#that baby i took a pic of is still nameless
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
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Also i forgot to post this but PAPA TURTLE ALSO SPOTTED
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 4 - The Book
Keigo woke up with the sun on his face, as he looked at the other side of the bed he noticed that (Y/n) wasn't on the bed anymore.
He sat up, now with the daylight coming in through the windows he could see how comfortable the small house really was, even if it wasn't so clean.
(this one was the closest from what I was imagining)
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When he was about to get up the front door opened, and he smiled brightly when he saw his caretaker, but also his nee-san.
She looked at him and smiled back while coming closer. "Good morning baby bird, would you like some breakfast?"
Keigo eagerly nodded and raised his hands for her to pic him up.
She chuckled at his child action, since he was so serious when they arrived.
(Y/n) was happy that he was warming up to her so fast.
'He must have been starved for affection' she picked him up and went out of her small house. "Since you are okay with everything, but malnutrition, you can start your classes today, we will begin with the basics, how old are you baby bird? "
Keigo blushed at the new nickname "I am 5 years old"
"Do you know how to write or how to read?" (Y/n) set him down on the balcony, so she could cook without a problem.
"I kinda know how to read, but I don't know how to write"
"No can do baby bird! You need to be smart to be a hero, but don't worry, we have a long way to go"
He nodded and watches as she makes some pancakes and some waffles.
"Your mother went out to buy clothing, so it will be just the two of us"
Keigo nodded again.
"Since you have eaten so little food I decided that you now have to discover what you wanna eat, okay?"
Y/n puts two plates in front of him. "This here are pancakes, they are really soft and fluffy" she points at the plate with pancakes "and those are waffles! Crispy and soft inside, both go well with jam, honey and fruits, you can pick one of them, and we go eat at the dinner table"
Keigo nods and thinks hard about which one he wants "c-can I have both?" He looked at her hopeful
"Of course! But that's too much food for you, would you be okay with sharing with me?" She takes the two plates and put them on the table.
"Yeah! No problem" He got on the chair in front of the plate and watched her putting half of the waffle with half of the pancakes.
"Tell me which one do you prefer, okay?" Y/n sat beside him and ate her food.
But when Keigo took a first bite of his the pancakes he was mesmerized, she chuckled at his reaction and keep watching him.
He then tried the waffles and nodded with a smile, Keigo points at the waffles and says "I like this one better!"
"Oh! Okay, from now on you can choose what you want for breakfast, but only for a bit, since you are anorexic, but when you get better you will start a healthy diet, but don't worry, everything will be super tasty" Y/n smiled and petted his hair
He nodded and got back to eating.
After they ate and cleaned the kitchen Y/n gave him on some new clothes, which he put it on, now they were ready to start studying.
On the same office Keigo had found the day before was the place where he would learn more.
"Please sit down, we will start with the basic" Y/n gave him a note book, a pencil, a sharpener and an eraser.
He sat down and took the pencil in hand.
After going through her clothes she put a children's book on his table.
"First we will do some reading since you already know how to do it, then we will do the ABC"
(I know it's kanji, katakana and hiragana for Japan, but since I don't know he will be learning English as his main language)
"Now, please read the story to me" she sat down on the floor next to his chair.
Keigo nodded and started reading "Once u-upon a t-t-t-..."
(if it's like this  then it's the story they are reading.)
"time" she whispered to him
"Once upon a time! There. was. a. p-p-poor. girl" The image showed a girl with a dead body covered by a sheet and a small flower on top of it, besides her. "She. was. so. p-p-p-poor. that. she. co-coul-could-...."
"couldn't. afford. her. mother's. fu-fu-fu.ne.ral, nee-chan what's a fu.ne.ral?"
"It's a ceremony that we do to mourn the loved ones that died. You are doing a good job" she pets him "keep going"
"H-her. mo-ther's. bo-dy. rot-ted. besss... besiiiiii- be-si-de. her, what is rotted?"
"You know when you eat an apple and after some time it gets all brown and icky?"
He nodded.
"What is happening to the apple, is that she is rotting, everything that is alive rotten when dead, you can take a break now, I will read it to you, here have some water" she took the book and gave him water bottled.
Keigo got down from the chair and sat on her lap, drinking the clear water happily.
"With only rain water to drink, it was hard to know when she was going to drink clean water again, the food that her mother had left on the fridge before dying was rotten, and even so, since she was hungry and had no other option, she ate it, even if the little girl knew that she would get sick, because even if she was sick, she still had a life to live, even if it wasn't a healthy life"
"Oh no! I never had to eat rotten stuff... she needs a hero!"
Y/n chuckled and nodded "Let's see what else happens"
"After all the food was gone, and her mother's body was stinking so bad that she gagged even staying inside the house, the little girl decided to no longer live there, she knew that outside wasn't as good as the inside, but at least she wouldn't be besides her rotten mother."
"Me and mom had to live in the streets too... I hope that someone helps her like they did to us..."
"You got this chance on your on Keigo, you made the commission look your way, you deserve being taken care of, and you deserve having a chance to become a hero. They didn't take in a random kid, they took in Takami Keigo, a future pro hero, this wasn't charity, you did this on your own"
He looked at her and looked back at the book thinking, but nodded showing that he understood.
"The nameless girl sat on the floor and waited for anyone to throughout any kind of food, passing day and night going through a lot of trashcans until a teen took notice of the small kid on the alleyway when he was walking home, the boy had shoulder length black hair, and black eyes, getting closer to the small girl he kneeled in front of her.
The nameless girl took a few steps back, afraid of being yelled at or punched again.
"Hi" said the boy, but the girl didn't answer, she was ready to run away at any second. "You look hungry, would you like some food?" the girl was famished, she hadn't found anything big to eat in 2 weeks, only eating small bits of what she found."
"He looks evil!" Keigo looked at the drawing of the teen.
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She chuckled at that "He does, doesn't he?" Y/n smiled fondly at the drawing "but not everyone that look scary is evil"
"Like Endevour?"
She nodded "like Endevour, now back to the story"
"She knew not to trust strangers, so she keeps herself away from him, but nodded indicating that she indeed was hungry.
"Here, it's not much, but I think you will like it" the teen wanted to give her a curry bun, but she refused to get close to him, he sighed and put the wrapped bun on the floor "I have to go, but I hope to see you tomorrow" the black haired boy got up and went outside the alleyway not looking back.
When his steps couldn't be heard the girl got close to the bun, she cried while eating it, it was delicious."
Y/n closed the book "Now we will practice some writing"
"But we didn't finish it! I want to know if they are going to see each other again!" Keigo whined trying to convince her to keep reading.
"Since you only read a little I only read a little, when you can read better we will read more of it.
He sighed defeated, knowing that he couldn't change her opinion, but it only made him more determinated to be better at reading, to be able to read more, and know what happens to the nameless girl.
Yoh, hope you are enjoying it  <3
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(Still nameless project) Character and Species master post
Soo how some might have noticed I am working on an original Idea for a comic and this will be my Character master post which I will add to whenever I got a new addition for the cast.
The premise of the story basically some aliens going on an adventure to find earth and join a supposed interplanetary peaceful conglomeration because they caught a transmission of an old cheesy and corny scifi series (ala star trek or well early Perry Rhodan when you actually know that novel series you get a free smooch from me)
The Lophorel and the Narlaha
Those are the first Species to be introduced and well the ones where the original three crew members will start off .
For demonstration purposes I include a pic of the parents of the first three bc I still need to make a general species guide for them lol
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(From left to right: Shejeren, Noroph'a, Uruphija'l, Charalah I will give some short specific info about them later lol)
Both species share one planet which is the second in their solar system and has three moons orbiting around it.
The Lophorel are native to surface of the planet and usually have a skin color ranging from very light blues to dark purples. They have gem like growths on their heads which is surrounded by a skin covered bone structure which either is build like an ark or a row of lill spikes. They have pointy ears and their bigger eyes have octagonal pupils which form a cross when constricted. Usually their Iris has the same color as their gem and their Sclera is black, in rare cases there can be mutations of color tho. With their eyes they can perceive a wide array of colors and even some elektro magnetic phenomena in their environment but they are pretty much blind in low light situations. They usually wear longer hair (short hair is seen as obscene in their culture) in different braided styles. While white hair is the most common hair color in their species there are also variants of reddish browns that can occur. They aren't very strong however but do to their legs agile and good at jumping. Height wise they can get from 1,60 m (5' 2'')up to 1,90 m (6' 2'') They are generally hermaphrodites and don't have naval  due to laying eggs. They use the terms Eren (Seedgiver) and Ophat (shellcarrier) to adresse their parents and it occurs that siblings from the same parent pair use diffrent terms for addressing the same parent. They also number their children with the last sibille of their name so for example having 'rel' at the end of a name means that it is the first hatched child YEP I gonne write a language guid later someday lol . While being omnivore they have developed a distaste to eating meat and as a culture live mostly vegetarian.
