#that one time someone gave me a 25$ tip literally helped pay for my gas to reach the outreach clinic
cordeliawhohung · 2 months
sorry if you’ve already answered this but when you say early access what are you referring to and how can we get early access?
yeah, so i'm referring to my patreon!
it's explained a bit on my intro post on the site, but i offer sneak peeks to my works (longer than what i post to tumblr. tumblr usually sees 150 words while on patreon i put it around 500-1k words) and early access to my long form fics a day before they're posted on tumblr and ao3. so like chapter 12 of in limbo is on there right now!
i also mention this in my intro post, but none of my fanworks are locked behind a paywall. they're still fully available for free (i would get in legal trouble if not lmao) but i would like to post original fiction sometime on there in the future that would be patreon exclusive. i created this back when my work was being shitty about my hours/pay just to help me out a bit, so really it's more of a glorified tip jar than anything. i have had people make a payment/tip and then cancel their subscription and that's totally fine! it's just there if anyone wants/is able to help a girl out a little lmao.
if anyone has any other questions though let me know! always happy to answer (:
11 notes · View notes
spacereadinglesbian · 5 years
35 reasons why I love you
Summary: TJ hasn’t really seemed like himself for about three days. Cyrus tries everything to wrap his mind around it but he can’t. So he decides to write a list on why he is son important to him. (This is a spin off of 45 reasons by Theo @you-get-to-exhale-now-Cyrus, please check her fic our! )
Word count: 1882
1. You’re kind

The first real interaction we ever had together, you were nothing but kind to me. You took time out of your day to talk to some nerd who was all sweaty on a swing set, for what? For a split second I thought you were there to make fun of me, to laugh at how I look but you surprised me. You sat down and talked to me, and that’s the day I realized you were kind. It’s been over 4 years and you haven’t stop showing me kindness. It’s not even just me you show kindness to now, you’ve expanded and now your kindness radiates off of you like the sun on the lake during summer. You’re the kindest person I know.
2. You ask about my day
No matter how shitty your day is, you make sure that you ask about my day. At first I thought it was a courtesy thing, but you actually listen to my answer. You listen to every word I say, and hang onto them like a needle on a thread.
3. You have a special smile reserved for me
You’re smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and if I can make you smile for the rest of your life, I promise I will. 

4. You’re intelligent
God, you’re so intelligent. You can state history facts off the tip of your tongue, and you have a quote from literature for almost any situation. Even in math your excelling, you took the hardship and got help, even when you didn’t want to. You’re doing amazing now Teej, and I couldn’t be more proud.
5. You’re sympathetic 
You care. You care more than any person I’ve met. That day when I came home because my dog died, you were there holding me and reminding me that I was going to be okay. When Andi and Amber had their first fight, you comforted Amber then were at Andi Shack in a matter of 10 minutes. And Buffy. When Buffy has a problem with Marty she doesn’t ask me, she asks you, that’s a huge step, especially for her. And when Jonah has panic attacks, he talks to you. You’re the first person he goes to, he says he does it because you’re the best listener, I agree. 

6. You don’t put hair gel in you hair when it’s just us

7. You’re incredible with kids 
Whenever I go to bring you lunch at work you have at least two children clinging to your leg. They say that Mr.TJ is the best gym instructor they’ve ever had. 

8. You’re strong
When your parents went through that divorce you were the glue that held the family together while you were also falling apart. You kept it together in front of your mom, your little brother, and Amber. You said they needed at least one man that wouldn’t screw them over. You were only 15 at the time but wanted to make sure everyone was taken care of. You’re the strongest person I know.
9. You’re a great story teller
Damn I could listen to your stories all day, every day. The amount of detail you go into when you’re telling story and the little light in your eyes when you realize somebody actually cares about it is breathtaking.
10. You’re warm 
When I’m cuddling with you I don’t even need a blanket. I think you’re so warm because you have such a warm heart, but that's just my personal opinion.

11. You make the best coffee

12. You can ramble about history for hours
13. Glasses 
When you wake up from a nap and have your hair misplaced and your glasses on you look like the softest little teddy bear. 

14. You care about the environment 
Do you remember the day when we had a beach date? We didn’t even end up swimming, we ended up picking up as much trash as we possibly could on the beach. And after that, your smile was radiating so we went to a different beach and picked that one up too. I also gave up beef for you because your love for the environment is so infectious, and you know how much I loved hamburgers.
15. You respect and love your mom 
I’ve never seen someone have so much respect for their mom. I don’t know if its because you’re a respectful person or because of everything your mom has done for you. From being a single mom to accepting you when you came out. All I know is that you look at her like she holds the world, and you’re not wrong because she held you for 9 months and now you’re my world.

16. You text me to make sure I get home safe 
Nobody has ever taken the time to make sure I get home safe every single time I leave them, it just reminds me how lucky I am to have you.
17. You’re an awful person to watch sad movies with. Yeah I said it. You get so emotional while watching sad movies we always end up changing them, but I don’t mind because I hate thinking about sad things when I’m with you. 

18. You collect socks 
Whenever I have a bad day I look at your socks. You always have something cool on them whether it’s dogs, or basketballs, but my personal favorite are the ones with unicorns.

19. You don’t have one plain pair of sheets 
You say that if you fall asleep on plain sheets your brain doesn’t get enough imagination. Now I know why you’re such a creative person

20. Every time we are out we have to get your dog a new toy 
I swear Bonnie has at least 30 toys all from you. “Cy, we have to go get her a toy! We went out without her she’s going to hate us!” Every time I cave. 

21. You like to capture the moment
At first I hated it that you took so many pictures, I always said “let’s live in the moment.” But you always wanted to take at least one picture. Now I’m lucky that you did that, we have a picture from every movie night to every date.

22. You have soft hands 
I always take your hands in mine because they are so soft, I just can’t help it, plus I love playing with your fingers.

23. Your eyes light up when you talk about something you love
I don’t know if you know this, but you get a sparkle in your eye whenever you talk about something you care about. That’s why I watch history documentaries with you and help you pick up beaches. I never want to see your eyes without sparkle.

24. You don’t half ass shit 
No matter how hard something is, you give it your all. You put everything you have into it, I can’t help but admire that part of you. 

25. You’ve worked for everything you have 
You have worked since you were 14 years old, almost nobody does that. You pay for your phone bill, you’re gas, and your car insurance, and you still beg to pay while we’re on dates. 

26. You volunteer at the elementary school
Every Wednesday you read to a second grade class, I don’t know why you do it, you’ve never told me, but I know it holds a special place in your heart. 

27. You’re an incredible brother
You always help Cooper with his homework when you get home from school. You’re always there to talk to him, you even talk to him about girl troubles even though in your words “I have no experience”. And Amber. Oh my god you’re such an incredible brother to Amber. You’re there for her to talk to or yell at, or use as a punching bag when needed. You even letter put makeup on you when she wants to try something new, you’re the only person I know who lets their sister do that.
28. You’re a good cuddler
That’s it, that’s the whole reason. 

29. You put your friends first 
Ever since we adopted you into our friend group you’ve cared about everyone. If they look down you make sure to text them ask them privately, if they are having a hard family time you offer them to stay at your house. You treat everybody like family, it’s one of the many reasons I love you. 

30. You always offer to pay 
Even though I got a job, you still offer to pay, ALWAYS! We have to rock, paper, scissor, it out every time to decide who gets to pay.
31. You’re a great captain
Ever since 8th grade you’ve respected your teammates and you made sure they get the attention they need. You put your practices first, you’re kind to every single person, you even have game nights once a month at your house.
32. You have a good relationship with my family 
My mom literally treats you like her own son, she always asks why you aren’t at the house and when you’re coming over next. My dad asks when your games are and shows up to every one, he always tells me how great you are basketball. He’s thankful that one day he might have a son that loves sports just as much as he does.
33. God, you have really soft lips 

34. You’re sincere 
I feel like I’ve already said this, but I guess I’ll say it again, you love with your whole heart and nothing less. You care about people, you truly care about people TJ and it shows, you’re just an incredible person.

