#that moment when a random online quiz actually clocks you
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plague-and-creatures · 1 year ago
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I dye my hair red
My sona has red hair
Get out of my walls!
new quiz answer these questions and i’ll assign u an anime hair color & gender
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perfectlinnamonroll · 8 years ago
Just Between Us [Lin-Manuel x Reader]
Summary: Your friend has a brilliant idea how to fix your lack of date to the upcoming wedding.
Word count: 3184 (whaaat?!)
Warnings: cursing, some pretty harsh words directed at the reader, huge amounts of fluff
Author’s notes: Okay, so this my first imagine ever. And first fic in a long, long time. This idea just wouldn’t leave me alone, so I had to get it out. Shoutout to @fragmentofmymind for inspiring me to do this and proofreading the first half. I hope you guys enjoy it!! Just a warning - I’m not a native English speaker, so this might be a little awkward in some places. Sorry!
“Oh God”, you murmured, massaging your temples furiously. This was not happening. How the hell had you gotten yourself into this mess?
Oh, right. It was your goddamn cousin’s fault. As usual.
“Don’t worry”, Alice massaged your shoulder in a way that was probably supposed to be comforting. Right now it only added to your overall tension. “Just ask a friend or something. It’s not a big deal, is it?”
“Except I literally have no one to ask. Besides,” you added, flopping onto the bed dramatically, “who in the right mind would agree to go to a wedding with me?”
“Well, it’s free food.”
“You’re a real friend, Al.”
“You know you can count on me.”
You’d called Alice in for a brainstorming session, since the wedding was taking place in a week and you still haven’t solved the big pressing problem: your datelessness.
Usually it wouldn’t matter; you were used to going to parties alone. So far in your life you’ve been in three relationships – none of which lasted longer than two months. Your talent at attracting fuckboys and assholes was uncanny, to say the least. The point was, you could easily just attend the wedding by yourself.
Unfortunately, this was not an option, thanks to your jerk cousin, Corwin. He was two years younger than you and never had any trouble getting a date. His list of ex-lovers was probably even longer than the one in that Taylor Swift song. And, obviously, he had to be there when you were getting invited to the wedding, and had to make a sardonic remark about how there was no point in giving you a “plus one” invitation since you were sure to show up alone.
So, naturally, you decided to show him that he can go fuck himself and made a promise to yourself that no matter what, you were going to that wedding with a date.
Which brought you right to this moment: a week before the party, still very much single.
Right as you were about to say you should probably give up, Alice suddenly perked up and threw herself to the desk, opening your laptop.
“Shh! I just had a brilliant idea. There’s this guy that-“
“Alice”, you whined. “We’ve talked about this, I’m not taking a random person-“
“Will you listen to me? Sophie met this great guy when she was working in that recording studio, and they’re still in contact. Claims that she’d throw herself at him if she was into men at all, which you know is the highest compliment any male can hope to receive. And I’ve actually met him once, he’s cute and seems nice, so what do you have to lose?”
“So you’re suggesting I ask this dude, who has no idea I exist, to go to a goddamn wedding with me and survive my family for several hours? With the only added benefit of free food and alcohol? There’s no way he’d agree.”
“Well, he’s online right now, and I’m asking him.”
She turned away from the laptop to meet your eyes.
“No, really. Worst case scenario, he says no and we’re back to square one. Best case scenario, he says yes, you two go to the wedding, fall hopelessly in love and make out somewhere Corwin can see you, so he finally shuts up about your love life. Right?”
You considered it for a moment, then sighed.
“This is the worst plan ever.”
“You’ll thank me later.”
  And just like that, you found yourself in a coffee shop two blocks away from your apartment, fidgeting in your seat. To your surprise, the guy – named Lin – agreed to go with you without any hesitation whatsoever. So, you scheduled to meet for coffee the day before the wedding and get to know each other a bit, so the evening would hopefully be less of an awkward mess.
You’d agreed to meet at ten, but you woke up uncharacteristically early that morning and found yourself unable to focus on anything. Deciding that pacing around your bedroom in circles was useless, you arrived an hour early. Right now you were sipping your second coffee, watching patrons flutter in and out, and nervously eyeing the clock.
It was quarter before ten when the bell above the door ringed, announcing the arrival of a new guest. You looked at the guy curiously. Judging by the messy black hair and dark circles under his eyes, he was your tomorrow’s date. You did a little wave to get his attention and soon he was slipping into the seat opposite you with a wide smile on his face.
