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quotenova · 4 months ago
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Action always beats inaction. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/t-harv-eker/x25vnb
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omelhordashopeeestaaqui · 1 year ago
💰✨ Transforme sua vida financeira com "Os SEGREDOS da Mente Milionária" de T. Harv Eker! 💡 Descubra os conceitos revolucionários e hábitos das mentes mais bem-sucedidas do mundo. 🚀 Aprenda a quebrar barreiras mentais, desbloquear prosperidade e trilhar o caminho do sucesso financeiro! 📈 Não deixe essa oportunidade passar. Mude sua mentalidade, mude sua vida! 🌟
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OS SEGREDOS DA MENTE MILIONÁRIA um livro que vai transformar a sua vida financeira! (livrariadigitalexpress.blogspot.com)
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eu-nataliafaria · 2 years ago
Os Segredos do Sucesso Financeiro Revelados por T Harv Eker no Livro Os Segredos da Mente Milionária
O livro “Os Segredos da Mente Milionária” de T. Harv Eker apresenta uma abordagem diferente sobre a relação das pessoas com o dinheiro e a riqueza. Eker defende que as crenças e padrões de pensamento são determinantes para o sucesso financeiro de cada um.
O autor explica que pessoas bem-sucedidas financeiramente possuem uma “mente milionária”, ou seja, uma mentalidade voltada para o sucesso e a prosperidade, e que isso pode ser aprendido e desenvolvido. Por outro lado, as pessoas que têm dificuldades financeiras possuem uma “mente de pobre”, com crenças limitantes que impedem o sucesso financeiro.
O livro aborda diversos temas importantes para quem busca o sucesso financeiro, como a importância de planejar, a forma como lidamos com o dinheiro, a importância da educação financeira e a necessidade de ter um mindset positivo em relação à riqueza. Eker oferece ainda exercícios práticos para ajudar o leitor a desenvolver sua mentalidade milionária.
“Os Segredos da Mente Milionária” é uma leitura essencial para quem deseja mudar sua relação com o dinheiro e conquistar a prosperidade financeira. O livro apresenta uma abordagem prática e inspiradora, que pode ajudar o leitor a transformar sua vida financeira e alcançar seus objetivos.
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rychlostthespacewizard · 7 months ago
I've been collecting some random quotes I found around the internet and use in my dnd games
Here are some I found in no specific order:
1. "Speak, mortal. You have reached Tharvek, Devourer of Innocents and Wielder of Eternal Flames. It appears I have missed your pitiful attempt at contact. Leave your name, teleportation runes, preferred genre of torment, shoe size, allegiance, deepest fears, vulnerabilities, complete medical history, and where you summoned the gall to disturb me. I may choose to acknowledge your existence, but not by such mundane means. Thank you, and remember: tread carefully, for death lurks at every shadowed crossing."
2. "Are you aiming for greatness or avoiding disapointment"
3. "Si operarii omnes producunt, omnia operariis pertinent."
4. "what do you think it means to be saved"
5. "What happened?" - "Nothing that wasn't my fault"
6. "Something is different"
7. "I don't think so, but i do think that the growing control of those that have the power over the means of production is a threat to the autonomy of the people. As value that is created by the working force is not rewarded to them. Instead only guarantees enough for them to survive and work more. It's like slavery but with extra steps. So anyhow, how's your day going?"
8. "You know, that reminds me that sometimes, violence is the necessary. Sometimes the only path to redemption for the sins of ignorance is to face the fundamental truth of blood and fire. As they meet the primordial within their heartbeat, the oppressors might have a chance to understand the pain they caused and atone for their sins. Also have you seen the new play at the theater?"
9.  "You think we're equals? I had to battle struggles you've never imagined. I became this while fearing the night, disguising myself as a man just to travel safely. Our similarities end when you learned to fight your enemies, while I had to fight comrades who left me with scars that will never heal. I survived because I was cursed to live as I am among those I swore to protect, only to be seen as their enemy."
