#that costs 150 to truly play it
sarasa-cat · 6 months
Mood: lost in a sense of pure joy, bliss, and wonder while playing stardew valley …and ignoring all games with micro-transaction bullshit built in as their revenue model.
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hikennosabo · 8 months
#tristampparty day 10, episode 10: humanity
oh we're REALLY in it now. @tristampparty let's goooooo
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wonder who these journalists are, who the sources are... oh, and the radio dj is masaya onosaka, as always!
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"whose side are you on?" count: 4
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so not only do conrad and luida know each other, conrad knows exactly what luida is up to... he immediately knows who meryl is talking about even though she didn't say her name. have they been in contact at all over the past 150 years, i wonder?
vash's sneeze alerting the police is so funny. why is he so sneezy.
vash letting himself get shot... oof. ough. ouch. agh. (<- me taking poison damage)
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the dramatic chord at the title drop... very foreboding. i like it.
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my japanese isn't good enough so i can't tell for sure if wolfwood actually says "deer" (it doesn't sound like it, but the kansai dialect could be throwing me off) or this was just the translator using a metaphor without thinking about the implications. how does he know what a deer is. (he doesn't say "deer" in the dub, ftr)
conrad's exposition dump about his motivations is... a lot... he thinks he's doing good, working towards a better future, but meryl and roberto rightfully call bs lmao.
it's just... okay, we don't know exactly what happened with him and tesla. we only have the photo with the two of them, and the flashback to her discovery by the twins, but... it seems like this adaptation of conrad was combined with the other scientists on ship five. so now instead of conrad being the only ally to rem against the other scientists' experiments on tesla, he became the person who did the experiments in the first place. and that's just so... i don't know. to atone for tesla, he's... doing more unethical experiments?? he's doubling down??
knives is the king of hypocrisy and doubling down, too, and the king of the sunk cost fallacy... i'm not making excuses for knives, especially not for his current behavior, but he was very young when all this started. so it's easier to understand why and how he became the way he is. but conrad's a grown ass man.
he's trying to make humans more like plants, and the way he talks to meryl and roberto about knives it's clear that he views humans as an inferior species. and even when expressing regret over what happened with tesla, it's like he doesn't see Why what he did to tesla was Bad. if he truly understood that, he wouldn't be doing more unethical experiments in the first place. in his eyes, independent plants went from being below him (as something to experiment on) to being above him (as something humanity must aspire to) and it's equally dehumanizing (for lack of a better word). and now he views himself as above humanity; humanity is "imperfect" and in need of repair, and he's the one to... bring them salvation or whatever.
also i wonder if the kids in jars are gonna come back in the future as actual characters...
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a plant-human hybrid with homophobia in her eyes...
i've said this before. i'll say it again. elendira ii is nothing like elendira i. she is a completely different character to me. it's not just her physical appearance, it's her personality, her emotions... wherever elendira i is i hope she's lounging with a margarita as her little sister/clone wreaks havoc or whatever.
i do think it's fun to see her shooting a bunch of nails though. i'll give her that.
i just don't understand her at all... she gets upset about being perceived as a child and plays a childish act to manipulate her opponents but also does genuinely act like a child sometimes? what is orange planning. why. giving her plant powers to explain her endless supply of nail-ammo is one thing but they added so much on top it's taking her in a really weird direction. give me trimax elendira back.
aaaand roberto's dead. o7 still not a character i'm super attached to but i appreciate his observation skills and his jokes.
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"back then." in japanese he says "that time." i think he's talking about the flashback from last episode. maybe it's the very same plant he watched die in front of him.
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oh the emotional manipulation... but i think knives is hitting some truth about vash, namely that he is driven primarily by his guilt (aaaand knives is just making that guilt worse). and it's something vash is afraid of acknowledging.
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sinners with the capital S again!!!
the impression i get from knives and conrad's working relationship is that... conrad is helping knives with the plant dimensional stuff, and in exchange knives just kind of lets conrad do what he wants...? like i don't see why knives would care about conrad's "humanity enhancing" experiments - humans are lesser than himself, no matter what. even if they're ostensibly for the sake of lessening the burden on plants... just killing humanity would have the same effect and would be way faster. and his current plan is just ignoring humanity and gathering the plants not caring about how it affects them... because he doesn't care!
i dunno i've just seen people talk about EoM and their experiments and everything as if it's directly knives's fault, but i don't think he's dictating any of this so much as just... letting it happen. outside of anything that directly advances his higher-dimension-connection plan, i don't think he would care enough about whatever else they're doing. in the manga too, iirc, the cults that formed around knives weren't something that he made, it was more like they were formed around him regardless of his own input. ofc enabling it all is still BAD but all of this is more on conrad's shoulders than anyone else's imo.
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this shot kinda fucks... very commanding. i like it.
this ended up being an unintentional observation, but we still haven't really seen a full view of knives's face in the present day. we see it in flashbacks, but every time knives has been on screen in the present his face has been partially concealed...
hey wait a second why is wolfwood back to being just "nicholas d wolfwood" in the credits
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is it because his contract is finished?? man can they NOT keep dealing me psychic damage in the fucking CREDITS
can't believe we're almost to the end.... aaaaghghh...
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3265: Vikavolt (Unbroken Bonds)
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The other part of the combo from yesterday was, of course, Vikavolt. This was what you attached Charjabug to, aiming to deal some big damage. The damage could vary, but it was by choice and not by luck. This was useful sometimes and could be pretty dangerous to face if it all set up right.
150 HP was pretty much expected on a Stage 2. This was in that in-between range where plenty of the Tag Teams could take it out but a few earlier GX Pokemon couldn't and might rely on the disruption they were typically used with at the time. The Fighting Weakness would have mattered more if Fighting was still doing well, but it wasn't by this point and the Ability could also avoid dealing with it if necessary. The Metal Resistance didn't mean much, and the Retreat Cost was 2. Vikavolt was almost never going to be switching and the kind of deck it was in didn't really have the extra space to help with this anyway.
Stealthy Body worked whenever there was a Stadium in play, and made sure Vikavolt had no Weakness. The Weakness here wasn't commonly seen, but the Ability was nice in a few less common spots so it was still better than nothing.
