#that could be a bred trait for pet bunnies
Do you ever think about how people buy rabbits as pets, thinking they are going to be easy and docile, only to abandon them into the wild once they find out that they are NOT like that? That rabbits are super curious and smart and easily BORED! And when they are bored, they can be a bit destructive. And then people dump them in the woods with no survival skills?
Like, I can imagine an abandoned Bunnyblade trying his BEST to survive out of spite. Working his butt off to survive. But it's fumbling and difficult and he makes MISTAKES. But he's alone and the only one who can help when he makes mistakes is HIMSELF.
And, of course, birds of prey are one of the main predators of rabbits. But Techno doesn't know to fear the shadow cast by wings.
See, Techno is just a domestic bunny playing pretend at being a wild rabbit. And maybe he has some people fooled. He certainly has himself fooled, all hard edges and survival instincts while he struggles through it. He is stubborn enough and quick enough and smart enough to make it on his own he thinks. He hopes.
But pet bunnies aren't made for the same things as their wild cousins. They're not made for finding food and digging burrows. They are perfectly cute and docile, but only if their owner knows how to handle them properly. They are supposed to be taken care of, to be doted on. Pet bunnies are just adorable little things that are to be cherished. With the right approach, they'll fall into that role by instinct and they'll be happy.
Techno doesn't yet know how soft he is (how soft he could be).
Phil does.
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pandafishao3 · 1 year
Teaser for "The Bull Project - Chapter 2"
I figured you might want a teaser while waiting for the next chapter. If you don't want any spoilers, then don't click 'keep reading' :)
Steve was waiting and observing from the next room when they strapped the omega down for today’s first trial of the Bull Project. To no one’s surprise, he was putting up a fight. They managed to get his gangly legs still enough to connect the cuffs around his ankles to chains on the floor, which stopped his hooves from kicking back.
But the seemed like the muzzle was harder – the omega kept mouthing back and tossing his head with his jet-black ears twitching violently. They were sleek and shiny, matching the rest of the omega’s tousled black hair, and were also unusually long. Actually, they reminded Steve almost more of bunny ears than of cow ears – and that was yet another reason that particular omega often held his pink nose higher than the other omegas, not deigning to look at them.
“Christ, there’s some mouth on that one” Clint whistled beside him.
“I think he’s the only omega we have that knows any swear words” Steve remarked as he watched the other handlers’ struggle. Absentmindedly, he jotted down a quick note on his pad.
“Don’t even joke about it, he called me a knothead the other day” Clint muttered and checked the monitor.
Of course, Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. “What did you do to deserve that?” he teased.
The beta scowled. “I told him we were out of carrots so he would have to accept apple slices”
“Oh no. Lucky thing he didn’t file a formal complaint” Steve joked.
“If that one learns how to write, then we’re in big trouble”
Steve could only agree. But he also had to go and help the others out – they were betas and didn’t have a lot of dominance to lean on when dealing with a particularly well-spoken and vain omega like this. Putting his clipboard aside, Steve unlocked the door to the breeding room. It had been a long week with minimal time with Bucky, but Steve really had to dedicate himself to this first trial. It wasn’t just that it was important for the project that it didn’t fail on the first try – it was even more important that they prioritised safety. Which had taken some planning.
The bull hybrid they had chosen was part of the first “batch” of calves they had bred. Because they all came out with each and every alpha trait heightened – especially the physical traits – the handlers had jokingly taken to naming them all after different ancient gods and heroes. The one waiting in the backroom for them to lead him inside was called “Thor”. He’d grown a long mane of blond hair and had bright blue eyes (even if his pupils were often so dilated it hardly showed) so they’d thought it a fitting name.
“Alright guys, you can leave it. I’ll take the rest” Steve called to the beta handlers as he stepped inside. They looked at him with exhausted gratitude, and hurried to leave the bratty omega to him. “Are we going to be trouble today Lucky? You know we worked really hard giving you this special breeding partner” Steve pointed out as he moved forward to pet over the hybrid’s spine. The black tail whipped viciously, but since he’d been tied down with his hooves spread and chain, and his hands tied behind his back and hanging by a chain from the ceiling. That left only the leather strap around his waist and the muzzle. “I told you, it’s Loki” the omega huffed angrily.