“Hi! I’m Lin, great to meet you! So I’ve been told that we’re deflating a jerk’s ego tomorrow?”
You introduced yourself, unable to keep your eyes off the man’s face. The photo Alice sent you did him no justice at all. His eyes, dark and solemn on the picture, were, in fact, rich brown and endlessly warm, and there were no words to describe the brightness of his megawatt smile.
You found out that Alice has briefly told him about the circumstances of the unfortunate wedding. Apparently, Lin was more than eager to knock your cousin down a few pegs. He insisted that you needed to exchange all kinds of information about yourself, so that your fake dating shtick would seem reasonably genuine.
“Well – we don’t have to tell them we’re dating at all”, you stammered. It was painfully clear that this guy was way out of your league.
Lin shook his head, looking appalled at the idea.
“This is a must”, he insisted. “Who am I to miss out on an opportunity to pretend-date a cute girl?”
You did your best to cover your blush with a long sip of your coffee.
“Okay, you go first”, you suggested. “What do you do?”
He started telling you about his temporary job as an English teacher, which payed the bills while he worked on writing his very own musical (which explained meeting Sophie at the studio). His enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself constantly laughing at his stories. You began to understand what Alice meant when she mentioned his “easy charisma”.
“Okay, but that’s enough about me”, he said after a particularly funny story about a pop quiz on Shakespeare. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Well”, you started, laughing nervously, “there’s not much to talk about. I work in an office downtown. A mind-numbingly boring job, just tons of paperwork and not much else.”
“Okay, so what’s the dream, then?”, he asked with a glint in his eyes.
That was a question you weren’t expecting. You looked down at your empty coffee cup and hesitated for a moment.
“It’s- it’s silly, really, but- I’ve always dreamed of being an author. Fantasy, sci-fi, children’s books, stuff like that. But I’ve never written anything I was really satisfied with, you know? Kept throwing most of it out. I suppose I should just stick to what I’m doing right now.”
Despite your best efforts, your eyes started to tear up a little. These traitors.
You suddenly felt something warm encircling your hand. Looking up in surprise, you noticed that Lin covered it with his. You blushed a little at the look in his eyes – endlessly soft and caring.
“You can’t just give up”, he said, seriousness ringing in his voice. “Everyone starts from somewhere. And throwing out your work is one of the worst offenses ever, trust me. Archive it, store it somewhere you’ll never have to look at it again, but never delete any of it. How else are you supposed to track your progress? And, honestly, I don’t believe you.”
“What do you mean-“
“Your writing. You mentioned it with such passion – I can’t believe this is just a temporary thing. You really want to do it, don’t you?”
“Well, I do – or at least I did, but-“
“Then do it”, he smiled. “If it helps, I’ll gladly read whatever you want me to – and maybe you could look at my writing, too? I need some honest feedback. Just between us writers?”
You looked at him – softly, fondly.
“Yeah. Just between us.”
  The conversation soon returned to more mundane stuff, and before you knew it, it was time to return home. You said your goodbyes and agreed to meet at your place the next day an hour before the wedding, to be able to get there without the need to rush.
You returned to your place, trying to focus on preparations for tomorrow – to no avail. Your mind kept wandering back to the man you just met. Oh, there was no denying he was cute, but that’s not what captured your attention the most. No, you kept replaying his words in your head instead. “Just between us writers.”
Honestly, you’ve all but given up on your writing at this point. No matter what you did, the ideas always felt stale, the words awkward, the characters flat. You couldn’t help but compare yourself to your favourites – Le Guin, Gaiman, Pratchett, Hobb – and feel discouraged by the juxtaposition. Beginning was relatively easy and you were quick to become excited with an idea, but the enthusiasm tended to dissipate in the blink of an eye, leaving you disheartened. Putting words together seemed easy when someone else was doing it; not so much when you were trying it yourself.
So, yeah, you’ve basically thrown the towel in at this point. You couldn’t remember the last time you’ve written something that wasn’t a job e-mail. You didn’t even know why you’d mentioned it today, and why to Lin of all people. Was it because he was a writer too? Or just because his sincerity and openness caught you entirely off guard?
Strangely enough, his words of encouragement struck a chord with you. His passion for theatre, the energy with which he talked about his projects was contagious. It reminded you of high school and nights spent polishing the next chapter of your story. Back then, the distance between you and your idols was inspiring instead of terrifying. When had it changed?
