#that base over an oc or an outright self insert
kurapixel · 2 years
This is just an ask about the rikajuli ship, you're the only one I've seen posting it and I'm really interested now. Do you have any fic recs? How did you get into the pairing?
fwiw, it's a lot more popular in jp, where its the most popular rk ship! (theres more content on twt where theres a thriving international community, too...) (ive been mtling the jp comics and i have tl'd some kr ones and a mutual of mine has tl'd some cn ones, but its on a private discord server)
there are only 10 fics on ao3 right now and im suffering (most of it is smut, and some are in chinese) haha....... no real fic recs yet unfortunately (the smut is nice, take ur pick based on what tags interest you if you're over 18, etcetc)
ive actually resorted to machine translating some fics on pixiv as well, but its not the same...
but yes. I'm mostly running on the high of rk flirting with the main character HAGDHSGDJSGFJV
(is saying "hey, i know im pretty, but no need to be intimidated" not flirting?) (also it implies the main character WAS intimidated, and rk hit the nail on the head)
she also basically says she'll dote on the main character like shes her babygirl in JP/CN/KR (in at least one of these she specifically uses phrasing thats a euphemism for sex) which was tl'd into en as "go easy on you" 😭
she also smiles at the mc when she approaches her while they're alone together iirc 🥹
im also pretending she towers over the mc. yes i know their height difference is not that big. but to me it is 🫶
(i should be packing for a con rn so i'll leave this at that, i do have more thoughts but ><
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mushroomsie224 · 28 days
Some sketches of my OC when he was thirteen! Because that's when his story starts. I hate him <3 /affectionate
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Connor Winterwell. He started out as a self-insert, but is not really a self-insert anymore. However, I do often use my OCs to process my flaws and personal problems. so they're still very much a part of me.
At the start of his story, Connor's this bratty kid who constantly causes trouble. He lives in a small neighbourhood at the edge of a small town, with his mother and a very old, very large dog. He gets along well enough with other people at school, but often gets into fights and arguments over petty things.
Connor's neighbour next door is a witch, and he despises her (a bit of context: this world is based on Earth but has magic and stuff). I'm not going to go into much detail about the witch, but her name is Margaret and I love her. She's friends with Connor's mother, so obviously he's forced to not be outright hateful, but he can't resist a few immaturely snarky comments whenever she's over for tea.
Another relevant character is a mysterious sorcerer who lives at the edge of the neighbourhood. His home is a small stone tower that sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the surrounding houses. In a similar manner, the sorcerer himself also sticks out a lot on the rare occasion that he leaves his tower to go grocery-shopping. (He's somewhat based on Cedric the Sorcerer because this story was originally a shitty au.) Nobody really knows what he looks like since he wears a face mask outdoors, and since people will be people, everyone either avoids him or speaks ill of him (Margaret receives similar treatment). Connor and his friends like to annoy him at times by playing ding doing ditch, plus other stupid pranks.
I know I said he was a self-insert but I promise I never did that kind of thing even as a thirteen-year old! I did annoy and prank people but not random adults, only fellow students I actually knew. I still hate my thirteen-year old self though. What was wrong with you, Nox?
Some physical differences from his 16/17 year old version (ignore previous art please I was a different person then): shorter hair, no piercings, no coloured hair streak.
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@mortau asked way too many questions 6, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22
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Damn, dude. Alright, let's do this.
Other characters/muns you’re interested in roleplaying with?
Frankly, if I had to pick one group of characters, it'd be Yakuza. I want to get more use out of my Yakuza muses over on my multimuse. That being said, as far as characters and muns go, I'm usually pretty open and I really enjoy OCs.
Would you get along with your muse?
I'd like to believe so. I won't go as far as to say that Matthew is a self-insert(I mean for starters, he's Brazilian-American, I'm white as shit), but I do have a lot of similar interests to him. Now whether that was intentional or just a side effect of him being my muse is up in the air, but I have a feeling he and I would be pretty chill.
What’s your opinion on blog themes? How do you feel about your own?
I feel like blog themes can be neat, but I think they're a pain in the ass to deal with. I'm kinda neutral on the ones I'm using right now, and I think the coolest one I have right now is over on the reboot blog, @everglow-synth-reboot, but even then because of the HTML lock shit that tumblr implemented, I've just moved onto using a Carrd anyway. It's gotten to the point where my newest sideblog, @golden-lynel, doesn't even have a theme, and is dash only.
What’s something that would make you unfollow a mutual?
Truth be told, there aren't a whole lot of things? I tend to be fairly chill, and I also more or less vet my potential mutuals? But as a hypothetical thing it'd probably be just outright harassment as a big thing. There's a whole slew of others I could think of, ranging from stuff like actual predatory behavior to just being a petty piece of shit, but I don't think I've really run into that problem overall.
Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’)
Hurting his friends is a huge thing. Hurting anyone definitely due to his heroic nature, but those closer to him are much more precious.
Threatening the Lounge itself. This is his baby, he put in a lot of work to make the place a comfy spot for people, and he's not going to let it go down without a fight.
To a lesser extent, "You won't; no balls." Because then he'll do it, and when he succeeds, he's going to be super annoying about it.
Three interesting little tidbits or facts of your muse.
Matthew, and Polycus as a whole, was made based off of a Dungeons & Dragons 5e supplement known as Lasers & Liches. It's very fun, I highly recommend it if you play 5e. It turns the whole game into a silly Saturday Morning Cartoon, complete with new classes based on stuff like Sailor Moon and Kamen Rider. This is why magic is a huge part of the world, as well as stuff like dwarves, elves and orcs being present in Neo Arcadia.
He once swallowed a quarter on a dare. It took three minutes of him choking, drinking water, and nearly throwing up to get it down. He doesn't know what happened to it. He is still scared to this day.
Despite living there most of his life, Matthew still gets lost in Neo Arcadia sometimes. It gets so bad that he literally needs to climb up the highest building he can find just to get his bearings, usually meaning following billboards and business signs to get around.
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girldraki · 2 years
what, dare i ask, is the shaw situation? im only familiar with scp through your blog drfhvgvn
fair warning that we’re light-to-medium touching on triggering topics because of the nature of the situation
first piece of context to understand the situation is that scp started out with a lot of authors having “self-insert” (to various degrees of literal self insertion) characters usually based on their username, these being the guys we are normally yelling about (clef gears kondraki etc), and because they were a big part of the early wiki a lot of them are important to various parts of the lore.
so. getting into the :/ shit, the character of j.ack bright plus their extended family was created by a sex pest. some of the lore around them… doesn’t quite make it obvious outright, but like. is weird in the context of this? mostly there’s a history of jokes (and in the case of the extended bright family, serious lore) that are kind of off if you don’t know about authorbright’s deal and really off if you do
so like a month ago? we have no sense of time. one of the wikis admins tried to delete the list of things bright wasn’t allowed to do (infamous comedy article incl some of the aforementioned uncomfortable jokes, generally considered passé aside from that) and quit the wiki, which started A Dialogue about what should be done about the list and about bright in general
like two days into this djkaktus swept in declaring that he had Found The Solution: he had created a “new oc” to replace into articles with bright in them, except it rapidly became clear it was more like find and replace because there was literally no differentiation in characterization or anything but the name, actually, and also various off-color jokes and references to bright specific lore were left unchanged, which really undermines the grand gesture of Creating An OC Without Baggage For The People and made it look kinda like djk did this so he could get adulation for the minimum possible effort (if you can’t tell we’re pretty sure that’s what he did)
because we’re us it took us slightly over 24 hours to take the idea and go “what if she was a girl and also a different person on a more than notional level”
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sparklecare-good-au · 3 years
Sparklecare Good AU FAQ
-General Questions-
Q: What is the Good AU?
A: The Good AU is basically just one of those "what if The Bad Thing didnt happen and everything was fine" kind of things. In it the hospital has zero connection to Cuddles in anyway, and because of that, nobody gets hurt.
Q: What is the comics schedual?
A: I post updates on Saturdays at 6:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. The updates themselves can be one or two pages each, depending on if I had recently come back from a break, if the update falls on a holiday, or if the pages just need to be together for some reason.
Q: Does the comic have an overarching plot?
A: Not in the way you might think. Theres no single goal the characters are aiming for, like how canon is about eventually getting Sparklecare exposed to the public. The "main goal", you could say, would be to get better and go home. This is still going to be difficult for some. Each chapter is fairly self contained, with some callbacks to earlier chapters/character developments
Q: Does this version of the hospital allow people under 18 to be admitted?
A: No.
Q: How many chapters will there be?
A: Right now there are 4 planned chapters, but more may be added over time.
Q: Why are there ocs in this AU?
A: I just felt like it. It makes the AU more my own. Anybody can make an AU where nobody is hurt by the hospital, I make it different by adding new characters and dynamics.
Q: Who runs the hospital if Cuddles isnt involved?
A: Richard Sparkle, the most boring guy on the face of the planet.
Q: Since you know all the canon lore, will any if that be implemented?
A: No, I'm only ever going to include things that are publicly known. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so you won't be seeing any characters early or getting any backstories or lore before it is outright said in the comic.
Q: How do you feel about shipping/selfshipping with your ocs?
A: Totally fine! The only exception to this is Saturn and Graham, as Saturn is my fursona/self insert, and Graham is my self inserts boyfriend.
Q: How about kinning/IRLs/fictives?
A: Same answer as shipping, totally fine with kinng my ocs with the exception of Saturn and Graham. Saturn is me, so it would be kind of weird. IRLs and fictives are okay, but for personal comfort reasons, I would really not like them to interact with me/be talked abt on my blog, sorry!
Q: What are you comfortable with when it comes to fanart?
A: I'd prefer if people didnt make anything nsfw or immoral with my characters, especially Saturn. You can do pretty much whatever you want other than that, like ship art, our ocs being friends, ect. Just please respect what im comfortable with and itll be fine!
Q: Why isnt character/plot point/ect in here?
A: Even though I am a part of the ZCP, I obviously won't be spoiling anything about the comic. So I cant include things like the unknown patient who Uni hinted at in v1, or the other patient who Hemera hinted at in v2. I can only add in what is publically known, which is why character backstories arent going to be a major focus.
-Character Questions-
Q: Is Saturn a y*ndere?
A: No, and please stop asking. /srs
Q: Wheres Cuddles?
A: Jail for tax evasion. He wont be important /srs
Q: Why not just make Cuddles a good guy?
A: I didnt do that because of what he represents. Hes based off of Kittycorn's personal experiences, I feel it would be rude to do that. Besides, making him a good guy who doesnt kill people would leave him with literally no personality.
Q: Are there any character blogs for the good au characters?
A: Yes! Saturn's blog is @xxdemondogxx, Uni's is @tiniestferryshop, and Graham's is @grahamberrymusic. There is also the general @asksparklecaregoodau blog where you can interact with the rest of the cast.
Q: Who is Saturn, and why is he a main character?
A: Saturn is my fursona, he represents me! He is a main character because I've had him for a while and really wanted to finally do something with him.
Q: Is Saturn really a demon?
A: No, he just thinks he is. Everybody, minus Barry, is nice to him about it.
Q: Why does Saturn think hes a demon?
