#thanks horror vanguard lmao
queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
actually annoyed i don't speak french bc there was one scene of this movie in italian and it was so fucking funny that i'm gutted i'm missing out on the full humor of the rest smdh
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starl1ght-child · 4 years
Rezyl Azzir x F!Non-Guardian OC
Chapter 10 : Nightmares [ WC 1.5K ]
CW ::: nothing bad, just a very fluffy chapter with a small dash of Rezyl angst <3 so prepare your heartstrings
Thirteen nights.
For thirteen nights now, Rezyl has woken up from nightmares, bolting awake in bed, feeling like he is unable to breathe, drenched in cold sweat.  Visions of what horrors lie in wait on the moon plaguing him ever since the Battle of Six Fronts.  Ever since the Iron Lords discovered something in Site 6 that destroyed them and killed Lord Radegast, killed all of them, all but Lord Saladin.  Ever since the Vanguard went hunting the Ahamkara to keep Guardians from “making wishes” with prices too high to pay.  
These dreams had haunted him before, yes, but it was never this intense.  Never this vivid.  
Rilea was woken by it almost every time.  Every time he was nearly stumbling out of bed, gasping for breath and sweating.  Every time she would ask him what’s wrong.  And every time, he would give her a dismissive answer.
“It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Just a bad dream.”
“I’m fine.  Go back to sleep, paramour.”
Every night he would walk out onto the porch and sit for a while, trying to compose himself and erase the images from his mind.  It was easier to do now that the nights were getting colder.  The cold air would freeze the sweat on his skin and ease the nightmares away from his conscious mind.  And as he stared up at Luna, his thoughts would drift.  
He wondered what horrors hid up there, just out of sight.  What horrors his eyes couldn’t see.  What horrors that the City couldn’t defend against.
What horrors could get her killed in the crossfire.
Rilea was growing tired of the dismissal.  Every night he would be gone from bed for a while, and her worry kept her from sleeping.  Every night, she would stay in bed and wait for him to come back, and he would simply hold her and run his fingers through her hair until it lulled her back to sleep.  Not tonight.
She pulled on a jacket and her slippers and carried a blanket out with her to the porch.  He was just sitting there, calmly breathing, focusing.  For a split second, she almost felt bad for interrupting him.  She slipped through the door and walked quietly up to him on the stairs, then draped the blanket around his shoulders.  He looked up at her with surprise.
“I told you I was alright,” he sighed as she came to sit down next to him.  He tilted his head at her as she took hold of one of his hands.  “You should be back inside, it’s cold out here.”
“You’re not alright,” she sighed.  “You’ve been having these… dreams for two weeks now.  Something’s… it’s not sitting right with you.”  She looked over at him with concern.  “Rezyl, you can tell me.  Whatever’s troubling you… you can tell me.  But if you don’t know… or don’t understand… you don’t have to say anything.  But I am here for you, Rezyl.  I always will be.”
At first he was at a loss for words.  This was a much softer, empathetic side of her that she rarely showed.  He sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, then pulled her close to his side and wrapped the blanket around the both of them.  He didn’t say anything for a long while.  For the longest time, they just sat there, sharing in each other’s warmth.  No words.  
They sat there until the sun came up and painted the sky pink and amber.  
“I…” he started slowly, trying to figure out how to word his plan without setting her on alert.  She lifted her head from his shoulder.  “I’m going to be gone for a few days, alright?”
“What’s going on?”  She asked as she started to stretch out stiff muscles.
“I think I just need a little bit of time to clear my head.  Get out of this… whatever it is that’s all muddled up in my brain.  A few days to sort through it.”
Rilea looked over to the sunrise that was starting to color the horizon.  He adored the way the rays made her skin glow and her freckles stand out.  “Okay,” she sighed.  “But, honey, please, take as long as you need to.  I worry about all the stress this is putting on you.  Just… if you’re going to be gone for more than a few days, will you let me know?”
