#that also depends if they’d bleach all his hair or dye it or do a wig and probably depends on him too
spideyhexx · 1 month
i wonder if they'll go with the blonde for pwmov bc they'd have to bleach both of them
idk! I kinda hope they don’t make him blonde so now I will wait with bated breath to see
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
You should yell about the blorbo. I'd love to hear about some warriors HC's you have.
I also have a HC and I'd love to hear what you think about it.
I've always HC'ed Warriors as having an adoptive son/daughter. And I low-key see him as a princess dad. The man is totally dressing up for his daughter's tea parties in the castle with her best friend the queen.
Please yell about your blorbo, I want to hear about him. :DDDD
First of all: Yes absolutely. I headcanon Wars as on the ace spectrum, I don’t think that man is having biological children. I kinda see him as someone who would decide to NOT have children, because he doesn’t think it’d be fair of him to raise a child because he thinks he’s too mentally messed up for that (despite the fact that Time and Wind both turned out FINE), but one day he just ✨Acquires✨ a child and that’s just the end of it he’s a father now.
The specific headcanon I have for him regarding having kids is after the war, he does his best to help the areas of Hyrule that were just DESTROYED, and so many civilians lost their lives and orphanages were just overflowing, and he does his best to put money into those places to help out and he visits and tells the kids stories and makes sure they’re actually being treated well and helps them get families, and one day he just comes across this little girl who’s not counted for at any of the orphanages and her parents are gone, and he tries to get her set up in one but she’s just too attached to him and he’s got such a soft spot for kids he just adopts her because she was just so miserable there and kept begging the people at the orphanage to make him come back. And that’s his little girl now, she’s his princess he’d fight the entire war again in a heartbeat just for her. He absolutely dresses up for tea parties with her, he lets her do his hair and makeup, he’ll walk down the halls holding her hand while she skips and Zelda has never in her LIFE seen him so genuinely happy. He’s an absolutely WONDERFUL father, despite his own doubts in himself, and that little girl grows up with “Aunt Zel” and “Aunt Impa” teaching her how to kick ASS (plus Aunt Linkle, who’s her actual aunt being Link’s brother and all, and Linkle helps her befriend the cuckoos)
Other Wars headcanons I have!!:
- He has a significant amount of gray hair but you can’t see it because he bleaches and dyes his hair (I HC it’s naturally a very dark brown and also curly, but he straightens it)
- Writes his journals in his first language because it’s not a common one in Castle Town and it makes him feel better to know that if anyone DID get their hands on it, they’d at least be slowed down because they’d have to translate it
- His left hand shakes sometimes because of old injuries and overuse, and it’s not as strong as his right. Sometimes it’s hard for him to use his sword and shield because of it, so he’ll either use his sword with two hands for support or just use his fire rod
- He has quite a few scars on his face but he can either cover them COMPLETELY with makeup or make them look light enough to not be super jarring (depending on how deep the scars are)
- I HC he doesn’t like things up against his neck, so he’ll wear only tunics/shirts that are very low cut in the front and his scarf is pinned so securely in place that it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be strangled with it unless the end was grabbed and THEN wrapped around his neck
- Not the world’s best cook. He can make comfort dishes from home his mom used to make for him, but not a whole lot of other things. He has memorized recipes and hasn’t tried too much with experimenting and making new ones
- High spice tolerance, but mentally he can’t handle it because it makes his tongue buzz and he’ll freak out and panic because he can’t tell if it’s spice or poison
- Autistic with lower support needs. He masks incredibly well but that doesn’t make him any less autistic and that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t struggle
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kibybun · 4 years
Yandere dabi with his y/n his sister
There are many different ways this can be written but I chose to stick with gross path hehe... But it also follows the theory that Dabi is Touya so yeah! Hope you enjoy!
Yandere Dabi x Sister reader
Tw: Yandere, gross stuff, incest, nsfw
💙Shoto's screams of pain echo through the house as he was brutally trained at the age of four. All his siblings cringe, trying to block out past memories of the pain.
