#that last line makes me adjdlausvdk
pendinganchor · 1 year
facing my fear of sharing my writing real quick 🫡
note: idk the exact timeline for this fic yet . i’ll worry about that if i ever actually write it . also *insert i hate jkr statement* but as a trans man i feel that should go unsaid
Draco was trying, and failing, to remain focused on his book when he felt someone sit next to him. He still didn’t feel like he belonged in this house so he was keeping to himself. “You seem to have something on your mind.”
“Sorry?” he asked as his attention moved from the book to the man who spoke to him.
“You haven’t turned a page in over ten minutes. And you’re usually quite the fast reader.”
“Oh.” Draco glanced at the page number then carefully shut the book. He shifted his body to be more comfortable— he hadn’t noticed when his back started hurting because of his position. He gave his former teacher his full attention. “Observant are we?”
“When you’ve experienced the things I have, you learn to be.” Draco nodded in silent agreement— he did know. “So, what’s got you distracted from a good book?”
“Normal angsty teenage things.”
“Care to share?”
Draco made a face. “I hardly believe you care about this sort of thing.”
“I was an angsty teenager once. An outside perspective might be helpful, try me.”
“It’s about my love life.” Or more accurately his lack of one.
“Ah. Not sure I can help, but give it a shot.”
Draco paused for a moment, deciding if he should say anything. “How do I get rid of this stupid pull I feel towards him?”
Remus let out a soft laugh— like he knew what Draco wasn’t saying. “I fear it’s in your genetics, Draco. You can’t get rid of that.”
“You aren’t the first Black to fall in love with a Potter. You’re not even the second.” Draco opened his mouth to protest— to say he wasn’t in love with Harry. But stopped when Remus gave him a pointed look. “I am all too familiar with the look of love on a member of the Black family.” Draco followed the man’s gaze to Sirius— who was waving his arms around as he said something to one of the Weasleys. Draco couldn’t tell which one from this distance.
“Is it worth it?” He felt a sudden urge to cry. An urge to say never mind, he didn’t want to know the answer.
“Is what worth it?” Remus asked as they made eye contact with each other again.
He thought about not elaborating. Just walking away. “Falling in love with a Black?”
“Every second.”
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