#that pencil thing is 100% a REALITY !!! rip
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weirdstuffinthewoods · 9 months ago
Bride of Chucky
A Review
Ronny Yu made the correct choice working with the one and only father of Chucky, Don Mancini. I feel like Don's seamless continuing control over the Chucky franchise paired with Ronny Yu's absolute lack of knowledge of the Chucky franchise (and his love of the monster) made for a one-of-a-kind franchise installment.
Writing- 5/5
This entire script takes the snark we know Chucky for and dials it up by giving him a dominating sparring partner in Tiffany Valentine. There are some jokes that kinda feel needless (repeating the "what a crock" joke only got an "eeh" out of me), but Voodoo for Dummies?
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And lines like:
"For God's sake Chucky, drag yourself into the 90s"
"Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt!"
When Chucky tells Tiffany to "act natural" and this is her response
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The entire weird sex scene conversation that 100% does happen in a film about two sentient dolls? It was only a matter of time before we got here, let's be honest.
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The addition of Tiffany Valentine allows for a totally valid reason to shake things up- creative kills, high-speed freeway chases with two DOLLS holding two whole adult humans hostage, and the film's only gay character (spoiler but RIP David) getting absolutely blasted by an 18-wheeler for no reason other than Don probably just realized the cast needed to shrink real quick.
Special mention-
The honeymoon suite kill scene. Yeah, it looks a little cheesy, but you best believe before I was old enough to watch horror movies, my older cousin was telling me about this scene in vivid, terrifying detail (much scarier than reality, but what can you do?)
Soundtrack- 4.5/5
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Living Dead Girl starts this movie off with a bang and a moment I haven't forgotten for one second of my spooky sapphic life. These are the moments in which horror icons are made.
The soundtrack is mostly upbeat drums and chugging guitar riffs which I loved (it especially added to the freeway chase) I just didn't go full 5 stars because I didn't notice it as much as I'd want to in a party movie like this (because yes, if I ever do host a halloween party I will be popping in this exact VHS to play on repeat).
Also shout out to my boy, Graeme Revell. Been a legend since The Crow in my eyes (but also for so much iconic 80s and 90s horror....and Sharkboy and Lavagirl) and I'll always get excited when I see that name in the credits!
Effects- 4.75/5
First let me say Chucky looks fantastic. Can he emote as well as Tiffany with those pencil-thin eyebrows? Maybe not but this is the opus version of Chucky, so.
The animatronics are still my favorite thing to watch in a Chucky film because you forget that these aren't sentient dolls almost constantly (except when Chucky's body double is crawling on all fours- that's some nightmare fuel). Their faces are so expressive (for rubber doll faces) and there's even a shot of Tiffany walking across the floor of a Winnebago (maybe?) without a wire in sight! Oh, how far we've come.
The effects in some scenes are a little cheesy (the honeymoon suite kill, the gross, fleshy title card, etc) but it's easily overlooked because Chucky and Tiffany are by far the main event of the sfx team.
Extra ratings?
Written by an out gay man, HELLO!
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Alexis Arquette!! Easily the second-hottest person in this movie, I loved seeing her camp it up (in a masc role, but goths love to play with androgyny so I'll take it) as the try-hard Damien.
This also unexpectedly features the gbff trope usually reserved for rom-coms in David, a guy whose queerness isn't painfully exaggerated like some portrayals were at the time, and who's probably the most level-headed of the bunch.
RIP, -2 because David got blasted by a big rig and not in the fun way.
Bride of Frankenstein retelling 5/5
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It's pretty obvious on rewatch, but this is a whole Bride of Frankenstein retelling. It even follows the title convention (I tell my younger self who completely missed the comparison). I haven't read the dissections of the original that explain why the bride is a metaphor, but in a more literal sense, this Bride has the power unlike her predecessor. Even though she falls in with a toxic ex, she has autonomy and pushes back, eventually sort of kind of helping the two teens (who are not interesting enough to put in this review) stop Chucky. And she gives birth to a weird demon baby while mostly charred through a non-stretch plastic vagina so. That's pretty metal.
Tiffany Valentine 11/5
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But most of all the performance!!!
I may be looking through heart eyes, but I'm not wrong!
Overall, Bride of Chucky will never not be one of my favorites. The addition of Jennifer Tilly allowed the Child's Play series (and all future iterations), to have fun, but to also play with the tone of its installments. Seed of Chucky and the Chucky series tend to focus on Chucky (and friends)'s humanity and personalities, whereas Curse and Cult of Chucky take the franchise back to an exciting, sometimes scary, and eventually openly queer and complicatedly sapphic place. Ignoring the reboot (which he was thankfully not responsible for), Don Mancini's got quite a legacy going, and Ronny Yu had a key part in that.
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kpop-zone · 4 years ago
True North | Chuu
High School AU | exes | “I let you mooch off of my Netflix and this is how you repay me?” | “It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.”
Genre: angsty
Wordcount: 1,870
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As soon as you stepped foot into the classroom, you instantly felt like turning around and running away again. Of course, she was there. Laughing with people that she probably didn’t even know. But as the social butterfly that she was, she could charm every person on this planet in less than a second. Just like she had charmed you. You hated yourself for hating to see her this happy. You didn’t want to be that ex. But somehow you couldn’t bear to know that she was absolutely unfazed by your breakup while you were still looking through your pictures every night. Just when you were contemplating whether this was enough reason for you to drop this class, you could suddenly feel someone tapping your shoulder, so you turned around in confusion.
“Are you already tired of my class before the school year has even really started?”
Mr.Kim, your math teacher, asked with an amused expression on his face, causing your eyes to widen in shock.
“N-no of course not!”
You stuttered, feeling like he had just caught you redhanded. Embarrassed, you lowered your head and quickly entered the room to search for a vacant seat. What a great way to leave a good impression on the first day of school... Not wanting to make an even worse impression, you quickly rummaged through your backpack to fish out your calculator and your pencil case when you suddenly felt someone tapping your shoulder once more. Stressed out, you turned around, just to be met with the wide (and highly adorable) grin of your ex-girlfriend who waved excitedly at you from the seat right behind you. In an instant, your already bad mood got even worse, and you rolled your eyes before turning to the front again. You already knew that this would be your least favorite class throughout the whole school year. The rest of the week confirmed your suspicion as you were able to avoid your girlfriend wherever else you were going. You attended no other classes together and in the cafeteria you always made sure to pick a table at the opposite side from where she was sitting. It made it easier not to think about her all of the time which was why you had a stomachache right before your next math class on Monday. You knew that seeing her would demolish all progress in getting over her in the blink of an eye.
But to your surprise Jiwoo wasn’t entertaining the whole class yet when you entered the room later than usual after having given yourself a pep talk in front of the school for almost ten minutes. Her seat was still empty, making you hope that she had dropped the class for some inexplicable reason. Nervously, you wriggled about on your chair while staring at the clock on the wall incessantly. There were only a few more seconds left till the class would start. If she wasn’t here yet it had to mean that she would not show up anymore, relieving you of the burden to see her every week, right? To your dismay, however, your ex-girlfriend breathlessly stumbled into the classroom with two iced beverages in her hand right when the bell rang to indicate the start of the first period. Like the needle of compass always found north, her eyes immediately found yours, causing her face to light up in an instant.
With big steps she headed directly for you like she was on some sort of mission, making you get smaller and smaller in your seat. You couldn’t even stand seeing her without having the urge to fling your arms around her neck to beg her to take you back, you definitely weren’t strong enough to talk with her. For a split-second you thought about running away, but before you could make a decision, a high-pitched squeal catapulted you back to reality again. Jiwoo’s wide grin had suddenly turned into a horrified grimace, and you felt a cold shudder spreading from your chest to the rest of your body. Confused, you looked down on yourself, making you realize that one of the beverages that Jiwoo had proudly paraded around, had found its way onto your shirt.
“I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to. I stumbled over your backpack and somehow the cup slipped out of my hand.”
Jiwoo gasped, still frozen to the spot. Your initial shock quickly died down as the ice-cold liquid seeped through your clothes, managing to wake you up better than any warm coffee.
“Are you serious?? I let you mooch off of my Netflix and this is how you repay me?!”
You growled angrily, 100% certain that Jiwoo had dropped the beverage on you on purpose.
“No!!! It’s not like that! This was not on purpose.”
Your ex-girlfriend yelled in despair, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes that had always been able to make you forgive her for everything.
“I can fix this!”
From one second to the other, Jiwoo’s annoyingly contagious positivity was back and before you knew what was happening, you already felt yourself being pulled off your chair towards the door. Without granting you a voice, Jiwoo dragged you through the almost empty hallways of your school to -as you assumed- the restrooms. Instead of protesting against Jiwoo’s unsolicited decision, however, you were busy staring at her hand that was tightly gripping your wrist. As much as you fought it, you couldn’t suppress the tingling feeling in your stomach that the much longed for feeling of Jiwoo’s touch on your skin caused. While the two of you had been dating, there had barely been a moment when you hadn’t held hands. And after you had broken up, you sometimes felt like you were going through some sort of phantom pain because your hands felt so empty without hers to hold. Now everything finally felt in place again and you couldn’t help but to wish that Jiwoo would never let go. Unfortunately, however, everything had to come to an end eventually. And your daydreaming of a time when everything was still alright came to an abrupt halt when someone suddenly called your name.
With a jolt you snapped you out of your trance and realized that Jiwoo neither was holding your wrist anymore nor dragging you through the hallways. The two of you had already reached one of the restrooms of your school and she was staring at you expectantly like she was waiting for you to say something.
You asked confused, only faintly being aware that Jiwoo had asked you a question.
“I asked whether it’s ok that I clean your shirt?”
She repeated herself although this was the first time that you actually understood what she had been saying. Still feeling like you weren’t able to form a coherent verbal response because your brain had run too hot, you simply nodded and Jiwoo softly started dabbing a wet paper towel on the giant brown stain on your shirt.
“Oh no, this is your favorite shirt even, isn’t it?”
Jiwoo whined when the stain didn’t vanish as she had hoped, but you couldn’t even care less about it anymore. She remembered what your favorite shirt was? You knew that you shouldn’t feel so flattered by this unimportant fact, but your heart didn’t seem to care about what your brain had to say and fluttered in your chest by its own accord. This would be the perfect opportunity to make her feel bad and finally wipe that annoying grin off her face at least for a while, but once more you remained silent. Jiwoo didn’t seem to be bothered by your silence though. Instead, she started babbling about random things like always when she was nervous, and you simply listened to her sweet voice that you had missed so much. You didn’t know how long you stood there, allowing yourself to get completely entranced by her charms. Once more only an unexpected sound could rip you out of your daydreaming although this time the wake-up call was more unpleasant than the last one. It was the sound of your own voice that abruptly ripped you out of your trance. The most surprising thing about hearing your own voice was that you hadn’t even intended to speak. But it seemed like after the betrayal of your heart, now also your brain had plotted against you.
“It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.”
It took you some time to process what your mouth had let slip without your permission, but as soon as the message arrived in your brain, your eyes widened in shock and your body tensed up. Jiwoo mirrored your reaction and stopped dabbing your shirt before slowly looking up from your shirt and into your eyes. It was hard to pinpoint what emotions flashed over your ex-girlfriend’s face as your own emotions seemed to ride a rollercoaster in your brain. A little part of yourself was relieved to be freed of this secret. But you were also angry at yourself for letting the truth slip. After letting Jiwoo break your heart, you had sworn yourself to never let her know that she still had a grip on you despite everything that she had done to you. You told yourself that she would never be allowed to know that she still managed to make you fall in love with her over and over again. Every day. Every time that you had to see her.
But now she knew.
And you couldn’t help but to feel ashamed. Although you had known that Jiwoo obviously did not suffer from the breakup like you did, you gave her the gratification of revealing the power that she still had over you. Not being able to bear this shame any longer, you quickly shoved Jiwoo away, causing her to stumble backwards dumbfounded. Without losing another word, you brushed past her and fled the restroom. The tears that pooled in your eyes and stained the floor, made it hard to see where you were going but you trusted your instincts to get you as far away from Jiwoo as you possibly could. Once again, however, her omnipresent grasp reached out for you as her name rolled off her tongue and automatically made you slow your steps.
“Y/N, wait!”
Her voice bounced off the walls in the empty hallway and seemed to follow you until you reached the front exit, but this time, you didn’t give in to Jiwoo’s grasp. You kept running until you had long left the school building and couldn’t even see it anymore. You only stopped running once your lungs burned and you felt too lost to keep going although you knew this part of town like the back of your hand. It was no help to know the names of the streets by heart when none of these places could make the compass needle in your heart stop spinning. No matter where you would run, the needle would always keep on pointing in the same direction. Your feet would always want to carry you back to the same place.
To your true north that you had just left behind.
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lexcat-11 · 5 years ago
@rondoel ‘s King AU is probably my favorite thing that has ever come from the Sanders Sides fandom and you should 100% check it out. I decided to join the party of writing something that sort of goes along with it. Hopefully this isn’t too far from the intended canon, but here’s something from Logan’s POV relatively early in the story c: 
Context: Logan’s in his room working to solve this “problem”. Having his voice taken away has made his thoughts louder than normal. 
(About 1,100 words)
Logan’s wrists had begun to ache from the sentences spilling at his fingertips. Keys were forcefully struck down time and time again with frustration, passion, anger, all of the words he couldn’t speak. Numerous pencil tips snapped as he slammed them down onto the paper. His hands were smudged in graphite, causing his skin to be perceived with somewhat of a metallic appearance.
Logan forced a sigh from his lungs, blissfully grateful that his air could at least make a sound. He blinked a few times to fight the tears that were determined to blur his vision. Stress weighed his shoulders and trembled in his hands. His brows were seemingly stuck in a furrowed position. Of course, he hadn’t shown it around the others, that would have been an ignorant mistake, but his head had been figuratively overloading with thoughts.
The silence was deafening and no matter how persistently he attempted to drown it out with music or the noises of keystrokes and pens, he longed to hear his own voice. To perhaps even sing once more alongside Thomas and… Roman. He’d failed to recognize how pleasant singing truly was. 
