having the real thing in front of him. The real breasts, the real body, the real you. That was always so goddamn responsive towards him and could talk back and soothe his aching cock with your hands and press both the sweetest and sloppiest kisses across his skin.
You were a dream. And you were sitting right in front of him.
Bradley snuck his hand behind your back to unclasp your bra and you jutted your breasts out at the action. Your nipples hardened and he palmed them, loving how soft and smooth they felt in his rough and calloused hands. The same hands that had just been throttling the clutch of his plane as he cruised above the Mojave Desert less than an hour ago.
You grabbed the back of his neck and played with the ends of his hair, pulling him towards you for a kiss and slightly sliding off the edge of your desk in the process. Meanwhile, Bradley repositioned his hands so they were now trailing up your thighs, getting closer and closer to your cunt with every passing second. He could already feel the heat pouring off you and the slick coating the silk lining of your skirt. Maybe once you took care of him, you’d let him have a taste? But for now, his fingers started coaxing your wet folds.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re soaking.” You whined and buried your face in his neck, placing butterfly kisses there. “You get this wet talking about supply chain management?”
“Kept thinking about you - trying to get off on your own - knowing you had to come all - ohhh - the way here for me to take - take care of you.”
Bradley groaned as he felt you clenching around his fingers. Your own hands were feebly grasping his arms, desperate for any sort of support.
“Almost wish there were more people in the office today.”
As he spoke, your lips trailed down his jawline, across his cheeks and neck, before they reached his ear. Your teeth nipped on the lobe and Bradley moaned.
“They’d see me come in - looking ready to take you on the conference table. Then they’d hear all your pretty little gasps and moans and cries from down the hall, wondering how they’d look you in the eye next time you gave a presentation or bent over to pick something up, knowing they heard you getting fucked against your desk all afternoon like a dirty little slut, cause we both know you can't keep quiet.”
You whimpered. “Ple-please, Bradley. Please.”
“You know, at first I thought I wouldn’t last long when I finally saw you, but now it seems like you’re the one who’s not gonna last, huh, sweetheart?”
You let out a cry as he crooked his fingers just-so. “Bubs -”
“- Shh, shh. You gotta be quiet, sweetheart. Don’t want everyone to hear how much of a needy little thing you are? How you had to call me to come up here to take care of you?”
“But - but you called - me…”
“Hmmm, but they don’t know that.” You keened. Whether it was at the thought of your coworkers finding out how much of a slut you were or how Bradley’s fingers felt as he scissored them in your sopping cunt, he didn’t really care.
“I just wanted to - to take care of you -”
“- Seems like I’m the one taking care of you right now…”
“What made you - made you like this, bubs?” You rolled your hips. “Some risky flight man - maneuver? The thought of - mmmm - beating Lieutenant - Com-commander Seresin at something - ”
Fucking brat.
Bradley growled at the mention of his quasi-nemesis and pulled his fingers back. How dare you get Hangman’s rank right when you always fucked up Bradley’s?
“- Fucking brat -” he stated his previous thoughts. You whimpered.
“- And how much better you are than him?” you continued and the fingers were back. You clenched around them and he bit back a smirk. “How much - ohhh - how much smarter - fa-aster and how much bigger you - Bra-Bradley…”
He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to have you - all of you - now. Have the one name you were saying be his - not Lieutenant Commander Seresin, but Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.
“Think you’re ready, sweetheart?”
You nodded feverishly. “Yes, yes. Need you -”
He briefly held your wrists to stop you pawing at him. “- Need who?”
“Need you - need my Bradley.” Any other time, the response would’ve made him smile, but today it wasn’t quite the answer he was looking for from you. He rubbed the tip of his cock along your entrance, teasingly, and you whimpered. “Fine, fine - need Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw to fuck me.”
His rank was said with an undercurrent of sass, but he could deal with that later when you were home.
“Good girl.” He cupped your cheek. “Now was that so hard?”
You glanced up at him with a pout. “Please, just fuck me.”
That did it. Bradley grabbed the backs of your thighs and pulled you even closer, kissing you for all you were worth. Your feet didn’t even touch the floor, they just swung back and forth.
“Hmm, but there’s much shit on your desk for me to fuck you there. Would hate to mess anything up for my smart girl...”
You arched your back at his words, always loving whenever he called you smart. But you both also loved whenever he rendered you stupid. - whenever he fucked you stupid.
“Someplace else then?” Bradley glanced around the office, ignoring the two chairs in front of your desk and the bookcases along the inner wall, before landing on the southward facing windows.
You followed his gaze and sighed. “God, can you imagine the mess? You’d have to come inside me, but I’d get to walk around the rest of the afternoon with a present.”
A present.
His cum - dripping down your thighs, dripping onto your desk chair as you talked to your boss or John from emerging markets and even as you said goodbye to Margie. He growled.
“Who’s in that office? The one next door?” He nodded towards the identical glass building to his right.
“It’s just Deloitte, but it’s Friday so none of them are working anyway.”
Bradley assumed that was a Big Four joke. “Then I guess they’ll miss it…” He set you down on your already unsteady feet and pulled the two of you over towards the window. You let out a gasp once your back hit the glass and Bradley invaded your space.
“How do you want me?” You whispered, watching his hands rove up and down your bare arms and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Turn around.” He didn’t give you a chance to do it yourself, he just grabbed your hips and pressed you against the glass wall. Bradley took it as a good sign - he supposed - that he couldn’t see into the office across the way - meant they couldn’t see the two of you either.
You hissed once you made contact with the glass. “It’s cold, bubs.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll warm right up.” His lips trailed up and down your neck until he found your pulse point and sucked. You whined. There’d be a mark there later, but it had all weekend to disappear.
Or not.
Without much grace, let alone any mind to the dry cleaning, Bradley bunched your skirt up past your hips, baring your ass to him and your sopping wet cunt to whomever may happen to be looking at the fourth floor, back corner office from the outside at half past three on a Friday.
He widened your stance with his feet and then dragged his right hand across your still wet folds. You whined and rubbed your ass against his crotch. “Want your cock inside me, need to feel you - please…”
And who was he to refuse when you had offered so willingly. “That’s my girl.”
Bradley pumped himself a couple times before he slid right into you. You both gasped at the sensation and it felt like the coil of frustration that had been Bradley's constant companion for the past hour or so was lessening.
“God, you feel so good - just what mhmm - what I needed,” he breathed against your ear. His hands gripped your hips tightly underneath your skirt as he thrusted into you from behind. “Why don’t you touch yourself for me, hmmm?”
You leaned your head back against his shoulder, allowing him to nibble at your neck. “Where?”
Without even breaking his stride, Bradley grabbed your right hand and brought it to your clit. You gasped at the action and he coaxed your fingers to play with the little nub. Eventually, he removed his hand from yours, trusting you to do the work on your own. “Good girl.”
Now content, he brought his hand back to your hip. Your little whimpers and moans were the perfect compliment to his deep groans and pants. Plus, the thought of your breasts pressed against the glass was so fucking hot. He couldn’t believe you had agreed to this.
“Why don’t you try and tell me - what you were working on before I called? You know I always love to hear how good my girl’s being at work.”
You braced your left forearm against the glass window. “Oh? Uhhh supply chains…”
“What about ‘em? ‘M just a pilot, what do I know?”
God, he couldn't believe he was fucking the smartest, most capable girl in the world right now. Such a fucking pretty picture you painted.
“Working on a paper on ‘em. And how - how they need to be redesigned - ohhhh - to fo-cus on digitization - harder, bubs plea - ahhh.” You had to stop for a moment. “But supp-liers are worried about - oh, oh, oh dadd - please, plea -”
Bradley kept his rigorous pace, knowing he was getting close. Honestly, it didn’t take much; he was already way too keyed up. Meanwhile, you had been too preoccupied with stringing together a coherent sentence to continue playing with yourself.
“- About suppliers not being up to the technological challenges of digitization,” you finally shouted in one breath.
After that, you just kept babbling - about what Bradley wasn’t able to follow. But you still managed to sound smart and that was all he cared about.
“- Cloud networking -”
Thrust. Cry. Grunt. Clench.
“ - IOT -”
Thrust. Cry. Grunt. Keen.
“- Upskilling staff -”
Thrust. Cry. Grunt. Clench.
"- ESG factors - "
Thrust. Cry. Grunt. Keen.
Eventually, you just stopped talking and the only sounds coming from you were pitiful whimpers.
"What's ESG?" You just shook your head. "Come on, what's it mean?" Bradley bottomed out inside you with a particularly deep thrust.
"Environmentalsocialandgovernance," you cried out in one breath.
"There's my good girl..." Eventually, you just stopped talking and the only sounds coming from you were pitiful whimpers.
