#that really would've been the perfect lead-in to a confession
tomwambsgans · 1 year
going insane over all of tom's little mannerisms while greg leads into telling him about shiv cheating. and btw i hold without a doubt that tom did NOT know that that's what greg was going to say
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like this is the rapid nod of someone absolutely anticipating a love confession...... tom's little hop is irrelevant i just thought it was cute
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watermelonlovershigh · 5 months
Returning Favors {part 5.} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
A Shift Occurs {part 4.} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
AN: when i started this chapter i had intended for it to go in a completely different direction but as i began writing it, i let the words flow and wrote it this way instead. i really hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave your feedback and remember to send in things you'd like to see in this series. xoxo
This story contains: mentions of handjobs and blowjobs, slight angst, pillow talk, cunilingus, fluff
{ housemate!harry - friendrry - friends to lovers trope - softrry }
word count- 3,459
While making arrangements to introduce your friends to Harry, he seizes the chance to ask about your abrupt departure after your intimate encounter earlier that day. This conversation unexpectedly leads to Harry performing oral sex on you for the first time.
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As you make your way around the street corner, you are greeted by your friends, Mave and Charlotte, who are waving you over to the table they had set aside for your brunch. The cafe features a beautiful outdoor space, perfect for the current time of year. Upon joining them, they quickly pick up on your more upbeat attitude. While you typically don't appear gloomy, you have been feeling rather indifferent for the past year. However today, they observe a slight improvement in your mood.
"Hi, Hi." you lean in to kiss each of their cheeks and sit down at the round table.
"We've ordered you a mimosa. Wasn't sure what you wanted to eat so we haven't ordered our food yet though." Charlotte explans.
"Oh, well thank you." you take a sip of your mimosa and moan at how delicious the drink is.
"What's making you so cheerful today? Is it because of Harry?" Mave questions with cheeky smile, aware of your growing connection with your housemate and the recent revelation of your mutual feelings towards one another. Your friends are genuinely happy for you, knowing how long you've been single and how it affected you.
Brushing them off, you answer, "What? A girl can't look happy on a Sunday morning without there being a reason?" But they know you better then that. The aurora you're giving off is one of a girl who's in love. Though they wouldn't tell you that this soon in your relationship with Harry.
"No it's just," Mave starts, "look, we want the details. Did you guys have sex this morning? Because you look like your glowing and it's not from your skincare routine." Her and Charlotte stare you down, waiting for an answer and you know you must give them one. Otherwise they'll never let this conversation rest.
"Alright, alright. We did do some sexual stuff this morning. But not sex. I just kind of gave him a handjob which then turned into a blowjob."
Your two friends are smiling ear to ear at your confession. "And.... what else? Don't tell us he left you high and dry after you literally had his dick in your mouth." Charlotte utters in a hushed yet audible tone, ensuring that you can hear her amidst the bustling traffic and crowd, while hopefully keeping your conversation private from others.
You express with annoyance in your tone, "It wasn't as you think. I woke up to find him cuddling me and noticed he was aroused. Therefore, I chose to assist him. Once he woke up and realized he was hard, he eventually agreed to my help. I began by giving him a handjob under his briefs, but then decided to go further with a blowjob. And he didn't reciprocate because I left quickly after he came. So, I'm unsure whether he would've wanted to do something for me in return."
Mave reaches across the table and playfully swats your arm. "You fuckin' idiot. You should have stayed to see if he would've pleasured you as well. You could've gotten an amazing orgasm out of him."
"Hey," you spit back, "I did have an amazing orgasm this morning. Just... with my vibrator in the shower before I came here." Though you're sure Harry would beat every single one of your toys if you gave him the chance to prove it.
After chatting for a few more minutes you realized just how hungry you were and decided to order your food and another round of mimosas. You catch up on each others lives and make plans for them to come by the house to hang out one night. They have yet to meet Harry and you thought what better way to introduce them than to invite them over for some drinks and maybe a card game. You'll just have to ask him if that would be okay.
Upon returning home later that evening, you notice Harry seated on the sofa, engrossed in a pile of papers and his laptop resting on his lap. Presumably grading tests, you assume. After placing your bag in the entryway, you make your way over to the couch. Surprisingly, the atmosphere doesn't feel as awkward as you had anticipated, considering the events that unfolded earlier in the day.
"How was your brunch?" Harry questions, shifting to set all of his work onto the coffee table.
"Great. Really fun." you answer before continuing, "So I have a question."
"Hm, so do I actually but go on." Harry replies, taking a sip of his coffee. He doesn't know what your question is but he knows his question is in reference to why you ran off so quickly this morning after you gave him that blowjob. It's been eating at his mind all day and he'd really like some closure so he can relax.
"Okay, so I was thinking we could have a little get-together with my friends, Mave and Charlotte. They're eager to meet you, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to invite them over this upcoming weekend. We can enjoy some drinks and perhaps even play that card game I purchased some time ago but haven't had the chance to play yet."
Harry nods in agreement. "Yeah, sounds great. How about this Friday night? I can stop by the shops on my way home from work and grab some alcohol. Just let me know what kind they prefer." He is genuinely excited to finally meet your friends. Since becoming your housemate, you've kept your personal life mostly private from him. As a result, he hasn't had the chance to meet any of your family members and has only heard stories about your friends.
"Fantastic," you declare, jumping up from the couch excitedly. "I'll call them right away and let them know. They'll be so happy." Just as Harry was about to remind you that he had a question as well, you've already disappeared from his line of sight. Your sudden departures today seem to be a trend. He reckons he'll have to wait a bit longer to find out the reasoning behind your quick exit this morning.
At approximately ten o'clock at night, you and Harry are lying in your bed, watching reruns of Friends while trying to stay awake. The room is dark besides the glare of the tv and his cat Pixie is nestled in the middle of the bed, sleeping soundly. Although she hasn't always been allowed in your room, ever since Harry started visiting so frequently, you have embraced her presence as well.
Right as your eyes began to shut, you remember how Harry had a question for you earlier but never got to ask it. You didn't mean to run off like you did. You just got excited to call your friends and let them know they're welcomed to come by the house this Friday for the small gathering. Which in turn made you totally forget he had a question in the first place.
"Harry," you say aloud. The call of his name startles him. He'd just dozed off to sleep and your voice pulled him away from the unconsciousness he was about to enter.
"Mhm, what?" he grumbles, eyes half open as he tries to stay awake in order to hear you speak.
"What's your question? You said earlier you had a question but you never got to ask me it."
Harry found himself more awake as he thought about how to bring up his question. To be honest, he was feeling a bit nervous to ask. Even though this question had been on his mind all day, he hesitated to ask, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or create any distance between you. "Um, was just gonna ask why you left so suddenly this mornin'. You know, after you gave me that blowjob? It seemed like you were ashamed of your actions or somethin'. I was plannin' to return the favor, but you left before I had the opportunity to ask."
With heart shaped eyes, you coo softly, "You were?"
"Well yeah. It's only right that I returned the favor you did for me. I'm not a douche bag like some men can be."
"Awe, that's so sweet of you. But um, I don't know. Guess I remembered how I'd just woke up and maybe didn't smell the best down there or that I may have tasted bad from the hours of sleep I was in prior. Just didn't want to disgust you in any way."
With a gentle tone, Harry expressed, "Y/n, your scent or taste wouldn't have been an issue for me. Even if it was there, I wouldn't have mind. Because it's you, and I genuinely care about you. I would have found pleasure in it regardless. If anyone has ever made you feel insecure about the natural smell of your vagina, they are truly right dicks"
Breathing deeply, you sadly admit, "Yeah, I've had some men attempt to go down on me first thing in the morning but complained about the way I smelt or tasted and so, I just didn't want you to do the same as them."
Sliding impossibly close to you, Harry responds back, "Well I'm not those other men. I respect women more than that and I may just have a thing for oral sex. Givin' and receivin'. Plus, it feels even better when you really know and trust the person."
You giggle shyly and except his closeness, the two of you laying on your sides facing each other. "Dick or pussy though?"
"What?" Harry asks with a sleepy smile, unsure of what you're questioning.
"You said you had a thing for oral sex. So do you prefer sucking dick or eating pussy?"
"Mhm, depends on who the person is and my connection to them. Both are great but it also depends on what mood I'm in to give you a solid answer." It's no secret Harry likes men as well. When you first moved in with him he had a short fling with a guy and you assumed he was gay for like the first month. But then when you heard a girl moaning through his bedroom walls, you realized that wasn't the case. The next day you questioned him and he confidently came out as bisexual to you.