He longed to stand in front of the others, a contained smile just barely showing at his lips, adjust his glasses ever so slightly, and speak. Speak a thesis, speak an argument, speak the logical answer, and draw the conclusion to the dilemma they’d been arguing over for a near day. He yearned so desperately to quote a philosopher, to regain control, and to convince Thomas (and maybe even himself) that things were in fact okay. 
It felt as though these bottled words were going to explode from his chest. They refused to be suppressed any longer. But each time they’d become too much, each time he swore the sheer frustration that built up would be enough to break this impractical, this highly ineffective, this stupid curse of his, nothing but a wispy breath escaped his throat. He was left drained and powerlessly silent. And he despised being so helpless.
But now was not the time to dwell on self-pity. He had the others to help-- they relied on him. These changes would be temporary, he was absolutely certain of that, and he was determined to reverse them. Fixing problems is what Logan did, not worrying.
His cognitive abilities remained and they would be put to use, no matter how much he overworked himself. Janus had stressed the importance of self-care in this time but Logan insisted (in the form of a notecard) that he was in fact “good, fam.” Though he couldn’t say with any more than a calculated stare and a nod, he had a reason for his actions. 
Thomas wouldn’t have dubbed him the voice of reason if he didn’t.
That didn’t make his eyelids weigh any less, however. Logan heaved another defeated sigh. He tore off his glasses and permitted his head to sink onto his forearms. Perhaps it would be wise to take Janus’ advice, at least for a few minutes or so. Unfortunately, he was in no position to engage in leisure time so at most a quick break to hydrate or stretch would be optimal to maintain productivity.
Logan rose to his feet and twirled his wrists. He turned his head from side to side, closing his weary eyes for a long moment, before stretching his legs and back. He couldn’t help but continue to think of his unfinished work. What was it Thomas often did to clear his mind? There were distractions but ah, right. He would daydream.
Logan’s lips pressed into a straight line. Daydreaming did not appeal to him, for several reasons that most certainly did not involve any emotional responses to the absences of Roman and Remus. But perhaps reflecting…
The development years were subjective, ranging from birth to three, to Thomas’ entire life. However, if he recalled correctly, yes that was right. Twelve years old. Logan, or rather Logic at the time, was approximately twelve years old when he had dethroned the King.
Logic stared down at the King’s fallen form with a lifeless stare. Light reflected against his glasses and his tie hung perfectly straight from his neck. His hands were curled into tight fists at his sides
So much power resonated in twenty-eight well-formed sentences. Logic couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. King’s fantasies were utterly preposterous, clashing with reality at every turn. What kind of irrational nonsense was this talk of magic, of unrealistic dreams? Logic had knocked him down swiftly with the support of Deceit, a side once close with King, and now the monarch lay on his stomach, forcing a laugh with disbelief shining in his pained eyes. 
A pitiful sight, Logic had determined, and foolishly so. There were so many variables he’d overlooked: the formation of hatred, the distrust burning in that sharp glare, the betrayal stemming from the metaphorical sword lodged in his back.
Logic hadn’t been kind in his mutiny. Logan almost felt, no certainly not. He could not feel sympathy for someone so corrupt. Creativity could simply not be let loose like a dog without a leash. The King was impractical. He had not a clue of how things worked, or of what was truly of importance. He was stuck in an illusion of the past bringing nothing but irrelevance and setbacks to the table. He brought destruction, stripped them all of their lives’ constants, and blinded Thomas to what was real! It was Creativity that caused this pain!
And yet...
Logan’s eyes drifted to a jar of Crofters in the far corner of his room, and then to the narrative Roman had written him for Christmas. He gazed at the large fish tank housing a small octopus, the colorful ties he’d been gifted, and to his Sherlock costume tucked away. He studied the paintings of stars and the realistic drawings of animal anatomy the twins had shared with him. He stopped on the “family” portraits he’d secretly hung on the walls.
No matter how cold he appeared on the outside, Logan had a heart. One that pumped blood and adrenaline through his veins and another that held more love than anyone could ever imagine. Logan loved more than the King could ever imagine. He was capable of forgiveness and of seeing things from multiple angles but when that fragile heart was broken Logan was certain of one thing. There would be no justification for hurting his family.
The King could silence his voice, rip every word from his chest but he could never stifle Logan’s desire for greater knowledge. He’d brought down the tyrant once before and he would do it again. 
After all, a great deal of stealth came with silence.
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adventuresofclever · 4 years ago
CleverMax: SDCC 2021 Masquerade Entry
Comic-Con@Home Masquerade Entry: Adventures of Clever Costume Title: CleverMax - Mr. Clever as a Borderlands boss Costume Description: Recreation of Mr. Clever from the Doctor Who episode Nightmare in Silver, written by Neil Gaiman, done in the style of the video game, Borderlands. Bio: They/He pronouns
Greetings all!
I realized that I never wrote about how I made my CleverMax mashup cosplay, so when SDCC posted about their At Home masquerade, I figured this was the perfect time to do so! Most of you know that I cosplay exclusively as Mr. Clever from Doctor Who, with the random mash up thrown in here and there. I’ve always wanted to be a Borderlands cosplayer, and the following is how I managed to combine the two together.
As always, enjoy the blog and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Let’s step into the TARDIS and jump back to October 20, 2009, when the first Borderlands game was released. It was my first foray into FPS (First person shooters) and I was hooked from day one. In 2012 they released Borderlands 2 which is, in my not so humble opinion, the best video game ever created. We got some of the most iconic charcters and storylines in that game. Including the best DLC ever, Bunkers and Badasses. And my second favorite villain of all time – Handsome Jack.
Jack’s sass, sarcasm and charm fits well with Mr. Clever’s personality. And in the pre sequel you get to play a version of him called the Dopplegnager.  I mean, this pretty much wrote itself.
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Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 and Mr. Clever from Doctor Who
Borderlands cosplayers have aIways left me in a state of awe and admiration. The style of the game is so unique and seeing it recreated in person is nothing short of incredible. I’ve always wanted to figure out a way to be a Borderlands cosplayer. For the past eight years I have only ever cosplayed as Mr. Clever from Doctor Who. In the summer of 2019 I decided that was the perfect time to try to make this happen before NYCC.
When I initially decided to do this, it was going to be more of a mash up between Handsome Jack and Mr. Clever. I had planned on wearing Jack’s basic outfit, but in Clever’s colors with the a few add ons. Namely the bow tie and the cybernetics.
After much research and drafting, I decided against that. I ended up just turning Mr. Clever into a Borderlands boss. Same basic outfit as Mr. Clever/11th Doctor, but cel shaded and with weapons, cause Borderlands.
I made the accessories, chess set, and obviously the working cyberplanner piece itself for my Nightmare in Silver version of Clever, but I have never tackled anything this ambitious. An entire costume from scratch? Not something I thought I could do. Not knowing how to sew and being visually impaired were both challenges that I had to work around.
I started with looking around my house for various items that I thought I could use. I figured if I messed up, might as well mess up on something I hadn’t spent money on yet! I was going to toss a pair of my old paddock boots as they had some rips in the leather. Ripped leather? How very Pandora. They were the first thing I tackled.
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Old paddock boots that I refurbished for the cosplay
This was my first time using leather paint and I have to say I am very pleased with the Angelus brand of leather paint. I have worn these in the rain and through puddles, and they have held up 100%.
After the boots were done, I started on the vest. I had an old black vest lying around the house that was sort of the shape and size I wanted. I don’t have a dress form, so I put it on myself, inside out, and used safety pins to make it the size I needed, then hand sewed around the safety pins. Not ideal, but it works.
I had a spare pair of black jeans, button down light blue shirt and a plain bow tie that I just ended up cel shading.
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The only item that I really couldn’t figure out was the purple frock coat. Try as I might, I couldn’t find one to modify. So the coat was actually made by my friend Heather Long. I did alter the length after NYCC. 
With the clothes themselves all set, for the most part anyay, it was time to paint. This was my first time trying to recreate the art style of Borderlands, often referred to as cel shading. I have a few “art of Borderlands” style books that I poured over before I sat down to attempt this.
Other than the accessories and anything leather, I used the same materials and techniques for each article of clothing. Instead of describing each seprate piece, I’ll just explain what I did to achieve the overall look.
When you look at a Borderlands character on screen, it can be a bit overwhelming. So many colors, and so many nuances of each color. I did my best to visually sift through all that, and try to establish what I thought was the base color.
Once the base color was determined, I just added blotches, blobs, shading, low lights, highlights and other variations of the base color itself throughout each piece. I recommend keeping your fabric wrinkled and using those wrinkle as guidlenes for where the lines and shading would fall naturally.
Once all of that dried, I then went over different sections of the fabric with white and black lines. To get that crisp, almost comic book looking outline of each piece I used black sharpie, and white fabric pens as well as white fabric paint.
When I sat down to do the coat, I wanted something a little different than just cel shading. During a second playthrough of Tales from the Borderlands, I noticed Rhys and other characters had interesting logos and designs on the back of their jackets. I ended up putting a chessboard pattern on the back as a homage to the chess game between the 11th Doctor and Mr. Clever in the episode.
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Great shot of the chess board and my Judd Nelson pose
The materials that I used for all of the clothing items were craft paints that I had around the house. Any brand works, but I prefer Americana paints. I then added an additive that you use to make the paint water proof and used various sized brushes. Dry brushes are also very useful if you have them.
Black sharpies of different sizes and any fabric markers are also very helpful. Heat setting is required to make the paint waterpfoof, so if you mess up before you add sharpies, you can wash the clothes and start over.
A few tips if you decide to undertake cel shading clothing: Until now I hadn’t noticed that there aren’t many thing in Borderlands that are true black. Due to the art style most things that appear black are in reality shades of grey, with a grey base colr. This makes it easier to add the lines, shading, and what not.  Looking back, I should have bought GREY clothes. It was a ton of work to make the pants look like they were a mixture of greys. And as a result of so many laers of paint, they are stiff, lost their stretch and feel an entire size smaller! So I would recommend grey fabric as a base for black clothing and buy a size larger.
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The pants are so stiff that I think they will stand up on their own
This entire process was way more fun than I thought it would be and I’ve since become addicted to cel shading anything I can. I may or may not have started cel shading my guest room. 
After the clothing was finished, I started on some accessories and props. The first being the easiet – a wee little cybermite that I cel shaded. My cosplay of Mr. Clever always has a cybermite on my lapel, so I took one of my older ones and repainted it.
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You can’t have a Borderlands character without some sort of weapon, so I painted a nerf gun that looks similar to the one that Clara Oswald holds in the episode.
I have never had to carry a gun for my Mr. Clever cosplay before so weapon checks are sort of new to me. I didn’t want to go through that at NYCC so I came up with a clever, no pun intended, way around it.
I took a photo of each side of the gun. Went to Staples and had them printed on heavy cardstock. Then I cut around the guns, glued them together between a piece of cardboard then added some black electical tape around the edges.  Viola. Instant weapons check approved gun that is lightweight, and also acts a fan when it gets hot. It was a huge hit at the con. A few security guards were like “ we have to check your…wait..is that flat?” And they proceeded to play with it. I highly recommend doing this!
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Gun and its flat counterpart
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I am holding the flat gun in this picture from NYCC
In the actual game, you can equip your characters with mods that give them certain abilities and bonuses. In the Pre-Sequel, you can play as a Dopplganger of Handsome Jack so I searched for some of his mods and found one in purple which seemed perfect. I made the mod with cardboard, covered it in craft foam, modge podge to set, and installed led lights. The first time I wore it I put it on my belt which didn’t work. It kept falling off. I eventually put it on my lapel and wore it like Jack does. Unfortunately, someone glomped on me at a con and broke it, so I recently had to remake it all over again.
No Borderlands costume would be complete without cel shading on yourself. This was a huge challenge for me for a few reasons. One, I’m visually impaired so doing line work like this was challenging. Two, I am highly allergic to so many materials and ingrediants that finding a make up brand that I could wear was a trial and error process that ended up with many break outs and rashes before I found the perfect combination.
I used mostly eye liner pencils and liquid eye liner to achieve the look. The Wet n Wild liquid eye liner lasts forever, and is actually difficult to remove, but that is not a bad thing as it stood up to the heat of a very crowded venue.
As for the cel shading itself, I relied on many refernce photos of various characters in the game. I started with the eyebrows first as that seemed to frame the face nicely and give me a nice mischvieous look. I then just outlined the bones of my face, adding some random lines here and there. It never looks the same way twice, but that’s ok. Playing with different angles, lines, shading etc is half the fun!
The only real challenge were my hands. The make up didn’t last that long on my hands so I had to touch it up throughout the con. I also eventually started to use band aids that I cel sahded to cover up a tattoo on my inner wrist.
Figuring what to do with my hair is an on going process that I still haven’t 100% mastered. I opted to not use a foam wig as I have over heating issues on a cool day let alone trying to wear one if it gets warmer. I have had adverse reactions to craft foam in the past, so I don’t want it touching my skin, and lastly, I think a wig AND a facial prosthetic would be too much for me. So I decided to just cel shade my hair.
This takes forever to do, and I’m still figuring out better techniques every time I wear it.
I have a really great brand of colored gel, called Mofajang which I apply with a baster brush that you would find in the kitchen gadgets aisle. I also use a clean mascara brush to add some finer lines here and there. Set with way more hair spray than I ever used in the 80’s and it becomes fairly waterproof.
I have learned that due to how hard the make up and hair color is to remove, I really need to wear this on the LAST day of a con. I made the mistake of wearing it on day one of Long Island Who one year, and spent hours scrubbing my skin and hair for the next day. Far better to just leave the con with a tad bit of left over cel shading. Which makes it very interesting when you stop at a roadside bathroom on the trip home.
With the entire costume done it was time to work on the actual cyberplanner appliance. 
Next time I make a variation of Clever, I will make this FIRST. Making these pieces is the bane of my existence – I love wearing them, hate making them.  It’s a long process.
I am allergic to latex, silocone, scuply, most clays, and so many other things that seem to be every cosplayers go-to. When I made my first cyber piece back in late 2013, I spent weeks trying to find a substance that would keep attached to my face all day without causing a rash. Like an alchemist in a fantasy novel, I submerged myself into creating the perfect concoction. It took 22 days to finish the final product.