The Narlaha are used to live mostly under the surface of the planet and are often called Nipht by the Lophorel which is similar to calling someone and earthworm. In turn the Narlaha call the Lophorel Kar'alarf which literally means stone-head. They are significantly smaller than their surface dwelling neighbors and only get around 1,50 m (4' 9''). They have four arms and are significantly physically stronger. Due to their carnivore nature and history of hunting they have sharp claws and teeth and usually a very dark grey skin completion mixed with red markings which makes them blend in with their stone surroundings. Their four eyes are one tones and most of the time their eye colors range from white grayish to red. They may only see the world in reddish and green tones but they have excellent vision in dark areas. The bone structure on their head helps them sensing vibrations from their surroundings. They are more like us humans when it comes to their genders and sexualities soo no big explanation here. But they don't really have their own names instead a family name is given from the chosen parent to the child with either a 'lah'(born female), 'ren'(born male), 'len' (born intersex) at the end depending on the biological sex they are born with. Also they tend to have brown to black hair only sometimes they mutate blond hair. Also there are albinos I'm the Species
In the history of their species they obviously didn't get along very well most of the time so after a view wars the Lophorel sadly established a trend of enslaving the Narlaha bc the Lophorel (having the advantage of not limited airspace) were technology more advanced than the Narlaha, who due to limited space couldn't build respected deferenses against the most of the time vibration based attacks of the Lophorel. While the violent ages of this planet are now gone both their cultures got so accustomed to the practice of slavery that there are barely any objectors on both sides of the coin. Still during the events of the story there some thing about to be changed lol.
And now off to a few words to the named characters above. They are as stated the Parents to the first three crew members of the story. Noroph'a is a rich space miner that makes his living with deploying mining ships to other planets of their solar system. They married the way less fortunate Uruphija'l due to practicality and the wish to produce taller offspring (They are a little insecure about their height). Both of them are rather strict and caught up in outdated social rules. After they conceived their first egg they bought Shejeren and Charalah bc they also were expecting a child and Noroph'a wanted their offspring to grow up with an always present play buddy bc he also grew up with a Narlaha play mate. After Charalah gave birth to a little baby daughter (Shejelah) She and her husband were kept as bodyguards for the two Lophorels while a third Narlaha took care of Shejelah and the now also hatched Ala'phrel.(Charalah and Shejeren already had a older child Chararen who at this point already worked in a diffrent household [Narlaha children get independent pretty quickly]). In general where the two Narlahas pretty happy to have landed in Noroph'a's household because their new daughter now had the privilege to get the basics of a good high tier education together with Noroph'a's offsprings which would mean that she could later find a home as a home preschool teacher which is considered a honorable position for a  Narlaha. Noroph'a  and Uruphija’l had one more child (Nirlaph) and even tho Shejeren and Charalah tried to also conceive again Shejelah stayed the only young Narlaha in the household. 
On to the important peeps
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(From left to right Nirlaph, Ala’phrel, Shejelah)
Growing up together the three established a strong bond and even tho it was planed to send Shejelah away as she got old enough to be sold off again Ala’phrel and Nirlaph both protested against their parents wishes and kept Shejelah around. This is partially because when they were younger and first got to have tech based toys the three of them build a simple signal receiver which accidentally lead them to catch an old transmission of a show called "Captain Jacks search through the stars" which depicted a utopian society without racism and slavery. They didn't understand a word of what was said in the show but the depiction of different races (even tho they were suspiciously similar in general looks) working together seemingly without race hierarchy fascinated the three kids to such an extend that they from there on strived to one-day be able to meet Captain Jack and his Crew and join their ranks. They over time established a translation of the alien language and made it their own. Learned all principles which Captain Jack resided as foundation of the peaceful planets conglomeration and started studying all skills need to actually fly a space ship.
Even tho the three kids treated each other as equals the older they got the more Shejelah had to oblige to the house rules, meaning she had to adapt to the servant clothing, had to learn formal speaking rules and wasn't allowed to speak without spoken to in general. While she did conform to those rules to some degree the suppressed aggression against them lead to her having a very strange relationship with human swear words. She really likes to sprinkling them in when she has the opportunity to speak freely. In general she seem to be a rather reserved individual (despite the swearword occasionally slipping out) but that's just as long as she doesn't trusts you. At times she seems to be just a tad sassy which is a way for her to handel her insecurities about her social status and her struggle to actually  come forward with requests  regarding herself, bringing her ideas forward or just simply saying ‘no’ to a request. It is very important to her to be able to choose her own clothing and she often will change her outfits as she sees fit just because being forced to wear a unified and dull outfit for most of her life evoked a desire of outward expression of herself in her. So even tho she dawns a version of the uniform they have seen the crew members of captain Jack wear she  will take her own spin on them and  proudly wears her own creations. She wears an open nose ring to honer her upbringing as slave and symbolize her now found freedom. Shejelah is often called just Jelah by her two friend after  seeing the crew members of Jack using Nicknames for each other, while this is a shorter version of her name it also means ‘brain’ in an ancient language of the  Lophorel. And indeed a brain she is, not just having the strength of her species  Shejelah is quite smart and has a high interests in quantum physics and chemistry. She will often work together with Nirlaph, who has a interests into engineering to invent and upgrade all sorts of gadgets and knickknacks.   Speaking of Nirlaph (Nick: Nor translatable with ‘fluffy chicken’) they are non a less brilliant but suffer a severe case of being skittish and uncertain. As the younger sibling they often had to live to the standards the older one leid down first  and while they are in many aspects superior to their sibling the stress of being held up to already high standards got to them at a young age. So while they are capable of being  brilliant and an absolute genius their anxiety and stage fright often hold them back. So more often then not they tend to overthink decisions and either screw something up in the execution do to the anxiety or just not doing it at all even tho deep down they know they should have. They still don’t hold a grudge against their older sibling to the contrary they heavily rely on the fare more outgoing and intuitive  Ala’phrel to pull them for Support and to just pull them against  through it. But other than  Ala’phrel and Shejelah they prefer to keep to them selves  often working in the dead of the night and in secret  on their projects  to avoid the awkwardness that brings working under the public eye. But also he refuses to give their  and Shejelah’s brilliant invention to a society that wouldn’t even acknowledge Shejelah’s part in them  which they think is way greater than their part in them. So even if both of their work could have revolutionized the space travel of their society they keep their inventions a secret which will later be to their advantage. But well without  Ala’phrel the trio wouldn’t get to the point where they will find them selves.  Ala’phrel is bold, charismatic and understands how to get their way. They are the driving force behind the whole story dragging the other two further  into the right direction. While lacking the brilliant and deep understanding of the scientific backgrounds  their bordering on delusional positive attitude and admiration of the concepts  they have seen in the show keeps them all moving forward. Ala’phrel isn’t shy of justifying controversial actions ( like stealing a ship from their parents) with the greater  intention behind them which sometimes leads to further trouble they need to deal with together with their friends which more often than not build the perfect contra weight to  Ala’phrel ‘s at times insane schemes. They definitely are a bit too much obsessed with captain Jack and his crew and them being real so you could say they are a super fan. But in the end they have good intentions even tho they lack the experience they always try to do the best for their friend and for themselves.
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this-lioness · 5 years
So like... it’s been a really weird fucking couple of days.
I thought about password protecting this, ‘cause not everybody needs to know everybody else’s shit, but I’ll try to summarize in a way that doesn’t incriminate anyone.  Not that I think anybody cares.  This is gonna be super fucking long, so hold onto your butts.
Husband and I belong to a smallish but close circle of friends.  We all largely met one another through one another, if that makes sense.  Like, Person A and Person B meet Persons C and D, then A and B meet E, who has a lot in common with D, and they become friends, and then C’s roommate F starts tagging along to stuff, and now we’re all bowling together or some shit like that.  So when someone in the group meets someone new, and gets along with them, it’s a pretty sure thing that sooner or later they’re just going to be part of the group eventually.
This has worked out really well for us. But... there have been some exceptions.
Case in point, Husband and I met and became friends with a local dude who we thought would integrate well with the group, invited him to our local NYE party, and it seemed like he was starting to blend with everyone.  But then the dude started flaking out, and the fact that at 30-something years old he was still floating from retail job to retail job, didn’t really bathe or keep himself groomed very well, was telling weird, vague lies about completely unnecessary stuff, and we were kinda like... yeah... maybe we don’t want him super involved after all.
But like, you don’t know until you try, right?
A few years ago Husband and I were tabling a local geeky convention of some kind, and we ran into this chick -- we’ll call her Selina -- who was cosplaying there with her best friend -- we’ll call him Logan.  Logan and Selina, with me so far?  They seemed nice enough, typically geeky folks that we had a good deal in common with.  We became Facebook friends with them both.
Something to note about Selina: She was married.  She was also an avid cosplayer and pretty talented makeup artist.  She posted lots of pics of herself in costume on her IG.
Something to note about Logan: In spite of the fact that Selina was married, it was painfully, excruciatingly obvious that Logan was in love Selina.  Like head-over-heels, constantly making “vaguebook” posts pining away for someone nameless who he yearned for deeply, etc.  Like... nobody ever acknowledged that it was Selina that he was in love with, because she was married and she clearly had no feelings for him, but e v e r y b o d y knew.  You couldn’t NOT know.
Not too long after we met them and connected with them on social media, one of our good, dear friends (let’s call him Jay) messaged me privately and said, “Hey, what do you know about Selina?”
Long story short, Selina was really into roleplaying.  Jay mentioned he wanted to give it a shot, and wanted to check to make sure she wasn’t, like, crazypants.  We still didn’t really know Selina all that well, but we told Jay that she seemed cool, and there was no reason to think she was crazypants.
Jay was like, “Cool,” and so Jay and Selina began roleplaying together.
Now, I myself am an avid roleplayer.  I actually offered to roleplay with Selina, but Selina kind of... blew me off?  It turned out I’m a much more long-form narrative roleplayer than she is, and -- if we’re being honest -- probably a better writer than her overall, and I think she wasn’t into that.
Since I’m being so honest, I think she also turned her nose up at the fact that I had a vagina.
Something we came to learn about Selina, the longer we knew her: She loooooooved attention from dudes.  She was a not-particularly-fit-or-attractive chick who used cosplay as a means of surrounding herself with praise and male attention. Which, good for you, you do you, but that’s kind of a thing I don’t care to associate with.