Deciding to continue these questions just to see where it could lead, you keep going, "And, what mood are you in right now?"
Harry suddenly became aware of the dense atmosphere, yet he responded truthfully. "Considerin' that I'm currently in your bed, nearly cuddling you, and you happen to possess a vagina, I would say 'pussy.' However, if I were to discover that you possessed a penis, the answer would be 'cock.'"
He moves one of his hands up to cradle the side of your face. It's so incredibly close to his that he can just about taste the mint of your toothpaste. "Good thing I have one of those two options then and I'm not some alien with no genitals at all."
What Harry wants to say is that he'd love you just the same, even if you were a genitalless alien, but he can't. Not yet anyways. So he responds, "Wouldn't change how I feel about you." With the close proximity, you get the sudden urge to surge forward and clash your lips with his. As if he felt this coming, Harry didn't react surprised at all and accepts the kiss. You both realized this is the first time you've kissed each other. You've shared your feelings, your beds, and you've gave him a blowjob. Yet this makes your first time kissing.
Harry intensifies the kiss by gently prodding his tongue against your lips, and you grant him permission to enter. The kiss is wet, rushed, and somewhat messy, yet incredibly enjoyable. After a minute of exchanging saliva, you pull back to take a deep breath and confidently state, "Prove it then. Prove you're in the mood for some pussy."
With surprise written on his face, Harry leans back a tiny bit to make sure he's reading you correctly. "You sure? I don't have to if......" He'd be more than happy to eat you out right here, right now, but he doesn't want you to ask because you feel obligated to agree or because you're in the heat of the moment.
Responding eagerly, you assert, "Yes, I'm sure. But please be quick before I change my mind." The mention of urgency and the potential for a change of mind prompts Harry to swiftly toss the covers back and carefully positions himself between your legs. He gently lifts Pixie from the bed and places her on the floor where she discovers her cat bed near the window sill and resumes her peaceful sleep.
At this very moment, Harry finds himself surprisingly nervous as he positions himself between your legs. Although he has longed to perform oral sex on you, both this morning and in his countless fantasies, the actual prospect of doing so fills him with apprehension that he may not satisfy you adequately. Additionally, he frets over the possibility of being unable to bring you to orgasm.
Curiosity arose within you as to why Harry was taking such a long time, prompting you to prop yourself up on your elbows. From this viewpoint, you observed him fixating on your bottom half, which was concealed by some skimpy shorts you typically sleep in. However, as soon as he notices your gaze upon him, he swiftly reaches up and tugs at the waistband of your shorts, pulling them down your legs. To his astonishment, you're not wearing any panties which causing Harry to let out a moan upon catching sight of your naked pussy.
Despite the room being enveloped in a soft glow from the television, it remained dimly lit and quiet. Harry couldn't obtain a clear image of your exposed cunt but he could perceive enough to develop a strong liking to it already. However, this attraction isn't solely based on the physical appearance of your vagina, but rather because it's a part of you.
Harry looks up once more to ensure your approval for his actions. With a nod of reassurance from you, he eagerly begins. His mouth envelops your entire pussy, as his tongue moves from your wet entrance to your sensitive clit. The flavor of you on his tongue almost brings him to climax instantly, hands free. This is undoubtedly the best cunt he's ever had. Your skin is incredibly soft and inviting, with only a few short hairs littered around your bikini area from the shave you did two days ago.
As your elbows grow weaker, you find yourself sinking into the comfortable bed below. Harry's tongue skillfully laps up your arousal before focusing on your clit and experimenting with various flicking patterns. Each time his tongue glides over the sensitive nerves, your entire body responds with a powerful jolt of electricity. It's no secret that your clit is extremely sensitive when receiving attention from the right person.
"Oh fuck, Harry. Feels so good." you moan aloud, reaching down to grab onto his curly locks.
You fear he'll tell you not to touch him, but as he briefly moves his mouth away, he commands, "Tug my hair, baby. It feels amazing." Could it be that he just referred to you as 'baby' for the first time? You believe so, and it heightens your arousal even further.
Listening to Harry's wishes, you pull his hair tightly in your fists, causing his face to be nestled against your pussy impossibly closer than before. You begin to move your hips, creating a subtle rocking motion. Although he may feel a slight burning sensation on his scalp due to the intensity of your grip, as he mentioned, he loves the sensation it gives.
A minute more goes by of Harry munching down on your wet pussy when you feel your orgasm nearly bubble over. "I... I'm..." you try to warn but can't even get the words out from how much pleasure you're in. Harry doesn't say a word back, just goes in even harder, more determined to bring you over the edge.
You finally achieve orgasm when he seals his lips around your clit, applying firm and forceful sucks. Your clitoris pulsates within his mouth, causing you to release an animalistic scream as your orgasm sweeps through your body. Your entire body trembles, compelling Harry to firmly hold your hips to keep you in place. He continues sucking on your clit until your orgasm begins to fade and overstimulation sets in.
The hands that once laced in his hair start trying to push his head away. "Har.... Oh God!" you gasp when he gives your tiny nerve a few more kitten licks to make sure he's pulled every ounce of pleasure from you that he can. You lie there trembling from the aftershocks of your orgasm as Harry sits up on his knees, breathing heavy with a glossy mouth.
Eager to know, though the answer should be evident with how you look right now, Harry asks, "So.... was I any good? Did that prove what mood I was in to you?"
You glance forward to see a devilish smile plastered on Harry's face and just know he's proud of himself. Which, he should. You don't think you've ever came so hard in your entire life. "Yes," you heave, "Oh God, yes. I'm...., that was, God. That was the best orgasm I've ever had."
"Yeah? You just tellin' me that to boost my ego or are you tellin' the truth?"
"Harry, I quit literally can't feel my bones right now. They're like jello. No man nor any one of my strongest vibrators have made me come that hard. No wonder the ladies liked you."
With the awareness that it's already very late and he has work the next morning, Harry decides to rise from the bed and make his way to the bathroom in the hallway to fetch a damp cloth. Your exhaustion prevents you from mustering the energy to question his actions. When he returns, you immediately recognize what he has and instinctively close your legs, still experiencing discomfort.
Harry takes a seat on the edge of the mattress and lightly taps your thighs, silently requesting you to open up. Reluctantly, you comply. As you feel the damp cloth glide over your swollen pussy, you try to pull away, but he firmly holds you in place with one hand on your hip bone. "Shh, it's alright," he reassures you in a gentle tone. "I'm just gonna clean you up, and then we can sleep, okay?"
As you lie on the bed, you notice Harry's erection prominently displayed through his black briefs and a pang of guilt washes over you for not pleasuring him. "But.......what about you? You're still hard. I could give you another blowjob or handjob. Whatever you want." Despite the tempting offer, Harry is too exhausted to engage in any additional activities tonight. Prior to this moment, he was on the brink of unconsciousness. Consequently, his drowsy state has returned as the explicit actions have ceased.
"It'll eventually go away, Y/n. I've got work in the mornin' and it's past midnight as is. Plus m'too tired to do anythin' more tonight. But, if I wasn't so tired and didn't have work so early, then you bet your ass I'd take you up on that offer."
Harry finishes cleaning between your legs and helps you slip your shorts back on. He then turns the TV off and crawls back into your bed beside you. Though your limbs are still weak, you manage to slide over until your head rests on his bare chest and your top leg is thrown over his hairy thigh closest to you.
As the moonlight glows through your bedroom window, sleep takes over both of you as the world around becomes quiet. The only sounds that can be heard are Pixie's soft purring from her location on the floor, the steadiness of Harry's heartbeat, and your exhails of breath.
In your dreaming state, you're still excited for the arrival of this upcoming Friday where you eagerly await the moment when your friends will finally have the chance to meet Harry. With high hopes for a successful gathering, you envision a joyous time ahead. Unbeknownst to Harry, the card game planned for the small get-together holds an R rating, implying that it will serve as an opportunity for everyone to bond and deepen their connections without the need for uncomfortable conversations in the future. Plus, mixed with the alcohol, you can't wait to find out some of Harry's dirty secrets.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @allthelovehes // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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My Masterlist Masterpost
The Rated R Card Game {part 6.} (housemate!harry series)
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toon-tales · 2 months
Hiya! Ok, so, this will be a continuation to this post! We'll be analyzing Broppy throughout Twt!
Let's begin!