  Next day you spent your whole afternoon in a daze, mindlessly preparing yourself for the party while still mulling over the things Lin had brought up yesterday. You were just putting the finishing touches on your makeup when a sharp knock on the door brought you back to reality.
You rushed to the entrance to find it was Lin, right on schedule. The sight of him momentarily struck you dumb. You were going to a wedding, so logically you knew he wouldn’t be sporting the jeans and sweater he sported in the café. Still, nothing could prepare you for his elegant dark grey suit, which he wore with casual confidence. How the hell did you score a man like this?
Fortunately, you managed not to miss a beat and smiled at him, inviting him inside. “Come in, I just need a couple more minutes and I’m ready to go.”
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re not ready”, he said, taking in the sight of you. “I’m pretty sure you can’t improve on perfection.”
“Stop it”, you laughed to hide your embarrassment.
“I’m serious. Here I was, thinking we’ll be keeping a low profile during this, and it’s gonna be impossible when you threaten to outshine the bride.”
You couldn’t do anything to stop the furious blush coming to your cheeks.
“Well, I-“ Damn, what was it about this man that made you so incoherent? “It’s gonna take just a moment. Um, make yourself at home?”, you said quickly before returning to the bathroom.
You leaned on the sink, breathing deeply, and trying to contain yourself. It was just some casual flirting, right? Nothing you couldn’t handle. He was probably doing it just to be polite and ease the tension.  You weren’t going to get your hopes up. One night and you’d probably never see each other again. You were fine with it.
At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
You left the bathroom a minute later, finally ready to go. Exiting, you noticed Lin standing before your bookshelf, looking curiously at the titles.
“Never seen such a collection belonging to someone who didn’t write”, he commented out loud, smirking in your direction. “You should stop lying to yourself about it. This is meant to be.”
“There are tons of people who enjoy reading but don’t or can’t write”, you reminded him.
Lin shook his head.
“Alright, not gonna argue with a pretty girl just before a date. Shall we go?”
He offered you his arm. You gladly took it.
You’d failed to notice he called the evening a date.
  The wedding part of the whole affair went by in a blur. You had to admit that the venue was lovely. The ceremony took place under a blooming apple tree in a vast garden. It was lucky, since you knew how long waiting lists for wedding sites could be. One week later and the flowers could have been long gone.
The bride, a distant relative of yours whose name you barely remembered (Kate? Karen?), looked rather nice, even though her gown was enormous. What was with people and those huge puffy dresses? You couldn’t remember one woman who pulled it off successfully. Except maybe Beyoncé, but that’s because she was, well, Beyoncé.
The vows were exchanged, which gave you an opportunity to hear newlyweds’ names again (Kate and Nathan, you noted, even though you would probably forget them in a moment), and then you were quickly ushered to a spacious hall. The bride must have been insistent on inviting literally everyone from her side of the family, since you were seeing a lot of vaguely familiar faces you remembered from other gatherings.
Thankfully, introducing Lin to your parents was rather painless, since they were preoccupied with meeting aunt Bertha and other relatives. With a promise that you’d be there later for a longer talk, you exchanged simple pleasantries and went to find your seats at the tables.
The official part of the wedding elapsed quickly. As soon as the music started, Lin smiled at you and asked you for a dance. You’ve just managed to approach the dance floor when you heard a voice that gave you the creeps.
“Well well well, if it isn’t Y/N!”, said Corwin in a mocking tone, walking towards you. “So you did manage to leave your house for once? Won’t your books miss you?”
You did your best to cover your annoyance with a saccharine smile. “Hello, cousin. Could you be so kind and introduce us to your partner?” You nodded at the woman beside him. “I can’t keep track of them, you show up with a new one every party.”
“This is Frances”, he said unperturbed, gesturing to his partner. You couldn’t deny she was attractive: the kind of woman who made you feel insecure by simply existing. Her blue eyes seemed vacant, though, and her smile was definitely forced. You wouldn’t be surprised if she turned out to be just as vapid as most of Corwin’s dates.
Still, you couldn’t judge her merely by virtue of dating your cousin. You did your best to make your expression friendly when you said hello and introduced yourself and Lin. Corwin appraised him with a smirk.
“Wow. Someone actually agreed to show up with you in public. And he’s a step above the pansies you brought earlier, too. Did she blackmail or pay you?”, he smirked at Lin.