So as time went on, Marc and I kind of... not distanced ourselves from her, but sort of side-stepped away from her into the “Nah, we’re cool” camp, if you know what I mean.  Marc wasn’t one of her drooling admirers, so Selina kind of didn’t give a fuck about him.
In 2016, Marc and I announced that we wanted to do a group cosplay for Baltimore ComiCon.  We wanted to do steampunk Marvel characters.  I was going to be Scarlet Witch, Marc was going to be Colossus.  Our friend Jay was going to be Cyclops, and his wife Julie (our other very good friend) was going to be Psylocke.  Selina and Logan decided they wanted to join in as well, and we met them there in Baltimore, but we weren’t really there with them.  We walked around with them in costume for part of the con, then we all went our separate ways.
Shortly before the convention, Jay’s wife Julie brought to our attention the fact that she and Jay were having some problems, and that Selina was at the center of them.  Jay’s roleplaying with Selina, and the amount of time they spent talking one-on-one with one another, had become problematic.
I’m going to leave it at that, because I’m sure you can kinda suss out what was happening.  Suffice it to say that although it took Jay awhile to realize how his actions were hurting Julie, eventually he realized that he needed to distance himself from Selina for the good of his marriage.  Jay and Julie worked this all out between themselves and all was well again.  There was a bit of awkwardness at the convention, but then we all went our separate ways again and things seemed like they were normalized.
However, the whole thing made us side-eye Selina even harder.
A short while later, Selina divorced her husband.
Now I’m going to introduce you to Karl.
Karl was long-time best friends with Jay, and was good friends with all of us, being part of “the group”.  Karl was in a committed monogamous relationship with Karol, and had been for some time.  We were all really glad about this, because we liked Karol a ton, and frankly Karl was kind of an awkward man-child with a lot of issues, and we all felt that Karol was good for him, and helping him mature.
Throughout all of this Karl had also become friendly with Selina.
One day Karl announces to all of us that he has broken up with Karol for reasons that made no sense to any of us.  We were all very confused and upset, but tried to be supportive of both of them.
Yeah, well, it turned out that Karl had been fucking around with Selina behind Karol’s back.  He broke up with Karol, blaming it all on her, because he wanted to fuck Selina full time, and didn’t want to look like the bad guy.
When “the group” found out we all turned on Karl and were like, “NOPE,” and basically everybody stopped talking to him.  Selina eventually broke up with him, claiming that she had no idea he was in a committed relationship during this time (which is bullshit, because she could clearly see on social media that HE WAS, but whatever), but of course in cutting Karl out we all cut Selina out as well.
Some time passed.  For reasons none of us really understood, in spite of everything he’d done Karol was still in love with Karl, and they continued to live together: initially just as roommates, but apparently rekindling some kind of relationship with one another as well.
Earlier this year, very suddenly and unexpectedly, Jay died.
This came as an absolutely gutting blow to the entire group.  In the wake of his death, we all sort of let Karl back into the fold.  He seemed incredibly repentful, and he knew it was going to be a long road to regain our trust and respect, but he was contrite.
It has been a very hard year for everyone involved, for reasons that I may get into another time.
At the time that Jay died, Selina -- on her cosplaying Instagram account -- posted a budoir-style T&A pic of herself in costume, and at the bottom added, “RIP Jay”.
I’m going to say this again, as judiciously as I can: If this is your thing, good for you, you do you, but in my opinion that was beyond fucking tasteless, and fuck her.
Well.  Earlier this week, Selina killed herself.
This sent a small shockwave back through the immediate group, although it settled again quickly.  Karl is the only one left who had any even remotely positive feelings about Selina, and I’m not 100% sure how he’s taking it. He seems OK, and until he says otherwise we kinda’ have to just accept that.  If he’s mourning her, he’s fortunately got sense enough not to do it where Jay’s widow Julie can see it, so... thank goodness for that, at least.
You may remember Selina’s BFF and unrequited love, Logan.  Let’s get back to him.
Well, Logan has spent the past week melting the fuck down.  I don’t even follow the dude anymore, myself, but out of morbid curiosity I’ve checked his FB page.
Holy shit.
This is not just... mourning.  He has gone way off the deep end, calling he and Selina soulmates, as if -- in spite of the fact that she never reciprocated his feelings (publicly, anyway) -- she was as madly, head-over-heels in love with him as he was with her.  He’s also doing this in full view of Selina’s recent ex-husband, with whom Selina was still friendly, and with whom he is supposedly friends.  God bless her ex-husband for watching this unfold and not driving over and stabbing this guy to death.
Logan even went so far as to talk about the cast of characters from a roleplay he and Selina had been doing together, which included a number of “in character” children born of their two characters, and saying they were AS REAL TO THEM as real live biological children are to actual flesh-and-blood parents.
Can you fucking imagine being one of his actual kids and watching him mourn these fictional children who did not actually exist, who your Dad concocted with some chick he was obsessed with, and basically saying that these FAKE KIDS mean as much to him as you do?
Like, he actually concluded the post saying (to Selina), “Please watch over our babies until Papa can come home.” Watching this unfold has been COOCOO-NUTS BANANAS.  I have never wanted to say, “DUDE,” so much to someone before.
I don’t know why I’m writing all this, except to say I really wanted to get it all off my chest.  Part of me subscribes to the whole “don’t speak ill of the dead” thing, and like... look.  I feel for Selina’s friends and family.  I feel for her, because clearly she was troubled, and I’m sorry that she felt this was the only way out of a dark place.  But also, killing yourself doesn’t retroactively erase the shitty things you did when you were alive.  And she did a bunch of shitty things. And yeah, I know I’m probably a shittier person for saying that, but whatever.
Anyway. Like I said.  It’s been a wild fucking year. :|
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tjovalboy · 6 years
Marty and TJ rap battle
The FIghty FIght
Words: 2888 and I am so done
AO3 (please let me know what I need to improve)
Cyrus thumbed through the note document on TJ’s phone– his early preview given more because he begged for one than to give any critical input. “This is good, this is good,” he remarked. “I think you’re going to be fire out there. Absolute domination.”
“Okay, buddy. Easy there,” TJ chuckled, but he knew it was true.
TJ shoved his smartphone, in which he poured hours the past week perfecting his rhymed insults, into his back pocket. In an organized rap battle, the guy who doesn’t have his shit memorized is already ten times more lame than the other, no matter how good his lines are.
Cyrus punched his chest weakly, breaking him out of his thought. “I can’t wait to see the look on her face every time I’m gonna finish my baby taters this week, and hand her the check after I’ve finished every last crumb.”
He shook his head at him, then craned his neck over his shoulder to glimpse at their opponents. Marty Thupparty, a track star parallelling his finesse with the hoops, bobbed his head along to something Buffy Driscoll was explaining very firmly. It was probably something useless, anyway. It’s not like either of them had nearly as much experience as he did, which made this pairing an overkill.
The whole thing was Cyrus’s idea, really. He knew TJ rapped, and that Marty rapped, and that Marty was a little afraid of TJ at one point last year, so naturally, he thought a rap battle would be the sickest way to bring them together– a friendship ploy for Marty’s second initiation into the group since his absence from Buffy’s life.
The baby tater bet was to get Buffy involved for even teams. She only agreed to coach Marty if they bet that the losing rapper coach would have to buy baby taters at the Spoon for the winner the whole week afterward.
They were taking it a lot more seriously than he and Marty even were.
“We should get going,” TJ breathed after seeing their opponents start heading away.
The asphalt scorched the flat bottoms of his sneakers as he walked towards the court. It was like the entire world just decided to preheat on itself, he thought, as sweat began prickle his arms and the mass of excited chatter drew closer. He knew he didn’t make the decision to have an outdoor rap battle at three o’clock in the afternoon in June.
At Basketball Court Number Three, a large, but niche, clump of people had come to watch them rap. They had formed a space for both of them in the middle of the circle, in which Marty was already positioned.
“Alright, alright, settle down everyone! They’re both finally here,” announced Jonah Beck as some random little hands shoved TJ from the outskirts to the space across from Marty. There were whoops and shouts coming from directions he couldn’t pinpoint, and some were so close to his ear he didn’t know where to turn.
He eyed Cyrus and Buffy at most inner circle of the crowd and grinned as they playfully nudged each other, keeping fierce looks in their eyes. However, he couldn’t decipher what was going through his opponent’s head. He stood across from him with his hands shoved in his pockets as if he was watching a golf match, his face as flat as a brick as he alternated slight glances with the crowd, Buffy, and TJ.
“Most of you already know, but I’m Jonah Beck. I started walking home from school today, then I saw this crowd and stopped to say ‘hi’ to everyone, and now I guess I’m hosting this rap battle!”
The kids erupted in giggles, but TJ swore he was dead serious.
“On this side…” he stretched an arm out at TJ. “…captain of the Jefferson Basketball team, king of hair gel, and connoisseur of more redemption arcs than I can count– no really, I never learned how to count– my man, ‘True Jank Fruity!’”
TJ stuck his chin up a little higher and smirked. Jonah waited for the giddy chatter and whoops to fade before turning to Marty. “And over here– track star, lover of parties and, I think, country music; he saw me fall on my face once– ‘Eleven Point Yikes’!”
Marty ran his fingers through his dark hair, which was messier than usual. They stood so close that TJ could see his own frowning face in the reflection of his eyes. ”Ready to lose, Kippen?” he sneered.
“You wish,” he shot back.
Smartphones went vertical one after the other, waiting to catch every hard jab and mangled line between the two dogs, their fingers probably already on the ‘post’ button in hopes of garnering the most attention by sharing first.
