#thanks to all my friends who read thru before it was complete!!!
jjenthusee · 25 days
Racing Hearts Pt. 4
f1!driver!jason x reporter!reader
A/N: hello my gremlins <3 i wanted to share with u guys that i successfully moved YAY so that explains the update being slightly behind and the less responses i’ve given to comments (i read them all i swear <3) BUT HERE IT IS \(^o^)/ i took way too long to edit and rewrite the way i believe the story should go, im having so much fun with this series and i want to thank all of u who are supporting it from the beginning or saw the updates as they came. ENJOY the fourth chapter of the Racing Hearts series (ALSO THERE’S 300 FOLLOWERS WOW 🥹 THANK U TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT LIKE MY PAGE AND CONTINUE TO SUPPORT MY CRAZY SAD WRITING AND MY DRAWINGS i love reading your funny comments, unhinged reblogs, and talking about your favorite parts of the story, it really gave me the push to write and contribute to the jason todd community) and i just wanted to remind yall…i haven’t forgotten about that hurt/comfort tag :)
Check out the Racing Hearts masterlist! It shows all the updated chapters and upcoming ones <3
Tags: banter, agonizing fluff, hurt/comfort, strangers to friends to lovers, spicy if u squint, we’re hitting halfway thru the story so let me introduce what i do best…angst HAHAHA
Word Count: 4.1k
“In all of my career, I have to say that I never thought I would be standing here wearing…these.” Jason looked down to his feet.
The camera focused on the two of you standing next to one another, the lens following Jason’s stare toward the ground. The camera woman zooming in on the bright red Lightning McQueen crocs he was wearing.
You sheepishly admired the shoes, proudly smiling back up to Jason. Bewilderment plastered on his face as he couldn’t believe you actually gifted him Lightning McQueen merch, not even in private but in an interview with multiple cameras pointed at him.
What a predicament he was in. He was definitely not offended when you told him how similar the red car and he were.
“It’s a small thanks from the company for completing your third interview with us.” You smiled brightly at Jason. “Also consider it as a way for us to say ‘good luck’ for your upcoming season.”
Jason couldn’t believe it as he laughed. No matter how much time he spent with you, you always surprised him in the best ways.
“Y’know, I thought the Cars jokes were going to fade out, but you’re a bad influence on my fans.” Jason lightheartedly teased you, stomping his foot enough to let the crocs light up.
You fought a straight face, holding in laughter and trying to stay as serious as you could, but you were about to break any second. You bit the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from smiling, internally promising yourself that you would make sure to get a picture of him later.
You already had his new contact picture picked out.
“I couldn’t think of any other way of showing you my support.” You nodded your head proudly.
“Really? Nothing else?” Jason’s eyebrow rose, his tone sarcastic.
“You’re the best F1 driver I’ve ever interviewed.” You smirked, watching the shoes sparkle.
“I’m the only F1 driver you’ve ever interviewed.” Jason looked at you in disbelief.
“Anyway! We’re closing this as the last part of our series, I’m glad you were able to be a guest before you get busy putting on the RedBull uniform again, I know your fans will really enjoy that—” You wrapped up the finale, finalizing the last public appearance the two of you would have next to each other. A bittersweet ending.
But you always had the Jason laying with you on your couch. Feeding each other dinners, taking motorcycle rides late in the night.
“This can’t be the last time I see you. You’re my favorite interviewer.” Jason lulled his voice, rephrasing your earlier comment back at you. “After all, you gifted me something so…special.”
You paused, shocked at Jason’s forwardness with you, the timber of his voice adding an underlying flirty tone to him.
You’ve never talked to him about the public appearance about the two of you. Could you go public?
It’s for the camera. You silently told yourself.
“You have to win for me to see you again.” You smirked, quickly playing along with his attempt to fluster you.
“That’s too easy, you could try to make this a little harder for me.” Jason chuckled lowly. “It’s almost like you want to see me.”
Oh my.
“So much talk for someone who hasn’t started his comeback season.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “You also didn’t start your last season smoothly, so don’t talk so confidently.”
“But who sat at my last press conference celebrating my win? I don’t end things so easily.” Jason tilted his head as he looked down at you, tension increasing. “I’ll come back when I win, it’ll be our little secret.”
Jason winked at you, the cameras focused in on his face and your reactions.
You raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher between the RedBull Jason on camera and your Jason.
He was his playful self, the signature half smirk trying to get you to blush, but his eyes were soft when he glanced over to you.
You calmly gave in, maybe it was for the camera or maybe it was for you.
“Aw, that’s so sweet, but I don’t think I could keep that a secret.” Your polite smile opposing Jason’s mischievous one. “I don’t think you realize but,” you leaned toward Jason, pausing to eye his figure up and down, gleefully watching him pay attention to your every word. Your smile getting wider at how easily he was wrapped around your finger. “I’m a reporter, I can’t keep that beautiful face to myself.”
“But I’m really good at keeping them.” Jason stepped closer, eyes never leaving yours.
His eyes beamed a playful hue to them.
You cleared your throat, looking at the camera woman who also stared in awe.
Crap, the office was going to get suspicious.
“You should focus on winning first before you make any promises.” You coughed, diffusing the atmosphere Jason created as the film crew watched. “Then call my business number and you don’t have to keep any secrets.”
Once the camera stopped rolling, you resumed your professionalism. Saying goodbyes and getting final pictures for the website and both social medias.
All the previous interviews went well. The fans saw Jason’s personality in action, gaining more attention and love for the racer. Jason’s management team was satisfied with you and the attraction he was gaining before the season started.
It gave him the right press he needed to put him in the spotlight.
After Jason left with his management team, you finalized the video upload that his company agreed to. Your draft for a new article about Jason to be edited and reviewed for the upcoming week. It was business as usual.
Getting work done during the day, then meeting Jason for the evening.
When you got back to your desk, you organized yourself to overlook the release date for the final interview and reviewed for the next big project to tackle now that your work with Jason was finished. Multiple meetings with project managers and your team.
Work was picking up for you, managing larger projects, interacting with larger faces.
Jason lit the hallway to opportunities for you.
Your phone lit up next to your laptop, distracting you from one screen to another.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: pick you up at 6?
You smiled to yourself. Happy, but bittersweet.
You reminded yourself that Jason’s off-season was ending. You wished time could slow down.
—— “Gosh, you’re so clumsy.” You adjusted Jason’s helmet. All the time spent with him reflected in your familiarity with the motorcycle helmet.
“Only for you.” Jason stood there, leaning down to let you reach around his head. Watching you worry about the two of you.
Jason had kept his promise to pick you up.
Most of the time he waited on you to get back from work. Sometimes pushing the boundaries and secretly meeting you for a quick lunch. Meeting him far from where your coworkers frequented.
Your first encounters were hidden behind the idea of work, finding answers to questions for interviews, or suggesting new places to eat.
It was like you couldn’t be apart from one another.
Oh, how you can change a man.
You let Jason fake his ignorance through certain tasks, giving him any reason to get you close to him.
But you gave into his every attempt. Not fighting against his clinginess.
Your roles would switch soon, he wouldn’t wait for you after tiring days of work. You would have to watch him race lap after lap on live television like the rest of the world.
He was leaving soon, you knew he would be busy, it was inevitable, but you wanted as much time before he left.
You sat behind Jason, his body warming the front of you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
Holding onto him close, wearing the helmet he got you, feeling his solid stomach shift the motorcycle as you rode around the city. You were getting used to your new lifestyle, despite the hidden secrets you shared.
He couldn’t announce a relationship after you were waiting for the last installment of your interviews.
The timing wasn’t right and the meetings this would cause for you and Jason were going to give you a headache.
You heard the motorcycle engine interrupt your thoughts.
Jason slowing at a red light. He stopped, placing his feet on the ground to stabilize the two of you while you waited. The red glow reflected onto Jason sitting in front of you.
The streets were almost empty. Gotham barely waking to the darkness, a city that never sleeps.
“Jay.” You hesitated behind him.
“Hm?” Jason unconsciously acknowledged, resting his hand over yours around his stomach. Rubbing the fabric of his gloves onto yours.
“I want to stay with you longer.” You calmed your voice, careful in verbalizing your feelings.
“You want to drive around more? I think we can drive by—“ Jason continued to rub your wrists. Cars passing in front of him, the opposing traffic keeping you still.
“No, I don’t want to leave you tonight.”
Jason paused, his hand resting on yours, no longer moving. If the cars weren’t in front of you, crossing the intersection, you would have thought time was frozen.
Jason tilted his helmet back, to get a look at you.
You don’t know what he was looking for, your face covered by a protective helmet like his was, but he found what he needed when the light turned green.
It was green, but you stayed there, no other traffic surrounding you.
Just you and Jason.
“Want to come to my place?” Jason kept his black visor on you. “I have a killer TV to watch Cars on.”
You chuckled. Squeezing his waist a little more.
“Better have a good speaker for playing Life is a Highway.”
Jason smirked, hidden from your eyes as he watched you lean back into his warmth.
The humid air covering the two of you into summer clothing. Thinner fabrics and showing more skin.
Jason wore a simple fitted thin long-sleeve, matching the look of his helmet and gloves. It made a great view of his broad back.
A quiet exhale as he looked forward again, revving his engine to life to make a quick turn, opposite of your home.
You were racing the rain as Jason was taking you back, but after you spoke the magic words, how could he send you back home?
The dark summer rain clouds were no longer behind you, the two of you heading straight for them as you watch Jason take you down new streets, an unfamiliar path to Jason’s place.
“I don’t think you’ll make it to the living room before then.” Jason quietly spoke to the light drizzle hitting your bodies
“What did you say?” You couldn’t hear above the engine.
And he was right.
After you were soaked to the bone, fabric sticking to your form, water droplets falling down your skin. A glossy sheen from the harsh rain falling all around you.
Jason had pulled into his garage.
He was in the same state, wet clothes stuck to his skin. The water from you and the motorcycle dripping onto the concrete floor.
You pulled your helmet off, the only dry place.
Once Jason parked the bike, he took off his helmet, placing it on the nearest work table. Your body shivered as you threw your leg over to maneuver yourself off.
You looked down at your state, smiling in disbelief at being caught in the rain.
Maybe you could wear Jason’s clothes after a nice warm shower. You internally thought to yourself. Excited to enter Jason’s place. A new location unlocked.
When you put your helmet next to Jason’s, you could finally take in all of him.
Black shirt tight from the weight of the water, his hands littered with scars, free from the gloves. His hair dry, but messy.
All his muscles more prominent.
You stood in awe, your chest rising from the breaths you took. Humid air invading the inside of the garage, elevated from warm summer nights.
The sight of Jason reminded you of the professional pictures taken of him, leaving his Formula 1 car after a race. He was sweaty, running his hands through his hair with a towel in hand.
