ask-teamplayer · 1 year
To darin
I've been sent to give the ultimate Huggies you will not run because I will trap you in the best of Huggies you think you can run the Huggies will always find you
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DARIN: why give me a widdowe huggy wuggy when you could gimme your dicky wicky you manstud wink wink
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VERA: Darin
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DARIN: when,,,
DARIN: did you
DARIN: uhhhhh,
DARIN: get here
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askheartstompers · 2 years
Is there a comic for this ask blog if so where can I find it
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BOMK: what? huh- OH!! youre talkin to ME!
BOMK: haha. no. i fuckin wish!!! but i dont have a proper outline for it yet so im taking it a bit slow and im setting up all the characters and their personalities and making references still.
BOMK: dont leave yet though!! there WILL be! eventually! i may host it on MSPFA or on DEVIANTART and i'll link it in the profile. probably gonna make it the pinned post.
BOMK: TLDR stick around and there will be. but not yet. this is it rn.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
*Comes thorough the window* to wide
Your gay
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WADE: Don't call me fat.
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LUIS: Theres nothing wrong with it!!!!
LUIS: Its just a little rude haha he didnt mean it like that.
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WADE: Luis.
WADE: Don't overcompensate out of anxiety. I always say exactly what I mean. It's pretty obvious I didn't mean that, dude.
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LUIS: Sorry, sorry!
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WADE: Nothing to apologize for, I'm not upset with you.
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LUIS: Well, now im gonna think of it every time i try to explain myself for anything augghh!
LUIS: This is your fault you handsome devilish fiend!
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WADE: Oh no, silly me.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Enzo I dare you to ask fate out
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FATE: I would kick him in the balls.
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ENZO: he would kick me in the balls
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FATE: Hard enough to invert them. He'd never be able to have children.
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ENZO: so true
ENZO: it would be a religious experience my soul would temporarily leave my body and i would see heavens gate for just a moment before i got grounded back down to the world i would feel the agony course through my whole body
ENZO: i would walk funny for weeks and i would deserve it
ENZO: anyways the flirting is funny we laugh at it its just kind of the part of the routine and all that but joke asking someone out is actually kind of rude and i dont wanna do that to people
ENZO: its happened to me before its really never anything but uncomfortable
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Luis lilly if you eat a salad does it count as cannibalism since your kinda plants yourself
Matthew: I told you not to ask stupid questions
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LILY: seth eats fish all the time, and hes the fish evolution! he literally has a seafood restaurant!!! thats more pressing! though i guess fish eat fish all the time and plants only eat plants when theyre parasitic.
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LILY: anyways, dunno!! i guess? i just have spots on me that grow leaves, kind of like how everyone grows fur. would eating someone elses hair be considered cannibalism?? i dont think so!!
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LUIS: I certainly wouldnt have chosen leafeon if i had to give up sopón de gandules!! I dont want to think about the idea of eating plant stuff being cannibalism too much.
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LILY: cannibalism doesnt freak me out...
LILY: its kinda hot, actually.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Enzo have you ever been caught sneaking out of the house
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ENZO: do i look like the kind of guy to sneak out
ENZO: ive got a mom who did some reckless shit in her youth i could probably politely ask her to go to a party or something and she d drive me just because she supports my teenage happenings soooo much
ENZO: mainly because she knows i can defend myself i think lmao
ENZO: gotta say i was a bit rowdy as a kit so i probably tried to run away when i was like 3 or something
ENZO: id have to ask
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FATE: Yeah, you're a tall cishet buff guy, you could probably murder a man in broad daylight and walk away without any penalty. I don't think your mother would have to worry about you getting hurt if you did anything reckless.
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ENZO: thats probably a jab but youre totally right lol
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Luis dude Luis I got to tell you something ready men I think
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LUIS: Thank you! Im matching with my prima hermana!
LUIS: Green glasses are in style for leafeons, dont you think?
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LILY: totally!!!! :D
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Lilly I salute you and your work of keeping your plants alive because dang I cannot they just die and I don't even know why
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LILY: lets just say i have a special... technique! ;3
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Enzo what do you think about fates dad
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ENZO: i think he doesnt like me like actually
ENZO: cant tell a single thought the dudes thinkin and he always stares at me whenever im over and it freaks me out like what did i do
ENZO: hes always so gruff and weird and tall and i gotta put aside my masculinity and admit yeah im a little spooked im scared im reasonably perplexed
ENZO: otherwise he seems fine like hes gay right thats cool
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Fate of wade offered you help in a zombie apocalypse would you take it
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FATE: I mean... yeah? I'd probably take help from Logan of all people if it was life-or-death. I mean, then I'd kick his nuts in so hard they invert and he gets transed like it's out of a piece of conservative propaganda. But I'd still accept help from him, out of self-preservation.