💙They all had to go through that torture, Touya being the oldest and still occasionally having to go back and train.
💙They were all complacent, knowing and accepting that they'd have to live with this. Well, Touya was untill you were born.
💙You were an accidental pregnancy. Endeavor already had what he wanted out of his quirk marriage but was pleased to find you had the same quirk mash up as todoroki, indicated by the snow white and deep red of your hair.
💙Touya didn't understand what was so different about you. You were just a baby born into this hell hole of a family but you seemed too pure to be put into this, almost like you were born into the wrong family by mistake.
💙Touya took it upon himself to take care of you, even if he was only still a kid himself. He slept in your nursery every night, he fed and made meals for you, he changed your diapers and bathed you, he even ditched your other siblings to spend all his time with you.
💙It was close to your fourth birthday when Touya heard Endeavor telling Shoto that you were almost ready to start training.
💙Touya instantly went into his flight or flight mode and planned his escape with you.
💙He waited untill everyone was indefinitely asleep and planted the evidence of his death, also making it seem like you were dead as well. He than ran. A fifteen year old with a four year old with nothing in the dead of night trying to erase their past.
💙Touya takes you to a gas station, spending some of the little money he had on hair dye and cereal, managing to snag a few candy and energy bars without the cashier knowing. He then takes you to a motel to spend the night. It wasn't much but it was somewhere to stay for the night.
💙Making sure the door was locked and windows covered, Touya begins to ease his past. His skin was already burnt beyond recognition so all he had to do was dye his hair. He had settled for black.
💙As the dye soaked into his hair he began to dye yours as well. He bleached the red, reassuring you that the fowl smell of bleach would be gone when you washed your hair. After the bleach was washed out, he then dyed your hair a nice shade of (h/c).
💙He sits with you after the two of you shower, tv on a low volume with cartoons playing. You didn't really understand what was happening or where you were but you didn't mind, you had your big brother there to take care of you. That's all that mattered.
💙That's how your new life started, always on the run. Touya, or Dabi now, became a villain and shoplifted all the things you'd ever need. He always started fires for no reason.
💙Over the years you also forgot your family, only believing it was just you and Dabi. Dabi had said the two of you came from a horrible family and that he saved you.
💙You never admired or loved anyone more. Too bad he didn't deserve it.
💙Dabi did love you and would die for you, it was just the thoughts and actions he did for you.
💙The petty theft and robbery was for essentials but he always managed to snag clothes for you or candy or a teddy bear.
💙His random fires weren't so random either. Sometimes he would set stuff aflame because you thought his flames were pretty but he mainly did it to make others suffer. Like the guys who'd catcall you, people who would bump into you, or if they even look at HIS sister. They'd be burned that night but he'd keep it a secret so you didn't worry your pretty little head.
💙Oh that pretty little head of yours... how he wished it would lean in and kiss him.... or bob up and down while your mouth sucked him off.
💙You were only 15 now but that didn't prevent his wild imagination. He also knew his overall thoughts about you were sickening to others, but that doesn't matter. You're his.
💙You and Dabi share a bed at night, mainly because you had no idea how to sleep alone and Dabi would refuse to leave your side. Sometimes you snuggle up into his chest or he spoons you from behind. You never thought anything of this, even when his hands would start to wonder.
💙Some nights you'd wake up to your brother's rough hand or hands slipping under your shirt and in your pants while something poked the back of your thighs.
💙You always call out to him in a sleepy voice to see if he was awake or not, due to your back being against him. He never responds so you assume he's sleeping.
💙His hands continue touching you in more private places that make you squirm but you do anything to wake Dabi up. This was a normal thing. Dabi said it was a normal thing the really close siblings did. You believed him.
💙You can't help the sounds that escape you lips and seem to encourage him to touch you harder and faster. The hard thing that was poking your thigh had now found it's way between your thighs and was rocking back and forth.
💙Your "touching" session ends when something warm and sticky shoot onto your thighs and when Dabi pulls you close with his heavy breathing on your neck.
