#that goes tappy tappy the toes
wyrmdazou 7 months
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thisisxli 7 days
饾悡饾悮饾惄饾惄饾惒-饾悡饾惃饾悶饾惉. - 饾悡饾惃饾惍饾惒饾悮 饾悡.(饾悆饾悮饾悰饾悽)
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Rs: Touya Todoroki(Dabi) x GN!Reader(amab/afab)
Warnings: angst
Tags: Reader is Hawk's sidekick, reader and Touya are childhood friends, Touya is shitty at feelings, Dabi persona, Touya has a cute feet tapping habit, platonic or romantic however reader wants to take it
Summary: Dabi is confused when you easily figure out his real name and identity. Why? Because of the habit he has, tapping his foot on the ground.
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wc: 0.4k
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"Just send me a quick text of your location if anything goes wrong, a'ight?"
"Okay, okay. Bye, Hawks," you softly smile, ending the phone call with the number three hero. You weren't a pro but you were a sidekick. Not one that was constantly by his side but one Hawks was fond of. "You done calling with bird brain?" A raspy voice calls out. Touya? Your breathing starts to quicken a little bit in anticipation.
You quickly turn around to see a familiar pair of turquoise eyes, one you knew years ago and knew now. His hands was deep in the pockets of his black coat and his black hair framed his burnt face. You almost didn't recognize him. "You..." You breathe, halting and avert your eyes to his feet, one of them tapping on the ground. You chuckle.
"Why did you call me Touya?" His question slightly catches you off-guard, his expression unmoving. "Well, I called you Touya because.. it's you. I know it's you, Touya, you don't have to deny it," you smile bitterly when you watch a muscle in his face twitch, a little blood leaking from his metallic stitches. "Well.. I'll be damned. How'd ya know,
(Y/N)?" He emphasizes your name in his sentence, nearly shaking you to your core. Your name felt so familiar yet so foreign rolling out of his mouth. You on the other hand was surprised to say the least, you didn't think he remembered you. When you think of your reasoning, you snort before letting out a laugh. He raises a brow at you.
"You still," your laugh dies down, staring at him with fondness and old grief you experienced for the old young him, "you still do tappy-toes. You tap your feet whenever you're excited or nervous." He stiffens at your words. Seriously? You noticed that it was him from that? Not even his own family recognized him. But you were a whole different type of weird. Funny, he thinks. "Wasn't expecting that," he raspily chuckles before his face drops into his usual stoic look. "But I'm letting you know now.. That I'm not that Touya anymore. Call me Dabi-" "not a chance," you smirk, walking closer to him. Why were you doing that? He's dangerous and you know it. It starts to irk him when you were only a few feet away. "I'm serious. It's Dabi," he lowers his voice, staring down at you. That's also when you realize. He was right, Touya was gone. The Touya you knew was gone.
He wasn't that little boy anymore. Suddenly your vision becomes blurry but you could tell he turned his back to you. "We'll meet again," he turns his head at you, murmuring.
As a tear fell, your vision became clear again. But he was already gone. Again.
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a/n: i enjoyed writing this! Thank you @scardey-cat for the idea! I'm really sorry for taking so long to post this but here it is! I hope you like it and I hope others enjoy it also! Thank you for reading.
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xoxoemynn 3 months
give the people what they want (tell us the daphne lore)
For context, Daphne has her Favorite Bed in my living room, and every day she demands requests we sit together there to bond. Eventually I got myself a little floor chair to go next to her bed because my back simply cannot be on hardwood floors for hours like Daphne prefers, and then I also keep my OFMD blankie there because it gets chilly on the floor and my toes get cold.
ANYWAY, come Saturday, I'm giving Daphne her CBD oil (because that is just one of her many medications), and I accidentally get the TEENIEST TINIEST drop on her bed. But because I don't want it to stain, I immediately wipe it down with soap and water. It leaves small wet patch. Basically make a circle out of your thumb and forefinger. That's more or less the size.
About thirty minutes after that, Daphne decides to return to her bed. And she....puts her paw directly in the wet spot.
The look of BETRAYAL on her face. Honestly, it's a miracle I'm still alive. If she had the power, I'd be incinerated, reincarnated, and dropped off the nearest cliff. That whole Ed killing Hornigold montage? That's what Daphne wanted to do to me.
Anyway, all Saturday, she avoided her bed. I didn't think TOO much of it, because she has countless other beds and pillows and cushions, so it's whatever.
Then comes Sunday. She's doing her little "time to sit on the floor" tippy tappy dance, so I go sit on my floor chair, but she doesn't seem content. And I'll be honest, I was a bit annoyed. I just wanted to write. I was finally in the zone, and Daphne was giving me no peace.
And then she gave me the softest little tap on my knee and the big sad eyes, and I put my laptop aside and she immediately climbed into my lap and curled into a little ball. And I was just about weeping, and Cat's in the Cradle was playing in my head, because Daphne is not usually a daytime cuddler, and she just wanted some love!!! And I was treating my laptop like it was more important!! I was a monster.