A: He feels like he is a horrible person for having intrusive thoughts, because he feels normal people would never consider the things he thinks about, even though those things are not in his control. He's literally demonizing himself for being mentally ill. That and he thinks demons are naturally evil, so hes assuming hes a demon to sort of give himself a better reason for being "evil" (he is not evil)
Q: Why are the rainbow characters (Doom and Mood, Party, ect.) still rainbow? Werent those colors caused by truama?
A: In canon, yes, the rainbow characters are rainbow because of that. However, I didnt know about that when I made their AU designs and started the comic in December of 2020. They are still rainbow despite the knowledge I now have because it makes them more recognizable. The rats specifically are still rainbow because they got past the truama of being bullied when they were younger.
Q: Why is everyone in the hospital at the same time if they arent being kept there?
A: The plot needs it. If everybody left when they were supposed to, the only main characters there would be Barry and Saturn.
Q: Are there any new characters who are lgbtq+?
A: Currently, as of early 2023, all the new characters who are in the hospital are lgbtq+.
Q: Are any of your ocs autistic?
A: Saturn and Graham are both autistic. Though its not canon in real SC, Hemera in the good au is also autistic.
-OC Questions-
Q: Can I make a good AU oc?
A: You can make an oc if you want, I dont own the idea of "Big Bad Thing Never Happens" aus, so feel free to make as many characters as you like!
Q: Can you put my oc in the comic?
A: I dont include peoples ocs in the comic itself, since if they change their mind later I would have to either edit pages or write the character out. I will, however, draw your oc if you ask and provide a reference for them (or if I just feel like it)! I will only really do that when im taking requests, or if we are friends/mutuals.
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daincrediblegg · 3 years
different anon here with tons of dysphoria, self-image issues and feeling all around Not Sexy (also could never imagine anyone looking at me and thinking: wow, attractive) - thank you for those sweet words to the other anon. I can't picture myself in a romantic, let alone sexual, situation with someone, although I would like to. something in my brain just wouldn't let it happen, like I'm convinced that stuff is just not for me. even in a safe space like with an f/o... idk how to change that :( I suppose there's some deep rooted issue with me, but I wish I had a little corner in my brain where it's at least okay to fantasize? how do I do that without feeling disgusted by myself... sorry for dumping all that :( I'm not expecting you to have an answer, I just wanted to say thanks for being so sweet and kind-hearted <3
I understand that completely. I mean over the summer especially as my own body image issues among other long-standing traumas connected to that started cropping up again and it’s one of the longest stretches that I’ve had of that in… kindof a while. Like even the f/o’s I had at the time weren’t enough and like… it really wasn’t until I started going to therapy that the harder parts about my own body image/dysphoria issues- the ones that are a lot harder to psychologically control and process alone- started to ease up a little. And it’s in part because of my therapist helping me find a baseline of compassion for myself. Acknowledging that at the time I had so much going on in my life that was making a lot of these other things crop back up too (stuff that’s still going on honestly like I’m not out of the woods yet not by a long shot)- and like I know that it’s true for me that being able to engage in self shipping the way I usually do and want to because of other exterior things that I can’t necessarily control. But I mean that’s just kind of the thing about growth and healing from these things in general- like it’s hard to find a foothold to even start practicing.
So I guess, (although I don’t know if these are necessarily answers- and knowing that this kind of thing isn’t a cure-all not on its own, but hey- just ideas. Might as well throw them out there) … the best advice my dumb ass has got for creating that foothold for this kind of comfort is to find your base-line of compassion. Like maybe rather than jumping right into the sexy bits with a character maybe start with something where a character of your choice might find compassion for like your emotional wellbeing- what you’re going through. Or like if you have personal issues with seeing yourself in it then maybe start with doing self inserts and the like! That’s kindof what I did for the longest time before the specific fandom sect of self shipping was really a thing as we know it today (you would not believe how many self insert oc’s I’ve made that I like just never talk about anymore 😂😂😂) but like that’s a totally valid way to do it too. And like that might be an avenue to sort of step into a character’s shoes and find pieces of yourself in them that in turn makes it easier for you to find love in yourself and that could help open up to maybe even outright placing yourself as you are in the scenario down the line. But here’s the thing: there are no rules to any of this- no right or wrong way to engage in this sort of stuff. You do what makes you comfortable to the level you’re comfortable with. But baseline I say if you want it: carve out that place where you can fantasize that for yourself. And these are just ideas of where to start.
Also, if any of my other fellow self-shipper mutuals would like to pitch in with thoughts on this if they’ve got em- feel free (and I’d especially like to plug my beautiful wife and also fellow long-time self shipper @ajokeformur-ray who always has some of the BEST self-shipping advice imo and PLENTY to spare). I hope this helps a little nonnie. I’m just a humble lil enthusiast about this stuff and if I can help anybody else find a little comfort with this stuff that’s all that matters. Happy trails my friend, good luck, and remember you deserve it too no matter what 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 4 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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I never said anything about it before but I love Shadow Weaver's DCAU Batman eyes. They're so expressive.
Episode 1: Okay...I wasn't expecting Catra to do that. I mean, it makes sense. If she has leverage over Hordak then she's basically in charge of the Horde and that's what she's wanted (or at least believes she wants) since episode 1. It's an aspect that made her a good antagonist, that she's not blind to the evil of the Horde, she just doesn't care as long as she herself is secure. Which naturally begs the question, when the rebellion and the princesses are crushed, when the Horde is on top, when Adora is dead, when Catra finally has everything she's ever wanted...will she actually finally be happy? Somehow, I have my doubts.
I definitely feel for Glimmer in this. When you go through as big a loss as she did you need to be able to feel and vent if you're ever going to get through it. It doesn't have to be right away but everyone doing everything in their power to avoid the topic entirely can make you feel like you're going crazy. It'a especially bad for her since it unintentionally makes it feel like everyone is acting like it doesn't matter that Angela is gone when it clearly means everything to Glimmer.
Episode 2: I actually had a potted cactus plant once. Accidentally forgot about it and left it outside for an entire winter. Once the snow was gone the cactus looked like it had melted.
I kind of want to see what an interaction between Double Trouble and Clayface from the Harley Quinn animated series would look like. I'm guess Catra was just testing how good Double Trouble was as a doppelganger because it doesn't seem like she did anything while Adora was being distracted, though I suppose that could be a reveal in a later episode.
Not much to say except that I love how buff Huntara is while still clearly being a woman. Like, women can have a variety of different body types, as this series and Steven Universe show, and Huntara's build isn't just, like, Bow's body with lipstick and ponytail and the animators calling it a day. No, she looks like a freakin' jacked adult woman.
Episode 3: I didn't figure out the Flutterina = Double Trouble twist until a minute before it was revealed, so good job there. Before that I was wondering if Flutterina was some fan's original character where they won some contest where their OC got to be in the show for an episode. She was giving off some weird self-insert vibes. That twist made it all work though. It's honestly not a bad plan. Shapeshifters haven't really been a thing in the series before now so there's no reason to suspect it. Even if they did they'd probably be expecting it by way of magic or technology, while Double Trouble's seems to be a natural ability.
I like that even though Bow is definitely the goofier one of the trio he is still consistently shown as competent. That's never in question. He was very heroic and reassuring to the villagers this episode. I get why those kids idolize him so much.
Catra's having guilt over what she did with the portal and to Entrapta and her response is basically to just double-down. She doesn't know any other way to be. Not going to lie, I am kind of hoping we get another moment in the show where Adora just completely overwhelms Catra with the sheer power of She-Ra. I'm not saying like brutalize her or anything but just something where Catra is made to realize just how powerful Adora is and that she could just destroy Catra if she had a mind to do so.
Episode 4: Well, I was saying I wanted Adora to do it but I guess I don't mind Glimmer being the one to get some good shots in on Catra. Like I predicted, Shadow Weaver's moving in to become her teacher like she was with her father. Honestly I like that that was more Adora's problem than Glimmer using her as bait, which she seemed to get over pretty quick. Yeah, it was kind of a heartless thing to do but it was an understandable tactic and she clearly outright told Adora that she did it and why afterwards, which at least means she's still being honest.
It occurs to me that Glimmer and Catra may be the ones running parallel right now. Both are basically leading their respective sides of the war. They both have lost someone very important to them. And both are trusting someone they probably shouldn't. Both even have outfits that've been updated in the intro. The difference is Glimmer's just trying to deal with a bad situation while Catra's is entirely self-inflicted.
Minor thing but I like Glimmer's new outfit this season. I'm sure this is the intention but it makes her look older and more mature. A little more muscular in some shots too.
Episode 5: Heart of Etheria project. No idea what that is but assumedly whoever's a part of it doesn't like Light Hope and Mara being friends. Sounds like it's very much interested in She-Ra being just a warrior, and perhaps a tool, for the greater good. It does make me wonder though how much Light Hope remember from when she was rebooting. Even if she deleted the Mara memory she could potentially still have the memory of her and Adora watching the Mara memory, as well as Adora asking to be her friend.
Episode 6: Yep. Scorpia; definitely favorite supporting character. There is something kind of funny about her whole "Scorpions are loyal" line when you remember the story about the Frog and the Scorpion, where it stings the frog despite it meaning death for itself as well simply because that is its nature. But finally we're having someone go save Entrapta, and I can only assume at some point Scorpia's going to access the power of the Black Garnet.
The parallels between Catra and Hordak are definitely at their max here with that speech of hers to him. She's basically trying to convince herself that she doesn't need anyone, the timing of which is appropriate since she just drove away Scorpia and now truly doesn't have anyone. Not that I blame Scorpia, obviously. Like Adora before her, however good you believe someone can be and that you can help them, at some point you just have to cut the toxic people out of your life. You have the right to be happy too.
And man, Bow is just the best. He saw something was wrong between Adora and Glimmer and defused the situation like (snap) that, pushing them to talk like any sane person would.
Episode 7: I'm sure it is just because I've seen way too many TV shows and movies (both animated and live action) that don't do it but it is just such a relief to have a show where the characters just TALK and LISTEN to each other. It doesn't solve all their issues but they're at least not being stupid and freakin' petty. It helps the drama feel a lot less forced and contrived.
Episode 8: A little bit of amusement in Bow thinking at first that Glimmer and Adora didn't even notice he was gone despite them coming to his rescue very shortly afterwards, given Catra is only now realizing Scorpia has left and assumedly she did so a while ago. Bow and Sea Hawk hadn't been gone for that long so it's not unreasonable Glimmer and Adora wouldn't be worried about their absence (Bow was literally talking about "me time" when they last saw him), while Catra is only noticing Scorpia's absence now and it was because she wanted something. Like Scorpia said, she's a bad friend.
Kind of ironic given that a lot of Catra's issues are the direct result of Shadow Weaver giving her very little love growing up but it does seem this tough love is probably what'll get through to Catra the best. She might finally stop making bad decisions and lashing out if she's forced to live with the consequences of them, like Adora told her last season.
Glimmer gets a bit of slack from me since she suffered through a huge loss, that being her mother, and then was immediately thrown into being queen right after. It'd be hard for anyone to be 100% on their game and well-adjusted in a situation like that, and I buy that she was on some level resentful of Adora for coming back instead of her mother, even if unintentionally so. What definitely helps is that Glimmer very clearly and immediately regretted what she said to Adora. Like Catra she's lashing out but unlike Catra Glimmer recognizes some of the damage she's doing and knows, at least in this case, that she went too far.
