#that dumbass gay quote that lives in my head rent-free
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degenerateshinji · 2 years ago
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i just wanted to try digital painting
i don't,
i'm high, i think.
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s1utspeare · 4 years ago
DMBJ Characters as Shakespeare Leads
I got into it in the notes of a moonfall echo post and now I’m going insane about what Shakespeare Characters each DMBJ person vibes the most with who do I blame for this
WU XIE as VIOLA from Twelfth Night
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okay bear with me, I know this is a strong one coming right out the gate. But the GAY ENERGY. the ATTEMPTING TO BE SOMEONE THEY’RE NOT ALL THE TIME. the sheer amount of LOVE INSIDE. also this bitch spends SO much time in the series dressed up as other people like??? mans loves cosplaying except the cosplay is for Life and Death Situations. also the love triangles are hilarious. plus they’re both cute and gay and i love them
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did i choose these two because they’re arguably the hottest characters in each of their canon? maybe. also Cori Boy is the only one violent enough to even come CLOSE to xiao-ge’s deadly energy. I could have done Hamlet, who is the only other real Shakespearian swordsman, but Hamlet talks too much. also something about the desperation and side-switching that appeals to me. OH THEY BOTH HAVE GOOD TITS yeah that’s a good reason too
WANG PANGZI as THE FOOL from King Lear
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okay before any of you come for me in the notes, the Fool is arguably the greatest Shakespearean character. They’re only CALLED the Fool cause it’s their job, but actually they’re the only one with any braincells in the play. Both start out as the archetypal comic relief character and then become the heart and soul of the story. The Fool makes a bunch of jokes and also prophesies the end and possibly is magic?? who’s to say. But anyway Pangzi also does all of those things and I feel like he should get to wear a funny hat. plus the Fool just has to deal with idiots trying to take his job by being clowns for free, and Pangzi can relate to that energy I think
LIU SANG as ARIEL from The Tempest
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If it weren’t for just the SHEER amount of creepy magical energy they both exude, it’s the loyalty and sacrifice that does it for me. Not only are they both Ethereal Beings, there’s also a lot of sound ties to Ariel in The Tempest, so like it checks out. Plus they both Crouch. Also I just want Liu Sang to be able to smite some bitches sometimes. That would be good for him (it’s NOT because they’re both my favorite characters IT’S NOT)
Bai Haotian as Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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So this is not only because i have a thing for casting women as Puck, but also because they fit so well together!! like. they both have crushes on people they perceive to be in authority! they both like being helpful! they both should get to be a little feral and also do magic! like Xiao Bai would be SUCH a cute Puck and if Wu Xie weren’t such a dumbass he’d make a good Oberon but alas. He is a Dumbass. so Xiao Bai is Puck but Wu Xie doesn’t get to be in Midsummer because he is simultaneously Too Dumb and Not Dumb Enough. 
LI CU as PRINCE HAL from Henry IV Part I
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sorry for more Tom Hiddleston pics but he’s genuinely like the best Shakespearian actor I’ve ever seen, and he’s done it all. Anyway Li Cu is Hal but specifically Hal from Part I because Part II isn’t as good and Hal is basically Dead when we get to Henry V so it has to be Part I. Anyway. Troubled youth who doesn’t want to do what his father wants so he basically gets kidnapped and raised by an older man who is full of Trickery and also Witty Remarks? The Best Friends Trios? The evolution into a Hero in Their Own Right? These guys are perfect for each other. Also I go feral about both of them at any given moment
A-NING as LADY MACBETH from Macbeth
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YES I used A-Ning from Time Raiders because I think she’s the hottest version of A-Ning WHAT ABOUT IT. Anyway A-Ning could be no one other than the scheming girlboss Lady Macbeth. They’re both Morally Ambiguous but Fuck they look so good doing it. Can And Will manipulate literally any man into doing what they want. Su Nan was also a contender for Lady Macbeth because she resonates very strongly with the “Out, damned spot!” monologue, but she respects authority too much. A-Ning would not hesitate to kill the bitchass king of Scotland so that her family could ascend to the throne and I love that for her
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OKAY BEFORE ANYONE SAYS “brigid i know u chose them because ur a simp for zhang daddy rishan and ur a simp for hamlet stop being so predictable” LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE COULD DO IT THO??? LIKE??? ok they both are setting their life purpose on the bedrock of an older mentor figure’s death... they both have to deal with conspirators trying to usurp them... both the Ultimate Tragic Hero and Make Me Cry Every Damn Day... both are torn away from their nerd boyfriends by death... they both live in my head rent free... I know Zhang Daddy Rishan does not talk as much as Hammie Boy but I 100% think that there’s a CONSTANT monologue going on in his head at all times. Also the Am I A Coward speech? That’s our Daddy Rishan to the MAX. No one look at me or im gonna start making picsets of him with Hamlet quotes superimposed over it I swear to GOD
and finally.... 