Now, everything has changed. Poppy's the queen, and Branch... well, you know, found his true colors
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Here's the thing, Branch is now much nicer to Poppy, unlike how he was in the first movie. He admires her, just like he used to do, but difference is, he's admiring her also in front of everyone, like, not literally admiring but you get it
Moving on to the part where Branch tries to confess his love to Poppy
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Branch was about to say something really important to him, like, super duper important, and Poppy? She wasn't paying attention to him! Like, yeah, she would look at him but her mind was somewhere else, which, takes a point from her
"Being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me, other than being your friend!"
I like that she included their friendship (much to Branch's dismay), because it shows that she did notice Branch's hurt expression, which gives her the point back
Seconds later, the high-five failed, miserably, if I may say, and what I really disliked is how Poppy was chill about it! She literally said, "For some reason we don't seem to make a good connection!" with that smile. But I'm sure this issue will be discussed later
Takes a deep breath
Anyway, let's skip to the scene of the strings, because I love love LOVE the difference between Branch's and Poppy's characters
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"It's when all the trolls lived in harmony, and what's more important than living in harmony?"
"Well, I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting."
They're both right, again. Like I said in part 1, they both look at things from different perspectives yet they're both right.
The strings together did mean one big party, before it eventually led to the fighting
This is exactly like the scene when Poppy decided to go to Barb. Branch knew he couldn't leave her alone, and Poppy, in return, knew she didn't want to do this by herself
Let's move on to this scene:
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You can clearly see that one of the focuses of the movie is that Poppy never listened to anyone but herself, and it shows. Even Branch didn't like it, you can see it in his face
But does Poppy take all the blame? Nope, I don't think so. Why? Look. True, she didn't hear anyone, but has anyone actually talked?
When they went to jail, all Branch did was comfort her. Yeah, she needed comfort because of what has just been said to her, but Branch could've approached the matter gently. But we don't know if he would've said that, because Biggie interrupted them
Later, when Hickory showed up, Poppy literally put too much trust into him, and Branch tried to tell her, but he didn't press the matter, which wasn't right of him. He should've expressed his feelings more, but they were about to get caught, so we don't really blame either of them
Now later, in this scene:
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You can see that Poppy actually seemed to think about what Branch just told her. Maybe she just needed someone to say something. And I really want to know what would've happened if Chaz didn't interrupt them
And even more later, you can see how sad Branch is that Biggie said the truth to Poppy. And even more sad, and overthinking, when Hickory pointed out that Poppy doesn't listen
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Until boy finally let it out
"But you never listened to me." All he wanted was her to listen to him! Like, bro!
"What do you mean?" And I think she was actually trying to at this point
Now, what i really love is how both of them seemed troubled by their own words
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Unlike the usual fights, where (not all, just to be clear) people just want to bring each other down and prove they're right. They were genuinely upset, and accidentally let it out on each other
But I also want to point out how Poppy was when Branch left, cause, girl literally looked like she was about to cry. Her breathing was heavy too
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And now, to 'Perfect for me'
Hear me out-
Now, there are two meanings for this sentence. It could mean that Branch is saying Poppy is the one, or it could mean that he's not enough for her. Imma go with the first suggestion for a reason: it would be 'too perfect for me', and I really think the lyrics goes better with the first one. Anyway, let me know what you guys think!
Now, here's the thing
Poppy wasn't listening to anyone other than herself or whoever agreed with her. She wanted to prove herself as a good queen, and it got them in trouble. She trusted a STRANGER. But to Branch? Oh, she was perfect
See, he loved her, flaws and all, and he was always there for her even if she got into a problem because of her recklessness. He was always there to catch her when she fell
And let's not forget that while Branch is now a gentleman, he was rude to Poppy for far too long. He crashed her invites in front of everyone, he didn't want to save the snack pack from the Bergens. But he had changed, and Poppy saw that. She saw his true colors, she saw him change for the better, even if he was still sarcastic and disagreed with her sometimes. He was perfect. She loved him, even before he got his true colors, as a friend at least
They both said words, hurtful words, yet each one thought of how perfect the other was for them
And I think more people need to understand that differences don't tear you apart
Skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, and hold it here:
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Friendly reminder that they haven't talked, haven't made up, haven't literally anything since the fight, yet here Branch is, with a look of sheer panic on his face when he saw Poppy about to get hit. And here Poppy is, with this concerned look on her face and that desperate, "Branch," for her future boyfriend when he got hit instead
And now, to the confession scene:
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Can you see how Branch looked at her? He looked proud, like, really proud
"And I love you, queen Poppy." He didn't say 'Poppy' like earlier. He said 'queen'. And I think that means that he now sees her as a true queen, after she had learned her lesson
Now can you see Poppy's eyes when Branch said that? She's happy, like, her eyes are literally wide with happiness. See the love in her eyes when she looks at him?!
Anywayyyyyy, that's it for Twt, hope you guys like it. As usual, feel free to add or comment on anything, and stay tuned for part 3!
Part one
Part three
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southerngothicchic · 10 months
The Boy at the Video Store
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(This isn't too explicit, but is still 18+)
You have a crush on the boy at the video store, and it's eating you alive. The way he leans across the counter and lowers his voice when he talks to you makes you dizzy. You hope he can't see how he makes you blush when his fingers brush yours when handing you one of the tapes you requested they hold for you.
He always smiles before running his hand through his perfect hair. Your eyes always follow his movements, lost in a daydream of how you wish it was yours instead of his.
He notices how you look at him, and it gives his ego a much needed boost. He's struck out with so many girls lately, that he was starting to question how charming he really was. You were different, though, from the minute he saw you walk in, he knew he could win you over.
Much to his delight, he didn't have to try that hard, as you were already giggling at his bad puns and overall goofy charisma.
Robin overhears him, while restocking the shelves and playfully rolls her eyes.
You each instinctively lean forward, with you bracing your hands on the counter, while he presses his body against it. He swears you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen and the fact that you're still standing there, smiling at him like this, makes his heart race.
His eyes drift to your pretty, pink lips, wanting desperately to kiss them. He fights the urge to pull you to him, telling himself he'll get to feel your lips on his soon.
You both do this little dance for weeks, always flirting with each other, with it ultimately leading nowhere. Until today.
That Friday evening, you appear, instantly brightening his monotonous shift.
"Hi Stevie," you greet, with a smile.
Your nickname makes him smirk. It had started as a joke, as you and Robin had been teasing him about more movies he hadn't seen, and after that, it just stuck.
"Hey," he greets, in return, as his eyes meet yours.
"Another exciting shift?" You then snark.
"Oh yeah, super busy, as you can see," he replies, gesturing to the empty store.
You giggle before leaning forward, onto the counter.
"So, were you able to find the movie I was looking for, the other day?"
"Yeah, actually Robin found it," he begins, turning away to look through a pile of tapes stacked on the backside, of the counter.
He faces you again, tape in hand. A devious grin forms on his lips as an idea enters his mind.
"Tell ya what..." he begins, leaning forward, "I'll trade you this tape, for a kiss."
His proposal catches you off guard.
"I don't think that's how it works," you reply, with a nervous laugh.
"Its a new policy, only for my favorite customer..." he continues, his voice dangerously low.
You suddenly feel flustered. You've literally been dreaming about this moment and now you can't speak.
"So, what's it gonna be, angel?" He asks, coming out from behind the counter and standing next to you.
His eyes challenge yours as you're reeling from his pet name. He then moves closer, pressing your back against the counter. His hands are on your waist, as he studies your face, waiting for your answer. Your hands grip his silly, green vest while you look up at him, virtually helpless. You sigh his name as he leans in.
"Tell me..." he breathes, before you pull him to you, finally connecting your lips.
He eagerly kisses you back, pressing more of his body into yours. The heat radiating off of him is almost too much. Before you could pull away, he breaks the kiss, only to start trailing kisses across your cheek.
"I've been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you," he breathily confesses.
"I wish you would've," you smile.
He softly laughs. "I thought it would be coming on too strong."
You place your hands on his face, to guide his lips back to yours. You kiss him slowly, really savoring the taste of his lips and the faint traces of the minty gum he was chewing earlier.
"My shift's almost over, would you maybe wanna come back to my place?" He quietly asks, pulling away slightly.
You gaze up at him, and nod.
He grins, before leaning in to kiss you again.
"You just made my night, angel," he breathes, making you feel faint.
He then raises his left hand and checks his watch.
"I say we go ahead and close up, for the night, seeing as how there's only ten minutes to go, and I don't think anyone's gonna come rushing in for a late night rental," Steve suggests, while pressing his forehead to yours.
"Yeah, might as well," you reply, breathless.
"Wait right here, while I do my 'closing duties,'" he then says, framing the last two words with air quotes.
"Ok," you smile, starting to turn away, when he pulls you back to him.
