anxietyprxme · 1 year
zagreus: omg than! hello:)
zagreus: ummm hello???
zagreus walks up to thanatos and places an arm on his shoulder. thanatos turns around.... it's lin manuel miranda in thanatos clothes.
lin manuel miranda: In the eye of a hurricane
There is quiet
For just a moment
A yellow sky
When I was seventeen a hurricane
Destroyed my town
I didn't drown
I couldn't seem to die
I wrote my way out
Wrote everything down far as I could see
I wrote my way out
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nightwonder7 · 5 months
Another comic dub! All with Frederick =u= Come check it out!
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turkish-demise · 2 years
I kinda want Hades 2 to be able to read your Hades file, see the decisions you made in that, and either make a passing reference to or directly showcase that in the game. Like if you romanced everyone, there will be references to your brother being a whore, etc.
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t0daysgoneby · 17 days
Enjolras hadn't been paying attention like he should have been. Too angry and riled up, all he could think of was the argument with R, and so he didn't notice as he was surrounded. Told to follow instructions, of course he fought back, causing him to be hit multiple times while being restrained, only to be slammed headfirst into the alley wall so hard that his head bounced. Something warm started to spread; he didn't move, now, as they rummaged through his pockets and took his laptop bag before letting him collapse to the concrete below. He groaned as blood started to pool under his head.
Grantaire stayed behind as Enjolras stormed out, expecting him to come crawling back any moment after he had gotten time to calm down. He could hear some kind of fight going on down the street, nothing uncommon for the neighbourhood, but this time, he could also smell blood.
Not the kind where someone cuts themselves on paper, leaving a drop. No, this was much more than that. He made his way down the stairs, to see who it was, and hoped to whatever god he didn't believe in that he was wrong.
He saw him just then.
"Don't you dare die on me, Enjolras.. I can't lose you like this." The idea formed in his head, and he took a deep breath. There was no other way.
"Forgive me for being completely selfish, but... I can't lose you again."
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jrkyy · 3 months
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Wipe the eyeliner off-
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blackmonitor · 2 years
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When you can’t sleep, and all you can do is read one more drabble... then another... then another... 
But thank you @owlpartytime those stories kept me company till dawn 🤭
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Hera meets Thanatos, the New Friend of Ares
Thanatos: Hello noble Queen of the Gods and wife of mighty Zeus... Hera: ... Thanatos: I am Thanatos, son of Nyx. Is Ares at home? Hera: Wait one moment, please. Hera (to Ares): Young Immortal! What did you this time to involve even the Primordial Forces?! Ares: Nothing mom! Thanatos is my friend! Can we go play together? Please?
Other “Greek Mythology” arts:
A daily life of Hebe + bonus
Kid Eileithyia, kid Ares and very concerned Zeus & Hera
Athena & Aphrodite (on battlefield)
Ares and his sons: Deimos & Phobos
The Gods of War: Ares & Athena
Persephone’s reminder for Ares & Athena
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drhimejoshi · 5 months
idk if u take requests yet,, but if you do, could you please do lillia from league of legends graphics? and if not then zagreus and thanatos from hades matching ones? thank you >u<
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✰ ₎ request ﹔lillia league of legends && zagreus x thantos hades graphics!
   ⌒⌒  f2u⠀、 just don't claim as yours (◜ᴗ◝)
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i made both a lillia graphic and the matching thantos & zagreus ones aswell! though i had a bit of trouble with lilia and finding images so hers is a bit low on quality.. but shhh...
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gaypyro · 4 months
God, I know where all thinking of Zag and Mel interacting, but I can't help but think of all the things Thanatos would say about his siblings in Hades 2.
Man was deeply annoyed at his twin brother, Hypnos, for being vaguely annoying.
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courfeyrac-apaladin · 5 months
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!” from enj
“It’s not my fault you’re so warm!” Courfeyrac grinned, shifting a little closer to Enjolras. “Come on, you said we could cuddle for a bit, it’s not my fault I’m cold.”
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littlemagicalstardust · 5 months
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Thantos & Star Warrior!
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 21 days
Enjolras didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know where he was or how he had gotten here. The last thing he remembered was walking home from a meeting at the Musain. Someone was following him, so he ducked into an alley, and then he was surrounded... and he didn't remember what happened afterwards. Somehow he'd ended up on a boat, his throat burning like fire and everything brighter and louder than ever before. He was on some island. He knew that. That was all he knew for certain, and that scared him. He wandered about, looking for answers or shelter or... something... before finally ending up at the church. Churches were supposed to be helpful, right? He knocked on the door and waited, starting to tap at his leg with a nervous finger.
It was rare for their to be new people on the island, for a long time it was that Paul knew everyone there was to know. The only new people came because they seemed to assume things would be better on a small island in British Columbia would be better, but after the oil spill, the town hadn't been the same. Those who left the island often didn't even sell their homes, knowing nobody would buy, so the rumor mill began churning when a new face showed up on the ferry from the mainland one overcast day. Paul however, had not heard the rumors, jumping at the sound of the knock on the church door. He hurries toward it, surprised that he hadn't heard any heartbeats leading up to it. Upon opening the door, his eyes widened a bit, realizing that this person was one he had never seen before. "Oh," he said, clearing his throat slightly before stepping aside to let him into the small church, "I apologize, we don't get a lot of new faces here on Crockett Island," he added, his voice slightly shaky though trying to be approachable and hospitable. His voice just simply was that way.
"The doors to Saint Patrick's are always open to those who need shelter or guidance of any kind."
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nightwonder7 · 7 months
One of my comics got dubbed 👀 Go give it a watch!
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deathbecomesthem · 2 months
I'm not having a great week. Here's a picture of me with a bottle, circa 1983, with some of my cousins. Enjoy
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t0daysgoneby · 2 months
"Okay, the four legged fluffball has been out. Leo, stay." The dog sat at Grantaire's side, let out a low whine. "Hey now, we're not abandoning you." He scratched behind Leo's ears, then stopped, which earned him a demanding paw at his arm. "You ready yet, Apollo?" He asked, smiled, already having his carkeys ready.
"You know that the shelter closes, right? So, what kind of dog do you want? Big, like this dork? Please don't say chihuahua. I'd be scared to break it by tripping over it. And Leo needs a friend, right?"
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foxcackles · 4 months
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Part 2 of Rotting Plant
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