#that has been kicking around foreverrrrrrrrr
Brothers React To MC Grabbing Their Butt: Luci, Mammon, Levi
I’ve had to write this 2 times now. If Tumblr deletes this post, I will be fighting someone. 
TW: Drunk character, use of phrase KMS
You just left your room to go down to the kitchen for some quick snack when you bumped into Lucifer. He gave you a nod which you return with a simple wave.
You were about to continue walking when a something white on the back of Lucifer’s coat. You glanced at it and saw it was a sheet of paper. “Lucifer has a flat ass  -Mammon”.
That was not Mammon’s handwriting. You recognized it as Levi’s since he always left notes in the manga you borrowed. He must be trying to get revenge on him. 
But, will you let your first man get hung up. He did buy you your favorite treat yesterday, even if he denied it. 
Turning around, you tiptoed behind Lucifer while you gained distanced on him. Your hand reached out towards the paper. 
“MC, why are you-”
Why was a slice of Lucifer’s cake in your hand? You froze up as you realized the situation you were in. 
You just groped one of the strongest demons in hell. Dear Diavolo, please make sure my funeral is fun. 
“MC?” You didn’t have the strength in you to look into Lucifer’s face. You weren’t ready to face death. No matter how thick he was.
“MC.” You knew that tone. He was getting angry. You should really let of his cheek, but you so overcome with fear that you can’t move. 
A blink of an eye. That’s all it took for you to have you back against the wall with Lucifer’s arm trapping you. Heat seems to be radiating off of him in thick rolls.
“MC, look at me,” he growled out. Your eyes briefly flickered up before dropping down once you saw that fire in his eye. 
A gloved hand traveled from the base of your neck up to your chin where it gripped it tightly before tilting your head up. You were met with the sight of Lucifer’s smirking with his red eyes slanted in mischievous.
“Looks like someone’s being disobedient. I want you in my room by the time I return to it. You better be ready to be punish.”
With that, he let go of your chin and walked away. The sign balled in your fist seem to go unnoticed by him. 
“Got in trouble for this dang lie,” you growled out, throwing the paper in the wastebin. Even if you tried to act disgruntled about what happen, the butterflies in your stomach on what was about to happen told a completely different story. 
It was a complete accident. Mammon was out most of the night drinking and stumbled into your room about 3 am asking you to hide him.
You got out of bed and helped him sit down on it. His clothes were strewed haphazardly on him. Guess someone had a good time. 
“MC, MC, MC, MC,” he whined while kicking his feet around. He was making so much noise that it would be so easy for Lucifer to know he was here. 
“What?” You asked in a quiet voice. He stopped calling your name and instead held his arms out and made grabby motions towards you. 
“You haven’t talked to me in foreverrrrrrrrr.” You literally talked to him at school. He’s the one who’s been gone most of the night. 
You made your way over to stare at him. His brown skin had a heavier red tint underneath it with his bluish yellow eyes glazed over. He really got wasted tonight. 
Mammon lean up a little and wrapped his arms around you. Yanking you down the bed next to him, he cuddled into you. “Wvndoisnvf”
“What?” you asked, leaning away from him. He made a low groan in the base of his throat before pulling you down into him. 
“Warm. You’re warm... but I’m hot... too much clothes,” he slurred. You navigated your head so you could get a view of him. He was staring at the wall behind.Then like a light bulb going off, his eyes widen. “I can- I can teleport to my room. And change... Be right back.”
He unwrapped his arms from around you and started rolling off the bed. The dumb idiot.
Shooting up, you grabbed whatever you could get your hands on. Which was his upper back.... and an entire handful of his butt.
“Mammon, you can’t teleport,” you growled out. You pulled at him to try to get him to get more into the bed. He was literally on the edge of the bed, tilting. If he fell on the floor, it would definitely make enough noise to wake up Lucifer. 
“Mmm, harder,” he grumbled. Remember, MC, he’s drunk He doesn’t know what he’s saying. 
“Mammon, if you don’t get in the bed, I won’t cuddle you,” you threaten. He let out a small whine, but he scooted into the bed. Relief filled you as you released your grip on him. Now, you can go to sleep. 
Mammon’s arms found their way around you and pulled you down again. You didn’t fight against him or the warmth he provided. 