35. You’re the most important thing in my life 
From the day I met you I knew you were special. I knew you held a special place in my heart and I didn’t know why. Then I got to know you, I really got to know you and I started to understand why my heart felt so full while you were around. It’s because of everything that I’ve listed and more. When I’m not with you, you’re all I think about, and when I’m with you I think about the next time I can see you. I think about your voice, and your eyes. I think about how soft your lips feel on mine. I think about when you giggle and try to hide it by covering your mouth with your hand. God Theodore, i just think about you. I think about what I would do without you, and my mind goes blank because I can’t. I can’t see myself without you by my side. You are the most important thing in my life, and I love you more than you can ever imagine. And all I want for you is to be happy.
Love always,

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Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
"Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
Does it increase the cost of your insurance to black out your car?
I'm 16 and thinking about blacking out my car. I'm going to get a matte black vinyl wrapping (it is currently blue), black wheels, and I'm going to tint the windows and taillights. Does this affect the cost of my car insurance or would I even have to contact the insurance company?""
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
How much would my car insurance be? (Estimate)?
If I buy a used car @$15,000 and I am a male age 20 and I love in central florida. I have one speeding ticket and I was caught driving on a permit when I was 16.""
How much does the car really influence the insurance premium?
I never had an accident, or points on my license. Would my insurance really go up if i were to trade a beetle in for a convertible eclipse (used, an 03)? I've always heard the sporty the car the higher the insurance, but is that true?""
Relief based health insurance in MN...please help?
I am considering garnishing wages of someone that I won a judgement against. The court administrator told me that the person is exempt if they are currently or have recently been a recepient of relief based on need. She could not answer whether or not MinnesotaCare (health insurance) is relief based. The insurance related examples listed on the form she gave me are: Medical Assistance, General Assistance, General Assistance Medical Care, and Emergency General Assistance. I know that Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are separate things, but can anyone tell me if MNCare is considered relief based??""
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
How can i get cheap car insurance in the UK?
hey people, i have tried getting cheap car insurance for a while n i have had no joy. the cheapest i have got it is about 2,897 that is ridiculas for a 18 year old male at college who hasn't got a penny spear! i got a car givin to me a 1998 ford fiesta 1.25 zetec and i need help pritty bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!!""
What is the insurance on a Yamaha R1?
I am thinking about buying a 2001 Yamaha R1. I am 18 years old. I have a clean driving record and have never been pulled over. (Knock on wood) I have a car already, if that matters. I would like to get it insured if possible. How much do you think the insurance will be a month/year? Also, what would be a good company? *Before you answer please I don't want your opinion on if it's a good idea to get the bike because I've seen a lot of answered on opinion of bikes and not what the insurance will be.""
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
Car insurance questions PLEASE help?
my mom is insured with a car insurance company already, and i just got my licence. do i have to have the same insurance to drive her car or can i use a different company for myself on her vehicle.""
Do all pharmacys run your insurance?
Do they have to run your insurance whether you tell them you don't have it or not?
Health Insurance for a newly married healthy couple ?
Amongst the following companies which offers Good and Hassle free Health Insurance for a newly married healthy couple sum assured around 5 lakhs per annum. Apollo DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio National Insurance New India Insurance Oriental Insurance Reliance Health Royal Sundaram Star Health Tata AIG United India Insurance. Reply with confidance with suitable reason why you suggest this company. Reply immediately.
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
Quote for Car Insurance!?
Hello, I need some help in with Car Insurance...............So, I want to purchase a Honda Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I went on those car insurance compare sites and was quoted over 4000pounds!!! Here is the information I gave there, i was born in 1990, have license for 5 years, I have an international drivers license, I started living in the UK in April 2013, unemployed......Can someone please tell me why i was quoted so much money!! I even tried putting my partner who has been driving for 14 years and no luck! Is there any way for me to get cheaper car insurance? And is comprehensive or third party cheaper for me? Thankxx""
Do I need car insurance to drive someone elses car?
I got my license about a month ago..I'm 16 years old, going on 17 soon. I was wondering if I need to have my own car insurance in order to drive someone elses car? Their car is insured, however, I don't have my own insurance yet. Thank you!""
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
What does financial interest mean on certificate of currency on car insurance?
I'm using my car as security on a personal loan for my pilot training. The finance company have asked for a certificate of currency on my insurance policy. I can get one from the ...show more
Proof of insurance in Georgia?
If I will be driving someone elses car and they have auto insurance do I have to have insurance as well?
What would my monthly insurance be?
For a - -'07 Cobalt coupe -'08 tiburon -'04 ford mustang I'd like one of these but i'll be paying for my insurance so I'd like to have an idea on what it would be a month....any help is appreciated :)
Health Insurance?
Will my health insurance cover going to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues?
Cheapest auto insurance for 18 year old?
i am 18 years old a female and i own a 1996 chevrolet s10 2wd pickup truck i have had my licence since i was 16 and i am wondering if any one knows of any cheap insurance i live in st.petersburg florida please help!!!
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
How much could my insurance increase?
I ended up scratching the corner of my car after trying to get into the only parking spot available (some guy was over the line). It was on a chain link fence, no one got hurt, and I only have to worry about paying my problems, no one else's. I'm 19 and use my parent's USAA insurance. I went in for an estimate to see if it would be possible to cover it without using my insurance at all, but the damage was apparently worse than I thought, as they quoted about $1,550. I could potentially cover this with my upcoming paycheck (I think, don't know for sure), but would it be better to pay for it myself or use the deductible from USAA and see my parent's insurance rise? I know there are a lot of variables, but how much could our insurance potentially increase?""
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Cheapest insurance at my age?
I'm currently 16 with a 1990 Toyota Supra Turbo. Cheapest insurance ive looked up was 197$ a month... And that was with proggressive... Alot of the insurance places ive checked all require me to be 18.... Anyone know any cheaper place i could check?
Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Exchange concept seems to do the trick... so why complaints?
The Health Insurance Exchange idea allows individuals to come together and have the purchasing power of a large corporation. In this manner these uninsured people can get insurance at ...show more
Why do companies that claim to offer them the best insurance quotes sell leads?
I was shopping around for insurance quotes on my home and cars. Many of the websites that I came across claimed to offer the best quotes from different companies thereby getting me the best price. I started filling out a few forms and, for once, I decided to read the fine print ( you know that small font form we all click agree on). Basically what I found was that the company used 4 agencies that paid them to contact me. What the site was trying to advertise to me was that i would have he best possible quote in the world without having to call up the many insurance agencies around me individually. In reality the fine print ( which in the case of the Internet can be 25 clicks hidden) states that they offer quotes from companies that pay them. Why not state that the information I'm giving them is a lead and that people that get it pay for my information and those that don't do not get it. What about some insurance company that can't afford to pay for my information but can offer me cheaper insurance than those that do pay hat site? I wouldn't be so ticked off if these sites simply stated that they sell our information. Rather than try to make it seem as they find you the best price. False advertising is a cancer. http://www.4freequotes.com/web2000/agents/ http://www.netquote.com/about/media-kit.aspx http://www.netquote.com/affiliate/ http://www.2insure4less.com/insurance-leads http://adrianasinsurance.com/about_adrianas/terms/ Go to any free quote webite and read their privacy policy and the page that's made for affiliates/agents, you will clearly see how your information is sold.""
Health insurance from a broker?
HI, I need to take out a health insurance policy for myself because my work doesn't offer any. I called a local insurance broker who offers that service in addition to others like life, business, etc. My question is, is there any negative reason to buy from him verses going online and buying a policy by myself? I think I'd get more info from a broker right? Thanks""
How can i get my insurance company (Infinity) fix my car ?
Hey i just got into a car crash last month and i've been calling my insurance company to come fix the car.. but all they'v been doin is taking pictures and asking questions about how i crashed.. and its been a month already and they haven't done nothing all they say is that they'r gona let me know whats gona happen later on, thats it... Any ideas ?""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
""Young adult, no health insurance, I need help!?""
I am going to make this simple as possible: During this year, Jan to March, I have been on my parent's insurance, NJ FamilyCare, which we were enrolled under free-care because we were horribly under the poverty line, or above it? We're poor, that's it. And on April 1st, I was terminated from my insurance, they are saying I am 19 years of age, thus I have no insurance. Late August we (as a family) re-applied with all our names, and sent the papers in. But with a lot of research, I knew I shouldn't have been, under the Affordable Care Act I should have been on my parent's insurance until the age of 26. I meet the requirements: 1. Dependent Adult (19 years old) 2. Full - time student, no college insurance. 3. No insurance for 6 months now. 4. Not employed. I know for a fact, that being a full-time student, and being unemployed, shouldn't affect this, but maybe it is? I talked to a representative from the welfare office, (where my parents applied) and the lady (rudely) told me that because I am 19, and in school, I was terminated. And my social worker won't be done looking at the papers until late November. WTF? That doesn't make sense, so I kept the battle on, and told her that I should be covered under the law. But after some bullsh*tting around, she hung up on me. So I called again. And this time, another lady was saying, her son who is 20 years old, is insured under her insurance, and that I should come in with my parents, and tell our social worker that I am a full time student, who can't afford to be employed, (because of my 21 credit semester), I am dependent, and I have no job. I was like, well, it's not like I don't want a job, I just can't find the time to have one. I used to work 12 hour shifts, so don't think I don't like to work. The main reason I need the insurance, is because of my ADHD and Mania. I also always get sick, and have kidney problems. But with this, I still can't imagine why I was terminated. The lady told me I shouldn't have been under the law, but different people have different ideas... So, I will go to my social worker on the Tuesday, and find out what's happening. But I know I should be covered, and at least for my sake until I am 23-24. To which I plan to graduate and get my own insurance, and home. But if it doesn't work out, what other low-payment options are there? I heard about NJ Protect, but it's expensive on my part, and no way can I burden my parents with out-of-pocket payments. Thanks in advance.""