Electricannon started at 120 damage for 3 Lightning and a Colorless Energy, which was too expensive at first. If you discarded all Lightning Energy from Vikavolt, 100 more was added, and 220 was a big chunk to pretty much anything. The attack could take down quite a few normal Pokemon-GX, while Tag Teams needed a hit from this with a discard then one without. The goal was to hit hard and recycle Charjabug to use as Energy while getting more Vikavolt ready to go on the Bench because this didn't typically survive very long. When it worked, Electricannon was quite the powerful attack.
Vikavolt was the attacker in a gimmicky sort of deck. It was fun to attach tons of Energy in Pokemon form per turn, and when it all went right it was pretty potent. There were also so many things that had to be available at the right time that it wasn't too competitive. It was easy for something to just go wrong and you only had so many resources to work with. This was generally a fun deck that occasionally got someone to make a decent showing with at a tournament, but it never truly broke through.
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tea-with-barbatos · 10 months
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So, cards... cards are hands down the most essential part of Obey Me. You can't have ANYTHING without cards. Not even a pact with Mammon. But fortunately there's 3 different ways to obtain cards. Some require luck, some require extreme patience. You have plenty of those though... right?
Number 1 - the Gacha Method
The most effective way to acquire new SSR+ cards is by performing 10 pulls at a time. (See the right side of the photo.)
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These ensure you will receive at least 1 SSR or above each time. Fortunately, with some grinding these aren't hard to achieve. I'll describe 3 different methods of doing 10x pulls from most efficient to least efficient:
✅ Using the 1 time 10x pull for 150 devil points in event gachas
Every time a new set of event cards is released, there is a limited 1st time 10x pull for a discounted 150 devil points (dp). A new set is released every 2 weeks, so try to save up at least 150dp by the new release if possible. You’ll always receive 1 free pull too!
✅ Using 10 demon vouchers
Demon vouchers (dv) are easily gained by buying the level up congrats sets for 99dp. You’ll need to buy these sets twice to acquire the 10dv needed for a 10x pull. 198dp total. This will save you 72dp per pull. You can also gain dv from events, achievements, login bonuses, and by exchanging 45 raven. Make sure to save dv until you have 10, even if it takes a while.
Congrats sets pop up after levelling up. At first it's every 5 levels, then 3, then every 1. They cost 99 dp to buy and give 5x dv + other goodies. Try to buy them whenever you can afford them. It's ok if you miss out. There will be more.
✅ Using 270 Devilpoints
Really I’d advise saving your dp for the congrats sets, even if you have plenty. It's more cost effective. However, if you truly don't mind spending the extra 70dp, then use them! Especially if you might miss out on a limited time card of your fav(s) if you don't.
❌ Single pulls
For 30dp or 1 dv, you can do 1 pull. This is high risk and low reward. You aren't guaranteed anything but a shot at your dreams. I don't recommend doing this. But if you can't resist temptation then at least Diavolo will find it relatable. You do get a free pull in A, M, and G pools often though.
General gacha advice:
Using the limited event gacha is amazing for potentially getting UR+ cards and is usually your best option. However, you will not be able to get non-event UR cards from these pools. DO use the A box occasionally to get UR cards, otherwise you’ll only have repeat SSRs after a while. (These UR cards also come with outfits.)
Event cards give you bonus points in current events. These are worth getting to help you grind event rewards, including unique URs and SSR memories!
In general pulling for memory cards is not worth the cost. You can get plenty from daily free pulls + playing the events. 80k points for event memory SSRs isn't too difficult with consistent playing. 
Save up your raven from repeat cards to buy dv or outfits for your fav(s).
Number 2 - the Hard Mode Method
The second most effective, and most reliable way, of obtaining new UR+ cards is by playing hard mode.
By reaching S rank in hard mode boss battles or extreme songs, you will unlock the ability to receive UR+ shards. If you collect 80 you can forge a UR+ with 60k Grimm. While this sounds like a LONG grind, and it is, it will be worth it. You can even pick what card(s) to aim for. So go get your fav(s) guaranteed. These cards are as powerful as the gacha ones.
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✅ Getting duplicates is useful too in order to raise the level cap and skill tree cap of the UR+ as well. Even just one of these UR+ can boost your power immensely.
Number 3 - The Event Method
Every 2 weeks a new event is released in NB. With it comes a new SSR memory card (80k event points (ep)), UR card (160k ep), and a UR memory card (240k ep). These are the best rewards from the events. Unfortunately, receiving these cards involve a mixture of grinding AND luck. (Example below).
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Box events are unpredictable. You might get an event UR in like, 120k ep, but it's unlikely. It might even need 250k ep. Do be careful with them as they involve more gambling.
However, you should at least be able to get the SSR memory if you log in a few times a day to use your AP on the event. Slowly but surely you’ll get there, even without the event card bonuses. You might need to watch a few ads or use some dp though.
Getting the UR card is possible if you get lucky in the event gacha. Even if you only receive the SSR, if you use jokers to raise its skill level you can get even more ep per play. You’ll have to play consistently though, watch some ads and use energy drinks to achieve your goals. It's unlikely you’ll be able to get these URs often if you're free to play. So try to save up your resources for URs of your fav(s).
❌ Event memory URs are impossible to get without paying, so either pay to get them or act like they don't exist.
❌ Ranking for a UR card is difficult without paying too, and it can be precarious. So avoid that unless you're hardcore (and rich).
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samueldays · 6 months
Surely an overview or essay on RPG rulebook length "ecosystem" with regards to player effort exists somewhere already and I don't have to reinvent it. Does anyone know of such a thing to point me to? Searching turned up this D&D book size rules count by Alexandrian but it's not what I had in mind.
Big name RPGs tend to be several hundred pages. Exactly what constitutes "big" is fuzzy when the stats from e.g. roll20 report that the majority of games registered are D&D 5e and everyone else put together is less than that, including "uncategorized", so lemme pick a few examples I'm familiar with.
D&D 1e clocked about 500 pages between PHB, MM, DMG. A few decades later, Pathfinder has a merged corebook that runs to about 600 pages. "Most" of the game is in a sense in the PHB which is 300 pages for D&D 3e and 5e, the MM is almost all examples no rules, the DMG has skippable rules and non-D&D-specific advice, but the design expectation is that you have them.
Chronicles of Darkness (formerly World of Darkness) has a 300-page corebook, but the corebook is kinda weak, it expects you to be playing mundane humans meeting GM-customized horrors, what most people get this game line for is one of the supplements like Vampire that runs to another 300.