💙Your hands intertwine with his as you try and fall asleep again, unaware of the devious smirk Dabi has on his face.
💙He adored how you listened to his every word like your life depends on it. He would always stopped if you asked but he knew you wouldn't.
💙It also tired him. He had always made the first move. He wanted you on top of him, being rough and demanding.
💙That was a far away fantasy that couldn't be achieved with his panty sniffing and "asleep" touching.
💙Sadly, for Dabi, everything changed when the two of you joined L.O.V.
💙Instantly Toga was all over you, wanting to know your whole like story while holding you in a bone crushing hug.
💙You could tell that her touching you bothered him so you try to pry yourself from her. She doesn't let you leave.
💙Dabi aggressively flings her off of you and pulls you close, threatening her and the others in to room.
💙Tension dies down as everyone shuffles into their new rooms. You were offered your own room but you decline and bunk with Dabi.
💙This seemed perfect to you. You and your big brother living somewhere! Not just drifting place to place.
💙But the league started to grow and more and more people started to become interested in you, due to your lack of interaction with anyone besides Dabi.
💙Their interest in you upset Dabi beyond belief. He had to restrict from killing them all every second he sees them.
💙The boiling point was when Spinner asked you on a date.
💙You didn't have a chance to respond before Dabi's hand grabbed his face and set it a blaze, successfully causeing pain and killing him.
💙Everyone watches in disbelief as you were carried out of the base, never to return again.
💙But you didn't care.
💙All you ever wanted was given to you by Dabi.
💙He was all you ever needed.
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xladyxfatex · 5 years
Chapter Seventeen (FMITN BOOK 1)
The rest of the week Jessica is made to take someone with her to the gym, just to ensure she doesn’t pull another stunt like the last time. Though understanding she really wishes her brothers would understand they can’t stop her once they all part in just a weeks time. The last week is spent finishing packing, gathering school supplies, and of course stocking for the road trip to Florida itself. It is over 669 miles, and should only take about 10 hours by highway, but somehow Jess just knows her brothers won’t keep to the route. So snacks and drinks were a must, and whatever wasn’t used on the trip down could easily be split and she could keep her part in her dorm room. She really wasn’t looking forward to who’d be sharing with. New people kinda freaked her out, though she swore to herself she’d try to be more. Saturday morning rolls round and the early part of the day is spent loading boxes into the back of the moving truck. Looking around Jess fiddles with her necklace as she wishes her home goodbye. She knows she’ll be back for breaks...well if her brothers have time off and she can be with them she will be otherwise she’ll just stay at her dorm. No sense in going ten plus hours home just to be as alone as she’d be in the dorm, that’s just a waste of time and gas. She giggles at the silly thought before a tear slips down her cheek. Once everything was in the truck, Matt, Jeff, Finn, and Jessica all get in. Thank the Moon Goddess the cab was large enough, otherwise this would have been an awkward ride.
Once settled the drive starts, The brothers decided that about half way there they’d stop for the night. They’d be stopping somewhere in Georgia, which the possibility to explore which really excited Jessica. Having never really even been outside of her hometown this was all new to her and she was really looking forward to it. Though she’d have to admit she was anxious about being left in Florida alone. The first seven hours, because of course Matt and Jeff fought over music and missed several turns, was filled with fighting over music, talks of how things were changing for the best, and how proud everyone was of each other. Finally arriving in a town called Savannah in Georgia. After getting 2 rooms for the night, the brothers and Jessica start to walk around. 
Admiring the historical district, and walking through the Victorian one as well, they finally find a small cafe to stop at and have dinner. They continue to talk about the upcoming changes, for some reason Jessica suddenly picks up on a smell, and her inner wolf whimpers. Looking for the source of the smell she spots a man, tall, short hair, tan, tribal tattoo on his arm and blue eyes. The smell of ink and mint starts to make Jess shake, and without explanation she jumps up and runs out of the resturant much to her wolf’s protest, she takes off the way she and her brothers traveled in hopes that the smell will leave her. She recalls it from her childhood and the last thing she wants right now is to find her “mate” right when she’s about to move on to college. Stopping at a nearby park she found she leans against a tree catching her breath. No longer smelling ink and mint, she shakes her head. 