You were used to your asshole cousin’s remarks, but it still hurt to hear that. You knew that you two led very different lives, but it didn’t seem like a good enough reason to put you down. You took a deep breath, trying your best to keep a smile on your face. You were just about to politely tell him to stuff it, when Lin put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“I don’t know what you mean, man.” You’ve met Lin yesterday, but it was clear to you that he was faking a cheerful tone. “She wasn’t easy to get, but I intend to keep her.”
Corwin outright laughed.
“Hard to get? Her? I don’t know she did to get you to act all adoring like that, but everyone can tell it’s a sham. I wouldn’t go with her even if she offered to spread her legs for me, that freakish prude is just not worth it.”
You could feel your smile fading from your face. Yep, he had to go there. That was it. He was about to get slapped right where he stood. But before you could do anything, Lin put his hand on your cheek, gently turning your head towards him. He looked at you with determination.
And then he kissed you.
Your brain short-circuited for a moment. That was not at all what you were expecting, and you definitely hadn’t discussed that possibility earlier. But you found that you didn’t really want to protest. You closed your eyes, melted into Lin’s embrace and let yourself enjoy the moment.
The kiss was gentle and sweet and ended far too early to your liking. You opened your eyes with reluctance and were immediately rewarded with a clear view of Lin’s face: soft and smiling. You quickly catalogued the memory. Definitely didn’t want to forget that, ever.
And you were right to do so, because a heartbeat later his eyes shifted to harsh as he turned towards Corwin. “You talk about my girlfriend like that again and I swear you will need to be carried out of this place”, he spat. “Let’s go, cariño. I hope the rest of your family isn’t as insolent as this jackass.”
You caught a glimpse of your baffled cousin as you left, walking away from the party and towards the little deserted balcony. Lin hadn’t let go of your hand that entire time.
Saying you were confused would be an understatement. Your head kept spinning and your lips still tingled a little from the sudden kiss.
As soon as you found yourself away from the other guests, Lin turned to you.
“Look, I’m so sorry”, he began to apologize. “I just didn’t expect this guy to be such an asshole, and I tend to act impulsively when I’m angry. I know I should’ve asked you first, and this doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to, and-“
“Lin”, you interrupted him, looking him in the eye. He closed his mouth immediately. “It’s okay. Honestly. I was just a little surprised, that’s all. It was priceless to see Corwin finally shut up. And, just between us”, you said in a moment of courage, “I definitely don’t regret that.”
“…You don’t?”, Lin asked softly.
“No. No, I don’t.”
“Thank God”, he smiled widely. “Because I can’t say I wouldn’t want to do that again.”
He leaned towards you, stopping just shy of your lips. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to”, he whispered.
“I know”, you answered and smiled before kissing him.
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funnelhacksecrets · 5 years ago
Best WordPress Plugins For Affiliate SEO and Blogging
New Post has been published on https://funnelhacksecrets.net/best-wordpress-plugins-for-affiliate-seo-and-blogging/
Best WordPress Plugins For Affiliate SEO and Blogging
If you do affiliate SEO to make money online or if you’re interested in this business model then the likelihood is you’re gonna be using WordPress for your website.
In my opinion (and many other successful affiliate marketers) WordPress is the best platform to use for affiliate SEO for the following reasons:
It’s very easy to use and manage yourself
WordPress is by a huge number of people so it is very easy to find someone to help you with any tech issues
It is very easy to find a VA who knows how to use WordPress when you come to outsourcing
There are a huge number of great WP plugins (many of which are free) that can make a huge difference to your business
There are many more reasons why I would recommend WordPress, but for this article, these are the most important things to consider.
So, with that said, what are some of the best WordPress plugins to help you with affiliate SEO?
Over my 7+ years as an affiliate, I’ve tried and tested a huge number of different plugins. Some are a must-have while others are pretty bad and can actually harm your website and your rankings.
I could list quite a few great WP plugins here, but I’m just gonna talk about the plugins I use that can help more specifically for affiliate SEO.
So here are my top 12 WP plugins for affiliate marketing. Some of these plugins are totally free while others are paid plugins.
My Top 12 WordPress Plugins For Affiliate SEO & Blogging
WP Zero Bounce
WP Zero Bounce is a cool little plugin that can be used for several different reasons and in different ways to help you make more money as an affiliate.