“We’re doing two rounds, starting with TrueJank,” Jonah announced. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“You say you’re ‘Marty From The Party’ but you’ve never been invited
When I see the pics on Insta, your blurry head looked like I smudged it
You should take advice from pocket lint, maybe then, you’ll get some relevance
I asked who I was battling, they said, “Middle Schooler #100”
It’s 2018 and they really named you “Martin”
Popped you out the womb and remembered their fifty year old accountant
I think I scraped you off the wall last week, now that needed an extra napkin
Four classes with me and you were nameless? Bro, look around. The whole school had that experience.”
The “ohh’s!” loudened after his most powerful lines, preceding a much larger display of fist pumps and hoots (even from the ones he’d bullied) after the verse was over. However, Marty, surprisingly witted for a newbie, hushed the crowd before he could take in the music.
“Let’s get things straight, TrueJank, you sicken me.
You think shitty rhymes make them pity you for an apology?
You’re like the last day of October, all face with no sincerity.
At least the other ex-bullies use their heads, they differ “sorry” from stupidity.
Aw, but, I know you feel bad; got all this baggage weighing on you
You swing at the park because your mind’s got too many issues
But it’s time to skip the angst, skip the coldness and the frown
Your just plain scary, and JMS won’t let you live it down.”
The screams seemed about equal to his.
“So you didn’t make my team. What a surprise.
I know you were out, and you were trying, but you tripped over every painted line!
I’d say go right, like Mario Kart you’d run zig zags like there was squid ink in your eye.  
You got Buffy calling witness protection cause she so embarrassed she let you inside.
Two athletes in a fight, Wit to wit without the fouling.
I throw words, you shoot em back and think “I’ll end him with these similes.”
We running lines in the weight room, spitting verbs where we kick grovel.
From a rapper to a rapper, we playing for different leagues
You couldn’t diss me better than you wipe the dirt off your cleats”
It wasn’t until after spat his final lines that he could focus enough to hear his heart pound. There was nothing more he had to show, but the world seemed to slow as Marty returned with his own final verse.
“Your hoodies upon hoodies got style enough for Fashion Week.
The critics say “eclectic” cause it’s “he-don’t-leave-his-basement chic”.
Runway shots of your ‘do be like White Christmas with the gel that flakes.
Your name says it all, the only fashion show you running is the coach ordered jank from the sports teams.
Yeah, you’ve rapped longer but your rhymes ‘aint unique
Jock, bully, kinda dumb, and lives a trope like a bad movie
Put some shades, baggy shorts, fake chains, and you’ll almost be a rapper
I’m a newbie? Why am I hearing your MTV lines a decade after?
You’re unoriginal.
Your first date hears “Perfect” by Ed and shakes at all the horror.
He sees your cliche ass boombox blaring like you’re Dobler.”
It took a few moments for TJ to register that his mouth hung open. His classmates were breaking into hysterics and patting Marty on the back like he’d just single-handedly fought a war for them and emerged victorious. He could vaguely hear Jonah amongst the crowd declare Marty as the winner.
TJ tried to pick Cyrus out of the crowd, but he couldn’t amongst the blaring amount of chaos. Teeth gritted, he decided he would just wait by the gate.
TJ, feeling a little selfless, held his full tray out to Buffy and offered her some french fries.
“No, thanks,” she stopped sipping her milkshake to reply. “I have practice right after this and I’m already stuffed.”
He nodded, and offered the same next to him. “Cyrus?”
His friend shrugged. “Sure, why not?” He set the tray between them and they both dug in for a handful. The calm chatter and occasional sound of the bell atop the entrance door overtook them at The Spoon diner. After a few moments, he noticed Buffy grimacing at him.
“…and Marty?” she pressed impatiently.
Oh, right. He probably wanted to feel included, too. With his lips tightened, he gave the fries a slight push so they slid forward and stopped at the spiky haired boy’s milkshake glass where he’d accept the offer if he wanted. “Take some,” he said simply, and Marty rolled his eyes at him.
Buffy gave Cyrus a look, then turned back to him. “You’re seriously still mad you lost the rap battle?” she bursted, holding back a laugh. “That happened a whole week ago!”
“I’m not mad,” he muttered in reply, focusing very hard on the pedestrian activity outside the window beside them.
“You totally are,” she pressed. ‘You’ve been weird ever since it happened.”
Cyrus sighed dramatically and slumped down with his elbow on the table. “And I really thought my friendship-making plan would work! I guess I can’t fix everyone’s relationship problems.”
Buffy patted his hand lamely. “It’s okay, Cyrus. You’ll get ‘em next time around.”
He and Marty’s tension had been going on since the battle. He was just a little irked that “I’ve-been-rapping-for-a month-Marty” pulled rhymes out of his butt that shanked his bully boy reputation into little pieces. He may have ignored a few of Marty’s texts since it happened, which pushed Marty into ignoring him, and therefore, neither of them hanging out with the Good Hair Crew that week in fear of seeing each other. While their excuses were believable, it was more difficult to get out of plans Buffy and Cyrus made for all four of them after school.
He almost wanted to tell Cyrus that his friendship-plan wasn’t gonna work from the beginning.
“While you were both amazing,” started Cyrus. “Marty, your last line about TJ being so cliche he’d hold a boombox above his head on his first date was hilarious.”
Buffy snorted. “That’s the part people keep sending me videos of. Someone would have to slap me in the face twice if I actually saw you doing that, Kippen.”
TJ didn’t know how to respond and just shook his head playfully. His gaze flickered toward Marty, and while a corner of his mouth tugged up at the look, he broke away quickly and returned to his comfortable frown.
“Listen, TJ,” Marty had his elbows propped on the table and his eyes bordered on desperate. “If you wanna talk, then let’s talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about because I’m not mad.” He surveyed the contents on his table. “I’m gonna go grab some more ketchup,” he excused himself without looking anyone in the eye.
At the ketchup pump, he pushed the lever down with too much force and much of the red blob squirted onto the counter next to his paper container.
There was a snort from someone behind him. “Nice one.”
He almost chuckled, too, but bit it back when he recognized the voice. There’s no way he was staying here alone with him, so he began heading back without a turn.
“Wait, TJ, you can’t just pout and stomp away. You have to tell me what’s really up,” he pleaded sternly.
He glanced at Buffy and Cyrus who were both in some heated debate and didn’t even seem to notice their absence, and before he could process his thoughts, he was face to face with Marty again and had blurted, “The boombox line.”
Marty hesitated, like he wanted to know what he meant, but he couldn’t admit that he didn’t. “Um, what?”
Your first date hears “Perfect” by Ed and shakes at all the horror.
He sees your cliche ass boombox blaring like you’re Dobler.
“The boombox line,” he repeated with a breath. “I thought you said that was your favorite part of our first date– the way I ended it.”
“It was. I always tell you that,” he replied.
“Well, you didn’t have to make fun of it,” he argued. “Yeah, I know we both hated the song and the whole thing was part of an inside joke, but I did it for you to see. Not for the whole school to imagine.”
Marty’s face went red much like the way it did when he held TJ’s hand for the first time at the soccer game, and when he and TJ sprinted down the street filling the sky with their laughs when Buffy and Cyrus almost caught them together, and the Friday they agreed they would go on a date the next day and plan absolutely none of it; thus it finishing with TJ blasting “Perfect” in Marty’s driveway while he cracked up from the second story bedroom window.
They were already calling themselves boyfriends by the time Marty apologized to Buffy and she let him back into their group (which included TJ). They were clueless about the countless dates they had been on since that first.
“Well, sorry, okay,” Marty muttered. “Literally no one suspected it was you and me, though, so you don’t have to be mad. I would never really make fun of you like that.”
TJ’s stomach twisted. He knew he used to scare him before they really talked, but they were countless secret dates past that. “I know. It sounds ridiculous to me now that I’m saying it out loud.”
Marty exaggerated a shrug and put on a dopey grin, showing him that they were okay. “Apology accepted, Kippen. Glad my boyfriend is talking to me again.”
TJ stepped forward couldn’t ignore the smell of greasy foods frying from where they were standing at the back by the kitchen door. He didn’t mind, though, as they were used to meeting in odd locations to talk. “I had no idea you would win, though. I’ve been rapping for so long and you’ve literally been doing it for two seconds!” TJ said through a laugh.
Marty smirked, grabbing his hand and letting it dangle between them. “Maybe I was born with it.”
As his mind ran with ways to banter back, he remembered another one of his problems. “It sucks that Cyrus thinks we’re never gonna be friends,” he commented.
Five weeks was a long time to hide a relationship. In hindsight, they could’ve at least pretended they were friends, but the enemies trope seemed more safe.
Marty rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb. “It does. Even after you rapped about me being as irrelevant as a T.V. show extra and I called you out on your ugly clothes, we still hate each other in their eyes.”
“Their” meaning Cyrus and Buffy. Cyrus was TJ’s closest friend, and Buffy was getting to be Marty’s. After missing Marty all week, he began to wonder how long secret relationships were supposed to last. He caught Marty’s gze flickering over his shoulder at them. “I think we should tell them soon.”
“We should.”
“But how? When?” TJ furrowed his brows, and Marty stared at him like he just suggested that boombox thing from Say Anything was a good idea for a first date.
“Duh, we rap it to them!” he hissed.
Holy shit. His boyfriend’s brain!
“We both wrote awesome verses insulting each other in like a week. It’ll be great!” he continued.
