#that mnemosyne caught me off guard
bbnibini · 8 months
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Holy shit
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ornii · 2 years
La mia musa (My Muse)
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Nancy Wheeler X Male Reader
Summary: You had a painting project and Needed a muse for it, Gladly, Nancy took your fumbling offer in exchange for help in her history class
"So why do I have to sit like this all day?"
Nancy Wheeler, the Wheeler Families daughter and occasional friend of few. She sits so elegantly in a chair inside a classroom of Hawkins High, an art room adorned with Odd drawings, used cavas and the smell of paint. She had one leg crossed and was looking forward, her eyes slightly dart to the left to a cavas being painted on. The quiet but abrasive sounds of paint being produced upon the canvas can be heard gently under music being played via a radio.
"Nancy, I've told you before that this stuff takes time." A man peers past the canvas to her, a student of Hawkins high just like her, he has this very flow y and fluent look to him. He frowns a bit at her.
"We can reschedule it if you're not up for it today..." he says, Nancy considers it for a second.
"No, I want to finish it so you can show me, since you've never let me see it." She replies a bit coldly and he agrees.
"Okay, keep your chin a bit high." He replies and she leans her head upward slightly, he looks at her and their eyes meet. He could only just stare at her; watching as Nancy's beauty just beams though the room like the sun rising through the horizon. He looks back down as Nancy smirks just slightly. She had a slight feeling of his intentions when he awkwardly asked her to be his "Muse." Which was mostly just him stumbling on her words, and him convincing her by helping her with History class. To just stand in one spot, just too easy for her to pass up.
"So, what is a Muse anyway?" Nancy asks and (Y/n) continues to paint while explaining.
"Well originally they were Greek Goddesses of Art forms, The Nine Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, but the term means something that inspires you to paint, to create.. and for me.." he says, (Y/n) makes a power move and peers over, staring at Nancy.
"It's something so perfect you can't take your eyes off of." He says, his words caught Nancy off guard, All her life she somewhat kept her cool but at this moment she was actually caught off guard, speechless. There was an awkward silence between them as the mutual attraction began to fester. Nancy, embarrassed just looks back at her Muse spot. (Y/n), even more embarrassed just keeps painting, now keeping his eyes off of her. He pursues his art for another hour and a half of awkwardly cute silence, the two eye each other for a moment and then go back to their jobs.
"Alright, done." He says, breaking the silence, Nancy stands up and stretches her legs a bit, standing on her tippy toes.
"Great, that took forever." She says and walks over next to him, she then finally gets to stand before the painting.
"I'm glad I'll be able to get to see this.."
Nancy halts her sentence looking at the painting, such colors, the way her hair was drawn with such cautious love and attention. Each stroke of the brush was meticulously made with care and complexity. Nancy was at a loss of words as he stood next to her, He smiles a bit, actually proud of himself.
"It's my best work, I want to call it...
"The Mystery Girl.."
Nancy just couldn't believe the attention to detail, the artistic flow of her hair, the almost heavenly like aura around Her, the perfect brush strokes that represented her eyes were an almost perfect color of hers, she just blinked a few times and turned to him.
"This is, Amazing. I knew you were in art class a lot but this is.. whew." She says slightly combing her hair to the side. It has a certain beauty to it all, and that Beauty was Nancy. She turns to him, so amused by what she's witnessing.
"You really are talented, Steve isn't into stuff like this, I don't know why." She says a bit sad, and (Y/n) felt the compliment in his heart, and wanted to feel like this more. He always thought Nancy was this mystery girl, so intriguing, so beautiful and consummate. Once he saw her in Mrs.Duffers history class, like a modern day Audrey Hepburn or a Lady Elsie. Such beauty should be encapsulated in a way to always be existing.
"Thanks. Uh, sorry for making you stay after school those times, I just wanted it to be, perfect." He says.
"No, you don't have to apologize it's, I can see it was really worth it, what do you plan on doing with it?" She asks, "The Painting." She says and he looks at it.
"Once it dries.. that's up to you." He says, Nancy looks at him confused, and realizes what he means.
"I-I can't take this, it took you days to make this." She says and looks back at it.
"Yeah, but it would be easier to explain to your Boyfriend and Parents that you got this made by a professional, than people asking why I have it." He replies. And Nancy looks at him, she was indecisive but then held her ground on it and grabbed him by the hand, it shocked him a bit and he turns to her.
"You're taking this with you, you made it, put it in an exhibit for aspiring painters or something. You deserve it, your Mystery Girl says so." She says with a hint of authority, it was more than enough for (Y/n) to nod sheepishly. She smiles and lets go of his hand. They were interrupted by a horn from outside. Nancy peeks out the window to see a car.
"That's Steve, gotta go." She says, Nancy turns and walks over, offering a handshake, he takes it and she smiles.
"It was nice being your muse." She says, and walks to grab her backpack and he nods, still staring.
"Yeah, it was nice." (Y/n) says and she gives him one last smile before leaving, (Y/n) stands there by himself before turning to the Painting.
"I guess I'll be seeing you.. Mystery Girl."
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Techno has given me rights to theorize Syndicate lore based on one of my special interests POG so here’s code name analysis
Harpocrates - Egyptian/Greek god of silence, secrets, embodiment of hope and the sun ("child sun"), associated with roses.
Most likely Foolish - the aspect of “child sun” is probably an association of childhood = ignorance = “foolish”ness Only likely others would be Hannah (based on rose association) or Puffy (as she seemed to be interested in concepts like the Syndicate and has been corresponding with Techno).
Phil - Zephyrus
Greek god of the gentle west wind. Pretty self-explanatory. Bird Dad. In some versions of some myths involving him, Zephyrus was jealous of Apollo being with Hyacinth and so made Apollo accidentally kill Hyacinth with a discus, which could also fit with how c!Phil was forced to kill a loved one (in his case, his son).
Techno - Protesilaus
A hero in the Iliad, son of Iphiclus ("Lord of many sheep") and leader of the Phylaceans. He was the first to step ashore at Troy and the first to die in the war (”An oracle had prophesied that the first Greek to walk on the land after stepping off a ship in the Trojan War would be the first to die, and so, after killing four men, he was himself slain by Hector. After Protesilaus' death, his brother, Podarces, joined the war in his place.” - wikipedia). Either this somewhat alludes to Techno and Wilbur being “brothers forged in blood” and Techno sort of taking up this path of anarchy and fighting for “freedom” in Wilbur’s absence, or it just bodes very very poorly for Techno.
Ranboo - ???
I would guess likely options include:
Janus (Roman god of doorways, choices, etc. Iconography depicts him as literally having two faces. Ranboo is a Thomas Sanders fan, so if he is at all caught up in his Sanders Lore he definitely knows this one)
Lethe (River of memory/forgetfulness in the Underworld and also the name of the nymph of that river)
Morpheus (god of sleep and dreams)
Hypnos (God of sleep)
Mnemosyne (goddess of memory)
Oneiros (personified dreams)
Cassandra (seer who was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies)
Pythia (Oracle of Delphi)
Delphi (see former)
and Python (creature that guarded the oracle of Delphi)
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