I admit that I rushed a bit on the Borderlands one.  As a result, it doesn’t quite fit as well as my others, and is a bit heavier than I expected. I only added two working lights, instead of the usual four, to hopefully balance the piece out. It lasted through two full days of a con, despite the heat of a crowded venue, but I did end up tweaking it a bit after. Even with the tweaks, it still doesn’t fit as well as I would like. It is too heavy and brings down the entire left side of my face, making it difficult to keep my eye open at times. I really need to sit down and force myself to make a new one.
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There are a few more things that I would like to add to this costume eventually. Like a belt of grenades, and maybe another gun. But aside from that, I am incredibly pleased with how this costume turned out. It is by far, my favorite Clever variation that I have done.
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I hope this post gives you the inspiration to go off and cel shade something, and possibly even play some Borderlands!
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viastro · 5 years ago
there for you | chwe vernon hansol
ミ★ synopsis: in which you can’t admit you’re in love with your best friend, vernon, so joshua takes matters into his own hands.
ミ★ genre: best friends to lovers!au, humor, fluff, some angst
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,752
ミ★ pairings: vernon x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! I just wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for following me! I just hit 100 followers last night and that was really crazy to me HAHA. It really means so much to me and I’m so grateful that 100 people like my writing, so thank you so much ! I hope you enjoy this oneshot for vernon! <3
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“I just think that megalodon is still out there, like what if they’re just swimming at the bottom of the ocean!” You exclaim, Vernon turning to look at you with a scoff. 
“You’re crazy, there’s no way that big ass shark bitch is still alive.” You frown at those words, choosing to shove him off your bed as a response. 
“BRUH.” Vernon shouts from your carpeted floor, and you let out a content sigh. 
“Don’t disrespect my boy megalodon like that.” You simply tell him, and you can feel him roll his eyes from your floor. “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” You say, leaning off your bed to point at him.
He gives you an evil grin, and before you know it, he’s grabbed your arm and pulled you down on top of him. He lets out a loud, “OOF!” and you laugh in his face, making him chuckle and roll you off of him. 
“I was not expecting you to literally knock the breath out of me. Holy fuck I wasn’t ready.” Vernon groans and you giggle, staring up at the worn out glow in the dark stars on your ceiling.
You and Vernon became friends in your freshman year of high school. You met each other through your mutual friend Joshua, who may have had secret matchmaking intentions, and the two of you instantly clicked. You started hanging out after school, going to the library to study together, joining drama club for fun but getting kicked out for being too loud during the actual play itself. 
You and Vernon are quite literally two peas in a pod (or is the phrase three peas in a pod?) Either way, you’re best friends. This is proven from the fact that you’re both in your last year of college, about to graduate and obtain your bachelor’s degree, and are still hanging out just the same. You both almost got an apartment together, but you decided to room by yourself and Vernon would room with Joshua. However, it’s almost as if you guys live together anyways by how much you go over to his apartment and he goes to yours. 
No matter how busy you both are, you still try and make time to see each other. Especially on Fridays, those were your cooking nights. Joshua joins in on this tradition as well, considering that it involves eating food. The three of you research recipes to offer to the table on Friday, whoever’s recipe gets the most votes, then you guys make it. It’s the highlight of your week, if you’re being honest.
Those around you have always thought you and Vernon were dating at some point in knowing the both of you, but you and him have never made any move to push your friendship into something more. The only thing you guys have done is be each other's first kiss, which is actually a very anticlimactic story. no it’s not.
It was the winter of senior year, you and Vernon were making it a mission to build an igloo due to the recent heavy snowfall that hit Seoul. You were focused on building the igloo, but Vernon had other ideas.
“Vernon, please! I wanna at least get this base layer done-” You’re cut off when you get hit in the face with a snowball, knocking you over from your crouched position. You close your eyes, hearing Vernon’s loud laugh at your tragic fate.
“I’m gonna kill you Chwe Vernon.” You mutter, standing up and making a snowball. 
“If you can catch me yn!” He taunts, thus beginning your chase around his backyard. 
“I swear to god! I just wanted to make an igloo!” You yell, laughing when he slips and falls backwards, knocking the wind out of him. You run up to him, placing your snowball right on top of his nose. He lets out a small laugh, making you giggle as well. He grabs your arm and pulls you down so that you’re laying beside him in the cold snow. 
“Have you ever thought about the fact that we’re eighteen, and still haven’t had our first kiss yet?” Vernon asks you, turning to glance at you. You stare at the small snowflakes falling, watching your breath expand into the sky due to the cold.
“What makes you think I haven’t had my first kiss yet?” You challenge, turning your head to look back at him. He scoffs at that, immediately calling out your lie, “Yeah, okay. Says the girl who literally ran away from her crush when he tried to give her back her pencil.” 
You sit up, hitting his stomach and he lets out a loud laugh, “You’re gonna look at me and tell me that I’m wrong?” He asks, sitting up as well and turning to face you.
“I mean, you’re not. But still! I hate that memory with a passion.” You say with a pout, and he smiles at you. “Why would you even bring up that topic though?” You ask and he shrugs, turning away.
“I don’t know. I was gonna ask if we could be each other’s first kiss, to get it over with, ya know?” Your eyes widen once his proposition falls past his lips. The tips of his ears are red, and you can’t tell if it’s because of the cold, or because of what he just suggested, or maybe both. Either way, they’re red, and your face is very warm.
“You’re crazy.” You sputter and he shakes his head.
“It’s not a bad idea though, like if anyone asks we could say that we’ve had our first kiss. We don’t even need to mention that we were each other’s first kiss! This is strictly for the sake of our egos.” Vernon says, and you hate how right he sounds. 
“Ugh, fine.” You mutter and Vernon’s eyes widen, turning to look at you to make sure you are serious.
“I’m about to take it back if you don’t kiss me now.” You state, turning towards him and closing your eyes. “See! My eyes are even closed, just get it over with.” 
Vernon lets out a nervous chuckle, taking in the visual of you with snowflakes on your hair, the snowflake on the tip of nose, and your ridiculously pretty lips. He knew that he didn’t have feelings for you, and that this was simply a… platonic… kiss, but he knew this image would be ingrained in his mind for the rest of his life.
He reaches his hand out, slowly brushing it against your cheek. You let out a small huff of air through your lips, and he smiles. That’s when he decides to lean in and give you both your very first kiss.
“Oh shit, I have to go get ready.” Vernon says, snapping you back to reality. He gets up off the floor, and you stare at him with a dazed expression.
“Why? It’s only 5-”
“I have a date tonight.” He tells you with a small sheepish smile, and you feel your heart slowly sink into your ass.
“Deadass? With who?” You ask, feeling a strange sense of DEATH linger in your ass.
“You know that one girl I partnered with in my intro to literature class, Minji? I asked her out the other day because I’ve been interested in her since we did that project together, turns out the feelings were reciprocated. We’re going on our first date at 6, so I should head back to my apartment to get ready.” Vernon explains quickly as he grabs his wallet, phone, and charger. He pats your head and heads out of your room. 
“I’ll text you later tonight!” He calls, then you hear your apartment door close. You stay in the same position for awhile, wondering why the fuck your heart sank into your ass.
You and Vernon are just friends! Besties! Bffies! Of course he’s gonna go find a person to date, so are you! College is the time for exploring and possibly meeting the person you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with! It’s such a good thing that Vernon has found himself a date! You’re his best friend! You should be ecstatic over this!!
So why the FUCK are you sitting here feeling like your heart got ripped out of your ASSHOLE .
“It’s probably because I’m jealous,” You say, feeling your stomach twist at the sentence, “jealous of the fact that she might replace me and Vernon won’t need a best friend anymore. Yeah. That’s better.” it’s not better.
“Oh God, I’m gonna call Joshua. I feel like I’m gonna hurl.” You mutter, whipping your phone out of your pocket to text Joshua to come over.
“Have you considered the thought that you might be, I don’t know, jealous?” Joshua asks from your kitchen as he whips up two eggs for the both of you. Joshua came as soon as you called, and you sat down at your kitchen island to tell him the story while he went into your kitchen to cook you some comfort food.
“Yes! That’s the conclusion I came up with-”
“Oh thank fucking God. I was wondering how long it was gonna take for one of you to realize that you both like-”
“That I’m jealous of the fact that Minji might take my place! Like, I’m pretty much one of the only girls in his life aside from his mom and his sister, so I feel threatened! Especially because Vernon has never been on a date in the duration of our friendship. That’s why I’m jealous. It makes perfect sense.” You finish, taking a large gulp of your green tea. Joshua stares at you, realizing how stupid you are. 
“Uh, you okay Shua? Your eye is like… twitching…” You point out, and he raises a hand up to his eye, letting out a small exasperated chuckle.
“I’m fine…” He responds, realizing that his two best friends are fucking idiots. I didn’t introduce the two of them to each other in freshman year of high school JUST for them to stay best friends god DAMN IT. He thinks to himself, placing the finished eggs on each of your plates.
Joshua walks over to your kitchen island, sitting down on the stool and handing you your plate. You mutter a small “Thank you, Shua.” then you both begin to eat, seemingly ignoring the subject to focus on filling your empty stomachs.
Also because Joshua thought he was gonna explode if he spent another second discussing it.
Actually no he’s gonna say ONE LAST THING.
“Do you really think you’re jealous of that? Like, do you really think-”
“Yes! It makes the most sense Shua, what else would I be jealous about-”
“Maybe because you have feelings for Vernon that you’ve been suppressing all these years due to the fear that he might not reciprocate them?” He suggests, turning to glance at your reaction.
You freeze at his words, staring down at the yolk oozing out of the egg onto your rice. You can’t help but feel like you’ve been caught, but you haven’t been caught? Because it’s not true… right? it’s true.
“That’s not true.” You mean to say this confidently, but you mutter it so quietly that even Joshua has a hard time being able to understand what you said.
“It’s not true!” You announce, feeling more upset and sick by the minute. Joshua can’t help but feel guilty, but he knows that this conversation is important or else you’ll always hold in these feelings.
“Yn, you know that it’s true.” He says softly, and you let out a shaky breath, “I’m scared.” Joshua cocks his head to the side, confused as to why you’d be scared.
“Why?” He asks, and you bite your lip. You turn your head and give him a small smile, feeling tears flood your eyes.
“Because if I say it, then it’s true. It’ll be out there. It won’t be the secret I’ve been hiding since I was nineteen, the day he got me cotton candy at the store for no reason, simply because he knew it’s my favorite.” You answer honestly, wiping away the stray tears that fell. 
“I knew it then. That was the day I really knew my feelings weren’t just adoration and love because we were close friends. It was because I really did love him. I had a feeling that what I was feeling towards him wasn’t really… normal in friendships. That I was actually developing feelings for him, but I always just pushed it back.” You explain, avoiding eye contact with Joshua. He stays quiet beside you, and you anxiously shove two spoonfuls of egg and rice in your mouth. 
“Why don’t you tell him? If you don’t say anything now then it’ll be too late-”
“It already is too late Joshua! He’s already on a date with a girl he’s been interested in for awhile. I,” You sigh, taking in another shaky breath before continuing. “I haven’t told him or tried to initiate anything because I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship either. It’s so cheesy and like the most generic excuse someone could give for falling for their best friend, but it’s true! If he doesn’t feel the same, and I confess how I feel, then it all just gets awkward. We won’t go back to how we used to be.”
You shove the last spoonful of rice and egg in your mouth, standing up with your plate to go and wash it. Joshua watches you with sad eyes as you aggressively start soaping up your plate and silverware.
“I just,” you turn off the faucet and place your hands on the counter, gripping it to keep you in place. “The day that him and I kissed? Just for the sake of us having our first kiss? It taunts me. I didn’t even like him at that time, but the memory is like a slap in the face. It was hard to not fall in love with him, I still failed at that though, right?” 
Joshua lets out an agitated sigh, “I have to tell you something-”
“No, don’t say that he loves me too. Don’t give me false hope like that Shua, it’s too late anyways.” You tell him, turning and giving him a sad smile. 
“But it’s not! He’s literally crazy about you yn!” You open your mouth to object, only to be cut off by a knock on your door. Joshua gives you a look as if to say, were you expecting someone? To which you give him a look that means, no, I didn’t.
Joshua walks over to look through your peephole to see who’s at the door, only for his eyes to widen when he sees Vernon waiting on the other side. He turns to look at you, motioning for you to come over. You wipe your wet hands on your kitchen towel before walking over. Eyes immediately widening when you see Vernon through the peephole.
“Yn? Are you home?” He calls, and you let out a small squeak. 
“Alright, I’m coming in anyways.” He responds, taking out your spare key from his pocket. Joshua turns to look at you with wide eyes and you give him a panicked look.
“He has your keys?!” He whispers as you both run to your kitchen to act as if you didn’t hear Vernon.
“Of course he has my keys! I have your guys’ key too!” You whisper back, frantically turning on the sink. Joshua shoves the last of the rice in his mouth before walking over to your side to act as if he was helping you wash dishes.
“You have our keys?!” He whisper shouts and you swat his arm, muttering that this is not the problem at hand.
“Yn?” Vernon calls as he steps in, noticing another pair of shoes beside your door.
“In the kitchen with Joshua!” You call back and Vernon nods his head, placing the bag of store bought goods on your kitchen island.
“Yall hung out without me?” He asks with a pout, and you almost giggle out a response before Joshua beats you to it.
“You were on a date anyways Vernon, we wouldn’t want to fourth wheel.” He teases, but Vernon notices the slight edge in his tone that you’re unable to.
“By the way, how was the date?” You ask, trying to ignore the pang in your heart as soon as the question leaves your mouth. He shrugs, sitting on one of the stools in front of your kitchen island.
 “Kinda disappointing I guess? It wasn’t a proper fit, her and I.” Vernon says, and you scold yourself for feeling a twinge of hope.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You respond, and Joshua nudges you. You turn and look at him, and he gives you a look that basically means, TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM BEFORE I DO! You glare back at him, shaking your head NO!
“So now you guys are speaking in code too? Damn, what did I miss in those two hours.” Vernon jokes. 