"I really like you, in case it wasn't obvious," he admits, nuzzling the tip of his nose against yours.
"I know," you giggle, "I really like you, too."
He smiles, while his cheeks turn a cute shade of pink.
He gives you another kiss, before disappearing into the back of the store.
You begin to wander the aisles by the front windows. It's then you notice that it's raining. Not just a light shower, but a full on storm. The wind picks up and blows water against the glass, causing you to step back. You try to see out into the parking lot and were grateful that Steve parked close to the door.
A chill then runs up your spine as you fold your arms across your chest. Your eyes peer into the rainy darkness beyond the glass, so concentrated on staring off into space, that you jump when you feel Steve's arms wrap around your waist.
"Sorry, angel, didn't mean to scare you," he softly apologizes, against your ear.
"Its ok," you say, turning in his embrace to face him.
"It looks pretty bad out there, good thing you're coming home with me..." he adds, with a smirk.
"Don't look so excited," you tease.
He laughs. "Its hard not to, I've been waiting for a night with you, honey..."
His lips are then pressed to yours again.
After locking the door, you two hurry to his car. Despite only having to go a short distance, you manage to still get drenched. Once inside his car, you look at each other before dissolving into laughter.
Your wet clothes, along with his, are soon scattered across the floor, as your bodies lay pressed together, under his sheets. Delicate moans escape your lips as he slowly thrusts into you.
"Isn't this better?" He asks, with his face buried in your neck. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold..."
"Mmm, Steve..." you sigh, as you feel his teeth graze your skin.
"Gonna keep you warm all night, angel..." he then pants, his breath fanning out over the newly formed lovebite.
Your back arches when he pushes himself in even deeper, and your hands pull at the ends of his hair. He moans in response, increasing his pace.
"Shit, honey..." he breathes, now hovering his face over yours. "You look even prettier like this..."
He leans in to press a messy kiss to your lips, before continuing, "so needy for me and only me, right?"
"Only you, Stevie," you reply, reaching up to cradle his face.
He smiles, as you pull him in for another kiss.
You end up spending the night with the boy from the video store, which would become the first of many. It's safe to say, it's not just a crush, anymore.
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satocidal · 1 year
7:57 a.m. — gojo satoru
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Gojo exhales, then inhales and then exhales- as he had been for the past one hour- waiting for you to drop by.
“Don't you dare be late, I'll leave without ya,” your words ring in his head and oh how the tables turn, it's him waiting on you now.
Had it not been for someone else, he would've left himself but it was you- y/n, his y/n— well, not his yet.
Today was the day, however, when he would tell you, no more lazy smirks nor the casual teasing- just a confession as he would lead chauffeur you to the concert, of your favourite — with the tickets that he bought as gift for you.
Comical it was, in the way his mouth stood agape when you squealed in delight, seeing two of the tickets- instantly assuming it was for you and your favourite person ever- not Gojo- rather, Suguru.
A heart shattered a little that night, as he pretended to drunk heavily and speak all his ill will towards suguru, out to Nanami who couldn't have been more annoyed.
But it was all for not- he hadn't been able to go with you? No worries, he'll at least drive you over. And that was how he ended in that situation- popping another can of an off-brand soda you'd introduced to him, his third, as he waited.
So sure he had been of confessing- of letting you know just how he feels, of making sure Suguru could never make a move— because of course, why ever would you say no?
And you really wouldn't either- not when Gojo had been such a sweetheart to you, not when you'd been crushing at him since day 1 of meeting him.
But however could you say yes if he didn't ask at all- because the moment you bounced into the room, your glossed lips curling to a smile, a guilty smile to see him waiting- all thoughts if his ran clear.
Confession? Long gone.
It was a miracle he even drove straight after seeing your outfit of the night- all make up all done to perfection and your hair- lords praise the hair that he loved plating with, syled perfectly.
Thoughts still ran clear- no confession even inching up his throat as you kissed his cheek in “gratitude”, knowingly leaving a lipstick stain on there.
Only once did you leave did he think again- and as Suguru winked at him teasingly did he realise, it was surely and thoroughly a lost game.
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All of this work is original and entirely my own—please refrain from copying.
Reblogs and likes highly appreciated!
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Mirio is a great hero, but his fundamental flaw is that he absolutely trusts Nighteye and that he'll likely say yes to the latter's suggestions. He is someone who wants to save by the letter but not the spirit of heroism, so its likely that he'll allow abused victim return to their abuser because that latter say "They're just acting out. Everything is fine." Nighteye wanted a carbon copy of All Might that he can control, which Mirio does practically look like All Might, but Nighteye does not understand the effort and what actions All Might did to return peace to Japan. And their society was going to collapse anyways and that a replacement Symbol of Peace would not be the way to fix such a broken system.
It's not that Togata believed Overhaul; he knew full well that Eri was being abused. He sent her back anyway. Because Togata decided to prioritize Nighteye's investigation into Overhaul over Eri's life.
He pulls up Midoriya's hood to hide his face and attempts to de-escalate the situation to avoid a fight, but the thing is, Togata can beat Overhaul. He fights him with zero hesitation later on. He was a Third Year on patrol--he had his license. He could've taken action and defeated Overhaul while having Midoriya take Eri to safety. While it's true there were civilians around, Overhaul is kind enough to lead them away from the crowd and into an alley with no witnesses, which would've been to Togata's advantage considering his Quirk. When Eri runs back to Overhaul, he stops Midoriya from pursuing because he's afraid... that Overhaul will go into hiding. Eri's safety was secondary to that.
Hell, Nemoto uses Confession on Togata and he admits that he discarded Eri because it was convenient.
Togata talks a good game about wanting to save 1,000,000 people, but either he never really understood his own goal or two years under Nighteye have left him blind to how to go about it.
Togata resembles All Might, but only superficially. Nighteye calls Midoriya's desire to save Eri arrogant, but that's the same trait that made All Might choose Midoriya to begin with. Nighteye and All Might were always going to fall out--Nighteye simply doesn't understand All Might the way he thinks he does. His methods are wrong, and Togata's decision to leave Eri, his decision to tell them not to engage have contributed to the current situation in the manga by allowing Overhaul to perfect the bullet, leading to Aizawa losing a limb and All For One's regeneration.
Nighteye and Togata allowed Eri to be murdered. Repeatedly. They didn't know that at the time, but they also had no reason to believe that Overhaul wouldn't kill her, considering that again, she was covered in bandages and wearing rags and fleeing for her life.
I don't really have a conclusion to this meta beyond that Nighteye's fatal flaw is his own lack of foresight and fatalism, and Togata learned from the worst.
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Hey i came across your lookism stuff today thought you write beautifully. I saw that the requests are open and I'd like to request vasco x reader relationship headcanons. stuff like how they fell for each and came to be in relationship and how vasco is as a boyfriend. all of their first times with each other. (First date, first kiss, first fight and first time sleeping together [last one this is optional])
thank you 🌸
vasco relationship headcanons
details: gender neutral reader, general canon au
warning: very minor spice below the read more cut! (i'm so sorry if you meant "sleeping together" in an innocent way but i assumed you didnt ??? 😭😭😭)
a/n: beautifully is such a nice word to use thank u,,, T_T and also thanks for this request <3
> i'd imagine the most likely scenario would be for you to be a student of j high and just encountering vasco often! lots of short meetings that eventually turn into long convos and hanging together outside of school; the classic friends to lovers <3
> everyone in vasco's eyes are good unless he hears or see that someone's done bad things, but you can bet the second jace notices you with vasco often, he's going to do a little background checking
> after jace confirms everything is well, he tries to stay out of yours and vasco's relationship because really it's none of his business but y'know how it is... he's vasco's babysitter. i gotta say tho eventually it turns into him trying to save you from vasco's antics LMAO
> anyways yeah once you're involved with vasco, you're involved with burn knuckles. whether you commit to joining or not, you're a part of the family!
> while you have your own reasons and timing for falling for vasco, his process is rather slow and yes, he is dense to any signs you might show. for him, it's all the little things that build up over time (acts of kindness, sharing snacks, hand holding) and the realization hits him like a truck at 2 am as he sits up in bed and thinks, "are friends supposed to feel this way???"