Episode 9: Now that I can see the design in color I definitely prefer Mara's She-Ra with pants to Adora's She-Ra with shorts. Honestly, while the differences are pretty minor, I do think Mara's She-Ra design is overall a lot better than Adora's. Sharper shoulder guards. Bigger cape (especially the cape, I love capes). I don't know, there's just a lot that clicks with it and I wouldn't mind Adora getting a similar outfit later.
Madam Razz definitely had a Yoda feel this episode. I was very much expecting her to start wacking Mara with a stick over the sugar like Yoda did with R2. Though while that was Yoda acting crazy, for Razz it's because she experiences time out of order, and I don't think I've ever seen that concept taken to this extent, or at least done this way before. There are characters like River Song from Doctor Who, Professor Paradox from Ben 10, or even the Reverse-Flash who interact with other characters in time out of order but those characters are still on a linear path from their own perspective, even when travelling through time. Razz is just bouncing around her own timeline, seemingly not even any real reason or cause to it like Subaru from Re:Zero. Clearly she's not just remembering things oddly because her talk about things of the present are heard by people in the past and have an effect. I wonder if maybe the reason why is because Razz was at ground zero of Mara's actions and this is a side-effect of pulling Etheria away from the rest of the universe.
Bringing more Star Wars into this, it basically sounds like the Heart of Etheria project has turned Etheria into a magic Starkiller Base; storing power that'll be unleashed to destroy whole planets. And jeez, I think this was the first time I really felt creeped out by Light Hope when she was talking to Mara.
I'm looking forward to seeing what it means that the First Ones only made the sword and that Etheria made She-Ra. If that's the case, why is only the sword able to bring out the She-Ra form? Is it like MCU Thor's hammer and the weapon was just meant to help him control the power he already had? Or is what we think is She-Ra not actually She-Ra and that form that Adora and Mara take is just a stand-in for the real thing?
Episode 10: It didn't even occur to me until now but Double Trouble's capture is another blow to Catra's circle of "friends" too. They were at least able to make her laugh. One less person for her to talk to and just...really just distract her from her thoughts.
It's a good dilemma this episode presents about what to do with the Heart of Etheria. The safest and probably best option is to just dismantle it, like Adora and Bow want, since it could easily lead to the destruction of the entire planet if it goes off. Not the mention there's so little they know about it and what it was intended for and the one person who can potentially tell them, Light Hope, they were warned not to trust. But it's not hard to understand where Glimmer is coming from in wanting to use that power to fight the Horde. They're already losing the war and now she knows Hordak Prime and his FAR more powerful forces are on the way. Tapping into the Heart is a huge risk but she's not seeing any other paths for the rebels to win. It's a really good dilemma, with good arguments presented from both sides, and I buy this widening the schism between Adora and Glimmer.
Episode 11: I have mixed feelings on King Micah still being alive. On the one hand there's a lot of good potential interactions we can now have with him, primarily between Glimmer and Shadow Weaver, and he is a fun character. But on the other I can't help but wonder if this kind of lessens the impact of what Angela gave up to overcome the false reality. Part of what made it so emotional was that she had to accept the person she loved was dead and not coming back...except now we see that he wasn't dead and now he is coming back. Yeah, their family lost out on years together and that does still carry some emotional weight but I was already also half-expecting Angela to come back later in the series because she's stuck between dimensions, meaning there's a chance she could still be alive. If both Glimmer's parents come back then that really feels like it takes a lot of weight out of her story. But I guess we'll see what happens.
Also, why did the Horde exile him to Beast Island? Why not just kill him?!
Episode 12: So the Horde exiles Micah to Beast Island instead of killing him. The First Ones protect their secrets by sending their bad tech to Beast Island. Does no one know how to just destroy things in this world?
Ohhh, I am so looking forward to next episode. While it's debatable whether Glimmer should be going through with her plan she is at least being smart with how she's going about it. Double Trouble was being paid by Catra to work for the Horde, not out of any sense of loyalty. Glimmer has the resources of Bright Moon at her disposal so it's reasonable she could pay them more to switch sides. Double Trouble was very good at sabotaging even a group as tight-nit as the heroes, so Hordak and Catra are probably easy pickings with all their issues.
Episode 13: ....WELL THAT AIN'T GOOD!
I'll admit, I had a little bit of an unintended laugh. After all we've heard about Horde Prime, like this shadowy all-powerful monster, I wasn't expecting the fabulous flowing dreadlocks and smoothness. Credit where it's due, man has charisma and charm, which goes a long way in helping your big evil world conqueror not be a very flat character, because it's doubtful he's going to have the same kind of sympathetic motivation as Hordak or complexity as Catra to keep him elevated.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Double Trouble kicking at Catra while she's down. Adora and Scorpia were honest but they never wanted to hurt Catra. Not so much with Double Trouble and they just shove reality into her face. Everyone leaves Catra because of Catra. She's the common factor. It's her fault and no one else's. Again, I don't know for certain if Adora and Catra get together at the end (Catra would have a LOT to make amends for regardless) but Double Trouble was definitely implying Catra had feelings for her with the way they put Catra's hand on "Adora's" cheek while talking about how she left her.
I like that we see Glimmer's plan actually working at first. The princesses get a massive power boost and decimate the Horde forces. But the minute it starts going wrong she immediately admits Adora was right and she tries to stop the energy flow. I imagine having her there with Catra was intentional by the writers. Despite some parallels, Glimmer can actually accept her failures and work to try and fix things. Unlike Catra, she didn't blame Adora for things going wrong.
So the sword allows the First Ones to control She-Ra and the energy she'd be absorbing from the planet. Assumedly that means there are at least some parts to She-Ra that have nothing to do with the First Ones and thus maybe Adora can still use some of those powers without the sword.
Season 4 verdict: Yeah, the show keeps getting better, though I will admit last season's finale had me more emotional, but that's a bit of an unfair comparison given everything that happened in that finale vs. this one. This is definitely the series hitting its darkest hour, where it feels like EVERYONE lost. Not just the rebels but the Horde as well. The sword and Light Hope are gone and She-Ra (for now) along with them. Glimmer and Catra are basically prisoners. Hordak's probably going to have his personality stripped away. The Fright Zone is in ruins. The only one who's gained anything is Prime.
Really looking forward to what the final season has in store, especially since there seems to be the implication that Catra just saved Glimmer's life.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o1j5gk/going_in_blind_watching_season_4_for_the_first/
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sarahxalice · 3 years
Character Introduction - Meww Hatsune
--Edits/Updates-- --Edited 8/30/21-- Organized body type information into a list rather than a paragraph.
Hello first post here, maybe I’ll try and setup a format or whatever, but I’ll just go with the flow for now. This very first post will be of my Main and very first OC, Meww Hatsune.
--Origin and Inspirations-- Her origins are quite fuzzy a bit as she is by far my oldest character. She originated as either a character concept to either represent myself online and in games, or as a DND character. She was most definitely used as both and for an extremely long time. Of course character development happens over time and isn’t all at once, it’s just a question of when a solid basis was made for her.
Her name is a bit easier to talk about, while my memory is terrible I can at least probably pull a few references I came across that inspired it. One of the main sources of inspiration was Nyu from the anime Elfen Lied. Unfortunately am currently failing to recall other name inspirations, I can recall having around 3 and yet am missing the others. If I can I will edit this post to update this part, if not I will just make a new post later on adding on information.
As far as inspirations for appearance, characters like Lucy and Nyu from Elfen Lied, Zoey from Tokyo Mew Mew and Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki. Main inspiration from these characters is her pink hair and eyes. Skin tone and clothing preferences are based on myself and my own preferences.
Inspirations for her personality while partly coming from characters like Yuno Gasai, a majority of it is just something I was taught about when making characters for the first time for a DND campaign. Which was basically to take a personality trait from yourself and just exaggerate it. And essentially it would be close enough to yourself so it would be easy to roleplay while also not being a complete self-insert.
--Appearance-- As for her appearance, she is shown in my tumblr profile image on the left. Going into more detail I will break it up between her physical appearance and her fashion choices.
-Body Type: -Race: Human (Most Commonly), Half-Demon, Demon -Ethnicity: American (Most commonly) -Sex/Gender: Cis Female -Romantic/Sexual Interests: ♥ Girls ♥ Girls ♥ Girls ♥ (Self-claimed “Super Gay”) -Height: ~5ft 2in -Weight: ~100-110lbs -Physique: Lean musculature (Very fit and active) -Skin Tone: Pale White -Hair: Short, soft, messy/wild Pink hair (Varies between pale pink[255,170,255], neon pink[255,0,255], dark reddish pink[120,0,70] and dark pink[180,50,180]). Eyebrows are neat and moderately thin, usually matching the color of her hair. -Eyes: Tend to be sharp and intimidating. Color usually a bright, near glowing, neon pink. -Age: Typically a young teen to adult, roughly in the range of 16 to 21. -Other: Teeth vary between normal human teeth, adding a fang(s), or razor teeth similar to Soul Eater from the anime Soul Eater.
-Clothing Fashion: For fashion, she typically wears a zip up hoodie, cargo pants, combat boots, and a plain black t-shirt. For some extra details she likes chains, belts, buckles and zippers. Most prominently everything she wears is black, if there is any additional color to her outfit it would be pink as a trim highlight or supplementary color (typically a bright or pale pink). Jewelry isn’t very interesting to Meww, however she sometimes has earrings and is more recently depicted with a ring on her left ring finger and will almost always have it from here on.
--Personality-- She is a rash energetic girl. Hyperactive and proactive, likes to do everything herself. Willing to help anyone she gets along with, willing to take on projects or jobs from others as she likes to just do things herself especially when it comes to fighting. Of course things vary based on the kind of world she is in, in a more fantasy setting she’s typically a fighter/adventurer while in a more “realistic” or modern world, she’s really into athletic fields (commonly things like kendo and track), though combat isn’t out of the question, again depending on the world setting. She has the mindset of a rebel and likes to do things her own way rather than taking orders from another person, though not completely disobedient to anyone, and is not entirely against working with others. She just has a tendancy to lead or go alone on things. She is headstrong, confident, positive, a hard worker, supportive, loving, caring, fierce, aggressive and reckless. Of course she is not without her negative qualities too, some of which have been already named such as reckless and her confidence can be overbearing to outright unreasonable and annoying, and at times even worse. While she is a caring and loving person, she can also be really cruel, uncaring, cold and even sometimes sadistic and heinous. Of course interactions depend highly on the person or situation theyre involved with. As for some more negative qualities, she is very apprehensive and more likely to act negatively towards males than she is females. This as such also affects her romantic interest in people as well, making her solidly a lesbian and having no interest in guys in the least. She’s even hesitant to make friends with the opposite gender and acts very standoff-ish with them (this dislike of males can even be seen with other species such as animals as well). As for females she really loves girls, she loves how they’re all so pretty, beautiful, kind and finds them all amazing. Which kind of skews her views on right and wrong with it. She is way more forgiving to a female who does questionable things and is willing to forgive them or make excuses for their actions. Whereas males she almost is ready to condecend them and look down on them as if they are a bad person before even knowing anything of them. As far as children go she is conflicted on them. She tends to dislike children as well, but can also show kindness and caring towards them. As far as the world around her, she absolutely loves nature and flora. She enjoys fauna too, but not nearly as much, and as far as certain types of fauna, she actually dislikes for example, reptiles and insects. For time of day she loves the night and when its darker out, enjoying gloomy weather as well, such as rain and overcast. She has a neutral feeling towards storms, not particularly enjoying lightning or thunder, but is not disturbed by it. She loves nature to the point of even happy to sleep outside, usually in high places such as in a tree or on a roof. She absolutely loves the snow and snowy regions thus making her favorite season by a landslide, winter.