Legend of the Five Rings (4e) has a 400-page core rulebook, for what it's worth, but I'm a little unclear on the supplement status. Shadowrun has ranged between 200 and 500 pages by edition. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 300 pages.
Mutants and Masterminds (3e) and Traveller (Mongoose 2e) are both slimmer at 200-page books where one corebook is all you need, the other supplements for the line are truly supplemental and not stealth-cores. However, they both pay for their combination of brevity and flexibility by demanding more player effort (including GM) in building, resolving, designing, rolling, and making decisions during set-up. As much as I love them, they have more time between reading and playing.
A few games squeeze down past that to 150ish, then my experience is that there's very little in the 20-150 range, and below 20 there's quite a bit of short indie games, Skyfarer being one I have to hand. (PDF reader reports 21 page count, but that's with cover page and copyright page so 19.)
There's several gimmick RPGs that run to as little as 1 page but they start to blur the line between "roleplaying game" and "improv theater prompt, with a dispute resolution mechanic". (IMO, since people sometimes resolve things by coinflip outside of games, putting a coinflip-tier mechanic in your improv theater is insufficient to be a game.)
I feel like what one usually gets from under-20-page RPGs is a system that optimizes for easy reading that won't feel like work to learn and remember, at the cost of working to make up content.
The over-300-page RPGs, on the other hand, are work to learn, but they are systems optimized for easy content where the player picks a class and a feat and a skill, rolls the die the book says, and compares to the target number from the difficulty list from the GM reference section.
The 150-300 range seems to be either specialized for a narrow type of specific easy content, or expects one-time set-up work to create some content but gives you tools for that content so you can still follow the book. Assemble-your-own-kit games.
Speculatively, the 20-150 range is so underpopulated because it can't do either sort of easy thing. It is too much reading to pick up the idea and run with it, and it's not enough content to lean on.
To rebut the common "just make shit up" suggestion: I have already made up several pages of stuff and making up more than that as I lose interest is work. I pay for fat RPG books partly because they have done that work for me. The D&D Monster Manual is in this category: very little rules, very much work done for the GM to save on monster-making.
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desertdollranch · 2 years
hi! so i'm looking to start collecting American Girls, but i have a question on how much i should be paying for each doll. like obviously i expect white bodied/PC dolls in general to be the highest, but how would you gauge a doll out? like, what's the best ranges for major TLC, minor TLC, obviously used but no TLC needed, gently used, NIB? i'm seeing Kirsten's going for $500 plus and while i already have her, i'm trying to gauge how much i should pay to start/restart my collection haha
$500 is definitely the top end of what Kirsten should be selling for. She's a very common doll and is very plentiful on the secondhand market. For that much money I'd expect her to be brand new in the box and with a lot of her collection included. It's good to keep in mind that people can list their dolls for whatever price they want, but they might not necessarily be actually selling for that much.
That said, prices can be very different from one doll to the other, and so I can't give you an exact price that applies to all dolls. A doll's worth is affected not only by the condition they're in, but also by how rare they are, or how in-demand they are, and demand for certain dolls can change a lot in any given time period. So for a very common doll like Kirsten, you can find them for as little as $60 in TLC condition. For a very rare doll like JLY #6, they can easily go for $600+ even in lightly played with condition. For a not-terribly-rare-but-in-high-demand doll like #4, they can go for $300 in played with condition.
Those numbers go up $50 to $100 more if the doll is in mint condition with all original outfit pieces, and go lower if the doll needs major or minor TLC. Or if there are suddenly a lot to choose from on the secondhand market. Or if they were re-released by American Girl, like Molly was this summer. Molly's secondhand prices have gone down a little bit now that she can be bought brand-new from American Girl, and people don't need to bother with the secondhand market if they want Molly. Marie-Grace is another good example of that.... before September of this year, she was in high demand due to her unique and short-lived face mold, but AG brought back her face mold to the Truly Me line, so now any collectors who want a Marie-Grace face mold doll can just buy her new for $115, rather than paying $150+ secondhand. So secondhand Marie-Grace is worth a little less than she was this time last year.
You can definitely collect on a budget, if you're okay with having dolls that need a little TLC, dolls that aren't rare or in high demand, and newer dolls if they have an older Pleasant Company version. So for example, a 1991 PC-made Felicity doll is worth more than a 2003 Mattel-made Felicity doll, even when both are in mint condition.
Your first step should be to start checking out listings of the dolls you want, and watch their prices before you buy. See how common they are on the secondhand market. Pay attention to what they're being listed for, and watch carefully what they're actually selling for. That will give you an idea of how much you can realistically expect to pay for a doll, and how common they are.
So for example, if you're wanting a Kaya doll in good condition, several of them might be listed for $150. Watch those listings. If those dolls sell right away, that's a good indication that this is the going rate for Kaya. If those listings end up just sitting around without being purchased, then that means the sellers are likely charging too much. If other listings are selling quickly for $70, then that's the price you can expect to pay.
Mercari.com and ShopGoodwill.com are good places to find bargains on dolls that aren't rare or need TLC. A lot of fixer upper dolls can be yours for $30 to $40. But do remember that if the doll needs major repairs like restringing or wig replacement, that is an additional cost you'll have to pay. Browsing the listings of AG dolls on ShopGoodwill.com is a really good way to see the extremes in doll prices. Here's one that proves this.
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This looks like an Isabelle doll, Girl of the Year 2014. She is extremely common, since she was a very popular doll with children in 2014. But she has cut hair and markings on her face which might or might not be removable with treatment. The listing is ending in 6 hours and so far has no bids, at $15. This is a good example of what NOT to buy! You will come across many, many Isabelles in your searches, and you can easily find one in better shape for not a whole lot more money. Other collectors are aware of this too, which is why nobody has bid and likely won't.
On the other side of things, here's a listing for JLY #86 that has one day of bidding left:
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This is a doll that you won't see as commonly in your searches. She was retired ridiculously early in her availability period, and was only released in 2020, so she's going to be a little harder to find. At least until a few years down the road, when children who bought this doll are grown up and not interested in dolls anymore, and are okay with their parents donating her to Goodwill or selling her on Mercari or eBay. So right now you'll be paying a higher price for her secondhand, since she's less common and in very high demand. That will change in a few years when she's more likely to be sold secondhand.