Renault clio? first time insurance how to get it cheap?
looking at a clio 1999-2003 model any hints on how to get cheaper? got a quote for 4000 today!
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
About car auto Insurance?
After the accident, i towed my car three times to different places. IIF my dad wants to know that where i towed my car from, would insurance company have record for knowing that where i towed my car from??""
Buying auto insurance?
Can two brother's buy auto insurance regardless of if they live together or not?
Do I buy car insurance before buying a car from a private party?
I'm buying a car this weekend from a private seller (we are just waiting for the duplicate title to come in the mail; she lost the original). Money won't be exchanged until ...show more
Car insurance Ireland. For young drivers?
I'm trying to get insurance for the first time on my own policy and it just seems impossible to get a cheap price. does anybody know any insurer in Ireland that does cheap quotes i just need the legal bare minimum. i don't see how i cant get under 2000 its very annoying and i just need a quote. does anyone know any way to help me? also I'm an 18 year old driver with a 1.4l polo, if that helps""
I'm 17 and can't find car insurance for under 2000. Does anyone have cheaper?
what car, insurance company ect? thanks :)""
How much would full coverage car insurance cost?
for a 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx thousand miles i am 21 with no accidents or tickets!!!""
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Can you have two car insurance companies with out them finding out?
I need an SR22 but my parents insurance company (Allstate) is saying I must go somewhere else or my payments are going to sky rocket. I only need the SR22 for two months so I figured I'd just get a second policy for two months, stay on my parents' as well, then just cancel the second policy when I don't need the SR22 any more so I can avoid losing the great rates I have on my parents'. Would my current insurance company find out if I got a second policy and cause me to have to reevaluate our current policy (which is the main thing I'm trying to avoid). And lastly, if you can't have two policies on one car could I leave my name on both and just take the car off my parents without having to reevaluate our current Allstate policy?""
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
Should I buy life insurance from Transamerica?
I have read that AEGON owns Transamerica Life insurance. There is a posting that both are potential scams. One warning was about health insurance. Is there a connection between the life insurance and the health insurance? The Transamerica building in San Francisco is shaped like a Pyramid. Wouldn't it be something if........
Why are there no good health insurance companies?
While thinking about the idea of an altruistic, fair public option for health insurance, I started trying to figure out why something like it doesn't already exist. (Or maybe it does?) The assumption seems to be that health insurance companies are causing problems through systematic greed, and the public option would help keep them honest. But, if this is the case, why isn't there an organization doing this already? Why don't the good, people, such as the ones that take less-pay than they could in other sectors to run major charitable organizations, start a good health insurance company that doesn't do any of the bad things that the other insurance companies do. If such an organization were to exist, it seems that everyone would switch to it, and even the most greedy of insurance companies would have to become like it in order to compete. There are obviously enough qualified and caring people out there to make such an organization happen without any government involvement. So why dont such organizations exist? I have a few ideas, but they dont explain the whole story. Maybe the fact that people dont usually shop around for health insurance because its chosen by their employers prevents new good insurance companies from gaining the market share required to make the bad ones change? Maybe health insurance companies are already as good as they can be, despite a few heartless employees, and the primary problems in health care come from somewhere else? Maybe protectionist legal policies prevent altruistic organizations from freely forming? Any thoughts?""
Homework / car insurance question?
I have to do a budget for the next 5 years of my life and im lost on how to get the car insurance part figured out. I have to figure out hom much i would be paying for car insurance if i was to buy a car in the future? can someone please help, i'm so lost. and plz dont just give me a website to go to, plz explain it a little. thanks""
What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""
Can anyone get affordable home insurance?
I live in an older home and it is the family home. I am a senior citizen and have always had homeowners insurance....until this year..seems it just got to expensive it was out of my reach. I would like to get some but has to b reasonable.My home at this time does need some little repairs which I will need to do...BUT will I b able to get insurance before the repairs are done..I realize I will have to pay for those myself..But want to try to get insurance for the future....Will they insure a home before the repairs are done? or Not? Thank u I live in Texas
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Negative impacts on making all drivers have insurance?
also what are some positive impacts of making all drivers have insurance how would it help stop boy racers?
Whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much?
whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much
What if: Driving without proof of insurance?
What if someone BORROWS my car and gets caught driving without proof of insurance (my insurance card?) NOT saying there is no insurance - the car is insured. But what if the person gets caught without my insurance card? Who gets charged? Will my insurance go up?
What is a car insurance quote?
What is a car insurance quote?
Car Insurance in Northern NJ?
Hello, How much do a couple pay on an average for car insurance premiums in Northern NJ? I am insured with liberty mutual and my monthly commitment is close to $140, I have a clean driving history and no claims in the past. Culd you suggest how I cut down on my premiums? Also the best car insurance company in the tri state area.""
Why do we need basic health insurance?
Health insurance should be for serious issues that require surgery or hospitalization. Why do I pay insurance to get a checkup or for routine visits? The problem with health insurance is it is too broad; therefore, it is too big. The idiots who say that car insurance is mandatory as an argument for mandatory health insurance leave out that it is only LIABILITY insurance that is mandatory. You are not required to insure fixing your own car if you choose not to. Think about how much more expensive it would be to take care of routine things like car maintenance, appliance replacement, etc., if they were handled through an insurance company. The answer seems to be to eliminate most of the unnecessary insurance and shrink it to only what is required. That along with serious tort reform would eliminate much of the red tape and cost. The person who abuses their things pays more to replace and fix them. Same thing with the fat people, who suck up most of the insurance money the rest of us pay.. If you choose to be fat, then you will pay more to repair your health. It seems pretty simple, but then again the current proposal is not really about health care is it???""
Affordable Health Insurance for Student in MA?
Hi, if you go to school in MA, you would know that the insurance company offered by school are overpriced. I'm looking for affordable, low-cost, health insurance for college student in Massachusetts. Thank you.""
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
Alright, so I'm 16, living in Ontario, but haven't decided what bike imma get yet, so can anyone give me a range of what it'll cost? Thanks in advance.""
When an insurance company gives you a quote is that for 1 month or 6 months?
Ive been looking for good insurance company because ill be getting my first car next month. its a white 2007 Deluxe Mustang, and of my age (18) my family is saying that my rates will be high. well i looking up qoutes and i got a few $178 $384 $668 and i was wondering it the quote for one month or 6. i looked at progressive, esurance, gieco, Ais etc.""
How much would a 2005 car cost to insure about?
So i am 16 living in massachusetts and found a 2005 acura that i want to buy and its only $2750 so i can afford it. The only problem would be paying for the insurance. So im just wondering about how much my insurance would cost for the car, i just need a good estimate, thanks.""
What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?
I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.
What is an insurance recovery vehicle?
I am looking at buying a car and one dealership offers insurance recovery vehicles for pretty cheap. I think that they they have been recovered after theft but I'm not really sure. Are they like salvaged vehicles and what problems could be found with buying an insurace recovery car? Have you had any experience with buying one? any knowledge would be appreciated.
Health Insurance for a 63 year old man.?
My dad just turned 63 and I want to get him some health insurance but what are the options? I know he needs some but he cant afford it and I want to help him out I just know nothing about it.
Car insurance question for military...?
We are in the military so the rules are a little different for us. For example, even though we just moved to TX, we can renew our tags in NC where we just came from... we don't have to change them to TX. We are going to renew our tags in NC which means our car will still be registered in NC... and we still have NC car insurance. If we get in an accident here, will having insurance in NC be a problem? Everything is registered in NC so we want to keep our NC insurance... or do we have to switch to TX?""
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
If I bought car insurance in one state and then move to different state do I have to buy new insurance?
I bought insurance for the year in one state but just moved to a different state where I will have to register my car again and get a new license plate. If I already paid for the year, do I have to get new insurance? If I do have to get new insurance, can I get my money back because I didn't drive for the whole year while under my insurance company's policy?""
""Is there a type of independant health insurance that is cheap, or semi cheap? And that is not a fraud?
I am a student and Im poor!
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
Rough estimate of my insurance?
im a 17 year old hispanic male I live in Mesa AZ and I have finished a drivers ed class in my school and passed with a B, I just got my license yesterday and my car is a 1983 Ford ranger two door, manual transmission how much would my insurance be (a estimate) if you need more details please ask and i will provide it.""
""If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
I am going to be turning 16 soon and i am most likely am getting a 2002 ford focus. what companies offer the cheapest auto insurance for a 16 yr old on there parents insurance?