> with the help and encouragement of his buddies, he comes to the conclusion he loves you, and eventually with their cheering, he's able to confess (unless you beat him to it, of course, in which case he would reply the same by scooping you up into a hug and spinning you around <3)
> dating him in the beginning... he's like. a perfect mix of a nervous wreck and a very confident man. some days he's a stuttering mess, other days he's leading you by the hand with a shiny grin ✨
> what you can always expect, though, is him being a supportive golden retriever boyfriend 💖 he'd do anything for you, whether it be running to a store late at night to get something for you or literally running to your house 123456789 miles away just to take care of you if you're sick
> other things he'd keep consistent: being physically affectionate with you, being proud to be your boyfriend and proud to call you his partner, and his chivalry/gentlemanly acts (this has more to do with how he feels as a man rather than anything with your gender!)
> by the time he grows comfortable with dating, he's honestly just like your best friend and boyfriend ^_^ always taking you on fun dates and making sure you're smiling, even if it's from laughing at him doing dumb stuff <3 also would bring up marriage pretty early and whatever happens is up to u lol
bonus first times bc i think u wrote fun prompts 💘
first date: considering you've been his friend for a while, vasco would've already taken you to the restaurant he eats at with his friends that he took that one blind date girl to so he'd try something new like an interactive zoo :] if you're afraid of aninals, hopefully you would enjoy a nice walk around a lake instead!
first kiss: ever since vasco began dating you, this was what he anticipated the most. it'd keep him up many nights because of how nervous it made him and he'd google "how to kiss someone" and "when to kiss someone," as well as ask all his friends and others for advice, but eventually the kiss came naturally--and by accident. he had kissed you out of excitement and because you returned the energy, he hadn't even realized what he did until jace teased him for it. after that, he shyly asked if he could continue kissing your lips, and that was that <3
first fight: it's absolutely devasting for poor vasco. he knew relationships had ups and downs but he never imagined a fight would happen with him and you. but if anything, after patching up, it taught him to stop putting you on a pedestal and to be more realistic if he wanted to make the relationship work, rather than continue to live in a romanticist's daydream.
first time sleeping together: vasco never even once thought about sleeping with you simply because it's not something on his mind, but that one time you sat a little too comfortably in his lap, he Remembered™ That Thing Lovers Do and felt super embarrassed. there's a low chance this would happen naturally, but if it does, he'd be super awkward but very gentle, making sure to constantly check for your consent; otherwise you'd have to lead the way!
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aesopsbaby · 5 months
oh okay 👀. Can I have general hcs for star x Leona?
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(s): Leona Kingscholar (TWST), Star (@startheimpactfangirl)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: General headcanons
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: GAHH sorry this took so...so long sobsobs. I really hope this can make it up for the extremely long wait!! Also,,Leona might be ooc since its been a really long time since I've played TWST,,,and I'm going to be honest, I don't remember much about alot of the characters,,(except for Sebek my beloved)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Leona being OOC </3
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✧ Leona, as arrogant and prideful as he is, would've definitely been taken aback. He hadn't thought that he would ever fall for someone.
✧ Star fell first but Leona, for sure, fell harder! Something as small as a small smile from Star can send Leona's heart into a frenzy. He'd start to scoff and look away from their direction but the burning feeling in his cheeks and the tips of his ear are evident.
✧ Leona was the first to proclaim his feelings. He hadn't thought of doing so until he started to see other students getting close to Star. Fearing the worst, and losing them to those who he deems are inferior to him is enough to make Leona's envy eat at him. He couldn't possibly stand losing!
Leona grimaced, not caring and never caring to cover up his expression. His eyes were burning holes into the person currently speaking to Star. This is annoying..why is he getting so worked up over this?
He sighed, a low and soft growl as he continued to glare at the scene before him. Deciding he had enough, Leona walked towards Star, holding onto their wrist with a firm yet gentle grasp, tugging them along with him as he walked off. "I need you for a moment." Star tilted their head at his action, but ultimately let him lead them away, leaving the other student to stand there dumbfounded.
"Leona? What are..." Star started, but shook their head slightly before continuing, "Where are we going-" Leona stopped abruptly, turning around to face them, "Listen. I.."
Leona felt his heart pounding wildly in his chest, his brain was running at a thousand miles per second as he stared at Star's confused expression. He groaned, exasperated at the situation before he brought both of Star's hands up to his face.
"I love you."
He spoke with a softness that shocked Star. Causing them to widened their eyes and feel their blood rushing to their cheeks at the sudden confession. Leona pursed his lips into a thin line, "and..I can't take it..seeing other people...you know..?" Leona mentally cursed at himself for fumbling his words.
He shook his head to clear all the thoughts clouding his ability to form a coherent sentence.
"Look. I..I just can't lose you, alright?"
✧ No matter how long Star and Leona have been together, Leona still can't stumbling over his words whenever he's around Star. He tries so hard to keep a nonchalant and snarky persona, but once Star so much as waves at him and calls him, he falls apart and goes quiet instantly.
✧ Leona only treats Star with so much softness and gentleness. He would do anything to make sure that they are safe and happy. And if making Star happy means to attend lessons instead of slacking off? Well, so be it!
✧ Star spends most of their time with Leona's head on their lap. They will card their fingers through his hair as he sleeps. Leona finds it comforting whenever Star plays with his hair, it helps him to fall asleep faster than the already does.
✧ He gets insecure whenever he is compared to his siblings. Leona always comes to Star and buries his head into their shoulder with his hands wrapped tightly around their waist, holding them close to him as he tries to get rid of all the insecure thoughts. With Star humming a soft tune while soothing him and patting his back, whispering sweet words of affirmation; "You're perfect, Leona."
✧ Leona is only soft for Star. He smiles so softly whenever he sees them. He enjoys picking Star up and doing one spin as the both of them laugh before putting them down on their feet to give them a quick peck on the forehead.
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ultfreakme · 6 months
ok ok i have 2 things to say:
1) what do you think about yuuji being unaware to junpei having a crush on him?? like, from my part i think he wouldn't see the signs that junpei gave via attitude and corporal language until later. im curious about your takes
2) zukka having a date on the turtleduck pond....... the levels of fluff im dying
Thanks for the ask AAAAHHHHH!!!
Yuuji being oblivious can have two directions; one is that Junpei is trying to hidde all signs that he does have a crush on Yuuji and is failing very badly but literally everyone and their mother knows Junpei has a giant crush on Yuuji. Two is Junpei IS showing his affection, and Yuuji doesn't notice. In the first route, literally no one is having a fun time but Yuuji. Yuuji's like "wow Junpei's so nice, I wonder why he avoids me and acts weird sometimes" and tries to address it but Junpei's like" Me??? WEIRD????? HUH????No I'm not ahahahaha hey anyways wanna talk about this new DVD i got????" In the second, Yuuji has no idea anything is up. He just thinks Junpei is a very near and dear friend who has a lot of consideration for him. And personal hc, if Junpei lived, Yuuji-Junpei would've been the most closest friendship in the group. So now Yuuji's impression of "Best friendship" is Junpei making googly eyes at him, excessive physical contact, cuddling, going on solo hang-outs with the bro(they are basically dates). And everyone else is losing their goddamn minds because these two are practically dating already but Junpei won't CONFESS because he's insecure and scared Yuuji needs to be hit with a rock to figure this out. I think Yuuji, unconsciously, would be doing more romantic gestures and would also FEEL more romantic but he just has not put the label on it. "Oh yeah my heart beats fast around Junpei because I'm usually running to meet him" or "I feel all hot around the collar and blush because he's just so nice when he laughs like wdym you DON'T feel all fluttery too??? Look at him!!" And now Junpei is conflicted because wait is Yuuji....reciprocating? This clown show ends when Nobara and Megumi lock Yuuji and Junpei in their classroom and stage an intervention. Gojo is not helpful at all he keeps staring at them and makes ominous jokes(or threats, no one is sure- it's the Geto trauma getting to him).
2. ZUKKA DATE!!! omg Zuko would be so awkward and shy showing the place to him meanwhile Sokka is like "THE FLUFFIES!!". He's so confused as to why Zuko was acting like he was leading him down the plank just to show this place. It's pretty, it;s cute! Sokka is suffering from a bad case of the butterflies because Zuko's smiling really softly at the ducklings. Sokka is initially a little hesitant about holding them and Zuko thinks its cute how Sokka's like "oh my god, the little dude's nuzzling, they are happy in my hand!!" Zuko probably brought duck feed so they're also feeding them. And maybe it's a chill day so Sokka gets out his brushes and paper to start drawing. It's a terrible drawing but Zuko is on cloud nine because Sokka drew them holding hands and surrounded by the turtleducks. Sokka's trying so hard to make it look good for Zuko because he seems so excited to see it. They'd probably slump against each other under the shade of a tree and watch and relax, Sokka's 100% going to fall asleep on Zuko's shoulder because it's so.....peaceful.....and perfect and he feels safe and warm. Zuko is staying statue-still and admiring Sokka's slack face(literally no one but him thinks its cute, because Sokka sleeps with his mouth wide open and drooling and a little snoring).