What I'm going to do is browse some secondhand listings, and watch a few auctions and see what they prices they end at, and then I'll reblog this post with a few more examples of how to read and judge listings. So give me a few hours and I'll get back to this post later tonight with more info.
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The deaths of 72 people in the Grenfell Tower fire were "avoidable", the inquiry into the tragedy has heard on the final day of evidence.
The lawyer for the inquiry Richard Millet said the panel should conclude that "each and every one of the deaths at Grenfell was avoidable" as he launched a scathing attack on the companies and organisations involved in the tragedy, describing a "failure to take responsibility".
In closing submissions on Thursday, Mr Millett accused firms of a “merry go round of buck-passing” in order to protect their own interests as the inquiry drew to a close after five years work, £150 million and 400 days of evidence.
The fire at the residential tower block in North Kensington, west London, in June 2017 killed 72 people and triggered a public inquiry, chaired by Sir Martin Moore-Bick.
Mr Millett highlighted a number of issues at play in the build-up to the tragedy, including poor regulation, inadequate legislation, the influence of commercial interests and “the failure to pay due respect to the idea of ‘home’ as a physical aspect of human privacy, agency, safety and dignity”.
“Those are abstract ideas, but the fire, the last moments of those who were trapped and doomed in and by that building, and the deaths that ensued, are anything but,” he said.
Closing statements have been made on behalf of core participants to the inquiry – which include cladding giant Arconic, fire inspectors Exova, and insulation manufacturers Celotex and Kingspan.
Many of those involved have failed to accept blame for their role in the events prior to the disaster, showing a “lack of respect” for the victims and their families, the inquiry heard.
Mr Millett said: “Expressions of regret for the victims of the fire have been as common to the point of trite as admissions of responsibility have been rare.
“A tragedy of these dimensions ought to have provoked a strong sense of public responsibility.
“Instead many – not all, many – core participants appear simply to have used the inquiry as an opportunity to position themselves for any legal proceedings which might or might not follow in order to minimise their own exposure to legal liability.
“Quite apart from the lack of respect that that stand shows to the victims and their families, it makes your task all the harder.
“A public inquiry is not the place for cleverness, but for candour.
“The public has a right to expect that those persons granted core participant status… will in turn act in the public interest by making admissions against their own private interests where the evidence justifies it.
“That expectation has been largely disappointed.”
The inquiry earlier heard from Sean Brannigan KC, representing Exova, who distanced the firm from the decision to use ACM PE – a type of cladding that has been largely blamed for the rapid spread of fire – on the tower.
But Mr Brannigan said the decision-makers who sought to “cut corners” and prioritise cost over safety by choosing the cheaper option of ACM PE were to blame.
The inquiry also heard from Jason Beer KC, for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, who said the department “apologises unreservedly” for its failure to recognise weaknesses in the regulatory system.
“The department recognises that it failed to appreciate it held an important stewardship role over the regime and that as a result it failed to grasp the opportunities to assess whether the system was working as intended.
“For the department’s failure to realise that the regulatory system was broken and that it might lead to a catastrophe such as this, the department is truly sorry and apologises unreservedly,” he said.
Concluding the hearing, inquiry chairman Sir Martin said the panel had already started working on its final report and promised to produce it “as soon as we can”.
He said: “I (can) confirm work on our final report has already begun. Inevitably there is a long way to go. We are well aware we need to produce the report as soon as we can.
“We will ensure we don’t keep you waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary.”
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merrybrides · 2 years
5 Ways to Cut Wedding Costs
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Here's a list of the five ways to cut wedding costs that you might not have thought about. Read up and get ready to spend smart!
Shrink Your Guest List
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This is basic math, friends. The higher the number of guests you invite, seat, feed, serve drinks, transport, or provide with little extras like favors or welcome bags, the higher your wedding costs will climb. If you want to include all of those amenities I just mentioned in your wedding weekend then do your best to keep your Guest List as streamlined as possible.
Here’s a good tip: if you wouldn’t normally treat this person to a very expensive dinner (the average cost of a wedding per head is currently around $150), then consider leaving them off. Although these decisions can be tough, remember that you can throw a nicer party for a smaller number of really important people, or host a more forgettable evening for a large group of people that you won’t even get to really spend time with. 
Book a Full-Service Venue
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The average cost of renting a venue for your ceremony and/or reception is over $3,000—and that’s just the rental fee alone. Imagine adding in additional costs for catering, alcohol and bar services, equipment rentals (think tables, chairs, linens, glassware, etc.), and a day-of coordinator…as you can imagine, the total figure can be really overwhelming. Thats’s why full-service venues that offer a package deal for all of the above services can actually be cost-saving in the end.
While the combined sum may still leave you with sticker shock, a full-service venue that comes equipped with all the equipment, staffing, food and drink, and planning expertise you need can save you in the long run—we’re talking savings for your sanity as well as your wallet. Cutting the number of vendors you need to hire in half? That’s (almost) priceless.
Choose a Less Popular Date
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Peak wedding season throughout most of the country runs from April through October, with June, September, October being the most popular months to get married (hello, summer breezes and crisp foliage). To save some beaucoup bucks, book a date that falls during non-peak season for discounted rates at venues. Winter weddings can be truly spectacular and open up a whole new avenue for unique attire, décor, and weekend guest activities.
For even greater savings, explore the weekly calendar outside of Saturday evening: venue rentals on Fridays, Sundays, or other weekdays go for a lot less money, as they’re less in-demand. Or consider a daytime celebration, such as a brunch wedding, which will help offset costs by allowing you to serve a smaller meal (and less alcohol) and more low-key entertainment than what’s typically expected at an evening affair.
Rethink the Plated Entrée
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Speaking of smaller meals, there are other ways to approach your wedding meal beyond plated dinner entrées, which tends to be the most expensive catering option. Sit down with your caterer and discuss some alternative ways to feed your guests that might cut down your catering bill: opt for a cocktail-style reception with plenty of heavy hors d’oeuvres (which can help lower table and chair rental costs), or go for interactive and/or DIY food stations that will keep guests both entertained and well-fed.
Trust us, no one ever left a wedding with a mashed potato bar or made-to-order crêpe station unhappy. Or consider skipping the traditional wedding caterer altogether by hiring a food truck or two to serve guests throughout the reception.
Still really wed (word play!) to the idea of a seated dinner? Consider serving your wedding meal buffet-style, which cuts waitstaff (and your final invoice) in half.