After all the time you spent together, it was your favorite photo of him. You secretly saved it because there was something about the look on his face, happy to win, alive on the track.
How attractive he looked was a definite bonus in your opinion.
Jason glanced over to you, finally realizing the state the two of you were in. He slowly looked you up and down, lost in the same visual you were in awe of once you saw him.
You suddenly remembered the last time you and Jason were enclosed in a garage, close to each other, messy from a hard day of distributing winter jackets and food to those who stopped by.
A slight warmth increasing on your face.
Jason stepped closer to you, hands grabbing for your waist to pull you in. His hands reaching under your chin to stretch your neck to adjust to his height.
Breaths mixing as your lips touched only from the movement of your lips unconsciously opening, ready to kiss him.
He waited.
Letting the pressure build as he spoke.
“There’s no volunteers to interrupt us now.” Jason lifted you, letting you sit on the surface of his work table. His arm swooping everything off as he cleared enough room for you.
You could hear objects fall, but you couldn’t care less as Jason stepped between your legs. Quickly, but carefully rubbing at your legs with his palms, his hands getting closer to the blurs of where your thighs met your waist.
Everywhere felt great that you didn’t know where to focus.
The feeling of your lips, your sides, his body between your legs?
You could only huff between the intensity he was igniting in you.
“Jay—inside—it’s cold.”
Despite your words, you didn’t bother to move. You kept touching, feeling everything before Jason lifted you again, the placement of his hands as he carried you, lifting the edges of your shirt.
The feeling of a mattress beneath you as you uncomfortably tried to peel the clothing off your body.
Jason chuckled at your frustration. You couldn’t bother to give him a snide remark as he also struggled to get your soaked clothes off.
When lifting the shirt didn’t work, you tried rolling the fabric, but it only bunched just below your sleeves.
You could only laugh as Jason desperately tried to get the shirt through your arms. Tangled in the mess you both created that you were left with a heavy shirt stuck around your biceps.
“Why is there always something stopping me from seeing all of you?” Jason laughed as he kneeled above you, his shirt completely off at some point along the way to his room.
“I don’t think a pair of wet clothes are going to stop you now.” You smiled at him, glancing up at his figure through the darkness. Only the city lights creeping through the blinds, illuminating his skin.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” Jason yanked your entire shirt off your arms.
You sucked in a breath at his desperation, memorizing the look of his face as he leaned down closer.
“I want to turn you into a mess.” He whispered into your mouth, kissing down your body.
Overwhelming gasps and breaths left your mouth the more he touched your skin.
“I want to touch you too.” You exhaled, trying to coherently express yourself.
“Next time, sweetheart. I want to focus on you. Everything I want is you.” Jason moved your hair out of your face, stuck from the sweat covering your skin.
The night filled with you repeating Jason’s name, no distractions keeping that man off of you.
After a shared warm shower, Jason gave you a nice pair of his dry clothes. You walked around his place, relaxed after Jason’s…expertise.
What you weren’t prepared for was just how normal his apartment looked. It felt like yours, but bigger, a little more luxurious like it was bought with the intention of having better quality to last longer.
You hoped he had no plans of moving anytime soon.
You stood in the kitchen in awe.
“You have a kitchen island.” You whistled in excitement. “Formula 1 money is good, huh? Maybe I need to pick up a Redbull uniform.”
Jason chuckled, hugging you from behind smelling like the same soap in your hair, his face nuzzling into your neck. You continued to speak.
“No, I can’t steal your fame.” You whispered to yourself. Jason feeling the vibration of your voice the longer he leaned into your neck.
“I’m happy you’re here.” Jason mumbled into you, ignoring everything you said.
“Me too, I’ve been curious where you live.”
“I invited you before, but I guess we’ve always gone to your place.” Jason smiled into your skin. “What do you think?”
“Its very…Jason. I like it.” You glanced around.
You more than liked it. It smelt like Jason. A smell you’ll never grow tired of.
His apartment was slightly bare, the space a little too large for the one man, but that was charming too. It felt like you were able to occupy that small empty space in his life.
When you walked around, Jason following you like a duckling, you noticed the small knick-knacks you bought with him on your dates.
Matching plushies, a book you picked randomly, a bookmark you gifted him, and a tiny paper frog you made while waiting for your table before dinner.
You felt cherished, looking at the physical representations of your memories together.
He grabbed you again, wanting the closeness. You fell back into him, the small paper frog in your hand, made from old receipt paper.
Jason resumed his prior back hug, absorbing your warmth.
He was more clingy than usual tonight.
“How was your trip to the charity today? I forgot to ask you about it at dinner, it must be hard to take a break from them to race again.” You leaned into him more.
Jason buried himself further. Not a great hiding spot since he was larger, but it was the thought that counted.
“I would love to hear about it.” You put the frog back on the shelf, letting it watch the two of you.
“It was good, I got to do one final check to make sure everything would be good when I’m gone. But…” Jason hesitated, squeezing you a little tighter.
You waited, rubbing circles on his forearm.
“I had noticed a lot of stuff come in, it’s a good thing, but it wasn’t like our usual haul. I didn’t recognize it as the stuff I brought over either.” Jason breathed, agitation filling his voice. “When I asked around about it, they said Wayne Enterprises had it delivered.”
Jason went silent. He was tense.
“I always tell that old man to fuck off. He never listens.” Jason sighed.
The last thing Jason wanted was another check from Bruce. Taking over the hard work he had volunteered for months.
Another sanctuary was being taken away from Jason’s grasp.
“I can’t stand it.” Jason whispered. His eyebrows taut.
You maneuvered your head back to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m sorry, I know that was the last thing you wanted to happen.” You soothed.
Jason leaned in for more kisses.
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling better already.” He exhaled, his shoulders relaxing. Jason smiled into your skin, his voice returning to normal. “But looking at those damn crocs every morning makes me mad.”
You laughed as he grew bolder, pushing the topic aside as you leaned to the floor buried from Jason’s affection surge.
If he was deflecting, distracting himself from his hurt then you could let him kiss you a couple times to distract himself.
Shared kisses, lost in each other’s presence, too occupied to notice the multiple buzzing sounds from Jason’s phone.
Once the public release of the third and final interview was released to your company’s website, the usual flood of comments embraced the look at the two of you.
You lost yourself in the positive comments, ignoring the negative ones, but that was the price of social media. It was the evils of publicity.
You read comment after comment about the excitement to watch the fresh new season. Iconic racers coming back to their playing field, excited to reveal new car designs, getting the opportunity to collaborate with anyone and everyone.
As the time for Qualifying reached you, the temperature fully warmed and Jason wasn’t next to you to enjoy it.
He had conferences, practice drives, and flights to catch. Now that he was past elimination, it was time to test his fastest time.
It wasn’t even the peak of the season, but you were missing him.
You sighed into your phone, a small vibration felt in your palm. A message from Jason appeared.
It was a photo of his Lightning McQueen crocs on the plane. A big contrast to the fancy carpeting, expensive seats, and an up-to-date screen playing the children’s movie.
You smiled to yourself in your desk chair, but a small prick to your heart struck you.
The difference in your lifestyles hitting you. He was a rich racer, traveling the world in one of the most expensive suits in modern racing.
You felt…small.
The two of you hadn’t talked about what would happen once he started racing full-time again.
How far was this relationship going?
Would you follow him to his races around the world? Should you follow him?
Would you officially announce anything?
Was this an off-season romance? Only an off-season romance?
What about your job?
“Hey, we need to be there by one. Should we grab a quick lunch?” Your coworker called out to you, interrupting your pessimistic thoughts to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there. Meet you in the lobby?” You locked your computer, grabbing your key badge, ready to go out of the office.
You quickly typed out a message, taking advantage of Jason still on his phone.
You: Hey slow down try to give the other guys a chance
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: fast is the only way I go. you, especially, should know that ;)
You blushed, quickly putting away your phone to catch up with your team.
Jason’s performance during qualifying went as expected. He performed in P1, claiming and boasting as he usually did. His time seemed to be getting faster, raising the competition standards for everyone.
You only shook your head as you looked at the results on your phone, a small smile on your face.
Jason was busy going to opening days, press conferences, driving on the racetrack. His replies were becoming sparse.
You: I knew those crocs were good luck charms
No read receipt. No reply.
You kept yourself busy at work. Falling into a routine.
You checked your phone again during lunch. No messages.
Your apartment felt empty when you came home, no lovable man standing in the kitchen.
Still no reply from Jason. It would’ve made you sad if you weren’t so tired.
Your phone rang as you got ready for bed. Letting your head hit the pillow as you heard Jason’s voice in your ear.
“I just saw— paper frogs that—vendor—the street and—grab some.” Jason’s voice went in and out of your mind, fighting the urge to sleep.
His voice was too soothing.
“That’s nice, Jay.” You slurred.
“Sweetheart? Are you awake—“ His voice started to get farther and farther.
You couldn’t keep your eyes open and your dreams filled with you sitting in the stands, watching Jason race.
Wind hitting your skin, watching the flags fly in the air, engines roaring past you.
He was so far away and kept driving further away from you.
You jerked awake. Looking for your phone in the blankets.
You had fallen asleep while on your first phone call with Jason since he left.
“Shit, I wanted to hear his voice.” You shook the blanket in the air until your phone fell from it.
You looked at your call history. Apparently, it had been a video call, but you hadn’t realized after you woke up this morning.
Jason not only heard you embarrass yourself, but he saw it too. You quickly opened your messaging conversation.
You (Yesterday): I knew those crocs were good luck charms
You (Today): i’m sorry I didn’t know it was a video call
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: don’t worry about it, I got to see u when your phone fell off your face
“Nooo!” You screamed to yourself.
Your face fell in your hands as you read the messages coming in.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I got something out of it HAHAHA
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: let’s talk next time
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I wanna hear your voice
You sighed.
Getting up to start your weekend, putting Jason’s live race on the TV screen.
Putting on the shirt that smelled like Jason.
Tag List: @jaybirdstreet @gallusstuff @meowkn @velvetberries @i0lovepink00 @rayaskoalaland @spidernuggets @janybabyy @deimks @yasmin-oviedo @bigraga-sk @indulgentdaydream @uhhellnogetoffpleasenowty @idontknowanythingsblog @xakilicious @livvyliv15
190 notes · View notes
satninroses · 1 year
Elvis’s white swim shorts become completely see-thru. Making y/n be able to see ever detail of his cock and surrounding goods. Y/n shyly whispers to elvis to let him know and he looks down mortified at just how much detail you can see of him like he might as well be naked. he is so embarrassed moving his hands in front of his crotch. Before dragging y/n somewhere private to figure out what to do about it. (Maybe it leads to smut somehow)
Wet White Shorts
(A/N): Hi 🙁. To be honest, this is probably my worst one. I’m just in a little low at the moment. I really, REALLY hope that I can climb out of this rut soon. Thank you all for your patience :)
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1,475
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of exposed bodies, like… super mini smut?
