#thanks someone2468
inkyqueen · 7 years
I've been summoned. @someone2468 RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun! A) Age:20
B) Biggest fear: Ending up alone
C) Current time: 8:49am
D) Drink you last had: A Canadian Pilsner 
E) Every day starts with: Letting out my two month old puppy. He's my little holy terror.
F) Favourite song atm: erm...I'm gonna say...Non Stop from Hamilton. G) Ghosts. Are they real??: YOU BET YOUR ASS THEY ARE. 
H) Hometown?: Buffalo New York! And I'm going home in a few years too!
J) Jealous of?: A couple people. I want what they have because I'm too afraid to go get it.
K) Killed Someone?: No, but I was almost killed. So that's fun. 
L) Last time you cried: Like yesterday on the drive home. M) Middle name: Ann
N) Number of siblings: HELP. I have three sisters, and like four brothers who aren't really related to me. 
O) One wish: To not be so lonely. 
P) Person you last called/texted: My brother Antravious. Q) Questions you are always asked: "How tall ARE you???" 
S) Song last sung: Satisfied from Hamilton. 
T) Time you woke up: 5:00Am
U) Underwear colour: Bright green. 
V) Verse from a song you like: “Oh my lover, my lover, my love We can never go back We can only do our best to recreate Don't turn over, turn over the page We should rip it straight out Then let's try our very best to fake it" W) Worst habit: Overthinking
X) X-rays you’ve had: HAH! Yes. My ankle, hand, foot, colon, small intestine, ovaries, uterus, chest, neck, AND knee. 
Y) Your favourite food: Sushi!
Z) Zodiac sign: Capricorn. And I'm a model Capricorn too. Cool now I have to tag people. @zdiddi @mustbstopped @troubleindamind @sarcasticblue
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