“Four classes and you were nameless? Bro look around. That’s a universal experience.” did have a certain energy to it that would be perfect for a relationship reveal. He was proud when he thought of that while his mother dragged his with her to the bank. He already couldn’t wait or this collab. “I am so in, Eleven Point Yikes.”
“Just let me have some of your fries first, in like, not a passive aggressive way, and then we can start, True Jank Fruity.”
They unclasped their hands to whip their arms around for a painful high five, causing some people to turn their heads. They jogged back to their table, where Buffy and Cyrus already had their necks craned at them, and grabbed the rest of the fries out of TJ’s tray by hand and skipped out the door ignoring their questions. Cyrus probably assumed they made up, but he’d be even happier when they told him in a few days.
TJ would remember to thank Ed Sheeran, or the rap gods, later.
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taleweavernlm1026 · 6 years
The Nameless Rebellion 01
(idk and idc if anyone is interested but I wanted to stick this someplace after posting those two pic of Vraex and Alestra so, bam, here ya go. For any critics out there, THIS IS MAH ROUGH DRAFT I KNOW IT IS SHIT *BLOWS LARGE RASBERRY*)
Really, the vast expanse of space was one of the most awe-inspiring things she’d ever seen.
She was glad it was going to be the last.
Though it was tinged with bitterness as bits and bobs of once pristine black metal floated here and there and the whine of twisting hull was hurting her ears. At least no one would be able to get their hands on her baby, she’d be damned if the Imperium repurposed her for whatever perverted purpose they had in reserve.
Vraex took another drag of her cigarette, it wasn’t the same as the Chik-na from her own planet but it was close enough, her wife would kill her if she got arrested just to get Chik-na from Uanov, her home world turned prison planet. She’d settle for the cigarette
A bright yellow light started flashing in her right eye and Vraex glared at it before delivering a satisfyingly crunchy punch to it. New droplets of her blue blood went floating every which way, some colliding and joining with their older brethren.
There was another shriek of twisted metal as another bit of her dear Vinvion pulled away from her hull, it wouldn’t be long now. She could have hit her emergency escape of course, if it wasn’t for the gnarled metal trap that held her left arm pinned, don’t even get her started at the thin rod sticking out of her abdomen at an angle or the fact she’d lost feeling in her left leg from the knee down.
The view from her cockpit had blurred something awful after she finished with another bout of chest rattling coughing and a ringing was starting in one of her ears. Vraex scowled as she caught her runaway cigarette before it could escape and took another drag.
Watching the smoke float listlessly before her Vraex managed to spare a though for her ship. Well it wasn’t really her ship, but she had been second in command on her for a few years now not to mention how much repair work she’d don on her so really, she was perfectly justified to call it her ship.
Besides, being in a committed relationship with her captain had to come with some perks, didn’t it?
Of course, Vraex didn’t even know if she was still out there. The battle had been nasty, the last she’d seen of the Mother Ship, that wasn’t her maiden name obviously, but her Captain had an odd fascination with human pop culture history and it’d stuck, she’d been heading straight for the planet Enzoistea, caught in the vice like grip that was the planet’s atmosphere.
Running the calculations through her head, Vraex realized she was down to roughly two minutes before the Vinvion’s hull would finally give and she would disintegrate fifteen seconds after she was confirmed as deceased.
Like she said, no one would get her baby.
Vraex was trying to decide if that was enough time to light another cigarette when a popping whirr caught her attention. It was her viewscreen trying to come back online, how odd. Unless one of the Imperium ships had recognized the wreckage of her ship and had turned around to watch her die, the Empress would surly love that as a trophy.
Vraex nearly stopped breathing as a loud, gruff woman’s voice suddenly filled her cockpit, heavily muddled by static.
“-are! Pa- through! Vra- -an you hea-!?”
Vraex could have laughed,
“Oi Captain, you sure took your time.”
Standing on the bridge of a large, battle scared starship, a large mammoth of a woman with a strong jaw and a head of perpetually messy brown hair laughed,
“I’ll make it up to you later darling. Zunaie, get me my Uan back, I miss those ridiculous ears of hers.”
A tall thin male whose legs ended in hooves responded with his own joy,
“aye Captain!”
---- There we go, if anyone has any good sci-fi book recommendations, please hit me up. I’m talking being on ships and shit though people, why is so much sci-fi planet locked!?
no, seriously, can anyone answer that for me? Why are so many Sci-Fi based novels/short stories all based on planets? Is there something I am missing?
P.S. I might just post my pics of Iri and some of that too, though I'm hoping to make that a comic series... any advice out there for that load of pain in the ass?
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gawdheads · 7 years
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This is Dexter Morgan
He’s a killer and if you are some kinda witty murderer too, he will get your ass and piss on your ashes, while having a beer under the moonlight. He is good man anyway. He's adoptive father gave him a code to become a shade: Harry's Code, that's its name. Did I mention Dex have an extreme need for blood, for thick and sticky blood. He's the red dawn Miami always prayed for. Guess so.
He is not a vigilante. He is not an outlaw. He is not a monster, though.
There was a journalist once who tried to get closer to the forensic, one that couldn't foresee his bad luck, decided to be after Dex tracks. It was a casualty, a time fate slipped and let the world to sniff around the rotten corpses that sank deep deep down. "This butcher is clever" - the media published - "The remains of the victims are nameless and untarnished. This butcher seems to be a great lover of his deed: no body was so impeccably treaten."
This wasn't the proper way to flirt with The Bloodstain Signore. One month later, Carl "Perfidy" Stones, the stringer I mentioned above, was found guilty for the crimes of corruption, people contraband, coming on the face of the Major's wife, adjusting the truth, writing nonesense about the Bay Harbour Butcher, and killing a source just because the Big Fucker that runs Miami needed a to protect his blindspot. "The People Vs Mr. Stones"? No way. No trial, no jury, no media around: Dex took him to a darkroom, full of pics from the tabloids.
"Do you know why you are here?" He asked. "Yes, I do", Stones answered. Silence broke away with the first painful scream.
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The guy’s love interest? Rita. She's not her real crush, I shall say. They have a complex relationship, sometimes toxic, sometimes useless. He keeps his secrets from her till the point of contemplating the possibility an exception only to get rid of her. Isn't that sweet? For Regular People, that sounds like an idea that can never succeed; for a killer whose libido is below ground zero, her absence will hurt less before the baby comes. And a baby's on his way plus the two of Rita's last broken marriage gig. He’s focused on something else far beyond his self-control. Let’s bring to the conversation The Code. The Code of Harry.
Daddy's legacy meant to be a real ghost by not letting someone to catch the killer, his adopted son. Then it comes the statement of a remarkable difference between an innocent and a victim. Sorry, I misspelled: an agressor. A killer too, by design or definition. Being ready is the third of the paradigms and the control over the "urges" to kill is next. Harry advices to fake emotions, to be on guard, to research before taking an action; Harry advices to act like a normal person, blending in the daily routine of a common passerby. Do you know what I mean? Worst monsters are still hiding out there, in the bus, in the square, on the sidewalk, by your side. Unmirrored Monsters with fangs of the hungry vipers that lurk in front of your garden, while you sleep tight.
What’s a safe for the bank money anyway?
But be cool. I’m sure you reader a good fella. I’m sure you still like your life, waiting for the turning point to pop out from a party cake. It won’t happen, you know. And if it happens, be sure not to be messing aroun with knives and blades ‘cause Old Dex already has an eye on the right people that will be forgotten.
- Viper
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tfwlawyers · 7 years
long story short: I lost my cat poppy suddenly on april 2nd while I was away and asked for people to send me pictures of their own cats/pets; I’m a huge cat person and even just seeing cats really does cheer me up, so!! a huge thank you to everyone who sent me stuff or even just stayed the night with all these pics, I wanted to clean up my blog but still wanted to keep all the pictures
so !! cats under the cut, check if you’re ever feeling down and like cats ;0; 
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submitted by dontkillbirds:
I couldn’t decided which of my cats to turn into Edgeworth so I turned both my cats into Edgeworth? I have no idea if this is comforting but you said you wanted pictures of cats or ace attorney stuff and this??? Is what my brain came up with???
I’m truly sorry you lost your cat. Xoxoxoxoxox
this is so unbelievably comforting to me, thank you <3 and your cats are super adorable, what are their names !!
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submitted by theskittypink:
shoot you need cat submissions? here this is my boy Leo and hes about 8 at this point. Hes a kitten at heart, a snuggler and bed thief!
WHAT A FLUFF BALL he looks so sweet!! give him some snuggles for me, please ;0;
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submitted by lebdinechew:
This is my baby girl, Sasha, on Christmas She loves her sweater when it’s cold.
i am This Close to crying again but not out of sadness this time but just bc sasha’s a good girl who looks great in her sweater hgkdlgd
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submitted by pocketclocked:
Here is Morgana (aka Beebs), who is very snuggly and comprised mostly of sharp objects and demons. 💙💙
an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0; <3
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submitted by acecaskettuniverse:
Lost my precious cat Lucky in November. I know exactly how you feel. It took me months before I could touch another cat (February). But as much as I miss him, it gets easier. Above all I know that he wants me to be happy. And I’m sure yours does too.
