#that atom-splitter pain.
machinavocis · 2 years
everything i Am is sick sad absent pathetic archaic expired & yet everything i Do is substance, permanence marked deep in the body of Time the marrow of it i imagine myself as noun decaying; as verb immortal in this moment, any moment, every moment that i choose not to Be not to Be to Do & yet to Stay silkswept sung spun suspended here in eternal prelude the quiet before the sound that becomes the quiet that stretches on into the quiet that remains forever and you will remain forever descending; an unfinished melody; a mouthful of dead blood; i deserve the sort of pain that means
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kayla-loves-cisco · 5 years
“C’mon, Ramon, c’mon!” he grunted through gritted teeth. For a while now, Cisco had been trying persistently to vibe the location of Jershon Barrio, the metahuman who had the ability to split atoms (although he used his powers to do villainous things). In their most recent battle, the Atom-Splitter (Cisco had yet to come up with a great name) made a van explode, distracting Team Flash and getting away with robbing the Central City Bank. A piece of metal from the car door was what Vibe was using to locate the villain, however, it wasn’t working. He took a step back to breathe, wiping his bloody nose and examining the deep gashes left on his hands.
It had been five days since his confrontation with Cicada in which the dagger sliced his hands, slowly deteriorating his powers and shooting searing pain up his arms. His powers normally filled him to the brim with life and energy, but now that they were faultering, he couldn’t help but doubt his worth. When he had first acquired them, he was afraid he’d Anakin-to-Vader, however, he learned to trust himself and these new abilities. Actually, he eventually became quite fond of his powers: Vibe was a major part of his life now.
He picked up the metal once more and took a deep breath. The energy thrummed from his chest and was carried swiftly down his arms, thrusting out of his fingertips with a blue flourish. He could only see faint glimpses— stacks of cash on an old table; greedy, angry eyes mostly obscured by a mask; silhouettes of what seemed to be a large yet empty warehouse—
But then a navy hue overclouded his vision and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
When he came to, he was laying in the chair in which Barry lost his memories to fight Savitar, accompanied by Caitlin. She looked up as he slowly propped himself up on his elbows, wincing.
“Cisco! Woah, take it easy. You’ve vibed a bit too much today, my friend.” She clasped her hands together as a sympathetic I’m-sorry-smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
“Ugh, did I get trampled by a stampede or something?” His head spun. “What happened?”
“I found you in your workshop, unconscious. When I saw the metal next to you and the blood dripping from your nose, I put two and two together.”
“Oh, gosh. Cait, I’m sorry—”
“No! Don’t apologize,” Caitlin interrupted, her voice soothing and sweet like thick honey. “You pushed yourself to your limit. It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not that.”
Caitlin gave him an inquisitive brow as he let out a slow breath.
“I think the dark matter in my hands—” he gestured to the gauze wrapping his palms— “is screwing with my powers. Finding people is usually easy for me, as you know. But this time, I couldn’t get a full vibe. I saw bits and pieces and then it all short circuited on me.”
Caitlin looked deep into his dark eyes as he continued, his voice lowered now.
“What if this takes away my powers completely? Vibe’s been such a huge part of my life for so long. I can’t imagine not having these abilities. I want to help people! I want to save lives! I want to protect the people I love, and you’re one of them! If I lose my ability to do so, what will I have to offer?”
There was a pause - a pause way too long to not raise concern. Anxiety grew wildly in the pit of Cisco’s stomach. He feared the worst, praying that the words to come out of her mouth would be positive. Caitlin sighed, and then began to speak.
“I loved you before you got your powers, and I love you now as well. You’re Cisco Ramon! The only guy I know who can quote hundreds of movies and create a countless amount of unique gadgets! You were willing to risk your safety just to find Barrio and help the team. You’re the most selfless person I know. You’re not just Vibe, you’re Cisco as well.
“You were the one who got absolutely soaked by pouring rain as you rushed to my broken household in the dead of night to comfort me after the Particle Accelerator explosion. You were the one who persuaded me to dance at that club when I wasn’t in the mood. You were the one who cheered me on with Ronnie, and then Jay, and then Julian, telling me that it was going to be okay. You’re such a unique person, Cisco, and your powers don’t define you. It’s your actions that do, and you’re a pretty awesome guy.”
The two of them shared a genuine smile. “Dang, you really know how to cheer someone up, don’t you?” Cisco inquired. “You’re incredible.”
(it’s one in the morning and i’m too tired to finish this. lalalalalala)
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Hey there! I was wondering if I could request a Kirishima x reader imagine where they're both heroes and he goes out of his way to protect her in battle and she has no idea why until he confesses? Sorry it was so long. I completely understand if you dont write it.
Honestly, I’m not sure what happened here. This is so long … it seems I lost control. Oh, and here is the return of my kinda OC Blacksmith. Requests featuring her if you guys are interested: Request 1, Request 2
Kirishima knows you can take care of yourself. Everyone knows that Blacksmith is more than capable of handling herself, especially in a fight. It’s where you thrive, where you felt most alive. You are a young goddess of war, a master of combat. Knowing you for three years now, Kirishima knows that fact about you. He knows that very well.
You are locked in a heated exchange of blades. The villain Necroma, a burly, blond man, a mass of muscle and impressive height with a blood-soaked grin, matches every blow with a shocking intensity. You knock him back, trying to create a bit of distance between you. The sword in your right hand transforms into a dagger with a golden flash of your eyes. You throw it at his head, and he dodges. But you are already on him with your gauntlet covered hand in a fist ready to strike. Necroma’s body goes limp before your fist connects. You look around. He reanimates one of the multiple bodies laying on the battlefield. His new form brings down his massive blade. Your eyes flash gold as the gauntlet in your hands extends into a spear. The ground buckles underneath you as you are forced into the earth by his brute strength. You let his sword slide down your staff, knocking him off balance. You bring your leg and connect your foot with his face; he is send stumbling to the side, crashing into the wall. You run up to him as your other wrist guard and spear transform into dual swords.
You are a goddess of battle. Anyone can see it, every villain you faced can feel it in your monstrous power, and Kirishima knows it. He does. But it doesn’t stop him from running to you in the midst of battle. Because your back is turned … and because you don’t realize Necroma has used his Quirk to put his soul into another corpse … and because he is so desperately in love with you.
Ever since the day when you stopped that massive slab of concrete from crushing him, he’s had feelings for you. That’s why he has to get to you in time. It’s the same reason why you can’t die.
