#that repeating riff on the second one is actually so sick i cannot lie
mugs-n-cans · 4 months
Alrighty babes! Brushed it off and we're back at it!
Got two for ya this time Scout (make up for skippin' ya eh?).
First one is one I feel like you'll relate to a bit what with being well... totally not forgetful, as you so claimed to that other anon a while back. Don't you worry, I'm totally not forgetful too (or particular, like Sniper. Don't relate to y'all at all, honest...). https://open.spotify.com/track/1vrCEkltcCmaIBpKCz4vR6?si=FqMrC63_S-W9lq6P1DMkqw
Now, think I heard that you're not a big country fan, right? Gotta be honest, it makes sense while also bein' a bit of a surprise, southern rock and country just seem to go hand in hand with America's favorite passtime I had assumed you'd be more on the fence with it. But I guess not everything can be someones can of Bonk!.
Speaking of baseball, you got a walkup song? As much of a quote, "kinda a big deal," you are ya surely got one already (who am I kiddin'? It's Sexbomb ain't it, it's 100% Sexbomb...) but I'd like to offer an alternative. Now, it's a bit more southern than ya probably would like, based on your 'pinions and all, but I think that just ties in the ballfield while the lyrics tie in the batter, but you tell me. Y'all might've heard this one before: https://open.spotify.com/track/5yAu4njFSdM47dfsTkQPZ2?si=vWrLZ-wBS-mOYbPawVtrvw
Let me know if you like 'em (or if I guessed correctly on the walkup thing. I mean... I know I'm right, but a confirmation would be swell too).
- 🖍️
Oh yeah! That’s more like it!
I’m so totally not forgetful that I totally remember what you’re referrin’ to…! But uh…wow, yeah. That song is definitely…wow. Yeah, maybe I got a few issues, but I’m still killin’ it! Man, ya really like to get personal, huh?
To be honest, yeah I’m a bit of an outlier in my family. My Ma and brothers all totally love country. But I guess I just got sick of it growin’ up. I mean, I like songs with hype, ya know!
Ya don’t gotta quote it pally, ‘cause I’ll say it here and now! I’m kinda a big frickin’ deal! Man, this is like when that one douchebag interviewed us, except cooler and you’re not a total jackass. Ya guessed right! Sexbomb is the best walkup song ever. There is no freakin’ competition. But…I guess I could hear ya out. It’s really hard to beat Tom Jones!
[He listens to the suggestion, trying to act totally cool about everything].
Okay…that was pretty freakin’ sweet too. I mean, that riff? You know the one.
Ya think someone can have two walkup songs? It ain’t unheard of, right? I mean obviously Sexbomb is undefeated but…man that song is frickin’ good. I can get hyped to that!
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