“Wait,” he mumbled. His hand wrapped around yours and pulled at it. You allowed him to move it lower. He placed it on top of his butt and released your hand. 
You were too tired to question him. So you fell asleep with one arm wrapped around him and the other on top of his butt. 
“Hey, Levi, I was wondering if I could-” 
Your words died in your throat as you stared at the scene in front of you. You knew you should’ve knocked, but you didn’t think it was a big deal. Boy were you wrong. 
In the middle of his room, in a pink and white maid costume was Levi. His hands were froze in the midst of pulling up some tight pink stockings. 
“I can- um- Are you busy?”You didn’t know where to look at him. You tried to look at his face, but the pink eyeliner was causing you to stare. His neck was a no go with the bell choker on it. 
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” You jumped at the ear piercing screaming coming out of him. His face was the deepest shade of red you have ever seen it get. 
“Levi?” a voice downstairs called out. Followed by the sound of footsteps. 
“Sorry, scared him. Everything’s fine,” you yelled out. Yet the footsteps kept coming. In a fit of panic, you entered the room and shut the door. You were quick to lock the door behind you.
“OMG OMG OMG OMG KMS KMS I’m such a disgusting otaku,” he cried sinking to the floor. His hands covered his face as he started crying. 
“No, Levi, sweetie. You look amazing,” You comforted walking over. He let out a small sniffle, but seem to be slowing on crying. “Is that the limited edition Ruri- chan maid outfit you were telling me about last time?”
His head lifted up with a giant smile on his face. His nose was a little red from crying, but it blended in with the blush on his cheeks. 
“You- you remembered,” he croaked out while wiping the tears. He pulled his legs together and rested his chin on it, allowing you to see his entire beautiful face. “I got it in the mail today. And I was just going to put it on the mannequin and take some pictures. But-”
He trailed off for a little as the blush returned again. He let out a groan. His head dropped in embarrassment. “I can’t believe I forgot to lock the door. You probably think I’m some gross otaku who like to dress up in maid costumes all the time.”
“I mean, you look hot while doing it, so I don’t see a problem with it,” you admitted, glancing at his figure. He was a little muscular, but his shape seem to accentuate the outfit in the best ways. 
“Hey, is everything okay in there?” Lucifer’s voice rang through the door. You glanced at Levi to see his face still red and his pink gloved hand gripping the sides of the costume. 
“I locked the door. Don’t worry, he can’t come in,” you whispered. Trying to comfort him some more, you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Y-yeah, I’m okay. MC scared me while.. I was playing a game. Sorry for screaming,” Levi mustered out. Lucifer let out a long sigh before his footsteps disappeared. 
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Levi visabily relaxed too. 
“Sorry for bargaining in. I was trying to asking to borrow a new manga,” you explained. Levi let out a cough as he stood up. Your head lifted up as he grew in height. 
“Sorry for showing you this gross side to me,” he grumbled, pulling the bottom of the skirt down. Guess it wasn’t made wit hhis long legs in mind. It showed so much legs. Not that you were complaining. 
“You’re just cosplaying, nothing wrong with it. Plus as I mentioned earlier, you look hot af in the maid outfit. I mean damn,” you growled the last word. A dark red blush exploded over his face as a low whimper slipped out of him. 
“Well, if you like it. Would you mind-um- roleplaying a little.” 
You took a step forward and wrapped your arms his waist. You looked up at him with a innocent smile, but in each hand was a butt cheek. “Serve your master, Levi.”
I apologize for stopping here, but Tumblr just didn’t seem to like this curse post and I’m so tired that I can’t force myself to write the other brothers only to delete it again. I do plan on doing the other 4 brothers.
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sarahsrp · 8 years
☯ for celebs!!!
send me a ☯ for a brotp meme
Billie/Jason/Jonathan (yea, I’m doing the ot3) 
who’s older?: Jason and Jonathan are the same age. Probably a couple months apart. Billie is the baby. 
who’s more protective?: Hm, maybe Jonathan. He’s always ready to fight for them. Billie is protective of Jason though. He was her first friend after she moved to LA. But she’s also protective of Jon. Not as much though since Jon fights his won battles often. Jason is protective of the both of them too though. 