Buy Local, in-Season Flowers
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Similar to rethinking your wedding menu, saving money on your wedding flowers is all about thinking outside the traditional box. Sure, mountains of roses and armfuls of peonies are as romantic as they come, but there are so many other, less pricey stems that will make just as beautiful a statement (without blowing your wedding budget). If you love the look of petal-rich blooms, consider garden-grown dahlias or peony-lookalike ranunculus. Most importantly, stick to flowers that are in season when and where you’re getting married—you’ll pay considerably more for flowers that have to be flown in from other regions or countries. For a gorgeous, fresh-picked-from-the-fields look, consider using locally grown wildflowers and foliage; inquire with your florist about local farms that sell flowers at farmers’ markets or wholesale in your area.
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tripleace-unofficial · 3 months
Cultural Note: Education
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In Triple Ace, the university setting plays an important role in the story, not just as the scenario where the characters meet, but as its own theme and message. I'd like to tell you more about some of the context that might be missing for international readers.
NOTE: This post containts spoilers up to episode 4 of Triple Ace.
Education in Chile is a big issue. We pride ourselves in being economically and technologically advanced, and that pride extends to our top Universities. However, access to superior education is difficult for those who aren't born in privilege. For a high profile major like Med School, most of the students come from private schools. There are a handful of public schools recognized for being as good or even better than private schools, but they're few, with a limited capacity for students, and all located in Santiago, the capital of the country.
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On top of that, most of the resources are concentrated in the center of the country, where the capital is located. The fact that Mamani comes from a public school from the North is an instant red flag to Daniel, who knows all too well how unfair the system can be (foreshadowing? :)).
And even among the most knowledgeable, the costs of attending University are extremely prohibitive. Ace students are offered up to 100% scholarships, but anyone who doesn't achieve this title has to find their own way to pay, often taking student loans they end up paying decades into the future. For the son of two vegetable sellers, this truly is the opportunity of a lifetime...
University Entrance Exams
On another note, the Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) hasn't actually been called that for years. In fact, it wasn't even called that when the comic was being written, but it's what the author (and mine)'s generation knew it as. Nowadays (as in, 2024) it is known as the Prueba de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PAES), or Access to Superior Education Exam.
The system is explained in the comic, but for a little more context, the reason Mamani didn't even attempt to answer randomly is because the PSU evaluation system penalizes this very method.
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Each question has five options, so for each wrong answer, the system deducts 1/4 of a question from the total point, as a way to compensate for the four wrong possible options.
... Or at least that's how it used to be, but I'm pretty sure they've changed that by now, just like the name. Either way, yes, there was a time where it was possible to get an score even lower than 150. Good call, Mamani! (?)
As for Science and History, they're the optional subjects of the test because any major that needs to know your ability in Science doesn't really care about your ability in History (and viceversa). Since it's all the same for Mamani, he could've opted to take History instead of Science and wouldn't have been able to attend Med School, but maybe the story would be about Law School instead. Some people do take both exams, though, sometimes because they do well in both and can't decide on a career path yet, or because they don't do that well in either and just want to try to aim for the highest score possible, since some majors (like the arts) accept either one of these tests for the entrance.
Within the Science test you must also specify a sub-topic to specialize in between Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This isn't taken into account during applications and it's just a way to make it easier for the student to focus on one subject instead of three.
That last part doesn't really impact the story, but the more you know!
University of The Angels
The University this story takes place in is based on the real world Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, one of Chile's top 3 Universities (and the only private one among them), located in Santiago. It is debated which of the top 3 is the best overall, but it's generally agreed that the Universidad Católica has the best Med School.
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The real life campus does, in fact, have a Bank, a Starbucks, a Stationarey store, and many more things inside, which sounded insane to me when I found out years ago. Apparently this is the standard in other countries! But, for the characters in the story, it's very impressive.
The name in the original Spanish version of Triple Ace was Universidad de Los Ángeles as a nod to the religious name of the real life counterpart. The translation makes it sound even more like a telenovela. Real life students of this University must take mandatory theology classes and get some extra religious holidays off, but those aspects don't really happen to the characters of the story.
The Triple Ace
For each test in the PSU, there's a maximum score that can be achieved by answering perfectly. The students who achieve this perfect score are called Puntaje Nacional (National Score). Due to the academic strain of preparing for the entrance exams, and since only one perfect score will grant you a full schollarship to your major of choice, it's rare for one student to achieve this title on more than one test.
When the story was being first published, the last Triple Nacional happened during the 2013 entrance exams, but recently there's been a new instance of this achievement as of last year.
Author's words
The author has shared her own thoughts about this subject on her Twitter (linked in reblogs). Please take a look at it and share it if you can!
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baiabazadze · 4 months
"The Power of Preventive Care: A Guide to Staying Healthy"
In the realm of healthcare, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. Preventive care, encompassing everything from regular check-ups to healthy lifestyle choices, plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall well-being. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the importance of preventive measures. In this blog post, we'll explore why preventive care is essential, the benefits it offers, and practical steps you can take to prioritize your health proactively.
Understanding Preventive Care: Preventive care involves actions taken to prevent illness or detect health problems early when treatment is most effective. This proactive approach to healthcare focuses on promoting wellness and reducing the risk of developing chronic conditions. Key components of preventive care include regular health screenings, vaccinations, healthy lifestyle choices, and education about risk factors.
The Benefits of Preventive Care:
Early Detection of Health Issues: Regular screenings, such as blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, and cancer screenings, can detect potential health problems before symptoms arise.
Reduced Healthcare Costs: Investing in preventive care can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. By addressing health concerns early, individuals can avoid costly emergency room visits and prolonged hospital stays associated with advanced illness.
Improved Quality of Life: Prioritizing preventive care empowers individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being. By adopting healthy habits and managing risk factors, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life and greater longevity.
Practical Steps for Staying Healthy:
Schedule Regular Check-ups: Don't wait until you're sick to see a healthcare provider. Make annual wellness visits a priority and discuss preventive screenings and vaccinations appropriate for your age and risk factors.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.
Stay Up to Date on Immunizations: Vaccinations are crucial for preventing infectious diseases and protecting public health. Follow the recommended vaccination schedule for children, adolescents, and adults to safeguard against vaccine-preventable illnesses.