“You good, sweetheart?” You hummed. “Smart girl, good girl.” Bradley snaked his right hand down to your neglected clit and played with you until you cried out. “Ready to come for me?”
You whined and Bradley felt it - felt it all the way to his core. You practically vibrated with need, with want. “‘S too much, please I - I can’t.”
“Wanna come at the same time as you…”
Bradley loved simultaneous orgasms - knowing he had taken care of you as well as you had taken care of him? There was nothing hotter.
“Just gotta tell me, sweetheart.” He sunk his teeth into your shoulder. “Cause all I wanna feel is your pussy milking my cock…”
By now - after almost two and a half years together - he knew instinctively when you were ready to cum and with one final, deep thrust, his orgasm crashed through him and he spent himself inside you, painting your pussy with his cum, hoping it would spur you along.
“Oh, oh, oh, fuck - fuck -” You finally came with a cry that was definitely heard in reception. “You fill me so good, dadd - oh, Bradley.”
His cocked twitched one final time, the last streams of his cum filling you up. And he knew that when he pulled out of you, it would drip down your thighs. God, you were so perfect - everything he ever wanted. “I know, I know, such a good girl for me. Always such a good girl for me.”
Your body slumped against the glass window before Bradley pulled you against his chest, knowing you needed to be held close right now.
The two of you just stood there for a moment, panting for so long that your breathing was finally in sync. He helped you turn around to face each other and you burrowed your face in his neck. You always needed to be close to him after sex and he was always there to take care of you. Whether it was telling you how good of a job you had done or petting your hair and cleaning you up - Bradley always wanted to take care of you. You were his girl, just like he was your Bradley.
“So,” he said after a moment, “think you can sneak out a little early today?”
a/n: well, that was fun? i guess? shout the fuck out to whoever this anon was that got me on this journey??
small taglist: @sunderlust @fivsecondsflat @notroosterbradshaw @seasonsbloom @cloudycluster @whisperofsong @howdysebby @softspiderling @roosterforme @rae-gar-targaryen
#in honor of new Smart Aleck and Bradley gracing our tumblrs soon I am rereading in preparation for THE GALA FIC#THIS FIC HAS ACTIVATE ME AND MY ALL CAPS ENERGY#I BEG IF YOU HAVENT READ THIS DO IT ASAP#the perfection of it all#tgm fic recs#here have a fic rec#all time favorites fics
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Hi! It was me who requested This reading… Thank you so much for doing it even though I sent it anonymously!! 💕 The Godzilla thing really had me puzzled at first, but it ended up being interesting to think out and write. I was actually thinking I might have done it wrong, because what other people had written was so different to what I had sent, so I’m happy you liked it so much! I wanted to give you some feedback about the reading, because it’s the right thing to do, of course, but also because I know you value it a lot 🥰
First of all, I felt kinda honored (?) you pulled the High Priestess for the reading… Though I don’t practice tarot myself (yet? 🤔), I’ve been studying quite a bit about it and it’s one of my favorite cards of the major arcana (the Wheel of Fortune is the other one!). Even though it’s a hypothetical reading I couldn’t help but feel excited about that being the energy of the “relationship” 🙈
Now, the fact that you didn’t know about Hongjoong before doing the reading makes it 10000x more impressive, because I think you were definitely spot on with your description of him! (From what I know as a fan, of course… I know artists don’t show their whole self to the public, but I’d bet other Atiny would agree). I’m not kidding when I tell you I could totally picture him in my head while reading! In a lot of the group’s content you can see Hongjoong with that soft, wholesome smile while looking at the members talk or do things, and don’t even get me started on the second paragraph!
Like, if you know astrology, he’s a Scorpio sun 10H and Capricorn rising… This man’s job is his whole life (he has said this himself btw), and you can bet he takes it seriously. That’s actually what made me a fan of Ateez and of him, particularly; I really admire his drive, motivation and perseverance, and I can assure you he has the next 10 years of his life planned out 😂 He became his company’s first trainee, a small company that had no means to compete with the bigger agencies and wasn’t even taking new people at the time. As their leader, he guided the group to domestic and international success (like, they’re on tour right now filling 20k seat venues! 🥹) and helped keep the company afloat during the pandemic. Even though their music is quite conceptual and not the general public’s cup of tea, they’ve managed to create a loyal fandom, and succeed while staying true to their essence and vision.
It’s also interesting that you mentioned he has “amazing energy”, because I felt that way about him right away, since I stumbled upon the first Ateez video I ever watched, like “wow, this dude is different…”, but I’ve also seen a few tarot readers on here say the same thing! Really, he is a great person: kind, compassionate and caring, he’s very aware of social issues and is involved in a lot of charity work too 🥹
Anyways, I hope this isn’t too boring but in short you killed it! It was a great reading and (in my opinion), a very accurate portrayal of Hongjoong. Sorry it took me a while to send you my feedback 🙏🏼 Thank you so much for reading for me and I hope you have a great day! 🥰
(Also if your entwined bonds event is still open I’d love to participate… would it be ok to do it if I already got this reading? 🙏🏼)
Thank you so much for your feedback!! I'm glad to know now the person who made my favourite Godzilla reading haha 💖 I'm so happy you love the reading, Hongjoong truly is an amazing person. The way you are so passionate about him really is lovely to see, like you are not only enthusiastic about their music but also greatly care about who he is as an individual! I think this kind of fan dynamics is very touching 💝 I feel honoured to have made the reading for you!
And sure you can join, there's no rules saying you can't after you've joined one but you have to be patient as there are about 40 before you. Hope you have an amazing day too!
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Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 2B (ep. 11-22)
It's been months, but the rewatches are back!
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Episodes 11-22. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
2x11 Aftershocks
This is also the first set of rewatches on Disney+, and you can't skip the recaps, so I get to watch Trip crumble to pieces TWICE in one episode. Making me cry this weekend, why don't you.
Baby Gordon! Also, this flashback scene takes place in 1983, which means it's probably not that long before Kora dies. It's crazy to look back on this scene after s7, knowing that Kora currently exists in that flashback.
Also, JIAYING!! She's still one of my favorite characters.
I want Jiaying to hug me and comfort me and tell me everything is going to be alright.
"They would be lost" as it cuts to Skye😭
AND THERE'S the second Trip crumbling of the day.
Skye... why are you wearing shoes in bed?
Just gonna say this now, Chloe's performance in this episode is *chef's kiss*
I remember watching this episode for the first time and just being absolutely devastated we didn't have Trip anymore. I'm still devastated.
Dr. List and Von Strucker mention.
So, why was Raina going on a killing spree in the temple?
Also, I miss big sister Bobbi with the quarantine survival kit.
"I think you're a rockstar"🥺
"Come home, Jemma" I love this family.
Skye's heart monitor is literally going off the rails, signifying that her heart rate is dangerously high, yet no one heard or noticed?
The plan for Bakshi to "escape" is both ridiculous and hilarious.
"ThEy'Ll NeVeR tAkE uS aLiVe!"
Okay, but what would have May's version of the plan been like?
Also Bobbi just casually wheeling her motorcycle out.
Okay, I understand where Jemma is coming from and her fears surrounding it, but I feel like she shouldn't have blown up in front of Skye, who was affected by all of this. Again, I totally understand Jemma's reaction, I just feel like talking about this as an epidemic and something dangerous isn't something to be said in front of someone who is affected.
Ooh, Raina, don't call his daughter a bitch.
Cal's little happy dance😂
It's sad hearing Cal talk about his plan, knowing what we know about Jiaying later.
"I can't live like this" "Then don't" Damn, this got dark quick, and it's just gonna get darker.
Props to Ruth Negga for putting on amazing performances while having to deal with all those thorns.
Hunter is a better spy than the show gave him credit for. Sure, he's made pretty shitty choices, but he's pretty good at the job. He was suspicious of Bobbi and Mack the whole time.
Also, the only part that makes this season hard to watch is the whole 'Real Shield' thing and the way Bobbi and Mack are around the team, which sucks cause I love Mack and Bobbi. They're literally my favorite characters after Daisy and May.
Oh Mack, you do so much more than just 'working on Lola one day'.
Again, talking about putting Raina down in front of Skye? I understand Jemma, but there are just some things you shouldn't talk about in front of someone who was just traumatized due to the same experience as said person you want to put down.
Did anyone else notice that the music Skye is listening to on headphones is the same score used during the Ghost Rider pod in season 4?
300bpm, that's 5 beats per second. For reference, my resting heart rate at this current moment is 90bpm, which is 1.5 beats per second. Skye's heart rate at the time of the collapse was roughly 3.33 times faster than my current heart rate.
