#thanks limsy
turboweenie · 8 months
4, 27, 28, and 29 for the ask meme pls 👀
What’s a word that makes you feral? 
If we’re talking about “words that I behave like an impulsive, uncontrollable animal about and literally could not stop using if the threat of death loomed forth above my neck”, I like words to indicate exactness (“precisely” “meticulously” “distinctly”)... If we’re talking about a word that I will stop to turn over in my mouth when I see it used, and contemplate how no other word could have fit in the place of the one chosen, and consider that one single word has encapsulated an entire concept or atmosphere that would have otherwise taken an entire paragraph to describe… I will have to get back to you. I only know them when I see them.
Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? 
Stressful for me? Or stressful for those around them? ... I had a lad named Ewan (I’ve mentioned him) whom I loved dearly, but he ended up causing me a really profound amount of distress, because his story ended up being a tragedy. I’ve never like, bawled into a friend’s arms over an original character like that, before or since. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Okay, uh, for whatever reason, the first character that came to mind was Dorian. Writing from his perspective felt like slipping into a really comfortable skin and it allowed me to meet a lot of really sweet, fun, and talented people. He has just the right amount of snarky zing for me to get a good joke in but also a level of gravitas and intelligence that prevents him from becoming solely comedic relief. I hope I managed to do him justice while I was writing for him!
Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
A lot of the time I struggle because I can’t quite get into a character’s head, or I feel like the combinations of words that I’m using are becoming stale. The best thing for me to do in those cases is sit and binge read novels: it reminds me to use words I’ve fallen out of practice using, it gives me a series of fresh patterns and rhythms to try out with sentence structure when I see them utilized effectively, and getting into someone else’s head for a bit means when I come back to whatever hurtle that I was stuck on I’m equipped to take a different angle of approach on it. Watching movies helps too, for the same reason, or listening to music, anything that provides concepts and beats that you don’t feel like you have to pull out of your own ass, or can remind you of the beats you started with that maybe got lost or put on the wayside.
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turboweenie · 6 months
More Rolan ൠ!
more rolan!!!
ൠ Random
I'm gonna talk about those grays then. Rolan is really vain, appearances are everything to him; he's careful with his clothing, he minds the way he smells, he wants his hair to be well groomed and in place, skin clean and moisturized, nails filed -- he loves his grays.
He starts graying a little at the temples around the same time that his crows feet start to deepen a little and the dimples at the corners of his mouth no longer go away even when his mouth his relaxed.
He could be the kind who would fret about it, he could take pride in being young for an archmage, accomplished for his age, but I think he goes the other way. I think he gets excited, it makes him look dignified, it makes him look experienced. And Rolan is experienced. He had a hard life. He earned the right to look as though he's lived through as much as he has.
I'm also of the opinion that he's one of the few refugees who actually doesn't blame Zevlor at all for what happened in the shadow cursed lands. TL;DR I think he really respects Zevlor and keeps a closer eye on him post-game than the rest of the tieflings because he wants to watch him bounce back from such a monumental "failure". That's a whole other can I won't open, but the point of bringing this into it is I think that he has a lot of respect for the elders he did have in his life, considering there weren't that many, and he's eager to count himself amongst them.
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