Jeff, Matt and Finn are still staring at the seat Jessica once sat in trying to figure out what just happened. She’d never reacted in such away, never mind running like her life depended on it. Jeff and Matt pick up on the smell of ink and they’ve only ever come across two with that smell, Randy and Alesiter. Looking around they don’t see anyone who could resemble Alesiter, but the smell of ink they find it, as he comes to the table. Smirking at the seat Jess had abandon he looks at the brothers, and Finn stands, unsure really what was going on,  but knowing that he needed to find the girl he thought of as his sister.
“Jeff, Matt, I’m going to go look for her. I think I have an idea where she might have gone. I’ll get her back to the room safe.” Finn glares at the stranger before leaving. Jeff shakes his head and Matt sighs.
“Been a long time Orton, can we help you?” Jeff asks a little pissed off that what time he has left with his sister has now been interrupted. Randy chuckles.
“Calm down alpha Hardy, I was just passing through with WWE, we have a show here in Georgia tonight. As I was walking, I smelled something I hadn’t smelled since I was a child. Citrus and Candied Ginger, I simply followed it here. Jessica sure has grown into a  beautiful woman how old is she now?” Jeff grits his teeth, he knows he can’t prevent true mates from being together, is an unwritten rule should any werewolf actually find a true mate.But the timing just like before is all wrong.
“She’s 16  going on 17 this Halloween and starting college this week. We stopped here for the night before we continue on our way in the morning, and we start in WWE.” It was true the three of them knew for a fact that WWE was in the area and would be in Florida the next two days after tonight’s house show. It was why they weren’t rushed about getting to the meeting with the higher ups. It played out into their plans better than anything else. Randy took an interest in Jessica starting college at 16, that was on the young side after all. But he wouldn’t lie she had grown into such a beautiful woman.
“16 and starting college? How is that possible?” Randy cocked his head to the side and this time Matt answered as calmly as possible.
“Jess proved at a young age to be intelligent. By all means she could have actually been starting college at the age of 12, but she chose to be in the same grade as Jeff. She graduated this year valedictorian, with a full scholarship to the college she’s attending.” Jeff nodded and Randy looked at the pair with slight shock and amusement. He knew they were purposefully not saying which college she was going to. Not that he could find and claim her, Not now anyways not with his training schedule and work. But one of these days he’d find her again. 
“It's good to know she’s so smart, must be why she ran, she didn’t want to ruin her chance at higher education by being claimed.” Randy smugly spoke as he turned to leave. “But know this Hardys’ I will claim her one day. She is rightfully my true mate.” With that Randy left. Matt and Jeff got the food to go, paid and went back to the hotel in hopes that Finn had found Jess.
Meanwhile Finn had run back the way they came, he had remembered passing a park that Jess mentioned wanting to go to when they’d be on their way back from dinner. Sure enough that's where he spotted her, sitting on the ground leaning against a tree trunk. Carefully walking towards Jess, she snapped her head up and sighed when she saw Finn. Whispering she spoke.
“I’m sorry about that. I’m just ...I'm not ready for my mate to claim me and I ran. I just want to live my life and be happy, I want to be able to go to college and be somewhat normal. I know I’ll never be, being what I am, but I can try for the next four years can’t I?” She took a shaky breath and looked up and the man she considered her brother. He smiled down at her and reached his hand out for her to take. 
“Of course you can! But instead of being normal, how about we go dye your hair? I happened to bring some dyes, I wanted to surprise you with it back at the hotel room, but I think you need this now more than anything. If you want we can wait for Jeff to get back and he can help too.” Finn suggested and Jessica smiled. The truth was of the last year or so when ever she wanted to dye her hair, Jeff and Finn fought over which one would be the one to do it.She nodded her head, took Finn’s hand and the two left and headed back to the hotel. It was about another 45 minutes till the boys showed up, but they came baring take away containers. Looking around at the setup Jeff glared at Finn.