"That's inhuman" we love to see it.
Again, can we not tell Skye that something's wrong with her?
I made a post about this a while ago, but besides the fact that her powers may have just been exposed, Skye might have been nervous about the broken glass because of what happened with the crystal decanter she broke at a foster home, which she mentions in like 6 episodes.
Also, I love these soft May moments. The way she goes from comforting Skye to freaking out in a protective manner over the fact that she's bleeding.
The way Trip's mom just knew😭
If you follow me, you know my opinions on Fitz and my disdain for him, and I don't agree with the fact that Fitz kept telling Skye to hide her powers as she could have gotten help sooner, but "You're just different now, and there's nothing wrong with that" will forever be one of my favorite lines from the show.
Raina, baby, no :(
Why couldn't we have more family moments like the end of this episode?
2x12 Who You Really Are
Welcome back, Lady Sif! I loved seeing her in Loki, and I really hope we get her back in Thor: Love and Thunder (was it ever confirmed that she was going to be in it? I can't remember).
The May and Skye sparring scene... *chef's kiss*
"I didn't want to hurt you" and then May's gesture that's just like "You think you can?"😂
Also, THAT transition
"Son of Coul"
In canon, how did they get that picture during 1x15?😅
Why did they have to make the Kree's weapon look like a mallet you would beat meat with? lol.
So, now the ICERs are dangerous? I don't remember them saying dangerous for some reason, and now I feel for Skye with the after-effects after she shoots herself later in the episode.
"I can" Love that May is crushing on Thor. And just Coulson's face after she says that haha.
"i BaReLy ToUcHeD iT"
"I learned this as a child, did you not?"
Agents of SPOOF has forever ruined the scene where they find the Kree cause I can no longer watch this scene without the song "Blue" going through my head.
I love the parallel they make in s7 of Kora's gun quaking apart to Skye's in this episode, even if Kora wasn't the one causing the quakes.
I love how Sif was about to explain the concept of a key to Coulson.
Yes, Mack is a pretty boy.
The zoom in on the water glass. The way water glasses have become something of a symbol for Daisy's powers!
The way May just knew the shaking was from Skye and that something was up all along.
Love how May and Coulson don't even think twice about grabbing Skye and standing in front of her.
Why Bambino for the name of the "I know what it does" weapon?😂
Mack just goes from "we'll decide what she is😠" to "Tremors🤩" and I love that.
May grabbed her and ran, and then she took a knee and got on Skye's level, just as a special someone had once told her to do🥺
No one talks about the May and Daisy scene in this episode enough. Just the way May says "Skye" tells you everything about their relationship and how much they care.
It's there for a split second, but the way May just softly touches Skye and moves her hair😩 (I'm obviously touched starved, can't you tell? lol)
Ugh, I always hate that line from Mack given his and Daisy's amazing relationship later. You can see the regret on his face when he sees her though. Ugh, can we just move on from the painful parts, please?
2x13 One of Us
"I'm stopping them before they start" Oh, Skye, baby. If only you knew what you were doing to yourself.
May's thoughts: "Is he really asking me to contact my ex right now?"
And there he is, Dr. Andrew Garner, the husband blueprint.
Also, Andrew is a great therapist, laying down the rules for treating Skye.
Love that Lian May still likes Andrew and invites him over for dinner despite her daughter having been divorced from him for years. I mean, I would too.
This is an Andrew Garner appreciation blog.
Here's one of the one-liners we get of Daisy's past in the foster system. Never will forgive the writers for just forgetting this major part of Daisy and having the characters treat her like she didn't have this trauma as well.
Also love how even Andrew grew a soft spot for Skye/Daisy as time went on.
"I'm not suicidal" UGHHHHH SEASON 2 WHY YOU GOTTA DO ME LIKE THIS. SEASON 4 IS COMING UGHHHHHH. Glad they care for her this season. You will hear from me more on this when we get to s4a cause I have A LOT to say about how they treated Daisy.
Did we ever establish EXACTLY was the photo on Andrew's desk?
Love how we found out that May can't cook and just ran with it in fanfics😅
Fitzsimmons gossiping about May and Andrew is such a mood.
"You need backup" "I need backup"
That kid filming with his iPhone is the only realistic thing in this show.
Mack, imma have to disagree with you on that. I actually like pineapple on pizza.
As much as I absolutely love the 'May and Coulson are Daisy's adoptive parents' fics, where are all the 'May and Andrew are Daisy's adoptive parents' fics? Cause the way Skye talked to them, convincing them to let her go, just gave me 'daughter talking to her parents' vibes.
Skye's shaking can be because she's scared and it works, but given that you can see everyone's breath, it was probably, no doubt, freezing cold when they filmed the football field fight.
I totally forgot Bobbi was hiding under the bleachers. That made me laugh😂
Again, I JUST WANT TO HOLD BABY SKYE. She's over here watching the people she cares about the most destroy people who are gifted just like her.
Can we talk about the May and Coulson Worried Parent™ running?
"We're as close to a family as Skye has"🥺
2x14 Love in the Time of Hydra
You know, I really liked this stretch of episodes without Ward. Now, he's back. Gross.
I also just feel really bad for Kara
Look at that, the only time the MCU actually might have looked at Bruce's mental health and how he might actually not want the Hulk. Did we all just forget about how he said he tried to kill himself in The Avengers?
Not Fitz talking about being glad that certain people don't have choices the better themselves.
Watching May and Coulson talk about taking Skye out of the picture so she can better control her powers, knowing that something is up with Bobbi and Mack, is really neat. They were always thinking ahead.
"Off to see the wizard"
There are so many parts of this episode, I honestly have no idea what's going on lol.
The team canonically had karaoke nights.
The whole 'Real Shield' thing is so frustrating. Like, I understand some aspects of what they are saying, even Coulson later agreed, but their execution is just terrible.
Wait, so Jemma knew that there were going to be repercussions of the casts she made for Skye?
Thinking about all the flashbacks Skye was having when Coulson told her to "pack a bag"🥺 You can just see it in the way her face totally drops and the shaky breath she takes.
I will never get over May's voice coming out of Skye's mouth. This whole scene is just weird and creepy😣
I'm just tired of Ward justifying everything he's done wrong on his past when Daisy had gone through a rough upbringing as well, and she came out the most selfless person ever. She didn't become a little murderer.
"You seem so well adjusted" EXCUSE ME. DID YOU JUST SAY THAT ABOUT WARD???
Not gonna lie, Ward and Kara breaking into Talbot's base does make me laugh. It's just so chaotic.
Talbot's soldiers have to go through so much haha😅
"If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is a spy in my house" and the cut to Mack OMG.
Does Mack really think he can outsmart THE Melinda May?
Kara punching Bakshi was very satisfying.
At the time of rewatching this episode, I had rewatched (again) all of season 1 and prior episodes of season 2 (just so it says I watched them on Disney+), but I never noticed in 2x02 how Coulson told Hunter that there were people he trusted that vouched for him and that 'people' was Bobbi.
Not the edible arrangements😂
Again, feel so sorry for Kara.
2x15 One Door Opens
I wish we got more Hartley before she died.
"The path we've chosen, makes you forget your lines sometimes" is one of my favorite bloopers.
Gotta hand it to Coulson's quick thinking.
Love how Bobbi knew it was safer to just break through glass than to voluntarily fight May.
Also, May and Bobbi fight... *chef's kiss*
When did Bobbi and/or Mack have the time to put a monitor in a fire extinguisher that's out in the open?
I don't understand the logistics of the casts. Like, I know it suppresses the powers, but like, what makes it so Skye feels woozy? Like, that should have been something to note.
As someone who hates horror movies, the very not-that-scary horror-esc scene/buildup did kinda scare me the first time I watched haha.
If I opened my front door, and some guy like Gordan was standing there, I would have screamed and shut the door right then and there.
Gordan is aware of exactly who Skye is, right? I wonder if he knew her during the few months before Whitehall. I mean, he had known Jiaying since at least 1983, and she wasn't born until 1988.
Also, I wonder if Gordan ever thought about Kora during those moments with Skye, a girl who was scared of herself and didn't have an idea of how to control her abilities.
They don't want secrets, but they're willing to break into a base, potentially hurting a lot of people? Again, Real Shield frustrates me.
Skye discovering new aspects of her powers will always be my favorite part of the episode.
Fitz and Simmons holding hands and being there for each other after Real Shield invades is sweet.
And people don't understand why Skye wanted to stay at Afterlife more than Shield. May wasn't able to finish, so Skye believed all of Shield was after her. Then, of course, she was chased through the woods and shot at.
May is the dictionary picture of loyalty.
Why is Coulson being sent down that elevator so funny?😅
Damn, I really hate Calderon.