--Other Information-- Here is where I will put other information that I didn’t feel belonging to any of the previous groups of information, and nor do I believe I could write a whole section on it by itself.
-Relatives: Miku Hatsune (Mother; Yes, the Vocaloid), Teto Kasane (Mother; Yes, the Utauloid), Sylvia Hatsune (Wife), Miku Hatsune (Daughter; Named after her grandmother), Chloe Hatsune (Daughter)
-Allies: Sarah Alice (Close Friend; Soul Twin)
-Likes: Girls, Love, Fighting, Adventuring, Witchcraft, Tea, Cats, Sky, Puns, Sarcasm
-Dislikes: Guys, Not doing anything/Waiting
Fighting Style/Powers: She highly enjoyed close-ranged combat, primarily using her bare hands for hand-to-hand combat, a scythe, a spear, or a one-handed sword with an empty off-hand (rapiers are a particular favorite type of swords she prefers). As far as ranged combat goes, she enjoys and prefers bows, pistols and sniper rifles. As far as magic she uses it slightly more often than ranged weaponry. Prefering the elements of Dark and Ice, while next most commonly used would be fire. Other kinds of magic she has been depicted with is the ability to manipulate blood (while not inspired from, but was rienforced with/from Mirai Kuriyama from Beyond the Boundary) and telekinesis. She thrives on and is extremely fast, being usually one of the fastest people in her world. This also gives her a fairly strong reaction time as well.She sometimes is depicted as fairly strong physically as well, though not usually too far off from average in the world she is in. As far as style, she enjoys and tends to go along with more flair and aesthetic choices in her fighting, sometimes at the cost of efficiency. For strategy she tends to forsake it, while she is fairly intelligent and has the capability to be quite strategic, she tends to more commonly rely on raw emotion and instinct instead resulting in a more feral and sometimes beastial fighting style. As she can be reckless, she is highly aggressive and does not tend to protect herself, sometimes even getting hurt unnecissarily. As she really loves the sky she often dreams of flying, so she usually finds some  way to do so.
Possible Quotes: -”I love you.” -”Fight me!” -”Oh no~ how awful.” -“But why?” -”Meow.”
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kinsbin · 5 years
An Impulsive Purchase
Title: An Impulsive Purchase Ship: Of Kindness and Evil [Xena/Darth Maul - OC/Self Insert X Canon] Rating: T 
Summary: Xena is an indentured servant, paying her way out of her boss’ shop by working as hard as she can. When a mysterious stranger comes in looking for information, only to find her instead, his offer to pay off the rest of her remaining debt is more than surprising. What’s even more surprising than that, though? The reason why he did it.
A/N: Wrote a little fic about how Darth Maul and I first met and how he recruited me onto his ship! I couldn’t resist writing for myself a little between commissions ;w;
Tatooine’s sands were endless, but that was not something Xena wasn’t used to. She bore it as well as any native of the planet might do, with an occasional wince to her face as sand dug itself into her vision and comfort in the heat that burned her sweat-laden skin as she moved box after box of heavy supplies from her bosses shop onto a cargo-freight pulled along by droids who looked nearly bored in their impatience for her to finish up. She ignored them, too, for the most part, focusing instead on making sure that the cargo was not damaged in any way as it landed on the freight, less the price of each piece come in years until she was free from him.
Indentured servitude wasn’t the way she had wanted to settle into Tatooine, but it was the only way she could escape her native home and the war that ravaged it. The Clone War had devastated a number of planets and, she remembered back with bitter annoyance, the Republic was only so keen on helping those with little to no profit within the Galactic Trade Federation. So, stealing off on a cargo ship, her Boss had simply offered her a ride for a few years of helping him manage goods and wares on other planets. The deal was nice at first, and he treated her with respect. Not as a slave but as a co-worker pushing away a debt. There was, at least, some dignity in it.
“That’s the last box,” The man’s gruff voice echoed behind her as he pat the cargo with a caring gesture to it, “They’ll be going to take it off planet, I believe.”
Xena only nodded, her longing hidden behind a small wave of regret as she watched the cargo slowly fade into the distance of the setting sun. She had grown stir crazy too fast on this planet. On this little shop selling nothing but smuggled goods and secrets for those willing to pay the price for them. Her Boss wasn’t a cruel man, well, not a cruel man on the planet’s standards, but he had a set of demands that were required to be followed. Sometimes she was a scapegoat for work and money more than she was an actual worker in itself...
A sharp nudge on her side made Xena groan and wince, glaring up only slightly at the man to her side, who ruffled her short hair with a frown.
“New customers coming in, little one, focus.”
“Yes, Sir.” She responded with an automatic huff before focusing on the sight of those walking towards their shop. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared forward.
The man walking between two other guards was sharp looking in all senses of the words. The thick black coats he wore billowed in the sandy winds of the desert and echoed in their flapping. It hid most of his body well, but the vague remnants of light that did shine on his available face made the shadows of its hood cast further across him. The hints of crimson and black shone across his skin, horns poking slightly from the top of the hood as he moved forward. The billowing of his cape revealed a thin tube at his side. A tube that even she knew what the sight of meant.
Her Boss knew too. A slap to her back made her push forward towards the door of their shop.
“Go and set up in the shop, girl.” He hissed with a demanding tone in her direction. Xena scrambled into the cooler interior of the shop, organizing things here and there, though not really sure of what he wanted her quite to do. So she stood behind the counter and twiddled her thumbs, ears straining as voices grew closer and closer, her Boss’s above the rest as he talked about one thing or another to the new arrival with a nervous cadence about his tone. He was scared. She could feel it warp in her chest like a strong empathy and she swallowed at it, trying not to allow it to consume her. 
“The information you want is rare,” Her Boss’ words were sharp as he added, “The more rare the information, as I’m sure you know, the more expensive it is.”
The man had little words to this, his quip simple as he spoke in his dark, heavy cadenced growl:
“My master is willing to pay whatever is necessary to acquire it. Your price is no hassle.”
“Good, good,” He hummed with a smirk, gesturing to Xena after a moment, “My servant here keeps up to date on all going ons around Tatooine. I’m sure what you ask of her she will know.”
She tried to smile, but it faltered when the man looked at her.
His amber eyes were intense. More intense than she had ever seen in her life. Deep and terrifying, she felt something crawl out of him. An energy that touched at her and prodded with angry curiosity. Yes, she read in surprise, it was anger. Anger and a restlessness that filled her stomach and bit at her insides as their eyes continued to lock. What did he want to know, she wondered? What did he see in her that they kept staring like this? Oh god, she realized with horror, had she been the one staring this whole time? Was she the rude on here?
The stranger’s voice startled her as he drew closer, brow ridges furrowing as he gazed with something akin to frustration across his handsome face. 
“Y-Yes, Sir,” She murmured out after being addressed, “I... I know most of the going abouts here... Anything you ask I will likely-”
She quieted as he drew closer, squinting further at her and the feelings around his aura grew more and more intense with every second until they were a loud, screaming hum in her ears. Xena winced and bit her lip, trying to avoid his eye contact but she felt as though to pull away from that dangerous look would be a sin of some sort, so she remained compliant to the apparently silent interrogation.
“Sir,” Her Boss’ voice echoed above the screaming hum, “She’s an informant, not a whore. If you want to fuck her with your eyes like that then I suggest you-”
With a whip of his hand, the stranger sent the other man flying back, crashing into a nearby wall where he kept him there by the throat, struggling to breath where the invisible power clung to his trachea.
“Your sensitivity to the Force is something to be admired,” The Stranger spoke slowly, “... and something that may be used.”
Xena bit her lip, unsure of what else to say as she gazed on at him. Her eyes flitted to behind him, where her Boss hung groveling in pain. Seeing her gaze, the stranger pulled away from the other man, allowing his body to crumple to the ground as he gasped for air. Turning away from her, the stranger approached her Boss with an intense look in his eyes. She was starting to feel that all of his looks were intense.
“I have no need for your information,” His voice was even as it was dark, making Xena shiver, “But there is someone else I would like to purchase.”
Someone else... The word was not lost as Xena inhaled sharply. Was this man really... ?
“My servant,” Her Boss gasped bitterly, “Is not for sale, Sir. Besides, she is indentured. She will be free once her full debt is paid off here.”
There was a snarl to his features as he turned to face Xen again, bright amber eyes staring into her. Slowly, surely, she realized a sound rang out in her head. A voice, similar to the man’s but distorted in some way. She chewed on her lip as it murmured words softly somewhere in her brain.
‘Come with me.’
She could only find a small will to think in return:
‘If I were free, I would.’
Suddenly the stranger pulled a satchel from his side, the coin falling to the floor in front of her boss with a low clatter as he growled, “Will this cover it?”
She wasn’t even sure her boss counted before he agreed a little too eagerly.
And that was how Xena found herself being pulled away from her once home, turned prison and turned past residence. How she found herself trailing behind the Dathomirian Sith Lord known as Darth Maul. She said nothing as she followed him through the darkened sands of Tatooine, nor did he. They were silent until they reached his ship.
Upon entering it, Xena stopped her jaw from dropping. Stopped her eyes from wandering with too much awe as she pet at the smooth metal surfaces around her. A real ship. One she hadn’t ever been in before. The reality of her decision settled into her chest as the door closed behind her and the being before her stood, intimidating and taller than her, to look down with apprehension at her shrinking form. 
She licked her lips, knowing she was free but still scared to speak outright. 
“Speak,” He demanded, as though her mind was clearly being read. Xena exhaled.
“I appreciate your assistance in my debt,” She spoke finally, “But I’m still wondering why you would buy a random servant girl from a slum in Tatooine without even receiving the information you were bartering for in the first place.”
He said nothing for a long time, and it prompted her her next question:
“I don’t even know your name.”
Fingertips gripped at his hood and Xena inhaled. She watched as it fell away, rivulets of silken material balling at the base of his neck to reveal the intricate tattoos against red flesh that littered his entire face. The horns (there were more than one, she could see now) stood proud. Like a crown around his mind. It only made his gaze more intense as she looked him over, fascinated and curious and oh-so interested. He was... handsome, certainly. But her question still wasn’t answered, not even as he turned away from her and began setting up the cockpit in his ship for take off.
“You’re a Jedi, aren’t you?” She asked curiously. A mistake, it seemed.
He sneered from his seat and looked on at her, glaring sharply and making her flinch away from the look before he spoke with a spite in his tone the likes of which she had only heard in the most hated of enemies:
“No, little one, I am no Jedi.”
“Then what are you?”
“Darth Maul,” He spoke curtly, “is what I am called. As for you... You feel it, don’t you? The hum of the Force around you. Its substance reaching out to you. Touching at your core and burning at your fingers...”
Xena swallowed as she didn’t answer. He knew what her answer was. What she recalled as the memories of their voices echoing without words sounded in the distance. 
“Someone as Force Sensitive as you should not be ignored,” He continued, “and, with training, I can help you to use it. Help you to understand the power you weild.” 