I’m so sorry to hear that, he looks like a sweetheart and I’m sure he was so happy with you ;0; I pretty much always need a cat to function so I’m sure I’ll make a day out of visiting my local shelter sometime soon, but I absolutely understand needing the time and I’m glad you were finally able to look again….. lucky and poppy were loved and happy and knowing that is a definite comfort, ty <3
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submitted by whimsicallyabsolute:
These are my babies, Shiloh and Seamus. They’re grumpy and I love them very much.
the ?? opposite fur thing they’ve got going on ???? they’re so cute, ty ;0;
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submitted by eternallyanna:
my dumb boys… odin w the collar and hobbes without
hobBES what a perf name for an orange cat ;0; thank you!! god that last pic is an absolute beauty
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submitted by klesbian:
This is Sakura, I met her at a cat cafe and she was a sleepy little angel! I’m sorry about your cat, it’s always the worst when a pet passes.
what a bab!! and thank you for your words <3
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submitted by caltrops:
this is commodore puffington. majestic and Very Large. he likes to stick his leggy out. he would definitely cuddle you if you needed him.
;0; im on the way over Right Now to cuddle, perf name for a perf cat, thank you!
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submitted by fabhab:
here’s my round boy (1/3 cats; i would have submitted pictures of all of them but i couldn’t figure out how to submit more than one picture at once) his name is quill and when we first got him he weighed 15 ounces but now he’s a chunky boy and he loves throwing his toys under furniture and making u retrieve them for him
quill’s such a cute name omg!! big happy boy I’m so glad
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submitted by fabhab:
whoop i figured it out on mobile so here’s my basement gremlin lupine who we saved from starving at petsmart bc he only has 4 teeth and can’t eat wet food. he’s a very softboy and will whack ur legs if u attempt to leave in the middle of paying attention to him. last but not least is percy who enjoys being a rabblerouser and is possibly a crime lord (all the neighborhood cats are afraid of him). however, he is a very cuddly boy and will sit on ur lap for 8 hours straight if u let him
basement gremline lupine and crime lord percy goD, they look like sweethearts, thank you for sending me these ;0; <3
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submitted by anaislingmemory:
I’m sorry about hearing about your cat. I don’t have any completed Narumitsu fics (yet), but I have a pic of Krystal.
!!!! krystal is more than enough, thank you <3
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submitted by sarcasticscepticles:
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This is my cat Nymer, his favorite foods are cookies, pizza rolls, chips, flour, and anything else that’s not cat food.
WHAT A LUMP I love him
and ty ;0;
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submitted by advisedpanic:
I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. This is my puppy Sally, and she is Very Old (16) so I’m sort of preparing myself to get news like this one day soon too. She is grumpy and loves lounging in the sun and she’s my baby. this was from when she was recovering from surgery to get some cancer out of her nose but she’s all better now. im sending u all the best vibes and wishes xx
!! she looks adorable and I sincerely hope you a few more good long years with her; and thank you ;w;
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger
:0 the softest…
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submitted by chickenpurr:
here’s some of my cats, Suki (annoying and loud, occasionally cuddly), Marbles (old and sleepy and simply the best), and some of my feathered cats (including Zella the Frog Assassin). Hope they can help cheer you up a bit :>
cuties!! my friend also has a cat named suki and she sounds exactly the same hdg
thank you ;w;
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submitted by thatonechickyoudontknow:
This is my friend @zipper-nova ’s cat, Abraham Lincoln. He’s a big, old, momma’s boy. We think he tucked himself in…
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submitted by skygrappler:
This is my baby Gigi! She was a rescued cat that we think was let out of a college dorm… she’s like a year old and her hobbies are farting and biting my fingers
;o; I’m glad she’s got a home with you now !! (and all the fingers she can bite)
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submitted by sammythebabymoose123:
My little Bby Josie, I hope this cheers you up! I know how hard it is loosing a pet and I’m so sorry that you weren’t there for it
ahHHH they look so soft and sweet!! and thank you… even if was a seizure (and I suspect it was) and I couldn’t have done anything, I still so so wish I’d been there with my baby when it happened ghdlgh, she hadn’t been in any pain beforehand so that’s the one silver lining I guess
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submitted by tsunderecafe:
This is Lucy, she hopes these cat pictures make you happy :3
what a sweetheart !! my sister used to have a cat named lucy and she was the most loving thing, this lucy looks the same way ;0; I’m definitely happier, ty
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submitted by emerdoods:
This is Wudge. He’s 20 pounds, 13 years old, and a pretty good boy (mostly)
wudge……………. a chaotic good if i’ve ever seen one
thank you!!
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submitted by aceoftwos:
top three pics are my cat, lunatic. then the grey one is my friend’s cat, annie. the last one is an adorable cat i met at the docks who shall remain nameless bc i never got a name!
i’m sorry for your loss. i really hope seeing these makes you feel a little better! (there’s also a lot on my instagram, same username, if you need more!) i’m afraid i can’t recommend any wrightworth fics bc i get all my recs from you!!
what a bunch of babs !! thank you so much for sending me these, I love cats so much and they all look so sweet, I love lunatic’s lil marking socks ;0;
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submitted by probonoapollo:
hey hi hello this is my precious baby Pumpkin i found her under my car after school a couple of years ago and i had to bring her home cos she was the sweetest thing ever and she still is (also i am sorry there’s so many pictures i just love her and i couldn’t choose)
aaAAa I’m so happy pumpkin found a home with you fjdf she looks like a sweetheart and I totally get having too many pictures to choose from ;0 ty…
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submitted by antipelargy:
I’m sorry that you’re going through a rough time. I see that people have been sending you animal pics so here are some of mine! The first 2 are of a cat named Joey who I watched last week, he’s a huge Maine coon and a lover boy. The rest are of my dog Baxter, who I swear is part cat. He crawls all over people, will sit on my laptop/book/sketchbook, and jumps onto chairs to the table. But he’s the sweetest pup you’ll ever meet!
THEY’RE BOTH ADORABLE thank you for sending me these!! god please boop baxter’s nose for me
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submitted by shirayahas:
This is Cosmo. He enjoys licking things for hours, cuddles, and being annoying. I can’t recall a funny cat story but he will really lick the shower curtain for hours if you let him and I have no idea why.
Im really sorry for your loss. Cosmo also lost his sister when he was a little over a year old. It’s impossibly hard to loose a pet, and it’s hard to go through. Me and Cosmo here will be around if you ever need us. We’ll do all that we can to help.
what a big ol cream puff, omg… poppy used to love licking the shower door whenever I left it open because apparently getting the condensation from there was way easier than just drinking out of her water dish lmao
and thank you, this is a very sweet message ;w; I’m sorry you had to go through a loss as well, please give cosmo tons of cuddles for me <3
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submitted by mimikyutie:
this is my lady, dozer. she acts all regal but is a huge lovely nerd and pansy. she loves to play fetch, brush her face all over my brush, do backflips in the middle of the night and steal yoghurt. im so sorry for your loss, and i hope all the cute cat pics sent your way are helpful <3
and such little concern for your laptop, omfg
she looks lovely, ty for the pics <3 and thank you for the condolences, these pictures really have been a huge help :’)
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submitted by commanderfreddy:
my mum’s a catsitter so here are some choice friends from throughout the years
;0; ty fred… the dream job with all the dream cats
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submitted by rannxch:
This is Midna (named for the twilight princess lmao) a Russian blue who’s about 10 months old. She’s a huge diva who loves ice cream and is afraid of spoons.
THAT FIRST PIC OH MY GOOOODDDDDD she looks wonderful, thank you!!
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
if I fits I sits
every time there’s a cat from you I gasp a little irl, ty ..
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submitted by sethsenpaiiyo:
Hello !! I have never submitted anything so i hope this works,, I have some cats for you :,) In the first picture, left to right - Pus, Kompis & Susie + another one of Pus///
Second picture is Katja! Snapchat decided that filters work on her so she’s a pretty kitty :3c Hope you feel better!
worked just fine, thank you so much!! they all look so sweet and katja is esp gorgeous ;0; <3
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submitted by fangirling247:
This is Milo, he is a sleepy old man whose hobbies include napping and hogging blankets. He is a good friend and hopes that you make a new friend someday.
so many milos hdfdh I love that name sm, he looks soft and sweet and I sincerely hope I do too, ty ;0;
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submitted by hannaginel:
This is my cat Lilly. We call her Lilly Moo because her markings make her look like a cow. She’s 7 years old and she loves snuggling and comforting me when I have panic attacks. She’s my baby.
!! an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0;
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submitted by mythalogies:
Here’s some pics of my boi
a handsome boi……………………. thank you!!
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submitted by sentient-cloud:
Heres a picture of my two cats Octavian(hes the tabby) and Phoenix(yeah I know), the grey tuxedo. They are brothers and they love each other very much, they get upset when they’re not in the same room! I hope this helps!
cuddling cats are one of the most sacred images in the entire world imho ;0; thank you, they look super sweet!!
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submitted by princelowell:
hey there! here’s some of mine: the first cat was my boy sox. he passed away when he was 4 years old out of nowhere–we assume a heart condition.
the pug is gizmo, who is 9 years old now (they were about the same age). the ferret, mei, came about a month after we lost sox.
the chubby tabby cat is one of the cats who lived with me when i lived in Japan. her name is hanabi (means fireworks) and she’s probably four or five now? she loved me and slept in my bed but she doesn’t like my host mom much. wish i could’ve taken her home with me.
! i love them aLL, THANK YOU, I’m so sorry to hear about losing sox at such a young age, i’m sure he was super loved and happy ;0;
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submitted by wildblueegg:
hey i dont know you but i know you and i saw your cat… well. AND I CAME AS FAST AS MY COMPUTER HANDLED IT
I’m so sorry for your loss, this isn’t even the first pet that i saw that died this year. Take the cat from my friend, he’s a white and soft meme(am i doing this correctly???).
;0; THANK YOU both for the cutie and the kind words <3
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submitted by blnketfort: 
ik i’m a bit late to the cat meet & greet (because i was asleep) and also idk how to submit multiple photos so this is a post but i heard abt poppy and i’ve had that happen a few times so i know how devastating it can be.
these are my 2 cats patrick (yawning) and cally (doesn’t like the flash.) they’re half siblings but we rescued them both at different times.