Again, Skye only attacked to protect herself. SHIELD ATTACKED FIRST.
Love how much Bobbi still cares about Skye. The scream of her name was pure terror for her.
And there's the quake shield! Shame we only see her use her powers like that again in the series finale.
So, does Skye just not remember arriving at Afterlife? Did she like pass out as soon as she and Gordon got there?
2x16 Afterlife
Thank you Coulson for icing that guy cause that actor (the car salesman) is a pedophile (I know this cause he was the dad/grandfather on Andi Mack and they had to cut him out of the show)
What was the point of having Skye in two pieces of cloth?
And there's Mr. Battery Pack Lincoln Campbell.
Thank you Bobbi for defending Skye.
How would you have been invited IF COULSON DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU?
So Jemma and Fitz made their plan pretty early on given that Jemma didn't have much of a reaction about Fitz "packing his things"
"I lost her"😭
The little foreshadowing to the following episode with Bahrain!
Hunter waking up like that is a mood.
Hunter is a whole mood this whole episode actually.
So, those shield agents were there with the battering ram for an hour? I'd give up after like five minutes.
After season 3, I know that Daisy and Lincoln weren't ready for the relationship they could have had at the time, but I will admit that they're cute. He's the one who convinced her that her powers could be a good thing. It's nice to see someone caring about her.
You mention Trip, and I will start crying.
Skye knows there's a connection between her and Jiaying.
Is Lincoln aware of the relationship?
That scene hurt knowing that Jiaying lost Daisy, but watching this after s7 and knowing she's also hurting because of Kora, it hurts even more. UGHHHH WHY DOES THIS SHOW MAKE ME FEEL FEELINGS.
Hunter just wants to go to Mexico.
2x17 Melinda
May and Andrew were such a good-looking couple.
"Best Security System in the World" yes she is.
Thinking about how Coulson wanted to bring May onto the Avengers Initiative with him.
Okay, but how cool/emotional/sad would it have been if we got a young Eva Belyakov in season 7 when they went to Afterlife?
The fact that Skye is still trying to justify SHIELD and blame herself when Jiaying is trying to make her see that she had every right to fire back IN DEFENSE. And people wonder why Skye """turned""" on SHIELD.
The Quake theme when she causes the avalanche. Ugh, I will never not get emotional when I hear that theme.
May's smile when she first sees Katya���� WHY DOES THIS EPISODE HAVE TO HURT!!
I really feel bad for Raina.
The water glasses is making me season 7 emotional. (7x10, why did you have to be so sad???)
Another reason I love this episode aside from the Bahrain backstory is that it actually touches upon Daisy's trauma with foster care and abandonment and actually acknowledges what it has done to her character instead of ignoring it and treating her like shit.
"I tried some of the scotch too."
*26 Skye. You're 26. (Though Chloe I'm pretty sure was only 22 or 23 when filming this episode)
"You were born on July 2nd." And I'm going to go cry now.
Dichen and Chloe's acting and emotion in this scene is just phenomenal!!
"I was too afraid to hope"
Why did the universe allow people to hurt Jiaying and Daisy?
"Shield is not authorized for any action" *one second later* "Go"
"Bio always works" foreshadowing for 4x14!
The whole "Get down on her level or grab her and run like hell" scene is so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, and seeing this happen in 2x12, ugh I really love this show.
"Do good Melinda, but come home"
I know I haven't said too much on the Bahrain flashback, but I'm just so invested in it. Seeing the famous backstory of May come to fruition... it's all so amazing and painful all at the same time.
I always have and always will love May, and I understand May being upset that Coulson was keeping secrets from her, like seeing Andrew for counseling about the alien writing, but I feel like she was a little too harsh with him given the secrets she kept from him last season. I know that was for his own protection, but still. Again, I still feel like May has every right to be upset. Just the way she went about it just felt like an uncalled for reverse of last season. Just my opinion.
Were they trying to have some sort of romance thing between Gordan and Raina? I don't know... the whole "I can take you to amazing places" just gave me that vibe.
The connection between Jiaying and Bahrain is so chilling every single time.
AND THE KATYA REVEAL. There are so many moments from the show I want to watch for the first time again, and that is one of them. The realization for the audience and both May on what has to be done. Again, CHILLING.
I'm a more casual Philinda shipper, but I still love their friendship so much. The way Coulson ignored the Bahrainian forces and pushed past them when he heard the gunshot and went in for May. You can just see that friendship so clearly.
"The Calvary went in after all"
"Let the girl go" CRYING
If I'm remembering correctly, Daisy must have been AT LEAST over six months old when she was dropped off at the orphanage. I'm pretty sure she was more. A six month old is very different from a newborn baby. How did they mess up her age by A WHOLE YEAR??
"He is a monster" "He was good once" THE FACT THAT THIS ALSO APPLIES TO JIAYING!! I feel so bad for her. Jiaying deserved better.
AND RAINA IS THE TRUE CLAIRVOYANT *cue the That's So Raina clip from Agents of SPOOF*
Way to go, Hunter. You've made it to Mexico!
I don't think I said this last episode, but I loved the Coulson-Hunter teamup.
2x18 Frenemy of My Enemy
The way Hunter is just avoiding eye contact with Fitz when Ward is mentioned lol.
Sad watching Cal like this, knowing Jiaying wants to send him away.
Again, was Lincoln aware of the relationship between Skye and Jiaying prior to this?
The Bobbi and Mack sparring scene is pretty cool too.
The "Simmons, what did you do" had May giving a hard Mom Face™
"Hey, baby😏" "Hey, sweetie😃"
That little interaction between Kara and Mike is so funny to me for some reason.
The whole Coulson wanting to use TAHITI on Ward still confuses me. Like yeah, Ward won't remember he was bad, but what about him being wanted?? Did Coulson have a plan for that?
I understand Jiaying has reservations against Raina, and rightfully so, cause of what she knows from Cal and Skye, but it still rubs me weird that she is questioning the existence of her gift knowing that anyone can be the first of their kind like Gordon.
From this point forward, the rest of the points are written like a month later cause school sucks, but it’s summer vacation now, so I have time finally!
So have Kara and Ward just been planning revenge on Bobbi for like a while or something?
So have Kara and Ward just been planning revenge on Bobbi for like a while or something?
Yes, Ward. That house is your last.
We love Mike cock-blocking them cause... gross.
I love Cal. Just want to say that again.
I want more of Cal and Jiaying's love story. But then again, it'll probably make the whole thing even more sad than it already is and make me cry even harder.
Also funny how Skye was going to be brought up in the same state Coulson was born in.
I sort of kinda like Fitz and Simmons relationship in these later episodes of season 2 and the trust they are willing to put into each other.
Cal wanted Skye to go to a charter school. Fun fact: I attended a charter school. Honestly, don't know what makes a chater school a charter school, but to me, my school was if you mixed a private school and public school and it was K-12. We wore uniforms, but there wasn't a tuition and it was opened to the public. You just had to be put onto a waiting list and you got in by lottery. I got in in 5th grade and graduated high school from there in 2019.
This scene reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean scene for some reason.
So, no one saw Mike's gun come out and go back in?
Cal complaining about capitalism is a mood.
“I'm kidding... sort of" about the liquor.
Skye's pickpocketing skills!!!!
Skye got the neopolatin ice cream sandwich. Love that for her.
See Lincoln, you could be a spy.
Hunter referring quantum entaglement as torture has the same energy as Scott Lang thinking of quantum entaglement as something sexual.
And the soft Quake theme when she says her name for the very first time😭
The hula dancer🥺
I find it weird that Cal wanted to show the tools used to put Jiaying together. It might just be me, but I would be creeped out.
Does Lincoln have any previous fighting experience? Cause he acts fast and knows what to do with his powers.
Also, despite everything, Skye still has faith in SHIELD and knows its Hydra.
It's cliche, but Skye falling on top of Lincoln is kinda cute.
Lincoln's face of recognition when trying to eletrocute Mike😂
“Sure, and I'm the Hulk"
Ward is still obsessed with Skye if he willingly followed Coulson like that.
I'd be a little pissed if I saw someone I trusted with Ward too, not gonna lie.
The way Skye was going to reunite with Coulson before Gordon got her🥺
SHIELD was that slow to get there?
Take me to your leader"
2x19 The Dirty Half Dozen
Excited for this one. One of my favorite episodes from this season.
Jiaying has such a maternal feel to her, which I love, but I always find it funny when she comforts Raina knowing that Ruth Negga is actually older than Dichen Lachman (only by like a month though).
I understand Jiaying's anger towards Cal after he revealed Skye's identity and relation to her when she had wanted that hidden.