He hasn’t told you yet.
You turn, eyes wide, but Kirishima is already in front of you, taking the blow in place of you. The blade shatters against his hardened skin. Necroma’s new body hums. 
“A Hardening Quirk, eh? I think I have the perfect body for that. But first,” he says, grabbing Kirishima’s face mask and sending him flying away from you.
“Red Riot!” you scream as the body behind you reanimates, wrapping his arm around your neck. He strips the metal from your body, leaving your bare and vulnerable.
“Red Riot, Beta Team is clear! They have the target. Leave with them now! Complete the mission!”
“No! I can’t!”
“Are you an idiot? Complete the mission! Leave while you can!”
“I can’t leave you!”
“Why not? I’m telling you to get out of here! You’d better follow my orders!”
There you go again. Always trying to save him. From the first time he met you, you were always coming to his recuse, saving him. It always seemed so natural to you. You always moved without hesitation. Even now, your voice does not waver when you tell him to run. Kirishima pushes to his hands and knees. 
He’s always felt bad for harboring these feelings. He felt even worst holding onto them for all these years. But he never felt worthy of sharing how he’s felt. How could he confess his feelings to someone he couldn’t even protect. What kind of man did that make him? Kirishima stumbles to his feet, coughing. He is going to be the one to save you this time. He is finally going to be able to tell you. 
Kirishima roars, bumping his fist together and charging at you. 
“Hmm, so he’s getting back up?” the body holding you purrs, “I didn’t think he has the strength. No matter. Soul Splitter.”
Another body animates on the field. This one is a tall blue-haired male with straight hair and black lifeless eyes like the rest of them. He rushes Kirishima, knocking his fist into his stomach. Kirishima’s eyes cross as the air is knocked out of his lungs. He looks down at the man’s fist. It shouldn’t have hurt. He should’ve been able to harden. Why didn’t he harden?
“I’ve told you that I had the perfect Quirk for you. This person could weaken the bonds between atoms. I assume your Quirk uses carbon to harden your skin.”
Necroma smirks, grabbing Kirishima’s hand and yanking him towards his waiting fist. A sickening crunch resonates in Kirishima’s ears as the thick taste of iron fills his mouth. He stumbles backwards, spitting out globs of blood. Kirishima takes a wild swing, disoriented, but still fueled by his hero spirit and the sound of you screaming his name. Necroma snorts, easily catching his hand. He brings his powerful fist down on Kirshima’s stomach as he breaks bonds and attacks the vulnerable skin. 
“Red Riot!” you scream when Necroma picks up a piece of metal, jamming it into his stomach, “Red Riot, no!”
Necroma snorts again, lifting Kirishima by his throat, “You should have run when she gave you the chance. You aren’t nearly as adept in battle as she is. Did you want to prove something to her? Your masculinity? Well now both of you are going to die.”
You flinch when you hear more grunts and whimpers from Kirishima. He looks over at your through his swollen eyelids. You are still struggling against the body holding yours. You look around desperately for any metal that you can get your hands on. 
“You can only break the bonds of what your hands touch,” Kirishima whispers hoarsely, “So what’ll happen if I do this?”
Kirishima hardens his hand and tries to jab Necroma in his elbow. The villain catches his fist with a raised eyebrow. 
“Did you think that would work?”
“No, but this will.”
Necroma hisses when the toe of Kirishima’s boot connects with his chin. He throws the boy away from him, holding his jaw. Necroma brushes his blue hair back before rushing towards Kirishima with his hand extended. Kirishima’s eyes widen and everything slows for a second. His eyes move over to you. 
(Name), you know this might not be the best time or place … but … I feel like I need to tell you this. Because I might die, and I just gotta let you know. 
You are screaming, hair flying and tears streaming down your face as you fight against the body holding you.
I’ve always thought you were really cool, (Name). You were always so strong, and even though you had your own dreams … you never hesitated in protecting me. 
You sink your teeth into the arm wrapped around your neck. He doesn’t flinch or move a centimeter. Your mouth is only filled with the rancid taste of blood. You don’t understand, dammit. You don’t understand why won’t he just run.
I always thought you were way too cool. Even though we’re just about the same age, you were so much stronger than me … and gosh you’re pretty too … 
Necroma’s hand is inches from Kirishima’s face. 
I’ve had a crush on you ever since we met, you know. I wanted to prove myself to you. I wanted to prove myself to me … I guess it didn’t work out though. Is it cheating if I tell you my feelings anyway? Because … I just might die here. 
“Red Riot! Please don’t die!”
Kirishima blinks. His body reacts faster than he is able to think, catching Necroma’s wrist and sending his fist into his elbow joint. He hisses as the bones in his arm fracture. Kirishima stands on his wobbling feet. He picks up two pieces of rebar and looks at you through hazy, half-lidded eyes. Kirishima smiles at you. Even though blood mats his hair and dyes his sclera red, he still smiles at you. Jamming one bar into the hands of Necroma, he traps him against the ground as he roars in pain, and his body falls limp.
He throws the second piece of metal just before he collapses onto the ground. Your eyes flash golden as your fingertips brush over the rebar, transforming it into a dagger. You lodge the knife into your captor’s side. Necroma’s first body, the blond beast, loosens his grip on you. Picking up your wrist guard, you immediately fly to Kirishima’s side.
“Red Riot, I thought I told you to run, you idiot.”
His eyes crack open, “I … I couldn’t. You know … how can I be a man if I leave the girl I love behind? I … I love you …”
A blush covers your face, but you don’t have time to bask in the glow of his words. You lift his heavy body into your arms as you scan the multiple scattered bodies lying in the dirt. Nothing is moving. Even the air is still as your sharp eyes search for any flicker of movement. Nothing. Necroma must’ve hit a time limit and returned to his original body.
Now is your time. You hoist up Kirishima’s limp body, cradling him in your arms, and sprint away from the battlefield. Kirishima groans in your arms. He is watching you as the corners of his vision go black. You are saying something to him, but he can’t hear a word your saying. Now that he thinks about it … he can’t feel much of anything either. You’re still so cool though. Even when he tried to save you, you are still the one protecting him. How pathetic and uncool. He still isn’t good enough. Kirishima’s head lolls back as his eyelids flutter closed. 
He still isn’t good enough for you.