It was all so much. All too much, almost. Xena’s head spun as she took it in. A Force user? Like the Jedi? Like the Sith? The man before her was clearly not on the Republic’s side, that was for certain, but did that matter? What had the Republic done for her? Not as much as he did, paying her out of her debt and taking her away from a planet of danger...
Slowly, she smiled. Excitement built and curiosity welled eagerly as she tightened her grip on her arms.
“I... I’m Xena,” She spoke softly, “Is there anything i should call you in particular, Darth Maul?”
“... Refer to me as Master from now on, little one.”
“Yes, Master.”
And it was the beginning, she knew, of something wonderful. 
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I'm a good writer, seriously!! lol - #1, 4, 5 and 10 ^_^
Thank you for the ask, @darknightfrombeyond!  I’m gonna do a little (lie, a lot) of shameless self-promoting to build up my answers here.
1. of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of? 
My longest and most updated work has been my HP series, The Barton Saga. I divide the years by stories, and of the three I’ve republished so far, I’m the proudest of second year (or Book Two as I labelled it), which is called “The Phantom Behind Me.”
The ‘republished’ part wasn’t a misspelling. When I began writing fanfics, it was with this series but the first round of drafts were, like, shameless self-insert and awful writing. Back then, I’d started only because I wanted to develop my writing skills in English (it’s my second language) and I wanted to have fun while doing so. When I was accepted into an university, there was a considerable development in my writing and I, attached to the story, I decided to give it an honest try and develop the characters more. 
What I did? I gave my OCs completly different personalities from their original ones. Anya Barton (my main muse) went from a timid girl to a girl with anger issues and once-mentioned OCs became supporting characters; they gained personalities while also becoming Anya’s moral compases (as in, they were gray characters who showed her there were more than just two paths to take). And instead of coming up with ideas on a whim, I had my defining plot twists/points written on a document.
Then my computer crashed and I lost all my work (I had up to sixth year). I was devasted and lost motivation. The story remained on hiatus for a while because my homework load increased and I was doing practice on the field. It was under this pressure that I decided to give it one final try—and rewrote the complete thing for a second time (and it is my current work). 
This time I have the finest details down on a notebook. The major plot points are still the same, but some were moved or added to further develop the background characters. Since this second rewrite, I’ve updating two chapters (of at least 6,000 words) every four-to-six months and I’m currently in the beginning of third year.
Now, why is “The Phantom Behind Me” my favorite fic? It’s because I, who’d started this project as a learning experience, reached a new level of dept. Yes, I’m bragging a little because I reached it (or better said, fell into it) but I can’t seem to get out of it as much as I try. 
You know what happens in Chamber of Secrets—the chamber is opened and Voldemort’s younger self is the culprit. But here, I shifted the other major plot point towards Anya—and somehow, the story went from a magical/suspenseful adventure to a psychological fight between a girl with trust/anger issues (and who has recently discovered a grim fact) and a sadistic teenager who, in his own way, believes has acted on account of Anya’s well-being (all while secretly plotting his evil plan). A lot is left unsaid in the writing, but what is implied it’s chilling and heartbreaking. 
That story is completed but I’ve left the characters at a standstill. Friendships at the moment are fraught and Anya’s mind is balancing the thin line between reluctant acceptance and despair. Like I said before, I can’t seem to get her out of that funk. And funnily enough, I know this is realistic—who has ever gone through a painful experience and gotten over it in two months? No one, at least that I know. 
So yes, this spiel is the reason why I both love and hate “The Phantom Behind Me” —I love it because it is my best work so far, but hate it because it hinders me from moving to what is supposed to be a fast-paced plot (in my case) with Prisoner of Azkaban. 
4.  what are some themes you love writing about?
I started out with romance (let’s be honest, who doesn’t with fandom?) but eventually chuked it (slightly) in favor of friendship and sisterhood. 
Both are current themes in all my works—for example, with “To Be Human” (a Flash fic), I flat out start with the OC and her love interest at odds and focus on contrasting their developing relationship with the OC’s defining relationships, in particular her best friend and her surrogate father. With the Barton Saga, the endgame is Harry Potter/OC, but they obviously forge their bond through all the life-threatening adventures they face (not to mention they are still growing and learning to be their own persons) and Anya also navigates the waters with tentative friendships (like Marie Harlaown, her smart-yet-romantic-at-heart Raveclaw friend, or Theodore Nott, the Slytherin who reaches out to Anya in the hopes of escaping his father’s shadow). 
The same happens with my other plot bunnies: my Doctor Who OC? She starts traveling with the Doctor because her best friend was kidnapped by an alien. My MCU OC? She’s Tony’s half-sister and the whole point of the series is how they bring out the best and worst out of each other while they learn to accept it and eventually grow to care deeply for the other.
5.  what inspires you to write?
It depends on what I’m doing or what I’m watching. Generally, I work best under pressure because it matches the hint of urgency underlying my stories. But it usually takes for some good sources (like, maybe a fanfic I’m reading of the same fandom or watching the source itself) to motivate me and I’m back to my little notebook of ideas. 
10. what are your strengths wrt writing?
I know how to develop an idea. No matter what I’m writing (it can be an essay or fiction), I always know where I start and where I end. Well, I don’t outright know, but before I write, I decide these two aspects. Personally, knowing where I’m going gives me a lot of leeway in developing the main idea/plot. 
Another strength that I’ve noticed (one that I decided to take from my favorite HP author on wattpad, K.M. Bell) is taking an overused plot/plot twist and give it its own plot twist. 
Examples in my stories (SPOILERS) (also shamelessly self-promoting): 
1. Anya is an orphan because of Voldemort (shocking, I know), but she is actually comfortable with her life. She is not mistreated and has had, in fact, a very good education and relationship with the employees of her orphanage.
2. It’s Albus Dumbledore who gives Anya her Hogwarts letter (even more shocking, I hope) and convinces Anya from leaving her comfortable life with a tantalizing offer of knowledge about her parents. Like in true canon fashion, he witholds the important bits, but this is because he knows too much about her family and has been judging Anya in base of that. (This eventually will result with Anya no longer trusting him and taking matters into her hands.)
3. Hermione is Anya’s best friend. At first. Because they have a falling out at the end of their second year (read question 1 above) and while they remain friendly, they don’t trust each other with personal matters anymore. 
4. SPOILER OF SPOILERS (but already revealed): Anya is Voldemort’s granddaughter. Her father, Alec Barton, who supposedly spent all of his adulthood fighting against Voldemort, is in fact his son.
Angelique Barton (Anya’s grandmother) hated Riddle throughout her childhood and gave a very twisted meaning to the quote “have your enemies closer” when she decided to enter a relationship with him. Angelique eventually realized how wrong her obssessive quest was and decided to take off with her son. Alec always knew his father’s identity, but it wasn’t until Voldemort made his first public appearance that he realized how deep both Riddle and Angelique had fallen and he, ashamed, decided to make a public stand against him under the belief that his good deeds would eventually outweight his parents’ mistakes. 
(slight spoiler) It didn’t work out as expected—evidence number 1 being Anya. 
So sorry for the long answers but I was inspired!
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grifalinas · 4 years
directium replied to your post “Hey you know who I haven’t talked about on here in awhile?”
Say stuff about them!! :D
So last time I played with this verse, I introduced Bubbles, intended to be their long-term nemesis. I’ve been thinking about her role in the story and I wanted to tell y’all about that.
So, for context, Bubbles is based on one of the first self-insert oc’s I ever created, and I’ve actually tweaked her very little from her original self. In the original, she was a genetically modified teenager with heightened intellect and various other powers who was using her abilities to do genetic experiments on small woodland animals and also take over the world. In Hope and Dark, many of those things are the same! While she’s not genetically altered or a teenager (she’s around Hope and Dark’s age), her goals and motives are still in-tact.
“So what’s with the megalomania? The world domination?”
“World’s a mess. Someone’s gotta fix it, might as well be me.”
According to her, she’s basically Magneto.
“You’re not Magneto.”
“I’m totally Magneto!”
To sum up, she reckons the world is in a terrible enough state that someone should do something and the current governing forces are no longer to be trusted. So she’ll just take over and fix things. However, she also uses her villain status to do morally grey or sometimes outright bad things, so she’s a definite case of “cool motive, still atrocities”. However, the style of motive means that I have openings to allow her to ally with the others if I want her to, which is where the fun comes in.
She also befriends Dark in their civilian lives- not by accident, they both look distinctive enough that they recognize each other, but as civilians there’s no need to fight, and they end up being friends. Dark doesn’t entirely disagree with her, and while he doesn’t want her to take over, he’s not completely against overthrowing the world’s governments and starting fresh. Besides, sometimes it’s refreshing to have someone morally grey to talk to.
He doesn’t tell Hope, though. For some reason Hope is against the idea of Bubbles having any selling points, which is wild given he reformed his first two villains and got so angry that Dark killed their third before he had a chance with him, too. Hope also reformed some of that guy’s minions, come to that, and now that we really look at it, Hope is all about trying to reform villains, so it’s awfully weird how Bubbles, his most morally grey villain since Dark (who was the “I want to cause problems on purpose” petty villain type), doesn’t get the same treatment. What’s your beef with my girl, Hope?
This has been stuff about them with Theo Grifalinas thanks for coming
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Fans & Shipping
I did a fandom post a while back that was mostly defensive of fandom and fans, while acknowledging that super-fans and stans can and do take their fandom way too goddamn far and alienate people.
But I've been a part of fandom, and with a fanfiction I'm publishing rn with a lot of ship tease in it, I'm worried that I'm going to be judged with the full fury of an active fanbase. And that's made me think about my values and my stance on fandom. Because as much as I can distance myself from fan culture due to the negativity I've experienced, I regularly engage with it. I am, for all intents and purposes, a fan. And a big part of my fandom experience has been with shipping.
So - shipping.
I understand why shipping is such a hotly contested aspect of fandom - to ship is to express a piece of yourself through a pair of characters. It's taking a piece of yourself and putting it into a character, then acting out something that means a lot to you. This can get ugly when you see this token of your self-expression being used in a way that you find jarring. I don't dislike this practice, or this reason for shipping - ultimately we're all trying to express ourselves and achieve that creative catharsis through our craft of choice. I also understand (at least one reason) why people get so defensive about ships. I get it, it happens.
With that being said, the lengths that some people go to in the name of protecting these feelings from harm? It's fucked up. Yeah, this ship may be precious to you for any number of reasons - going into a blind rage because someone doesn't share your vision of it still isn't acceptable, no matter how ingrained it is to your personality or your soul. People troll and gloat and act shitty, and that's worth a bit of backlash. But being so hurt over the thought of Person A piping Person C when you want them to pipe Person B, to the point of lashing out in anger - it's not healthy. There is a limit at which you need to step back and ask yourself if the emotions you feel are what you signed up for. There's a point where you need to wake up, shake out the cobwebs, and take a step back.
My big shipping fandom used to be Avatar: The Last Airbender. From 12 to 15, Avatar was my shit - I was around before the show ended, it was a big part of my childhood. I got caught up in shipping wars, I shipped Kataang and the "big enemy" was Zutara, and I was basically inducted into this shitty little community of shit where these two groups of shippers couldn't co-exist. But even when I was farting around this group, I was flexible in my shipping preferences.