Cally is six but still the size of a kitten, super smart, a total grump but loves strokes and sitting on my lap (and laptop.)
Patrick is 3 (i think?) and an Absolute Idiot. seriously, you can go to step/sit on him and he just won’t move. Follows us all the way when i walk the dog, loves tummy tickles and sitting in the most inconvenient places imaginable & refusing to move.
SWEETIES god I love when cats stretch like in the second pic, absolutely zero concern for what’s around them they’re just Comfy
and I’m sorry for your previous pet losses as well, ty for taking the time to make this photoset :’)
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
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submitted by ignisalatus:
I’m so sorry for your loss, losing animals is one of the worst things imaginable… ): I lost my baby Rascal here about 6 years ago to a very sudden and agressive mouth cancer when he was only 11, and still miss him terribly to this day. I know it wasn’t nearly as sudden as your baby’s passing, but I can surely sympathize with the shock of how fast and unexpectedly these things can happen ;-;
He was a Rowdy Boy™ but also a total sweetheart of a giant melty fluff ragamuffin. He was my best friend growing up, one of those cats who could always sense when something was wrong and would always jump in my lap and purr and rub my face and cuddle when he knew I was upset. I hope he can keep your baby company as they have many many more catventures in the stars 💜✨
i want to say this is a bad post bc it made me start crying again but hgdkgh it’s not ofc it’s not, this is an extremely sweet message and I’m so so sorry for your baby’s loss as well :’) rascal looks like such a sweetheart and sounds exactly like how poppy was towards me, I’m so heartbroken we lost them both at such young ages but dljfdf I bet they’ll be the best of friends soon ;0; thank you so much for sharing this, it means more than I can say <3333
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submitted by atroquinine-blues:
Here’s some pictures of my boy, Buddy, sleeping :) I’m really sorry about your cat, and I hope things get better for you soon (your art is amazing btw)
what a cutie !! I love when cats have markings that makes em look like they’re got lil boots/socks on
and thank you :’)
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submitted by easterlil:
This isn’t really my cat, but it’s my grandma’s cat BooBoo. I hope she can help cheer you up a bit!
I did laugh when I refreshed my inbox so jfkldf thank u very much booboo ;0;
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submitted by beeva:
I don’t yet have a cat of my own, so here are some cat photos I have on my phone
cats from the cat cafe, feat. my aunt’s cat, who I love
SO MANY CATS AND I LOVE THEM ALL, thank you!! I should see if there’s a cat cafe in my state, that’s always sounded so amazing
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
Highest priority mail!!
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submitted by ludbeilschmidt:
This is Peaches!! He likes to help garden. Which means rolling in my plants and meowing for attention. I hope you’re doing ok and feel better soon!! I lost my cat like…almost 10 yrs ago now and it still gets to me sometimes so I know how rough it can be. Take it easy!!!
aw omg, he’s doing a great job !! and thank you, as much as I love getting all these submissions it’s also heartbreaking to hear about how many other cats people have lost - still, knowing how loved they were helps a bit ghgf
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submitted by narcoleptrix:
pls accept my condolences through this humble offering of muffin. she’s a sweet old lady cat that enjoys stealing food when you’re not looking and licking people.
MUFFIN….. she’s got a gorgeous coat and if she wants food then she’s getting it
and thank you ;w;
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submitted by whalestickers:
This is my soon-to-be cat, Lola!!! Im rly excited abt getting her, she is just the sweetest lap cat ever
!! what an angel !! I’m sure you’ll be very happy together, I’m super excited for the both of you too \o/
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submitted by fresh-biscuits:
Here’s my fat baby. Her name is Noelle Faye and she’s a princess. Sorry for your lost. ❤❤❤ Cats are wonderful, no? They just add so much to our lives. How could we ever repay them?
;0; the fattest baby, I love her… guess we just gotta give em as much love as physically possible while they’re with us, which it looks like noelle is for sure getting !! thank you sm <3
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submitted by docworth:
hey, i’m sorry to hear about your loss. this is my pride and joy fatman, who pretty much only ever sleeps with/on me (also picture three is a rousing game of “Spot The Fandom Memrobelia”)
your un is docworth, I see a conbat plush and phoenix DS cover(?), your cat is named fatman, clearly you’re just in the best possible timeline
and thank you… my cat used me pretty much exclusively as a pillow as well and what an honor it was
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submitted by radioscientist:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat! My cat Lyra (the cat in the first two pictures) passed away yesterday, so I understand it must be hard! Hopefully you enjoy these pictures of her and her sister ❤️
oh god, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat too - april 2nd clearly needs a redo
lyra (and her sister!) are adorable and I hope she and my poppy are doing alright :’)
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submitted by threeleggedbike:
I’m sorry about the loss of your cat, here’s one of my fuzzy sausages if it makes you feel better
the fuzziest sausage.. they’re adorable, ty ;0
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submitted by tir-amy-su:
i present…….. the stinky squad..
i………………….. love them …
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submitted by fairytalepeople:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat:( I don’t have any cats of my own but I have the stable cats! The first one is Bertil and the other is Tigris. She’s turning 18 this summer so she gets to stay in the kitchen if she wants to. I also have my dogs, Freja and Sweetie, and none of them act their age (Freja turned 7 yesterday and sweetie is 8) Then there’s my butterfly Miranda (I swear it reacted positively to the Hamilton ost) who I found the last day of December. Sadly it passed some time before February. Tigris usually tries to steal lunch from people by being adorable:3 I hope you are feeling better soon!
all a bunch of babs !!!!! I love freja especially ;0; and thank you <3
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submitted by koalabuddy:
my kitty for ur cat night
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submitted by vvarp-core:
Here are my meowers, and a cat that definitely isnt mine but i want to shake his furry lil hand
v sweet meowers, thank you !!! funk engine cat is going places
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submitted by captainbuttersocks:
These are my eggs!! They’re inseparable. The white one is Princess and the big orange fella is Lucky.
i gasped a lil bit at that third picture, they look so sweet ;0; thank you!!
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submitted by wrightworthmakesmylifeworthwhile:
heard u needed cat pics so hey!! this lil guy is milo (originally “miles” bc im a nerd but we decided he’s too silly to have such a serious name) he’s got a black cat sister named maya (also bc I’m a nerd) and an older yellow tabby cat named pumpkin but he’s probably the most photogenic of my lovely three cats and he’s smol and an awkward little goofball!! he’s not too bright bless him and he always sticks his legs up in the air for no reason (like the first pic I didn’t make him do that he just?? decided that was a comfortable position to be in) anyway he’s a gem I hope he brings you joy bc he sure does me!!! I’m v sorry about your cat 😕
that picture of him with the pumpkin and bunny tail cape made me so unbelievably happy I cannot even begin to express
thank you so much !! he looks like such a sweet bean and his fam sounds just as adorable ;w;
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submitted by starlight-steel:
i’m so so sorry to hear about your cat; she looks like such a sweetheart, and it’s always hard to lose a pet :( i thought i’d send over some pics of my anastasia; i hope she helps a little bit!!
(ps this glitched the first time sorry if it submits twice!)
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAT with an extra beautiful name !!
and thank you, she really was the sweetest :’)
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submitted by lala-inwonderland:
i’m very sorry about your kitty, i know how it feels to lose a pet like that. hopefully these pictures of my cats help? the soft orange boy is Oliver and the floppy calico is Daphne. Oliver is a nosy little thief and Daphne is a lazy prissy princess
oliver looks so mischievous and daphne is adorable….. thank you for these, they’re definitely helping, and thank you for your condolences!!
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submitted by yolo--ziff: 
This is Ghost. He is about ten months old and loves licking water from the shower, chewing shoelaces and sitting on my keyboard
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submitted by mewtwo–official:
This is my precious bab Misu, I hope she cheers you at least a little
she absolutely does, thank you ;___; I love her markings !!
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submitted by upsidedownsudoku: 
this is o'malley. he likes the sink, is afraid of mice, and cries every time we bring him outside but i love him anyways
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submitted by selenathezorua: 
mao mao it’s gracie
gracie looks so soft ;___; 
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submitted by miraculouscatnip:
I’m so sorry you had to go through this, here’s the round girl and the pancake boy to make you feel better
thank you... and theyre gorgeous ;0; !!
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submitted by ryuibee: 
I saw you posting a bunch of cats and I heard you lost a cat/cats??? I’m extremely sorry for your loss !! I hated losing my cats : (( I actually lost one of mine ( he’s the black and white spotted one here. His name is spot spot but we called him pouder ((literally poo-duh-er)) this November and it was very heartbreaking. He was only 3 and was this little 15 pound cat who’s gender we couldn’t actually tell so we just used male pronouns and loved belly rubs and chirped like a birdie. Thankfully I have one of my other babies still, Mamakitty !! She’s the gray one in here !! I love her !! She’s very sweet and will love on you 24/7 but if you leave the room she will meow until you get back or come and find you !! But I love her very much ,,, I hope you don’t mind me submitting my cats too !! I’d thought I try and help you !! Love your blog btw-
!!! thank you so much for this message, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss as well, especially considering his age.. ;w; 
and i lOve these cats, ty for sending them <33
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
I have 4 cats, Sabbath (the black itty kitty, he’s all grown up now), Minda (the black and white putty-tat, still just a baby), Wyatt (fluffy cat), and Binx (yet to be photographed, he’s elusive)
This guy is a rescue we found a home for a few months back (we have so many cats because we have a hard time giving away kitties)
;w; what a sweetheart, thank you..
