#that I just had to celebrate some other owl characters lmfao
Just a random fun post about owl characters to lighten the mood
A little fun fact about me guys is that I have worked with owls IRL in a zoo setting. I am fucking NUTS about owls (and birds of prey and just birds as a whole generally).
Believe me when I say that I wanted to like St*las because God I LOVE owls and I loved his huge legs initially (owls often have really quite long legs under their floof, its just usually hidden so it felt like a fun thing about him).
I tried to cling onto still liking him for as long as possible solely because hes an owl but ultimately I just couldn't... given everything.
Anyway, that aside, since it was a shame he sucked so bad despite being such a cool animal, if you'd like some fun owl themed characters that I know of. Then here are 3 better ones! Hehe
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Rengoku from Demon Slayer is described by another one of the slayers as reminding them of an owl. And indeed, for a human, he really does resemble an eagle owl! I would say that his design is delightfully owlish lol.
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Then there is Sniper TF2.
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Sniper is associated with owls a bit by the game, and I think this is a great design. He is usually quieter than the others, hes the type to sit back and listen to them bicker without getting involved - he'd is quiet and would rather not bother with the hassle. He's a loner. He likes being "safe" up in his sniper nest. He is stealthy and relies on positioning himself well and waiting for the right moment to strike. Without the element of surprise and stealth, for example if ambushed, he is at a severe disadvantage. All of these are very owlish qualities to me, they match owl hunting strategies, so it feels really fun that the game associated him with them!
And lastly, while very obvious, a character I can't forget here either... is Eda!
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Shes a great character for countless reasons I don't even need to get into <3
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