“If you don’t do it, I will. I’m tired of seeing you two act like you’re not hurting.” Joshua whispers and you glare at him. “You wouldn’t dare Joshua Hong-”
“Yn is in love with you Vernon.” Your mouth drops open when the sentence leaves his mouth, and so does Vernon’s mouth. 
My god he really done diddly dared.
“N-no I don’t.” You sputter, turning off the sink and wiping your hands on the kitchen towel.
“Yes she does. She’s been pushing her feelings away this whole time. Also, yn,” Joshua says, turning around to face you. 
“Vernon’s been in love with you since you both had your first kiss when it was snowing. I’ll be taking my leave now, please use protection if this newfound information takes you to that route once I leave. Love you! Update me later!” Joshua says, waving goodbye as he leaves your apartment. 
Leaving you and Vernon to just stand there, staring at each other with wide eyes and warmth rushing tp your faces. You look down at the kitchen floor, unsure of what to do now that your feelings are literally out and about, but you know that what you had feared didn’t come true.
because vernon loves you.
“I uh,” Vernon starts, coughing into his arm before continuing, “bought us cotton candy ice cream to eat? We can eat it while we talk if you want?” 
You feel your heart melt at the fact that he bought your favorite ice cream flavor in the world on his way home, so you nod your head. You grab two bowls and two spoons, placing them on the kitchen island. Vernon scoops out the pink and purple colored ice cream into each bowl. Once he’s done, you place the tub in the freezer, and you both head towards your couch. 
He sits down, and you sit down beside him. For the first few minutes, you both kinda just sit there eating your ice cream. In those few minutes, you’re both having an internal battle in your minds.
Until you break the silence and turn to him, causing him to look back at you, spoon in his mouth and all.
“I love you. I’ve loved you for years, I just didn’t accept it until now.” You state, but he’s staring at the small dribble of ice cream at the corner of your lip. He reaches out and brushes it off with his thumb, before bringing his thumb back to his mouth to suck off the ice cream. 
“D-did you hear what I just said?” You stutter, currently a panicking mess at the previous move he pulled even though he’s done it countless of times before. It’s different now.
“Yes, and I’m currently losing my marbles internally over that because I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” He says, giving you a small nervous smile. He places his bowl on your coffee table, taking your bowl as well and placing it beside his. Now that your hands are empty, he grasps them, giving them a small squeeze.
“I knew from the moment you closed your eyes, waiting for me to kiss you as the snow fell around us, that I was in love with you. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed in my eighteen years of living at that time, and I still think that you are the most beautiful, precious person that I have been blessed to have in my life.” Vernon confesses, and you feel an intense rush of warmth flood to your cheeks as he stares into your eyes with the most genuine look you’ve ever seen on him.
“I love you, yn. I’ve loved you since we were eighteen. I went on that date with Minji today because I thought I could try and get over you that way, which is dumb I know, don’t need to tell me twice. I just, fuck. When we were at the restaurant, I’d look at her, right,” He makes a hand motion as if he was looking through a pair of binoculars and you let out a giggle.
“And I would wish that she was you. That’s why the date didn’t work out, because she and I didn’t fit. I can’t try and date someone else when all I wish is for them to be you.” Vernon says and you bite the inside of your cheek, feeling your heart pang against your chest. You squeeze his hands, and he lets out a small laugh.
“That being said, will you go on a date with me?” Vernon asks, and you smile, nodding your head softly.
“I’d love to.” You answer and he gives you a big smile, opening his arms and pulling you in them. You wrap your arms around his waist, hearing his loud heartbeat against his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, smiling happily.
“I love you.” He whispers and you let out a small squeal, making him laugh. You raise your head up from his shoulder, looking into his deep brown eyes.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss to his lips. He responds right away, squeezing your hips softly. He lets a smile break loose, making you smile as well until the kiss is just teeth clashing. You pull away, laying your head in the crook of his neck once again. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that again since the first time. Jesus Christ, it’s been four years since we had our first kiss.” He mutters and you laugh, lifting your head up again so that you’re facing each other. 
“Can I kiss you again?” Vernon asks and you smile.
“You don’t have to ask if you can kiss me silly.”
“Of course I have to! I need to respect women!”
“Oh my God, your mind.”
Joshua is at his apartment, playing his guitar quietly. He’s at peace knowing that all is well and his ship has finally sailed happily.
“I better be his best man for pulling that one.” Joshua mutters to himself, smiling at the prospect that you and Vernon are finally together. 
All because of ME BABY! All ME!
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overcupofcoco · 7 years ago
kaz brekker as an adoptive father au though
• ok so yeah, the dregs might be the edgiest and mightiest but at some point jesper and wylan have kids, nina settles down and starts her own bakery and inej can’t live in ketterdam, she a different woman now
• kaz on the other hand, this bitch might be older but he’s just gettin started. 
•yeah he’s stolen from the Ravkan kingdom now, yeah he’s in a little shit with the Shu, oops are the Zemeni after him? he almost forgot. 
• anyway, he’s swaggering down in the barrel like usual one evening when he hears really loud screams from an alley
• usually he ignores because the bastard of the barrel ain't got time for pidgeon affairs, but for some reason this time he wants to take a look. he hasn’t had his Wraith in a while so he’s gotten used to being sneaky
•what he witnesses isn’t necessarily out of the usual; a woman at gunpoint holding a child. Pleads for mercy. Screams. An attempt to run away. A murder. Pillaging of the body. 
• He took note of the killers (u never know when you need the intel) when he realizes that the child is still screaming.
• he pauses
• what the fuck was he supposed do? Leave the kid baby? Give it to some woman to take care of? he knew the probability that she would sell the child out in slavery the moment it was old enough was basically 100%
• he remembered jordie and him, young and lost, orphaned in the streets. he remembered inej, basically enslaved by Tante Heleen
• before he knew it, he was walking towards the corpse, uncovering the baby that couldn’t older than three years, from under its dead mother’s long skirts. 
• it was a girl. dark skinned, tufts of curly hair, large grey eyes staring up at him in concern. 
• “god dammit” he muttered, wrapping the girl in his coat and bringing her to the slat. he would give the girl to Jesper and Wylan when they came back from their vacation in 3 weeks. in the meanwhile, he would somehow deal with her. 
• The girl was a clever one, silent and observing as he made their way to the Crows Club. She didn’t cry for her mother, perhaps because Kaz’s glare was too frightening, or perhaps because she simply wasn’t afraid at all. 
• He put her on the bed, looking at her with hard eyes. She stared back, tilting her head. “No talking.” he said promptly, “No moving.” 
• The first hour, he almost ripped his hair out. Drug dealers, mafia, merchants, gang members, he could easily deal with. But a curious child? 
• Somehow, she had managed to open a pen and scrawl all over his pillows.
• He didn’t bother to use any type of voice when he scolded. it was the same cold, flat voice he used during parleys. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t touch my pens,”
• she just frowned, tilting her head to the side. something dinged in Kaz’s heart and he didn’t like it.
•at some point, she figured out how to climb out of his bed and was now crawling around his room. he couldn’t focus-- so he resorted to observing, leaning back in his chair. 
• she had started silently babbling herself, fidgeting with papers on the ground, chair legs, discarded coins. 
• slowly he grew used to her static mumbling and managed to start paperwork again until--
• a weak tug on his pant leg. He flinches back, looking down sharply at the girl
• “my leg hurts”
• Kaz probably hadn’t been taken by surprise in years but those three words shocked him. she could talk?
• he looks at her silently, clenched her jaw. her eyes were a bright blue. Should he call a medik? Should he ignore her? he couldn’t have people knowing there was a child in his room or that he needed medik. It was a weakness.
• “Where?” same flat, uninterested voice.
• She struggled to lift her soiled pant leg to reveal a mildly bloodied gash across her calf. Kaz could tell it wasn’t deep. 
• “It hurts a lot, mister, help?”
• now imagine Kaz Brekker, after a long pause, picking up the girl from under her arms and bringing her to the bed. He spends half an hour cleaning and mending her leg as she sits quietly. 
• “is mama dead?”
• “yes. gone.”
• “are you going to kill me, mister?”
• pauses his work to look up at her. decidedly, she was full of surprises. 
• “not planning to,” he squinted at the tiny girl, “how old are you?”
• the girl cracked a smile and held up three fingers-- proud of herself. “I’m four in one months, mister!”
• “When did you learn how to speak?” 
• the girl looked bewildered... for the first time in the evening, fear was in her light eyes, “I don’t know, mister brekker”
• Kaz looked at her sharply. She recoiled in fear at his menacing glare. She must have known how to read, his name had been all over the papers she was fiddling with. 
• “You call me Kaz. Only Kaz. You stay in this room until I can find you some parents.”
• That first night, the girl slept in the bed. Kaz slept in his chair-- only to be woken up by a clang of rustling early the next morning. 
• reflexes kicked in and he grabbed his gun. 
• “i just wanted water, mister Kaz.” a high pitched voice said weakly as the girl’s head popped up from behind the desk. Her leg was clearly better, as she was standing up. 
• annoyed sigh from Kaz. He just picked up his cane and coat, having slept in his gloves, and just scowled at the girl. She looked at him, then proceeded to continue her attempts at reaching the tall glass of water on the desk-- failing miserably. 
• Kaz handed it to her and she gulped it all down. 
• Kaz left the entire day, running errands, checking on the crow club. He had left crackers and water for the girl, but in reality, he knew he was desperately trying to rid the child of his thoughts. 
• he was kaz brekker, for saints’ sake, and there was a talking toddler in his office? 
• he finally came back in his room late in the evening, expecting the child to be either somehow dead or asleep, but instead, he found her standing on his chair that she had pushed against the window ledge, looking outside and talking to herself. 
•Panick ran through him. What if people saw her? What if people thought he was holding children hostage? Worse, what if people thought he had a child? What if... she could fall over the ledge...
• “Get off the chair,” “I thought I had told you to stay hidden”
• “Sorry mister Kaz, I thought you had told me to stay in the room”
• did she just accidentally sass him? 
• the next day, she wasn’t perched over the window, but she was on his desk, grasping a pencil and struggling to manipulate the utensil in her tiny hand. her face was pure concentration.
• silently, Kaz walked up behind her, reading over her shoulder. Two days after having picked her up, he knew better than to just expect her to be scribbling gibberish. 
• Z U R i       zURi     fat circle for the dots above the i, uneven letters, but still writing.
• “this is my name! do you like it, mister Kaz?” Zuri. Hope in Zemeni. He realized he had never asked her name. She hadn’t seem bothered. “You said no touching the pen... this has no black stuff, so I used it! Look, mister Kaz! I made you a pretty picture!”
• She beamed, shoving another piece of paper in his face. It was messy, but Kaz could see the outline of a child with dark skin, a bigger person colored in crudely with black-- and was that a bird?
• “That’s me--- that’s you, Mister Kaz! Those lines are your eyebrows because you are always mad! and that's the nice bird that comes to the window sometimes!”
• It became routine. Kaz spent his day out, leaving Zuri in his room. He provided food, water, paper, pens and after the fourth day and massive amounts of begging in the middle of the night, a box of colored pencils.
• ( “Mister Kaz” *groan from Kaz* *Gentle tug on his pant leg* “Can I get color?” “What?” “Color for my drawings!”......... “Please?”...... “Fine. Go to bed. Time to sleep.”)
• Gradually, Kaz spent less time thinking he was insane for taking in a child, and more time observing the girl. she was sharp, learning quickly. She knew immediately that touching Kaz was a big no-no, apart from the spare pant leg tug. 
• Sometimes, she would ask Kaz for help. Give him her drawings. They were always of her and him and a crow, in different settings. In the beginning, he grudgingly agreed, only out of annoyance that she may start to cry. 
• (she had never cried in front of him, but he heard her gentle sniffles in the middle of the name and her whispers for her mother) (he tried to ignore her)
•anyway, as the days passed, he started really paying attention to her letters on the papers, giving her advice and examples. She improved fast. 
• Two weeks passed. It was raining outside. Kaz was working and Zuri was silently practicing her letters right under his desk.
• “Mister Kaz?” “Hmm?” “Why do you have the stick?” The cane. 
• He paused. “My leg is hurt.” “Like me?” “No.” “Why?” “Because mine is hurt forever.” pause “Why?”
• Zuri might have been a quiet girl, but Kaz knew that she grasped at any opportunity to ask questions. 
• “Enough questions.” 
• Silence. 
• “Mister Kaz?” she squeaked slowly. He exhaled. “What?”
• “Are you magical?” she peaked out from under the desk.
• “What?”
• “Sometimes you make things disappear from people. I see it.”
• Kaz put down his pen and rose an eyebrow, peering at her from his chair. Had she been getting out of the room? Of course, in the Crow Club, he picked different pockets or simply impressed the guests with sleight of hand-- but no one was supposed to notice that.
• “Did you go out of the room?”
• Immediately, she realized her mistake. She tucked her chin in her neck and looked down shamefully. “Nevermind.” She picked up the orange pencil.
• He almost laughed. He thought he would be mad at her for jeopardizing both her and him, but her worried little face was too cute-- what was he thinking? he shook away the thoughts. Jesper and Wylan would be in Ketterdam soon enough and the girl would be out of his legs
• literally. 
• There was thunder that night. Kaz had gradually collected dozens of blankets to make a bed for the girl. That night, there was no tug at his pant leg, but whimpers. Loud ones. Kaz couldn't ignore them
• “Zuri?” he grumbled. 
• Silence.  
• “Zuri.” he turned on the little lamp at on his bedside table. He waited. Slowing, Zuri got up. The shirt he had given her to sleep in reached her toes. 
• “I’m sorry, Mister Kaz,” she whispered. Her face was full of tears, her blue eyes shining in the light, “The loud noise makes me scared.” 
• As if to prove a point, thunder resonated and Zuri pressed her lips together, shaking and covering her ears. She didn’t cry though. Never when he could see. 
• His heart twisted. His heart twisted for her. He made the decision. 
• “Come here.” he lifted a corner of the covers, inviting her in. She hesitated. 
• “Now or never.” he warned. she waddled to the bed, struggling to get over the side. Kaz silently slipped on his gloves as Zuri curled herself in a ball.
• Zuri had never asked him about the gloves and he was thankful.
•The bed wasn’t big, but she took up so little space that he could easily keep a healthy distance away. 