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egglygreg · 1 year
5 and 19 for the oc asks?
5. If I could make only one of my ocs popular/known, who would it be?
I mean, it's Ahleri 😂 She's my main oc and the main character of the story I'm still slowly piecing together.
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19. Introduce an oc that means a lot to you (and explain why)
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Nimble the sumic possum, Ahleri's little companion. He's just a naughty young animal, into everything and up to mischief. He means a lot to me because he has a number of traits based off of a few of my pets who have passed away.
His golden fur, propensity to chew everything and his playfulness are based off of Parmesan, my bunny who passed some years ago. His sass, back chatting, and scruffy wirey fur are based off of my childhood Australian terrier Winnie (Aussies are an old farm breed bred for ratting and killing snakes). His thieving habits, desire to eat everything regardless of his actual species' diet, his ability to hold a grudge based off of percieved dislike, and his slightly mean spirited streak are based off of my first rabbit, Molly.
All in all he's a real gremlin little beast lol
Here pictured in order: Parmy, Winnie, Molly (who was a male rabbit, with a deep grudge against my brother lol)
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justslowdown · 3 years
As a breeder, what sort of reasons do you turn down people who want to buy one of your puppies?
The most common one for me has been people looking for service dog prospects
Hilariously I didn't get any interest in the Lepidopteras for that purpose, when their sire works and I'm beginning to think several of them could have made very promising prospects! Maybe their puppies in a few years
My other dogs and litters wouldn't reliably produce pups with what it takes imo for various reasons. Nothing negative on their end, it's just an extremely demanding job that takes specific traits
Even litters bred specifically for it don't have super high success rates. I owe it to the disabled people coming to me to recommend lines and breeds that commonly produce service dogs
Another one that's come up twice is folks with pet rabbits indoors. All my dogs are cat-safe and not hard to keep on a farm, but rabbits are sorted into a different mental category for dogs with real prey drive. Again, 0 worries about cats, but couldn't bear the idea of risking someone's pet bunnies
There are a couple reasons more personal to the people applying that I won't share. Also a couple things I didn't see as a deal breaker but wanted to discuss further, which led to them realizing themselves that my dogs wouldn't be the perfect fit
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thelovepets · 4 years
Taking Attention of a Dog Bunny
Choosing the breed of bunny for the bunny farming venture can depend upon the objective of the farm. Some facilities are dedicated to producing beef rabbits, though others have rabbits for their fur. Beyond your bunny farming industry, breeders also increase rabbits for your pet market or as a present animal.
In regards to selecting a Pet rabbit then there are actually two breeds to select from. One may be the New Zealand Bright, typically known within bunny circles since the NZW, and the other may be the Californian. The fascinating qualities of the NZW include great carcass quality, rapid development rate, great copy charges and mothering ability. A NZW can reach 3 kgs (6.6 lbs) within 12 to 14 months of age. The bunny carcass dressing percentage is approximately 50 to 54% of live weight.
The Californian is slightly smaller compared to the NZW and has a decrease finishing fat but has a higher carcass dressing percentage, provided that it is a meatier bunny proportionally speaking. Hybrids are produced crossing the Californian dollars with New Zealand Bright does, to use and combine the best of both traits. Often the Flemish Large may also be used as a final sire with the objective of finding higher beef yields despite their decrease copy rates.
Different bunny breeds that could be regarded for bunny beef are the American, Chinchilla, Magic Monk, and Large Chinchilla but the majority of American bunny farmers utilize the NZW.
If you are just starting off along with your bunny farming venture, it would be wise to begin small, state with 20 does and 2 dollars, to obtain an insight into the business enterprise before completely investing. Always take to to purchase from listed breeders as this will offer you some promise of purchase. A good listed breeder can always take to to correct an unhealthy situation because it is his reputation on the line. Furthermore maybe not getting from listed homeowners poses the threat of purchasing creatures which are not genuine breed, hurt, possibly sick or genetically defective.