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canaliculi · 7 years
There’s no glitter in the gutter
Gravity Falls
NC-17: masturbation, weird biology, hate sex (ish), tentacles
It's hard to get over a boyfriend who's planted roots in your psyche.
Ford was drunk. He fumbled first with his keys, six fingers wriggling in his pockets as though he was trying to untangle the Untangle-able Knot of Dimension 8~31. Then, Key firmly in Grasp, he had to close one eye to focus on the keyhole, jaw clenched in irritation as it missed sliding in again and again, scratching along the silver surrounding of the lock. Joining, he noticed, the multitude of other fine scratches fellow patrons had left over the years. It was a relief when it finally slipped into place, and hazily Ford was able to reassure himself that no, it hadn’t taken as long as he’d thought it had, and his mental capabilities were almost certainly still in place.
Stumbling, he maneuvered his way into the room, carelessly tossing the door shut behind him. It slammed loudly into its frame. Slightly tipsy or no, Ford had had caution hammered into him; he locked the door behind him, before sloppily kicking off his boots, choosing to wrench them off his feet rather than worry with untying them. His long coat was discarded next, draped over the threadbare sofa. The color was worn away in the cushions, from extended use by its multitude of owners. Ford really didn’t like to think about how many people – creatures – had come and gone through this apartment.
On his way to his room, Ford stripped himself of his various weapons – the Neutralizer from his hip, the Nebulizer strapped across his back, the Sub-Atomic Particle Splitter that was tied to his shin, beneath the cuff of his slacks – and he dropped them all carelessly to floor. Except the Particle Splitter. That was kept in its sheath and set carefully on the heavily dented dresser. Ford flopped bodily onto the bed afterwards.
He laid facedown for a moment, eyes closed, face scrunched while the room felt like it was swimming around him. After a few moments, he wriggled onto his backside, staring blearily at the dark ceiling. It spun between each blink. Ford sucked in a breath, and his hands trailed down his sides, brushed over his hips, and one thumb ran up and down along the half-hard bulge in his pants. God, he’d been hard for hours.
His face felt flushed, from the alien alcohol coursing in his system, from the teasing he was doing to himself – from the embarrassment that he was doing this at all. But his hands went to his belt all the same, fumbling with the clasp for a moment or two. He opened his pants immediately afterwards, shimmying around to drag them halfway down his thighs. His dick was fully hard now, reacting ridiculously to the light touches. As though he hadn’t been touched, hadn’t done this in…
Well, Ford thought, clearing his throat in the emptiness of his room, perhaps it had been a while. His left hand meandered upwards to shove his glasses back up his nose, and then ran through his already mussed hair. He bit his lip as his fingers trailed up and down his length, sliding over the silky fabric of his briefs. A moment’s hesitation, and he ripped his underwear off as well. He let out a hissed breath as he took a firm grip on his dick, twisting his wrist. His head felt fuzzy.
Regardless of however long it had been since his last, ahem, release session, his muscles knew exactly what to do, how to stroke himself, where to pinch and roll to have his toes curling. At first, just the physical aspect was enough for him. Ford lost himself, thrusting up into his own hand, legs straining to spread around the slacks that were still tangled around his thighs. Having something restrain his movements – something to flex against – felt good in a way he didn’t feel the need to examine.
Feeling suddenly hot, Ford removed his hand from his cock, unbuttoning his shirt. He let the fabric fall off his chest, still looped around his elbows. What was he doing? He wasn’t a teenager anymore. But nonetheless Ford lifted his hand to his mouth, scraped at his bottom lip with his thumbnail, harshly enough that it burned, before sliding two fingers into his mouth. No one was here, there was no need to feel so shameful, but his cheeks burned as he sucked on his own fingers, curling them against his tongue.
His fingers slid free of his mouth, and he tentatively licked at his palm as well, trying to clear his mind of his self-depreciating thoughts. Ford drug his fingers down his bare chest, willing himself to focus, to silence the raucous thoughts in his mind. His legs and arms both flexed, a rush of heat flooding through at the way his clothes constrained him, and he hurriedly wrapped his saliva-slick hand around his length, teeth digging into his bottom lip.
Unbidden, his thoughts drifted as he jerked his hand up and down, his hips trembling. They flicked from memory to fantasy to memory, a heady mixture of sensations real and imagined. Tentacles drifting around his limbs, mouths and mouths and mouths licking and biting his flesh, suckers and probes painting dark hickies into his skin, one large, all seeing eye, lashes fluttering in delight as Ford fucked against him – or into him – and-
Ford’s eyes snapped open, brow furrowed. Why, now of all times, why did Bill Cipher have to invade his thoughts? His cock twitched in response and he groaned, his head lifting off the pillow briefly to slam back against it in frustration. But… well, his own imagination couldn’t hurt, could it? He was still awake, and Bill hadn’t come to invade his dreams, his mind, his body in months. Almost as if the demon had abandoned him.
Never, Fordsy, the fake Bill in his mind whispered. I would never leave you. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest. You’re special. Those weren’t words he had to imagine – they were burned into his memories, a pathetically treasured phrase. For the moment, he shoved away the self-loathing he held for that part of himself, the part of him that had fallen so fully and readily for Bill’s flattery. He allowed himself to enjoy the warmth that curled around his chest. Allowed himself to fall into the same trap that had dragged him so far from home.
The most brilliant mind I’ve ever seen – a true genius! Bill was remarking. And maybe it was one of Bill’s hands around his dick, and more of his muse’s limbs holding him steady. Come on, IQ, show me what you got! And Ford moaned, heels digging into the mattress as he shoved his hips upwards, fully thrusting into his hand, all thoughts of dignity lying shredded on the floor somewhere.
“Bill,” he murmured to the empty room. “Please.” His mind flickered through the various forms his former muse had taken – assorted limbs, dripping tendrils, humanoid bodies with too many arms, too many openings - but focused on the glowing, triangular form that so dominated his thoughts. Bill’s eye, curving in delight, lashes brushes against his skin – warping into a mouth, grossly long and wet tongue sliding against his body, splitting into a grin packed to the brim with sharp teeth.
Was it possible for his dick to get even harder? It didn’t seem like it should be, but Ford cursed quietly, tightening his grip on his cock until it was almost painful, and even that reminded him of Bill. You can take it, can’t you Sixer? He squeezed roughly at the base of his cock, loosening his grip as he traveled back up towards his head, thumbing over his leaking slit. A shiver wracked up and down his body, goosebumps prickling along his skin.