what’s their origin?: Jon and Jason met at some gala years back. Jon hated it, of course. He hates going to those kind of things. He hung around the bar for most of the night, which is where he met Jason. Despite the major personality differences, they hit it off. Years later, Billie got cast as a very, very small recurring role on a show where Jason is a huge star. I imagine he hits on all the female extras, hit on her and she just LAUGHED in his face. Jason then introduced Billie to Jon and they’ve all been friends since then. 
what are four words to describe their relationship?: Sarcastic, boozy, funny, breezy 
how does each one feel when the other gets into a romantic relationship?: do they get jealous? are they super protective? proud of their friend getting out there?? Billie and Jon definitely tease Jason whenever he gets in a relationship since he’s all about the PR relationship. They don’t really take them seriously. Jon and Jason also tease Billie when she dates someone but are generally protective. They get all older brother like and have to check the guy out and make sure he’s worthy of her. When Jon dates and is actually open about it, they’re happy and surprised. He isn’t really the lovey dovey type so again, there is a lot of teasing. But I think in general, happiness and being proud that he put himself out there and opened up to someone. 
list three problems that they’ve encountered in their time together: Finding time to actually hang out. They’re all busy with their film schedules so sometimes they can go a long time without seeing each other. Also, finding a nice place where there won’t be a bunch of fans or cameras in their faces. And…that’s only two but that’s really all I can think of. 
how often do they fight?: Every time they see each other. But it’s never anything serious. They’re all kind of sarcastic assholes with each other. So it’s all for laughs. 
what would their biggest fight be about?: Australia vs. England/Who’s Homeland is better? Jon and Jason say England. Billie says Australia. It’s never ending. 
nicknames/terms of endearment?: Billie calls Jason - Jayso and Jon - Jono from time to time. Jon calls them by their names because he doesn’t do fluffy/cutesy nicknames. Jason usually sticks with the normal names too, maybe calls Billie hon or sweetie but not too often and probably usually before saying something sarcastic. 
how long will they last?: do they fall out a few months after friendship blooms? do they laugh at their respective grandchildren together while looking over photos from decades ago? I’m gonna say FOREVERRRRRRRRR! They all love each other and like hanging out. I can’t imagine them not staying close to each other. 
how well do they know each other?: They know a lot ore about each other than Wikipedia does. No, really. They’re close. Between all the teasing they do have somewhat serious conversations. They know each other’s likes and dislikes, goals in life and details about their past. 
which of the two is more: violent, expressive, affectionate, irritable, intelligent, attractive, kind: Jon - Violent, Irritable. Jason - Attractive, Kind. Billie - Expressive, Affectionate. They’re all fairly intelligent. Even if they joke and say Jason is just a pretty face. 
are there any chances of them n o t staying platonic?: Well, Jason and Jon definitely aren’t going to hook up. Billie and Jon look at each other like siblings. I wouldn’t put it pass Billie and Jason to drunkenly make out at least once but that would be them super, super drunk. They’re all very platonic. 
how would they react if the other were to die?: Devastated. 
what extent would one half of the brotp go for the other?: Billie would defend her boys like crazy, Jon would fight people like crazy and Jason would also defend them like crazy. They’re like a little family, really. They would do a lot for each other. 
list headcanons for them based around: a slide, a laptop, winter, coca-cola, braiding hair, shoes, two of your choice: Winter is actually kind of an argument with them. Jason and Jon say that winter is during the obvious December to March months. But Billie is a backwards Australian and insists that nope, those are summer months. And whenever it’s in the middle of ACTUAL winter and it gets a little chilly, she gets all dramatic and wears a coat and says “it’s so cold for summer” and then an intense debate will break out for three days. Billie is in love with french braids. Especially the cutesy french braided pigtails. She absolutely loves them. However, she can’t do it herself. Whenever she tries it looks all loose and uneven. So, she has somehow convinced both Jason and Jon to learn. They watched numerous videos online and now whenever Billie wants her hair braided, she finds one of them and has them do it. As payment, she always buys the first two rounds at the bar.  
who’s older?: You know, I have no clue. Nikki might be though. 
who’s more protective?: Tyler is more protective over Nikki. He’s known her for years and has a huge crush on her and everyone knows it. And he’s very protective. He gets really defensive any time there is something bad said about her in the press. 
what’s their origin?: Probably at the Kids Choice Awards. Tyler was very young when he was discovered and so was Nikki. They probably presented at the award show and then hung out afterwards. They saw each other a lot at these kind of events and eventually just became friends. As they got older they would hang out at bigger, more mature events then silly award shows. 