•Thunder boomed as he turned off the light.“I’m scared, Mister Kaz” 
• he froze. 
• “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He could barely fathom the words he said.
• “With your magic?”
• “With my magic.” 
• The three weeks went by, and Kaz gave Zuri to Wylan and Jesper who easily took her in. They didn’t ask any questions. 
• As Kaz packed up Zuri’s possessions that she had collected throughout the three weeks, the girl looked at him sadly. 
• “Why do I have to go Mister Kaz?” 
• “It’s better for you.”
• “Why?”
• He sighed. “Because.”
• “I’m going to miss you, Mister Kaz.” 
• He clenched his jaw, giving her the box of her belongings. It had seemed like forever ago that he had found her in her late mother’s embrace. 
• “Me too, Zuri.” They had not hugged, but she had tugged on his pant leg one last time.
• The days went by. The office was back to what it had been before. Calm, orderly, silent. 
• Kaz had dreaded the feeling, but he knew that he missed it. He missed her. Her mumbling, the soft sound of her feet padding the ground, her drawings, her letters, the Zemeni lullabies, her excited smile, her small pout when he told her he wouldn’t get her waffles, her frown when he told her to brush her teeth. 
• He even missed her minuscule presence at night. 
• It had been a week since she had gone away. He had ignored Wylan and Jesper. He didn’t want to know what they had done with the girl-- he trusted them enough. Then he found them--
• Of course he did. Of course he kept them.  The drawings. The childish drawings. Her, him, the crow that she had named Will. Her notes. FOR MiSTER KAZ.
• He knew he should have burned them. Instead he shook his head--
• Next thing he knew, he was at the Van Eck manor. 
• “Kaz?” It was Kali, Jesper and Wylan’s oldest daughter. She swung the door wide to reveal Jesper carrying Zuri. 
• Her face light up the moment she saw him. 
• “Mister Kaz!” she waved gingerly, but smiled wide. “I was telling Mister Jesper that I did a cartwheel!”
• Jesper grinned. He may have been in his late thirties, but the man still had the heart of a teenager. “It was very impressive,” he agreed, letting her to the ground. She rushed to Kaz, but stopped a safe distance away.
• “Are we going home, Mister Kaz?” she asked, eyes twinkling.
• Jesper interjected, “Zuri, darling, Mister Kaz can’t--” 
• “Yes,” Kaz breathed, squatting down to level her, “We are going home. Will the Crow misses you.”
• Jesper’s jaw dropped. Zuri clapped her hands. “Crows are so nice!”
• Kaz cracked a genuine smile, offering a bare hand to the little girl that had somehow given him a new dimension in life. 
• She grabbed it slowly.
• “Now... how about some waffles for the birthday girl?”
so yep yeah idk this just is something i want like a little girl to soften out Kaz’s edges you know what I mean? also i know shes really young but thats the point she like a genius u know idk
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rebellious-chi · 6 years ago
/French Mistake, Reversed\
I was sitting in my room writing another Supernatural fanfiction when I got a video call from my friend group. “Hey guys!” I greet them. “Rachel! You answered!” Karly said, excitedly.
So before I get started with my messed up story, let me introduce the new characters from my everyday reality. So first we have Kyler: the gay boy of the group. He’s about 5’9 with short dark brown hair and blue-green eyes.
Next up we have Jaxon: The creative one of the group. Jax is about 5’8 with short aqua blue hair and wears glasses.
Leo Gibbs: nicknamed Gibbs or Gibbie. He’s about 5’1 with short brown hair.
Andrew: the black bi boy. He’s around 5’6 with short black hair.
Then we have Karly: the pansexual pancake. She’s about 5’1 with shoulder length red hair and glasses.
And finally, we have me. The rebellious bisexual. I’m around 5’7 with a light brown, fluffy pixie cut and glasses. Now back to the story.
After the call, I went to bed and went to school for seven terrible hours. The bell rang, signaling that school was ending. I grabbed my stuff and headed towards my locker. I pack my notebooks and grab my phone before my friends run up and start talking to me.
“So it turns out it was my brother the whole time!” Karly states as I slam my locker and play Highway to Hell on my phone. “Alright guys, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow!” I yell as I start for my house. When I get there, I make dinner and then go to my bedroom and attempt to write crappy fanfictions. When my parents get home, they force me to go to sleep but instead, being the rebellious child I am, write more fanfiction. Later that night, I hear my mom scream and my dad yell. I shot out of bed and ran downstairs.
“Mom! Dad! Are you-?” I freeze when I see a vamp turning my mom. I immediately ran back upstairs but was greeted by another vampire, who had snatched me from where I stood and dragged me outside. My eyes widened when I saw a black 1967 Chevy Impala pull into my driveway. What the-? Before I could finish that thought, TFW stepped out. Sam and Dean both had a machete swinging while Cas was heading my way.
He separated the Vamp from me and stabbed him in the chest. “We need to go, Rachel. I’ll explain everything when we get back to our universe.” He tells me. “Wait, Cas! Can we take my friends?” I ask as I see Sam kill a different Vampire. “Cas, there’s more coming!” Dean yells. He turns back to me. “That was intended. Now please, get to the Impala.” He says, touching my shoulder. I follow his instructions and run to Dean’s car. “Let’s get outta here before this gets out of hand!” Sam yells.
If it weren’t for the fact that it was so early in the morning and all of our families were murdered, I’m pretty sure none of my friends would’ve gone with the Winchester’s and Cas. The boys hijacked a van somewhere along the line to pick all of us up in one trip. I must be dreaming. This is impossible. I thought as we arrived at the bunker. I don’t remember entering their universe but I was pretty tired so you can’t exactly blame me. All of my friends rode in the van Sam was driving but I stayed with Dean and Cas in the Impala. I pass out from sleep deprivation and what I assume to be shock.
I wake up in a bed at the bunker. I could tell I was at the bunker because I’ve seen it in pictures many times before. The bed was more comfortable than I thought it would be. I sit up and look around. “Hello.” I look up to find Cas staring at me, holding a plate with pancakes and a cup of coffee. He walked over and sat down. I cross my legs as he hands me the food. “Did you sleep well?” He asks me. I nod and take a bite of pancake. “I don’t remember coming into the bunker.” I point out. “I carried you in.” He said matter-of-factly and I blushed. “Oh. You could’ve woken me up.” I said, looking away in embarrassment. “You looked peaceful and I’m aware you don’t get much sleep.” He defended. When I took a sip of coffee, I realized that it was the perfect balance of hazelnut creamer and coffee. “Wow, someone knows their proportions!” I say excitedly. “Thank you.” He grins and I giggle.
Jax’s POV
I wake up and the first thing I notice is that I’m not in my room. Then, my memory comes flooding back and I remember the blood and gore of my family. The Winchester’s and Castiel. My friends.
For some reason, I simply push it aside and get up. I walk into the main room where everyone is and see everyone staring at me. “Y’all didn’t find the bodies, right?” I ask, joking obviously. “Um?” Cas was confused. I saw Rachel nudge him and giggle “He’s just joking.” And he nodded in realization.
“So do we need to find a case?” Karly suggested. “Not exactly, but if you want to do research I guess we can do that.” Sam said. “Why can’t we just go hunt monsters?” Andrew asked. “Dude, we would need to know what we’re fighting.” I pointed out. “Oh, right.” He shrugs. “Let’s just research.” Gibbie decided. “Fine.” Andrew groaned.
After about half an hour, Kyler fell asleep and started snoring like a freakin pig. Rachel shut her book and stood up. “I’m bored. I need to move.” She complained. “Rachel, of course you’re bored, you’re reading.” I tell the restless bisexual. “Hush.” She smiles. “I could take her down to the dungeon and teach her how to fight.” Dean suggested. “Dude, yes!” She exclaims. Alrighty, follow me.” He said and she did.
Gibbs’ POV
After Rachel and Dean went to the dungeon, I kicked Kyler in the knee to make him stop snoring. “Ouch! That hurt!” He said, almost shouting. “No offense, but you were getting on my nerves.” I told him. “That doesn’t give you the right to kick me!” He defended. “I’m on Gibbs’ side, it was getting annoying.” Karly laughed. “Yeah.” Jax agreed, not looking up from his book.
“So, are we just going to ignore the fact the we’re all older than 14?” Jax asked. We all looked at each other like idiots. “I’ve been trying to avoid that...” Kyler said. Sam just watched us as we tried to figure out how old we are now. “Well Jax looks about 27, Reegan looks about 24, Karly looks about 25, Kyler looks about 31, and Andrew looks about 29.” I say. “And you look 26.” Kyler points out. “I think Rachel looks 26 as well.” Cas suggests. “Why are we all different ages?” Karly asks him. “It’s a different universe. You could be any age.” He says. “So is there like, two of each of us running around?” Kyler asked. “No. Every universe is different. Our universe was missing all of you.” He says, looking back at his book. “Oh.” I said, a little surprised. “So like, the supernatural is real?” Jax asks. “It’s not suppose to be in your universe.” Sam says. “Then what happened?” Kyler asks. “They must’ve come through the universe divider.” Cas suggests. “Universe divider?” I question. “On the set of Supernatural, there’s a rip in your universe that leads to ours.” Sam explains. “Like the one in season 13?” Andrew suggests. “Season 13?” Sam asks, confused. “He means the one that was created by Jack when he was born.” Kyler explains. “Oh, yeah. Exactly like that one.” Sam confirms.
Kyler’s POV
After a few hours, Dean and Rachel came back from the dungeon. “So what’s for dinner?” Dean asks almost immediately, smacking Sam across the back of his head, screwing up his notes when Sam’s hand drew a line along the length of the paper, and Sam threw his pencil at him. “Burgers, Dean. We’re having burgers” Sam said, angrily. “Great! I’m starving.” Dean said. Sam and Dean went to the kitchen and Rachel came into the library and sat next to Gibbs. “So what’d you guys find out?” She asked. “We aren’t supposed to exist in this universe.” Jax told her. “Oh yeah, and there’s a universe divider on the set of Supernatural in our universe!” Karly said, excitedly. “And the supernatural isn’t supposed to be real there, either.” I add. “Also, the reason we’re older than 14 is because we traveled through universes.” Gibbs pointed out. “I meant what’d you find out about the monsters you were researching but that’s cool, too.” Rachel stated.
When Sam and Dean came in and it was time to eat, Dean acted as if he hadn’t eaten in days. “You get enough of that in your mouth?” Sam joked. Jax looked at the rest of us with the look. “Don’t.” Rachel said, but that didn’t stop him. “That’s what he said.” He smirked. “Oh lord.” Gibbs smiled. “I knew it was gonna happen.” I sigh and Rachel facepalmed. “That could also be what she said.” Andrew wiggles his eyebrows and we all giggled. “Yeah, but I was aiming for Destiel.” Jax said. “Yes!” Rachel said, standing up. “No! I’m not gay!” Dean shouted, also standing up. “I think we all know that you’re bisexual, Dean.” Karly giggles. “Finally, someone agrees with me.” Sam says. “I knew you were a Destiel shipper!” Jax, Rachel, and I shout. “What is Destiel?” Cas asks. “Gay.” Karly says. “Closeted bisexual meets confused rainbow.” Jax says. “I say rainbow in the meaning of like...he’s nice to look at.” He adds. “I 100% agree with that description.” Rachel says. “Um,” Cas was obviously confused but left it alone.
Karly’s POV
After dinner, Sam and Jax stayed in the library to find a case. Rachel, Dean, and Kyler went to ‘The Dean Cave’ to watch classic movies while Kyler passed out in the war room doing something with Cas. I, on the other hand, took the dishes to the kitchen to wash them. Gibbie followed me and helped wash the cups. “Who do you think will fall asleep first, besides Kyler, obviously.” I ask, finishing the last plate. “10 bucks, it’s gonna be Andrew.” Gibbs bet. “I don’t have 10 bucks but I can give you a hug.” I offer. “Okay.” Gibbs chuckles.
10 minutes later, we walk into ‘The Dean Cave’ and see Andrew fast asleep of the couch. “I think I owe you a hug.” I state as I hug Gibbie. Rachel looks back from the couch. “You wanna join? We’re watching Batman.” She asks. “Cool, which one?” Gibbs asks, walking over and flipping down next to Andrew, waking him up. “The original!” Dean exclaims as I sit on the floor, in front of the TV. “There’s room on the couch, ya know.” Dean says. “I’m gay, I don’t sit on couches.” I say and hear Gibbs and Rachel laugh.
I started to fall asleep after ‘Batman Forever’ and eventually collapse on the floor, but before I fall completely asleep, I hear Gibbs say “there she goes.” And laugh.
Andrew’s POV
I couldn’t go to sleep after Leo woke me up so I stayed awake throughout the entire ‘Batman’ binge. It was slightly amusing to watch Karly slowly fall over when in the process of slowly falling asleep. It was 1:30 in the morning when the movies were finished so I stood up and stretched. “I’m gonna go find a room to sleep in.” I say, walking out of the room. “Don’t get lost!” I hear Dean shout.
When I walk past the library, I see Sam and Jax with books in their laps and when I walk past the war room, I see Kyler sleeping and Cas leaving the bunker. I’m too tired to care so I simply keep walking until I find a bedroom and fall face first into the bed.
Dean’s POV
Rachel, Gibbs, and I watched another movie before I turned off my TV and told them I was going to bed. “Alright, I’m going to get some coffee.” Rachel said. “At 3 I’m the morning?” Gibbs asked. “I don’t exactly plan on sleeping.” She said. “If you need a room, Gibbs, there’s one next to mine.” I say, leaving the room. “That’ll work.” He says and follows me out.
On my way to my room, I told Sam and everyone else awake goodnight and shut my door. I grab one of my ‘Busty Asian Beauties’ magazines and look at that for a few hours before finally falling asleep.
Sam’s POV
After Dean and Gibbs went to their rooms, Rachel walked in and took a seat across from me. “So, what’re you doing?” She asks. “We’re researching shapeshifters.” Jax replied. “Cool, I’m gonna go make coffee, you want any?” She asks us. “I’ll have some.” I say. “Me too.” Jax agrees. “Okie dokie!” She smiles and walks to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, she walks in with 3 cups of coffee. “Thank you.” I tell her, graciously. “No problem.” She responds and sits down. The next few hours were researching different monsters and many cups of coffee. Jax fell asleep around 6:23 and I went to bed at 7:01. I’m not really sure if Rachel went to sleep or not but either way, tomorrow we were going to find a case.