FATE: Same goes for Wade. I may not fucking like him, because he's transphobic garbage, but I wouldn't really be worrying about my pronouns if I was about to die.
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FATE: I mean, I'd be worrying a little. Being misgendered repeatedly certainly wouldn't be making me feel better about the situation, but there's shit that trumps that in how serious it is.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Delta you like dad jokes I got one for you why was the chimney free because it was on the "house" Waka Waka
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DELTA: Haha!
DELTA: Okay, this isn't all bad. At least there's some like-minded people around here.
DELTA: Whenever I make dad jokes in front of Rome, he always looks at me like he wants to scrape out my brain with a spoon.
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Cora (puts down block of cheese with a thud) cheese
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CORA: Cheese.
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VERA: I find it quite odd that neurotypical people claim that us on the spectrum possess psychic communication with each other or otherworldly capabilities when this is their primary method of socialization
VERA: I do not understand
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CORA: Cheese.
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VERA: How are you doing that with your voice
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CORA: Don't worry about it.
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VERA: What
VERA: Hello
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CORA: I said don't worry about it.
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Darin I just wanted to say that I think you’re awesome actually
You’re really funny and I really like the way you talk and the funny faces you make
You’re a really fun guy <3
Don’t mean this romantically, to clarify, I just think you’re really cool and wanted to let you know that :]
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DARIN: oh ah
DARIN: eehehehe
DARIN: i be up to thankin you if thats what you lookin for
DARIN: thanks hahahahauhahaha
DARIN: i aint the typea guy who gets complimented so im not sure how to answer this ahahaha
DARIN: hahaha
DARIN: wow
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DARIN: im bein mature and suave abt this i promise
DARIN: i acknowledge your complimentin and i send a "youre cute" back with a buncha hearts that may or may not be an offer for some lovin an pamperin platonic or not
DARIN: thats up to you ;3
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Cora what can your rituals do and I just imagine you in a giant cloak in the middle of the forest
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CORA: I'm an Eclectic Wiccan. I've sworn in not to speak about it freely until I'm a bit older, but I do do actual witchcraft. It's nothing like in the movies, and not an inherently dark practice. It's mostly for self-relaxation and protection.
CORA: I recommend looking into it. I know Catholicism has had a dominant reign over our perspectives of spirituality, which is why I don't speak of it beyond surface level stuff.
CORA: I have been shamed by my peers for it before.
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CORA: It's quite unfortunate the word 'witch' has some negative connotations, does it not?
CORA: (And yes, I have done spells out in the forest, but it was nothing like satanic circles or anything. Cloaks look nice for the aesthetic, but they're a bit inconvenient for a lot of spell practice. Unless I'm carrying something in their pockets.)
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Cora I heard that you make out with nahla so the real question do you really like her like a girlfriend
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CORA: Potentially.
CORA: I'm not repulsed with the idea of entering a full-fledged relationship with her. I just think at the moment I prefer our current little dynamic, makeout buddies. Friends with benefits and such.
CORA: I would like to be open to options, as would Nahla. She's very casual when it comes to matters of the heart, as am I. I don't even know if I'm completely monogamous, honestly.
CORA: And frankly she has quite a few options, like Seth and Vera. They both seem to like her.
CORA: I would put our little friends-with-benefits situation on hold if she found someone who she fancied more than I.
CORA: That's not self-deprecating! Just at the moment it feels we are currently better in a friendship. We're just exploratory friends, not romantic partners.
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Lily Does luis ever talk about wade
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LILY: sometimes.
LILY: i know wade is kind of gross, but i wasnt around when he did all that stuff. luis wasnt either! so i guess i dont blame him.
LILY: theyre like, really close. luis even talks like theyre dating sometimes, which is funny cause theyre both straight!! kind of wonder who would be the bottom in that relationship lol.
LILY: i dunno, we dont hang out together. i guess i cant judge his friends since hes not judging mine! wade hasnt really been mean to me when hes come over. he just seems chill actually....
LILY: but i dunno, if hes misgendering fate im not okay with that!!
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