Ford picked up the pace, imaging Bill egging him on, begging for him to go faster, to go harder, and it got all mixed up in his head, until Ford wasn’t sure which of them was keening beneath the other, panting and shaking. He imagined Bill’s hands ghosting over his sweat soaked and feverish skin, Bill’s pupil rolling back as Ford slammed his dick inside him, over and over; the profound, toe-curling stretch as Bill fucked him deeper and deeper, until his mind was an overloaded field of static, until all he was capable of was calling out his muse’s name, over and over, whining and squirming for his release.
“Bill, fuck, ah,” Ford breathed. All his muscles were tightening, heat like a taut, coiled spring pooling in his stomach. Bill on him, inside him, devouring him, tearing him to pieces, owning him – a shameless cascade of thoughts that Ford would never admit to having. Could never admit, even to himself, caused his body to clench tighter and tighter, his mouth to hang open in a constant moan, and his mind dragged up one last memory – Circles, Ford – of Bill and he was coming messily all over his hand, his orgasm so forceful that it arched up to splatter along his stomach, even some of it up his chest.
All at once, his muscles went slack, and Ford slumped into the thin mattress, chest heaving with quick, shallow pants. He was able to float blankly for a few moments, enjoying the fogginess of his thoughts, the heaviness of his limbs that refused to move even an inch. Slowly, self-consciousness began to creep back in, and Ford grimaced to think of the images, the sounds, the sensations his mind had conjured. How hard he had come to the thought of the monster that had ripped everything away from him.
It could have been the alcohol, the orgasm, the general fatigue that haunted him daily now, or perhaps just a mixture of all three, but Ford felt utterly spent, completely drained. He laid still for a long time, chiding himself for allowing the mess on his chest to cool to his skin, but unwilling to move. He could always shower later. Ford kept his eyes closed as his breathing slowly deepened, his thoughts turning and meandering at a crawling pace.
“Having some FUN, huh?”
Oh no. Ford’s eyes flew open, and the dingy apartment ceiling was no longer there to greet him. No, no, no. He standing suddenly, in the star soaked nightscape of his mind, and if Ford had managed to learn anything - anything - from past experience, it was the difference between a normal dream, and a dream with his muse. His mind still felt fuzzy, vaguely unfocused, and he was desperately unsettled, shaken to his core. But there was Bill, shining and glowing with his own light, a frown furrowing his upper eyelid.
“Whoa, some REAL fun! It’s a little TIPSY in here!” That slit pupil flicked over to peer at him, and Ford’s whole body tensed, his heart skipping a beat. Bill’s eye curled into that familiar grin, and then Bill’s entire body shifted, swaying up and down, left and right, in an almost nauseating, sea-sickness inducing manner.
“Ugh,” Ford groaned, and Bill laughed, reorienting himself and floating closer. Ford, at the very least, had the presence of mind to protest, taking an almost automatic step backward. “What do you want from me, Bill?”
“What do I want he says!” Bill let out his grating, irritating laugh again, and despite whatever thoughts the human might have been entertaining not even five minutes ago, Ford wanted nothing more than to punch the triangle right in its huge, stupid eye. “Oh, THAT’S not very NICE, Sixer! Besides, that’s not ALL you wanna do to this eye, right?”
Blood rushed to his face at once, but Ford forced a scoff, rolling his eyes. He stiffened as doors suddenly sprang up in the nebulous expanse of his mindscape, and in unison they swung open, revealing the memories he had just, dear god, jerked it to. Was it possible to die of humiliation inside a dream? It certainly seemed like Ford was going to find out.
“I-I…” What could he even possibly say to any of this? “It isn’t what it looks like!” Brilliant. Bill looked like he had the same opinion of Ford’s meagre defense.
“Is that so?” The triangle drifted over to one of the doors, peering exaggeratedly intently inside. Even from here, Ford could see pieces of the flashing images inside, a memory of one of the vaguely human bodies Bill had sculpted for him. The demon had been a little liberal with the mouths on it, but that hadn’t stopped Ford from exploring each and every one of them, thoroughly. (Even the one that Bill had put on the back of his knee – as a joke, he claimed. Ford had actually found that one to be of particular interest – lined with teeth and equipped with a tongue, as they all were, but at the back where a throat would be was nothing but the taut, elastic lines of the normal tendons and cartilage one would expect out of a knee. All in all, he had spent a rather large amount of time simply running his fingers around the joint, naming and tracing the ligaments he barely remembered from anatomy, and Bill had quivered and twitched, particularly when he would jam his fingers in hard against the joint, threatening to pop the-)
“WHOA, getting a little LOST in THOUGHT there, aren’t you?”
Ford jerked, realizing that yes, he had gotten totally wrapped up in the memory again, so much so that sounds were leaking out of the doorway, filling his mindscape with low moans, sharp intakes of breath. The doors slammed shut. He pretended to find a distant star cluster fascinating, just so he wouldn’t have to look at Bill.
“Hey, it’s OKAY – just some FOND reminiscing between old friends!” Two black hands cupped his face, encouraging him to tilt his head up, and Ford’s eyes flicked back to stare up at his former muse. The demon’s eye was half lidded. A shiver tingled along his spine somewhere. “But why live in the PAST when you can have the REAL THING!”
Ford lifted his own hands to tentatively skirt the sharp slopes of Bill’s sides, before moving to rest against the being’s back plane. This was a mistake, wasn’t it? How could he fight against him, keep the flames of his anger alive – and he was angry, was hurt – if he kept letting his muse slip back inside him? But he remembered the words he had conjured for himself - I would never leave you - and having the demon so close was enough to bring back the rushing tide he’d thought (hoped) had been long since buried. How good it felt to be recognized, to be wanted, to have an infinitely seeing god paying attention to him, only him.
“It’s a DREAM, right? No harm in that…” Bill murmured, and Ford could laugh himself silly at the lie. Could, but didn’t, instead dragging Bill closer so he could press a chaste kiss to his warm, glowing surface. Bill chuckled, and pushed against his shoulders. “Lay down Sixer; I’ve got something NICE for you!”
Gravity did something he could only describe as weird, and Ford closed his eyes at a sudden lurch of vertigo, and he was falling onto his back, flopping into soft cushions. Something cold and slick slipped over his eyes, pressing his eyelids down, and a shudder ran through his body. His mouth felt dry and he swallowed around a lump in his throat. Limbs all akimbo, he felt ridiculously self-conscious, unable to see Bill.
