#that last nosebleed was a doozy
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mars-ipan · 25 days ago
finally got the bleeding to stop but now i’m dizzy
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ffangirlingsince2001 · 4 years ago
End of the Tunnel: III
Description: It’s almost been a year since Freed Weasley was lost to the Battle of Hogwarts, and for George Weasley it might as well be an eternity. He is lost in the dark, no color to be found. Until suddenly there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Warnings: (future as well as present) suicidal thoughts, smut, angst, fluff, depression,  attempted SUICIDE, self harm, torture, mentions of torture
When George had said where he worked was the happiest place the on earth, Hannah hadn’t totally believed him, but the moment she stepped inside Weasley Wizard Wheezes she realized he hadn’t been lying.
She hadn’t seen so much color since the carnivals her father had taken her to when she was younger. Beneath the grey skies of London, it stuck out like the most wonderful kind of sore thumb, magnificent and bright. George took her by the hand and led her inside, warning her not to touch anything lest it cause some nasty side-effects. Once inside the store sparks and flourishes danced around the air, circling the customers as they picked away at the shelves.
“George, it’s amazing,” she gasped, tugging at his arm, eyes wide with excitement. He chuckled and enjoyed watching as she struggled to keep her hands off everything.
It had been a long time since he had seen his own store as something so wondrous, but as she gasped the way people had when it first opened it seemed a bit brighter than it had over the past few months.
“Oi, George, nice of you to come into work today,” a voice called from overhead, the couple looked up and found a red head peering down at them.
“Who’s that?”
“My brother, Ron,” he informed her as they climbed the clickity stairs. They reached the highest platform and Ron greeted them, smart suit and all.
“And you’ve brought a girl,” he gasped, eyes studying Hannah as he leaned against one of the sturdier shelves. “I don’t think I recognize you; what year were you?”
“Actually, I’m a muggle,” she said with a laugh and his eyes widened, snapping quickly between the pair. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“No, not, I’m not disappointed, just surprised,” he stuttered, covering as poorly as anyone could. George sent him and a glare, but Hannah only laughed.
“I’m gonna go look around,” she said pulling away, and then interrupted George’s reminded, “And not touch anything, I’ll come bother you later.” And with that she gave a scandalous wink and walked away towards a group of teenagers gawking at a display of candy. He smiled as he watched her go, keeping his eyes on her until she disappeared into the crowd and then turned to Ron with a scowl.
“Real polite Ron,” he growled, and Ron grimaced.
“I didn’t mean it,” he defended. George rolled his eyes and turned to look for Hannah once again, disappointed when she was nowhere to be found. “Where’d you meet her?”
“A pub in London, she owns it,” he said like a lovesick puppy.
“You sound absolutely infatuated.”
“I am…” he muttered, trailing off in thought and Ron chuckled before gasping at the sight of Hannah coming around the corner, blood pouring out of her nose. The white blouse she had been wearing before was absolutely covered in blood and laughing hysterically. “Blimey Hannah, I told you not to touch anything.”
“I know, I know, but you said in the store. Some kid gave me this, figured it wouldn’t be too bad,” she said still laughing and trying to catch the blood in her hands. “I wish I had one when I was in school. Although I’m not quite sure how to make it stop.”
“Have you got the purple bit?”
“Oh yeah, I figured I shouldn’t eat anymore though until I asked,” she chuckled, popping the purple into her mouth, grinning as the bleeding stopped. “That’s bloody wicked, George, you came up with these?”
“Er, yeah, but-,”
“Got anymore?”
“Maybe you should get cleaned up first?” he suggested, and she looked down at her bloodied clothes, grinning sheepishly.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Can we borrow your flat for a moment?” George asked and Ron nodded, still staring in shock at Hannah and the lack of panic. Definitely not like any muggle he had ever encounter. George led the way, his hand on the small of her back until they reached the little, hidden door behind one of the counters. A thin staircase led them upstairs towards a flat.
Pain shot through his heart as he stepped through the threshold, but he ignored it, rushing her towards the bathroom.
“Ron, is that you?” someone called from kitchen, “What’s happened?” Hermione turned the corner and gasped at the pair. “George, what’s happened? Who’s this?”
“Nosebleed Nougat,” George muttered, washing away the blood from her face.
“I’m Hannah by the way,” Hannah chirped up from behind George’s motherly hand.
“Hermione Granger, Ron’s girlfriend,” she replied, “I’ll get you a new shirt.” She disappeared for a moment and then returned with a pink jumper. “It’s rather old but it’ll do.”
“Thank you, I’ll be out to thank you properly in a moment, once George stops mother henning me.” She laughed when George rolled his eyes and then unbuttoned her shirt revealing more blood. “Wow, that really did a doozy on me.”
“I’ll kill who ever gave that to you.”