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queermania · 1 year
I'm a different anon but now I'm curious what you would have preferred they do in Dabb era with Dean's anger
hmm i think the single biggest change they could make is to not have soulless!jack kill mary and instead make dean pointing the gun at jack be the actual breaking point. so the vague shape of the last few seasons would look like this:
everything is the same up until right before jack burns off his soul
jack burns off only some of his soul, enough to be concerning, but not enough to actually make him soulless/lose control (the situation with his soul and what to do about it will be a big pressing concern going forward, just another worry added to the pile)
mary dies while on a hunt in a way that is seemingly nobody's fault but is still obviously a huge emotional blow (for the record i would not kill mary off in an ideal scenario but i know that they had to kill her off for understandable sam smith reasons so that's why i'm leaving it in here)
dean and cas get in a fight that is explicitly a culmination of both of their communication issues and has nothing to do with jack and/or mary
the divorce arc still happens (but this time jack is like a confused kid whose parents are getting divorced and they both have to assure him they still love him and its not his fault etc etc)
the makeup still happens but it includes an actual discussion of their actual issues and in the process cas confesses, summoning the empty. ideally, it would be because dean reciprocates but i'm trying to be plausible here so the general vibe would still be the same (and it would have nothing to do with billie because if i'm rewriting this shit, billie is not gonna be a villain! we can find another way to work around lisa's pregnancy!)
after the confession, chuck tries to manipulate dean into thinking that jack is dangerous and that he's the reason that cas is dead again. that everything is jack's fault. that he's burned off all of his soul. that the only way they can all get off this hamster wheel is for jack to die.
dean points the gun at jack. he doesn't want to kill jack but he doesn't want to do this anymore. he just wants it all to be over and if god says this is the way to do it, who is he to argue (he's dean winchester! but he's so broken down at this point)
jack still gets on his knees because he's nothing if not a winchester willing to sacrifice himself.
dean is horrified when he sees jack on his knees in front of him, waiting to be executed, and turns the gun on chuck instead
this leads to the reveal that chuck is the Big Bad and that he sucks. chuck is the reason mary died. he added one extra unaccounted-for vampire or whatever at the last minute and that's why mary died. amara giveth and chuck taketh. he just wanted to see what would happen.
salmondean and jack decide they have to kill god, obvi. instead of spending a season just kind of vaguely stressing over THE THREAT OF GOD DESTROYING ALL OF CREATION while not really doing much about it, they spend one or two episodes figuring out a plan.
15x20 is them defeating chuck. maybe they release all of chuck's power into the universe or maybe amara absorbs him and then her and billie live happily ever after. i don't care. but jack doesn't become god. the series ends with sam saying something about how now that chuck is gone they really can do whatever they want, and dean and jack share a look that is very much What We Want To Do Is Get Cas Back And We're Going To Start Working On That Right Now.
something like that? i know this isn't perfect but it it's a general idea of a narrative trajectory that i would find a lot more satisfying while still being something that they would've actually been allowed to do
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Hi S! I recently found you guys' podcast and I'm enjoying it so much on my commute! I was rewatching the show recently and is it just me or did they not tie up the 10 din track at all? Like when khushi went home to bua-ji's and was basically just waiting for the dissolution of the contract marriage. It seems like they just came back to shantivan and then the dadi track started. Are we just meant to understand that khushi was being stubborn and when arnav said I love you damnit she decided to stay with him after all?
Those days were very inconsistently written. The whole issue is that this is a non-consensual marriage which actually has no validity in law (as coercive marriages are technically illegal - although it happens a lot) and even religiously invalid (which is funny considering how many forced marriages do exist).
The whole issues is that it being coercive makes it invalid and the show chose to do anything except address that the marriage didn't have Khushi's consent cause that's a very very grey area (and also state that ek chutki sindoor honestly doesn't have the power of religious validity).
The 10 days track was literally scrapped out. It was the only thing addressing the very problematic circumstance around the marriage and Khushi's very rightful anger and Arnav's very in character cockiness. It would've been a perfect loop. Arnav forced the end day of the marriage. Khushi would end the farce. Just give some agency back to the female lead.
Khushi wasn't being stubborn - she was written as an idiot in the janmasthami episodes but look at this - she knows her marriage is over, she is now living with him under religious validity because Arnav lied to her that their marriage is worthless after six months (she and the audience has no idea that contract marriages don't technically exist rather they can be annulled at 6 months if the marriage hasn't been consummated or other factors, divorces can be filed only after one year of the marriage barring exceptional circumstances).
So she's now living with him, knowing the sindoor and mangalsutra makes then a couple and then she learns that even the religious wedding is invalid so she's into panic mode thinking she's not at all married to Arnav.
And knowing his volatile temper and lack of belief in marriage itself - he could easily throw her out of the house and she has no marriage immunity to give her a house because her family would want her to return to her "husband" and she doesn't have one.
Yeah, this is all terribly patriarchal.
And when he wants to consummate Khushi is extremely confused and panicking cause she isn't sure what she is to Arnav (he goes from I can't live without you, kissing her forehead to literally you're the biggest mistake of my life and I wish I never met you in a span of a day) and of course she's still very very hurt. So when he confesses that he does love her, it puts a lot of her worries to rest. She has no more questions and is actually pretty stunned. She's happy.
If Arnav wants her, loves her, loves her enough to accept it - then that's the biggest validity. Nothing else can threaten her relationship with him because when he wants something, he ensures it's his forever.
And in this case he wants and loves Khushi. That's the best guarantee that she'll be with him forever.
There's such terrible writing and overnight scrapping of plot points here though that it's tough to understand what's quite happening. Although the beginning of this track served so well. The angsty dialogues, her snapping that this is just a contract marriage (tbh I'd much rather take him yelling he loves her when she just calls this a contract that's over than the whatever saat-phere thing).
It's kind like they went the least desirable way to execute a really good track. It had everything - comedy, romance and angst. I think they really wanted to unite ArShi at that point cause fans were frustrated but I believe we would've been open to argument escalating to him declaring he loves her - she coming back home after that with the brief peace of perhaps things getting better, some more romance now that they both know things are better and both are in love - and then Dadi coming in with Shyam's info that Khushi isn't as much of a wife as she thinks she is.
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dextokuyasu · 2 years
My Dress Up Darling was absolutely wonderful!
Finally finished up the My Dress Up Darling anime season 1 last night, and I loved it. Both Marin and Wakana were such well written characters. I've never read the manga, but I'd heard a lot about it and didn't know what to expect.
Holy cow was it hilarious, wholesome, and so heartwarming. The comedic timing was spot on, and I loved the attention to details that the writing team put into the cosplay work. It's like the level of detail of Those Snow White Notes (another anime I highly recommend).
I'm also so frustrated by the phone in EP11!
The Love Hotel scene was so well written, and everything that happened to lead to that moment, that when that damn phone rang I slammed my desk and shouted "NO!". The shock of Wakana's realization of where they were and what he'd let happen, his attempt to get Marin off of him only for her to panic, throwing her phone only for it to turn the light off… then the two of them actually taking a moment and realizing that they really weren't against it. How they showed them slowly start to relax, move in close, only for the phone to ring… I didn't necessarily want them to have sex, which would've felt completely against the tone of the show, but I just wanted them to finally kiss!
This! This is how you do romantic tension.
Their relationship building up over 10 episodes was so realistic, even for an anime. I was Wakana in high-school, so every episode was like watching me when I bumbled my way through dealing with kids in school, and girls that actually were interested in me.
The fact that Wakana is a really decent guy, who has normal feelings that he just hasn't dealt with before because he wasn't really interested in anything but his Hina dolls is so relatable to me. I was aware of girls, even was attracted to a few. But I just didn't have time with violin, and singing lessons. When someone forces you to actually have to face those feelings with a real person? It makes you realize there's a much larger world out there than you were aware of.
Marin's hilarious innocence with obvious events/things, yet willing to go with the flow, and Wakana's extreme introvertedness and inexperience with people in general, only to become friends with an extreme extrovert like Marin was the perfect build up to this moment.
The phone event wouldn't have worked if they hadn't earned our belief that these two would absolutely be the best for each other. They clearly are attracted to each other, so we keep rooting for them to finally just confess it.
I can't wait to season 2. I just hope they buck the way the manga has been going from what I've heard, and actually let them confess their feelings. Wakana's going to have a heart attack if he doesn't deal with his own feelings soon.