I liked Kataang, but you know what else fucking rocked? Taang - Toph and Aang. There's one high school AU story with OCs and stuff that I ever read and enjoyed, and it was a Taang story. Another good one was Tokka - Toph and Sokka. Reminder, I was like 12 or 13 and I wasn't thinking about this like "wow theres an age gap", I was thinking about it like "I am 12 years old, and this is ~^~ROMANCE~^~". I preferred Tokka over Sukka, since I didn't watch a lot of season 2 or 3 for years. Yes, these are real ship names.
The point I'm trying to make is that even at my worst fandom periods, when I was indoctrinated with all this shipping war horseshit, I was never outright tied to a ship. I appreciated the different approaches that each ship took, I enjoyed the difference in dynamics. Yeah, Kataang was the endgame couple for me - they're sweet and they love each other and they can build a solid relationship built out if respect and love for each other. But Taang has reckless abandon being tempered by serenity, and unwavering dutifulness in turn being challenged by a selfish streak a mile wide.
It's fun to see characters affect each other like that. And Toph and Sokka were Snark Bros! Of course they'd grow up into endlessly snarking shitheads who can't fuckin spit it out already! Shipping was a way to explore and enjoy multiple facets of my personality, my tastes. It was fun.
How can you take an emotion like that - something that's meant to be sweet and good, something that's meant to make you feel good - and use it to scream at children who are half your age for not sharing your vision?
No joke - when I looked up Avatar fandom on Tumblr in 2013, there were 20 year olds stuck in the same shipping mentality that persisted when I was a kid, getting buttmad at 14 year olds for asking about the schism, for bringing fan negativity into the tag. Adults yelling at kids and treating them like shit.
When does a ship take over your life to the point that you're an actual grown-ass adult yelling at kids for not understanding it like you do? How do you become that selfish How do you stray from a path that used to make you so happy, and use it to harass and accost others?
Shipping is nice. I support shipping, I enjoy shipping. But I loathe people who take romantic pairings of fictional characters and use it to tie themselves in knots and torture themselves with grief when they're exposed to a thought they don't like. You can't keep living like that, and treating the people around you with contempt over it.
Keep in mind - I understand that ships can have problematic elements that personally repulse you or evoke personal memories that are incredibly unpleasant for you. I'm not talking about these ships, and telling you to get over the severe emotional hurdles that make the ships such a bad experience for you. Incest, underage, ships that are based on incredibly rapey undertones/overtones - all three, or any other distasteful combination of factors.
This post isn't intended to troll or shame people for hating a story about someone having sex with their siblings, for example. This is a callout post for people who see one ship, being shipped in good faith out of affection for the characters and their pairing, and have a nuclear fucking meltdown because "HOW DARE THEY WRITE HER AS DATING HIM, WHEN SHE BELONGS WITH THIS BOY INSTEAD!!!!!" Insert whichever pronouns or character names you like here, I'm speaking generally.
Also - I'm well aware that people have preferences! People find different things to love about their ships, and they can be as strict and adherent to their favorite ships as they like. Only shipping a single couple doesn't make you an asshole. It's when you see anything that dares to deviate from your one beloved path, to the point that you're feeling an urge to thrash someone over it. It's being a massive fucking douche-fuck to make people ashamed of an innocent crush they have on fictional characters, to make them afraid to express a genuine affection for what they're engaging in, because it opposes this one true path you keep bullshitting about.
In summary: fuck shipping wars, chill the fuck out. This pastime is meant to evoke positive feelings, not make you feel like vomiting. If you feel that bent out of shape over some genuine, innocent bullshit that does not, and will never, affect you outside of a small bubble of influence that you can step away from and moderate to your heart's content - step back, find something that's more emotionally enriching in your life and/or find a way to engage with your fandom on a healthy level. Getting this fucked up over shipping hurts everyone around you - but it also hurts you on a more meaningful level than you may realise.
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thehollowprince · 6 years
Hey, it’s the “coding” anon here and honestly that answer to my question was excellent and the exact reason I come to your blog. I would absolutely love to hear you go on about the fetishization of m/m relationships!
This has been sitting in my inbox for over a week, and I want to apologize. I'm sorry for taking so long to get to this one, but I'm overworked at the moment. I've been pulling 60+ hour work weeks, by myself and I haven't had off since the first of December, so I'm a little tired. But I'm here and I'm ready to murder this bitch of a subject.
For starters, and for context, in case anyone who sees this doesn't follow my blog or, if you do and don't really pay attention, I am a gay man, so a lot of this comes from my own personal experience.
Now, onward my fandom soldiers.
M|M Fetishization & Objectification
I've only been super active within fandom spaces for the last couple of years. Before that, I just scrolled through Tumblr and reblogged gifsets and fluffy headcanons and whatnot, but even then I noticed a trend in fandoms that made me uncomfortable. That trend was the overabundance of gay men (chatacters) in fandom works, especially when there either weren't any gay men in that show or book or whatever.
I'm not at all saying we need less of that. I want and need more gay characters in the things I watch and read. That's actually one of the criteria I look for before I start a new show, or a book series or comics. I want to see myself represented in the media I consume, even if it is only this one tiny piece of who I am. But the problem for me arose when I saw all these fan works and headcanons and gifsets and thesis length metas about gay or bi male characters that were neither of those things in their original source material.
The biggest examples of this occured in fairly popular shows that I loved at one point, but do to a combination of bad writing and then the horrible fandom, drove me to actively dislike and avoid them. And that's always a sad thing, when you end up losing the love you had for something because others just won't let you enjoy it as it is.
Those two examples are Teen Wolf and Supernatural.
For years I watched people go on and on and on and on about Stiles Stilinski and Dean Winchester and how they were bisexual and so on and so forth.
There's nothing wrong with headcanoning a character as gay or bisexual, especially when those characters are severely lacking on screen and on paper. The problem arose when the fandom at large started to ignore the ACTUAL gay or bisexual characters that are in these shows and focus solely on their headcanons as the only representation in the show.
To start with Teen Wolf, we had, in the first season, an openly gay character that everybody in the school loved, that being Danny Mahealani. This character was introduced as gay from the very start, but oddly enough, there is almost no large fandom meta or fics or anything about him. In fact, a lot of his traits and qualities ended up transferred to Stiles, such as his intelligence and overall popularity. Hell, even Danny's attraction to Derek was stolen and transferred to him. These aren't things that Stiles is overall known for in the actual canon. He's clumsy and socially awkward and on the outskirts of the school like Scott (the main character) and has been obsessed (to the point of being considered a stalker) with one girl since elementary school, but somehow, in fandom, Stiles is suddenly the genius polyglot queer with severe depression who has a crush on the broody muscular werewolf who just wants somebody to love him.
Fandom created this portrayal of the character that didn't exist anywhere in the fandom except for his appearance. The reason I saw behind this was twofold. 1: fangirls (fandom is mostly female) want to see two "hot" guys kiss and get it on because they get off to it, much in the same way that straight men get off to lesbian porn. 2: Stiles (or any of these headcanoned characters) becomes a sort of self insert.
What I mean by that second one is that women and girls find a male character that's not "too masculine", usually kind of gangly or skinny, somewhat on the effeminate side. Someone that they can project their ideas and insecurities and so forth onto so that they can that pursue that relationship with the hunky manly man that they want to bang.
You may be asking yourself, "Why don't they just use one of the female characters as a self insert?" and I'm here to tell you that I have neither the time nor the experience to go into detail about internalized misogyny and how effects the way women do almost everything, even watching and interpreting their media.
But the reason they chose the male character is that, years ago, during the dark days of FF.net there was a lot of self insert OCs that infiltrated almost every level of fanfiction. Which caused the fandom gatekeepers to rear out of their hibernation and just shame anyone who tried to introduce an Original Character to this already beautiful world and ruin it with their lusts. Thus the OCs slowly disappeared and identifying with the male sidekick was born. And this is generally where we get the whole "my smol gay son!" bullshit. (side note: please keep in mind that 75% of shows are male characters and their problems, which is another cause for female fans to identify solely with men.)
So, for years, I watched Danny, and then his boyfriend Ethan, being shoved aside in fandom spaces so that the fans could focus Sterek (Stiles and Derek) despite the fact that both characters were stared to be heterosexual and that, on screen, they expressed nothing but mutual dislike for one another, if not outright hatred. This got so bad that Sterek, the crack ship whose members had no romantic or sexual interactions whatsoever, managed to beat (by a very large margin) actual gay ships from both this show and others in a fan poll. It got even worse when the character of Danny was written off the show (with no explanation) and we were introduced to the character of Mason.
Mason Hewitt was everything that fandom!Stiles was. He was smart and funny and openly gay and crushing on a hot werewolf. He even did the research that the fandom loved to attribute to Stiles, literally everything that the fandom had Stiles doing in fanon, but somehow the love for him (Mason) wasn't that big of a note in the fandom. I mean, Mason was even a major plot point of season five and the pack's mission to stop the Beast, but i heard nothing but cricket chirps from the fandom.
You'd think that after Stiles was written out of the show for the last season that maybe Mason will get some love now, right?
I didn't think it was possible to get any worse, but the fandom proved me wrong. Because instead of focusing all their pent up energy on Mason and his boyfriend, Corey, who had a number of cute moments in that final season, these fans focused on another crack ship that had no basis anywhere except in their fantasies. That ship being Thiam, which is based, once again, around two characters who actively dislike, if not outright hate, each other and even physically assault one another. But no, that apparently is a display of affection by someone who is emotionally stunted and just needs love to blossom and be his true self.
You notice how often the fetishization of homosexuality (even if only imagined) intersects with woobification?
You'll notice, if you look at Danny and Mason, that they're both POC, with Danny being brown (Hawai'ian) and Mason being black. Now, as I've said before on this blog multiple times, I am the Whittest White Man to ever White, so I don't have any qualifications to talk about fandom racism, so I'm just going to leave that little nugget there for you to think about and interpret how you will.
Moving on to Supernatural...
Before we start with this one, understand that I have not watched this show outside of an episode here and there since season eight, because I realized that no, this show wasn't going to get any better, so if any of this is contradictory to what has happened over the past six seasons (god, this show needs to die!) I do apologize.
Dean Winchester... I never really liked this character, especially as the show went on and I started to actively dislike and then, hate him. So it was annoying not being able to go into any aspect of the Supernatural fandom without coming across a post about Dean and his issues or his Bi sexiness or how his brother was mean to him.
Also, people, understand that this wasn't a new revelation for me. My dislike for Dean and the fandom's obsession with making him bisexual just so they could hook him up with Cas wasn't an overnight decision. I was there...
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I was there at the Beginning, when this show first aired, when the ONLY constant characters on this show were Sam and Dean. I endured the hellfire that was Wincest and its infection of almost the entire fandom. Like, that right there, that was one of the most extreme cases of m|m fetishization I've ever seen, because the fandom needed to get off to two guys being together so badly that they turned to actual brothers for want of any other male character.
That's why Destiel immediately became so popular, because here was another guy that we saw with semi regularity that wasn't rated to the Winchesters, obviously they were meant to ship them.
Now, you may be asking yourself, "I thought this bitch was going to talk about gay fetishization, not his dislike for one character?" to which I'll just say I very easily go off tangent. But all of that is relevant because, come one of these later seasons, there was a scene where Dean was at a bar and the (male) bartender hit on him, and he didn't react negatively or homophobic.