Know Your Family History: Understanding your genetic predispositions can help you make informed decisions about your health. Be aware of any hereditary conditions in your family and discuss them with your healthcare provider.
Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as mindfulness, stress management techniques, and adequate sleep.
Preventive care is a cornerstone of good health, offering numerous benefits for individuals and society. By taking proactive steps to prevent illness and prioritize wellness, you can enjoy a healthier, happier life. Remember, your health is your most important asset—invest in it wisely through preventive care measures.
Important Information:
Conference Name: 15th American Healthcare, Hospital management, Nursing, And Patient Safety Summit Patient Safety Conference Short Name: #15AHNPSUCG2025   Dates: May 14-16,2025 Venue|: San Francisco, United States & Virtual Email: [email protected] Visit: https://health.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://health.universeconferences.com/call-for-paper/Register here: https://health.universeconferences.com/registration/Call/WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
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aioome2 · 9 months
Produce Stunning Images in a Matter of Seconds with Leonardo Ai
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Introducing the Wonderful World of Leonardo AI: A Tool for Creating Images By Ben Mellor H2: How to Create an Account on Leonardo AI H3: Step 1: Visit the Leonardo AI Homepage To access the amazing features of Leonardo AI, start by visiting their homepage. Scroll down to discover the stunning images that can be generated using this AI tool. It's incredible to think that you can create these types of images for free. Make sure to watch this tutorial in its entirety to learn how. H3: Step 2: Creating Your Account Creating an account on Leonardo AI is a breeze and there's no need for a credit card. Simply click on "Create an Account." You have the option to sign up using your Gmail or Microsoft account, or you can sign up with your email. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use a Gmail account. Click on "Google" and check your email for further instructions. Once you've completed the account creation process, you will be redirected to the homepage. H2: Exploring the Features of Leonardo AI H3: Recent Creations Upon arriving at the homepage, you will notice a section featuring some recent creations. These images are truly amazing and showcase the capabilities of Leonardo AI. Click on any image to explore the prompt used to generate it, as well as details such as resolution, response time, and the model that was utilized. You can even copy the prompt and generate more images using a different model. H3: Trading on Leonardo AI Discover some of the top images generated by others in the trading section. These images are incredibly cool and serve as a great source of inspiration. H3: Image Generation One of the fantastic features of Leonardo AI is the ability to generate images. Click on "Image Generation" to access a collection of images that you have generated in the past. As a user of the free plan, you are granted 150 credits per day, allowing you to generate up to 150 images daily. This is an incredible amount of images to have at your disposal. Additionally, you can remove backgrounds from images using this tool. So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive in and explore this feature further. H4: Setting the Parameters Before generating an image, there are a few parameters you can set. The first is the prompt itself. You can paste or type your prompt into the designated field. Next, you have the option to choose from several models, such as "Leonardo Diffusion XL" or "Leonardo Vision XL." Each model offers unique results, so feel free to experiment and see what works best for your desired image. Additionally, you can select a style for your image, or opt for no style at all. You can even add negative prompts if there are specific elements you do not want in your generated images. On the left side of the screen, you can specify how many images you want to generate. Please note that with the free plan, you can generate up to four images. Finally, you can adjust the dimensions of your images by setting the width and height according to your preferences. If you're happy with the default settings, you can proceed to generate your image. H4: Generating the Image To generate an image, you will need to allocate a certain number of tokens. The token requirement varies depending on the selected model. For instance, using the "Leonardo Diffusion XL" model will cost you 11 tokens. However, if you switch to the "Leonardo Vision XL" model, the cost will be four tokens. It's essential to manage your tokens wisely to maximize your usage. Once you've set your parameters and allocated the necessary tokens, simply click on "Generate" and wait for your image to be created. The process typically takes less than a minute. H3: Real-Time Canvas Another exciting feature offered by Leonardo AI is the real-time canvas. Here, you can type in your desired image concept, and the AI tool will generate images in real-time as you type. For example, if you type "jungle cartoon style playing cricket in the morning," the tool will generate images based on your input. You can also select different models, such as "Dynamic," "Anim," "Cinematic," "Vibrant," or "Fantasy Art." Each model produces unique results, allowing you to explore various styles. H4: Sketching and Editing Using the real-time canvas, you can sketch and edit your images. For instance, if you want to sketch something on a specific part of the image, you can do so. Similarly, if you want to remove a certain element, that is also possible. Simply use the sketching and editing tools provided, and let your creativity shine. This feature is entirely free to use and offers endless possibilities for customization. H2: Conclusion Leonardo AI is a remarkable tool for generating images in a quick and intuitive manner. With its various models, prompt customization options, and free plan offering 150 daily credits, it's an accessible tool for both beginners and advanced users. Whether you're looking to create stunning visuals for personal use or professional projects, Leonardo AI has you covered. Join the countless users who are already experiencing the magic of this AI tool. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out in the comments section. Don't forget to subscribe for more amazing AI tools and tutorials. Thank you for taking the time to read the article! If you enjoyed it and would like to stay updated with our latest content, we invite you to follow our blog via email subscription or our Facebook fan page. You can also find us on YouTube for more engaging and informative videos. Your support means a lot to us, and we look forward to sharing more valuable content with you in the future. **Frequently Asked Questions:** 1. How can I create an account on Leonardo AI? - Answer: To create an account on Leonardo AI, you can click on "Create an account" on the homepage and sign up using your Gmail, Microsoft account, or email. 2. Are there any charges or credit card requirements for creating an account on Leonardo AI? - Answer: No, there are no charges or credit card requirements for creating an account on Leonardo AI. It is free to create an account. 3. How many images can I generate per day using Leonardo AI? - Answer: On the free plan, you can generate up to 150 images per day using Leonardo AI. 4. Can I remove backgrounds from images using Leonardo AI? - Answer: Yes, you can remove backgrounds from images using Leonardo AI. It is one of the available features of the tool. 5. Are there different models available for generating images on Leonardo AI? - Answer: Yes, there are multiple models available on Leonardo AI, such as Leonardo diffusion XL and Leonardo Vision XL, to generate different types of images. Read the full article
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wildlife-tours · 1 year
Exploring the Best Tiger Safari and Jungle Safari in India
India's rich and diverse wildlife beckons adventurers from around the world to embark on unforgettable safari experiences. Among the numerous wildlife encounters, tiger safaris and jungle safaris stand out as truly captivating adventures. In this article, we'll delve into these thrilling excursions and answer some essential questions regarding their costs and the best options in India.