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chuckling-chemist · 7 years ago
==> Percy: Dream
((So it finally happened: a Sburb AU snippet of the first campaign of Critical Role. I’ve had this rattling in my head since I did extended zodiacs, and especially after the introduction of the smoke demon. This probably won’t amount to anything more, aside from maybe a few other short pieces? Not 100% sure yet. For reference, them beginning the game of Sburb likely would have happened shortly after freeing Percy from the actual dungeon though that’s not fully solidified, and still is in the Tal'Dorei universe. It functions very Magiteck-y, similar to BOTW or FF6. Anyway, hope you enjoy!))
Most players dreamed in a tower. Most players were adored by the denizens of the planet, be it Prospit or Derse, and subsequently viewed as the heroes to come. Most players slept on, slumbering peacefully, or drawing their insecurities all over the walls. Eventually, they would awaken in their bedroom rested nicely on the top of a tall spire, scraping against the dark skies of the purple and gold kingdoms. Or maybe they would awaken, sleepwalking down the darkened streets of Derse or hallowed halls of Prospit. Sometimes they may not wake up at all until they need to live again, or awaken not as a mortal, but as a god.
Most players were not Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III.
When Percy first woke on Derse, it was after the brutal death of his family. Not immediately - Dr. Ripley wouldn’t even let him sleep for the longest time as she tortured him. He learned to take short rests in the in-between moments, but those were never long enough to dream. As such, he didn’t even believe that this was truly a dream and not just a vivid hallucination brought on my sleep deprivation or mental dissociative state as she had her self-described “fun” with him. It wouldn’t have been the first time. On more than one occasion he checked out completely during a particularly hellish meeting with her, only returning to reality soiled in more ways than one and in excruciating pain across his body. So really, he thought nothing of hallucinating a darkened, yet quiet and safe purple room where the only sight of the sky came from the barred windows showcasing the empty void of space beyond it, aside from if it was his own mind protecting him or Ripley waiting to pull the rug from under him.
As such, if he had to place the time, his first time he remembered waking up on Derse was probably some time between Ripley seemingly finally getting bored with him and finally escaping Castle Whitestone. The dreams of the purple prison continued, and as such, he started to work out where he was. It wasn’t the dungeons of Castle Whitestone (or some place worse), and although it was clearly a prison, it was a slight improvement…and while logically he saw no reason why he would experience repeated hallucinations of a location only marginally better, his brain had taken him worse places for less. Eventually, in whatever state of mind he was in (awake or asleep), Percy did manage to deduce one thing: when he went to sleep, he “awoke” in the prison of a planet called Derse.
He shouldn’t have been surprised. To be fair, Percy was almost certain he wasn’t truly surprised to find himself escaping to a world where the only improvement was not being ripped from his cell nightly. He sat and noted every difference from the real world, from the hallucinations Ripley gave him, even from his regular nightmares. For one, any dried blood on his body was missing. And as Percy looked down, he couldn’t help but feel a giddy warmth that he always wore silky, clean purple pajamas with a lavender crescent moon and not his tattered blue feastware from - weeks? Months? - before. And while the atmosphere was dark, he felt safer here than back in Whitestone. Even with Ripley’s most powerful potions to trick him into a false sense of safety, a small part of him always kept on edge. Something always felt wrong. Dangerous. Nothing felt wrong in Derse the way those dreams did. He sat behind bars on a purple stone floor with no greater connection to the world these dreams took him too, glad even for the brief respite this meant from the nightmare nightmares that still plagued his sleep from time to time; and worse, his waking life.
(While Percy didn’t know it at the time, Derse’s prison was a blessing in disguise as it prevented him from writing all over his tower room’s walls what was done to him in excruciating detail. He wouldn’t discover this until after he stumbled upon Vex’ahlia’s room, years later.)
Sometimes, when he dreamed, the carapacians - odd looking creatures in all black that reminded Percy somewhat of a chess piece - guarding the prison would talk. Talk of their adoration of the resting Hero of Mind and the restless Hero of Time, and what terrible luck managed to befall the Hero of Light, but the Black Queen (Percy resisted groaning at the name, for fear of arousing attention) insisted on his fate before he awoke. They spoke of the daily politics of this planet, of Derse, and of escalating tensions with Prospit. Sometimes, they would speak in hushed whispers of an eclipse in the future. All information Percy had no immediate use for, but he tucked it away all the same, just in case.
As he eventually found himself out of Whitestone’s prison and running far away, so too did he eventually want to leave Derse’s. The idea of non-carapacians on this planet(?) intrigued him, and the apparent danger of this eclipse and the horrific beings supposedly surrounding it fascinated him. But with his resources as limited as they were, all attempts only ended in catastrophic failure. He wouldn’t truly injure himself, in the real or dream world, but he’d always awake with a sudden jolt and the usual feeling of getting no sleep, waking violently and in whatever inn he used for sleeping quarters that night.
The rest of his spare time in his dreams of Derse were used to calculate the days until that eclipse. And with his previous calculations (he really had far too much spare time here), this dream world seemed to pass time much like the real world, so as such he determined the correct time of the lunar eclipse: 2:30 p.m. in Tal’Dorei time. As such, he knew he shouldn’t have been in his purple prison cell when the eclipse passed, but rather wide awake in whatever dingy inn he resided in that day in his trek south. Yet here he was, 2:30 p.m. and apparently fast asleep at wherever-he-was Tal'Dorei and dreaming of a lunar eclipse.
At first he didn’t understand why the carapacians spoke of it with such concern. From his limited vantage of the singular window, the already dim streets - what little he could see of them - appeared no darker. Some carapacians walked around, but the visible streets were fairly empty. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then he heard it. A whisper at first, almost like a quiet lullaby.
(Little human would like revenge, yes?)
Percy blinked. Revenge? Of course. He couldn’t imagine who wouldn’t want revenge after watching your whole family brutally murdered. He nodded, whispering affirmation towards the voice in his head, unsure if such an answer could get to whatever creature spoke.
(You dream on the correct moon, little human. And at the correct time, no less. I can assist. For a price, of course.)
Percy frowned. He couldn’t see how such an agreement would help him. He already tested, and nothing so far had affected Tal’Dorei. But at the same time, since it was a dream, saying yes could at least give brief catharsis. “What….who are you?” The answer wasn’t going to affect his decision, but he had to know.
(Ignorance from a Hero of Light!) The creature laughed darkly, a sound that left Percy feeling cold despite the fully covering pajamas. (I am from the middle ring of the Noble Circle. My true name is unpronounceable in your tongue.) At this moment there was a pause, and if whatever was in his head was capable of grinning, Percy was certain it would. (But you. You may call me Orthax.)
He looked down at himself, pulling the right sleeve of his pajama shirt up to find only smooth skin. No scars from the Briarwoods, or Ripley, or anyone. Another reminder Derse was only a dream and unaffected by the real world, and thus, the real world was unaffected by here.
“Very well.”
Images flooded his head. Terrible images of smoke and darkness, of creatures larger than dragons, larger than planets, with writhing masses of tentacles that obscured several eyes and numerous beak-like mouths. Chills ran down Percy’s spine at the mere image. Bangs echoed throughout the room and rattled his eardrums. A sharp, direct pain seemed to burrow into his forehead. Distantly, he was aware his mouth was open, likely screaming, but he couldn’t be certain. Laughter once more, deeper and more bone-chilling than before, erupted in his head.
Percy awoke with a start in a hard chair, face first in his sketchbook and pencil still in hand. He jerked his head around wildly, finding dark browns and whites in his room, not purples and blacks. For the first time, he was glad to be alone in a cheap inn and not back there, imprisoned but safe.
“It’s just a dream,” he told himself, forcing his breathing to slow. How did he even fall asleep? He had apparently been working. “Just another dream of Derse.” He rolled up his sleeves to find the scars Ripley left, sighing in relief. And nothing more, he added silently. But still, what the creature - “Orthax” - had said, it wasn’t wrong. He did want revenge. Even if it was on his own. Running away was never going to make him feel better. It wouldn’t stop the night terrors where he sleepwalked in his dream cell while frantically calling for help in real life. Running away only allowed those people to continue wreaking havoc.
At roughly 5 p.m. that night, Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III designed his first gun.
((Like what I write? Help me buy Hiveswap!))
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lukeysgirl · 8 years ago
The Note Tree ❋ L.H. Pt.10
Part T E N 
Summary: A cherry blossom tree, residing at the farthest part of the schools courtyard. Nobody dwelled there, and you didn’t care much for it. Until you kept hearing one song played over and over, with lyrics changed to touch at your curiosity. They knew you were listening, and one day you gave in and made your way to the pink tree. Waiting for you, a series of notes tied to a single strand of string.
Word Count: 5.5k+
AN: blAH here’s part 10 for you guys! im making this finally a bit more eventful as it was going slow. but here you guys go and i really hope you enjoy it very much! remember, 100 notes pls and thank you :) xx 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.
I M A G I N E 
“We are taking the seniors to a trip in the woods!” The principal announces into the black entity worth of a microphone. 
Everyone was told to file into the auditorium immediately when the doors were opens and the morning announcements echoed through the corridors. More specifically, the seniors were requested. So, you trotted into the large room with ease, your friends easily finding you in the crowd as you chose seats towards the very back, left corner of the theatre. 
It was an extraordinarily large theatre, might you admit. The cozy, cushion red chairs were ornate in rows of three, each horizontal row owning about 12 seats before going down to the next ones. Overhead was another floor of chairs, just for the sake of using more space and having a cooler, higher sight to see kids reenact the horrid tragedies of Shakespeare. Because, honestly, what other play writers do people actually know that deserve to be mainstream? 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Alexis hummed beside you, nudging your shoulder gently in pure concern. 
“Yeah, I’m alright,” you croaked, your elbow planted upon the arm rest as you leaned your cheek against your fist. You lied; you were actually sleep-deprived and starved. After the tutoring with Luke, you were too stuck in thought due to Luke’s damned words and shameless stripping as his way to learn. It bothered you so much so that you couldn’t capture one wink of sleep. You were up all night, wondering in the dark about this blonde, blue-eyed dolt. 
“You don’t look too well,” Des hummed, bringing her gentle hand to plant it upon your forehead. The coolness of her fingers sent goosebumps around your body, but you ignored it with ease. “Your forehead is a little warm…” 
“I doubt I have a fever, or any sort of sickness for that matter,” you said in a hush tone, your eyes focused on the principal, who (in your head) started to sound like a character from Charlie Brown. Des relieved her hand from your forehead, exchanging worried glances with Alexis as Des turned to pat Savannah to inform her. 
“A few of your professors are currently handing out permission slips, regardless to those who are already 18 or above,” Principal Michaels spoke, having you chuckle from the way he held the wooden podium. The pale-white, brown mustached, green-eyed authority stood at the podium all high and mighty like he was some sort of god. “I apologize for such short notice, but it’ll be for this coming Friday and we should come back by Sunday…” 
You sounded him out, unable to keep up with his annoying, raspy voice. With not even a hint of sleep, you couldn’t be asked with a monotonous lectured about a trip that only needed 2 basic sentences: “we’re going camping” and “here’s what you need by Friday.” You understood that nobody could religiously follow you in your energy conservation belief, but you knew as fact that your fellow classmates were bored out of their asses. 
“Nice sweater,” chimed a male, pretty familiar voice, behind you. The girls turned, with the Principals’s voice acting as background to find Nathan right behind you. Sweater? How uncultured. But nonetheless, you looked down at the new Linkin Park sweatshirt with ease and released a curt smile. 
“Thanks,” you spewed simply, slowly focusing yourself on getting a few minutes of sleep as your eyelids began to sink down. So sleepy… if only I could just doze off for a few minutes…
“Y/N.” Nathan’s voice spoke right into your ear, having you snap your neck away and open your eyelids. You divert your eyes over to your right shoulder, where Des sat and Nathan’s face appeared at your outer periphery. “Are you tired?” 
“Just a bit,” you spat simply. “But keep in mind it’s morning and I’m in school, forced to study and interact with the likings of you, Nathan.” 
“Yeesh, cold,” Nathan hummed in offense. You saw a bit of his fluffy chestnut hair bounce to the front of his forehead, having you smirk. You recalled how Luke said he had ‘stolen’ Ashton’s haircut, and he was very true on his similar it was. But then Nathan’s eyes met with yours and an influx of Luke’s ocean eyes came into your mind. “You must be real tired if you’re this crabby. Want a supplement?” 
As Nathan dug into his pocket in search of his offer, Des brought her hand up and slapped him on the back of his head. 
“Fuck, Odessa,” Nathan groaned, using his free hand to rub the future bruise. “The fuck was that for?” 
“If you drug Y/N, I’ll literally rip out your eyes with my nails,” Savannah hissed, flashing up her pastel nails with fake diamonds encrusted upon it in a rather adorable form. Des quickly grabbed the blonde girls wrists, muttering ‘down girl’ as though she were a dog. 
“Relax,” Nathan spoke quietly, throwing his hands up in defense. “I’d never drug sweet little Y/N here. Besides, I know she isn’t gonna take it anyways. I just decided to offer for the slight chance that she should.” 
Already annoyed, you pull on the hood of the sweatshirt over your head. You ensured every spec of hair left out was tucked it kindly before folding your arms over your chest. Alexis did you the favor of gently placing her hand on the side of your head and tugging you over to lean on her shoulder. You emit a yawn, feeling tears well up in your eye sockets as you studied the several shadows of heads in front of you, blocking the view of the Principal. 
Your mind suddenly began to wander over the whereabouts of Luke R. Hemmings. You hated yourself for a brief moment, but succumbed to the reality of things: Luke is now someone kinda important. You couldn’t really explain to anyone, moreover yourself, but Luke is so persistent that he’s managed to put himself in your small circle of people. Fuck me, you thought. This is so annoying. I never asked for this. 