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
Catz 4 dayz (Sending you gooood vibes👍)
aaAAA TY <3
and now some decidedly un-cat pets ?? who are all just as good
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submitted by mccreesweetpea:
I see people are sending you their adorable animals. I’d love to join in with my baby Stripe!! :0
what a cutie !!!!!! an old friend of mine had a guinea pig and she was a sweetheart too
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submitted by commanderofwhat:
I hope some pic of my weird dogs cheer you up a bit!!
the weirdest dogs, i love them ;0; ty!!
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submitted by famousinthatanonymousway:
okay so i don’t have a pet cat but these are my children. front to back: Whitney, Enchilada, Aloe, Anti-Capitalist “Gendy” Agenda and Nihilist (2 in tiny pot), Rosa, Boro, Milo, Rose, Nambypampy, and the bamboo in the back is Eduardo Two. im so sorry for your loss, i love you and my sons and daughters love you too
ngl when I first refreshed my inbox I was slowly scrolling down to try and find the elusive cat before I got to the attached message, but this is honestly so much better
i love you and your sons and daughters too, and thank you for such a beautiful pic of your v aptly named children <3
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submitted by darkdragonslies:
I don’t have a cat, but I do have a bird. Knowing the feeling of suddenly losing pets, I’m very sorry for your loss
a big ol cutie for sure!!! and thank you <3
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submitted by gay-lawyer-heaven:
Ayyy I’m sorry about your cats man, I’ve lost doggies and I know the feel. I’d send you cats, but I have none, so have a lil pic of my doggies Tonks (brown on the left) and Scout! (black, terror eyes on the right) Scout’s the mellower he’s like. Four-fiveish. Tonks is about one or two and licks. Everything.
A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, I love dogs a whole bunch too (we have a jack russell terrier named frodo wishbone baggins lmao) and yours are adorable!!
and now some text 
dontkillbirds said: I’m so so sorry to hear about that, it’s awful when pets pass. Xo
clefeeble said: I’m so so sorry for your loss :<
leonidas1754 said: Oh gosh, I’m so sorry bud.
thank you all so much ;w; <3
silversacredsilence said: hang in there, you can do it. happened a lot of times to me too and if you want, i can send pictures of my cats and dogs :)
tysm.. and I’d love to see your pets if you’ve got pics, I’ve been asking my friends to send me pics of theirs and it really is helping ;0;
stories ?
actualmomgarnet asked: Ok so its not a pic but I thought I'd share my cat story with you??? To make you laugh!! Before my cat Toby got sick and passed away he was the cuddliest cat you'd ever meet and I miss him to this day, even though it's been 4 years. BUT sometimes he'd chase my mom down the hallway like a dog and it was SO FUNNY so just imagine (1/2)
you’re sitting in the living room and you’d look down the hallway to only hear a “thumpathumpathump” followed by a “SCREEEEEAAAAAAAAAACCCHHHHH” as my mom RAN AS FAST AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE AWAY FROM HIM :’D so yeah. My cat Toby :D (2/2)
that is the most ridICULOUS THING I’VE EVER HEARD JFDLKF, I love when cats just go wild in hallways goD, thank you for this !!
and I’m very sorry to hear about your loss as well, I’m sure toby was super loved himself ;0;
anon said: I'll share a cat story too! we had a cat named smokey, who could stretch to be as long as I was tall (as a 5th-grade babby). and he was very. VERY into food. our kitchen was kind of just a long hallway, and it had completely smooth wood-laminate flooring, and his food bowl was against the far wall. anytime someone went into the kitchen after about 5 pm, smokey would lose his mind and go sprinting into the kitchen. but the floor was smooth, and he was fast. he ran into the wall quite a bit.
another story about smokey and food: dad’s girlfriend at the time (now wife) made us a pan of brownies, and we left them on the counter overnight. when we woke up, half of the pan had been chewed down. dad thought it was me and my brother at first, until he looked a little closer. what did he see? kitty nose prints. -n- smokey would also open cabinets to steal bread and fling it all around the house, which necessitated baby locks on the cabinets. he was. smart in the dumbest ways.
I love smokey ??? smokey sounds like the perfect and most exemplary ridiculous cat in existence?? thank you, these made me smile a lot jdklf
anon said: my cat's name is Tuxie, my mom named him that because he's black with a little white tuxedo pattern. He was our neighborhood stray for years until he started making friends with our other cats through the glass and when winter came, we couldn't help but bring him in. He's incredibly buff but not feral, vet says he was probably abandoned by his last owner. He's very kind and shy and polite and the only noise he makes is little squeaks when he jumps we love him to bits
!!! I’m so glad he’s got a home with you guys now, he sounds like an absolute sweetheart ;0;
en-el-espanol-de-la-rae asked: my mom head a cat hus name was agüi (a mix of the spanish word for water n here bc apparently they had found him by the river) n he was Very Clingy and liked to climb and his fave resting spot was around ppl's necks for some unknown reason so a common sight in our house was agüi around someone's neck... i dont have pics of him but he was v photogenic my mom took a lot of pics w him in college n took him everywhere
he sounds adorable omg, thank you for sharing… cats are just ?? so good ??? poppy used to just lie on my back/shoulders if i was ever in the position for her to do so lmao
again. thank you all so much for sending me these things, they really meant a lot 
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filosofablogger · 6 years
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Good Monday morning, once again.  It sure does seem to roll around fast these days, doesn’t it?  I still think it’s a government conspiracy to take all our free time away from us!  Hey … think I could be a guest on Sean’s or Alex’ shows and promote my conspiracy theories?  I mean heck, mine make every bit as much sense as theirs do!  And I can practice, and probably get that red-in-the-face-rant thing down pat … I shall have to ponder upon this.  But first, let’s enjoy our Monday morning together and find some happy, fun things to start the week out, shall we?
Contributing to the delinquency of … a raccoon???
The folks in the Wayne Township, Indiana, fire department were having a slow night last Monday.  A slow day or night in a firehouse is a good thing … it means nobody has set their kitchen afire like some people who shall remain nameless!  But then … the doorbell started frantically buzzing at 2:00 a.m.
“As many times as the doorbell on the firehouse was pushed, the firefighters were quite certain that something bad was going on outside.”
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When Fire Captain Mike Pruitt raced to answer the door, he found a woman holding … a raccoon!  The raccoon was lethargic, and there was no mystery about it, for the woman plainly told the firemen that the raccoon had smoked too much marijuana!  Yes, folks, you heard me right … wacky weed, pot, Maryjane … whatever you call it, the raccoon was high as a kite!  I don’t think he voluntarily smoked the weed, as the woman said he had been exposed to too much of ‘someone else’s’ marijuana smoke.  Ahem … a likely story.
The raccoon will likely be fine, as the firemen told the woman, there was nothing to be done but to wait a few hours for the effects to wear off.  I wonder if he had the munchies?
$500 reward offered for … a teddy bear?
The Earley family of New York vacationed at Disney World in Florida this year, with their three-year-old daughter, Morgan.  On the way home, as they passed through North Carolina, the little girl apparently stuffed her beloved teddy bear out the window.  Nothing too unusual there … some kids actually try to force their younger siblings through the window of a moving car!  But little Morgan was bereft at the loss of her bear.
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Now, personally, I would have stopped at the closest Toys ‘R Us, bought the kid another bear, and been done with it.  But Morgan’s parent a) are nicer than I am, and b) have more money than I do.  They are offering a $500 reward for the safe return of the bear, named only Baby Bear.  There is even a Facebook page  with a few thousand sappy, empathetic comments from people around the country trying to be helpful.
Talk about ‘draining the swamp’ …
There is a lesson to be had in this story.  If you’re going to run from the cops, know where you are running to, else just let them put the pretty bracelets on you and go quietly.
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Pasco County Sheriff’s Deputies pulled over … or rather, tried to pull over … Paul Andrew Smith last Tuesday after he nearly hit their cruiser.  Only Paul had other ideas and jumped from his car, running as fast as he could run … right into the swamp … where he promptly sunk in up to his neck.
A K-9 named Knox is credited with finding Smith, and it took several deputies and some time to free Smith from the muck.  Knox, it is said, kept licking him.  After being freed from the swamp, do you think Mr. Smith was grateful?  No sir … he cursed the police up one end and down the other, though he did seem to enjoy Knox’ licks, nearly laughing at the dog’s antics.
Turns out Smith was wanted by authorities in neighboring Hernando County, too.  The guy gets around.
It’s just a cat, man!
I came across these adorable pics on Bored Panda last week and I couldn’t resist sharing them today.  This is known as a Sphynx Cat and his name is Loki.  Loki lives with his human family members, Sara and Brent, in Brooklyn, New York and they say he is nowhere near as grumpy as he looks!
“This cat has more personality and sass than any animal I have ever met. We are inseparable. We are best friends. Loki is incredibly affectionate, cuddly and chatty. He loves napping on our bellies, eating chicken and scrambled eggs and receiving hearty head scratches.”
It could be that he isn’t too keen on all the strange outfits his humans keep putting on him.  For more fun pictures of Loki, check him out on Bored Panda
And now, dear friends, it is time for us all to get this week rolling.  You go earn the bacon, I’ll wash the laundry, and the rest of you will go write wonderful books for us all to read!  Please share your smiles, give hugs freely, and remember to be kind.  Keep safe and have a great week!  Love ‘n hugs from Filosofa and the Significant Seven!
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Monday … So Smile for a While and Let’s Be Jolly! Good Monday morning, once again.  It sure does seem to roll around fast these days, doesn’t it? 
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