How much does a tiger safari cost in India?
Cost Factors: The cost of a tiger safari in India can vary widely depending on several factors. Firstly, the location plays a significant role. Popular tiger reserves like Ranthambore, Bandipur, and Kanha typically charge higher fees. Secondly, the type of safari you choose matters—jeep safaris are often pricier than canter safaris or elephant safaris. Thirdly, the time of year you visit can impact costs, with peak seasons demanding higher prices.
Average Costs: On average, a tiger safari can range from approximately $50 to $150 per person for a single entry ticket, while full-day jeep safaris can cost around $100 to $300 per person. Keep in mind that these prices may fluctuate, so it's advisable to check with specific reserves and tour operators for up-to-date rates.
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Which is the best tiger tour in India?
1. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan: Ranthambore is renowned for its tiger population and scenic landscapes. Many consider it the best tiger safari destination in India. Visitors have excellent chances of spotting these majestic big cats amidst the historical ruins and picturesque lakes.
2. Bandipur National Park, Karnataka: Bandipur is another gem in the crown of Indian wildlife sanctuaries. It offers a mix of lush forests, open grasslands, and a thriving tiger population. The park's well-organized safaris enhance the chances of tiger sightings.
3. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh: Kanha, often cited as the inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book," boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Here, tigers roam freely, and the park's enchanting beauty adds to the allure.
4. Sundarbans National Park, West Bengal: Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, provides a unique experience with its mangrove forests and river safaris. Though tiger sightings are relatively rare due to the dense foliage, the adventure is unmatched.
Which jungle safari has the most tigers in India?
Ranthambore National Park: Ranthambore is known for its high tiger density, making it a top choice for those seeking tiger sightings. The park's success in conservation efforts has contributed to its thriving tiger population.
Bandipur National Park: Bandipur, located in the southern region of India, is another reserve with a significant tiger population. Its vast forested expanse provides a perfect habitat for these magnificent creatures.
A tiger safari in India offers an exhilarating journey into the heart of the wilderness. Costs vary, but the experience is priceless. While the "best" tiger safari depends on personal preferences, Ranthambore, Bandipur, Kanha, and Sundarbans each offer unique and unforgettable encounters with India's incredible wildlife. The choice ultimately depends on your desired adventure and the region you wish to explore. Regardless of your selection, one thing is certain – India's tiger safaris and jungle safaris promise an adventure of a lifetime.
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starcourtcass · 2 years
rant. read if u want idc, talking about technoblade.
can we talk about how the only time ive absolutely SOBBED bc someone passed away was technoblade? like i can almost feel myself tear up right now just thinking how he isnt with us anymore.
i've literally never lost someone that was very close to me and finding out about techno whilst in a call with my best friend playing minecraft at like 3am was like a knife in my chest. i literally picked up my phone and checked twitter and i literally stopped breathing. i was in pure shock (bc as technodad confirmed, he didnt want us to know so he said he was getting better when he wasnt, bless him but fuck you techno :()
i miss techno so damn much like he was MY friend. idgaf going out about this but i was shifting to dsmp and he was gonna be my uncle. basically like wayne is to eddie. he was gonna teach me everything he knew and i even scripted that he was gonna give me a specific necklace that i now not only want irl but also script in every other dr. i really felt like i lost a family member. and when i do see him im just gonna burst in tears and he's gonna look at me like im crazy.
point of all this is that i feel so weird for not only having him as the only one ive truly sobbed for but also that i DID sob for him. i still to this day can't hear the song "fourth of july" by sufjan stevens without thinking of him. thats HIS song. not to mention that we found out that techno passed on july 1st. so im so fucking happy i hadn't begun watching ST bc idk if i couldve taken two deaths in a day honestly.
anywho, if you read all that, i love you and thank you for reading<3
also! here is alex. technoblade. at his dad's wedding as his bestman<3
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technoblade never dies👑
here's the necklace also, i would buy it in a heartbeat but it costs $150. i just had to pick the necklace that's 24k gold🙄
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Pokemon Card of the Day #2988: Meganium (Lost Thunder)
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Meganium was an attempt to help get around the issue of Stage 2 Pokemon being a bit slow. While Meganium itself had to follow the normal rules, it could help other Pokemon on its team get up to speed right away. This had some interesting deck-building implications for sure, though the question still remained if this could work, especially with the set right after Lost Thunder containing some truly amazing Basic Pokemon to compete with. Whatever the result, Meganium was at minimum a really nice attempt to do something useful.
150 HP was pretty typical for a Stage 2, and it should be noted that it still wasn't the safest number once all the Tag Team Pokemon were released. Some Pokemon before that, like Rayquaza-GX and some Malamar partners, could reach that number even before then, but it also wasn't like any moderate attack would cut through all the HP. A Fire Weakness could make things a bit easier for Blacephalon decks or if the later Volcanion wanted to get its own hit in. The Retreat Cost here was 2, so you'd probably want a way to switch Meganium and your army of Stage 2 Pokemon around.
Quick-Ripening Herb was a really impressive Ability, and any deck using Meganium needed to be build around it. It could be used once during your turn, and if you had the Stage 2 card that evolved from 1 of your Basic Pokemon in play in your hand, you could evolve that Basic Pokemon directly into the Stage 2. The Ability could even work on your first turn (not really useful) or on a Pokemon put into play on that turn (very good indeed). Being able to have an instant Stage 2 was amazing, and this could be paired with Pokemon such as Swampert and Greninja-GX and decks could even make use of the otherwise hard to use Super Boost Energy Prism Star to access a big attack once.
Solar Beam was 110 damage for a Grass and 3 Colorless Energy. The damage was decent, but the price was a bit steep so you'd usually lean on other Pokemon to attack.
Meganium didn't really take off since, while the Ability was fantastic, the cards surrounding it just weren't good enough to stick with the huge attackers that didn't need Meganium support to work. It only saw a small amount of play as a result, with its top result being in a rogue deck in Japan using Meganium with Greninja-GX, and Swampert, just cycling Greninja-GX evolutions all over the place to place damage counters everywhere. The deck was wild but didn't see much play after that, and Meganium's job was generally to enable fun decks more than anything.