“Bill?” His voice sounded pathetic to his own ears. His cheeks burned. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. A hand was suddenly on his chest, pushing him back down, and Ford almost jumped out of his skin at the contact. There was a deep chuckle, and limbs – a normal, human amount for once – sliding against his own, a knee insinuating itself between his legs, that hand still pressing him down, shoving hard at his sternum, and he could feel the bed dip as Bill settled his other hand nearby, resting his weight on it.
“C’mon, IQ, play along will ya?” Ford allowed himself to be lowered. His clothes had been vanished sometime when he wasn’t looking, and Bill’s skin – inhumanly smooth, like living marble – burned against his. “Good boy.” Bill’s voice was a deep purr, the tone alone enough to have a spike of heat shooting into his gut, let alone the sardonic praise being heaped upon him. The leg between his own slid further up, rubbed teasingly against him, and then Bill was moving, straddling him.
Two hands grabbed onto his wrists, and pulled his hands away from where they had been twisting anxiously in the sheets, placed them on taut, blazing thighs. Bill immediately let him go, and Ford allowed his hands to rove up the strange flesh, thoughts racing as he tried to create a picture in his mind. Long and slim, leading to narrow hips, bony prominences jutting out sharply. His hands continued tracing upwards, an unnaturally elongated waist, until his fingers brushed against the firm bumps of Bill’s ribcage. He could feel the demon’s chest shaking with suppressed mirth. Hands on his own stilled his movements again, and they gently guided him back downwards.
His heart was pounding in his chest and his face felt too hot. He could only imagine the body perched overtop of his own, the predatory and judging gaze of his muse. His hands found the junction of Bill’s hips again and they paused. Bill wriggled his hips, and Ford didn’t need to be told twice to finally move his hands between the demon’s splayed legs, eagerness and uncertainty warring within him.
He was almost – no, scratch that, he was completely surprised to find what felt like a normal set of human genitalia beneath his fingers, soft folds that yielded as he slipped against them. Was that a relief or a disappointment? He didn’t have much time to register the thought as, in a decidedly inhuman manner, the slit he was running his fingertips along parted like a fissure, and two prehensile, wet tendrils dripped out, twining around his hands. Bill burst into laughter.
“Oh MAN Fordsy, you should SEE your FACE right now! PRICELESS!” Whatever liquid the tentacles were coated in was slightly viscous, slippery, and his skin tingled where they roved, where fat droplets of the fluid dripped onto his pelvis. Almost as irritated as he was turned on, Ford twisted his wrist, sliding his right hand around to grab onto both of the squirming tendrils. “HEY! What GIVES!” He clenched his fist hard enough to bruise and yanked on them, the action pulling Bill just slightly closer. Some part of him preened to have caught his muse off guard. “STANFORD.”
Fear lanced through him briefly at Bill’s tone, unnatural and dangerous, but Ford kept him grip on the struggling tentacles – barely – and with his left hand began to trace the edges of the orifice. He couldn’t even imagine what it looked like; the split in the Bill’s skin stretched all the way up between his hips, like his pelvis had been cracked in half. Some of the tension in the room drained, Bill’s bright flare of anger fading. Tentatively, Ford dipped two of his fingers inside, brow furrowed. It was hot and wet inside, but his fingers soon ran into rows of… teeth. Fangs. Bill rolled his hips against his hand and Ford’s mind briefly stuttered.
“I can’t BELIEVE I forgot how much of a FREAK you are, Fordsy!” There was an edge of antagonism in the words, belied by strange fondness. Bill was always a dichotomy, fluctuating constantly and rapidly between affection and aggression; sometimes Ford wondered if there was even a distinction between the two for him. And he was no better, a sliver of mortification creeping up his spine did nothing to quell the throbbing in his cock. “Well? Go on! I’m not going to BITE!” As if to contradict his own point, the teeth suddenly snapped, sharp points digging into his fingers. They relaxed open again immediately, Bill laughing merrily somewhere above him.
Even with his eyes covered, Ford could imagine Bill’s stupid smirk, and he roughly added a third finger into the mouth-like orifice, spreading his fingers wide before worming a fourth in as well. Bill stopped laughing finally, and was almost ominously silent as Ford shoved his fingers in as deeply as they could reach, dragging his nails down the spongy flesh of the tentacles’ conjoined beginning as he pulled his fingers back out, before repeating the motion. One of the tendrils wriggled its way free of his right hand, to lap against the palm of his left like a dog.
How did Bill always manage to bring out the worst in him? He worked his pinky finger in as well, feeling the elastic flesh stretch around him. Ford could feel every minute twitch of Bill’s body, like the demon was trying to keep from grinding down against him. Almost vindictively, Ford shoved until nearly his entire hand was inside his muse, until only the curve of his thumb remained outside, flush against the taut skin of Bill’s pelvis. The knuckles of his right hand must be white as bone from the death grip he held on the quivering tendril, using it now to trap Bill’s hips, pull at them until they were kept canted towards him.
“Ha, Sixer I am l-LOVING this!” The stutter came when Ford wrenched his fingers out and drove them roughly back inside. “Seriously, which ONE of us do you HATE more here? Do you even know?” Ford hooked and curled his fingers inside him, scraping along the soft, supple walls that resided beyond those hideous teeth. “I thought since you came along so WILLINGLY this time you’d finally gotten over the whole ‘BETRAYAL, woe is ME’ thing!” Bill’s hands were suddenly on him, high on his chest, near his collar bones, thumbs brushing at the hollow of his throat. “What do you even WANT, Fordsy? Do you KNOW?”
“I-” Ford didn’t have an answer, and was saved from having to by a tentacle thrusting itself into his mouth the moment it opened.
“Shut up.” The tendril in his mouth teased in and out shallowly a time or two, and then surged down his throat. His body heaved on instinct, chest and esophagus spasming in an attempt to expel the thing. Bill’s right hand lifted from his chest, wrapped long fingers around his throat and squeezed tight, pressing hard against his trachea so Ford could really feel the tentacle squirming inside him, exaggerating the air loss. “I already KNOW what you want, don’t I?”
It had no right to feel so good. Bill slackened his grip and the tentacle withdrew. Ford gasped for breath, his chest burning, and then the action was being repeated, fingers digging hard into the sides of his throat. Bill thrust his hips against Ford’s hand and let go again. His fingers stroked up and down the bulge the tendril made against Ford’s throat.