“Now, for those who have attended this school since middle school know how this very trip works,” Principal Michaels hummed, having you roll your eyes as you forced yourself awake for his blabbering. It might be important. “But this year we have decided to… revamp a few traditional customs.” 
The camping trip, though annoying, was an infamous tradition in the school. It was a 3 day trip to hell in which you ‘become one with the woods’ and ‘get closer together with your fellow campers.’ But basically it was a trip full of boring activities that included getting splinters when climbing trees, doing a safer version of sky lining, and getting wet in some lake. There are groups of 4 with teachers as the leaders and each team tries to rack up enough points in order to get some ‘cool prize.’ 
Your guess was an sharpened pencil that said ‘College Bound!’ or some corny shit like that. 
“This should be shit,” you muttered under your breath, feeling Alexis snort from your response. 
“A few e-mails showed up in my inbox with a more fun suggestion for the trip,” Principal Michaels hummed excitedly, reminding yourself of an old grandma content to receive several rolls of yarn. “So we’ve decided to allow students to be the camp leaders instead of our staff.” 
Several quiet chatters and murmurs ensued as you allowed your eyes to droop shut. 
“Maybe I can be a leader,” Nathan hummed, leaning once again on your chair as you felt his eyes on yours. “Would you like to be on my team, Y/N?” 
“I’d rather choke on acorns,” you replied bluntly, your eyes still shut while nuzzling nicely onto Alexis’ shoulder. Des snorted, having Savannah, reach over to rub your shoulder in praise. 
“You never fail to break my heart, Y/N,” Nathan coos, having you snort quietly as you resumed paying attention to what the superior had to say. 
“Unfortunately for those who wanted to be leaders,” Principal Michaels says with little to no sympathy. “The leaders have already been chosen.” 
Annoyed banter ensues as several students begin to chant their ‘boos’ and idiotic complains. Nathan shouted ‘that’s not fair!’ right behind you, having you hiss at him for producing such ear cancer from his mouth. You sat up, relieving Alexis’ shoulder as you decided to see the leaders step up and pretend like they’re the shit. But your eyes widened in great surprise to see the 4 alphas of your class to walk across the large stage before everyone. 
Front and guiding the other 3 was Luke Hemmings, which honestly didn’t surprise you all that much. Luke was always off doing something to get the attention, even if he wasn’t trying. But there he stood, as lanky and covered in black as usual. His curly hair was even more messy than before, seeing it more damp that it should be. Probably didn’t bother trying to dry it and add the disgusting chemicals the businesses call ‘hair care products.’ 
Oh, and following them was the deliciously tan Maori boy Calum, the pale party-monster Michael, and the sweet, and only mature one of the quad, Ashton. 
And, of courses, while the other male seniors groaned in annoyance, the rest of the girls broke their voices in cheers. The most you heard was the chanting of Luke, obviously the favorite for being the lead dog and audacious man who was anything but tame. You heard girls squeal, ‘I hope I’m in Luke’s team!’ and other very explicit terms you wanted to ignore. Your eyes scanned the area to see the red-headed, blue-eyed monster stand excitedly, waving desperately to get Luke’s attention. 
But even Nadia couldn’t capture the attention of the pair of ocean orbs. He looked around, his rouge lips stretched to form a lovely smile as he looked around the auditorium. You watched as he slowly made his way to your row, having you being to sling down to avoid contact. But the blonde asshole was too quick and spotted you, his pearly whites coincidentally shining as he shot you a wink. You huffed, rolling your eyes as you saw a student dash from his seat in the front row to go to the stage. He offered his hand up for a slap, in which Luke stretched his arms in pleasant surprise before bending down to slap his hand. You looked away, closing your eyes in hopes to fall into some sort of deep, 10-minute nap. 
“Simmer down, all of you!” Principal Michaels scolded, forcing your eyelids up to see his old, wrinkly hands wave the flood of students down. They’re already riled up, you thought. How the fuck are you gonna explain this? “They suggested the idea– it was only fair for them to be the leaders of the camping trip!” 
“Do they even know how to be leaders?” A boy hollered towards the middle-center of the bottom influx of students. Several of his mates agreed, having them stomp their feet on the floor in protest. Waste of energy, you thought. 
“God, look how good Calum looks,” Des swooned, having you chuckle as she waved her hand to produce air for the crook of her neck. You had to admit: Calum was looking pretty good. Super loose tank top, skinny jeans hugging his thick thighs nicely, tan hands ornate with small, but evident tattoos. Calum was just eye-candy to all. 
“Okay, but look at Michael– he changed his hair color!” Savannah squealed, bringing her petite hands up to cup her mouth. You emit a small burp, indicating that you required food and immediately. Your eyes divert to the forest green-eyed boy, seeing as his hair was no longer a fiery red. It was a blonde– maybe not as natural and strong like Luke’s, but a blonde with brown wisps coming from the roots at his scalp. It also seemed much longer than before, though you couldn’t make that assumption as you barely looked at the light-skinned boy. 
“Not gonna lose your ovaries about Ashton?” You hummed over to Alexis, who was gnawing on her bottom lip kindly. 
“I don’t need to highlight how amazing he looks,” Alexis muttered simply, her eyes stuck on the brown-haired man who smiled widely at everyone. “That’s a given.” 
“Point taken,” you said with a quiet giggle. Principal Michaels continued to emit details over the trip, in which you deemed mutable. Then, the student in front of you turned around and eyed you, having you furrow your eyebrows curiously. He dragged his upper arm over the back of his seat, with his forearm bent up. 
“Are you Y/N Y/L/N?” The boy hummed, his voice rather high and evidently suffering slow puberty. You blinked a few times before nodding skeptically, having the boy reach over to offer you a small, folded note between his index and middle fingers. 
“Uh, thanks,” you emit quietly, taking the note from the boy as he turned around and became just another figure again. You sit up more properly, allowing the hood on your head to droop off as you felt the paper substance in your fingers. You saw the infamous ‘-H’ on the very top before opening it. 
“Secret admirer?” Alexis whispered beside you as the three girls began crowding you. You nodded, your eyes finally focusing to see the words scribbled on the paper. 
‘Every time I go camping, I always getting so terrified because I’m really scared of the dark. Keep that between us though! Oh, btw, no tree 2day, sry :(’ 
You giggled, quickly closing the note before lifting yourself up a bit to stuff it in the back pocket of your jeans. The girls eyed you, obviously slow readers who didn’t get passed the first 3 words. You remained silent, allowing Principal Michaels words to flow through as you grinned to yourself. Afraid of the dark, stalker? You’re just narrowing it down for me, you thought to yourself. It was an easy situation see: go on the trip, see what night activities occur and stare at those who seem the most terrified. Easy. 
“The boys will choose who they’d like on their team,” Principal Michaels. “You can try and plead them to choose you, but nonetheless it’s their decision. As for the boys,” he resumed, glancing over at the tall boy band before him, “you’ll have to choose 24 students each as the senior class, excluding you boys, is 96.” 
“Fucking yikes,” you huffed, calculating the numbers in your head. 6 cabins, 4 people in each one, gender mixture being a possibility. “I sorta don’t want to go anymore.” 
“You’re going,” Des insisted as she slapped a permission slip on your lap before passing the small stack along to Alexis. You groaned, having Des roll her eyes before placing her hands on your shoulders. “It’s only 2 nights and you always want nothing more than to be out of the house.” 
“Well sure,” you began with a grumble. “But 2 nights with pure strangers being idiotic and attempting to scare each other with Brothers Grimm stories isn’t exactly what I like.” 
“How do you know you’ll be with pure strangers?” Hissed Savannah, leering over at you with her blue orbs worth of eyes. 
“Knowing the situation, I know as fact you’re going to be in Michael’s team,” you commented, receiving silence from Savannah as you snorted. “And then Calum is gonna take Des and Ashton is definitely taking Alexis so I mean… I’m not a genius but surely I’m good at reading the situation.” 
“…Except you actually are a genius and can read anything and anyone like a book,” Alexis points out, having you smile at her response. 3.9 Gee Pee Aye, just like Luke said. Oh fuck, I’m thinking about Luke. 
“Whatever man,” you croaked, taking the permission slip to fold into a small square. You stuffed it in the sweatshirt pocket, keeping your hands in there to gather some warmth. 
“Whatever my ass,” Des huffed, playfully hitting your forearm. “You’re going anyways and you’re going to have a great time in Luke’s team.” 
“Oh-ho, I’m not on his team,” you spat. The girls all leaned forward to stare at you, having you scoff at them as you tugged on the hoodie in reassurance. “I don’t care if he chooses me. I’m in Ashton’s and that’s settled.” 
“You baby, you don’t get to choose,” Alexis cooed with a gentle shove on the shoulder. “Besides, it’ll be fun– Luke likes you and you get along with him best.” 
“That’s because I see nothing in him and he’s super persistent,” you growled. “He doesn’t know when to let up. So I don’t care– I’m not in his team. That’s final.” 
“Okay then, Princess,” Nathan said suavely from behind. You let out a heavy sigh, feeling a headache collect in your head as his head peeped once again beside you. “Want to join my team?” 
“Die,” you spewed quietly. 
“I wanna be on your team!”
“Pick me, please!” 
“Yay, I’m in Calum’s team!” 
This sudden, abrupt camping trip has completely punched the little desire to be in the institution. You dropped your head in your arms in defeat, attempting to mute the chatter with the MP3 you gladly stole from Des without any complaints. Blasting Tyler the Creator in your head, your mind wandered in the pitch black darkness to see if you could sleep for just 5 minutes. 
You allowed yourself to peek up to see a big crowd of seniors surrounding the table of the infamous quad by the name of 5 Seconds of Summer. They looked somewhat stressed out, seeing as several students were hollering their names and pleads to join their teams. Dumbasses, you thought to yourself. So desperate for attention, then when you finally get it, you’re stressed out. You shook your head as Alexis joined the table with a tray full of food. Des brought lunch, and Savannah accordingly ate a big breakfast. You didn’t have the energy to start walking through crowds for food. Especially not with the weakness you own. 
“They have pizza today, you know,” Alexis teased, flaunting the cheesy slice of life on her tray. You blinked a few times before hiding your face back in your arms. 
“I’m not really hungry,” you lied, your head vexing you as a headache was ensuing and brewing quickly. You hoped the lie would have placed a believable facade around you, but knowing your friends, one of them would take a hint and stuff something in you. But before any of them could chime, a loudness entered the lunchroom that was incomparable to the noise that was already blasting. So you plugged the earbuds back in. 
Forcing yourself to sit up, your eyes darted to notice the infamous blonde monster enter the lunchroom. Crowds of students (mainly women) tailed after Luke as he walked in. Smug smile and all, you wanted nothing more than to punch it off his face. Luke’s presence quickly drew his other friends as Calum, Ashton, and Michael escaped their table and dashed over to Luke. They were really testing your boundaries it seems. 
You increased the sound of the MP3, practically breaking your ears with rap as you watched the boys stroll around the lunchroom. Their combined crowds made them look like they were going on a school trip, seeing as they guided them around. But as you did, a sudden dizziness began striking, having you drop your head into your arms once more. Your vision was now tilted, having your eyes divert every which way to notice the girls looking at you with wide eyes. You pulled off the earphones and stared at them with wonder. 
“Y/N, you alright?” Des began worriedly, her hand coming to plant itself gently at the bend of your elbow. You nodded, your eyes struggling to stay open. Fucking fuck, you thought to yourself. This sudden weakness from sleep deprivation and starvation was really getting to you, and you didn’t know whether to be pissed at Luke or yourself or both. 
“Y/N, you seriously don’t look well,” Savannah chimed, moving from across you to stand behind you. You let her hold your chin to tilt your head a bit up. Her free hand resided on your forehead, listening to her silver bracelets clink against one another as she moved her hand. “You seem a little warm.” 
“I don’t have a fever,” you groaned, attempting to swat her away. But you were too weak to even dare wave your hand any sort of high velocity. You loved your friends– you do, but they sometimes fretted over you far too much for you to actually handle. “Seriously, I’m fine. I’m just tired, like I usually am.” 
“Yeah, but you’re incredibly groggy and you’re not jolting away,” Alexis points out. Right as she said that, a fairly loud growl emitted from your stomach, feeling a painful twist as you let out a hungry burp. “Y/N, are you hungry?” 
“I just told you I wasn’t,” you huffed. “What part of ‘I’m not really hungry’ do you guys not get?” The girls watched you as your eyes lightened up at the sight of Alexis’ pizza. You really wanted at least a bite, just to relieve yourself of this excruciating pain before you could get home. “I’m fine, really.” 
“Okay then,” Des hummed, her brown eyes looking down at her phone before looking at you. “Stand up then. Lunch is almost over.” Your eyes darted towards the large clock in the lunch room, seeing her words ring true as you saw there was only just 3 minutes. Reluctantly, you forced your legs straight to rise from the cold, circular table. Throwing your legs one by one over the seat, your bend down to grab your bag. But mistakes were very much made when you quickly rose again and found yourself go far too lightheaded. 
“Fucking hell,” you muttered, bringing a hand up to your forehead. The periphery of your eyesight was suddenly splotching black as you took one step away from the table. But then a jolt of pain hit your head and you found yourself going limp. Slowly, you saw your vision going sideways again while you were close to colliding to the ground. The last thing you saw was a black figure wearing a Cage The Elephant dashing to you, your name being yelled loudly in a masculine, accented tone before everything went mute and you drowned in the black. 
Emitting a croaky groan, your brain was finally regaining consciousness. Slowly, you allowing your eyes to flutter open. Your eyelids felt heavy, but you nonetheless forced them up to get shot by a very brightly lit ceiling lamp above. Feeling your mouth going very dry, you moved your tongue around and licked your lips, providing the moisture of saliva all around. Realizing that you just awoke from a slumber, you jolted yourself up to sit up and take in your surroundings. “The fuck am I…” 
“The nurse.” Oh, of fucking course. You turned to your right to see Luke Robert Hemmings sitting beside you, his elbows on his knees with his back slouched. His ocean eyes were no longer beautiful, and more dim and sunken. His hair was a little messy, probably from tampering with it anxiously. His rouge lips were normal, though his bottom lip was much more crimson due to the lip biting he’s probably been doing. 
Great, you thought to yourself. There goes my heart. 