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lvrhughes · 1 year
prompt list
feel free to send any request in with any of these or feel free to come up with your own!
who I'll write for || my masterlist || rules for requests
"I thought I'd never see you again."
"You're hurt, let me help."
"You were crying, weren't you?"
"I'm worried about you."
"Are you okay?"
"No one will ever hurt you again."
"It was just a nightmare."
"I could use a hug."
"I care about you. Always."
"I'm here. I'm here now."
"I promise, nothing will ever hurt you again."
"You didn't deserve that."
"I love you no matter what."
"You look so pretty when you sleep."
"I like your face." "When's the last time you slept?" "It's been years."
"I need more coffee."
"It's so warm and cozy here."
"I want cuddles."
"You need to sleep." "I can't!"
"Please, hold me. I can't sleep without you anymore."
"I love you so much but I love sleeping more."
"You have a pretty face when you aren't yelling at me."
"You drive me fucking crazy."
"You reek of jealousy."
"Dude, we're friends and you don't look at me the way you look at them."
"If you keep staring, they're gonna notice."
"You guys are basically a married couple at this point."
"We all have bets on when you guys are gonna kiss." "Not if?" "We all know it's gonna happen dude."
"Y'all need a room."
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"That was a terrible shot." "Like you could do better."
"What on earth are you doing?"
"Here's the gremlin I hate so."
"Hey uh... are you okay? I noticed you didn't call me an asshole earlier and I'm concerned."
"So... looks like we're partners for this." "Yep."
"You're a buttface." "Oh my God, are you five?"
"Someone's cranky, did you miss naptime?"
"Holy shit how did I have a crush on you?"
"How does someone who looks as beautiful as you be so damn stupid?"
"Why did/do you hate me by the way?" "I don't. I never did."
"Kiss my ass." "Gladly."
"Do you know how hard I tried? For years? I tried so damn hard not to fall in love with you and I'm still here."
"It's seven am, how are you so happy?"
"Why are you smiling at me like that? I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that before. I don't know if I've seen you smile."
"If you really want, you can hug me."
"How are you so..." "Energetic?" "Perfect."
"Did I really make the cold *grumpy character* blush by kissing them?"
"Who knew you were a big softie?"
"When you look a lot better when you aren't scowling like usual. And it's back."
"I love you so so so so much." *Grump blushing profusely* "STOP IT!"
"For someone who doesn't like hugs, you give the best ones."
"Touch them and I'll fucking kill you."
"Hold my hand you dumbass."
"I'm only doing this to win the bet." "Same here sweetie."
"Rule number one: no catching feelings."
"Why me? I mean, you could ask anyone to fake-date you so why me?"
"Yes we're... totally dating." "We are?"
"For an asshole, you make a pretty good (partner/boyfriend/girlfriend)"
"Wait, you've never been to a fair? That's our next date- fake date I mean."
"I'm pretty sure my mom likes you way more than any of my actual partners."
"We need rules if we're gonna do this."
"What's in this for me?"
"I need to make my shitbag ex jealous and you hate him too. Truce?"
"Oh my God no, they booked us one bed because they think we're actually dating." (leads into one bed trope ofc)
"We make such a cute couple don't we?"
"Don't worry darling, you can sit on my lap. Gotta sell this to the people don't we?"
"I hate this so much. So much. How'd you talk me into this again?"
"Why is this date better than the real ones I've been on?"
"If this is some plot to confess your undying love for me, you could've just said so."
"I want your hoodie... to sell the dating lie not because it smells like you."
"I think I would've died last year if you told me I was on a date with you." "With excitement or pain?" "Both."
"If this is fake, why do I have to meet your parents?"
"Look, if you do this for me and do a good job, I'll pay you at the end. Seriously."
"I think I broke a rule."
"Because I fucking love you!"
"I know you don't care if you get hurt but I do! I really fucking care if you get hurt!"
"Wow... you really don't get it, do you?"
"You think I would be here if I didn't love you?"
"You are such an asshole! I wish I hated you!" "Then hate me." "I can't! I love you!"
"Why do you care?"
"Stop acting like people don't care because they do!"
"I know you were hurt in the past but not everyone's gonna hurt you. I would rather die than hurt you."
"You have no idea just how much you mean to me."
"I wish we never met. I wish we never met so I never would've fallen this hard for someone who doesn't care."
"Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck everything you stand for. How did I ever love you?"
"Goddamnit, I love you! Alright? Happy now? You figured out the big secret."
"Something's bothering you. I can tell."
"I wish you told me sooner."
"I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just had to tell you."
"You did this to me! You made me fall fucking head over heels for you."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're my best friend! We shouldn't- I shouldn't be feeling like this. Fuck."
"I need to go." "Wai-" "Don't come after me. Please. I need space right now."
"You act like your life doesn't matter and it pisses me off."
"Just spit it out already!"
"I have loved you since I've known you but I never told you because what we have- what we had is too important to me. I can't lose you over a silly crush."
"Please. Say something."
"You're barely even a friend at this point."
"Fuck you. Just fuck you."
"I'm sorry, please listen to me."
"I trusted you and you did this to me?"
"I didn't mean for it to go this far. I didn't mean for this to happen."
"I love you but I can't trust/hurt you anymore."
"How could you do this? Do you even care?"
"You... you actually did it?"
"You walk out that door and we're done. Leave me here and you're leaving me period."
"Look, I know I fucked up-" "You didn't just fuck up. You did the one thing I asked you not to."
"You can't treat me like this! I was there for you through everything."
"Leave. Get out."
"Don't fucking touch me!"
"If you really cared, you wouldn't have done this from the beginning."
"You messed up in a way that apologies can't fix."
"Get away from me." "Please-" "I said get the fuck away from me!
"This is why no one likes you!"
"And you wonder why everyone you love ends up leaving you."
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
Eddie with an equally freak S/O
This is my 500 follower special because holy shit you guys thank you! This reads more like a fanfiction I was too lazy to fully write (lol) so enjoy.
The cut is because it's long.
The two of you met at the first day of High School. Your parents had just moved out to Hawkins for some peace and quiet, and you were thrust into a new school. Safe to say by lunch you hadn't made any new friends and were probably going to sit alone.
Until some random kid with long curly hair, too many rings, and enough layers of clothes to warrant it being winter waltzed up to you. Waltzed. Not walked.
With all the swagger of a teenage casanova, he invited you to his table.
That was the day you became known as one of the freaks.
You liked being a freak. Everyone was nice, and there was no expectation of being perfect or well-behaved. You just needed to be yourself.
You were dragged into everything. Hellfire, lab partners, the band. All of it. Wherever Eddie went, he took you with him. You would've felt like you were tagging along too often had it not been for him constantly grabbing your wrist and taking you with him.
It did not help your budding crush in the slightest.
Your parents had other views on your newfound friend group, leading you to spend your evenings and weekends at Eddie's trailer or whoever's house was being used as the hangout. You managed to avoid going home too often as your parents were too busy to track you down.
Which led to you doing a lot of weed with Eddie and confessing a lot of personal shit. It was a two-way street, the two of you only drawing closer as your first summer in Hawkins ended.
By Fall you knew each other better than yourselves. By the next Summer, you were sure you were doomed as your crush had all but gone away. It festered and grew as the eccentric metal head showed you new songs, invited you over to watch whatever new movie he'd recorded, or dragged you off to the arcade to try a new machine.
You especially loved having the mall in town as the two of you could loiter while finding new bits and bobbles for your outfits.
You had to drag him swimming though. He didn't like going and you didn't blame him, but some days were simply too hot to sit in his trailer or van and smoke weed. He also looked too good in a bathing suit to pass up.
He confessed to you mid-July after the mall fire happened, saying he was going to wait until Hellfire started up again and do it better but when the mall burned down he was too scared that he was going to lose you too to one of the freak accidents.
You spent the rest of the summer wrapped up in his arms.
When school started again he made a point of asking you if you were okay with publicly being seen dating him. When you told him he was an idiot to think otherwise, he grinned like the Cheshire cat.
He absolutely loves touching you and will any chance he gets. Whether it's holding hands in the hall, locking your ankles at lunch, or pulling you close in the privacy of his trailer.
He manages to convince you to fully move your stuff to his trailer after a big blow-out fight with your parents.
You don't bother going home much after that, and his Uncle doesn't seem to mind your presence. He actually rather respects it, stating that he's happy Eddie has someone to keep him company.
There are many long walks through the woods. Eddie seems to thoroughly enjoy walking all the way to lover's lake just to watch the stars.