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
My Car insurance is too high!?
Im 17 years old, male i mean I would expect my insurance to be high because im a young driver and male...but not ridiculously high. I got a quote on comparison sites and the cheapest ...show more""
Can car insurance sue you if you are 18 and just have a permit and if its under my cousin insurance?
I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do.....
How is my insurance so high for my 125cc motorcycle?
Well i passed my cbt on the 13th this month, turned 17 on the 10th this month, ive had my dt125 re / x 04 model for about 2 months riding on private land etc, anywhoo, i decided to look into insurances, well first i went to carol nash and got a quote for 4000??? then i tryed comparethemarket, got a insurance quote of 3600? what the ****? seriously, theres not a chance im going to be paying that **** and the insurance place is ringing up saying do you want to buy the 4000 insurance? **** no, any idea's for cheaper insurance places or idea's to get it down?""
I'm buying my first used car when I turn 18 next month. How much am I going to pay for insurance by myself?
I just want to know how much money I will have to pay each month for car insurance. The used car is about $5,000.""
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?
i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks
How much would this monthly payment approx be?
A new car that was a total cost of 16 thousand dollars. Monthly payment would be around 140. Plus full coverage insurance?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
Cheap cars to insure at 21?
ok so i am looking for a cheap car that will not cost me  for insurance the cheaper the better the car does not need to be a top of the range brand spanking new thing for all i care it can be from 1970 as long as the insurance for them are cheap
What's the difference between secondary and primary insurance?
I am doing some research for credit cards that offer auto insurance; however; I am finding some details to rather confusing, specifically: What's the difference between primary insurance (Diner's Club) and secondary insurance (most free credit cards)?""
""What is the cheapest car insurance place in the Farmington, New Mexico area?""
I've tried Farmers insurance and Geico. Both places quoted around $240-$280 every 6 months (or monthly payments). I did an online quote at Progressive and got a quote for around $180.00 (which was much cheaper). But I don't know if I filled the information out right? Oh btw, I'm trying to insure my 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. The insurance seems much more expensive on this vehicle than with other cars in my family.""
How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?
This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.""
Citroen c2 1.4 insurance why so expensive how to get smaller quote?
I just bought a C2 1.4 04 plate less than 30000 on clock semi auto and when I came to insure it nearly died! More than I paid for car! I am 30 and have been driving for 5 years, the first year I had my own car then I have driven hire cars or been a named driver on relatives cars. No claims, points, accidents or offences. WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help me I feel in so annoyed as can't drive without insurance and at this rate can't afford to insure! Any info greatly received :)""
Insurance question?
what is the average price of insurance of a 18 year old male with a sports car in the zip code area of 72601
Will your insurance go up with a Seat belt ticket?
In Georgia, will your insurance go up if you get a seat belt ticket with statefarm insurance?""
""In NY, If one does not have health insurance and is in an accident, can he get coverage?""
No health insurance and there's an accident and now many medical bills, not long term and no permanent disabilities, but something that may accumulate to thousands of dollars in medical bills, is there any way that you can get (free) coverage through the Medicaid program or some other program?""
Costs of insurance for Young people 16?
Could you write how much do/did you pay/paid for your insurance now/before?? Also could you add you car engine etc..
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
Is insurance required to keep a valid Florida driver's license if I dont own nor drive a car?
I am not currently driving nor do is there a vehicle under my name. If i do drive it will be a friend or girlfriends car. Will the florida dmv suspend my license now that I have been removed from my parents insurance?
How much will health insurance costs rise in your state?
Our attorney general says Ohio's will be over 80%.
Can I get really cheap insurance for my bike if I only use it for a couple of weeks per year?
I live in Argentina, and only go back to the U.S. for a few weeks out of the year. What's the cheapest way to insure my motorcycle while I'm there?""
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
What is the best website for cheap car insurance?
Im going to be driving soon but the insurance for young drivers is ridiculous. I just want to know what insurance company does the best insurance deals for new drivers. Thank you!! :D
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
Lanham Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20706
0 notes
So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
"So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Motorycle Insurance (NY)?
I am looking into buying a bike now, but before i do, i want to know, how much is the average amount an 18 yr old male would pay per month for insurance. I'm not looking for insurance sites that i can get a quote from, since i have not decided on the bike to get so any quote might be off. Any roundabout estimate would be very helpful, plus if u can recommend a bike that wouldnt cost me a fortune that'd be helpful too =)""
""Insurance rates for a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee?""
My next car, just need to know the insurance. Asking you guys might prevent me a whole lot of hassle and harassment from the insurance companies.""
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
I am looking for insurance on house?
i have drive insurance and i want to know if they have insurance on house also.
What's the best way to get a lower rate when it's time to renew my auto insurance?
my insurance is due next month, but I think I deserve a lower rate, and shouldn't just renew""
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
How do i get an online auto insurance quote in British Columbia??
Fvcking stupid place! How do i get insurance online in this god damn provence!!!
How to find people who need life insurance?
I am a Housewife and working as Insurance agent. Can u pls help me to find the people who need life insurance and investment plans? Thanks in advance.
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck?
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck AND it was NOT my fault? This is what happened: I was completely stopped because everyone else in front of me stopped in the middle of the road (some idiot in the front slammed on the brakes). A lady rams my rear end because she wasn't paying attention. My car got damaged, her's didn't. How do I go about claiming it? Is her insurance company going to pay for my repairs? Do I need to contact my insurance company at all? I don't want to pay anything and I don't want my rate to go up. Something I was planning to do way before all this happen was to change insurance companies because I can get the same coverage for less with someone else. Now if I tell my current insurance company that I was in a wreck and it was not my fault, would my new insurance company give me a higher rate than what I would've gotten if I didn't tell my insurance company?""
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
How much would my insurance go up if im 17 and was at fault for a car accident worth more then 750 dollars?
my family plan was about 3k every 6 months. The other car had about 3.4k worth of damage also. Also if i turn 18 will my insurance still become cheaper?
How much is car insurance for 16 year olds?
How much is car insurance for 16 year olds?
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
""Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?""
My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I'll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that's been in a similar situation fill me in?""
Which car insurance site does the cheapest qoute in uk?
L have brought my first car and l am looking for a cheap third party fire and theft car insurance does any one no of any cheap car insurance site in uk
""New to buy used car, can drive to home after buying with no insurance?""
i dont really know how to do, i am new to drive, Is it ok to drive the used car back home first but i dont have insurance, IF NO, what should i do????""
Do i need a motorcycle license to get insurance for my motorcycle?
i dont have a license yet but i want to get all the paperwork done so i can start riding as soon as i get my license.
""Im a new driver and my insurance in 1600 or above, i have tried all the cheapest cars!?""
i have just passed my driving test and i am looking for a cheap run around car to start me off, ive tried all the cheap cars (fiestas, peugeots and much more) but nothing seems to take my insurance lower, does anyone have any ideas...???? thanks.""
How much should i get for my car from insurance?
Before owning my car it was rear ended and received a reconstructed title. It is a 97 Honda Hatch Back. I'm curious as to how much value insurance will see as lost on the car due to the reconstructed title, though even though it was restored to near perfect condition. I was in stop and go traffic yesterday and the car behind me didn't realize all the cars had stopped, he hit me doing roughly 45, my car was pushed into another car and it's definitely totaled at this point. Is there a set percentage they deduct if you have a reconstructed title?""
Is there an option to suspend auto insurance coverage when you are not in the United States?
I am in the United States and have liability-only auto insurance coverage. I will be on vacation (out of United States) for about a month and my wife (also on my insurance policy) would be out of the United States for more than six (6) months. Based on preliminary findings, it seems that not having coverage (break in coverage) would impact future insurance premiums. What is the best way to save money as well as not impact coverage? Is there a concept like - suspend coverage for a while that when we are not in the country and not pay for that duration? Thanks in advance.""
""Is car insurance on a coupe, two seater car really that expensive?
or is it only like $20 extra as compared to a regular four door? my mom makes it sound like its another hundred....
So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
How much would insurance be on a mistibishi lancer GT on my moms insurance? (16 yrs. old)?
We are thinking about purchasing a mistibishi but we fear the insurance would skyrocket as me being a new driver. Any help?
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
A question about car insurance?
This chick hit my car but I have a feeling I'm going to be found guilty due to a faulty witness. I'm on my boyfriends insurance will it raise his rate? Also can he just remove me and put the car in his name? I'm so upset because this whole situation is the other drivers fault!!
Does anyone know of an affordable insurance company for an individual (major insur. companies preferrably)?
I am an individual contractor and in need of a health and dental insurance. There are so many to choose from and I don't know which ones I should be focusing on. Lower deductibles and higher copay better? What's an ideal payment each month? $200? $150? I need help.
""On a road trip with multiple drivers, how do you handle car insurance?""
I'm going on a road trip to the US (from Canada) with some other people, and we'll be using one of their cars. We're all driving this car. Is there car insurance we can buy just for the trip? It would suck to have an accident and affect the car owner's insurance. Thanks for any tips you have.""