If you like included security, obtain a Documented Rabbit. A listed bunny is one which an American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) licensed registrar has analyzed and authorized as free from problems and disqualifications. The registrar has determined that the bunny is balanced and an excellent illustration of the breed. The registrar examines the rabbit's reputation for reliability and completeness. A copy of the rabbit's reputation is forwarded to ARBA. Purchasing a listed bunny significantly reduces the possibilities of buying "limited" creatures for whatsoever function you've selected to boost rabbits.
Some bunny farming efforts focus on raising rabbits for their fur. You will find a number of bunny species uniquely created for the objective of harvesting their furs for the outfit industry. The Angora bunny is one of the finest suited for this purpose, but different breeds can be considered since the Sable, Satin, Magic Monk and Rex. The fur could make some amazing bunny items, nevertheless that may possibly not be to everyone's taste.
Rabbit farming therefore fails into two main ideologies, one for beef and the other for fur, with the New Zealand Bright and the Californian being bred for the beef, and the Angora for the fur.
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lary-the-lizard · 4 years
My family raised over a hundred chickens and between 50 to 75 turkeys every year until I was thirteen then my mom bought and cared for 15 hens so we could get their eggs. Every day between the ages of 6 and 11 I went to my cousins to help on their farm. I fed the calves, helped milk the cows and cleaned their cages.
I watched calves being born, I watched my brother stick his entire arm up a cows ass to fertilize her eggs. I learned to give calves medicine using formulas and syringes, I had learned to force a tube down a calves throat when it would refuse to diminish it’s milk after being separated from its mother.
I fed my own families chickens and turkeys every morning before school and checked on those birds twice throughout the day and fed them again before super. I owned some bunnies that I’d breed myself and then raised their litters until they were old enough to sell.
I did all this and still became a vegan.
Small farms like my cousin’s treat animals pretty well. We did our best to never harm them and to give them the most comfortable life we could afford. But every fall, one a day known to my family as butchering day, we got up freakishly early and dressed in our most ugly worn clothes to go kill and de-feather and gut the chickens and turkeys. I’m not critically traumatized by this experience. I was also part of some of my cousin’s butchering days but butchering a pig or cow is very different. I mostly got to cut up and package the meat instead of spilling their intestines and skinning the creatures.
But, a lot of people don’t care about the animal itself when it comes to eating it. While it’s alive we enjoy befriending it, petting it and even saying sweet things to it about how soft its fur or feathers are. I used to claim a chicken out of the dozens and it was my special chicken all the way up to butchering day. I am a slightly more sensitive kid so even after the animal was cooked I would wonder if I was eating my friend tonight or if I did last night or if J would next week. After they’re cut up and packaged they all look the same.
When it comes to milk, the animals aren’t hurt that much. There was the rare occasion an utter would bleed but we would let that teet go until the bleeding stopped but that was more for the milk than the health of the cow.
I became a vegan because I learned that dairy products and meat are unhealthy.
I became vegetarian first because I just live animals. I couldn’t stand the idea of befriending one type of animal and deeming others infurior and soulless. I couldn’t help but see things when I looked in their eyes. Even the creepy ass pigs and chickens. They’re okay eating each other but that’s just nature. We can’t expect human level intelligence from any animal. That doesn’t mean that an animal does care for things or that they fucking deserve to die.
Meat and dairy products contains fats that our bodies can’t process properly. They get stored up, blocked, stuck in our bodies and thus we get fat. We get diabetes and in some cases cancer. We don’t need dairy products or meat for any reason. We have access to everything we need for our nutrition without the healthy risk. Nuts and seeds and grains contain all the protein we need and the calcium. The one thing that is more tricky for vegans to get is b12 and we can still get that from plants.
And our vegan foods aren’t that expensive. Getting our hands on all the nuts and grains and seeds Ian difficult and it doesn’t cost us as much as buying a prime cut of ribs or a nice steak.
Also, it’s not our fault how some quinoa farmers treat their employees. We can buy our quinoa from other places but we don’t expect every person that sells us our food to be as kind as us, though that would be preferable. But if we’re doing this ethical thing than I’d like to shift our focus a little to the meat farmers. They don’t treat their animals well, they don’t meet those animals needs. While in cages. Those animal trip over carcasses and bite each other to having breathing room. They’re fed food that shuts down their organs rather than food that sustains them. They’re pens are dirty which makes it easy to get sick. There is no kindness in that. But wait, these are animals, not humans.