Oh, my God, I watched my dash and the tags explode in post after post, meta after meta, about how Bi Dean was canon confirmed! Now he and Cas will HAVE to be together, because its canon that Dean likes guys. and Cas is an angel, who doesn't follow human sexual limitations, and... blah, blah, blah.
Cut to a few years later, and we're introduced to a character named Max Banes, a witch and hunter, who is openly gay and flirts with Sam in his first appearance. Where were all of his metas and fanfics and headcanons? Granted, he only appeared in two episodes, but I have watched people in this and other fandoms build mountains our of molehills, going on and on about how two male characters weren't actually straight and how they were destined to be together because the once wore similar style shirts a couple of seasons apart, or because of a carnation in a jacket pocket that signified love via the Victorian flower code (or something like that), or how the wallpaper of that room they shared a scene in was a subtle clue to their true desire for each other, etc.
And I'm not exaggerating there, those are actual examples I've seen in fandoms over the years.
But back to Max, why is it that he was left along the wayside, despite fitting most of the criteria that fandoms love in their m|m ships while Dean had entire thesis level posts about that time he shared a glance with Castiel or he let a bartender hit on him and not get upset?
And its not just these two shows, not by a long shot. If you were to go into literally any fandom of a certain size or bigger, you will come across fans putting two straight characters together because of "the chemistry" they have. Even if those characters are confirmed to be straight - especially if those characters are confirmed to be straight. Because when these loud fans don't get their crack ship that they rub one out to, they scream queerbaiting and homophobia and oppression, harassing the actors and producers and directors and writers.
Here are some others that just pop to the front of my mind...
Asher Millstone from How To Get Away With Murder (saw him shipped with Connor a lot, despite Connor's actual boyfriend)
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson from BBC's Sherlock
Tony Stark from Marvel comics (all because of one panel where he said "ladies and gents" when he announced he was off the market
Literally any male character in the MCU, which is his we get the things like Stucky and Stony that permeate the fandom on almost every level (and some leeway is given here because of the MCU's lack of wueer characters)
Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals (honestly, I was surprised that people in the TVD fandom weren't immediately all over Josh and Lucas, because they're literally everything that fans want and use in their headcanon gays)
Kol Mikaelson and Jeremg Gilbert, also from TVD
Elia and Filippo from Skam Italia (despite there being, once again, actual gay characters on this show. Hell, the entire second season was dedicated to a character coming out of the closet and being with a guy)
I could go on and on but then this post would seem infinite.
Closing thoughts, please keep in mind that I am just one guy and that my opinions don't represent everyone in fandom spaces. But also bear in mind, that my frustrations are well founded and valid from my own experiences in the fandom.
My sexuality and the fact that I'm attracted to men is not a toy for a bunch of sexually repressed fangirls who think two guys being together is hot.
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @whostheblondegirlwriting for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely E, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
*Disclaimer from E, herself: If you’re looking for some sage-like writery advice...keep lookin’. You won’t find it here. This whole fic writing endeavor is an adventure in “[shrugs] We’ll see what happens”. Behold! An odyssey of half-assed, one line inspo. Marvel at the absolute appalling lack of plotting and vision. Tremble at the underwhelming realization that “Huh. I could do better than that”. In short, at least you don’t pay money for this, right?
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
I have no idea, honestly. I signed up for AO3 to actually share it though in September 2015 when I was 36. So we’ll go with that.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I think I have done more reader inserts than OC, counting all the tumblr oneshots. But you can actually create something substantial with an OC. An OC makes you work. I prefer them.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
I don’t know if I’ve done enough variety to have a fav, honestly.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
I wouldn’t. They’re all mine and I’m proud of each of them, no matter how popular (or maybe I should say, unpopular) they are/were.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
Whenever I have the time! I’m not picky, because time is very hard to come by with my job anymore and the fact that my husband doesn’t know I write. Morning, noon, or night for me. It can be hard to sneak it in and still get everything else done.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
I don’t have a good answer for this and I’m laughing to myself thinking I should have one. Lol An idea comes up and I write it. That’s it. Shameful, I know.
7) In your Back to One series, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Oh, damn. Uhhh...I think I liked Sebastian fumbling through his confession to Lily in Montauk. But I also probably had the most fun with the “champagne incident” because it was for my tumblr-lifemate,  @ceebeetumbles.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Nope. It is what it is. You can’t please everyone and I don’t try. As long as I like it, it’s good enough. It’s not like anyone’s paying me for this, anyway. Lol
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Hmm. Right now, I’d have to say Jack Rollins, because he preoccupies so much of my writing lately. Besides his own fic, he’s also featuring in an AU for Echo that’s in draft. Considering he had two lines in Winter Soldier, I’m very proud of the interest and love my Jack gets.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Chris Evans, for right now. Only because he has been less than inspirational for some time due to his relative inactivity and, uh, [ahem] some personal choices he made. But I’m optimistic he’ll come back.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Back to One series?
The main character, Lily, goes through some personal and professional ups and downs as an actress. The phrase “back to one” is a direction for actors to go back to their first mark, so I thought it was fitting, as Lily would hopefully get things right, find her best self again, and have a fresh start as she meets different situations and opportunities in her story.
12) How did you come up with the idea for the Back to One series?
I thought I’d write a Sebastian Stan fic and figured a good match for him (and someone to help drive the story) would be an actress. But then I considered an OC like Lily could have more angles to write and it became really an OC fic that features Sebastian Stan. Oops.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
I haven’t ever abandoned a fic. I refuse to give up on A Touch Up and do write a line or two here and there, just nowhere near the volume I need to publish a full chapter like I used to. It ended up on the shelf because Chris Evans got so boring after Civil War premiered and the fic is literally built on what he was doing in his everyday life. I also have a personal distaste for Jenny Slate and I guess you could say his decision to date her made me doubt the version of him I’d created in ATU, which is a problem when your fic is paired so purposefully around the assumptions I/we all had made by that time about him.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’m doing it. Echo was my pet project and, though it has my smallest following for a WIP, I had enough demand/interest for the story to be told from another character’s perspective that Jack Rollins and the STRIKE Series were born. There’ll be some unexpected things along the way in that series that I hope those fans/readers enjoy.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
No. I’ve only ended a couple fics (Echo and Kindness). Everything else is still a WIP or open ended series that publishes oneshots every once in awhile. The rest of my work is basically oneshots.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Don’t laugh at me when I say I admire anyone who puts their work out there, even if it’s just a paragraph long imagine only on tumblr. It takes a lot of nerve, no matter what level your work is at or how big the scope. I’ve seen some good, bad, and ugly fic floating around, but I see value in it all and love seeing experience/determination help the writer evolve.
We ain’t all Hemingways or Shakespeares. And that’s okay. Some of the best writers don’t have thousands of followers and get hundreds of notes (but deserve them). And some of the behemoths out there aren’t necessarily turning out mind blowing fic, either. It’s a crapshoot and fandom can be fickle (if not downright confusing af).
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Not at all. If it posts, I’m happy with it.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Either is fine. I probably write more in quiet, though, because my husband works 3rd shift, so I’m mindful not to disturb him.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
No. Closest I could say to giving me my own feels was when I wrote The Death of Brock Rumlow (when it existed as part of the original Echo plot).
20) Which part of your Back to One series was the hardest to write?
I’m happy to say I don’t think there’s been a hard part to write for Back To One, or any of my fics. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Nope. No outlines or plans. I pretty much just sit down and write. If inspiration doesn’t hit, I’ll switch to a different WIP. If I have an idea for a line or scene I might make a note for later (maybe just a few words to point me in the right direction/remind me, or a line or two of dialogue), but once I get to it, I usually just write it out at once.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
How little time I’d have down the road for it. Maybe I wouldn’t have run such long WIPs/fics at a time. It feels like it’s been 100 years since I had time to open requests and I had to abandon a weekly posting schedule for 3 WIPs earlier this year because I just don’t have the time to manage the volume I used to anymore.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
OMG yes! Echo and its companion fic, Jack Rollins (and I’ll probably say the same for the au/the STRIKE series). At this point, I can confidently say the following for Echo didn’t carry over to Jack Rollins, but I knew both were niche fics in the beginning anyway. I’m grateful for the attention Echo got, but it was such a labor of love, I’d have liked to see it do better. I may only have several regular readers for Jack Rollins commenting or reblogging, but those few readers and myself are the ones I wrote it for, and that I’ll keep posting it for until it’s finished, regardless of how tiny the readership because I love it.  
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Not in an “oh, geez. Not that again” way. More like a “oh, stop. I can’t believe you guys like it that much” kind of humbled eye roll.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Obviously the celebrities like Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, technically yeah. I have no doubt that some of my own ticks, experiences, etc have made it into a character or plot, or things from people I know or have come across. Things you don’t necessarily draw lines between on purpose but maybe catch on to later, sure.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Any of the comments or messages from people who say they cried, laughed out loud in public, got way too giddy, or held their breath because of something I wrote.  They make me so happy, just to see someone got so lost or involved in a moment means I did a good job. Having someone say they reread a fic (or are reading for the X time) is a hell of a compliment, too.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
It was about A touch Up and how I had given the reader insert character, or implied, too much description (ex. noting that POC don’t blush as often as this girl did, when I wrote it as that feeling in the cheeks anyone can experience to convey her nervousness/embarrassment/etc at those points in the story so people maybe shared that sense as they read, not that she frequently ran around with a noticeable flush) and that, although I may not have said it outright, things like that apparently had made her so that she was obviously white. That ruined it for the commenter, despite there not actually being that much said about appearance in the story.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Rarely. @ceebeetumbles gets a snippet of a chapter thrown at her once in a very blue moon, if I want to be sure something isn’t too cliché or generally awful. Lol But there’s a chance she’s reading along with the fic, so I may not send the whole chapter. I don’t plot per se or collaborate with anyone though.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
Just the lovely people who’ve visited me on Tumblr or AO3.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
It’s a toss up between Frank Grillo’s appearance in A Touch Up and Jack Rollins or Eric Mickelson in Echo. I’m also a little fond of Drew Madison in Back To One.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
That I told you I’d post an update to a WIP, promised a drabble, or set a deadline that a request would be done by. So, really just my self-imposed “schedule”.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
I don’t really have one.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Nnnope. Lol
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
It’s a toss up between angst and fluff. They both come pretty easily. Honestly, smut is exhausting to write and I do so little of it because I don’t want it to be repetitive. Fluff is always fun. But, man...the possibilities with angst are pretty limitless, so maybe I’d lean a little more that way.
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badrpstories · 7 years
Heyo Mod Anna here and let me share my tale of bad rp shit in which I am simultaneously a bad rper and still better than these guys.
First of all though, lemme just say, Mod Lup and I, not entirely in the right. We’ve grown since this incident BUT it’s still a good story so here have fun with hearing about an entire group of shitheads.
So it all begins on the offsite location that Mod Lup and I rp on. The site is in fact home to a large variety of different communities and people tend to reach out to others who they want to invite to their rps all the time. No big deal. We’ve both been invited to several and the same with other people in our community even though we’re both fairly private.