Were there always those bright lights in the Cage? Cause it was always dark in there.
“I like seeing my Bus" I just remembered this is the last episode with the Bus, which continues to be my favorite SHIELD base/aircraft.
User-Friendly Cal™
I totally understand Jiaying's fears, but there are also the "never leave a man behind" values that Skye has.
So Mike and Lincoln are in the same cells that Wanda and Pietro were in, right? At least the same facility.
Love Mike's sarcasm.
Having to say "Hail Hydra" after every phone call must be annoying.
Coulson translation: "I'm taking my og team cause I love them and they're mine. Except for Ward, he's more of an inconvenience, but I need to use him"
There are windows other than the cockpit of the quinjet?
Don't worry Hunter, I'd be nauseous looking at Ward and Kara together.
Can May beat the shit out of Ward again? Please.
My Team™
I realized I haven't said much about Gonzalez. Is there even much to say?
I don't know if Coulson really had to tell May about seeing Andrew. Yeah, it hits a more personal nerve, I get that, and May can be upset, but I understand Coulson not wanting to discuss his own medical records.
Don't like Gonzalez saying the agents going on the mission are worth the risk, saying that they are more expendable than Bobbi. Bobbi's not expendable either, but I think you get what I'm saying.
Jemma's first question being "Are you making friends?"🥺
I love the entire team death staring Ward.
“I'm still happy I shot you" ME TOO.
Jemma, Fitz, AND MAY agreeing with Skye is a whole mood.
“Ward, just no more talking to people" Yes, please shut him up.
That little comment about needles was all Kara needed from Bobbi.
Thinking about how they all had to pack their belongings from the Bus aka Skye's first real home.
And goodbye Bus. You were a great part of the show, and I will forever miss you.
“Really starting to wish I hadn't eaten that Hot Pocket earlier" is such a random line and I love it.
Also thinking about all the chaos the cast had while filming this scene. Between Chloe and Clark with the fart machine and Brett doing a little too much when they were "falling", I just love these cast moments.
Also an appreciation for Ponytail May.
Ward's confusion with Skye's powers will always be funny to me though.
“So that's what happened in Puerto Rico."
I also always think about how StaticQuake was a little interesting and weird for Chloe as she has a younger brother who is actually named Lincoln.
Ward's confusion and sass are enjoyable in this episode. A little. Only a little. Like a smidge.
Chloe deserves all the recognition for that fight scene, especially since she broke her arm during it.
“Either come with me now or you're next" "Okay, after you" Always listen to Melinda May.
Bobbi and Mack's happiness when the mission is a success is nice though.
Episodes like this make me wish I had watched the show when it was live.
2x20 Scars
Call your sister" sticky note, LT FORESHADOWING
Glad to know SHIELD was the "friends" mentioned in Age of Ultron. I guess that's the only time the movies ever mentioned the show.
Thank you Bobbi for defending Coulson
Also, like how Coulson was able to see some of the errors that 'Real SHIELD' was right about.
Skye staying with Lincoln is giving major Sousa staying with Daisy vibes.
I wonder if the man's son Raina talked about eventually did go through the mist. I mean, he must have if Raina saw it. I'm just wondering when.
Oh yeah, this is the episode that introduced the monolith, that damn thing.
Okay, but why did SHIELD decide to keep the monolith from Hydra instead of, you know, destroying it.
People always are harsh towards Skye for siding with the inhumans for a bit there and uses it as an excuse to hate on her, but the way May and Coulson are already taking about the inhumans, asking "are they people" could give Skye the impression of what they may view her as. They kinda throw away her connection to the people and not listen to her when she tries to explain why she trusts them. Honestly, Skye has no reason to trust SHIELD right now as they chased her through the woods not too long ago.
I don't agree with Skye throwing Bahrain at May like that as she knows the trauma May has with it, but people also use it as another excuse to hate on Skye. May was egging her on, telling her the inhumans were dangerous. Yes, they were scared of the monolith. Another example of no one listening to Skye. Again, I don't think Skye should have thrown that at May, but I don't exactly use it against her overall character when May and Coulson were putting all that onto Skye.
Here they go with the Indexing. This is the part I don't agree with Coulson one bit. Indexing those with powers is a violation, and the show itself shows why it's a bad thing during season 4 with the Sokovia Accords.
“I miss my plane" ME TOO
“One of the greatest threats SHIELD has ever faced" You mean the innocent people who want nothing to do with you? and not, you know, THE NAZI ORGANIZATION THAT WAS IN YOUR ORGANIZATION FOR THE LAST 70 YEARS!?!?
I'm always indecisive if Gonzalez going in instead of Coulson was a good idea. Coulson is too close to the situation with Skye, but Gonzalez's views of these people are all wrong.
That "May" and Bobbi leaving scene was way too quick that the signs weren't there and may for an interesting reveal.
And here's Mack's first attempt at quitting. Wait til he finds out he's Director in 2019.
Mack joined SHIELD in 2002 (13 years prior to 2015).
“My people would never blindly follow me into a war" Until you start one...
“It's me who's changed" THIS LINE HURTS SO BAD
“I think we've been spending too much time together"
And the confusion of two Mays begins.
How did they even get the coordinates with Afterlife? It was because they were watching Gordon, right?
Fun fact for those who may not know, the actress who played Alisha (the multiplier), Alicia Vela-Bailey, is also the stunt double for Bobbi and her husband (I don't know his name) was the stunt double for Ward, so the fight between them in the finale is essentially a husband and wife fight.
“I was always excited to meet you" AWWWWW
I love May, she's my favorite after Daisy, but her totally disregarding the fact that Gonzalez did in fact send agents to contain and possibly kill Skye rubs me the wrong way. Does that count as gaslighting? Another reason Skye was more inclined to side with the inhuman than SHIELD.
“I hope your mother was everything you wanted her to be" always hits me, especially when Daisy brings it back in 7x10.
The turn with Jiaying almost feels sudden, but the episodes leading up have small clues. Also, she's right. Her scars from Hydra are much deeper and painful than Gonzalez's.
There's a certain type of feeling hearing Jiaying, a victim, quote Whitehall, her absuer. It's creepy, but you know shit is about to go down.
I see so many reactors and podcasters call Skye stupid for siding with the inhumans, but from her side, it looks like SHIELD shot at Jiaying. She had no way of knowing. Given SHIELD's record at this point, I'd probably have the same reaction.
2x21 S.O.S. Part 1
Lincoln's little slide to Jiaying is funny to me. I don't know why.
I'll never understand Jiaying's order for the inhumans to fire on themselves. That is literally getting your people hurt.
And now the blame for "SHIELD" hurting the inhumans is all put on Skye. Someone please just tell this girl that none of this is her fault.
And a SHIELD agent literally shot an inhuman right in front of Skye. People really need to stop saying Skye chose wrong. She has no reason to believe SHIELD.
Small Ruben Mackenzie mention
May waking up from being unconscious with Cal singing is so funny for no reason. She is just immediately like "WTF??"
Coulson is the only one considering that Skye doesn't have the full story and understands why she's acting the way she is.
And the true purpose of Jiaying's power is revealed, and it is quite terrifying.
To be fair, Skye chose based on how people have been treating her.
“Generosity of others" Not sure that guy was willing to give up his life.
Surprised Jiaying didn't have much of a reaction to hearing her daughter had been shot before. She was literally on the verge of death.
“When I find him, I'm going to kill him" Yes, please do, May.
As someone who hates needles, Ward putting those needles in Bobbi's fingers always makes me feel sick.
“It's her usefulness" Don't really like Skye's value being her use.
“There's always someone else to blame" And there's Ward's entire character arc cause he can never take responsibility for his own morals and actions.
Bye Bye Raina. You were a fun and interesting character.
Also, Jiaying, say bye to your daughter cause you just lost her trust.
This was the one time (I think) that Jiaying called her Daisy by her birth name in front of her.
Why Spain, Ward?
To be fair, Ward, May chose you, not Coulson.
The knee break always gets me😬
I've said it before, but Skye's family story is so sad I feel so sorry for all of them.
And here, we start the great Daisy and Mack friendship/sibling-ship that becomes one of my favorite platonic relationships in the whole show.
How many multiples can Alisha make at once? Cause she makes three right now.
Mack is such a badass I love him.
Monster Cal is hilarious.
This SHIELD team just loves to run their cars into people, don't they?
2x22 S.O.S. Part 2
That damn battering ram.
Poor Cal. He just wanted his family back together.
I'm about to theorize about Jiaying's power. We know she can drain life, but then season 7 comes around, and it is implied that she can give life to heal others. So basically, is Jiaying like a holder for life? Like a container? She can drain life, but she hangs onto it, causing her to not age, until she is needed to heal someone else? Just a thought.