I will always support those of my own species more than those that aren’t. The way the US treats imagrants is horrifying! I don’t stand for it and I do everything I can to make life better for them. That means that I sign petitions, vote in their favor, give money to foundations, organizations and charities that are making changes for the better of imagrants, and buy food ethically farmed and sold. And every vegan I know does the same.
The way that our country treats animals is cruel. We can’t point fingers at every farm and declare that they all are being abusive in how they raise their animals. We can say for sure that animals have been bred for our benefit and many of those traits we benefit from are actually harmful to the animal. We can say that killing an animal is unethical to us. But we can’t make people see from our perspective. Everyone that becomes a vegan gets there on their own.
I hate the way that humans manipulate nature and hurt animals. But I don’t stop to give a sermon to every person I see in the meat aisle. I hate advertisements that condone eating and buying meat. But I can tolerate it because this is the world I live in. I can’t tolerate people shaming vegans and vegetarians. I get that we can be fucking annoying and I think that we need to change the way we advertise. It’s like those Christian billboards forcing hell or heaven on you. But the snide posts we get from non-vegans is disgusting. Just because someone cares passionately about something you don’t does mean that they’re weak pussies that don’t know anything. Some of us didn’t know these things about farmers but that doesn’t justify dragging everyone through the dirt. There are ways to offer information to scared ignorant people that doesn’t dehumanize them. And you don’t know all the reasons a vegan chose they’re lifestyle. So many people assume that all vegans are the same people with the same beliefs and habits. It’s getting to the point in some places that people have come out to their friends and families about becoming a vegan. And I can say that because I am a homosexual.
Vegans are people with big hearts who wish to do good in every way they can. They changed their entire lifestyle to help a cause they see as worthy. We feel things deeply and want to support health and success. We want to see everyone prospering. We get scared if the harm we see happening and sometimes we say things too quickly instead of letting our emotions pass through us first. But we are stupid skinny bitches. Give some respect to the sacrifices we’ve made. What have you given up for a cause that actually changed the way you live your day to day life? What research have you done to justify it? How many perspectives have you looked from so you can care for those outside your community?
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maggicktouched · 2 years
Now my dash is fucked up. Fuck me.
But ok, real quick (and I promise writing is coming today) I need to complain about tiktok bc I’m an old person and I don’t have a FB so all my complaining happens here.
Ya know those tumblr posts that go around every year reminding people that bunnies, ducklings, and chicks are live sentient beings and not toys to be bought and discarded at Easter? Well let me expand on that a little.
Stop. Buying. Single. Chickens.
And I don’t even understand why people do it. Currently I have sixteen chickens and I got out of keeping them when I moved, but I had them for several years before that. Do you know how much I pay in feed per month? About 20 dollars. It can be about five bucks higher or lower depending on where I buy from, but in general I go through about a bag of feed a month in the seasons where foliage grow fast (which is most of them in Alabama lol).
It can’t be a money issue. Chickens are cheap pets to keep. And honestly I could stretch that feed budget by a lot if I wasn’t too lazy to ferment feed or make a fodder system. They don’t have any real vet bills. Sadly with chickens you either don’t know there is a problem until it’s too late (because they hide things very well) or you can google their issue and there are TONS of people online willing to give you their knowledge for free. And besides bedding for their coop and food, you aren’t really buying them a lot of stuff.
So why is it that I get on tiktok and see people with a single bantam rooster as a pet? And they think it’s so cute he follows them everywhere and wants to be around them.
It isn’t cute. You’ve taken a deeply social animal that relies on numbers for safety and forced it to see you as a member of the flock. When you end up going to work or out on the town or anywhere that your bird can’t go, it’s going to be unhappy and anxious. 
Roosters are---when bred and raised properly---very wonderful pets. I get why people would want one. They are beautiful and funny and outgoing, but most of the traits that make them appealing to you are traits either bred or evolved into the animal to help their flock. Roosters make funny noises to alert their flock or gather up their hens. The best roosters won’t take treats, because they will instantly see its something good and give it to a hen. Good roosters do a little mating dance to entice the hen, which I’ve seen them do to people and they just laugh because they don’t know what the animal is doing. Their entire lives revolve around keeping their flock protected, together, and healthy. 