Note: Because this was taking me forever, I decided to publish it as is. At some point, I’ll probably come back and add more to it.
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“Cannonball!” Came Billy’s booming voice as he splashed everyone in the pool. There were a few agitated ‘Billy!’s and groans from the guys as they wipe their eyes clear of the water. Billy resurfaced for air and laughed heartily at everyones displeasure. “Should have been quicker!” He spoke amused.
As one of the guys had tackled him in the pool and was basically drowning him, You and Elvis were walking out the back doors of Graceland hand in hand. “Gosh, we leave them alone for 5 minutes.”
Elvis laughed at your remark and nodded in agreement. “Never have too much trust in them. They’re all a buncha’ school boys.” You giggled and his comment and kissed his cheek. “Go have fun with them baby! I’ll be by the poolside.” Elvis nodded and kissed you back. He unhooked his arm from your and jogged over to thwete thebrest if the guys were.
“Elvis! Make Billy get out! He’s been splashing us all day!” Spoke one of his buddies, clearly agitated. “Just splash ‘em back?” Elvis replied.
“He’s right guys. GET HIM!”
The boys, including Elvis, ambushed Billy in the pool. It was truly a sight to behold. Multiple grown men turned teenagers splashing around in the water.
You sat on a lounge chair, watching them have fun and splash each other. You were laid on your back, reading a magazine about Elvis and his up and coming career. The media were ruthless sometimes. Calling him a hill-billy who probably wouldn’t make it out of preforming at local clubs or bars? That’s silly! He had just recently bought Graceland and had given you, his girlfriend of 3 years now, a place to call home.
He was finally in a position to take care of his friends and family and he wasn’t going to waste a second of it. With the purchase of Graceland, a pool was to be added in the backyard as well. As of about a week ago, the construction on the pool had been finished and Elvis had proposed a get-together with some of his crew and you.
His friends had arrived tonight and they threw a little party. You guys had some food, played a couple games, and then went out to the pool. You were in a plain white two piece bathing suit. The bra portion tied in the back and the bottoms sat right in the middle of your stomach. You didn’t need to worry about dressing modestly while you were with Elvis. In fact, he loved it! He thought you looked like an angel with it on. He would also be lying if he didn’t think about ripping it off of your and fucking you senseless in the lounge chair.
There were no prying eyes, flashes of cameras from the paparazzi, screams of fans, or nosy media people trying to get a scoop of your life.
Elvis had on a pair of white shorts. Now, he had swore up and down that they were swim shorts, and you believed him. However, part of you had your doubts. It wasn’t that they were “see-through”, it just didn’t look like the material of typical swimwear. He looked so handsome though. He was a little tan from all these days in the sun that he’s been spending, and his hair was perfect and glistening from the water. You loved him so much, it hurt sometimes.
After about 10 minutes of switching between reading your magazine and watching them dork around, you stood up to stretch. You popped a cramp in your back and elbows and walked towards the pool. One of his friends noticed you before him. “Hey doll! Need Elvis?” You smile and nodded. “Thank you!”
“Elvis! Your girl needs you!” Elvis whips his head around and sees you bent over the pool. He walks, albeit very slowly, to you. He pushes himself up on his forearms and catches your lips in a sweet kiss. You allow yourself to sink deeper into the kiss. He slowly wrapped one arm around your neck and tugged you into the pool with him.
You dove headfirst into the water and resurfaced next to him. His friends were giggling at your misfortune. You wiped the excess water out of your face and looked at him with irritation written all over your face. You pursed your lips and pushed yourself out of his grip.
“No kisses ever again for that Mr.”
“Noooo, baby! I was kidding. Here, let’s get out. I’m sorry baby.”
You smiled at his whiny apology and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. You pulled yourself You both make your way to the tiny steps to get out of the pool. With the help of his hand to keep you steady, you step out of the pool first and rush to your seat to grab your towel. Elvis follows directly behind you and makes his way to grab a towel.
You sat on your chair and waited for him to catch up to you. You stare him down as he gets out. Your smile widens when you rake your eyes down his body. They stop at his bulge and your smile falters.
Your eyes bulge out of your head at the sight. His white shorts, completely see through now, clung tightly to his body. Your mouth gapes and you catch his eyes. He smiles at you and walks in your direction.
“Baby, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He joked with you.
“I did. And it’s phallic shaped.” His laughing stops and he looks you in the eyes. “What?”
“Elvis… wrap a towel around your waist we need to go back inside.”
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
Should you tell him now or bring him inside to save him from any embarrassment?
“Baby. What’s going on?” He says sternly. Normally, his deep sultry voice would have you whipped for him but now was not the time.
“Your shorts are becoming see through! I can see your… you know.” You whispered shyly to him. He looks down at himself to confirm your statement. A tick is placed in his jaw. Not only was he fully exposed, but he was hard.
“So what are we gonna do about it?” He asked. He placed his hand on his crotch to try and cover himself a little bit. “Let’s go inside and we’ll figure this out.”
You both walked quickly - almost a light jog - back to the house. You both walked through the doors of Graceland and he promptly ran upstairs. You followed slowly behind him. You reached the top of the steps and called out to him. “Elvis? Baby, which room are you in?”
A grunt was heard from one of the doors. You know you shouldn’t go in, but you really wanted to check on him. You tried the door on the left but it was locked. Then, you tried the door on the right. It was unlocked. You stepped in the dimly lit room. “Elvis? Where are you?”
The grunt your heard before grew louder as you came closer to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. “F-fuck. (Y/N).” His melodic voice rang out. You knew all too well what that meant. Your hand rested against the door as you watched him do his business. He sat on the side of the tub with his long legs spread. One hand worked up and down his hard cock while the other kept himself steady on the edge of the tub. His shorts had been discarded somewhere around the room, probably leaving a puddle.
“El?” You pushed open the door to be met with the scene face-to-face. Elvis jumped at you entering the room. However, he did not stop, only slowed his actions. “(Y/N)… Baby” He groaned out at the sight of you. The bottoms of your swimsuit were bunched around your crotch area and it was driving him insane.
“Baby. I need you so bad.” He reached his hands out for you and beckoned you over with two fingers. Without wasting anymore time, you rushed over to stand in-between his spread legs. His hands were on you in an instant, as was his mouth. He nipped ad your collarbone and worked his way down to your swim top. His hands reached around to the back of your neck to pull the straps loose.
Your soaked bra fell off and created a puddle on the floor at your feet. His mouth returned to you. He took one nipple in his mouth while he fondled with your other breast. You placed your hands on his shoulders and moaned out to him. “Oh, Elvis! I need you so bad!” You mewled out to him. A smirk forms in his lips and against your tits as he pulls away.
“Oh baby, I plan on takin’ ya.”
(taglist: @mt12209 @myradiaz @presleyenterprise @austinsmutler @18lkpeters @ccab @elvisalltheway101
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plzu · 1 year
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Just Water, Thanks - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part four☕️
a/n: tbh if my 13 y/o self saw me updating a multi-chapter fic [redacted] months after the last update, she'd be impressed. this is shorter than i wanted it to be bc i had to cut it off. consider this an in-between chapter as we navigate (negative) emotions and such. anyway, hope y'all don't mind as i steer this story into angst territory! Summary: Adrian takes care of you while you are drunk and miserable in his home. Warnings: 18+, no Y/N, ANGST (reader is going thru it), mentions of assault, mentions of gore and blood and nightmares, a reference to one of the Saw movies (idk which, sorry), not beta read, if i missed anything lmk pls!! Word Count: 3.3k+
Revelations are dizzying. Revelations taste like vomit in the back of your mouth, and the backs of your teeth. Revelations leave you sore all over, more sore than you think you’ve ever been. Revelations are exhausting. They leave you parched as shit.
Or maybe that’s just the alcohol.
The night wasn’t supposed to go like this. 
It was supposed to be some girls from high school. Old friends. Best friends. The people that were your anchor in Evergreen, who made everything bearable. Late night talks and laughing over the dumbest things and whisperings about crushes and aspirations.
People you slowly stopped talking to once you moved across the country, to some city that could swallow you whole.
People that decided to return the favor. Two last minute ditches, and one that completely ghosted you. They’re just busy, you thought, a dirty martini and a half in. They have real jobs, and spouses, and… kids? Maybe?
Pouty and miserable at the sleek bar, drowning your insecurities in alcohol, picking at the olives at the bottom of empty glasses. They’re too- too good for me, anyway. 
Having found some semblance of happiness in an unlikely friendship with Adrian Chase, you thought you’d finally venture out, expand your social circle again. Feel like you have everything together, finally.
Learn to experience snatches of happiness elsewhere, outside of time spent with Adrian. Because, face it: there is something that feels slippery about him. Evanescent. Like one day he’s going to disappear, or get bored of you.
Or reveal whatever secrets he’s been clearly harboring, something neither of you could return from, and the wedge that it would drive between you would leave you right back to where you started: a ghost that didn’t even have the good grace to properly die. 
You walk -- stagger, really -- down the empty street, most of your weight supported by the masked Vigilante. Adrian is supposedly under that mask. You cannot wrap your head around this fact, even after watching Vigilante answer Adrian’s phone, and say some bullshit excuse only Adrian could come up with. 
“Alright, here we are!” Vigilante (Adrian?) declares. “The Vigilante-mobile.”
You both come to a stop. You squint bleary-eyed at the 4-door sedan, glance at the masked face beside you, then back to the car. 
“It’s just your regular car.”
Vigilante -- no, Adrian, definitely Adrian -- snorts. “Well, yeah. I can’t exactly afford a second car with a busboy salary.”
This almost makes you laugh, because Adrian is good at that, really. Effortless. But nausea stirs in your gut, so you decide against it. Grumble a wordless response instead. 
Adrian attempts to ease you into the passenger seat, asking if you’re hurt anywhere else. If they hurt you in any worse ways other than the obvious. You can only shake your head noncommittally, fighting back the urge to vomit again. There will definitely be bruises and sore spots on your aching body from the rough way they had handled you, but you know what he’s really asking.
Head slumped back against the headrest, you close your eyes for a few minutes. You have to buckle up, Adrian urges, but you cannot find the strength or the energy to pull the seat belt around your body. A pathetic little huff is all you can really muster before Adrian, patient and gentle, pulls the seat belt around your torso and fastens you in place. 
Unfortunately, the gentle action is buffeted by the coppery scent that washes over you, the roughness of his gloves and suit briefly scraping your skin; this doesn’t smell like Adrian. Not like the familiar Irish Spring soap, or coffee and caramel after visiting you at the cafe. This makes you whine. Whimper, really, dissatisfied and uncomfortable and very momentarily scared. 