Car insurance for someone driving my car? lil bit complicated =)?
My boyfriend drives my car occasionally and my full-coverage insurance will cover him and my car if he were to get in an accident. However, since I am still a student in college I'm on my parents' car insurance (have to pay them back once I graduate =P ) and they say that they don't want anyone who's not on the insurance policy to get in an accident and raise the family's rates, e.g. he's not allowed to drive the car. Understandable, however they won't add him onto our policy even if he pays his share himself. Now it's their prerogative, I'm not questioning that, but is there ANY way to purchase him automobile insurance that get's tapped FIRST in the event of an accident? ...To backtrack a little I've just researched non-owners policies, but they seem to work only after the initial insurance of the car (in my case my family's insurance) get's used up and the non-owner's insurance is used as a last resort; this still raises my family's insurance rates if there was an accident with him as the driver even if he had his own insurance. Does anybody know of any types of insurance that covers him driving my car without raising my parent's rates in the event of an accident? Thank you in advance! =) Oh and please don't say that he shouldn't be driving my car, etc. It's more of a hypothetical question as he rarely does but I'm getting tired of my parents getting on me when things happen, like getting the stomach flu when we're out and about and having him drive home, telling my mom later when im miserable, and her saying i don't care that you had the stomach flu he can't drive your car without his own insurance. Yay. Thanks, Mom.""
Can I drive without insurance?
hey people, so basically, I am going to turn 17 next month and will get my provisional. I am then going to take my theory test, along with driving lessons and then on to the practical test. Once I pass, I want to obviously drive, however the insurance premium for new drivers these days is ridiculous! I was wanting to ask if I can drive my parents car (which is insured to them) with their premission, or do I have to be insured as the next driver? By the way, the car would only be something like a 1.0 - 1.4 litre petrol. Thanks in advance!""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?
Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.""
Family car insurance cheaper?
Hi, my parents currently have car insurance with a bank. they want to include me into the insurance. is there a family insurance bundle that is cheaper than individual car insurance?""
""My mustang was totaled, and now has been auctioned ,how do I get the miledge for the Insurance company?""
Im having a time with my insurance company,my mustang was torched by some thuds,I guess fro fun,It was a 2004,fresh off the show room,Im the only owner,I had very low miledge, I didnt drive her much due to taking care of my disabled husband, 40 th anniversary special, pony package and a few more items on it,red,beautiful car well taken care of. This is the problem, My insurance wants proof of the miledge,I kept my documents in the car, they had someone pick up my car and had it auctioned off,now I need to find out where the car is,I sure it was sold for parts, I need the miledge off the car,proof of the miledge.Insurance is offering me a lower price because a vehicle of that year compared to their reports have alot of miledge,well mine didnt.I am so upset because they never had someone come and look at the car,they could have gotten the milege with a little work removing the screen, can some one give me some advice,thanks""
Does the monthly payment on a lease vehicle include taxes and car insurance?
I am looking to lease a car but I am on a budget. Ive been looking online at some people that want to sell or transfer their lease because I would only want it short term. Since lease cars are usually new insurance would be too much for me to pay, so I was wondering if a monthly lease payment includes it, and taxes.""
Why is my health insurance so much?
My girlfriend- is 22 in shape and healthy other than having psoriasis and ADD; she has health insurance and pays $90 damn bucks a month. I am looking for insurance since I will soon be 26 years old in shape and healthy and am looking at paying $200 a month. This is bullshit frankly- I am healthy, only have ADD (which I don't even take meds for but want to start again) and have a steady well paying job. I tried looking through the websites but found nothing less than $110 for not so great coverage. Can someone explain to me a. where to get good affordable health insurance b. why there is such a difference in cost since she has more problems and we are only 3 years apart c. are there any options for me if I went to healthcare.gov? I know she isn't lying about the payments and I know she has a co pay with each subscription/doctors visit but its minimal like $30-60 minimal. Any help or advise is very appreciated- also please don't make this political.""
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost in Nassau County, NY?""
I'm just starting to look at purchasing my first home and need to understand even a basic range of cost for yearly homeowners insurance for budgeting purposes. Without having a specific property in mind to request a rate for, is there any place I can see average or median homeowners insurance rates? I'm looking at homes in good condition for under $375,000 purchase price.""
Health insurance question?
can your parents drop your health insurance he your not 26 yet????
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Insurance on car group 3?
I'm 17 and only just started driving, i'm looking into buying cars and I can't afford a high insurance price i'd say my top price would be 1800 pounds, i'm looking for buying a car with insurance group 3. Is this to high? will the insurance be through the roof? i'm not very experienced with this so all help would be welcome.""
Insurance rates for this car?
First car, v8 mustang""
Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost?
cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?""
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
I just got my license and have no insurance..?
no car yet but will soon have one...what do you recommend?what will be cheaper to get my own insurance or be put on my parents...
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
Insurance with 6 points?
Hi, I would like to get a car because I'm nearly 17 and I have 6 points on my license for letting someone ride my moped in an empty car park. Does anyone know where I could get insurance, so far I have been quoted 6500""
How much will insurance be for a 16 year old ?!?!?!?
Hello, please answer my question without sarcasm. ok so im 16 and 7 month, just got my license live in New york city, i will be getting a nissan maxima 97-98 a 100% when i can , can someone please tell me the estimate price that it will cost me to get it at 16, or if i wait till 17 even cause my parents say that no way in hell they can add me or let me use a car with their names =[ i have a job and am very dependent on myself , I also have a very high average if that will make insurance cheaper. Please tell me what you think and price ranges per year, and dont show me those websites that i have to fill info in to get a report of price range as i tried a lot and they support me with info at all. thanks!!!""
How to get cheap dodgy insurance?
how can i get cheap insurance that doesnt actually cover me but then im legally insured
Medical insurance question?
if you are not married to your spouse but have a child together can you go under their medical insurance through work?
Is there any advantage of group health insurance?
I would like to know if there is any advantage of a group health insurance plan over a personal health insurance policy. I am planning on buying a health insurance plan so I wanted to know.
What is the cheapest car insurance to get for a 22 year old for full coverage?
What is the cheapest car insurance to get for a 22 year old for full coverage?
Insurance Cost Starting Driver-?
Statement of Facts: 16 (soon turning 17) Good Grades, above B, honors Several after school activities (Student Council, if that is even relevant) Impeccable driving history (no infractions) State of Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured under fathers plan, also clean record (51 and 1 ticket?) Alright, I'm currently under my fathers policy and am driving his vehicle to school and back. Soon we will be purchasing a vehicle for my own, and I have a few questions. To be frank, I am looking at mustangs. Not v6s, but GT v8s, preferably standard transmissions. Dad's biggest problem is insurance, which is understandable. My question is how much said insurance would cost/ raise his existing policy? -I like this model because I want a vehicle with performance. When I think of performance, Muscle comes into mind. The quintessential of this and most feasible is a mustang. Many older versions (such as 1990's, early 2000's) so they are affordable, and I just like them. Also I know a considerable amount of knowledge for my age about vehicles due to helping in my grandfathers garage past summers and many weekend projects.""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Is there a way to get an affordable car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey, I have passed my driving test, about a month ago, and I really need car. However, the car insurances are so insanely high, it's incredible! There where some for 27000!! How is someone suppose to afford that?! The cheapest I could find was 6000, that's still too expensive though. Does anyone know if there is a way how to get it cheaper? Oh yea, I already tried to put my parents on the insurance, it's still too expensive...I think it's better to get a new bike instead :D""
Can someone give me an aproxiamate estimate on how much my car insurance will be?
I am 22 and I will be getting my first car soon. It is used and in good condition. I am wanting to put my mother on the insurance as well so we can both drive the car and be covered.
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
Car Insurance.?
Does anyone know if there is a temporary car insurance you can get, so you only have to pay for it when you are driving the car. My car insurance is $150/month for plpd(partial), it is the cheapest there is, and my car is only worth around $2000. I only drive my car once a month for a 70 mile round trip. I just think its a lot to be paying $150 for a 70 mile trip. More than $2 a mile just for the insurance seems like quite a bit to me. There is no taxis or public buses where I live, and I dont want anyone else to take me. I am only interested if someone can give me information about the insurance. And a motorcycle wont work. Thanks.""
Are there any good Websites about Insurance ?
For someone who is newbie in Insurance , Also if it contains cases and Q&A it would be best Does anyone know any ???""
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
What makes car insurance cheaper for young drivers?
I know it's to do with the car. Sometimes engine size and security features and the year it was made. So what other thing and what cars fit into cheap insurance
16 yr old car insurance?
I'm about to turn 16, and about to get a car (Volvo cross country) I will have another 2 main drivers on the account. How much will it be in a roundabout? Also I will be 16^ I have a completely clean record C average And a male""
Cheapest California Auto Insurance?
Any One Can Tell Me The Cheapest California Auto Insurance
Question about car insurance.?
So I have a question, If I use my fathers car would he have to register his insurance on my name also? Or will it not matter since the cars registered in his name? Just in case anything happened. Just wondering.""
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
AAA car insurance wont return my phone calls?
