#that is aproaching
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leonelmolinari · 1 year ago
Fun fact: this was on my country! Argentina :D
Holy shit that fucking dove-
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freakbytvface · 4 months ago
Caitvi kiss
I was wondering, since Vi has been in prison for about 8 years, got there when she was a young teen and is now in her early to mid twenties,
And given her history, we know she has trust issues and finds it hard to let new people in and be vulnerable with them.
What if not only she hasn't been with anyone before, but Caitlyn was her first kiss?
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laincelebi · 5 months ago
I got into dandadan and love momo and okarun dynamic. Though there is one shonen trope I definitely want to see with them. okarun getting new powers and then losing control and momo being the only one that can help him.
Kinda like what happened in the beginning but now with much more drama and with their feelings for each other showing. Like no one else being able to deal with him and momo being able to calm him even with everyone saying it's dangerous.
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sincapjelly · 13 days ago
I love to think Cole met Wu before he went to the school. He met Wu and didn't immediately followed him. He wanted some time to think. And after staying in the school for 2 days, he came to the conclusion the he wanted nothing from it anymore. Then he remembered Wu's offer, an amazing escape from somewhere he doesn't wanna be in anymore.
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spoiledmilks · 1 month ago
I recommend doodling your feelings
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Free therapy
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stupidneko · 2 years ago
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An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg A shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak She really wanna make it messy She really, really , and the girl gone cray
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mxwhore · 1 month ago
i luv being genderfluid...
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amberizedcasey · 1 year ago
it's so funny for me how when phil is on his idea for team bolas is to be pacifists and only defend themselves if the other come for them, if they steal crops they replent, they even help the other if they need to
but the moment he logs off and cellbit is in charge they go apeshir and start destroying everyones bases, they scream and bark, they are hungry for blood, they only want chaos
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waddei · 5 months ago
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ship template thing but its my boys!
template by ustfile on twt
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itsmariejanel · 11 months ago
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77. news and a welcome!
previous [.beginning.] next > transcript under the cut
Kiara - Hi babe- Mia - Hey bae! Did you arrive alright? Kiara - Yes, all good!! It was such a loooong trip but I’ll just go pass out after dinner and sleep 12 hours, anyways! I just heard your cryptid message… you okay? Mia - Yeah… YEAH. I think? Well, you know I had this work meeting the other day right… And I got this really reeeally amazing job opportunity…  Kiara - Oh? Tell me tell me! Mia - It’s my dream job, babe. I’ll get to design clothes for a living, and that’s all I ever wanted really- Kiara - Holy shit Mia!! Congrats!! Oh my god! YOU DID IT!!!!  Mia - Thanks bae… Kiara - What 's the issue? Why don’t you seem happy? Mia - Ah… Well… I would have to move to San Myshuno. I couldn’t do it from Strangerville anymore…  Kiara - Oh… I see…  Mia - Yeah…  Kiara - Babe, listen, we’re all gonna miss you around the house but, it’s not like we can’t visit each other, right? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, do you really just wanna… throw that away? Mia - No… I- I actually don’t, and that’s what’s making me feel like shit… I feel guilty about this almost- Kiara - Please, don’t!! We should celebrate it, you, specially, should celebrate it.  Mia - God… I feel stupid… You’re so right!! Thanks babe! I’m going to call Ruru and go for drinks! Oh and don’t tell anyone about this yet, ‘kay? Kiara - Your secret is safe with me, babe! Have fun with Ruru! Give her a kiss from me-  Mia - Love yaaaa!! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do on that bed, alright? Kiara - Stop!!! Byeee, love you too-  - Raven - Jace sweetie, just got a text from Evanora, they’re on they’re all on their way here right now. Jace - Alright mom, I’ll go see if Kiara’s ready then- Jace - Oh hey! Everything alright with Mia? Kiara - Yeah, she just wanted to give me some news... And no, I can’t tell you about it- Jace - Unfair, ugh! Kiara - [ chuckles ] Kiara - Sorry for disappearing Mrs. and Mr. Silversweater, can I help with anything in the kitchen? Raven - Thank you, but don’t worry sweetheart, just rest. Simeon and I got this!  - Kiara - OMG, hi everyone!!  L.Faba - I can’t believe you’re real, actually! Evanora - Faaaabaaa!!! Kiara - I- Thanks? Grace - We’re so happy that you could come- Morgyn - KIARAAAAA!!!! My beloved! You must show me your dress for the wedding!!! Is it the blue one?  Kiara - Yes, with the butterflies- Morgyn - Girl, I’ll come over and we’ll get ready together!  Simeon - I heard screaming…? Jace - Don’t worry Simeon, just Morgyn being Morgyn- Raven - I think you just lost your date, sweetie.