“Oh no, oh hell no! If anyone is doing Jessie’s hair I am! Come on, you’ve done her hair the last few times she wanted to change it.” Jeff practically whined and everyone choked on their laughter. Even though he was the alpha he still would whine to try and get his way. Jess stood up and hugged her big brother.
"Jeff, why don't you both do my hair? We have to bleach it out first, then we can put the Raven Black on top and the High Voltage Blue on the bottom layer. What do you say?" Jess smiled up at her pouting brother and he sighed in defeat. He barely could say no to that face.
"Fine but let's eat first. I'm starving."  Everyone nodded in agreement to that. They began talking again avoiding bringing up Randy. That was till Jessica asked a rather intriguing question.
"Is it possible to have two romantic soulmates? I know and understand that he is my mate, at least according to our wolves, but ...Aleister, everything in my body pulls me to find him and be with him again. I love him still and hurts so fuckin much that he just abandoned me." Jess pushed her fries around and sighed. Honestly other than stating she missed him this was her first time talking about her true feelings. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel the same for Randy, deep down she did, but at the same time she didn't have a connection or bond with him the way she use to have one with Alestier.
With no one noticing Finn shifted into his demon form. He had heard the conversation of course but being the literal oldest in the room he also had answers to the little game's question. When his demonic voice rang out everyone turned to look at him. Matt and Jeff were unaffected Jess on the other hand kind of freaked out. Yes she accepted that Demon King Balor was apart of her "brother" Finn, but she'd never come face to face with him. His black and red skin, tendrils for hair and his long sharp pointed razor like teeth that hung from his slightly stretched jaw, they scared her. And to be honest she had no freakin idea WHY he suddenly decided to make himself known.
"Jessica, you asked about the possibility of two romantic soulmates, did you not?" Balor tilted his head to the side studying the hybrid. She simply nodded not trusting her voice. "I may not be thousands of years old, but I do know the history of all of our kinds. The two whom came before you, were not only intelligent beyond their time, and greatly gifted magical, but they too were the purest white in their wolf forms." Jeff, Matt, and Jess looked at the demon as he spoke, each nodding to show they were listening. "Listen here little gem, it is beyond possible that both these men you speak of are your true mates. Aleister Black his family bloodline is known for being pure magic, it's highly likely with the abilities you possess with magic though left unrefined he is your the soulmate to your witches half. And this Randy Orton, well if both your wolves agree and know the other to be their true mate there is no denying that. You will be the key to bringing peace to the unity when it is time. You are far from ready for that task yet. You are very important to the supernatural realm Jessica. I can't say more at this time. Just know there is a reason many seek to want to protect you naturally and will flock to you." Balor hugged his little gem and placed a careful kiss to her hairline. Before whispering "Never let anyone change you. Remain the good, kind, caring soul you are." And with that Balor was gone and Finn asleep on the floor.
Jessica stared blankly at the wall in front of her. The Demon King had given a lot of information and she, well she needed to digest all that was said. She grabs her watch, the bleach and emotionless walks into the bathroom locking the door. Staring at herself in the mirror she doesn't know, remove her shirt she mixes the bleach contents together and applies it all throughout her waist length hair. She sets a timer on her watch. Too far in her own mind she barely hears her brothers yelling for her through the door. Suddenly brought  back by the sound of the alarm she gets up and washes the bleach from here hair before using the hotel blow dryer to dry it. Putting her shirt back on she walks out of the bathroom and into Matt's arms. 
Finn has yet to awake and since Jess wasn't talking, Jeff decided to finish dying her hair while trying to talk to her. He could actually smell the fear and uncertainty flowing from his sister's body.
"Yaknow Jessie these are really nice colors you picked. I think they'll look really good on you." Jeff smiled as he applied the Raven Black to the top portion of her hair careful not to get any on the under side. Jessica spoke but it was so faint that even his werewolf hearing almost missed.