Sometimes he'll climb to the top of the trailer with you and watch the clouds or the stars.
He's like the personification of a cat in some respects. He'll seek you out when he needs company and attention, he'll loudly proclaim things (usually to himself), and he'll go for walks when he's really pent up.
When he wrote the first song for you it took him months to get it right.
The two of you were having an actually decent life... until the summer of season 4.
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battyshopkeeper · 2 years
Collage riddler x male reader au
Roommate Cuddles
Edward Nashton x Male Reader
Word Count: 1242
Contains / Warnings: Confessions, Cuddles, Mentions of Anxiety, Mentions of Alcohol, Fluff, Suggestive Stuff, Omg they were roommates. 
(A/N: I’m back, have quick little fluff as a treat. Also yes I used this banner before.) 
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You had a really weird roommate. That wasn't you being overly judgmental, that was just a simple observation. It could've been much worse with the entire plan of becoming roommates with a random stranger. But there was no way in hell you could pay for rent with your cashier job, and you would rather die then befriend someone at this point. So your only option was him.
One Edward Nashton, the relatively shy guy that was going to attend your collage, with the added bonus of having a job to pay the bills. It was practically perfect.
And it was rude but even when meeting him there was a part of you that hoped Edward would spend the majority of his time away. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You couldn't even judge in all honesty since you were in the same boat as him. Your antisocial behavior that was worsened by your anxiety, it all lead to staying in your shared shitty apartment then going out to enjoying the collage life. Edward was probably the only other person you talked to outside of classes or work, and just like you he was the same.
It was awkward at first, both of you hanging around the apartment only being able to start the most stilted of small talk before it died off into uncomfortable silence until one of you called it quits and went back to your room. But there was a slow change, and it started when those god awful conversation starters actually revealed what interests you both had in common. Quickly warming up to him after that, being charmed by his odd personality that you originally thought would've been a point of contention. You two clicked after that and that was all you really needed to get attached to one another.
It became a usual occurrence to hang out in the living room. At first using the excuse of studying together, but that quickly turned to times where you just enjoyed each others company. From playing games together, trying new budget foods to mixed results, or simply rambling about whatever your minds went to. And today was one of those days, with both of you lazily sitting on the couch. The entire vibe changing when you pulled out a bottle of whine, a joke gift for Edward getting a promotion, a whole 5 cents difference. It became a blurry night with both of you taking swigs from the bottle, talking about your day, mainly complaining about classes. But it didn't take long for things to take a turn.
"Yeah, I feel like I'm starved—I would have died if touch starvation was a thing." It was a lame passing comment from your buzz, you didn't even remember what started that conversation. But it lead to an odd moment as Edward stared at you nervously, struggling to speak up as he gulped down the wine. "So you uh, never cuddled anyone?" "Obviously not." There was a small pause, his eyes locked directly to yours as you felt yourself become a little nervous, maybe more from embarrassment then anything. "Wanna test it out then?" Edward suddenly asks.
You were visibly taken aback at his offer, Edward softly cursing under his breath, like he realized just how weird that was. "I mean, I'm not... against it. Guess it's good to try new thing." You reply, scratching the back of your neck with a timid smile. "You don't have to, I mean you don't have to settle with me for that." Edward gestures at himself with a forced laugh and that oddly made you feel a little defensive on his part. "Come on, Ed. Who the hell would I trust to cuddle with? I hate the majority of people." He looked away at that, becoming a flustered mess so much that he had to bite down a smile.
"So then... how do we do this?" Edward stood up as a way to start, placing the almost empty bottle to the side with a groan. You laid down with open arms, a teasing smile spreading around your face. "Come here, dude." Edward stood there for a second, with a face like he thought he was about to do something wrong. It took you calling his name again for him to finally lay on top of you, so carefully, like you were made of glass. "Relax. I can handle you." You try to soothe while gently pulling him closer. Edward furiously apologized while trying to shift into a more comfortable position. You couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Edward hesitantly laid his head against your chest before letting out a sigh when your arms wrapped around him. He was going to make a passing comment but it always died off. He couldn't even lie, this was a dream come true, feeling so close to your warmth and scent, it was enough to make Edward nuzzle his cheek against you for just a little more.
And you both stayed that way for who knows how long, losing track of time as you dozed off in each others arms. Only being woken up when bringing up something to keep your minds distracted from it's sleepiness, always dying into random ramblings.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" You playfully tease as your grip around him tightened, feeling him hug your torso with a small huff. "Pft, no." "That's a shame, I was gonna ask if you wanted to do this more." Edward paused. "... I really like this then." He said while hiding his face into the crook of your neck. "Yeah, me too." You whisper with a hand moving up to his neck, your thumb gently rubbing his cheek as you heard him let out another sigh.
"I can never imagine doing this with anyone but you." Edward confessed, his hands running down your sides. Fluttering your eyes closed, you let out a small noise as Edward kept his hands on you. You wanted to say something, ask him more but you stopped yourself, instead choosing to stay in the moment to focus on his voice and hands. And Edward kept going, whispering to you confession after confession.
"Ed, you're making me feel so many things. And I don't wanna make you regret this." You groan as he gently kissed under your jaw. "I won't regret this, I promise." He mumbled before going back to littering your neck with kisses.
"Fuck, I really really like you." You let out a lighthearted laugh, feeling him slowly stop. "I guess I kinda see you as my boyfriend sometimes."
"Do you mean it?" "Of course—" "No, like you're not joking, right?" Edward looked up at you with furrowed brows, pain lacing his face and voice. You were a little speechless, your mind blanking at how desperate he seemed. It was enough to make you sit up to tilt his head up at you.
"Eddie, who else would I want to be my boyfriend? Who else could it be but you? You're the only person I want to stick besides and I mean that." Edward couldn't stop from smiling, suddenly hiding his face in his hands, letting out a broken laugh. "Holy shit, are you crying?" You quickly go to comfort him, grabbing his wrists as he shook his head frantically. "It's the whine, These are—They're happy tears. I just thought that this could never happen." Edward laughed again before wiping his running tears. You took that as sign, leaning closer to him with a grin. "Wow, We really are walking stereotypes. Close roommates."
"Roommates for life?" He jokingly asks.
"Roommates for life." You reply.
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ztarvokwrites · 2 years
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★notes: yes i know the image of killer in the banner is absolutely dreadful, i couldn't find any good manga caps of him so i just made my own (it took longer than i thought) anyway- surprise @kaizokuwritings ! i was your trade buddy thing eheh hope u enjoy my lovely! 💗 also sorry if this is short! writing when you're suffering from a seasonal cold is terrible for your mind to concentrate :/
★word count: 415
★warnings: none, just fluff
★synopsis: killer has something on his mind, and now seems like the perfect time to tell you.
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The sun had just begun to set, a bright warm hue of pink painting the cloudy sky as you two walked along the beach, the breeze flowing through your hair and the sand between your toes. Killer and you chatted contently; talking about your crew and captain, talking about cooking - talking about anything, really. No matter what you two talked about, it never failed to entertain you.
Then suddenly, Killer stopped talking, instead opting to listen to you ramble on about the loot that you had picked up from the island previously. He watched through his mask as your face lit up completely, explaining in great detail how you found the loot and just how shiny and pretty it was.
Killer thought you were shiny and pretty. He always thought that.
"Killer? Are you okay?" You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. At first, Killer nodded before shaking his head and stopping in his tracks and turning to you.
"Actually, Y/N," He began, making you cock your head to the side as a response. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you."
"What is it?" You questioned, your curiosity piquing. Killer seemed to pause for a moment before speaking.
"Y/N, I lov-"
"Oi, Killer, Y/N! Hurry up will ya? We're about to leave!" Kid yelled from a few feet away from them. Killer softly groaned before yelling back that you two would be there soon and turning back to you. He took your hands in his, making you blush.
"As I was saying... Y/N, I love you." His confession was fast and to the point. And he would've said more if Kid wasn't pushing you two to hurry up. Your blush grew more prominent as your hands gently squeezed his own, visually taking him by surprise. Without saying a word, you kissed his mask where his cheek was as a sign that you loved him too. You watched as he tensed a little before relaxing.
"Oi!! Are you two done flirting or what?! The marines are here, we have to go!" Kid spoke, suddenly in a rush. Killer nodded, holding one of your hands in his and swiftly leading you back to the ship.
"Will you be mine?" He suddenly asked, panting through his words as you both began to sprint towards the ship. You giggled, a sound that would be engraved in Killer's mind for years to come.
"Of course," You beamed, squeezing his hand tight. "I thought you'd never ask!"
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