Basically, WP Zero Bounce is a redirect plugin. Its main function is to redirect your site visitors to a chosen page when they hit the back button. You can redirect them to an internal page on your site or even to a page on a totally different site.
Why use WP Zero Bounce?
Firstly, using this plugin can help to reduce your bounce rate. Unfortunately, most site visitors don’t click through to other pages on a website. They usually find one of your articles and either hit the back button almost immediately if it’s not what they’re looking for or read your article then hit the back button.
The problem is, even if your article is what your site visitors is looking for, once they hit the back button without clicking through to any other pages on your site, Google will log this as a “bounce”, which will put your bounce rate up.
The higher your bounce rate, the more Google thinks your article is not what the visitor is looking for and, therefore, not relevant to the keywords you’re ranking for. So, having a high bounce rate can mean a demotion in Google search, which sucks…
Another cool thing you can do with this plugin is to redirect visitors to a pre-sell article on your site. This will give them more of a chance to see your offer and take you up on it.
You can also set the plugin to redirect to an affiliate offer instead of to your pre-sell page. Personally, if I do this, I only set this on pre-sell articles, which are written to promote a specific product. This way it is not jarring for your site visitor to be redirected to random pages.
If you do this, be aware that some affiliate programs don’t like people to do this, whereas others don’t mind at all. So, to be on the safe side, read through he T&C’s of the affiliate program before redirecting your visitors to them.
In my experience, I’d say you will also have a higher conversion rate if you were to redirect a person to a pre-sell page on your site or a bridge page in your funnel rather than just redirecting them directly to the affiliate offer.
One more word of warning for this plugin, don’t use it on every page of your site (unless you’re doing the SerpShaker method taught in SEO Affiliate Domination). This is especially true if you have a site that is getting a high amount of traffic. I tested this on one of my sites that gets around 2,000 visitors per day. After about 15 days I started to lose rankings. When I checked Google Search Console I saw an error about unnatural redirects. Fortunately, I disabled the plugin before it caused an issue with my site and the rankings came back after about 20 days.
I have tested the same thing on sites with low volume traffic, around 100 visitors per day and there is no problems.
WP Zero Bounce is a paid plugin, but it is very reasonably priced. You can check the price here.
Thrive Leads
Thrive Leads is awesome! I was very late looking at Thrive Themes and all the cool products they offer to WordPress users. That was a huge mistake. If I could go back in time, I would buy Thrive Themes earlier in my career.
Thrive Leads is one of several plugins that come with your Thrive Themes purchase. While you can purchase Thrive Leads separately, it makes far more sense to just become a Thrive Member and access all of their products and services. It is definitely worth it in my opinion.
So, what does Thrive leads actually do? Its main function is to help you collect leads and grow your email list. However, you can also use it as a popup, ribbon banner, slide-in and more to also collect leads, send someone directly to your pre-sell page or bridge page or even directly to an affiliate offer.
Using Thrive Leads you can also create funnels, collect leads and then offer your site visitors the opportunity to buy your products or even an affiliate offer.
Here’s an image of a Thrive Leads box I’m using on my site at the moment.
Check the Thrive Themes price here.
Thrive Architect
Thrive Architect is another excellent plugin provided by the folks at Thrive Themes. This plugin is very easy to use and helps you to create great-looking landing and pre-sell pages. You can easily add buttons, images, videos, pros and cons boxes, review boxes and more.
Basically, you can pretty much style your pages exactly how you want them. This is another must-have tool for affiliate SEO’s to help improve your conversion rate.
Here’s a video all about Thrive Architect by Shane Melaugh, the founder of Thrive Themes.
There are several more awesome plugins that Thrive Themes provide which can help you, such as the Thrive Quiz Builder. You can check them all out here.
Hello Bar
If you are not looking to purchase Thrive Leads just yet, then another cool plugin you can check out is Hello Bar. But if you have Thrive Leads then you won’t need to use Hello Bar.
With Hello Bar you can create banners, ribbons and slide-ins to help you collect email addresses or send someone directly to an affiliate offer.
I like Hello Bar because you can start using it for free and it’s very easy to use. On the free account, you are limited though to how many site visitors you can have per month. If you need more than you’ll need to upgrade to a paid account.
If your site is in the early stages or is just not getting much traffic yet then you can start using Hello Bar and upgrade to using Thrive Leads once your traffic and income builds.
Here’s a screenshot of a Hello Bar slide-in I’m using on my site at the moment.