10. "The universe is and we are"
11. "We do not have much connection, you and I. Still this encounter feels special, I hope you do not mind if I think of you as a friend"
12. "This is your home. If you want to fight to defend it, that's your choice. I'd be honoured to stand alongside you. The enemy attacks tomorrow. He's brutal and fights only to kill, which is why he will never defeat us. Look around. In this circle, we're all equals. You're not fighting because someone's ordering you to, you're fighting for so much more than that. You fight for your homes. You fight for your family. You fight for your friends. You fight for the right to grow crops in peace. And if you fall, you fall fighting for the noblest of causes: fighting for your very right to survive! And when you're old and grey, you'll look back on this day, and you'll know you earned the right to live every day in between! So you fight! For your family! For your friends! For Ealdor!"
13. "I can't blame you for wanting to know yourself better, it was one of the biggest pleasures of my life"
14. "The pain of your absence is sharp and haunting, and I would five anything to not know it; anything but never knowing you at all I can only hope that you are safe, wherever you are"
15. "This song is new to me, but I am honored to be part of it"
16. "It's tempting to linger in this moment, but unless they are collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than that, only possibilities"
17. "Are you still here? I am unsure how to survive in a universe without you, I am unsure how to be me without you"
18. "Is the hardest part of this tragedy not knowing who we may have lost? or will the hardest part come later, when we learn?"
19. "I see someone making through, you just need to be sure it is you"
20. "You are no saint; you're just indifferent. You aid all without caring who they've wronged or what evil they've wrought. You place the wicked among those who shelter you. Even the gods' love is not unconditional, and neither should ours be."
21. As the hag's gaze pierces through the darkness, her voice resonates with an otherworldly chill. "You feel it, don't you? The knot tightening around your throat, the sharp claws of dread digging into your chest, the icy tendrils slithering down your spine? That's the sensation of being forsaken, of standing alone in the void, unnoticed by the gods. Even your soul quivers, knowing that no divine intervention will come to your aid. You're trapped in a blind spot, unseen by the greater powers." Her words hang heavy in the air, suffocating the very essence of hope. "And yet, you cling to your righteous desires, your noble quest to save your friends. But can you be certain that your gods will forgive such a pact with a creature like me? Your actions may be seen as a grievous offense, a betrayal of everything they hold dear. Will they not turn their backs on you? And this dread that gnaws at your spirit, it will not dissipate once you leave this place. It will cling to you like a curse, haunting your every step until the day you finally rest in your grave, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks within your soul."
22. "In this life, we traverse like a canoe upon deep waters. Our passage ripples the surface briefly, yet the depths remain undisturbed. With time, the surface quiets once more, leaving no trace of our journey."
23. "You are a coward wearing the facade of a revolutionary."
24. "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
25. "I will face god and walk backwards into hell."
26. "The man who sleeps on the floor cannot fall out of bed."
27. "The man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night but one."
28. "For every person who dreams up a butter knife, there is a person who dreams up a poisoned dagger."
29. "Only the dead have seen the end of war."
30. "Does the archer fear his bow? Or does he kiss each arrow goodbye as it marries the wind?"
31. "These feelings can eat away at you, chip away the parts of you that you once held dear and defined you. You remember a time where you felt more complete, had stronger relationships and felt more loved."
32. "To be tall is not a virtue, to be short is not a sin."
33. "Power comes in a response to a need, not desire. You have to create that need."
34. "You can't kill me in a way that matters."
35. "Do what you must, I have already won."
36. "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."
37. "Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with only one side."
38. "When they burned Ioun's Archive, the crowd revelled in horrible disbelief. They understood that there was something older than wisdom, and it was fire, and something truer than words, and it was ashes, and something more eternal than knowledge, and it was death."
39. "I can no longer be a liberator for people who refuse to see their chains."
40. "You could sooner divert a river from its corse than deny my nature."
41. "Violence for violence is the rule of beasts."
42. "The only universal langue is blood and flames, we all have spoken this language and felt the fear of words older than our desires."
43. "The fire of extravagance can never burn simplicity."
44. "A mind unprepared for freedom will shatter like glass when shown cosmos without restriction."
45. "I have been cursed by my hubris, and my work will never be finished."
46. "I would rather die standing than live kneeling."
47. "For even the most banal of deaths can be made tragic by a broken heart."
48. "To love someone is to turn around. To love someone is to look at them."
49. "There's no cheerful somebody waiting for you at that alter. There is no meaning your alphabet soup. There is a right to obey."
50. "The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth beneath my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than you can concieve, while I carry on, brmmming with joy distilled from detatchment."