"Thanks I had told Finn awhile ago I wanted to do these colors next." She tried not to shift her head. Once the black was completed, Jeff pinned it up with a hair clip, changed his gloves and began the next color.
"Where did you even find High Voltage Blue dye? I've never seen it around before." Jess hummed and tapped her chin thinking. Though she didn’t answer, a wave of sickness began to hit her. 
“Jeffy, I think the smell of the dye is making me sick. I’m not feeling well.” Jessica whined, and Matt touched her forehead, she was feeling warm and then almost like being hit by a freight train, Matt’s eyes widen. Swallowing harshly Matt spoke.
“Let Jeff finish putting the dye in your hair, then I want you to go take a very cold shower. You were suppose to have the room to yourself, but Jeff, I think it’s best you stay here with her tonight.” Matt looked Jeff in the eyes practically begging him to agree. Smells were faint in the room even to the Alpha but he nodded in argument and she quickly finished adding the colors. Matt went to Jessica’s overnight bag, and grabbed what she had packed for sleepwear, sighing he knew what she had was not going to be comfortable for her. Looking at Jeff then Finn who was finally coming too, he spoke.
“Guys, could you come to our room for a minute? Jeff you need your sleepwear and we need to talk about something.” The eldest Hardy shifted uncomfortably, neither of them had ever given thought to this happening, and they were hardly ever around and since she had never gotten sick or presented they never thought to get her on suppressants, this was going to end up being the biggest mistake the two brothers could have ever made. Jessica looked at all three of her brothers and nodded. Once they left the room and went next door Matt ran his fingers through his hair trying to think of how to explain what was happening to Jessie. This wasn’t a conversations brothers should ever have to have about their little sister, but they were all she had. Once everyone was in the room Matt paced slightly his beta wolf calm over the situation thankfully. Jeff snapped though growling.
“The fuck is happening to Jess, what the fuck was that smell?!” Matt huffed up, maybe  having the alpha stay and protect her was a mistake?
“So Jeff, you remember when you had your first rut? The pain, the fever, the arousal? However thing was just fucked up till it passed almost two weeks later? And how from that point on you had to be secluded like most unmated alpha’s till it passed?” Alpha’s typically faced ruts every three months, as a Beta Matt only faced it twice a year, but and Omega, well from what was taught in school it could be as often as an Alpha's rut, and if they were near a suitable mate it was to said to be worse, the fact that Jess very possibly has two soulmates an ran into one today is what Matt guessed brought it on, even if they weren’t near each other that long. Jeff huffed.
“Yeah that rut was shit, and so are the ones that came after wha-” Jeff stopped mid-sentence eyes widened. “Are you fucking sayin she’s … no, no NO!” Jeff paced this was their little one, no way in hell was she entering her first heat, he refused to believe it. Finn meanwhile was listening to Balor in his head explain everything that was actually being said, though he had taken the same classes in school that didn’t mean he bothered to remember it as important infomation, well now he wished he had, having a demon, let alone the Demon King explain in your head the sex cycles of werewolves was not pleasent. Finn cleared his throat.
“So we need to get her some kind of medicine so that next time this happens she won’t be affected or something? Why wasn’t she already on the suppressants?” It was an honest question, Finn had noticed Matt staring out the window almost as if on garud. Jeff gritted his teeth.
“Honestly we never thought about it. Yeah we knew but that's our flesh and blood, our little sister, we didn’t want to think about her like that.” Sighing, Jeff had really wished he made her go for those, the smell was overwhelming and an unmarked Alpha who happened to be nearby was bound to come flocking to it, which only caused Jeff to get more angry. Without moving his gaze Matt spoke up.