Hens are a bit less considerate seeing as their instincts tell them they need to get whatever they can and as much as they can so that they can lay eggs. But they still require that social connection---that safety in numbers. 
I’m far from the gatekeeper of poultry though. I’d love for most people to raise their own birds. More chickens in homes means less need for factory farms that treat their animals abysmally. I don’t want people to not want chickens. They’re fun and easy to keep, and with patience they can be very friendly. 
Just... don’t get them alone. You can buy two roosters if there are no hens around. You can buy two hens and they can live very happy lives without a rooster. One extra bird is not going to heavily impact the amount of time or money you spend on them. Do you know how many birds I prepped for when I thought about getting chickens? Seven. And I more than doubled that number at very little expense and labor on my part. I get that maybe you don’t want an entire flock of birds in your house, but I’d argue that chickens aren’t really made for houses either. They like to forage and roam. Most strictly indoor animals struggle with stress from boredom and chickens are no different. 
So get chickens. But before you do, get a little coop, and do some research on the living beings you’re bringing into your life. You can still let them inside or hand raise them so they’d rather be in your lap than anywhere else. Chickens will normally accept people as flockmates really easily, you don’t have to force them by taking away all their other options. 
Don’t be shitty. Do right by the creatures you bring into your home. By owning a pet you force them to rely on you, which means it is your responsibility to provide the best possible care to those animals. 
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shealthbeauty · 4 years
Taking Attention of a Dog Bunny
Choosing the type of rabbit for your rabbit farming venture will depend upon the objective of the farm. Some farms are specialized in producing meat rabbits, though others have rabbits due to their fur. Outside the rabbit farming area, breeders also increase rabbits for the pet market or as a present animal.
As it pertains to choosing a Pet rabbit then you will find actually two breeds to choose from. One may be the New Zealand White, frequently identified within rabbit groups while the NZW, and another may be the Californian. The desired qualities of the NZW include excellent carcass quality, quick development rate, excellent reproduction charges and mothering ability. A NZW can achieve 3 kgs (6.6 lbs) within 12 to 14 days of age. The rabbit carcass dressing proportion is about 50 to 54% of live weight.
The Californian is slightly smaller than the NZW and features a lower finishing weight but features a larger carcass dressing proportion, given that it's a meatier rabbit proportionally speaking. Hybrids are made crossing the Californian dollars with New Zealand White does, to test and mix the most effective of both traits. Occasionally the Flemish Large can also be applied as a terminal sire with the objective of getting larger meat produces despite its lower reproduction rates.
Other rabbit breeds that would be considered for rabbit meat include the American, Chinchilla, Magic Monk, and Large Chinchilla but the majority of Western rabbit farmers use the NZW.
If you are only starting off together with your rabbit farming venture, it would be intelligent to begin small, claim with 20 does and 2 dollars, to get an information in to the company before completely investing. Always take to to purchase from listed breeders as this should provide you with some promise of purchase. An excellent listed breeder will generally take to to improve an unhealthy condition because it is his name on the line. More over perhaps not buying from listed owners poses the danger of buying animals that aren't natural type, wounded, probably ill or genetically defective.
If you would like added safety, obtain a Documented Rabbit. A listed rabbit is one which an American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) licensed registrar has examined and authorized as free from flaws and disqualifications. The registrar has identified that the rabbit is balanced and a great representation of the breed. The registrar examines the rabbit's pedigree for reliability and completeness. A duplicate of the rabbit's pedigree is forwarded to ARBA. Buying a listed rabbit significantly reduces the chances of purchasing "inferior" animals for whatsoever purpose you have opted for to improve rabbits.
Some rabbit farming projects concentrate on increasing rabbits due to their fur. There are several rabbit species selectively created for the objective of harvesting their furs for the outfit industry. The Angora rabbit is one of the greatest suited for this function, but different breeds could be viewed while the Sable, Silk, Magic Monk and Rex. The coat may make some incredible rabbit services and products, however that may not be to everyone's taste.
Rabbit farming therefore fails in to two main camps, one for meat and another for coat, with the New Zealand White and the Californian being bred for the meat, and the Angora for the fur.
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