51. "They killed the best of us, so they are stuck with the worst of us."
52. "There is no truer hatred than the way men love."
53. "Would you spit in the face of the god's designs by referring to a mountain as a hill?"
54. "If i lay one brick down at a time who are you to tell me I'm not building a house?"
55. "True love graced you with its presence and you turned its intimacy into a joke to be shared with the world."
56. "To enter is to be forgiven of the greatest sin, to leave is to repeat it. Would you dwell in this garden, or would you forsake it, for man deserveth not his paradise lost?"
57. "She was wild, crazy, ravenous and beautiful. But we simple mortal men who have lived know better than to chase things that are not meant to be caught nor tamed."
58. "I live outside of the gods' sight and by consequence outside of their love."
59. "This is war. War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
60. "I'm a man dying of thirst watching another man drown."
61. "You are naught but a nail dreaming itself a hammer."
62. "Each inch of our lands are littered with the ruins of empires that dared to dream of eternity and deemed themselves endless. "
63. "You walk upon bones of those who thought they could tame the wild, and yet dare to repeat their sins?"
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soniaalfani · 1 year ago
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Il tuo mondo esterno
è un riflesso del tuo mondo interiore.
🌟Buona serata 🌟🌖
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motivationlit · 2 years ago
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T. Harv Eker highlights personal growth as a key factor in expanding one's income. Invest in self-improvement and continuously develop your skills and knowledge to unlock your earning potential. 💰🌱 #PersonalGrowth #IncomePotential #THarvEker
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luadesentir · 2 years ago
Sobre minhas reflexões dos livros que leio. 
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portalfrasedodia · 3 years ago
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#edufrasedodia #obrigadoamigo “Se você quer uma mudança permanente, pare de focar no tamanho de seus problemas e comece a focar no seu tamanho” T. Harv Eker autor, empresário e palestrante canadense Leia mais em: https://forbes.com.br/ Posted @withregram • @forbesbr T. Harv Eker é um autor, empresário e palestrante canadense. É principalmente conhecido por suas teorias sobre riqueza. Seu principal livro, “Os Segredos da Mente Milionária - Aprenda a Enriquecer Mudando Seus Conceitos Sobre o Dinheiro” é um best-seller, inclusive no Brasil, onde já foram comercializadas mais de 1 milhão de cópias. ⁠ ⁠ #FraseDoDia #Mudanca #Foco #THarvEker #Forbes https://www.instagram.com/p/CdbqqwiLt2n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rawalism · 4 years ago
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Quotes By Officials
Said By : T. Harv Eker
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christianrruiz · 4 years ago
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@t_harveker “[…]. Ser consciente es observar tus pensamientos y tus acciones de modo que en el momento actual puedas vivir eligiendo verdaderamente, en lugar de que te dirijan programaciones del pasado”. #LosSecretosdelaMenteMillonaria #THarvEker #lossecretos #secretos #mentemillonaria #mente #millonaria #serconsciente #ser #consciente #esobservar #observartuspensamientos #observar #pensamientos #tuspensamientosytusacciones #acciones #demodoque #enelmomentoactual #puedasvivir #vivireligiendo #vivir #eligiendo #eligiendoverdaderamente #enlugardeque #tedirijanprogramaciones #programacionesdelpasado #programación #pasado “[…]. Ser consciente es observar tus pensamientos y tus acciones de modo que en el momento actual puedas vivir eligiendo verdaderamente, en lugar de que te dirijan programaciones del pasado”. PG67:PR2↓[…]LN10—0019-13/11/20 https://instagram.com/stories/christianrafaelruiz/2522314254200549839?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=i6vjzfeuivpj https://www.instagram.com/p/CMB8Aeoh_J3/?igshid=1ozqfr2jtruda
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jeffreywibisono · 5 years ago
The 🔑 is to take out of your head & put it on paper. -Jim Rohn . . . . . . . . . . Reposted from @jimrohnslegacy (@get_regrann) . #JimRohn inspiration👉🏻 @jimrohnslegacy - #jimrohn #motivation #mindset #success #marketing #zigziglar #o #quote #goals #inspiration #a #mentalidade #tharveker #determina #sucesso #hsmarcondes #hsmbob #sjcampos #discipline #negocios #vendasdiretas #lideran #ogmandino #empreendertransforma #sucessoprofissional #vendedor #proposito #nextlevel #atitudes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ftzo5gZ74/?igshid=8n731m686l8j
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erajasthancom · 5 years ago
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#Thar #Tharu #Tharovka #tharveker #thar3v #tharwalayaar #ThaRealYungMenace #tharealshoes #tharalocal #tharja #tharbedragons #Tharangam #ThaRoyalEmpire #thardiaries #ThaRapper #tharkipost #TharandterWald #tharllessilva #tharonplage #tharwavalleyforge #tharith #thareturnofdoggystyle #thargarh #tharsis #tharunayanewspaper #tharycollection #tharaka #tharouyeen #tharlifestyle #tharikbonomo https://www.instagram.com/p/B2BlSv7gUDl/?igshid=15vj9f1dhu8dq