“You’re LUCKY I LIKE you so much, Sixer,” Bill murmured. “You REALLY don’t DESERVE any of this.” The tentacle left his mouth entirely and Ford sucked in deep breaths, frantic to breathe before his air supply was cut off again. His throat felt sore and raw and his heartbeat was pounding in his ears. Bill shifted over top of him, leaning his weight on one arm and reaching down with his other to grab onto Ford’s wrist, yanking his hand free. “Let go.” Mindlessly, Ford complied, allowing the tendril in his hand to slip free.
Manacles clanked around his wrists, dragging them up over his head, and similar bindings encircled his ankles, held his legs spread. Those tendrils slid around his cock suddenly, fever-hot and slick, and Ford’s hips jerked fitfully. He could feel Bill moving closer, and he tried to shrink back, acutely aware of the sharp rows of teeth so close to him. Bill, predictably, laughed at him.
“What’s the matter? Scared? And here I was thinking you’d finally grown a SPINE!” Bill’s hand wrapped around his cock, lining it up with himself, and Ford moaned when he felt the head of it catch against Bill’s opening. “Do you think I’m going to hurt you, Fordsy? Do you just want me to?” The demon dropped down onto him, and Ford tossed his head back as his dick was engulfed in tight, squirming heat. Bill eased himself off him slowly, Ford almost whimpering at the loss before his muse was sliding back down on his length.
“God, Bill, please.” His voice sound raspy and dry. Bill didn’t reply, but kept up his torturously slow pace. Ford’s hips bucked against his muse, desperate for more stimulation. Hands were on his hips then, pinning him down, and this was it, wasn’t it? Bill was going to drive him crazy here and now.
“What do you want?” Up and down, so slowly, so deeply, and Ford whined high in the back of his throat. “Words, Fordsy.”
“You.” Youyouyouyouyouyou. Always. Bill laughed, and slammed himself down harder finally, Ford groaning long and loud with relief.
“And who do you belong to?” The demon was moving his hips in slow, languid circles now, his inside walls fluttering and writhing around Ford’s cock. He was finding it hard to even think around the need for more, his entire body twitching, jerking against the chains and hands holding him down.
“You, Bill,” he was barely able to gasp out. Bill raised himself again, until barely even the tip of his cock was left inside him, and Ford felt almost delirious.
“Until the end of time?”
“Un-Until the end – god – end of time, Bill, please.” Suddenly, every binding around him dissipated, even the one around his eyes, and Ford’s hands flew to Bill’s hips, held his muse steady as he began thrusting up into him, fast and nearly brutal. Bill hunched over him, hands planted on either side of his head, and the sound of his own personal demon moaning his name was a shot of heat straight to his dick.
“Harder, Ford.” And he complied. “Mine.” And he was. Ford found Bill’s neck and bite down, hard enough to bruise, to tear whatever skin Bill had created for himself this time, and he lapped against the dimples his teeth left behind. Bill was tightening above him, around him, and he bit down once more, slamming his hips up as hard as he could, until the demon was moaning and spasming around his cock. He only lasted a few more thrusts before he was coming deep inside his muse.
They were still for a few moments, Ford slipping himself free. His racing heart gradually slowed, but he didn’t open his eyes until he felt Bill move away from him. The night sky spun above him, star winking serenely in the distance. He hauled himself up into a sitting position, and Bill was still nearby, watching him. A perfect, exaggerated human form with – he snorted – a triangular head. It was kinda creepy, but only in a good way. Bill’s eye curved like he knew his thoughts.
“What did I tell you? Freak.”
Ford actually laughed. “Takes one to know one?” Bill rolled his eye. They lapsed into silence again, guilt and disgust worming its way back inside Ford’s chest. This had been a mistake.
“Well, Fordsy, I know you’ve having FUN in the Whatever dimension, but I HAPPEN to have it on GOOD AUTHORITY that one of those DIMENSIONAL RIFTS you’re so FOND of JUMPING INTO is going to be coming along soon!” Bill wasn’t looking at him. Ford frowned, immediately suspicious. Why would Bill ever offer him anything even coming within spitting distance of help? Dimension hopping wasn’t fun, no, but he had to do it to find some way to stop him, even if it meant traversing through the Nightmare Realm every time he wanted to-
Oh. Oh. Ford cleared his throat.
“Uh,” he began. Cleared his throat again. “Do you know… where it might be?”
“DUH, Sixer, I know EVERYTHING! All-seeing EYE over here? Ringing any bells?” Bill laughed at the dirty look Ford shot him. “You’ll KNOW where it is when you WAKE UP!”
“And when will that be?” He tried hard to ignore the plaintive, resigned lilt to his voice.
“Probably sometime around RIGHT NOW!”
Ford shot up, back in his own temporary bed. His head was pounding and all of his muscles ached like he’d just run a marathon. And, he grimaced, he was a mess. Bill was true to his word, however, the knowledge of when and where he could find his next dimensional drift was nestled in his mind. It was still a couple of days away, and he pushed away the disappointment that flooded through him.
He really needed a shower.
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lycorogue · 6 years
Glitches: The GRID (part 1)
So, @cyhyr​ opened a can of worms by asking about Glitches, and now you are all forced to read about everything I have built for it thus far.
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But first, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can see Cy’s ask and my history of the world of Glitches here. I think one of the main things for me when it comes to creating Glitches is to categorize the powers and physical abnormalities. In part, because it’s a natural human thing to do, and so this categorizing would canonically happen anyway, but also in part so I can make sure to keep the powers in check and not go too OP with some of my characters.
Here’s a quick history (for reals, it’s only 3 paragraphs long):
To try to help keep track of what to expect when dealing with Glitches, the United Nations created the Glitch Classification System; a universal categorizing of Glitches based on their physical evolution and super-human abilities. There are five main branches known as “Species” of Glitch: Beast, Mind, Tweaker, Evoker, and Mage. Beasts refer to anyone with physical traits that aren't normal to Homo Sapiens: wings, odd skin tone, heightened senses, etc. Minds are essentially telepaths and telekinetics, but also include any Glitches that can do any sort of manipulation with their mind, or are hyper-intelligent. Tweakers can alter either their own or another's DNA. This can be as simple as advanced healing or altering skin density, or it could be as advanced as power mimicry. Evokers can manipulate the elements, or manipulate energy such as magnetic force, gravity, or kinetic energy. Finally, there are the “odd balls” known as Mages. They can manipulate physics itself in a manner typically described as “magic” or “supernatural”. Such examples are teleportation, probability manipulation, and precognition. Each “Species” has a varying amount of sub-categories known as “Classes”. A Glitch who fits in multiple Species-Classes is known as as a “Multi,” as in multi-class. A Glitch whose genetic abnormalities fit them in multiple “Species” is called a “Hybrid.”