what are four words to describe their relationship?: Playful, lively, flirty, flawed
how does each one feel when the other gets into a romantic relationship?: do they get jealous? are they super protective? proud of their friend getting out there?? They get jealous. Tyler already makes it known he’s interested in Nikki so obviously he gets jealous. But in the end, he’s also happy if she’s happy. He’s not really a sore loser about it. And Nikki gets jealous too. She likes the attention Tyler gives her and when he’s dating someone he isn’t being all flirty with her and so she gets a bit jealous. 
list three problems that they’ve encountered in their time together: Tyler’s feelings for her, Fans/paparazzi inserting themselves in their business (Tyler’s fault), Nikki leading him on here and there  
how often do they fight?: I don’t think they’ve ever fought. Sure she gets annoyed when he’s openly says he likes Nikki but she denies him and he gets jealous when she’s with someone else. But they don’t ever let that get in the way of their actual friendship 
what would their biggest fight be about?: If they actually got into a fight, like a real one, it would be Tyler’s feelings for her. 
nicknames/terms of endearment?: Babe, hon, sweetie, baby, sexy, stuff like that. Also Ty and Nik. 
how long will they last?: do they fall out a few months after friendship blooms? do they laugh at their respective grandchildren together while looking over photos from decades ago? They’ve been friends since they were middle school aged and nothing has come between them yet. I don’t really thing anything could. They’ll be friends a really long ways down the road. 
how well do they know each other?: I imagine they know pretty much everything there is to know about each other. Again, they’ve known each other since they were like 10/11 and they’re in their 20′s now. There isn’t much they keep secret or really can keep secret. 
which of the two is more: violent, expressive, affectionate, irritable, intelligent, attractive, kind: I’d say - Nikki is more violent, irritable, intelligent and Tyler is more expressive, affectionate and kind. They’re both very attractive people though so tie on that. 
are there any chances of them n o t staying platonic?: Yes and no. They’ll definitely dabble in something more but never actually date or be exclusive. They’ll always be first and foremost platonic friends. 
how would they react if the other were to die?: It would be a huge blow to either of them. They’re like each other’s longest lasting friends. 
what extent would one half of the brotp go for the other?: Tyler would do anything Nikki asked him to do. Honestly, he is a sucker for her. She would do a lot for him too but not quite as much. 
list headcanons for them based around: a slide, a laptop, winter, coca-cola, braiding hair, shoes, two of your choice: Nikki and Tyler have had a pretty nice tradition over the years that right after a party or an after party, they get some fast food and go back to one of their homes to crash. Because of this, Tyler has acquired so many pairs of Nikki’s shoes over the years that she has her own shoe rack in the guest bedroom’s closet. She comes over, kicks off the uncomfortable heels and forgets to grab them as she heads out the next day to her car. Sometimes she’ll have him bring them over to her but there’s enough left behind that he had to do something with them. Tyler will never admit it to anyone other than Nikki but he’s actually afraid of heights. But he loves water parks and going up on the big slides they have. But again, afraid of heights. When he was younger, he told Nikki this in confidence and she promised to go on every water slide with him. That way he’d have someone with him and wouldn’t be so scared. Now, as an adult, he’s still not a fan of heights but isn’t too afraid to go up on a water slide alone but he’s so used to Nikki being by his side that he generally won’t go on one without her. 
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while i'm blogging about fanfiction on tumblr dot com for the first time in a while i'll also say i hadn't realized how much of my Energies were tied up in like actual WIPs that were actually in progress - other than the lil settings week fic i did all four of the stories i've posted this year were things where i had the whole concept outlined mentally or for real and at least some of it written/very well defined in my head going into the year. i've been sort of scattered mentally lately and it's been hard to latch on to the next Project when all the available options are, like, solely in the brainspaces and not yet in a place where i feel like i can chip away at them in 20-minute increments on the train which is how a lot of writing has been getting done this year. but we are visiting family starting tomorrow and i am taking like a week and a half off of working and am hoping to be able to use some of that time to hammer out some blueprints for the next phase! and it is kind of nice to think maybe i will be planning out the help i'm alive epilogue in the same place where i sat down and made a color-coded calendar-determined outline of damage control three summers ago :)
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