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leonelmolinari · 1 year ago
I made a little chain lmao
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pizzabox-box · 6 months ago
Now all we need is an au where Fakey kills Peppino but doesn't regret it and thrives even more than the original did
I feel like i would have to fundamentally change the personality of my Fake for this to work. Yes, he wants to be the best Peppino he can be and make the best Pizza and will do anything for his dream to come true, but he's not malicious. He's twisted in the head and doesn't undertastand that "hurting people hurts people" to put it simply . He was never shown better. But if you are very patient with him you can show him the errors of his ways. He's willing to learn.
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strunmah-mah · 1 year ago
So I saw this interesting post discussing the bashing of otome heroines, and the person i saw it from had some tags comparing the OBSCURA and Touchstarved mc's and the different fan response to them. Which go me thinking, but reposing to it there felt like it would have derailed that post, some I'm putting my thoughts here instead.
Basically the tags were an observation that OBSCURA's mc gets treated as their own character (Vesper) whose popularity is comparable to that of all the different love interests. Meanwhile Touchstarved's fandom doesn't seem to rally around one singular MC with everyone having own OC instead. This despite the fact that their both gender neutral blank slates you never even really see.
I'd noticed that too and got thinking of why that is, so here's my theory.
Name. Notice that I referred to OBSCURA's mc as Vesper, but didn't give a name to Touchstarved's mc? When asking what your name is OBSCURA auto suggests a name. There's a not insignificant number of people that when given an auto suggested name won't go to the effort of changing it. (ex My first time playing a Legend of Zelda game it didn't even occur to me to change Link's name despite it definitely being an option.) And despite still being a reader insert just the act of giving them name makes Vesper feel like a more defined then Touchstarved unnamed MC does.
Origins. Vesper is Vesper. Who they were before the start of OBSCURA doesn't really matter, no matter what you might hc they were like before the start of the story, they still enter the mountain with the skill set no matter what. Touchstarved's mc is deliberately fluid. They have three different possible backgrounds and which one you pick does effect the mc's skill set. Make your own oc is literally built into the game.
Presentation of information. Touchstarved is very upfront about their mc's motivations. You are cursed. It's very isolating and has caused you to hurt others unintentionally. You are looking for a cure. What your curse is is never really a question. That's a very different experience from playing OBSCURA. The games hook is "people don't go under the mountain unless they have a good reason, unfortunately you have a great reason" it does not say the reason, it's a great hook. So you play the game, you go under the mountain and you find out what you're looking for is . . . blue moon ichor. You have no context for what that is, it's not initially explained, but it makes people pity you. It's not until you meet one of the LI's that it's revealed you want the ichor. You only only learn about Vesper's motivations as they chose to reveal that information to others. It's an interesting story telling choice. For me, it was more engaging to have Vesper being just as much of a mystery as everything else, than Touchstarved approach of giving that information upfront, but it comes at a cost. The MC's are both supposed to be self inserts, but hiding that information puts distance you and Vesper again making them feel more like their own character than a self insert.
Choice. Atleast as far the demos go Vesper's choices matter more. Your choices change who you meet, if you get a partner to help you face the future, or if you fail to achieve your goal chapter one. The Touchstarved mc makes choices too, it gives you slightly different dialog and you then you move on with your day. The TS MC is a vehicle to meet that game's LI's, your choices change what side of them you get to see. In Obscura your choices affect Vesper first and fore most, which again gives Vesper a stronger sense of character.
Just to be clear, I don't want this to sound like me dunking on RedSpringStudios and say they can't make good characters. Boy can they! All five of their love interests are full of character and intrigue. It's like I said in point two, the "build your own oc" approach seems very purposeful. It's a fan response they've encouraged, even releasing bio templates that match the official bios of all the LI's. This is what they wanted.
What amuses me is that RottenRaccons did not seem to realize what they had done. They seem very surprised but pleased by how much fans are latching onto Vesper as their own character.
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vash-in-the-void · 9 months ago
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Oh, and I digress
‘Cause I must make you the perfect morning
And I try my best
To prove that nothing’s out to get you
inspired by The Bug Collector
alt versions under the cut
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salchichas-art · 1 year ago
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high school rochu cus why not
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onlysushicat · 2 years ago
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someone requested for them to dance in underwear
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