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Solo es diciplina. #diciplinada #diciplinapositiva #diciplinado #lecturamillonaria #mentalidade_milionaria #tharveker #mentemillonariaoficial #quiéndijomiedo #modohervir🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Efp1bhAZM/?igshid=bhxzx1kxg9f1
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dzuhairy84 · 5 years ago
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MMI Day 1: Camping here for 3 days at Millionaire Mind Intensive. The energy received and knowledge learnt in day 1 is amazing. 😁😁😁 #nochesstoday #mmi #millionairemindintensive2019 #millionairemindintensive #tharveker #motivation #mmimalaysia (at Sunway Putra Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WbUXJDG3Y/?igshid=3eekymav1p05
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sidehustletrends · 2 years ago
"Missed the Financial Gravy Train: A Roadmap to Achieving Financial Security at 57 and Beyond"Are you a 57-year-old man or woman who feels like your financial gravy train left the station 25 years ago without you? If so, it's time to take control of your financial future and secure a lifestyle of wealth and freedom. In the next 5-7 years, you can go from financial insecurity to financial security. But how? The answer is an online business. In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to start and grow a business from the comfort of your own home. You don't need to have a physical storefront or invest a lot of time and energy into building a traditional business. With an online business, you can create an automatic income stream that generates money for you even when you're not working. An online business can take many forms, such as e-commerce, affiliate marketing, or digital product creation. The possibilities are endless. The key is to find an online business model that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals. Once you find the right business model, you can start building your income stream. One of the benefits of an online business is that it can be started with a relatively small investment. You don't need to have a lot of money to get started. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and the willingness to learn. With the right training and resources, you can build an online business that generates a steady income stream. But where do you start? That's where I come in. I would like to invite you to board my train, a train of fun and speed that's destined to create the lifestyle you want. All you need to do is watch some free, no-fluff training on how to create an online automatic income machine. The training is available at SideHustleTrends.com. The training is designed to guide you through the process of building an online business, step by step. You'll learn how to find the right business model, how to build your website, how to generate traffic and sales, and much more. With the knowledge and skills you gain from the training, you'll be able to build an online business that generates a steady income stream. One thing to keep in mind is that focus is key. At our age, we may not have as much time or energy as we used to. That's why it's important to invest in yourself and focus on finding a high-speed train that will take you where you want to go. Whether it's my train or someone else's, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you take the time to invest in yourself and turn your vision of financial security and freedom into a reality. The training is free and you can watch it at your own convenience. The only requirement is that you commit to focus, invest time and energy into building your online business. The success of your business depends on it. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish in a short amount of time when you focus on your goal. Starting an online business is not easy, it's a process that will take time and effort. But with the right training and resources, you can build a business that generates a steady income stream. You can control your family time, your fun time, and free yourself from the control of others. You'll be able to live the life you've always wanted, free from financial insecurity. In conclusion, if you're a 57-year-old man or woman who feels like your financial gravy train left the station 25 years ago without you, it's not too late to take control of your financial future. The answer is an online business. With the right training and resources, you can build an online business that generates a steady income stream. Visit SideHustleTrends.com today.
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motivationlit · 2 years ago
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T. Harv Eker highlights personal growth as a key factor in expanding one's income. Invest in self-improvement and continuously develop your skills and knowledge to unlock your earning potential. 💰🌱 #PersonalGrowth #IncomePotential #THarvEker
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