Check out Hello Bar here.
KK Star Ratings
The KK Star Ratings plugin adds rich snippet start to your SERP listings and allows your site visitors top vote on your content.
Rich snippet stars have shown to increase your click-through rate (CTR) by as much as 40%. This is great news for us. So, even if one of your articles is lower down on page one of Google search (say, no5 for example), this plugin will help attract more people to click on your listing.
This plugin is free! 🙂 Check it out here.
List Category Posts
Use this plugin mainly to create a sitemap for my website. Google wants to see all websites using sitemap where a person can access every article on your site from one page.
Having a sitemap on your site not only helps to keep you in Google’s good books, it helps them to crawl your site and index your pages more easily.
This plugin is free! 🙂 Check it out here.
NextScripts Social Networks Auto-Poster
This is a cool plugin that allows you to hook up your site to your social media platforms. Then, each time you publish a new post, the NextScripts plugin will automatically post your article to your social media accounts.
This, of course, saves you time, but it also creates a backlink to your individual articles from the social platforms. Of course, these backlinks are not especially powerful, but it all helps!
There is a free and paid version of this plugin. You can check it out here.
Pretty Links
This is the link clocking tool I use on all my sites. Search engines don’t particularly like hop links very much, so you can sue the Pretty Links plugin to create a neater looking link. This is also known as link cloaking.
A really important feature of Pretty Links is that you can set the links to no-follow, which you should ALWAYS do when you link to an affiliate offer.
Pretty Links also allows you to track the clicks of your links so you can see which ones your site visitors are interacting with.
There is a free and paid version of this plugin. You can check out Pretty Links here.
Table of Contents Plus
This is a great plugin to help improve user experience, but it also gives a nice SEO advantage.
When you use this plugin, you can add a table of contents for your articles, which will help your visitors navigate your posts to find what they’re looking for more easily.
You’ll also notice that the table of contents is also hyperlinked to different sections in your article by headings and sub-headings. It’s these hyperlinks that can help give you an SEO boost. Just make sure you use some LSI keywords in your headings and sub-headings 😉
Check out the plugin here.
WP Statistics
I do use Google Analytics but I also like to use the WP Statistics plugin to see exactly how many visitors are coming form Google, Yahoo, Bing etc each day.
The plugin can show you quite a bit of info, including the number of overall site visitors, search engine referrals, your top-visited pages, the latest keywords people have searched for to find your site and their geo-location.
This is a pretty powerful plugin and it’s totally free! You can check it out here.
Google XML Sitemaps For Videos
This is another plugin I really like. I add a YouTube video to most of my articles for several reasons:
Google loves YouTube (because it owns it) and, therefore, it is suspected that you may get articles indexed more quickly in if has a YouTube video (which will mean that Google can then earn more money form add clicks)
If the YouTube video I add to my site has my primary keyword or part of my keyword in the title of the video then it can also help my article rank in Google search for that keyword also
Google likes media-rich content and adding a YouTube video is an easy way to do this
So, where does this Google XML Sitemaps For Videos plugin come in..?
Well, Google loves sitemaps as it makes it easier for them to crawl and index content. With this plugin, you can create a sitemap for the video (as long as you’re publishing as a post, not a page) and then ping Google to come to crawl your new article.
Once you do this, Google will come to crawl your article much more quickly than it otherwise would have, which will help your new post to get indexed more quickly 🙂
This is another free plugin. Check it out here.
Yoast SEO
Probably the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress. Yeah, I also use it too, however, sometimes I do also use the All In One SEO Pack for some sites.
With Yoast you can set it up so you can have full control over your SEO titles, create an XML sitemap to submit to Google Search console, control which pages you don’t want indexed and more.
Check out the Yoast SEO plugin here.
Final Thoughts
There are a load of helpful plugins out there if you’re using WordPress for affiliate SEO. This list is by no means exhaustive, but they are the main ones I’m using at the moment.
Be careful not to add too many plugins to your site as some of them can be very resource-hungry and slow your site down. So try to keep your plugin list lean and make sure you update them frequently.
Which plugins do you use for affiliate SEO? Let me know in the comments below.
Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you find this resource page useful. Please not that some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means if you click one of the above links and enrol, I many receive a commission. If you do sign up through one of my links, thank you, it’s much appreciated! Any funds I receive help to keep this site active so we can continue to produce high-quality content.
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