“Why am I here?” You asked softly, slouching yourself to lean against your hand. That’s when you finally noticed. On your right arm, the sleeve of your hoodie was pulled up with your forearm exposed and being punctured by a needle. Your eyes dragged up the wire connected to it to see it connected to a big pouch of liquid. Artificial nutrients, you guessed. 
“You passed out in the lunchroom,” Luke replied, his stern face not faltered a single bit as you distantly stared at the needle in your vein. Luke sound a bit mad, like you did something to actually get him pissed. Not that you were an angel, but you doubted to have done a thing to get the blonde, pompous idiot mad. “Because you apparently were sleep, water, and food deprived.” 
“How’re school nurses accurate?” You wondered quietly, attempting to escape Luke’s information. You wanted to avoid being scolded, especially by Luke. You’d actually feel bad, and that would be very annoying, considering how tired and weak you still were. 
“Y/N, what the fuck were you doing with no sleep and no food or water in your body?” Luke growled, anger present on his tongue. You gulped, goosebumps suddenly crawling as you made sure to look away from the boy. You didn’t understand why you felt bad– it’s fucking Luke. Not even Sav, Des, or Alex. It’s fucking Luke Hemmings, Mr. I-Am-Too-Popular-To-Try-In-School. “Answer me.” 
“Cool down, blondie,” you hummed quietly, weakly raising your arm to wave him gently with your hand. You couldn’t move it too much, seeing as that was the punctured arm. You rose the other hand to cup your mouth to emit a yawn before crinkling your nose a bit. “I’m not dead and you’re not my guardian. I don’t see why you’re acting like some sort of worry warrior.” 
Suddenly, Luke abandoned his chair, the plastic dragged upon the white tiles as it was violently sent back. You looked over and flinched, seeing Luke look down at you with vexed eyes. His jawline was clenching, with veins dancing up and down his neck and temples. He then went and slammed his hands down on the bit of bed that you weren’t occupying, his face just a few inches from yours. 
“Stop being so fucking careless!” Luke exclaimed, practically barking as you stared at him blankly. The scruff ornate on his chin was collecting very small dews of his spit, you noticed. “You have to be more self-aware and give a shit about yourself because it’s not just you that cares about you. I fucking care about you, and you damn well know this because I’ve told you this before and I’ll say it again: I. Love. You. So stop acting like your damn choices don’t affect anyone else because my heart fucking stopped when you fell right before me.” 
You stared, somewhat stunned by Luke’s aggressive take. His blue eyes were so dark, the azure not sitting well with you. You noticed his under eyes seeming a bit pink– had he been crying? His lips were in a pout, not entertained and very unlike his usual smiley self. You suddenly took in his words and allowed your eyes to fall down to see his shirt. Cage the Elephant. 
“You were the one rushing to me,” you connected the dots, looking away to take this in. You wanted the silence, but Luke was obviously not going to give it to you. He moved and ended up in your view again, still quite aggravated. “Luke–.” 
“Also stop shutting down my feelings just because you believe I’m wrong about them,” Luke barked, having you blink a few times as he huffed. “I flipped my shit. I threw myself on the floor so your head didn’t hit the damn floor. I was not gonna let you get a concussion.” 
“You cushioned my fall?” You asked quietly, seeing Luke’s eyes soften as he revealed a curt smile. He stood up straight and turned around, clinging his thumbs into his jeans. Before you dragged your hands up to your eyes, Luke looked back at you with a sympathetic gaze. 
“Before you start, I’m not gonna moon you again,” Luke spoke softly, having you hesitantly put your hands down as Luke dragged his pants that resided towards the left down and showed his upper buttcheek to you. Your eyes widened a bit.
A large, black splotch was evident in the very pale skin. The outskirts of the bruise was red, the flesh obviously agitated from the fall. There were licks of purple and blue in there, resembling a night sky in a hilarious way. But you couldn’t help and feel genuinely bad. You were a burden to someone you didn’t ask to take your burden-causing ass. 
“Luke, thank you for catching me and whatnot,” you began quietly, having Luke pull his pants up as he turned to face you once again. “I’m also sorry that you did but… you didn’t have to. I know, you care about me and love me or whatever, but I didn’t ask for you to do that. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt and I wouldn’t feel bad and have to apologize if you just let me fall completely.” 
Luke just stared at you for a brief moment, before bringing his hand up to your forehead and flicking it.��
“Oi, the fuck was that for, Hemmings?” You spat, bringing your left hand up to your forehead to rub it. 
“You sound stupid when you rant invalid reasoning,” Luke said quietly, sauntering over to grab the chair back and sit himself back down. He winces. He folded one leg over the other, studying you wistfully. “Even as strangers, I wouldn’t want to see someone fall down, knowing damn well I could go over and prevent a way bigger damage that the bruise on my ass.” 
Your palm was tickled by the wool sheets of the gurney as you distantly studied your black leggings. Luke bothered you, but not only because he was a persistent pest. He bothered you because even when he was like this, he was only doing it out of genuine care and kindness. He spoke words of sentiment to you, about you, without any hint of embarrassment. His heart is real and soft and full of warmth and completely saccharine. It bothered you because if you weren’t so stubborn, this would be taken, with ease, as the first time someone has given you romantic love. 
“Where’s Sav, Des, and Alex?” You hummed, refusing to respond to his banter as you looked around to see the nurse vacant. It was just the two of you, it seemed. 
“In class,” Luke hummed. “There’s about 15 more minutes before school is over, so just regain your energy before you could go home. I can take you if you’d–.” 
“I’m good,” you quickly dismissed before letting out a sigh. You stomach grumbled, annoyed that you were still hungry. Your left hand subconsciously held your tummy, having you plot a plan to grab a sandwich before returning home. But it seems Luke was ahead of you on that. 
“Someone left you food, by the way,” Luke hummed, having you turn to watch as Luke grabbed a brown paper back from the floor and offered it to you. You grabbed it weakly, placing it on your thighs as you opened it curiously. “I didn’t look in it, I swear.” 
You snorted, digging through the bag to fish out a packed sandwich. You noticed it was from Five Guys, humoring you as you put it beside you before checking more of the bags contents. There was a Pure Leaf ice tea, lemon flavored and fairly cold. Putting that aside as well, you noticed a note at the very bottom. Picking it up, you tossed the brown bag away to your lower legs as you opened the note up. 
‘I heard what happened– please eat up! I almost had a heart attack tbh. Anyways, this place makes my favorite sandwiches so I hope you like it. Nobody knows this, but I used to be extremely fat. Like, really fat. But puberty did me good and I still eat about 2 boxes of pizza to this day -H’ 
“What a loser,” you muttered under your breath, rising a bit to stuff the note into your back pocket with the other as you took the sandwich and dropped it on your thighs. You opened it quickly to reveal a nice sandwich before you. Your mouth was practically watering, super excited to eat the delicious food. But before you could, you felt two large, calloused hands wrap around the one being pumped with nutrients. You look over and see Luke stare at you, his eyes warm and soft with a curt smile playing at his lips. 
“If I may, I’m going to use your invalid reasoning right now,” Luke hummed quietly. “You’re going to be in my team for the camping trip, and it’ll be my responsibility to take care of you. Don’t quote-unquote ‘burden me’ by being careless during that time, okay? But on a serious level, please don’t worry me. I’d hate for something to happen to you, especially when I’d be watching you.” 
“Luke…” you began softly but he was quick to let go of your hand. He rose from the chair and stretched a bit, emitting a loud yawn. He cracked his knuckles a bit, adjusting his hair as he continued to look down wistfully at you. He bent down again, his hands down on the bed as his nose was just a few inches from yours. 
“Get that permission slip signed, okay?” Luke requested calmly, giving you a blush-inducing wink. “A little birdie said you weren’t going, and I think that’s what you could do to pay back my services.” 
You groaned, realizing he was the reason you weren’t currently suffering a concussion and potential brain damage. 
“Okay, now shut up,” you growled, smashing the half sandwich again Luke’s lips. Luke chuckled, taking a bite before rising up again to make his way out of the nurse’s office. “Where are you off to?” You asked curiously, somewhat upset that he was leaving. 
“I’m off to tell Ms. Lee that you’re okay as well as to get your work for the day,” Luke chimed, walking over to the doorway. He then halted, turned around to lean against the right side of it. “Nice sweatshirt by the way.” 
With that, Luke Hemmings left you in the nurse, with food on your legs and your heart racing.
ooo look at me, productive and quick update wow. if you liked this chapter, pls lmk right ovah here, and ill see you at pt 11 xx
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That Is Tesla
If you are a visitor of background, you could have listened to words Telsa prior to. Nikola Tesla is an extremely vital guy that left a huge mark worldwide.
Tesla was that is of a Croatian descent, was a physicist and also pioneer that developed the contemporary Air Conditioner and also power supply system. Telsa relocated to America to seek his researches.
What a number of do not understand regarding this person is that his success was credited to the reality that he had a much better understanding of the globe. He had the ability to take advantage of the power that deep space has in order to make innovations.
This program includes the job of this brilliant in making certain that you additionally have an effective life.
What Tesla Code Secrets Truly Is
This is an electronic book that will certainly help you in your pursuit for success in life. The electronic book will certainly aid you to form your life to match the one you have actually constantly desired for.
The program is an electronic book that you download and install from the brand name’s main web site right into your computer system or perhaps mobile phone. The overview will certainly exist in your electronic tool in the PDF style.
Unlike various other programs which make use of academic methods like the legislation of destination, this program makes use of clinical methods. This sees to it that you have a hands-on strategy in attaining your desires.
The approaches that are availed by the program are one-of-a-kind. Directly I am still looking for testimonials concerning programs that share these approaches.
The Author-Alex West
The electronic book was penciled down by Alex West. Alex carried out a comprehensive research study concerning Nikola Tesla so regarding create this remarkable program.
Exactly how Does the Program Job?
According to Nikola Tesla, there exists power within deep space. You can manipulate this power for your success. The program will certainly reveal you exactly how to attain anything that you desire in life.
Though basic actions you will certainly find your troubles as well as resolve them. The standards will certainly assist you to alter suggestions and also ideas that you have within your aware as well as subconscious mind.
The program training course is laid out right into 18 straightforward lessons that you need to go with. These lessons will certainly assist you to use the power existing in deep space. You will certainly invest 10-15 mins of your time to obtain what you desire.
This program will provide you with enough psychological and also last power in your life.
Do You Obtain Bonuses
Besides the electronic book, you will certainly likewise obtain bonuses. The most effective component concerning these bonuses is that they are definitely complimentary. They are:
The Power of Idea.– From this bonus, you will certainly find exactly how to re-shape your way of thinking in order to remove your ideas that work as restrictions.
The Success Compendium.– It includes essential elements like the Napoleon Hillside success approaches as well as The Legislations of Success.
What Does the Program Educate You?
From the program, you will certainly learn a whole lot. The overview will certainly show you every little thing there is to understand about attaining your desires as well as succeeding. You will certainly learn:
Just how to establish objectives in life as well as remain concentrated on ensuring that you accomplish them.
You will certainly discover the very best means of eliminating the tension as well as irritations that you might have in your life.
You will certainly find why you ought to not ensure grace to an additional individual.
You will certainly likewise learn just how to eliminate discomforts that are relentless as well as the means of minimizing small disorders strikes.
Just how to secure on your own from influencers. You will certainly no more need to fret about peers as well as people that might affect your choices in life.
Just how to encounter any kind of day as well as the troubles that might emerge.
You will certainly seem more youthful after making use of the program, this is since you will certainly not have acnes like creases that arises from assuming as well hard.
Just how to believe plainly as well as enhance your photo memory.
You will certainly likewise discover just how to regulate your ideas as well as feelings.
That Can Utilize This Program
Every person has desires that we wish to accomplish. If you check the marketplace, you will certainly learn that a lot of programs just fit a particular team of individuals; either ladies or males.
Fortunately, this program can be utilized by any person. Your age or sex does not differentiate you from utilizing this cutting edge program.
Is the Program Legit or a Fraud
You may ask yourself if this program is simply one more fraud produced to deceive loan from you. The fact is that this program is legitimate. The standards are based upon strategies that have actually been verified to benefit many individuals that have actually utilized it.
You will certainly likewise obtain a complete money-refund in situation you do not like it. This suffices proof that this program is legitimate unlike various other programs.
Final Verdict
Do you want to attain the objectives that you may have established? After that you ought to take into consideration attempting this program out. I have actually checked out the testimonials uploaded by individuals that have actually utilized this program; these customers have absolutely nothing adverse to lament concerning this program. It has actually assisted them accomplish the objectives that they have actually established.
I can with confidence state that this program is outstanding in the group of self-help programs. The methods that you will certainly utilize are special. Many thanks to this program, you will certainly no more undergo the misery of pricey workshops that produce no fruits. Do intend to achieve success? I suggest that you get this program.
– The program is extremely simple to make use of. The overview informs you making use of consecutive actions that are extremely simple to understand.
– The program uses a 100% reimbursement assurance to you. If you are not pleased with the working of the program, you can declare a reimbursement of the cash you invested acquiring it.
– It is well described. The standards are totally described so regarding make sure that you comprehend whatever regarding just how to alter your life.
– The program can be utilized by anybody. You can utilize this program despite your age or sex, there are no obstacles to utilizing this program to attain your desires.
– After utilizing the item, you will certainly alleviate on your own from any kind of stress and anxiety that you might be having. You will certainly have the ability to live a satisfied life without no fears due to this program.
– It is affordable. The program is less costly than participating in workshops that make you to component means with substantial quantities of cash.
– It is a pace-oriented program. You learn the standards at your very own individual speed of understanding points.
– You need to be dedicated to whatever is advised by the program. You need to save several of your time to utilizing this program.
– So regarding gain access to this program, you will certainly need to have a net link considering that it is a book.
This is a program that will certainly aid you live an effective life. It will certainly assist you to construct the ideal attitude comparable to that of effective individuals. After utilizing this program, you will certainly live with no tension. The outcomes that you will certainly receive from this program will certainly blow your mind. Visualize living a satisfied life and also preserving your look. All you need to do is get this program.
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gokinjeespot · 8 years ago
off the rack #1178
Monday, September 4, 2017
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