i was in a car accident on the fourth of july and the guy ran a red. he hit my car and totaled it leaving me injured and now out of work for almost a month. the police report was sent to both insurances (mine & his) saying he is at fault. i and my insurance (state farm) have tried calling his AAA agent several times and they still have not called back. i have also called the supervisor with no returned phone call from her as well. ive asked my insurance and they basically told me to wait for them to call. im getting impatient and i was just wondering if anybody else has ever had this problem? im frustrated and not sure what to do.
Can i pay for my car insurance weekly?
i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks
Auto Insurance Question?
Hi all, I live in California and I got in a car accident yesterday. I found out today that the insurance company suspended our insurance due to a late payment so we most likely had no coverage at the time of the accident. What are my options at this point?? The accident was not my fault and the other driver was arrested for felony DUI and they had insurance. What are my options?? Thanks in advance!""
I hit another car and I have no insurance?
My boyfriend just gave me his old car as a gift, I planned on getting insurance to it the moment I put it under my name, but I was driving today and I rear ended another car. I was placed in police car as they did some investigation. The other police officer found out that the other car was a rental and that they had Avis insurance. I kept asking the police officer when do I find out about making payments to the other car. He gave me a ticket and said there will be no payments for the other car. Me and and the other car never exchanged any information. This is my first accident, I am a little confused. Am I suppose to get sued. And what is the likelihood that that the other car's insurance would charge me 10k or more for the accident? I want an idea so I can start saving money and trying to make payments now. Is there a way I can start making payments without having to go to court to get sued.""
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates?
I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?""
How much would car insurance be for a 1999 eclipse gs?
what would i be paying if i got a normal full coverage on this eclipse? and please no go to this link and get a free quote just give me an estimate, thanks""
Cheapest Car Insurance Nineteen Year Old?
So im nineteen and am hoping to pass my test friday, i have been looking on comparison websites and cant find any quotes for a low litre car under lets say 2500. I was just wondering if anyone out there knows of any specific insurers which could offer a much better deal, i would be very very grateful""
How much lesser is car insurance every 6 months ?
I pay car insurance every month. ON AVERAGE do you think I would pay less every 6 months?
""Visiting CA, do I need to get auto insurance?""
I have an IL driver's license but no auto insurance. I am planning to visit family in CA. Is it legal for me to drive my mom's car without having auto insurance? If not, where can I get short term (2-day) auto insurance?""
Insurance or out-of-pocket?
The bumber and trunk of my new 2006 Honda Civic was hit by someone unknown when my car was parked in a lot. The damage is a sizeable dent. How much will it cost for a repair in the dealership? Is it better to pay it myself or let the insurance do it (worry about increasing insurance rate). Any other ideas will help? Thanks
Can you get your drivers licence if your car's insurance is not in effect?
so i'm getting my licence and my car's insurance doesnt go into effect till the 20th and i get my licence before then. can i use the car even though its not in effect yet. i have an insurance card. i live in georgia btw
Auto insurance for son ?
Is my son automatically covered under our auto insurance now that he has a Driver's license ? If I call the insurance company won't they charge me some ridiculous amount of money for a 16 year old ?
I have a question about health insurance?
I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?""
Health insurance quote?
Where can I get a free health insurance online quote? Hi Everyone- This is my first time on Yahoo Answers! I'm looking for a place where I can get an online free health insurance quote. I'm always skeptical everything out there is a scam. Thanks for your help!
Health Insurance Cost?
Health Insurance through my employee for me and my two sons will cost me about $480.00 per month. That's a lot compare to what I make. Any suggestions or referrals for affordable health insurance for the Dallas/Forth Worth area in Texas. I'm in a big dilema.
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks!
How much does car insurance lower when you turn 21?
I have insurance with Farm Bureau, and I have a completely clean record. I hear insurance lowers when you turn 21, anyone know about how much? I pay about 600 a quarter..""
Can I get car insurance without a valid driver's license in the state of Delaware?
1. My License was suspended due to an ERROR that involves the Division of Child Support Enforcement... 2. My Ex-Husband said he will pay for my car insurance if I transfer the car title & registration into my name (knowing that my license is temporarily suspended). 3. * My Ex is a Wilmington Police Officer in the state of Delaware. * 4. I believe my Ex knows that I will not be able to get car insurance (due to the fact that he is a Police Officer), therefore, that is why he is willing to pay for it. 5. Any help will be greatly appreciated!... Thank You!!!""
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
Can my mom insure my car if her name isn't on the title?
Right now I am driving a car my mom bought so only she is on the title and she insures it. I just bought a new one and was wondering if I put the title of the car in my name, can she insure it under her name. I just turned 19 and if I got a policy by myself in my own name I would have to pay more than twice as much as I do now (I give my mom the money for insurance its just under her name).""
Where can i buy cheap but good health insurance under $120 dollars?
I am young and very healthy, and rarely have to be seen by a doctor. So besides not being wealthy, i want to find a cheap, but good health insurance...""
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
How much will my insurance cost?
If i was 18yr old with a 92' 240sx with clean driving records how much would my insurance cost? any estimation? how about 17 then?
So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?
He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance
0 notes
Rental car insurance?
"Rental car insurance?
I just sold my car (02/04) and am trying to rent a car until I buy the new car (02/05-02/15). What happens to the auto insurance that I had with the car that I just sold (I paid the coverage until 02/16). Was it automatically terminated when I sold my car? Since my policy covers the insurance for the rental car too, if it will continue until 02/16, I dont have to pay for additional rental insurance at a rental shop (I believe I paid around $13 per day before). Also, does debit cards (from local banks) also usually cover the insurance for the rental car too (I know most of credit cards do that).
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
Afforable Health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, I work a part time job and I need health insurance. The cheapest I saw was Blue cross blue care and it was $95 a month and 30 copay. Is there anything cheaper I ...show more""
What is a cheap car insurance company in Arizona?
I'm looking to find a cheap insurance company to insure my car in Arizona. I was paying 116 a month for it at the general and I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheaper place.
Where to shop for health ins when my cobra expires?
I've been under a company subsidized cobra plan for my wife and I for almost 18 months. The premium is going from $394 to $1150, which I cannot afford and will have to let it ...show more""
Divorced and my minors car insurance?
So my husband has 2 kids from 1st wife, daughter is 16 and just got license, ex states he is REQUIRED to pay the difference in her car insurance to add the minor, just curious if anyone knows if this is true. Her policy for 6 months went up $350 to add the minor and I don't think that is our responsibility she doesn't drive our cars ever. She is asking for 1/2 of this $350, the girl has a job shouldn't we be teaching her the responsibility of paying her 1/2 of the car insurance?""
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
About how much would car insurance be?
My husband and I are stationed overseas for the army and we are looking to buy a new car. (A Ford Focus or a Ford Fusion) I want to know about how much it will be a month/year for insurance. We are both under 21 (19 and 20), but my husband turns 21 in January. Anyone have any idea how much it would cost?""
Car insurance issues help wanted?
have a few issues I could really use some help with. The family car that I have been driving wasn't in my name but I was still covered on the insurance until one day I hit a mailbox with the passenger side mirror. The mailbox did not sustain any damage but the mirror somewhat did. I didn't call the police when it happened since the damage was extremely minimal. Anyways, then a couple weeks later a different family member (not the owner) had a little bit of a bigger accident when an animal suddenly appeared in front of the car forcing another accident. I have not had an accident in over 12 years but since I was mentioned after that second accident, I was also excluded from the insurance policy for that vehicle. The insurance cost is something like $158.00 per month but now they want the owner to add about $50 or $60 more per month EACH for the 2 people that were excluded because of the accidents.The car payment is about $415.00 per month and the insurance was $158.00 per month for just the owned which does not even drive the car at all but now they want an extra hundred per month for those 2 excluded drivers if they want to drive that car. Will this change if we switched insurance companies? And if I haven't had an accident in over 12 years, would it be possible to appeal that? Thanks in advance""
I need an eye exam but i dont have insurance.?
Do most eyecare centers accept patients without insurance? Where can I go that is affordable?
How much is insurance?
So.. I turn 16 real soon, and found a 2003 Mercury Marauder for sale, it was cheap. How much would insurance be? I'm a boy if that helps, its a 4.6 liter V8, a Mustang Cobra engine. Please, I have to hurry for it!!""
Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?
I think they're group 1 or something, because insurance is a ripoff, so a car thats cheap to insure and runs would be great? Any recommendations and can someone explain this whole insurance group malarky to me please? I will most likely be a Named driver too and my mother will be the Main, if this makes any difference, thanks.""
""Adverse price of insurance for 50cc moped, I'm 16?""
I'm 16 years old and going to take my cbt for a 50cc moped, what would be a rough estimate of the price of insurance yearly or monthly I would have to pay for it?""
What should I get first insurance or car register?
So here is what happen. I went to pay for my sticker at dmv the insurance was done. They void my car sticker and gave a orange one that says void. Couple months I started working now I save up to get insurance to get my car sticker. But they when I went to get insurance they all asking for registration paper. So I lost those paper I looked everywhere. What should I do first get registration paper at dmv then go to insurance because then go back to dmv to get the sticker? Or get insurance first then go to the dmv??
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Do I have to show proof of ownership of a car to get car insurance online?
Do I need to show any type of proof or give a vin number for a car to buy auto insurance online?
Motorcycle insurance?
Im a 20 soon to be 21 year old male who lives in the lower half of Michigan. I was wondering if any one knows about the cheapest or the best coverage and how much will that run me? I am about to buy a Honda CBR 600 if that makes any difference. Anyone with insurance experience any and all information will be greatly accepted also information on registration!!!! THANKS
Citroen saxo car insurance?
How much would this cost for a 17 year old male who has just passed his test?