“We need to get her through tonight, someone HAS to stay with her as protection from anyone whom might try to get to her. I thought at first the best idea would be for Jeff to do it, but I’m beginning to wonder if his Alpha is really best. As a Beta I can be calmer around her, and Finn being a demon shouldn’t have any issue either. However with that said, one of us will need to trade pajamas with her. She has sweats and a heavy top, even with the air conditioner blasting tonight, according to what we’ve learned she’ll sweat through her clothes and end up stripping. This is her first heat, and it's just barely starting, IF we’re lucky and we leave early in the morning, we should be able to get her to AMU before her heat is full blown.”  Jeff scuffs.
“The hell is the college going to do for her?” A look of realization hits Finn.
“They’re known for being most supernatural creatures and beings! One of you should call the school, speak with the nurse or doctor on staff, explain what’s happening, they’ll be able to assist Jess the moment she gets there, and then once her heat passes they can get her setup on the suppressants! Is that what you were thinking Matt?” Finn smiles when Matt nods. 
“It’s true they’ll be able to help her. I’ll make the call since Jeff..” Matt trails off looking at his brother, yeah he won’t be able to handle this on so many levels. “..Jeff can’t handle this, you’ll stay in this room, Finn, you go and watch over Jessie tonight. If you have to bring Balor out, or scream for us we’ll come running.” Matt grabs the phone and places the call to the school, he explains everything and the doctor on the line somehow already was aware of the lack of a suppressant in Jessie’s system, but wasn’t judging given the fact she was younger than most students that attend the school, and this after all was her first heat. Finn grabs his bags and heads back to Jessica’s room.
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jojowritesstuff · 7 years
These will be random because I'm developing Elisabeth at the moment, and I'm asking her these questions.. XD What makes them cry? If they'd text their best friend at 3 am what would the message be about? Does music influence their life? What did they want to become when they were a kid? Are they satisfied with their hair colour? (Elisabeth is nOT. XD) Do they blush easily? Introvert or extrovert? Do they prefer the villains in movies? Do they wear any accessoires?
Woo, that’s a lot. Gonna answer these for all three.
What makes them cry?
Raya: Raya rarely cries, if she does it’s usually out of pure frustration.
Jake: He sometimes feels like he isn’t good enough at what he does. He wouldn’t admit that it makes him cry sometimes though.
Cassie: When the dog in a movie dies. For real, sad/emotional parts of a movie easily make her cry.
If they’d text their best friend at 3 am what would the message be about? 
Raya: Something random out of pure boredom. It happens very rarely though.
Jake: Some joke or meme just to annoy the hell out of him.
Cassie: Relationship trouble.
Does music influence their life? 
Raya: She’s pretty much always got music playing, she doesn’t like to be in complete silence.
Jake: Not much, he’s listening to music when he’s out jogging but other than that it isn’t that much more than background noise for him most of the time.
Cassie: If it wouldn’t be for some upbeat she’d probably never get up in the morning. She needs music to wake up.
What did they want to become when they were a kid? 
Raya: An actress or photographer. She’s always been an artsy person.
Jake: He’s always wanted to become a professional soccer player.
Cassie: Anything to do with developing video games or at least beta testing them.
Are they satisfied with their hair colour? 
Raya: No, she’s been experimenting with different colors during her teens and eventually settled on dying dark brown.
Jake: He’s okay with it.
Cassie: No. She keeps dying it, Adding some pink or blue dip dye to her bangs while bleaching the rest.
Do they blush easily?
Raya: Not really.
Jake: Absolutely and he hates it.
Cassie: Cas is pretty much average in that.
Introvert or extrovert?
Raya: She’s mostly introverted but among the right people she can be quite social.
Jake: He’s mostly extroverted.
Cassie: She’s quite an extrovert.
Do they prefer the villains in movies?
Raya: That happens quite often. But for the most part it depends how well they are written.
Jake: He’s all for the heroes.
Cassie: Cassie prefers the comical sidekicks most of the time.
Do they wear any accessoires?     
Raya: Raya always wears a necklace, mostly some kind of gemstone. She also likes feather earrings.
Jake: He wears wrist warmers when he’s training other than that he’s got his wristwatch
Cassie: A silver heart on a chain around her neck and varying earrings. 
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