WU SANXING as IAGO from Othello
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Not only does this picture from the NTL production of Othello represent what I want to do to Sanshu every time I see him onscreen, but these bitches are two of The Fakest Hos I have ever come across. It’s a love-hate relationship with them most of the time; you hate them for what they’re doing to the heroes, but they’re so good at the Trickery that you can’t help but admire them for it a little bit. They can, have, and will sell their family members for a single Lick of Power and Wealth. And yeah, you could MAKE an argument for them to be Good or at the very least Morally Ambiguous but they’re both giant dicks and deep down in our hearts we all know it. 
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disaster-fruit · 4 years ago
I don't know much about the latino nations. Could you maybe give a short explanation of your favourite ones?
Im assuming you’re talking about Latin hetalia and yeah I love them ok I’m gonna try talking a bit about my favs but that’s just my opinion of them
All my favs is like... all of South America basically so im gonna narrow it down to the top 3, which are Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.
Of course Brazil is my baby ahshau I’m Brazilian, I love Brazilian history, it’s obvious. But I also think Luciano is as perfect of a brazil as it gets. I wouldn’t change a thing about him. He’s fun and charming and extroverted, can be competitive but mostly is good diplomatically and a good team player. He likes parties, he is fun to be around, a huge dumbass, effortless sexy, peak chaotic dumb energy. But there’s also so much DEPT to him, I hc him as having grown up very lonely and thus trying to please everyone to a fault and just always fabricating a bit of his personality to what he thinks will make more people like him, and that leads him to have lots of friends but not many actual friends so he’s still very lonely and I just.... I THINK A LOT ABOUT HIM THIS MANLET LIVES RENT FREE IN MY HEAD.
Argentina, ah Argentina. I love him so much because his character is so much more than meets the eye. He looks like your avarage egocentric arrogant pretty boy with too much confidence and a large mouth and he’s definetly all of that but also MORE. I love how much of a hopeless romantic he is, like FOR REAL. This fucker just has way too many feelings and though he’s so egocentric when he loves he’s head over heels and he’s dramatic and loud about it and so passionate and it’s GREAT. Also I kinda like how he’s both very vain prep who cares about his looks a bit too much but also ultimately a jock who will roll in mud and sweat FOR SPORT and give zero fucks about getting into a fight. Which he does. Often. That pretty boy nose was broken a few times. And that happens because he just can’t. Shut. Up. And pisses everybody off. Because he thinks he’s always right and wants things his way but but but he ALSO has a big inferiority complex buried underneath all this and URGH I can talk about him all day.
Paraguay is... Paraguay is baby. He’s perfect. Cinnamon roll. Never did a single wrong thing in his life. Such a sweet, caring person. exCEPT HES NOT AT ALL. he’s a fucker. Little bitch. Passive aggressive 24/7. Looks like a sweetheart but IS judging you. He’s more mature than most of his neighbors but also can act like a kid and will do completly stupid things, be gay do crima etc etc. He’s gone through a lot and is an incredibly strong person but to quote a line about him in a fic we know “all the arrogance hidden behind that learned humility”. Like... again he’s COMPLEX. he IS sweetheart, I think he’s genuinely a sweet person but he’s quite salty in his head and has his own ways of being mean and of hitting back. He’s humble but he’s proud. I don’t think I’m making any sense here and maybe I should go for a more general explanation of him. Aaah he’s baby must protecc
I got overexcited with this audjaud but I recommend you look more into the Latin Americans they’re great and complex characters and these explanations really didn’t do them justice.
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