Misunderstanding, he tells you you’re going to be okay, in a voice that’s a touch too animated for the general mood of the night.
When the door is shut, you try not to suffocate in the brief silence that follows. Keep your eyes closed as the muffled thud of the trunk jolts the car a bit, willing the queasiness away. Desperately wishing for water, or sleep, or death. 
You do not open your eyes when Adrian finally gets in the car, and starts driving, until he mentions something about taking you home. At that point, your eyes fly open.
“No,” you beg. “No, Adrian, please. I can’t go home like this. I don’t want them to see me like this.”
There’s a quiver in your voice. Nervousness builds in your chest, a rapid flutter in your ribs that makes you feel like crying. Adrian stares, eyes flicking from your face to the quickening rise and fall of your chest, and you realize it’s just Adrian sitting next to you, now. Wearing normal clothes. No blood-splattered suit or eerie red visor. Just the familiar--if slightly disheveled--curly hair and glasses, lips parted in confusion or concern. Seeing his bare face is almost a comfort, especially when he nods, and faces the road again. 
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The trip to Adrian’s apartment becomes a hazy memory. He walks you through the corridors of some small apartment complex until you’re trudging through the threshold of his home, where he guides you through the dark into his bedroom. You sag into the edge of his bed once he turns on the light. 
“Gotta get you cleaned up, but… do you need water?” Adrian asks. You only stare back up at him before he goes, “right, yeah, no, you definitely need water. Wait right here.”
When he comes back, Adrian is juggling a couple of bottles of water and a first-aid kit to dress your wound. He sets everything down, handing you a chilled water bottle which you gratefully accept. You cannot unscrew the cap of the bottle fast enough to immediately quench the discomfort of your sandpaper tongue. 
“Slow sips,” Adrian says, after some reckless guzzling causes you to choke and dribble water all over your chin. 
Setting the bottle aside, you notice stands with his back to you on the other side of the room. You realize this is him giving you privacy so you can begin the struggle of taking off the stockings. They get halfway down your thighs, dress rucked up around your hips, before the effort of it unlocks a well of tears; a flash of a memory of being six years old and left to fend for yourself for the first time in a fight to tug on tights for school.
It’s not that you’re so inebriated that you can’t take off your stockings, though it certainly doesn’t help. It’s that once you get the fabric rolled down to your skinned knee, a new wave of nausea overcomes you. You can feel the mesh of the tear sticking to the gooey wet parts of the wound, and your mind reels with the dizzying thought that if you tug anymore, you’re going to make it worse. Take more skin off. Bleed all over Adrian’s bedsheets. Throw up again, probably.
It’s just for a brief second, you don’t let the feeling last too long, but-- the quick snatch and tug of the nylon on the tattered skin of your knee reminds you of one of the Saw movies, and how one of the traps involved gluing some poor fuck’s bare back to the driver’s seat of a car. And the way he had to peel off the seat, screaming and sweating, struggling to reach the -- the brakes? The gas? -- just to try to save some girl’s life. The stretch of skin, the vivid gleam of blood, your memory no doubt enhancing the gore of the scene in a new wave of despair.
When Adrian turns around, he finds you with your face hidden in the cusp of your palms, stockings only rolled down to the tops of your knees. Your dress is still bunched up around your hips, and maybe you should feel exposed, sitting on Adrian’s bed with your thighs bared. Embarrassed, even. But between the ick in your stomach and the sour taste at the back of your throat and the headache that begins to pulse behind your eyes like remnants of the bassline from the club, you don’t have any room to care. 
(And, admittedly. You don’t think you’d mind Adrian seeing this much of you. Under different circumstances, at least.)
You sense him hovering closer, probably paused at the sight of you all pathetic on his bed. Or the bare flesh of your thighs, more likely. Something unintelligible is mumbled into your hands in an attempt to draw his attention. Let him know you’re aware of his presence, and that you’re lucid, at the very least.
“Sorry- what?”
You sniffle, before mustering up the strength to raise your head up. But only enough to stare at his feet. “I can’t- My tights. I can’t… take them off.”
You watch as his scuffed up shoes approach you. Absently, you think about how Adrian hasn’t worn these before, even though it’s gotten cold. And, oh, they’re probably just part of his Vigilante costume. 
Ah. Vigilante. Adrian. 
“Whoa… what do you mean?” Adrian crouches down, his bespectacled gaze in your sight, and you realize the quick, short breaths you hear are your own. “Are you going to cry again? I have tissues here on my nightstand- for, like, normal reasons. Nothing gross. Ignore the lotion.”
There’s a very small part of you that knows this would have -- should have -- made you laugh. It’s the part of you that feels detached from this whole experience, as if watching from outside of your body. Like a muted, sober-ish ghost that can’t do anything but observe. Helpless. Unable to keep you safe.
You can’t even take off your fucking tights by yourself.
“The- the cut on my knee,” you attempt to warble through your explanation. “It’s, um- it feels weird. I don’t think I can take off my tights…”
“Well, we have to dress the wound otherwise it might get infected.” Adrian pauses, raises his hands so they hover over your lap. “Is it okay if I..?”
When you nod -- shakily, fearfully, desperately -- his hands continue their journey to your right thigh. His middle and forefingers, surprisingly gentle, slip into the scrunched up fabric at the base of your knee, and a shiver runs down your spine at the feel of his hands there. There is a feeling that slowly blooms in your chest at the sight of Adrian on his knees for you, taking care of you. But it’s being overshadowed by the anxiety gripping your throat and making your head spin in anticipation of the potential pain to come from your tights being ripped from your bloody knee.
No longer able to keep upright, you gracelessly plop back into the soft sheets, ceiling swaying in your vision. You make no effort to get back up; not like you wanted to watch the horror of Adrian potentially ripping the skin off your knee.
His voice, with a touch of anger that’s still unusual to hear, cuts through the haze of worry. “I hate those motherfuckers for doing this to you.”
A humorless, breathy snort escapes at that, shame sapping the energy out of you. “That wasn’t their fault,” you mumble. “‘M not tryin’ to defend them or anything, but it was my stupid, drunk ass that tripped and got myself into this whole mess…”
Because the truth is, if you hadn’t drunkenly stumbled down the wrong street when trying to find your Uber, if you hadn’t worn heels that don’t feel natural on your feet anymore, if you hadn’t felt so anguished and lonely that you sought solace in a few too many cocktails-
If you had just been a better friend to the people that made your high school years bearable, you wouldn’t have been crowded and overpowered by strange men with horrifying intentions. 
“Were you… by yourself?” Adrian’s voice carries over you while he’s still somewhere at your knees. “Where were those friends of yours? The ones you were meeting up with?”
The heels of your palms dig furiously into your closed eyes until you’re seeing black and red and you’re sure your eyeballs are just about to successfully squish into your skull. “They never showed up,” you admit, hoarsely, dejectedly.
Moments pass. There’s this light, almost lulling feeling, the tug and pull of your right leg. If you weren’t drowning in the barrage of negative thoughts and guilt and the kind of worthlessness that only creeps up on you in your own bedroom, you’d find Adrian’s ministrations comforting. 
“Don’t get mad, but it doesn’t sound like they were very good friends if they abandoned you to drink alone at club a in a sketchy neighborhood.”
But isn’t that what I deserve?
You left. Most people did after high school, but you made it a staunch point to never come back. 
You didn’t mean to abandon the friends you made in Evergreen. But life went on, and time passed quicker than you could make sense of, and fuck if you didn’t find any excuse to not come back home during breaks -- internships, supposedly important trips for school, job-hunting, moving in with your first love -- all so you could prolong seeing your family again.
What’s so bad about them, anyway?
They make me feel-
A sharp sting of pain rips you out of dark muddled thoughts, hissing through clenched teeth as you shoot into an upright position, lurching forward. 
“Sorry, sorry! But I did warn you.”
Oh, right. Adrian. You’re in Adrian’s bedroom, and he’s currently at your knees, hair still rumpled and eyes shining bright and concerned behind his glasses. And… he’s holding an alcohol pad. And your knee is…
“You got the tights off?” you ask in breathless disbelief.
“Yeah. I had to cut it up, though.” He grimaces. “Sorry. But it was already torn, so…”
Sure enough, the area around your knee is now fully exposed and free of any sticky mesh. The cut was beginning to scab over, but the alcohol pad made it newly shiny. It stings, but at least it doesn’t look like whatever nightmare scenario you’d been afraid of.
Adrian continues cleaning up and bandaging your wound as you look away, too light-headed to watch him work. It’s not until he’s gently pressing a bandage to your knee that you finally let out a breath you didn’t realize you were even holding. 
“There, all done.” Adrian stands, gathering everything up with careful, unrushed movements. “Let me get you something to sleep in.”
“Huh?” You blink up at him, confused. 
He’s rummaging through a dresser drawer, back turned to you when he responds. “Trust me, you’re not going to want to fall asleep in ripped clothes.” Turning around with some folded clothes in his hands, he continues, “I don’t imagine it’d be very comfortable. Plus, what if you wake up, not remembering what happened--you know, because of the drinking-- and you’re in my bed with a ripped dress? How does that make me look? It’d be pretty hard to convince you I didn’t do anything to you.”
He hands you the clothes--a big soft tee-shirt and sweatpants--and turns to leave. There is a cacophony of feelings clamoring around in your head and in your heart, and you find yourself helplessly overwhelmed once again but also, endlessly grateful for this man that saved your life. Not just tonight, but the night he stepped into your cafe painfully close to closing and made things feel silly and good again. 
“Adrian?” you softly call out as he turns to leave you to change.
“I think you’re my best friend.”
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Something expands in his chest when Adrian hears those words come out of your mouth. Like a frog puffing up with a croak, or a balloon that’s filled to bursting but doesn’t want to pop. He thinks he was a kid the last time he actually heard someone tell him, to his face, that he’s their best friend.
Sure, the admittance wavered out in an alcohol-infused breath, and he’s not sure how much you had to drink tonight but it may be enough to forget this moment.
But he wasn’t drinking. He’ll hold onto this moment forever.
A smile grows crooked on his face as he hovers by the door, meeting your gaze. “Yeah?”
You nod, holding the clothes handed to you lamely in your lap. There’s something glum about the sag of your shoulders, but he can’t think about that too much in his rush to assure you that you’re his best friend, too. Top 3, definitely.
This makes you snort, which he counts as another win for the night since it’s the first sound of laughter he’s heard since finding you in the alley.
He finally leaves you to change, and to get some much needed rest, and grins from ear to ear at the knowledge that the person he’s liked since high school is in his bed tonight.
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Despite the comfort of Adrian’s tee-shirt, the smell of him in his clothes and sheets, the softness of it all wrapped around you, you do not sleep well.