“Oh please, George, you invented them, it’s all in good fun. I’m not fragile.”
“I know, I just-.”
“Really George, it’s all in fun, isn’t that why you made it.” He stayed silent for a moment before nodding sheepishly. She placed a hand on his cheek, patting it thoughtfully. “Now you go off to work and I’ll hang around here, out of the way.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Is Hermione going to murder me while you’re away?
“Well, no-.”
“Then I’ll be fine, go, work, and then we’ll go out to dinner or something, yeah?” She kissed his forehead and then his lips before shooing him away. “Go, I’ll be fine.” He kissed her once more and then disappeared into the store.
Hannah pulled on the sweater and stepped into the kitchen, tugging the sleeves over her palms. “Thanks for the jumper.”
“Oh of course, we’ve all been victim to something in that store at one time or another. Tea?”
“Thank you. I'm sorry for invading.”
“Nonsense, although, if you don’t mind me asking, who exactly are you?” Hermione asked as she handed her a cup.
“I’m with George I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Well, it’s a bit interesting. We met yesterday at my pub, we haven’t been apart since, so I don’t know.” She quirked an eyebrow in response and led Hannah to a table, sitting down across from her.
“Are you telling me you slept together and now he’s caring for you like you’re his own?”
“I guess. But I don’t know how long it will last.”
“Why’s that?”
“Ron didn’t seem very accepting. And he cares about his family so much I wouldn’t expect him to go against them.”
“Oh, how’s that?”
“I’m a muggle.” Her face pinched and she set down her cup with alarming calmness.
“I see. Well, I don’t think that will be much of a problem.”
“Why’s that?”
“Just trust me, I think it’ll be alright. He’s just a little awkward. And George clearly fancies you.”
“You think?”
“I have never seen that boy care about anyone that much, not since…”
“Fred?” Hannah asked cautiously and Hermione’s eyes snapped up, shock clearly scrawled across her face.
“He told you?”
“This morning.”
“He must fancy you; he hasn’t talked to anyone about it. Not Ron, not his parents, no one.” Hannah furrowed her brow and looked down at the murky depths of her tea. “Hey, Hannah, George is a great guy, he wouldn’t jerk you around like the way you’re thinking. But don’t let him push you away, he’s been pushing everyone else away, don’t let him do the same to you.”
The two talked for the rest of the afternoon, talking about the nostalgia of growing up muggles and the wizarding world as they knew it. As the sun set, George and Ron came waltzing in, big grins on their faces as they swooped down on the women of their affections.
“How’ve you been?” George whispered into her ear as his lips lingered against her cheek.
“Wonderful,” she smiled, sending a wink to Hermione who was staring at the couple with a knowing look on her face.
“We should be off. I’ve promised Hannah dinner,” George suddenly said, straightening up and looking at the other pair in the room. Goodbyes were said and the couple left hand and hand wandering down the brightly lit streets of Diagon Alley. “How was Hermione?”
“Enlightening. And how was work?”
“A breath of fresh air I didn’t know I needed.” She smiled and leaned into his shoulder, gathering as much warmth as she could. “I know it’s early, but I want you to move in with me.” Hannah smiled brightly and leaned closer.
“I’d love that,” she replied, thinking about all Hermione had said and resolved to send her a letter in the morning to tell her about the news.
“Really?” he asked almost surprised and she laughed.
“Of course. I’d love nothing more.” He smirked and threw an arm around her, pulling her as tight as a man could when he had been pushing people away for so long
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distracting-shiny · 7 years ago
so yesterday @derpizard came to watch my opening night and the whole day preceding was a DOOZY lemme tell ya
-i wake at midnight because i’ve done got blood on the sheets so off to the couch i go with a towel, only to be awoken at 5 am by the understanind “ah, it is time to go to the bathroom,” not knowing that knowledge was born in the need to vomit my entire dinner. I am heard and found by papa who goes into Fight Mode, and I am put back into bed after getting help washing up, with the assurance, “the worst is over, pumpkin, it’s okay”
-oh papa how wrong we all were
-7 am waking up in the morning gotta throw up even more???
-friends i continued to up those chucks long after my stomach had been emptied
-did you know you can throw up water? i didn’t. 
-did you know you can throw up water so hard you get a nosebleed? i didn’t.
-dude, i couldn’t even keep pepto bismol down. everything was coming up. even fluids. even the smell of gatorade prompted a hurl-fest. 
-This lasted until 5 pm. Call time was 5:30 for the show. I call Mr. Stage-Manager and Director, and friends did i ever receive. I asked for the alley door to be open so i could run and puke in peace, instead i get not one, but TWO Monogrammed Buckets, a wee chair off stage right, a hidden nest off stage left, blankies, and permission to forego pantyhose and high heels. 
-I am Spoiled and feel better today
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