He smiled softly at this woman, this tiny spitfire and warrior, who was looking out for him more than his Ghost.  He chuckled softly and leaned over, pressing a kiss on her forehead.  “Come on, let’s make you some breakfast before I head out.”  
Rezyl picked the tired woman up and carried her inside, then set her down at the dining room table.  “Amit, start a pot of coffee,” he said softly as his Ghost appeared at his shoulder.  Rilea propped her head on her hand with a drowsy smile wide on her lips.  He immediately got to work making breakfast:  strawberry pancakes.  They were her favorite.  He only knew they were her favorite because she could eat them any time of day.  She had made them for him a couple of times in the last couple of weeks.  For her, they were a comfort food.  
He tried to let the process keep him busy.  It kept his mind off of conversation while he was trying to keep this lie straight in his head.  All he had to do was keep her from asking questions and making promises he wasn’t sure if he could keep.  Dodge the questions to keep from answers.  
He looked down as he felt her hands slide around him and rest lightly on his abdomen, her forehead pressing on his back.  “I’ll be on gate watch for the next few weeks,” she hummed gently.  “And there’s been talk floating around about a project to update the sensor grid.  I’ll likely be heading the team if they do.”
“That’s good,” Rezyl murmured as he flipped the pancake in the frying pan.  “Sounds like a promotion.”
“It is… but I might see you less… Longer days.  I’ve got time to think about it though, they don’t want to start the project until the weather warms again.  Easier on the power grid.”
He hummed in acknowledgement as he slid the pancake onto a plate and poured more batter into the oiled pan, just as the coffee brewer chimed.  Rilea’s touch lingered as she stepped away to pour herself a cup and get some cream.  Rezyl watched her from his peripherals.  
Her movements were slow and tired, but deliberate.  She was always like that.  Mind always at attention no matter how tired she was.  He knew it came from her years living out in the wilderness, keeping watch in shifts with other guards.  The unfortunate part now was that she was still a light sleeper.  She woke at any sound, no matter how quiet.  He could come home late at night, be as quiet as he could taking off his armor, but she woke every time.  
She walked back over to the table and sat down, once again propping up her chin in her palm.  She smiled dreamily at the Titan while he finished cooking and plating breakfast.  She leaned back in her chair when he carried the plate over to the table, placed his empty hand on the back of her chair, and then set the meal in front of her.  She reached up and too his hand before he could walk away, and intertwined their fingers.  She looked up with a small smile.  “Thank you.”
He couldn’t help but smile back at her.  “You’re welcome, paramour.”  He leaned down and captured her lips in a brief, featherlight kiss.  When he moved to back away, her hand pulled his downwards, pulling him right back in for another kiss.  This one was sweeter, warmer, and quite a bit more intoxicating.  He pressed into it, his hand catching her jaw to lift her face into a better position.  When he pulled away from her, she let out a small gasp, and he chuckled.
“Eat your breakfast,”  he said softly, like it was an order.  He gave her another soft kiss, and she hummed with delight.
“As you wish,” she purred in response.
He chuckled and left her side to get his armor on.  While he was behind the closed bedroom door, his Ghost appeared at his shoulder.  “Are you sure you should be keeping the truth from her?”
“It’s the only way,”  Rezyl sighed.  “If I tell her the truth… she will most likely convince me to stay.  She’s the only one who’s better than you at convincing me not to do something.”
“And why would that be a bad thing?”
“Ghost,”  his voice was stern.  “I can’t keep going like this.   I can’t go another sleepless night.  I have to find answers.”
“And what makes you think they’re on Luna?”
“It’s just the first place to investigate.”
“Rezyl… what are you looking for?”
He paused a moment as he went to go slide his Rose into its holster.  What was he looking for?  If he was being honest, he didn’t really know.  He was looking for answers.  He was looking for a antidote to cure this poison from his mind.
“Nightmares,” he responded firmly.  “I’m looking for nightmares.”
Tag List : @mail-me-a-snail 
a/n : wait wait wait found the original, it was queued on the wrong day lmao I’m so sorry
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