You dream of dark alleyways and even darker figures crowding you, overpowering you. Limbs boneless, unable to fight back. When you scream, it’s not loud enough. There’s a thumping bass reverberating off brick walls that drowns out your cries for help. 
It’s frustrating. This powerlessness. The feeling of utter uselessness, frightening to your core. 
Then, the dream shifts. You are no longer being crowded and pinned by the shadowed figures, yet fear still grips you, clings to your skin, hot and wet- when you look down, the sticky wet feeling isn’t fear but blood, splattered all over your clothes and dripping from your arms. You want to feel triumph, search for the feeling in the recesses of your brain, you want so badly for that to replace the anxiousness gripping your lungs now that you’re free.
But when you look back up, you see viscera-laden bricks. Bodies with holes where they shouldn’t be, missing pieces. This is still a nightmare.  A familiar voice, tainted by something dark and unrecognizably sinister, laughs at the mouth of the alley. It’s another shadowy figure, red visor glowing in your direction. “You’re okay now,” he says, tone unsettling, too-chipper. “They’re all dead!”
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw
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petalsthefish · 9 months
Hello! I was thinking about you recently and realized your petalstofish account was gone, and I started to worry about you. Because that’s what I do. Maybe you said something about leaving your previous accounts and I missed it, that would be likely on my part. So I was thrilled when Dumbest Witch Alive showed up in my inbox and I found you here again! I hope you’re well!
Hi friend!! thank you so much for reaching out and for reading DWA!!!!I told @gryffindormischief last night that I genuinely threw up words onto paper and that’s the mess that came out lmao
Alsoooooo…I am so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I had mentioned only a couple of times that I was dealing with some health issues, but I never went into full detail, so I’m sure it looked odd when I just disappeared. 2023 was really hard year, and I stepped away from all social media except for my instagram for quite some time…but I’m really really excited to be back here and feeling more like Petals again. I missed everyone, and even in the year or so away, I knew eventually I would come back. I just didn’t want anyone to worry if I told them what was going on, so I figured a cold cut was easiest ♥️
Short story:
I was very ill, but I’m feeling SO much better!
Long Story:
Essentially, I had just moved back to Florida after being gone for four years in Arizona. When my old doctor in Florida saw me, they decided that the plaquinil treatments that I have been taking for my chronic illness for the last few years in Arizona had not been working. They decided to put me on this drug called methotrexate. It was chemotherapy in pill form, low dose, and it’s commonly used for people who have rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. My genetics love me so I have both RA and Lupus. So they thought it was a perfect match for me. It’s rare for people to have a super bad reaction to it, usually just fatigue and hair loss, but of course I managed to have like the worst reaction of all.
Due to multiple side effects, I ended up bed bound within a few days of starting my daily doses. During this time I could barely sit up and eat a meal. My mental health was plummeting anytime I allowed myself to have my phone in bed. I knew I had to do something else, before I totally crashed off the deep end. I would go on and see all my friends at Taylor’s era tour, and I’d had to sell my tickets. I was missing birthdays, movies, long planned trips with friends. I was SO lost in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
Even though my wonderful parents moved me in with them and got me a second opinion, by the time the new doctor got me off of the methotrexate and onto a new drug, it took another few months for my body to complete expel it from my system. So I was down for the count from March to October.
Thankfully, I’m feeling SOOO much better now and have a wonderful doctor who listens to me and never tells me my feelings aren’t valid. Once I had a better grasp mentally and physically, and I felt okay enough to start writing and reading and reviewing again, I decided to return to social media. Im actually super excited because I start physical therapy this week, which is a huge step, and I no longer need to use FMLA every week at work. Yay!
ALSOOOO not wholly related but some bot stole PetalsToFish SO HERE I AM WITH A NEW NAME. THANKS BOTS🤪
If u read all the way thru this I owe you an ice cream sundae
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crimedotnet-ask · 3 months
Welcome to Crime.Net [Restored]
{HI THERE!!! This is theancientdarkbeauty ( https://www.tumblr.com/blog/theancientdarkbeauty ), gm of this blog! This is my first official ask blog, and there are a couple of rules, as any good ask blog should have!} {1: Inside of these characters, dragon brackets or whatever they are called, is OOC (Out of character). While addressing me the creator is an option thru this blog, it really is preferred to contact me thru my official tumblr, which, as mentioned before, is theancientdarkbeauty} {2: This is a PAYDAY BLOG! This means it will be full of crime, mentions of drugs, blood! GUTS! GUNS!! Also the hatred to the police in this universe is, and I cannot stress this enough, COMPLETELY. FABRICATED! I have great respect for those who actually protect us. I do not like cops, but the hatred and mass slaughter of (arguably cloned, we'll get to that) cops is not how I really feel about them. There are good people inside the system, but it should be known that they DEFINITELY not to be praised, at least in their current state.} {3: This may be a NSFW blog when it comes to blood, gore, drugs, and such, but this blog will not tolerate sexual stuff. The in universe explanation for this is that both users of this blog are Aro/Ace, one being very sex repulsed and the other just doesn't care. Any sexual NSFW asks will be removed and reported.} {4: This blog is NOT CANON! And don't take it as such, please. I may be a Payday fanatic, but I can't keep up with everything everywhere all at once (HA! Reference!). If I miss something, send an ask into my main blog informing me of what I got wrong. With this being said, this blog will feature 2 main OCs, as well as some guest appearance from close friends. If you have an OC, feel free to throw them in here!} {5: No Over Powered or Hail Mary OCs! No magic either! This is a pretty grounded thing, so please don't try to mess it up, or I will have to ignore any ask you send in from then on (I won't block you, but you won't be able to interact anymore). Other than that, out of Payday ocs are allowed, but not recommended.} {6: This blog will have art used in it, made by yours truly and will be updated occasionally. With that said, this is a VERY anti-AI zone. FUCK AI! ESPECIALLY ART STEALING AI! AI jokes are funny, of course, but no actual use of it. AND DO NOT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT CLAIM IT'S THE ONLY WAY FOR SOME TO MAKE ART. NOT ONLY WILL I FIGHT YOU, BUT THE CHARACTERS WILL TOO!} {7: Final rule! Just try and keep it fun. Your decisions, asks, and interactions can and WILL effect the characters!} {IN SHORT! 1: These {brackets} denote OOC. 2: This blog will touch on heavy and gory stuff, but the hatred of cops is largely dramatized. 3: No sex or sexual stuff. 4: Don't get mad about things being non-canon. 5: No Hail Marys or all knowing askers. 6: NO AI 7: Have fun!} {This blog won't interact with reblogs, and there are not character slots, but all asks will be considered! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!}
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padfootastic · 1 year
hi! i've no idea how i came to your page but i realised i'd read two of your one-shots in ao3 before and had adored them (you'll probably get comments from me in future, btw) and i just wanted to say thank you for your writing and thank you for your prongsfoot<3
i've been very critical of this sort of new, cool and aloof and martyred version of remus lupin for quite a while now (honestly, where did all those traits come from?!) and gosh, you're so eloquent when talking about him!!!
i was wondering what your thoughts were on regulus black? because i think he's getting the same sort of royalty treatment as remus does by making him sort of-- er, perfect? i mean. i've seen so much recently of him basically saving the world single-handedly and i-- ugh. and james is always just there, like a useless idiot? it makes me irrationally angry, and this is coming from someone who enjoys jegulus quite a bit. my problem is that i don't know if this rejection i feel against those two comes from a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty.
anyway, again, thank you for your writing. it's truly beautiful. hope you have a great day!
omg hello 🥺 i’ve periodically opened tumblr, giggling like a loon, and logging off multiple times just to see this ask,,,,thank u sm , ur way too kind <3 and ur comment on ao3!!! i was just,,,,yeah,,,no words. thank u.
ooooooh i remember being asked something similar a while ago and i took the safe route and basically went ‘remus lupin-ification of regulus’ iirc. that still stands. but but. i’ve also got another answer here! all hail tumblr’s search system today!
i still basically stand by all of it, but adding onto the jegulus + sirius bits of it:
annoys tf outta me when regulus is turned into a victim and like sirius damned him to hell when he left . i have thoughts about the way both of them were treated (which,,,another time,,,this post is already getting too long lol) but i imagine the day sirius left to be a Good One for reg bc he thinks he’ll have his parents undivided attention now. i also think regulus is severely defanged in a lot of characterisations, as if he wasn’t a baby DE, as if he wasn’t a slytherin from the house of black, as if he wasn’t walmart sirius black. like man i’m almost offended on his behalf. i’m sure his shaking his lil fist up at us from wherever he is.
with jegulus…okay, i’ve only read a couple oneshots but that doesn’t mean i haven’t tried. i genuinely went thru so many fics trying to get something, anything to stick and i think the problem is me. fully. completely. without doubt. i just can’t deal with a situation where j&s aren’t each others no.1, or at the very least, equivalent to that. that’s where my issues w wolfstar started, same w this. jegulus also has the added horror of ‘james and reg sneaking behind sirius’ back’ which is just,,,,gosh,,,,i have So Many Thoughts ab that. all personal opinions, but still. they’re strong. it fucks me up just thinking about it. i also think the ship tries wayyyy too hard to fit the ‘best friend’s brother’ trope and ends up sacrificing characterisation for it. which,,,again,,,that’s fine but it’s all the ‘oh this is how it was!’ that gets to me. and then james :/// he gives off such weird energy lol. jegulus gives me drarry vibes, and james is treated almost exactly as harry is in a lot of those. reg also gets the saviour treatment, like draco, and both of their fuckery is toned down until they’re almost normal, like they never did any reprehensible shit. j&r, and d&h are placed on the same moral equivalence and it’s just a bit. hmm. okay. (my issue with this is how it leaks into the writing and suddenly i’m made to sympathise with draco bc harry slashed him w sectumsempra, but we conveniently forget he was gonna use an unforgivable, ykno?) so overall it just feels…pushing reg up and pulling james down to get them on equal footing. very similar to wolfstar lbr.
anyway. that’s a ramble and a half lmao.
also!! ‘a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty’ in my mind, both of these occupy a similar plane of existence. so very valid. for me, personally, hating remrem started as the latter and i eventually realised it’s also the former lol i was just mad a how sirius is bastardised to justify his ~deification and it eventually moved on to ‘wow i just. do not like him’. damn.
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teruki-inoue21 · 1 year
Possible Link Click III plot line??
This, my friends, is the latest poster for Neo Aurora (which I believe is some type of upcoming Link Click concert?). Take a look
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Who’s there at the center, u ask? Why, it’s none other than the Hat Guy aka Liu Xiao aka THE GUY WE’VE BEEN WAITING OUR ASSES OFF FOR YET IS NOWHERE THE F**K TO BE SEEN!