Automobile insurance cost increase?
My car is 10 years old with 100,000 miles it was paid off about 6 months ago. My insurance does nothing but keep going up what should I do?""
Can insurance rates go up if...?
If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?""
What to do with a conditional discharge and a car insurance?
My friend had a court on 25/08/2012, where he has been conditionally discharged for 12 months. His car insurance was due to be renewed on 28/08/2012. He was buying the car insurance ...show more""
Car insurance for young driver?
I was wandering if I bought insurance for a car that I own on a provisional, drove it about on the provisional for a bit, then passed my test and told the insurance company that I had done so, would it shoot up to the 5,000/6,000 quotes I've been getting or would it not rise as high because I was with them on a provisional? also any general tips on knocking down the price, it's just ridiculous, it's for a 5 door fiat punto! thanks in advance :)""
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
Rental car insurance?
I just sold my car (02/04) and am trying to rent a car until I buy the new car (02/05-02/15). What happens to the auto insurance that I had with the car that I just sold (I paid the coverage until 02/16). Was it automatically terminated when I sold my car? Since my policy covers the insurance for the rental car too, if it will continue until 02/16, I dont have to pay for additional rental insurance at a rental shop (I believe I paid around $13 per day before). Also, does debit cards (from local banks) also usually cover the insurance for the rental car too (I know most of credit cards do that).
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Anyone want to give me a rough estimate on this car insurance quote?
My friend drives a '98 Mercury right now. She's been into four accidents (three of them were caused by her), is one point away from getting her license taken away, and got a DUI last summer. Consequently, when she got her car back, she tried to get it insured only to find out her insurance premium for NO FAULT is almost a thousand a month. That's for a standard insurance company. She went to a small rinky-dink company for a lower quote and got a lower quote but I'm not quite sure what that quote was. Since she can't afford to pay that much in insurance, she (stupidly) has decided to get fake insurance proofs that she thinks will get passed secretary of state so she can renew her tags. I told her she needs to have real insurance or she could get into lots of trouble (not to mention end up owing tens of thousands of dollars if she crashes). She didn't listen to my advice and went with the fake insurance proofs which did NOT get passed secretary of state; her new plan is to pay for one months insurance and then stop paying for the next few years until her insurance goes down. She told me the other day that she wants to buy a BMW by the time she's 22. That means in one and a half years. Not only will her insurance still be high, but it will probably be even higher since she will have gone two years without it. So, considering the facts I've given you and that she has to pay almost a grand a month for no fault on an older Mercury, how much more do you think she will be paying for FULL coverage on a BMW?""
What would happen to health insurance companies if government take over the health insurance system?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that Obama is trying to push a public health system that will allow everybody to have health insurance no matter what pre existing conditions he or she may have. If this is reached, what would happen to insurance carriers like Blue Cross, Blue Shield? Will we need these companies and health insurance agents?""
Does homeowners insurance work like my car insurance?
example: I bought my car for a grand and if I get into an accident the insurance will only cover what I paid for the car and not what I've invested into the car since I bought it... say I buy a house that's a bank foreclosure and get it for $10,000 but its worth $80,000 now if the house were to get hit by a sunami earth quake and then burn to bits would I only be re-embursed for the $10,000 like my car insurance or would I be covered for the full value due to size and destruction ect.????""
Car insurance lapsed in CT what would be the steps to reregister car & get insurance?
Do i need to contact an insurance company first or the DMV?
Cars for teens with good gas mileage and cheap on insureance?
im looking for a reliable car that gets good gas mileage but cheap on insurance. any ideas??
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
What is individual and family health insurance?
I am planning to have family health insurance in these days but I want to understand the basic difference between individual and family health insurance.
Insurance for a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec Petrol?
Hi, I'm currently 16 years old and my birthday is coming up in late May. I'm thinking of buying a car and I'm trying to keep costs to a minimum. As I can't get a quote on any insurance companies yet. I'd like to just know roughly how much I would have to pay on insurance for a Ford Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, it has an 06 reg plate, 3 doors and 49k on the clock. thanks.""
How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
Good Insurance? Any Advice?
Hello, I am looking for a good, affordable insurance plan and don't know where to look for some good ratings or tips. I am married but the insurance would only be for me, my son has insurance already as well as my husband. It costs us way to much money to add me to my husbands insurance through work. Any tips on where to look and how to go about the search? I am looking to spend somewhere between $300-$500 monthly for it, I am in the United States. I also have some health issues. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any tips that would help me out would be so appreciated! Thank you to everyone!""
Car Insurance?
What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim?
Temporary car insurance?
I am moving across oregon when i turn 18 and I currently have a car but I need to get tags and insurance to move it. Could I get temporary insurance which is good for a week? If yes, about how much would that be? Do I need insurance to get my car registered and get tags?""
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Cop Didn't ask for proof of insurance or registration.?
So i got pulled over for going 28 over the speed limit haha..... It was on a highway and the speed limit was 55 i was going 83 ..... Im from florida and my car and license are all registered in florida but im in georgia right now living with a friend trying to attend college (except i cant find a job cause the worlds slowly dieing lol) But anyways so i get pulled over by this state patrol narcotics douche bag who mind you has no teeth to begin with and in my mind either his mom beat his teeth out of his head or hes a recovering crack head who had lost all of his teeth over the years. Either way he pulls me over and says You were going 83 on a 55 , may i see your license I give him my license he goes back in the car and yeh i was thinking he didnt ask for my proof of insurance or registraion. I would think that he would considering im from out of state. **** Im gonna rant on how this narcotics officer frisked me my question will be at the bottom lol***** So yeh he comes back to the car after running my license and tells me to get out of the car..... I was at this point like .... Ok? So i get out go to the back and he says I asked you to get out cause i see your eyes are red I told him ummm it could be the fact that im allergic to dust and pollen and im driving with the windows down, i rub my eyes cause they itch thusly they get irritated. So i said either its that or the fact that i just got no sleep from the night before and drove my friend up to north carolina. And he then proceeded to ask if he could search my car. Im a month from being 20 and never got pulled over before and ofcourse i said yeh w.e. I smoke cigarettes and when he went to go search my car he comes out freaking out. IS THERE ANY DRUGS IN THE CAR OR ALCOHOL i was like no.... and hes like WELL IF I FIND ONE SEED OF MARIJUANA YOUR GETTING LOCKED UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ ... i was like ok go ahead i dont have anything so thusly he didnt find anything cause i didnt have anything . He finds a vitamin water bottle that wasnt even mine it was my friends girlfriends and he smelt it and said there was alcohol in it...... i was tempted to call him a lunatic and a retard but didnt and just said uhh no thats just vitamin water, so he threw it out and then i went on my marry way with a court date and a crazy speed limit infraction lol. ******* heres the question **** Is it mandatory for a cop to ask for proof of insurance and registration or does it even matter? Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing lol Sean""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm 18 and want to get insured. How much would it be? I've been passed since July? What if I get my dad the registered keeper and me second driver? My mate she's 18 and she's got insurance. Come on, there must be a way!""
How much will it cost to insure my car?
My cars is a 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, with a 1.2 litre engine, developing 80 horsepower. When it gets insured I'll be 17. How much will this cost annually in the UK? Also, the car is left hand drive.""
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
Car accident-how much will my insurance premium go up?
I was in a car accident today, driving the speed limit at about 30 miles per hour in a residential neighboorhood, not paying attention and struck the car to the left of me, damaging the driver's door of my car and the other car's passenger door. He was driving his company's truck. I already have an accident on my record from 1/06 that was my fault (not a huge accident, but not a super minor one, no injuries). Today's accident caused no injuries. I can tell my car door and the front bumper will need replacing. I assume that the other car needs the passenger door replaced. My annual insurance premium is $3,240, but last month a traffic ticket just came off my record. My car is a four door 2004 Honda & I am a 42 year old female who lives in Fremont, CA. I'm fearful my monthly car insurance payment will go up a lot! Does anyone know how much it will go up? Thank you so much!""
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
Is this a good way to cancel car insurance?
I'm about to switch car insurance providers, but my past agent is one of the most helpful person alive, and I don't want to tell the guy that i'm cancelling. If I just let the policy lapse by not paying the bill and letting it cancel on its own will anything negative impact me? Or do I have to call the guy and tell him i'm cancelling?""
Rental car insurance?
I just sold my car (02/04) and am trying to rent a car until I buy the new car (02/05-02/15). What happens to the auto insurance that I had with the car that I just sold (I paid the coverage until 02/16). Was it automatically terminated when I sold my car? Since my policy covers the insurance for the rental car too, if it will continue until 02/16, I dont have to pay for additional rental insurance at a rental shop (I believe I paid around $13 per day before). Also, does debit cards (from local banks) also usually cover the insurance for the rental car too (I know most of credit cards do that).
Is it better to buy cheaper can than expensive car?
I love expensive sports cars, but I don`t need to have it, I can just watch those at museum, stores, and photos. I think buying cars is waste of money. It costs money to buy cars, car insurance, gasoline, and parking ticket. Also cars get stolen lot , it can break easily by car crash, some bad kids will scratch it, and high risk of death. Using train is way cheaper. If I really need car, I would stick with least cheapest car. Because when my car got stolen, or broke, I have less things to lose.""
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl?