The Glitch Classification System is compiled into the Glitch Registry and Identification Database: aka The GRID. Up until five years prior to the main Glitches storyline, it was a requirement for every human categorized as a Glitch to be added to The GRID before they gain the right to vote. Most were even added to The GRID at birth if they were a Beast Glitch, or during their school years if their powers manifested and could be recorded during normal health evaluations.
Now that it is (at least temporarily) deemed unconstitutional to force a Glitch to be registered on The GRID, most educators, physicians, and parents only use The GRID as a reference guide to know what powers the child has and how to handle them/train them. It is rare that a Glitch gets officially registered on The GRID anymore, but some still feel it is their civic duty to register as a means of showing Acts of Faith; proving they are not dangerous to society.
For some more complete examples, check below the break for some power break-downs of the main characters of Glitches.
The Adult Reworks: These characters were all once canonical X-Men universe characters. I’m hoping I altered them enough that they don’t feel like rip-offs. Please alert me if you feel I need to rework any of them a bit more. (Also, I don’t have last names for anyone yet. I’m a slacker...)
Matteo: Registration: Beast-Tweaker Hybrid; Beast Class: enhanced senses and reflexes, also classified as a “Norm-Beast” (someone who fits the Beast category but still has an average human appearance); Tweaker Class: advanced healing
He can heal at an elevated rate, and he has heightened senses. Being a Beast-class Glitch, his powers developed in the womb, instead of manifesting at puberty. He has always had the elevated senses and healing. He can pick up scents, as well as hear more clearly and further, all more akin to animals than humans. His elevated touch allows him to pick up vibrations easier. For instance, when a person touches railroad tracks to determine if a train is out of sight down the line. With a literal blink of an eye, he can switch his sight over into infrared.
Emily: Registration: Evoker-Beast Hybrid; Evoker Class: Energy Charmer; Beast Hybrid Element: Magenta-colored eyes 
Emily's Evoker ability focuses on energy; namely the ability to manipulate the kinetic energy in the atoms around her. The “Charmer” class is because energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so she can only manipulate it. Specifically, she can shift an object between having kinetic and potential energy. There is a lot to unpack with this, so I’ll save it for another post. While she is not a Mind-hybrid at all, her powers have a side-effect that gives her a strong resistance to Mind Glitches. The constant change between kinetic and potential energy around her causes a sort of "static" that messes with the mental waves Mind Glitches use to manipulate their victims. A strong enough Mind Glitch can navigate the "static" to still affect her. She can also concentrate on keeping the energy around her at its natural state; removing the "Static" completely, which is helpful for when she actively wishes for telepaths to reach her mind for whatever reason.
Ryder: Registration: Mind; Class: Silver-Tongue
A form of verbal hypnosis. Silver-Tongues can use their power to convince others that everything they say is true, or compel them to do whatever the Silver-Tongue wants. There are three main restrictions to this power, but I will save these details for another post.
Keahi: Registration: Evoker-Beast-Mind triple Hybrid; Evoker Class: Earth Summoner; Norm-Beast Multi-Class: enhanced endurance, and elemental immunity; Mind Class: limited telekinesis
There’s a lot to unpack with Keahi, but the main thing is that she can produce and manipulate granite. All sub-powers derive from that fact. Her main use of this power is to encase her body in granite in an almost instantaneous, reflexive full-body armor. She can also create things by manipulating the shape of granite, such as weapons, doors, ladders, etc. She can shift the ground my moving granite encased in the ground, which leads to the Mind sub-category. Her telekinesis is limited to granite. She can move it with her mind, including hovering it in the air and “throwing” it large distances. Anything that has at least 30% granite in it, she can manipulate telekinetically. Her Evoker powers alone take up about 4 paragraphs on her bio sheet, so I won’t fully get into it here. The “elemental immunity” sub-category allows her to thrive around lava: increased skin density; reflexive encasing of granite that allows her to STAND IN LAVA for up to 30min; extra coating on her eyes to protect against heat; expanded heat tolerance so her skin won’t burn when touched by most flame heat (up to 2500-degrees Fahrenheit before the granite auto-covers); and extra filtration in her lungs to protect against ash and toxic fumes usually connected to volcanic eruptions. There’s a lot more there, but I’ll save it for another post.
Cody: Registration: Tweaker; Class: Soul Splitter/Cloning
Soul-Splitters are able to convert a fresh drop of their blood into an exact copy of themselves. These clones default to mindless drones with a “hive mind”, however, controlling the hive-minded drones tends to use all mental ability of the original. Because of this, Cody tends to utilize the “soul splitting” part of his powers to give his clones autonomy. In other words, when he creates the copy, he can “gift” him some of his consciousness. The downside is that whatever knowledge and/or personality component Cody “gives” to his clone is locked from him until the clone is destroyed - either by being killed, or by being converted back into a drop of blood by Cody’s will. Cody prefers willing the clones away because the trauma of them dying causes him migraines, the intensity of which is determined by how many clones are dying at once, and how much pain they feel when they die. He can’t will them away without being within twenty feet of them, though. Once the bit of “soul” is returned to Cody - either through him dismissing the clones or them dying - he gains all knowledge and experience his clone gained. It was a great way to become a quadruple-major in college while still enjoying some partying. There is a lot more involved with this power, but that’ll be saved for another post.
Ignatius “Iggy”: Registration: Evoker-Beast Hybrid; Evoker Class: Fire-Charmer; Beast Class: elemental immunity; Beast Hybrid element: gold-colored eyes
He’s in a Pyro-Evoker subset that’s not quite as evolved; power wise. He can’t create (evoke) fire, but he can manipulate existing fire. Something as large as a burning building to something as small as a simple spark or dying ember; he can manipulate the fire however he pleases. He can shrink or grow the flame, regardless of amount of fuel feeding it. He can also bend the flames into whatever shape he wants. His favorite is a flame whip. The concentration of the flow of flame actually makes it tangible, and so being hit with his flame whip won’t only burn, but it will also sting just like an actual whip would. The flame whip can also lasso objects so he can swing using it or bring and object to him using it. He also has full immunity to flame, making him incapable of being burnt by fire or smothered by smoke.