So yeah, I don’t know about y’all, but I think I know how Link Click II is gonna end. In the last episode (well, only god and the staff behind know what it’ll be ‘bout), just before the cliffhanger, there’s going to be a brain-damaging, coma-inducing, heart-attack-starting badass entry of this guy, Liu Xiao, who’s probably been manipulating EVERYTHING behind the scenes from the very start and maybe also has some ability we know nothing of….
Ok, now that I’m done ranting, let’s get the theories addressed. Here, we see Tianxi at the leftmost, Qiao Ling at the rightmost, followed by Tianchen right beside Tianxi at the left, and Cheng Xiaoshi beside Qiao Ling at the right. Center stage goes to Lu Guang n Liu Xiao.
Hmmm… Y’all see where I’m going with this????
Well then, let’s draw some parallels.
Let’s start with our main trio. Qiao Ling is the sister counterpart, whilst Cheng Xiaoshi is the main character, impulsive and emotional, yet with a strong sense (in his case this sense is of justice), whilst Lu Guang is the best friend of the main character, who one day appeared out of nowhere, and who we know nothing about, and who’s quite mature and calm-n-collected.
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Now, about the pink twins and Liu Xiao. Tianxi = sister. Tianchen = impulsive guy with a strong sense too (which for him is the ideal of becoming a hunter, a “murderer” if u will), and finally Liu Xiao = the friend of the impulsive boi, who, just like Lu Guang, appeared out of nowhere in Tianchen’s life, who we know 0% of, AND whatever scenes we’ve seen of him, we can clearly deduce that he’s ALSO level-headed n a mature guy (quite a bit much for his age, and that’s what makes him all the more eerie and enticing).
[NOTE: Thanks a lot to @mrbokchoi at myanimelist.net for bringing up this wonderful and feral-making theory.]
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So, I think we can safely deduce what could be the plot for Link Click III (and trust me ppl, it WILL happen). All the while we were watching II and we’re waiting for the CXS vs LTch showdown, it was never about THEIR showdown. It was always about the face off between the two guys in the shadows, the two mysterious variables who were working on their own agenda, never revealing what they were truly there to do. Yes, it was always about Lu Guang and Liu Xiao. Just as Link Click II has been completely from CXS’s POV (and a little bit of QL and Xiao Li’s perspective), I believe Link Click III will definitely be Lu Guang’s perspective, how he’s been traveling between and thru various timelines to save CXS from dying, a bit of focus on the alternate timelines, and finally, his showdown with the ominous Liu Xiao, the man behind EVERYTHING (?).
With that being said, I’m gonna drop one last bomb to make y’all go truly feral. If what I think is true, then in order to shift the POV from CXS to LG, this means that Link Click II will have a……….(wait for it)…………….(dramatic silence)……………………… BAD ending!!!! CXS will be gravely hurt, if not totally dead, and LG will be repeating the cycle, once more, as his pain grows……
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Well then, I hope all of you who’ve been reading thus far, have a great wait for the final two EPS of Link Click II and for the third season.
(And a happy journey to becoming feral too, me lads!! 😈😈😈)
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applestoashes · 2 years
An Update on Apples to Ashes [and no, this isn’t a cancellation announcement]
Hello Apples to Ashes fans, this is Prima a.k.a Primarvelous. I’m here to talk about development, and update you all on things going forward in 2023.
Let me first reiterate that this project is NOT canceled. When I conceptualized Douglas and the premise of Apples to Ashes back in March of this year, it was truly and completely a new idea then. I wanted to take all the passion and inspiration I’d been fostering from other visual novels I’d been interested in and do something I’d always dreamed of: make my own. What I didn’t expect was how rapidly Douglas and Apples to Ashes would garner traction and attention. It was the first time I’d ever experienced that kind of attention, that people revered something I made that was completely mine, and I treasure that. Let me say thank you to everyone who has shown love to this project. It’s my project, and I’m making it for me first, but I’m so happy to be making it for all of you too.
That being said, I’ve never done anything like this before, and so it has been a learning process. I felt like I had to get the project out as soon as possible, like I had to strike while the iron was hot and mimic my peers, regardless of how different our knowledge and our circumstances might be. After a long year, I’ve been able to reflect a lot on the things that have happened, and I think differently about things. I believe that, more than anything, I want to release a demo that is polished, that is worth all the patience that fans have offered. That does mean it’ll take more time to really produce something that I’m satisfied with. Additionally, I can fully admit that there have been situations and circumstances personal to me that have prevented me from dedicating as much time as I’ve wanted to development, stagnating progress in any capacity. To those that have stuck with me and this project through that, I am so grateful.
I’m proud to say I happen to be involved in some other project as of late that I’m very passionate about. I’ve picked upsome contracted work I can’t go into for privacy’s sake, but I’m excited for you all to see the results of soon. I’m performing voiceover for another project you all may be familiar with, in “See Thru: Need a Friend?” as the titular character and love interest Friend, and I’m very ecstatic to have been cast. I’m depending a lot on these opportunities and my independent work with commissions to keep myself afloat monetarily right now, and I have good feelings about my ability to provide for Apples to Ashes not only funds wise, but I’m also going to be taking everything I learn from these opportunities to better what I produce for you all. I think that’s what makes me the most excited for these opportunities, because what I learn will only add to my ability to make Apples to Ashes what it deserves to be: a fulfilling experience for all of you.
I still don’t intend to open a patreon for this project until I feel fully able to not only manage it, but also like I have something for you all to taste before you decide to pay for it. I’m invested in giving all of you a reason to commit your time and money to this project in the future. I also don’t want to give an expected date of release until I’m sure that I can meet it. I wholeheartedly promise that as soon as it’s clear to me that work is almost done, you’ll all know that the wait is coming to an end.
Until then, I hope you’ll look forward to what the future holds for Apples to Ashes; for Douglas, Xamira, the characters you’ve yet to meet, and all the amazing characters you yourselves have made to go on this journey with. I’m done comparing apples to oranges, I’m ready for the crisp and refreshing bite into a new year.
Thanks for reading,
Apples to Ashes creator and director
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hatboyproject · 2 years
First, you are a legend. Second, I have finally broken down and started playing thru the ME trilogy thanks to (a) my ability to take a sabbatical, and (b) a friend buying me the legendary edition, and (c) threats of violence from my loved ones should I not play it. I've finished ME2 and I am 100% not booting up ME3 if there's snowball's chance in hell that the LE version of your mod is dropping any time soon.
*sings* you're not our bitch and you're not a machine * I'm a fic writer, I expect nothing. And I know this stuff takes forever and I 1000% expect the answer to be 'no' but the only thing I am inquiring is whether there is an updated ETA for your mod. OR if you have need for a legendary edition beta tester. OR if I can send you cash money to help offset the time being spent on a labor of love. OR if I should say -f- it and get my hands on the original edition of ME3 so the hatboy mod you've already (gloriously) provided us, works.
Also thank you for giving me hope that I will get to play a Shoker option, which makes the most sense thematically and narratively and I am aghast at what bioware chose to do with Joker (and EDI, wtf). You're doing god's work.
Just this week, I got some of the updated synths I've been waiting for, but I'm still waiting on BroShep.
I am still working on HBLE, don't you worry! In between writing fic myself, doing a painting, and a playthrough of ME3 to refamiliarise myself with its pacing, I have been going in and putting some necessary setup stuff in place, which is all very boring and un-exciting and not really showcase-able. Big chunks of the structure have been built, but most of the audio work has to be done, still.
In the OT, a lot of work had been done before I had the ability to read a line to the synth myself and have it transpose the voice directly, which noticeably improves delivery. So much so that it is difficult to use a lot of the previous edition's takes. This has the knock-on effect of the line needing to be re-animated because, of course, the timings of everything are now different with the new audio. There are very few lines whose takes will not be re-done.
Fortunately, however, I have my lipsync automation tools, and I'm much better at animating now than when I started. So it takes a lot less time this go-around... but still time!
Sadly and wonderfully, this is a massive mod and is much more than just a straight port. If it was a straight port, it'd have been done already. I would apologise for that, but I like to think the end result will be worth it, haha!
I am adding new content this time, including an entire conversation about his sister that you can unlock by completing some vanilla dialogues.
I am so glad that you've been enjoying your time with Mass Effect and that my mod is on your list of things to do. In what I am sure is the most shocking statement of the century, I agree that Joker is the most thematically satisfying romance for Shepard. I can't wait to get it to you! I promise, I am doing my best and there's nobody who wants it in your hands more than me.
Regarding testing, it's not quite in a state where it can be tested just yet. A few conversations work (first convo, EDI body convo, EDI discussion, some ambients) but nothing else yet.
Regarding supporting me, I do have a Ko-Fi. You can find a link to it in the pinned post, and donations absolutely do help my creative efforts, and I go a little feral when I see someone has donated. But as always, I want to make it clear; The Hatboy Project is free and will never be gated in any way. Everyone gets the same release at the same time. All you have to do is own a legit copy of the game... Which you already do!
Excitement like yours helps keep me going. Thank you so much.
Edit: lmao my link is not in my pinned post lol rofl it's hatboyproject.ko-fi.com tho
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hypergamiss · 3 months
A few years ago I planned to move across the country with a man I had known for several years. He encouraged the move and helped me plan. When it came time to leave, the only thing left to sell was my car. When I called to confirm the arrangements for him to pick me up at the airport, he didn't respond. I don't know what happened. Before all of this we never fought or argued. NEVER. He would clear his schedule for weeks at a time to travel with me. All of his friends even told me that he usually wasn't that nice with everyone, so I must have been special. They are now just as confused by his actions as I am, fyi. The only person who he has ever explained anything to, is his paralegal and the only reason I know that is because she called me for the return addresses and said that she hoped we worked it out quickly because the two of us were a great pair (I wasn't aware we were going thru anything, he just ghosted 😣). He sent all of my mail back to me, after opening it and wrote "here you go :)" on the letters. One of the letters was my tax documents with all my personal info and had my entire yearly income--for some reason that bothered me the most, it just felt so invasive. Plus it felt like a big "fuck you", to open my mail (a crime) and then send it back to me in the same torn up envelope. A couple months after ghosting, he called me at 2 am and I blocked his number when I woke up (who answers the phone at 2am, in the first place?). Later that year, I ended up meeting my best friend, so I am somewhat thankful for the misfortune. My best friend has been such a blessing in my life. But overall, this is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me and I wish I could forget it even happened. He humiliated me. All of my friends were excited to see me off to my new chapter in life and then I had to crawl back home and rebuild everything from nothing. I had like 3 farewell parties for all of my friend groups. This man did not care that he essentially left me homeless (I was able to find a place after staying with family for a few months).