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dheerajsach007 · 2 years
Biggest Digital Marketing Opportunity in 2023
Here is a figure that would show you the growth of the online population and why is it making digital marketing a perfect solution for businesses in the present and the coming 2023 as well.
The biggest advantage of digital marketing is that it doesn’t discriminate between any bigger or smaller businesses and brings everybody on a level playing field.
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In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that it has truly been a boon to the many start-ups and smaller entrepreneurs trying to make their mark, and spread their brand awareness in a faster and more cost-effective way.
Considering the present situation, it can clearly be seen that digital marketing is one field that is at the top of every job portal, as the demands for talented professionals in this field have been constantly on the rise.
Businesses certainly want to make the most of this favorable situation to get hold of the best possible professionals or teams that would help them with immense growth and analysis of their performance using various digital marketing strategies.
Social media, search engines, websites, and blogs, are increasingly being used as platforms inundated with many people. Thus, it is imperative for businesses to use these platforms and have a stronger online presence, such as having a website of their own, and a few social media accounts, to have direct communication and interaction with their customers.
Present-day Digital Marketing
Thus, if we talk about the current Phase of digital marketing in 2022-23, it is certainly positive and more promising than ever before.
One look looks at the job markets and you will get to know about the rise in the demands for professionals in the field.
Also, there is a rise in the number of digital marketing agencies and companies that are springing up every passing day just to help out businesses with their digital marketing solutions.
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Bloggers, YouTubers, Influencers, Freelancers, etc. are the new age digitalized jobs all thanks to digital marketing, it has provided many aspirants with opportunities such as these to become their own bosses and yet be able to make lucrative incomes through this field.
Future of Digital Marketing 2023.
Now that we have seen that the present is already flooded with these digital marketing opportunities, so what the future of digital marketing would look like?
Well, for that very reason, you need to take into account the nature of the various social media and other online platforms. They are known to expand with every passing day, let alone a year.
Many online users are constantly using them.
Also, the user base is constantly increasing with the CHEAPER RATES OF SMARTPHONES and EASIER ACCESSIBILITY of the INTERNET as well.
Also, we have digital ad spending to be increasing by a whopping 36% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) by 2022. Thus you can even expect more and more demands in the field in the year 2023.
Most importantly, digital marketing is dependent on the latest technologies and constantly keeps evolving in accordance with the same, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice assistants, chatbots, etc.
Here are a few other facts that would make you believe in the future of digital marketing and why it is great to make a career in this field for a better future.
India’s e-commerce industry is estimated to cross over US $ 150 billion by 2022, as per reports.
Approx. 700 million of the population of India is projected to go online and be a part of the huge Internet use base bandwagon by 2023.
India’s digital advertising industry is again estimated to cross over 19000 Crore INR by 2021 according to a report by the Dentsu Aegis Network.
According to the TRAI reports, India’s smartphone user base is slated to grow by over 442 million by 2022.
And talking about jobs, approx.. 65 million digital marketing jobs are expected to pave their way into popular job portals by 2025.
As the facts mentioned above, totally support the fact that digital marketing is nothing but the future of the marketing department and is here to stay.
Considering the range of benefits and future opportunities, you need to consider this career option, only if you are truly passionate about it.
Tremendous levels of passion and dedication would be required to stay ahead of your competition, who is also trying to make really greater progress in this field.
As a digital marketer, your duty would be to help businesses perform great with more analysis of the data about their customers, and even their competitors.
And to become a great digital marketer yourself, you would require a lot of knowledge and expertise of the subject and knowledge of its in and out and various other nitty-gritty to help businesses achieve their goals by increasing their leads and thus their sales and growth.
Learning Digital Marketing
In order to learn digital marketing, it is very important that you join an institute that would train you in a very holistic and futuristic way to help you have a wider perspective on the subject from a very industry-oriented manner.
Certainly, this subject is absolutely easier to learn. But, you would need a very structured approach in order to learn this subject in its entirety and become a holistic digital marketer.
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You will have to imbibe a constantly learning attitude to help you abreast of the latest technologies and thus be ahead of your competition.
If you seriously are thinking of a great career in this field, it is time to have a look at the free online demo session conducted by the
Addme Digital Marketing institute..!!
For the best Digital Marketing Opportunity in 2023, Addme is the best Place. 
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falsesense-ofsanity · 2 years
Finding a Guest Bed For Your Home
Most families engage overnight guests periodically, whether only a couple of nights or a long-term visit of a little while. While laying out a home, be it your most memorable home or loft or a transition to another home, something you need to make arrangements for is the manner by which to sleep those overnight guests. There are many decisions for guest beds and via cautious arranging you can find click here to learn more the right one to fit the space you have with the financial plan you need to work with, regardless.
Preferably, your home will have a bedroom that you can assign as the guest room. For this situation, you can purchase the best bed you can manage the cost of in anything that style fits the stylistic layout of your home. This arrangement gives your guest extreme protection, particularly assuming that the guest room has its own bathroom. You can outfit the room with additional items like guest robes and shoes, specialty shower cleansers and shampoos, and so forth and your guests will truly feel like they are being dealt with like eminence.
Tragically, a great many people, particularly youthful families, don't have the advantage of that additional room to put a guest bed. There are different choices. Assuming you have a multi reason room that fills in as an office, make room, or even play room, this can be designed to act as a guest room too. A futon or a sofa sleeper can act as a lounge chair most times and be made into a bed when guests show up.
A futon is a stage that is pivoted in the center so half can be raised to frame a sofa back or brought down to shape a bed. The stage is generally scheduled. They come in many styles, from contemporary to pilgrim. They come in many sorts of woods and completions as well as metal frames. You can get them as modest as $150 as much as a few thousand bucks. The important thing is to purchase the best sleeping cushion you can manage. Once more, the more you pay, typically the better and more comfortable the sleeping pad will be.
Another decision may be a day bed. Once more, decisions in frames are practically limitless. You can get metal or wood to fit any stylistic theme you need. You can likewise get them with a spring-stacked capacity bed, which pulls out to make a double bed. Covers in many plans with matching pads and reinforces are accessible and make for comfortable seating when not utilized as a bed.
Obviously, there is always the standard pneumatic bed, which is not difficult to haul out when required and store when not required. There are likewise upgrades in pneumatic beds. You can get them in queen size, which air fill to practically customary bed level. Lastly, there is the antiquated arrangement that I grew up with. The children surrender their beds and sleep on the floor.
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