The story begins with the time that everybody in the community got an invite to one of these separate communities but me. And it was literally, every active player but me got an invite. Now being the dumb and emotionally volatile Mod Anna I am I got offended over this because my community only ever rped with my community. I was a very active part and anybody who read our posts would’ve seen I was one of the more active players. Now I’ve suspected that this was because I rped a self insert in the rp because when I’m very close to people I bring out my self insert sometimes and the fandom just happened to be the one she was a part of, and the host just happened to be my then time exboyfriend/best friend. But we’re not going to get into that. So anyways I was offended and stewed and we went through their forum and it was glorious for a laugh. I’m talking they had sexual content in every thread even if it wasn’t smut (like they didn’t know how to rp a romance without it getting sexual bad) and they had a “lemons thread” and yes you’re reading that right, a lemons thread. And it was full of awful, anatomically incorrect smut  (including a dick penetrating into the stomach) that was literally one line or less. I’m not joking one liners in smut listen I don’t smut but even I know better than to think you can smut in one line or less. And to further the bad they really didn’t seem to know source material that well.
And so we got a good laugh, I got a bit huffy at them when they finally sent me a message inviting me, and after that they were forgotten in my mind besides as the really bad rp we could laugh at occasionally.
That was at least until months later, when they were STILL harassing several members of my community to join. Including my sister. We were all starting to get annoyed, it was around 2:00 AM my time, so we finally decided to retaliate to get them to stop. First it was just a friend stealing a second account of mine I used for talking to a couple of people I didn’t want on my main account to be a bit trolly. Then a couple of friends, I’ll call them Music and Ghost got involved once the big post was deleted. Which was understandable since they were the other two members still being harassed about this rp the most (I think they’d received four messages since the initial one. My sister got three for sure. And I think another person got two.) They immediately went on and started pointing out the bad smut.
This is when Mod Lup and I got involved. Since she’s a sex repulsed ace and I’m a sex repulsed ace (although at the time I thought I was sex neutral) so we decided because we actually write more than one liners, we’d have to be better at smutting than them, which we probably are. So we went on using a set of accounts dedicated to a set of fictional brothers and said so ourselves, acting completely in character because why not? But we also very much used our actual pronouns and completely pointed out and anybody who knew the characters our paired accounts were based on would kinda know we were just acting in character. 
Then when they got all upset at us acting high and mighty over the fact that we were better smut rpers, they challenged us to a smut war. Which is far. Now Ghost and the friend who stole my alt are underaged, so we immediately banned them from the smut, so that left Music, Lup, and I. Since Lup is sex repulsed, Music and I volunteered to smut and I explained that we’d be the only ones up for the smut war because of the above reasons. So we take a couple of Lup’s ocs and actually start smutting. Now Music and I are real close so we had a lot of fun with it, worked on the buildup, spent time fleshing out the posts while continuing to chat in the ooc thread with people.
And then somebody came on and outright said that asexual people were just people who couldn’t get sex.
I was literally floored. Yes I came on and screwed with their forum but I expected them to make fun of our smut. I was ready for it. I did not expect them to say that asexuality didn’t fucking exist.
Like talk about your aphobic assholes. We left after it was clear they weren’t going to accept asexuality was real. And it was so ridiculous. I’m not saying I was in the right but at least I wasn’t bigoted either.
For the record, here are some quotes from them:
The only women we have either want to be men or don't like sex... So take your pick. (In response to Mod Lup pretending to flirt.)
“Want to be men” so they’re trans and they are men. Not want to be men.
The temptation to say asexuality is just a cop-out for those who can't get laid or choose to save themselves for marriage is increasing every time I see those words. 
I'm not saying there is no such thing as a lack of sexual attraction, because there are relationships that don't have sex in them. That's entirely up to the couple. The largest number of vocal aces though just happen to be Tumblrinas who Love to exaggerate everything. You all do you how you'd do you.
The second was the post that made me drop it, because the second isn’t a lack of sexual attraction and the fact that they used “tumblrina” was enough to prove they were an asshole.
Oh yeah, and they left this lovely gem about us:
Waluigi: A pompous douche who actually believes we believe he knows biology and is not more-than likely just a 7th grader fresh from sex ed with more Mario puns than there are Sonic games. (Side note: Likely lied about having experience other than hentai games and pornhub premium)
Ghost: Didn't get much, but he seems to be a chaotic neutral in a way. Though, this is likely derived from my knowledge on his personality being minimal at best.
Actually not a participant of our forums: One of the people who ruined Undertale for the world, as his/her post clearly states; 'if you're gonna sin you gotta do it right tho' and likely enjoys having sex with an underage goat boy.
Music: Just another random I didn't get enough info on during that little dispute. Made a few grammatical and spelling errors but I won't use that as an insult as that's the most petty form of insulting another individual. Though what I did get was that he/she is also into undertale and since she had talked about our smut being "Low quality" when she CLEARLY knows how to smut better. More-than likely on a smut forum to have sex with dog cats named 'Tem'
Yuuka Sakazaki (Mod Lup): I'm afraid I don't have much to say about this one. He/she came in, insulted our rp style in terms of our smut, said they don't like our forum, and then proceeded to try and act like they wanted to stay and be friends. A two faced bitch at the very best and likely a liar at the worst. But that's just how I took their interaction with us. Used this format rather frequently to likely signify thoughts rather than speaking out loud for some odd reason since everyone can read it.
Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane (Myself): Likely also lied about being ace since he/she stated that they've never had sex. So (Jerkwad) more-than likely hit in out of the ballpark with his comment. Also insulted us based on 'how we write our smut' and then proceeded to say he and his "Brother" had done nothing to us, even when his "Brother" claimed to have a boyfriend and "Could have sex whenever he wants" even though he said he wanted to seduce our women after saying he was, indeed, "Ace". He's likely just a two-faced liar like his "Brother" And has no place here if he's going to act like he did with his band of merry men.
Yeah I forgot to mention that they took somebody trolling as Waluigi seriously.
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skarmorydraws · 7 years
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Team FAWN: Fallow Coklat and Naja Hong
Over the past few months, I’ve been binge-watching and binge-rewatching the amazing web cartoon series known as RWBY, and I’d highly recommend checking it out - all the episodes are available on YouTube - for its wonderful worldbuilding and characterization. It seems that almost everyone in the FNDM has been making OC teams for the heck of it, so I figured I’d try the same, even though I plan to use mine for a pet project I’ve been planning for a little while and I'm trying to give thought to how it’s gonna go down (though IRL things aren’t making it easy...).
Team FAWN (I believe that falls under the color naming rule like the individual names do, since “fawn” is a color) is a combination of my own selfish desire to stick a self-insert into over half the fandoms I’m a part of and my desire to envision Remnant-verse AU versions of some of my OCs. Unlike Team RWBY but like the other team I’ll be featuring in the planned project, Team FAWN will have gender equality with two males and two females. I have one of the girls sketched but have yet to work on the other one, so I’ll post them both when I get her done. For now, I’ll just put the boys up because I had them floating in the drafts pile and couldn’t not reveal them publicly. Details under the cut!
Fallow is a combination of several things: as noted above he’s basically my shameless RWBY self-insert, though unlike far too many terrible wish fulfillment fanfic OCs to count, he isn’t in a romantic relationship with any of Team RWBY, nor does he even know they exist... okay, well, he does, but he’s never met any of them in person, so that kinda counts, too. He’s also based off two of my favorite fictional characters, Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6 and Pit from Kid Icarus - I was debating whether to make RWBY characters based on either or both of them, because I have a Remnant-verse character based off Violet from The Incredibles as a planned PPC agent, but I later realized that since Hiro, Pit, and I have so much in common, Fallow fills that niche quite nicely already. Anyway, he’s a peregrine falcon Faunus and a dual shout-out to the Maltese Falcon (his wings are based off the Falco peregrinus brookei subspecies specifically) and Rama, the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu and the protagonist of the Ramayana epic (Hinduism is a frequently practiced religion in Indonesia, my parents’ ancestral country, and the theme of Team FAWN’s members is multicultural folk heroes). Fallow wields a Ballistic Arbalest/Shield Hybrid called Narayanastra, named after the personal scatter-shot weapon of Vishnu, which is basically a shield that can open up to form a crossbow/pickaxe hybrid. I don’t think I’d like getting up close and personal with people in a fight and I’m more of a defensive sort of person in character, and I like shooting stuff from afar, so a shield/bow hybrid is what I’d carry as a weapon.
I like to think that like Blake, Fallow hails from Menagerie, although he never associated with the White Fang and once things went south for them he simply went to Beacon a year early (like how I went to college early). He struggles a bit with making friends due to his odd mannerisms and habit of self-seclusion, but is fiercely protective of those he has and, as Team FAWN’s leader, has the smarts and empathy to coordinate team efforts - if only he had the willpower! His Semblance is gravity manipulation, partly because it was the closest thing I could think of to outright flying (I like feeling lightweight) and partly because I most often like to imagine having mobility beyond the boundaries of physics and common sense like wall jumping or ceiling clinging - it’s my second most favored power after flight. (His wings, feathers, and accompanying anatomy, by the way, are derived from this lovely tutorial.)
Naja is based on Ne Zha, the Third Lotus Prince from Chinese mythology and one of my favorite mythological figures (who is planned to show up in one of my own original writing projects, btw), and minor changes aside, his design is ripped off almost completely from Fire Lord Ne Zha, my absolute favorite skin for the lil’ guy’s SMITE incarnation. The fact that the voice actor for that skin, Howard Wang, also voiced Whitley Schnee was a happy coincidence that I didn’t find out about until after I’d already drawn him! Naja’s personality is lifted directly from the voicelines of that skin, which I interpreted as a showy daredevil, though I also gave him a flirtatious streak to further the contrast with Fallow (I’ve sucked at every attempt at dating because I’m too introverted; I like to imagine Naja sucks at dating because he’s too extroverted, though! XD). His weapons are, of course, the Flaming Spear, a sniper rifle with an extra-long barrel that doubles as the shaft for a guandao (a Chinese blade on a stick), and the Universe Ring, a bladed hoop that can be thrown like a killer frisbee and also folds up to form a rifle stand (the Wind-Fire Wheels are his rollerblade boots here, and the Armillary Sash is his belt). Unlike SMITE’s Ne Zha, I see him as the long-range support gunner and drive-by flanker (though his guandao is no joke at close range either), and to this end his Semblance is called “Deadshot” - combining telescoping vision and invoked contrived coincidences, he literally cannot miss a shot, like the superhero of the same name from Suicide Squad.
Naja is the street-smart, wisecracking, womanizing adrenaline junkie of Team FAWN, and originally came from a small town in Vacuo, where he got into a widely scandalized two-man war with the Big Bad of the planned writing project, who I won’t name for now because spoilers ;). Though the escalating conflict forced him to leave the town and ultimately Vacuo altogether, all hasn’t been lost for him, since the ensuing journey gave him a lot of knowledge about how to survive in such a hazardous world as Remnant, at least until Ozpin found him. By the time the controversy he’d stirred up in his youth caught up with him again, he was already a student at Beacon, and he managed to divert the scandal into outright notoriety and forged quite a following around his outrageous tall tales of his death-defying adventures - for as the adage goes, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. Despite his blowhard nature, though, his capability is nowhere near unfounded, and in fact he was the first member of Team FAWN to decide to stick around to protect the evacuating citizens during the fall of Beacon, motivating the rest of them to do the same. For both his fans and his team, it was the moment when he finally lived up to his stories, and he’s been learning since then to value those who admire him and respect their strengths in return.
Stay tuned for the girls of Team FAWN - after I get them done, that is... hopefully this weekend I should have the last member sketched...
RWBY (c) RoosterTeeth
Team FAWN (c) me
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