I've been doing well since then and have graduated and secured a well paying job. I had moved on but then I got a call from him while I was out to dinner with friends. I got a new phone, so his number wasn't blocked. It ruined my whole night. I called him back and he said he was worried about me and glad to hear my voice. Asked me what city I was living in. Said he wanted to catch up and that he had been trying to contact me for years. When I called him back to talk more, he blocked my number. I tried to let it go for a few weeks but I called again from my burner number and gave him an earful. He apologized and said that he was having trouble with his phone and he'd give me a call later. Well, he has now changed his phone number completely. I was doing so well and then he comes and ruins all my progress. I'm triggered all over again. I just don't understand the point of the game. I don't even treat people I don't like, like this. If you don't like someone, just leave them alone! The first time, I was able to recover easier because I told myself that he probably cared about me but probably had internal struggles and didn't know how to say it. But this second time around has been harder because it's blatantly obvious that he intentionally wants to hurt me.
"A few years ago I planned to move across the country with a man I had known for several years."
As soon as I read this I was hoping you were at the very least engaged to this man.
"When I called to confirm the arrangements for him to pick me up at the airport, he didn't respond."
I'm so sorry this happened to you!
"Plus it felt like a big "fuck you", to open my mail (a crime) and then send it back to me in the same torn up envelope."
That is a HUGE fuck you... he's ruthless.
"Later that year, I ended up meeting my best friend, so I am somewhat thankful for the misfortune."
I love this for you!
"This man did not care that he essentially left me homeless"
You need to think about this when he crosses your mind.
"I called him back and he said he was worried about me and glad to hear my voice."
He was worried about leaving you homeless or???
"When I called him back to talk more, he blocked my number."
The classic (toxic) push and pull.
"I just don't understand the point of the game."
It's not personal. He's addicted to the high of the chase and some other internal issues. Hurt people hurt people. It's best to cut them off forever and never look back.
"But this second time around has been harder because it's blatantly obvious that he intentionally wants to hurt me."
It's never worth it going back, you just end up in a deeper hole than you were before.
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prettyiwa · 1 year
hi! i know you’ve discontinued all your previous aot/snk works, but i had been trying to go thru my saved files trying to find my saved pdf of VOV since i wanted to reread. the reason i dropped in your inbox was because i realized my phone had auto deleted it for some reason and that made me incredibly sad. i just wanted to let you know, that no other work has impacted me quite so much like yours. Your writing style your original character left an impression on me that will last forever. The OC’s heart, their kindness, empathy, patience for others honestly affected me. It is the best thing I have ever read. it made me want to practice more of these things in my own life and love as unashamedly and deeply as they did. It breaks my heart that i can no longer read it, but i really just wanted to let you know how grateful i am that your works (all of them) were put out into the world at all. It’s really not an understatement at all for me to say that it really changed me as a person. I’m self involved, and i don’t often let the people in my life know just how much i appreciate them, and to be honest i didn’t ever consider their feelings and struggles before. Who i was before i read VOV and after are two completely different versions of myself. It taught and encouraged me to try to be a better friend and family, and i’m forever thankful and supportive of you for that. You will always be my favorite writer and artist.
Hi, yes, um.
Holy shit dude?? You wanna make an author cry, this is how you make them cry. I can’t even put into words how much I needed to hear something like this. I’m so honored that my story and my character touched you like this and that you reached out to let me know.
I intentionally wrote her as open with her emotions and with her love as a reminder to myself and hopefully to others that love is out there in abundance and that it’s worth the effort to love. That it touched you in such a way? I— ?? Complete loss of words.
Thank you so, so much for reaching out to let me know. If you would like to reach out to me off anon, I would be happy to send you my PDF copy.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hi em! i was gonna make this anonymous but ta heck w tht LOL okay so this is gonna b a long one js bc i wanna b as clear as possible for u but i jus wanna kno ur opinion on this n im sorry if this sounds redundant (given what ur whole acc is abt) but i saw this tiktok that was basically talking abt how ppl who read rp (real person) fanfics r weird , disgusting , and freaks (that one hurt ngl😭) and ig bc i never interacted w ppl who read them i had no idea this was such a controversial thing yk? so it kinda hurt and i got hella defensive bc these fics have helped me thru some hard times n r my safe space (esp ur acc i love it sm ur fics r quick n easy reads but so so good! and i love tht u write wholesome sfw fics i don’t like / can’t read nsfw rp fics) and r good when i need a quick romance fix bc i have none irl (tmi fr sorry!) but honestly it made me feel horrible abt myself bc im like damn am i sick freak for reading this even tho i read the sfw n wholesome ones?? n they were sayin the y/n , self inserts were even worse! 😭 n idk if this makes me ignorant but for the life of me i couldn’t figure out what made it weird! nsfw ones r different but regular romance or fantasy? esp since i never see this take when ppl mention they used to read one direction fanfics or mindless behavior & august alsina ones (these were popular among the black community for context!) like everyone laughs n reminisces i feel like ppl r a lot more critical n harsh on kpop stans tbh but i even thought abt deleting my tumblr bc i felt wrong for doing so it made me question myself for awhile just being honest anyways i’ll get off my soapbox im so sorry this is so long i jus wanted to give as much context and detail as possible! if this is too much please disregard but idk i just wanted an opinion on this take from a fix writer and i assume u read some too correct me if i’m wrong! thanks so incredibly much in advance and i hope we can b friends one day! 🧸🎀✨💌💕🫶🏽
this is so real of you omg ok first of all, thank you for going out of your comfort zone to do this! things like this make me so happy cuz you coming out of your way to do this (comfort wise and time wise since it must’ve taken you a while to write sm, esp considering the technical difficulties 😭) makes it all the more meaningful. and i rlly appreciate you coming to me of all ppl too! so thank you!
secondly, i agree with you on all the things you had to say !! i was once in your shoes, and if i’m being completely honest, a part of me is still navigating this as well. like some things i still question for example is if there is rlly nothing wrong with this, why do i feel the need to hide that i read/write? but for the most part, rn i am definitely set on there being absolutely nothing wrong with this! i can definitely see where these other ppl are coming from if they had never thought much of fanfiction or reader inserts etc. bc it’s probably similar to how i felt before being more exposed to fanfiction. but imo these are fantasies i just imagine in my head anyway and are almost like dreams to me yk? and so imo, they’re harmless. in fact, writing and reading ffs help grow my creativity, which is smth i value. cuz not only am i doing this for entertainment, i’m also doing it for the art (this is in terms of writing more so than reading but can still apply to both). however, similar to you, i do believe that imagines can be taken too far, as that is what aligns with my beliefs, such as nsfw fics (which is not anything personal at all to nsfw writers!). that imo can be harmful for the mind and spirit etc. (sorry if this is getting too deep and personal 😭)
ugh this is honestly so nice to talk about and have someone relate to on this cuz literally the things you are saying describe me !!! and dw, i have and never had any love life,, it’s non existent, believe it or not! so dw, you’re not alone 😭 like we can be delulu tgt 😭😭 and ahahaha yesss like i can’t tell you the amount of times i considered deleting this app or stopping writing/reading. it was challenging to process. but after doing so, i have come to the conclusions i mentioned earlier (how i think reading sfw fics are harmless). it’s literally just a form of harmless entertainment lol so i don’t see why ppl have to be so judgmental about it and can’t just mind their own business 😭 so dw, coming from a fellow reader and someone who has faced the same dilemma, you are not at all a freak 😭 and don’t let anyone let you think otherwise 😤☹️
also i can’t go without saying a huge thank you for all the kind things you had to say about my works :((( <3 that is so sweet of you to say and is so encouraging. it’s smth i’m finding i need a lot of, esp lately, so i rlly appreciate that and it means a lot. this whole ask and talking about this is rlly quite meaningful to me tbh 😭 so thank you for coming to me and being so brave to bring this up! 🫶🏻 also, yes let’s be friends omg !! i’d love that 🥹🫶🏻
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quokkahans · 2 years
Double Catfished! [Part 1/3]
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Hopeless romantic Seo Changbin tests his luck in a dating app, and finds a new friend in the name of Jisung. What happens if they finally meet each other after being online boyfriends for months and both of them gain weight? (Also, Jisung has a secret the older doesn't know…)
WARNING: This fic contains feederism, and intentional weight gain which are all SAFE FOR WORK / SFW. If you are uncomfy with this type of story, please look away and scroll before the cut.
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
Changbin was a bit nervous, fiddling with his fitted polo shirt while the pants were trying to hold on as the button was on the brink of popping, a result of his greedy escapades which became compounded with stress from not only working as an journalist assistant but also from the possibility of his date slash virtual boyfriend flipping out on how his profile was.. different from reality.
But hold on, how did the black-haired get himself in such a sticky situation? Let's rewind a bit, a year ago to be exact and several kilos lighter. Changbin was in his hopeless romantic phase and like a desperate person wanting to have a boyfriend, he sought his chances on a gay dating app.
"Not this one.. he's way out of my league.", he grumbled, swiping left after doing the same for a few other men who either were jocks or too direct to the point. "Ew, what is that?! Didn't need to see that in a profile picture..", an annoyed sigh came out before the next picture made him stop.
It showed a cute boy, maybe a bit younger than Changbin but he didn't mind that, as long he wasn't TOO young. The boy scrolled down and realized his name was Han Jisung, what a cute name for a cute boy. Not to mention that Jisung works at a cafe and makes the cheesecake there, artisan indeed.
"Oooh~", Changbin whistled, scrolling even more thru the profile and seeing the featured pictures.
But it just sank in that the quokka-like person on the screen was more than that, he was buff.
And of course, Binnie's gaydar skyrocketed and always had a fixation for big boys (if you know what I mean ;D). It was a no brainer for the panicked gay to swipe right and surprise surprise! They are a match!
"OH MY GOD, YES!", Changbin squealed before a 'ping' sounds on his phone, there was a message. Assuming it was Jisung, he promptly opened it and he couldn't help but giggle cutely at what it said.
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
== JISUNGIE (Active Now) ==
Quokka.Sung: Hey, wassup? Didn't know I got a hottie as a match 😉
Wait.. WHAT?! That was a complete 180 and a curveball, Changbin didn't expect this baker to be so flirty but he didn't mind!
( Oh.. Hey! 😅 Everything's good. I got matched with a cute baker, so nice. 😉 )
Changbin scrunched his face in disapproval upon reading that, so he erased it. "Ew, I'm not THAT flirty in real life-" 
( Everything's fine 😅 Got you as a match, huh? You're a cute one. What's up there? )
== **SEND** ==
*Sent 10:05 am*
*Read, Seen*
Quokka.Sung is typing.. 
Quokka.Sung: Aww, thank you! Well, had a tiring shift at the bakery. Worth it though 😅
And they started to click with each other and talk, how cute!
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
Seo.Binnie: That's nice! What bakery do you work at, by the way? Just curious, hehe.
Quokka.Sung: Well, you might know it but it's Bbokari Bakery! My friend Felix owns the place.