“Just you and me, Tremors" MY HEART!!!!!
“Not the skills I'm looking for" Glad someone remembers Skye's root abilities.
Thank you, Lincoln, for finally questioning Jiaying's intentions.
Ginger Ninjas™
I know how this episode ends, but Hunter slowly opening doors still makes me nervous.
Kara, do you really think you can outsmart Melinda May?
It's always small moments of May's expression going really soft that really show you how much she cares about her team. I love that she shows her love for them through her actions, but these small moments are really nice too.
I wanna know more about specialists like May's medical ability as May seemed to tend to Bobbi on the way back to base. Obviously, I feel like CPR is must from all agents, but like, to what extent at Operations were they taught medical treatments?
“I just wanted to hear your voice" MAY AND ANDREW WERE SO SWEET😭
“Do good Melinda, then get home safe." UGGHHHH MY HEART
Bobbi and Hunter's relationship making everyone question their love lives.
Also, I feel for Jemma. I always felt like her wanting to talk to Fitz felt like she was forced to by herself. Like she felt like it was something she had to do since their friendship would never be the same, so might as well try the love thing out. That's just how I felt about it.
Jiaying is such a great character. I constantly feel sorry for what has happened to her and who she eventually became.
“I'm the guy who kills Gordon" YES
Never mind, Jiayings says "Daisy" to Daisy at least one more time.
“Hiya Honey"😀
I don't like Jiaying throwing that back at Cal. He is trying to protect Daisy. At this point, he's protecting her from you.
“Trust me, you will miss"
Skye really did hold her own really well against the Ginger Ninjas.
Jiaying actually is right in the situation, but, like she said in 7x10, she went about it all wrong. The inhumans did simply need protection cause the world wasn't ready for them.
First time watching, I knew the moment Jiaying put her hand on Skye's face what was going to happen.
Jiaying calling her children her true gifts, but then turning around and betraying her own daughter.😭
QUAKE THEME (yes, I will say it time everytime it's there)
“We're not bad, we're misled" Another reason they shouldn't need the Index.
That stabbing sound is a heart attack waiting to happen. Was actually scared for Fitz when I watched it the first time.
Also goodbye Coulson's Left Hand™
Again, Johnson Family story is just so sad and heartbreaking. Feel sorry for Daisy, Cal, and Jiaying for everything that has happened to them.
AOS Don't Kill Jiaying By Snapping Her Spine Challenge is clearly a fail.
Prints for Zephyr 1!
I wanna see Bobbi on morphine.
I want someone to watch over me the way SHIELD men watch over their loved ones when they're hurt.
What does Bobbi actually mean when she says "I can't do this anymore"
“Cutting off my hand without asking"
Was Mack being in charge of alien artifacts ever said again after the finale?
Who had Andrew recruited for the Secret Warriors at this point? File seems big.
“I imagined you perfect, and you're way more interesting than that" Wish my parents thought the same thing about me. I'm just projecting now.
SHIELD should have adopted an agency dog from Cal's practice.
I love her.
If it's just Daisy, how come the file is big and Andrew said he already had names.
Daisy is worthy of touching and DRIVING Lola!
Would just like to mention, Seasons 4 and 7 might be the most enjoyable seasons for me to watch, but season 2 will always have a special place in my heart. Not just cause Daisy is my favorite character, but being Half-Asian myself, seeing a Half-Asian character like Daisy discover herself and really dive deep into her heritage is something that’s just so special to me. I could go on and on how Daisy has made me feel seen and made me want to connect more with my Filipino heritage, but there just aren’t enough words to describe it. Just wanted to leave this here about why I love season 2 so much.
#samrewatchesshield#aos rewatch#agents of shield#aos#aos season 2#aos season 2b#aos 2x11#aos 2x12#aos 2x1:#aos 2x14#aos 2x15#aos 2x16#aos 2x17#aos 2x18#aos 2x19#aos 2x20#aos 2x21#aos 2x22#daisy johnson#quake#melinda may#phil coulson
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My thoughts / opinions on the DWTS cast
Super excited for:
-Charli D’Amelo (But really Mark Ballas) - The creative master is back and it is the greatest surprise ever and I can’t remember the last time DWTS has gotten me this excited. And also, I have no problem admitting that I am a complete hypocrite. I was ready to roll my eyes at this tik tok girl every week. But now that Charli is with Mark? I’m her biggest fan. She has all my votes, every week, no matter what 😂 I want Mark to have a successful season so he’ll come back and I’m not even sorry about it 🤷🏻♀️
-Selma Blair - The second biggest shock of the cast reveal. I am so excited to watch her and support her through what I know is going to be an amazingly emotional and inspirational journey. Hopefully Sasha doesn’t Sasha too hard 😭
-Wayne Brady - Probably one of the most perfect casting decisions this show has ever made. He seems like he was born to be on this show and it’s actually quite surprising he hasn’t done it yet. Very much looking forward to what Witney comes up with for him, I know she’s going to kill it 😊
-Jordin Sparks - Soooo excited for her and Brandon. I think she’s going to be great and I have all the faith in Brandon to give her great choreography and make sure she reaches her full potential 🥰
-Teresa Giudice - My favorite Real Housewife of all time. The Queen of New Jersey, the Tom Brady of Real Housewives, I will ride with her until the wheels fall off. That being said, I have seen her move throughout the years and she’s definitely going to be the first eliminated but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts 😂
Intrigued by:
-Shangela - I am actually super excited for this and I love that DWTS casting is going in this direction, but I have zero faith in Gleb, so I am trying to not get my hopes up or too invested at first just because Gleb sucks so much 😫
-Daniel Durant - Know of him in passing. I think this is going to be another great journey to watch and I think Britt is really going to have a standout season as a pro with him 😌
-Jospeh Baena - I’m looking forward to seeing Daniella because she proved last season she can do anything 🤣
-Sam Champion - IDK, I get good vibes from him. I think he’ll be fun and I think him and Cheryl will be a good team 🙂
-Vinny Guadagnino- He’s going to be the comic relief this show needs and I’m interested to see Koko as a pro and what she can do 😃
-Jason Lewis - Samantha and Smith’s breakup was more devastating than Big’s death for me, so I’m happy to see him 😝 Also, Peta’s been through a lot recently and I hope being on the show again brings a few more smiles to her life 🙏🏻
Don’t really know / care about:
-Heidi D’Amelio - Literally know nothing about her, I hate when DWTS pulls these kind of casting gimmicks, and I think they’ll try to keep her around a couple weeks, but I think vote splitting with Charli will make her an early exit. Sorry Artem, but congrats on the wedding ❤️
-Trevor Donovan - I don’t know who this is (Twilight?) and I’m sure Emma will work her magic to pull a somewhat decent dancer out of him, but I’m not really feeling it 😕
-Gabby Windey - Everything I know about the Bachelor / Bachelorette is by force via DWTS. I’m sure she’s nice, but I am so over Bachelor Nation and ABC pushing these contestants far. And Val’s her partner so…enough said 🙄
-Cheryl Ladd - Nice lady but doesn’t really peak my interest. Plus, I’ve never really been a fan of Louis so…😐
-Jessie James Decker - Saw a thread about her on twitter and all I can say is YIKES 😬
#dwts 31#dancing with the stars 31#dwts#dancing with the stars#mark ballas#charli d'amelio#selma blair#wayne brady#jordin sparks#teresa giudice#shangela#daniel durant#joseph baena#sam champion#vinny guadagnino#jason lewis#heidi d’amelio#trevor donovan#gabby windey#cheryl ladd#jessie james decker
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Okay, so, here we have a scene that showcases both Diana's determination and sacrifice... Full disclosure, I did share this during the original @khoc-week as well, so if it's familiar that's why 😂 So, without further ado, I present:
Diana and the Fall of the World
The town was submerged in darkness, monsters swept through it in waves attacking anyone too slow to escape. Diana’s heart pounded loudly in her ears as she ran as fast as she could with the little neighbor girl clutched tightly in her arms. There was one hope to keep them alive she knew, the strange transport ship that Cid took care of for Ansem the Wise. It was rumored it could take them off-world to someplace else entirely (The place He had come from? She didn’t know.) and it had long ago been agreed that if anything devastating happened to the town as many people as possible would load into it; children would go first along with Cid to pilot it. She just hoped that she wasn’t too late to get them there.
Turning a corner Diana almost sagged with relief when she saw the ship was still docked. The engines were starting but the doors were still open, there was still room. The relief didn’t last long, however, as with a crash a wave of the shadow creatures flooded out of a back alley and surged towards her. (These weren’t like the creatures she’d seen before, the ones He had created, these filled her with a cold dread) Grimacing she began to outright sprint as the child clutched in her arms sobbed with fear.