i have a 1999 honda accord. im 17 years old, and i live in california. how much would my insurance be? please help me out?""
I think I've made a mistake on my car insurance?
Long story short my Dad has a car that is insured and has been for a while. He has never made a claim in his 40+ years of driving. He's just bought another car that we can both drive (I can't drive his automatic until I pass my test) He was going to insure it with the same company as his other car however they won't let me be a named driver as I'm under 18 so we've found another company to go with. We got a quote and paid the money. No problem. Awaiting conformation in the post. Earlier today, however, I was talking to a friend who is insured with the same company and he says my dads no claims doesn't count because he's still insured with another company. Therefore by putting 9+ years on the form we've lied ?! Is this correct? Does this make our insurance invalid? How much trouble could we get in for this mistake? How can we resolve this?""
Can I expect a better rate switching to new provider?
I have the same auto insurance for last three years. Can I expect a better rate switching to another provider?
Question about general car insurance?
I'm doing a Statistics Lab based off car insurance and i'm a little confused. I'm supposed to make a statement to my boss about charging higher or lower car insurance based on the rating the cars get. So, for the larger, and safer the car is, should I tell my boss to RAISE the insurance prices, or lower the insurance prices? I'm a little confused on the correct way to do it? Safer = Higher insurance or lower insurace? and WHY?!?!?""
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
What is a car that will have low(er) insurance rates for a new 16 yr old driver??
So i just turned 16 and i didnt get my license yet but i am soon and my parents insurance agent said different cars have higher or lower prices on insurance, he said maybe a mid-size sedan or a small suv or minivan. but... i dont know. Anyone with experience with this cause i'm in need of a car!!""
How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?
Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.""
Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?
I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.
How long will it take for your auto insurance cost to go down?
How long will it take for your auto insurance cost to go down?
How does this work with car insurance?
my mom has her car insured under her but if i drive it say to a friends house or something ( not a daily driver ) and i get into a accident than what happens would i be insured sense im not a daily driver or what? we have progressive
How much does does watercraft rental insurance cost?
I want to start a watercraft rental company, but I want to know how much insurance costs are going to be before I start it. If there are any companys out there who already have a watercraft rental business, or any agents that can answer my question that would be great. I plan on having about 4 or 5 jet ski's, 2 jet boats, 1 ski boat, 2 jon boats, 2 sail boats 1 pontoon boat, and 5 canoes, and 5 kayaks. So if anyone can help with this please let me know, thanks!""
Auto insurance question?
I'm currently looking for auto insurance and whenever I get a quote, they ask me if I have previously had insurance. I am currently covered under my parent's auto insurance, does that count? Thanks!""
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Obamacare health insurance rebates?
My school requires a mandatory student health insurance plan and i had this for the last 3 years. With the Affordable Care Act, the Govt. requires health insurance companies to pay back some of the premium it if less than 80% is used on medical care or more than 20% is used on administrative costs. I did not use my health insurance at all during the last 3 years. Will i get get a rebate of some kind? Should i call my school and ask for a health insurance rebate for last year?""
How to get cheaper car insurance for a new young driver?
I passed my test the other day but ive been looking for hours trying to find some cheap car insurance on a 1.2 ford ka but all the quotes im getting are minimum 3-4 thousand pound and some are even quoting up to 8 thousand ! Im 17 and male does anyone know where to get relatively cheap insurance something between 1000-2000 pound? or any methods that are used to get cheaper car insurance?
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
Car insurance in Trinidad?
What are some car insurance companys in Trinidad, Im moving there in Decemeber, and considering importing a BMW Z4 with me, but need to find out how much its gonna be to insure :o) Thanks guys. Also Im kinda assuming its not really safe enough to drive around with the Roof down?""
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
Rental car insurance?
I just sold my car (02/04) and am trying to rent a car until I buy the new car (02/05-02/15). What happens to the auto insurance that I had with the car that I just sold (I paid the coverage until 02/16). Was it automatically terminated when I sold my car? Since my policy covers the insurance for the rental car too, if it will continue until 02/16, I dont have to pay for additional rental insurance at a rental shop (I believe I paid around $13 per day before). Also, does debit cards (from local banks) also usually cover the insurance for the rental car too (I know most of credit cards do that).
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
How much does it cost to go for an eye exam in new jersey without insurance?
I want to get my eyes checked and have no insurance.I was wondering how much it would cost? Is lenscrafters good or more expensive? pearl vision?
New driver- car insurance?
i just got anew car, hydauni elantra 06, and i need insurance, wats the cheapest insurance for a 19 yr old girl,no driving record, tickets etc in the rome/utica area? thanksssss""
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
Help with insurance for 17 year old first fresh driver?
my quote was 4,200 :( that's too much it more then a car LOL but like i heard something about this policy between two drivers can anyone explain how it works and if i crash on this policy will the other drivers no claim bonus be effected?""
Proof of insurance question?
The transmission went out of my car. A friend who does auto repair told me it would cost approx $1200 to fix. So I decided to scrap the car & get another. I cancelled insurance on old one & bought another 1 1/2 months later. The car was not driveable. Now I have to prove why I didn't have ins on the car and still had plates registered to it. I called & wrote a letter to the state and they said to send an estimate from an ASE cert. mechanic or tow bill or pictures. I don't have a tow bill. I didn't get out of the driveway. I don't need an ASE mechanic to tell me what is wrong w/the car and picutres of a transmission are stupid. I have received a written est from the guy and have statements from neighbors saying the car was not running. What more can I do?????? I don't want my license suspended.
What do i need to get low insurance on a car?
What affects insurance price and what model is cheapest?
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
""I have just bought a Moped - JMSTAR 50cc, where can I get insurance from? apart from rampdale? x x x Thanks?""
I have just bought a 50cc Jm Star Madness 50QT moped and im looking for insurance, the cheapest ive found is 290 with Rampdale and the most expensive was 490, Its a chinese import so not alot of companies insure them Can anyone help? and recommend a cheap insurance company which will insure chinese imports? THanks x x""
Car Insurance.?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please answer this. IF possible,,, any insurance pros. thanks. AAA is closed today.""
Health insurance plans that cover maternity?
I live in Texas, and am looking for a health insurance plan that will cover maternity that is reasonably priced.""
How much is a ticket for driving without insurance in washington state?
I pay almost $900 every six months and I'm sick of it. I've never been pulled over and I only commute 6 miles to work and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It sounds like it would be cheaper risking getting pulled over and get a ticket than to pay the insurance. Anybody have an idea how much the ticket would be?
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
17 Year Old Female.. car and insurance?
Hey, I am currently searching around for a car and insurance. I have just passed my test. Using price comparison sites insurance is coming to around 1,500 pounds on cars such as Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen Polo, Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot 106. On the internet a girl said she was able to get her insurance down to 600 pounds! How is this possible? Insurance with my mom as the named driver is about 2,000 so this isnt an option. Thanks x""
Buying a home in south caroline?
Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected]""
Cheapest insurance for a 05 ford mustang?
am 19year old and have my licenses for 2 years. a also financing the car.
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance?
My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?""
Question on car insurance?
My grandmother passed away, and on her car insurance, my uncle was the primary driver. Since my grandmother died and my uncle was on the policy as the primary driver, would it be ok to leave her name on the policy? We want to leave her name on it cause its the last thing that she got in her name, kind of a sentimental thing. But would it be ok to leave her name on the policy since my uncle is the primary driver? i have State Farm insurance if you need to know.""
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
I need a motorcycle insurance estimate?
I plan to get a 2009 Suzuki GS500F Motorcycle in the next coming months. right now i don't have a drivers license, just my learner's permit. i take the Road test next month and if it goes well the month after i will go for my motorcycle license. I am 21 years old and i live in NYC which as many of you know is a high traffic area. I am a college student, My campus is about 16-20 miles away. on a weekly average i expect to ride about 80 miles or so. i won't be doing any stunts, period. there are two questions i have for you guys, 1). whats the best motorcycle insurance for someone young, inexperienced and new on the road? 2). Being that it is a 500cc engine and its pretty low powered motorcycle will my insurance be cheap, like under 200$ a month or probably something way above that?""
how much money would car insurance be on a alfa romeo giulietta turismo in white from brand new out of the show room this year on a woman driver at the age of 17 cost ???
""Got rear ended and no car insurance. will the at faults insurance contact me, or should i contact them?
i have no insurance. i got rear ended today and my car is trashed. will the guys insurance company contact me? should i go to the police station and get a copy of the drivers info and contact their insurance? i dont want medical comp. i just want my car fixed.
Im 17 and getting my liscense soon how much will car insurance be 4 me with a used car that will b in my name?
I will be getting my drives liscense soon and my parents are putting limits to where i can drive and when and i wont be able to drive it when ever i would like, how much is car insurence gonna be with me for a used car that will be in my name ?""
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
Rental car insurance?
I just sold my car (02/04) and am trying to rent a car until I buy the new car (02/05-02/15). What happens to the auto insurance that I had with the car that I just sold (I paid the coverage until 02/16). Was it automatically terminated when I sold my car? Since my policy covers the insurance for the rental car too, if it will continue until 02/16, I dont have to pay for additional rental insurance at a rental shop (I believe I paid around $13 per day before). Also, does debit cards (from local banks) also usually cover the insurance for the rental car too (I know most of credit cards do that).
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