Then she hopped off my lap and gave me the "come follow me" eyes, so I did...and she immediately stole my seat and refused to budge. I tried. She said no. It was hers. She had conquered it fair and square. I tried reminding her there were SO MANY Daphne-sized seats for her and fewer me-sized seats and she did not care. So that was Sunday.
COME TODAY. I'm working on the couch, she lets me know she thinks I should be working from the floor like a true professional, I take my floor chair. And she goes to her bed, raises one tiny paw above it....and freezes. Backs away.
I'm reminded of the look of betrayal in her eyes from Saturday.
Yes, that's right. Daphne refused to go in her bed for 48+ hours because her tiny delicate paw touched WET on Saturday and it was SUCH a deeply traumatic experience she couldn't POSSIBLY put herself through that again. I tried ALL. DAY. to get her to give her FAVORITE BED another shot. She refused ALL. DAY. I physically put her in it, she would jump out. I kept pointing to the previously wet spot that was now dry and she looked at me like I was an idiot. I reminded her technically it was cleaner than before and she didn't care. She would sit on the floor chair or on my blanket, if she was feeling generous. No bed for her. Its prior state of Wet made it unacceptable.
Fortunately we have a happy ending. Daphne had some wild zoomies tonight, which did have her leaping over and into her bed, and eventually she tired herself out enough that she forgot her bed had previously been desecrated so now she's snoozing away in it. But I learned my lesson. I can never let the bed get wet again.
Picture below the cut of her on Sunday, stealing my seat, with the bed and blanket that were PERFECTLY VIABLE OPTIONS RIGHT. THERE. so I could sit on the hardwood floor and listen to her snore instead. (If I moved to go back to the couch, she would wake up and look at me all irritated and huff and puff until I return.)
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skxrbrand 8 months
Errand run, Runic arrives to bring skull offerings to each of the brothers, and an extra bone to try and bait them into playing fetch. Should they pick up the bone she sits and does the toe tappies and wiggle. If they go to throw it we get the happy spins.
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Skarbrand is away, Kha'xanzyr isn't interested in pets, and so Khazaan happily takes both skulls. Already responsible for a pet, he has no issue taking the bone and throwing it. The daemon has a hell of an arm and the bone goes flying.
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angry-healers 7 years
not really a horror story but kinda entertaining and puzzling
so theres one quest in tera that always glitches for me. no one else in my group of friends, just me, and it involves me loitering around waiting for a timer to go down so i can progress. speaking of the group of friends, there's 3 of us including me. we tend to make and remake characters to try out other classes and combinations. this time we were all mystics and the same race for a giggle.
anyway the idea of the quest is to smack an enemy into 30% hp then use a bottle on him, turning him to normal. then you talk to him and he starts walking back to the camp he came from and you have to protect his slow ass. my dealio is that after i turn him back and talk to him he wont start walking. so as mentioned, i have to wait for the timer to go down so the quest will fail and reset.
as im waiting i see a ninja trying to do the quest too, and she starts complaining about how it isnt working. first off shes killing the guy instead of throwing the bottle at him, so i point that out. when he respawns she doesnt kill him, but i notice she isnt.. moving a lot. or at all. one of my friends played a ninja for a good while, and ive seen how many skills ninjas have to move around/away from attacks very fastly (being that i usually play the mystic, ergo the healer, ive yelled at her via discord for being too quick on her tappy toes.)
so i ask my friend "shouldnt she be bob and weaving?" my friend says "yeeah, thats kind of the point of ninjas," and we just watch this ninja facetank the guy for a bit, then stop, i guess to use the bottle, and she dies. i figure oh, well ill just go over and raise her (since thats what mystics can do and all)- aaand shes gone. for whatever reason, mid-resurrection circle, she had released and gone back to camp. alright, i figure, maybe she was just embarrassed to have gotten slapped in front of three people.
so eventually she comes back and this time i tank the guy for her, first bringing him down then spitting out motes for myself until she throws the bottle. the npc appears and she still seems dissatisfied; i start to wonder if she has the same problem as me. as im typing she goes and fights him again, and dies again. i walk over but she releases again.
im like okay why does she keep leaving? my friends and i puzzle over this while i continue waiting for my timer, and eventually she comes back again. this time i ask her "you know we can revive you right? you dont have to release" she says "no. why would i know that?" meanwhile on the discord of the three healers i audibly frown, one of my friends laughs, the other one yells about how when faced with three healing magic users how could you assume none of them have a revive of some kind.
none of us got on her for that, i just sort of explained what mystics/healers do, then my timer ran out so i talked to my guy and he started walking. i explain what the ninja has to do (wait for her timer to fail the quest), then skedaddle myself.
we passed by her later while we were doing a later part of the quest, so she did eventually get past that part thankfully. i can only assume tera was her first mmo or something since she couldnt hazard a guess that the healers (and i did heal her at a couple of points so she had to know) can also revive, as well as her whole facetanking thing. i still thought it was funny that out of 3 surrounding healers all with revive she felt helpless enough to release.
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