“It’s okay Yuffie, I won’t let anything hurt you, I’ll get you to safety.” She promised, face set in grim determination. The creatures were gaining on them and she could see now there was no way she could get them both on the ship in time for it to take off. Cid was hanging out the door, shouting and reaching for them, terror and desperation written all over his face. Diana grit her teeth and made her decision. She would protect the people on that ship and give them a chance to get off-world even though it would almost certainly kill her. As soon as she got close enough she shifted her grip on Yuffie and threw her to Cid who caught the child with ease.
“Hurry kid! Jump! I’ll catch ya!” He yelled and Diana shook her head.
“Go now! I’ll cover you but you have to take off now!” She said, wheeling around to face the wave of monsters rushing towards her.
“There’s no time! Go now!” She heard Cid make a sound of frustration (or perhaps grief?) but the door slammed shut and the engines shifted into gear to take off. Taking a deep breath she took a stance and held out her hand.
“Void Gear! Come to me!” She cried. The ominous looking blade appeared in her hand with a weak flash, weighing heavily on her fingers. (Her bond with this blade was so weak, held together only by how deeply she clung to the memory of Him, the boy in the mask, her beloved friend, what was his name again?) Setting her jaw she glared at the monsters, which had slowed considerably at the sight of the blade, and cried out but a single word.
“LIGHT!” The spell tore at every fiber of her being, lifting her into the air from the sheer power with which she had cast it, as it burned away many of the monsters. Diana thrust everything she had into it, this was her last stand after all, and she would do everything she could to protect the people on that ship. She cried out in agony and desperation as she felt her power beginning to wane and she could feel herself dissolving into nothing, there was always a price to pay for magic after all, and when you spend more than you have the magic will find a way to claim what it’s owed. In her final seconds of consciousness one word burst forth from the foggy parts of her memory and she cried it out with her final breath like a dying prayer.
“VANITAS!” With that the girl ceased to be and vanished in a blinding spray of sparkles. As she did her heart was enveloped in a protective barrier and, before the remaining monsters could even try to seize it, it was whisked away towards the stars, drawn far from the dying World. What remained of her felt a familiar and comforting darkness wrap around her, which was quickly joined by a less familiar but equally soothing light. Reassured and exhausted she fell into a deep slumber within her heart as it was drawn into a place where everything is eventually forgotten and held safely until remembered.
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10 or 11 or 18 or 21 for the prompt list you reblogged from me? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Oh my gosh, I should NEVER have obliged ONE prompt, should I? look at where it brought me 😂😂
But since it's you, dear Heatherwax, and since your prompts are just killing me, I obviously chose the most random and improbable one among these four:
21. reader insert fic where dean's monologuing abt his weird sex dreams abt rio at y/n while you're trapped & forced to listen to him. bonus: ao3 skin which removes any nav away from the page.
Unfortunately, the ao3 skin part sounds quite unfeasible...
but here's your gift regardless 😘
(AO3 version here)
You suppress a yawn behind the counter. It's been nearly ninety minutes since Cole left you in charge, his face glowing with proud excitement as he was climbing in his car babbling about how he was going to be an uncle again since Sally had just gone in labor.
"If anyone shows up you know how the business works, kiddo!" he said before peeling off.
It's true. You do. Besides, working at the Bicycle Beaver isn't that complicated. It's just that maybe you wouldn't have downed shot after shot of tequila with your crew and barely got three hours of sleep last night if you had known this would be the day your boss would leave you in charge of the whole shop for God knows how many hours.
Good thing that it's a quiet day, though. Aside from a couple looking for matching cyclist vests and a middle-aged lady coming in to buy a wheel lock, you've mostly spent your time staring into space and shelling the seconds like an interminable rosary.
The bell jingling at the front door yanks you out from your hungover reverie, as this middle-aged pallid man wearing a bike helmet and shorts is making his way to the counter, pushing a very obviously flat-tired bike by his side.
"Hello, welcome to the Bicycle Beaver. What can I do for you?" you ask with your most professional voice, hoping that the high likelihood that you may fall asleep any moment isn't that obvious.
"Hi, um," — he squints at the badge with your name on it pinned on your shirt, seems to realize he can't make it from that far, appears to renounce to calling you by your name — "I need a new tube... I think," the guy scoffs, waving at his unfortunate wheel. "And could you check the brakes while we're here? I think they might need some tightening," he adds.
"Sure," you nod, biting your cheeks not to yawn.
You walk around the counter to get closer to the bike but the man keeps staring at you, seemingly expecting something from you that the fog in your brain doesn't allow you to see clearly. What now?
"How much will it cost me?" he eventually elaborates with an apologetic wince, as if he's sorry that he may not be able to afford it, and oh.
You pointedly nod at the large cardboard sign hanging to the wall behind the counter and detailing all the pricing, too tired to announce the number yourself. Seriously, just buy yourself a pair of glasses already if you can't read a waiter's name badge, dude. After a suspended second of confusion, the man nods and starts pulling out a few ten-dollar bills from his wallet and hands them to you.
You cash them in automatically, muttering thanks, when he loudly clears his throat, forcing your eyes back up to his pale and goofy face.
"What?" you ask, borderline annoyed with how this dude won't let you be dazed in peace.
"It's just... you didn't check them. You know, to make sure they're legit."
"So?" you shrug.
What's this guy's problem? This is a bicycle repair store, for fuck's sake. Not a casino.
"My wife runs a counterfeit money ring," he replies, and the admission is so open that you can't really tell if he's joking or not.
So much for assuming this guy couldn't afford a basic cycle repair.
Either way, this is not the kind of opener that makes you want to inquire further about this customer's whims, so you just hum noncommittally, grabbing the bike's handle and leading it to the workshop area of the store.
"It's because of this guy," the man elaborates, following you like a lost puppy as you pull the bike upside down and start dismounting the front wheel. "He's a... a gangster, you know? Like with tatts, and everything. I'm Dean, by the way."
You barely react to his rambling, mostly focusing on doing your job without falling asleep. Also perhaps your silence won't encourage him to go on with his disturbing and not necessarily legal oversharing.
"Do you think it hurts?" he asks, and maybe you spaced out at this point because you have no idea what he's talking about.
"Huh?" you concede, removing the flat tube from inside the tire and scanning it for splinters.
"Getting one of those neck tatts. I had this dream the other day where I was getting one like his, and I think it was supposed to impress my wife, but he turned out to be the tattoo artist, and he was touching my face and saying that it wouldn't hurt."
At this point, you're more than tempted to suggest that he goes running some errands of his own and comes back in thirty minutes when his bike is ready. See, the world is divided into two types of customers. The pleasant ones, and well. The others. And this man? He undoubtedly belongs to the second category. But Cole's always saying that customer service is important, that a customer should never feel unwelcome in your store, so you clench your teeth instead, which turns out to be a very bad idea since your hangover headache erupts hard in your skull in reaction.
"So did you get the tattoo or not?" you ask in an attempt to remain polite as you're gluing a patch to the small spot on the tube where the rubber is cut, trying to ignore the little hammer beating at your temple.
"I woke up," Dean replies, somber.
And for one second, maybe two, you think that he's finally done with sharing bordering psychiatry-worth facts.
But it only gets worse after this.
"Actually he always touches my face in my dreams," Dean starts over, and God, why hasn't Sally popped out her newborn yet? "Like, I have this hot-tub in my living room since I used to sell —"
Dean's voice disappears when you start the compressor to inflate the newly repaired tube, and really, it's a blessing to not know what was coming next under the deafening roaring of the motor.
"... happened to be skinny dipping with me, and we were exchanging skincare tips when he stroked my cheek saying that my skin was so soft. And then he came even closer and —"
He sounds so raving and almost nostalgic that you can't help staring at him, blinking your eyes to chase the sleepiness away. The flabby flesh of his cheeks is vaguely tugging at the corner of his lips, an evanescent dreamy smile lingering on his face, and you tut under your breath.
"You said you were married to a woman, right?" you cautiously remind him as you're screwing the wheel back into place, because seriously.
"Who, Bethie? Oh yeah, yeah, sure, we've been married for twenty years, why, do you know her?"
And surely, you have no intention to ever meet anyone else orbiting around this man. There's a short respite when you bring the bike back on its wheels before relocating it to the brake testing area.
"She had sex with him, you know?" breaks the silence in your back.
And just... What is wrong with these people?
"She never told me where or when it happened, but in my dreams it's always at the park."
Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool. You really wish he could shut up before definitively tarnishing the surface of your mind with his quite inappropriate stories. Although you have to admit that this one sounds a bit different, this time he doesn't seem to dream-fuck this tattooed man he's blatantly so obsessed with.
"Except that it's me instead of her, of course," Dean adds, and here we go, you think, wincing at the idea of having to endure one more edition of this maniac's sex dreams.
Who would want to share that with a stranger? At this point, it's sheer lunacy.
You tighten the front brake cable as Dean starts delving into the details of his imaginary bench encounter, goes on a full-rant for an entire minute about sizes, grows ecstatic when he mentions the tattooed man's musculature, "... and he's got these sharp cheekbones, you know, like you wonder how he doesn't cut himself with these..."
You swallow, mouth parched. God. You really need to hydrate. The tequila hasn't been kind to you last night. Or perhaps Dean's obsession is starting to grow on you too, who knows.
"... grabbed my ass and I just saw this big vein on his hand —" you press the brakes so hard in your final test that the rear-brake pad jumps out in a metallic clank, and you sigh when you realize this means you're going to have to suffer for an extra fifteen minutes while pulling it back in and readjusting the cable tension.
It's when you crouch down to pick up the pad on the floor that you notice the ankle monitor. Maybe you should check that cash he gave you, after all. Seriously, who is this guy?
"... and the dog was watching us this whole time, can you believe it?" Dean concludes what is obviously a story that you're glad the monitor distracted you from.
You fix the brake as fast as you can while Dean is scoffing softly to himself, plausibly muttering profanities until he starts again, "Oh, and of course there is the one with the gun—"
"And it's done! Like new!" you cut him, precipitately handing him the bike back, making it explicit that he should just leave now and not devote one more second to the tales of his fantasized sex life.
"It's the one where he shoots me," Dean clarifies dryly, his thin lips pouting like he's finding your lack of empathy particularly rude, and gosh. It's the customer service oracle all over again.
So you let him finish a story that for once isn't in any way sexual, but turns out to be more terrifying than all the others combined, leaving you quite unsure that your hangover is the culprit responsible for the nausea clamping up your throat.
"Huh," you manage to elicit.
"Anyway, I just hate this guy," Dean comments without an ounce of irony, causing your eyebrows to jump up your forehead.
And then he's finally — finally! — dragging his feet towards the exit, his bare legs looking oddly stupid as the rest of his body is fully clothed, when he suddenly turns back, his face enlightened with a disgustingly goofy expression, like the guy just invented the wheel or something.
"Hey, you really have good people skills, you know? Have you ever considered selling moisturizer?"
#ask#sothischickshe#my fic#fanfic#nbc good girls#this was soooooo out of my comfort zone it was insanely fun#I don't thank you for making me dive into reader insert fics to see how to proceed though#actually I don't thank you for anything lol#but I hope you like it#❤️❤️❤️#I can't believe I created a Dean Boland & You tag on AO3#WILD
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Okay I just know this man is insatiable and needs sex. Does he have casual hook ups often? Did he hook up during covid lockdown? I also heard I hooked up with a female crew member during TUWMT 👀 these readings are killing me 😂💀
Hello! I asked the cards your questions and I will write the answers, but you already know what I always say, right? These are not definitive confirmations, these are Tarot readings!
First, I asked if he could possibly have casual hook ups often. I pulled the Moon as the first answer. This card is interesting. It's giving us a somewhat mysterious vibe. He might have casual hook ups often (not necessarily that often) but he keeps everything very well hidden. These casual hook ups are shadowed, he doesn't let people know about them very easily, possibly not even friends. It also points to these people not being exactly who the others think they are, as in things are not what they look like. So I would say the people he casually hooks up with are not who people might think, and not just the fans, but as a whole, and he doesn't go out announcing who he sleeps with and when. The second time I asked I pulled the The Wheel of Fortune. This card points to an ever changing situation, as everything in life is ever changing and temporary. It's about ups and downs, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. It could possibly mean he has phases, pretty much like the Moon, he might sometimes have more casual hook ups, sometimes not. The Wheel is always turning, and again, nothing is set in stone with him. The 3rd time I asked, I pulled Death (yes, again!), and this is the only card I would consider more of a yes as it has that intense sexual energy attached to it and the constant transformation.

Then, I asked about possible hook ups during the covid lockdown. First time I pulled the King of Wands reversed, which is pretty much Pedro's card along with the Emperor as you know well. This one can be considered a NO, as The King of Wands has lost his energy and will, he's more tired, unwilling to spend energy, he's not straightforward and he loses most of that action he's got in him. BUT the second time I asked I pulled the 6 of Swords, which could be a MAYBE, as it points to some rough times coming to an end, someone getting out of a time of pain and suffering, and it could go either way. Then I pulled the 9 of Cups, which suddenly becomes a YES, as it favors harmony, emotional stability, connections. What I get from these cards is how they could actually be showing 3 different moments of his lockdown. The first one where he isolated and lacked energy and the will to pursue any hook ups, then a moment when he felt better and the energy was returning and maybe he wanted to, and then the third moment, where he could probably have hooked up with someone (s) towards the end of lockdown because he was willing to do so again.

Now I specifically asked about him possibly hooking up with a "female crew member during the TUWOMT" just like you stated, anon, and at first I pulled Page of Wands, which is a YES, as he might have regained that youth energy, his straightforwardness, his will, his activity and sex drives. When I asked again, I pulled the 6 of Wands, which is another YES, as it's again a card representing energy, action, success, like he got laid and it was great. Lol! The 3rd time I asked about it, I pulled Knight of Cups, which is another YES, as this is a card that signals thoughts becoming real feelings, as in decisions being made and the energy being turned into action and emotions.

Well, we could say whoever this man is hooking up with, it's most likely not out in the open and not really what and who it looks like. He keeps it to himself and he might have ups and downs, as in times where he is more interested in casual sex and times when he is less interested in that. We can also notice how many cards pointing to things never being set in stone with him seem to show up every time. The most positive answers were the ones about this said "female crew member", whoever that might be. Not that we can say it happened for sure, as you know, but well, the cards are more positive on this one. If there was no hook up, he might have wanted to at least.
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Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 46:
Mandatory Time Off
The way in-show they always translate pixies to "elfjes" but still use Pixie in this title card
"It's been a rough time for you girls too" "that's putting it lightly" drag her Stella
Welp! A plant killed Avalon the day is saved. Rest in pieces binch
Oh hey you're sending them on the vacation they told you they needed 7 episodes ago good job Faragonda
At least Paladium is still emotionally a twink. I miss his old design sm😭
"What about the classes we'll miss?!" Flora I love that you're being a nerd about this but you haven't been taking classes this year anyway lmao

My boy!!! I have located my boy!!! Has he run away with this pixie and is that why he didn't do shit when his girl turned adorably evil?
Palladium. Livvie. Just let That Man die
The boys! Hate to say that I have not been missing them at all😅
Pour one out for Aisha. She's gonna spend these next few episodes third-wheeling several dramatic couples
Fhhdf you could just see Riven mentally counting the seconds before saying "hey" to Musa so he wouldn't sound too eager😂
Oooh looks like Bloom hasn't entirely kicked those dark vibes yet. I mean I think that's what they're trying to show. I don't actually think she's being snappier than the other girls but it's towards Sky so it's Serious™️
Riven has never been more relatable to me. It's ok buddy. I also wouldn't know what to do there. Ski hats are supposed to be warm😭
Actually I'm adding Riven to my autistic Winx character collection now that was too big of a mood
...that line alone cost Brandon his spot as my favorite speciallist. Riven you're up
Timmy and Tecna are finally being cute again thank fuck
Me: I don't care for the pixies
Also me: If anything were to happen to Livvie I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
See? Riven actually bought the bear thing! Autistic king
I can't believe F*te made Stella the irrationally jealous one when there is only one blonde royal on this show who qualifies for that role
I am way too entertained by them not even asking for an explanation before undressing at Bloom's request sdfgcdf Like whatever her weird-ass ideas normally work why not
Also Bloom is not even struggling to carry Aisha on her shoulders lmao She was able carry Icy last season too she's just freakishly strong
This is the fight between two bad bitches I didn't know I needed
Did they make a fucking glider?? That's both stupid and awesome
Palladium gay but also bad taste in men
Hello random magical upgrade that has never even been mentioned before. Eh I like the character work required to get it so I'm cool with it
Especially for a kids show this actually gives an universe reason for the character development to be explicitly explained to the younger audiences
#winx liveblog#winx club#listen i adore this season fr i am having a blast#but i have a lot more nitpicks this time around and by far the biggest thing is the kiko erasure#please tell me thats just this season and s3 is back to normal him and his bond with bloom is a pretty important part of the show for me
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