Okay, this already ran longer than I originally planned... the main OC cast will be put on The GRID in the next post....
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
timesplitters 2 gamecube
timesplitters 2 gamecube
TimeSplitters 2 cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
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Also Known As: Time Splitters 2
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Free Radical Publisher: Eidos Interactive ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: October 17, 2002
Challenge Bonuses
Glass SmashPane In The Neck: Rotating Heads (Gold) Bricking It: Brick Weapon (Gold) Stain Removal: Nothing (Gold) Behead The UndeadFight Off The Living Dead: Sewer Zombie (Gold) Sergio's Last Stand: Unknown Day Of The Dammed: Feeder Zombie (Silver/Gold) InfiltrationSilent, But Deadly: Viking Hat (Gold) Trouble At The Docks: Pirate Hat (Gold) Escape From NeoTokyo: Big Ears hat (Gold) Banana ChompGone Bananas: Private Coal (Gold) Monkey Business: Unknown Playing With Fire: Wood Golem (Silver) Cut-Out Shoot-OutTake 'em Down: Ample Sally (Gold) Fall Out: Marco the Snitch (Gold) Pick Yer Piece: Sgt. Rock- Gold Timesplitters "Story" ClassicBadass Buspass Impasse: Badass Cyborg (Gold) But Where Did The Batteries Go?: R One-Oh-Seven (Platinum) Hit me Baby One Morgue Time: Cropolite (Gold) Monkeying AroundSimian Shooter: Insect Mutant (Silver) Monkey Mayhem: Lola Varuska, Mischief (Platinum) Dam Bursters: Robofish, Circus level (Gold)
Arcade League (Elite) Bonuses
One Shot ThrillsBabes in the Woods: Jo-Beth Casey (Gold) Double Bill: Beetleman, The Impersonator (Gold) Nikki Jinki Bricky: Nikki, Jinki (Gold) Duel MeaningIf I'm Ugly-You Smell!: Mikey Twoguns, Jared Slim (Platinum) Golem Guru: Kypriss, Fat Characters (Platinum) Golden Thighs: High Priest, Aztec Warrior (Platinum) Frantic SeriesHangar's Hat's Off!: Henchman, Dark Henchman (Gold) Can't Please Everyone.: Maiden, Changeling (Gold) Big Top Blowout: Mr. Giggles (Silver), Stumpy (Gold) Team Series CBags Of Fun: Ringmistress, Big Hands, Slow Motion Deaths (Gold) They're Not Pets!: Baby Drone, Bear (Gold) Nice Threads: Unknown Sincerest Form Of FlatteryAztec The Dino Hunter: Dinosaur (Gold) Half Death: Drone Splitter (Gold) Dead Fraction: Jebediah Crump (Silver)
Arcade League (Amateur) Bonuses
Beginners SeriesAdios Amigos!: Hector Babosal, Lean Molly (Gold) Casualty: Dr. Peabody, Crypt Zombie (Gold) Top Shot: Hangar Level, Sgt. Shock, Elimination mode (Gold) Mode MadnessChastity Chased: Regeneration mode (Gold) Shrinking from the Cold: Private Sand, Sgt. Slate, Shrink mode (Gold) Scrap Metal: Scrapyard, Chassisbot (Gold) It's A BlastNight Shift: Sentry bot, Leech mode (Gold) Spoils of War: Meezor Mox, Thief mode (Gold) Demolition Derby: Male Trooper, Female Trooper, Robot Factory Level, Vampire Mode (Gold) Too Hot To HandleMonkey Immolation: Crispin, Flame tag (Gold) Disco Inferno: Louie Big Nose, Lt. Wild (Gold) Burns Department: Undead Priest, Nightclub, Virus mode (Gold) Team Series AClub Soda: Slick Tommy, Jimmy Needles (Gold) Station Stand: Lt. Shade, Zones mode (Gold) Men in Gray: Accountant, Kawer, Assault mode (Gold)
Ending Bonuses
Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Cardboard Characters cheat and Streets level in arcade mode.
Challenge Pane In The Neck Level Rewards
Successfully complete the Challenge Pane In The Neck level with a “Silver” rank to unlock the Rotating Heads cheat.
Arcade Adios Amigos Level Rewards
Successfully complete the Arcade Adios Amigos level with a “Gold” rank to unlock Hector Babasco and Lean Molly as playable characters in arcade mode.
2280 Return To Planet X Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 2280 Return to Planet X level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Ozor Mox as a playable character in arcade mode.
2019 NeoTokyo Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 2019 NeoTokyo level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Sadako as a playable character in arcade mode.
1972 Atom Smasher Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1972 Atom Smasher level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Khallos as a playable character in arcade mode.
1920 Aztec Ruins Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1920 Aztec Ruins level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Stone Golem as a playable character in arcade mode.
1853 Wild West Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1853 Wild West level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock The Colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.
Arcade League (Honorary) Bonuses
MaximusCold Corpse Caper: Cyber Fairy, Gargoyle (Gold) Killer Queen: Leo Krupps (Gold) R109 Beta: Ufopia, Gladiator mode-Bronze Elimination SeriesBaking For The Taking: Chinese Chef, Gingerbread Man (Platinum) Brace Yourself: Braces, Trooper Brown (Gold) Starship Whoopers: Chinese, Monkey Assistant, Trooper Black (Gold) Burns 'n BangsChinese Burns: Calamari, Chef Hat (Platinum) Snow Business: Snowman, Trooper Grey (Gold) Rocket Man: Venus Star, Capt. Sand, Duckman Drake (Gold) Outnumbered, But Never Outpunned!Someone Has Got To Play.: Capt. Night (Gold) Time to Split: Barby Gimp, Scourge Splitter (Gold) Can't Handle This: Chasm, Hatchet Sal, Handyman (Gold) Team Series BHack A Hacker: Krayola, Milkbaby (Gold) Rice Cracker Rush: Riot Officer, The Master (Gold) Superfly Lady: Capt. Pain (Gold)
1990 Syberia Level Rewards
Successfully complete 1990 Siberia on medium or higher to get hybrid mutant as a playable character.
1932 Chicago Level Rewards
Successfully complete 1932 Chicago on medium difficulty or higher to get big tony as a playable character.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for TimeSplitters 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for TimeSplitters 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
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