Seo.Binnie: Oh yeahh! I know that one. I could go there if I could but I had a tiring day yesterday so I'll just stay at home. 😂
Quokka.Sung: Fair point! What's been your life lately?
Seo.Binnie: An assistant in a broadcasting network, I handle the sounds and microphones.
Quokka.Sung: Whoa! That's.. amazing! It must be a lot of hard work.
Seo.Binnie: Yeah, but it's worth it. xD
Quokka.Sung: You know what? I'll give you a surpise from the bakery, free of charge. Just send me your place.
Seo.Binnie: *sends location* Surprise me! 
**Quokka.Sung reacted with a 😉 face**
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
And that's how the two met, in a dating app. So sweet, right?
Oh, and the surprise was like a collection of cookies, cupcakes and a slice of Jisung's favorite cheesecake. Now that's a very good gift for Valentine's!
-- 3 months later --
Wow, it's been 3 months already? Okay, so the two have actually been talking a lot and I mean A LOT. These two just met at a dating app and now they are clicking! But don't blame them, they just have the same sense of humor and dynamics.
Not to mention that they did a lot of new stuff lately, but they haven't really met in person. Just some audio calls here and there, no problem.
But that just made Changbin the target of teasing towards his fellow workers at the news company, with their main argument being that the shorter man was "head over heels" about a baker next door.
Also, it wasn't the love that grew towards Jisung for Changbin, he also sported a small pooch of fat that was his abs due to the stress and all those snacks he was sent by a "secret person" but he didn't notice it since it didn't show on his clothes.
"And you know, I didn't even do anything and yet I had to pay for the broken light! Ugh, it's so unfair!", Changbin rambled about an accident that happened on set, good thing the newscast wasn't live or it would have become a viral moment.
Jisung, meanwhile, snickered softly while his phone was trapped between his ear and his shoulder as it was another busy day for him in the bakery. "That sucks! I hope it wasn't that mu- Hold on, Binnie, I have another call to take.", the quokka man said before answering a call, supposedly about a delivery.
Then, after the younger finished with the call, he went right back to talking with Changbin. "Oh my god, there you are! You took so long!", the older man almost shouted from the other side of the line and you could know that he was pouting.
"Oh shush, don't tell me you've been waiting for me! Aren't you busy?", the baker rolled his eyes playfully before Changbin snickered. "Not really, we're on break! Also, are you the one always sending me free food to my house?", the older questioned, making Jisung freeze before chuckling sheepishly.
"Ahh, what? Nope, not at all! Like what I reminded you, the surprise was just one time only, right? Maybe you got someone admiring you~", Jisung teased again before chuckling even more, "I'll talk to you later, Binnie. My co-workers are so mean, I'll take care of them teasing me. HAHAHA! Byebye!", he ended the call before Changbin was left speechless.
What the brunette didn't know was that his co-worker, Seungmin, was side eyeing him after the puppy eavesdropped on the conversation. "Huh, looks like you two have been so close, hm?", he snorted before getting nudged by Changbin.
"Yah, it's none of your business!", the older said, a bit flustered but Seungmin just rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. Let me know when you both are finally together, our friends ship you both by the way.", the puppy-like boy said before dismissively waving a hand, going on with his work.
Were this feelings.. true? But it was something different, and Changbin didn't sleep well lately because of these thoughts.
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abysswatchers420 · 2 years
5 facts about your oc
tagged by @cybervesna, waaaaaaa thank ya for tagging me /)w(\ i loved reading abt Himiko!!
📚  Rules:
💛 Post 5 Facts about your OC
💛Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags.
💛 Tag 5 People to spread the game. ummmmmmm @whalepunk @dreamskug @parviocula @miss--river​ and @bastardfact but you dont have to do cyberpunk babe u can do whatever u want
my babygurl Celeste !!!
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1. Cel was born in Paris, France. her parents weren’t married when they had her, so she has her mother’s last name, Rivoire. Mom was a private french chef for rich corpos while her dad was a high ranking corporate technician at Arasaka. They moved from Paris to Atlanta when Cel was 6 and from ATL to Night City when she was 14. Speaks both French and English (but with a southern dialect)
2. Attended NCU and completed all the science and engineering classes but dropped out before finishing her degree due to a disagreement with a “digital learning” requirement (she has no cyberdeck and is very reluctant to Do All That ((is made uneasy by the thought of going under the knife for anything)). She’s still considered a full fledged engineer however with specializations in automotive, EMPs, and tech weapons.
3. She does, in fact, live in a haunted house in Rancho Coronado with her roommate who she met thru a craigslist ad. Very jaded to the entire haunting experience “at this point i can’t sleep without hearing the floorboards creak” Some nights are bad though, and she’ll have to leave and sleep somewhere else for a night or three. If you pay her a reasonable amount of money she’ll investigate a supposed haunting. 9 times out of 10 its faulty shitty cyberwear or a gas leak. She meets some interesting folks tho
4. Works at Warbler Lake junkyard with a number of other misfit techies. who all helped her find and rebuild her Mach 1, lovingly known as Frogcar (there’s frogs in it) They also scour the dump for old tapes, videos, and lost media, watching them for fun no matter WHAT it is. Sometimes they play junka :)
5. An antique enthusiast, if its not at least 70 years old she’s not interested. Loves old music, clothes, movies, and cars. Her favorite bands are Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, and Bronski Beat. (likes kerry eurodyne, but does not like Samurai’s music, is a real music snob) She plays synthesizers and her friend Syd teaches her how to play guitar. Loves to sing and dance
bonus!!!!!!!!: cel is also a pokemon trainer and her team is shiny midnight lycanroc, hydreigon, corviknight, ceruledge, iron treads, and low key toxtricity <3
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pan-gaa · 1 year
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Blue Flag
A beautiful story ruined by publishers?
Blue Flag is a manga series that started publishing in 2017 and ended in 2020. It is marketed as a shounen manga and it was published by shounen jump.(this info places part on my point) The story follows the lives of 4 high school students who go thru the motions on their identity and who they will be as adults. This story includes themes on queerness, misogyny, expectations to succeed, burnout etc. Pretty much a coming of age story, as you can tell this series is more related to the Josei genre but it is in fact marketed as a shounen meaning the publishers thought the main readers were gonna be boys. Have in mind I don’t think this story is perfect and I won’t take full fault off the mangaka, this more so an example on why I don’t like the manga marketing business. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE ENDING!!
One of the main plots of this story is how 2 of the 4 main characters know that they are queer and how they try to manage their crushes on their friends, not only that but how to survive in the type of society that we live in. The story beautifully demonstrate what is like to be a queer teen and as a reader you end up rooting for both ships. After all the ups and downs, all the crying from reading, all the details on the psychological effects on pressure, all the fleshed out characters, we suddenly get to the end.
As a reader you are suddenly confused, the ending chapter is completely on first person view and it barely has any details or info which is quite the opposite on how the story had been running. The ending is a very poorly done time skip on the teens being now adults and we are now seeing one of the girls is getting married. Not only do we find out the one girl who never cared about men ended up marrying a man who looks exactly like her crush who is the wife in the wedding they are attending. The story goes too fast and we only end up with an insinuation of the main character ending up with his male best friend. Truly bittersweet and disappointing end to the readers, it almost felt like disrespectful with how the story was portrayed before.
Now a lot of viewers were upset, I’ll say me included. Why the sudden change and ending? Well like I mentioned before, this manga is published by Shounen jump, a company very well known for only taking on series that follow the company’s formula. This makes it quite confusing on why they took this series, there are in fact mentions on how the mangaka had to fight the editors a lot because they wanted to change too much and cut a lot. This obviously makes sense because of how manga publishing companies work and are marketed. (I’ll make a later post that goes more into this topic) Even though this manga is on Shounen Jump+ it having such openness on queerness is a problem for the company. Now it is believed that the mangaka was forced to change the ending because it was “too much”, I believe that myself since it would not be surprising. Again I won’t take fault off the mangaka but at the same time, I believed she also tried her best to pass the line and show a true beautiful queer story that also went thru very real problems teens go thru.
Unfortunately the ending din’t lived up to the rest of the story but I still believe this is a worth read. Blue flag is not the only manga that has had this problem with publishing companies, that is why a lot of mangas also end up getting canceled. I would’ve loved to have read a beautiful ending of this story but thanks to bigotry and capitalism, this is just the result we get..
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25 days of Christmas imagine:
Imagine: the Daredevil saving you from a thug and you giving him a Christmas kiss to repay him
You knew that Matt was daredevil you accidentally discover your bosses secret identity a few weeks ago. Which in hinge sight not a big deal. Minus the fact you were already crushing on your boss, his Witt, and charm and dorky flirting and the biting his bottom lip when he was reading a hard case file. You could handle your “crush” with directing your thoughts. Whenever you were bored sitting at the desk. And your daydreams started happening and you started thinking about your boss and him plopping you onto his desk to have you in every way humanly possible. You would think of the mysterious mask hero who was showing up more and more in the news. The “daredevil”
Which was perfect. You would just force yourself to think of the spandex hero vs your boss. Much safer. Less messy.. and then you discovered the truth. And you had to mentally kick yourself of croutes he was Daredevil!
it was late the shops were displaying teir christmas cheer. All but Grouchy Tom who was on the corner. He hated the season and would never decorate. You were standing infront of his shop waiting for your friends. When a man came over and grasped you tightly and shoved you hard against the brick wall. Of Toms shop
“give me your money!”
You kicked him in the groan as the masked man cursed falling to his knees as you saw the daredevil swoop in and tackle the man as he soon scared him off. He grabbed your bag as he handed it back to you. You thanked him as he spoke, “no problem miss you shouldn’t be out here alone. Can i offer my assistance?” You smiled at that just to hear your phone ding. You looked down seeing your friends bailed as you spoke, “my friends just bailed. Ugh- i think im just going to go home.”
“I can walk you home if you wish?” You chuckled softly as he offered his arm. If it was a complete stranger you wouldn’t of allowed this. You would of said no thanks and walked off. But your mind was still processing this all when your mouth said okay. And you were walking before you could stop yourself with your boss/ superhero.
a minute of insanity. You stood at your stoop of your appartment as you looked up and kissed him. It surprised both yourself and him. He instantly held your sides as you pulled away stunned you did that. But then you remembered he doesn’t know you know. So you could pretend you have No idea. And that glimmer of hope was all you had as you spoke, “Merry Christmas Daredevil thank you for saving me.”
“no problem.” He smield brightly as you turned to walk off as you turned as you both crashed your faces to each other. Hitting your forehead as you both said ow and laughed at the silliness. Daredevil soon pulled you into another kiss as you smiled. And the thought about bringing him up burned thru your body. You wanted to. You REALLY wanted to but he soon pulled away saying Merry Christmas and ran off.
Well news years should be interesting
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